Brigitte’s beheading 4.4 (84)

Brigitte Bardot loved men. She loved pleasing men. She wanted to please each and every one of them.

It soon became apparent to her there were way too many for her to satisfy individually. She wanted to offer her holes to every man on the planet. But she was only one woman. There was simply not enough of her to go around.

She constantly went out on the prowl, looking for the next man that needed satisfying. But she could only spread herself so far. The task was rewarding, but the objective was overwhelming.

The day was coming when she would no longer have her good looks to attract men. On that day they would turn their backs on her in search of nubile, younger flesh. She could not blame them, but it still made her sad.

She often wondered if there was some way she could be preserved while she still had her youth. She thought about having a love doll created in her likeness. But she wished to provide sexual satisfaction with her own body.

One day she visited a wax museum to look at the images. But they did not seem realistic to her. Something was missing.

At the wax museum she saw the portrayal of Marie Antoinette. Marie was the last queen of France before the French revolution. Convicted by the Revolutionary Tribunal of high treason, she was executed by guillotine.

Maria’s body lay in the guillotine, the neck visibly severed. The head was held aloft in the hand of the executioner. Brigitte noticed the lips parted by the experience of the blade severing the neck.

Her mind turned to naughty things as she studied the head. The mouth was open from shock. A little more and one could conceivably thrust a cock inside.

Brigitte considered the possibility of her head being severed and preserved. With her mouth open, she could accommodate any cock that presented itself. She would simply need to be preserved for all time.

She looked at Marie’s body lying on the bascule. Naturally it was only a wax image. But if the body was real and was also preserved, it too could accommodate multiple cocks.

Brigitte felt a strange rush of excitement. What if her head could be preserved? And what if her body was also preserved for all time to be used for the pleasure of men?

The more she considered it, the more the idea appealed to her. Naturally there would be that nasty business of the blade separating her head from her shoulders. But afterwards, her body could be preserved for centuries, her beauty available for any man to access sexually.

There was a certain finality to what she was considering. On the other hand, it would keep her beautiful while making her immortal. Men the world over could travel to where she was stored to make use of her body. Then they could go home and brag they’d enjoyed the services of the one and only Brigitte Bardot.

She went home and tried to dismiss her thoughts as the ravings of a narcissistic diva. But the more she thought about it, the more it appealed to her. The question was: how could she go about making it happen?

Brigitte did some research. The science of plastination implied the preservation of bodies for decades, if not centuries. Was it possible she could have her head and body prepared in such a way? If so, how would she go about it?

She knew she would have to be careful about it. She did not want her body buried or disposed of. She wanted to be one of those bodies like those displayed in the wax museum, only to be used sexually. The idea of men using her corpse right in the middle of a tour passing through made her quiver from a perverse excitement.

She began to make discreet inquiries. She found a gentleman named Mike Hunt who specialized in the process of plastination. He’d already encased a handful of bodies, several of whom had deliberately chosen beheading.

She traveled to the man’s studio and studied the pieces on display. One female stood encased in glass, her arms outstretched. In her hands was a tray upon which rested her severed head.

Brigitte asked if Mike could prepare her body in a special way. She explained the outcome she desired. She wanted her head and body available for sexual use for many years to come.

Mike told her he believed it could be arranged. Then he asked how she wanted to go about the procedure. Brigitte decided she wanted a man in her pussy at the time of her beheading. No, wait; she preferred him to be in her ass. It would leave her pussy unmolested so Mike could properly prepare it for later.

Mike said he would see to the arrangements. Brigitte asked him if he could make her beautiful. Mike promised her the process of plastination meant her beauty would be on display to satisfy horny men for generations to come.

They discussed a specific time for him to do the deed. She desired to have a cock inside her at the moment of beheading. Mike assured her he would have a gentleman on hand for her execution.

Satisfied, Brigitte traveled home to make final preparations. She told no one of her plans. She didn’t want anyone to try to dissuade her from her objective.

She wanted Mike to put her on display as soon as the plastination process had been completed. Then she wanted him to tell the world. The name Brigitte Bardot would go down in history as the beauty that would satisfy future generations of men the world over.

When the day came she returned to the studio. At first she’d been concerned with having second thoughts about what she was planning. But the more she thought about it, the more excited she became. So she fully committed herself; nothing would sway her decision.

Inside the studio she discovered Mike had built a special trunk of wood upon which she would stretch her head during the beheading. He explained how the trunk would also go on display with her body as the object upon which she’d lost her head. The bloodstains would be visible to all as a sign the blade had truly taken her head.

Mike introduced Brigitte to a large man named Dick. She was told he had a large cock that would stretch her ass nicely. Dick assured her his appendage would leave the appropriate opening for many more “dicks” to cum.

Mike showed Brigitte the sword he’d acquired special for the execution. The blade glistened as Brigitte inspected it. She reached out to touch the edge, only to jerk her hand away the moment Mike warned her the blade was quite sharp. He assured her it would slice cleanly through flesh and bone in one fell swoop.

Brigitte asked if they were going to record the event for posterity. That’s when Mike produced a camera on a tripod. It would make a recording that would play on a loop at the museum where her body would be on display for the sexual use of one and all.

Brigitte suddenly found herself becoming a little frightened her life was about to end. At the same time she experienced an arousal so intense she would have never thought it possible. It was far greater than the arousal she had experienced at going out and picking up men off the street.

Mike kindly asked how much time she needed to prepare. Brigitte told him she wanted to get things started. She did not wish to back out at the last minute. Besides, she was eager to experience what Marie Antoinette had endured during her final moments of life in France.

Mike laughed at her remark. He assured her the Queen had most certainly not experienced a cock up her ass the moment the blade fell. Brigitte smiled as she told him that meant she would have one up on the fair queen.

Brigitte slowly stripped out of her clothes. She was trembling as she stood by the stump she would soon lay her head upon. Then she looked at both gentlemen and smiled.

“I have always serviced the men I’ve encountered. I hope you two will not disappoint me.”

Mike and Dick smiled at her as they undressed, revealing what God had equipped them with. She liked what she saw.

Mike told her, “Not to worry, Miss Bardot. We will enjoy your body before AND after your spirit has departed.” His words made her shiver from a mixture of excitement and dread.

She panted for breath as they helped her kneel by the stump. Mike and Dick stood on either side of her. She reached out to stroke both cocks.

Despite her growing fear, Brigitte had become even more aroused. Her executioners were naked and clearly turned on. If they were horny at seeing her about to be beheaded, imagine how many more men would show up to her display with massive erections and a desire needing to be satisfied!

Mike explained to her she would now give her executioners a blowjob. This aroused Brigitte greatly. She was glad she could suck the cocks of the men who were about to take her head.

They grasped onto her head and took turns fucking her skull. It filled Brigitte with a perverse excitement. She was being forced to suck the cocks of the two men who would soon be responsible for beheading her.

She was not allowed to make them cum. This was a disappointment. Mika assured her they had plans of spunking all over her body after the beheading. This news aroused her greatly.

The two men finally helped Brigitte get into position. Mike stretched her neck out across the stump. Dick moved behind her and knelt down before pushing his cock against her puckered anus.

Brigitte gasped and moaned as he pushed until her sphincter gave way. It was obvious she was not an anal virgin. Dick soon began thrusting in and out of her while grasping onto her hips.

Mike went over and picked up the sword. He was clearly sporting an erection. Brigitte gasped with delight when she saw how aroused he’d become at the prospect of beheading her.

Dick thrust hard into her ass. Brigitte could feel an orgasm coming on strong. Instinctively she reached for Mike’s cock, wanting to pleasure him one last time. But his greatest pleasure would come from removing her head from her shoulders.

She became a little frightened, even as her arousal increased exponentially. For the first time since she’d set things in motion she began to have her doubts. “Mike I think I’ve… wait, I… maybe I’ve changed my mind!”

“Too late for that now, my Queen,” Mike smiled as he motioned grandly. “The Revolutionary Tribunal has found you guilty of sexual perversion. The sentence is death by beheading. As a final humiliation your body will be preserved and put on display to be used by all men for generations to come.”

He grasped onto the sword and lifted it upward, preparing to strike. Brigitte blurted out, “OhmyGAWD!” This was really going to happen!

She opened her mouth to scream as an anal-gasm overtook her. That’s when Mike brought the sword down hard. There was a loud, resounding THUNK.

Brigitte’s head leapt off the stump and rolled onto the floor. Her eyes flew open in shock as her mouth gaped open. That’s when Mike set the sword down before picking up her severed head.

“Taste my arousal, my queen, as your life ends.” Then he thrust his erection between her lips. She could actually taste his erection in her mouth… could even taste the pre-cum on the tip of his shaft.

Brigitte tried to sense what was going on below her neck. She felt nothing. She was disappointed she could no longer feel the way her dying body was shaking from its orgasmic response.

“She’s clenching like crazy!” Dick gasped as he pumped into her spasming ass. “Fuck; she’s milking me dry!”

“And me as well,” Mike added with a smile.

He pulled out of her mouth and turned her head around. Then he thrust through her neck stump. The tip of his cock emerged out of her mouth.

Brigitte stared in disbelief now that she could see it all. She watched Dick fuck her ass while cupping her boobs. Mike then stepped closer to the body with her head impaled on his erection. A moment later his cock began to spurt his seed through the air, splattering her back and severed neck.

Brigitte’s mind registered her final comments. She wanted to be sexually excited, but she felt nothing. Still, she experienced a certain thrill over what they were doing to her dying body.

Consciousness fled away as her expression sagged in death. There was something lewd reflected in her lifeless eyes. It was as though she had loved the way the men had enjoyed her body in her final moments.

Mike and Dick spent the next hour using Brigitte. They fucked all the holes of her cooling corpse. When they were finished it was time to prepare her for the process of plastination.


Brigitte was prepared for plastination as per her instructions. She was put on display in a special museum exhibit. Her neck was stretched across the bloodied stump as she knelt with her ass in the air. And her head was placed on a special pedestal in front of her corpse, easily retrievable for any man with an erection.

A nearby monitor looped the video of her beheading over and over. It also displayed the abuse her corpse had received at the hands of Mike and Dick. There were cries of outrage in certain circles. But it wasn’t long before Mike began receiving requests to behead more beautiful women for plastination.

Many others wished to preserve their beauty while making their bodies accessible to generations of men to come. Had she known what would eventually happen the world over, Brigitte might have been disappointed she was not the only one on display. But she probably would have experienced a certain sense of pride over having lead the way to a whole new movement of beauties being on display for the pleasure of men.

2020 (written Apr 23 ’20 by riwa)

(Generously illustrated with Mike Hunt renders.)

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An outrageous pick-up line 4.4 (128)

Brooke saw him at the resort pool every now and then. He stood out because of the way he seemed to spend more time on the bottom than he did at the surface. Apparently he liked to hold his breath.

She was more than a little attracted to his physique. He swam with confidence as though he and the water were intimate friends. It really made her lady parts tingle.

Working at her father’s resort had its advantages. One of them was hooking up with sexy strangers. Now she found herself drawn to this handsome young man.

One day she worked up the courage to talk to him. She wanted to come up with something that would really break the ice. So she walked up to him while he was resting in a lounger.

She lifted up her sunglasses and smiled at him. “Hi there.”

“Hi,” he smiled back.

Brooke suddenly felt self-conscious. So she nervously blurted out, “Tell me. What’s your most outrageous pick-up line?”

“My most outrageous pick-up line?” he asked curiously as he sat up.

“Yeah. What have you got for me?”

He appeared to think about it for a moment. “I don’t think I have one.” Then he smiled at her.

“Wait; how about this? Once, I almost drowned a woman. We were having fun, and I guess we got carried away. So how’d you like me to drown you while we’re getting it on at the bottom of the pool?”

Brooke stood there frozen with disbelief. Of all the responses she could have gotten, she never expected a crazy thing like that! A moment later she turned and self-consciously dove head first into the water.

He chuckled as he shook his head while watching her swim away. “Well… you DID ask. That was the most outrageous thing I could come up with on short notice.” Then he lay back in the lounger and smiled inwardly.

Brooke avoided him for the rest of the day, making herself scarce. But she couldn’t get his words out of her head. She also couldn’t forget his masculine features.

The more she thought about it, the more curious she became. Had he really almost drowned someone while they were getting it on underwater? Or was he just pulling her leg?

A few days later he was back at the resort pool. Brooke found her lady parts tingling again. She wanted to get to know him more intimately. His words kept reverberating in her head, making him appear both dangerous and appealing.

She watched as he swam along the bottom of the pool. Once more, he stayed down for quite a long time. She didn’t think she could hold her breath nearly that long.

She finally dove into the water, quietly following him. Brooke tailed him as he swam along the bottom to the shallow end. He finally popped up near the wall and gasped quietly for breath.

She bucked up her courage and swam up the slope toward him. She made sure he didn’t submerge to avoid her. Then she pulled up and surfaced a few feet away.

“Hello again,” he said with a smile as he recognized her. “I didn’t upset you with my outrageous pick-up line from the other day, did I?”

“No, you didn’t,” she lied. He just smiled as though seeing right through her.

Brooke just had to know. “Did you really almost drown a girl at the bottom of a pool? Or were you just being outrageous like I asked?”

“Oh, it really happened, uh…”

“My name’s Brooke.”

“It really happened, Brooke. Vanessa and I liked to swim and hold our breath a lot. We also liked to have fun with each other underwater, if you know what I mean.” She smiled back at him, pretty sure she knew what he was referring to.

“Anyway, we took a lifesaving course together. We took turns practicing on each other. But she told me the only way to find out just how good we were was if one of us drowned or came really close to it. She wanted to go underwater and see what might happen while we were, uh… you know. So naturally I agreed.”

“She wanted to see what might happen? You mean, while you two were underwater? Underwater doing what?” She suspected she knew the answer.

He smiled as he chose his words carefully, still unsure who he was dealing with. “Well, we enjoyed making each other cum underwater.”

“You mean fucking?”

Paul laughed, concluding he didn’t have to beat around the bush any longer. “Exactly. Vanessa wanted to know what would happen if we pushed things too far and one of us had to revive the other. We were both concerned about the potential consequences, of course. Yet we were pretty sure we could revive each other if it came to that. Besides, I think Vanessa wanted to experience it for herself.”

“One day we were going at it all hot and heavy at the bottom of this ten foot deep pool. We hadn’t really decided this would be the time we would push things. It just sort of happened.”

“Anyway, we were on the bottom of the pool. She was horizontal, hanging onto the ladder face down while I was pounding her from behind. We were wearing our suits in case someone showed up and we had to stop real fast.”

“I waited for Vanessa to break it off or signal her need to go up for another breath. She just kept grunting as she squeezed me with her love-muscle. We were just so into it. And since no one was around, we ended up pushing our breath-holding limits.”

“Vanessa suddenly gurgled as she swallowed water. I was trying to pay attention, so I noticed when she grunted and convulsed. I knew she wanted to experience what it was like to drown. But I couldn’t make myself take the risk.”

“I pulled out and quickly got her up to the surface. She went into quite the coughing spell. I never got the chance to try any kind of resuscitation on her because she had already started to get her breath back.”

“I thought she was going to be mad at me for not watching her more closely. Instead, she was angry I didn’t keep her submerged long enough. She wanted me to pump a load deep inside her until she went limp.”

“She asked what it felt like, fucking her while she was starting to drown. I told her she was really clenching around my cock. But I’d pulled out and rushed her to the surface before I could cum inside her.” Then he paused, wondering how Brooke would react to his story.

She was fascinated by his account of the incident. She also felt vaguely disappointed for some reason. “So you didn’t actually drown her then. You ALMOST drowned her, just like you said.”

“That’s right. This was last summer. Vanessa wanted me to fuck-drown her for real. Then she wanted me to carry her limp body up to the surface and revive her. But we never got the chance to give it another try it. She went off to college in another state. I haven’t seen her since.”

Strangely, Brooke’s lady parts were tingling like crazy. Was it because of his story? He didn’t seem all that dangerous to her. Or was he? Was that why she was feeling so out of breath right now?

She’d never tried sex underwater before. His story made her wonder what it felt like, fucking while holding one’s breath. One certainly couldn’t do it very long without having to come up for air; right?

She was also intrigued by the idea of pushing things a little too far and swallowing water. What would it feel like to drown with a cock inside her? Did she even want to risk letting him do that to her?

“So tell me, uh…”

“My name’s Paul.”

“So tell me, Paul. What’s it like, fucking underwater while holding your breath?”

Paul smiled knowingly at her. “The orgasms are more intense because you’re trying not to drown yourself. Maybe it has something to do with the fact you only have a short time before you run out of air and need to cum as soon as you can. It’s related to erotic asphyxiation.”

