The Mark 4.3 (24)

Jaynie’s father had been gone for two days now. Game was getting harder to find. They’d slaughtered virtually every creature that walked on four legs within a twenty mile radius except for the occasional straggler. Their only hope in recent days had been the occasional bird… that is, if they could kill it without attracting attention to themselves.

Going back to civilization was unthinkable. First, there was hardly any civilization to go back to, at least not in these parts. Food was scarce no matter where one went. Besides, it had been reported that people were being reduced to cannibalism.

Secondly, her family had refused to take the Mark. It was a tattoo imprinted upon the back of the hand or upon the forehead, a sign of loyalty to the Emperor resulting in worshipping him as the Supreme Savior during these troubled times. No one could buy or sell without the Mark.

The Emperor resided in Rome. Yet he was sending out hit squads to the four corners of the earth. It seems he’d become obsessed with tracking down each and every human being who did not have the Mark.

When the time had come, her family had escaped into the desert Southwest to go into hiding. Those who refused the Mark were summarily executed. It was rumored those bodies after execution were often used to feed the living in some remote areas.

Before her father had left on his recent expedition for food, they had actually discussed the possibility of her and her mother becoming pregnant. If they both conceived, they could consider eating the babies if no other food could be obtained. It was a horrible decision to contemplate.

Their meager rations were almost gone. Nobody wanted to bring another mouth into the world to feed. The idea of eating a newborn was abhorrent to them all. But they were rapidly running out of options.

Was turning to cannibalism better than starving? Jaynie did not think so. Besides, she’d already grown accustomed to her stomach rumbling all the time. She was losing weight… but then again, they all were.

Desperate times called for desperate measures. Jaynie believed killing babies for food was wrong. But they had to eat something or they were slowly going to starve to death.

There was another issue to consider. Father had sexual needs. They had put it off for as long as possible. But mother was starting to become scrawny to the point where it was painful for her to copulate.

Not too long ago she’d suggested her husband have sex with their daughter just to satisfy his physical needs. Jaynie knew this was also wrong. But was there anything that was right anymore?

They heard it again, the sound of a helicopter flying somewhere nearby. It panicked both her and her mother. Being found would mean a death sentence unless they both took the Mark. Would unbearable hunger drive them to make that fateful decision?

Jaynie’s stomach rumbled again. Her mother looked at her and shook her head. “I’m sorry, honey.”

“It’s ok, mother. I’m used to it by now.”

“But I’m not.”

Indeed, she was not. But she was helpless to bring relief to her daughter. They were forced to ration their meager supplies while hoping her husband would return with some sort of meat to put on the table.

The helicopter flew back an hour later, sounding much closer. Mother and daughter looked up at the roof of their makeshift cabin in growing alarm. Would they be found before her father returned? Wasn’t it only a matter of time?

How much longer did they have to wait? And what were they waiting for? Was it deliverance? Or was it death?

“Mother, I’m going to go down to the stream to get some water. Maybe I’ll find something to eat down there.”

“Honey, no. Not now. Not until the activity outside settles down. It’s a long hike and you might be spotted.”

“Mother, should we turn ourselves in?”

“Honey we’d be killed unless we took the Mark immediately. You know that.”

“Maybe I can find something to eat… a snake or a lizard… something! I can go out and be right back before father returns.”

“No, Jaynie. I’ll go.”

“No, mother; I’m stronger. I should go…”


Her mother put up a hand, silencing the conversation. They both froze when they heard it. It sounded like vehicles coming up the game trail. If they had made it this far, surely they had to be using four wheel drives.

Panic swelled within them. Suddenly a shot rang out. Mother and daughter hit the floor.

They heard a voice on a megaphone. “Come out with your hands up and nobody will get hurt!”

Jaynie looked at her mother in resignation. At last, the waiting was over. Soon they would be facing death. Jaynie had no illusions any other option would be offered to them.

They exchanged a fearful glance at their situation. What choice did they have? They could wait inside for the cabin to be stormed. More than likely they would both be killed. But it was just as likely they would be shot once they stepped outside the cabin door.

Mother nodded as she and Jaynie rose up. They walked to the door and carefully opened it up. Then they hesitantly stepped outside in their tattered shirts and cutoffs, their arms raised in surrender. Neither wore a bra or panties. It was a luxury that no longer seemed necessary in their present living conditions.

Armed men in fatigues crouched in an arc in front of them. Two vehicles were a few paces farther back. Seeing them would have been a relief – some welcoming semblance of civilization – were the circumstances not so dire.

“On the ground… NOW!” Mother and daughter obediently dropped face down onto the dusty earth.

“Anyone else inside?”

Mother shook her head as she cried out, “NO ONE!”

Two men with submachine guns rushed forward. They burst violently into the cabin. There was a sound of rustling inside.

A minute later they came out in a relaxed atmosphere. “There’s no one inside!” one reported loudly. “There’s no one but these women!”

The armed men relaxed. Two scrawny looking females posed no threat. Then one of them stepped forward with insignia on his shirt. He was obviously in charge… probably an officer.

“On your feet,” he demanded. Mother and daughter obediently arose. Then he checked their hands and foreheads.

“I see no Mark. The penalty for being caught without one is death. You’re well aware of that, aren’t you?”

“Please!” Mother pleaded. “We’re hungry! Give us something to eat!”

“Inside,” he motioned. And with that the two women were escorted back inside the cabin.

There were three rough, wooden chairs. The officer took one. He motioned for the women to take the other two that were facing him. Two men stood right inside the doorway, unnecessarily acting as guards.

“Anybody else live here?”

“Just us,” Mother told the officer, her head lowered in defeat.

“No one else has been living here?”

“No one.”

Mother hoped the lie would hold. With any luck, her husband would escape without being captured. But for what purpose?

How much longer would he be able to live by himself with little to no food, all the while knowing his wife and daughter had been murdered? A few more days? A week? What would he do once he returned and found then gone?

The officer grimly looked them over. “Neither of you are wearing the Mark. By law I have every right to have you executed right here on the spot.”

He paused for a moment, letting that sink in. Mother and daughter did not react. He studied them closely. Were they resigned to their fate?

“However,” he added carefully, “the Emperor is merciful. He wants to give every separatist a chance to renounce their false beliefs and return to human civilization, small though it may be in these troubled times. If it were up to me I would not make this offer. But I must abide by the Emperor’s wishes.”

He snapped his fingers. One of the guards left the cabin. He was gone only a couple minutes before he returned with a basket.

The smell instantly hit both mother and daughter, causing their stomachs to rumble. The officer reached inside and pulled out a drumstick. It looked like it came from some sort of large fowl… a wild turkey perhaps?

He took a bite out of it, munching with deliberateness as though savoring the flavor. There was another snap of his fingers. The other guard slipped out of the cabin door.

He returned a couple minutes later. In his hand was the branding gear. The officer didn’t even look in his direction once the man arrived. He knew the necessary equipment was there.

“Whoever renounces their false beliefs and takes the Mark may eat what’s inside.” Then he smiled as he waited for their decision.

Mother and daughter looked at the basket. Their stomachs rumbled loudly. Jaynie licked her lips as her mouth watered.

Her mother spoke first, the wonderful smell having penetrated through her resolve. “Jaynie, we have to. We’ve gone as far as we can go.”

Jaynie looked at her in astonishment. “But mother, you said–”

“I know what I said! I was wrong, ok? We have to eat… YOU have to eat!”

The daughter sadly shook her head. “Mother, you were not wrong then. You are not wrong now.”

She felt strangely calm. Had she already prepared herself for this moment? Oddly, her fear was not nearly as strong as it had been earlier when the men had first shown up.

“Janie, take the Mark! You have to eat!”

She lowered her head, shaking it slowly. “Mother, I… I can’t.”

“You stupid girl!”

Jaynie looked up at her mother in surprise. But the woman was now looking hopefully at the officer. “If I take the Mark, will you spare my daughter? Will you feed my daughter?”

“Mother, you can’t–“

“Honey, I’m trying to spare your life!”

“Mother, no!”

The officer looked at the daughter. Then he told the guards, “One of you take her out to the truck. Let me talk to the mother alone.”

“NO! Not my daughter??”

The guard who’d brought in the basket took Jaynie and roughly escorted her out the door. The other with the branding gear stayed behind. Mother stood up to intervene, but the officer rose up and got in her way.

“We’ll start with you, then. Have a seat.”

The mother paused for a long moment before she sat back down. She felt panicked… defeated… hopeless. She did not want to believe this was the end of the line.

Was this all they’d earned for themselves simply for not taking the Mark? Was this the end result? Why had they even bothered in the first place??

He smiled at her before taking another bite. Her stomach rumbled as she looked at him carefully. He didn’t seem so bad.

“What about you?” he asked, motioning at her with the drumstick. “Will you take the Mark? Will you do it for your daughter? You can have this if you do.” That’s when he took yet another bite. There was still some meat left on it.

She thought about it long and hard. What did it matter if she changed allegiances now and chose to worship the Emperor? At least she would not starve. And she would be sparing her daughter, wouldn’t she? Surely that would make all the difference in the world, right?

