2 more asphyxia shorts – Anasuya and Kajal 3.1 (7)

Anasuya gets the last word

There were simply no more parts for her. Anasuya pleaded with three different producers and four directors she had worked with in the past. To a man they told her she had grown too old for the parts they had available.

She offered to play an older woman’s part. But they had not found her a script, even though parts were being offered to other actresses. Anasuya quickly came to the conclusion she had been blackballed.

She wanted to show them she could still act. But there would be no further opportunities. It filled her with a quiet anger.

She discovered a party all but one of the directors would be attending. It would be the perfect place to make a lasting impression. So she contacted a couple of technicians, men whose help she would need.

At first they balked at her proposal. In the end she persuaded them. She would need their help to make sure her plans went off without a hitch. After all, the producers and directors were important men who would not wish to allow her to besmirch their reputations.

She was given an invitation to the party. So she spread the word around that she would be providing a special entertainment for the producers and directors. Soon they would all see exactly what she was capable of.

The night of the party she sought out the two technicians. They assured her all preparations had been properly made. Her presentation would go off without a hitch.

She made it a point not to mingle with the producers and directors. They tolerated her presence, although avoiding her as much as possible. Instead, she socialized with the other actors and actresses, telling them she had a special presentation for everyone.

At 10 pm she announced she was ready. People began to gather around as she made her way to one of the larger trees on the property. She found the two technicians who nodded they were ready for her.

She thanked everyone for their kindness and friendship, naming some who had gone out of their way to help her during her career. She waited until the producers and directors began to wander outside to see what all the commotion was about. Then she bowed before one and all.

A noose dropped as though from out of nowhere, compliments of those two technicians. She knelt and picked up the set of handcuffs they’d hidden for her behind a bush. She reached up and looped the noose around her throat to the uneasy murmurs of those watching. Then she dramatically cuffed her wrists behind her back.

“This will be my last performance!” she said aloud. “I hope it will be enjoyed by one and all!” Then with a nod, the two techs pulled on their end of the rope.

Anasuya was lifted six feet off the ground, well out of reach of anyone who might have rushed to her aid. They quickly tied the rope off. Armed with wicked looking blades, they were prepared to fight off anyone who might try to untie the rope.

The producers and directors looked up in horror as Anasuya started to kick. They hollered for her to be taken down, not wanting to be a part of this distasteful demonstration. The two techs dutifully manned their end of the rope, driving back anyone who threatened to intervene.

Anasuya felt the agony of the rope around her throat. But the noose was thick. It would give her a chance to put on a good show. After all, she wished to entertain everyone.

She choked and twisted as she struggled. The agony in her chest became more pronounced the harder it was to breathe. But there was also a strange exhilaration, that as well as an arousal that became more intense the longer she struggled.

She danced, scissored and pedaled as the minutes ticked away. Her face flushed hotly as she struggled to keep up the performance. Her body responded until she could not help rubbing her thighs together.

It blossomed outward as she climaxed at the end of her noose. Some in the crowd were horrified. Others were enchanted at her dance, especially the way she kicked her way into a sexually gratifying experience.

The actors and actresses began to applaud. The faces of the producers and directors turned red with embarrassment and shame. They knew the purpose of her dance was strictly for their benefit.

Anasuya fought harder as the noose began to tighten. Now she was starting to have second thoughts. But seeing the shamed faces below spurred her to kick and dance even harder as though demanding they put their attention on the actress they had decided to shun.

Her peers applauded her performance. The heads of the studios could only watch red-faced. Anasuya kicked her way into a second orgasm before finally hanging limp.

She gently swayed back and forth for the last three minutes of her life. Her bladder finally released, her last act being to piss on those who had decided to cut short her career. There was a faint flicker of a smile at the corners of her mouth as she began hitching in little jerking motions as internal organs started shutting down. Then she settled down, gently twisting in place.

Her peers gave her an ovation. The producers and directors shamefully abandoned her corpse to go inside and attempt to ignore what had just taken place. But word soon went out over all the land. And it was Anasuya who got the last word.

2018 (written Dec 30 ’18 by riwa)

(Inspired by a ramharraja2001 manip and idea)

Kajal is strangled by her boyfriend

“You have shamed me, Kajal!”

“Arjun, what are you saying?”

“Word has spread around the village. You were seen down by the creek making love to Vihaan.”

“Arjun, it is not true!”

“There are many witnesses. You did this in broad daylight. Did you not think word would get back to me? Did you not think this wouldn’t shame me?”

“No, Arjun! I swear it wasn’t me!”

“It was you, Kajal. And he was not the only one. You have done this many times before. You share your favors with so many.”

“Arjun, no. You must be mistaken.” But her protests were in vain and she knew it.

“I am not, Kajal. I have tolerated your indiscretions to a point. But this one is beyond contempt. Something must be done.”

“No, Arjun. Please.” That’s when he pulled the cord out. She gasped with fright as well as a great anticipation.

This scene had played out so many times before that Kajal now wondered what was wrong with her. This was not the first time he had wrapped the cord around her throat. But now it might very well be the last.

Why did she continue to be unfaithful? Arjun was a good man. Did she do it for the thrill? Did she do it for the orgasms? Or did she secretly do it after that very first time Arjun had angrily strangled her to the point of unconsciousness?

That time she had felt such a wave of fear at his fury. But strangely the cord tightening around her neck had seduced her. The rapture of losing her breath with the possible loss her very life had taken hold of her.

At the last moment he’d pulled back, preventing permanent damage. Had he done this before to a previous girlfriend? It made her wonder.

It was a minor thing, a small wifely transgression that had caused him to punish her thus. But something in the way he’d strangled her had appealed to her. Within a month she committed a similar transgression, earning yet another strangulation of the cord.

When she regained consciousness he was tender with her, almost pleading with her not to make him do that to her again. But she could not help herself. When she transgressed again he did not use the cord, forcing her to up the ante.

The butcher wasn’t even attractive. She used the excuse she was getting a good price for a choice piece of meat. Arjun had responded by strangling her with the cord again.

Oh, what waves of rapture! She could not understand why it affected her thus. It was so much better than lovemaking. But she could not tell him his method of punishment brought her such great delights. And there was no other way she could get him to strangle her.

She broke her marriage vows a second time with a neighbor down the street, trying to explain to Arjun that his wife was ill and she was only offering a kindly service to him. His response was to strangle her once more. That time he had pulled tighter, resulting in a greater rapture.

Next was a young man swimming in the river. Then it was a local farmer. Each time she made sure Arjun found out. And each time he applied the cord. The threat of death could not overcome her desire to experience that rapture again and again.

And so it was… until he stopped strangling her. She became frustrated. Her infidelities became more provocative until in desperation she had made love to Vihaan down by the creek in full view of several. That was bound to get Arjun’s attention.

“Why, Kajal? Why do you do this to me?” But she had no answer to give him. How could she explain how the danger of the cord brought her such unfathomable pleasures?

“Arjun, I… I am sorry.” What more could she say? She was secretly hoping for the cord. And now she was trembling with anticipation as he wrapped it around her throat and then tightened it.

Had she gone too far this time? What did it matter? Maybe it was better this way.

She gasped his name, even as the waves of pleasure began to come crashing in on her. She swooned at his breath on her neck. She could feel how angry he was. And in her mind she was telling him, “Tighter, my love; tighter.”

“Kajal,” he breathed as he pulled the cord tighter. She gurgled as she began to shudder. It had been so long; she wanted to give herself to it fully.


“Tighter! Strangle me, my love! Do what you must!”

“Why, Kajal; why?”

“You wouldn’t understand. Kill me, my love. It is the only way.”


“Yes, my love… yes!”

It cascaded over her as she gave herself over to it. She did not see the tears of regret in his eyes as he pulled with all his might. All she felt was great pleasure as she spiraled into the depths of eternity.

(Jul 18 ’18)

(manip by ramharraja2001)

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The birthday of Suzan Rose 4.3 (32)

Suzan’s birthday was approaching. Her girlfriend Klotiana wanted to do something special for her up at the cabin. Suzan had an idea what that might involve: some sort of sexy BDSM game followed by a peril or snuff-play.

Klotiana started making preparations. Suzan was left out of the loop so she had no idea what was being planned for her. But she suspected the end result would mean a large number of orgasms.

As the date of her birthday drew closer, Suzan spent a lot of time trying to figure out what her girlfriend was going to do to her. It was not long before her imagination began to run away with her. At night she began having dreams both erotic and ominous…

On the sixth night before her birthday Suzan dreamed she was at the cabin with Klotiana and Jakub on her birthday. At two pm she was stripped naked before being taken down to the basement. Then her arms were pulled up into the air with ropes, leaving her standing there wearing only her heels.

Jakub proceeded to use a bullwhip on her. Suzan cried out as he lashed her backside again and again. It left nasty looking welts all over her body.

He came around front and whipped her tits and crotch. Suzan screamed from the pain. But her pussy dripped from an incredible arousal.

Afterwards he pulled out his cock and fucked her cunt from behind. It led to the orgasm she needed so badly. Suzan cried out in ecstasy as he fucked her hard while reaching around to pinch and twist her nipples.

After he was finished Suzan saw her girlfriend enter the room. Klotiana was wearing a strap-on around her waist. Suzan noticed how large it looked. It made her tremble with fear and excitement.

Klotiana came around front and knelt in front of her. Then her girlfriend started licking between her legs. Suzan writhed and trembled until another orgasm was licked out of her.

Klotiana stood up and moved behind her. “I have a special birthday present for you, bitch!” Then Suzan felt the strap-on being forced into her ass.

She cried out as her girlfriend cruelly fucked her. Klotiana reached around and fingered Suzan’s swollen nub. “I like to make my whores cum,” she hissed into Suzan’s ear.

Suzan screamed from another devastating orgasm. It was humiliating being fucked in the ass while being forced to cum. But the orgasm had felt wonderful.

She was panting for breath when Klotiana whispered into her ear,” Now for your special present, bitch!” A moment later a plastic bag was pulled down over Suzan’s head. Her eyes flew open in alarm as her girlfriend began fucking her ass hard again.

She tried to take deep breaths, only for the bag to inflate and then deflate. The air became stale as the bag clung tighter to her face. She inhaled with growing terror until the plastic clung greedily to her mouth and nose.

She heard Klotiana laugh behind her as she started getting dizzy. Her ass was sore from the strap-on thrusting in and out of her. Once more she felt a finger on her swollen nub.

Suzan tried to breathe, but the plastic suffocated her. Then she was cumming and cumming and cumming as consciousness spiraled away. Then she woke up, discovering she’d soaked her bed with her flowing juices.

The dream had been scary as well as erotic. The next day Suzan tried to find out what Klotiana was going to do to her up at the cabin. Her girlfriend just gave her a sinister smile as she replied, “Oh, you’ll find out.”

On the fifth night before her birthday Suzan dreamed she was at the cabin with Jakub and Klotiana on her birthday. At two pm she got naked before they went to a bedroom for some sexy fun. Suzan got on her hands and knees and sucked Jakub’s cock while he was lying on the bed.

After she got a mouthful of cum she rolled over and lay in Jakub’s lap. Klotiana climbed into the bed with her and spread her legs. Suzan began to writhe and moan as her girlfriend ate her out.

Suzan was on the verge of an orgasm when a cord was suddenly wrapped around her throat from behind. Jakub began garroting her as Klotiana grinned at her. “Happy birthday, bitch! I hope you enjoy your present from the two of us.” Then her girlfriend began licking her aggressively.

Suzan fought to breathe as she struggled in the bed. But Jakub had a good grip on the garrote around her throat. Klotiana licked hungrily before sticking a couple fingers up Suzan’s quivering, clenching ass.

Suzan shuddered in orgasm, squirting all over her girlfriend’s face. Then she felt herself spiraling away into oblivion. She was cumming and cumming as she was being garroted to death. Then she woke up.

Once more she discovered her bed had been soaked from her fluids. It had been a terribly erotic dream. But why was she dreaming of Klotiana killing her?

On the fourth night before her birthday Suzan dreamed she was at the cabin with Jakub and Klotiana on her birthday. At two pm she was stripped naked. Then Klotiana filled the large bathtub with water.

Suzan’s arms were tied behind her back. Then Jakub and her girlfriend helped her into the tub. The water level was deep and she trembled with fear and arousal.

“Can you hold your breath, bitch?” Then Klotiana pushed her flat on her back. Suzan writhed and bubbled.

Her lungs began to burn as she felt a jolt of fear and arousal. Was Klotiana going to drown her? Then her head was pulled up out of the water so she could breathe.

“I think you need a distraction while holding your breath, bitch!” Then her girlfriend cruelly shoved a large vibrating dildo up her cunt. When she turned it on Suzan felt waves of pleasure ripple through her body.

Once more she was forced to the bottom of the tub. Suzan tried to hold her breath. But the buzzing dildo made her writhe and bubble, her back arching as she humped the water.

Klotiana pulled her head up and laughed in her face. Then she pushed her right back down. Suzan struggled and bubbled as the vibrator send erotic jolts through her body.

She was pushed to her breath-holding limits and was losing air with Klotiana pulled her head up. “I think you need another distraction, bitch!” Then she shoved a large vibrating dildo up Suzan’s ass.

Once more the birthday girl was forced to hold her breath. She writhed and bubbled as she struggled not to give in and inhale. The buzzing in her holes was so erotic that it made it hard not to lose her air.

A huge eruption of bubbles came up before Klotiana pulled her head up out of the water. “Now for your birthday surprise, bitch!” Then a naked Jakub got into the water with her.

He shoved his cock down her throat. Then she was forced to the bottom of the tub again. “Have a good birthday death, bitch!” Klotiana gloated as she leaned closer to watch.

Suzan struggled to hold her breath. But the vibrating toys in her cunt and ass made it difficult. And Jakub’s cock filled her mouth and was hitting the back of her throat.

She started gagging up bubbles as she slowly lost her breath. Her stomach began to convulse as her lungs burned. She was running out of air.

She grunted as she struggled in the water. But Jakub kept her pinned down, his cock wedged firmly between her lips. Suzan let out a muffled grunt as she struggled not to inhale. Then the vibrating dildos made her cum.

She thrashed about as a wave of white hot pleasure flowed through her. Then Jakub was cumming in her mouth. A moment later she snorted water into her nose.

Suzan began to drown, a cock down her throat and vibrating toys in her cunt and ass. She bucked and shuddered as she orgasmed violently. Then she felt consciousness spiraling away. That’s when she woke up.

Suzan sat up and panted for breath. Then she winced with dismay. The sheets were soaked again. Why was she having such intensely erotic dreams filled with orgasms and death??

On the third night before her birthday Suzan dreamed she was at the cabin with Jakub and Klotiana on her birthday. At two pm her clothes were removed and she was taken down to the basement. When they arrived she saw that a guillotine had been set up.

Suzan gasped in alarm as she was forced to lie flat on her back. She looked up to see the blade above her head. Then Klotiana took hold of the rope and forced it between her teeth.

“Just a friendly word of advice, bitch,” she cackled. “I wouldn’t open my mouth if I were you. I’d hate for you to lose your head on your birthday. Now it’s time for Jakub and his friends to have some fun.”

Suzan nearly cried out when the first cock pushed its way into her cunt. She grunted as she got a good, hard fucking. It took everything she had to keep the rope between her teeth.

She felt a cock go off inside her, filling her with warm cream. Then it pulled out and was replaced with another. She heard Klotiana laugh, “Can you keep that rope between your teeth for a second fuck, bitch?”

Suzan got fucked hard. Her body rocked as she struggled not to open her mouth. She almost screamed in orgasm when the second cock went off inside her. Then it pulled out and another took its place.

She heard her girlfriend laugh, “Here’s cock number three, bitch. Don’t worry… it’s nothing to lose your head over.” She cackled at her own pun.

Suzan’s body rocked as she was fucked good and hard. She could feel an orgasm coming on strong. But she tried to hold it back, afraid she might open her mouth to scream in pleasure and lose the rope.

She felt the third cock go off inside her. She winced as she tried hard not to cum. Her mouth was starting to get sore, her jaws threatening to give way.

“Not bad, bitch. But now it’s my turn.”

Suzan felt a dildo being pushed into her cunt. Then it was turned on. She grunted as she bit down hard on the rope between her teeth.

Another dildo was shoved up her ass. Then it was turned on. The double sensation of dueling dildos nearly sent her over the edge.

“I know you can’t resist my lips, bitch!” Then Klotiana began licking and nibbling on her swollen clit. It sent an erotic jolt through Suzan’s body.

She began grunting and shaking her head. She felt the rope almost slip through her teeth. Then Klotiana began sucking on her clit.

Suzan closed her eyes, fighting hard to hold it back. Then her lips parted as she began to scream in orgasm. A moment later she heard a thud followed by a sharp pain in her neck.

She was dizzy and disoriented. Then she could see clearly. Klotiana kissed her lips before turning her head around to show a naked, spasming body jerking around on the bench, a severed neck gushing blood. And then she woke up.

Suzan sat up in bed, panting like crazy. Then she noticed the sheets were wet again. Damn!

What did the dreams mean? Was Klotiana planning something particularly wicked for her at the cabin on her birthday? Suzan felt an erotic chill of dread.

On the second night before her birthday Suzan dreamed she was at the cabin with Jakub and Klotiana on her birthday. At two pm she was taken down to the basement. Suzan was almost dreading what they were going to do to her.

She was stripped naked before being tied to a Saint Andrews cross. Then Jakub lashed her with a bullwhip. Blows rained down on her tits, stomach and up into her crotch.