He paused as he gave her a questioning look. “Why do you ask? Would you like me to show you?”

Brooke’s heart skipped a beat as her lady parts tingled again. She looked around at the other bodies in the pool as well as those sitting in the lounge chairs at the surface. Then she made her decision.

“Can you come back tonight? Say 10 pm? I can get us access to the resort’s private soaking pool. That way we can do it in there alone with all the privacy we’ll need.”

He nodded with a smile at the thought of fucking this sexy young woman underwater. “Sounds good to me. But don’t worry. I promise not to drown you.”

“Well… I don’t know. What if you, uh… what if you get all caught up in the moment and forget about watching me?”

“Now why would you say a thing like that?” He looked her right in the eyes before adding, “Wait a minute. Are you suggesting you’d LIKE me to get all caught up in the moment and not pay attention?”

Brooke’s heart skipped another beat. Her lady parts were tingling like crazy. All she could do was stammer, “10 pm. Can you make it?”

Paul’s ominous smile made her stomach do back-flips as he told her, “I’ll be here.”

“Great. See you then.”

Brooke abruptly turned before either of them could change their minds. She inhaled deeply. Then she submerged and swam away before the urge to take him right then and there in a public place overcame her sensibilities.

As she swam toward the bottom, she thought about everything he’d said. Two thoughts entered her mind. The first question she had was: was it possible to cum underwater?

The second was much more ominous. Was she making a big mistake scheduling a fuck-session with a man who’d just acknowledged almost drowning a woman while having sex with her at the bottom of a pool? Or was she excited about the possibility of letting him drown her with his cock inside her?

The door was unlocked, so Paul entered the building. The soaking pool was right there. A bottle of wine and two filled glasses sat on the edge.

Brooke was also in the building. She was standing totally naked as though she’d been waiting for him. She smiled shyly at him before climbing into the water.

Paul shed his street clothes. He removed his speedos he’d worn underneath. Then he climbed into the shallow soaking pool with her.

He sat down right next to her in front of the wine bottle and glasses. She leaned in and kissed him. He kissed her back.

He smiled when they came up for air. “You don’t beat around the bush, do you?”

“I’ve been thinking about you all afternoon. You have no idea what you’ve done to me.”

“What have I done to you?”

“Nothing a little bit of this won’t fix.”

Brooke reached down and gently stroked his erection. Then she cupped his balls. He twitched in reaction to her touch.

“So what was it about me that made you invite me here tonight? Was it our discussion about me having sex underwater with Vanessa?”

“Maybe,” she breathed as she continued caressing his erection.

“Was it the idea of experiencing an intense orgasm underwater?”

“Possibly.” It felt like she was on fire with a terrible arousal.

“Was it the thought of drowning with my cock inside you?”

“Oh gawd, no… well… maybe.” Then she kissed him again while her hand continued to rub his erection.

They came up for air, but she simply could not keep her hand off his junk. She just kept rubbing it. Then she asked, “You want some wine?”

“Right now I’m not thirsty.”

“Neither am I,” she panted breathlessly as she kissed him hard.

They came up for air again. She looked down at his erection. Then she asked, “Did Vanessa… I mean… did she suck your cock underwater?”

“All the time. She liked seeing how long she could keep me in her mouth while holding her breath.”

“Damn! This is something I really gotta try!”

“Be my guest.”

He smiled as she adjusted her position. Brooke took a deep breath. Then she submerged.

She took Paul’s dick into her mouth. But she got water up her nose. She came up snorting.

She looked at him self-consciously, smiling with embarrassment while coughing and sputtering. “It takes some getting used to,” he explained with a grin.”

“I love a challenge,” she replied before filling her lungs again.

She submerged and took him back between her lips. She bobbed up and down, enjoying the way he twitched in her mouth. His moan at the surface gave her more erotic tingles.

She came up gasping for breath, giving him a curious look. “I think you’ve got the hang of it,” he said with a smile.

Her eyes twinkled as she told him, “I think I can stay down longer.” Then she filled her lungs and submerged again.

She took him back between her lips. Then she started bobbing up and down. Brooke was able to keep the water out of her nose. She was even able to give him some pretty decent suction.

Paul moaned as he put his hand on her head while resting another hand on her back. Brooke eagerly bobbed up and down. Bubbles came out of her nose and around the seal her lips made. She was really starting to get the hang of it now.

She came up panting for breath. “How was that?” she asked, her eyes twinkling lustfully.

“Are you sure you haven’t done this before?”

“Nothing like this.” And with that she filled her lungs and submerged again.

Brooke sucked him down, using her hand to help stroke his meat. Then she tried taking him deeper. He moaned as she glubbed up bubbles.

She came up gasping for breath. She kissed him deeply. Then she told him, “I think I need a minute or two.”

“Let me give you some attention while you’re catching your breath.” Then Paul filled his lungs.

He submerged and rolled over onto his back. Brooke straddled his head. Then she centered her womanhood over his mouth.

He dutifully began using his tongue, licking and lapping between the folds of her labia. Brooke gasped and moaned. She grasped onto his head to make sure he hit the right spot, unaware he was stroking his erection.

Bubbles dribbled out of his mouth and nose. They hit her just right, causing even more tingles. Gawd; it felt good!

He was underneath her for the longest time. Damn! How long could he hold his breath?

She was a water-baby at heart. But she hadn’t encountered too many fellas who could outlast her underwater, much less give her oral like this!

She tried not to squeeze his head between her thighs too much. Then bubbles started coming up. That’s when he gave her a polite pat on her ass. She interpreted it as his needing up for a breath.

She shifted in place, allowing him to come back up. Brooke immediately filled her lungs and submerged, taking his cock back between her lips as he sat upright. She felt compelled to return the favor while at the same time seeing just how long she could hold her breath.

She gobbled him down, doing her best to take as much of him down her throat as possible. His moans at the surface indicated she was at the top of her game. She groaned and bubbled, enjoying this far more than she could have possibly imagined.

She pushed herself until her lungs were straining. She let out a huge burst of bubbles before she came back up, gasping quietly for breath. “Not bad,” he said admiringly.

She kissed him deeply. Then she tried to crawl into his lap. She slowly worked his throbbing member deep inside her.

He shifted around underneath her. She was surprised as he submerged a few seconds later. He grasped her wrists as she eagerly rode him in a reverse cowgirl, impressed with his breath-holding abilities.

Brooke took her time, giving him a long, languid fuck. It was erotic as hell, especially the way he released occasional bubbles. The idea he could drown with his dick inside her was an incredible turn-on.

He finally lifted his head up out of the water. Brooke had no idea how long he’d been under. But now she felt like it was her turn to return the favor.

How long could she hold her breath? Could she give him the same pleasure he was giving her? What about this idea of drowning with his cock inside her? For some reason she could not get it out of her head.

She changed positions before climbing back on. She rode him as she put a hand on his chest. “I… I think it’s time for you to fuck me underwater now.”

“Are you sure about that?” he asked. “I don’t want to push you into doing something that makes you uncomfortable.”

“Of course I’m sure! I just rode you while you were holding your breath. It’s only fair you fuck me while I’m holding mine.” Then she kissed him deeply, wondering what she was getting herself into.

“Let’s start with something easy, shall we?”

She eagerly nodded her head. But her heart was hammering in her chest. The fear and excitement were such that it felt like she was already close to cumming.

He turned her around until she was on her knees facing away. He slowly pushed into her from behind. Then she filled her lungs before lowering her head into the water.

Paul thrust into her from behind, enjoying the tightness of her womanhood. Bubbles swirled up as she moaned underwater. Then she came up gasping.

“Gawd; that’s good!” Then she filled her lungs and went right back down. She moaned and bubbled as Paul’s manhood thrust in and out of her.

She stayed down longer before coming up for another breath. Paul gently grabbed her wrists. Brooke did not resist as she filled her lungs and went back down.

Paul thrust harder in and out of her. Brooke winced and moaned, trying to keep her breath in her lungs for as long as possible. Now she wanted to see if she could experience that “intense orgasm” Paul had previously mentioned.

She stayed down longer until her lungs began to strain. It felt incredible! The orgasm heading her way felt stronger than the one she’d received from the last fuck-toy she’d met at the resort.

Paul pumped harder into her from behind. Brooke moaned as she started losing bubbles. She could feel the strain in her chest. But she wanted to remain underwater for as long as possible.

She winced and cried out. Paul thrust even harder. It suddenly swelled until it seemed to totally overwhelm her.

Brooke shuddered as she screamed her breath away. Bubbles billowed to the surface. Paul pumped her a few seconds longer until she was sure she was going to drown. Then he pulled her head up.

Brooke panted like crazy. “Fuck, that was – aahhbrgblrglrugrlblg!” Then she was forced back under the surface, not having had nearly enough time to catch her breath.

Paul pumped her good and hard. Brooke bubbled again, afraid he was going to drown her for real. Then she winced as it swelled within her until a second one overtook her.

A hot wave of pleasure flushed through her body. Brooke bubbled a very weak “FUCK!” Then Paul pulled her head back up.

She gasped like crazy, struggling to catch her breath. “Fuck; I don’t believe it! I just came twi – WAIIITT!”

Back down she went as Paul really pounded her. Brooke bubbled weak and helpless. She’d had no chance whatsoever to get any kind of a decent breath.

The thought of drowning both scared and aroused her. Then her senses dimmed as she climaxed again. It was so intense that she thought she was going to pass out.

A moment later she was at the surface. Paul slipped out of her. Then he guided her into his lap.

Brooke was impaled upon his erection as she panted for breath. “Gawd, that was… that was fucking incredible!”

He smiled as he twitched inside her. She looked at him and said, “You haven’t cum yet, have you?” He just shook his head.

“I can’t believe I’m going to say this, but… how’d you like to cum inside me while I’m drowning?” The way his cock twitched inside her gave her his answer.

“Brooke, are you serious?”

She nodded as she panted for breath, still trying to process the words coming out of her mouth… “Vanessa never drowned for you, did she?”

“She never got the chance; no.”

“Then I want to do it. I’m a jealous bitch; I’m jealous of her now. I want to be able to say I one-upped her. And that means being able to tell her if I ever see her that I’m the one who drowned with your cock inside me.” Another twitch from his cock gave her the tingles something fierce.

“How do you want to do this, Brooke?”

“Your drowning; your choice. Now we’d better do this before I chicken out; ok?”

Paul nodded as she took deep breaths to get ready. Then Brooke went over backward. He split her legs apart, running her right leg up his chest as he slid into her throbbing love-box.

Brooke moaned and bubbled. Gawd; what was she thinking?? She was understandingly frightened, but she was so aroused that she couldn’t make herself change her mind. Besides, Paul was going to revive her; right?

She clenched as he fucked her while she held her breath. Would he actually go through with it? A part of her hoped he might back out at the last second. Yet she really did want to one-up that bitch Vanessa.

He thrust in and out as her chest began to burn. Bubbles trickled out of her mouth. Brooke covered her lips with her hand, hoping to contain as much air in her lungs as possible.

Paul’s erection twitched and throbbed inside her. She could feel the fear and excitement swelling within her. What if she climaxed while she was drowning? Would he like that too?

The strain in her lungs grew worse. Bubbles fizzed out through her fingers. Her stomach hitched as her chest heaved, her breasts wobbling up and down.

She saw him look down on her. Was he going to pull her up at the last second? Or was he going to go through with it? Gawd; she didn’t know what she wanted him to do!

She lost a big burst of bubbles. Instinctively, Brooke started to lift her head up. Paul just pushed down into her chest.

Her eyes opened wide in horror. She shook her head as she lost more bubbles. Then it overwhelmed her.

Brooke shuddered hard in orgasm. It was the most intense climax of her life. For a moment it blotted out her need to breathe. Then it passed.

Her lungs heaved in agony. A moment later they simply gave out. She shook her head and screamed her breath away as she gulped water.

Her eyes opened wide as she reached upward, vainly trying to push him off. A moment later she felt him spurting a load deep inside her. Her body responded with another minor shudder of pleasure.

She kept gulping water as she hitched on her back. It really hurt like hell! Then the pain started to ease a little.

Her expression softened as he gently thrust in and out. She stared up at him in horror. She hitched one last time before going limp underneath him.

She was still conscious. No wait… she was no longer in her body! Somehow she was looking down at him and her drowned body from the side of the soaking pool.

“Keep me down a few moments longer, Paul. I want you to enjoy yourself.” He did not appear to hear her.

He suddenly pulled her up out of the water. He lifted her out and gently laid her down on the side of the pool. Then he began doing CPR.

Brooke suddenly got dizzy. She was no longer standing there looking down on them. A moment later her eyes flickered as her chest heaved.

She blinked before she coughed up a bunch of water. Then she let out a ragged gasp. Paul made sure the water came out of her mouth before lifting her up to his chest.

“Brooke, are you ok?” She coughed a couple of times before trying to nod.

“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that.”

“No, I was… I was… what was I doing again?” She could no longer remember standing out of her body along the side of the pool.

“Are you ok?”

She coughed and nodded again. “I felt you cum inside me, Paul. Then I had a really intense orgasm. I think I might have had two.”

“Maybe we should get you dried off.”

She nodded again. Then she told him, “I think I’m ready for that glass of wine now.” It had sat along the edge of the pool untouched the entire time.

2021 (written for JustPaul Apr 23 ’21 by riwa. Inspired by vidcaps from a JustPaul animation.)

Posted in Picture Stories, Underwater Stories | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Ghost Town Hanging 1-2 4.4 (149)

Part 1

I don’t know what I’m going to do about Olive. I think I’m in over my head. She’s probably going to end up dead. And I’ll stand accused of murder.

That’s not the worst part. We may be directly or indirectly responsible for the future death of another young woman. I just hope when, or if, it happens, the authorities won’t trace it back to us.

You see, I got Olive involved with erotic asphyxiation about seven months ago. We started out with a simple choking during sex. We soon graduated to bagging. Then we went on to strangling.

From there, Olive went right into the hanging fetish with no nudging on my part. One afternoon I went over and discovered she’d set up a noose in her closet. She wanted me to hang her.

I was reluctant, but she insisted. She said she’d do it for real if I didn’t spot her. Thankfully I was pretty good at watching her and getting her down, especially since I insisted on a thicker noose. Her orgasm was so intense that from that point on, she was hooked.

We played around using the noose whenever we could. At first we limited things to her place or mine. But then she became more daring.

She wanted to go out in public and find secret places to rig up a noose. The first time we did it outdoors was when I took her to a national forest. I found a tree shading a boulder and strung her up right there. She promptly climaxed while she was kicking it up, thrilled to be hanged in the great outdoors.

Next we sought abandoned buildings for our plays. She wanted to be some gangster’s moll or a witness to a crime and had to be silenced. So we found an abandoned building on the edge of town, snuck inside and did our thing.

I always try to be careful with her. But it’s never enough with Olive. She just keeps pushing the envelope. I’m afraid one day she’s going to go too far.

She keeps telling me she’s not suicidal. It’s just that the orgasms are so damned good. She always wants more.

One day she told me she’d researched an old ghost town named Bannack. Supposedly there was a gallows in back of a building formerly named Skinner’s Saloon. Once she found out about it, she told me she wanted to go there and be hanged on a real gallows.

Try as I might, I could not talk her out of it. To be honest, I didn’t try all that hard. It’s always incredibly erotic watching her swing. Afterwards, we fuck like rabbits, sometimes with her pretending she’s dead and I’m desecrating her corpse.

Anyway, we packed up the vehicle and drove to Bannack. It was a long, three hour drive. So we made sure to rent a room in a large town an hour away so we could spend the night recuperating and fucking.

We stopped and checked into our room first. The proprietor was an older gentleman, curious about what we were doing in town. Olive told him we were going to drive to Bannack and look at the ghost town.

“Watch out for ghost’s, miss. There were a lot of hangin’s back in the day. They even lynched the sheriff when they found out he was part of a large gang goin’ around plunderin’ and murderin’.”

Olive grinned as she replied, “Oh, we’ll be sure to check out the gallows before we leave.” The old fart sure looked confused by her enthusiasm. I just nudged her while quietly telling her not to go blabbing it around town or it might spoil everything.

We got in the vehicle and drove off to Bannack. Olive became more excited the closer we got. Soon her excitement level soared off the charts. She really wanted to hang from a real gallows used to hang real people.

When we arrived, we discovered a couple of other vehicles in the parking lot. I told her there might be people around and that I wasn’t going to hang her in front of an audience. Besides, there might be children about. I didn’t want to traumatize any young-uns.

“I hope someone does watch me,” she giggled as she nibbled on my ear lobe. “Hanging in front of an audience would be so fucking hot!”

“Darling, you’re hopeless.”

“Better hang me as punishment then.”

