August 24 2012 Back from a trip



I just returned from a trip up to see my sister, mother and grandmother. Overall it was enjoyable. They were all happy to see me and I was glad for that.

I took a longer trip back home just to make more of a vacation out of it. I saw some incredible scenery. I always enjoy driving and seeing the countryside as I go from point A to point B. But the return was not without its share of issues…

There was a resort town I had to pass through. Traffic was bumper to bumper and it took about 6 minutes just to travel about a mile on a two-lane road. Lesson learned: do not travel through there during the summer months.

I got a room for the night but had not counted on an amorous couple in the room next to me. Their loose headboard kept banging on my wall as they went at it like bunnies. I even heard her groans as their bed squeaked something fierce. There was no doubting what was taking place in that room.

This went on throughout the night, waking me at 2 am and then again around 4. I was tempted to knock on their door. But it occurred to me that unlikely as it might be… what if they invited me to join them?? I know I write about such erotic things, but my real life is rated G… something you could bring your kids and grandmother to watch. I would be like a dog chasing a car… what do you do once you catch it?? I wouldn’t have had a clue what to do next!!! So I didn’t disturb them.

I finally decided to leave the motel about 4:15 am and drive on home. I stopped along the way for a bite of breakfast and a rest stop so as not to fall asleep behind the wheel. But the whole time I felt a discomfort brewing up in my shoulder.

When I got home I could hear my mom’s voice telling me I should go get it checked out. So I did walk over to the emergency room. They were able to ascertain that it was not my heart or lungs… but it still throbs. Maybe I slept on it wrong or maybe it was the stress of the last several hours of my trip. I figure I’ll probably be all right. Besides, I’m 51 and all of my parts are still original equipment minus an appendix that I hear is pretty useless anyway.

…and now for two things library-related…

I bought a scuba diving handbook to skim through. Perhaps it will give me ideas about future stories. I also plan on using it to make sure the technical aspects I may write about are as accurate as possible. It was $4.95 in the bargain book section and it is written by someone who has been diving for over 25 years. I hope his information is accurate.

As for the second thing, I think I will take time off and hope this goofy shoulder feels better. So I probably won’t post any more stories until Monday. But don’t be surprised if I do get inspiration and post something before then, unlikely though that may be.

I hope all your vacations are just as enjoyable – if not more so – than mine was. Have a great Labor Day weekend! Thanks for stopping by…

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