Mendo and Claudia 3.7 (21)

Claudia had a fight with her husband. She told him she wasn’t happy with their marriage. Then she explained she was flying to the Caribbean to “find herself”.

He had a good idea what that meant. She was off to have an affair with an island native. He was too much in love with her to protest, even though he strongly suspected she was going to be unfaithful to him.

After Claudia arrived, she wasted no time indulging herself. She went on a nice little shopping spree. Then she met Mendo.

He gave her all the attention she craved. And he was clearly interested in her body. Claudia all but threw herself at him.

He wined and dined her, giving her all the attention she wanted. That evening they fucked in her room. It was the start of a torrid encounter.

Soon, his true nature emerged. He was very domineering, unlike her husband back home. But she loved the way Mendo treated her.

It wasn’t long before she was giving herself to him night and day. Anytime he wanted it, she was happy to provide it. He knew how to pound her into sexual submission.

He took her all around the island, showing her the seedier parts of his native land. At times he did not treat her very well. Sometimes his roughness even scared her.

While Mendo was away, one of the islanders at a local bar warned her about him. She was told how Mendo always broke women’s hearts. It was also rumored he might have made one or two disappear without ever being heard from again.

Claudia wasn’t the least bit interested. The masculine Mendo was everything her husband was not. Besides, she only had a few more days before she would have to fly back home. She was not about to give him up.

The sex became rough and graphic. At times, it felt abusive. But Claudia could not stop herself. She’d become addicted to her native lover.

She loved the way he used her. It made her feel slutty. And she was certainly making some of the other island women jealous, judging by the looks she got whenever they saw her with him.

Mendo scheduled a snorkeling trip around the island. Claudia loved the idea. She was a decent swimmer, and was excited about seeing some of the underwater sights. Besides, Mendo had promised some aggressive sex in the water.

Down at the dock, Mendo went to see about a boat. A couple of females came up to Claudia and tried to warn her about her native escort. But she believed they were jealous.

Mendo rented a small craft, and they went out on the water. Claudia took off her clothes for the rest of the trip. She wanted to give her lover a continuous, unobstructed view of her body.

They anchored near a rocky shoreline. Claudia happily dove in nude. She swam around, turning on her native lover as much as possible. She was looking forward to receiving his thick man-meat again, as her time on the island was limited.

Mendo finally taught her how to suck cock underwater. Claudia was forced to deep-throat his appendage while holding her breath. It was scary the way he forced her while she was running out of air. But the fear and the danger turned her on immensely. Receiving a mouthful of his spunk was simply an added bonus.

They put on some snorkel gear and went exploring. The water wasn’t more than twelve to fifteen feet deep. Claudia had no problem finning down, swimming around, and then rising back to the surface. Mendo seemed to be an excellent teacher.

They went back to the boat where they deposited the snorkel gear. Claudia was in the mood for that underwater fuck Mendo had promised. So he pointed out a private alcove in a rock formation near the shore.

He told her he loved fucking in the water while making his conquests hold their breath. Claudia wasn’t the least bit jealous she wasn’t the only one he’d screwed. But she was determined to make sure he never forgot her.

It was a short swim as Mendo led them into the alcove. It was away from prying eyes, even though they had not seen another boat or tourist. Claudia was horny and ready to fuck.

Once more, Mendo forced her to suck his dick underwater. Claudia gave it her all, gobbling him down while releasing a ton of bubbles. Her goal was to make him miss her long after she’d returned to her boring husband back in the states.

She got another huge load down her throat. It was all she could do to swallow it all. Then he told her he was ready for a nice long fuck. Claudia was thrilled the way her lover could fuck her several times in a row.

She climbed into his lap, impaling herself on his juicy piece of fuck-meat. Then he pushed her over backward. Claudia wrapped her legs around his waist and bubbled as he thrust into her while savagely groping her tits.

As he fucked her backward in the water, he kept her down longer and longer. Claudia experienced sweet agony each time she had to hold her breath. Then he pulled her up.

Mendo turned her around so she was facing away from him. Then he slowly pushed into her ass. It always hurt at first, but eventually she grew accustomed to his girth inside her anal passage.

Claudia loved the way the native had turned her into his personal whore. She had never allowed her husband to fuck her in the ass before. Besides, he was much too mild mannered to want to engage in anything so kinky. But with Mendo, she was willing to do anything and everything.

He started nice and slow, making her hold her breath. Every now and then he would roughly jerk her head up. Claudia gasped to catch her breath before being forced back down.

He pushed her limits, making her hold her breath longer and longer. Once more Claudia experienced those unnerving sensations, the ones indicating she was with a dangerous man. She’d been advised many times against spending time with him. But she simply could not take the warnings seriously. He was too addictive.

Mendo was proving to have great stamina. Her ass clenched around his thrusting shaft as she was pushed for longer periods underwater. Then at some point in time, it felt like everything changed.

Mendo began to hammer her ass harder. Once more, he was becoming rough with her. But this time there was a real drowning danger she had to remain aware of.

She didn’t think he would hurt her. But he was really fucking her ass this time! Her lungs began to strain from the abuse.

Her head was roughly jerked up out of the water. He called her all sorts of filthy names before slamming her head back down below the surface. Normally, she loved being his slut. But this time he was becoming especially cruel.

He really pushed her limits despite her inability to get a good breath last time up. He quickly jerked her head up again. Then he slammed her back down, brutally fucking her ass.

Claudia was not being allowed to catch her breath. She cried out a froth of bubbles, wanting to be allowed to stay up longer. But Mendo was not giving her any kind of consideration.

He laughed when he pulled her head up. Claudia only had time for a quick breath before she was pushed back under. She could not hold it nearly as long without needing a second wind.

She began to struggle, wanting to pause to compose herself up at the surface. Her ass continued to clench reflexively around the native cock up her butt. Her cheeks bulged until she accidentally swallowed a little water.

She cried out, shaking her head and causing her hair to flow all around. All she heard was laughter up at the surface. He was getting carried away, only now she was becoming truly frightened despite her intense arousal.

Her ass clenched as she screamed her breath away. Mendo pulled her up, granting her one loud gasp. Then he forced her right back down.

Claudia panicked as her heart pounded in her chest. For the first time during her vacation, she truly wished for the presence of her husband. She screamed out his name, struggling to get her head back up.

A strong hand pushed into her upper back. Claudia could not get her head above water. A moment later she hitched as her lungs opened up.

Panic ensued as she thrashed about. Claudia kept inhaling, sucking water down her windpipe. Her mind screamed as Mendo laughed. Then she felt his cock go off deep in her ass.

She felt a familiar warmth of his seed up her rectum. Claudia shuddered in orgasm. But she continued to hitch and swallow water until her struggles lessened.

She finally went limp at the surface as she floated face down. Mendo laughed as he thrust nice and slow, enjoying her spasming ass. Then he pulled out.

He turned her head around and thrust his erection into her gaping mouth. She swallowed him whole without complaint. Then he swam her back to the boat.

He tied a rope around her ankles, leaving her body in the water. Mendo motored a couple miles away from shore, dragging her behind. Then he attached a weight to her ankles before letting her go. Claudia sank to the bottom, a few stray bubbles leaking out of her opened mouth.

Claudia had no idea Mendo had a dark past. He often fucked the lonely tourists that came to the island. He was now beginning to use the fuck-drown method of eliminating them, occasionally “losing” them during an offshore snorkeling encounter. When that happened, they were never heard from again.

Claudia’s husband would never learn what happened to his wife. At first he was understandably distraught. But word got back to him that his wife had been seeing a native on a regular basis. He concluded she’d decided to ditch her life back in the states for a life of ease on a romantic island. So he divorced her in absentia.

2021 (written May 6 ’21 by riwa. Inspired by the picture I included.)

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The Twilight Zone – Ghost Walk 3.4 (17)

Meet Zilpha, a woman in her mid forties. She has just taken a bunch of tourists on an evening stroll around the English town of York. It’s what is popularly known as a “ghost walk”.

York is considered by many to be the most haunted city in England, if not the entire world. Many people have made claims of experiencing the supernatural. In fact, two members of her recent tour shared their experiences with the others.

They claimed to have witnessed ghostly activity many years ago. It was at a location where the tour stopped as Zilpha gave her memorized account of previous ghostly sightings. Their narrative diminished her role, resulting in a sense of jealousy as the tourists gravitated around two real-life witnesses.

Ghostly sightings are something she has never witnessed for herself. Zilpha craves a personal experience to share with others. Having her own ghost story to share with paying customers would certainly heighten the experience of her “ghost walk” tour.

Tonight, she will finally get to experience what she has longed to witness. But the ghost she will soon see will be like no other. Zilpa is about to take her own private “ghost walk” through… The Twilight Zone.

Zilpha said goodbye to the last of the lingering tourists. Then she was left alone. The tour was over; it was time to call it a night.

She stood there in her matching plaid skirt and light wool jacket covering her favorite red shirt. She wore nylons and low heels, generating a few appreciative glances at her legs from some of the blokes. Even with the chilly night air, she loved dressing up for the males in her tours.

The breeze made her pull her coat a little tighter around herself. It was time to get inside for the night. Time to go warm herself with a cup of hot tea.

She heard an unexpected sound from somewhere behind her. Zilpha whirled to look. “Hello? Is someone there?”

She saw nothing – no, wait! A shadow? She peered intently. What was she looking at?

It appeared to be the shadow of a human. She looked in the direction of the light that should have been capturing the individual. But there was no one standing there.


She took a couple of uncertain steps in that direction. She hadn’t thought she’d left anyone behind. Had someone slipped away from her group unnoticed?

It was always a possibility. The ghost tours were rather informal. Folks had to keep up, and some of them tended to lag behind, gawking at something that interested them.

She looked around to confirm she was alone. Then she looked back at the shadow. But it was gone.

That was odd…

Zilpha walked over toward where she’d seen the shadow. She found herself standing on the corner. Then she looked down the street.

She thought she saw someone standing all alone. Was it a woman? Was she alone?

Miss? Are you lost?”

The woman appeared to duck inside a doorway. Zilpha’s curiosity was piqued. “Miss?” she called out again, her heels clattering on the cobblestone street.

She reached the doorway where she was sure the woman had ducked inside. But no one was there.

Her heart skipped a beat. In all her time as tour guide for the “ghost walks” of York, she had yet to see one for herself. Was tonight finally going to be that night?

She heard the sound of clattering heels down another street. It made her strangely curious. So she walked to the end of the block.

When she got there, Zilpha looked in both directions. She saw no one – no, wait! There was another shadow!

A moment later it was gone. She suddenly became suspicious. Was Petey playing games with her?

Not funny, Petey! Go home to your flat, you old sod!” He’d visited a couple of her previous “ghost walks” and had tried to play on her imagination.

She heard a female voice cry out in horror. She turned in the direction of the cry. “Miss? Miss, are you all right? Is anyone out there?”

She rushed down the street in the direction of the cries. Her heels clattered much too noisily for her piece of mind. Maybe she shouldn’t be attracting attention to herself?

She rounded another corner. That’s when Zilpha froze, gasping in horror. There was a faint shadow along the side of one building. It was clearly the silhouette of a woman swaying back and forth in midair, dangling from a noose.

Zilpha’s hand rose up, covering her mouth as she stifled a gasp. She turned in the direction of the light. There was nothing there. And now the shadow was gone as well!

She stood there trembling, her heart pounding in her chest. Her mind wanted to run away with her. Was she finally experiencing a ghostly sighting in York?

It was late, well past her time to go home. The night air was chilly. What did she think she was doing, chasing ghosts at this hour?

She suddenly heard footsteps approaching. Zilpha turned to look. This time she saw the shadows of two men approaching.

She gasped as she whirled in the direction of the illumination. She saw nothing. She called out in hopeful desperation, “Petey, you arsehole! Stop playing games!”

She heard that female voice cry out again. Zilpha whirled to look, her heart beating fast. It had come from that direction.

She heard the sound of heels rushing along on cobblestone. Then she heard another cry. Maybe it was something much more dangerous than a ghost.

Miss? “Love, I’m over here! Where are you? Let me help you!”

She heard footsteps coming in her direction. She turned to see two gruff looking men in heavy coats bearing down on her. A moment later they simply vanished, disappearing right before her very eyes. That’s when Zilpha turned and ran, her heart pounding a mile a minute.

She heard another cry. Instinctively she ran off in that direction. Was there a woman in trouble?

She skidded to a stop when she spotted a familiar looking shadow against a building. It was the silhouette of that same woman hanging in midair. She was sure of it!

She gasped in alarm as she looked toward the light, afraid of what she would see making the shadow. But once more, there was nothing there. Was her mind playing tricks on her?

She heard a cry from somewhere down an adjacent street. Instinctively she rushed to take a look. This time she saw a shadow of a woman, trailed by two shapes that appeared to be following her.

What if the woman had been in her tour group? Wasn’t she supposed to keep an eye on the ladies under her care? Didn’t that also include protecting them, if possible?

She rushed down the street. But the shadows and images were gone. She stopped and looked all around, her heart pounding in her chest.

Where had they gone?

She was in a familiar part of her tour. Her chase was taking her deeper into the narrow streets. It was odd there was no one else out at this hour.

She suddenly felt all alone. She was also becoming more than a little frightened. Then she heard steps coming toward her.

She turned and saw the shadows of those same two men. For some reason, she sensed they were up to no good. Instinctively she ducked into a doorway.

The sound of footsteps ceased as though they had stopped. Then she heard a strangled cry from somewhere up ahead. Zilpha looked behind her, making sure the men weren’t there before rushing down the street.

Her heels clattered noisily. They were fine for taking people around York to look at spooky old buildings with a unique history. Now she wished she’d worn something much quieter.

She rounded a corner and stopped in horror, staring at another shadow. A woman was kicking in midair. Her hands clawed at the noose around her neck.

Zilpha could actually hear gasping sounds. Someone was really hanging. She rushed forward to see what she could do.


Then she saw nothing. There was nothing there. Bloody hell!

Petey! Surely this had to be Petey’s doing!

You bloody wanker! Petey, you’re scaring me!”

She heard the footsteps of those two men behind her. Zilpha let out a cry. Then she rushed down the street, searching for a place to hide.

She’d always wanted to catch a glimpse of a ghost. But this was too much! She would settle for being back home in her nice, warm flat watching a scary movie on the telly with a nice cup of hot tea in her hand.

She ducked into a darkened doorway, trying to calm the wild beating of her heart. She panted heavily for breath, certain she could be heard.

She waited anxiously for several minutes. Then she peeked out of her hiding place and looked all around. The street was deserted; there was only a light breeze.

She cautiously stepped out, breathing a sigh of relief. Then she heard a cry followed by a choking, gurgling sound. It sounded like it was coming from around the corner.

Zilpha crept forward, her heart beating fast. She couldn’t help wondering what the devil was making her move toward the sound instead of away in the opposite direction. Her breath caught in her throat as she reached the edge of the building.

She hesitantly looked around the corner. A woman in a skirt, coat and heels was hanging from a noose at the end of a signpost protruding out of a storefront. She was clawing at the coil around her neck, grunting in breathless agony as her legs kicked.