Suzan screamed as she got wet with pain and excitement. The whipping paused as Klotiana moved in and licked up her dripping fluids. Then she was whipped again.

Once more the whipping was stopped. And once again her girlfriend moved in to lick her dripping pussy. Then the bullwhip was applied to her tender flesh yet again.

A third time the whipping was stopped. Klotiana moved in and licked her clenching cunt. Suzan finally cried out in orgasm as she shuddered hard.

“So the bitch wants to cum, eh? Let’s make her cum, Jakub!” Then Suzan was set free from the Saint Andrews cross.

She was taken into another room. She saw a sybian on top of a platform. Jakub and her girlfriend walked her over and impaled her on the metal pole sticking up out of it.

Her arms were tied behind her back. Then her ankles and knees were locked down. Now Suzan would be forced to ride the sybian to orgasm after orgasm until they set her free.

The metal pole began to thrust up and down inside her dripping cunt. She grunted as the machine began to buzz against her clit. Suzan panted for breath, wincing as it swelled within her until she experienced a devastating orgasm.

All of the sudden something changed. Suzan felt the pole push upward. Her eyes flew open in horror and she screamed as it ruptured her cervix.

The pole began to thrust up and down inside her again. It felt like the metal pole had ridges to rub the insides of her pussy. The pain combined with the pleasure until she screamed again in orgasm.

Once more the pole began to push upward. Suzan let out a shriek as it started pushing organs aside. Then she felt a great agony in her stomach until it ruptured.

She screamed again as the pole fucked her once more, new ridges rubbing her pussy and teasing her G-spot. Blood and fluids began to leak out of her cunt. Then she experienced yet another painful orgasm.

The pole began to rise again. Suzan felt it moving up into her esophagus. She tried to swallow it back down, but to no avail.

She tried to vomit, but she could get nothing up or down. The pole rose up her windpipe. Then she felt it at the back of her throat.

Her head was forced to tip back until she was looking up at the ceiling. A moment later the spit emerged out of her mouth. Suzan blinked in shock and horror.

Her girlfriend gleefully cried out, “Happy birthday, bitch!” Then the pole came alive with painful shocks. It had been electrified.

Suzan jerked and grunted, her body hitching with each shock she received. She kept trying to swallow, but with no success as the pole went up and down, giving her the ultimate fuck. Then she was cumming and dying…

…and then she woke up.

Susan sat up in bed, her body damp with sweat. She had wet the sheets again. She cursed before getting up and going to the bathroom. She discovered she had not been impaled after all and that her plumbing still worked as she sat on the toilet.

The dreams were starting to concern her. Were they premonitions of something ominous that was going to happen on her birthday? Suzan did not know. All she knew was that Klotiana was getting more and more excited about her coming birthday.

On the night before her birthday Suzan dreamed she was at the cabin with Jakub and Klotiana on her birthday. At two pm she was made to strip. Then her arms were tied behind her back.

Jakub and Klotiana took her out for a walk in the woods. Suzan began to feel a growing concern. Where were they taking her? What was going to happen?

They went down a path and entered a circle of trees. That’s when Suzan saw the noose dangling from a limb. Klotiana grinned at her before motioning at it.

“What do you think of it, bitch? Do you like your birthday present?”

“My p-present?”

Jakub smiled as he suggested, “Maybe she wants to try it on first.”

Klotiana grabbed the noose and looped it around Suzan’s throat. “How does it feel?” she asked with a sinister smile. “Do you like it? I went to a lot of trouble to set it up for you, bitch.”

“It’s n-nice,” Suzan stammered. Now she was frightened out of her wits. But she was also aroused beyond belief.

“Maybe she wants to feel it a little tighter,” Jakub observed with a smile.

“Good idea,” Klotiana agreed. So she grabbed the loose end and gave it a pull.

Suzan felt the noose tighten around her neck. She rasped and coughed. “What do you think about it now?” her girlfriend wanted to know.

“I th-think I want to g-go back.”

“Go back?? You haven’t even been lifted up onto your toes yet!” Then Klotiana pulled harder.

Suzan rasped as she was lifted up onto her bare toes. She tried to shuffle around, but it didn’t help. Then she noticed the bulge in Jakub’s trousers.

Klotiana saw it too. “See what you did, bitch? You made him hard! Now I have to suck him off! Jakub, help me with this rope so I can blow you without being distracted.”

Jakub took the rope from her and pulled Suzan up into the air. Klotiana got his fly open and pulled out his dick. Then she began sucking as Suzan began to kick.

Klotiana began to moan as Suzan rasped and gurgled. Then Jakub let Suzan back down onto her bare feet. She wobbled uncertainly, the noose still uncomfortable around her throat.

“You like it now?” her girlfriend asked with a grin as she knelt in front of Jakub’s cock.

“Please…. get mmmm….. cckkkkkk…”

“Oh, you like your present, bitch? I guess she likes her present, Jakub. Take her back up.”

Suzan tried to shake her head no. Then Jakub gave a good, hard pull. Suzan was pulled almost a foot into the air.

She began to kick and choke as her girlfriend sucked Jakub’s cock. She twisted and struggled in the noose, her pussy dripping like crazy. She tried to reach out with a foot in the hopes of standing on Klotiana. But her girlfriend was out of reach, enjoying the cock she was sucking as she knelt in the dirt.

Jakub let Suzan back down as Klotiana stopped sucking. Suzan nearly toppled over, her legs feeling all rubbery. So her girlfriend helped her to stand upright.

“Is that better? Feeling better now?” Suzan weakly nodded.

“Do you want an orgasm?” Suzan nodded again.

“Sure thing, bitch!” Then Klotiana knelt and began licking Suzan’s dripping slit, mouthing and sucking on her swollen nub.

Suzan writhed and moaned, her eyes rolling as she winced. She began to hump her girlfriend’s mouth. Klotiana gasped, “I think she’s ready for her orgasm, Jakub. Take her back up.”

Jakub gave the rope a good, hard pull. Suzan was hauled up into the air, her eyes flying open as she started to kick. Then her thighs came together as she hitched and jerked until she squirted her orgasm.

“There it is!” Klotiana declared triumphantly. “That’s what we were looking for! Tie her off, Jakub!”

He took the rope and wrapped it around a nearby limb. Suzan’s eyes widened in horror. Then she really started to kick as the noose tightened around her throat.

“That’s the way, bitch!” Klotiana gasped as she began sucking on Jakub’s cock again. “Cum in the noose, you fucking whore! Kick your life away! Dance on your birthday for us, bitch!” Then she took him down her throat, gagging on his cock.

Suzan kicked and struggled as she jerked her arms behind her back. They were really going to let her hang to death! Then she thrust her chest out as she began humping the air, her body all caught up in yet another orgasm. Then she woke up.

Suzan sat up in bed panting heavily for breath. She brought a hand up to her throat. But she did not feel any rope around it.

She winced as she realized she’d soaked the sheets yet again from her orgasms. This was really getting weird with all her crazy dreams. Was it an ominous sign?

Her birthday was tomorrow. She hoped the dreams would subside after her visit to the cabin. They were certainly erotic. But she was getting tired of washing her sheets every day.

On the day of her birthday Suzan went to the cabin with Jakub and Klotiana. There was birthday cake and ice cream. Five of her friends were there.

At 2 pm Jakub and Klotiana took her downstairs. The birthday girl was made to strip out of her clothes. Her arms were tied behind her back and a blindfold was put in place over her eyes.

Suzan began to experience a strong sense of déjà vu. She felt a ripple of concern as Jakub and Klotiana led her into another room. “What’s going on?” she gasped in growing alarm.

“Oh… nothing serious, bitch,” Klotiana laughed. Her attitude made Suzan shiver. Then she was suddenly stopped.

“We’re here,” her girlfriend told her. “You’re really going to love this, bitch.”

Suzan wanted to know why Klotiana was treating her so cruelly. Was this a part of some role-play that was about to start? But what about the others who had come to her birthday party?

She inhaled sharply as a coil of rope was looped around her neck. She began to hyperventilate as her pussy moistened. Then the rope tightened.

She gasped as she stood there, the rope threatening to tighten around her throat. She was still standing flat on her feet. But the coil around her neck made her whimper.

Hands started groping and pawing her. It felt like Jakub and her girlfriend were enjoying her nudity in the noose. “Like it, bitch?” Klotiana breathed into her ear. “I think this is going to be your best birthday ever.”

“Why? What’s going to h-happen to me?”

“Oh nothing much, bitch. We’re just going to enjoy seeing you in the noose is all. Come on in everybody! The bitch is ready!”

Suzan heard footsteps and voices. Then she felt more hands all over her. She recognized the voices of her friends as they pawed and groped her… “She looks sexy all noosed up like that.”  “Did you feel her crotch? She’s so wet right now!”  “She must really like it! See how hard her nipples are?”

Someone grabbed her nipples and twisted. She yelped and gasped. Then fingers thrust into her womanhood.

“She’s wet, all right. Damn! She must really like it!”  “I told you, didn’t I? Didn’t I tell you she loves to be all noosed up?” That last voice definitely belonged to Klotiana.

Suzan felt lips sucking her nipples. Then a thumb swirled over her clit. She writhed and moaned, embarrassed to be the subject of so much attention as she stood there naked and helpless.

“What does this do?” Suzan recognized that voice as belonging to Nela.

“Here, let me show you,” Klotiana replied.

The pawing hands withdrew. A moment later Suzan felt the application of a bullwhip on her breasts. She let out a cry of pain.

“Hit her again!” That was Moretta. A moment later she got another lash, this one into her crotch.

“Let me try!” That was Anton. Then the whip landed several times.

Suzan cried out with each blow until she screamed. “Try her now,” Klotiana said aloud.

Fingers returned to her dripping cunt. “She’s really wet now,” Nela observed.

Klotiana chuckled. “You think she’s wet now? Wait ‘til you get a load of this!”

Suzan suddenly rasped for breath as the noose tightened. It made her rise up onto her toes. Now she shuffled around, trying to find a way to stand that lessened the tension of the rope around her neck.

“Feel her now,” Klotiana challenged. Hands returned to paw her naked, quivering body. “Her nipples are really hard,” Anton observed before twisting them hard, causing Suzan to rasp in pain.

“Her cunt is really wet too,” Moretta observed. Suzan writhed and whimpered as fingers thrust in and out of her pussy.

“Well don’t just stand there with those hard cocks, boys. Suzan is ready to cum. All you have to do is shove something up one of her holes.”

She couldn’t believe what her girlfriend had just suggested… and right in front of everyone! She stiffened as someone stepped behind her. Suzan felt a cock push its way into her cunt. Then she was fucked as a hand reached around and fingered her nub.

She rasped for breath as she continued shuffling around on her toes. “Just look at her!” Nela declared with delight. “She fucking loves it!”

Apparently the male fucking her pussy couldn’t last long. One hard thrust and Suzan felt cum spurting into her cunt. That’s when she shuddered hard from a humiliating orgasm.

“Damn!” she heard Moretta blurt out. “That must have been a good one!”

“Can us girls have a turn?” That was Dana’s voice.

“Of course,” Klotiana said with amusement in her voice. “Here, use these.”

Suzan trembled as she shuffled around on her toes. Then she felt something being pushed into her cunt as a warm naked body pressed against her. It felt like a large dildo… perhaps a strap-on?

A moment later she felt another one being shoved up her ass. Someone was standing behind her. She was being double-teamed by a couple of her female friends!

“Fuck her, girls!” Klotiana said with a laugh. “Fuck that sexy bitch in the noose!”

The two females thrust their strap-ons in and out of her clenching holes. Suzan writhed and gurgled as she tried to shuffle around to ease the tension around her throat. It embarrassed her the way they were treating her while everyone seemed to be watching. Not being able to see a damned thing made it all the worse.

“Damn, this is hot!” Dana said from behind her.

“It sure is!” Nela added from in front of her. Suzan gawked as she tried to shuffle around again.

“Let me whip her again, girls!” That voice belong to Edvard.

Suzan felt the strap-ons being pulled out as the girls stepped back. Then the whip sang out until it lashed across her erect nipples. Suzan let out a garbled cry as she couldn’t push enough air past her vocal chords to emit a scream. The noose was getting ominously tight.

The whipping stopped. Then the two naked bodies sandwiched her again. Once more she felt strap-ons being thrust into her cunt and ass.

Suzan grunted as she was double-fucked. She tried to breathe, but the noose was cutting off the air she needed. A moment later she squirted from an intense orgasm.

“Damn, did she just cum?”

“She sure did, Moretta. That bitch loves to cum in the noose. Want to watch one of the guys give her a flying fuck?”

“Hell yeah!”

The toys were pulled out as the naked bodies stepped away. Suzan felt someone different move in front of her as a cock was slowly pushed up into her cunt. Then she was lifted up until her feet couldn’t find the floor anymore.

She wrapped her legs around the waist of the guy fucking her. Was it Jakub, Anton or Edvard? It probably didn’t matter who it was.

She gurgled as a voice declared, “She’s really milking me!” So it was Edvard after all. Then she heard Klotiana tell Anton to go ahead and use her other hole.

Suzan felt someone step behind her. A cock pushed against her anal opening. Then it was all the way inside her ass.

She was double-fucked as she rasped in the noose. She heard her female friends oohing and aahing. Then they started to comment on what they were seeing…

“Damn, that’s hot!”

“Just look at her take it!”

“See how hard her nipples are?”

“I told you girls this bitch was a noose-whore!”

“I guess we should have believed you after all, Klotiana!” There was laughter all around.

Suzan’s eyes rolled behind her blindfold as one cock went off in her cunt. The other went off in her ass a few seconds later. Then the guys slowly pulled out.

She lost her support and began to kick as she swung back and forth. She could feel cum trickling down her legs. Suzan found herself both humiliated and asphyxiated.

Her feet scrambled for the floor below. It felt like she was being lowered. Then her toes touched and she tried to push upward to ease the strain around her neck.

“Damn, that’s sexy! Look at all that cum leaking out of her holes!”

“Can we watch her swing again?”

“Sure thing, Dana! Pull on the rope, guys! Pull her back up into the air!”

Suzan tried to shake her head. Then her feet left the floor. She started to panic as she kicked and pedaled, frantically searching for solid footing.

A hand pushed her naked body, setting her to swinging back and forth. Another hand made her start to twist in place. Suzan stretched her legs out as she searched for the floor.

Her thighs suddenly came together. They rubbed until she threw her chest out, making her boobs bounce. Then she began fucking the air until she managed to obtain another orgasm for herself as she jerked around in the noose.

“Did you see that?” Moretta gasped as Suzan was finally lowered back down.

“That was so fucking sexy!” Dana sounded breathless.

“Damn! She really looks good hanging from the noose! Can we do it again?”

“Sure thing, Nela! Take her back up, guys!”

Suzan felt the rope pull her upward again. Her feet left the floor and she started kicking once more. It felt like the noose was getting really tight around her throat.

Again she got playfully pushed around, setting her to twisting and swaying. There were breathless gasps of delight from her friends as she rasped for breath. Then she was lowered until her feet once more found the floor.

“Better let her breathe,” Klotiana said as she stepped forward. Then she began loosening the noose. Suzan felt a rush of air down her throat.

For a moment it made her dizzy. But it also made her feel better until she was able to stand and stabilize herself. “So what do you bitches want to do to her now?” Klotiana asked.

“Can we fuck her again?”

“Go right ahead, Nela.”

Suzan found her voice enough to beg them to set her free. But they were having none of it. The strap-ons returned as two of her female friends fucked her cunt and ass. This time it sounded like Dana and Moretta.

She gawked and gurgled, her face red with humiliation as well as her partially asphyxiated state. Then the strap-ons were pulled out. “Let’s try these,” she heard Klotiana declare with amusement.

The strap-ons returned – no, it wasn’t the strap-ons. One went up her cunt while another went up her ass. Then both started to buzz inside her.

The vibrations drove her wild as the toys double-fucked her. Then someone swung the bullwhip again. Suzan cried out as she experienced pain on her tits, stomach and ass.

“Let’s hang her again!” Dana blurted out enthusiastically.

“Ok, boys. You know what to do.” A moment later Suzan was pulled back up into the air, the toys still buzzing in her holes.

She kicked and struggled as she rasped for breath. She felt it swell within her, making her scissor and pedal like mad. Then her thighs came together as she thrust her chest out, fucking the air until she squirted once more.

“Damn! She just came again! That is so fucking hot!”

“I knew you’d like it, Nela.”

“Can the guys give her another flying fuck?”

“Sure thing. Jakub, why don’t you have a go at her? You haven’t fucked her yet.”

Suzan felt the toys being pulled out. Someone’s cock thrust up into her cunt. Then her ass was filled from behind.

She rasped and gurgled as they fucked her again. She was finding it increasingly hard to breathe. She could feel the noose getting tighter around her throat.

She felt the cock go off in her cunt, another deposit adding to her humiliation. The other one went off in her ass a short time later. Then the guys pulled out.

For a moment she was left to hang limp, cum leaking out of her well-fucked holes. Then she felt a mouth on her crotch. Someone was sucking out all the cream while licking her pussy.

She got a little support as her legs rested on someone’s shoulders. The noose was still tight, causing her to rasp and gurgle. Then she heard Klotiana ask, “What do you think, Dana?”

“It’s so fucking sexy! She’s got a tasty cum cocktail up her cunt! I still can’t believe you set all this up for us!”

“What can I say? It’s the bitch’s birthday. I wanted everyone to enjoy her hanging.”

