Taylor’s followers part 3


Carrie sat down on the cushioned bench. She leaned back as I helped her until she was lying flat on her back. Knowing my daughter was about to lose her head in just a few minutes began to fill me with a perverse thrill.

Her legs hung off the end as she shimmied forward until her head passed through the path of the blade. That’s when she seemed to catch sight of the basket below her. “Oh fuck!” she gasped.

“Getting real now, honey?”

“Gawd, mom; I…”

“First your lover Hilary. Then Debra. Next was Naomi. Now it’s your turn; right?”

“I… gawd, I…” Was she having second thoughts?

Chad brought the lunette over. I took it from him and went around front. Then I showed it to my naked daughter.

“This is for you, honey. Now you’re about to join the others. No take-backs; right?”

I slid it in place with a loud clatch. I made sure it was secure. Then I caressed my daughter’s neck.

“Right here, honey. The blade is going to slice through right here.”

“Gawd, mom! Maybe I ought to…”

“Ought to what, honey?”

“Maybe I ought to, like… wait a minute?”

“What for?”

“I don’t know. I, uh…”

I walked around behind her where I swatted her ass. Then I said to Chad, “You told us the bodies get delivered to some processing plant?”

“That’s right, Mrs. Walker. We turn them into meat.”

“I see. I’m about to lose a daughter. But in her place I’m going to get a few nice, juicy pieces of meat. I do hope I get a nice helping of rump roast.” Then I swatted her ass again.

Chad fetched the handcuffs. Carrie reached forward with her arms and grabbed the rails as though testing the stability of the device. “Gawd, mom; I don’t know…”

Chad gave me the cuffs. I grabbed my daughter’s left wrist and roughly pulled it behind her back. Then I attached a cuff to it.

She let out a whimper as I grabbed the other one. Within seconds I had both wrists cuffed together behind her back. That’s when Carrie began to writhe around as though really having second thoughts about everything…

“Mom, I don’t know about this.”

“Oh, yes you do, honey.” Then I motioned at Chad and smiled. “I think her mouth needs something to settle her down.”

He was sporting another erection. I wanted to be nice to him for all the work he’d put into our time together. Besides, I knew my daughter would give him the best head, both literally and figuratively.

He went around front. Carrie started to put up a protest. Chad just thrust his dick between her lips.

She grunted as he filled her mouth. “That’s a good daughter,” I told her, my arousal starting to overwhelm me. “Suck the nice man’s cock, honey. He deserves it.”

She grunted as he thrust nice and slow between her lips. I went around behind her and began caressing her ass. Then I reached down and felt how wet she’d become.

She whimpered as I molested her. I was becoming more aroused by the moment. I fingered her dripping slit as Chad enjoyed another blowjob from a head that was soon to be separated from the rest of its body.

This was the last time I was going to spend quality time with my daughter. And I wanted it to be special. So I knelt down and worked my face into her crotch.

I began to lick and nibble. Carrie grunted and groaned with a mouthful of cock. I heard Chad gasp and sigh. My daughter always was a talented cocksucker.

I moaned as I feasted on her dripping cunt. I pulled away and gasped, “Damn, honey. You’re especially tasty today. Aren’t you incredibly excited? …about to lose your head and join the others?”

Carrie groaned again as Chad thrust harder. “All the way down her throat,” I instructed. “I’m sure she can take it that deep. I want to see if I can give her an orgasm while her mouth is stuffed with delicious man-meat.

“Thanks, Mrs. Walker.” Chad smiled as he pushed it in deeper. Carrie gagged a little as I drove my tongue deep up her twat.

She writhed and groaned as Chad thrust in deeply while my tongue found her sweet spot. Carrie suddenly stiffened. Then she cried out into the cock in her mouth as she shuddered in orgasm.

I got a small mouthful of fluids for my efforts. Then I pulled away. “If only I’d brought my strap-on,” I murmured wistfully. “I’d love to fuck her while you’re beheading her.”

Chad smiled as he pointed over at a set of drawers. “In there, Mrs. Walker. You’d be surprised at the kind of requests I get in here. I’ll go get one if you want me too.”