We had put our rope and some items into a sack to bring along so it wouldn’t be obvious. Besides, we were both pretty sure there wouldn’t be one in place once we located the gallows. I doubt the state wanted to be responsible for someone hanging themselves either accidently or on purpose. It was just too bad they hadn’t counted on my Olive.

We found the gallows behind the saloon and checked it out. It made Olive positively giddy. Problem was: she wanted to hang naked.

There were tourists wandering around the ghost town. So I had to put my foot down. I couldn’t very well let her hang herself, only for someone with an iPhone to take pictures and then post them all over the Internet.

She grew more impatient as we wandered around the old buildings. She kept whispering in my ear how desperate she was for that family of four to get the hell out of town. She really wanted to hang naked.

We went back to the gallows and loitered around for several minutes. We must have generated some curious looks carrying that sack around with all our toys inside. We finally stashed it in a hiding place near the gallows.

Olive became impatient to the point where she hid in a sheltered spot and removed all her clothes. She dug into the sack and pulled out a pair of hose she wanted to wear. She also slipped into a set of black heels, deciding to add a little class to her dance.

I kept watch near the front of the saloon as she began setting up the noose while she was buck naked. The crazy bitch couldn’t wait any longer. I told her there was still another young couple wandering around. She said she didn’t care; she couldn’t wait any longer.

I watched as that family of four slowly made their way to their vehicle. Then I headed back to the gallows, listening intently. Sure enough, their station wagon roared to life.

“They’re leaving,” I told her. She was already standing on the gallows over the trap. The noose was nice and snug around her throat.

She gave me a lustful smile. I just shook my head. “I should never have taught you how to properly tie one of those things.”

“I’m glad you did. This way I can dance longer.”

“There’s always a chance something might go wrong. What do I do with you then, Olive?”

“Gawd; just leave me here!”

“You mean dressed like that while dangling from the noose?”

“Gawd; don’t fucking tempt me!”

“If you don’t survive, you silly bitch, you’ll never get to experience your fantasy again. You’ll never find another gallows or another place in the great outdoors like this ghost town.”

“I know; I know. Now get your ass up here and pull the lever. I think this trap still works.”

I looked at her and smiled. “Arms tied behind your back, tied in front, or left free?” It was a dumb question, being as how she hadn’t pulled anything else out of the sack besides the noose.

“Free to start with. I’m so fucking horny I’m going to pop! I want to touch myself this first time.”

“What do you mean, ‘first time’?”

“Will you just hang me already?”

I closely examined the way she’d strung the rope up. I mentally calculated how I was going to have to get her down. A moment later a strange female voice cried out, “Ohmygawd!”

Olive and I turned at the same time. That young couple was standing just inside the backdoor to the saloon. Their eyes were open wide in shock and horror.

Olive blushed deeply. We’d been caught before I could carry out her punishment. It was probably just as well.

“Time to get you down,” I murmured with a sense of regret. To be honest, I was looking forward to hanging her.

I thought she would instinctively cover her private parts. Instead, she looked lustfully in their direction. Then she hissed, “Do it, lover! Hang me!”

“Are you crazy…?”

“DO IT!”

I looked again in their direction. Then I loudly proclaimed, “Olive Thomas, for poisoning the Sheriff’s wife, I sentence you to hang by the neck until you are dead.”

I grabbed the lever, looking right at that young couple again. The female looked horrified. The male had this look of disbelief in his eyes. Then I pulled the lever.

The trap successfully fell away. It caught Olive totally by surprise. At least she didn’t fall very far through the trap. She’d made sure there wouldn’t be much of a fall with how short she’d tied the noose.

The young woman let out a cry of horror. The young man simply stared in shock. I was shamefully hard as a rock inside my trousers.

At first Olive began to kick. She’d been hanged many times before. But she acted differently with this one.

Maybe it was the shock of dropping a little. Most of our hangings had used a hoist method. Then again, maybe it was the realization she was being watched by strangers.

She began to swing back and forth as she rasped for breath. Then it was as though consciousness returned. I think her brain reminded her why she was there in the first place… and that she had an audience to boot.

She looked right at me as she swung back and forth. She twisted until she was staring at that young couple. They were staring back incredulously.

Olive actually reached down and began rubbing her crotch with one hand. She used the other to cup and fondle her boobs. She gently swung and twisted as the rope creaked from her weight.

I was so hard that my dick hurt inside my trousers. I really wanted to take it out and give it some space to breathe. But I didn’t dare, not with that couple looking on.

Olive humped and gyrated as she masturbated while fucking the air. It was incredible to watch. I’ve never seen anyone so lustfully addicted to swinging in a noose as my Olive.

She did a little bit of a bunny-hop while struggling in the coil. It was our thickest material designed to prevent serious injury despite the inherent risks. It was also made of hemp because she liked the way it scratched her throat.

Olive suddenly spread her legs apart as she fingered herself. She grunted and gurgled as she shimmied in the noose while furiously playing with herself. Then she squirted, her cum spewing down through the opening in the trap.

I decided that was more than enough for a first time, especially if she was crazy enough to want to go again. I wasn’t sure a second hanging was all that wise an idea. But Olive was a hard one to talk out of anything once she’d put her mind to it.

I rushed over and loosened where she’d secured the rope. I held on as I grabbed her and pulled her away from the opening. But I lost my balance and went over backward.

She ended up falling on top of me. I heard her panting quietly as she tried to catch her breath. Then she went into little hitches as she winced and moaned… “Gawd, I… I can’t stop cumming!”

She finally settled down. Then I remembered our voyeurs. I turned to see they were still standing there.

“You finally got your audience,” I said quietly. But I made sure it was loud enough for them to hear. What was the point trying to be quiet now?

“Gawd; it was so hot!” she panted. Then she looked in their direction before adding, “They haven’t left or anything. Maybe they’re curious. Let’s invite them over!”

2020 (written Nov 16 ’20 by riwa. Inspired by a render I found that I included. My compliments to whoever created it.)

Note: I’ve decided to add a bonus chapter for you.

Part 2

I turned to look in their direction. I thought for sure the young couple would simply leave, totally freaked out by what they’d seen. At least I hadn’t seen them taking any pictures.

They just stood there in stunned silence. I don’t know if it was due to shock or awe. But they never made a move either way.

“Aren’t you going to invite them over?”

“I think they’re too stunned to move. They might bolt if I call out to them.”

“They can stay if they want. Just get the trap back up so I can go again.”

“You don’t have to be so loud about it.”

“I don’t care if they stay or not.” Then she called out, “You two can stay and watch me hang again if you want!”

They both jumped at her words. I thought for a moment that might cause them to leave. But they continued to stand just inside the back doorway to the saloon.

I shook my head as I muttered, “Crazy broad.” Then I went under the gallows to secure the trap back into position.

Olive climbed down and went over to the sack hidden out of sight. I saw her reach in and pull out a set of cuffs. Then she pulled out a large, pink dildo.

I was astonished. “Holy hell! You want to hang right in front of them with that thing up your twat??”

“Why not? My hands are going to be cuffed behind my back. I’m horny for more, baby!”

Olive climbed back up onto the gallows. I came out from underneath, having secured the trap. That’s when I caught her removing her hose and heels.

“Birthday suit?” I asked incredulously. “Now you’re going to hang totally naked in front of them?”

Olive giggled as she replied, “Our guests deserve the complete package. I’m naked already, other than the hose and heels. Besides, I’m so fucking horny knowing they’re over there watching me.”

I climbed back up and reattached the noose so it dangled over the trap. Olive stood directly behind it, allowing it to frame her face. I wanted it to be at a level where it wouldn’t break her neck when she dropped again.

The couple stood quietly in the doorway to the saloon. They were clearly astonished Olive was going to hang again. They were also probably curious about the toys she’d brought out with her.

Olive told me, “I want the dildo deep up my twat, lover. This time I’m not going to be able to play with myself using my hands since I’m going to be cuffed. ‘Lionel’ should be more than enough to push me over the edge. After all, he’s done it several times before.” She giggled as she hefted the toy for emphasis.

I shook my head at her audacity. She didn’t care in the slightest we had a private audience. I think she was more turned on by their presence than anything else.

I looked to confirm the couple was still standing there. The young woman had blonde hair that went down to her protruding breasts. She wore a white blouse with a pastel mint-green skirt that stopped just above her knees.

Her companion was in a light blue tank top and shorts. His hair was short and blonde. I got the impression they were from some European country, perhaps here on vacation.

I finished securing the rope. Then I drew close to my girlfriend. I got a playful grope in my crotch, confirming my cock was stiff and throbbing.

Olive grinned as she chuckled. “You should be naked when you hang me. Besides, I think ‘Oliver’ needs to be let out to breathe.”

Her and her nicknames for things. I just rolled my eyes. Then I shook my head as I quietly told her, “I don’t think so.”

Immediately she turned toward that young couple. “Hey! You don’t care if my lover is naked when he hangs me again, do you?”

“Olive??” I was mortified.

She laughed as I looked over at them. Neither one uttered a word of protest. They didn’t move so much as an inch either. Were they really all that curious about us??

Olive urged me with an excited nudge. “Quick, before more tourists show up. I want you to be naked when you hang me. I want to see ‘Oliver’s’ excitement. Besides, I don’t think they care.”

“Damn you!”

“Just do it!”

I shook my head again as I hurriedly undressed. I must admit it felt good to bring ‘Oliver’ out of confinement. He was stiff and dripping.

She handed over the toy and cuffs. She’d been holding them in her hand the entire time. “Do it!” she quietly begged. “Make a show of it; ok? C’mon, lover! You have no idea how turned on I am right now! Do it right in front of them!”

I took the cuffs and toy from her. I looked right at that couple as I jerked an arm behind her back. Then I clatched a cuff onto her right wrist before bringing the other arm around in back and securing them together.

The young duo continued to stare at us in amazement. They didn’t seem quite as frightened as before. I think they’d mostly overcome their shock and were simply curious to see just how crazy us Americans acted things out right here in Old West ghost towns.

I pulled the noose down around Olive’s head. I’d tied it a bit high, and she had to rise up a little on her feet for me to get it around her throat. Then I snugged the knot next to her left ear.

She suddenly called out, “You two can come closer if you want! Come and watch this slut hang!” I just winced at her words.

All sorts of negative thoughts surged through my head. How much trouble were we going to find ourselves in if we kept this up? Would the young couple report us to the authorities?

To my surprise they stepped out of the doorway and came closer. Olive gasped excitedly for breath. Apparently they really wanted to watch me hang her again.

“You asked for it,” I muttered under my breath. Then I pushed ‘Lionel’ against her opening, twisting it to get it started. She gasped and moaned as she wriggled upon the trap.

“How about you, lover?” she gasped with a whimper. “Is ‘Oliver’ excited too?”

“Do you need to ask?” Then I pressed my erection into her ass for confirmation, making her moan again.

The young couple had drawn closer. They had a great view of the two of us standing naked on the gallows. There was certainly no point holding anything back now.

I was strangely aroused as I ran my hands all over Olive’s bare skin. She gasped and moaned as I groped her boobs before fingering her swollen nub. She stared at our guests before moaning, “Oh fucking hell, John! Just do it already!”

I walked over to the lever out of her line of sight as before. I paused to look at that couple for a long moment. Then I loudly proclaimed, “For being such a fucking whore, I sentence you to hang by the neck until you are dead. May God have mercy on your soul, because I sure as hell won’t!”

Olive inhaled sharply. I think she actually started to orgasm. Then I pulled the lever.

The trap folded away underneath her with a loud noise. Olive cried out as she dropped a couple inches. I prayed the drop, like last time, wouldn’t be enough to cause permanent damage.

Right away she began to kick and struggle. She shimmied and gyrated like a dangling snake as her hands jerked and flexed behind her back. Then she humped the air as though enthusiastically fucking ‘Lionel’.

That young couple stared in complete and utter shock. I was sure the male was sporting a noticeable bulge. To my surprise, his golden haired companion instinctively reached down and self-consciously grabbed her crotch through her skirt.

Olive let out a rasp as she swung back and forth. She really writhed and gyrated as she kicked a little. Seeing the couple staring at her in wide-eyed wonder only seemed to turn her on even more.

I walked around toward the side of the gallows so she could see me standing there observing her dance. I grabbed my erection and visibly stroked myself. Olive went nuts as she kicked and shuddered even more.

I stroked hard and fast. I finally shot my load in her direction. It fell through the opening in the trap, although I think a couple drops hit her legs.

She gushed fluid as she climaxed hard. That’s when I rushed over to the rope and freed the knot where I’d secured it. I tried to maintain the tension as I reached out to grab her, hoping the two of us wouldn’t tumble through the trap and break our necks.

Once more she fell on top of me. We both landed rather hard. Then I rushed to loosen the noose from around her throat.

She hitched and shuddered on top of me as she rasped, “OH GAWDDDDDD – FUCK! Take it out – take it out!”

I pulled the toy out of her, allowing her to begin to settle down as I held on to her. She panted heavily as the two of us struggled to get our breath back. Then I looked over at our private audience.

They were still standing there in amazement. The female seemed to be panting as though trying to get her breath back. Her companion stared at us in utter disbelief.

The young woman finally spoke in a quivering voice. “I… I can’t believe you hanged her twice!”

“Olive is crazy,” I explained. “It’s sort of a fetish with her. We’ve played games like this many times before. But lately she’s been wanting to find a real gallows out in the great outdoors.”

“The orgasms are incredible!” Olive added as she panted for breath. Then she winced as she gasped, “Fuck; another aftershock!” She whimpered as she shuddered briefly before settling down again.

The young man asked, “Isn’t that a little dangerous?”

Olive smiled back at him. “I keep telling John to hang me and leave me dangling somewhere. But I think he’s too much in love with me for that. Maybe someday though. I’m still hoping.”

“It’s very risky,” I added as I scowled at her. I noted their accents were clearly American. “I keep telling her it’s not a good idea. But she just keeps pushing the envelope.”

Olive giggled. “Who knows? Maybe someday they’ll read about me.”

“Darling; you are so fucking crazy!”

“So why do you keep sticking around and humoring me? You get so damned hard whenever you hang me, and you know it! It turns you on just as much as it arouses me.”

“How dangerous?” the young woman suddenly asked from out of the blue. I could see a questioning look in her expression.

“Ashlynn, what are you doing?” Her companion frowned at her as though sensing what she had in mind.

She turned to look at him. “Aidan, I just want to know is all. There’s no one else around, is there? Besides, they did it!” and she pointed right at us.

She looked at us for a long moment. Then she quietly asked, “Would it be possible? Could you… I mean… would you help me experience a hanging for myself?”

2020 (Written Dec 27 ’20 by riwa)

Posted in Asphyxia Stories | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

One orgasm too many 4.4 (69)

Adele was restless. She was exhausted, but she couldn’t seem to nod off. It occurred to her that a good orgasm might help her fall asleep.

She thought about calling her boyfriend. But it was late. As much as he probably would have been willing to come over, she didn’t want to disturb him at this hour, especially if he was already in bed.

Wearing only her nylons, she walked to the kitchen and got herself a glass of water. She was careful not to drink anything that might keep her awake. She knew better than to consume any caffeine.

She walked back through the house, pausing to look at the dining room. Her eyes drifted upward to the hook in the ceiling. Normally it contained a dangling plant. But that was before she’d enjoyed that recent session with the noose.

Adele studied the hook, remembering the orgasms from last time. She’d damn near strangled herself. But the orgasms had been fantastic. What’s more, she’d fallen asleep barely a minute after her head had hit the pillow.

Adele found herself going to the closet and retrieving the noose she’d used from last time. She went back to the dining room, pausing to collect the wooden stool. Something told her this might not be the smartest idea, especially after last time. But she just couldn’t sleep.

She climbed the stool and threaded the rope through the hook in the ceiling. Then she leaned into it, testing her weight. The hook seemed solid as before, not that she intended to strain it that much.

Adele looped the noose around her neck, snugging it up tight. She left the other end dangling free. Then she started touching herself all over.

She imagined she’d been condemned to hang naked for her crimes in medieval France. It was probably because she’d fucked someone she wasn’t supposed to. It gave her some nice tingles as she thought about it.

Adele grabbed the loose end of the rope. Then she gave it a pull. Her tingles increased as she partially strangled herself.

She worked her button as she tried to choke herself. It felt pretty damned good. But she wanted a little bit more.

She looked up toward the ceiling, studying the hook. Then she removed the noose from around her neck. It was time to carry things just a little bit further.

She tied the rope off, adding a sense of danger to her play. Then she climbed back onto the stool. She had to stretch upward on the balls of her feet in order to loop the noose back around her neck.