She nodded her head in defeat. She quietly told him, “I’ll take the Mark.” Then she timidly offered up the back of her hand.

The officer snapped his fingers. The guard with the equipment formally stepped forward. He took the branding device and applied it to the back of her hand.

She heard the hiss of the machine as it imprinted the Mark. At that same moment she felt something die inside her. Strangely she now felt truly lost.

He handed her the remainder of the drumstick. She snatched it out of his hand and ravenously wolfed it down, bone and all. Then he pulled out another piece of meat and handed it over to her.

She snatched that up as well and devoured it. She couldn’t believe how hungry she was. For the moment she forgot all about her daughter.

The meat tasted wonderful. It had been quite a while since they’d last cooked animal flesh. Then she heard a shriek from outside. It was clearly Jaynie. It sounded like she was screaming for her mother.

Instinctively she got up and rushed outside. It was amazing what her scrawny body could do with her daughter’s terrified voice ringing in her ears. It was astounding how fast she could make her feet fly.

Her daughter was standing at the back of some vehicle. It looked like a modified tow truck. There was some sort of T extending out of the bed in an elevated position.

Jaynie kept screaming in despair… “IT’S FATHER – IT’S FATHER!!”  But that’s not what bothered her mother.

She noticed with alarm that her daughter had been stripped naked. Two men were tying her arms behind her back. When she drew closer she saw twin nooses dangling from each end of the elevated T coming out of the back of the vehicle.

She let out a cry as she rushed forward to stop them from noosing her daughter. That’s when she got a look into the back of the truck. Her husband lay sprawled and bloodied, his eyes open in vacant horror from the lethal shot through the tattered clothes covering his chest.

The mother let out a cry of horror. “Hang her, too,” the officer declared emotionlessly, motioning at the older woman. “The settlement can use the meat.”


They grabbed her and forced her over underneath the second noose. Jaynie looked over with conflicting emotions. She did not want to watch her mother hang. But she was strangely relieved it was all about to come to an end.

…and then she saw the Mark on the back of her mother’s hand as they began stripping the tattered clothes off the frantic woman…

Jaynie was horrified… “Mother, you didn’t!”


Jaynie had tears in her eyes as she shook her head. “Mother… all those things you told me… how could you??”


It was at that point her mother started raining down obscenities upon their captor’ heads. The men were unmoved. But it was the first time Jaynie had ever heard such words emerge past her mother’s lips. Had taking the Mark broken her spirit? Had it changed her that much??


“We need not keep promises with separatists. Your bodies will serve the settlement well.”

“What about us?” one of the others called out. “When can we fuck ‘em, Brock?”

“You can fuck the mother any time you want after she’s dead. She’s received the Mark and is now clean. The daughter is off-limits.”

“C’mon, Brock!” another complained. “Just give her the Mark after she’s dead and be done with it! She looks healthier than her mother!”

Jaynie was horrified. She watched her mother struggle as they looped the noose around her neck. The officer smiled at the two women before nodding with understanding.

“That’s a good point, boys. We’ll wait until the young one is dead before marking her. Then you can enjoy both carcasses before we take ‘em back to the settlement.”

The mother found voice enough to scream in utter panic and despair. The officer made a motion with his hand. The end of the T was lifted up to the sound of hydraulics as though lifting a vehicle to be towed away. That’s when mother and daughter were hoisted naked into the air.

Almost immediately they began to kick and struggle as they strangled to death. Jaynie could not believe how much it hurt. She didn’t weigh as much as she did six months ago. That meant it was going to take her a long time to strangle to death in the noose.

Her mother was even worse. She’d lost even more weight. It resulted in her jerking around at the end of the rope like a fish on a line.

The guys all gathered around to laugh and jeer. Several pulled their cocks out to masturbate. Jaynie felt ashamed at the knowledge she and her mother had no value to these men except as sexual amusement. They were nothing more than objects now… to be used and abused before their dead bodies would be taken back to some settlement to be eaten.

Jaynie rasped and gurgled as she struggled in the noose. It hurt like hell. Yet she felt a strange peace she could not fathom.

She kicked and danced in agony, putting on a show for the stroking males jeering at their torment. Her mother looked like she was really suffering. It broke her heart, seeing her in agony while knowing she’d been marked.

One of the men motioned at the mother. “What’s wrong with taking her down and giving her a flying fuck?”

The officer smiled as he shook his head. “Nothing wrong with it at all, I suppose.” That’s when the man wasted no time walking up to the struggling mother while pulling his pants down and hollering, “Lower the bar!”

The mother was brought down until her toes barely caressed the ground. Jaynie remained a couple inches from solid footing. Then the sadistic male grabbed her mother and shoved his dick inside her.

She let out a painful cry that was choked off. Then she was brutally raped as she dangled in the noose. It felt like hell had literally come to claim her body and soul.

Panic and humiliation swelled within her. What they were doing to her was shameful. So why wasn’t her daughter receiving the same treatment?? After all, she deserved it more for refusing the Mark, the stupid bitch!

Another male stepped behind the mother, wanting to take advantage of the other hole. So he rammed his cock hard up her ass. The mother jerked and shuddered from the painful intrusion.

She saw her daughter fighting her noose, kicking her life away. But she could feel her motherly compassion melting away. The more she was fucked, the more rage and bitterness swelled within her as though her soul had become blackened.

It was her daughter’s fault; it was all Jaynie’s fault! This was all her doing! They would never have come to such an undignified ending if they hadn’t been trying to protect her!

She saw Jaynie shamefully displayed as the young woman danced in the noose. She saw the wet, winking vagina and the reddened facial features. She felt it served her daughter right.

The mother experienced a feeling of sadistic cruelty swell within her as the men stroked and jeered to her daughter’s suffering. She found herself mentally taunting Jaynie right along with them… ‘Hang, you bitch! You did this to us on purpose; this is all your fault! Show them what a whore you are as you dance in the noose! They’re going to eat you anyway!’

Jaynie gurgled as the noose took its time closing off her throat. She could see her mother being shamefully raped in her noose, and it broke her heart. If only their suffering would soon come to an end.

Two more cocks came up and painfully violated the mother. She mentally cursed her child, cheering the way she seemed to be kicking and suffering. Her mind cried out, “Piss yourself and die, bitch! Piss yourself and die!”

All motherly compassion had fled away. Something had happened to her internally after receiving the Mark. She didn’t understand, nor did she care. All she knew was her daughter was responsible and was now suffering the way she rightfully deserved.

There were tears in Jaynie’s eyes as she fought her noose. She could hear the enthusiastic males as they watched and stroked to her torment. How much longer could this go on??

Her labia flared as she experienced a flush of shameful pleasure. Her cunt gushed from a humiliating orgasm. Somehow it had the effect of numbing her agony.

She needed air; she really needed another breath! Her chest was on fire, her lungs heaving. Her body reacted in panic as she began jerking and kicking harder.

There was a faint *crick*. Jaynie’s agony abruptly ceased as her naked body swung back and forth. She could no longer feel anything below her neck.

Her bladder released, although she was not aware of it. The men all laughed at her, at least those who were focusing on her. Strangely it didn’t hurt anymore.

She saw her mother suffering in the noose and felt a certain pity for her. She mentally asked if she had to watch anymore. It was as though some voice told her “No”. A moment later her vision failed. Her heart stopped beating a short time later as her bowels voided.

The mother witnessed it all. Her daughter was no longer putting up a fight. Her naked body was gently swinging back and forth, piss and shit running down her legs.

At first she became indignant. It was not fair: her daughter escaping further humiliation while she still suffered on. Then she truly became aware of her agony as two more cocks roughly violated her clenched, shriveled holes.

She tried to scream in agony. But she could not get enough air past her vocal cords. She was certainly conscious enough to feel her body being painfully violated.

What the hell was wrong; why wasn’t she losing consciousness?? To her horror she realized she was getting just enough air to keep her alive. She was frozen in agonizing torment, hanging right on the edge of the precipice of death.

She rasped and gurgled as the men took turns giving her one flying fuck after another. Both of her holes were cruelly violated. They seemed to take great delight in tormenting her.

The noose was wrong; it was all wrong. She needed it loose so she could breathe a little more. No; she needed it tighter so she could be strangled into merciful oblivion. Instead she hung balanced between heaven and hell, enduring excruciating agony.

Her daughter’s naked corpse gently swung back and forth. She was checked for a pulse, but none was found. Then she was taken down, her suffering at an end.

A mark was branded onto the top of her left hand. Then the men started raping the carcass. The mother was horrified, yet she could not stop sadistically cheering the violation of her daughter’s corpse.

Her bladder released shamefully, coating the man in front of her. But he did not seem to care. Then she farted around the cock up her ass, causing the men to laugh and jeer.

In her mind she cried; she screamed; she spewed obscenities. She understood much too late this was the ending they had always planned for her and her daughter. They would be taken back to this so-called settlement, wherever the hell it was. Then they would be cooked and eaten, their flesh consumed only to be shit back out in some humiliating manner after having been digested.