Those two gruff men she’d seen earlier were standing right there. They were laughing at her as they watched. Surely they were the ones responsible for stringing up the poor, unfortunate lass.

Zilpha’s eyes flew open in horror, her mind screaming at the sight before her. But what could she do about it? Would they also hang her if they caught her spying on them?

She covered her mouth with her hands, stifling the urge to scream. Then she ducked back around the corner. She stood there frozen with shock, struggling to process what she’d just witnessed.

Her heard hammered in her chest as her breath caught in her throat. She’d witnessed something she probably shouldn’t have. There was no telling what would happen if those murderous blokes caught up to her.

A moment later she heard those familiar footsteps coming up from behind as though coming toward her. An instant later she saw their shadows illuminated by a lamppost. How the devil had they gotten behind her?

Zilpha’s eyes flew open in horror. She peeked around the corner at the gruesome scene she’d previously witnessed. But the location was now deserted.

She blinked in surprise. There were no men… no noose… no dangling, kicking woman. Zilpha shook her head in astonishment.

But they were there!” she murmured to herself in disbelief. “I… I saw them standing there hanging her! I SAW IT!”

The sound of approaching footsteps abruptly stopped. Zilpha turned to look. Two men were standing there, eyeing her dangerously.

She let out a cry as she turned and ran. Her legs carried her down the cobblestone street, her heels clattering loudly. She had to get away!

She rounded another corner, ducking down another street. But this time there was nowhere to hide. The street was much too narrow.

In an instant she knew where she was. She was at Whip-Ma-Whop-Ma-Gate. It was only a few paces down from the actual shop that bore the same name.

She’d been down here many times before. She always showed this place to her tourists, enlightening them about its rich, colorful history. Somehow in her fright she had navigated herself back here.

Zilpha suspiciously looked all around. Had Petey been directing her down this path just for the fun of giving her a good scare? Had he arranged for her to see some specially prepared “ghosts”, just to give himself a good laugh? That bloody wanker!

She looked all around, expecting him to pop out behind her and start laughing his fool head off. Then she picked up the unnerving sound of a rope creaking from a heavy weight. It came from directly behind and above her.

She turned to look at the Arena Letting sign protruding out from the storefront. It had now picked up an additional piece of weight. She gasped in horror, her hand coming up to cover her mouth.

A woman hung from the tip of the sign, her arms dangling loosely at her sides. She was in a plaid skirt and light wool jacket with nylons and short heels.

Her eyes bugged out in frozen horror as her tongue lolled out past her lips. Fluid dripped down into a puddle upon the cobblestone street from where the poor woman’s bladder had given way.

Zilpha stared up at her doppelganger in absolute horror.

Then the poor girl fainted dead away…

You ok, miss?” she heard him ask as two men helped her sit upright. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost, love. You must have had a fright. Here, let us help you up.”

Thank you,” she murmured as they helped her up onto her feet. Then she felt one of them loop a coil of rope around her neck.

Wait! What are you…?”

She let out a cry of terror moments before she was lifted up off her feet. Her hands flew up to pry at the noose digging painfully into her neck. She gasped and grunted, wheezing for breath.

Off in the distance she heard a female voice calling out. It was a voice that sounded terribly familiar…

You bloody wanker! Petey, you’re scaring me!”

Zilpha’s eyes flew open in horror at the realization of it all. Was SHE the one whose shadow she’d seen? Was she the one those two men had been chasing after?

She was her very own ghost!

Now she was going to find herself hanging dead at Whip-Ma-Whop-Ma-Gate!

She kicked and struggled, fighting the noose. That’s when she caught a glimpse of herself looking around the corner at her. There was a look of horror on her face.

The two men laughed at her, looking up at her appreciatively. Then the terrified woman she’d caught sight of ducked back around the corner.

She tried to find her voice to cry out. But she couldn’t push any words past her lips. “HELP ME!” her mind screamed. “COME BACK! I’M YOU! DON’T LET THEM HANG ME!”

Her eyes bugged out as her tongue poked out past her lips. She lost the ability to struggle when she was no longer able to feel her legs anymore. She finally hung limp and lifeless.

Her arms hung at her sides as she softly swayed back and forth. The rope creaked from her weight. Then her bladder released as consciousness faded away.

A few moments later her exact same likeness rounded the corner, saw her hanging there…

and then fainted dead away…


She was found hanging right here,” the female tour guide explained, pointing up at the sign protruding out of the storefront of Whip-Ma-Whop-Ma-Gate. “Nobody knows how she got up there. It’s another one of those mysterious York stories that cannot be explained…”

She trailed off as she saw a reflection in the window. It was a reflection of that poor woman who’d been found hanged in this very spot several weeks ago. The tour guide looked at the window in shock… and then blinked her eyes.

The reflection was gone…

Uh… where was I?” she asked nervously, clearing her throat. “Oh yeah… moving on then…”

She herded the tourists off, only to pause when she heard a strange creaking sound from somewhere behind her. She turned around and looked up. That’s when she gasped in horror when she saw herself hanging limp from a noose.

She closed her eyes tight, unwilling to process what she’d just witnessed. Then she slowly opened them again.

Nothing was there…

She trembled as she rushed off after her tour group. Perhaps she’d had a bit too much to drink at the pub the night before…

2012; 2021 (written for “Zilpha” Feb 12 ’12; ed. Apr 20 ‘21 by riwa)

Posted in Asphyxia Stories | Tagged | Leave a comment

Hanging a trio (graphic) 4.3 (40)

Three women were led naked into a room with a window. But it was the three chairs with the three noses dangling above them that made the frightened females gasp in alarm. “You’re going to HANG us??” the short-haired woman named Tatiana gasped in horror.

“Now that all depends on you,” a naked Leonardo chuckled, his cock semi-hard. “We might hang all three… or we might just hang only one of you.”

“That’s right,” an equally naked Andrea agreed cheerfully, his dick also hardening with anticipation. “Of course it also depends on who is willing to cooperate as to who will and won’t be hanged.”

“But you can’t hang us!” the redhead known as Nadia protested. “We work together; we’re coworkers!”

“That makes it even better,” Andrea chuckled. “You’ve resisted my advances thus far.” Then he looked at one of the nooses before adding, “You know? I think that makes it easier for me to vote in favor of hanging you.”

“NO!” she gasped in alarm. “Andrea, I’ll do anything you want! I’ll be your girlfriend! I’ll even let you fuck me!”

“I’m going to do that anyway,” he said with a laugh. “Now let’s narrow the field down to two, shall we?”

He and Leonardo decided to bind both Nadia and Tatiana, tying their arms behind their backs. The horrified brunette named Emma nervously stood nearby, whimpering with fright. For the moment she decided it would probably be better not to run. Otherwise, they might catch her and hang her on the spot.

“Now who shall we hang first?” Andrea wanted to know, smiling wickedly at all three of them.

“That’s easy,” Leonardo replied with a sinister grin. “Who do you want to hang?”

“You’re right,” Andrea replied with a smile. “It’s an easy decision after all. Up onto the chair, Nadia.”

His coworker was horrified. She cried out in alarm as she was pushed up onto the chair. Then the noose was looped around her neck.

She stood trembling as tears streamed down her cheeks. She struggled to catch her breath as she gasped, “Don’t do this to me! We’re coworkers! We’re supposed to be friends!”

“But I’m turned on thinking about hanging you,” he admitted with a chuckle. “It’s a fantasy I’ve harbored for a long time. Now I get to do it for real.”

“No! Please don’t hang me!”

In the meantime Leonardo decided Tatiana didn’t have enough to do. “On your knees, bitch!” he demanded. “Suck my cock while she hangs!”

Tatiana dutifully did as she was commanded. After all, she was thankful it was not her neck going into the noose. She quickly knelt before obediently taking Leonardo’s member into her mouth.

She started sucking enthusiastically as Nadia stood shivering upon the chair, whimpering in terror. Emma stood nearby, shocked over what she was about to witness. Oddly, she found herself becoming perversely aroused despite their fearful predicament.

“I’ve been looking forward to this for a long time. Now you can hang for me!” That’s when Andrea pulled the chair away.

Nadia dropped a few inches until the noose snugged up tight around her throat. That’s when she began to choke and gasp. Her legs kicked wildly as she struggled to breathe.

“Now that is exciting to watch,” Leonardo admitted. “That makes me even harder. Suck my cock, bitch!”

Tatiana took him deeper into her mouth. She was grateful she did not have to witness Nadia’s hanging. She focused solely on the dick in front of her, struggling to ignore the rasps and grunts of a woman dangling from a noose.

Emma stood quiet, trying not to speak or even let out a whimper. She couldn’t believe what was happening! All she could do was try not to draw too much attention to herself.

Nadia’s struggles were shamefully arousing. Instinctively Emma lowered her hands to cover her crotch. She quivered from an embarrassing wetness, no doubt a part of the terror she felt.

“She’s slowing down, my friend,” Leonardo observed. “I can see how hard you’ve become. Perhaps you should do something about that.” Then he smiled as he cruelly reminded Tatiana, “Keep sucking, bitch!”

“I’ll do something about it,” Andrea replied. “Right now I’m enjoying her suffering as she strangles to death.”

He reached out to caress the ass of his coworker. Nadia rasped and gurgled as she struggled to pull air down her constricted windpipe. Her face turned a disturbing shade of red from lack of oxygen to the brain.

“Keep sucking, Tatiana,” Leonardo told the girl on her knees. “You can do better than that. I suggest you act like you’re enjoying it, especially if you don’t want to end up like Nadia there.”

“I just love your cock,” she murmured in a trembling voice. Then she took it into her mouth again. She made loud, slurping sounds in order to drown out the sound of the woman suffering in the noose.

Emma stood there trembling. She could not believe what she was witnessing! One naked woman was on her knees sucking cock while another was being hanged right in front of her!

It was shamefully arousing. She needed a distraction from the fear and her embarrassment. So she carefully slipped a finger into her pussy, hoping no one would notice.

She was terribly horny. What if she shuddered with perverse pleasure? Emma hoped the slurping sounds from Tatiana, along with the rasps for breath from Nadia, would be loud enough to hide any kind of orgasm she might endure. She sure hoped neither guy would look in her direction.

All of the sudden there was the sound of liquid hitting the floor. Nadia had gone limp and was pissing herself. It was enough to cause Leonardo to spurt his seed into Tatiana’s mouth.

Nadia was almost gone. Leonardo and Andrea watched closely to detect any remaining signs of life. Her chest quivered as her lungs struggled to pull in just a single breath.

Andrea suddenly brought the chair back over. He assisted in helping Nadia stand upon it. Then he loosened the noose enough for her to gasp for breath before helping her down.

She struggled to compose herself. He smiled as he told her, “Get your breath back. Then I’m going to hang you again.”

He chuckled as she stared at him in utter horror. She couldn’t believe he was going to put her through that all over again! Leonardo chuckled as he told him, “You are a cruel bastard, my friend! I love it! What a great idea! It will be fun to hang her twice!”

He looked down at Tatiana before turning to look at Emma. “Ok. Which of you two bitches is next?” Both women whimpered in alarm, terrified they were about to suffer the same agony poor Nadia had just experienced.

He grabbed Emma and quickly bound her wrists behind her back. Then he looked back and forth between her and Tatiana. “I can’t decide,” he admitted to Andrea. “Which bitch do you think we should hang next?”

“Hmm,” Andrea mused thoughtfully.

Both women squirmed with growing dread. Andrea enjoyed seeing the horrified expressions on their faces, wondering who might be dangling next. Then he made his decision.

“Did she give you a good blowjob?”

“Not really.”

“Then I think you should hang the bitch.,” he said with a cruel laugh.

“NO!” Tatiana gasped in horror. “I just gave you a blowjob! Don’t hang me! Hang her instead!” She even nodded her head at a shocked Emma who trembled with fear.

“Step up onto the chair, bitch!” Leonardo said as he pointed at the furniture. “Time for you to hang!”

“NO!” she cried out. Andrea just grabbed her wrists, forcing her to step up onto the chair.

Nadia couldn’t help watching with sadness in her face, knowing how much it had hurt dangling from the noose. But she was grateful she’d been taken down. ‘Better you than me,’ she thought bitterly, relieved to be free of the noose from around her neck.

Tatiana was forced to stand upon the middle chair. She quivered with fear, looking at either woman standing below her. She pleaded with them with her eyes… “SOMEBODY, DO SOMETHING!” But they were powerless to help her.

The chair was suddenly pulled out from underneath her. That’s when her legs went flying.

Leonardo quickly pulled over another chair. He made Nadia sit in it. “You’re not done strangling, bitch!” he laughed before grabbing some rope and looped it around the horrified woman’s neck. Now it’s my turn to have some fun.

Nadia started to strangle as Tatiana’s legs flew by on either side of the chair. Andrea forced Emma into a kneeling position. “Eat her cunt, bitch!” he demanded as he thrust his erection into her from behind.

Emma grunted as she was brutally fucked. Her tongue dutifully lashed out to lap up Nadia’s flowing juices. It was her only hope of avoiding getting a rope around her throat, something she feared was going to happen to her anyway.

Nadia gawked and gurgled as she was brutally strangled. What really scared her was when Tatiana’s struggles lessened. It wasn’t long until the woman’s legs dangled limp on either side of her.

As the poor woman gawked and gurgled while strangling to death, Nadia got a whiff of bowel. Tatiana had actually farted! Nadia would be right in the way if the poor bitch were to lose control of her bodily functions!

Tatiana’s bladder finally gave out. Piss started to dribble onto Nadia’s tits. “Make her drink it,” Andrea said with a laugh.

Leonardo pulled on Tatiana’s legs. He carefully aimed until piss streamed down onto Nadia’s face and into her mouth. Both men laughed as urine splattered onto the bitch, humiliating her even more.

Poor Nadia’s bladder suddenly gave out as she choked and shuddered. Emma got a mouthful of piss. She was forced to continue licking her out anyway, her body rocking as Andrea fucked her hard.

Both men laughed again. Andrea finally went off inside Emma’s throbbing cunt. He ended up leaving his seed deep inside her.

They quickly released Nadia. Then they put the chair back under Tatiana, allowing her to stand and catch her breath before letting her down. “Who’s left?” Leonardo asked.

Both men smiled, already knowing the answer. “Why, I guess it must be Emma!” Andrea said with a laugh. Emma whimpered with growing terror as she was forced to stand upon the middle chair recently vacated, her body trembling noticeably.

Andrea sat on the chair to her left, pulling Nadia down onto her knees. “You said you’d do anything; isn’t that right? So let’s start with some cock-sucking!”

She whimpered as she took him into her mouth, struggling with her wrists tied behind her back. She was frightened out of her wits. But she was willing to do anything so long as she wouldn’t have to feel that damned noose around her neck anymore.

Leonardo took up the chair on Emma’s right. “Let’s find out what your cunt feels like, bitch!” he told Tatiana as he sat down. Then he pulled the horrified woman down into his lap, impaling her womanhood with his dick.

Tatiana grunted and whimpered as she rode Leonardo’s cock. On the other side of the hanged woman, Nadia grunted as her throat was fucked by Andrea’s cock. Poor Emma stood trembling upon the chair, her chest heaving as she whimpered with fright. Maybe they would forget and choose not to hang her after all.

