Our encounter with the Badjao 2


My wife was full of questions for the interpreter on our way back to the resort. He calmly answered each and every one. Occasionally, he would ask one of the Badjao who would answer in their own tongue, which he interpreted.

Sandy was quite impressed with how long the Badjao could hold their breath. The interpreter explained their times varied, although most were good for anywhere from four to five minutes. The better ones could go even longer.

My wife asked if there had ever been any drownings. The reply was that there had been a few. But the Badjao were generally quite good at monitoring each other. Their endangered comrades had usually been gotten to the surface quickly and had been revived with relative ease.

Sandy asked about all the sex that took place underwater. The interpreter repeated the question to one of the nearby Badjao females. Her interpreted reply indicated holding one’s breath at a depth in the sea contributed to feelings of great arousal. It was difficult, if not impossible, to dismiss the erotic sensations without eventually acting upon them.

Sandy asked her if she had ever drowned, or come dangerously close to drowning. The female replied she had gotten carried away on more than one occasion. Being close to the point of drowning had resulted in a more intense experience. She was always struggling with trying to be more careful at the bottom of the ocean.

I was not surprised at her next question. Sandy wanted to know if there was any way for us to improve our time underwater long enough so we could go to the bottom with the Badjao and spend some “quality” time with them without an air source. The interpreter simply gave her a knowing smile…

The next day, we were taken out to a small cove a short distance from the resort. We went with another couple from California named Waylen and Casiane. They also wanted to experience what it was like to swim with the Badjao without an air supply.

We all wore goggles and swimsuits, as the experience was designed to promote productivity more than sexuality. Sandy was understandably disappointed. The California woman was even more unhappy about it.

We ended up on a floating platform anchored to the ocean floor. There were six Badjao waiting for us: four males and two females. Two of the males were to work the lines and would remain at the surface.

There was an interpreter onsite, but there was not much talking. We received pouches to bring up shells and pearls. Then the Badjao showed us how to use the knives we had received without accidentally cutting ourselves.

The water was not much deeper than fifteen or twenty feet down. Sandy and I were shown how to ride one of the lines down. The California couple was shown how to ride the other one.

When we were ready, the other two Badjao couples dove into the water ahead of us. They swam down to await our arrival. That’s when we rode the lines down, each of us standing together on metal pipes.

We were not at the bottom for long. The Badjao immediately instructed us to pull on our lines. We were promptly hauled right back up to the surface.

We were kept topside until we’d been given enough time to catch our breath. Then we headed back down. I guess the Badjao didn’t want any of us to drown our first time down.

We went down for a second time. This time, the Badjao motioned for us to stay with our lines. For the time being, we simply held our breath until we needed to be pulled back up. Then the Badjao swam up with us.

We all caught our breath up at the surface. Then the Badjao swam back down. They were waiting for us when we returned to the bottom.

On our third trip down, we were motioned to leave our lines. We separated, pairing up with a Badjao of the same sex. Then we were shown how to pry loose any clams we found and to put them into our pouches without cutting ourselves.

When we were about to run out of air, we were instructed to swim back to our line to indicate we needed to return to the surface. When we were ready, Sandy and I returned to our line together, bubbles trickling out of our mouths and noses. The California couple also returned to their line at about roughly the same time.

I gave ours a pull, and we were hauled up. The Badjao smiled at us as though we were doing it correctly. Waylen and Casiane came up right next to us.

We paused up at the surface long enough to catch our breath. Then we went down for a fourth trip. Once more, we separated to pair up with a Badjao.

This time, it was the female Bituin who watched me as I pried clams off the bottom. She was quite attractive. She was not nude, but I still found myself sexually attracted to her.

Most of the clams were loose, as though they had deliberately been left there for training purposes. But I found a couple that were attached and needed some effort. She smiled and nodded with approval at my efforts to dislodge them.

She motioned for me to keep track of my dive partner Sandy. As soon as I saw her heading for our line, I immediately stopped what I was doing and headed over as well. My wife smiled and bubbled at me as we climbed on, and together we rode the line up.

We popped up at the surface and gasped for breath. The California couple were already topside and getting ready for their next descent. They seemed happy with the experience thus far.

The Badjao came up shortly after that. There was some discussion between them and the interpreter. They talked and nodded as though things were progressing smoothly.

“What do you think?” I finally asked Sandy.

“I think I’m starting to get the hang of it.”

“We’re not as deep as we were the other day.”

“I know. But it’s still pretty exciting. I’m getting turned on the longer we stay down and hold our breath.”

We waited topside until the Badjao all swam down ahead of us. Then we rode our lines back down. This time, Sandy and I were instructed to remain paired up as we went to look for clams.

We stayed close to each other, looking for something to put in our pouches. Much of the time, we did not have to use our knives. But there were a couple times when they were required to get the clams loose from the formations.

We stayed down for quite a while as we hunted for clams. A couple of Badjao drifted nearby, keeping an eagle eye on us. We just tried to remain focused on the task at hand while staying down for as long as we could.

