Joia 14 4 (31)


When Joia was brought into the last room beyond which lay the dreadful blade, she saw the others had already been gathered there, all of them equally naked. She scanned their faces to see who might have betrayed her. But she saw nothing that gave anyone away.

It did not matter. Mistress had obviously brought them all here to see her off. It set off a fresh stirring of shamefully disturbing feelings of fearful excitement inside her.

She felt embarrassed when she saw Marsona. Joia lowered her head in disgrace. But her friend rushed over to her, wrapping her arms around her and weeping openly.

The guards should have pushed her away. But they chose not to. It was a surprising amount of compassion to be shown toward the two young women.

“What have they done to you??” Marsona cried out grief-stricken as she examined the welts that crisscrossed her friend’s body. “What did you tell them?”

“What does it matter?” Joia answered quietly. “It is done. I told her there were no others who were involved. The responsibility is mine alone to bear.”

“No!” Marsona wept, shaking her head and then crying into the shoulder of her dear friend. “You’ve done nothing wrong!”

Behind her, the other girls were sniffling. Joia could see tears in the eyes of many. It lifted her spirits to see their compassion for her, and it strengthened her resolve to face the blade with as much dignity as she could muster.

Clemencia soon burst in. She cruelly dragged her away from Marsona out the door. Behind her she thought she heard more weeping.

Joia gasped when she stepped outside and saw that everything was ready for her. The slab was in place, the leather straps at the ready. The blade was set at the top of its framework.

Her eyes widened in alarm despite her bravado, and she began to quiver anew. Several guards were standing nearby. The executioner was already at his position.

“The blade is sharp today,” Clemencia observed, looking at the glistening steel while conversing with her as though making small talk with a companion. “It is hungry for blood. I shall feed it all it can take and more.”

Mistress smiled cruelly at her, licking her lips. Then she gestured with a waving motion toward a truck. It roared to life before backing into position near the blade.

Joia gasped again, her heart pounding in her chest. She stared at what was to be the conveyance of her remains. She could see a bedding of straw lying upon the floor of the back of the truck.

She swallowed hard as the sensations swelled within her again. Once more she looked up at the blade. It set her to trembling uncontrollably.

She paused a moment to compose herself. “I am ready,” she finally said aloud.

At that moment Joia fully expected to be taken over and strapped down onto the wooden slab. But Mistress appeared to hesitate, keeping her at her side. A moment later the door opened.

Out through the door, flanked by guards, came… “Avelina?” Joia gasped in astonishment.

She frowned in confusion. What was this?? Then she watched in horror as the guards led the petite young woman over to the wooden slab.

“Mistress??” Joia gasped in alarm as her heart skipped a beat. Clemencia ignored her, her eyes glistening malevolently as she watched the proceedings.

Little Avelina was about Gemina’s size. Of her fellow sisters, she was one of two most likely to say anything to save their own skin. When Joia heard she had been betrayed, she was all but convinced little Avelina had been numbered among the betrayers. She would not have held it against her if it were true.

Now the young woman stood near the wooden slab. Her eyes were wide in horror as her naked chest rose and fell. Joia could not help noticing that Avelina’s little nipples were starting to harden.

“Mistress?” the little thing whimpered in a high pitched voice of immense fear.

“It is a simple matter, my dear,” Clemencia told her sympathetically. “I have decided to execute Joia’s conspirators first. Confess your innocence, admit to Joia’s guilt, and you will be returned to your sisters. Otherwise I will be forced to assume you are in league with her.”

This time it was Joia’s turn to gasp in horror. She anxiously blurted out, “Mistress; I already TOLD you! There are no others involved! I alone am guilty of-”

“The condemned will be silent!”

“Mistress, please send her back inside!”


Joia gulped in alarm. Avelina looked uncertainly at her. Then the young woman turned to Clemencia. Her words surprised both Mistress and the condemned Joia…

“I know of no such plot. She is innocent, Mistress, and so am I. We are both faithful to Master.”

“You will confess to knowledge of her treachery or you will die with her!” Clemencia’s voice indicated she was angry the young woman was not giving up the condemned.

“Avelina – NO!” Joia gasped, her heart beating fast. This was NOT how it was supposed to go!

The young woman flanked by the two guards took a deep breath as though trying to compose herself. Then she spoke in a quivering voice. “We are both loyal to Master, Mistress. I know of no plot. Surely you must be mistaken. I will speak to Master on Joia’s behalf.”

Clemencia was enraged. “Strap her down!” she ordered.

Joia cried out “NOOO!” as little Avelina was forced onto her back onto the wooden slab. Her head was locked into position. Her legs dangled over the end of the slab, but her feet did not quite touch the ground.

Joia noticed how the young woman’s nipples had become even more noticeable. It affected her shamefully. This was not something she desired to witness, no matter how it might affect her.

Mistress growled at Avelina, “Choose your next words carefully, little one, or they may be your last!” Joia was horrified. Her body was now throbbing with dreadful sensations at the sight of the small, yet beautiful young woman lying naked on the slab, her little chest rising and falling as she gasped for breath.

“Avelina – PLEASE!” Joia begged, her heart pounding in her chest. “You must confess my guilt!”

The young woman, frightened though she was, was unyielding. “My sister is innocent, Mistress,” Avelina pronounced in a trembling voice. “Sh–she and I serve M–Master!”

“OFF WITH HER HEAD!” Clemencia bellowed.

Joia cried out “NOOOO!” as the executioner reached for the rope. Avelina looked up at the blade above her. In a loud voice she started to cry out, “JOIA IS INNO –“ Then the blade silenced her forever with a loud thunk, leaving her body to buck and jerk in the straps for several seconds.

Joia jerked as she watched the blade land… as though it had been her own neck. She choked back a sob as Alvelina’s head dropped and rolled once. It ended up face down in the red earth.

The hooded executioner picked up the skull by her brown locks. He showed her face to Joia and Clemencia. The poor thing’s eyes were wide in shock.

Joia shuddered involuntarily. She sobbed quietly as a shameful wave of warm pleasure washed through her body.

“Dispose of that… thing!” Mistress demanded, motioning at the body which had stopped spasming on the slab. “Toss her into the truck. She will soon be joined by her fellow conspirators!”

Joia was absolutely horrified. She stared in shock at Clemencia. Mistress gave her a smirk of sadistic cruelty.

The executioner carelessly tossed the head into the back of the truck. It bounced twice in a collection of loose straw. Two other guards quickly unstrapped her body.

They hauled it over by the arms and legs to the back of the truck where they swung her up and in. Joia choked back another sob. Then Clemencia snapped her fingers.

The two guards who’d brought little Avelina out rushed back inside. This time they brought out Osanna. She was the other one whom Joia suspected might have betrayed her.

She was half a head taller than Joia. She had a beautiful head of reddish-brown hair and a fully formed chest. She had pushed for her own way during her stay in the compound until quickly learning that settling into an attitude of servitude would keep her alive much longer.

She looked into the back of the truck as she was brought forward toward the blade. Osanna could clearly see Avelina’s headless, naked body lying inside. Blood was still oozing out of the severed neck.

She stared for a long moment. That’s when she appeared to start shaking a little. Then she turned to face Joia and Clemencia.

Mistress wasted no time with her. “Do you have anything to say to me, Osanna?”

“Please…” Joia murmured quietly. “You must!”

Her heart pounded in her chest as she nodded at her former companion to speak up. If the young woman said nothing, she would suffer the same fate as Avelina. Joia was not sure she could tolerate a second beheading.

“You must condemn me!” she murmured at her as more tears welled up in her eyes.

Osanna looked kindly at her, giving her a warm smile. But when Joia nodded at her (You MUST!) Osanna calmly shook her head (No). Joia felt a lump in her throat… and then winced as those shameful feelings intensified again.

“Strap her down!” Clemencia barked in frustration. “Perhaps that will loosen her tongue!”

Osanna was forced down on her back onto the slab of wood. Her neck was fitted into the path of the blade. “This is your last chance to announce your innocence and Joia’s guilt,” Clemencia told her, barely able to control her fury.

Osanna turned toward Joia and smiled. Then she looked up at the blade, closed her eyes… and simply waited in silence. Joia had never felt so honored, nor so grief-stricken as she watched helplessly.

Mistress looked sternly at Osanna. But the girl’s eyes remained closed. She seemed unwilling to speak, although her fear was obvious as her chest rose and fell.

She appeared to be trembling. Joia watched in horror as her own heart thumped loudly in her chest. “You will not speak??” Clemencia observed in anger and frustration. “Then you can speak to Avelina when next you see her!”

She nodded at the executioner. With a pull of the rope, the blade fell. Joia jumped with a start… and then gasped in horrified disbelief as it came down.

Osanna’s naked body jerked and spasmed as her head dropped onto the bloody ground. The executioner picked it up by her hair to show them. Remarkably her eyes were still closed, although this time in a wince.

Joia choked back another sob. This time she had successfully held back her body’s shameful response to the scene before her.

With tears in her eyes, she turned and looked accusingly at Mistress. But Clemencia paid her no mind. The stubborn refusal of the first two girls to admit to Joia’s guilt had infuriated her.

With a dismissive wave of her hand, the guards proceeded to unstrap Osanna’s unmoving body for disposal. The executioner tossed the second head up into the back of the truck. Then he raised the blade in preparation for yet another execution.

He gave the work his full concentration. Mistress was clearly in a rage. He did not wish to attract her undue attention. Further angering her now might result in the compound needing a new executioner.

“This is an outrage!” Mistress yelled. She glared at the guards until they fidgeted nervously. “Who is responsible for this treachery??”

She turned and glowered at Joia who shrank back in terror. Then Clemencia smiled cruelly at her. Apparently a wicked thought had just come to her.

“Bring me Marsona,” she told the two guards. “Perhaps she can bear witness why the tongues of her sisters remain silent.”

They nodded obediently. Joia went pale with horror as they quickly went inside to fetch the young woman…

2010; 2021 (written for Aravanna and Hitomi Mar 14 ’10; ed. Jun 21 ‘21 by riwa)

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Christina in the tank 4.5 (52)

I went to a club that specialized in underwater erotica. For those with a darker fetish, one could even watch a model give her all. So I paid the extra to watch a drowning.

The woman I picked was named Christina. She had dark red hair that was almost a maroon color. But she had large, flaring nostrils which I figured would give me a lot of great drowning bubbles.

She led me to a private room. In it was a chamber walled on three sides, with a glass front. The glass was six feet wide, and went up to a height of about nine feet into the ceiling.

Christina asked if I was looking forward to drowning her. I told her I was rather excited about the whole thing. “Good,” she replied with a smile. “I always like to please my customers.”

She pointed at a set of ankle cuffs inside the dry tank. I saw a wire attached. Then she went over to a chair, picked up a remote and handed it to me.

She explained, “It’s simple, really. There’s a button for ‘up’ and a button for ‘down’. Push ‘up’ and I’ll get slack in the cable. Push ‘down’ and it’ll pull me down to the floor of the tank. Now wait right here. I’ll go around back and let myself in.”

“What about these other two buttons, red and green?”

“Green fills the tank with water. Red drains the tank. Simple.”

She pointed at a hatch in the back wall of the six foot by six foot chamber. “You see that door? It’s similar to the watertight doors they use in Navy vessels. We’d hate for all that water to spill all over the place. That’s the door I’ll use to enter the tank.”

Christina left through a side door. I sat on the chair with the remote in hand and waited. Pretty soon she came through the hatch at the back of the tank before making sure she turned around and sealed it shut.

She smiled as she walked up to the ankle cuffs and secured them to herself. When she was done she waved a toy at me she’d brought in with her. I saw it was some sort of dildo.

“I’m ready,” she called to me through the glass. “Start the water.”

I hit the green button on the remote. Water began shooting up from four different holes in the floor. In no time at all there was a foot of water in the chamber.

Christina touched herself all over as the water soaked her through and through. She smiled as she told me, “I’m really looking forward to drowning for you. I hope you’ll enjoy my performance.”

The water quickly reached her crotch. It was flowing rapidly into the tank through the four holes in the floor. It wouldn’t be long before it rose all the way to the top.

It slowly climbed her chest, soaking her white outfit and making it see-through. Her bra was a light yellow and immediately became transparent as well. Her nipples had obviously hardened.

