

“I thought I’d find you out here.”

“It’s a hot day, Debra. Where else did you expect to find me? Care to join me?”

“Hunh – unh. Last time, you fucking drowned me!”

“Oh, come on! I didn’t drown you! You just swallowed a little water!”

“You fucking bitch! You drowned me twice!”

“I did not! You just swallowed a little water is all. What’s the big deal?”

“ ‘What’s the big deal’??” I could have gotten water into my lungs!”

“But you didn’t, Debra. Jeez, do you have to make a big deal out of everything? Come on in and join me.” Carrie’s eyes could not help lingering on her friend’s skimpy orange bikini with those massive boobs and serious cleavage.

“Maybe I should drown you instead.”

“I double-dog dare you to try it.” Carrie grinned at her as though trying to push her buttons.

Debra stepped into their inflatable backyard pool. It was a blue-green color and was barely a foot and a half deep. Obviously Carrie hadn’t bothered adding more water today.

Debra sat down in water that just barely reached her navel. Cooling off sounded like a good idea; that is, if Carrie left her alone. Problem is: it sounded like her friend wanted to play.

“C’mon, Debra; let’s have a little fun!” And with that Carrie wrapped her arms around her friend’s neck and pulled her down into the water.

Debra went under and began spewing up bubbles. She struggled to break free until she got her head up. Carrie laughed at her before wrestling her back down into the water, submerging her head again.

Debra bubbled once more. She tried to get her head back up. She heard Carrie laugh as she was forced to suck water.

She jerked her head up out of the water. Carrie wrapped her arms around her with a laugh and pulled her back under. Debra squirmed until they were lying side by side, their heads fully submerged.

Carrie pulled her own head up and gasped for breath. Debra grabbed her and pulled her head back down into the water with her. The busty blonde bubbled wildly before bursting up out of the water.

Carrie launched herself at Debra, forcing her flat on her back. Her friend’s head went under until Debra got water up her nose. She bubbled and snorted as she struggled to get back up.

She burst up, only for Carrie to push her down sideways. Debra bubbled wildly as her anger began to rise within her. Damnit; not again?!

She got her head up and wrestled with the determined blonde. They went down together side by side. Both heads were partially submerged as bubbles came up.

Carrie broke free and burst up panting like crazy as her friend surfaced with her. Her kitty was throbbing from all this wrestling and forced submersions. If this continued she was liable to cum. But that didn’t bother her in the slightest.

Last time Debra had not admitted to cumming during their catfight in the pool. But she was sure her friend had popped off at least once while bubbling and swallowing water. All the signs had been there. But Debra had been too angry to admit it.

Carrie lunged at her friend once more. It had been erotic as hell drowning Debra last time. It would be cruel, but she was already wondering if she could drown her and make her cum again.

They rolled around in the inflatable pool. Their heads were partially submerged as they spewed bubbles. Then they shot up together.

Both friends paused to catch their breath. Debra roared her anger as she launched herself at her friend. This time Carrie went under in a flurry of bubbles.

Damn; this was erotic as hell! But she was becoming a little exhausted. That was the trouble with a catfight in the pool. After several minutes of hard struggling everyone needed a break.

Thing is: if you could drown your partner, you could catch your breath all you wanted while watching them bubble like crazy. Last time she’d made Debra swallow water on three separate occasions before her friend had finally bolted up out of their shallow, inflatable pool.

The two friends rolled around, their heads submerged once again. Carrie was definitely getting tired. But she was also becoming highly aroused.

She had a strong urge to give in and accept the orgasm that threatened to overwhelm her. But she would cum just as hard watching Debra swallow water. Carrie decided she preferred that option over ending up with flooded lungs.

The two friends rose up in a ferocious embrace. Carrie went over backward into the inflatable pool with a splash. She ended up flat on her back, her head just below the surface.

She got her head up as she tried gasping for breath. Debra tried to push her right back under. Carrie twisted in an effort to get her arms and legs underneath her. That’s when Debra fell on top of her.

Carrie was out of breath, her heart hammering in her chest. She tried to push her head up out of the water. Debra was just heavy enough to keep her under.

It hit almost without warning. Carrie felt her orgasm flush hotly through her body. It left her weak and breathless.

Let me up – let me up – DEBRA; LET ME UP! But her head was still submerged. A moment later Carrie swallowed water.