“Maybe we’d better let her rest up for a bit.” Then Suzan heard some disappointed whines.

She was lowered until she was standing flat on her feet. The noose was loosened so she could breathe again. Then another mouth moved between her legs and started to lick, making her writhe and whimper.

“Damn, she really does taste good!”

“It’s all those orgasms mixed with the guys’ cum and the way she’s being strangled, Nela.”

The blindfold suddenly came off. Suzan blinked her eyes. That’s when a naked Klotiana stepped up and kissed her.

The others came around into her line of sight. Moretta smiled as she asked, “Can we like… hang her for real?”

“I don’t see why not,” Klotiana replied with a smile. Suzan was horrified.

“Hell yeah!” Dana declared. “Let’s hang the sexy bitch to death!”

Klotiane nodded as she said, “Good idea, girls. I’m sure she’ll go out with a bang. But let’s give her some time alone to think about it first.”

She took a dildo and wiped it across Suzan’s mouth. “This one’s for your cunt, you sexy bitch!” Then she slowly pushed it all the way in before turning it on.

Suzan began to writhe and moan. Then Klotiana retrieved the other one and rubbed it over her mouth as well. “And this one’s going back into your ass.”

She smiled before she went behind her girlfriend and slowly pushed it all the way inside. Then she turned it on. Both dildos buzzed a maddening pleasure into her holes.

“Here’s something for her titties!” Nela declared enthusiastically. Then she applied a couple of nipple clamps with little weights attached. Suzan gawked and gurgled from pain, humiliation, and a perverse arousal.

“Pull her up onto her toes, boys.” Suzan anxiously shook her head for them not to do it. A moment later the rope tightened, forcing her to stand on her toes.

“We’ll leave you like this for a few minutes to think about your hanging, bitch. Have all the juicy orgasms you can before we come back down. Be careful you don’t strangle yourself before we return.” There was laughter as they all left the basement.

Suzan shuffled around on her feet, trying to find a good place to stand. The noose was tight around her throat. The buzzing in her cunt and ass drove her mad as her nipples stung from the weighted clamps.

She rasped and gurgled, struggling to get a good breath. She kept shuffling around on her toes. Every time she tried to stand flat the noose would tighten, causing her to rise back up on her toes.

Her pussy dripped like crazy as the toys buzzed her holes. Then the pain in her tits became too much. Suzan shuddered and squirted from a shameful orgasm.

It was getting harder to breathe. How much longer until they returned? If they didn’t come back soon she was going to strangle to death!

She heard excited voices in the stairwell as well as the sound of footsteps. They were coming back down. Surely they would take her down and wish her a happy birthday.

They gathered around to look at her. “She’s really strangled now,” Nela observed. “She looks sexy like that.”

“So what’s your vote, Nela?”

“I say we hang her.” Suzan trembled in alarm at the words of a friend.

“What about you, Dana?”

“Take her up and make her dance for us!”

“And you, Moretta?”

“I’ve always wanted to watch a naked bitch dance! I say we hang her.”

“The girls are unanimous,” Klotiana told her asphyxiated girlfriend with a smile. “Let’s see what the guys have to say. Anton?”

“Hang her.”


“She’s come this far. I say we take her all the way.”


“You’ve known my vote from the moment you set this all up.”

Klotiana looked around at their friends before walking up to Suzan. “It’s unanimous, bitch. We all want to see you hang. Thanks for doing this for us on your birthday.”

She gave her girlfriend a last lingering kiss. Then she stepped back. “Ok, boys. Take her up and tie the rope off.”

Suzan’s eyes flew open wide as she shook her head no. Then she was pulled up into the air. Her feet dangled well off the floor.

She found a burst of renewed energy as she started to kick in growing panic. She saw two of the guys stroke their cocks as Klotiana, Nela and Moretta began gingering themselves. Then were all going to get off to her hanging!

Her legs flew out as she jerked and swayed. Her holes were still buzzing, the nipple clamps still attached. It swelled within her until it exploded in a rush of pain and pleasure.

Suzan thrust her chest out as she fucked the air. Her cum streamed down her legs as she hitched and gurgled. The noose tightened to the point where she finally exhausted herself.

This time no one moved to take her down. Suzan was left to dangle. There was laughter as hands reached out and pushed her, setting her to twisting and swinging in the noose.

She saw Klotiana and tried to plead with her eyes to take her down. But her girlfriend looked at her with a murderous expression of lust in her face. The bitch was enjoying her suffering every bit as much as everyone else.

“That is so fucking sexy!” Moretta breathed.

“This is her best birthday ever!” Nela gasped. Now Dana fingered herself as the guys stood around stroking their cocks.

Jakob stepped up and shot his load all over Suzan’s upper legs. Anton also stepped forward and did the same. Edvard eventually came forward and added his spunk to the mixture.

Suzan’s vision began to blur. She tried to cry out for Klotiana to take her down. But she couldn’t make her lips move. And she couldn’t force air in or out of her throat.

Her body began to hitch and tremble. There was a sudden flow of urine as her bladder gave way. “Fucking hell!” Dana declared before she let out an orgasmic cry. Then Suzan was aware of nothing at all.

Her friends pushed her naked body around, setting her to swinging back and forth. A couple of the girls grabbed the toys and fucked her with them. Klotiana enjoyed jerking on the weights to the nipple clamps attached to her dead girlfriend.

The toys were eventually pulled out. Anton and Jakub gave the corpse a last flying fuck. Then Suzan was taken down.

Her body was laid out on the floor where she was enjoyed by one and all. Afterwards she was carried out into the woods where the guys dug a grave. She was buried naked and then covered up.

Her friends went back to the cabin and got drunk as they celebrated her birthday without her. Then they packed up and left the cabin. But as the weeks and months passed they never returned.

Eventually her friends all moved away. The cabin was sold and new people took over. But the grave was never located. Suzan remained buried all alone in a forgotten part of the woods where her body was never found.

2019 (written for Suzan Feb 4 ’19 by riwa)

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Pamela in her hot tub 4.2 (18)

My next door neighbor Pamela caught me looking over her fence again. She was sitting naked in her hot tub in her back yard. This time she waved me to come over.

I felt my cock stir in my shorts as I went through the gate and entered her backyard. She smiled coyly at me as I approached. “I see you’ve been watching me again, Tim.”

“I can’t help it.”

“Like what you see?”

“Of course.”

“Would you like to see more?”

“Could I?” There wasn’t much more to see, especially since she was buck naked.

In response she blew me a kiss. “Watch this, Tim. I think you’re going to like it.”

She turned on the jets. Almost immediately the one in front of her started jetting bubbles. She moved closer to it as she smiled at me.

“You know what I like most about this hot tub, Tim?”

I smiled as I replied, “Tell me, Pamela.”

“I like the way these jets work. They’re situated in such strategic locations.”

“Strategic locations?” I repeated curiously.

“Would you like to see why?”


To my surprise she took a deep breath. Then she submerged. I just stood there staring at her, wondering what the hell she was going to do.

Pamela stayed under the water. I was impressed with how long she could hold her breath. But it looked like that wasn’t all she was doing down there.

She looked like she was shifting around underwater. It looked like that main jet was hitting her crotch. She seemed to adjust herself until she got a good flow blasting against her.

She stayed down for quite a while. She looked like she was rocking back and forth in the water. What the hell was she doing??

There was an eruption of bubbles. Then Pamela started to come up out of the water. Seeing her emerge like that made my cock stiffen in my shorts.

She panted as though trying to catch her breath. I nervously asked, “Are you all right, Pamela? You were under a long time.”

“I wanted to be, Tim,” she told me with a smile. “You know what I was doing down there?”

“No; what?”

She giggled coyly as though she knew something I didn’t. Then she filled her lungs. That’s when I saw her start to submerge back down into her hot tub.

Her legs spread even more as she stayed down. But I didn’t get a very good view of her crotch like I wanted. There were too many bubbles; the jets were obscuring my view.

I checked my watch to see how long she could hold her breath. She stayed down well over a minute. Once again I saw her rocking back and forth.

At first I was clueless. Then it occurred to me why she might be aiming the jets at her crotch. That made my cock harden even more.

There was a burst of bubbles around the one-forty mark. It looked like she was struggling. It was arousing as hell the way she seemed to be getting herself off with those jets.

There was another eruption of bubbles. A moment later Pamela’s head came up. “Tim; I’m gonna cum!” Then she took a really deep breath.

Back down she went. Once more I timed her. She deliberately stayed down a really long time.

She rocked back and forth in the water as though trying to work those jets against her crotch. I saw one eruption of bubbles followed by another. It was incredibly arousing.

Pamela suddenly shot up for a breath. She sat up, gasping like crazy. “Gawd; that was good! I came really hard that time.”

“You had an orgasm underwater, Pamela?” I was astonished. I was also horny as hell.

“I think a part of it was because you were watching me, Tim. Is my hot tub session having an effect on you?”

“It sure as hell is.”

“Are you hard?”

“I sure am.”

“Prove it. Take off your clothes. I want to see the type of effect I’m having on you.”

I took off all my clothes. It was a little embarrassing standing there naked. But she loved seeing my erection.

“Now I’m going to cum again, Tim. I want you to stand there and stroke as I cum underwater. Ok?”

I nodded my agreement as I started to stroke. She let out a moan before taking a big breath. Then she submerged in the midst of those bubbling jets.

She went all the way to the bottom. Once more she started rocking down there as though she was working the jets against her crotch. It was such an incredible turn-on.

She was down a really long time. I saw occasional eruptions of bubbles at the surface. It even looked like she might have been rubbing herself down there.

She suddenly burst up gasping like crazy. “Fuck; I just came again!” She panted heavily in an effort to get her breath back.

She adjusted herself in the water. It looked like she was making sure the jets were hitting her just right.  “Gawd, Tim! You have no idea how good it feels.”

She looked at me with glassy eyes. Then she told me, “I cum so hard when I’m holding my breath underwater. I see you like it too… when I cum underwater, I mean.”

She licked her lips as she glanced down at my erection. Then she filled her lungs. This time she simply tipped her head forward until her face was submerged.

I actually heard grunts and moans. She looked like she was writhing in the water. Once more I could see her rocking as though making sure the jets were hitting her just right.

There were more eruptions of bubbles. I heard a bubbly cry as she lost a big burst of air. Then she pulled her head up, gasping loudly for breath.

She looked at me and smiled. By now I was hard and dripping. “Are you ready to cum for me, Tim?”

“I sure am, Pamela.”

“I got something that should make you shoot your load. Want to see it?”

“You bet!”

“Hand me that beige weight belt over there, would you?”

“What are you going to do?” I asked as I retrieved it and handed it to her.

“I’m going to cum for you one more time, Tim. Only this time I’m going to drown myself.”

“Drown yourself??”

“That’s right, Tim. This time I’m going to drown for you. I expect you to shoot your load while I’m drowning, ok?” Then she submerged before I could put up a protest.

She settled on the bottom as I watched incredulously. I couldn’t believe it! She wasn’t really going to drown herself for me, was she??

I quickly checked my watch. I didn’t think she could hold her breath as long. After all, how many times had she cum already?

Once more I saw her rocking at the bottom of her hot tub. It looked like she was really trying to hit her crotch with those jets. My cock was rock hard as I shamelessly stroked my meat.

I watched as she held her breath for thirty seconds… then forty-five… and then a minute. About a minute ten she started hitching and bubbling. It looked like she was trying to reach the surface.

She really thrashed about on the bottom of her tub. That’s when my cock went off. It was incredible.

I was a little alarmed when she began to settle in the bottom of her tub. She was hardly moving at all. Shit; she’d really drowned herself!

I climbed in with her and pulled her head up. She had this dazed, glassy look in her eyes. I frantically shook her. That’s when she went into a coughing fit.

Thankfully she didn’t spew up too much water. I sat her up along the side of her hot tub. “Pamela, are you all right?”

“I am now, thanks to you. Did you cum when I drowned?”

She reached into my crotch to find out. My cock had softened a little. “You must have,” she giggled. I hope you enjoyed it. Why don’t you sit and soak with me for a while? Maybe in a few minutes after I’ve caught my breath we can come up with something fun to do right here in my hot tub.”

2019 (written Oct 23 ’19 by riwa)

(Inspired by a clip I found on the Internet, whose vidcaps I used as illustrations.)

Posted in Drowning Stories, Picture Stories | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Rachel’s sensor 4.4 (25)

I thought I’d end April with a Club story. I hope you like it.

Rachel is a fuck-buddy of mine. She has dirty blonde hair with breasts that fill a C cup. She’s a hot little package. She told me she was also fucking her Uncle Brian. To me that makes her one kinky, sexy bitch.

We have a lot of fun when we’re together. She’s totally uninhibited and will do anything I want. But she certainly has some crazy fantasies.

One time while we were fucking at her place she pulled out this rope and handed it to me. I asked her what she wanted me to do with it. She said she wanted me to form it into a noose and hang her a little.

I was shocked at her request. But I was also more than a little aroused. So I asked her why she wanted me to hang her.

She smiled as she said, “Have you heard about that club in town, that place they sometimes call the Snuff Club?”

“Yeah, I’ve heard about it.”

“They have live executions on stage, you know. They have a gallows and a guillotine and…”

“I know all about that place, Rachel. What about it?”

She gave me this sly look as she told me, “Well, I kind of have this fantasy.”

“What kind of fantasy?”

“The fantasy of my sensor popping, and you and my Uncle Brian watching me hang on the Entertainment Stage.”

“You fantasize about us watching you hang on the Entertainment stage?? Damn, girl!”

“I’ll probably never get to go though. Uncle Brian won’t allow it. So how about it, Clyde? Care to hang me tonight?”

Her enthusiasm really turned me on. So I did my best to form one end of her rope into a noose. I didn’t do a very good job of it.

To my surprise she took the rope away from me and made one herself. There was a hook up in the ceiling where she’d hung a sex swing in her bedroom. I helped her take the swing down and then strung the noose through the hook.

After it was threaded through the ceiling, she handed me another length of rope. She wanted me to tie her arms behind her back. “Rachel, you’re really into this, aren’t you.” She just nodded enthusiastically.

I tied her arms behind her back. Then I noosed her up. Afterwards I just stood there looking at her.

She looked so damned sexy, standing there naked with a noose around her neck and her arms tied behind her back. She smiled as she asked, “Well? Are you going to hang me or not? After you hang me you get to fuck my ‘corpse’ using any hole you like.”

“Any hole I like, eh?” She nodded enthusiastically.

I really liked the sound of that. So I tugged on the free end of the rope and pulled her up into the air. Her eyes flew open in shock as she started to kick.

She wriggled and squirmed as her face turned red. I only left her up for twenty or thirty seconds. But when I released her she went all the way down onto the floor as though she’d been rendered lifeless.

I assumed she meant what she said and that she wanted me to keep playing our little game. So I picked her up and threw her “corpse” over the side of the bed onto her stomach. That’s when I pushed my hard cock against her anal opening.

I thrust through her sphincter and began to give it to her good and hard. Usually Rachel can be pretty vocal when it comes to sex. She loves it when I fuck any and all of her holes. But this time she remained limp and silent.

It didn’t take long before I left a huge load deep in her ass. Then I pulled her up and helped her sit upright on the side of the bed. Her eyes opened and she smiled at me.

“Fuck; what a rush! Was it good for you too?”

“It was incredible!” I panted enthusiastically.

“I don’t know how I managed to stay still while you were fucking me. I wanted to cum so bad! Now I need you to fuck the shit out of my cunt until I orgasm. I’m so fucking horny for it!”

I rolled her back over the side of the bed onto her tummy. Then I thrust into her sweet pussy from behind where I really ravaged her good. She let out her usual cries of enjoyment until she screamed in orgasm.

It turned out to be one hell of a night…

A week later I went over to her place for a booty call. She was hot and horny for my dick. She told me her uncle was out of town, so she’d called me over.

I laughed as I asked her if she wished her Uncle Brian would hang her the way I did the last time we fucked. She told me he already had… and on more than one occasion. I stared at her incredulously as I sputtered, “You’re kidding me!”

She gave me a sly grin. “Who do you think taught me how to tie a noose?”

“Does he know about your Snuff Club fantasy?”

“Why do you think he won’t take me to the Club? He’s afraid my sensor might pop and he’ll have to hang me for real. Personally, I think he wants to, but he doesn’t want to admit it. He sure was hard the last time he strung me up for those few delicious seconds I dangled from the noose.”

She didn’t waste any time stripping me out of my clothes. She was really hot for it. So I stripped her out of hers, and we fucked like rabbits.

She was in the midst of screaming out her orgasm when she suddenly said, “Ouch!”

I looked at her and frowned. “What did I do? Rachel, what was that all about?”

She looked down at her stomach. That’s when I discovered she’d recently inserted a little red belly ring. I was so horny for her body that I guess I must have missed it.

“My sensor just popped!” she said in faux shock. “I’m in for it now.”

“What are you in for?” I was confused. “Your pregnancy sensor? That’s not a sensor, is it?”

“No. But you still have to hang me because it popped.” And once more she pulled the rope out.

This time it was already fashioned into a noose. I think she’d planned the whole damned thing. So I set about tying her hands behind her back before noosing her up.

She started panting like crazy as I got her ready to swing. Then I smiled as I fingered her dripping snatch. She clenched and moaned as she begged me to hang her.

I grabbed the rope and gave it a pull. I hoisted her off her feet and held her in the air. She rasped and gurgled as she kicked up a storm.

The sexy bitch sprayed her orgasm. Then I quickly let her down. Once more she acted all limp and lifeless.