We finally headed for the line together. We stood upon our pipe, and I gave the signal. Sandy kissed me all the way up as she ground into my bulging suit.

We popped up and handed over our full pouches. We were promptly given empty ones. I smiled at Sandy as I told her we were becoming more and more like the Badjao.

She declared, “Not yet, we’re not. I’m getting horny!” Then she promptly removed her bikini pieces, a lustful glint in her eye. I smiled as I removed my suit as well.

About that time, the California couple came up. The woman promptly declared, “If they’re getting naked, I’m getting naked!” That’s when Casiane immediately shed her bikini, causing Waylen to remove his suit as well.

We rode our line back down, feeling like true Badjao now that we were naked. We looked around for more clams to collect. But we had to wander a little farther away from our line to do so.

The Badjao quickly returned to observe us. This time, they were both naked as well. Sandy’s nipples were incredibly hard. But then again, so was my dick.

We looked for more clams in the vicinity of our line. But it felt different while we were doing it buck-naked. Besides, it was hard to concentrate with the erection I had.

The male Badjao named Kagirim got a little too close to my wife. She promptly latched onto his dick with her mouth and started sucking. She had “lost the plot” as they say, opting for pleasure over the task at hand.

Bituin came over and smiled at me. She stroked my erection, causing me to “lose the plot” as well. A moment later, she was gobbling me down. The clams were promptly forgotten.

We stayed like that until Sandy broke away and swam for the line. I broke off the encounter and swam over as well until I caught up to her. But when I stood upon the pipe and yanked on the line, she slid down and took me into her mouth.

We went up that way, me clinging to the rope while my wife clung to my erection with her lips, her arms tightly wrapped around me. On the other line, Casiane was riding Waylen’s cock as they rode theirs up to the surface. The Badjao seemed to be greatly amused as they followed us up.

Some words were spoken to the interpreter up at the surface as we got our breath back. He then came over and put his hand out as he smiled at us. “They think you’re too preoccupied to continue fetching clams. So you might as well leave that stuff up here before you accidentally cut yourselves.”

Our knives and pouches ended up on the platform. The California couple (minus their knives and pouches) were already descending, their Badjao observers swimming ahead of them. Casiane was still impaled on Waylen’s dick.

We motioned we were ready for a return trip to the bottom. Bituin and Kagirim went down ahead of us. Then our line was lowered until we reached the bottom.

Sandy wasted no time latching onto my cock with her mouth. She had clearly developed an appetite. I just happened to be the cock nearest to her.

While she was sucking me, Bituin slid between her legs on her back and started to feast on her lady parts. I thought Sandy was going to lose it right then and there. But she somehow maintained her composure without losing her breath.

To my surprise, Kagirim came up behind Sandy. Bituin came off my wife’s quivering slit long enough to suck on his cock for a moment or two. Then she guided his erection into my wife’s winking opening.

Sandy went wild, totally swallowing me whole as she grunted and bubbled. Bituin went back to feasting on her swollen nub, her body wedged between both Sandy’s legs and Kagirim’s. Meanwhile, Kagirim thrust into my wife from behind.

If there was ever a time to lose one’s breath and composure, I presume that would have been it. Amazingly, Sandy just kept sucking me. Well, mostly she kept me deep down her throat as she grunted up bubbles out of her mouth and nose from Kagirim’s thrusts.

I glanced over at our companions from California. Casiane was on her back on the bottom, getting pounded by the male Badjao Macario. Meanwhile, Waylen had the other female Badjao Diwata sitting in his lap, fully impaled on his dick.

Sandy lost a huge burst of bubbles, causing her to come off my dick. She broke away and went for the line. She was standing on the pipe, pulling on the line like mad, when Kagirim wrapped his arms around her, entering her from behind. They went up like that together.

Bituin helped me swim up with her. It was not that far away, and I figured I could hold my breath long enough to get topside. We all made it up, the four of us panting like crazy as we paused from our sexual gyrations.

“Now I feel like a Badjao!” Sandy proclaimed. “Fuck; that was intense!”

I smiled as I told her, “I thought you were gonna drown.”

“I thought I was too! I almost let myself go; it was that incredible.”

The California couple came up, along with their Badjao escorts. But Sandy was ready for a return trip to the bottom. “I wanna go back down right now!”

She made Kagirim climb onto the pipe so she could climb into his lap. She impaled herself on his erection. Then she pointed at the water as she hollered at the Badjao manning their line… “Down – down; I wanna go down!”

Bituin motioned at me if I could get down on my own. I nodded and pointed downward. Together, we headed down under our own power, pulling with our arms while scissoring with our legs.

Sandy and Kagirim bottomed out before promptly leaving their line. She immediately came off his cock and turned around. Then she bent over and practically begged him to thrust into her from behind again.

Bituin grinned at me before swimming over toward my wife. She rolled over onto her back and slid underneath. Then she grabbed my wife’s ass and began feasting again, this time in a 69 position.

She and Kagirim must have done this maneuver many times before. I watched him pull out of my wife and thrust his cock between Bituin’s lips. Then he pulled out of her mouth and thrust back into my wife.