She hitched and gurgled as she got water down her throat and into her windpipe. She coughed up bubbles as she thrashed about. That’s when Debra pulled her head up.

Carrie came up coughing and sputtering. Debra was angry enough to spit nails. “You mean like that, bitch? You want me to drown you the way you drowned me?”

“Deb – STOP! I can’t–” That was all she got out. A moment later her head was pushed right back down into the water.

Carrie bubbled wildly, her heart pounding like crazy in her chest. She got her arms underneath her. Then she pushed her head up out of the water.

“Oh no, you don’t!” Debra forced her head right back down. Carrie found herself sucking water as she bubbled like crazy.

Carrie struggled to lift her head back up. This time she didn’t have the strength or the leverage. Debra kept her face submerged with an iron grip to the back of her head.

Her mind screamed to be allowed back up, even as her kitty throbbed in warning. It never occurred to her this was the erotic terror she’d put Debra through the last time they’d fought in the pool. All she wanted was to be allowed back up so she could catch her breath.

Carrie coughed and gurgled as she swallowed more water. A moment later it erupted within her yet again. It felt more intense than the last one, further sapping her strength.

Debra forcefully pulled her head up out of the water. Carrie coughed up a shitload of water. Then she was forced right back down until her head was fully submerged again.


Carrie tiredly shook her head. That’s when it occurred to her she might have been a little too hard on her friend the last time they’d had a catfight while using the pool. It seemed as though Debra was now seeking retribution.

Carrie’s lungs hitched as she swallowed water again. It set her off with a devastating climax. She shuddered hard as she exhaled what little breath she had in her lungs.

What the fuck?! Debra wasn’t pulling her back up! What the hell??!!

Carrie hitched and convulsed as Debra kept her head forced head down in the pool. Then she was jerked up out of the water. Instantly she went into a coughing fit as she spewed another disturbing mouthful of water.

“You mean like that, bitch? You mean you drowned me like that? So that means it’s your turn to drown; am I right?”

Carrie coughed and sputtered as she tried to get her breath back. This time Debra forced her backward into the water. The terrified blonde ended up flat on her back with her head submerged.

She was trying to make her limbs operate to lift herself up out of the water when Debra fell on top of her. Her large breasts pushed down on Carrie’s face, keeping her under. She could not get her head above water.

Carrie weakly tried to push her off. But she didn’t have the strength. Debra felt like she weighed a ton on top of her.

Her mind screamed in horror… DEBRA, FOR GAWD’S SAKE LET ME UP! I CAN’T BREATHE!” Partially covered tit-flesh pressed against her face. Carrie couldn’t get her head up. Ironically it was a huge pair of breasts that was keeping her mouth just below the surface.

She tried to shake her head from side to side. Her chest heaved as her lungs screamed at her. Then it swelled within her yet again until it went off with a massive eruption.

Carrie screamed her breath away. Then she gurgled as she sucked water down her windpipe. She swallowed even more as she began to cough and gurgle.

“Like that?” she heard Debra laugh. “You wanted to drown me like that? Fuckin’ hell, babe! Your drowning bubbles feel fantastic on my boobs!”

Carrie spasmed and convulsed as she swallowed more water. She kept coughing up bubbles that burst up into the cleavage of her determined friend. Debra just laughed again as she gasped, “Fuck; that feels good! No wonder you like drowning me!”

Debra climbed off. Then she pulled Carrie’s head up. Her friend coughed up another shitload of water as she struggled to get her breath back.

“I’m not through with you yet!” Carrie put up a hand to try stopping her. Debra just laughed as she grabbed a handful of hair and pulled Carrie forward face down into the water.

This time her head was mashed right into Debra’s crotch. Carrie struggled to hold her breath. But it was impossible.

She gurgled again as she began swallowing water while coughing up bubbles. The bursts of air bubbled up against Debra’s fabric covered crotch. It set her off, causing her to hump her friend’s face hard as she orgasmed up a storm.

Carrie was drowning again. Debra rolled her over onto her back, allowing her head out of the water. The blonde went into another coughing fit as she floated face up.

“Damn; that was good! Now the boobs again! Bubble my boobs as you drown, bitch!”

Debra fell on top of Carrie again. Once more her pendulous breasts pressed against Carrie’s mouth and face. The blonde was forcefully submerged once more, unable to keep her face high enough to breathe.