Adele touched and fingered herself as she felt the coil tighten around her throat. She bent her knees a little, adding some strangulation to her play. It gave her pussy an urgent tingle.

Yup; this was going to work just fine. It was just what she needed to tire herself out. A couple of orgasms, and she’d be out like a light.

Adele thrust a couple of fingers into her dripping slit. Now she was sufficiently aroused. It felt wonderful, imagining herself condemned to death by suffering through a painful strangulation in the noose.

She worked a little cum out of her trembling form. Adele sighed with pleasure. That had felt good. But she wanted something a little stronger before she went back to bed.

Adele reached up and carefully worked the noose off from around her neck. Then she climbed down off the stool. She had something in mind that should help give her a more impressive orgasm.

She went to the bedroom and opened a drawer. There she retrieved her pink vibrator. She’d gotten off to it many times before. Tonight, the noose would help it intensify her pleasure.

She took it back with her to the dining room. Once more she climbed up onto the stool, the vibrator in hand. Then she grabbed the noose, stretched herself up, and looped it back around her neck.

She tightened it until it felt nice and snug. The tingles returned in a rush. This time she was sure the orgasms would sufficiently exhaust her.

She turned on the toy and began vibrating it back and forth across her swollen nub. It made her inhale sharply. Her pussy dripped as she gasped and moaned.

She held off inserting the vibrator inside her. She wanted to wait until she’d given herself a few clitoral orgasms. Then she would cum powerfully once she slid the toy inside her.

Adele rubbed the toy back and forth over her protruding nub. It gave her erotic tingles something fierce. Clit stimulation was usually needed during her sexual sessions, either by herself or with a lover.

She could feel the first one rapidly approaching. She bent her knees, allowing the noose to tighten around her throat. The asphyxiation was enough to set her off.

She shuddered in orgasm, wincing with pleasure. Then it passed. She stood erect, panting loudly for breath.

She only paused a moment before attacking her clit again. Once more she rubbed the toy back and forth over it. Then she dutifully bent her knees, imagining she was hanging for the crime of fucking the king’s son.

The noose tightened as her pussy dripped and throbbed. Adele edged for as long as she could hold it back. Then she shuddered again as another orgasm swept through her.

She stood upright, panting heavily for breath. Now the noose felt uncomfortably snug. One or two more and she would get down, go to bed, and be off with the fairies in blissful slumber.

She turned the vibrator up as she slid it into her wet opening. She heard it squish as she worked it in and out. The vibrations drove her wild.

She gasped and moaned as she writhed upon the stool. Once more she bent her knees, allowing the noose to gloriously constrict around her throat. The asphyxiation was intoxicating.

She rasped as the noose tightened. A moment later she shuddered hard in orgasm. Damn; that had been a good one!

She thought about ending her little session. Things were going so well. She’d cum pretty hard during that last one.

Now she was getting tired. But she loved the orgasms generated by the toy and the rope. She figured one more ought to just about do it.

She worked her swollen nub with the vibrator, moaning as tingles ricocheted through her body. Her pussy was slickened from her flowing juices. Fluids ran down her nyloned legs while also dripping onto the stool.

She slid the sex toy up into her slit. The vibrations drove her half-mad. It felt absolutely wonderful!

She winced as she pushed the toy in deep. The vibrator came in contact with her g-spot. Adele shuddered violently with pleasure.

‘One more,’ she told herself as she tried to catch her breath. That one had felt so good that she wasn’t ready to stop. Just one more orgasm.

Adele felt the discomfort from the tightened noose around her neck. She moved her feet to ease the strain as she started to slide the toy back inside. That’s when her foot slipped on a slick spot on the stool.

She reacted instinctively by jerking in the opposite direction. Her feet slipped again as the stool went over. That’s when she lost her hold on the vibrator.

In an instant, the noose took her full weight. Her throat was all but closed off. Her eyes flew open in surprise at the situation she found herself in.

Her feet kicked as she searched for the stool beneath her. But it was lying on its side. She couldn’t reach it with her toes.

Instinctively she reached up to grab for the rope around her throat. Adele began to shimmy and shake as it swelled within her. She was going to cum again, but she needed to breathe!

Without even thinking, a hand went down to finger her button. She was on the verge of a massive orgasm. She couldn’t breathe, but she was so damned close!

Her chest heaved as she tried to take a breath. Her need to survive outweighed her desire to cum. Her hands reached up to claw at the noose around her throat. Then the orgasm hit full-on.

Adele shimmied and shuddered as her knees jerked upward. It had the unfortunate effect of tightening the noose until it closed off her throat. Her last orgasm was so powerful that it battered her senseless.

Her arms dropped to hang limp at her sides. She found herself struggling to regain consciousness, and her vision was failing. She couldn’t feel anything beneath her hips anymore.

Muscles fired as her arms twitched haphazardly. Adele tried to reach up for the noose around her throat. But her hands refused to function.

She sensed more than felt her bladder giving way, urine dribbling onto the dining room floor. She had a mess she was going to have to clean up in the morning. But she was so tired. Why couldn’t she breathe??

For a brief moment she had clarity of mind. The last thought that went through her head was, “Uh-oh. Maybe I shouldn’t have gone for that last or—” Then consciousness faded away as she gently swayed and twisted in the noose.


Her eventual discovery would cause a debate between those who knew her as to whether or not her hanging was accidental or deliberate. The pink vibrator lying on the floor would only add fuel to the discussion.

2021 (written April 14 ’21 by riwa. Inspired by the cartoon I found and included as an illustration.)

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Riwa’s Stories at Patreon 3.8 (10)

Another chapter to Donna’s shore leave.
Another Mr. Wayne chapter.
Another chapter to the Legend of Whittaker Manor.
A bathtub surprise.
Flirting goes wrong.
The tidal stakes on Santamos Island are used.
She teases her step-brother, and it backfires.
An afternoon smoke and a soak (no joke).
Apnea girl rides the wheel.
He’s there for an exchange of souls in the pool.
Janet has a very special noose scene in a movie.
And anything else I might choose to post next month.

April stories/rewards will fall off at the end of May to make room for June rewards.

There are certainly a lot of things happening in the world around us. Some of them spark story ideas. But often, I find myself thinking, “I don’t want to write that story.”

Sometimes, it’s a negative thought. Sometimes, it’s a lot of negative thoughts. I can feel it affecting me; I can actually feel my stomach wanting to twist into knots. So I mentally tell myself, “I don’t want to write that story.”

Losing my lease? I don’t want to write that story. Something bad happening to mom? Don’t want to write that story. Something bad happening to me? Don’t want to write that story either. A food shortage meaning I might run out of food? I don’t even want to write that story. And what about something bad happening to people I care about… there goes my stomach into knots again from all that worrying.

If this is affecting me, I suspect it may be affecting some of you as well. There are verses in the Bible that are written for things like this. They often help calm me down. I’ll share them here with you on the off-chance some of you may need a little bit of encouragement not to worry so much. After all, worrying is bad for your health; right? So I’ll share them here as my way of saying “try not to worry as much as I seem to want to” and “thank you so much for being my patrons”.

Luke 12:25-31
New International Version
25 Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life? 26 Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest?
27 “Consider how the wild flowers grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. 28 If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today, and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, how much more will he clothe you—you of little faith! 29 And do not set your heart on what you will eat or drink; do not worry about it. 30 For the pagan world runs after all such things, and your Father knows that you need them. 31 But seek his kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well.

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Synchro Tryout 3 4.5 (116)

Cyndi Jacobs skulled at the surface of the pool in the deep end. She waited patiently as she got her breath back, expecting to be called back down. But there was no command from assistant coach Rick Riley over the underwater sound system.

Her body thrummed from her recent orgasm. She’d just experienced it while being upside down holding her breath on the pool bottom. She had even fingered herself for Riley’s amusement.

What was he going to make her do now? Had she earned a tryout in front of Coach Johnson? If Rick said a girl was good enough, it usually meant the appointment with the head coach was mostly a formality.

Should she break from skulling at the surface? She peered down into the water, trying to see into the observation window. But it was dark, revealing nothing.

Cyndi took a chance by doing a little practice routine. She skulled upside, holding her legs straight up as she held her breath. Then she allowed herself to descend.

She got enough of a look inside the observation window to see the room beyond was empty. There was no sign of Coach Riley. Where the hell had he gone? That didn’t mean her tryout with him was over, did it?

She slowly did a roll as she headed for the surface. If he was watching from somewhere, she wanted him to think she was serious about this tryout. Then she came up and took a breath.

“What’s the matter, Jacobs? Can’t get enough of holding your breath?”

She turned to see the assistant coach standing at the shallow end on the edge of the pool. She began swimming toward him. That’s when he barked, “Back to the wall, Jacobs! Swim to me underwater!”

‘Hardass,’ she thought irritably as she turned and swam back to the wall. She filled her lungs and submerged.

Cyndi kicked off the wall and began pulling with her arms. She wasn’t sure Riley was giving her a tryout as much as he was using her for his own sadistic amusement. But she really wanted to make the Aquastars synchro team.

She looked up right before she reached the wall. It was a good thing she did. She almost ran into Coach Riley who was now standing in the water.

She came up panting for breath as he asked, “You like being underwater; eh, Jacobs?”

“Yes, coach; I really do. That’s why I want to be on this team.”

“Can you hold your breath long enough?”

For a moment she was indignant. She’d just held her breath three minutes while fingering herself and cumming for his benefit out in the deep end! Hadn’t he been watching??

“Yes, coach,” she nodded meekly. Being submissive was probably her best response. Any kind of smart remark might jeopardize her tryout.

“Prove it!”

He pushed down on her head. Cyndi was forced to her knees. She released a few bubbles as she settled in holding her breath.

Another forced breath-hold. Great; just great! Was this a tryout for the team or for his own personal, sadistic pleasures?

Cyndi decided she had nothing to lose. She really wanted to make the synchro team. If submitting to Coach Riley’s sadistic amusements got her there, then she was 100% committed to that.

As she held her breath, she could not help seeing a noticeable bulge in coach’s trunks. She was pretty sure it was all on her account. But she was not the least bit offended. If turning him on meant making the team, then by all means… bring it on!

She could feel the strain in her lungs. Cyndi began to lose bubbles out of her mouth and nose. Coach was really keeping her down a long time!

He suddenly let go of her head. Cyndi shot up gasping for breath. Coach pointed at the far wall and demanded she swim over and back on one breath.

Cyndi nodded as she inhaled deeply. Then she submerged. She launched herself off the wall, pulling with her arms.

It was not a long swim. But it was long enough after not getting enough surface time to catch her breath. She would have to prove to coach she was not a risk for shallow-water blackout.

She reached the wall, did a flip and then kicked off with her feet without surfacing. Cyndi made the swim back. But she could feel it in her lungs when she came up for a breath right in front of coach.

“Another breath-hold, Jacobs! Make yourself useful!” Then he pushed down on her head.

‘Make herself useful??’ Was that a command or a suggestion? Cyndi wasn’t sure.

She saw the tempting bulge right in front of her. It certainly couldn’t hurt her chances, could it? Was that what he was implying? Cyndi decided to chance it by working his trunks down.

She grabbed onto the erection that sprang free. Then she started licking the tip. She mouthed and played with it, deciding maybe it was her turn to tease him for a while.

His hands came off her head. He was no longer forcing her. Instead, a hand rested on her shoulder, gently pushing her down.

She licked the tip of the shaft, feeling his cock twitch in her grasp. Cyndi lustfully ran a hand over her left breast. Now she was getting somewhere!

She could feel her arousal well up inside her. She didn’t mind so much being forced to “practice” like this. Besides, it was a lot easier than holding one’s position upside down while keeping one’s legs and toes ramrod straight.

She stayed down while teasing him, using her lips and tongue without taking him into her mouth. She heard a sigh from up at the surface. It made her smile inwardly.

He suddenly jerked her up to the surface. “Another lap, Jacobs! Underwater to the wall and back!”

“Yes, coach.”

Cyndi filled her lungs before submerging. Damn him! Just when she was really making him twitch!

She made it to the wall and did a flip without surfacing for a breath. Her lungs were hurting when she got back. She burst up and gasped loudly for breath.

“Another breath-hold, Jacobs!”

“Yes, coach.”

Cyndi submerged to her knees. Instantly she grabbed onto his exposed shaft. It had softened a little, but she knew how to take care of that.

She licked and nibbled, teasing him some more. She felt him twitch in her grasp. Now she had some sort of control over him, or at least a certain part of him.

She licked and nibbled as she gently stroked him. He quickly became nice and hard. Now she was the one doing the “coaching”, training his little member to submit.

He tried to thrust a little. She just backed off. When he stopped thrusting, she went back to licking the tip of his shaft.

Cyndi felt a surge of erotic tingles flow through her. Now this was how a private training session was supposed to go! She could easily get into these kinds of practice sessions.

She delayed taking him into her mouth. He’d pushed her a lot this afternoon. She was bound and determined to get in a little payback of her own.

He looked down at her as she came off his erection. “Is that the way it’s going to be, Jacobs? Then give me another lap!” He was half-smiling when he said it.

She popped up and gasped sharply. “Coach, I need to catch my…”

“Now, Jacobs!”

Cyndi crammed as much air into her lungs as possible. Then she submerged and kicked off the wall. Damned hardass!

She swam to the end, turned around and came back, her lungs straining the entire time. She burst up right in front of him, panting like crazy. She could see the look of frustration in his expression.

Cyndi could not help grinning a little. “Something funny, Jacobs?” Then he forced her below the surface.

Coach Riley grabbed her head. Then he thrust his cock hard between her lips. Cyndi gagged up bubbles as she took him deep, grabbing his ass to hold on.

There would be no more opportunities to tease the assistant coach. Had she tried his patience a little too much? Cyndi wasn’t sure.

She applied suction as he hit the back of her throat. She could feel herself running out of breath. It felt like he was fucking the air right out of her lungs.

She tried not to release any more bubbles as he kept her submerged. The strain intensified in her chest.

He suddenly pulled her head up out of the water. Cyndi came up gasping and sputtering. “Give me another lap underwater, Jacobs!”

She was not given much time to catch her breath. Cyndi crammed as much air into her lungs as she could. Then she submerged and kicked off the wall.

She made the swim all the way to the deep end of the pool. Her kitty was throbbing, her mouth tingling from the delicious man-meat she’d been feasting upon mere moments ago. Now she wanted to make him cum, no matter what the hell he forced her to do!

She made the turn and swam the return length underwater. She reached Coach Riley and burst up gasping for breath. He just forced her right back down, ramming his cock deep down her throat.

Cyndi grabbed his ass and accepted his meaty member. She could feel him thrust hard and deep into her mouth. She tried not to gag as he hit the back of her throat.

She hadn’t gotten much of a breath after her swim. He was certainly pushing her pretty hard. Her pussy throbbed from the abuse he was putting her lungs through.

He pulled her up until she came up gasping for breath. “You gotta want it, Jacobs!” Was he referring to a spot on the team? Or was he referring to his man-snot?

He pushed her back down onto her knees. Then he began ramming his dick down her throat. Cyndi glubbed up bubbles as she grunted from each thrust.

She grabbed onto his ass and held on. She was going to ride this out all the way to the end. Coach was going to learn she was fully committed and would do whatever it took.

He pulled her up for another breath. Cyndi gasped loudly. “Gimme another lap, Jacobs!”

Cyndi frantically filled her lungs. She swam the length of the pool, hit the wall and made the return on one breath. He was not giving her any chance whatsoever to catch her breath.

She had barely returned and was gasping aloud when he forced her back down onto her knees. He pumped her mouth good and hard until she felt him start to swell between her lips. It filled her with a surge of excitement despite her heaving lungs.

It started jetting into her mouth. Cyndi kept it all inside as she moaned with excitement. Then she slowly pulled off his dick.

She looked up at him and opened her mouth. His cream swirled out as she caressed her breast. Then she smiled as if to say,” How about that, coach?”

She stayed down for as long as she could. He pushed down on her head until she was losing her breath in huge bursts of bubbles. Then he pulled her head up.

She gasped aloud as he pulled his trunks back up. “I’ll be talking to Coach Johnson later today, Jacobs. I think I’m going to tell him I found a new girl who shows all the marks of an eager teammate, willing to do whatever it takes.”

“Thanks, coach,” she panted with a smile.

She watched him climb out of the pool. He got a towel and dried himself off as much as possible. Then he left her alone in the water.

Cyndi was horny after such a crazy workout. She still had the pool to herself. There was still time.

She swam to the deep end where she took several deep breaths, preparing for a long one. Then she submerged. Cyndi went all the way to the bottom.

She flipped herself upside down and then hooked her feet in the ladder. Cyndi Jacobs furiously masturbated. She was desperate for a release as she worked her crotch.