The water soon lifted her up off the floor. She skulled with her hands to stay at the surface. I watched as the water level rose to seven feet and then eight.

She smiled as she told me, “You can use the remote anytime you want. You don’t have to wait for the water to reach the top.”

Curious, I hit the ‘down’ button. It let out a beep, causing her to gasp for breath. Then it pulled her under in a flurry of bubbles.

It pulled her right to the bottom. Her feet were probably no more than two to three inches above the floor. She grinned and bubbled at me as she waved with her arms while gyrating in the chamber like a fish.

I hit the ‘up’ button. She got slack in the wire. Christina pulled herself back to the surface with her arms where she burst up and gasped for breath.

The water automatically stopped filling the moment it reached the top of the glass. There was still an air pocket inside the tank. The sexy redhead panted for breath, still grasping onto the toy in her hand.

I smiled as I hit the ‘down’ button. The chamber beeped. Christina inhaled sharply before she was pulled under. Bubbles trailed out of her nose as she was pulled all the way to the bottom of the chamber.

Almost immediately she went into this sexy little strip-tease. Articles of clothing came off one by one. Her skirt had snaps in the back that meant it could come off without being hindered by the wire and her ankle cuffs.

I finally hit the ‘up’ button. She felt the slack and pulled with her arms for the air pocket above her. I heard her burst up and gasp for breath.

I hit the ‘down’ button and waited. She inhaled sharply at the sound of the beep. Once more she was pulled all the way to the bottom of the chamber.

She touched herself all over, often using the toy in her hand to rub her nipples or thrust through her crotch. Every now and then she would mouth the words “Do you want to drown me? I want you to drown me!” It was incredibly arousing.

I hit the ‘up’ button and let her return to the air pocket for another breath. I didn’t want to rush things. After all, I’d paid good money and wanted to prolong the experience.

I allowed her half a minute to catch her breath. Then I hit the ‘down’ button. Christina was promptly pulled back down to the bottom of the chamber.

She used her toy to rub her nipples, making them exceedingly hard. She bubbled as she mouthed, “I’m so turned on knowing you’re going to drown me.” Then she began to masturbate with her toy.

She thrust it in and out of her pussy until she started to writhe and bubble. She mouthed at me, “I want you to drown me so bad!” Then she sucked on the toy before thrusting it back inside her winking slit.

I hit the ‘up’ button and watched her pull for the surface. She popped up and gasped loudly for breath. I heard her say, “Fuck, you’re prolonging this for me! You have no idea how turned on I am right now!”

I hit the ‘down’ button again. She gasped at the sound of the beep. Then the wire pulled her to the bottom of the tank.

Once more she began fucking herself with the toy. I saw her mouth words like “I want to suck your cock!” and “Come in and fuck me!” She also mouthed things like “I want you to drown me” and “I want to drown right now!”

I pushed the button and let her back up. I was getting quite horny watching her. She surfaced inside the air pocket and gasped for breath before telling me, “I’m so hot to drown for you! Take off your pants! I want to see your cock!”

I pushed the ‘down’ button. Then I stripped so she could see my erection as she was pulled down. She motioned for me to stroke it as she sucked on her toy before fucking her cunt with it.

She bubbled as she mouthed the words, “I’M GOING TO CUM!” Then she lost a huge burst of bubbles out of her mouth and nose. It was so erotic that I nearly shot a load just watching her.

I kept her down until her chest was heaving. I saw a flash of fear in her eyes. But she just fucked herself harder with the toy while playing with her boobs. The whole time she kept bubbling, “DROWN ME NOW, LOVER!”

I hit the ‘up’ button. Slack appeared in the wire to her ankle cuffs. Christina dutifully pulled for the surface, wanting another breath. When she popped up for a breath I heard her gasp, “Gawd, you are making me so fucking horny by making me wait for it!”

I wasn’t sure I could hold off much longer. So I hit the ‘down’ button. Christina gasped the moment she heard the beep.

The wire pulled her straight down. Then she began touching herself all over again. I saw her fuck herself with the toy as she mouthed, “I WANT YOU TO DROWN ME! I NEED IT SO BAD! DROWN ME NOW!”

I watched as she really put on a show, wriggling and gyrating at the bottom of that chamber. She humped in my direction as though she was fucking me. Then she used the toy on her cunt again.

I stroked myself as I watched intently. She really used that toy on herself. Then she cried out a froth of bubbles before mouthing, “DROWN ME NOW!”

I watched as her chest began heaving. She kept mouthing the words, “DROWN ME – DROWN ME!” I toyed with the ‘up’ button, but I never pushed it.

Her stomach rippled. Then her chest began to heave. Her body was in need of more air.

She bubbled as she mouthed the words, “DROWN ME – DROWN ME!” Her chest convulsions became more intense. Then she began looking up at the surface as though she was thinking about changing her mind, wanting to return to that air pocket.

I grinned at her as I stroked my cock. The toy was in her slit as she motioned up at the surface. That’s when I shook my head as I told her, “Drown, you sexy bitch!”

Her eyes suddenly flew open as though she’d been kidding this whole time. She began pulling hard for the surface, losing air out of her mouth and nose. But she could only jerk around as her feet remained tethered to the floor.

Christina looked panicked as her chest hitched and spasmed. I was stroking when she anxiously shook her head. Christina lost a huge burst of bubbles. Then she appeared to glub as though she’d just swallowed water.

I shamelessly masturbated as she began humping in my direction. She began coughing up bubbles as she pulled hard for the surface, her arms churning the water. I did not give her the slack she needed.

She hitched and gurgled as she kept coughing up bubbles. She tried to cover her mouth, but it was much too late for that. Then she really started thrashing about as though fighting against the cuffs holding her ankles to the floor of the chamber.

I could tell she was drowning. I rose up, stepped forward and splattered my seed all over the glass to her tank. Her naked body swayed back and forth as she let out little hitches and spasms until she stopped struggling.

Christina gently swayed back and forth with a shocked look on her face. It looked as though it had been incredibly painful. But I’d certainly enjoyed it, judging by the shamefully huge load I’d spewed all over the glass.

The sexy redhead hung tethered to the bottom of the pool floor. Her arms floated about halfway up as though she was considering taking flight. She stared at me in shock and surprise as she gently swayed back and forth.

There was a sudden sound from up in the ceiling. I looked up and saw a speaker up there. Then I heard, “Thank you so much for coming. We hope you enjoyed her drowning performance. Christina hopes you’ll come back again and watch her suffer in the tank for your amusement.”

I pulled up my pants and got ready to go. By then I saw the water level coming down. I figured someone would soon be entering the tank to revive her for another performance. That’s when I told myself I would probably return someday and request her again.

2020 (written Aug 20 ’20 by riwa)

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Hanging for his aunt 4.4 (60)

I don’t know when I first suspected him of stealing. All I know is that one day I couldn’t find my broach. It was very important to me.

My sister had recently visited with her son Darrin. She liked to remind me how he’d become a problem student during his senior year. He was always getting into trouble.

I remember how he looked bored the moment he walked through my door. The disrespect he showed was almost as bad as the way his mother treated me. Louise was not very good at socializing, much less raising an only child. It was only after they’d left that I noticed my broach was missing.

They came back for a visit a couple weeks later. Louise was hoping I would give her some money. Darrin got up to go to the bathroom. But after he left I discovered $100 was missing from my purse.

That did it. Now I was sure my nephew was stealing from me. I had to teach the little bastard a lesson as I was sure he’d done it. He certainly wasn’t being corrected back home.

One day I asked him to show up at my house. He was disrespectful the moment he walked through the door. I told him I knew what he’d done. He just told me to fuck off.

That did it. I launched myself at him with a coil of rope I had tucked next to the chair I’d been sitting in. He let fly with a string of profanity.

He protested as I tied his arms behind his back. He said I couldn’t do that to him. I told him his mother didn’t give a damn and that I could do to him whatever the hell I wanted.

I marched him out to the shed out back. I opened the door and pushed him inside. That’s when he gasped, “What the hell is this??”

A noose hung from a beam in the ceiling. On the floor was a stool directly under the dangling rope. I smiled as I told him, “Don’t you know, hun? This is all for you!”

“You crazy bitch!”

“Crazy enough to hang your sorry ass!” Then I muscled him up onto the stool.

He put up quite a struggle. But I’m stronger than he is. I try to keep myself in shape.

He let out a cry as I got him up onto the stool. Then I managed to noose him up. He kept calling me all sorts of names.

I snugged the noose up tight. Then he glared angrily at me. “You crazy bitch! You don’t have the fucking balls!”

“You stupid kid! Do you have any idea how many people I’ve hanged in here? You fucking deserve this!” Then I angrily kicked the stool out from underneath him.

The look on his face was priceless as the noose took his weight. He rasped and gurgled as he put up a fight. He kicked and swung as his arms jerked in vain behind his back. Since I was using a nice, thick rope, he was guaranteed a long, lengthy hanging.

After a while, he didn’t kick as much. I deliberately pulled his pants down, humiliating him by exposing his cock. It was erect, and didn’t look half bad.

He shimmied a little more in the noose as his dick dripped. I grabbed a nearby cane and gave his ass a good five swats. Then I let him down.

He struggled to get his breath back as I loosened the noose from around his neck. He looked up at me in utter shock. I smiled sweetly as I told him, “Just remember, Darrin. Your mother doesn’t give a shit about you. But I do. If I ever hear you’ve stolen from me or anyone again, I’ll hang your sorry ass and then bury you up in the hills where they’ll never find you. And don’t you think for one second I won’t do it! No one will ever miss you!”

I untied him and then let him pull his pants back up. He looked stunned. I could tell he wanted to say something, perhaps to curse me out. But I don’t think he ever expected the kind of stunt I’d just pulled on him.

I contacted a couple of spies I knew from school. They reported back how Darrin was getting into trouble again. It was believed he’d stolen from another student.

I paid a couple of girls to lure him out one Friday night. They doctored up the beer they’d given him. Then they deposited his unconscious form in my shed.

I showed up and removed all his clothes. I made sure his arms were bound behind his back. That’s about the time he began to stir.

I told him, “Hun, I see my last object lesson didn’t get your full attention. So let’s try this again, shall we?”

He looked at me in alarm as he asked, “Wait a minute! How the hell did I end up here?”

“I have my ways, hun. You’d be surprised. I used to teach at that school, remember?”

Once more I helped him up onto the stool. This time he wasn’t nearly as defiant as before. In fact, he actually started to whimper pathetically.

I told him this was what assholes like him deserved. His cock was nice and hard as I noosed him up. Then I snugged it good and tight around his neck.

I told him, “Darrin, maybe it would be better for everyone concerned if I just got rid of you. You don’t seem to be teachable. You’re determined to get yourself into trouble. You’re either going to end up in prison or worse. So let’s settle for the ‘worse’ part, shall we?”

His defiance returned. So I used the cane on his ass until he yelped in pain. Then I kicked the stool away.

I stood in front of him, smiling the whole time as he kicked and twisted. I touched myself through my clothes as I watched him dance. I told him, “You know something, hun? I like hanging troublemakers like you. For one thing, it really gets me off. It also helps get rid of some of society’s ills. I’m not out to clean up the entire world. Just my little corner of it.”

He really suffered as he kicked in the noose. His cock bounced as it oozed its cream. I couldn’t resist as I told him, “Very nice, hun. It looks like a part of you is enjoying yourself.”

I left him up for quite a while until he settled down. I even reached out and stroked his dripping erection. Then I sighed heavily.

“Maybe I’m a sucker for giving people a second chance. You really don’t deserve one. But I’m going to give one to you anyway.”

I let him down until he was lying on the floor panting weakly for breath. I freed him from the noose before untying his arms. Then I told him to get dressed.

“Don’t try my patience again,” I warned. “Otherwise, you’re liable to end up six feet under in some lonely woods just outside of town. Think it over.”

I walked right out, leaving him alone in the shed. I figured I didn’t have much for him to steal in there. Besides, he would end up paying for it with his life if he did. And thus, he had to walk home under his own power.

A couple weeks later, I caught sight of Darrin on my property. He was sneaking around my shed. What the hell was he going to do… burn it down?

I waited until he’d gone inside. Then I quietly snuck out to see what kind of mischief he was causing. It was obvious he was cruising for another hanging.

I peeked into a window to see what was going on. I half expected him to trash the place. Imagine my surprise when I caught him running the noose up over the beam.

