Breath-off at halftime


Note: An oldie I’m reposting as we look toward the upcoming football season.

The hype leading up to the first NFL game of the season between the Dallas Cowboys and the New York Giants was not just limited to the media, players and coaches. Even the cheerleaders for their respective teams got in on the trash talking. They took to twittering back and forth, taunting the other side about how good their team was and how their opponent was going to get slaughtered in the first game of the season.

It wasn’t long before they began comparing qualities of the members of their respective cheerleading squads. The debate got rather heated, and many observers were greatly amused. Then the trash talking took an interesting turn.

Veronica, a member of the Giants cheerleading squad, boldly proclaimed she was so good that she could actually hold her breath while doing her routine with the others. A hot brunette Cowboys cheerleader named Serena tweeted back that Veronica was full of hot air. She wasn’t capable of holding her breath for any reason, certainly not when it would count the most.

Veronica was outraged and immediately demanded satisfaction. Serena tweeted back she could outlast her in a breath-hold contest any day of the week. That’s when the Giants cheerleader challenged her to a “breath-off” during halftime of the Cowboys-Giants game.

The rules would be simple. Both cheerleaders would agree to hold their breath against each other inside two separate Houdini tanks filled with water. The tanks would be standing next to each other on a platform in the middle of the field.

Cameras would record their progress. The scenes would be played out on the large stadium viewing screens. That way, there would be no doubt to the 82,000 fans in the stands, along with the millions of viewers watching, who the best cheerleader was at holding her breath.

As game-day approached, the trash talking intensified. Both cheerleaders tweeted how well they could hold their breath. The halftime contest would be no contest at all, and the opposing cheerleader would be humiliated.

Fans began to chime in. A wagering pool was soon arranged. But things really got serious when two wealthy, opposing fans made a special bet. The winning cheerleader would receive half of their winnings. Now each cheerleader would be playing for $50,000.

The big day came. The hype for the halftime show was only eclipsed by the hype of the Giants opening the season in defense of their Super Bowl crown. What made their run to the championship sweeter the year before was when they’d knocked the Cowboys out of the playoffs.

Veronica and Serena brought their iPads to the game. They continued to tweet against each other whenever they were not cheering with their respective squads. By halftime, the Cowboys held a slim 7-3 lead as the teams went to their locker rooms.

A platform was quickly hustled out to midfield, along with two Houdini tanks. Hoses were connected and stretched out, enabling the tanks to be rapidly filled. Then Veronica and Serena walked out from their respective sidelines.

They wore their team cheerleading outfits. Both women gaily waved to the cheers of their respective fans. But the hometown crowd cheered loudest for the Giants cheerleader.

Step ladders were rushed out. Now both ladies would be able to climb up onto the top of their respective tanks. The spectacle was such that many fans chose to remain and watch rather than make their way to the concession stands.

The trash talking continued as they walked out, still holding their iPads. Serena proudly proclaimed she could hold her breath three minutes. That’s when Veronica decided to up the stakes.

Once they reached the platform and could speak to each other, the Giant’s cheerleader upped the stakes. She suggested the contest should be held in such a way that there would no way either one could get a breath until the time was up. When she suggested they be locked in for those three minutes, Serena was more than agreeable.

Once the rules were set, two covers were quickly brought out so they could be latched into place. Then the tanks were topped off. Together they left their devices lying next to the Houdini tank they would be using.

Both cheerleaders climbed their ladders, waving eagerly to the fans. They sat on top of their respective tanks. Water spilled out from displacement as they dangled their legs inside.

Veronica confidently called out to one of the assistants standing nearby. “Remember, these are the rules we agreed upon. Neither of us gets air until at least three minutes have gone by. Then you can unlatch the hooks so my opponent here can open up her lid and come up first.”

She paused with a smirk. Then she glared challengingly at Serena before adding, “…that is, if the stupid bitch doesn’t drown herself first!”

The rules of the challenge were passed on to the stadium announcer who dutifully served as master-of-ceremonies. He first introduced Serena who waved confidently as she sat on the edge of her Houdini tank. She didn’t act the least bit worried as fans admired her impressive cleavage.

When Veronica was announced, the crowd let out a roar. She gallantly waved at everyone sitting in attendance. Then she flashed her most charming smile to the cameras dutifully recording the event for the large stadium screens and for the folks at home, proudly wriggling her ass in her short shorts.