Her windpipe finally closed off. She could not breathe at all. Her lungs heaved as she struggled in vain to pull a decent breath of air down her throat. Yet somehow she felt each and every sadistic thrust into her holes as though receiving the punishment she’d earned in this life… the punishment for taking the Mark perhaps?

In her mind she began to scream anew. It was a horrific cry, a shriek as painful as the sound of nails on a chalkboard. That’s when she felt herself plunging over the edge into the abyss.

It was not a welcome death. Strangely she could still feel the rope strangling the life out of her… could still feel two cocks brutally violating her holes during her journey. Her screams reverberated in her ears, frightening her even more as she plunged into a terrifying oblivion…

2019 (written Sep 14 ’19 by riwa)

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I drowned him in the hot tub (m/m) 3.9 (22)

One evening Alex and I were out soaking in the hot tub. We were both naked as we sat side by side. Our hands were in each other’s lap, idly stroking the other’s cock.

Alex suggested we do a little breath-holding. I told him I was agreeable. So we submerged on our asses on the bottom as I timed us.

Alex wasted no time stroking my erection. I could not resist stroking his as well. We both released bubbles as we sat side by side, our heads just under the surface.

I came up first at around 1:28. Alex stayed down several seconds longer. He grinned triumphantly as he surfaced last.

I told him his time. He thought we could both hold our breath longer. So he suggested we try again.

I timed us as we submerged together. Once more we sat on the bottom side by side, reaching over to stroke each other. We released bubbles to ease the strain in our lungs.

I pushed myself until Alex was forced to go up first. I surfaced a couple seconds later. Then I told him the losing time of 1:42.

He proposed we go down a third time. This time he suggested a reward for the winner. The loser would have to match the winner’s time by holding his breath while sucking cock underwater.

I agreed to his terms. So we both took deep breaths. Then we submerged together.

Once more we moved our hand into the other’s lap to stroke a growing erection. It felt good the way he was slowly tugging on me. I bubbled a little as I stroked him back.

We became competitive as the time approached 2:00. I was looking forward to making him suck my dick underwater. It was obvious he wanted the same from me.

We really pushed it until our lungs were heaving. I finally burst up at 2:08. Alex came up 4 seconds later.

“Ok, Dean,” he told me with a smile. “I’m looking forward to my 2:12 underwater blowjob from you.”

“I’ll get you next time,” I told him good-naturedly.

He laughed. “Not if you drown with my cock down your throat. Now get down there and start sucking!”

I filled my lungs as he pushed my head down into his lap. My face was under the surface as I wrapped my lips around his shaft. He twitched in my mouth as I began sucking and vacuuming.

Bubbles leaked out of my nose as I focused on blowing him. I could feel the velvety smoothness of his skin on my tongue. Then he wickedly pushed my head down even more until I nearly gagged on his erection.

I blew bubbles as he kept track of the time on his watch. He told me I still had 30 seconds to go. By then my lungs were burning.

He did not let me up a single second early. The harder I tried to lift my head up, the harder he pushed down. I was really bubbling with his cock down my throat when he finally let me up.

He laughed as he told me, “That’s 2:12, Dean. For a minute there I thought you were going to drown!”

“Not me, Alex. I want to go again. This time you’re going to be the one sucking dick.”

He laughed as we both started taking long, deep breaths. We both checked our watches. Then we submerged together, bubbles dribbling up to the surface as we sat on our asses.

I settled in for a really long one. I was determined to beat him. Besides, I wanted him to gag on my shaft underwater.

This time we didn’t bother playing with each other. Alex and I were serious about winning. We both wanted underwater blowjobs.

We reached 1:30 without any real effort. About 1:50 I saw him struggling a little. Bubbles came out of his nose as I released a few out of my mouth.

We reached 2:00 and kept right on going. 2:15 and we were still pushing it. By 2:25 we were both suffering.

I really pushed it as I released more bubbles. I saw Alex’s chest heave. Then he surfaced with a loud gasp at 2:34. I pushed it to 2:40 before I joined him.

I grinned at him as I told him to get to sucking. He told me he needed a minute first to catch his breath. I told him he was going to need more than that after I drowned him.

He took long, deep breaths to prepare. Then he gasped deeply before submerging. He wrapped his lips around my dick and began sucking, gently bobbing up and down.

I loved how his tongue swirled around my shaft. And I loved the way tiny bubbles trickled out of his nose. But I was determined to keep him down the full length I’d held my breath.

I began pushing down on his head, making him take it deeper. He grunted up bubbles in the hot tub. It was arousing as hell.

He wanted up, but I kept pushing down on his head. “2:20, Alex! 20 more seconds to go!”

He really struggled as I pushed down hard on his head. More bubbles came up. I cheated by keeping him down 2:42 before letting him back up.

His head shot up out of the water. He gasped for breath as he glared daggers at me. Then he smiled as he told me, “I suppose I deserved that.”

“You sure as hell did. Right now we’re even. Care to go one more round – winner take all?”

“What’s the prize?” he asked with a sly grin.

“What do you think?” I retorted with a grin of my own.

“You’re going to be the one drowning impaled on my cock, Dean.”

“Put your money where your mouth is, Alex.”

We both got serious as we took long, deep breaths. I could tell we were both trying to hyperventilate. Neither one of us wanted to lose this last one.

We finally went down on the count of three, both of us checking our watches. We sat on our asses on the bottom of the hot tub. I was looking forward to fucking the breath out of his lungs after I won this last breath-hold contest.

We remained perfectly still as we sat on the bottom of the hot tub. Occasional bubbles dribbled out of our noses. Neither one of us reached over to play with the other. We didn’t want to use any spare oxygen on unnecessary distractions.

We were doing pretty good as we reached 2:00. I felt it in my lungs around 2:20. I thought I saw Alex start to wriggle as he lost more bubbles out of his nose.

At 2:35 it really got serious. By 2:40 I could see his stomach ripple. I was trying to control the convulsions in my chest, but it was getting harder.

We both began losing air around 2:50. I decided I was going to make 3:00 for sure. If I still lost at least I could be proud of my effort.

We really wriggled as we reached 3:00. I lost more bubbles out of my nose. Alex’s chest was heaving noticeably.

At 3:05 he finally shot up for breath, gasping loudly at the surface. I forced myself to stay under another 5 seconds. My lungs were screaming at me when I surfaced at 3:10.

I grinned triumphantly at him. “Prepare to pay the piper, Alex. You can start by making me hard before I shove it up your ass.”

“You’re already hard,” he observed with a wry smile.

“Not as hard as I’m going to be.” Then I pulled his head down in my lap, making him bubble as I speared his mouth with my stiffy.

I made him bob up and down on my dick, allowing him the occasional breath. I let him get me nice and hard. Then he came off my cock and started hyperventilating as he kept me hard by stroking me.

“3:10, Alex. You’ve got to stay under and get fucked for 3:10.”

“I think I can do that, Dean.”

He got on his knees as I knelt behind him. I pushed my cock against the crack of his ass. Then I slowly worked it forward until his anal ring finally gave way and I slid right in.

“Get a good breath, Alex. 3:10 is going to be a long, underwater fuck for you.” He just panted and nodded.

He filled his lungs and then bent forward. I pushed down on his head, making sure he was submerged. Bubbles came up as I started thrusting in and out.

I thrust nice and slow as I checked my watch. I planned on pushing Alex until he was really struggling. I was pretty sure his clenching ass was going to milk the spunk right out of my swollen balls.

Bubbles came up as he grunted under my thrusts. His ass felt nice and tight. I loved the way he bubbled as I fucked the air out of his lungs.

“Feels good, Alex,” I called down to him. “Next time you’ll have to hold your breath longer if you want to feel your cock up my ass.” I laughed as I thrust good and hard up his butt.

He grunted and bubbled as I reached under to stroke his erection. He was nice and hard. Apparently he was pretty horny being forced to hold his breath while I enjoyed taking his ass underwater.

I cupped and played with his balls before jerking his meat. He grunted and bubbled some more. Then I jerked him really hard.

He bubbled “OW” as his head came up out of the water. I laughed as I told him, “That’s not good, Alex. Now we have to start all over.”

“You didn’t have to jerk me so hard!”

“And you didn’t have to come up for a breath either. Back down you go.”

“Wait a minute! I need to catch my breath!” I just laughed as I put my hand on his head.

I roughly forced his head back down below the surface. Alex grunted and bubbled. I laughed as I told him, “3:10 is going to be a long time to hold your breath, buddy!”

There were more grunts and bubbles as I thrust nice and slow. I watched as he reached 1:00 easily enough. I increased my thrusts as he approached 2:00.

More bubbles came up as he wriggled around in my grasp. I could feel his ass clenching wonderfully around my throbbing dick. I was looking forward to leaving a nice load up his ass.

I pumped him harder as he started to struggle. “You’ve still got 45 seconds to go, Alex!” More bubbles came up as he grunted again.

I felt his ass clench even harder as he tried to rise up. I just forced him to stay under. That’s when the bubbles really came up.

I called down, “3:10, Alex, and not a second sooner! I don’t care if you drown before you get there!” Then I laughed as I really started fucking him.