He put the stool directly beneath it. Then he climbed up onto the stool. I actually saw him pull the noose down around his neck and snug it up tight.

The next thing he did was to pull his pants down, revealing quite the erection. He gasped for breath as he stroked himself. I couldn’t believe I was witnessing my very own nephew getting himself off in my shed while wearing my noose.

I suddenly burst in, catching him totally by surprise. He almost fell off the stool. I smiled with sadistic cruelty as I told him, “Eager for your aunt to string you up again, hun?”

He stammered uncertainly. Gone was the defiance I was used to seeing. In its place was a strange submissiveness.

I gave him a stern look. “Now see here, hun. If you want to hang for your aunt, you’re going to have to act like it. Now bring your arms behind your back so I can tie them together.”

He was breathing heavily. I saw his erection twitch a little. It looked like it was dripping some.

He looked at me for the longest moment. Then he quietly brought his arms behind his back and held them there. He stood upon the stool with his head lowered, his chest rising and falling at the enormity of what he was getting himself into.

I got the rope and tied his wrists behind his back. I made sure the noose was nice and snug around his throat before tying it off. Then I stood there admiring him.

“Damn, hun. You’ve got your aunt nice and horny seeing you all noosed up and ready to go. So let’s get this show on the road, shall we?”

I reached out and hefted his erection, giving his balls a feel. I smiled as I looked up at him with murderous lust. Then I gave the stool a vicious kick.

He gawked as he dropped. His pants hung up at his ankles. It made him kick his feet together as he swung back and forth.

I moaned as I touched myself through my clothes. Watching my naked nephew dangle was the hottest thing ever. Seeing him kick and twist as he suffered was such an incredible turn-on.

He brought his legs up, rubbing his bouncing dick with his thighs. Then it went off. He spurted his seed onto the floor as I let out an orgasmic cry.

I waited until he had suffered the proper punishment. Then I let him down, freeing him from the noose and the rope around his wrists. He composed himself for a few minutes before he got dressed.

I smiled knowingly at him. Then I asked, “Is this the way you want it to be, hun?”

He looked at me for a long moment before he bowed his head in shame. Then he nodded. I told him, “Fair enough. But there’s going to be some rules around here. You got that?”

Darrin showed up on time. It was Friday afternoon, and school was out. I watched him walk onto my property.

He wasted no time heading straight for my shed. He opened the door and slipped inside. Then it was quiet.

I gave him five minutes. Then I went out to the shed. When I opened the door, he was already undressed.

Darrin stood facing the stool, the noose dangling overhead. He waited patiently for me, his arms submissively brought behind his back. His head was lowered; there was no trace of defiance in his demeanor.

“Let me see,” I said quietly.

I walked over to the piece of paper sitting on the small table. It listed his recent grades. Then I shook my head, tsking out loud.

I grabbed the rope and stepped behind him. Then I roughly tied his wrists behind his back. That’s when I told him, “Honey, this will never do.”

I helped him up onto the stool without a word. Then I noosed him up. I pulled it tight before securing it, making sure he was up on his toes.

He rasped for breath as he shuffled around on his feet. I told him, “I’m putting you on your toes because of the ‘C’, hun.” Then I fetched the cane and gave him several swats on his ass.

He rasped and whimpered as he shuffled around on his feet. I smiled as I told him, “I do have some good news for you thought. This is because of your ‘B’s’ and ‘A’s’.”

I reached out and stroked his erection, gently cupping his balls. He thrust into my hand. Then I knelt and gently took him into my mouth while he still shuffled around on his toes.

I heard a raspy groan as he thrust between my lips. I was unbelievably horny. It was terribly incestuous, yet I was crazed with lust.

He left a nice load in my mouth. Then I kicked the stool away. Darrin swung back and forth, rasping and kicking as his cock twitched and spurted.

These days Darrin comes over almost every week. He’s definitely improved his studies, and he’s a much better student. But he’s got one naughty habit.

You see, he loves to hang for his aunt. And I’m thrilled whenever I get the chance to string him up. Sometimes I suck his cock before kicking the stool away. Afterwards, I send him right home before rushing into the house and masturbating like crazy.

2021 (written Apr 1 ’21 by riwa. Inspired by the picture found in Mike76’s folder on a website.)

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The Abelard and Dolcett Academy (guest author) 4 (33)

– Me, the Abelard and Dolcett Academy, and the Bottom of each class.

I am, Annabelle Jones, 42 years old and a teacher of world history and culture to all of the classes in the Abelard and Dolcett Academy. Last year I also provided sex education to girls in the last semester of their senior year. As will be told, I still have that role although it is a bit different from my first year with that position.

I was born in England but could not find a good teaching job there and found a position overseas. In general, I like my job although, as you will learn from my description of my last year at the school, the job has special challenges. The last six months has been particularly challenging. Below is a recent picture of me with a student who was part of last year’s senior class but did not graduate.

The school is unusual and has some very unusual practices particularly given that the school is run by the fascist elite of the country. It is an expensive upper-class boarding school in an obscure part of South America. It is strictly divided into a building for female student, a building for male students and an administration building. Classrooms and housing are provided for male and female students in strictly separated buildings and intermingling is completely avoided with a tall fence between the girls building and the two buildings that are the administrative building and the boys building.

God forbid that male students, we generally call them “cadets” to remind them that they aren’t children anymore, have sex before the last semester of their senior year when they must be at least 18 under the school rules. Female students, who also are not allowed to begin the second semester of their senior year until they are 18, are strictly controlled as to their sexual activities even longer, until after graduation.

Only boys are allowed in the administrative building before the last semester of their senior year. Female students are given a tour of the administration building at the beginning of the last semester of their senior but true intermingling of students of different sexes is not allowed until the students graduate.

As I wrote, the school is very conservative. Only 40 students are admitted to each class of boys and girls, but despite the conservative nature of the school, there is a reason why the male cadets and not the female students are allowed into the administration building before their last semester. In the hall leading from the foyer of the administrative building to the male teachers’ offices and the school administrative offices is a bizarre display of 17 pictures of nude former female students with their hands tied behind their back and a van behind them waiting for them.

Much more bizarre, are the 17 silicon-filled, mounted sexual organs of former cadets. The penises and scrotum have been carefully prepared by skilled taxidermists to show them at full erection and size.

Below both the pictures of the handcuffed females and the mounted cocks and testicles are small signs giving the name of the former student and the date that she or he departed from the school or from this earth.

The display is thoroughly shocking but the practices and decisions that led to the display are even more so.

I can’t pretend that I accepted the job at the school not knowing what would happen. I was told of the school practices and traditions when I took the job and part of the reason that I was hired was that, before getting my teaching certificate, I worked as a London call girl.

The Immundica region, where the school is located, has one of the most unequal distributions of wealth in the world. The 100 families that own anything in the region own approximately 100% of the property. 96% of the region’s population is made up of peasants who own nothing and work at subsistence wages for the wealthy.

Abelard and Dolcett Academy, named after the medieval philosopher and the local meatpacker who has provided much of the resources for the school over the years, caters to those children of the wealthy who aspire to go to college in one of the big cities. The teachers in the school are the best available and brought in from around the world. Graduates of Abelard and Dolcett are generally admitted to the best colleges of the country even if their grades are sub-par.

It was found 18 years ago, however, that many of the children of the wealthy do not want to be serious about their education and simply want to graduate from a prestigious school and get out of Immundica. For this reason, the founders of the school adopted practices, suggested by Senor Dolcett, that it was thought would stop non-serious students from applying and make sure that those who went to the school worked hard. Further, the students about to graduate were taught about sex and given another important lesson before they might venture out of Immundica.

For three years, the students at A&D have classes much like other schools in the country but they are also introduced to calculus, French, computer science and other subjects that those in the other schools in Immundica never learn. (few children of the peasants go to school at all)

In the middle of the first term of their senior year, students at A&D are given tests on everything they have learned since entering A&D which determines 35% of their final grade. At the end of the first semester of their senior year, they take other tests that determine 65% of their grade and their class rank.

The testing scheme may seem mechanical and harsh, but it is not unlike testing in many other schools that rely on objective testing. What is novel is that the student who is scores at the bottom of the class, they call him and her for each side of the school “the Bottom,” (in Spanish of course) does not study further but is instead used to educate and to inspire future students to work hard.

After class rank is determined, the female Bottom is sent through the iron gate of the fence to serve as an educational tool for the male students for their last semester. She is kept in a special cage in the school and used to demonstrate every form of sexual activity and most every form of sexual perversity.

After receiving detailed instruction and demonstrations from my equivalent in the male part of the school (now Mr. Danton), the female is used for sex by every member of the senior class repeatedly. She is not, however, physically damaged at this time. Instead, at the end of the term she is sold to brothel owners who buy her with the reservation that if she ever stops being used as a whore, she is to be shipped to Dolcett Meats.

It was thought that the fact that the female Bottom would be used as a whore for years or decades before being butchered would cause the female students to work hard to avoid being the Bottom of their class.

The male student Bottom suffers a slightly different fate. Whether it is better or worse than what happens to the females is a matter of taste. But we will get to that.

Like the female Bottom, the male Bottom is sent across the fence to be used for sexual education and is kept in a large cage for four months. Of course, unlike the female Bottom, the male Bottom does not have vaginal intercourse with any of the students, only the teacher. The precious young women must save their virginity until marriage.

It was my job as the female teacher of the senior female class to teach my class everything that could be taught about sex, but with me alone engaging in any sexual act that involved penetration of the vagina or arse. All sex acts that are practiced by any sizable number of people are to be shown in order that the young women will not be shocked or misled when they leave the school.

In this conservative region, male students cannot be sent off as sex slaves to be used as male prostitutes. They can be hung by the neck until dead. That is what is done with the male class Bottom. He is slowly hung and, while still swinging, castrated completely with his penis, testicles and scrotum taken to the taxidermist. The rest of his body is sent to Dolcett Meats to be turned into profits, some of which go to support the school.

One would certainly think that the threat of what would happen if they were the Bottom would cause every student to do his or her best. Perhaps, the first few years it worked that way and faces in the pictures of the first two 18-year-old women and the sex organs of the first two young men on the wall may have belonged to cadets who tried hard but just couldn’t keep up.

It is, however, a sort of questionable strategy to use something that could be thought of as sexy to scare teenagers even if it is attached to awful punishments. Some of the faces of young women about to be taken off to a life of unforgiving sex slavery were morbid or insane young things that wanted a way out of life despite their privileges and good health. Ennui can be so fashionable. If A&D had offered a quick noose to some of the students I had, I am sure they would have taken it just to spite their conservative parents.

I can’t say as much about the young men whose erect young cocks and balls decorate the administration building hall, but I think many of the young men had a devil may care attitude and somehow believed that they would get through even if they did not study.

Even sadder, I think many of the pictures of women and mounted cocks and balls came from peasants. Things being what they are in the Immundica region, after the first few years, some wealthy students of the 100 families at the end of their junior year dropped out of A&D rather than risk being the Bottom. You can’t blame them for that. However, the other students in the class now saw their chances of a terrible fate had gone up. At the behest of the wealthy parents, vacant spots in the senior classes were filled by peasants who had a full scholarship and whose parents had been paid large amounts to send their daughter or and son to A&D. Although they had not received most of the training that they needed to do well on the tests, some of the peasant cadets managed to avoid becoming the Bottom of their class. This happened most often because more than one peasant had been admitted as a replacement to the class and those without a proper background were competing against each other.

– What happened last year

The class of last year was a class of the unexpected. The first semester of the final year, Antigone Castille, the daughter of one of the wealthier men in Immundica, failed to answer a single question correctly on her mid-term. I thought I would likely have hell to pay if Antigone became the Bottom and was subjected to months of sex and degradation before being shipped off to be a sex slave.

Fortunately, there was a young peasant woman in the class, Maria, who seemed sweet but that was uneducated, not terribly bright, and had only gotten a few questions correct. Antigone only had to try a bit to make up the difference in the final and send Maria to the fate that everyone expected.

As the teacher who was home room teacher for the senior class and who would teach the sex education class the final semester, it was thought to be my job to do something about Antigone’s scholastic suicide. Naturally, I confronted Antigone and asked her what she was trying to prove. I told her that she might think now that it was cool to get the low score on the tests, but she would not feel that way while being brought to Dolcett Meats after a decade of servicing whatever smelly ugly man wanted to plant his semen in her.