“Aren’t we forgetting someone?” Leonardo asked with a laugh. “Emma is missing all the fun.”

“Then let’s hang the bitch!” Andrea laughed, reaching over to push the chair over.

Emma let out a cry of horror. Her cry was cut off as the chair tumbled out from underneath her. The noose caught her weight, tightening ominously around her throat.

Her toes fluttered for solid footing that was no longer there. In growing panic she kicked a little harder. That set her to softly swinging back and forth.

She rasped for breath, her eyes pleading to be let back down. But the sadistic animals in their chairs weren’t the least bit interested. They simply watched her as though ignoring the two naked woman servicing their erections.

Emma kicked harder. Her legs began to fly every which way. She rasped and gurgled as it became harder and harder to pull a breath down her closing windpipe.

She tried to scream. But she couldn’t force any words past her constricted throat. The only sounds in the room were the creaking of her noose, a woman grunting from being fucked in her cunt, and another gagging on a dick in her mouth.

Emma’s mind screamed as her gyrations began to slow down. The two men watched appreciatively as her struggles lessened, her body softly swaying back and forth. Her heart pounded in her chest, her legs fluttering as though there was still some life left in her.

“Now that is one hanged bitch!” Andrea gasped with delight. He enjoyed watching Emma’s ragged gasps for breath as her body quivered.

Leonardo observed, “Her nipples are hard, my friend. I think she’s actually enjoying herself!”

“I know I sure am.” Andrea sighed with pleasure as Nadia’s lips suctioned his throbbing cock.

“Sometimes these bitches cum in the noose,” Leonardo observed. “Take a look! I think she’s having an orgasm right now!”

Emma’s eyes rolled as her body quivered. Her knees reflexively jerk upward. Then she hung limp, her tongue protruding.

“Take a good look at her, bitch!” Leonardo laughed, making Tatiana look over at the dangling woman. “You’re going to hang with her before this night is over. We’re going to hang all three of you!” Then he began fucking her harder, impaling her deep with his cock. Tatiana grunted and groaned as she whimpered with fright.

“I’ve got an idea!” Andrea chuckled. He pulled out of Nadia’s mouth and stood up, stepping over to the dangling woman. Then he wrapped his arms around her and lifted her up.

Her eyes flickered as fresh air made it down her throat. It caused her to cough and gasp. Then Andrea slowly lowered her back down, allowing the noose to take her full weight yet again.

Her feet fluttered as he sat back down and proceeded to fuck Nadia’s face some more. Emma gasped and gurgled, strangling all over again. It was horrifying and humiliating.

It wasn’t long until her body got tired again. Her tongue poked out of her mouth as she gently swung back and forth. All she could do was hope for a mercifully quick death.

“Hey; she’s pissing herself!” Leonardo observed as urine splattered upon the floor. A moment later there was the sound of farting. Then her bowels gave way as a shit came out of her and hit the floor.

“She’s almost gone,” Andrea gasped excitedly.

Before she could fully pass out, he stood up and gently let her down until she was standing on the floor in her own piss. Her breathing was labored as she coughed and sputtered. Her eyes brimmed with tears as she struggled to get her breath back.

“Let’s have some fun with these bitches!” Leonardo suggested with a wicked chuckle.

He made Tatiana kneel behind Emma, telling her to “Lick her ass, bitch!” Andrea made Nadia kneel, telling her, “Lick her cunt, bitch!” Both women sobbed as they did as they were told. Poor Emma writhed and whimpered as a pair of tongues attacked her holes.

Next Leonardo brought the two extra nooses down. Andrea quickly caught on to what he was doing, his cock getting hard again. Both men noosed both kneeling women, making them cry out in alarm.

Emma was suddenly taken back up off the ground. She gasped and gurgled as she started to hang once again. A moment later Leonardo lifted Tatiana’s legs, making the noose strangle her.

“I’m fucking her ass!” he called out as the poor thing started gasping and gurgling. Andrea lifted Nadia as well. He drove his cock up her ass, causing all three women to strangle together in an erotic scene of noosed perversion.

Emma was humiliated beyond belief. She was conscious enough to feel a shameful orgasm coming her way. She tried to sob, but her breath was all but cut off.

Two tongues penetrated her holes, causing her to groan and tremble. She could barely get a sliver or air town her throat. Tatiana and Nadia gasped and grunted as their asses were gleefully pounded by Leonardo and Andrea.

Emma didn’t have the strength to fight, and she hung limp. Nadia’s tongue kept licking her button until she couldn’t hold it back anymore. It flushed hotly through her body, a massive orgasm that took Emma’s breath away as well as her remaining strength.

She shuddered weakly, her eyes rolling. Then her bladder gave way as she pissed herself again. Nadia got a face full of urine, much of it spilling into her mouth as she gawked and gurgled, desperately trying to pull air into her lungs.

Tatiana stuck her tongue out, wrinkling her face in agony. She was still hoping her obedience might result in her life being spared. Then Emma farted.

She got it in her face along with more shit that came trickling out. Tatiana was humiliated beyond belief!

All three women gawked and gurgled until they hardly struggled anymore. Emma barely moved as both Tatiana and Nadia’s faces were pushed against her. Neither woman had the strength to lick anymore; all three were nearly gone.

“Time!” Andrea called out.

He and Leonardo eased their bitches down before pushing Emma out of the way. Then both bitches were pushed against each other face to face. As they strangled in their nooses, they could taste the shit and piss upon each other’s faces.

Both men laughed, enjoying the erotic display. Then they noticed all three were barely breathing. They quickly lowered the two women onto their knees before lowering Emma to the floor to join them.

All three breathed shallow. At least they were still alive. “Ok, bitches!” Andrea said with a smile. “Fun’s over! It’s time for the grand finale!”

“Please!” Nadia panted, her eyes wet with tears. “Please don’t hang us!”

“But that’s why I brought you here!” Andrea told her. “I’ve always wanted to hang you! I just made sure we brought these other two along so you wouldn’t die alone!”

The three women whimpered as they were stood side by side. All three were noosed up. Their bodies trembled as their nipples hardened from the terror to come.

“Emma first!” Leonardo said with a laugh. “After all, she’s already pissed and shit herself. She’ll probably go quickly.”

Emma whimpered in alarm, crying out for them not to do it. A moment later Andrea pulled on the rope. It lifted her up into the air.

He quickly tied it off, watching appreciatively. Once more she did her air-dance, legs flying everywhere. “She shouldn’t dance alone, don’t you think?” Leonardo observed thoughtfully.

“I agree,” Andrea replied.

Both men grabbed the other two ropes. They pulled both Tatiana and Nadia up into air before tying off the ropes. All three women swung and kicked together, their grunts and choked gasps for breath filling the room as their bodies bumped into each other.

Leonardo and Andrea sat down upon the chairs, their cocks hard as the three females jerked and kicked while bouncing off each other. The two men stroked themselves as they watched the cruel spectacle. This time they had no intention of letting anyone down. They would hang to the bitter end.

After much kicking, the trio of bitches became exhausted, gently swaying back and forth. Emma’s face was purple from having been hanged over and over again. She was all pissed out, her bladder empty as her chest barely rose and fell from each limited attempt to breathe.

A stream of urine suddenly emerged out of Nadia, splattering upon the floor. Tatiana was quick to join her, adding her pee to the growing puddle. All three women rasped and grunted in breathless agony, their bodies twitching and spasming.

Next was the sound of farting as a shit slipped out of Nadia’s ass and fell to the ground. Tatiana was next, the poor woman taking a shit as she hung limp and lifeless, unable to control her bowels. Leonardo and Andrea watched happily, their hard cocks saluting such an erotic display.

There was silence in the room as the trio of bitches hung silent, having given their all for the entertainment of Leonardo and Andrea. Then it was time to take them down. “Let’s stack them, my friend.” Andrea suggested. “The bitch Nadia should go first.”

Andrea’s coworker was cut down and splayed out upon a table on her back, her legs hanging off ether side. “The bitch’s cunt looks like it needs to be eaten again,” Leonardo observed with a chuckle. “I think Tatiana is hungry for some twat-juice. Let’s put her on top.”

Both men laughed as the short-haired woman was cut down. She was placed on top of Nadia in a lewd 69 position, making it look like both bitches were eating each other out. “She definitely looks hungry,” Andrea said with a laugh, forcing Tatiana’s face into Nadia’s wet cunt.

“Last one,” Leonardo said as he cut Emma down. She was placed cross-wise on top of the other two. Her full breasts pointed skyward, her wet cunt exposed.

Leonardo admired the pile as Andrea stood with his fists on his hips. “A nice looking trio of dead bitches,” Andrea observed. “I think Nadia makes a better corpse than she would have been as a lover. She was such a bitch at work.” Leonardo laughed in agreement.

Leonardo looked closer. “I think Emma wants to help,” he observed with a chuckle.

Emma’s left arm was all splayed out. Interestingly her hand lay upon Nadia’s face. “She is acting like their lover!” Leonardo laughed.

“You should see this side!” Andrea added with laughter. “She is helping force Tatiana to eat Nadia’s dead cunt!” Both men laughed at that.

“Emma looks like she is turned on,” Leonardo chuckled. “See her eyes? See how her tongue hangs out? I think she loves this position best… lying on top of her two dead bitch friends.”

“We must give them a proper send-off,” Andrea observed.

“Agreed!” Leonardo replied.

Both men began stroking themselves, getting their cocks hard. When they were ready they spurted their seed all over the bodies. To complete the scene, both men pissed all over the three dead bitches. Then they got dressed and left, congratulating themselves on such a fine evening’s entertainment…

2011; 2021 (written for Andrea Dec 23 ’11; ed. Jan 25 ‘21 by riwa. Renders provided by Andrea from a creator he asked to make them. Sadly, I forget the creator’s name.)

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The chore 2.9 (19)

Note: an older story re-edited and reposted.

Melissa finished up the dishes and vacuumed the floor before deciding it was time to go out and do the weekly spa maintenance. Normally her husband tested the water and added the chemicals. But she’d agreed to do it for him while he was away on business.

He was only going to be gone a couple of days. The spa could have waited until he got back. But there wasn’t anything to it. She’d cheerfully offered to take care of it for him just as soon as she dropped him off at the airport, drove back to the house and cleaned up their breakfast dishes.

What Melissa didn’t know was that her husband had made an agreement with the next door neighbor to take care of a little chore for him while he was gone. Pulling away from the curb, she never looked into her rearview mirror. Thus, she never saw him reach into his business jacket, pull out his cell phone and make a call.

Humming a pleasant tune, Melissa stepped out the front door into the patio area. She walked over to the hot tub where she proceeded to open the cover. She lifted it up and folded it over with a loud “CLUMP!”

It was heavy and awkward. That was the main reason why she allowed her husband to do the spa maintenance most of the time. But she managed it without too much trouble.

She walked around to the front of it next to the wooden step ladder they used to step up into the spa. Bending over, she peered down into the spa. Melissa hoped she wouldn’t find anything floating around or sitting in the bottom that needed to be brought out.

There wasn’t anything in the water that needed her attention. She gave a little sniff before concluding the water was all right other than the weekly maintenance. It wasn’t due to be drained and refilled for another month or so.

Still humming her tune, she went back inside. Melissa retrieved the pitcher her husband used for mixing the chemicals. Then she went back outside to the spa and filled the pitcher with water.

Going back inside the house with the pitcher, she found the bottle of chemicals. Melissa added the proper mixture to the water. Then she stirred it with the plastic stir spoon her husband had “borrowed” from her kitchen.

She had to make sure the powder was properly diluted. Then she carried the pitcher back outside. Melissa removed the little cover to the filter area before draining the contents of her pitcher inside.

She reached down outside the edge of the hot tub. Melissa found the external spa controls. That’s when she pushed the button to the “clean” jets.

The hot tub rumbled quietly to life as the water bubbled and churned. The 10 minute clean cycle would give her just enough time to go back inside and check her emails before adding the liquid chemicals. So Melissa went back into the house.

She sat down at her desk and checked her messages. The hot tub rumbled outside the window. None of her emails required her immediate attention.

There were 8 or 9 minutes left before completing the weekly maintenance. Melissa spent some time playing computer solitaire. She would hear the spa shut off when it was done.

She was startled by a tap on the window. She looked out to see her next-door neighbor looking in at her. She broke into a smile as she shut down her computer.

I’ll be right out, Sally. Just doing some spa maintenance.” Then she got up from her office chair and headed out.

Sally was divorced with no children. Melissa’s husband Robert went over to help out every now and then with the occasional repair request. The woman had a trim, athletic physique, with nice, firm breasts.

Her crimson hair seemed to glow whenever the sun caught it just right. She was 5 inches taller than Melissa. Sally was pleasant enough as a next-door neighbor.

Melissa stepped out the door before motioning over at a couple of patio chairs. “Hi Sally; have a seat. You out for a morning run or something?” Her neighbor was wearing a tightly clad tank top, shorts and sneakers,

Yeah,” the redhead replied as she accepted the chair and sat down.

Sally looked her neighbor up and down before motioning toward the spa. “The jets are running. Is he making you do the weekly maintenance? I see you’re not in your swimsuit.”

I said I’d do it after I dropped him off at the airport. He’s got that business meeting, you know.”

Oh, yeah. I think you mentioned something about that the other day.”

Would you like to use our spa after you finish your run? I can always get my suit and join you if you don’t want to be alone.”

Sure – that’d be great!”

The two talked for several minutes about nothing in particular. The hot tub suddenly went quiet, completing its clean cycle. Melissa rose up, causing Sally to stand with her.

I’ve got to add some liquid to it. I’ll only be a minute.”

Melissa excused herself. She opened the door and went into the house. That’s when Sally walked over to the hot tub.

She stood in the narrow space between it and the house. Idly brushing her hand through the warm water, she stared down into the spa as a mental picture entered her mind. It was one of her and Robert alone together.

Soon,’ she thought. ‘Soon fantasy will become reality, just as soon as I finish this one little chore for him.’

She heard the screen door and turned to see Melissa emerge from around the edge of the house. A bottle of liquid and a little measuring container were in her hands. Melissa cried out in surprise to see her neighbor standing next to the spa, hidden from view until she cleared the edge of the house…

Oh, there you are, Sally. You startled me.”

Sorry. I was just checking the temperature. It feels great.”

You’re more than welcome to use it after your run, Sally. Just gotta add this stuff to it first.”

Melissa opened the bottle and poured a small amount into her container, measuring out about a couple of ounces. She poured it into the main body of the hot tub. Then she twisted the cap back onto the bottle.

She walked around the side of the spa to the exterior controls. Melissa hit the clean cycle once more, causing the jets to come back to life. “10 more minutes and it’ll be done and ready to use,” she said to her neighbor as she headed back into the house. “Don’t go away; I’ll be right back.”

Don’t worry; I’m not going anywhere.” Sally smiled, her eyes flashing. Melissa smiled back before going back into the house to put the bottle of fluid and the measuring container away.

10 minutes, eh?” Sally said to herself as she brushed her hand through the warm water again. “I can wait that long. Don’t want to use it until it’s ready.”