I hauled her “corpse” over to the bed. I enjoyed her ass again, amazed how she could lie there so lifeless. I left a huge load deep up her butt before she “woke up”.

She kissed me hard, thanked me for hanging her. Then she proceeded to fuck me hard so she could enjoy another screaming orgasm. I decided I might have to hang her more often, especially if it turned her into a raving sex machine like that.

A couple weeks later I got a call from Rachel. She said her uncle had finally given in. They were going to the club on Friday and were taking her sister Jessica with them. They wanted to know if I wanted to tag along.

I told her I had a date with Lisa that night. They are a similar build, although Lisa’s breasts are larger. I think Rachel knows I’m banging her best female friend. But she doesn’t seem to mind.

“By all means, bring her along,” she told me enthusiastically. “The more the merrier.”

“Are you going to fuck your uncle while you’re at the Club, Rachel?”

“Oh hell no. He won’t let me. We’re just going to go hang out a while and look around. Maybe I’ll be able to get him to fuck me right before we leave.”

I laughed as I told her, “I suppose you could always use a condom.”

“Sure I could. But where’s the fun in that?”

“Still the same ol’ kinky Rachel, eh?”

“You’re damned right I am! See you Friday, Clyde!” She laughed before she hung up.

I picked up Lisa on Friday and headed over to the Club. I told her I had a stiffy the whole day just from knowing we were going to step inside the damned place. She laughed before she blew me in the car on the way over, getting a nice load in her mouth for her efforts.

We got there and waited for Rachel to show up with her uncle and sister. They arrived fifteen minutes after we got there. We met up in the parking lot before making our way to the front of the building.

We walked along a roped-off line of women wanting to go inside. “How about it, Uncle Brian?” Rachel asked with a laugh. “Want to buy a bitch to take inside and snuff?”

“We’re just here to look around a while. We’re going to be careful tonight, ok?”

“Aww, you’re no fun!”

She winked at her sister and her best friend. Then she grinned at me. “Clyde won’t mind fucking me and popping my sensor; will you, Clyde?”

I laughed. “Anything for you, babe.” Her uncle gave me a dirty look before smiling at her remark.

We were allowed inside the foyer to the front desk. That’s where the ladies were instructed to insert their pregnancy sensors before we even set foot inside the main part of the building. Rachel’s eyes lit up with excitement. I think she was looking forward to inserting hers into her navel.

“It won’t hurt, will it?” her sister asked, dubiously looking hers over. Of the three, she has a smaller cup size, although she still looks hot.

“Just like a bee sting,” the attendant behind the desk assured her with a smile.

Lisa and Jessica let out little yelps when they inserted their sensors. Rachel winced, but she refused to cry out. She was too damned excited to acknowledge any pain. Then we all went inside.

The place was a lot different than the commercials they showed on those adult channels. There were parts of the casino that looked older and well-used. I was reminded of other, older casinos throughout the country that looked like they could use a little updating. But we weren’t there to gamble.

An attendant came by with a tray of drinks. We all took one before Rachel asked where the snuff rooms were. The attendant smiled as she said, “Follow me.”

We walked behind her as she led us down a side hall. There were a series of rooms on either side. She found one not in use and opened the door.

We all looked inside. There was a bed, electric chair, and guillotine, just like in the commercials. A noose dangled ominously from the center of the room.

Lisa and Jessica didn’t know what to think. Rachel looked like she was excited as hell. She grabbed her uncle’s arm and begged him to let her try it out.

“Some other time,” he told her. “I’m not here to lose you tonight.”

“Maybe Clyde will hang me then,” she said as she grinned at me.

Her uncle was adamant. “No hangings… at least not in here. Not tonight.”


Brian seemed to be doing his best to protect his niece. I wasn’t sure Rachel appreciated the effort. But she bounced back from her disappointment as she happily suggested we all go take a look at the Entertainment stage.

The attendant led us back to the casino where she passed us off to another young woman. “Would you show these nice folks the Entertainment stage, Nicole?”

“Be glad to,” the attractive young lady said with a smile. And with that Nicole led us through the casino.

When the stage came into view I was visibly impressed. I half-expected it to be a little less kept up like other parts of the casino. But everything looked clean and updated.

We walked right up to the edge of the stage, taking a close look at each item. Rachel was fascinated by the twin guillotines. But she was utterly captivated by the gallows.

“How about it, sis?” she finally said with a chuckle. “Care to swing for Uncle Brian and Clyde?”

“Oh, no! I’m leaving that to you, you kinky bitch!”

“Spoilsport! Uncle Brian, let’s go fuck! I’m horny as hell right now!”

“I have a better idea. Why don’t we all go and have a drink?”

“Trying to get me drunk so I’ll fuck you later? Hell, I don’t need any alcohol for that!”

She grinned lustfully at him. When he rolled his eyes she turned to me and smiled. “How about you, Clyde? I’ve got three holes and no waiting.”

Lisa grabbed my arm and held on tight. “Tonight he’s mine, bitch!”

“Oh, you’re no fun either. Ok, Uncle Brian. Let’s go get drunk.”

We all headed off to the lounge. We found a booth and slid right in. I sat between Jessica and Lisa as Rachel sat across from us with her uncle.

A server came over and we all ordered something. As she walked away to fetch our drinks Rachel shook her head. “Damn! I can’t believe it! I’m horny as hell right now… and I can’t get laid!”

“Why don’t you wait until we get home?” her uncle suggested patiently. “I brought you over here against my better judgement so you could see the place. What more do you want?”

“I want to get laid in one of the snuff rooms; that’s what I want!”

“Nothing doing.”

“Then how about a sex room? We haven’t seen one of those yet.”

I laughed as I shook my head. “Better wear two condoms, Brian. Rachel’s liable to break one from her excitement and enthusiasm. She sounds like she’s gunning to get herself hanged.”

Lisa thought that was funny as hell. Jessica shook her head. Rachel looked at her sister and frowned.

“What’s the matter, sis? Don’t you want to watch me hang?”

“I don’t believe you, sis! Uncle Brian is trying to protect you. But it sounds like you’re trying to get yourself hanged!”

“Don’t be absurd! We can go home right after we fuck. We’ll be careful. I don’t think I’m fertile yet. Besides, I’m pretty sure Clyde and Uncle Brian here would love to watch me dance naked up on stage in front of everybody.”

Her uncle solemnly told her, “If you’re not careful in here, you just might get your wish.”

“Oh, Uncle Brian! My sensor has to pop first! What are the odds of that happening? You think it’s going to go off thirty seconds after you cum inside me and I have my orgasm? It takes time for your little fishies to swim into my pool, you know.”

“You can’t be too careful, honey.”

The drinks arrived a minute later. Rachel took hers and smiled as she lifted it up. We lifted ours as well.

“A toast. To Uncle Brian, to getting fucked hard tonight, and to little fishies swimming in the-OW!”

She winced as we all froze. “What’s wrong?” Brian asked uncomfortably.

“My stomach.”

Lisa asked, “Was it something you ate?”

I was also concerned. “Didn’t you have your appendix removed last year?”

“Yes I did, Clyde.” Then she pulled up her blouse and took a look. Her sensor looked as though it had popped and was glowing red.

We all gasped as one. “What the hell?” Jessica breathed incredulously. Lisa was shocked.

I looked at her uncle who looked back at me in astonishment. Rachel just kept staring at her sensor as though she couldn’t believe it either. She’d always talked about it as a fantasy. But now it had actually happened. And she hadn’t even been fucked in the Club yet!

“That can’t be, can it?” she asked in disbelief. Then she looked at her uncle. “Uncle Brian, how is this possible?”

I saw his face had turned white. Rachel looked at him in alarm as she asked. “Uncle Brian? What happened??”

He shook his head as he stammered for an answer. “I don’t know. That’s not… we didn’t… I mean we, uh…”

“No we didn’t; certainly not in here. But we fucked two or three hours ago, remember? I was so excited coming here that I really wanted it bad.”

“I was going to use a condom. But you said you didn’t want to. You didn’t think you were fertile yet. Besides, I thought I pulled out in time.”

Jessica stared at her sister in amazement. Then she shook her head and rolled her eyes as though she wasn’t all that surprised. “You know what people who use the pull-out method are called, don’t you? They’re called ‘parents’.”

“Here in the Club I think they’re called ‘corpses’,” Lisa added as she shook her head. “I can’t believe it! You fucked unprotected before you came here?? You stupid bitch!”

For the first time I saw fear fill Rachel’s features. Talking and fantasizing about it was one thing. Having reality smack you right in the face was something else entirely.

“Maybe we’d better get out of here,” Brian said quietly.

We had just started to rise up out of the booth when a couple of attendants came over. I didn’t recognize either one from before. But they were coming right over as though they knew something was wrong.

The brunette introduced herself as Riley Rogues. She said her shorter companion with the shoulder length brown hair and busty chest was Brooke Bannion. Then Riley looked at our three girls before asking, “All right. Whose sensor just popped?”

“Hers did,” Jessica replied without thinking as she pointed at her sister. Rachel gave her a look as if to say, “How could you point me out like that??”

The attendants seemed serious as a heart attack. Riley asked, “Will you folks be carrying this out in a private room? Or will you be doing it in public on our stage?”

“But we didn’t fuck in here!” her uncle protested.

“Legal issues dictate we allow no exceptions,” the brunette replied. “Otherwise we’d be in the courts for months on these things. Once a sensor pops, the female must be executed.”

“You mean she’s really going to hang??” Brian protectively held onto Rachel, incredulous to think it could happen like that so casually.

I had a hard time processing how serious they were. Were they really going to take Rachel to the Entertainment stage?? That’s when Riley told him, “We can certainly hang her… unless, of course, you’d like to have her executed some other way.”

“But we don’t want her executed at all!”

“I’m sorry, sir. Rules are rules. The ladies agreed to them when they inserted their sensors before coming inside.” That came from Brooke, sounding fully supportive of her companion.

“So, uh… where should this happen?” Lisa asked uncertainly as she looked around at our shocked faces.

“The Entertainment stage?” I suggested helpfully. I wasn’t thinking about a private snuff room. I just assumed it would happen in public.

Everyone looked at me like I was nuts. I looked at Rachel and shrugged my shoulders. What else could I say?

I said to her, “Isn’t that what you told us how you wanted it to happen if your sensor popped… to hang up onstage?”

“I don’t know,” she replied uncertainly. “I didn’t… I mean I wasn’t planning… we were just here to have a look around is all.”

“Maybe we’d better be going,” her uncle said quietly as he grabbed her arm.

“You and your party may leave at any time,” Riley told him firmly. “But the young lady here stays with us.”

By now we had other patrons looking curiously in our direction. There was an excited buzz of conversation over our developing situation. That’s when the attendants grabbed Rachel by each arm.

Riley told Brooke, “We’d better take her to Monique right now.” Her companion nodded. Then they started to leave with Rachel.

Brian took a step toward them. “Now wait a minute!”

Riley seemed sympathetic. “I’m sorry, sir. But her sensor popped. You all knew the rules when you set foot inside the club.”

About that time a couple of bouncers showed up, warily eyeing our party. But we were still too stunned to put up any kind of resistance. Without another word the attendants escorted Rachel toward the Entertainment stage.

I grabbed Lisa and told her we were following them. I wanted to see what was going to happen. If Rachel was going to hang, I sure as hell wanted to be there to witness it. So we took off without bothering to see what Brian and Jessica were doing.

We were halfway to the stage following Rachel and her escorts when a red glow came on up in the ceiling. Almost immediately the atmosphere changed inside the Club. It was though a certain sense of excitement had been pumped into the air through the filtration system.

Some people stopped what they were doing to follow us. Others rushed ahead of us. Perhaps they wanted to get there in time to get a good unobstructed view of the execution.

There was a woman in domination garb patiently waiting near the roulette wheel when we arrived. They took Rachel right up to her and introduced her. “This is Monique,” Riley told her. “She’ll be your executioner for the evening. Monique, this young lady popped her sensor.”

“I see,” the executrix said as she looked Rachel up and down.

She looked at the rest of our party and smiled as Brian and Jessica caught up to us. “Did you folks come with this young lady?” Lisa and I nodded.

“Very good. Now how shall I execute her for you?” At least she was polite about it.

None of us answered. I think we were still a little stunned at the sudden turn of events. That’s when Brooke answered, “From what we’ve been told, it seems hanging is the preferred method of execution. I believe it’s a fantasy of the condemned?”

“Is this true?” Monique asked Rachel with a smile.

The woman was so polite and casual that she didn’t seem like someone who would willingly execute another human being. But she was certainly dressed for it. What I found interesting was the way she spoke to us so calmly, as though she’d done this many times before.

For a moment Rachel didn’t know what to say. She tried to smile with a nod as she finally said, “Yes, it is. Hanging on stage has always been a fantasy of mine. So I g-guess hanging will work for me.”

“That’s a fine choice,” Monique told her as she looked her up and down admiringly. “Now let’s get you out of those clothes, shall we? Our guests enjoy watching the condemned hang nude.”

For a moment I thought her Uncle Brian was going to intervene. But the bouncers had followed us to the stage and were now eyeing him as though daring him to do something rash. He must have concluded it wouldn’t do any good to put up a protest as he didn’t do anything.

I was surprised the way Monique and the two attendants calmly removed Rachel’s clothes right there in front of everybody. I looked around to see a huge crowd was gathering. Apparently a lot of people wanted to stop gambling long enough to watch an execution.

Rachel was stripped out of her clothes until she stood there naked. Her sensor clearly stood out as it glowed red. “It’s popped all right,” Monique observed calmly with a smile.

Brooke held Rachel’s folded garments in her arms. She asked us, “Who should I give these to?”

Jessica numbly murmured, “I’m her sister. I guess I’ll take them.” Brooke nodded as she handed them over.

Rachel seemed to be coming out of her shock. Was she starting to get into this now? She actually smiled as she told Jessica, “Take care of them for me, ok? I’ll need them when we leave.”

Her sister looked at her in astonishment. I was also surprised at her words and her change of attitude. Did she really think this was going to turn out to be another one of those short hangings like we’d played back at her place??

Monique chuckled at Rachel’s attitude… “That’s cute.” Then the attendant named Riley handed her a length of rope she’d procured from somewhere near the roulette wheel. The executrix smiled as she used it to bind Rachel’s wrists behind her back.

By now a large crowd had gathered. A part of me was wondering if they were going to hang Rachel for real or just make her suffer in the noose for a few moments. I’d heard about all the executions they’d previously carried out. But it was hard to swallow this was actually going to take place.

Monique took Rachel up on stage. My sexy fuck-buddy now seemed to be getting into the swing of things, so to speak. She seemed to become more excited and less apprehensive about what was going to happen.

The murmur of conversations died off all around us. I watched as Monique walked Rachel over to the gallows. Then she operated some controls on the frame.

There was a very quiet hum as the noose came down. Rachel smiled as though she was starting to get excited. Was she looking forward to the experience? Had she accepted she was about to die and was simply going along with it? Or did she believe she wouldn’t be up in the air very long?

Monique stood her on the gallows facing the gathered spectators. The thick, hemp noose ominously framed her face. Now she acted like she was really looking forward to it, especially with everybody watching.

Her enthusiasm started to get to me. I could feel my cock stiffen in my pants. I picked up a couple of stray comments around me over how sexy Rachel looked and how they were looking forward to watching her hang.

Lisa stood next to me and murmured, “They’re not really going to hang her, are they?”

“It certainly looks like they are.”

“Does she know that? She acts like she’s looking forward to it!”

“I don’t know.”

Brian came up on the other side of me. Rachel’s sister Jessica stood next to him, Rachel’s clothes still in her arms. Her expression was a mixture of emotions that seemed to range from alarm to a strange curiosity.

I leaned over and quietly asked Brian, “Did you plan this from the very beginning?”

He looked at me in surprise. “Of course not! I just didn’t think… she had her period a short while ago. She was horny and anxious to fuck. We didn’t have time for a condom. She wanted me to cum inside her, but I thought I pulled out in time. She was disappointed not to feel my cream inside her.”

Monique took the noose and looped it around Rachel’s neck.  She snugged the knot up tight against her left ear. Rachel was still exhibiting an expression of excitement. But now she was starting to hyperventilate. Was she beginning to have second thoughts?

I could tell her nipples were incredibly erect. Her crotch was glistening from what I could only assume was a terrible arousal. She looked like it was all catching up to her as she struggled to catch her breath.

Monique finished with her duties. Then she stepped over to the controls. Rachel stood there panting for breath as she looked out at all of us.

I wondered how she felt having all those eyes upon her. She looked like she was incredibly excited. Then she glanced upward as though checking to see where she would soon be dangling.

Monique smiled at the crowd before motioning at my doomed fuck-buddy. “Ladies and gentlemen, we’re in for a treat. This attractive young lady has popped her sensor. Apparently she wants to slow-hang for our enjoyment. She says it’s a fantasy she’s had for a long time. I hope you all enjoy the show. Now let’s all watch her hang, shall we?”

She hit a control on the side of the gallows. I saw the noose slowly retract upward. It tightened around Rachel’s neck until she was pulled up onto her toes.

The noose paused, holding her there for a moment. She appeared to nervously swallow as she panted for breath. Everyone around us went deathly silent. My cock strained in my trousers.

“Are you ready?” Monique calmly asked Rachel.

My fuck-buddy turned and looked at her. “I g-guess so,” she rasped. But her excitement seemed to have diminished. In its place was a sense of uncertainty.

“You look like you’re terribly excited, honey. You might even be one of those females who cum in the noose as she hangs to death. I hope you enjoy yourself.” Then Monique activated a control.