There was a huge explosion of bubbles. Then he started thrashing about. That’s when his ass milked the cum right out of me.

He finally settled down as I thrust nice and slow. My hand was on his back, but he was hardly moving. I cheated by waiting until 3:15 before pulling his head up.

I got him to the surface and checked for a pulse. There was still a decent heartbeat. He suddenly coughed before he began to pant tiredly for breath.

“You made it,” I told him with a grin. “3:15 wasn’t so bad, was it?”

His eyes regained their focus as he looked at me. With all the strength he could muster he forced me down into the hot tub. Then he sat his ass on top of me, letting me know in no uncertain terms just how much I was going to pay for drowning him in the hot tub.

2020 (written Jun 14 ’20 by riwa)

(Pictures pulled from a couple of gifs I found on the Internet.)

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Emma at the bottom of the pool 4.4 (37)

Emma is at the bottom of the deep end of an empty pool. She has an ankle cuffed, a thin wire attached to the pool drain. She’s in a nice bikini. But I’m nowhere around.

All of the sudden the pool starts to fill. Water pours up from the drain and comes in from other locations. Emma now realizes this is not a good situation she finds herself in.

She tries to work the cuff off her ankle, but it’s not coming off. She’s not sure how much wire she has. Is it slack enough to get her all the way to the surface so she can breathe if the pool fills? She has no idea.

She calls out but there’s no response. The water is up to her knees. She’s not going to have a long wait.

She looks around for some way out of her situation. She pulls on the wire again. It seems securely fastened to the pool drain. And it seems securely fastened to her cuffed ankle.

The water reaches her chest. She wades over toward the ladder. But she can’t reach it. She’s in the middle of the pool. She’ll have to go straight up to get air when the time comes.

The water reaches her neck. She has no worries; she can tread water for a long time. But sooner or later she will get tired. The question is: how high will the wire let her go.

The pool is twelve feet deep. The ladder was just out of reach. She tries to calculate how much wire tethers her to the bottom. She has the distinct impression it won’t let her reach the surface.

The water lifts her up off the pool floor. She tries to touch with her foot and her face goes under. That’s it; she’s going to have to tread water now.

She calls out again, but no one hears her. This is not good. She treads water, instinctively trying to kick the cuff off her ankle. It is a futile gesture. She looks over and sees the water has risen to the seven foot level.

She continues to tread water. The water rises slowly but surely. She can feel a certain anxiety that has given her a horrific arousal at her predicament.

She grabs the wire from her foot and tries to pull. It only succeeds in pulling her under. She lets go and pops back up.

The water’s rising fast. She won’t have long. Soon she’ll find out if she’ll be able to reach the surface or not when the pool is full.

She calls out once again. Then she sees me walk up to the edge of the pool. I’m naked but I’m in scuba gear.

“Thank gawd!” she calls out. “You want to get me out of here?” But the look in my face chills her. Am I the one responsible for her situation?

The water’s at eight feet now. Four more feet to go. At least I’m here for her. But what are my intentions? And why is my cock so hard?

I step off into the water with a splash. I’m neutrally buoyant. I can stay near the surface or close to the bottom without much effort.

I swim to the bottom and stand on the drain. I smile as I give a warning tug on her wire. Then I pull her under.

I pull her down to me. She flails for the surface, losing bubbles. Then I let her go.

She shoots back up and gasps for breath. I give another warning tug. This time she wisely inhales. The water is at the nine foot mark.

I pull her down to me. She tries to reach out for my regulator. I grab her wrist and latch a cuff onto it.

I spin her around, trying to grab her other arm. She bubbles as she fights me. But she knows I might not let her get back to the surface for another breath. So she relents.

She submissively brings her arm behind her back, allowing me to take it. I cuff her other wrist. Then I let her go.

She kicks for the surface, sir spewing out of her nose. She pops up and gasps for breath. I give her thirty seconds of treading water before I pull her back down.

This time I smile as I pull the strings to her bikini top. She bubbles air out of her nose as I reach out and fondle her boobs. She looked at me and mouths for air. I just point upward… “You’ll have to get it up there” and then I let her go.

She kicks for the surface. She treads water for another thirty seconds before I pull her back down. Now the pool has been filled to the ten foot mark.

This time I reach out and pop the strings to her bottoms. They float away. I can’t resist reaching out to touch and fondle her.

She holds her breath until her lungs start to complain. Then I let her go. She kicks for the surface and bursts up.

I give her another thirty seconds. Then I pull her back down to me. I smile as I touch her all over.

She tries to hold her breath for as long as she can. I enjoy touching her everywhere. She moans and bubbles. Then I let her go.

She kicks up for another breath. This time she feels the wire jerk on her ankle in arning. But for now her head is above water.

She gasps for breath, whimpering with fright. Then I pull her back down. Once more I have her right in front of me.

My cock is hard. But I make no more toward her. Instead I continue to touch her all over.

I grope her tits while fingering her slit. She clenches and bubbles. I can tell she’s aroused. It must be the fear combined with being forced to hold her breath.

Her lungs heave so I let her go again. She kicks up and her head clears the surface. But the wire feels more threatening now as it remains attached to her ankle.

She looks over to see the water has almost reached 11 feet. Then I give a warning tug on the wire. She fills her lungs before I pull her back down.

She looks at me in alarm. Her tits are deliciously hard, her pussy swollen from her excitement. She must be wondering how much longer I will make her do this.

Her lungs strain and I see her lose bubbles. I kindly let her go. She heads for the surface spewing bubbles out of her nose.

When she gets there she’s alarmed to discover she’s at the end of her tether. Her head is above water, but the surface has reached her chin. It’s still got another nine inches to rise. That means it will be over her head when the pool is full.

I pull her back down to me. Then I force her to hold her breath. She gives off sexy nose bubbles as I reach out to fondle and grope her.

She looks at me, pleading for the regulator in my mouth. I shake my head and point upward. Then I let go of the wire.

Emma kicks upward and reaches the surface. But the wire almost pulls her up short. She has to tip her head back to get any air.

I rise up to see her progress. The water level continues to rise. Her head tips farther back. It’s almost to her lips.

I watch her as she struggles to breathe. She gets one more good breath. Then the water is high enough that she’s forced to snort air in and out of her nose. But that soon fails and she takes her last surface breath before being tethered vertically, her eyes now level with the water.

I point at my cock. I signal two. Then I tap the reg in my mouth… “Suck for two minutes and you’ll get a breath.”

She nods; she has no choice. The water level is already too high. So I pull her down in front of my cock.

She wastes no time taking it into her mouth. Then she begins sucking. Sexy nose bubbles leak out as she gives it all she’s got.

I monitor her progress. Then she comes off my cock. I shake my head before pointing at my watch… “No, it’s got to be two minutes.”

She goes back to sucking. Her mouth is exquisite. She’s very talented.

Her lungs are heaving when she reaches two minutes. I tap her on the shoulder and take the reg out of my mouth. I put it between her lips and watch her inhale deeply.

I give her a good thirty seconds. Then I point down at my erection and lift up two fingers. “Two more minutes of sucking for another hit of air.”

She nods as she tries to work herself down to my cock. She gets it into her mouth and starts sucking. It’s incredible to hear her grunts and moans as bubbles trickle out of her nose.

This time she stays with it. She knows she’ll get no air unless she sucks. So her lungs have only started heaving when I tap her on the shoulder indicating it’s been two minutes and she gets to breathe.

Once more she gets the reg between her lips. She inhales deeply. After thirty seconds I take it away and put it back in my mouth.

She goes back to sucking. She’s quite skilled. I’m getting close. But I’m not going to let her swallow.

I pull my cock out of her mouth and drift back to watch. She looks at me in alarm before kicking for the surface. The wire pulls her up short. The top of her head is an inch from the surface.

She looks at me and pleads with her eyes. I shake my head no as I start to stroke. Her eyes get big as she realizes what’s about to happen.

She tries to kick herself to the surface. But the wire pulls her up short each time. Her lungs begin to heave and she starts losing nose bubbles.

I breathe deeply as I watch her. Now I’m really turned on. I stroke harder and faster as I watch.

Emma kicks hard as she struggles to reach the surface. Her shoulders shift from side to side as more nose bubbles pour out of her mouth. Now I’m really stroking.

For a long moment she looks at me in horror. Then she gulps water. Instantly she loses a ton of nose bubbles as she starts swallowing gallons of killing H2O.

She hitches and jerks as my cock goes off. Streamers of cream spurt into the water. She spasms and convulses, her eyes wide in horror until she settles down. Then she hangs there tethered to the wire an inch below the surface, slowly swaying back and forth as her hair settles all around her head.

(Sep 3 ’18)

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Riwa’s Stories at Patreon 4.3 (6)

Coming July rewards

A new chapter to the Party Decoration story.
A young man is seduced in the water.
Another Mr. Wayne Club chapter.
Vanessa undergoes a watery punishment.
A daughter pays rent in a most unique way.
Tammi makes a critical error with her husband.
Another Teri 5.0 chapter. We should be concluding this thing soon, right?
Another Shelly in Cancun chapter.
An older Mrs. Riwa story about a haunted(?) log in a pool.
Another Joia chapter.