She grinned inwardly at the thoughts she was entertaining. ‘Ready in 10; dead in 15; Robert is mine in 20.’

She heard the screen door open, interrupting her thoughts. Once more Melissa emerged. “Come look at my tulips,” she suggested cheerfully, waving at the redhead. Sally dutifully followed her over to the flower bed in the corner

They spent the next several minutes talking about what vegetation would be suitable to add to Melissa’s current collection. There was mention of taking a trip to a greenhouse together. It was a discussion Sally found ironically amusing.

Here they were talking about Melissa’s flora and fauna as well as a future trip to the store together. Yet the unsuspecting woman’s life was now being measured in mere minutes. Sally had to bite her tongue to keep from laughing, even as her heart quickened at the thought of what she was about to do.

The spa jets abruptly shut off. It sent an erotic shiver coursing through the redhead’s body.

It was time…

Oh good; it’s done,” a naïve Melissa observed cheerfully as she looked over at the spa, acknowledging the silence in the patio.

That’s all there is to it?” Sally asked as she slowly walked back toward the hot tub. Her heart beat so loudly in her chest that she was afraid her intended victim might hear it.

That’s it,” Melissa responded cheerfully, instinctively following the redhead back toward the spa.

You don’t have to, like… wait or anything?”

Nope; it’s all ready to use. The jets mixed the chemicals around and diluted them real good. We could get in right now if you wanted.”

Melissa looked at her next door neighbor. Then she chuckled softly. “I suppose we should change into our suits first.”

Sally acted fascinated. “Really? It’s ready? I thought you had to wait a while!”

Melissa watched as her neighbor approached the spa. Sally moved into the little space between the hot tub and the house. Melissa instinctively went over to join her as she motioned at the water.

Nope; we don’t have to wait at all. It’s ready to go. You can put your hand in it. Go right ahead! The chemicals won’t hurt or anything!”

Sally had already confirmed that. Still, she reached down and tentatively brushed the surface of the water before submerging her hand to the wrist. Her heart hammered in her chest as a lump developed in her throat. At the same time she found herself strangely aroused by the whole thing.

See?” Melissa confirmed with a smile as she put her own hand in and swirled it around. “It’s all ready to go!”

She looked at her neighbor curiously. “You want to use it now? I can go in and get into my swimsuit while you go home and change.”

Sally stared at her for a long moment. The irony of Melissa’s words were not lost on her. Yeah, she wanted to ‘use’ it right now!

She almost laughed out loud despite the anxiety she was feeling. Could she really go through with it? Why was she so aroused all of the sudden??

Actually, I probably need to go on my run right now,” she blurted out, speaking faster than she wanted. “But there’s this one little chore I’ve got to do first.”

Oh?” the unsuspecting Melissa asked with a smile. “What chore is that?”


Sally lashed out and grabbed Melissa’s shoulders. Then she forced her to bend over the side into the water.

Melissa cried out in surprise. A moment later her head was submerged in the warm water of the spa. Her neighbor’s hand adjusted its grip, grabbing a handful of her hair to keep her head under.

For a moment she hung over the edge in stunned surprise. It had come as a shock, a total surprise. Was Sally playing around?

I’m sorry it has to end this way,” her neighbor’s voice said above the surface. “But it’s time for you to die, Melissa. This way Robert and I can be together.”

Had she heard right?? Melissa couldn’t believe it. But she couldn’t get her head up out of the water.

She screamed a froth of bubbles in horror. A moment later her legs started kicking wildly as her hands flailed for the surface. But she couldn’t get any leverage, bent over the side of the hot tub the way she was.

Stop squirming around!” Sally demanded. “Will you just drown already? Robert and I have been planning this for weeks!

Melissa couldn’t believe it! This couldn’t be happening! A moment later Sally lost her grip as Melissa fully tumbled into the hot tub.

Melissa scrambled to get her arms underneath her. Somehow she managed to push herself up to the surface. She frantically gasped for breath, only to feel her neighbor’s hands on her head, forcing her back under the surface.

She screamed instinctively, sending another froth of bubbles to the surface. Melissa felt around with her hands, trying to pry herself free from Sally’s grip. She thrashed about in pure terror, utterly astonished this was happening to her.

Sally found herself becoming both eager and impatient. She hollered, “C’MON, BITCH – DROWN ALREADY!” She used all her strength to push down on her next door neighbor’s head as though she could somehow force her to inhale.

Melissa was unable to dislodge her killer’s hands. She flailed with her arms, splashing water as she kicked and thrashed about. She was disoriented and out of breath, her lungs screaming at her as they demanded to be refilled.

Sally became even more impatient. This was taking too long. What if somebody stopped by or pulled into the driveway?


Melissa screamed away what was left of her breath. Then her lungs gave out. The reflex to breathe became too much to hold back.

Melissa inhaled sharply. Water went down her throat as she swallowed and gurgled. Instantly her struggles morphed from the panicked thrashings of a would-be victim to the spasms of a woman caught up in the painful throes of drowning.

Her breathing reflex involuntarily pulled more water into her lungs. Melissa spasmed and convulsed, her body violently trying to expel the liquid invasion taking place. But she was too far gone.

Her struggles lessened as her legs kicked haphazardly. Her arms waved feebly in the water as though getting mixed signals from the brain. She still could not raise her head above the surface.

Her mouth opened and closed as though the act of trying to breathe could somehow will much-needed air back down into her system. She tried to scream again. But her lungs were full of fluid. Nothing came out other than a few dribbles of air.

Sally sensed the end was nigh. She lessened her grip in her drowning neighbor’s hair, realizing she didn’t have to hold on so tightly. “That’s it, Melissa,” she murmured encouragingly. “Let go of that nasty air. Swallow all that water for Robert and I.”

As her neighbor spasmed and convulsed, tiny bursts of air bubbled up through Melissa’s flowing hair. Sally experienced a strange flush of warmth as an unexpected orgasm washed through her body. She was shocked over how erotic the whole damned thing had become.

Melissa went limp in her grasp. The few solitary blips of air that escaped the woman’s flooded lungs were barely noticeable as they dribbled up through her waving brown strands of hair. Sally finally let go of her next door neighbor.

She stood up straight as the shock of what she had just done sank in. She watched incredulously as Melissa’s lifeless body floated quietly, gently bobbing up and down. The surface of the spa was smoothing out from the previous violence of the struggle.

That was amazing!” she gasped breathlessly while staring at the body of her drowned neighbor. Then she thought about the woman’s husband. A surge of excitement flowed through her body.

Robert’s mine!” she breathed with growing excitement. “Thanks, Melissa. Your drowning was… it was… my GAWD; it was hot!”

Sally looked all around. It wouldn’t do to leave the cover open for anyone to see. So she reached over and lifted it up, allowing it to fold closed with a loud CLUMP.

Just to make sure, she latched it tight. She didn’t want any of the neighborhood kids to come sneaking in and nosing around. It wouldn’t do to have them peaking inside without at least making it a little more difficult for them.

She turned and made her way into the house. She found a phone and dialed Robert’s cell phone. She let it ring a couple of times before hanging up. That was the signal the “chore” had been completed.

She walked back outside. Sally paused to look at the closed spa one last time. “Well, Melissa? You’ve done your chores… and now I’ve done mine. Thanks for the use of your husband.” Then she headed out for her morning run, her chore completed…

2007; 2020 (written for “Melissa” Apr 7 ’07; ed. Oct 4 ‘20 by riwa)

(Pictures of the ex-Mrs. Riwa posing for the story many years ago are added for illustration purposes.)

Posted in Drowning Stories | Leave a comment

Trash Day 4.7 (42)

It was Trash Day… well, that’s what we all called it. It was the day when management got rid of its poorest performing employees. It was termination day… literally.

I scrambled to get my work done while anxiously watching the clock on the wall. I didn’t dare leave early, much as I wanted to. That could get a person terminated just as fast as anything else. Nobody wanted to break company rules on Trash Day on the off-chance management might be looking for an excuse to get rid of someone.

You could cut the tension with a knife the moment Kirk walked onto the floor. He’s in charge of company security. We all knew why he was there.

Nobody made eye contact with him. Instead, we all studied our computer terminals, hoping he wasn’t coming for us. That’s when I began typing something on my keyboard, trying to appear busy in the hope he would pass me by.

A hand suddenly grabbed my shoulder, and I jumped with a start. I turned to look as my heart leapt into my chest. He calmly said to me, “C’mon, Katie; let’s go.”

I gulped as I stammered, “S-seriously, Kirk?” He just nodded at me. I gulped again as I numbly rose to my feet. It was no use protesting or resisting him.

He escorted me down the aisle to the elevator. No one made eye contact with me. They all knew where I was going. Maybe they were afraid Kirk might take one of them along with me if they even so much as looked in our direction.

We entered the elevator together. When the door closed, it felt as though I had just been cut off from the outside world. I had the sense of having just been enclosed inside my coffin.

We rode the elevator down without saying a word to each other. But I noticed he was already developing a bulge in his pants. Damn him; was he looking forward to this??

I knew what awaited me. The thought of it terrified me. And yet I found myself experiencing a growing, erotic thrill.

What would it feel like? Would I be dying alone? In a few moments, I would be receiving answers to those questions.

We reached the basement, and the elevator door whooshed open. Kirk escorted me down a long hall. I felt like a condemned woman taking the long walk to the gallows while being escorted by her executioner.

I knew exactly where we were going. The execution room was down on this floor at the end of the hall. I only had a few more moments to compose myself before facing my destiny.

I heard sobbing as we approached. My body stiffened as horrid realization set in. I would be dying soon, but it sounded as though I would not be dying alone. How many were in there?

Kirk took my trembling hand as he led me inside. That’s when I saw them. There would only be two others joining me on Trash Day.

I immediately recognized Libby. She was the company whore. I saw she was already down to her bra and panties as she stepped up onto her stool.

I was not surprised by her presence. Even I had partaken of her delights in the past. But management was always executing the company whore after a year or two. Unless they were extraordinarily talented, they usually didn’t last much longer than that.

She gave me a knowing look. Was she happy seeing I would be hanging with her? But I could not return the look because I was in shock at seeing who would be joining us.

My secret lesbian lover Darlina was sitting on the middle stool. She was naked except for a pair of nylons on her legs. Her head was in her hands, and she was sobbing in despair.

I gasped in shock. “Darlina? NO! Not you too??”

I had been wondering on the trip down in the elevator how she was going to be notified about my death and what her reaction would be. But that little issue had just become moot. She would simply be hanging to death right next to me.

Burt had his gun out. Had Darlina given him trouble? I could not fathom what she was doing down here, unless of course it was because of our relationship.

She tried to rise up and rush into my arms. Burt just pushed her back down, telling her to finish stripping and not to cause any trouble. She promptly went back to sobbing.

Did he know about us? Had the company found out? Was that the reason we were hanging together with the company whore??

Instinctively, I tried to save her. “Burt; no! Not Darlina!? I’ll do anything… anything you want!”

“It’s not up to me, Katie,” he replied coldly. “You know how it goes. We don’t pick ‘em. We just execute ‘em. Now get yourself over here and get undressed.”

He motioned at the empty stool next to Darlina, the lethal coil dangling above it. I gulped as I stared at it. I would be hanging to death right next to my lesbian lover.

I panted like crazy as I moved over to my stool. Meanwhile, Libby had just finished removing her underwear. That’s when she stoically climbed up onto hers.

Kirk made her grab the coil and loop it around her neck. Once she’d completed that task, he promptly cuffed her wrists behind her back. She panted heavily without saying a word, perhaps lost in her own thoughts over what were about to be her final moments of life.

Darlina finished removing her nylons as I blurted out, “Burt, aren’t you listening? I said I’d do anything you want!” He just pointed his gun at me before quietly telling me, “Katie, what I want is for you to strip out of all your damn clothes.”

Kirk retrieved a small trash can, setting it in the middle of the floor. He quickly scooped up the discarded garments and tossed them inside. Then he moved behind Darlina to help her up onto her stool.

I gulped as I slipped out of my heels. Then I winced as I tossed them into the trash. They were rather expensive. But I figured that’s where they were going to end up anyway.

My nylons came off next. I was in the middle of pulling down my panties when I heard Darlina whimper as her wrists were cuffed behind her back. Then Kirk started to help her up onto her stool.

We had made love to each other just the other night. We had even talked about Trash Day during our time together. But she hadn’t wanted to talk about it.

Last night, an erotic image of her hanging to death naked had briefly flashed through my mind. Now I felt guilty over having imagined it, especially since it was about to become reality. I felt as though it was my fault for somehow “wishing” it into existence.

I stammered, “Burt; no!” I was concerned for poor Darlina. He just aimed his gun right at me. I winced, trying to fight back the tears as I slowly pulled my panties down off my legs.

My heart was racing as I finished removing my clothes. By then, the company whore and my lover were standing upon their stools. Libby remained silent, while Darlina kept sniffling and sobbing.

Burt cuffed my wrists behind my back. That’s when it hit me just how serious things had become. I felt such terror that I almost lost control of my bladder.

I got so weak and dizzy that I almost fainted. But underneath it all, I felt a perverse excitement coursing through my veins. I was actually going to witness two other hangings besides my own, one of them being my secret lesbian lover.

“Katie’s a short one, Burt,” Kirk reminded him.

Burt nodded with understanding. “I know. That’s why I brought the phone books along.” Kirk just laughed.

Two thick phone books were placed upon my stool. Then Burt told me to step up. “But I’ll fall!” I whined.

“Only when we want you to fall,” he replied, a trace of amusement in his voice.

He worked to get me up onto those phone books upon my stool. I don’t know how he managed to loop the noose around my neck. But somehow he accomplished it.

Feeling it caress my skin almost made me lose my balance. It terrified me so badly that I wanted to scream. But underneath it all was a pervading sense of perverse excitement.

“Katie?” Darlina gasped as she looked over at me. It must have just hit her that I was truly about to hang right along with her. At that very moment, she actually seemed more concerned about my welfare than she did about her own.

I kept gasping for breath while trying to compose myself. I was feeling more and more excitement over the prospect of hanging to death. What made it even more shamefully erotic was the knowledge that Darlina was going to hang naked right next to me.

I was terrified; I was heartbroken; I was inconsolable. And yet deep down, I felt a growing sense of thrilling anticipation over watching her last moments as she fought for her life in the noose. What the hell was wrong with me??

I probably would have handled it much better if I would have been hanging on my own. But there were two other naked women hanging with me, including my lover. Seeing her noosed and nude was such that my arousal and shame were clear off the charts.

Burt did me no favors as he felt me up around my crotch once I was on my stool. I’d heard that executioners were permitted to amuse themselves during the procedure. And he was certainly amusing himself.

“Turned on that we’re about to hang; are we, Katie?” he chuckled with amusement. “Or is it because your lesbian lover is about to hang with you?” So the company knew about us after all, did they?

I winced and whimpered as he fingered my slit. Could he read my mind? Could he sense my innermost thoughts, shameful thoughts concerning watching Darlina hang to death?

My horrified lover cried out, “Katie??” Libby just gave us a smug look as though she’d known about us all along. But she said nothing as she looked away in contempt. She didn’t see Kirk standing behind her, about to kick her stool out from underneath her.