It wasn’t long until she experienced a celebratory orgasm for earning a place on the team. It left her feeling weak and wonderful. That’s when she decided to head back to the surface and call it a day.

2020 (written Nov 13 ’20 by riwa)

(Inspired by vidcaps from a clip created by JustPaul)

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Hayley cums underwater 4.3 (44)

Hayley was a pureblood aquaphile. The only way she could orgasm was when she was underwater holding her breath.

She learned this at an early age. When she was a teenager she would take baths, submerging herself and holding her breath. Her very first orgasm struck without warning.

On that evening she kept going under while holding her breath in the tub. Her pussy tingled each time she would try to hold her breath longer. On her last breath-hold she stayed submerged until her lungs were on fire, her chest heaving.

It struck without warning. Hayley shuddered hard in orgasm as she spewed the last of her breath away. She was barely able to get her head back up to catch her breath.

She took more baths after that. Every bath involved some element of going under and holding her breath. And each time she experienced the pleasure of a breathless orgasm.

When she got older she made it a point to find a pool, pond, lake or beach to enjoy. It seemed the only way she could cum was if she was holding her breath underwater. Sometimes she used a toy, while other times she simply fingered herself.

Many times she did not even have to touch her crotch while she was underwater holding her breath. Hayley would lie on the bottom of a pool and caress herself all over until she was running out of air. The sensation of breathlessness in an underwater environment usually did the trick.

Hayley married a thirty year old man moving up in a major company. As a result, they bought a house with a backyard pool. For Hayley it was a necessity, resulting in many happy hours underwater.

She tried to be a good wife. Her husband responded by having sex with her in the pool. Being fucked underwater while holding her breath resulted in some of her best orgasms.

Hayley and her husband lived in a northern city. That meant she could not use their pool until summer. She requested a move to a warmer climate, but her husband was needed where they were. However he did resolve to put in a transfer to a southern location.

During the winter months Hayley spent her time cumming underwater in the tub in the master bathroom. But she couldn’t wait for the weather to get warmer. She desperately wanted to use the pool in the back yard.

As the temperatures increased, the pool was cleaned and then filled with water. Hayley always got excited as she looked forward to her first swim. Then the weather changed for the worse.

There were several weeks of below average temperatures. Hayley fumed as she waited for the weather to warm back up. She desperately wanted to get into their backyard pool for a much-needed swim.

In late April there was a warming trend. Temperatures rose to above average. Hayley eagerly prepared for her first swim of the summer season. Then her husband had to travel out of town for several days on business.

She wanted her first swim to occur when he was present and could fuck her underwater. But now that wasn’t possible. Hayley became impatient.

The temperature was supposed to reach 81. The water would still be a little chilly. But Hayley couldn’t wait any longer. The bathtub worked in a pinch, but she wanted total freedom of movement. That could only occur at the bottom of their spacious pool.

At 11am Hayley eagerly went into their back yard. Then she deliberately stripped out of all her clothes. She was aroused and trembling as she looked with longing at the calm surface of their pool.

Hayley went right to the deep end. Then she eagerly dove into the water with her arms outstretched. The shock of cool water enveloping her trembling, naked body was almost enough to set her off.

She swam around, frequently submerging to move along the bottom. She was becoming more aroused by the minute. And she was becoming acclimatized to the water temperature.

Up at the surface Hayley inhaled deeply. Then she submerged to the pool floor in the deep end. She rolled onto her back and began caressing herself all over. It felt wonderful; winter had been much too long!

She couldn’t believe how aroused she was. It had been so long since she’d been in a pool. The last time had been back in January when she and her husband had spent the night in a motel with an indoor pool.

Hayley rubbed and touched herself all over. But she avoided any contact with her crotch. She wanted to tease herself until she could build up toward an explosion of pleasure.

She stayed down for as long as she could. The cooler water made it a challenge. Hayley surfaced and gasped for breath, eager to return to the depths and the orgasm she craved.

She filled her lungs and then went back down. Once more she stretched out flat on her back on the pool floor. She rubbed her breasts as she tipped her head back, enjoying the pleasurable sensations.

It felt wonderful; it had been so long. Hayley writhed and squirmed with pleasure. She simply could not help herself.

She wriggled around as she reveled in the glorious sensations. Her body tingled with excitement. Her lungs heaved gently as she held her breath, adding to the thrill of being submerged.

It was too bad her husband was not there. She could have used a good, hard underwater fuck. Hayley couldn’t wait until he got home so she could jump his bones in the pool.

She was forced to surface again. Her lungs were heaving; she’d really pushed herself. She could tell she was getting closer to that pleasurable eruption.

Hayley surfaced and gasped for breath. She inhaled deeply, wanting to stay down longer. Heaving lungs would result in a massive orgasm, the kind she was craving right about now.

She filled her lungs and then swam to the bottom. Hayley rolled over onto her back and started rubbing herself all over again. It felt incredible.

She writhed and bubbled as she arched her back. She caressed and fondled herself as the sensations swelled within her. This one was going to be massive.

Her hair flowed all about her head as she wriggled and twisted from side to side. Her body had finally adjusted to the coolness of the water. She decided she would have to experience more than one climax before her underwater session was over.

She slipped her arms behind her back as she arched her back. If only her husband were here to fuck her now. She was so aroused she could almost feel him entering her.

Hayley lifted her head up as she groped and fondled her breasts. She wriggled and squirmed as though she could not contain herself. She lost a few bubbles as she groaned with ecstasy.

Hayley reached down close to her crotch. She was tingling like crazy. She had to ease off or she would have exploded right then and there.

She was getting close; it was starting to swell within her. She decided there was no point in holding it back. She wanted to cum on this one.

She was running out of breath; she was almost there. Hayley pushed her breath-holding limits. She wanted to be almost out of air when it hit.

Ohgawd – ohgawd – ohgawd – ohgawd; fuck – fuck – fuck – FUCK! Hayley needed to return to the surface. But she was so damned close!

Ohgawd – ohgawd – fuck-fuck-fuck – IT’S HERE! Hayley winced and shuddered as she spewed her breath away. It was so massive that it totally blotted out her senses.

Hayley was aware of nothing but an intense surge of pleasure. It was so overwhelming it almost seemed too much. Hayley’s lungs were on fire, yet she didn’t want to surface. She wanted to stay down and luxuriate in the sensations.

Her lungs heaved in her chest. Hayley decided it was time to return to the surface. Then her lungs heaved again.

She winced and grunted as s second more devastating orgasm overwhelmed her. She shuddered hard as pleasure flowed hotly through her body. Her nipples were so erect that they actually hurt.

Hayley had no idea when her lungs gave out. One second she was shuddering in orgasm. The next she was hitching and gurgling, her back arched in agony.

She tried to flail for the surface. But she couldn’t seem to make her arms move. Her lungs were empty; it felt like she weighed a ton.

She went into little seizures as she coughed up bubbles. Her back continued to arch as her arms stretched out on the pool bottom. Her palms were flat as though she was trying to grab onto something to ease the sweet agony of her deadly surrender.

The sensations lessened. There was a heaviness in her chest. But her naked body thrummed with sexual aftershocks.

She tried to breathe, but couldn’t. Her lungs hurt like hell. It felt like something heavy was lying flat on her chest.

Haley hitched as she shuddered and gurgled. A few solitary bubbles slipped out past her parted lips. She stared upward in astonishment. Then a look of pleasure filled her features as the life winked out of her eyes.

2020 (written Apr 16 ’20 by riwa)

(Inspired by vidcaps I made from a clip I found.)

Posted in Drowning Stories, Picture Stories | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

The Party Decoration 2 4.4 (61)

Part one can be found here

Tawny and Kiera came over to gloat. “Now we’ve got you right where we want you.” That’s when the redhead laughed as she reached out and pawed Philomena’s tits.

The party decoration shook her head as she tried to cry out “NOOO!” Some of the guys saw Tawny groping her and came over. “You mean we can touch her too?”

Tawny laughed. “I don’t see why the hell not! We’d make her suck your cocks if she didn’t have that ball-gag in her mouth.”

Philomena let out another muffled cry, nodding her head as though that would be fine with her so long as she didn’t have to stand on the stool anymore. Kiera just laughed at her with a dismissive wave. “Oh, you would, you stupid slut. But I like you right where you are.”

Some guys came over to grope and paw her. A few of the girls came over to touch her breasts and pinch her nipples. Philomena flinched as she let out muffled cries of indignation and humiliation.

Eventually Lucia came back over to have another look. Her party decoration looked embarrassed as hell. “It’s not my fault,” she explained. “I didn’t say they could touch you. I guess Tawny gave them the idea.”

Philomena shook her head as a girl fingered her dripping pussy. She winced and whimpered. Lucia angrily told her, “Oh, knock it off, Mena! What are you so upset about? Besides, you probably fucking love it!” Then she left to mingle again as a couple of girls stuck around to caress her quivering mounds.

The humiliation was more than she could have anticipated. But it was much too late to back out now. Friends and students just kept coming over to look at her, some eager to paw and grope her.

It was eight pm when Tawny and Kiera came back over. In her hand Kiera had a drink with a straw. She held it up, working to force the straw into Mena’s mouth.

Philomena accepted the drink she so badly needed. Then Tawny began fingering her pussy. “Time for your eight o’clock orgasm, bitch. I bet you’re going to love it.”

Philomena anxiously shook her head. But she could not help clenching around the fingers being thrust inside her. The noose tightened a little around her neck as she tried to cross her legs.

“Hey look at this!” one of the guys hollered. “Tawny’s trying to make the slut cum!” That’s when several students crowded closer to have a look.

Philomena shook her head in agony and humiliation. She did not want this, certainly not in front of all her friends. A part of her desired the sexual release. But not like this.

She felt it swell within her as Tawny grinned at her. She began to writhe and whimper. Then she tipped her head back, her eyes rolling as fluid came out of her pussy.

A cheer went up from her friends. Then the boombox was cranked back up. Several started dancing as others laughed and commented how Tawny had made their party decoration cum.

Philomena was in agony. It felt like the noose had tightened a little more around her throat. And it was only a little after eight! She still had three hours to endure before it was all over.

Other students went over to play pool. But their eyes never strayed too far from her noosed, naked body. Others danced close enough to fully appreciate her erect nipples and dripping snatch.

Philomena wanted to take a break. She was starting to get tired standing naked and upright. But every time she tried to bend her legs to rest, the noose would tighten ominously around her throat, causing her to wince and grunt in alarm.

More of her friends came over to paw and grope her. They rotated in and out just to enjoy her noosed nudity while humiliating her. She was fondled by males and females alike.

The first sign of trouble came at 8:23. Couples were dancing a little too close to her. That’s when some of the guys began bumping into her stool, causing it to shift a little.

Philomena cried out in alarm, anxiously shaking her head as she felt an erotic ripple of horror. Her nipples never did get a chance to retract, not after the way she was being pawed, groped and now bumped. Every nudge of the stool made her pussy drip out of fear she might accidentally be hanged.

Couples danced even closer to her. The stool was nudged more often… and quite deliberately. Philomena stiffened as she began to hyperventilate, wondering if these bastards actually wanted to see her hang for real.

One of the guys called out, “What happens if the stool gets knocked away?”

Lucia heard the remark and hollered back, “I promised her I wouldn’t do that to her!”

“You didn’t promise I wouldn’t do it, did you?”

“Warren, no!”

He just laughed as he used his foot to slide the stool away. Philomena cried out as the noose took her full weight. She began to rasp and kick as she twisted and struggled.

Students eagerly stopped what they were doing to observe. Mena was horrified at the way the noose closed so ominously around her neck. Her hands jerked haphazardly behind her back until she could feel another humiliating orgasm coming on strong.

Tawny sternly told him, “Put it back, Warren!” But there was a mischievous twinkle in her eye.

She quickly came over and placed the stool directly under Philomena herself before helping her stand upon it. Their party decoration gave her a distraught look as she struggled to regain her footing. Tawny feigned innocence as she tried to loosen the rope around her throat.

“Sorry about that. You know Warren.”

Philomena was not reassured. She tried to protest. But it came out muffled through her ball-gag.

“Oh, c’mon!” Tawny told her with a dismissive wave. “You weren’t off the stool all that long! I came right over and caught you in time, didn’t I?”

A moment later Lucia came over to check on her party decoration. Tawny told her, “Warren kicked the stool away. But she’s ok, right, Mena?” Then the redhead lustfully groped and pawed the helpless, naked woman.

Lucia tried to sound concerned. “You ok, Mena?” The party decoration shook her head.

“You want down?” Philomena eagerly nodded.

Lucia checked her watch. “You got two and a half hours.” Then she laughed before turning and walking away. Philomena groaned as she shook her head.

Things did not improve over the next half hour. The guests had learned there’d been no repercussions to Warren’s actions. That meant the stool kept getting bumped. Each time Philomena cried out with fright until drool spilled out of her ball-gagged mouth onto her bare tits.

At nine pm Tawny and Kiera came over. The blonde had another drink with a straw. This time the redhead had a vibrating toy in her hand.

Philomena gratefully sipped from the straw. But she shook her head as Tawny pushed the toy inside her. Several students came over to watch.

Tawny shoved it hard up Mena’s cunt, causing her to wince and flinch. “Hang onto it until 9:15, bitch. If it slips out I’ll make you hang for every minute you missed before your time runs out.”

The naked woman was horrified. Would Tawny seriously let her hang for losing the toy? Lucia had promised she wouldn’t do anything like that. But what about this vindictive redhead??

She owed her money as well. Would Tawny hang her just for spite? Philomena decided she couldn’t take the chance.

She winced in humiliation at the toy wedged all the way inside. She was so wet that she had to clench to keep it in. The buzzing certainly didn’t help matters any.

She writhed and squirmed as even more of her friends gathered around to watch. It was as if she had ants crawling around inside her vagina. Tears filled her eyes as she clenched while grunting and moaning.

Tawny grinned at her as she kept track of the time. “9:05, bitch. You’ve got ten more minutes.”

One girl asked, “Are you really going to hang her if she loses it, Tawny?”

“You’re damned right I am! The bitch owes me money!”

“She owes me too. If she loses it, hang her an extra minute for me!”

“With pleasure.”

Philomena shook her head in horror. She kept writhing and moaning as she shuffled around on the stool. It was starting to become damp from all the sweat and moisture running down her legs and gathering upon the slippery surface.

She winced as she tried not to cum. She struggled to squeeze without shooting the damned thing right out of her. The noose around her throat was an alarming reminder of what would happen if she failed.

Philomena tried to call out for Lucia. But she didn’t see her host anywhere. She needed her to help keep these crazy people from hanging her!

She clenched harder. That’s when she felt the toy start to slip. Instinctively she clenched even more. But that only made things worse.

Her legs crossed together as she began to orgasm. The toy squirted out of her and fell to the floor. Everyone looked at Tawny expectantly.

“9:14, bitch. That’s one minute you owe me!” Then she angrily kicked the stool away.

Philomena cried out as the noose took her full weight again. She began to kick as she swung back and forth. That attracted the attention of everyone down in the basement.

They all came over to watch the show. Tawny kept her eye on her watch. “9:15, bitch. Now one extra minute for Myra and the money you owe her.”

Philomena tried to shake her head as she rasped and grunted. Her legs kicked wider as she began to twist and swing. She grunted through the ball-gag in her mouth as her feet searched in vain for the toppled stool.

“Times almost up. Go get the stool, Kiera.”

The blonde rushed to obey as Tawny began counting down from ten. Everyone else picked up the chant at “Five… four… THREE… TWO… ONE!” That’s when Kiera slipped the stool underneath Mena.

Their party decoration coughed and grunted as she struggled to get her feet firmly on top of it. She rasped and gurgled as she tried to catch her breath. Tawny worked to loosen the rope around her throat so she could breathe a little better.

About that time Lucia showed up. She tried to sound like she was still in charge. “All right; what’s going on down here?”

Tawny innocently told her, “We were only watching her orgasm in the noose.”

“You didn’t kick the stool away, did you?”

“Would I do a thing like that?” Tawny feigned innocence as she picked up the discarded sex toy. Mena nodded her head, indicating it had actually happened.

Lucia tried to look stern. But inwardly she found it amusing. “Well… don’t let it happen again; ok?” Then she turned and headed back for the stairs.

“Less than two hours to go,” Tawny quietly told their party decoration. “Do you want down?” Mena eagerly nodded her head.

“That means you’ll have to pay back every cent you owe Lucia. And you’ll have to pay mine back as well. Still want down?”

Philomena winced. Tears filled her eyes. “That’s what I thought, bitch.” Then Tawny groped her boobs before turning and walking away. She didn’t see Mena frantically nod her head, having decided she’d rather be let down and be forced to pay back every cent she owed.