“Never mind,” I waved dismissively as I stood up. “I’ll get it. You just make sure you get to leave a nice deposit for my darling daughter to swallow.”

“Thanks, Mrs. Walker.”

I went over and checked a couple of drawers. I looked in one and found a black one that looked nice and big. Just the thing to fuck my daughter with during her beheading.

It had a little bump on the flange to work my clit while I was using it on her. Perfect. Now we could both cum while Carrie was losing her head.

I took my time attaching it to my naked waist. Chad continued thrusting as though he was taking his sweet time enjoying my daughter. Carrie just kept grunting with a mouthful of dick.

I walked up behind her and rubbed her ass. I found her dripping slit and pushed the tip of my toy against her opening. Then I slowly pushed my way inside.

Carrie cried out as the strap-on slowly filled her. I don’t know whether or not she had ever taken anything quite that large before. It filled me with such a perverse thrill knowing I’d be fucking my own daughter the moment she lost her head.

I was so horny that I didn’t waste much time. I began thrusting hard and deep. Carrie cried out into the cock down her throat as she rocked and grunted from my thrusts.

“That’s so hot watching you fuck your own daughter, Mrs. Walker. I think I’m going to cum.”

I laughed as I swatted her ass. “Here it comes, honey. Make sure you swallow it all.” Then I really began pounding her.

Chad tipped his head back and let out a roar. I rammed my daughter good and hard. Carrie grunted and shuddered as she climaxed while swallowing his seed. It was so hot that I orgasmed right along with her.

“Did she swallow it all?” I panted as I gave Chad a smile.

“Damn! That was great, Mrs. Walker.”

“You may head over and behead my daughter now,” I told him as I motioned with my head toward the controls. “I’ll tell you when I want the blade to fall.”

He pulled his dick out of her mouth. It had only partially softened. Carrie was left gasping and moaning as I kept fucking her.

I couldn’t resist taunting her. “See where your head’s going to go, honey? Gawd, you’ve got me all worked up knowing you’re about to lose your head. I just came a few moments ago when you swallowed Chad’s load. Now I’m going to cum even harder once the blade falls.”

She gasped as though trying to catch her breath. “Mom, it’s so… it’s so BIG!”

“Just the right size for a whore like you as she loses her head; eh, honey?”

“Mom?? Ohmygawd…!”

“Cum for me, honey. Cum for me like a fucking whore!”

“Ohfuck – ohgawd – ohfuck!”



I pounded her hard as she shuddered in orgasm. I looked over to see Chad manning the controls. I shook my head… not yet.

Carrie came down from her orgasmic high, panting like crazy. “That one was for you, honey. This one’s for me. Now I’m going to cum as the blade takes your head.”

I fucked her with the toy just as hard as I could. I was trying to grind that little projection against my clit until it set me off again. The thought of watching my daughter lose her head was so overpoweringly erotic.

She panted and grunted as we developed a rhythm. She was trying to push back against me as she groaned and whimpered. I could feel it swelling within me…

“Get ready, honey! I’m so fucking horny I think I’m about to lose it!”

“Gawd, mom, I… I…”

“Get ready, baby! I’m gonna take your head any second now. I’m going to cum so fucking hard!”

“I’m gonna cum again, mom! I’m gonna cum again!”

“I’m gonna take your head Carrie! I wanna take it from my whore daughter!”

“Take it, mom; take it!”


“DO IT, MOM!” Carrie was lost in the moment.

I rammed her hard as it swelled within me. Carrie started to scream in orgasm. That’s when I cried out, “DO IT NOW!”

The blade whooshed down. Carrie’s screams were silenced the moment the blade bottomed out. Instantly her naked body stiffened on me in reaction. I just cried out in ecstasy as I shrieked my climax.

My daughter went into spasms and seizures as her body tried to process the fact it was no longer receiving signals from the brain. Blood pumped out of her severed neck. I tried to thrust in rhythm to each spurt as though helping her body pump out her life’s blood.

Chad came over and pulled her head out, holding her up by a handful of hair as he showed it to me. She was still dripping blood as crimson stained one side of her face. I cried out again as I rammed the toy deep inside her and held it there.

Her spasming body began to settle down until there was nothing more than stray nerve impulses firing. Chad brought the head back to me. He held it up to my mouth, and I kissed her lips before telling her to suck my “cock”.