“You gonna cum for us, Katie, while you hang to death?” Burt asked. “You gonna show your lover how a noose-whore swings? We all know the company whore here is going to put on one hell of a performance. You should put on a good one for Darlina’s sake.”

“I’ll see you in hell, Burt!” Libby blurted out as he cupped my boobs.

“Not until after your final dance, bitch!” Then he kicked her stool out from underneath her.

Libby let out a cry as her stool clattered away. Then she hit the end of her rope and started to suffer, her boobs bouncing as she kicked it up. Darlina was shocked as she cried out, “OHMYGAWD!”

I turned to have a look, my heart racing as my pussy dripped my perverse arousal. Burt was busy cupping and hefting my boobs as he turned to look as well. “One down; two to go,” he observed with cruel amusement.

My breathing was heavy and labored as I watched Libby’s dance of death. It was horrific seeing her fight for her next breath. But my shameful arousal at watching her kick and suffer was such that I was afraid I was actually going to cum right then and there.

I was sure Kirk was going to hang my lover right away. But for some reason, he delayed. The guys had paused from their cruel amusements to enjoy Libby’s performance.

Darlina and I both watched in horror as Libby swung back and forth in the noose. She kicked up a storm as she instinctively fought to live. Her boobs bounced a lot as she wriggled and squirmed.

Burt cruelly fingered me as I watched Libby’s dance. When I winced and clenched, he gave me a smirk and a knowing look. I just prayed he wouldn’t blab it out to Kirk or my lover.

Libby’s rasps grew quieter as she lost her voice, the noose choking it off. Her chest heaved as she went into spasms and convulsions. Burt pulled his fingers out just in time or he would have felt me clenching in orgasm.

I watched as Libby’s bladder suddenly gave way. Drool spilled off her tongue onto her tits. She had entered the twilight of her dance, with very little life remaining in her.

Darlina was so horrified that she let out a sob as she started to cry. “We’ll have none of that,” Kirk declared. Then he kicked her stool away.

Darlina’s scream was heart-wrenching. It was immediately cut off as her rope snugged up tight around her neck. Then her legs began pedaling.

I was so perversely aroused at seeing my lover suffer that I could feel another orgasm coming on strong. I knew there was no way I was going to be able to stop it. But would it happen before or after I ultimately left my position on top of my stool?

Darlina kicked and swung with a violent passion. I was horrified at seeing her terror as she tried to breathe. But I was also incredibly aroused.

During one of our lovemaking sessions, I had choked her once. In response, she had violently climaxed. I have never forgotten that moment. But now she was suddenly cumming as though her very life depended on it. And it was such an incredible turn-on!

She fought so hard that her foot came in contact with the phone books upon my stool. That’s when I lost my balance, pitching forward off my solid footing as the phone books slid off my toppling stool.

I heard Kirk’s amused voice from behind us as I hit the end of my rope. “Did you see that, Burt? She can’t wait to have her lover swing right along with her. She actually kicked her stool over!” That’s when I heard Burt’s laughter coming from somewhere behind me.

I kicked for solid footing as the noose cinched up tight around my neck. I lost all control as I swung back and forth until I tried to take a breath. The orgasm that immediately swept through me was as intense and welcome as it was shameful.

Unfortunately, my Darlina put on a performance for the ages. There was no way in hell she was going to give up the fight so easily. She kicked and twisted until cum spewed out of her slit for a second time.

I felt it swell within me yet again upon seeing her climax. Then I saw little agonal spasms in Libby’s dangling, naked body. That’s when I climaxed all over again.

I was having great difficulty trying to breathe. I tried to regain control by struggling not to kick so much. And I tried to remain still, hoping the noose would not tighten any further. But it was a hopeless task.

I glanced over and saw Kirk examining Libby. I heard him say she was still alive. I could only imagine the suffering she was going through, not being able to get a decent breath of air down into her lungs.

My lover’s knees suddenly jerked upwards. Then her bladder emptied itself. Her face was red, her mouth gaping open. I don’t know why, but it made me shudder with such shameful pleasure.

I could feel myself preparing to fight my own noose. I tried to remain still. Then my knee came up, and I could feel myself starting to lose control.

Libby was gently swaying back and forth in her noose. The floor underneath her was wet from her piss. In a way, it seemed perversely fitting to me: the company whore ending her life at the end of a noose, pissing her last moments away.

I suddenly lost all control as I started kicking like crazy. Darlina had slowed down, and looked to be in her death throes. Then she started back up, kicking me as we danced a duet for our executioners, a lesbian-lover ballet.

Our boobs bounced as we jerked and spasmed. Then Darlina appeared to exhaust herself rather abruptly. Her chest hitched as stray muscles fired, indicating she was just about gone. I was the only one left to entertain Burt and Kirk.

I pedaled in place before wriggling like a worm. My knees jerked upward as I shamefully squirted yet another orgasm all over the floor. Those few shameful moments of pleasure were all that briefly separated me from never-ending agony.

I heard amusement in Burt’s voice… “Katie here sure seems to be enjoying herself.”

“Yeah, but her lover is just about gone,” Kirk replied, checking for a pulse. “She gave us a pretty good show though. How’s Katie doing? What’s she got left to show us?”

“Let’s find out,” Burt remarked, eyeing me with a cruel smile.

My head felt like it was going to explode. I could not keep my mouth closed. Drool spilled out onto my heaving boobs.

I was just settling down when Burt pulled out his baton. Then he rammed it hard up my cunt. I gawked as I shuddered before shamefully pissing myself. Then I began kicking anew, my body fighting like hell as I wriggled and twisted.

My body wanted to live; oh, how it wanted to live! My heart was racing as my face turned red. And I could feel another one swelling within me yet again.

I looked over to see the company whore dangling limp. Urine dripped out of her slit. There were a couple of agonal muscle spasms.

Next to me hung Darlina. She was gently swaying back and forth. Observing her nudity and her dripping slit sent shameful tingles of pleasure rippling through me.

I could feel internal organs dying from the damage done by Burt’s baton. My performance was finally shutting down. So he made sure to ram the damned thing all the way up to the handle.

I shuddered again from a small, sexual release. I jerked and spasmed a couple times. But my breath had been cut off. And I was starting to lose feeling in my legs.

Kirk began to examine my lover. He groped and fondled her all over. Normally, she hated the touch of another man. But there was nothing she could do about it now. Besides, she was too far gone to care.

Burt sucked on my nipples. Kirk asked if lesbian ones tasted any different than heterosexual ones. Burt replied, “How should I know? Ask her?”

He pointed at me. But I didn’t give an answer. I couldn’t get any air past my lips. Besides, I was too busy drooling and dying.

He rammed the baton hard and deep inside me. I hardly felt it. Then he bit down hard on a nipple. But I was so far gone that I barely flinched.

I finally lost my sense of vision. I couldn’t see anything anymore. And I couldn’t feel anything below my waist.

I heard the guys speaking to each other. But they sounded as though they were somewhere far away…

“Libby’s done. I can’t get a pulse now.”

“Katie’s almost gone too. When I ram my baton up inside her, she hardly flinches. How’s Darlina?”

“I think I got a… no, wait. It’s gone. No pulse.”

“Damn! Well, this sure was entertaining as hell. Which one do you think was the best?”

“Well, the company slut was good. And Darlina put on one hell of a show. But Katie was just as animated. Hell, I think she got off on it more than the others.”

“I think you’re right. Katie gets my vote too. I know she climaxed several times. Anyway, we’ll leave ‘em up for an hour before we take ‘em down. Then we’ll leave ‘em on the floor for the cleaning crew to deal with.”

I didn’t hear or feel anything else after that…

After the appointed hour, we all ended up in a pile on the floor. At least Burt was thoughtful enough to leave his baton rammed up my cunt.

2023 (written for Twiddle Oct 21 ’23 by riwa. Inspired by the images made for him by Gallows Girl Amy.)

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Riwa’s Stories at Patreon 4.2 (10)

Coming October rewards

Keri and Flora at the Club
The apartment hunk
Karyn-out with a bang
Dreams do come true
Best laid plans 6
I want to make it work
Slippery when wet
Dorothy’s squalid hanging 3
My sister’s Keeper
Vacation 7
The sorority gets Edward
And any bonus stories I might feel like including

August stories/rewards will fall off at the end of September to make room for October rewards.

September has certainly been an interesting month around the world. There have been wars and rumors of wars. And the UN has been meeting to find a way to globalize some things. It reminds me of the first two horses of the apocalypse mentioned in Revelation chapter six. Now it seems like we’re just waiting for some sort of massive global event to occur to throw everything into even more chaos. Could that event be the rapture? Who knows.

By the time you get to reading the story I will have posted for October 4th, mom will be in having her gallbladder removed. Her symptoms finally settled down, and she’s been doing much better. We finally got hold of a doctor and got it scheduled, although it will be happening later than she wanted it done. This upcoming day in October was the next available opening he had to do it, so she took it. She’s tired of the whole thing and wants that little object yanked out of her. I can’t blame her, especially since I had mine done 3 and a half years ago.

There’s certainly a lot of chaos going on lately. It’s been enough to distract me from writing. Thankfully, I’ve got some stories ready to go. And I try to spend my time working on projects I think you’d enjoy reading.

I hope you are all doing well and are preparing for whatever might be coming. With all this craziness, who knows what the future holds. All I know is that I appreciate each and every one of you. Please take care of yourselves and your families. And as always, thank you so very much for being my patrons.

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Our encounter with the Badjao 2 3.9 (27)

My wife was full of questions for the interpreter on our way back to the resort. He calmly answered each and every one. Occasionally, he would ask one of the Badjao who would answer in their own tongue, which he interpreted.

Sandy was quite impressed with how long the Badjao could hold their breath. The interpreter explained their times varied, although most were good for anywhere from four to five minutes. The better ones could go even longer.

My wife asked if there had ever been any drownings. The reply was that there had been a few. But the Badjao were generally quite good at monitoring each other. Their endangered comrades had usually been gotten to the surface quickly and had been revived with relative ease.

Sandy asked about all the sex that took place underwater. The interpreter repeated the question to one of the nearby Badjao females. Her interpreted reply indicated holding one’s breath at a depth in the sea contributed to feelings of great arousal. It was difficult, if not impossible, to dismiss the erotic sensations without eventually acting upon them.

Sandy asked her if she had ever drowned, or come dangerously close to drowning. The female replied she had gotten carried away on more than one occasion. Being close to the point of drowning had resulted in a more intense experience. She was always struggling with trying to be more careful at the bottom of the ocean.

I was not surprised at her next question. Sandy wanted to know if there was any way for us to improve our time underwater long enough so we could go to the bottom with the Badjao and spend some “quality” time with them without an air source. The interpreter simply gave her a knowing smile…

The next day, we were taken out to a small cove a short distance from the resort. We went with another couple from California named Waylen and Casiane. They also wanted to experience what it was like to swim with the Badjao without an air supply.

We all wore goggles and swimsuits, as the experience was designed to promote productivity more than sexuality. Sandy was understandably disappointed. The California woman was even more unhappy about it.

We ended up on a floating platform anchored to the ocean floor. There were six Badjao waiting for us: four males and two females. Two of the males were to work the lines and would remain at the surface.

There was an interpreter onsite, but there was not much talking. We received pouches to bring up shells and pearls. Then the Badjao showed us how to use the knives we had received without accidentally cutting ourselves.

The water was not much deeper than fifteen or twenty feet down. Sandy and I were shown how to ride one of the lines down. The California couple was shown how to ride the other one.

When we were ready, the other two Badjao couples dove into the water ahead of us. They swam down to await our arrival. That’s when we rode the lines down, each of us standing together on metal pipes.

We were not at the bottom for long. The Badjao immediately instructed us to pull on our lines. We were promptly hauled right back up to the surface.

We were kept topside until we’d been given enough time to catch our breath. Then we headed back down. I guess the Badjao didn’t want any of us to drown our first time down.

We went down for a second time. This time, the Badjao motioned for us to stay with our lines. For the time being, we simply held our breath until we needed to be pulled back up. Then the Badjao swam up with us.

We all caught our breath up at the surface. Then the Badjao swam back down. They were waiting for us when we returned to the bottom.

On our third trip down, we were motioned to leave our lines. We separated, pairing up with a Badjao of the same sex. Then we were shown how to pry loose any clams we found and to put them into our pouches without cutting ourselves.

When we were about to run out of air, we were instructed to swim back to our line to indicate we needed to return to the surface. When we were ready, Sandy and I returned to our line together, bubbles trickling out of our mouths and noses. The California couple also returned to their line at about roughly the same time.

I gave ours a pull, and we were hauled up. The Badjao smiled at us as though we were doing it correctly. Waylen and Casiane came up right next to us.

We paused up at the surface long enough to catch our breath. Then we went down for a fourth trip. Once more, we separated to pair up with a Badjao.

This time, it was the female Bituin who watched me as I pried clams off the bottom. She was quite attractive. She was not nude, but I still found myself sexually attracted to her.

Most of the clams were loose, as though they had deliberately been left there for training purposes. But I found a couple that were attached and needed some effort. She smiled and nodded with approval at my efforts to dislodge them.

She motioned for me to keep track of my dive partner Sandy. As soon as I saw her heading for our line, I immediately stopped what I was doing and headed over as well. My wife smiled and bubbled at me as we climbed on, and together we rode the line up.

We popped up at the surface and gasped for breath. The California couple were already topside and getting ready for their next descent. They seemed happy with the experience thus far.

The Badjao came up shortly after that. There was some discussion between them and the interpreter. They talked and nodded as though things were progressing smoothly.

“What do you think?” I finally asked Sandy.

“I think I’m starting to get the hang of it.”

“We’re not as deep as we were the other day.”

“I know. But it’s still pretty exciting. I’m getting turned on the longer we stay down and hold our breath.”

We waited topside until the Badjao all swam down ahead of us. Then we rode our lines back down. This time, Sandy and I were instructed to remain paired up as we went to look for clams.

We stayed close to each other, looking for something to put in our pouches. Much of the time, we did not have to use our knives. But there were a couple times when they were required to get the clams loose from the formations.

We stayed down for quite a while as we hunted for clams. A couple of Badjao drifted nearby, keeping an eagle eye on us. We just tried to remain focused on the task at hand while staying down for as long as we could.

We finally headed for the line together. We stood upon our pipe, and I gave the signal. Sandy kissed me all the way up as she ground into my bulging suit.

We popped up and handed over our full pouches. We were promptly given empty ones. I smiled at Sandy as I told her we were becoming more and more like the Badjao.

She declared, “Not yet, we’re not. I’m getting horny!” Then she promptly removed her bikini pieces, a lustful glint in her eye. I smiled as I removed my suit as well.

About that time, the California couple came up. The woman promptly declared, “If they’re getting naked, I’m getting naked!” That’s when Casiane immediately shed her bikini, causing Waylen to remove his suit as well.

We rode our line back down, feeling like true Badjao now that we were naked. We looked around for more clams to collect. But we had to wander a little farther away from our line to do so.

The Badjao quickly returned to observe us. This time, they were both naked as well. Sandy’s nipples were incredibly hard. But then again, so was my dick.