May stories/rewards will fall off at the end of June to make room for July rewards.

I just got home from mom’s house to check up on things. Why is that, you ask? Because two weeks ago today I got this call at 3 am, awakening me from a sound sleep. My mother had fallen and could not get up. I got dressed in record time and drove over. Somehow I helped her get to her feet. But her arm was hurting. I made a makeshift sling out of a length of curtain frill. Then we were on our way to the emergency room.

The good news: there was no indication of any kind of head trauma. The bad news: mom broke her left arm, which is not good because she is left-handed. Thus, I’ve been driving into town every other day to see her in the hospital and then to see her at the rehab center where she is working like crazy to be allowed to go back home.

There will be changes and adjustments coming. It’s been hard to write lately, especially to work on newer material. My mind has never strayed far from what is going on with mom. But she seems to be getting better, and should be coming home soon once they deem she will not fall again or encounter an issue I am unprepared or unqualified to deal with.

Over the past few days I’ve been feeling less stress over mom’s situation. Thus, I’ve been able to work on stories a little more freely than before. This is a good thing because I like writing for you. I appreciate all of you for being my patrons. Thank you so much.

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Terrie’s latest shemale victim 3.4 (25)

This is how Terrie envisioned the events of the picture above playing out…

Terrie’s Latest Shemale Victim…
…would be her last. After strangling the luscious shemale, coaxing a death orgasm from her inviting ‘clit’, and posing her for a postmortem photo, the shemale’s busty partner gave Terrie a lethal dose of her own medicine by strangling her to death. She rammed dildoes into every one of corpseTerrie’s orifices, and left her for the motel maid to find.

This is the story I wrote for her.

She said her name was Fabiola. Terrie thought the name was fitting. This attractive shemale looked absolutely fabulous and would no doubt turn out to be a sexy snuff.

Fabiola took them to a motel she knew about, willingly paying for the room since Terrie was paying extra for their time together. Then they got right to it. The fifty-something Terrie was looking forward to adding this sexy bitch to her growing collection of asphyxia snuffs.

The luscious tranny had no idea what Terrie had planned for her as they started off in a 69 position. Terrie went right to work worshipping that gorgeous she-cock. But her ultimate plan was to have it go off inside her at the moment Fabiola stopped breathing.

She was so excited with Fabiola’s large breasts and luscious fuck-tool that she couldn’t wait any longer. She climbed aboard, straddling her as she eagerly rode her in the cowgirl position. But picturing this attractive shemale gasping for breath made her impatient to get on with it.

She wrapped her fingers around the tranny’s throat and started to squeeze. “Do you love erotic asphyxiation, honey?” she panted lustfully. “I sure as hell do!” And with that she squeezed harder.

She began bouncing up and down, impaling herself time and time again while enjoying the cock that filled her. At first Fabiola seemed to be enjoying the asphyxiation. “Let’s see how much you like it now, honey,” Terrie told her as she squeezed harder while using her muscles to clamp onto the delicious dick in her throbbing cunt.

Fabiola’s eyes opened wider as she started to gasp. She tried to push Terrie off while rasping, “Too tight… too tight!”

“Don’t you know?” Terrie responded with wicked glee. “It’s supposed to be tight when you’re killing a sexy bitch like you!”

Fabiola tried to claw the hands off from around her throat. Then she tried to choke Terrie with her hands. But she’d waited too long and didn’t have the strength to fight back.

“Too late!” Terrie cackled with sadistic glee. “Now you can cum as you die, you sexy bitch! Cum in my hot cunt as you die!” And with that she squeezed just as hard as she could.

Fabiola shuddered hard as her she-cock emptied inside Terrie’s spasming pussy. Terrie choked her all the way down to the depths of oblivion. When she finally climbed off, her pussy was full of cream that also seeped out and coated the dead shemale’s still twitching appendage.

Terrie hungrily licked and slurped on the still hardened dick, sucking on that delicious piece of meat until it twitched. She grabbed one of her toys and fucked the dead she-bitch’s ass for good measure. Amazingly the dick went off, spurting all over the twitching corpse.

Terrie licked it up and then climbed aboard to fuck the shemale again. She choked Fabiola some more, even though it wasn’t necessary. Once more it felt like she was able to entice a little more cream out of the dead tranny’s twitching dick.

She used her big dildo she’d brought along to rape the tranny’s ass, causing the she-cock to stiffen a little. She sucked and slurped on it again as she abused the corpse with her toy. The dick twitched as a little bit more cream oozed forth.

Terrie was ecstatic from her kill. She propped up the dead shemale on the bed, considering how best to leave her for the maid to find. She placed the limp hand next to the still stiff, dripping she-cock, knowing it would be soft by the time the maid came in to enjoy the corpse.

She left her toy in the ass, thinking it might be helpful for the maid to use in case she too wanted to abuse the sexy body. She pulled out another dildo and shoved it in the sexy she-male’s mouth to add to the picture of a well-fucked corpse. Then the motel door opened and an ebony beauty walked in.

Terrie looked at her in astonishment. “Who the fuck are you?”

“I’m Natalia,” the woman said. “This is the room we like to use whenever we’re out fucking. And that’s my Fabiola sitting all propped up like that. What the hell did you do to her?”

“She’s recovering from our little play,” Terrie said with a smile, sizing up the newcomer. “Do you want to play too?”

“What did you do to her??”

“A little erotic asphyxiation, hun,” Terrie told her with a smile. “I fucked her while choking her out. Wanna play?”

“You bitch!” Natalia gasped as she charged her, throwing her clothes off. “You’ll pay for that!”

“I’d be delighted to see you try.”

Terrie braced for her new adversary. But her eyes opened wide when she discovered Natalia’s revealed she-cock was even bigger than Fabiola’s. Riding that hardening dick to victory while asphyxiating her was going to be a real treat.

They wrestled each other for position, hurling obscenities at each other. But it was soon becoming clear to Terrie she truly had a fight on her hands. And her previous orgasms had already depleted her energy reserves.

Her excitement and anxiety rose as Natalia managed to get on top of her. Fingers wrapped around her throat as that enormous, chocolate cock rammed inside her throbbing pussy. Her own hands rose up to meet the she-male’s neck in a battle she suspicioned only one of them was going to survive.

“I’ll fucking kill you!” Natalia gasped angrily, pounding her hard with her she-cock while trying to choke the life out of her.

“I’m gonna add you to my collection!” Terrie rasped with a confident smile. “I’m gonna enjoy your cum pumping inside me as you die!” But the grip around her throat was stronger than she’d anticipated.

Natalia rammed her hard, the sexual excitement and pleasure easing Terrie’s asphyxiating fingers. But the angry tranny’s grip increased. “I’ll fucking kill you for choking my sweet Fabiola to death!”

Terrie started seeing stars as she tried to improve her grasp. But her strength was ebbing away, her pussy throbbing from the erotic pounding she was getting. That’s when she realized she was the one who might not be surviving this encounter.

“Fucking bitch!” the tranny hissed angrily at her, her fingers tightening even more. “Look into my eyes! I want to watch your face as I fuck you to death!” Then she really started thrusting hard, trying to fuck the shit out of the woman who’d killed her beloved Fabiola.

Terrie rasped and gurgled as it swelled inside her. Then she was cumming hard, bucking and shuddering and orgasming intensely. Hands tightened around her throat even more as her eyes rolled.

She was unable to fight back as her body welcomed the fucking and the asphyxiation. She couldn’t breathe… but she just kept on cumming. She wanted to live, but it was as though her body was screaming, “YES – YES; I’M CUMMING FOR YOU AS YOU ASPHYXIATE ME! STRANGLE ME TO DEATH AND I’LL CUM FOR YOU AS I DIE!!”

She could feel herself spiraling away into oblivion. But it was as though her overly excited body was welcoming the intense pleasure as death claimed her. All she could think of was how this sexy she-bitch was fucking her to death and how wonderful it felt. Then she went limp against the assault against her flesh.

Natalia kept fucking the body long after any evidence of life had faded away. She finally pumped her full of her seed before pausing to look. Terrie stared up at her with her mouth gaping open, looking as though she’d died from a mixture of pain and euphoria.

“FUCKING WHORE!” Natalia roared as she flipped the body over the end of the bed. She thrust hard into the dead ass and started raping the corpse in rage and despair over the loss of her beloved. She stared at her Fabiola while pounding Terrie’s ass.

“This is for you, baby!” she cried out, thrusting as hard as she could. Terrie’s corpse responded by shuddering a little. Natalia thought the bitch might still be alive, so she wrapped her hands around the neck and squeezed with all her might.

Terrie twitched and quivered. Natalia thought she could feel the ass clenching. She made Terrie look at her Fabiola as she choked her out again. But the fifty-something was already gone and could no longer see.

Natalia left a second deposit in the dead woman’s ass. But there was no pulse. She pinched and twisted the nipples, but there was no response. That’s when she realized the bitch was good and dead.