I pulled out of her wet cunt. Then I took her head from Chad and thrust between her lips. The end of my toy came out of her neck stump.

Her eyes were wide as she tasted her pussy on the strap-on. Then her expression began to sag. I barely managed to gasp “Goodbye, honey” before I shuddered again from another orgasm.

I stopped to catch my breath as Chad took her head from me. I began working on removing the strap-on as he wiped her face down. I gave her one final kiss on the lips. Then he walked her over and placed her head next to the others.

I got Carrie’s iPhone as Chad scanned through several pictures. The one I liked best was the one where I was kissing her dead lips as blood dripped out of her severed neck. So that’s the one I posted to her Instagram account. I even marked it “courtesy of her mother”.

I scanned through the other pictures we’d uploaded. They were really tallying up the likes. Carrie and her group were going to be quite popular.

Our host smiled at me as he motioned at the guillotine and my beheaded daughter’s naked body. He was in the process of removing her handcuffs when he asked, “So what do you think, Mrs. Walker?”

“Incredible, Chad. Absolutely incredible. Should I be ashamed for cumming so hard during my daughter’s beheading?”

“I don’t know the answer to that. But I’d say it’s all right, all things considered.”

I stared at her body still laid out on the bench. Then I quietly murmured, “I wonder what it felt like.”

“Losing her head?”

“Just lying on the bench like that must have been incredibly thrilling.”

“Would you like to try it out, Mrs. Walker? Lying on the bench all locked in?”

“Do you think I could? Do you think I should?”

“I don’t see why not. All we have to do is move your daughter’s body out of the way. We can lay it next to the others if you want.”

He set the handcuffs aside. Then he took the lunette up off her severed neck. I watched as he retracted the blade back up into the top of the guillotine before locking it into place.

I helped him remove Carrie’s body from the bench. We carried it over and stretched it out next to Naomi’s headless corpse. Now there were four naked, headless young ladies bleeding out toward the drain, although by now Hilary and Debra’s drainage had been reduced to mere trickles.

I went back over and looked at the guillotine. Chad came over and smiled. “You can sit on the bench if you want, Mrs. Walker.”

“Do we have time? Don’t you have another appointment?”

“We have time. The bodies will have to be shipped off anyway. My secretary is probably on it right now. The guillotine has a digital system that lets her know the blade has fallen four times. I’ll bet she’s already made the call.”

I sat down upon the bench. It set me to trembling almost immediately. I had just watched four young women meet their ends while lying upon the very same surface. Sitting on the place where they’d been beheaded was an incredible experience.

I looked nervously at Chad. He smiled reassuringly as he nodded back at me. So I went over backward until I was lying down flat on my back on the bench.

I wriggled forward until I stuck my head through the opening. That’s when I found myself looking up at the blade. Knowing it was the same razor-sharp steel that had taken four lives mere minutes ago made me tremble like crazy.

About that time a few drops of blood came plummeting down. I was pretty sure that was Carrie’s blood dripping down on me. I gasped as I shuddered from a mini-orgasm.

Chad came around front to check on me. Right away I discovered he had developed yet another erection. “Don’t you ever get soft?” I chuckled nervously.

“I love the work I do, Mrs. Walker. Seeing all these hot, naked bodies keeps me in a never-ending state of arousal. Beheading them is a real turn-on. And I must admit… seeing you lying there, knowing we just beheaded your daughter, has me hard as a rock again.”

“Damn, honey. Now you’re getting me all horny again.”

His cock was stiff and saluting. The thought of his dick inside my dripping snatch with my head locked in the path of the blade gave me a perverse thrill. I was becoming sorely tempted.

“You want the handcuffs, Mrs. Walker?”

I considered it for a moment. After all, all the girls had worn them. If I truly wanted to know what it must have felt like for them while lying on the bench…

I finally made my decision. “Sure thing, Chad. Might as well put them on me.”

“Right away, Mrs. Walker.”

He brought them over as I worked my arms behind my back below the bench. Chad attached the cuffs to each wrist. “How’s that feel?” he asked when he stood back up.

“Incredible, honey. I’m wet as hell.”