Rachel let out an “URK” as she was pulled up off her feet. She went at least a foot up into the air. I wondered what she was thinking now that she was about to experience her greatest fantasy.

Her feet fluttered for solid footing. Then she started to kick. Her legs went flying as she began struggling in the noose.

She looked right at her uncle and I as she threw her chest out in our direction. Then her legs came together as she started humping. It looked like she was fucking the air.

There were oohs and aahs as she squirted hard. It looked as though she was experiencing one hell of an orgasm. It was incredible to watch.

For a moment she hung limp. Usually that was my cue to take her right down. But Monique never moved a muscle.

Rachel looked at me in alarm as she started to struggle again. She undulated in the noose like a fish dangling from a line. Then her expression took on a look of alarm.

I got the impression she wanted down. Surely it must have hurt like hell. I don’t think she expected to be airborne that long. Or maybe she didn’t know what to expect.

She began to fight the noose again. Her legs started to kick as she jerked and gyrated. But there was no escaping her agony, not this time. She was not back in her bedroom, thus Brian and I didn’t have permission to take her down.

She wriggled and undulated as she writhed in the noose. That’s when her face started turning red. I couldn’t believe how hard my cock became at her struggle.

“Fuck!” Brian quietly gasped as he stood next to me. “I never took her this far. Seeing her hang like that is unbelievable!”

Rachel started humping again. But this time it looked like she’d lost all control. Her first dance had seemed more coordinated. Now she was jerking around as though she couldn’t control how her body responded.

She hitched violently as though she couldn’t help herself. When she humped in our direction I couldn’t help gently humping back at her. It was purely a reflexive reaction.

“Fucking hell!” Brian gasped. Next to him Jessica blurted out, “Damn! Sis is really suffering! It looks so… it looks so HOT!”

Next to me Lisa was panting for breath. Without taking my eyes off Rachel I asked, “Are you ok?”

“I can’t fucking believe it! She’s really suffering! She’s jerking around like… like she’s fucking or something!”

I took a quick look around. Ever male was watching intently. Some of them looked like they were humping too.

I told Lisa, “Every guy in here wants to fuck Rachel right now. Hell, they’re already fucking her!”

“Are they really??” Lisa took a quick glance around. Then she looked back at her best female friend who was now really suffering in the noose.

Rachel kicked hard as she swung back and forth. It was as though she was desperate to free herself. Her arms jerked behind her back as her legs flew every which way.

Her face turned a dark shade of red. She twisted and swung as her legs went flying. Then they came together as she started humping the air again.

I couldn’t help humping back at her. A moment later my cock went off. It left a stain in my trousers. But a quick glance around revealed I wasn’t the only one. Even Brian was breathing heavily as he humped with his torso.

Rachel thrust her crotch outward until a massive spray arced out of her cunt. Her pussy lips had flared and were winking like crazy. Then exhaustion appeared to set in.

She hung quietly as she gently swung back and forth while twisting in place. I saw twitches in her arms and legs. Her crotch humped a little, but it looked mostly like muscle reflexes.

Her face was a dark shade of red. I thought I could actually hear the rope creak as she swayed back and forth. The spectators around us had gone deathly silent as though determined to listen to every little agonizing sound she made.

I thought I heard a gurgle as her toes wriggled. Stray muscles fired in her upper thighs. She appeared to shudder a little. Then I heard a distinct splatter as her bladder gave way.

That must have been the sign everyone was waiting for. Now the murmurs started back up… “She just pissed herself.”  “Did you see how hard she climaxed?”  “She really fought the noose for a while there!”  “And the way she was fucking us?”  “I was fucking her right back! Look at the stain in my crotch! Totally worth it!”

Rachel tiredly swung back and forth. It looked like her eyes were glazing over. There wasn’t near the excitement and enthusiasm in her expression like there had been right before she became airborne.

Monique walked up to her. She started pawing and groping her, telling her how hot it had been and how she’d mesmerized the entire audience with her dance. She even commented how several pairs of pants had been stained as a direct result of her performance.

She rubbed Rachel’s breasts. Then she fingered her dripping slit. Rachel did not respond. Her eyes were vacant, her expression starting to sag.

Monique turned to face the audience. “Wasn’t that a wonderful performance? Let’s give the young lady a nice round of applause, shall we?”

Rachel didn’t get ‘a nice round of applause’. She got a standing ovation. There were loud cheers and whistles as everyone clapped enthusiastically.

“Well, Jessica?” Brian said to Rachel’s sister after the cheers started dying down. “What did you think?”

“Incredible!” she panted. “Just… incredible!” She didn’t seem to know what else to say. Amazingly she just stood there with Rachel’s attire still in her arms.

“Look on the bright side,” Lisa told her with a wry smile. “It looks like you just inherited all her clothes. I know she was complaining about you borrowing her things. Now you won’t have to worry about it anymore.”

I looked at Brian who looked back at me. “Was it everything you thought it would be?”

“More,” he said quietly with a nod. “I never took her that far. That was unbelievable!”

“I never hanged her that long either. She looked like she was really suffering at the end. You think she enjoyed it?”

“She got several orgasms out of the deal,” he replied. “Hell, she must have gotten something out of it!”

The four of us stood there in silence for the longest time, watching Rachel dangle quietly in the noose. Meanwhile people around us began to depart, They’d gotten to witness an execution. Now they were eager to get back to their gambling.

2019 (written for “Clyde” and “Rachel” Aug 23 ’19 by riwa)

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Patreon and Riwas Reads updates 0 (0)

Riwa’s Stories at Patreon

Coming May rewards

Shelly goes to Cancun for some freediving fun.
The conclusion to the Club story A Night to Remember.
A CSI story about three naked bodies found at the bottom of a pool.
Scarlett is hanged (w/poser render illustrations)
Wendy poses in pink for two fans at the bottom of her pool.
A husband arranges for a bathtub accident for his wife.
Yvette gets punished for lying, a punishment that involves a noose.
A woman finds herself caught in a deadly game at the bottom of a pool.
A woman frequently gets drunk and gets off in her bedroom while playing with guns.

March stories/rewards will fall off at the end of April to make room for May rewards.

The month of May means I will be celebrating my one year anniversary of moving back to my home state to live closer to mom. So much has happened over the past year. I can’t imagine what it would have been like had I waited a year and been forced to move right now during the virus that is going around. There have been many adjustments to make. But mom has been happier since I’ve moved back. I feel a lot better being closer to her so I don’t worry about her as much as I did when I lived 680 miles away.

I hope you are all doing well. I appreciate every one of you. When I work on stories I always find myself thinking about what I can put up next for you to enjoy. So I want to thank you again for being my patrons.

Riwa’s Reads updates

Sore Losers (reactivated 4-8-20)

6640 words – $5.00

From the keyboard of Richard “Riwa” Shepard. Special thanks to JustPaul for the cover and the illustrations. Reposted.

Michelle scores the winning goal for the visiting team at an underwater hockey game. Rather than head to the locker room with her teammates, she tarries by the pool to savor the victory. “Accidentally” knocking the puck into the water, she decides to relive that last score to once more experience the exhilaration of victory… and to experience a little something more. What will happen when a few sore losers from the other team catch her at the bottom of their pool? (20 pages; 16 renders)

Sore Losers: the revenge (reactivated 4-8-20)

7457 words – $5.00

From the keyboard of Richard “Riwa” Shepard. Special thanks to JustPaul for the cover and the illustrations. Reposted.

Michelle’s teammates go looking for her when she does not return to the locker room. They find her in the sadistic clutches of members of the opposing team. It’s time for a little revenge on these “sore losers”, especially when it is discovered the kind of toys these girls keep in the cabinet of their private spa room. (22 pages; 13 renders)

Dear Diary 03 (plus bonus) (reactivated 4-21-20)

12498 words – $5.00

From the keyboard of Richard “Riwa” Shepard comes a reposted reworking of the Dear Diary series with a re-edited chapter 3. Included is a bonus “dry” story.

Dear Diary 3 – The pool is finished and the family enjoys a swim and a backyard lunch. Brother Billy chases Kristen in the hopes of removing her bikini top until mom joins in, leaving two tops that need to be removed. Billy requests help from his father, and the whole family joins in. Mom and Kristen decide to put on a little show for the guys, only for daddy to decide he’s been teased long enough. (6 pages)

The Gasping Models – Christine and Tara respond to an ad for models who are interested in being filmed for short gasping video clips. Since the two enjoy playing gasping games together, it is a no-brainer for them to respond to the ad. But the director likes their work so much that he keeps offering them more money for additional scenes, including a bonus for a grand finale that neither one is anticipating. (16 pages)

Island 25-26 (4-21-20)

21737 words – $6.00

From the keyboard of Richard “Riwa” Shepard comes the continuation of a pair of long, older series recently edited, the Island of Condemned Inmates and Jaime visiting the Club.

Island 25-26 – Christina is depressed over the loss of Susan during the last contest. Meanwhile Helen and Tamika have joined together to become a couple of gremlins, spreading mischief everywhere. The staff finally take it upon themselves to exert a little payback on the gremlins in the pool. (25 pages)

Jaime 30-31 – John and the masked girl head to the sex room to check in on Jaime and Sylvia. They take turns fucking the whored-out duo – the attendant using a massive strap-on on her sister – until Sylvia’s sensor suddenly pops. Sylvia is gagged and bound before being escorted naked along with a nude Jaime through the Club to the Entertainment stage. There Sylvia will ride the X-cross to receive the pole up one of her holes all the way through. (18 pages)

Robyn’s revenge 3 (plus bonus) (4-21-19)

12020 words – $5.00

From the keyboard of Richard “Riwa” Shepard comes the continuation of a couple of older stories, one of which has been requested by many fans.

Robyn’s revenge 3 – Holly escapes the elevator, head-butting Robyn in the process. Robyn chases after her and gives her a dose of what she gave Emma in the lazy river. Meanwhile poor Emma finds herself enduring multiple orgasms not of her own choosing. (8 pages)

The Enlightenment of Hannah 8-10 – Hannah’s mother tells her never to go down to the servants’ quarters again. But Hannah goes down out of fear for her mother, only to discover she is planning on enjoying watching one of the girls dangle from the rope. Hannah pays for her decision by feeling the rope around her own neck. Later, Hannah goes back down again upon hearing about a new girl. When the new girl expresses her reluctance, Raven uses Hannah as an “object lesson” in learning how to dangle. (15 pages)

Posted in Riwas Reads | Leave a comment

House warming party 4.4 (15)

After getting my new place, I invited all my friends over for a house warming party. I gave everyone the grand tour as the drinks flowed freely. When it got late, they all began to depart until Dorothy and her friend Kathy were the only ones remaining.

Earlier they’d asked about the one door in the basement I hadn’t opened. I’d told them I only used it for storage. Now I asked if they really wanted to see what was behind that door.

The look in my eyes and the smile on my face made them both curious. So I took them downstairs and opened it up. They both gasped in shock when they looked inside.

A large French guillotine filled the center of the room. Next to it was a king-sized bed. A noose dangled from a hole in the ceiling.

“Bloody hell!” Dorothy gasped with admiration.

In response, Kathy rolled her eyes. “Which one do you want to try out more, love?” she asked sarcastically. “…the bed or the blade?”

“Both,” Dorothy panted breathlessly.

I led the ladies over and allowed them to touch the guillotine. Kathy pulled down on the dangling noose, testing how strong it was. “It’s strong enough to lift you up into the air, love,” Dorothy told her with a chuckle.

Both ladies were horny as they started taking turns kissing me. I think my objects of execution had really turned them on. Either that or they were still intoxicated from the drinks they’d consumed.

My pants were quickly pulled down. I was a little surprised when they both offered to share. They actually took turns sucking my dick. I didn’t bother to stop them since they both seemed eager.

I jokingly asked if either one of them wanted to try out the noose or the blade. Dorothy said she was more than willing to give it a go. So I helped her out of her clothes before strapping her down naked onto the bench to the guillotine.

I made sure she was nice and snug before going around behind her. Then I gave her a good, hard shag. She panted with excitement, moaning her lust.

Kathy shook her head at Dorothy’s enthusiasm. Then she looked at me with a grin. “I think she wants you to behead her, love.”

“Bloody hell, no!” Dorothy panted. “Wait, maybe I do… oh bloody hell; no… no, wait… maybe I… hell, I can’t make up my mind!”

I grinned at Kathy as I asked, “If I let you pull the lever that beheads her, will you ride the noose for me?”

“The n-noose?”

“Go ahead, love,” Dorothy encouraged. “If he can take my head, surely you can hang for him; right?”

“Want to watch your friend being beheaded?” I asked as I kept fucking Dorothy. She just kept panting and moaning as I shagged her nice and slow.

Kathy looked jealous as hell. “Will you fuck me in the noose?”

I smiled when I told her, “Of course.”

By then Dorothy was groaning and whimpering. She looked at her friend and told her, “You should hang for him, you silly bitch. He’ll love you for it.”

“Only after he takes your head,” Kathy retorted.

“I don’t know… bloody hell… I’m so tempted…” I figured it was the alcohol talking.

“Do it!” Kathy blurted out. “Drop the blade and send her to heaven. If you do, I’ll let you fuck me in the noose!”

I smiled at her. “I have a better idea. Let’s get you all noosed up first. Then you won’t back out on me.”

“Noosed up? Uh… ok… I guess.”

“Don’t back out on him now, Kathy,” her friend chided her. “After all, I’m in here riding the guillotine while getting a lovely shag. It’s only fair you let him stretch your neck as a gift for his house warming party.”

Kathy finished getting undressed, revealing how erect her nipples had become. I dutifully tied her arms behind her back. Then I noosed her up, noticing how moist her crotch had become.

Before I was finished with her, I made sure there was very little slack. I wanted her to feel the rope while she was forced to stand on her toes. Then I went back behind Dorothy.

Once more I proceeded to give her a good shag. She moaned and panted like crazy. But she kept urging me to hang her friend so we could both watch.

Kathy didn’t take that very well. She responded by telling me to behead the silly bitch. She wanted me to send her to heaven so I would feel her pussy milk me dry.

I fucked Dorothy harder as her friend shuffled around on her toes. “Do you really want me to do it?” I asked them both. I was giving it some serious consideration.

Dorothy stammered uncertainly. Then she blurted out, “DO IT! SEND ME TO HEAVEN, LOVE!”

“DO IT!” Kathy repeated excitedly. “BEHEAD THE CRAZY BITCH!”

I reached over to the controls that were within arm’s reach. Then I activated the guillotine.

Dorothy screamed as the blade whooshed down. Kathy cried out in shock. Then the blade bottomed out with a loud THUNK.

Dorothy’s pussy instinctively clenched until she almost milked a cum right out of me. But her head still remained attached as she passed out. Kathy jerked with a start before she blinked in surprise.

I hit another button. Almost immediately Kathy was pulled up off her feet. She didn’t have time to think about her friend still wearing her head.

She gawked and then started to kick as I pulled my erection out of Dorothy. I walked over to Kathy and grabbed her from behind. Then I thrust my cock up into her, fucking her as she dangled from the noose a couple inches off the floor.

Her bewildered friend regained consciousness. Dorothy could see Kathy was strangling from the tightening coil as I slid my cock in and out of her. All she could do was gasp, “Bloody hell; that’s hot!”

Kathy tried to kick as she jerked around. Her friend could only stare in jealous amazement. Then my cock emptied itself inside Kathy’s spasming pussy.

I pulled out and walked over to the controls, only to momentarily leave her dangling. Then I lowered her to the floor before releasing her. She looked dazed and disoriented as I set Dorothy free from the guillotine.

I assumed that would satisfy them both. Apparently I was wrong. It only made them hornier as they both wanted to fuck me again.

The three of us got onto the bed where I shagged the hell out of them. They both had orgasms while I tried to hold mine back. It wasn’t long until they realized I hadn’t cum yet.

“What’s the matter, love?” Dorothy asked with an intoxicated grin. “Can’t cum unless you’re hanging or beheading one of us?”

I smiled as I told them, “Do you two really want to have another go at it?”

“This time I should ride the guillotine,” Kathy stated. “That silly bitch should feel the noose.” Dorothy was totally agreeable.

I secured Kathy naked to the guillotine. But I made her lie flat on her back so she was looking up at the blade. It certainly unnerved her.

“What’s the matter, love?” Dorothy chuckled as I tied her arms behind her back. “This way you’ll get to see it coming.”

“Bloody hell!” Kathy panted as she squirmed naked on the bench.

I went around front and offered my cock to Kathy. She tipped her head back and took it down her throat. Dorothy chuckled as she told her, “One last suck before you lose your head, eh, love?”

I pulled out of Kathy’s mouth. Then I asked them both, “How’d you like to make it interesting.”

Kathy looked up at me and asked, “What do you mean?”

“One of you has ten minutes to get me off. If she fails, Dorothy hangs while you lose your head.”

“Ten minutes?” Kathy replied nervously. Then she told her friend, “I guess you’d better do it, love. Between the two of us, I’d say you’re the sluttiest.”

“Bitch!” Dorothy snorted good-naturedly. Then she smiled at me as she told me, “Just take Kathy’s head and be done with it.”

“If my head comes off, you’ve got to hang, you stroppy bitch! You’ve got ten minutes to make him cum!”

“No problem! I can get him off in five!”

“Better get on with it then.”

I activated the program I’d plugged into the controls. Dorothy got down on her knees and started sucking my cock as I sat on the edge of the bed. She was forced to use only her mouth as her hands were still tied behind her back. The noose remained draped ominously around her neck.