We looked for more clams in the vicinity of our line. But it felt different while we were doing it buck-naked. Besides, it was hard to concentrate with the erection I had.

The male Badjao named Kagirim got a little too close to my wife. She promptly latched onto his dick with her mouth and started sucking. She had “lost the plot” as they say, opting for pleasure over the task at hand.

Bituin came over and smiled at me. She stroked my erection, causing me to “lose the plot” as well. A moment later, she was gobbling me down. The clams were promptly forgotten.

We stayed like that until Sandy broke away and swam for the line. I broke off the encounter and swam over as well until I caught up to her. But when I stood upon the pipe and yanked on the line, she slid down and took me into her mouth.

We went up that way, me clinging to the rope while my wife clung to my erection with her lips, her arms tightly wrapped around me. On the other line, Casiane was riding Waylen’s cock as they rode theirs up to the surface. The Badjao seemed to be greatly amused as they followed us up.

Some words were spoken to the interpreter up at the surface as we got our breath back. He then came over and put his hand out as he smiled at us. “They think you’re too preoccupied to continue fetching clams. So you might as well leave that stuff up here before you accidentally cut yourselves.”

Our knives and pouches ended up on the platform. The California couple (minus their knives and pouches) were already descending, their Badjao observers swimming ahead of them. Casiane was still impaled on Waylen’s dick.

We motioned we were ready for a return trip to the bottom. Bituin and Kagirim went down ahead of us. Then our line was lowered until we reached the bottom.

Sandy wasted no time latching onto my cock with her mouth. She had clearly developed an appetite. I just happened to be the cock nearest to her.

While she was sucking me, Bituin slid between her legs on her back and started to feast on her lady parts. I thought Sandy was going to lose it right then and there. But she somehow maintained her composure without losing her breath.

To my surprise, Kagirim came up behind Sandy. Bituin came off my wife’s quivering slit long enough to suck on his cock for a moment or two. Then she guided his erection into my wife’s winking opening.

Sandy went wild, totally swallowing me whole as she grunted and bubbled. Bituin went back to feasting on her swollen nub, her body wedged between both Sandy’s legs and Kagirim’s. Meanwhile, Kagirim thrust into my wife from behind.

If there was ever a time to lose one’s breath and composure, I presume that would have been it. Amazingly, Sandy just kept sucking me. Well, mostly she kept me deep down her throat as she grunted up bubbles out of her mouth and nose from Kagirim’s thrusts.

I glanced over at our companions from California. Casiane was on her back on the bottom, getting pounded by the male Badjao Macario. Meanwhile, Waylen had the other female Badjao Diwata sitting in his lap, fully impaled on his dick.

Sandy lost a huge burst of bubbles, causing her to come off my dick. She broke away and went for the line. She was standing on the pipe, pulling on the line like mad, when Kagirim wrapped his arms around her, entering her from behind. They went up like that together.

Bituin helped me swim up with her. It was not that far away, and I figured I could hold my breath long enough to get topside. We all made it up, the four of us panting like crazy as we paused from our sexual gyrations.

“Now I feel like a Badjao!” Sandy proclaimed. “Fuck; that was intense!”

I smiled as I told her, “I thought you were gonna drown.”

“I thought I was too! I almost let myself go; it was that incredible.”

The California couple came up, along with their Badjao escorts. But Sandy was ready for a return trip to the bottom. “I wanna go back down right now!”

She made Kagirim climb onto the pipe so she could climb into his lap. She impaled herself on his erection. Then she pointed at the water as she hollered at the Badjao manning their line… “Down – down; I wanna go down!”

Bituin motioned at me if I could get down on my own. I nodded and pointed downward. Together, we headed down under our own power, pulling with our arms while scissoring with our legs.

Sandy and Kagirim bottomed out before promptly leaving their line. She immediately came off his cock and turned around. Then she bent over and practically begged him to thrust into her from behind again.

Bituin grinned at me before swimming over toward my wife. She rolled over onto her back and slid underneath. Then she grabbed my wife’s ass and began feasting again, this time in a 69 position.

She and Kagirim must have done this maneuver many times before. I watched him pull out of my wife and thrust his cock between Bituin’s lips. Then he pulled out of her mouth and thrust back into my wife.

Sandy went crazy. She anxiously motioned me over until I moved in between Bituin’s legs. Then she took me into her mouth, gobbling me down.

After about half a minute, she pulled me out of her mouth. Then she guided me into Bituin’s winking slit. I thrust into the sexy Badjao as my wife went to work on the woman’s swollen nub.

I glanced over to see what the California couple were doing. The women were on their backs, side by side on the ocean bottom as they turned and kissed each other. Macario was thrusting into Casiane while Waylen fucked Diwata.

About that time, Sandy pulled my cock out of Bituin and began gobbling me down again. I noticed Bituin had pulled Kagirim’s cock out of my wife and was eagerly sucking him down as well. The women sucked us before Sandy motioned she needed to surface again.

We all separated. This time, Sandy and Bituin went over to the line together. After they signaled to be brought up, they engaged in a passionate embrace, kissing each other deeply.

I looked at Kagirim who looked at me. There was a bit of a smile on his face as though we understood each other. Then we began the swim up to the surface.

We reached the platform where Sandy and Bituin were still kissing passionately. I don’t know how they expected to catch their breath that way. Then the California couple popped up with their Badjao escorts.

There was no thought given of continuing our training for clam-diving. We were all much too distracted. Our interpreter smiled, but politely kept silent.

Sandy and Bituin finally headed back down. So Kagirim and I followed them. I was curious to see what was going to happen next.

No sooner had they reached the ocean floor of the cove when Sandy and Bituin shifted into a 69 position, with Sandy horizontal upon her back. They drifted near the bottom, hungrily feasting on each other as they released the occasional bubble. For the moment, Kagirim and I simply stroked ourselves as we watched.

We were finally waved over to join them. Sandy frantically wanted my cock in her mouth. After a few hungry sucks, she inserted me into the sexy Badjao.

Meanwhile, Bituin gobbled down Kagirim, who had moved between Sandy’s legs. Then she inserted his erection into my horny wife. Together, we pounded the females as though we were in a sexual frenzy.

When my wife ran out of air, we all pulled apart. But she climbed into Kagirim’s lap, allowing him to work them both back to the surface under his own strength. Bituin and I took the line, with her in my lap impaled on my quivering manhood.

The California couple was at the surface when we came up. We all panted heavily for breath. The interpreter asked as to whether or not we had finished our session with the Badjao. Casiane blurted out, “Not on your life!” before she and Macario headed back down.

I casually leaned toward Sandy and said, “She’d better be careful down there.” Then I noticed how excited my wife had become.

I corrected myself by saying, “Actually, I think you’d better be careful down there.”

“Fuck that!” she blurted out enthusiastically. Then she and Kagirim filled their lungs and submerged.

“I guess that just leaves you and I,” I remarked as I smiled at Bituin. I don’t know if she understood me or not. But she certainly nodded her head as though she was looking forward to it.

She was still in my lap riding my cock as we went back down. Sandy and Kagirim were on the bottom and had already shifted positions until he was hammering her from behind, making her grunt up bubbles. I think that had just become her favorite position, at least when it came to being deep underwater.

When we got close enough, Bituin changed positions until I was entering her from behind with her legs wrapped around my waist. She and Sandy reached out and began kissing and pawing each other. They really seemed to be enjoying playing with each other.

We glanced over to check on that California couple. Casiane and Diwata were in a 69 position with the California woman underneath. They must have seen one of our positions and wanted to try it for themselves.

Waylen was fucking Diwata, while Macario fucked Casiane. It was unbelievably erotic. All those grunts and bubbles were such an incredible turn-on.

I was on the verge of cumming when something happened that was unexpected, yet not all that surprising. Casiane appeared to climax as she spewed up a whole mouthful of bubbles. A moment later, she began jerking and spasming as though she had inadvertently swallowed water.

Bituin suddenly clenched around my thrusting shaft, moaning and bubbling. She milked the cum right out of me as I thrust in hard and held my cock in place. Sandy went crazy, cumming and bubbling as Kagirim really pounded her.

Casiane was barely three seconds into drowning when their Badjao escorts scooped her up and hauled her to the surface. Waylen was right with them. Their line had been abandoned.

Our escorts promptly initiated our separation. Sandy and I swam over to the line and were quickly pulled up. Bituin and Kagirim swam up with us, keeping a watchful eye out for any signs of trouble.

By the time we reached the surface, Casiane was already out of the water on the platform. She was coughing up phlegm, trying to wave off the Badjao… “I’m all right – I’m all right.” That’s when the interpreter came over and kindly told her, “We have to get you all in now.”

“Aww, so soon?”

“I’m afraid so. You had an incident that must be checked out.”

“Can’t we like…stay out a little longer? I promise I’m all right.” But the interpreter was adamant.

So that’s how our session ended. Sandy later told me how hard she’d cum seeing Casiane start to drown. And she confessed to Kagirim pumping quite a load inside her at roughly the same time.

For the time being, I decided not to share how Bituin and I had also endured quite a mutual climax watching poor Casiane swallow water…

2024 (written Feb 9 ’24 by riwa)

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Taylor’s followers part 3 4.5 (42)

Carrie sat down on the cushioned bench. She leaned back as I helped her until she was lying flat on her back. Knowing my daughter was about to lose her head in just a few minutes began to fill me with a perverse thrill.

Her legs hung off the end as she shimmied forward until her head passed through the path of the blade. That’s when she seemed to catch sight of the basket below her. “Oh fuck!” she gasped.

“Getting real now, honey?”

“Gawd, mom; I…”

“First your lover Hilary. Then Debra. Next was Naomi. Now it’s your turn; right?”

“I… gawd, I…” Was she having second thoughts?

Chad brought the lunette over. I took it from him and went around front. Then I showed it to my naked daughter.

“This is for you, honey. Now you’re about to join the others. No take-backs; right?”

I slid it in place with a loud clatch. I made sure it was secure. Then I caressed my daughter’s neck.

“Right here, honey. The blade is going to slice through right here.”

“Gawd, mom! Maybe I ought to…”

“Ought to what, honey?”

“Maybe I ought to, like… wait a minute?”

“What for?”

“I don’t know. I, uh…”

I walked around behind her where I swatted her ass. Then I said to Chad, “You told us the bodies get delivered to some processing plant?”

“That’s right, Mrs. Walker. We turn them into meat.”

“I see. I’m about to lose a daughter. But in her place I’m going to get a few nice, juicy pieces of meat. I do hope I get a nice helping of rump roast.” Then I swatted her ass again.

Chad fetched the handcuffs. Carrie reached forward with her arms and grabbed the rails as though testing the stability of the device. “Gawd, mom; I don’t know…”

Chad gave me the cuffs. I grabbed my daughter’s left wrist and roughly pulled it behind her back. Then I attached a cuff to it.

She let out a whimper as I grabbed the other one. Within seconds I had both wrists cuffed together behind her back. That’s when Carrie began to writhe around as though really having second thoughts about everything…

“Mom, I don’t know about this.”

“Oh, yes you do, honey.” Then I motioned at Chad and smiled. “I think her mouth needs something to settle her down.”

He was sporting another erection. I wanted to be nice to him for all the work he’d put into our time together. Besides, I knew my daughter would give him the best head, both literally and figuratively.

He went around front. Carrie started to put up a protest. Chad just thrust his dick between her lips.

She grunted as he filled her mouth. “That’s a good daughter,” I told her, my arousal starting to overwhelm me. “Suck the nice man’s cock, honey. He deserves it.”

She grunted as he thrust nice and slow between her lips. I went around behind her and began caressing her ass. Then I reached down and felt how wet she’d become.

She whimpered as I molested her. I was becoming more aroused by the moment. I fingered her dripping slit as Chad enjoyed another blowjob from a head that was soon to be separated from the rest of its body.

This was the last time I was going to spend quality time with my daughter. And I wanted it to be special. So I knelt down and worked my face into her crotch.

I began to lick and nibble. Carrie grunted and groaned with a mouthful of cock. I heard Chad gasp and sigh. My daughter always was a talented cocksucker.

I moaned as I feasted on her dripping cunt. I pulled away and gasped, “Damn, honey. You’re especially tasty today. Aren’t you incredibly excited? …about to lose your head and join the others?”

Carrie groaned again as Chad thrust harder. “All the way down her throat,” I instructed. “I’m sure she can take it that deep. I want to see if I can give her an orgasm while her mouth is stuffed with delicious man-meat.

“Thanks, Mrs. Walker.” Chad smiled as he pushed it in deeper. Carrie gagged a little as I drove my tongue deep up her twat.

She writhed and groaned as Chad thrust in deeply while my tongue found her sweet spot. Carrie suddenly stiffened. Then she cried out into the cock in her mouth as she shuddered in orgasm.

I got a small mouthful of fluids for my efforts. Then I pulled away. “If only I’d brought my strap-on,” I murmured wistfully. “I’d love to fuck her while you’re beheading her.”

Chad smiled as he pointed over at a set of drawers. “In there, Mrs. Walker. You’d be surprised at the kind of requests I get in here. I’ll go get one if you want me too.”

“Never mind,” I waved dismissively as I stood up. “I’ll get it. You just make sure you get to leave a nice deposit for my darling daughter to swallow.”

“Thanks, Mrs. Walker.”

I went over and checked a couple of drawers. I looked in one and found a black one that looked nice and big. Just the thing to fuck my daughter with during her beheading.

It had a little bump on the flange to work my clit while I was using it on her. Perfect. Now we could both cum while Carrie was losing her head.

I took my time attaching it to my naked waist. Chad continued thrusting as though he was taking his sweet time enjoying my daughter. Carrie just kept grunting with a mouthful of dick.

I walked up behind her and rubbed her ass. I found her dripping slit and pushed the tip of my toy against her opening. Then I slowly pushed my way inside.

Carrie cried out as the strap-on slowly filled her. I don’t know whether or not she had ever taken anything quite that large before. It filled me with such a perverse thrill knowing I’d be fucking my own daughter the moment she lost her head.

I was so horny that I didn’t waste much time. I began thrusting hard and deep. Carrie cried out into the cock down her throat as she rocked and grunted from my thrusts.

“That’s so hot watching you fuck your own daughter, Mrs. Walker. I think I’m going to cum.”

I laughed as I swatted her ass. “Here it comes, honey. Make sure you swallow it all.” Then I really began pounding her.

Chad tipped his head back and let out a roar. I rammed my daughter good and hard. Carrie grunted and shuddered as she climaxed while swallowing his seed. It was so hot that I orgasmed right along with her.

“Did she swallow it all?” I panted as I gave Chad a smile.

“Damn! That was great, Mrs. Walker.”

“You may head over and behead my daughter now,” I told him as I motioned with my head toward the controls. “I’ll tell you when I want the blade to fall.”

He pulled his dick out of her mouth. It had only partially softened. Carrie was left gasping and moaning as I kept fucking her.

I couldn’t resist taunting her. “See where your head’s going to go, honey? Gawd, you’ve got me all worked up knowing you’re about to lose your head. I just came a few moments ago when you swallowed Chad’s load. Now I’m going to cum even harder once the blade falls.”

She gasped as though trying to catch her breath. “Mom, it’s so… it’s so BIG!”