There was no use taking Fabiola’s body with her. So she laid out Terrie on the bottom, before putting her dear friend on top in a 69 position. When the maid came in it would look like the corpses were eating each other out.

She made sure Fabiola’s she-cock was stuffed in Terrie’s mouth. She filled Terrie’s other holes with the toys she found. Then she left them behind for the motel housekeepers to enjoy. She hoped they would treat her Fabiola well. But they could do whatever the hell they wanted to the other dead bitch…

2017 (written Jan 9 ’17 by riwa. Inspired by Teri’s synopsis and the manip she provided.)

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Hanging Nucea 3.9 (36)

When Nucea joined the gang she was a hit with the guys, what with her long, flowing brown hair and large rack. Unfortunately that made her unpopular with the girls. It wasn’t long before the raven haired Callie took the bull by the horns.

She invited Nucea and a few girls out for a private party. They went clubbing and got Nucea more than a little tipsy. Then they took her to an unsavory part of town.

They found a section of rundown buildings that had been heavily painted in graffiti. A single light shown down to illuminate the alley. That’s when Callie had her best friend Skylar produce the rope she’d kept hidden from Nucea.

“It’s pretty artsy around here,” Callie declared with a drunken wave. “But it needs something special… something to liven up the place.”

“What do you think it needs?” Skylar asked with a knowing grin.

“I think it needs a little ‘human decoration’; don’t you?” Then she grinned malevolently at her prey.

“What do you mean by that?” Nucea asked, feeling more than a little alarmed.

She watched as Skylar shinnied up the pipe attached to the corner of the building with a length of rope in her hand. Then Callie pointed at her before proclaiming, “Get her, girls!” They all pounced on Nucea, slamming her to the ground and tying her with more rope they’d secretly brought along for the occasion.

Skylar came back down with the rope looped over a bend in the pipe. She fashioned one end into a noose as the others bound Nucea. She lost her footwear when they tied her ankles together.

“Her name sounds like ‘noose’,” Callie declared as they pulled her to her feet. “Let’s see if it fits.”

Nucea tried to scream. Skylar covered her lips with her hand as one of the girls produced a thin white rag that went over her mouth. Nucea grunted in alarm, her eyes widening with fear.

“What do you think, bitches?” Callie finally asked the others when Nucea was standing there whimpering with fright, the noose ominous around her neck. “Shall we get this party started?”

“Let’s see if she’s a real swinger!” Skylar declared. She wasn’t the least bit sympathetic. Nucea’s death would mean she would probably get her former boyfriend back after he’d stopped seeing her to go after the long, brown-haired newbie.

Nucea frantically shook her head, pleading with her eyes. “Take her up, girls!” Callie ordered. Several pulled on the other end of the rope until Nucea’s bare feet left the pavement.

They quickly tied off their end as Nucea dolphin-kicked her legs. Then Callie gave her a good, hard push, laughing as the poor girl swung back and forth before bouncing off the building.

“Like the noose, Nucea? It certainly fits you!” The others laughed unsympathetically.

Nucea kicked and grunted until her throat closed off. She jerked around a little against the building. Stray muscles twitched as she wet herself, urine trickling down her legs.

Nucea finally hung limp, fluid dribbling off her toes. “I knew she’d have to pee sooner or later after all she had to drink,” Callie laughed. “Let’s go, girls. It looks like Nucea decided to leave our gang for good. I say good riddance, bitch!”

She gave her a hard push before walking away in disgust. Skylar also gave the dangling body an angry push. Most of the others rudely shoved her corpse around, happy the bitch was dead and wouldn’t be stealing any of their boyfriends after this. Nucea’s corpse was left to quietly dangle against the corner of the building.

3-16-19 (Inspired by Corinne’s creation)

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Corinne draws the short straw 3.6 (31)

Corinne had to usher the last two out the door. There was always someone staying until the very last minute, someone who just wanted “one more for the road” that would put her well after closing time. At least she was getting these two out with little fuss.

She was working to lock the door when a couple of burly men with loops of rope over their shoulders came to the door. A surge of panic made her attempt to lock it quickly. But it was too late, and they forced their way inside.

“Sorry gentlemen; we’re closed.” She said it in the politest, calmest voice she could muster. Something about these two scared her.

“Oh, I think you’ve got time for us, missy.”

“I really need to be closing up now.” But the bigger one got in her way and ominously forced her back to the bar.

Something told her this was serious. Maybe she could talk her way out of this. If not, maybe she could reach the phone to put out a call.

“I guess I don’t have to close right away,” she told him, gulping inwardly as the other one went to the door, flipped the sign over to “Closed” and then drew the shade. “What’ll you two have?”

The first one grabbed her by the arm and worked her behind the counter. “We’ll start by having a look at the day’s receipts. Your boss is way behind on his payments.”

“Payments? What payments – ow, you’re hurting me.”

“Not going to show me the till; eh, missy?”

Corrine gulped in alarm. Clearly these two had something ominous up their sleeves. She sure as hell didn’t like the sight of all that rope they’d brought in with them.

She went over and opened the till. The one with her gave it a cursory glance. “That’s it?” he growled unhappily. “That ain’t nearly enough.”

“They made a run with the afternoon receipts to the bank before it closed. That’s all there is.”

“I guess he’s not concerned about your welfare then.”

“My welfare?” She gulped again as she fought against the shakes that were trying to set in.

“Your boss. He’s behind in his payments to us… again. We told him we would be showing up to square accounts.”

“Then I guess you’ll have to take it up with him.”

“I intend to, missy. But first we have to remind him just how serious we are.”

“Hey – hey – HEY!”

The other one with his rope came forward as the first grabbed her arms and forced them behind her back. “I’m warning you; I’ll scream.”

“Do you really think that’s wise?”

She gasped for breath at the first one’s words as her heart pounded in her chest. Maybe screaming wasn’t such a good idea after all. A moment later it became academic as the second one tied some sort of cloth over her face while the first worked to secure her arms behind her back.

She grunted as she twisted and turned in place. “Stop struggling,” the first one warned ominously. The other gave her a look as though she might want to follow his instructions.

Corinne’s heart beat fast as her arms were tied securely behind her back with loops of rope that also wrapped around her stomach. More rope was tied just below her knees and again at her ankles. Then she grunted in alarm as the second one fashioned a noose out of the rope he had left.

“No hard feelings, missy,” the first one explained. “It’s just your bad luck you were the one closing tonight.” Then he took the free end of the rope and threw it over a beam in the ceiling.

He grabbed the noose from his partner and looped it around her neck. “We tried to warn your boss, but he just wouldn’t listen. Maybe this will give him the message.” And with that they both calmly pulled on the free end of the rope.

Corinne let out a muffled cry that was cut off as she was hauled up into the air. She dolphin kicked as her feet searched for solid footing that was now 24 inches below. A tear rolled down her cheek as anger and defiance gave way to terror.

She let out muffled rasps for breath as they tied the other end off. She swung back and forth, unable to believe how it could hurt like this. What the hell had her boss done for her to deserve this??

“No hard feelings, missy,” the first one told her again as they two men turned and headed for the door. “You just happened to be in here tonight stuck holding the short straw.”

They weren’t even going to stay behind to admire their handiwork?? They certainly didn’t seem concerned about making sure she succumbed, not that it was all that necessary. She was already starting to fade as the door closed behind them, leaving her all alone and strangling to death at the end of her rope.

(Aug 17 ’18)

(Inspired by an art manip by Corinne)

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Shifting, sinking sand 3.9 (21)

It’s going to be a big storm and Emma knows it. She’s already prepared her home for the worst. Now she has this curiosity to go out and see things for herself.

She hops into her vehicle and goes for a quick drive to the coast. She’s not stupid; she just wants to see it coming in. But if she gets herself stuck in any kind of dangerous situation – if only for a minute or two – she really won’t mind. She’s in the mood for a little erotic peril.

As it turns out, the beach is closed. But she’s not surprised. Besides, she knows a place to park a short distance down the road.

From there she can walk out among the dunes to the shoreline. She wants to watch the tide come in. If reports are true how bad this one is going to be, there will be some beach erosion.

The wind is fierce, but it has not reached gale force yet. It’s almost raining sideways now. Emma knows she better not be out long. But she can’t help herself.

Right now she has this curiosity. It’s an urge that comes upon her every now and again. A few minutes stuck in the sand as the storm comes in should be enough to achieve the release she craves.

The beach is deserted; she is all alone. She shouldn’t be interrupted by anyone telling her she’s crazy for being out here and to go home. But there’s a downside to her solitude.

What if she gets into serious trouble? There will be no one around to get her out. The very idea triggers a burst of deliciously erotic tingles.

She walks out toward the shore, noticing right away how high the waves are. The wind is pushing the water inland. There’s going to be a lot of flooding and damage with this one.

Chances are there might be a few deaths as well. Sadly, a few people are liable to get trapped in their homes if they haven’t left. It’s another mental image that gives her a surge of erotic tingles.

She slowly makes her way out toward the incoming tide. She is in awe of the destructive force being displayed before her. The beach is steadily being eroded away.