Antigone got all progressive, justice and equity on me and said that she was no better than Maria even if her father had more money. I said that Maria undoubtedly knew the score and had decided to make a sacrifice for her family and that Antigone throwing away her life was not reasonable. I asked her whether she even knew if Maria’s family would get paid and avoid starvation if Maria was not the female Bottom.

Antigone said she knew full well that Maria’s family was to be paid as soon as the female Bottom was led across the fence whoever the Bottom was.

I told her that she might be right, but she still should reconsider what she was doing. I told her that while we don’t know exactly what has happened to the female Bottoms, that we knew that at least two had been killed by brothel customers or owners, one had committed suicide and two had landed on someone’s dinner table. Further, we knew that about five of the female Bottoms had been turned into breeding livestock and were being kept in breeding cages like sows some of the time and were barefoot and pregnant the rest of the time.

Antigone’s smile in response to my last speech was all I had to see to know that it wasn’t worth talking to her anymore.

Pierre Danton, the homeroom teacher in of the male senior class who would be giving the male seniors their sex education had an even more bizarre situation. In the teacher’s lounge one day, he explained that the lowest score on the midterm exam was for one of the two peasants admitted to the senior class. That was expected. What wasn’t expected was that a son of the prominent Cortez family, a cadet who everyone called “Skutto,” had a score only one point higher than the low scoring peasant. Skutto had never been a serious student but coming in barely above the peasant who had not had many of the classes needed to do well was not expected.

Even more surprising, a student who had been outstanding up until then, Max, had a score only one point higher than Skutto’s. Five other students who had been expected to do well on the midterm also scored poorly.

Mr. Danton asked Max what was up. Max said he’d had a bad day. Danton was pretty sure that that was a lie.

When Mr. Danton told Skutto that he had better not risk being the Bottom on the final and asked how he done quite so poorly, Skutto initially said he just had not studied very much. Danton told Skutto that if he needed to be reminded what happened to male students who did not study, he could look up carefully as he walked out of Danton’s office through the hall in the administration building. It then came out that seven of the cadets had decided to spice up their senior year by each putting the equivalent of 1000 pounds sterling into a pot which would be won by whatever student came in second to last. Skutto said he was right on target to win the money.

Come the beginning of January, the final scores for each class were announced. In part for show but probably in part also to avoid problems, the announcement of the Bottom of each class was announced by having all of the students line up facing each other through the fence and handcuffs being placed on the loser of each class.

It came as no surprise to me but as a shock to some that Antigone got the handcuffs for the female Bottom. Antigone had successfully given the wrong answer to every question on the tests. She had a stupid smirk on her face as all of her clothing was removed and she was walked to the gate. Maria was beeming.

Skutto being the male Bottom was even more of a shock. While less clear cut than the female results, Skutto’s 48 was way below the 57 of the peasant who had been behind him after the midterm. It was said that Skutto looked a lot more like the family gardener than like Mr. Cortez but still it was hard to see how he had come in behind a fairly ignorant peasant who had not had most of the necessary training.

Max’s score of 55 raised many eyebrows except among the teachers who had heard what Mr. Danton had learned after the midterms. It was Max who was smirking as Skutto was led nude to the gate with a full erection. I couldn’t help myself from being happy about this turn of events. Skutto was a big hunk who would be fun to play with in the coming months. Also, he had a big, beautiful cock that would be a stunning addition to the administration building hallway.

Mr. Danton related later to the faculty that he got a straight answer out of Max by threatening to try to retroactively change the rules to make the bottom two male students be hung, castrated and go to Dolcett Meats. Max cooly told Danton that there was no way he could get away with that and that if he tried, his family would make sure Danton became a sex slave and some family’s dinner. But just to satisfy Danton’s curiosity, Max told the teacher that he had tutored the two peasant students the last two months and his main problem had been coming in second without scoring too low and being the Bottom himself. Fortunately, Skutto was such an idiot that there was a lot of space in which to maneuver.

Most of the faculty thought Max had acted brilliantly. There was nothing illegal about giving tutoring lessons for free or any reason why it was better for one of the peasants to die that Skutto. Others thought that Max had been a bit too clever and what goes around comes around.

– The Second Semester of Senior year

Their last semester at A&D Academy both the female and male students continued to take mainly courses on normal subjects like math, history and Spanish, but they also got classes in sex and sexuality.

I don’t know exactly what the males were taught. I’m sure that it had less about maintaining one’s virginity until marriage and proper conduct than what I was required to teach the female students, but I saw the syllabus for the males and it looked a lot like our syllabus.

Both classes started with kissing and simple petting but soon everything under the sun was introduced. The students were taught about gay sex as something terrible and forbidden. What wasn’t forbidden and that fully utilized the resource we had of a Bottom who had no choice but to put up was about everything else under the sun. I showed the students how to perform fellatio and Skutto was blown by me or some student at least once a day. Skutto was pegged repeatedly by me and by students that I showed how to do it. Skutto was forced to perform cunnilingus repeatedly, first on me and then on any student who requested. I showed the class both vaginal and straight sex. Skutto participated in much BDSM, always as the Bottom of course.

During the straight sex, one of the young women asked if I shouldn’t be using a condom on Skutto. I told her that they were forbidden in Immundica, but that she was quite right to ask the question. While forcing myself to say that all of the students should stay virgins until marriage, never have sex with anyone but their husbands, and never have sex with their husbands using any form of contraceptive other than the rhythm method, I said that being 42, there was only a small chance of me becoming pregnant.

The week on sadism was not easy. I whipped all of the girls once lightly to show what that was about and subjected all of them to nipple clamps.

As to Skutto and BDSM, I just had to make sure he was tied up properly (there were always several male faculty members with me to make sure Skutto did not turn ugly). The whole class took turns whipping him and pinching his nipples. A couple times I subjected him to serious cbt, squeezing his balls until he had a very painful ejaculation. He was sounded and forced to eat his own semen.

The four months passed quickly for me and I think for Skutto.

– The execution and exile with extreme prejudice.

I think mainly to make sure that the cadet to hang is horny for his execution, the rule is that he is not to be allowed to have any sexual release the last two days before his execution. The last day that Skutto could have sex, I let him have me as many times as he wished. I know he came in me at least 12 times.

I must admit that I had numerous orgasms with Skutto’s cock in my pussy although the knowledge that the penis in my vagina would soon be on display in the administration building did bother me during moments between the sex.

Two days later, the big day arrived when Skutto would be hung, castrated and become meat and Antigone would be used for the final time by the senior class before being sent off to a cheap brothel.

Skutto’s execution was full of ceremony and some would say unnecessary pain and humiliation. The directors of the school, however, said that every element of the treatment of the Bottom student was necessary to provide an incentive for future students to work hard. One might well believe, though, that some of the directors took much sadistic pleasure in humiliating and torturing the male Bottom before he was killed.

At the 11:00 sharp, I and the female seniors walked over to the gym along with Skutto who was nude, handcuffed and had his legs chained close enough together that there was no chance of running. It did not surprise me that Skutto had a raging erection during most of the hike as I had been told that all of the male Bottoms did that.

When we reached the gym, we found the male seniors, the faculty and the school board of directors, including Mr. Dolcett who was in a fine mood. Antigone was bound to a X shaped structure and faced toward the gallows for her viewing pleasure or displeasure and the pleasure of the audience.

Skutto was marched up the platform and asked if he had any last words. He knew very well that mercy was out of the question and said only, “Let’s get this over with.”

The gallows was designed to be assembled and disassembled every year but looked pretty study but with only about ten steps up to the platform. Even that height was mainly for viewing purposes because one the cruel things was that the rope was short and Skutto would fall less than a foot when the trap door was opened. Unlike a halfway humane hanging which would kill the prisoner quickly by breaking his neck, Skutto, like all the other male Bottoms before him, would slowly asphyxiate.

There was only a brief speech by Headmaster Franco about how this event was one of the key strengths of the Abelard & Dolcett Academy and everyone there should be proud to participate. To heighten the festive mood, trays of champagne were available for anyone who want to partake.

Skutto was allowed to survey the crowd of those there to watch him die before a cloth bag was placed over his head. I think it was just to be mean that there was then a pause while people photographed Skutto and his incredibly erect cock and faculty members joked about how he had the biggest balls to go to the trophy room in years.

The latch was pulled and Skutto fell a foot. He let out gasp and other noises as he instinctively kicked in an effort to find a footing that wasn’t there. Minutes of agony passed before suddenly Skutto’s cock shot off a footlong streak of semen that seemed to travel eight feet before landing on the gym floor right in front of where Antigone was bound.

Many giggled and took a slip of champagne while Skutto’s cock remained hard and dripping. This did not last long before a man sent by Dolcett Meats pushed a cutting device over Skutto’s cock and balls and the cock and balls were sliced off to be placed in a jar full of some sort of liquid that I guess were to preserve them until they got to the taxidermist.

Whether Skutto was alive or dead was not clear. What was left of him was dropped in a wheel barrel and taken to a Dolcett Meats truck which immediately started for the processing plant.

A few of the women were in tears but most of them had clearly enjoyed the show. The male students were all busy showing how macho they were by pretending that they saw such sights every day. Some in the faculty were smiling but most were acting like this was just part of the job and that they wanted to get back to planning their summers.

Then it was time to pay last disrespects to Antigone. She was stretched out on the gym floor and made as accessible as a woman can be.

Mr. Danton did his job and immediately disrobed and inserted his cock into Antigone as he had probably done fifty or sixty times for educational purposes over the last four months. This sex, though, was more for ceremony than education. The female Bottom was always sent off with a gangbang.

Danton took more time having sex with Antigone than one might have expected. Probably he thought he was going to be the last person to shag Antigone who cared if she enjoyed it or not.

Antigone did enjoy it and the male and female seniors as well as the entire faculty and even Antigone’s parents, who were somehow in the audience, were treated to Antigone screaming out her passion and that she was just a cunt and meat and that was all she was ever going to be. Her orgasm was somewhere between a moan and a victory cry.

While Antigone panted, Danton invited whoever else wanted to have final intercourse or words with Antigone to do so. About half the male students went ahead and shagged her, generally after wiping her off between the legs the best they could. Somewhat to my surprise, Antigone had three or four more orgasms despite the fact that most of the men screwing her were not very experienced.

A few of the female students said goodbye. Maria made a point of saying thank you.

As Antigone was taken out of the frame and led to the car that would take her to a cheap brothel to spend the rest of her life, I could not help thinking that Antigone had probably made the right decision. Maria had potential as a human being and Antigone was so twisted, suicidal, and oversexed that her best life might well to be a sex slave in a cheap brothel and eventually meat. She smiled for the camera taking the picture for the administration building like she’d just won a beauty contest.

This story is not quite over because of an unexpected development. Weeks after the graduation ceremonies, I began to feel unwell. When I went to a doctor seven weeks after the ceremonies, I learned I was about 8 weeks pregnant.

I’d thought at 42 that I was very unlikely to get pregnant and had failed to take precautions. Or maybe some part of me wanted to get pregnant with Skutto’s child.

Abortion is not an option in the region of the school. I went to Headmaster Franco to tell him I would have to resign my position and go back to England.

After the headmaster said how disappointed he was at the thought of my leaving, he inquired why I wanted to quit after having had such a good year. He said that the students all loved you and even Antigone’s parents recognized that Antigone’s failure happened despite your best efforts.

I truthfully explained my predicament.

The headmaster replied that as long as I had the baby, there would be no trouble staying as a teacher. The local aristocracy impregnated girls all the time and no one cared as long as none of the daughters of the 100 families was involved. The bastard children of philandering men of the 100 families were always adopted by the families, perhaps in part to keep the 100 from becoming too interbred.

The headmaster added he thought it would be very educational for the girls next year to see me pregnant and give birth. Another woman could be brought in when it was necessary to show penetrative sex acts to the female seniors. He suggested that maybe in the future they should try to have a woman get pregnant by the male Bottom every year so that the senior women could get just the education that my example would be providing.