Sandy went crazy. She anxiously motioned me over until I moved in between Bituin’s legs. Then she took me into her mouth, gobbling me down.

After about half a minute, she pulled me out of her mouth. Then she guided me into Bituin’s winking slit. I thrust into the sexy Badjao as my wife went to work on the woman’s swollen nub.

I glanced over to see what the California couple were doing. The women were on their backs, side by side on the ocean bottom as they turned and kissed each other. Macario was thrusting into Casiane while Waylen fucked Diwata.

About that time, Sandy pulled my cock out of Bituin and began gobbling me down again. I noticed Bituin had pulled Kagirim’s cock out of my wife and was eagerly sucking him down as well. The women sucked us before Sandy motioned she needed to surface again.

We all separated. This time, Sandy and Bituin went over to the line together. After they signaled to be brought up, they engaged in a passionate embrace, kissing each other deeply.

I looked at Kagirim who looked at me. There was a bit of a smile on his face as though we understood each other. Then we began the swim up to the surface.

We reached the platform where Sandy and Bituin were still kissing passionately. I don’t know how they expected to catch their breath that way. Then the California couple popped up with their Badjao escorts.

There was no thought given of continuing our training for clam-diving. We were all much too distracted. Our interpreter smiled, but politely kept silent.

Sandy and Bituin finally headed back down. So Kagirim and I followed them. I was curious to see what was going to happen next.

No sooner had they reached the ocean floor of the cove when Sandy and Bituin shifted into a 69 position, with Sandy horizontal upon her back. They drifted near the bottom, hungrily feasting on each other as they released the occasional bubble. For the moment, Kagirim and I simply stroked ourselves as we watched.

We were finally waved over to join them. Sandy frantically wanted my cock in her mouth. After a few hungry sucks, she inserted me into the sexy Badjao.

Meanwhile, Bituin gobbled down Kagirim, who had moved between Sandy’s legs. Then she inserted his erection into my horny wife. Together, we pounded the females as though we were in a sexual frenzy.

When my wife ran out of air, we all pulled apart. But she climbed into Kagirim’s lap, allowing him to work them both back to the surface under his own strength. Bituin and I took the line, with her in my lap impaled on my quivering manhood.

The California couple was at the surface when we came up. We all panted heavily for breath. The interpreter asked as to whether or not we had finished our session with the Badjao. Casiane blurted out, “Not on your life!” before she and Macario headed back down.

I casually leaned toward Sandy and said, “She’d better be careful down there.” Then I noticed how excited my wife had become.

I corrected myself by saying, “Actually, I think you’d better be careful down there.”

“Fuck that!” she blurted out enthusiastically. Then she and Kagirim filled their lungs and submerged.

“I guess that just leaves you and I,” I remarked as I smiled at Bituin. I don’t know if she understood me or not. But she certainly nodded her head as though she was looking forward to it.

She was still in my lap riding my cock as we went back down. Sandy and Kagirim were on the bottom and had already shifted positions until he was hammering her from behind, making her grunt up bubbles. I think that had just become her favorite position, at least when it came to being deep underwater.

When we got close enough, Bituin changed positions until I was entering her from behind with her legs wrapped around my waist. She and Sandy reached out and began kissing and pawing each other. They really seemed to be enjoying playing with each other.

We glanced over to check on that California couple. Casiane and Diwata were in a 69 position with the California woman underneath. They must have seen one of our positions and wanted to try it for themselves.

Waylen was fucking Diwata, while Macario fucked Casiane. It was unbelievably erotic. All those grunts and bubbles were such an incredible turn-on.

I was on the verge of cumming when something happened that was unexpected, yet not all that surprising. Casiane appeared to climax as she spewed up a whole mouthful of bubbles. A moment later, she began jerking and spasming as though she had inadvertently swallowed water.

Bituin suddenly clenched around my thrusting shaft, moaning and bubbling. She milked the cum right out of me as I thrust in hard and held my cock in place. Sandy went crazy, cumming and bubbling as Kagirim really pounded her.

Casiane was barely three seconds into drowning when their Badjao escorts scooped her up and hauled her to the surface. Waylen was right with them. Their line had been abandoned.

Our escorts promptly initiated our separation. Sandy and I swam over to the line and were quickly pulled up. Bituin and Kagirim swam up with us, keeping a watchful eye out for any signs of trouble.

By the time we reached the surface, Casiane was already out of the water on the platform. She was coughing up phlegm, trying to wave off the Badjao… “I’m all right – I’m all right.” That’s when the interpreter came over and kindly told her, “We have to get you all in now.”

“Aww, so soon?”

“I’m afraid so. You had an incident that must be checked out.”

“Can’t we like…stay out a little longer? I promise I’m all right.” But the interpreter was adamant.

So that’s how our session ended. Sandy later told me how hard she’d cum seeing Casiane start to drown. And she confessed to Kagirim pumping quite a load inside her at roughly the same time.

For the time being, I decided not to share how Bituin and I had also endured quite a mutual climax watching poor Casiane swallow water…

2024 (written Feb 9 ’24 by riwa)

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