“Shall I lock you into the lunette?”

I looked up as another drop of blood picked that moment to fall. It splattered onto my neck. I stiffened and shivered as I told him, “Go right ahead – no wait! No; go right ahead.”

He brought it over and showed it to me. Then he slid it down into place. I flinched a little once I heard him lock it down.

“You are so incredibly sexy, Mrs. Walker. Gawd; you make me so hard!”

I blushed as I trembled. I felt a hand on my boobs. Then he reached down into my crotch.

I felt him rub my wet slit. Then he slipped a couple fingers inside me. I gasped and moaned as I humped his hand.

“Sorry, Mrs. Walker. I couldn’t help myself. I’ll get you out of there right now if you wish.”

Another drop of blood came down. I inhaled sharply as I gasped for breath. My cunt was throbbing as I asked in a trembling voice, “Want to fuck an MILF in the guillotine, honey?”

I couldn’t see him back there. But I certainly felt him slide his dick inside me almost immediately. I gasped and moaned as he started thrusting in and out.

I looked up at the blade hanging above me. It filled me with fear and arousal. It was an incredible experience.

“My mouth, honey,” I finally panted. “Now I want to taste you in my mouth.”

“But I’ve just been inside your pussy, Mrs. Walker!”

“I don’t care. I want to know what my daughter experienced with her head locked in and a mouth full of cock.”

“Have it your way.” He seemed pretty enthusiastic about it.

He came around until I caught sight of him. But I had to tip my head back. It allowed him to slide his dick all the way inside me.

He thrust in and out. I grunted each time he filled my mouth. It was a little frightening, yet it was thrilling as hell.

He pushed in nice and deep. At the angle I had my head tipped back, he was able to push into my throat. I felt a bulge as he panted, “Gawd, that is so hot, Mrs. Walker! You are one hot MILF!”

He pulled out and I gasped for breath. He walked around out of sight. The next thing I felt was his cock pushing back into my dripping twat.

I gasped as he thrust nice and slow. Then he picked up the pace. Another drop of blood made me cry out as I looked up at the blade hovering above me.

“What do you think, Mrs. Walker?”

I gasped for breath before blurting out, “Oh fuck; I think I’m going to cum!”

He used that motivation to fuck me harder. I looked up at the blade, trembling at the thought it had just come down minutes ago and taken my daughter’s head. That thought, along with the mental images that came with it, was enough to set me off.

I cried out in orgasm, trying to milk another cum right out of his thrusting dick. Then he eased back until he thrust nice and slow. “What do you think now, Mrs. Walker?”

“This is incredible, honey! I almost wish… no… well, I almost wish…”

“I could add another element of danger if you wish, Mrs. Walker.”

I stiffened at his words. “What do you mean, Chad?”

“I have the guillotine rigged on a digital timer. I told you my secretary gets word whenever the blade falls. I even rigged it so it can fall at a certain time. I’ve beheaded three chicks that way. They wanted me to fuck ‘em, so I rigged the blade to go off on a timer.”

“So you can set it to go off at a certain time, honey?”

“I can set it for ten minutes, then fuck you for seven or eight.”

“That would be incredible!” I breathed as he continued to thrust in and out of me.

The thought of losing my head was both frightening and thrilling. I didn’t think I wanted to play with fire or anything like that. But at least I’d be able to experience more of what my daughter had felt just before her beheading.

“Let’s do it, honey.”

“Ok, Mrs. Walker. Anything you say.”

I blinked as I looked up at the blade above me. Was that my voice? Had I just told him to rig the timer? What the hell was I thinking??

I heard him walk over to the controls. I was strongly tempted to tell him to stop and just let me out. But I was so damned horny that I figured I could go for at least seven or eight minutes before him safely letting me out.

I heard him walk back to me. “It’s all set, Mrs. Walker. You’ve got ten minutes before I need to go shut it off or get your head out of there.” Then I felt him slide his dick back inside me.

I gasped as he utterly filled me. Another drop of blood splattered down upon my neck. It made me stiffen until I almost climaxed again.

I felt hands upon my boobs as he groped me while fucking me. “You’re so fucking hot, Mrs. Walker! Gawd; you’re so fucking hot!”