The boombox was cranked back up. The music became louder. That meant there was more dancing. It also meant there was more bumping and jostling of the stool.

Mena was frightened to the point of experiencing an intense arousal. She didn’t understand why her nipples were so hard. Her pussy just kept dripping from a shameful, sexual excitement at her predicament. Fluid traced lines down her bare legs before settling upon the surface of the stool

She was greatly concerned how the night was going to end. Lucia had promised she would be let down. But what if the rest of her friends mutinied, wanting to watch her hang?

Would Lucia be able to save her? Or would she give in to everyone else’s perverse desires? The thought was horrifying… and strangely arousing.

A couple of bitches came over and cruelly fingered her ass and cunt. Philomena winced in recognition of two more individuals she was indebted to. Unfortunately it still didn’t occur to her how much better her life would be if only she could reign in her spending habits.

There was more dancing. The stool got jostled again. This time Philomena’s feet slipped.

The stool skittered out of reach as the noose took her full weight. The dancing and music stopped as everyone paused to watch. Mena rasped and gurgled as her legs kicked in a frantic effort to find solid footing.

Someone said that Lucia was coming down the stairs. The stool was quickly retrieved. Philomena was helped to stand upright, whimpering and trembling with fear. But once more she experienced a perverse excitement she still could not fully comprehend.

Lucia came over with the drink and a straw. Philomena drank as much as she could. It wasn’t nearly enough, but at least she was not so parched.

Lucia looked at her watch and smiled. “One hour to go, Mena. One hour and your debt to me will be paid in full.”

She looked all around to see what everyone else was doing. Her friends all seemed to be enjoying themselves. She smiled at her party decoration as she told her, “See you at eleven, Mena. Try not to hang yourself?” Then Lucia headed back for the stairs.

Philomena tried to cry out in protest. But her words remained unintelligible due to the ball-gag in her mouth. Tawny and Kiera were no longer in the basement, and she didn’t want to be left alone in case the stool was “accidentally” kicked out from underneath her again.

Lucia’s party guests continued to wander close in order to get a good look at her. Thankfully she was not groped and pawed as much as before. But there was still a lot of dancing. And some of the guys were getting close again, allowing their feet to “accidentally” nudge the legs to the stool.

Philomena was getting tired. But every time she tried to sag for a rest break, the noose would tighten around her throat. It made her grunt and whimper to a roomful of deaf ears.

At 10:18 the stool was nudged again. She was so tired – the surface so damp – that her feet slipped again. Philomena lost the stool, the noose pulling her up short of the floor once more.

As she began to fight the coil, her friends eagerly gathered around to watch. She kicked and suffered for nearly three minutes before the stool was returned. Her face was red as she was helped to regain her footing. But the rope remained uncomfortably snug around her throat.

At 10:43 Warren returned to molest her. “You borrowed money from me too, Mena. You owe me.” Then his foot hooked a leg of the stool before he started to pull.

Her eyes widened in horror as she anxiously shook her head. She tried to cry out through the ball-gag in her mouth. Others came over to see what Warren was going do.

He pulled on the leg of the stool with his foot. It began to slide along the floor. Philomena’s foundation began to slip away as she tried to maintain her footing with her bare feet.

With an “oops” Warren pulled the stool away. Once more the noose took Philomena’s full weight. Her legs scissored as her feet instinctively searched for the moved stool.

She grunted in agony as more of her so-called friends came over to watch. She began to kick a little harder as she fought the rope. Philomena threw out her chest as her lungs heaved. Then her knees jerked upward as she thrust her hips out.

There were oohs and aahs, followed by numerous comments she could barely make out… “Is she fucking the air?”  “No, she’s just cumming, silly.”  “Wow, look at her dance!”  “That is so fucking hot!”

The pleasure she experienced was quickly replaced by the pain of her lungs not receiving enough air. Her legs kicked harder as she began to jerk in the noose. She was so close to making it! Now she was going to hang within sight of the eleven o’clock hour…

“Hey – hey – HEY!”

Lucia came rushing forward. She grabbed the stool and put it back where it belonged. Then she helped Philomena regain her footing.

She glared angrily at Warren. “Should I guess this was your doing?”

“She owes me, Lucia! Besides, she was only in the air for…” and he checked his watch “…four minutes! That didn’t hurt anything, did it?”

“Hell, Warren! She damn near owes everybody down here! That doesn’t mean they should all get a chance to hang her!” But there were dissenting voices indicating it was perfectly ok with them if she swung a little longer.

Lucia looked at her naked, trembling friend and took pity on her. Then she checked her watch. “Ok, Mena. It’s damned near eleven. I suppose I can bring you down now.”

There were several disappointed cries as she worked to remove the noose from around the neck of her party decoration. Lucia untied her friend’s wrists before carefully helping Mena down off the stool. Then she removed the ball-gag from her mouth.

Philomena worked her jaws to make sure they still functioned. There were audible cries of “Can’t we hang her, Lucia?”  “Yeah, we want to watch her hang!”

“Some other time,” Lucia told them before taking her friend’s arm. Then she led an exhausted Philomena naked through the basement to the stairs and escorted her up to the main floor. Tawny and Kiera were instructed to fetch her clothes and bring them along.

2020 (written Jun 25 ‘20 by riwa)

(Inspired by a story request)

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Coffee table strangle 4.4 (42)

I gave her everything. She repaid me by running off with some handsome young stranger who came to our door. It almost broke my heart.

Six months later she came crawling back. Her boyfriend had used her and then dumped her. She wanted to know if there was still a place for her.

I told her there wasn’t. I had moved on. It reduced her to tears.

She begged and pleaded. It had all been a huge mistake. He’d seduced her with his charm and the promise of adventure.

I told her there was no place in my heart for her. She said she would do anything. She would even try that “asphyxia crap” with me as she had frequently referred to it.

I told her I was no longer interested. Besides, the way I felt about her now meant a session with me might prove lethal. She said she didn’t care. She’d learned a painful lesson and did not want to be sent away.

The only thing he’d left her with was the thin, black scarf around her neck. She said she didn’t want it anymore. I could use it on her and then throw it away if I so desired.

I thought about it for a long moment. Then I told her to strip. She undressed all the way down to a black thong and nylons, items I did not recognize as she had never received from me. She left the scarf around her neck.

I led her over to my coffee table. I got some additional rope to secure her with. Then I made her lie down on top before tying her arms at the wrists.

She looked up at me with a hopeful expression, a look of remorse in her eyes. I simply stared back coldly. She gulped and winced.

I removed the black scarf she was wearing. I coiled it up before her very eyes, turning it into a garrote. Then I slowly wrapped it around her neck.

Her eyes opened wide as she gasped in alarm. But she did not resist. She never uttered one word of protest.

I slowly pulled on both ends. She tried to hold her breath. It was a useless gesture on her part.

I pulled harder. Her body began to buck and shudder upon the coffee table as she rasped for breath. She tried to jerk her hands up to interfere with my efforts. But they were secured in such a way that she could not pull them up far enough to stop me.

I eased up on her ligature. She panted for breath. Then I tightened it again as I leaned over her while kneeling.

Her eyes opened wide again. Once more her body reacted. I never expected to develop an erection in her presence. But her strangulation was certainly doing its job.

Once more I eased up on the tension to both ends. She panted for breath as she looked up at me. Still, she did not utter one word of protest.

I pulled on the ends of her scarf again. Knowing her boyfriend had given it to her did not sit well with me. My actions with her were sadistic.

The tighter I pulled, the harder she bucked. Her face became red as I applied more tension to her scarf. That’s when her knee instinctively came up as she writhed and squirmed.

I detected a fresh aroma of something sexual. I eased the tension on her scarf. That’s when I noticed her thong was damp.

So she was experiencing something sexual as I strangled her, eh? What’s more, I was enjoying myself far more than I had anticipated. I looked down upon her with a cruel smile before tightening the scarf again.

She began to wriggle and squirm anew. Her face turned red as her nipples swelled upon heaving breasts. Her hands instinctively jerked again as though trying to stop me.

I detected more of that same aroma. By now her thong was soaked. I eased up on the tension and looked down upon her impassively.

She panted for breath, her eyes wide with anxiety. Still she did not protest. Once more I pulled on both ends of the scarf.

She began to thrash around anew. Her body responded instinctively from lack of oxygen to her brain. Her hands tried to jerk upward again as her knee came up. Then her eyes rolled.

I eased the tension on the ends of the scarf, watching her eyes regain focus. The aroma was stronger now. Her thong was completely soaked.

“You deserve this; you know that, don’t you?” Then I smiled evilly as I pulled on the ends again. One more it tightened the rolled-up scarf around her throat.

Her eyes opened wide as her mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water. Her back arched as her body shuddered upon the coffee table. Then I eased up on both ends of the scarf around her neck.

She panted wildly for breath as she looked up at me. There was not as much anxiety in her eyes as before. It had been replaced with what… resignation perhaps? Excitement maybe?

In a quivering voice she asked, “Does this… does it arouse you?”

“Yes it does.” I wanted to lie to her, but I couldn’t.

A smile flickered at the corners of her mouth. Was she relieved? Or was she hoping her efforts were winning me over?

I pulled hard on both ends of her scarf. Her body responded accordingly as she bucked, shuddered and thrashed about. I was developing an uncomfortable bulge in my pants.

She was barely able to rasp for air as her face turned red. Then I eased up on both ends of the scarf again. She panted quietly for breath.

I have never seen nipples so erect before. Her chest heaved as she lay there looking up at me while trying to catch her breath.  Then her eyes flashed as she panted, “Do you want to fuck me?”

In response I slowly pulled on both ends of her scarf, still allowing her a little bit of breath. Her chest began to heave as she wriggled and squirmed. Then she looked up at me with lust in her eyes, perhaps thinking she was winning.

I pulled harder until she began to struggle even more upon my coffee table. This time she kept her hands by her sides. She never once tried to stop me.

She looked up at me with a hopeful expression as her face began to turn red. I increased the tension until she really began to thrash about on the table. It must have been difficult for her, but she never once acted as though she wished me to stop.

Her tongue slithered out in surrender. I eased off on the tension to the ends of her scarf. She took great gulps of air down her lungs.

She gave me a questioning look. I just shook my head. Her face fell.

“Are you hard?”

“Yes,” I nodded.

“But you don’t want me?”

“No. I will set you free. Then you can go.”

“What if I want to stay?”

In response, I pulled hard on both ends of her scarf. Her body bucked and shuddered as her back arched. Her face went a deep crimson before I eased off on both ends.

Once more she panted hard for breath. I could tell she was trembling. She looked at me before quietly asking, “You mean I have no other options?” I shook my head.

She thought about it for a long moment. Then she quietly asked, “Will you use my body at least once?”

“Only after you’re gone.”

“You promise?”

I nodded.

I gave her a minute to catch her breath. Then I simply told her, “Stay or leave.”

There was an air of sadness and resignation in her eyes. She had damaged our relationship beyond repair. She would not be able to break through my hardened exterior.

“You’ll keep your promise?”

I nodded my head again.

“Then I’ll stay.”

“Very well.”

I pulled on both ends of the scarf. She began to rasp for breath. I started her off slow. Then I pulled even harder, maintaining the tension.

Her back arched as that sexual odor returned with a vengeance. I swear I saw her mouth the word “PROMISE”. I nodded as I pulled on both ends just as hard as I could.

Her eyes rolled as she bucked and shuddered. Then she collapsed upon the coffee table. She lay unmoving, save for the occasional spasm or muscle twitch.

I continued to pull, watching the color of her face change from red to purple. Her body shuddered as stray nerve endings fired. This time there was a new smell as her bladder gave way. Then she was gone.

I looked down upon her curiously. There was a faraway look in her eyes. Then I unzipped my fly.

I slowly pushed my erection between her parted lips. I thrust in and out, allowing her to taste me without it registering in her brain. There was the faintest flicker in her eyes as though she was appreciative.

…or maybe I just imagined it…

2020 (written Oct 8 ’20 by riwa)

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The aquarium job (an Emma scuba story) 4.4 (25)

Note: this is an older, recently re-edited post. I also decided to include both chapters for you.

Part 1

During a period of unemployment, Emma found a privately owned aquarium looking for part time help. The position meant doing odd jobs, including cleaning the showcase tanks. Emma had scuba experience, and since she loved diving in her wetsuit and twin tanks she was pretty much hired on the spot.

The owner and operator of the establishment turned out to be a woman in her 40’s. Her name was Joanne, but she preferred to be called Jo. She was a friendly sort, although the petite Japanese girl with the coal black hair and small breasts quickly learned her boss had a dark side. It turned out Joanne loved being extra bossy toward her as well as her other two employees.

Emma had been working there about a month when she met a girl named Lucy, a 5’4” brunette with perky breasts. Chemistry quickly developed until the two hit it off right away. It was only a week before they started flirting with each other.

It was early evening on Friday when Lucy came to see Emma at the aquarium. She knew the petite Asian worked the late shift after closing time. That was the best time to clean the tanks before they opened the following morning.

On this evening she had nothing better to do. She and Emma were destined to go see a band as soon as her friend got off work. So she showed up early to wait for her.

Emma had just donned her black vintage wetsuit when she saw Lucy waiting on a bench near the employee’s entrance. “It’s good to see you,” she said with a smile. “I’m sorry, but I’m going to be a little late. I’ve got this last tank to clean. But I should be done in time for the two of us to go see that band tonight.”

“No problem,” Lucy replied pleasantly. “Besides, I’ve always been a little curious about your job here.”

“I guess you’re going to see me in action then,” Emma replied with a giggle. “What I do is not very exciting. But I worked things out with Jo. I only have this one tank to clean. Then we can go.”

Emma suddenly looked around as though things might not be on the up and up.” Over here,” she waved conspiratorially. “Follow me. I know a place where you can watch me in the tank. Besides, if anyone knows you’re here I might get in trouble.”

“Oh?” Lucy replied with amusement.

She’d only known Emma for about a week. But she’d learned a few things about her. For instance, it seemed like her little five foot Japanese friend was prone to pushing buttons and boundaries.

Emma playfully kissed her on the cheek. Then she led her down a long corridor and up some stairs. Instantly they were presented by the appearance of a large tank with a viewing bench.

“Like it?” Emma asked as she gestured toward the glass. “It’s a replica of The Great Barrier Reef. Everything is very real here.”

Lucy’s eyes opened wide in awe. “That’s fantastic! You’re one lucky bitch to get to work in a place like this!”

Emma would have giggled playfully. But she wanted to lay it on thick for her friend. She snorted, “Lucky? You should see my boss! Jo is a pushy, bossy bitch who treats me like I’m her pet! She has a pretty nasty side to her. If she ever turned on me I’m sure it wouldn’t be pretty.”

“Oh, Emma,” Lucy replied dismissively, rolling her eyes and shaking her head. “Aren’t you exaggerating just a little? You’re always sparring with someone over something; am I right? Just do what you have to do so we can get out of here, ok?”

Knowing her friend, Lucy figured Emma’s offhand remark was nothing more than the usual comment to be swept under the rug. But the petite little Asian wasn’t about to be put off. “Lucy, I mean it! She’s a nerving, plotting witch who thinks she’s God’s gift in here! You better watch out for…”

She trailed off at the sound of footsteps. Someone was coming. And it was too late to hide Lucy.

Her employer suddenly entered the viewing area. Emma braced for the worst. Strangely her boss was all smiles.

“There you are, Emma. I thought I’d find you here.”

She smiled warmly at Emma’s companion. “And who might this be?” She did not sound the slightest bit angry over having a member of the public in her establishment after hours.

Emma was all apologies. “Jo, this is Lucy. She’s a good friend of mine. I’m sorry I brought her in here. But I only have this one tank left to clean. Then I’ll be done for the day; isn’t that right?”

She was concerned Joanne might say otherwise. Surprisingly her boss was in a good mood. “Oh that’s fine, dear. I’ll be happy to keep her occupied for a bit.”

Emma did not fail to notice the way her boss touched her friend’s shoulder. It made her scowl inwardly. It seemed Jo was always on the prowl for someone new to be affectionate toward, much less boss around.

“We’ll just sit here and watch you for a bit,” Joanne went on. Then she waved her away. “Now go on – shoo. I’ll keep your friend company. Go and get your work done.”

The petite little Asian gave her friend a confirming look as if to say, “See what I mean? Did I tell you about Miss Bossy-boss here or what?”

She walked off behind the tank to the hatchway. She just wanted to get the job done so they could get out of there. She was eager to go see that band with Lucy.

Joanne and Lucy watched her walk away in her black rubber wetsuit. Jo couldn’t resist making a snide remark loud enough for Emma to hear. “She’s a good worker, Lucy. But sometimes you’ve got to keep an eye on her.”