A section of it has already been cut into. It’s being taken away by the angry surf. It’s an impressive display of nature’s power. She could find herself in serious trouble if she’s not careful.

She creeps out toward the edge of the dune in front of her that’s being methodically eaten away. What she’s doing is dangerous. But that’s the attraction: taking a chance without being too stupid or getting in too much trouble. She just wants to experience a little peril before she goes back home.

The rain has soaked clear through. Her hippie boots are starting to slog underneath her as she makes her advance. Maybe a couple more minutes before her body craves the warmth of the heater back in her vehicle. There’s no point catching pneumonia out here.

She advances closer to the edge of the rapidly eroding dune. The storm is inhuman in its fury. It lashes out uncaringly at anyone or anything in its path. Emma’s no more than an insignificant bug, one that could get “squashed” if she’s not careful.

She looks up and down the beach. What little she sees indicates sand shifting and sinking everywhere. The waves are eating it away with each incoming surge.

It’s breathtaking to look at. Seeing nature’s fury is impressive. But bow she’s really soaked. Perhaps it’s time to…

Emma lets out a cry as the sand suddenly gives way underneath her. She rides the collapsing section of dune down into the water. Somehow she ends up standing upright.

To her horror she realizes she’s trapped… stuck in wet sand up past her knees. Her toes wriggle anxiously in her boots. She’s certainly done it now!

A wave rushes in as though eager to claim its prize. It slams into Emma, nearly submerging her. She cries out, coughing and sputtering.

She fights to pull her legs free of the sand she’s partially buried in. The water starts to go back out. Then it back-washes into another wave coming in, one more devastating than the last.

Emma lets out a cry as her tiny body is swallowed up and submerged. She frantically tries to hold her breath, flailing wildly. The water recedes, exposing her head and chest so she can breathe again.

She desperately claws at the sand entrapping her. She struggles to work herself loose, at least enough to free legs. How could she have been so foolish?

She had no idea the waves had worked their way under the dune that much. She should have known better. Mother Nature is not one to be trifled with.

Another wave comes in, slamming into her. She cries out and then bubbles as she is submerged again. The cold is numbing, her legs feeling like she’s encased in cement.

This is getting serious. If she can’t work herself free in the next few moments, she’s going to drown. Then she’s liable to be hauled out to sea, never to be seen or heard from again.

The water recedes, leaving her head exposed. She coughs hard, spitting up water. Her body thrums from the arousing fear of her predicament. Gawd, she may have really done it this time!

The sand shifts beneath her as the wave comes back in. Water reaches her neck as she cries out. She struggles to pull her legs out, desperate to free herself from the hungering sand.

Water rises above her until she’s submerged once again. Her pussy throbs with a terrible ache. She wants the orgasm, but she doesn’t want to die to achieve it.

The water recedes until her head is exposed. Emma coughs and sputters. That last one was too close.

She damn near popped off. But she’s afraid an orgasm now will leave her too weak to pull herself free. She has to get out now or the malevolent storm will claim her for its own, savagely drowning her and then wiping away any trace of her corpse off the face of the earth.

She frantically struggles… is her foot starting to come free? The soles of her feet are erogenous zones. Now they are driving her mad. She’s got to get out or it will be too late.

She hears it and turns in time to see what appears to be a particularly angry wave bearing down on her. Her worst fears are realized as her mind screams, “OHMYGAWD; I’M A GONER!” Then it slams into her.

It’s that moment when her orgasm hits. Emma is battered senseless in a violent sea of pleasure and peril. Then she’s submerged in what feels like concrete up to her waist. She can’t move at all.

The angry sea slams her again as her lungs give out. She hitches and gurgles, her mind screaming how stupid she was. She pulls nothing but violent seawater down her windpipe.

Emma convulses in agony as another wave slams into her. Now she is completely buried in sand. It’s pitch black all around her, the darkness of the grave.

She shudders in her death throes, her eyes wide in horror. It feels like a snake is constricting her. Then another wave comes in.

She’s brutally hauled away from the shoreline, her tiny body tossed and battered. The storm takes her farther and farther out, claiming its prize. It is no respecter of the wise… or the foolish.

Emma disappears from the face of the earth. All that is left behind is her home and the job she worked. Her parked vehicle leaves a tantalizing clue as to what might have happened to her.

2012; 2019 (written Dec 17 ’12; ed. Sep 26 ‘19 by riwa)

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Sandy’s Surprise 3.7 (59)

Sandy always did like to surprise me with a special firing squad execution every now and then. She was so thoughtful. Besides, she knew how much it turned me on.

She recently set one up out back in the woods behind the morgue. It’s always handy if you have a morgue close to your execution site. It means you can get the bodies inside and have some fun with them before rigor sets in.

She set a gurney off to one side of the execution post. Then she went in and brought out Priscilla Mayweather. Priscilla was a lovely brunette attending City U.

Apparently Priscilla had failed in pledging to the Phi Omicron Ro Nu sorority. She’d been given the choice of leaving school or joining the sorority posthumously. Priscilla’s mother wanted her in the sorority and apparently had manipulated her into accepting summary execution so her name would appear in the sorority album of members past and present.

When it was time for the execution my girlfriend Sandy brought out the lovely Priscilla. She guided her to the post as our sexy female firing squad took up position. Priscilla took one look at them and almost fainted. That’s when it must have set in what was going to happen to her.

I was hard in no time at all knowing I was about to witness another thrilling execution. Sandy smiled as she called me over. That’s when she introduced me to Priscilla.

“This is my boyfriend Mike. He loves executions, and he’s going to be getting off to yours. I see he brought the pistol I’ll be using to administer the killing shot on that lovely head of yours.”

Sandy looked down at my crotch and grinned. “See the bulge in his jeans, honey? See how excited he is at your impending execution? Let’s have a closer look, shall we?” Poor Priscilla could only stand there trembling at her impending demise as she looked at me.

As if to confirm my condition, Sandy rubbed the bulge in my pants. Then she pulled them down and exposed my erection. “See this, Priscilla? Hard as a rock. He’s just aching to shoot a creamy load once the firing squad ejaculates their slugs into your lovely body.”

Priscilla gulped and nodded as Sandy reached out and touched my stiffening dick. “He likes you, Priscilla. I think he’s going to enjoy watching all those bullets perforate your body. What do you think?” The poor thing’s mouth opened and closed, but no words would come.

I went ahead and finished disrobing. Sandy smiled at my naked body. “Isn’t he grand, Priscilla? You’re going to give him a great show as you die for your sorority, aren’t you? After all, we’ll be reporting back whether you died well or put up a fuss. Your mom might not like hearing about that.”

“I’ll d-do my b-best,” the trembling thing said to us.

“I know you will, honey,” Sandy told her with a smile. Then she began to disrobe as well.

It wasn’t long until my girlfriend was as naked as I was. Her body always did turn me on. She saw my erection had not diminished and smiled at me.

“He likes seeing me naked, honey. Now let’s treat him to your nude form as well, shall we? He’s going to want to see where those bullets will be entering that bare flesh of yours.”

Sandy temporarily removed the cuffs before getting Priscilla out of her blouse and skirt. She slowly but sensuously removed everything on the young woman but her bottoms. “You’ll put on a much better show if you’re naked for Mike, honey. Just look at his cock. It’s stiff as a board! Can you tell how excited he is? He’s thinking about watching you being executed in front of a firing squad.”

All our clothes were lovingly set aside. Then she backed Priscilla up against the post. “Let’s get those cuffs back on you, shall we? Don’t want you going anywhere before the rifles go off now, do we?”

My girlfriend made sure the young woman’s wrists were cuffed around the back of the post. “My, but you look sexy, honey. Let me see. I think there’s one thing missing. Don’t you agree, Mike?”

I wasn’t sure what she was referring to. Then Sandy went and retrieved a black blindfold. She adjusted it around Priscilla’s head until it covered her eyes.

“How’s that, honey? Can you see?”

“N-no, I c-can’t see a thing. D-do I have to wear this?”

“Honey, it adds to the execution if the condemned woman wears a blindfold. Am I right, Mike?”

“Right as rain, Sandy.” I could not help smiling. My cock was quivering for a release.

“You should see what you’re doing to Mike, honey. His cock is just aching to explode. And it’s all because of you and these nice tits of yours… tits that will soon be feeling the sting of hot lead.”

Sandy began pawing and groping poor Priscilla’s quivering mounds. “I’m afraid these lovely orbs are soon going to be perforated. That doesn’t upset or frighten you, does it?”

“Maybe a l-little.”

For a minute there I thought the poor thing was going to wet herself. Sandy reached down and rubbed Priscilla’s crotch. The young woman clenched and squirmed.

“Are you aroused, honey?” Sandy asked with wicked amusement. “Sorry we can’t do anything about that. We have an execution to perform and you need to feel hot led piercing these gorgeous mounds of yours. But you can cum anytime you wish. Some ladies orgasm right before the rifles go off. Besides, I promise to munch on your tasty, wet muff once we get your corpse into the morgue.”