Both cheerleaders started taking deep breaths to prepare themselves. Veronica glared grimly at Serena, determined to shut her up once and for all. The Cowboys cheerleader glared back at her as if to say, “Bring it on, bitch!”

The stadium announcer started counting down from ten, allowing the fans in the stands to count down with him. When they all yelled, “ZERO!” Veronica and Serena filled their lungs. Then they dropped as one into their respective Houdini tanks.

Water spilled out as the covers were quickly hinged into place. The lids were latched as per the agree-upon rules. The ladies were now effectively trapped inside for a minimum of three minutes until the latches would be popped free.

Veronica promptly pinched her nose shut, closing her eyes and settling in for the long breath-hold. Serena smiled and then closed her eyes. She braced herself against the sides of the tank with her arms as air dribbled out of her nose in tiny bubbles.

The two breath-holding cheerleaders immediately appeared side by side in their tanks on the giant stadium screens. The clock used for the football game was dubbed into the lower right-hand corner of each screen. The time began at 0:00 so that one and all could know how long both women had been submerged.

The crowd buzzed with excitement. Voices occasionally yelled out encouragement. 30 seconds quickly went by.

There was very little movement from the Cowboys cheerleader. But Veronica hadn’t situated herself properly. Now she had to push one hand up to keep from bumping her head into the cover of her tank.

When the stadium clock reached 1:00, the stadium announcer loudly called out “ONE MINUTE!” The crowd cheered louder. The sight of both women submerged in their cheerleading outfits was having the desired effect on the males in attendance, along with quite a few females.

The cameras did a close-up of Serena, allowing everyone to see a few bubbles dribble out of her nose. The close-up of Veronica showed her shifting in place as air slipped out through her pursed lips. The hometown crowd cheered her on.

The stadium clock reached 1:30. But the contents of both tanks showed little change. Serena seemed calm, a faint smile on her lips as her eyes remained closed. She continued to brace herself, her soaked Dallas Cowboys cheerleader outfit sensuously accenting her curvaceous body.

In the other tank, Veronica shifted again. She changed hands, now pinching her nose shut with the other one while bracing herself against the ceiling of her watery prison with an outstretched arm. Of the two, she seemed the most active in her tank.

The clock continued to move with agonizing precision, never seeming to speed up or slow down. The cheering intensified. Then the stadium announcer called out “TWO MINUTES!”

There was a roar of encouragement. This was unprecedented. Viewership was soaring during this particular moment in the telecast.

Serena shifted in her tank as more air dribbled out of her nose. Did she appear to be a little uncomfortable? Would she last the entire three minutes before her cover was unlatched from the top of her tank?

The stadium crowd responded with a hopeful cheer. Some wondered if she was starting to run out of breath. The camera close-ups were enticing.

Was it possible the Cowboys’ cheerleader might not make it to 3:00? What would happen then? Would the rules be bent if someone began to struggle?

Veronica opened her eyes long enough to look over at her opponent. Then she closed them. inwardly she was thinking, “Shit; the bitch is still with me!”

It was apparent she was uncomfortable as well. Her body wriggled a little as she released air out of her pursed lips. She was trying to ease the growing strain in her lungs without giving up too much air, air she would need to remain underwater for the full three minutes.

She tried hard not to show it. But it wasn’t long until the close-up of the Giants’ cheerleader in her tank revealed gentle spasms in her stomach. They slowly increased in intensity.

The stadium crowd took notice, and tried to cheer her onward. Then the announcer called out “TWO-TWENTY!” The crowd roared even louder for her.

Symptoms also appeared in Serena’s body. They were those same gentle spasms in her stomach. More air dribbled out of her nose.

She abruptly released a burst of air from her lips. She looked like she was also showing a struggle to hold her breath. But judging by the side by side comparison on the large video screens, it was Veronica who was clearly struggling the most.

The clock ticked onward with seemingly infinite slowness. It felt to many like the way the clock ticks slowly when the home team is holding a tenuous lead. That’s when the game can’t end fast enough.

Veronica’s chest began to heave. Her breasts gently bounced within her apparel as more air spurted out of her mouth. She was clearly struggling while still trying to push herself down from the cover above her: struggling both to hold her breath and to maintain her composure.