Emma went and put on her twin tanks, fins, weight belt and dive mask. The whole time she found herself inwardly fuming at her boss. She’d heard the little dig when her back was turned. But she decided it was best to just get the job done so they could get out of there.

She clomped up the employee stairwell in her fins. Then she stepped off the edge into the tank. Her cleaning gear was in her hands.

She looked out through the glass as she sank to the bottom. She saw them sitting there on the bench watching her. She felt some jealousy, unsure she liked Jo being there with Lucy. But what could she do about it?

Oh well. Best to get the job done and get out of there. She didn’t want Miss Bossy-boss coming up with another assignment to give her while making off with her Lucy.

Joanne smiled at Emma through the glass. Then she turned toward Lucy who was sitting on the viewing bench with her. “I think you’re going to enjoy this,” she told her quietly. “I had a little surprise put in there for Emma. I love to keep my employees on their toes. But in this case I would have to say I’m keeping Emma on her dive fins.”

Lucy looked at her oddly as the owner of the establishment chuckled. Joanne intimately rubbed the girl’s shoulder. Then they turned to watch as Emma prepared to do her job.

“Surprise?” Lucy asked curiously. “What surprise?”

“Oh, nothing bizarre. Nothing that will hurt her. I’m just curious to see how she’ll react.”

She pointed at something in the tank. “You see that blue kelp over there? It’s the real stuff, brought over from the Great Barrier Reef.”

She paused for dramatic effect. Then she spoke in a conspiratorial tone. “That stuff can be quite a nuisance. Once you’re tangled within its strands it can be a chore trying to get out of.”

“Oh really?!”

Lucy’s eyes opened wide at the revelation. A slight smile flickered at the corners of her mouth. She knew Emma all too well, even though they’d only been seeing each other for a short time.

“You’re right; this could be interesting!” Seeing Emma all tangled up might prove to be amusing.

“Oh it definitely should be, hun,” Joanne replied, unable to stifle a giggle.

Emma saw them watching her as she descended near the floor of the tank amidst the sea life. She came into full view and gave them a wave of her hand. Then she worked her way to the front glass wall, attaching her suction cup for a handhold.

She went right to work wiping it clean with her squeegee. She soon realized the enormity of the task ahead of her. Algae had built up on parts of the glass walls from all the flora and fauna inside the tank. This might take her longer than she’d anticipated.

She pulled up her gauge and checked her readings. She figured she had about 45 minutes of downtime before her tanks ran dry. That would probably be enough time to get the job done with a little room to spare.

She fought the urge to glare indignantly at her boss. Emma fumed as she ran the squeegee over another section of glass. The sooner she got this done, the sooner they could get out of there.

“Looks like an angel, doesn’t she?” Joanne remarked as they both watched her progress.

Lucy looked at her curiously. Was that longing in her voice? Or was it something else?

“Such a sweet, innocent girl,” Emma’s boss added. “How long have you known her, hun?”

“Not long,” Lucy replied. “We’re just friends; we met last week. I really like her a lot.” She paused before adding, “You’re right. She does kind of look like an angel in there.”

“Pressure does some odd things,” Joanne murmured softly, staring into the tank. “For instance: see her wetsuit? You can see she has nothing on underneath. The pressure presses the suit and makes it nice and tight on her. You can see every little curve and crevice. Emma probably doesn’t even realize how I’ve noticed.”

Lucy peered intently as though seeing her friend in a whole new light. She really could see every little curve and crevice. Odd the way she was finding it to be rather sexy.

Joanne chuckled as they both watched her. “Perhaps ‘innocent’ is the wrong word to describe her,” she admitted. “I know from talking with her how much she loves living dangerously. So we’ll see.”

Lucy nodded at Joanne’s words. But she hadn’t really heard her. She simply couldn’t stop looking at her friend in the tank.

Her eyes kept going up and down Emma’s little wetsuited body. She couldn’t help noting every single curve. What her employer had said was absolutely true.

“Wow!” Lucy sighed quietly.

Joanne glanced over at her, smiling inwardly. Emma’s friend seemed mesmerized by the encased body of her little Japanese employee in the tank. It was as though Emma was putting on a little show for them simply by being in her rubber wetsuit as she cleaned the glass.

Joanne carefully put an arm around the young woman, wondering how hard it might be to seduce her. It certainly could be fun to try. Then she smiled conspiratorially.

“Would you like a little background on this so-called friend of yours …perhaps a juicy little secret or two? Oh, the things I could tell you.”

Lucy turned to look at her. “Sure!” she told her, her eyes opening with interest.

“Well, she lives alone and just recently moved here. As far as her having any other friends, I really think you might be it, hun. As for family, she’s alone in that department too. She has no one… almost like a little lost sheep. But I have noticed one thing.”

“Oh? What’s that?”

“She seems to be quite flirtatious with the visitors here, including my small staff.”

“Is that so?” Lucy curiosity had been piqued.

Joanne casually touched her back, seductively rubbing a finger along her shoulder. “She can be quite the flirt. But I guess she can afford to be. Sometimes I don’t even think she’s aware she’s doing it.”

She paused as though remembering something. Then she smiled. “I walked in on her once. She was flirting with a guy that used to work here. Another time I saw her on her knees with another guy. I think she was about to…” The owner paused before quietly adding, “Oh never mind. I suppose that’s kind of private.”

It had worked; she had drawn the girl in with her gossip. Lucy was now hanging on every word. She looked at Emma through the glass as though seeing her in a new light.

“Tell me,” Lucy asked quietly. “What did it look like? Did you think she was… well… she did tell me she was bi.”

She blushed as she lowered her head. “Well… never mind about that.” Now she was embarrassed.

Joanne smiled and cleared her throat. “Well, she didn’t see me. It did look as though… well… you know.”

She continued to run a finger along Lucy’s shoulder. She was becoming excited at the evening she might have. Luring Emma into a peril while seducing her friend? What a thrill!

Emma methodically worked her way across the glass of the tank. She could see both of them sitting there watching her. They sure seemed to be sitting rather close to each other.

It looked like her boss was telling Lucy something. Was she confiding in her perhaps? Maybe sharing secrets about her?

As she wiped the glass she saw Jo say something to Lucy. Her friend smiled back each time her boss spoke to her. Emma wondered what was being said about her, and she found herself becoming a little indignant.

She couldn’t help noticing how Lucy’s nipples were beginning to protrude through her shirt. And her employers hand was on behind her back. What the hell was going on?! There certainly wasn’t anything she could do about it, not while she was in the tank.

Her boss looked in at her, smiling while waving in acknowledgement. Emma nodded in return. Then Jo turned back toward her friend, ignoring her as if she wasn’t even there.

She fumed inwardly as she ran the squeegee over another section. Bubbles exhaling from the connection of the twin hoses to her tank as she took another breath.  It wouldn’t help to get all grumpy about it.

She had to keep working until she was done. Then they could get the hell away from Miss Bossy-boss for the night. It sure looked like Jo was making moves on her girl.

Emma grumped to herself as she moved her suction cup handhold further down. She was slowly working her way across the surface of the glass. If she increased her pace, maybe she could finish a little sooner.

Joanne wiggled a little closer to her quarry. She glanced knowingly into the tank at Emma before diverting her attention back to Lucy. She was enjoying the chase, knowing how it had to be galling the petite Asian.

“Another time I watched her work her magic on a woman,” she went on, all too happy to dish something juicy about her employee. “She was only a visitor here. It was nothing sexual or anything. But the way Emma flirts is just… an eye opener.”

“I always thought she was a little bi,” the owner continued thoughtfully. “I wasn’t totally sure; after all I was kind of hoping for myself. But since you’re here it would seem my hope is probably lost. She’s such a tease, you know. I’m sure she doesn’t realize it. It’s just her way.”

She was enjoying planting her little seeds, laying the foundation for a little delicious seduction. Lucy reacted by leaning back a little. The newcomer could feel Joanne’s hand caressing her hair.

“Oh, yes,” she acknowledged. “I know Emma can be quite the flirt.”

She looked into the tank at her Japanese friend. She could not resist admiring her body in that rubber wetsuit. She even liked the way her fins slowly kicked as she worked the glass.

Lucy suddenly remembered something. “You said ‘living dangerously’. What’s that all about?”

Joanne chuckled in response. “She seems to kind of get off on it, if you catch my drift. In fact, I have a tidbit or two on that if you’re interested.”

Lucy looked into Joanne’s face, her curiosity increasing.  “Really??”


The brunette smiled. “Now that I think about it, Emma has given me that same idea on a couple of occasions, so to speak. Nothing overt or anything. It’s just that on a couple of occasions I noticed she almost tried to get herself into trouble.”

The employer smiled lustfully at her. “I thought as much. Just keep an eye on your so-called friend in the tank. I suspect she’s not going to be able to help herself. The show’s just about to start. Watch this!”

There was excitement evident in her voice. She was obviously looking forward to something. Now she really was curious.

“Show? What show?”

Joanne merely motioned at the tank. Emma was easing back from the glass. She appeared to be unaware just how close the thin, blue strands of kelp were waving just below her fins.

“The danger thing I was telling you about? Emma seems to be fascinated by it. I went out with her once. She had a little too much to drink, you know? It’s like a truth serum to her.”

“Anyway, she told me about some of her past jobs she took just for the thrill, you know… the danger and the risk? For instance, there was this job she took helping with the construction of a dock. Imagine that tiny thing working underwater with dock builders. She loved the risk of it all, and she certainly had her fair share. She told me she got caught underwater a few times working with them.”

“Caught underwater?” Lucy asked curiously. “You mean like trapped or something?” Without realizing it she had actually nudged closer to the owner of the aquarium, now appearing to welcome those soft touches.

Joanne nodded with a smile. “She told me she got caught under a piling more than once. She came really close to running out of air before they found her. Sometimes I think that girl actually loves her close calls.”

She moved her hand to the girl’s knee as Lucy looked into the tank, watching her petite friend squeegee the glass. It seemed as though Emma was lost in her task. She was not looking at them at all, appearing anxious to accomplish the task at hand.

Lucy felt tingly all over. She was enjoying where all of this seemed to be going. Hell, she even liked the way Emma’s boss was coming on to her.

“It’s kind of funny you should mention this,” she remarked. “To be honest, I kind of sensed something like that about her myself. But I certainly didn’t think she would ever take anything like that too far.”

Joanne leaned closer and conspiratorially asked, “You want to hear a story about this place?” Lucy nodded with growing eagerness.

“The keeper once caught her in the octopus’s tank. She was prodding and teasing the poor thing. He didn’t say anything; he just watched her in there. Oh, she didn’t try to hurt it or anything like that. But he got the impression she was trying to, well… you know… maybe get herself caught in something?”

Joanne thought about it for a moment. “She does seem to take these chances at times, hun. Very risky chances. I don’t know why, but I kind of like that.”

Lucy looked at her for a long moment. She felt a strange flush of arousal. Then she self-consciously looked down at her feet.

She mumbled something unintelligible. She blushed as she thought about it. “You know?” she finally said, feeling embarrassed at revealing this to Emma’s employer. “I think I like that about her too.”

Joanne motioned at the tank with her head and snickered. “Yes, hun. Even now, little Emma doesn’t realize it yet. She’s taking a chance in there, something she doesn’t even know about. Hell, maybe she does on a subconscious level.”

“Is she?” Lucy asked, almost sounding hopeful. “You say she doesn’t know about it?”

“Doesn’t know about it… or maybe she does but she’s focused on the glass.”

Lucy blushed again. “I don’t know why this is such a turn on for me right now.”

Joanne believed she had Lucy in the palm of her hand. She wanted to get this girl excited at her employee’s imminent peril. Well, it was probably imminent so long as Emma remained unaware while moving closer to the kelp.

She figured a little more information ought to fully fuel the fire. So Joanne leaned in conspiratorially. “I can tell how much you’re enjoying this. But I know something else. Allow me to add just a little bit more.”

As she spoke she softly moved her hand up Lucy’s leg. Lucy looked into the glass at her wetsuited friend. But she could not help quivering from the seductive touch of the owner of the aquarium.

Emma noticed how close to her friend her employer was sitting. It galled her, especially when they were “innocently” looking back at her through the glass. Both of them were smiling at something.

She paused in her work, noticing how Jo had her hand on Lucy’s leg. She drifted in place, her fins moving very little. Then she let go of the suction handhold as she stared in at them.

Was her boss trying to seduce her Lucy? Was this going to interrupt their trip to see the band? Maybe she’d better hurry and finish up.

The blue strands of kelp danced tantalizingly under her fins. They were mere inches away, as though calling out to her. But Emma was not thinking about them. No doubt she believed them not to be of any great importance.

She was becoming annoyed – disgusted more like it – at the behavior of her employer. Lucy wasn’t doing a damned thing to resist either. It was time to move to another section of glass… perhaps a section where she didn’t have to watch them get so chummy with each other.

As she started to move away, she pushed her fins downward to kick in order to send her upward. That’s when she inadvertently stuck her right foot straight down into the kelp bed. Almost immediately the tiny blue strands wrapped around her fin and ankle as though they were living things in search of prey.

Instinctively Emma tried to kick herself away. It had the effect of driving her left foot deep into the waving strands. Those dutifully wrapped around her left fin and ankle as well.

She tried to move upward, only to be jerked to a halt. Her hands waved as though she was trying to pull herself upward. But the kelp pulled her up short.

She looked down with surprise at the entanglement. She grunted as she exhaled, annoyed to see what she’d been snagged by. Emma was impressed by the way such thin strands were successfully holding on to her.

She tried to pull herself upward, each time with a little more effort. She tried to kick her fins free. But they only became more entangled. It was only kelp; shouldn’t she be able to pull herself out?

The petite Asian looked down with confusion. She couldn’t understand why she wasn’t breaking loose. The strands seemed so thin, yet she was not coming free despite the effort she expended.

She looked through the glass, wondering if they were watching her. She was embarrassed to see Jo shaking her head while pointing and laughing at her. Lucy looked in on her as though in a daze.

Emma became extremely annoyed with them as well as the situation she’d gotten herself into. She struggled to kick herself free. Then she twisted violently in place, her ankles cocking as her legs jolted.

She was angry as hell, angry at her carelessness and furious with her employer who seemed to think it was funny as hell. A moment later she lost one of her fins. It was as though the kelp was demanding it from her, leaving her in her bootie.

Emma cried out in anger and frustration. She exhaled heavily as she pulled hard with her legs. A moment later she lost the other fin.

“Do you see now?” Joanne said to Lucy with a chuckle while pointing at her struggling Japanese employee. “That kelp is kind of tricky. You saw how she backed herself right into it. It’s hard to tell whether it was a natural mistake or if a part of her subconsciously wanted to do it on purpose. Now she’s all tangled up.”

Joanne loved the end result, no matter how it had come about.  She stared intently, watching every delicious move her employee made as she struggled in the clingy material. Lucy simply found herself in a daze, numbly answering, “Yes, I see. Wow!”

2013; 2020 (written by “Emma” and riwa Dec 10 ’13; ed. May 21 ‘20 by riwa)

Part 2

Emma saw her friend Lucy and her boss Joanne looking at her. Both had strange smirks on their faces. It infuriated her even more now that she was hung up… “Ha- ha; very funny, you two.”

She looked down at her ankles, noticing how both of them were thoroughly entangled within the kelp. She reached down to pull on a few of the stubborn strands. But she discovered the damned things wouldn’t tear away that easily.

She twisted and tugged, trying to pull, rip or even tear it away. But the kelp was incredibly stubborn. This was not good.

Was she really stuck? Would Jo have to come down and get her out while her friend was out there watching? That would be embarrassing as hell!

“Shit,” she blurted into the reg in her mouth. “Damned stuff!”

There were a couple more attempts at pulling her legs out of the kelp bed. But it accomplished nothing. What’s more, her friend and employer sat watching her as though enthralled, even though it was plain as day she was stuck.

She finally gave up in disgust, waving at either one of them to come into the tank to help her. But neither of them rose up from where they were sitting to intervene. What the hell was wrong with them?

Emma twisted and tugged, swaying from side to side.  She looked through the glass at them. But they appeared to be chatting with each other.

She tried to wave to get their attention… “Hell-OOOO! I’m in here, remember?” But instead of coming to her aid they just sat there watching with some degree of amusement in their features.

Emma shook her head, wondering why she always had to do everything herself. She crouched down into the waving strands, moving her hand down her legs in an effort to get a better grip on the clingy material. If she could get it off her ankle she would soon be free.

Somehow she remained stuck. Emma grunted in alarm as she tried to jerk her arm out. Unfortunately the kelp had wrapped itself around her wrist as though it had morphed into a malevolent being.

