Christmas Presents


The packages had all finally been opened and lunch was spread on the dining room table — not that anyone was sitting there. The kids were happily playing with their new toys, cups of chocolate milk near them, while an exhausted Dorothy sat beside her husband as he watched football on the television.

The knock on their front door was completely unexpected. “DHL express delivery for Dorothy Brown!” came a shout. A glance out their front window revealed the familiar yellow van sitting in their driveway.

Dorothy’s spirits immediately picked up — something special for her alone! She almost ran to the door as her husband grunted and went back to watching football.

Opening the door, she saw the uniformed man holding a clipboard. “This way, ma’am,” he said, “It’s in the back of my truck. You have to inspect the box and sign before I can carry it in.”

“I’ll be back in a minute,” Dorothy called to her family. Then she followed the delivery man to the open doors on the back of his tall truck. “What present could be that large?” she wondered.

It was dark inside the back of the truck as she peered in. Then four hands grabbed her and pulled her inside as the “delivery man” pushed her up from behind. Her brief scream went unheard in the houses closed tight against the cold with their tellys all showing football.

Her husband, however, did hear a muffled sound… and smiled. Looking down at their kids, he knew that Mommy was about to get the present that she had always wanted most.

Dorothy was now gagged, her wrists bound behind her. She had been laid on her back as the delivery truck quietly pulled out of her home’s driveway and started down the street. The “delivery man” was just beginning to pull her panties off.

“I’m Jeff,” he announced to Dorothy. “I’ll be chopping your head off later.” Then he unzipped his pants to pull his already-stiff manhood out.

“Omigod,” Dorothy thought. “It’s going to happen! What do I do?? Ahhhh, he’s such a strong man… and his cock… I’m really going to lose my head! Finally!! He’s going to rape me now and his cock… and his blade… will feel so damn good!”

Jeff’s cock touched her pussy and began to slide inside. “What… what will you use on… my neck?” Dorothy gasped as his rock-hard shaft impaled her again and again.

“I have a broad-bladed axe that is going to split your spine and throat as soon as your hair is short enough,” Jeff replied. Then he lifted Dorothy’s legs up so that he could pound her cunt harder.

Dorothy threw away her fright and allowed her own excitement to build. As the truck slowed, Jeff banged her harder and faster so that they both climaxed just as the van’s engine died.

The three men guided Dorothy, naked from the waist down, into a small warehouse which was fortunately well-heated. She beheld before her a small open space that all the boxes had been cleared from. In the center of the space was a beheading block, with a wicker basket in front of it and a pillow in back. “Last stop for you, dearie,” Jeff said.

Other men came in as the three tore her clothes to strip Dorothy completely naked without untying her. Then they made her kneel on the pillow behind the block. After compelling her to bend over and lay her neck across the scarred wood, Jeff sat on a box not far from beside her head.

“This is how it’s going to happen, Dorothy. Every man in this warehouse is going to rape you. Once each is done, he’ll cut your hair slightly shorter on the back of your neck. As soon as your hair is short enough to give me a clear target, I’m going to raise up my axe and chop your head off. Is all that clear?”

Dorothy was panting with heat, lust, and outright excitement. “Bring the bastards on!” she replied, gazing down into the basket that was her life’s new destination. So the men started coming, each to leave his cum inside Dorothy’s doomed body.

“Hi, Dorothy, I’m Jake.” Obviously the most mature man, he got to be first. He was gentle with Dorothy, caressing her back as his cock penetrated and twisted inside of her. He took his time screwing, and left her body dripping with sweat and her pussy flowing with his sperm. Then Dorothy trembled as she felt her hair lightly tugged, heard the scissors’ snips and chilled at the slight new coolness on the back of her neck.

Max wasn’t nearly as gentle after having to wait so long. His pounding made Dorothy scrape her throat as she kept it pressed onto the block. But she lusted for him to shoot his seed into her. Afterwards, the snipping came again, and then her neck was ever-so-slightly cooler.

“Hi, Dorothy, I’m Samuel, and I’m going to watch you get raped and then beheaded!” And from behind, another hot cock was at her labial lips, pushing in. She opened herself to him, wanting his cock… wanting him to cum into her and wanting him to see her head struck off into the waiting wicker basket.

The men kept coming and cumming, men whose faces she didn’t see, but who she knew were each taking away more locks of her shorn hair.

“Hi, Dorothy, I’m John, and my cock is going to rip you wide open!” Omigod, how many were there going to be? Dorothy had been fucked so many times now…. and John’s cock really was huge! She was sore and exhausted and… yes, she was longing for, lusting for… the upcoming blow of Jeff’s axe. But Dorothy concentrated as hard as she could, and climaxed one more time.

John, however, seemed to cut a little more of her hair than the other men had. Dorothy realized from the coolness on the nape of her neck that surely her spine must be completely uncovered by now. Then Jeff was standing up!

“That’s it, Dorothy,” Jeff announced. “All twelve of us have owned your cunt and the back of your hair is well short enough. You have a very smooth pink-flushed neck for me to strike. Hold still for just a minute more.”

Dorothy’s thoughts were of panic mixed with lustful desire… ‘Oh Shit, Jeff has picked up his axe! His feet are spread beside the block! There’s something cold over my neck! Now it’s gone, and Jeff is taking a deep breath in!’

The guys in the warehouse had gathered around. But Dorothy kept her eyes fixed down into the wicker basket she was about to die in. “C’mon, Jake, give it to her!” “This hard one is going to be steel, babe!” Then three men shouted, “Off With Her HEAD!”

HUFF! Jeff’s breath blew out as he pulled the high-held axe down fast! THWOK and Dorothy’s neck was chopped clean through!

“AAGGHHH” Dorothy tried to scream. But no sound came as her severed head toppled into the waiting wicker basket.

She rolled to a stop looking up, up at a blood-dripping axe embedded in the block. Then she saw Jeff’s smiling face looking down at her. She heard more steps come over. The last thing she saw was half a dozen men bending over the basket, all saying to her what a fine screw she’d been.

The knock on her door came completely unexpected. “DHL express delivery for Claire Ensler from the Browns!” came a shout. A glance out her front window revealed the familiar yellow van just pulling out of her driveway.

Claire seethed with anger — she despised Dorothy Brown! Why would that family be sending her anything??

She opened the door and brought the package in. Fetching some scissors, she cut the tape that sealed the box shut.

Inside the delivery box was a blood-stained wicker basket holding Dorothy Brown’s decapitated head. The card attached to the top of the basket read, “You’re still the hot babe that Dorothy hated so much. Stop over and see me some time?” It was signed, “Dorothy’s widower husband.”

Claire smiled widely, drew the curtains shut, placed Dorothy’s lifeless head on the mantel above her fireplace… and then sat down on her living-room couch to masturbate.

Written by “Dorothy Brown” 7-27-2016 (edited by riwa)

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