She moaned and sucked like a bitch in heat. Her friend Kathy looked up and shivered at the blade dangling above her. Through the sound of her friend sucking and slurping I heard Kathy murmur, “What the hell was I thinking to agree to all this?”

Dorothy only got to suck for about five minutes before the noose tightened. She couldn’t get my cock into her mouth anymore. So she called out to her friend, “Love, I can’t suck his dick anymore! He tightened the noose on me!”

“You can always climb on and ride me,” I suggested with a smile.

Kathy blurted out, “Would you just get on with it?? I don’t want to lose my bloody head!” The poor thing was starting to hyperventilate while being strapped down to the guillotine.

Dorothy climbed on and impaled herself on my hard, throbbing shaft. I couldn’t help reaching out to grope and fondle her boobs. She really ground against me as her pussy tried to milk me dry.

In the guillotine I heard Kathy nervously stammer, “Are you getting him off yet?”

“I’m working on it, love! Stop your squawking!”

“How much time do we have left?”

“How the hell should I know?”

It wasn’t long until the noose got tighter around Dorothy’s neck. It was slowly being retracted up into the ceiling. Her eyes widened in alarm as she tried to ride me harder and faster, panting anxiously as she groaned and whimpered.

Kathy blurted out, “Will you just get him off already??”

“I’m *rasp* trying!” The noose is *gawk* tightening!”

“Maybe he wants to get off watching us die!”

“Bloody hell!” And with that Dorothy frantically increased her rhythmic gyrations on my throbbing dick.

The noose continued to tighten, threatening to pull her up off my cock. Her face turned red as I fingered and pinched her swollen nipples. She gawked and gurgled as she rode me in growing desperation, even as she started to lose my cock from inside her.

Kathy suddenly blurted out, “Is he there yet?” That’s when the blade whooshed down. She started to scream, but her voice was cut off as her head dropped onto the floor and bounced once.

Her naked body jerked as her back arched. Cum sprayed out of her pussy as her naked body bucked and hitched all secured to the bench. Her neck spurted copious amounts of blood.

Dorothy let out a horrified squawk. Then she was pulled right up into the air, her feet fluttering a couple of feet above the floor. She twisted as she swayed around above the severed head of her dying friend.

Her legs began to kick as she swung back and forth. I lifted Kathy’s head and let her see her dangling friend. Her eyes flickered from what little life was still on display.

I slowly pushed my cock into her neck stump. It came out past her lips. I smiled at the way Kathy’s head gave good head.

Dorothy looked down at me, horrified at the sight of her friend’s skull with the tip of my cock sticking out of her mouth. She kicked and jerked until she began humping the air. Then she squirted her orgasm, splattering her friend right in the face.

It was so arousing that my cock went off. Cum arced out of the tip sticking out past Kathy’s lips. It splattered Dorothy’s bare feet and ankles, a satisfying release.

I looked down to see Kathy’s face had sagged tiredly, all coated from her friend’s cum. But I think she got to see my cream splatter her friend’s tootsies. Then Dorothy’s gyrations began to lessen until she tiredly swung back and forth.

I went up to her and groped her boobs before fingering her pussy. It was still clenching. Then I took her friend’s head off my cock before it softened too much. I brought their lips together so they could share one last friendly kiss.

Seeing them both dead got me hard again. So I put Kathy’s head on her chest. She got to watch as I lowered Dorothy back down enough to give her a good butt-fucking.

After leaving a deposit up Dorothy’s bum, I turned Kathy’s head so she was facing her feet. Then I gave her a good shagging in her arse while she watched. Her expression was tired and lifeless as I groped her breasts while leaving a nice, creamy load up her bum.

I felt a little bad I hadn’t told them about the lye pit out back. But they didn’t put up any objections. I figured they were both willing to go for a dip.

I hauled their bodies out and then tossed them in one at a time. After half an hour, their bodies, clothes and miscellaneous possessions dissolved into nothingness. It turned out to be a fitting end to a terrific house warming party.

2019 (written for Dorothy May 8 ‘19 by riwa)

Posted in Asphyxia Stories, Beheading Stories, Dorothy and her friends | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

The Reservoir 4.1 (14)

(A repost of one of my earliest drowning stories.)

Evelyn followed the gravel road, feeling her excitement build. She rounded a corner and saw the small irrigation reservoir. That’s when she felt her heart leap in her chest as she felt herself moisten down below with anticipation.

At last…

She’d been looking forward to this for months. It had taken her this long just to clean her busy schedule. Somehow she’d managed to get vacation time from work and make the trip back home to see her mom and dad.

It was true, they were important to her. But she’d been looking forward to this the most.

She turned off onto a dirt road that followed a small ditch that fed the irrigation dam. She looked ahead, scanning for vehicles that might be parked next to her favorite swimming spot. She didn’t see any.

Hot damn!

She gasped excitedly before glancing at the weight belt, flippers and dive mask sitting on the passenger seat she’d borrowed from her brother’s room. He’d gone away on a road trip with some of the guys he hung around with. Her mom had turned her old bedroom into a craft room because her daughter lived and worked out of state. So now they allowed her to sleep in Tim’s room.

She had found his gear in a closet. Thus she’d concluded he was secretly an aquaphile just like she was. That meant he wouldn’t mind her borrowing the items, not if he would have known what she was going to use them for… not that she’d ever tell him or her parents.

She drove across the head of the dam before pulling off the road. She parked next to a gnarly tree that had been there ever since she could remember. That was when she’d come up to the dam as a teenager 8 years ago.

A quick glance down the bank revealed the raft half out of the water. Apparently it had been left there by the previous swimmer or swimmers who had been there before her.


She slipped out of her t-shirt and shorts, revealing her red g-string and thong. She would never have embarrassed her folks by letting them see her in them. But she suspected they knew their grown-up daughter had some revealing outfits in her wardrobe.

She grabbed the gear she’d brought with her. Then she pulled the keys out of the ignition and locked the car. That’s when she eased herself down the bank to the muddy shore.

She pushed the raft off the bank, allowing it to float out toward the middle of the finger of water that she’d come to call “her spot”. She hid her car keys under a rock. Then she put on the weight belt, mask and fins before wading into the cool water of the reservoir.

It felt refreshing on this hot August day. She finned her way out to the raft, only to push it farther out. Then she took a breath and dived under.

Damn; this was great! She should have bought a set of flippers and a weight belt for herself years ago. But she’d put every penny she’d earned into a car and her schooling.

She swam up to the surface and gasped for breath. A quick look around confirmed there was no one else within her line of sight. She hadn’t seen any cars when she’d driven around the perimeter of the dam along the gravel road. That meant she had the whole place all to herself.

She gasped again as she felt a tingle down in her lower region. She was getting moist down there. So she inhaled before she dove downward, finning herself toward the bottom.

The deeper she went, the colder it got and the darker it became. Irrigation water was never that clear to begin with. She certainly didn’t have many opportunities to swim in crystal-clear lakes. But that didn’t matter.

This was where she’d first discovered the pleasures of breath-holding. It was also the place where she’d learned how to pleasure herself while depriving herself of air below the surface. The memories came flooding back.

She was swimming downward when her hands touched the muddy bottom. That was impressive! She’d never been able to do that before!

She’d always chickened out before she got down far enough. Of course, she never had a set of swim fins to help her like she did now.

She clawed a handful of the muddy soil and brought it up to her face. She could barely make it out. Gawd, she was getting horny!

She dropped the mud from out of her hand. She released bubbles out of her mouth, enjoying the sound of them. Then she finned her way back to the surface where the water got warmer, brighter and less murky.

Her head cleared the surface and she gasped for breath, feeling totally exhilarated. She’d come up well before she needed to. She’d even reached the bottom this time. It gave her a thrill of sexual excitement.

‘I wonder if I should take my suit off,’ she thought to herself. That was something she’d never done before. Mainly it was because she’d previously had neither the opportunity nor the courage.

The water was dirty; that much was certain. And there were fish swimming around in here. But she’d never heard anyone getting bitten or nibbled on, not that it probably hadn’t happened to someone.

The more she thought about it, the more she wanted to do it. She wanted to feel the water caress her nipples, unfettered by any fabric. And she wanted to feel the cool water caress her hairy pussy and tease her clit.

It was possible she might attract a nibble or two. But she seriously doubted she had anything to worry about. Besides, she was becoming even more aroused thinking about swimming naked, especially since there was no one around.

She slipped out of her bikini top and placed it on the raft. Then she reached down, pulled down her thong and added it to the other flimsy piece of cloth. Oh yeah; that felt much better!

She took another deep breath. Then she jackknifed downward, her bare ass flashing at the surface. She finned her way to the bottom, wanting to stick her hands in that mud again.

The feel of cool water against her nipples made her shiver with anticipation. As it got colder, she definitely got hotter. The sensation on her uncovered pussy and clit made her long for a release.

This was how she should have done it all those times when she’d come out here before. But there was no point having regrets. She was here right now, enjoying the moment.

She reached the mud and held her breath, allowed the weight belt to pull her down until her butt touched the bottom. She released bubbles as she caressed her breasts. Then she found herself wondering how many times her younger brother had come out here and had done the same thing. Had he played with himself too?

She felt the discomfort in her chest at the same time she felt an increased stirring in her loins. She reached a hand down and rubbed herself, feeling the heat begin to blossom within her. Oh yeah; she was getting close.

She delayed surfacing as her lungs begin to burn. She pushed both her breath-holding and her sexual stimulation. Damn; this was going to be good! But she was almost out of air.

Disappointed, she finned herself back up to the raft. She could feel a cum just over the horizon. She surfaced and gasped for breath, rubbing herself to maintain her current level of sexual excitement.

At this rate it wouldn’t be much longer. But she wanted to be on the bottom when it happened. Usually she climaxed halfway down during previous trips out here to get herself off.

She took a deep breath and dove for the bottom once more, her ass flashing as she jackknifed. She finned downward as fast as she could. She wanted to get there quick so she could enjoy the full effect of the explosion she knew was coming.

She touched the bottom and stretched herself out into a horizontal position. The weight belt kept her tethered to the mud. It made her shiver with sexual arousal.

She waved a hand over her breasts, letting the brush of cool water stimulate her nipples. She waved that same hand over her pussy, allowing the ripples to tickle her clit. She was so close.

She felt the orgasm rush her, causing her to stick a couple fingers into her quivering twat. It surged toward her until it overwhelmed her. She bubbled with pleasure as she squeezed her thighs against the hand in her crotch.

She released her breath in a froth of bubbles. She moaned with pleasure as her head twisted back and forth. Her body quivered as it flushed hotly through every fiber of her being.

Water stirred all around her, moving back and forth across her tits and dancing over her clit. Her eyes opened wide as she felt a second orgasm flush through her. It felt even more intense than the last one.

She tipped her head back and cried out in bubbly pleasure. Then she involuntarily gulped a mouthful of water. That’s when her eyes snapped open in shock.

Panic gripped her as she cover her mouth while trying to launch herself off the bottom. But she’d already given in. Her lungs instinctively opened up.

She coughed, reflexively inhaled, coughed, inhaled again. She tried to fin her way back to the surface. But her brain was sending mixed messages, making her movements uncoordinated.

Her arms waved wildly as she lost upward momentum. She hitched and convulsed as the weight belt took over. Then she began to drift downward, her body overcome with paroxysms.

Something told her to shed the weight belt. But it belonged to her brother and she didn’t want to lose it. By then it was too late, and she couldn’t bring her arms to her waist to pop it loose.

She touched down on the mud, still spasming painfully. Her vision began to dim as a flush of warmth rippled through her. A few stray bubbles slipped out past her parted lips as her eyes rolled up into her head.

Her body finally settled on the muddy bottom, hit by a stray muscle spasm. A few bubbles escaped her flooded lungs to scurry upward. Only the floating raft with her discarded bikini marked her location on the bottom of the irrigation reservoir. And that changed when a breeze came up and gently blew it back to shore.

2004; 2019 (written Nov 8 ’04; ed. Apr 4 ’19 by riwa)

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Cruelty of the Junta (graphic) 3.8 (4)

Note: a story for the non-con enthusiasts.

We knew they were coming. We’d heard the rumors. But where could we go?

A few fled into the jungle. I did not know how they could survive. Apparently they feared the junta more.

Others took their chances with the river. I did not think it a wise idea. I was certain death awaited downstream.

A week later the military arrived. They came in trucks and jeeps. They immediately took over the town.

They found Mayor Esperanza and lined him up outside against the wall of a neighboring building. Then they had him shot, just like that. Afterwards they moved into the building from whence he used to discharge his duties.

We tried to stay off the streets out of harm’s way. But that did no good. Sometimes they broke into our homes in search of food and amusement.

I was hurrying home from a necessary errand, praying I would not be spotted. Then I heard the screams. Curiosity made me want to observe.

I rounded a corner and looked out onto the street. In front of the Mayor’s office five members of the military were having their way with Leticia Speranzo. She was nude while they were raping her right there in broad daylight.

She kept crying out for someone to come to her aid. But the townsfolk hid behind closed doors. The prevailing attitude was that it was safer not to get involved.

I watched in horrified fascination as they gang-raped her. They coated her with their seed. Then they pissed on her, totally humiliating her.

She was sobbing as she tried to rise up. She could only make it to her knees. She looked battered and bloodied.

One of the military officers produced a wicked looking sword. Then he took a mighty swing. Leticia no longer had her head.

Her body collapsed in a heap on the ground. She went into spasms and convulsions. Her bladder released as her bowels voided. But her rapists only laughed at her before heading back inside the building.

I swallowed my horror as I rushed home, praying I would not be caught outside. What I had witnessed was horrible. What shamed me even more was the way my mind kept replaying it over and over again.

I experienced a shameful arousal reliving poor Leticia’s beheading and bodily discharges in my head. I could not help myself. I masturbated until I orgasmed more than once. Then I cried myself to sleep, ashamed of the way I’d achieved release at her abuse and death.

After that day, the military began going through town seeking women to satisfy themselves. All of us feared for our lives. Word of what had been done to Leticia swept through the streets. Her body may have disappeared, but her shameful death remained on everyone’s mind.

I knew it would soon be my turn. It was said you might live if you did not resist. So I allowed them to take me when they burst into my home.

They did not even bother dragging me back to the Mayor’s building. They raped me on my own living room floor. I was nothing but a whore to them, a piece of meat to give them sexual satisfaction.

I was beaten and bloodied. Then I was filled with cum, both in my cunt and ass. I do not know if I was more relieved or disappointed when they allowed me to live.

Word soon spread how they did not reserve their appetite for female flesh alone. The military caught Ramone Viergo rushing home to tend to the care of his mother. He never did get there.

They abused him sexually, making him suck their cocks. Then they raped his ass. After coating him with spunk and piss, they beheaded him.

I heard from an eyewitness how his naked body jerked around at the moment of beheading. Apparently his cock discharged. Afterwards there was a messy bowel movement.

I was not there to witness the cruel event. But I could easily imagine it in my mind because of poor Leticia. I should have shown more respectful. Instead I rushed home and shamefully masturbated, imagining the horror and humiliation poor Ramone must have endured before his beheading.

Several of us females were rounded up and taken to the hall of events. Many of the military junta were in attendance. They staged a massive orgy.

All of us were raped more than once. We were treated like whores. We tolerated it as best we could.

Things took an ugly turn when Maria Alvarez was forced upon a man’s big cock. He had been hurting the women with his huge member. Even I had endured it at one point in time.

Maria sat in his lap with his cock up her ass. She was facing me at the time. Then he produced a thin cord.

I don’t know why he did it. But he wrapped it around her throat and pulled hard. She had done nothing to earn or deserve his wrath.

All at once she started to squirm. Her face turned red as he cried out how wonderful it felt. She reached up to claw the cord away, but to no avail.

I watched as she started to shudder. She was looking right at me as her bladder released. She pissed both herself and the man upon whose lap she was sitting.

He roared out his release as he rammed his huge member hard up her ass. Then he pushed her off. She crumpled onto the floor, a loud fart preceding the voiding of her bowels.

The guys all laughed. Many of the women tried to act like it was funny. I learned it was safer to go along and make fun of the suffering of others rather than risking a similar fate.

Naturally I was horrified at the way she was so cruelly snuffed. I was also shamefully aroused. Then I found myself on my hands and knees, a cock invading my own anal passage.

I was looking right at Maria’s spasming corpse. There was a whiff of bladder and bowel. The poor thing had been used like a whore and then subsequently dispatched. When my rapist came inside me, I shamefully climaxed right along with him.

There was one more indignity before we were allowed to return to our homes. Several of the men took Loretta Lopez to a corner of the room with an exposed beam. She was forced to kneel and suck many cocks. Several shamefully splattered her face.

When it was all said and done, someone looped a rope around her neck. The other end was tossed over the beam. Then she was lifted up into the air.

She kicked and struggled as her hands flew up to claw at the rope around her throat. The males all laughed at her. Several of the women smiled and pointed as though fearing for their lives if they showed horror or displeasure.

I was impaled on the lap of Big Cock at the time. He filled my cunt as I watched poor Loretta. She kicked so shamefully as she fought her noose that I milked a cum right out of my rapist.

She finally lost the ability to put up a struggle. Her arms hung limp as her naked body gently swayed back and forth. Her bladder gave way, urine dripping off her toes. Then her bowels voided, leaving a mess on the floor beneath her.

There was much laughter at her humiliation, including many of the women of the town. Loretta had been used and then hanged like a worthless whore for the amusement of her rapists. It was disgracefully arousing. Shamefully I came all over the cock still inside me.