Carrie swallowed water as she went into more convulsions. Once more it set her off with an intense orgasm. Pleasure nearly battered her senseless until she was hardly moving at all.

Debra saw Carrie staring up with a dazed expression. “Oh no you don’t, bitch! You still owe me!”

Her orange-bikini’d friend pulled her head up out of the water, propping it up along the side of the inflatable pool. Debra did a few compressions into Carrie’s chest. The blonde spewed up water as she started coughing again.

“Are you back with us, bitch? Good… cause I want another one!”

Carrie shook her head as she waved her hands in a defensive posture… “No… please… I can’t… too… tired…”

“Too fucking bad, bitch! You OWE me!” Then Debra once more pulled Carrie’s head face down into her submerged crotch.

Carrie tried to hold her breath. But her heart was hammering too fast inside her chest. She didn’t have the strength to go more than five or ten seconds before she was swallowing water again.

She coughed and bubbled into Debra’s crotch. Her friend cried out in orgasm as she violently humped Carrie’s face. The whole time she made sure her friend’s head remained submerged.

Carrie swallowed water yet again as she went into convulsions. She hitched and jerked as another orgasm was forced out of her exhausted body. Once more a huge wave of pleasure battered her senseless.

Debra pulled her head up. Carrie coughed weakly as she rasped for breath. “Suck water, you fucking whore!” Then she forced Carrie’s head face down under the surface.

Carrie couldn’t hold her breath more than a few seconds. Then she was sucking water down her windpipe again as her body rebelled. Once more she shuddered in orgasm as her system responded to the horror of her situation.

She hitched and gurgled until Debra pulled her head up. Carrie coughed as she rasped weakly for breath. “Again, bitch!” Then Debra forced the blonde’s head right back down under the surface.

Carrie gurgled as she swallowed water once more. She had no strength to fight and none to resist. Her body simply responded with another massive wave of pleasure that battered her into oblivion…….

Carrie dimly became aware of someone pounding some sense into her chest. She coughed up water and rasped for breath. She blinked in wonder as she tried to take stock of her surroundings.

Debra was right there looking at her. “Are we back?” she asked with a cruel smile. “That’s good. This time I want to watch your face as you drown.”

Debra slid Carrie around onto her back inside the inflatable pool. Then she gently pushed down on her chest. Carrie’s head went under as bubbles dribbled out of her nose.

Normally she would have had the strength to tilt her head up enough to lift it out of the water to get air. But this time she simply couldn’t do it. She stared up at Debra with a look of shock and surprise.

Debra pulled Carrie’s white bottoms aside. Then she groped Carrie’s tits through the fabric with one hand as she cruelly stuck a couple of fingers into her snatch with the other. “Cum for me and die, you fucking whore!”

Carrie blinked as she tried to shake her head. Then she started swallowing water again. She could feel her friend finger-fucking her cunt until another climax went off inside her with a wave of hot pleasure that washed through her from head to toe.

She trembled and shuddered as she spewed her breath away. Debra just kept fingering her while savagely groping her mounds. Carrie gently bucked and shuddered as she kept convulsing while swallowing water.

The blonde went from one orgasm right into another more subdued one. She felt weak all over, weak and tired. Strange how her vision was starting to dim around the edges.

She gently hitched and heaved as she kept cumming. Debra winced as her own orgasm flowed hotly through her shuddering body. “Fucking hell,” she panted rapturously.

Carrie moved less and less at the bottom of the inflatable pool. Then she stopped moving entirely save for a few sporadic bubbles and the occasional muscle spasm. Debra watched the life wink out of her friend’s eyes until Carrie stared upward with a vacant expression of shock on her face.

“Fucking hell!” Debra panted again. “Damn, that was good! Was that what you wanted to do to me last time? I guess it’s a good thing I drowned your sorry ass before you decided to drown mine again. See you later, you crazy bitch!”

Debra climbed out of the inflatable and went to retrieve a towel. She never looked back. Carrie’s head remained submerged as she stared up at the sky in shock and horror, her mouth gaping open. A solitary bubble came out past her lips, indicating her lungs had fully flooded and were unable to contain a single molecule of oxygen.

2020 (written for Carrie Aug 17 ’20 by riwa. Inspired by the pictures I found in my archives.)

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