With another jerk of her arm she lost her balance. Emma toppled helplessly into the kelp. Waving strands hungrily reached out to snag her legs, her arms, her twin tanks.

Her free hand waved frantically at the surface. Emma’s petite body instinctively twisted and squirmed in an effort to tear herself loose. But it wasn’t long before she’d become thoroughly entangled by the numerous vines.

Lucy was absolutely mesmerized at the sight beyond the glass. She panted quietly while leaning forward to watch every little movement so as not to miss anything. Joanne leaned forward as well, seductively touching Lucy’s thigh as she too was caught up in the unfolding drama.

“See, hun?” she gestured, her breathing becoming heavy and labored.  “What did I tell you? She’s really stuck, don’t you think? It makes a nice, erotic image, wouldn’t you agree?”

“I do,” Lucy answered as if in a trance. “It’s incredible to see her stuck like that. But, uh… shouldn’t we help her or something?”

Joanne smiled as her eyes twinkled. “I’d say she has a good 20 minutes of air left in those tanks. She has plenty of time. Let’s allow her to enjoy herself, shall we? In the meantime I’m sure the two of us can find something to do to, uh… occupy ourselves?”

Instinctively Lucy picked up on what the seductive woman was implying. She could make out with Emma’s boss while ignoring her entangled friend. How would she react inside the aquarium?

She realized she was not the least bit resistant to the idea. Emma was such a flirt anyway that she felt it was perfectly ok. How could it be cheating if Emma did it all the time?

“I suppose we could,” Lucy answered breathlessly. Then she looked into the tank and smiled at her imperiled friend. That’s when she deliberately turned away.

Strangely Lucy was all turned on. She was aroused by Emma’s sensuous wetsuit, knowing she was naked underneath. And she was turned on knowing her little Asian friend loved risky situations.

She was especially aroused at seeing the little slut wriggling helplessly in all that kelp. Knowing there was a limited amount of air left in those tanks gave her a strange tingle in her loins.  Making out with her boss while Emma was helplessly stuck might be a real thrill.

Lucy turned toward Joanne, reaching out to caress her arms. Then she nodded at the tank with her head. “Think Emma will mind?” she asked with a grin as her eyes twinkled.

“Why should she mind?” Joanne replied. “Besides, there’s nothing she can do about it now. Our little flirt’s a bit wrapped up at the moment…”

Emma stopped struggling the moment she saw them turn to face each other. To her shock they leaned in and started kissing one another. And it wasn’t like one of those innocent pecks on the cheek either. They were passionately kissing!

“Hey… HEY!” she cried out, waving at them with her free hand. “What are you doing? Jo, don’t be kissing my friend like that! Lucy, knock it off! Stop fooling around, you two, and get me out of here!”

She tried to signal she was really stuck and that she needed help. But they didn’t seem the least bit concerned. They just continued their passionate embrace.

For the moment it appeared as though Emma was on her own. She began tugging on her legs again, trying to pull them free. But it just wasn’t happening.

She felt the seam of her wetsuit dig into her crotch. She began to swoon from the pressure as well as the peril. The vines were clearly working against her, clinging to her as though toying with her.

She could feel the kelp strands hanging onto her along with the underwater pressure rubbing against her crotch as she breathed from her regulator. If this kept up she was liable to orgasm. It would be so embarrassing if she came right in front of them.

The lovebirds turned and looked at her with amusement. She was angered upon seeing Jo lovingly massage one of Lucy’s breasts. What made it all the worse was the way her friend seemed to appreciate it, tipping her head back and closing her eyes.

Emma became aware of new sensations. She could feel vines rubbing against the soles of her feet. More tingles ran up her legs to settle in her crotch.

She had long acknowledged her soles were erogenous zones. It was something she often used in order to get herself off. But there were times it had become a weakness for others to exploit.

Her soles began to tingle from the infuriating strands. Combined with her tingling crotch she was in serious trouble. She was entangled, slowly running out of air, and becoming perversely aroused by the whole damned situation.

Emma shook her head as she began wriggling her feet, trying to pull them free. But the vines were everywhere, entangling her as they worked at tantalizing her. Every time she tried to pull a foot free she felt the strands wrap tighter around her ankles while working their magic on her soles.

She struggled harder, desperately trying to wriggle her way to freedom. It only succeeded in making the strands clamp down tighter onto their prize. The seam in her wetsuit tightened against her crotch until she began to swoon again.

A thousand thoughts flashed through her mind. What if Jo and Lucy got too distracted and didn’t get to her in time? What if she ran out of air? How much air did she even have left? Why weren’t these damned vines leaving her booties alone?

She tried to reach for her gauge to check on her remaining time. But the strands had that too. It was all tangled up and well out of reach. She couldn’t even get to the hose to pull the gauge closer.

What if she was about to run out of air? What if all this had been planned from the very beginning? What if Jo and Lucy had conspired together to arrange this? Wouldn’t it be easy to claim it was nothing more than a regrettable accident?

Emma began to struggle harder, wriggling anxiously to reach the air gauge. When that didn’t work she tugged frantically on her legs. The vines were maddening on the soles of her feet.

She could feel herself losing the battle. Then she saw Jo and Lucy looking in on her through the glass. She saw glazed expressions on their faces.

What the hell? Were they getting off watching her??

“See how she fights, hun?” Joanne breathlessly remarked to Lucy as the two of them watched Emma’s battle with the vines. “Isn’t that sexy? See how she struggles to free herself? Just look at her face. If I didn’t know better I’d swear that little slut was about to cum.”

“Is she??” Lucy asked as she leaned toward the glass to watch. “Is she really?? I’d love to see that!”

“Just look at her,” Joanne observed, her breath catching in her throat. “If I would have known this I wouldn’t have waited so long to arrange an ‘accident’ for her.”

“Look – look – look!” Lucy gasped. “I think she’s going – I think she’s going – there she goes!”

Both women instinctively rubbed themselves as they watched Emma swoon and exhale in the tank. They saw her struggles lessen, her eyes rolling as she exhaled heavily. Bubbles flushed from her regulator. It was the most erotic thing they had ever witnessed, and it turned them both on something fierce…

Emma panted weakly, the orgasm having sapped her strength. She soon became aware how hard she was breathing from her regulator. Surely she was depleting her air supply. At this rate it couldn’t last all that much longer.

She waved at them through the glass in growing desperation… “Please! You’ve got to get me out of here!” There seemed to be no response.

She reached out toward the glass window. She was just able to reach it. Emma began to beat on it with the palm of her hand. Unfortunately, it only made Jo and Lucy smile at her before turning to kiss each other all over again.

“NO!” she cried out into the reg in her mouth. “I’m running out of air! You bitches can’t leave me like this! I’ll drown in here! You’ve got to get a knife and cut me loose!” But the two lovebirds were now seriously kissing and groping each other, seemingly oblivious to her plight…

Lucy was amazed how turned on she was. She paused from kissing the owner of the aquarium to look in her friend’s direction again. Emma seemed desperate; she was even beating on the window.

“Oh, that’s so hot,” she murmured in observation. Her body was on fire from an incredible arousal at seeing her friend react from the peril inside the aquarium. “I see what you mean now. She really does get off on the danger!”

“Take a good look,” Joanne breathed. “Just look at her. I think she’s going to pop off again. I should’ve brought that kelp in here long ago.”

Sure enough, Emma began wriggling like mad, frantically tugging on the vines entangling her. Joanne and Lucy saw the look in her eyes as she began to swoon once more. Then there was an exhalation of bubbles as her eyes rolled.

“Gawd; she just came a second time!” Lucy gasped, furiously rubbing herself.

“I can’t believe how sexy she looks struggling in that wetsuit,” Joanne added. “That seam in her crotch must be driving her mad.”

A thought occurred to her as an evil smile spread all over her face. “Would you really like to drive her wild, hun?”

Lucy’s eyes lit up excitedly and she eagerly nodded. “What do you have in mind?”

“Just follow my lead, hun…”

In the tank Emma sucked hard on her regulator. She was weak as a kitten, her orgasms having exhausted her. She didn’t have the strength to get herself free anymore. And she strongly suspected she was going to run out of air… perhaps at any moment.

As she looked through the glass she couldn’t believe how they were deliberately rubbing themselves as though getting off on her peril. Didn’t they understand her predicament? Didn’t they realize she might be running low on air? Surely they had to understand that, didn’t they??

She watched as they both stood up together. She saw Jo take Lucy’s hand. There was a smile on her employer’s face.

Her boss tapped on the glass and smiled at her. She heard her say, “Lucy and I are going to go spend some quality time together! It’s unfortunate you got all caught up in that kelp bed! It’s too bad no one was here to see you get into trouble!”

“What do you mean ‘no one’??” Emma cried out into the regulator. “You two are standing right there looking at me!” Whether they understood her or not didn’t seem to matter.

“She told me how much of a flirt you are!” Lucy called out to her. “So we’re going to go spend some quality time together! I’ve decided I’m going to take Joanne to see that band instead of you! It’s too bad I didn’t get here in time. Maybe I could have saved you!” She smiled cruelly as though she wasn’t the least bit sorry.


Her boss shook her head in sorrow. “Sorry about this, Emma! I can’t help it if I’m attracted to your girlfriend! I guess you should have been more careful cleaning the glass inside that tank! But I’m sure the danger you got yourself into should be good for a couple more juicy orgasms before you run out of air! We saw the last two cums you had! They really looked sexy!”

“They sure did, Em!” Lucy added with a grin and a cheerful wave. “Seeing you wriggle and squirm and cum like that was really sexy! Anyway, we’ll see you around, Em! We’ll be making out in Jo’s office imagining you running out of air while going out with a bang!”

“NOOOOO!” That’s when they turned their back on her. Lucy and Joanne walked away hand in hand.

A moment later it hit her with all the fury of a runaway locomotive. Emma swooned, her eyes rolling into the back of her head as her body shuddered hard. The seam in her crotch added to her forced pleasure as the kelp strands conspired to tantalize the soles of her feet.

It was so devastating in its fury that she nearly passed out from the intensity of it all. Her vision blurred until she became dazed and disoriented. It felt incredible.

When she began to recover she became painfully aware how hard she was sucking the air from her tanks. How much did she have left? Surely her air was almost gone!

She looked out through the glass, but Jo and Lucy were long gone. They had truly left her all alone in the tank. They were nowhere in sight.

Were they really going to allow her to drown? Were they going to claim it was all just an unfortunate accident? How could she know for sure?

It occurred to her how easy it would be to claim she had become entangled in the kelp and simply run out of air while cleaning the tank. The squeegee she had with her along with the partially cleaned glass wall would confirm it was all true. Hell, they might even get away with it!

Emma’s mind screamed, “I HAVE TO GET MYSELF OUT OF HERE!” She began tugging against the kelp she was tangled up in. But it was a losing battle.

The more she worked one leg free, the more entangled the other became! The harder she struggled, the more the vines clung to her. It was taking everything she had just to keep her one arm free of the clingy kelp.

Emma looked all around, exhaling heavily as she searched for something to help extract her from her predicament. But there was nothing available. The squeegee might have helped, but now she couldn’t even get to it. It had fallen well out of reach.

Her attention was drawn to a couple of splashes up at the surface. It was Jo and Lucy. And both of them were in scuba gear.

She breathed a sigh of relief. Then her eyes opened in shock. They were both buck-naked.

They came down to the floor of the aquarium, staying well away from the kelp bed. Emma tried to stretch toward them with her free arm. They grinned as they waved back at her.

She saw them shake their heads. What was this?? Weren’t they going to do something about her plight??


Emma suddenly heard a quiet buzzing, an all too familiar sound. She turned in the direction of her air gauge as her eyes flew open in horror. It was alerting her she only had about five minutes of air remaining.

It was a piece of equipment she’d attached to her gauge a long time ago. She wanted to be alerted in case she got distracted and ran herself low on air. Now it was doing its job.

She was almost out of air. But she was still hopelessly entangled in the bed of kelp. What’s more, Jo and Lucy didn’t appear to be the least bit inclined to come to her aid.

Emma frantically made a slashing motion with her hand, grunting and shaking her head… “I’M OUT OF AIR, DAMN YOU! DON’T JUST STAND THERE?? COME AND GET ME OUT!!”

Her boss did not come to her aid. Instead, she was horrified to see Jo reach down and begin rubbing herself. A moment later she saw Lucy do the exact same thing.

What was this? Were they going to get off watching her run out of air?? NOOO!

Emma began to thrash around in growing panic. She was painfully aware the pressure in her tanks could drop at any moment. At the same time she felt a horrific arousal swell within her.

There was no way in hell she could stop it. Another orgasm would surely steal the last of her air. It would take her breath away, helping to rapidly drain her tanks.

Emma tried to hold it back. Then she was cumming hard, moaning and shuddering in orgasm like she had never cum before. The pleasure was incredibly intense.

Joanne and Lucy were in awe watching their sexy Japanese slut cum up a storm. Lucy let out a squeal as she furiously fingered herself, cumming right along with her friend. Joanne let out a bubbly cry and then shuddered hard in orgasm, moaning and grunting in ecstasy. She simply could not believe how incredibly erotic it was to watch poor Emma cum in that bed of kelp.

Emma sagged with exhaustion. She didn’t have the strength to do anything now but wait for her tanks to run dry. Her eyes were glassy as a dazed look filled her features.

She was going to drown any minute now. The pressure would drop until she couldn’t get a breath. Instinct would make her shed her regulator and inhale water from the aquarium. And there was nothing she could do about it.

Her vision dimmed; was she seeing things? Were they coming closer? She couldn’t be sure. All she could do was continue to breathe, wondering which breath would be her last.

They grabbed onto her arm as dive knives flashed. A moment later the pressure dropped precipitously. She grunted and shuddered, sucking in vain.

Emma tried to breathe deeply. Then she wearily shook her head. The regulator fell away from her lips, allowing bubbles to spew out of her mouth.

Knives flashed before a regulator was pushed into her mouth. Emma inhaled weakly. Her lungs inflated with compressed air.

Slowly but surely she felt herself being pulled out of the bed of kelp. She could see they were working together. Then she was out of the kelp, causing her to inhale with gratitude.

In a daze she saw Lucy looking at her. Her friend’s naked body was quite appealing. Emma would have reached out to molest her if she would’ve had the energy.

She suddenly felt her arms being pulled behind her back. Apparently Joanne was behind her. What was this?

A hand came around and popped the reg out of her mouth. Her eyes opened wide in surprise. Then Lucy moved in.

Her friend began caressing her all over… touching her… fondling her… moaning with lust. Emma tried to wriggle free. But Joanne had a good grasp on her.

Air spewed freely from her lips as she shook her head… “GAWD, HUN; DON’T DO IT – I’M EXHAUSTED!!” Then Lucy reached down to rub her crotch.

Emma could feel how wet and sticky she was. Her wetsuit made little slurping sounds as her friend rubbed her. She moaned weakly, her eyes rolling as she tried to hold her breath.

It hit without warning, an orgasm seemingly too intense to withstand. Emma shuddered hard at the pleasure washing through her as she fought to hold her breath. Then she promptly blacked out…

When she regained consciousness she discovered she was out of the tank. Emma had no idea how she’d gotten there. She was lying flat on her back in her wetsuit, her gear and dive mask having been removed.

Lucy hovered over her, a lewd grin on her face. Amazingly her friend was back in her clothes. She gasped “Wow, Emma; you look wiped out!” Emma could only nod in agreement.

“You are one lucky bitch,” she heard Joanne tell her as her boss sat in a chair. She too was back in her clothes. Her employer was casually sipping on something in a cup.

“You are so clumsy, you know that? You should know better than to go sticking your fins into a bed of kelp. Lucy and I had to cut you out with a couple of dive knives! If it weren’t for us you’d be dead!”

Emma wanted to mouth off that she hadn’t known about the kelp and that she should’ve been warned ahead of time. But she thought better of it. The petite little Asian chose to remain silent.

Lucy grinned at her. “You looked so damned cute cumming in the tank like that.” Then she sat her up, wrapping her arms around her and hugging her tight as she exclaimed, “I could just eat you up!”

“You’d better get dressed if you’re going to go see that band with your friend, Emma.” Then Joanne scowled at her.

“Clumsy, clumsy, clumsy. Now I have to make a call to get someone else to come in and finish up your job. I suppose there’s no helping it though. Just be here all the earlier on Monday to make it up on your timecard. Now shoo!”

Lucy helped Emma to her feet. They stumbled off toward her locker and a change of clothes. But the little Japanese girl couldn’t help wondering what else Jo might do to her now that her little danger-fetish had been thoroughly revealed…

2013; 2020 (written by “emma” and riwa Dec 10 ’13; ed. Jun 22 ‘20)

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