So, here I am, eight months pregnant with a dead man’s child in my womb, teaching another senior class about the joys and pains of sex. This year I have the assistance of a peasant woman who is being paid to have sex with this year’s Bottom. Next year, I will be 44 and not pregnant and won’t need help from anyone in demonstrating sex with the male Bottom.

by Anonymous

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The company’s ‘Termination Room’ 4.5 (37)

It had been a stupid thing to do…

She’d gone into Mr. Benson’s office in search of something useful for her new job. As his secretary, it was not unusual for her to go in and out. Then he’d caught her rifling through his files.

She’d started to stammer how she was searching for a folder for the Patterson account. Mr. Benson had reacted rather calmly. He’d simply instructed her to take the rest of the day off. She had breathed a sigh of relief when he hadn’t fired her.

Things took an ominous turn down in the parking garage. She had her keys in her hand and was about to unlock her car when someone came up behind her. She was violently grabbed, a white cloth forced over her mouth and nose.

She breathed noxious fumes. That was the last thing she remembered. Now she moaned softly as consciousness returned.

Her eyes fluttered open, and she gasped in alarm. She was in what appeared to be some sort of basement. There was no furniture whatsoever except for the wooden chair she was sitting on. Some sort of sawhorse sat in a corner, but otherwise that was it.

Her wrists were bound together behind her back with some sort of thick, metal cuffs. What’s more, there was an ominous cord wrapped around her neck. This wasn’t good at all, and she began to shiver with dread.

A man walked in through the door on the opposite wall. His appearance made things worse. He was dressed in black, a black ski mask covering his head. She could make out his eyes and mouth, but nothing more.

“Where am I?” she demanded, trying not to sound as frightened as she felt. “What are you doing to me?”

“What were you doing in Mr. Benson’s files?” It was a deep male voice.

“I told Mr. Benson I was searching for the Patterson account. You don’t have to do this to me.”

He calmly walked up to her. Then he squeezed her neck hard with a gloved hand. It caused her to cry out in terror.

“What were you doing in Mr. Benson’s files?” She gawked and gurgled as she rasped for breath. Her legs kicked in response to her asphyxiation.

“NOTHING!” she rasped when he eased his grip. “I TOLD YOU – GAWK!”

He squeezed hard until she rasped for breath. “Mr. Benson doesn’t believe you!” he growled menacingly. Then he released her throat.

She coughed a couple of times. Then she defiantly told him, “Well, it’s the truth! I wasn’t doing anything wrong!”

“That’s not the way he sees it,” the man said as he moved behind the post that stood behind her chair. “He seems to think there’s more to you than meets the eye.”

Maybe defiance would work with this idiot. “Let me go right this instant! You can’t do this to me! You’re going to be in so much trouble once Mr. Benson deals with you!”

“I think not,” he explained calmly. “You see, I’m operating on his instructions.”

The cord around her neck tightened dangerously. She gasped and gurgled as her breath was cut off. Then the tension on the cord around her throat eased up.

She found herself panting wildly for breath. Now she was extremely frightened. “What do you want from me?”

“I’m not a patient man. I suggest you tell me what I want to know.”

Panic brought out a desperate defiance. “You can’t do this to me! You’re going to be in so much trouble when the cops find out. You’re going to pay for this!”

He calmly came around front. She was shocked when he forcefully popped the buttons to her blouse.

She’d chosen not to wear a bra today. Now she was terribly embarrassed. The man grabbed one of her tits and roughly squeezed it as she tried to protest.

“You don’t understand,” he told her, his voice filled with menace. “This is the company’s ‘termination room’. You’ve got just one minute to tell me what I want to know. Now I’m going to ask you again…”

“But I don’t know anything!” she cried out, interrupting him as she trembled like crazy. “I’m a loyal employee! You can’t treat me this way!”

“Then I guess we have nothing further to discuss.”

He calmly moved behind her. The cord tightened around her throat. She began to gawk as she rasped for breath.

Her hands flexed behind her back. Her face started to turn read. She managed to rasp the words, “ALL RIGHT – ALL RIGHT; I’LL TALK!”

He eased up on the tension to the cord. Her breath was still partly cut off. “Talk” was all he said.

“I got… an offer from a rival company! They said if I…brought them something, they’d… sweeten the pot! I didn’t mean anything by it… help! I can’t… breathe! Now let me go!”

“Mr. Benson wants you terminated. I’m here to see to that personally.” The way he said it scared the crap out of her.


“No one knows where you are. As I said before, Mr. Benson wants you terminated. Once I dispose of your body, no one will ever find you. You’ll just disappear off the face of the earth. Now let’s get to it, shall we?”

He tightened the cord around her neck even tighter. Her eyes flew open as the cord cut into her throat. Her feet flew up and started kicking as she gasped and gurgled.

She coughed and rasped, kicking and shuddering as he held on tight. There was a roaring in her ears as her nipples protruded painfully. She tried to gasp for breath. But her throat had been closed off completely.

Her lungs screamed for air, her chest heaving as her brain was starved for oxygen. She was dimly aware of a shameful orgasm rippling through her ravaged body. Her lungs were on fire.

Her head felt like it had swollen and was about to explode. She shuddered hard before her legs suddenly lost the will to fight. Her heels clattered as they collapsed onto the floor.

She sagged in the chair, her head tipped back. Her mouth gaped open as she stared up at the ceiling with unseeing eyes. A moment later her bladder released. A trickle of urine splattered off the seat of her chair onto the floor.

Her killer maintained his grip another two whole minutes to make sure she was gone. She would not be noticed. Besides, she’d already been replaced…

2012; 2021 (written Oct 22 ’12; ed. Jan 22 ’21 by riwa)

(Pictures are from and are for illustration purposes only.)

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Terrie and Maxine – door hang 4.3 (33)

I told Maxine I’d be late. But I didn’t know how desperate she was for sex with a shemale like me. She must have wanted that orgasm real bad.

Imagine my shock at what I found when I arrived. I found Maxine already strung up against her door. She had a rope around her neck, and she was looking up with a vacant expression in her eyes.

Her arms hung limp at her sides. Her panties had been partially pulled down her legs. One of her vibrating toys was lying on the floor nearby.

I walked up to her, certain she was gone. Then her arm twitched. I grabbed her and lifted her up so the rope wasn’t cutting into her neck quite so much.

A little bit of color returned. She blinked as she rasped for breath. I told her, “What the hell did you think you were doing?”

She tried to speak, but could only mouth a few words. I curiously looked down at her toy. Smiling inwardly, I reached down to finger her. She was wet as hell.

I was angry with her for being so stupid. I was also incredibly aroused, my clitty stiff and straining in my skirt. Who was I to stop her crazy game??

I angrily told her, “So you want to kill yourself, eh? Well go right ahead! Don’t let me stop you!”

I let go of her, returning the strain of the rope to her throat. The redness in her face returned. That’s when she started rasping for breath.

She reached up to loosen the rope around her neck. Then she reached down and touched her wet crotch. She finally sagged until her arms hung loosely at her sides.

She hitched as her eyes rolled. It looked like she was cumming hanging limp like that. I just shook my head as I told her, “All this for an orgasm??”

I picked up her silver vibrating toy from off the floor. Then I wrapped an arm around her. I lifted her back up, loosening the rope from around her neck.

The color started returning to her face. She rasped for breath as she tried to cough. “Oh, no,” I told her. “You want to strangle as you get off? That’s fine with me. Besides, I’m more than a little turned on watching you strangle yourself.”

I pushed the toy deep inside her. Then I eased her back down until I was no longer supporting her weight. Once more the rope took up her full weight.

She started rasping again as she hitched and shuddered. I saw her writhing as though she was trying to fuck the toy in her cunt. She went into little spasms, humping with her waist until it looked like she was cumming again.

The toy squirted out of her snatch, right along with some of her fluids. She hung limp again, twitching and shuddering. Her face had returned to that dark red color.

I probably should have stopped her. But I was incredibly aroused. Besides, it would be so easy to tell the cops how I stumbled across her like this.

I groped her breasts, pinching and fondling her nipples. She twitched and jerked as I molested her. Then I thrust my fingers inside, noting the way she clenched around them.

I lifted her up again, working at loosening the rope from around her neck. The dark red in her features began to fade. Her color returned as she rasped for breath.

“So you really want to strangle yourself to death, eh? Ok, Maxine. Let’s go right ahead and see what that looks like.” Then I eased her back down until once more the rope took up her full weight.

She went into spasms as I pulled her panties all the way off. Then I reached over for her toy. I slid it in and out of her cunt, smiling wickedly at her as I purred, “You like that?”

Her pussy clenched as she rasped and shuddered. I could tell she was experiencing yet another orgasm. Did she really want to risk death just for each and every breathless climax? Or had she planned on me being here to spot her so it wouldn’t be quite so risky on her part?

I shook my head as I told her, “You just keep cumming, don’t you? Is it the asphyxia that’s making you so incredibly horny?” By now my “clitty” was hard and throbbing.

I left the toy inside her as I lifted her back up. Once more I loosened the rope from around her neck. She began to rasp for breath as her color returned.

Her arms came up as though she wanted to remove the rope from around her neck. I shook my head as I told her, “Oh no, you don’t.” Then I lowered her back down until the rope bit into her throat again.

Her fingers came up to claw at the coil around her neck as her eyes began to roll. Then she started humping and bucking. She clenched until that damned toy squirted out of her cunt again.

I checked her arrangement with the rope hooked into the door. Then I quickly undressed. I opened the door and caught her as she started to slump.

The color returned to her face again as we both went to the floor. I sat up and helped her straddle me as I impaled her upon my erection. She started coming around as she began breathing again. But I made sure the rope stayed around her throat.

Understanding filled her features. I smiled as I told her, “Oh, no. You wanted to cum as you strangled to death, remember? If you’re going to get yourself off, you might as well get me off too while you’re at it. It’s the least you can do before you kill yourself.”

I pulled on the rope as it looped over the top of the door. Her eyes went wide as she reached up and clawed at it around her neck. Her cunt instinctively milked me as she began hitching and gurgling.

I reached out and groped her breasts with one hand, maintaining the tension in the rope with the other. She clawed at the rope a little more frantically. Then her right hand came down and settled in her crotch as she weakly tried to finger herself.

Her left arm finally dropped away from trying to loosen the rope from around her neck. She hitched and convulsed as she straddled me while riding my cock. She just kept clenching involuntarily around my hard, throbbing shaft until she started to orgasm again.

I shook my head in amazement as I smiled at her. “You just can’t seem to help yourself, can you?” Then I gave her some slack from the rope.

The redness in her face faded. She struggled to get her breath back. Instinctively she reached up for the rope around her throat.

“Oh no,” I told her, shaking my head. “This is your crazy fetish, remember?” Then I pulled hard on the rope.

Her eyes went wide as she rasped for breath. Fingers found the rope and tried to pull it away from her neck. Then she was riding my cock again like a woman possessed.

“You just can’t help yourself, can you? Cock or toy, it makes no difference to me.” That’s when her arms dropped again as she instinctively rode me like a fuck-beast.

Her face had turned red again when I gave her some slack. The redness faded as she rasped once more for breath. She hitched and swayed as though she’d nearly passed out.

I pushed her off me onto the floor, the rope falling away off the top of the door. I got on top of her and slid my “clitty” deep inside her warm wetness. Then I started to thrust.

She became more fully aware as she tried to push me off. I shook my head… “Hunh-unh. You’re the one who wanted this, remember?” Then I wrapped my fingers around her neck and started to squeeze.

Her eyes widened as she tried to claw my hands away. She rasped for breath again as her face turned that nasty shade of red once more. Then her arms sort of fell away in resignation as if to say, “Go ahead. Fuck me as you choke me to death.”

Her cunt clenched instinctively until she milked a cum right out of me. I shot my load deep inside her. Her eyes rolled as she shuddered hard before passing out.

I figured the best thing to do was to put her back where I found her. She was just starting to come around when I propped her back up against the door with the rope back in place. Her eyes flashed in alarm as she shook her head.

I just smiled as I told her, “This is what you wanted, remember?” Then I let her go. Once more the rope took her full weight.

“Here’s your best pal right now,” I told her, thrusting her toy deep inside her. “Enjoy the orgasms as you strangle to death.”

She gawked as she started to shudder. The redness returned to her face. “Go ahead, Maxine. Finish yourself off. Cum as you strangle yourself to death. I sure won’t stop you.”

Once more her hands rose up to claw at the rope around her throat. She opened her mouth to breathe. I heard the faint sound of air trying to get through a constricted windpipe.