“Just the right size for a whore like you as she loses her head; eh, honey?”

“Mom?? Ohmygawd…!”

“Cum for me, honey. Cum for me like a fucking whore!”

“Ohfuck – ohgawd – ohfuck!”



I pounded her hard as she shuddered in orgasm. I looked over to see Chad manning the controls. I shook my head… not yet.

Carrie came down from her orgasmic high, panting like crazy. “That one was for you, honey. This one’s for me. Now I’m going to cum as the blade takes your head.”

I fucked her with the toy just as hard as I could. I was trying to grind that little projection against my clit until it set me off again. The thought of watching my daughter lose her head was so overpoweringly erotic.

She panted and grunted as we developed a rhythm. She was trying to push back against me as she groaned and whimpered. I could feel it swelling within me…

“Get ready, honey! I’m so fucking horny I think I’m about to lose it!”

“Gawd, mom, I… I…”

“Get ready, baby! I’m gonna take your head any second now. I’m going to cum so fucking hard!”

“I’m gonna cum again, mom! I’m gonna cum again!”

“I’m gonna take your head Carrie! I wanna take it from my whore daughter!”

“Take it, mom; take it!”


“DO IT, MOM!” Carrie was lost in the moment.

I rammed her hard as it swelled within me. Carrie started to scream in orgasm. That’s when I cried out, “DO IT NOW!”

The blade whooshed down. Carrie’s screams were silenced the moment the blade bottomed out. Instantly her naked body stiffened on me in reaction. I just cried out in ecstasy as I shrieked my climax.

My daughter went into spasms and seizures as her body tried to process the fact it was no longer receiving signals from the brain. Blood pumped out of her severed neck. I tried to thrust in rhythm to each spurt as though helping her body pump out her life’s blood.

Chad came over and pulled her head out, holding her up by a handful of hair as he showed it to me. She was still dripping blood as crimson stained one side of her face. I cried out again as I rammed the toy deep inside her and held it there.

Her spasming body began to settle down until there was nothing more than stray nerve impulses firing. Chad brought the head back to me. He held it up to my mouth, and I kissed her lips before telling her to suck my “cock”.

I pulled out of her wet cunt. Then I took her head from Chad and thrust between her lips. The end of my toy came out of her neck stump.

Her eyes were wide as she tasted her pussy on the strap-on. Then her expression began to sag. I barely managed to gasp “Goodbye, honey” before I shuddered again from another orgasm.

I stopped to catch my breath as Chad took her head from me. I began working on removing the strap-on as he wiped her face down. I gave her one final kiss on the lips. Then he walked her over and placed her head next to the others.

I got Carrie’s iPhone as Chad scanned through several pictures. The one I liked best was the one where I was kissing her dead lips as blood dripped out of her severed neck. So that’s the one I posted to her Instagram account. I even marked it “courtesy of her mother”.

I scanned through the other pictures we’d uploaded. They were really tallying up the likes. Carrie and her group were going to be quite popular.

Our host smiled at me as he motioned at the guillotine and my beheaded daughter’s naked body. He was in the process of removing her handcuffs when he asked, “So what do you think, Mrs. Walker?”

“Incredible, Chad. Absolutely incredible. Should I be ashamed for cumming so hard during my daughter’s beheading?”

“I don’t know the answer to that. But I’d say it’s all right, all things considered.”

I stared at her body still laid out on the bench. Then I quietly murmured, “I wonder what it felt like.”

“Losing her head?”

“Just lying on the bench like that must have been incredibly thrilling.”

“Would you like to try it out, Mrs. Walker? Lying on the bench all locked in?”

“Do you think I could? Do you think I should?”

“I don’t see why not. All we have to do is move your daughter’s body out of the way. We can lay it next to the others if you want.”

He set the handcuffs aside. Then he took the lunette up off her severed neck. I watched as he retracted the blade back up into the top of the guillotine before locking it into place.

I helped him remove Carrie’s body from the bench. We carried it over and stretched it out next to Naomi’s headless corpse. Now there were four naked, headless young ladies bleeding out toward the drain, although by now Hilary and Debra’s drainage had been reduced to mere trickles.

I went back over and looked at the guillotine. Chad came over and smiled. “You can sit on the bench if you want, Mrs. Walker.”

“Do we have time? Don’t you have another appointment?”

“We have time. The bodies will have to be shipped off anyway. My secretary is probably on it right now. The guillotine has a digital system that lets her know the blade has fallen four times. I’ll bet she’s already made the call.”

I sat down upon the bench. It set me to trembling almost immediately. I had just watched four young women meet their ends while lying upon the very same surface. Sitting on the place where they’d been beheaded was an incredible experience.

I looked nervously at Chad. He smiled reassuringly as he nodded back at me. So I went over backward until I was lying down flat on my back on the bench.

I wriggled forward until I stuck my head through the opening. That’s when I found myself looking up at the blade. Knowing it was the same razor-sharp steel that had taken four lives mere minutes ago made me tremble like crazy.

About that time a few drops of blood came plummeting down. I was pretty sure that was Carrie’s blood dripping down on me. I gasped as I shuddered from a mini-orgasm.

Chad came around front to check on me. Right away I discovered he had developed yet another erection. “Don’t you ever get soft?” I chuckled nervously.

“I love the work I do, Mrs. Walker. Seeing all these hot, naked bodies keeps me in a never-ending state of arousal. Beheading them is a real turn-on. And I must admit… seeing you lying there, knowing we just beheaded your daughter, has me hard as a rock again.”

“Damn, honey. Now you’re getting me all horny again.”

His cock was stiff and saluting. The thought of his dick inside my dripping snatch with my head locked in the path of the blade gave me a perverse thrill. I was becoming sorely tempted.

“You want the handcuffs, Mrs. Walker?”

I considered it for a moment. After all, all the girls had worn them. If I truly wanted to know what it must have felt like for them while lying on the bench…

I finally made my decision. “Sure thing, Chad. Might as well put them on me.”

“Right away, Mrs. Walker.”

He brought them over as I worked my arms behind my back below the bench. Chad attached the cuffs to each wrist. “How’s that feel?” he asked when he stood back up.

“Incredible, honey. I’m wet as hell.”

“Shall I lock you into the lunette?”

I looked up as another drop of blood picked that moment to fall. It splattered onto my neck. I stiffened and shivered as I told him, “Go right ahead – no wait! No; go right ahead.”

He brought it over and showed it to me. Then he slid it down into place. I flinched a little once I heard him lock it down.

“You are so incredibly sexy, Mrs. Walker. Gawd; you make me so hard!”

I blushed as I trembled. I felt a hand on my boobs. Then he reached down into my crotch.

I felt him rub my wet slit. Then he slipped a couple fingers inside me. I gasped and moaned as I humped his hand.

“Sorry, Mrs. Walker. I couldn’t help myself. I’ll get you out of there right now if you wish.”

Another drop of blood came down. I inhaled sharply as I gasped for breath. My cunt was throbbing as I asked in a trembling voice, “Want to fuck an MILF in the guillotine, honey?”

I couldn’t see him back there. But I certainly felt him slide his dick inside me almost immediately. I gasped and moaned as he started thrusting in and out.

I looked up at the blade hanging above me. It filled me with fear and arousal. It was an incredible experience.

“My mouth, honey,” I finally panted. “Now I want to taste you in my mouth.”

“But I’ve just been inside your pussy, Mrs. Walker!”

“I don’t care. I want to know what my daughter experienced with her head locked in and a mouth full of cock.”

“Have it your way.” He seemed pretty enthusiastic about it.

He came around until I caught sight of him. But I had to tip my head back. It allowed him to slide his dick all the way inside me.

He thrust in and out. I grunted each time he filled my mouth. It was a little frightening, yet it was thrilling as hell.

He pushed in nice and deep. At the angle I had my head tipped back, he was able to push into my throat. I felt a bulge as he panted, “Gawd, that is so hot, Mrs. Walker! You are one hot MILF!”

He pulled out and I gasped for breath. He walked around out of sight. The next thing I felt was his cock pushing back into my dripping twat.

I gasped as he thrust nice and slow. Then he picked up the pace. Another drop of blood made me cry out as I looked up at the blade hovering above me.

“What do you think, Mrs. Walker?”

I gasped for breath before blurting out, “Oh fuck; I think I’m going to cum!”

He used that motivation to fuck me harder. I looked up at the blade, trembling at the thought it had just come down minutes ago and taken my daughter’s head. That thought, along with the mental images that came with it, was enough to set me off.

I cried out in orgasm, trying to milk another cum right out of his thrusting dick. Then he eased back until he thrust nice and slow. “What do you think now, Mrs. Walker?”

“This is incredible, honey! I almost wish… no… well, I almost wish…”

“I could add another element of danger if you wish, Mrs. Walker.”

I stiffened at his words. “What do you mean, Chad?”

“I have the guillotine rigged on a digital timer. I told you my secretary gets word whenever the blade falls. I even rigged it so it can fall at a certain time. I’ve beheaded three chicks that way. They wanted me to fuck ‘em, so I rigged the blade to go off on a timer.”

“So you can set it to go off at a certain time, honey?”

“I can set it for ten minutes, then fuck you for seven or eight.”

“That would be incredible!” I breathed as he continued to thrust in and out of me.

The thought of losing my head was both frightening and thrilling. I didn’t think I wanted to play with fire or anything like that. But at least I’d be able to experience more of what my daughter had felt just before her beheading.

“Let’s do it, honey.”

“Ok, Mrs. Walker. Anything you say.”

I blinked as I looked up at the blade above me. Was that my voice? Had I just told him to rig the timer? What the hell was I thinking??

I heard him walk over to the controls. I was strongly tempted to tell him to stop and just let me out. But I was so damned horny that I figured I could go for at least seven or eight minutes before him safely letting me out.

I heard him walk back to me. “It’s all set, Mrs. Walker. You’ve got ten minutes before I need to go shut it off or get your head out of there.” Then I felt him slide his dick back inside me.

I gasped as he utterly filled me. Another drop of blood splattered down upon my neck. It made me stiffen until I almost climaxed again.

I felt hands upon my boobs as he groped me while fucking me. “You’re so fucking hot, Mrs. Walker! Gawd; you’re so fucking hot!”

His words melted me as I moaned and whimpered. I looked up at the blade again. It chilled me to the bone while giving me such an indescribable thrill.

He suddenly picked up the pace, fucking me hard and fast. It swelled within me until he eased off. Then he fucked me nice and slow.

I couldn’t resist asking him in a trembling voice, “Do you want another meaty rump roast, honey?”

“I really love these boobs, Mrs. Walker!” He groped me again as he thrust in and out.

I began panting for breath as he picked up the pace. I gasped and whimpered as I looked up at the blade. The thought of losing my head thrilled me. At the same time, it scared the shit out of me.

“Time, honey?”

“Seven minutes, Mrs. Walker.” Then he eased off. I heard him panting for breath as he gasped, “Such a hot MILF! Damn! I really hit the jackpot with you, Mrs. Walker.”

He started to thrust a little harder. I clenched as I tried to milk him. Seeing the blade dangling above me almost made me scream for him to let me out. But I bit my tongue, mainly because this was the experience I wanted to endure for the sake of my daughter.

He really pounded me. Then he pulled out of me. I wondered what he was doing when he came around front.

He tipped my head back and thrust his cock down my throat. I tasted my arousal on his meaty member. It filled me with fear as well as an incredible arousal.

He fucked my mouth for a couple minutes at least. He thrust all the way into my throat until I wanted to gag. Then he pulled out and went around back.

He toyed with my pussy, rubbing the tip of his dick around my opening. I whimpered as I told him, “Put it in, damn you!” He just chuckled as he kept teasing me.

“Damnit, Chad; put your cock inside me!” He pushed it in a little deeper. I clenched, but it wasn’t all the way in yet.


“Right away, Mrs. Walker!” And with that he really started to pound me.

I gasped and moaned as he fucked me good and hard. It was incredible. I felt it swell within me until I screamed in orgasm.

I clenched like crazy, trying to hold him deep inside me. He slid all the way out, only to ram his way home again. I cried out as it swelled within me yet again.

I looked up at the blade, thinking about Hilary and Naomi. What had they felt looking up at the glistening steel like this? My daughter had made Hilary cum, while I had made sure Naomi had orgasmed. It must have felt incredible before the blade had dropped on them both.

Chad began thrusting hard in and out of me. I began to shudder; gawd, how I wanted his meaty pole! I screamed for him to fuck me hard. Then I was cumming again.

He eased back down for a moment. I was just coming down off that orgasmic high when he picked up the pace. Once more he began pounding me hard.

I felt it swell within me. It occurred to me we should probably be thinking about stopping before I pushed my luck. But I wanted to experience one more orgasm before he got me out of the guillotine.

I screamed, “FUCK ME, HONEY!” Chad pounded me good and hard until I cried out again. I’m pretty sure I squirted all over him.

I was barely coming down from the plateau of my sexual high when I felt another one coming on strong. I thought maybe we should be stopping. But it just felt too damned good.

At that moment, something went terribly wrong. The blade flashed down until I couldn’t see it anymore. Then I felt a sharp pain across my neck before I seemed to plummet.

I got all dizzy and disoriented. I wanted that last cum, but I couldn’t feel anything anymore. I could hear Chad roaring his release. Then I was aware of a liquid warmth falling upon the side of my face.

I tried to ask Chad what the hell happened. But the words wouldn’t cum. Then it felt like I was being lifted up.

I was pulled up until I saw his face. He smiled as though he was a little embarrassed. “Sorry, Mrs. Walker. I guess we lost all track of time. You wanted to know how Carrie felt, right?”

He kissed my lips before he lowered me. I ended up facing his crotch and his huge erection. That’s when his cock pushed between my lips.

It went in all the way until my lips were up against his balls. But I didn’t feel the gag reflex. I couldn’t feel anything past the back of my throat. In fact, I couldn’t feel anything at all.

Then consciousness ebbed away until I was aware of nothing at all…


Chad cleaned up my face before adding my head to the others. He picked out a picture and posted it to my daughter’s Instagram…. “Carrie’s mother follows her daughter’s example.”

The plant ended up with five bodies to process instead of four…

2020 (written for Thor Dec 2 ’20 by riwa)

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Drowning for him 3.9 (36)

He’s down there waiting for me. I can see the bubbles coming up from his scuba gear.

What was I thinking when I agreed to this? I suppose it was because I let him drown me in the pool last month.

I could tell he wanted to. I was a little drunk, and I kept taunting him, telling him to drown me. I had no idea he would really go through with it!

He was wearing those sexy speedos, and his cock was really noticeable. I could tell how aroused he’d become. I suppose it’s my own fault for always wanting to arouse him.

The more I drunkenly teased him, the more noticeable the bulge in his speedos became. I was intoxicated by the power my words had over him. I told him I was drunk and that I probably wouldn’t be able to hold my breath for very long. So I told him to take his cock out and stroke it as he drowned me.

Can you believe it?? The bastard actually went and done it! He pulled me under and dragged me to the bottom of the pool.

I laughed and bubbled. Of course I didn’t believe he was actually going to do it! Then he pulled his speedos down.