Next to her, Serena kept her eyes closed as though focused on the task at hand. It must have been difficult for her not to check on her opponent. The temptation was strong to open her eyes and risk a quick glance.

But she’d made a decision. She was determined not to allow anything to distract her. Besides, she was trying to concentrate, since the convulsions in her stomach had become quite noticeable.

The stadium announcer called out “TWO-FORTY!!” The stadium clock ticked 2:41… 2:42… 2:43. For Veronica those last 20 seconds must have seemed an eternity.

Her eyes suddenly popped open. She frantically brought her hand across her neck in a slashing motion…”NO AIR – NO AIR; I GIVE UP!” But the assistants hesitated.

The instructions were explicit. Besides, there was a lot of money involved. They were unsure how to proceed. Besides, there were only a few more seconds remaining.

Veronica frantically pushed up against the cover to her tank. Air billowed out of her mouth. But still the assistants hesitated as the crowd tried to encourage her not to give up.

Veronica reached her breaking point and freaked out. She began pounding on the glass of her tank. That’s when she screamed her air away, begging to be let out.

The crowd in the stadium were mesmerized by the situation now playing itself out. They tried to cheer her on, encouraging her to hold on a few seconds longer. The assistants fidgeted with indecision.

Serena opened her eyes and noticed her opponent panicking and bubbling. She felt her own panic threaten to swell within her. She anxiously swallowed it back down.

She’d heard the stadium announcer call out 2:40. Surely she could hold her breath another 20 seconds longer before their covers would be unlatched. But 20 seconds sounded like a very long time, especially in her breathless condition.

Veronica frantically pounded on the front of her Houdini tank. She pleaded at the cameras with her eyes, mouthing that she wanted to be let out. The stadium clocked methodically ticked away… 2:49… 2:50… 2:51.

She became too panicked to hold her breath any longer. At 2:53 she gulped down a mouthful of water. That’s when the Giants’ cheerleader convulsed painfully.

Instantly she went into drowning spasms. The horrifying close-up of her struggles were displayed on the large stadium screens for all to see. The crowd didn’t seem to know what to do!

Some groaned while the Dallas fans cheered. A few women screamed in horror. The assistants around the tank stood frozen with indecision, torn between breaking the rules and just standing there a few seconds longer.

Veronica was still jerking and spasming when the stadium announcer called out, “THREE MINUTES! SOMEBODY GET HER OUT OF THERE!” The assistants rushed forward, quickly unlatching her cover. One of them frantically climbed up her ladder.

The cover was lifted open. He anxiously reached down, grabbing Veronica’s arms. Then he pulled her still convulsing body up out of the tank.

Veronica coughed up water, her body still spasming in an effort to expel the water in her lungs. But now the cameras focused on the Cowboys’ cheerleader. Serena’s chest heaved mightily, her face a grimace of agony as she struggled to hold her breath.

She opened her eyes and looked over at the empty tank of her opponent. Then she looked into the cameras with grim determination. That’s when a smile broke out all over her face, knowing she had won.

With a last burst of the remaining air in her lungs, she forced herself upward. She pushed open the lid to her tank. Then she burst up out of the top and gasped loudly for breath. That’s when the stadium clock stopped at 3:12.

The Dallas faithful loudly cheered her performance. The hometown crowd applauded appreciatively, most of them giving her a standing ovation. Serena was able to climb out of the Houdini tank on her own.

Paramedics rushed forward with a stretcher. They were attending to Veronica. The crowd suddenly got very quiet.

Veronica finally lifted an arm up from the stretcher she was lying upon. She gave everyone watching an upraised thumb, indicating she was ok. The crowd gave her a standing ovation as she was taken away by ambulance.

They cheered a triumphant Serena as the tanks were quickly drained into the hoses connected to them. All the props for the halftime show were quickly taken down. Nothing remained on the field that was indicative of the incredible halftime performance of the two cheerleaders.

Word filtered back to both locker rooms before the second half began. Then the game resumed. Despite a number of penalties, Dallas played inspired football. Whether encouraged by their gallant cheerleader or simply by the leadership of their quarterback, the Cowboys went on to win the game 24-17.

2012; 2021 (written Sep 6 ’12; ed. Mar 22 ‘21 by riwa)

(Pictures are for illustration purposes only.)

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