Her arms dropped and hung limp as though she’d become exhausted. I could tell she was humping the toy inside her. I saw the flush of color around her neck as she shuddered while climaxing all over again.

I smiled as I told her, “Feels good, does it? It’s what you wanted; am I right? Here, let me help you.”

Instead of gathering her up in my arms to relieve the strain around her throat, I grabbed the toy sticking out of her cunt. Then I fucked her really hard with it. She shuddered again as more fluid came squirting out.

“Go right ahead, Maxine. I won’t stop you. Go right ahead; cum and die for me.”

She went into spasms as her eyes rolled. She looked like she was humping and shuddering. More fluid came out. Then her bladder released.

She hung there limp, her body twitching. Her toy squeezed out of her cunt yet again. So I grabbed it and thrust it in hard.

Her body responded as though she could still feel it. I thought for sure she had died. There were twitches and shudders as though she was still cumming. Even in death it seemed as though she wanted to keep getting off by strangling herself.

She finally stopped responding altogether. She just hung against the door like I’d found her. I couldn’t tell whether her heart had finally given out or she’d strangled herself to death. At least she got a few good orgasms out of the deal. I know I certainly enjoyed myself.

2019 (written for Terrie Jul 2 ’19; ed. Dec 2 ’20 by riwa. Inspired by the picture I included.)

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Find the Flag 4.1 (36)

She watched him head for the bottom of the ocean. This time they were in deeper water. They’d just got done playing in 20 feet of water. Now it was forty feet deep.

She could just barely make him out down there on the bottom. He was obviously taking his time finding a hiding place. Would he tuck it under a rock? Or was he trying to bury it in the soil?

She checked her watch. He’d been underwater for three minutes now. Was he going to make it hard on her?

Last time she’d found the flag, she’d been rewarded by swallowing a load of his cream on the ocean floor. This time he promised to fuck her if she found it. She was eager to feel him deep inside her instead of blowing him again.

She watched him start back up. It didn’t look like the flag was in his hand. She would have to go down to find it once he surfaced.

She checked her watch again. Approaching four minutes. Damn; he could sure hold his breath! She would have to apply herself if she was going to match him.

He reached the ladder. But instead of surfacing to catch his breath, he hung onto the last rung. She stepped down and prepared for her descent.

He was wearing goggles. He said it gave him a little better vision. But he was making her go down without the same consideration. It would make her challenge to find the flag that much harder.

He finally burst up gasping for breath. She checked her watch. He’d been down for 4:39.

“Your turn,” he panted.

“I’ll bet you really hid it on me, didn’t you!”

“I guess you’ll just have to go down and find out, won’t you.”

“You deliberately stayed under longer, didn’t you!”

“You’ll have to hold your breath longer than 4:30 if you expect me to fuck you underwater.”

“I’ll find a way,” she replied with a seductive smile.

“I’m sure you will,” he replied with a knowing smirk.

She checked her watch before filling her lungs. Then she dove into the water. She pulled hard with her arms as she kicked her slender legs.

She pinched her nose to equalize halfway down. She could feel the pressure the deeper she went. What’s more, her blurry vision meant she was going to have quite the challenge just finding it. She hoped he knew where it was and would be able to track it down if she failed.

She made a steady swim until she reached the bottom. Rocks were scattered everywhere. And it was murky, making it hard to see. At least the color of the flag would stand out, so long as he hadn’t completely hidden it.

She carefully searched among the rocks. She looked to see if any looked disturbed. That would be an indication he’d lifted one up.

The flag was not visible. He hadn’t hidden it, had he? She didn’t want that difficult of a challenge… unless, of course, he wasn’t interested in fucking her while she was holding her breath.

She did a careful search. She figured he wanted to make it hard on her. But surely there would be some indicator as to where to find it. She checked her watch and could just barely read her time underwater thus far – 2:14.

She poked and probed. Was she in the right place? She bubbled as she moved her flowing hair out of her eyes.

She thought she could make out something red in the soil. She drove her hand in and grabbed onto something that felt like cloth. Then she pulled it upward…

Aha; gotcha… what the hell??

She definitely had the flag. But something now had her by the wrist. It dug into her flesh.

She tried pulling. Some of the soil worked loose. But her wrist was hung up by what looked like a lot of loose wire that made her think of fishing line.

She grunted and bubbled as she fought to free her wrist. But it was not coming loose. She shook her head, trying to shake the hair out of her eyes as she lost more bubbles.

She tried pulling individual strands of line free of her wrist. But she was really caught. She couldn’t figure out where it started and where it ended.

She pulled harder. More of the soil worked loose. But the line refused to give.

She jerked and grunted in alarm. Her wrist was not pulling free. What the hell had he gotten her into??

She checked her watch. Now she was over 3:15. She figured she had less than a minute before she needed to head back to the surface. Holding her breath longer than four minutes was often pushing it, although she’d wanted to beat his time. Now she just wanted free.

She grunted as she tried to pull her wrist free. She tried to follow the line to figure out how to work it loose. But there was much more of it than she’d anticipated.

She saw movement out of the corner of her eye. He had not waited for her to return. Thank gawd he’d joined her on the bottom!

She grunted as she motioned… “HELP ME! I’M STUCK!” But he did not move to intervene. She could see the huge bulge in his speedos.

She grunted as she jerked against her tethered arm. She tried to motion… “I’M STUCK! YOU’VE GOT TO HELP ME!”

In response, he pulled his speedos down and pulled out his erection. He stroked it as he drifted nearby and watched. WHAT THE HELL??

She checked her watch. It was approaching four minutes. She wasn’t sure how much longer she could hold her breath, especially since she could feel the panic rising up inside her.

She jerked hard against the line holding her to the bottom. He finally moved toward her. Thank gawd… but wasn’t he cutting it close??

To her shock, he did not try to free her wrist. Instead, he pulled her bottoms aside. Then he thrust into her from behind.

Her eyes flew open in shock. She let out a bubbly cry. Then she almost swallowed water.

She frantically covered her mouth with her free hand. He just reached around and pulled it away as he fucked her from behind. She shook her head and screamed her breath away. Then she gurgled as she inhaled deeply.

She coughed up bubbles as she went into seizures. She began hitching and gurgling as she kept inhaling huge mouthfuls of water until her lungs flooded. He continued to thrust deep inside her as she clenched involuntarily.

She gurgled as her struggles lessened. She was still conscious, and it hurt like hell. Then he let go of her wrist to grab both hips and really thrust hard.

She was conscious long enough to feel him empty himself deep inside her…

She was limp and lifeless when he took the flag out of her hand, careful not to get entwined in her problem. He groped her boobs through the material of her suit. Then he headed for the surface.

He popped up and gasped for breath. Then he climbed aboard. He pulled up anchor and started the motor before motoring away, wondering who else he could seduce into playing “Find the Flag” out here in the ocean depths.

6-5-21 Inspired by the picture I found on the Internet

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Temple dive 4.1 (24)

Timeus did not fail to notice their destination. The two boats stopped at a familiar spot out in the harbor. Instinctively, he knew what lay below.

“This will be your final test,” Decimus told him. “You and Casia must swim down to Poseidon’s temple. There, you are to give him a gift.”

“You did not prepare me for this!” Timeus protested. “I have no gift. And I sincerely doubt Casia has one either.”

“Poseidon will instruct you both on which gift you must give,” Decimus replied confidently.

He warily eyed Casia getting ready in the women’s boat. He sensed she did not like him much. Of course, he did not much like her either.

They were the newest additions to the dive team. They had not been with the others for long. Thus, many of the underwater extracurricular activities that had taken place had seemed… a bit too much for them.

He started to don his goggles. Decimus removed them from his hand. “You will not need them. You must present yourself to Poseidon as the day you were born.”

Timeus shook his head. So many strange customs. And with the other divers always acting so uninhibited? He was not sure he could adapt so easily.

“How long?” he wanted to know.

“There is no set time,” Decimus told him. “It is to be decided by Poseidon himself. Thus, it will take as long as necessary.”

“Are we to remain on the bottom until we drown?”

“You will surface to breathe and then return to the temple as many times as necessary.”

Timeus nodded. The requirements were still quite vague. He would have preferred a more explicit set of instructions. But apparently he was not to receive any.

He entered the water naked. The others in his boat cheered him on. They told him it would be an experience he would never forget.

Casia swam over to him from the females’ boat. She had grown into a fine young woman. From what little he’d seen of her underwater, she was an adequate diver. But that was all he thought of her: nothing more than another female diver out to accomplish the task set before her.

“Shall we get this over with, Timeus?” she asked emotionlessly.

“Yes,” he replied coldly. “Let us be done with this quickly.”

Decimus laughed. “It may not be so quick as you think.” Casia just shook her head at him.

They swam away from the boats toward the position of the temple below them. There was no point in holding one’s breath any longer than necessary. Besides, they had been told to expect a depth of at least 30 meters.

“What is this to us?” Casia curiously asked her swimming companion at the surface. “What purpose will it serve?”

“I have no idea,” Timeus replied. “Decimus said it was important to spend some time in the underwater temple with Poseidon and give him some sort of gift.”

“What gift do we give to a statue?” she snorted contemptuously.

They reached a spot and tread water as they breathed deeply. “Will you be able to make the dive?” Timeus asked with some concern.

“Just make sure you do not drown yourself, Timeus. I will not haul your body back to the boats.” Clearly her opinion of him had not changed.

“Fine – fine.” If she continued to be capable, he would work with her to bring things up from the sea. But that would be the extent of their time together.

They filled their lungs with air. Then they jack-knifed downward. They pulled with their arms, kicking with their legs as they both pinched their noses to equalize the pressure.

It was a long way down, longer than either one had anticipated. Their first few dives had taken place in around 20 to 25 meters. But this was deeper than they had gone thus far. What was Decimus trying to do, get them both drowned?

They finally reached the bottom before looking inside beyond the pillars. That’s when they saw a statue. Was that the god Poseidon? Neither believed he resided in a statue.

Timeus felt a hand on his arm. Casia motioned upward. He nodded, and they headed back to the surface, following the bubbles they released.

Timeus frowned inwardly. He could not recall Casia ever touching him before. Of course, she was only trying to get his attention. Still…

They burst up gasping for breath. There was an awkward pause. Timeus decided to try to make conversation.

“I did not realize it was so deep.” Then he winced inwardly. Had he just intimated a weakness to Casia by admitting the dive had been lengthy and difficult? He probably should not have phrased it like that.

She replied, “I, too, found the depth more than I had anticipated.”

He blinked in surprise at her words. It seemed her attitude toward him had briefly softened after their first dive down together. No doubt her change of demeanor was only temporary.

They looked over at the boats. Their comrades were waving for them to go back down. “It appears that a second dive will be necessary,” Timeus observed quietly.

“Agreed,” Casia replied. “Although I do not know who we are trying to please more: Poseidon or our companions.”

Timeus chuckled as she smiled at them. Then things became awkward between them again. What was this? Were things beginning to thaw between them due to this shared adventure?

Casia inhaled and jack-knifed downward. Timeus filled his lungs with breath before chasing after her. She was leading the way; and thus, it was back to the old Casia he had come to know.

He caught up to her as they headed down. Once more, they pinched their noses to ease the pressure. It did not seem like such a long distance the second time down. Maybe it was because they had already made one previous journey and their bodies were now adjusting to the depths.

They reached the entrance to the temple. But Casia paused. So Timeus swam inside ahead of her toward the statue.

He reached out to touch the surface. It was solid marble. What surprised him was that it looked like a man. He thought the gods would have different features… perhaps something terrifying?

He felt a touch again upon him again. He turned to see Casia at his side. She, too, had reached out and had touched the statue.

Timeus motioned… “Follow me.” Then he bubbled as he set out exploring the interior of the temple. Casia followed him, bubbles trickling out of her nose as they swam together.

They circled around until they ended up back at the entrance without discovering anything of value. Without motioning to each other, they kept going until they were both headed upward. They could feel it in their lungs; it was time to get back to the surface.

They chased the bubbles they released until they popped up gasping loudly for breath. Instinctively, they looked over at the boats. Their companions kept waving at them to go back down.

“We are not finished with Poseidon?” Casia asked curiously.

“I guess not,” Timeus replied.

“What can we offer to a statue?”

“I do not know. Perhaps we’ll find something outside the temple to give to him?”