Our overseers claimed something had been stolen from them. I did not know what it could possibly be. Besides, who would risk such a foolish action in a town where tyranny was law?

Much of the village was forced to gather in the town square. There a small platform had been erected. I feared the worst when I saw a block and axe on display.

The Navarro family was escorted over and forced to stand nearby. First was Edwardo, both husband and father. I remembered his kindness in years past while helping my family.

He was forced to kneel naked with his hands tied behind his back. His neck was stretched out over the block. Then one of the officers picked up the axe.

We all gasped as one. Then another got behind him and began shamefully raping him. They did it in front of his family as well as the whole town.

I watched as Edwardo’s cock involuntarily extended. The junta laughed and jeered at him. The rest of us were encouraged to follow suit. None of us dared disobey.

I was trying to laugh when the axe came down. Eduardo’s head jumped off his shoulders. Then he toppled over, the cock in his ass popping out.

His cock spurted as his bowels voided. They just kicked him aside. Then Edwina the mother was forced to take her husband’s place.

The daughter Juanita screamed for mercy for her mother. But it was not to be. Another member of the military raped her ass.

At the height of her agony the axe was lifted and then brought down hard. Edwina’s whimpers and cries were silenced the moment her head bounced. Her rapist roared his pleasure and pulled out.

Her body toppled onto its side. Her bladder released as her bowels also voided. She hitched and spasmed as she lay dying close to the body of her husband. I could only wince as I climaxed most shamefully.

Last was the daughter Juanita. We all felt sorry for her. But no one dared utter a word.

Big Cock was granted the privilege of raping her. We were all forced to laugh and jeer at her. I felt so ashamed at the arousal I was experiencing.

The axe was lifted high. There was a roar to behead her. Several of the townsfolk added their voices. It was hard to tell if it was out of self-preservation or a sense of genuine enthusiasm.

The axe came down, silencing poor Juanita’s whimpers. Her body jerked as her head bounced. Her rapist roared his release. Then he pulled out of her ass.

There was a pop, followed by a loud fart as she toppled over onto her side. Then her bowels voided messily. I climaxed shamefully, witnessing with humiliation how the daughter of an honorable family had been treated like a whore as she was cruelly snuffed for the entertainment of one and all.

Our numbers were slowly being whittled down. Every day there was another death. And every day there were a few additions, apparently brought in from neighboring villages.

I feared the worse. They were treating the women like whores. Afterwards they were sometimes snuffed without a care in the world.

Often they were disposed in such undignified methods. How long before I would be next? And would anybody care?

Many ended up in the river, drifting downstream. Several ended up being tossed down an unused well. There were no solemn occasions to mourn the dead. Often we said no more than a silent prayer before moving on with our tenuous lives.

One day they began digging a hole in the park near the town square. They also began building a gallows. I sensed more deaths were soon to occur.

Should I try to flee into the jungle? Should I try to make it to the river, hoping to make my way downstream? The junta were everywhere; there seemed to be no escape.

Finally the gallows was finished. The military was eager to try it out. So the whole town was forced to gather together.

They had no one to hang from it, not that it mattered to them. They could choose anyone they wished. To our combined horror, that’s exactly what they did.

The first one chosen was Leila Fuentes. She was 23 and had made the rounds among the military. I thought they valued her as a whore and wished to keep her alive. I thought wrong.

She was roughly dragged out of the crowd and taken up the steps. She cried and resisted the entire time. She did not know why she had been chosen, being as how she had whored herself out in order to save herself. In the end, it did her no good.

They ripped her shabby clothes off her body until she was naked. Then they noosed her up. I felt a strange sense of excitement and revulsion.

She kept fighting and screaming. But what was the point? Didn’t she understand our lives had already been condemned by the junta? It was only a matter of time.

They did not even tie her wrists behind her back. They simply dropped the trap. What a laugh; she only fell half a foot.

Leila kicked and swung as she clawed at the noose around her throat. Everyone pointed at her naked body, laughing at her suffering. I shamefully laughed as well.

I saw many cocks appear in the hands of both military and townsfolk alike. Women openly masturbated. It made it much easier for me to pleasure myself watching her nude dance of death.

The noose was so thick that she fought for a good ten minutes before she grew tired. Her bladder finally gave way, piss streaming down her legs. Everyone laughed and jeered.

Her naked body hitched and jerked in her death throes. Then I heard the loud fart. Her bowels voided as everyone cheered. I climaxed, though not nearly as shamefully as before.

The trap was swung back up. One of the execution party eagerly fucked her corpse, much to the amusement of the others. Then she was taken down, her naked body unceremoniously heaved into the nearby pit that had been dug.

After hanging Leila, two members of the military were chosen. They waded through the crowd until they grabbed a young man I did not know. They had chosen him purely at random. That meant none of us were safe.

He was hauled up onto the platform where he was also forcibly unclothed. His arms were roughly tied behind his back. Then he was noosed as he stood over the trap.

Another member of the execution party stepped up behind him. I could tell he was fucking him from behind. The young man developed an embarrassing erection as the crowd roared its approval.

At the height of his abuse, his rapist roared out his release. Then the trap was dropped. He was left kicking and jerking naked in midair, his hard cock bouncing and twitching.

He must have fought the noose for 10 or 12 minutes at least. His cock finally went off, spurting its load to the delight of the onlookers. Then he dangled quietly.

I shamefully masturbated, jeering right along with the others in order to save myself. Then we all heard the loud fart. I climaxed the moment his bowels released, the messy discharge staining his legs. He was nothing but a male whore, condemned to death and casually snuffed for the amusement of one and all.

His naked body swung quietly as we all laughed, jeered and masturbated. Then he was taken down. The two military officers grabbed his shoulders and feet before tossing him right on top of poor Leila’s naked corpse.

I felt a strange mixture of fear, revulsion and arousal. How long was this going to go on? Who was going to be chosen next??

Two more members of the military began walking through the crowd. Thankfully they were not close to me. I winced when I saw them pick a young woman whose name I did not know. Yet I’d seen her being whored out in the Mayor’s office on several occasions.

Her parents cried out as they stood nearby. Both got rifle butts in their heads, knocking them out. Perhaps they died from the trauma as I did not see them get back up. At any rate, the message was clear.

The crowd began to jeer as she was led struggling to the platform. By now everyone knew what was coming. And they all knew what was expected of them.

I jeered right along with the rest of them. I was grateful it was not me being dragged to the gallows. I was also embarrassed at the way I was experiencing such shameful pleasure.

Her clothes were savagely ripped off her body before her arms were roughly tied behind her back. I do not know why she cried out in agony. It was a wasted effort as there was no one who would dare speak out on her behalf.

This time a spreader bar was attached to her ankles. What new cruelty was this? One end of a slender pole was forced deep up her cunt while the other end was attached to the middle of the spreader bar.

The military laughed and jeered. The townsfolk joined in. I laughed and pointed as I shamelessly rubbed myself.

The trap was dropped; she fell hardly at all. Then she began to kick. She brutally raped herself with that pole in her cunt as her feet jerked around.

There was much laughter and merriment. All around me I saw cocks being stroked and pussies being fingered. I joined in, partly out of self-preservation, but mostly because it was so shamefully arousing.

She violently raped herself as she kicked hard. I found myself loudly cheering her on. It was not wise to refrain from showing enthusiasm. Besides, I was shamefully enjoying myself.

“Rape yourself, bitch!” I taunted as I rubbed myself. “Hang, you fucking whore!” Others took up the chant.

The whole town had gone insane. No one made a move to spare her. The threat of death can make a person do strange things.

It was incredible the way she squirted her orgasm as she fucked the air. Then she pissed herself. Urine trickled down her legs, dripping off her toes to the jeers of the crowd.

I jeered right along with them. Then I cried out, “Now shit yourself, you sexy bitch!” When she did just that I orgasmed all over again. I was not the only one.

She finally went limp, her naked body twitching. She was still in her death throes, piss and shit dribbling down her legs when they took her down. The spreader bar and pole were removed before her naked body was unceremoniously tossed into the pit on top of the other two.

I saw an officer take a piss on the growing pile. Two more joined in. They could not be any more clear in revealing just how worthless they thought everybody had become to them.

Members of the military came out again, searching through the crowd for another victim to hang. Who would they pick next? Who would go from jeering spectator to unfortunate victim?

Another male was chosen, one I did not know. For a moment his wife just stood there in shock. Then she began to jeer him as she cheered his being chosen. I could not believe it.

He was taken up to the platform where he was brutally undressed. His arms were roughly tied behind his back. There were calls from the spectators for the spreader bar to make a return.

He was horrified his friends and neighbors were urging his humiliating death. The spreader bar was attached to his ankles. Then the pole was inserted deep up his ass before being attached once again to the middle of the spreader bar

There was much laughter when the trap was dropped. Almost immediately he began raping his butt with his legs, violently forcing the pole deep up his ass. We all jeered and applauded as many of us masturbated to his cruel fate.

I do not know if I was the loudest. Surely it would not hurt to show enthusiasm. So I jeered and taunted him, eager for his death as my fingers flew over my swollen nub.

He raped his ass until his cock went off. It kept spurting and spurting as we all laughed, applauded and masturbated. I climaxed without shame, having grown cold to the sight of such cruelty to my defenseless neighbors.

He suffered in agony as he lasted a long time in the noose. He finally kicked his life away. His bladder gave way until his cock dripped as he quietly swung back and forth.

Someone hollered, “Remove the pole! Let him shit himself!” The executioners worked to pull the pole out of his ass. That is when he promptly farted in his death throes.

There was much laughter as his bowels voided, the mess staining his legs. He was taken down and unceremoniously dumped in with the others. Then they came out looking for more. By now the crowd was cheering them on.

“Take this one!” I heard some bitch say as she grabbed my arm.

I was horrified as I felt a jolt of alarm. She said it aloud, causing others to take up the cry, “Come and snuff this whore!”

I turned and looked at her in shock. Why was my neighbor Reya betraying me thus?? I gasped, “What the hell are you doing??” But by then it was too late.

They came over and grabbed me by both arms. They hauled me to the gallows as the town roared its approval… “Hang her; hang the whore!” My friends had now become my enemies.

My heart lodged in my throat as I tried to break out of their grasp. Voices continued to clamor for them to “Hang the whore!” I was horrified to realize I was now to become their source of entertainment for the last few miserable minutes of my suddenly shortened life.

I anxiously shook my head; I did not want to die this way. I much preferred to be murdered in my home, a bullet to the brain. That would be quick, quiet and somewhat dignified. There was no dignity to this.

My heart hammered in my chest as I looked down at my friends and neighbors. There was not a sympathetic face among them. They’d all become animals; I was simply the next victim in their parade of prey.

My clothes were torn off my body, much to the cheers of the spectators. There was nothing I could do to cover myself. Too late I understood what it must have felt like for those who’d been shamefully hanged nude right before me.

I wanted to die with dignity, and I tried to remain silent. But I was petrified with fear. The cries finally emerged out of my throat as I begged for mercy.

My wrists were roughly tied behind my back. I yelped from how tightly they were secured. Then my legs were spread apart.

A voice cried out, “Use the spreader bar on her! Make the whore fuck herself!” Others quickly took up the cry.

I shook my head… “No; not the spreader bar!” I did not want them to see my feminine parts. I was dripping from my many shameful cums, a true whore if ever there was one.

I thought they would push it into my ass. To my horror it was shoved up into my cunt. I was forced to experience the humiliation of the pole going into me after it had just been used by its previous owner to violate his ass.

I shook my head as tears streamed down my cheeks. There were many cries of “Hang the whore!” The whole town had turned against me.

I saw men I recognized with cocks in their hands. Women I’d played with as a child eagerly masturbated to my situation. A cry of despair escaped my lips.

I wanted to apologize to the previous four victims for my shameful enthusiasms. But it was much too late for that. Now I was to suffer their fate.

I heard voices calling for someone to fuck me while I was in the noose. I felt someone step up behind me. Then a dick was pressed hard against my anus before being forcefully pushed past my sphincter.

I cried out from the pain and recognition. Surely it had to be Big Cock. No one else I’d encountered seemed to be that huge.

I cried out from the cruel violation. Then I felt like I was being lifted up into the air. The noose partially took my weight as he raped my quivering ass from behind

My pussy winked and clenched around the end of the pole inside me as I suffered in abject humiliation. Once more I heard the cries of “Hang her; hang the whore!” Instinctively I shook my head again as more tears stained my cheeks.

A horrible thought penetrated my brain. Once Big Cock finished with me, I would be hanged. As long as he was fucking me, I could still get a partial breath of air.

It was humiliating praying for my rape to last forever. Then I heard him let out a roar of satisfaction. It was over much too soon when I felt his seed pump deep inside my slutty ass.

I shook my head as the tears flowed freely. The crowd roared as I momentarily found footing upon the platform. But that was promptly taken away as the trap fell away beneath me.

My body instantly reacted to the loss of solid footing. My legs began to kick and jerk. I only succeeded in brutally raping my own cunt as spunk leaked out of my ass.

The more it hurt, the harder I fought. I could hear the jeers and laughter all around me. Several bitches were furiously masturbating while many males were jerking their meat.

I could not believe they were enjoying my suffering. But hadn’t I been enjoying the suffering of the other victims mere moments ago? It did not seem fair, even though I was getting my just due.

The noose was horribly thick. It took a long time to strangle to death. The entire time I violently raped myself with the pole up my cunt.

I could not stop the shameful orgasm that sprayed out of me. There were several jeers and much laughter. Voices cried out how I was truly a whore because of the way I was actually cumming in the noose.

More tears streaked down my cheeks as I became desperate. My legs kicked harder, making me rape my cunt even more. Then I became aware how full my bladder had seemingly become.

I tried to scream, but my lips would hardly move. I could no longer shake my head. However I could feel my legs kicking, my body fighting to the bitter end.

I winced as I fought to keep it in. I did not want my bladder to give way. I did not want them to have the satisfaction of watching me piss myself in abject humiliation.

But it was not to be. I could not hold it back, no matter how much I tried. My piss finally flowed freely, staining my legs. The jeers and laughter were a further humiliation.

I got a glimpse of the pit and the bodies it contained. There was piss and urine splattered upon the corpses I would soon be joining. Furthermore, any bodies that joined me would loosen their bladders and bowels all over my naked, lifeless form. That is when I ultimately lost all hope as I gave in to my suffering.

I finally reached the point where I begged for death, longed for death… prayed for death. I wanted my agony to end. The humiliation was more than I could bare.

I began to feel internal organs start to die. The voices were not as loud. Then I let out a loud fart.

It was the final indignity as my bowels voided. I was dimly aware of the sensation running down my legs while people laughed, jeered and pointed. It was the ultimate humiliation.

I shuddered as I entered my death throes. The laughter and cheers of the spectators mercifully began to fade. Oblivion took much too long to finally claim me.

Thankfully I was unaware of what was done to me afterwards. Big Cock was urged to violate my ass one last time. He left another load up my anal passage before I was taken down.

I was stripped of the spreader bar and pole, no doubt to be used on my next unfortunate neighbor. Then my corpse was tossed unceremoniously into the pit. I landed on top of a mixture of nude flesh, shit and piss. Then Big Cock relieved himself on my naked body.

It should not have been unexpected. Men are prone to emptying their bladders shortly after pumping their cum into some worthless whore. Thankfully I was not conscious, and thus did not feel it.

No one mourned my passing. The cry simply went out for another victim. More naked bodies would soon be piled on top of mine before it was all over.

2019 (written for Sylvia Aug 24 ’19 by riwa)

Posted in Asphyxia Stories | Leave a comment

(AF’s) April’s last swim 4.4 (14)

April has a problem. She wants to divorce her husband Dirk and get all his money in the divorce decree. But she has made one little mistake: being recorded having sex with Hank, a man she’s been having an affair with now for over nine months.

Dirk has told her he has the video on a disc. He has also told her it will be shown to the judge during the divorce proceedings. Once the judge sees it she will be guaranteed of getting nothing in the divorce for being an adulteress.

April is infuriated. Her plans of taking Dirk to the cleaners in the divorce while still having the hunky Hank all to herself are in serious jeopardy. That recording must be found or all her efforts will have been in vain.

Thinking he has left the house for the day, she initiates an intensive search for the disc. It must be destroyed; all evidence of her affair with Hank must be obliterated. She thought they’d been so very discreet. So how the hell had that bastard managed to record them in the act??

April searches the house from top to bottom. But there’s no sign of the incriminating disc. She knows his habits intimately… knows where he likes to hide things. But there is no sign of the disc anywhere in all the usual nooks and crannies he has used in the past.

Damnit! Where the hell is it?? It’s GOT to be around here somewhere! He’s not that fucking bright. I must be missing something.

April’s search proves fruitless. She’s tired and frustrated. She’s also afraid he has it on his person or in his vehicle somewhere. Maybe it’s at the office. She might never find it until it shows up in the judge’s chambers during divorce proceedings.

Damn; this is getting me nowhere! What I need is a good, relaxing swim to calm down. Besides, this might be the last time I ever use the pool. I might as well enjoy one last swim before going to tell Hank I can’t find that fucking disc.

April changes into a skimpy, light-pink bikini. It’s her husband’s favorite because it accents all her best features. She smiles as she puts it on.

I think I’ll wear this today for one last swim. Too bad Dirk’s not here to see me in it. That bastard can just eat his fucking heart out!

