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Monthly Archives: May 2022
One orgasm too many
Adele is horny and engages in some risky play to get off. But will she try for one orgasm too many? Continue reading
Riwa’s Stories at Patreon
Another chapter to Donna’s shore leave. Another Mr. Wayne chapter. Another chapter to the Legend of Whittaker Manor. A bathtub surprise. Flirting goes wrong. The tidal stakes on Santamos Island are used. She teases her step-brother, and it backfires. An … Continue reading
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Synchro Tryout 3
Coach makes Cyndi engage in one more breath-holding test. Apparently, this one is designed to discover her oral skills. Continue reading
Hayley cums underwater
Hayley is anxious to go out and use their pool for her first underwater orgasm of the season. But will she get carried away? Continue reading
Posted in Drowning Stories, Picture Stories
Tagged breathholding, drowning, masturb, nudity, pictures
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The Party Decoration 2
Now that Philomena has the noose around her neck, will things get out of hand? Will her friends demand she dangle for a few moments, just to pay down some of her debts? Will things go to far? Continue reading
Coffee table strangle
She ran off on him. Then she came crawling back when things didn’t work out with her lover. She promised to do anything for him, including “that asphyxia crap”. But he’s not interested anymore. Or is he? Continue reading
The aquarium job (an Emma scuba story)
Emma has one last job to do before her shift at the aquarium ends and she can leave with her friend Lucy. But her boss has arranged for a wicked little surprise for her in the tank she’s supposed to clean. Continue reading