Casia nodded in agreement as she replied, “It is worth a try.” Then they both filled their lungs. This time, they headed down together, pinching their noses when the pressure became too great.

They reached the sea floor outside the temple. Timeus motioned… “Let’s look for something.” Casia nodded her agreement.

They went in opposite directions without straying too far. That’s when Timeus stumbled upon some sort of figurine lying in the sandy soil. Remarkably, it looked like a couple copulating.

He bubbled as he studied it for a second. Then he glanced into the temple at the statue. For some reason, it came to him that the figurine would not be a bad object to present.

Casia met him at the entrance to the temple, an object in her hand as well. Then they swam in together. They reached the statue where they knelt as one before carefully placing their objects at the base.

Timeus did not fail to notice Casia had found a figurine similar to his. He turned and looked at her as though seeing her for the first time. He admired her figure, as well as her full breasts with erect nipples. Her labia were swollen.

Casia looked at Timeus as though seeing someone entirely different. She noticed he had an erection now. She had never seen one on him before.

Instinctively, Timeus hesitantly reached out and caressed one of her mounds. Oddly, she did not resist. She trembled at his touch as her nipples hardened. He did not understand why she was suddenly having this kind of effect on him.

In return, Casia reached out and touched his erection. Then she grabbed it and stroked him. His appendage quivered and jumped at her touch.

He leaned close until his mouth latched onto her nipple. She felt electric jolts surge all the way down to her pussy. She jerked his erection in response as she tipped her head back in pleasure.

She suddenly became aware of aching lungs. Then she saw his chest heaving in a similar manner. They both motioned for the surface at the same time. Then they launched themselves toward the entrance.

They kicked hard for the surface, spewing bubbles along the way. They had stayed down longer than intended. Now their lungs were heaving, clamoring for their next breath.

They both kicked hard for the surface, racing past the bubbles they released. They finally burst up, gasping loudly. They spent a few moments panting for breath without saying anything.

Timeus awkwardly broke the silence. “Will those gifts be enough? Will they satisfy the god of the sea?”

Casia was thoughtful. “I… I do not know. Will Poseidon be angry with us if we do not offer him something greater?”

“But what shall we offer him?”

They paused as they looked at each other while treading water. Casia suddenly moved close and kissed him. Timeus was pleasantly surprised.

She awkwardly pulled away. But it had planted the appropriate seed. “Let us go back down,” Timeus told her. “We must be certain.” She nodded her agreement.

They filled their lungs with air before heading back down, pinching their noses when necessary. This time, Timeus fully took in his diving partner with his eyes. He was amazed he had not seen her like this before.

Casia kept glancing over at Timeus. She noticed his muscles, and the strength of his arms and legs. She also noticed his erection. It was having an effect on her she’d never experienced before.

They reached the temple and swam inside. They knelt near the statue where they embraced and kissed. It made her nipples swell… and his cock stiffen.

She felt his erection against her body, and she humped him. Then she kissed her way down his chest to his saluting member. She finally kissed and licked it all over before taking it into her mouth.

It twitched and oozed a little bit of fluid. She liked the taste and sucked harder. He shuddered at her sensuous assault.

He ended up flat on his back as she sucked him. Then she thought she saw movement over by the statue. She rose up to have a look, anxious there were no predators stalking them.

At that moment, he grabbed her legs and pulled her down to his face. Then his mouth attached to her crotch. His tongue lashed out as he began mouthing her nub, just as he had seen the others doing to each other during one of their extracurricular activities while he and Casia had merely watched.

She reacted with great excitement. She had no idea Timeus was capable of delivering such pleasure. Why had she not discovered this before?

His cock; where was his cock? It was behind her, stiff and saluting. She had to have it back in her mouth!

She rose up off him, momentarily causing him anxiety. Then she changed her position so she was facing his feet. When he pulled her crotch back down to his face, she leaned forward and took his erection between her lips.

In their underwater 69, they went at it like lovers who had not seen each other in months. It was as though they could not get enough of each other. Timeus did not know where this strange sense of affection for Casia had come from, considering the way they had reacted to each other before the dive to the temple. But he welcomed the change.

He was suddenly aware of movement. At that same time, she rose up, her lungs straining. They both turned to look at the statue. But they saw nothing out of the ordinary.

She grabbed Timeus’ hand and dragged him toward the entrance. He went willingly, his own lungs on fire. They cleared the entrance and shot upward, spewing the last of their breath as they furiously kicked for the surface.

They burst up panting like crazy. Then they began talking over each other. “You first,” Timeus finally interjected, just as Casia was saying, “You should speak first.”

“I think I know the gift he wants,” Timeus offered hesitantly.

Casia blushed as she replied, “I feel the same way.”

He turned to look in the direction of their comrades. “I hear them yelling at us from the boats.”

“Let them yell. We must complete the task at hand.”


They both filled their lungs with air. Then they headed back down toward the temple. This time, they were smiling and much more open toward each other as they pinched their noses to equalize.

There was something that seemed inappropriate about doing it right in front of the statue. So they moved off to one side. Then Casia pushed Timeus onto his back before gobbling his meaty member.

Her warm mouth felt incredible wrapped around his erection. But his own lips were tingling. Timeus wanted to return the favor.

Thankfully, she was lying upon him in the opposite direction. Was that accidental or deliberate? Timeus decided he did not care.

He pulled her down until his face was buried in her crotch. His lips found her swollen nub until she twitched and shuddered. Then his tongue pushed deep into her twat.

They lay like that in a 69, grunting and bubbling as they serviced each other. Timeus had a feeling they were being watched. So he pushed her up long enough to have a look before pulling her back down and feasting some more.

Casia could not believe how hungry she was for his erection. It was as though something had come over her. She was puzzled, but it felt much too pleasurable to stop and try to figure it out.

At one point she, too, felt as though they were being watched. She paused long enough to look all around. But she saw nothing.

It was Timeus who took charge with a confidence he had never felt before. He pulled her up off his body and shifted her around. Then he brought her down until he impaled her upon his cock.

Her eyes flew open at the unexpected pleasure of it all. Then she eagerly began riding him. It felt absolutely incredible feeling him inside her like that.

Timeus was shocked by the way she rode him. He could see her losing some of her breath. She was shuddering in pleasure, her eyes closed as though trying to concentrate on how wonderful it felt.

There was that sense they were being watched. Instinctively, he turned toward the statue. For a moment, he was sure it was looking at them. But when he blinked and looked again, things were normal as before.

Casia climaxed a second time. She was out of breath when Timeus came inside her, triggering a third orgasm. Her lungs were on fire, but for the moment she was too dazed and happy to care.

Timeus grabbed her hand and pulled her toward the entrance. Then he kicked hard for the surface. His lungs felt as though they were empty.

Casia finally came to her senses enough to help kick for the surface. But her chest was heaving ominously. She almost gulped, causing her to bring a hand up to cover her mouth.

They burst up gasping loudly for breath. Timeus asked if she was ok. This time she did not take offense at his concern for her.

“I am ok, Timeus. We are at the surface. I think…”

She paused for a moment. Then she smiled. “I think our gift satisfied Poseidon.”

“Yes, but did it satisfy our companions?” Then they turned to look toward the boats. They appeared to be devoid of life as they drifted silently at the surface.

The two divers stuck their heads down into the water to have a look. That’s when they saw their comrades on the bottom. Once more, they were engaged in what could only be described as “extracurricular activities.”

Casia smiled at Timeus before asking. “Shall we join them?”

Timeus smiled back. “Yes. I think we can join in now.”

She kissed him one more time. Then they swam over to the boats. They dove down until each found a partner on the bottom.

The ocean floor turned into a sexual orgy, just a short distance away from Poseidon’s temple. Naked bodies joined together. But no one noticed the statue looking out in their direction…

2023 (written for Oeff Oct 28 ’23 by riwa. Inspired by the drawing created for him by ImDrToxic.)

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Riwa’s Stories at Patreon 3.8 (4)

Coming June rewards

Best laid plans 2
Frank’s yacht 2
Vacation 3
The hit on Revy Pt 4
The Seductress 10
Antoinette’s revenge
Sharing my wife
Saying goodbye to Delphine
The morning after
Seabird Training
Better than the prince
Teacher’s Aides at City U

April stories/rewards will fall off at the end of May to make room for June rewards.

This last Saturday, mom and I went out to eat. Afterwards, we were curious about the water situation in our canal, as it seemed fuller than normal. So we took a drive until we ended up at the irrigation dam all that water dumps into. The dam was full to the point where the spillway had water going over the top. Then I took the little drive around the rim of the dam, on the path mom was uncertain about.

We finally reached a spot that is/was well known to me. I told mom that in my late teens, I often parked there. Then I would retrieve the raft and swim it out into the middle of that arm of the dam. I even told her that location was the inspiration for my Seductress series. Naturally, there were several things I did not tell her. But that location gave us a good view of the dam as well as the water going over the spillway. I even told her I’d walk upon that spillway when it was dry, but the few times I’d tried it when it was wet did not accomplish much, as it was too slimy and slippery to get all the way up to the top.

From there, we drove over to Pompey’s Pillar. Mom did not walk much. But I looked around and observed the changes since the last high water issue took out some of the pathway. I did not climb the stairs to the top of the pillar, even though the view up there is quite enjoyable. I remembered the last time I’d made that climb, so I decided the spirit was willing, but the flesh has aged a few years since I last attempted it.

I hope all of you are making nice memories of friends and families, and of places you enjoy visiting. I pray you are all doing well. Thank you so very much for being my patrons. Have a nice Memorial Day weekend.

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A request for Kristy 4 (46)

Kristy Ellerson was 21, a student at Phoenix University. She’d been there three years now and still didn’t know what she wanted to do with her life. She’d had a couple of boyfriends, but they had not satisfied her.

One night she drove to a gay bar in Scottsdale. She wanted to try a location far enough away so as not to run into any of her classmates. The University she attended was large enough that it was unlikely she would bump into anyone she might know.

She went inside and looked around. She saw several same-sex couples enjoying themselves. But the place didn’t make her feel the least bit uncomfortable.

She went up to the bar and ordered herself a drink. The female bartender smiled as she got it for her. “I haven’t seen you in here before. You must be new.”

Kristy smiled warmly at her. “Just thought I’d come in and get a drink while looking around.”

“Well, I hope you enjoy your visit with us.” The bartender smiled as she gave her a knowing look before heading off to deal with another customer.

Kristy was looking around when she caught sight of someone she didn’t expect to run into. It was a female professor from the University. She’d taken one of her classes a couple years ago. So what the hell was she doing here??

The professor smiled at her, acknowledging her presence. She got up from her booth and came over to the bar, taking the empty seat right next to her. “I know you. Your name is Kristy, isn’t it?”

“You remember me?”

“Of course I do. You remember me, don’t you?”

“I took your history class, Miss, uh… Miss…”

“Salvason. Chanta Rose Salvason.”

“That’s right. It’s Chanta.”

“Would you like to come over and have a drink with me, Kristy?”

“Sure, Miss Salvason.”

“Call me ‘Chanta’. After all, I’m not your professor anymore. Calling me by my last name always makes me feel old.”

“Sure thing, Chanta.”

They took up the booth where Miss Salvason had previously been sitting. Kristy sat across from her for the time being. It wasn’t long before the memories came flooding back.

She remembered certain parts of that history class. Miss Salvason seemed to have more than a passing interest in historical executions. As Kristy recalled, she actually seemed to favor hangings.

“I never expected to see you here, Miss Salva – er… Chanta.”

“Oh? And why is that?”

“I thought you lived in West Phoenix. Isn’t this a little out of the way for you?”

“I like the people here. It’s a good place to, well… you know.”

“Hook up?”

The professor smiled. “You read my mind.”

They talked for several minutes. Kristy had no idea why she was becoming aroused. Was it because her former professor was trying to hit on her? Or was it the alcohol?

“I hope you don’t mind my saying this, Kristy. But I was attracted to you back when you were in my class. As I recall, you seemed to show some interest in some of the more… interesting parts of my course, so to speak.”

“So how do you feel about me now, Chanta?” Kristy was starting to think about what it might be like to hook up with her former university professor. Maybe a change of gender with someone she liked would lead to an erotic evening.

“If anything, I’d say I’m becoming even more attracted to you. Would you care to get out of here and go back to my place?”