His erection was thick and hard. I couldn’t ever remember seeing it that stiff! Was it all because I’d told him I wanted to drown for him?

He wedged me between his legs. Then he grasped onto my wrists so I couldn’t fight back. It was thrilling the way he held onto me like that.

I decided to play along. So I bulged my cheeks for him. Then I released a few bubbles out of my mouth and nose.

Would you believe it? His dick seemed to get even harder. It was right there in plain view as he pinned me between his legs.

I tried to struggle. But he held me in an iron grip. I tried to grab his dick and stroke him. But he was content to hold me in place and watch me without letting go of my wrists.

I was right, of course. I was so drunk that I really couldn’t hold my breath for very long. Soon, my lungs were screaming at me.

I panicked and changed my mind. I shook my head from side to side. But that didn’t make him let go.

Maybe he thought I was acting. Maybe he thought I was putting on a show. Or maybe he really wanted to drown me!

I felt a surge of panic as my lungs heaved. His cock was right there within view, hard and twitching. I experienced a flurry of mixed emotions, from excitement at seeing his arousal to the fear I was really going to drown.

I suddenly reached that point where I just couldn’t hold my breath anymore. I gulped a mouthful of water that made me convulse painfully. Then I really started thrashing around between his legs.

I began hitching and spasming as I swallowed more pool water. It hurt like hell, but I do remember experiencing an orgasm. Then I remember seeing his cock go off, shooting an unbelievable amount of cum.

It felt like an elephant was sitting on my chest. But I do remember feeling a strange thrill he was cumming to my drowning. I kept coughing up bubbles until there were hardly any left to cough up.

I went all limp and lifeless between his legs. I was still conscious when he grabbed my head. Then he pushed his cock between my lips. That was such a perverse thrill. It was also the last thing I remember.

When I regained consciousness, I found myself on the side of the pool. My chest and lungs hurt, but I was breathing. I remember being astonished he’d really drowned me. He just smiled as he told me I’d kept asking for it.

A week ago, we had a huge fight. I told him he had to make me cum with his mouth for seven days. If he did, I would let him have my ass once a day for seven days. But if I missed a day, he could drown me again.

I forgot how talented he is with his tongue. For seven days, he made me cum. And I kept up my end of the bargain… until yesterday. I didn’t let him have my ass. Now we’re out here… and he’s about to drown me again!

What the hell was I thinking?? Did I deny him deliberately? Did I want him to drown me again? Maybe I did.

I see bubbles again. Is he getting impatient? I suppose I’d better slide off the end of this boat and get my ass down to him.

I slide off and hit the water feet first. It makes me sink deeper. Gawd; here he comes!

I make a mad dash for the surface as fear and arousal course though my body. He just grabs an ankle and pulls me downward. Now the fear really envelopes me!

He spins me around and tries to cuff my wrists behind my back. I fight him instinctively. But I’m no match for him, and I’m quickly subdued.

He spins me around and shows me his erection. It looks hard and glorious. But a defiant streak comes over me, and I shake my head.

He motions at the regulator in his mouth before pointing at his dick. The message is crystal clear. Suck, or I won’t get any air.

He grabs my head and forces his cock between my lips. I know better than to bite. Then he hits the back of my throat. He wants bubbles, and the best way to get ‘em out of me is to make me gag them up.

My lungs heave, and I start hitching. I’m almost out of breath. Is he going to drown me with his cock between my lips?

At the last second, he pulls my head off his dick. Then he removes his reg and pushes it into my mouth. I think to clear it before breathing. I never knew compressed air could taste so good!

As I catch my breath, he pushes his dick against my anus. I grunt and cry out as I shake my head. He just smiles evilly as he pushes his way inside.

He starts to thrust, pushing in nice and deep. Then he rips the reg out of my mouth. Bubbles come out with it before he puts it back between his lips.

He savagely gropes my tits as he fucks my ass. I’ve never been so frightened… or so horny. I know I deserve this.

Question is: am I going to drown with his cock up my ass? Gawd; he wouldn’t! Still, the thought gives me perversely erotic tingles.

I grunt and moan as he fucks my ass. The surface looks a good twenty or twenty-five feet away. He’s clearly not about to let me go anytime soon.

He fucks the air out of my lungs until my chest starts to ache. Then he begins flicking my bean with his finger. Gawd no; not that??!!

My arousal intensifies as he pumps pleasure into my ass and into my swollen nub. Gawd; the bastard is going to make me cum as I drown! It’s both frightening and thrilling.

He removes the reg, giving me hope I’ll get another reprieve. Instead, he purges it into my crotch. He flicks my bean until it overwhelms me.

I tip my head back and scream my breath away as I violently clench around the cock in my ass. Then I gurgle as I swallow water. A moment later, I find myself cumming and drowning.

There’s fear and excitement as my lungs keep trying to pull water down my windpipe. I can feel how hard he is in my ass. Then I feel the sensation of him filling me with his seed.

I cum again as I drown painfully, my body instinctively trying to milk all his cream out of his balls. I feel so full down there as he keeps pumping me. I hitch and gurgle until my struggles lesson.

I’m gently hitching as he pulls me off his dick. Then he pushes his erection into my mouth. It easily hits the back of my throat.

I shudder from one last conscious orgasmic discharge. Then I’m aware of nothing at all. The bastard did it to me again…

When I awaken, we’re back on board the boat. The cuffs are no longer on my wrists. He just smiles as he shakes his head.

Don’t you think you should quit while you’re ahead?”

You bastard! That’s gonna cost you! Now I expect you to make me cum every day for two weeks straight.”

And if I succeed?”

You’ll never succeed.”

And if I succeed?”

I’ll let you drown me again.”

Still trying to write checks with your mouth that your body will have a difficult time trying to cash?”

This time it’ll be different!”

He just grins at me and shakes his head. That’s when I get an erotic thrill that ripples through me. I know for a fact he’s going to drown me again.

Gawd; what have I done?? I must be insane!

Or maybe… just maybe…

I totally get off drowning for him…

9-12-23 Inspired by the picture I found.

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Hanged on Santamos Island (male victims) 4.1 (42)

An impoverished Caribbean island nation nears bankruptcy.  In order to raise cash income from “tourists”, the nation’s leaders in desperation pass a law — consensual executions of sane and un-coerced foreigners by other foreigners will be legal in public execution areas on the island. Arachnid’s Santamos Island universe

We were just visiting the island on a lark. We’d heard about the executions that often took place there. We just wanted to witness one for ourselves.

We got to watch a long-drop hanging the first night we were there. Some guy dropped his former girlfriend. She wanted to hang for him after their break-up, rather than seeing him happy with someone new.

She wore a light red blouse and short black skirt. He dropped her right at 10 pm. She fell through the trap and bounced, a loud crick indicating her neck had broken.

Afterwards, we talked about it in the lounge. The guys didn’t know what to make of it. I didn’t know what to say about it either.

The next morning after breakfast, we watched some dude get his head chopped off by some guy whom we later learned was his lover. The guy was beheaded buck naked and sporting an erection. It only took one swing for the head to leap off and the cock to spurt.

The guys didn’t know what to make of that either. But they admitted it was kind of erotic watching his cock go off as the axe came down on his head. It made me wonder why his cock was so hard in the first place.

We quickly discovered the executions we were observing were purely voluntary. Those who were to be executed had to sign a consent form with the hotel concierge in order to make it all legal. It put a whole new spin on what we were observing.

It was amazing the way people around here were willing to allow someone to execute them. Apparently folks were flying in with the express purpose of not flying back out alive. Jamaree and Udoka still didn’t know what to make of it all. But I could tell they were thinking about it differently now.

That afternoon, we watched two women get shot by their office staff over at the firing range. Again, we learned they had volunteered and had signed consent forms. The staff seemed almost gleeful at being allowed to execute them.

Afterwards, we went down to the beach and checked the tidal stakes. A naked young couple were standing upright and tied to posts, waiting for the tide to come in. By now, the water was already up to their necks.

There was a redhead in a very skimpy outfit swimming out in the water. She would tread water before occasionally slipping under the surface. The couple didn’t seem to mind her being there.

The woman ended up drowning first, being as how she was the shorter of the two. It took the guy another twenty minutes. We noticed the redhead going underwater the moment his mouth and nose were staying submerged.

After his head was covered, the redhead swam back to shore. That’s when she saw us standing there in our shorts and tank tops. “I had to stay and watch his cock go off as he drowned,” she smiled by way of explanation. “I also wanted to suck his dick a few times after he’d drowned.”

She said her name was Rubiana. So we introduced ourselves. I quickly noticed Jamaree and Udoka paying her an inordinate amount of attention.

She told us she’d watched five male executions to date. The last one had just drowned, and she’d witnessed the beheading we’d seen earlier. Then she told us she’d slow-hanged three others earlier in the morning.

Udoka looked at Jamaree and I before asking her, “Did you hang them all at once?”

She proudly smiled as she replied, “I sure did.”

Where?” I asked, curious to see the spot. Up ‘til now, we hadn’t seen any way for any multiple hangings to take place on the island.

They put it up three weeks ago,” she replied. “Want to have a look at it?”

Jamaree and Udoka were agreeable. So we all followed her down the beach. I was curious to see this thing she’d used to hang three males.

We found it next to some rocks and trees a short distance from the water’s edge. It didn’t look very impressive as we walked up to it. So Rubiana explained it to us.

You use that lever over there to raise and lower it. See those orange connections on that crossbeam. You get a noose from the hotel concierge, slip it into that slot up there, and then up you go. It’s simply a matter of tying them up and then operating the lever. Basically, it’s a simplified hydraulic system.”

Astonished, Udoka sputtered, “You actually hanged three guys from this very spot?”

Rubiana smiled at him as she nodded. “This morning, right here at this very spot. I hanged them all together, and they were all naked. You should have seen their cocks go off. It was erotic as hell.”

She seemed more than a little excited about what she’d done to them. That’s when I developed a very uneasy feeling about her. She was giving us the eye, especially my friends. It was as though she was sizing us all up to wear the next noose.

Jamaree and Udoka seemed oddly enthralled by her. I thanked her for showing us the contraption. Then I grabbed my friends and forcefully steered them back to the hotel.

That evening, we watched some guy get hanged by his male and female friends. Supposedly, he had lost a bet with them. The loser had to hang, but apparently he seemed quite willing to go along with it.

He stood naked on the trap. Everyone noticed the erection he was sporting. Jamaree and Udoka seemed particularly affected by the whole thing.

When the trap opened, we all expected him to fall and break his neck. But to our surprise, he only fell a few inches. Then he put on quite a dance until his cock went off, spurting outward.

His friends all cheered his dance until his cock softened and he dangled quietly. But my buddies seemed quite affected by it. I was starting to become more than a little concerned over them.

That night, we ran into Rubiana in the lounge. She asked the guys if they wanted to dance. They both agreed.

I wasn’t sure I wanted to be around her. So I left them to it while I went to get me a drink. Besides, I figured they were smart enough not to do anything rash.

We were all staying in separate rooms, so I didn’t see them for the rest of the night. But the next morning, I was awakened bright and early by one of the hotel staff. I was instructed to get myself down to the hanging machine on the beach, with instructions to wear nothing but a pair of briefs.

I asked what this was all about. I was told it involved my two friends. That’s when I felt a jolt of alarm in my gut before I ran out of the hotel in my underwear.

The sun was still coming up when I finally got there. Jamaree and Udoka were already noosed up in the machine. They were both naked, of course. I couldn’t believe it!

Jamaree had his wrists tied behind his back. And his ankles were secured together. His cock was hard, but he didn’t seem the least bit upset.

In the middle spot, Udoka had his arms crossed behind his back. His dick was also erect. He smiled when he saw me.

Rubiana was wearing this incredibly skimpy outfit as she waved me over. “They wanted to see you and say goodbye,” she explained. Then she stepped over near the lever.

I went over to stop her. “Now just a damn minute!” That’s when Jamaree stopped me.

Leave her alone, David. We already signed the consent forms.”

Signed, sealed and delivered,” Udoka added. “You can stay or you can leave. But we’d like it if you stayed.”

You guys ready?” Rubiana gasped with apparent delight. “I can’t wait to get you boys up into the air!”

We’re ready,” Jamaree called to her.

Ready and willing,” Udoka added.

Rubiana had her hand on the lever as she turned toward me. “Staying or leaving?”

I looked at her and then over at my friends. They both looked at me as though wanting me to stay. I didn’t answer, but I didn’t move either.

Gawd; I can’t wait!” Then Rubiana pulled the lever. The crossbar rose up with a hiss until their feet left the sand.

They dangled by at least a foot off the ground as they struggled in their nooses. Jamaree wriggled and dolphin kicked as his cock really stiffened. Udoka kicked and pedaled with his legs as his dick got hard as well.

Jamaree’s cock went off first, spurting onto the sand. Then Udoka’s popped, his cream arcing upward before splattering onto the beach.

Their heads tipped to one side as Rubiana left her position by the lever. She went over to them and gasped, “Gawd; that makes me so wet just watching them! Such fine specimens.” Then she turned toward me and smiled as she added, “You’re not so bad yourself.”

Both cocks were still oozing as the guys settled down. Rubiana went right up to Udoka and took his oozing dick into her mouth. She sucked on it for a few moments until it looked like my friend was somehow trying to thrust into her.

She looked at me and smiled. “Death cum is delicious. He really danced divinely for me.” All I could do was shake my head.

She stepped over and reached out for Jamaree’s dick. She stroked and squeezed until she got more cum out of him. Afterwards, she panted, “Gawd; that’s so sexy!”

I put my hand on my hip as I shook my head in wonder. “Uh… if you don’t mind my asking… when did they agree to all this?”

Last night in the lounge after you left.”

She was lustfully eyeing Jamaree’s dick as she grasped onto it. I saw a little bit of cum on the tip. Even Udoka’s dick kept oozing cream as he dangled all limp and lifeless.

I felt anger start to rise up within me as she reached over and stroked Udoka as well. “What did you tell them? How did you talk them into it?”

I didn’t do anything,” she replied, although she wasn’t looking at me. She was looking at them and their cocks as she added, “I didn’t talk them into anything.” Then she took a quick suck of Jamaree before stepping over to suck Udoka’s dick.

You must have told them something.”

She shook her head in denial. “They’re the ones who suggested it. Believe it or not, I was the voice of reason. I told them you might not like it. But they were both adamant. They wanted to do it bright and early this morning before you could talk them out of it.” Now she was stroking both cocks, occasionally taking a suck from one or the other.

And their consent forms?”

They’re on file at the hotel. I can take you to them if you wish.”

I wish.”

She stopped stroking them and looked right at me. “You’re upset. I’m sorry. They should have included you in this decision.”

She paused before finally saying, “Give me a moment?” I nodded my consent.

She kissed the tip of Jamaree’s penis which was finally starting to soften. “Very sexy. Thank you for your precious gift.”

She moved over and stroked Udoka a time or two before kissing the tip of his dick. “What a thrill. Boys, thank you so very much. I’ll never forget it.”

She turned to me and sighed. “I can’t help but enjoy what I’ve witnessed. So let’s go back to the hotel. Let me make it up to you.” But I had no idea how she was going to manage that.

4-26-24 Art by chinese artist ???????

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