His words melted me as I moaned and whimpered. I looked up at the blade again. It chilled me to the bone while giving me such an indescribable thrill.

He suddenly picked up the pace, fucking me hard and fast. It swelled within me until he eased off. Then he fucked me nice and slow.

I couldn’t resist asking him in a trembling voice, “Do you want another meaty rump roast, honey?”

“I really love these boobs, Mrs. Walker!” He groped me again as he thrust in and out.

I began panting for breath as he picked up the pace. I gasped and whimpered as I looked up at the blade. The thought of losing my head thrilled me. At the same time, it scared the shit out of me.

“Time, honey?”

“Seven minutes, Mrs. Walker.” Then he eased off. I heard him panting for breath as he gasped, “Such a hot MILF! Damn! I really hit the jackpot with you, Mrs. Walker.”

He started to thrust a little harder. I clenched as I tried to milk him. Seeing the blade dangling above me almost made me scream for him to let me out. But I bit my tongue, mainly because this was the experience I wanted to endure for the sake of my daughter.

He really pounded me. Then he pulled out of me. I wondered what he was doing when he came around front.

He tipped my head back and thrust his cock down my throat. I tasted my arousal on his meaty member. It filled me with fear as well as an incredible arousal.

He fucked my mouth for a couple minutes at least. He thrust all the way into my throat until I wanted to gag. Then he pulled out and went around back.

He toyed with my pussy, rubbing the tip of his dick around my opening. I whimpered as I told him, “Put it in, damn you!” He just chuckled as he kept teasing me.

“Damnit, Chad; put your cock inside me!” He pushed it in a little deeper. I clenched, but it wasn’t all the way in yet.


“Right away, Mrs. Walker!” And with that he really started to pound me.

I gasped and moaned as he fucked me good and hard. It was incredible. I felt it swell within me until I screamed in orgasm.

I clenched like crazy, trying to hold him deep inside me. He slid all the way out, only to ram his way home again. I cried out as it swelled within me yet again.

I looked up at the blade, thinking about Hilary and Naomi. What had they felt looking up at the glistening steel like this? My daughter had made Hilary cum, while I had made sure Naomi had orgasmed. It must have felt incredible before the blade had dropped on them both.

Chad began thrusting hard in and out of me. I began to shudder; gawd, how I wanted his meaty pole! I screamed for him to fuck me hard. Then I was cumming again.

He eased back down for a moment. I was just coming down off that orgasmic high when he picked up the pace. Once more he began pounding me hard.

I felt it swell within me. It occurred to me we should probably be thinking about stopping before I pushed my luck. But I wanted to experience one more orgasm before he got me out of the guillotine.

I screamed, “FUCK ME, HONEY!” Chad pounded me good and hard until I cried out again. I’m pretty sure I squirted all over him.

I was barely coming down from the plateau of my sexual high when I felt another one coming on strong. I thought maybe we should be stopping. But it just felt too damned good.

At that moment, something went terribly wrong. The blade flashed down until I couldn’t see it anymore. Then I felt a sharp pain across my neck before I seemed to plummet.

I got all dizzy and disoriented. I wanted that last cum, but I couldn’t feel anything anymore. I could hear Chad roaring his release. Then I was aware of a liquid warmth falling upon the side of my face.

I tried to ask Chad what the hell happened. But the words wouldn’t cum. Then it felt like I was being lifted up.

I was pulled up until I saw his face. He smiled as though he was a little embarrassed. “Sorry, Mrs. Walker. I guess we lost all track of time. You wanted to know how Carrie felt, right?”

He kissed my lips before he lowered me. I ended up facing his crotch and his huge erection. That’s when his cock pushed between my lips.

It went in all the way until my lips were up against his balls. But I didn’t feel the gag reflex. I couldn’t feel anything past the back of my throat. In fact, I couldn’t feel anything at all.

Then consciousness ebbed away until I was aware of nothing at all…


Chad cleaned up my face before adding my head to the others. He picked out a picture and posted it to my daughter’s Instagram…. “Carrie’s mother follows her daughter’s example.”

The plant ended up with five bodies to process instead of four…

2020 (written for Thor Dec 2 ’20 by riwa)

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