She slips into her maroon robe and heads outside down the slope of the yard to the pool out back. It’s been a while since she’s gone for a swim. She realizes just how much she’s missed it.

It brings back memories of her husband and some fun times in the pool together. But she brushes the memories away like brushing away flies. Her anger returns at the pending divorce proceedings and the disc he has hidden somewhere.

Damn him for taking that video! I wonder who he hired to take it. Did the rat bastard do it himself? I hope he got off watching us. Hank is a much better lover than he could ever hope to be.

April angrily makes her way into the pool enclosure. It should be a place of special memories. But it’s not, certainly not in her present condition.

She is in a rage as she looks down at the water. She really needs a relaxing swim. She needs to calm down and let the water caress her the way Hank caresses her. Concentrating on holding her breath will be a welcome distraction.

She spots something down near the drain, something that doesn’t look like it belongs at the bottom of their pool. That’s when she realizes she’s finally found what she’s been looking for this entire time. “There it is!” she declares aloud. “The asshole thought I’d never find it. But there it is.”

She can’t believe how thick her husband is. A rock? He tied it to some fucking ROCK?? And in the pool no less. What a fucking moron!

What the hell was he thinking? Doesn’t he remember how much I love to swim? Has he forgotten all those laps I used to swim… or the times I used to hold my breath while we made love at the bottom of the pool? Does he really think I can’t hold my breath long enough to go down there and bring the damned thing back up?? He must be dumber than I gave him credit for!

April confidently sheds her robe, deciding this will be a piece of cake. Her imbecile of a husband is about to lose his precious divorce leverage. She’s pretty sure it’s down there attached to that rock. After all, why else would a large rock be sitting so obviously at the bottom of their pool?

I have no idea what the hell he was thinking hiding it down there at the bottom of the fucking pool like that. He must be out of his mind if he thinks I won’t go down and get it up. Once I get rid of the evidence he’ll have no choice but to pay up in the divorce settlement. And believe you me: he’s going to pay plenty!

April gets into the water, unaware she’s being watched. Dirk has been observing her the whole time. And he’s angry as hell. She has no idea he’s been planning one last swim with her the whole time.

Down she goes, experiencing a flurry of emotions as she heads down for the rock. April feels a mixture of relief, sadness, sorrow, anger and frustration. She reaches the rock and grabs on, thinking it’ll be a cinch. But it refuses to come up… What the hell??

She tugs and pulls but it won’t come up. Is it too heavy?? Then she spots the line going from the rock to the drain.

What the hell did he do?? Did he tie the damned thing off? Does he really think that’s going to stop me?? The fucking bastard!

She pulls and pulls, but it won’t come up. She struggles with the line, but it refuses to give. April can’t believe it.

What the hell – what the hell?? Is this his idea of some sick joke??Damn; I can’t hold my breath any longer.

April comes up and gasps for breath. She can’t believe what her husband has done to that rock and the attached disc. She’s going to have to work something else out now…

Damn! He made it harder than I anticipated. If he was here he would probably enjoy seeing my ass as I worked on the damned thing. Fucking pervert!

April swims to the side of the pool where a scuba tank has been sitting the entire time. She thought nothing of it when she first spotted it. But now it all makes sense. Too bad for him though. It’s her turn to use it as she reaches for the regulator…

He must have used this to stay down long enough to tie that damned rock to the drain. I don’t know what the hell he was thinking! And why the hell did he leave the tank here? Oh well… best not to try to understand the mind of a moron. Best to just get the damned rock up, get that disc and then get the hell out of here!

April stretches the hose out, making sure it will be long enough to do the job. There appears to be plenty… I don’t think he even bothered to strap the gear on. He probably just used the length of the hose to go down and do his dirty work. Bastard!

Once again April heads back down, holding the reg in her mouth. She wonders if she should have taken the time to put on that dive mask. But she didn’t think she was going to be down all that long. She just wants to get that damned disc and then get the hell out of there…

I guess I don’t need it. I’m not going to be down long at any rate. I’m sure as hell not going to go for my swim anymore, not after finding that damned disc! I’ll just get this rock untied from the drain and then get it back up. Then I’d better pack up a suitcase and go.

April has no idea her husband has been watching the entire time. He hesitates a moment to admire that sexy ass of hers. He’s going to miss that ass.

It takes him seconds to quickly strap on a weight belt. Then he dons the nearby dive mask. He shakes his head in amazement his wife didn’t take the time to put it on for herself.

Chlorine stings her eyes. In her haste he supposes the bitch figured she wouldn’t need it. He smirks inwardly, telling himself this time she is going to pay dearly for her mistake… her mistake of not using the dive mask in the pool… and her mistake for cheating on him.

April struggles with the rock, mentally cursing her husband for making it so difficult… Damn that bastard! Then she feels arms wrap around her waist. She grunts in horror, knowing who it probably is. It certainly can’t be Hank.

She kicks and struggles, trying to break free of his grasp. But he has a strong grip and won’t let go. She opens her eyes, only to close them right away when the chlorine starts to sting…

You bastard! Let me go! You’re not getting an underwater fuck today. Damn; I should have worn a dive mask.

She feels a hand reach around from behind. The regulator jerks in her mouth. It gives her a jolt of fear… Is he trying to take my reg? No way, you bastard! I’m not sharing air with you! I don’t want to taste your lips on this damned thing!

For a moment she can’t understand why he simply won’t let her go. She’s not getting the rock up now, certainly not with him around. Surely he must know she’s lost this round. So why won’t he release her?

A disturbing thought begins to form in the back of her mind. What if all this was a setup? What if he has more sinister plans for her? He wouldn’t, would he? Would he really take it that far??

Panic sets in as April struggles in his grasp. She tries to make a break for the surface. But he won’t let her go… Gawd; he’s not going to try to drown me, is he??

In a desperate move, April snags the wayward reg and slams it back into her mouth, frantically gulping down breath after breath. It catches him off-guard as she sucks compressed air into her lungs. The growing fear has initiated a horrific arousal…

Let me go, damn you! You’re not really going to do something stupid, are you??

Hands wrap around her throat and start to squeeze. This is not like their previous sex sessions in the pool. The bastard acts like he wants to kill her!!


She grunts and gurgles as he fights with her. He reaches for the regulator in her mouth again. He jerks it out from between her lips and tosses it away. That’s when he loses his grip on her.

April has to get to the surface! She has to get out of the water… HE WANTS TO DROWN ME! I’VE GOT TO GET OUT OF THE WATER!

In desperation April manages to pop her head above the surface for a quick breath. But he’s right there grabbing her. It’s a very brief respite, not nearly enough to fulfill her aching lungs.

He pulls her back down, the belt around his waist taking them both toward the bottom. April is certain of his intentions now… NOO! GAWD; NOO! DIRK, DON’T DROWN ME! But his tight grasp on her leg cannot be interpreted to mean anything other than his desire to drown her.

April screams as he grabs on good and tight. It is all too clear how he has planned their immediate future together. There will be no divorce; now it will not be necessary…

He’s going to drown me in our pool! Somebody get me out of here! Hank; where are you??

She screams again and again, a bubbly scream of pure terror as he pulls her down into his grasp. Then he wraps his hands around her neck, choking her… Let me go, Dirk! I’m sorry – I’m sorry! I’ll never cheat on you again!

She kicks, squirms and struggles. But he is relentless, his grasp firm and tight. She wriggles and screams as her lungs began to ache…

Noo!! I don’t know how much longer I can hold my breath! Let me go, Dirk! Baby, Hank doesn’t mean a thing to me!!

She winces in growing agony, her lungs an inferno… GAWD, NO! PLEASE LET ME UP! I CAN’T HOLD IT MUCH LONGER! PLEASE DON’T DROWN ME, DIRK!

She kicks like a hellcat in their life-and-death struggle. Her lungs are about to give out at any moment. She needs air now!

April feels the nearby hose to the regulator. Frantically she reaches out for it. If she can just get the reg between her lips she’ll be able to satisfy her starving lungs.

She crams it into her mouth and hungrily gulps down the air her lungs need. It’s a choice between fighting to get away and getting the air she craves. As a result she doesn’t struggle quite so much. She’s too busy taking deep breaths to satisfy the hunger in her chest…. Now let me go, Dirk! Let me go, damn you!

It isn’t compressed air he wants in his wife’s lungs. It’s water from their backyard pool. Besides, she’s too crafty of a bitch to trust to some court system.

This is his way of taking care of her once and for all. She likes their pool so damned much she can go ahead and drown in it! So once again he grabs for the reg in his wife’s mouth, determined to deprive her of the very thing that gives her life.

He rips the reg out of her mouth, determined to finish the task at hand. But with her lungs refreshed, it has given her renewed energy. April thrashes about, desperate to wriggle free…

He’s taken away the reg again! I gotta get away from him! Getting tired…… can’t hold my breath forever!

Things take a turn for the worse when he wraps an arm around her neck. April grunts and gurgles as he wraps his other arm around her waist, holding on tight and not letting go of her. April is unable to break free as she winces and struggles in desperation.

She feels herself tiring, losing the battle as her husband pins her to the pool bottom. She can feel his hard cock straining through his shorts against her back. She is horrified… OHMYGAWD; HE’S GOING TO GET OFF DROWNING ME! It gives her a surge of horrific tingles, knowing she is weakening with her lungs on fire.

He grasps her tightly as she continues to struggle. She can feel the agony in her lungs. If he doesn’t release her soon she’ll lose her breath… NO, DIRK! PLEASE! DON’T DROWN ME!

Dirk grasps her arms from behind, knowing it won’t be much longer. It has been terribly exciting wrestling with his wife in the pool. Soon he will be a free man. Drowning her will deliver the release he craves in so many different ways.

April tires rapidly. She weakly bubbles as her energy erodes. No deliverance is forthcoming, certainly not from her murderous husband.

Her lungs are on fire. She is so tempted to give in. Her lungs heave; she wants to take a breath… just a small breath to satisfy that fire in her chest… Can’t hold it any longer… so tired…please Dirk… please don’t drown me!

She tries to push against him… tries to break out of his grasp. But her energy reserves have been severely depleted from the struggle. It is almost over.

She sees the nearby hose to the regulator. Frantically she reaches out for it. Her lungs are on fire; a hit of compressed air is better than no air at all. But Dirk pushes it away before she can get it to her mouth… GAWD; NOOO!

April can hardly fight anymore. Her husband grabs her arms and gives her a really good shake. She sees the murderous intent in his eyes… Gawd; he’s really going to drown me!

He grabs onto her ankles. April hitches as her stomach heaves. He watches as she starts to convulse from lack of air.

She reaches down, trying one last time to push him away. But she has no strength. He knows it will be any moment now. What’s more, it sadistically pleases him to know she knows it as well… No….. can’t hold it…. any….. longer…… nooo…. please….

She reaches up for the surface. The air she needs is up there! If only she could reach it she would be able to satisfy her starving lungs. Please… it’s right there… just one little breath… please… it’s right there… let me go!

She slips out of his grip and shoots up to the surface. Her head pops up and she gets the briefest of breaths before he jerks her back down. But it’s not enough… not nearly enough… NOOO! LET ME GO – LET ME GO!! I DON’T WANT TO DROWN!!!

She cannot hold onto the quick breath she got at the surface mere moments ago. With the last of her air gone April gives in to her exhaustion. Her lungs finally give out.

She jerks and gurgles, instinctively reaching upward for the surface. Her body heaves in painful convulsions as her lungs flood. Dirk holds on to her ankles in triumph.

It was a hell of a fight. Now she’s getting her divorce. But Dirk has decided they’ll avoid the courts on this one.

With no resistance on her part he pulls her down into his grasp. She’s still coughing and convulsing. He helps by cruelly pushing a hand into her stomach, forcing out the last of her air.

Drown, bitch; drown! It’s so fucking good! Suck in that water, bitch!

April obliges by coughing painfully. Her hitches lessen. Dirk finally obtains the release he needs.

April continues to cough and spasm in painful little convulsions. Then her eyes glaze over as consciousness fades away. Dirk watches excitedly as her spasms subside until she stops moving altogether.

He looks at her appreciatively, admiring her sexy body. He obtains another release of a different kind. It’s so good. Then there’s one more sadistic push into her stomach just to make sure…

You were a hot bitch and a good lay. But you just had to go hook up with him, didn’t you. You were only in it for my money, weren’t you. Well you’re not getting a cent; do you hear me? NOT ONE DAMNED CENT!’

C’mon, bitch! Let’s get you into position for your little accident. I’d say the weight belt and dive mask will make it look authentic… maybe with the reg in your mouth and an empty scuba tank. I guess you should’ve been more careful and paid more attention to that gauge! Then he drags her along to set up the scene of her last swim in their backyard pool…

(written May 2 ’14 by riwa)

(Screenshots and vidcaps are from Aqua fantasies Mermaids in Peril Vol. 6 and are used for illustration purposes.)

Posted in Drowning Stories, Picture Stories - Aqua Fantasies | Tagged , | 1 Comment

Jasmine the asphyxia slut 4.2 (14)

I’m not ashamed to admit I’m an asphyxia slut. Maybe that’s because Weston first introduced me to it. He’s always been a bit rough and aggressive when it comes to sex.

The first time I experienced it was when he choked me while we were having sex. He was fucking me really hard when he wrapped his fingers around my neck and started to squeeze. It shocked the hell out of me.

For a moment I thought he was going to kill me. The fear swelled within me until he filled my cunt with his seed. I was so scared that I orgasmed harder than I’d ever thought possible.

The next time it happened he bent me over the edge of a bathtub full of water. He fucked bubbles out of my lungs as he forced my head down, his hand in my hair. Once more the fear was so strong that my cunt milked him dry as I orgasmed hard.

The third time I was in his lap riding him when he wrapped the sash of my robe around my neck. Then he slowly began to pull. My eyes widened in alarm until I could hardly breathe.

Once more I shuddered hard in orgasm. I came all over his cock until he filled me with his seed. From that moment on I was hooked.

I made it a point not to resist him… well, not too much. He seems to like it when I put up a little bit of a struggle. It makes him hard to see me fight against him until I cum all over his cock.

I’ve been bagged, choked, strangled and drowned. Each time the orgasms were incredibly intense. I began to get used to it so much that he started calling me his asphyxia slut.

The other day was probably both the best and the worst. It was a Saturday afternoon when he suddenly removed all his clothes. He had a hard-on something fierce, and I knew I was shit-up-a-creek.

He made me strip down to my heels. Then he fashioned a noose out of some black rope. He strung it up through a hook in the ceiling and then wrapped it around my neck.

I felt an incredible jolt of fear and arousal as he forced me onto my haunches. Then he made me suck his cock while he pulled on the rope, strangling me whenever he felt like it. It was both frightening and exhilarating.

He ordered me to masturbate while I was sucking him. But I didn’t need that much encouragement. I was already horny as fuck.

I fingered myself as I cupped a breast while I sucked his cock. Whenever he felt sadistic he would pull on the rope. I always rasped whenever it started to get tight around my throat.

I wanted to get him off; I really wanted to. But he wasn’t satisfied just with fucking my face while strangling me. I gawked as he pulled on the rope, forcing me upright.

He pulled on the rope until I couldn’t stand flat on my heels without strangling myself. Then he moved behind me. I shivered as I felt him push the tip of his dick against my puckered anus.

I whimpered with fear and arousal, unsure I wanted him to take my ass while I was strangling. When I started to protest he just pulled harder on the rope. I gawked as my pussy surged with a terrible arousal.

He slowly pushed until he was all the way inside. Then he started thrusting. “Play with yourself, slut!” and I fingered my dripping slit as I cupped a breast, my nipples hard and pointed.

He gave it to me hard as he pulled on that damned rope. One hand instinctively shot up to claw at the rope around my throat. But subconsciously I used the other hand to finger myself even harder.

He jerked on the rope a couple of times, really strangling me. I gawked and shuddered as I tried to balance on my toes. I could feel him fucking my ass, and I clenched instinctively.

Each time he jerked on the rope I milked his violating shaft. It was frightening beyond belief. But it was more erotic than I could have ever imagined.

He gave me one violent thrust followed by one hard pull on the rope. I gawked as my breath was cut off. Then I found myself squirting my orgasm as my ass milked every last drop out of his meat.

I began feeling faint. My head felt like it had swelled up like a balloon. I don’t remember anything immediately after that moment.

When I awakened I was in bed. Weston was all over me, kissing me everywhere. My body was on fire like never before.

He climbed on top and slid his hard dick into me. I don’t know how he managed to keep that erection. But I didn’t care.

He thrust nice and slow as though we were making love. But it felt like something was missing. My body ached for that extra pizzazz he always puts into our fucking.

I looked into his eyes with intense lust. Then I begged him to choke me. It was as though I couldn’t cum unless I couldn’t breathe.

He looked at me and laughed. But I wanted it so bad. “Choke me, damn you!”

“Fucking asphyxia slut!” Then he wrapped his fingers around my throat as he really started to pound me.

I writhed underneath him as the pleasure intensified. I tried to beg him to choke me harder, but I couldn’t get the words out. There was a dangerous look in his eyes as though I might have bitten off more than I could chew. But it was as though I couldn’t cum any other way.

My back arched beneath him until I couldn’t breathe. Then I was cumming hard again. It was so intense that it battered me senseless.

When I regained consciousness I discovered he was lying next to me. He kissed me tenderly and I kissed him back. “Slut,” he murmured as he shook his head.

“Your asphyxia slut,” I corrected with a smile. Then we passionately embraced as our lips met, our tongues intertwining.

2018 (Nov 17 ’18)

(Inspired by the Sadie manip.)

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