“Sure; why not?”

Kristy was game. After all, Chanta was certainly attractive. A night of lesbian sex with her former professor might be loads of fun.

Chanta generously paid for the drinks. Kristy followed her out to their vehicles. She got into her car and followed her former professor back to the west side of Phoenix.

It was a good half hour before they drove up an isolated road to a house nestled into the side of a cliff. Miss Salvason’s home was really out-of-the-way. Kristy found it a little odd, but decided not to say anything. After all, anywhere Chanta wanted to live was all right with her.

They went inside where Chanta poured them both another drink. They sat close to each other as they sipped and chatted. At one point Miss Salvason leaned in and kissed her. Kristy willingly let it happen.

She loved the way Chanta had her hair tied up in a bun. She knew her former professor had long, flowing blonde hair. Maybe that was one of the reasons why she was so attracted to her.

They started making out with each other, a session that continued in the nude on the bed back in the master bedroom. Chanta was very talented at focusing on the sexual pleasure of others. After sharing a handful of orgasms with each other they took a break to have another drink.

For a long while Chanta just stared at her. It actually made Kristy feel a little uncomfortable. The professor finally broke the silence by saying, “Would you mind if I showed you what motivated me to bring you up here to my home in the first place?”

The university student smiled. “You can show me anything you want.”

Miss Salvason popped a CD into a player. When it popped up onto the TV screen it showed a video of a much younger Chanta Salvason. She was being fucked with a strap-on by a woman in her late thirties to early forties.

Kristy was shocked. “Miss Salvason?? I don’t believe it! You were fucked by… by… who the hell is she? I don’t recognize her.”

“Back then she was my university professor. She seduced me when I was nineteen. I never found out until later she’d been recording our sessions together.”

“Did you report her to the University?”

“No I didn’t. What could I do? It was her word against mine. Besides, you know how the rules have changed. Professors are given a lot more leeway with their students these days. She even threatened to withhold my degree and ruin my future employment unless I came up here every weekend and let her fuck me.”

“So she blackmailed you then?”

“That’s exactly what she did. But I got her back. I sent an application for her to appear at Dolcett Meats. Then I sent a report to the University that she had to report to Dolcett Meats at the end of the school year. She was terrified the moment she found out.”

“After classes were over I reported to her house for one last fuck. She had a nice home up in the hills. But when I caught up to her she’d become a totally different person.”

“The bitch was frightened out of her wits. She told me she was in big trouble and didn’t want to report to Dolcett Meats. She said it was all a huge mistake. But she didn’t know what she could do about it.”

“I figured it was time to tell her the truth. So I told her I was the one who’d set the whole thing up. I also explained I was the only one who could go back and undo the damage I’d caused… you know… using official passwords and such to make it all proper.”

“Naturally she threatened to report me. I told her to go right ahead. It wouldn’t make a damn bit of difference. She was still going to end up on some diner’s plate before they found out what really happened. At Dolcett Meats they’re always on the lookout for fresh meat, you know. Even an older bitch like her is welcome.”

“At that point she begged me to fix everything. She wanted me to undo what I’d done. I asked her why I should care about her. After all, she’d been pretty cruel to me during my years at the University.”

“She said she was sorry. She said she’d do anything to make it up to me. She just kept begging me to change the application so she wouldn’t have to report to Dolcett Meats.”

“I told her I might consider it. But first I wanted to pay her back for all those rough sex sessions she’d put me through. She didn’t like that at all. But what other choice did she have?”

Chanta paused and smiled. Then she motioned at the screen. “Take a look at this next part.”

A scene appeared of that same professor all tied up spread-eagled on the bed. Chanta was on top of her with a strap-on. Kristy watched as a younger version of the woman she was now sitting with fucked her own professor in her mouth, cunt and ass.

“I gave her back what she did to me during all those fuck-sessions, Kristy. I gave it back to her in spades. I really made her suffer. Every time she tried to protest I reminded her she was going to end up spitted and roasted over an open fire. And I told her I was going to make damned sure I got to be there when it happened.”

Kristy looked at Miss Salvason as she felt a sense of growing unease. Obviously this was not a woman to be trifled with. Thankfully Chanta hadn’t treated her the same way back in her master bedroom earlier that evening. But what if she wanted to abuse her now?

The screen changed. The next scene showed the professor all noosed up. She was standing naked on a chair, her arms tied behind her back. The younger Chanta was all over her, taunting her as she groped and pawed her body.

In the video Miss Salvason fingered her older professor’s dripping pussy before fucking her cunt with a toy. Chanta stopped the playback before telling Kristy, “I made the bitch stand there with a noose around her neck. I degraded her… called her names… fucked her pussy and ass. I really made her suffer. But she had to take it if she wanted to be released from that order I’d sent to Dolcett Meats.”

“When I was ready I dropped a bomb on her. I told her the order to Dolcett Meats couldn’t be rescinded. Then I told her I’d already put in an application to take over her job at the University.”

“The administrator said I had to wait until she was dead. He explained I couldn’t have the job until she was officially processed at Dolcett Meats. It was just a formality, but basically the job was mine once she was gone.”

“When I told her that, the bitch looked at me in horror. I sneered as I told her, ‘What are you going to do now, you sick cunt? You’ve got no job and no future. And you’ve still got to report to Dolcett Meats. I hope you’re alive and kicking when they put you on to roast.’ Then I paused before telling her, ‘The way I see it, you’ve only got one choice.’ ”

“What did she do?” Kristy asked, beginning to suspect she already knew the answer. In response Chanta played more of the video. It showed the younger Salvason’s professor voluntarily stepping off the chair.

Kristy watched Miss Salvason in the video eagerly cheer her professor’s hanging. The younger Chanta called the dangling woman a cunt and a bitch as she told her to kick her life away for her pleasure. She even masturbated as the older woman fought the noose.

Kristy felt a strange sexual stirring watching the woman kick her life away on the video. Her former professor was actually showing her what she was capable of. It filled her with a terrible sense of foreboding.

“I hanged that bitch to death, Kristy. I hanged her and I’m proud of it. She may have stepped off the chair voluntarily. But I forced her to stand up there in the first place. That bitch kicked her life away for me. And I loved every fucking minute of it.”

In the video the younger Chanta told her dying professor she was going to make sure her corpse made it to Dolcett Meats. She was going to end up being served as meat anyway. And she was going to make sure she got a good piece of rump roast to bring home to enjoy.

On the video the professor’s bladder gave way as she gently swung back and forth. The younger Chanta walked up to the dangling woman and fingered her cunt. Then she put the sticky fingers into her mouth.

The younger Miss Salvason in the video appeared to savor the flavor. Then she told her dying professor, “You should thank me for cumming in the noose, bitch. At least you got an orgasm out of it.”

Miss Salvason smiled before stopping the video. She told Kristy, “That bitch got what was coming to her. But this is the best part.” Then she hit “Play” one last time.

The screen showed a scene of the naked professor impaled on a metal pole, spinning on a rotisserie over an open flame. A few moments later it showed her naked, steaming body on a butcher’s table. Parts were being sliced off and prepared to serve. The last scene showed a young Chanta being given a plate of food which she eagerly dove into.

Miss Salvason proudly told her former student, “I even took her home, Kristy. This is where she used to live. And I took her job too. She taught history. That’s where I learned all about hanging criminals in all those countries over the years.”

“During my tenure I’ve fucked all sorts of sexy girls. I brought every one of them up here. I pleasured them and they pleasured me. Of course I should let you in on a little secret. Some of them pleasured me in a very special way more than the others.”

“A special way, Miss Salvason?” Alarm bells were now going off in Kristy’s head.

“That’s right, honey. You see, I didn’t just fuck them. I actually hanged some of them.”

“You hanged them??”

Kristy was taken aback. She suddenly felt anxious being in this woman’s presence. Was it possible she might be in real danger??

“I hanged them right here, honey. I immensely enjoyed myself each time I strung another one up. Some were willing and some were reluctant. A couple didn’t want to be hanged at all. But in the end they had no choice.”

“I love a good consensual hanging, honey. But sometimes you just gotta string someone up who doesn’t want to go out that way; you know? You can’t help but savor the fear of the unwilling, especially when you take away the ground they’re standing upon. It’s something truly spectacular. I’ve certainly had some incredible orgasms watching them suffer.”

Kristy was more than a little fearful for her life. What should she do? She was still naked. Could she reach the keys to her car and get out in time?

“I’ve thought about you for a long time, honey. I thought about you back when I was teaching that class you were in. I even thought about bringing you up here and hanging you special.”

Kristy gulped uncomfortably. This was not going well at all. Would she be able to fight her off if it came to that? Or would she be forced to give in to a professor of the university?

“Tonight I thought about hanging you while we were having sex, Kristy. I really get off on it. Deep down I know you’d make a great gasper. But there’s something more important that I’m going to have to deal with in the very near future.”

“There is?” Kristy’s head was swirling with fear as she experienced a perverse arousal.

“You know that old phrase ‘what goes around, comes around’, don’t you?”

“I don’t understand.”

“It’s simple really. Not too long ago I overheard a conversation in the professor’s lounge. It seems they’re voiding my contract next month. A couple of bitches plan on arranging for me to take a private tour of Dolcett Meats, if you know what I mean.”

She paused for a moment to let that sink in. Then she smiled as she shook her head. “Ironic, isn’t it? Call it my former professor’s revenge-from-the-grave if you will.”

Kristy was astonished. “Dolcett Meats? You’re going to have to report to Dolcett Meats??

“One way or another I think those bitches are going to make it happen. I’ll be losing my job at the end of the month anyway. How easy will it be for them to help me lose my life at Dolcett Meats after that? Sort of a double whammy, don’t you think? Ironic, isn’t it?”

“So why are you telling me all this? I mean… don’t you want to…” She gulped as she tried to catch her breath. Then she stammered, “I mean… don’t you want to hang me?”

“As much as I’d like to – and believe me, it would definitely bring me some momentary pleasure – in the end, my fate will still be the same. I don’t want to be spitted alive any more than that stupid bitch I strung up and hanged in here so many years ago.”

She paused for a moment. Kristy detected a sense of sadness and vulnerability. Then Miss Salvason told her, “To be honest, I invited you up here for some sex and to show you what I’ve done. Now I want to ask a favor of you.”

“A favor? What kind of favor?”

“I want you to hang me.”

Kristy was stunned. “Miss Salvason; are you insane??”

“I deserve to be hanged, honey… every bit as much as that bitch deserved it all those years ago. I want you to experience what I experienced back when I hanged that fucking cunt. I want you to enjoy my hanging, just like I enjoyed all the hangings I’ve been a part of throughout the years.”

Kristy abruptly rose to her feet and started gathering up her clothes. Miss Salvason rose with her. The student was alarmed her former professor might change her mind and hang her before she could safely make her way out the door.

Chanta stuck her hands out in a defensive posture. “No, honey; don’t worry. I’m not going to hang you, much as I might enjoy it. I know I’ve given you a lot to think about. So let me give you something to take home with you; ok?”

She went and retrieved a flash drive. Then she handed it over to her former student who had quickly gotten dressed. “This has something on it you might want to watch. It might help you make up your mind. I want you to look it over and then give me a call. Can you do that for me, honey?”

Kristy nodded numbly as she hesitantly accepted it. Was she actually going to be allowed out of the house with incriminating evidence? She wouldn’t feel totally safe until she was in her car speeding home.

“Think it over, honey. Then give me a call. Something tells me you’re the type who might really get off on a good hanging. It may not seem like it right now. But I have a good sense about these sorts of things.”

“Ok, Miss Salvason. I, uh… I think I’d better be going… oh, you don’t need to see me to the door. I can find my way out.” Then she rushed out before her former professor could change her mind.

She raced out to her vehicle, climbed inside and then frantically started the engine. Kristy went speeding down the road like a bat out of hell. It wasn’t until she was a couple miles away that she finally pulled over to catch her breath.

Kristy’s hands were trembling so bad she could barely hang onto the steering wheel. She couldn’t believe the night she’d just had. She sat there for the longest time before she was finally able to compose herself enough to drive the rest of the way home.

2019; 2020 (written Jun 29 ’19; ed. Jul 27 ‘20 by riwa)

(Inspired by an idea by Gunnerob)

Note: For those who are curious, this was as far as I ever got with this story.

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