Sandy ran a finger teasingly over Priscilla’s damp thong, rubbing back and forth. Then she put it between her lips and tasted. “That’s going to be yummy after you’re dead, honey. I know you’re just as excited as I am to get this show on the road. Mike’s so hard he’s liable to spew his load once those bullets tear into your flesh. Now let’s achieve some penetration, shall we?”

She asked me, “Mike, are you ready to watch me execute Priscilla here?”

“Ready!” I replied enthusiastically, my cock twitching as it saluted the lovely Priscilla and her impending death.

“Firing squad… READY?” Five rifles were immediately lifted upward.

Five rounds were loudly chambered. Sandy deliberately paused again. She looked at me and grinned as she saw how hard and dripping I was.

Sandy had my revolver in her hand. She raised it up as she chuckled with amusement. Then she told Priscilla, “Is the suspense killing you? It’s sure as hell turning me on. Can’t see a thing, can you. But I sure can. Do you know what I see? I see five rifles at the ready. Now it’s time for them to…………..”


Five rifles took aim at the lovely Priscilla. They were sexy girls in white sweater tops and schoolgirl-red skirts. Sandy and I were standing a little close to the doomed teenager. But we trusted their accuracy.

I was trembling so bad I thought I was going to “fire” before they did. My girlfriend just kept playing it up. “Honey, this is so fucking good,” she breathed in Priscilla’s direction. “They’ve taken aim right at you. I wonder what parts they will hit. Will your tits be shredded? Will one go into your stomach? Who knows?”

There was another long pause. The university co-ed trembled as she started panting for breath. Sandy looked at me with a wicked grin. There was a long, pregnant pause before………………..


I looked at Sandy in surprise. Damn! She was really stringing this along!


She held up two fingers as Priscilla turned toward her voice in alarm. The poor thing must have been horrified Sandy was taking so long. My girlfriend grinned at her as she giggled mischievously…


Five rifle shots rang out, startling the crap out of me. Priscilla’s sexy young body shook from the penetration of the slugs. Her mouth opened in a grimace as Sandy stood there triumphantly.

Priscilla groaned as she slumped against the post, her breathing heavy and labored. She went down until she ended up sitting on her ass. Her left breast had taken the brunt of the fusillade.

Sandy walked up to poor Priscilla with pistol in hand. She pushed it against the doomed woman’s head. “Honey, this is the best part,” she told her.

“Mike’s so fucking hard right now. This headshot should send him right over the edge. Are you ready for my revolver to fuck your brains out, baby?” I was hard and ready to erupt.

Sandy paused for dramatic effect. Then she pulled the trigger. A shot rang out, penetrating the doomed girl’s cranium.

Priscilla jerked before all motion ceased as she sagged lifelessly. I jerked as my balls emptied themselves. Sandy turned and grinned to see I was spurting all over Priscilla’s twitching corpse.

She let out an orgasmic cry as she came over to me. She got down on her knees and sucked me dry. Then she went over and set Priscilla free by removing the handcuffs. The coed simply slumped lifelessly onto the ground.

Sandy called out, “Squad? Get this dead bitch up onto the gurney. There’s no need to be gentle.”

Three of them quickly came over and hefted her up. They unceremoniously dumped her onto the gurney. Priscilla was left sprawled out naked except for the tennis shoes she still wore.

About that time a new player entered the execution arena. She was buck naked. It was a familiar looking blonde who was clapping her hands. “Bravo, Sandy; bravo! I nearly came myself!”

“Dorothy Curtis?? What a pleasant surprise!”

They embraced like old friends. Then they started touching each other. Was I about to be treated to a bonus performance??

Dorothy told her how much she enjoyed the execution. Sandy said she was glad she had been able to witness the event. For a moment they seemed to have forgotten I was standing there.

I didn’t know what to do with myself. Priscilla was dead on the gurney while Dorothy and Sandy were both naked. My eyes didn’t know who to focus on.

All of the sudden Sandy turned to me and asked, “I take it the squad has enough ammunition for a second execution?”

“They certainly do,” I told her with a smile, feeling my cock stir again.

“I’m happy to give my all for Mike’s pleasure,” Dorothy told my girlfriend. Then to my utter surprise they started making out with each other right then and there. It was one hell of a turn-on.

Those sexy bitches really groped and fondled each other. To my surprise Dorothy pushed my girlfriend back against the post Priscilla had recently stood in front of. Then she started tying her to it.

Sandy became confused. “Wait, I… this isn’t the way… Dorothy, don’t you have this backwards?”

“Not at all,” she told her with a grin. “I told you I was here to give my all to Mike. But this time I have something extra special planned.”

She looked at me and asked, “How about it, love? Care to watch me execute your girlfriend?”

Alarm filled Sandy’s features. Her quivering voice betrayed her emotions. “Mike? Darling??” But she received no sympathy from me. I was turned on like you wouldn’t believe.

“Oh, don’t worry about a thing, love,” Dorothy reassured her. “You promised Priscilla there would be a little munching in the morgue, right? I promise I’ll dine on your tasty muff just as soon as we’re done out here.”

“B-B-But Dorothy! Doesn’t Mike want to execute YOU??”

“Oh, I’m sure he’s been looking forward to seeing your lovely tits perforated for a long time, love. Just look at him over there.” Indeed, my cock had hardened right back up seeing the way Dorothy was preparing my girlfriend for a sexy, impromptu execution.

“Come on over, Mike. Say goodbye to your girlfriend!” When Dorothy eagerly waved me over, I jumped to obey.

I kissed Sandy as Dorothy put the blindfold over her eyes. It was the same blindfold that had adorned Priscilla’s face mere moments ago. After all, that lovely corpse certainly didn’t need it anymore.

My cock pushed up against Sandy’s crotch. She was wet as hell as she humped me a little in her growing fright. Dorothy told us, “Hunh – unh, love. I get to play with that now!”

We caressed Sandy all over. Dorothy actually reached down and rubbed my girlfriend’s wet crotch, fingering her dripping slit. “You’ve always wanted to munch on mine, love. Now I get to munch on yours. Oh don’t worry, about Mike. I promise I’ll take real good care of him.”

Dorothy got down on her knees right in front of me. I could hear the fear in Sandy’s voice. “M-Mike, are you s-sure about this?”

“Darling, you have no idea how turned on I am right now seeing you standing there naked and blindfolded, waiting for the firing squad to shred those gorgeous tits of yours.”

“Oh, I can vouch for that, love,” Dorothy said agreeably. “You should see how hard his cock is. But don’t you worry. I’m going to take care of his needs right now.”

Dorothy began sucking me nice and slow. I groaned from her skills. Sandy looked at me as though trying to stare through the blindfold.

Dorothy became noisier as she sucked and slurped. She took me deep down her throat until she gagged on it. I gasped and moaned my pleasure.

I could tell Sandy knew exactly what was going on. She kept staring in my direction. I couldn’t tell whether she was frightened or jealous. It was probably a little bit of both.

“He’s got a great cock, love,” Dorothy said to my girlfriend. “It must have been a real treat getting to suck and fuck him every day. I promise I’ll do my best to live up to the kind of girlfriend you were to him.” Then she took me back into her mouth, sucking and slurping as I reached out and groped Sandy’s trembling mounds. Her nipples were so wonderfully hard.

Dorothy backed off, leaving me frustrated. Then she stood upright. “Darling? You might want to step out of the way. We wouldn’t want you to get hurt with any of those slugs intended for your lovely Sandy now, would we?”

I stepped back and stood apart from my trembling girlfriend. Sandy was panting like crazy. It was obvious she’d never intended for this to happen.

Dorothy looked at the young women in their skirts and tops. Then she smiled as she told Sandy, “You have five wonderful executioners, love. They were quite accurate with Priscilla. But I’m asking them to save the last kill shot for me, you know… the one to your head? The one you enjoy giving out so much?”

Sandy whimpered and trembled. Dorothy rubbed her hands all over my girlfriend’s body. “Scared, love? No, I suppose you’re trembling with excitement, aren’t you… excitement at the idea of dying for your lovely boyfriend Mike here. I can assure you he’s really going to enjoy this.”

Sandy started hyperventilating as Dorothy stepped away. I don’t know why the hell I was so damned aroused. I’d cum just a few minutes ago, yet my balls felt like they were full again.

Dorothy didn’t say a word. There was no sound. I actually heard robins chirping not too far away.

Sandy panted like crazy. Then she started looking around as though she was getting anxious. What she’d done to Priscilla by taunting her had now come full circle. Karma can be such a wicked bitch.


Sandy almost jerked at Dorothy’s unexpected cry. Five rifles were lifted up; five rounds chambered. I inhaled sharply at the eroticism of it all.

Sandy’s chest rose and fell. I was looking forward to seeing those breasts of hers get perforated. Judging by the gleam in Dorothy’s eye I could tell she was looking forward to it as well.

There was a long silence. Then we all heard “AIM!” Dorothy barked it out, causing Sandy to jerk with a start against the post she was secured to.

Once more there was a long pause, an incredibly long pause. My cock was dripping. I couldn’t believe how aroused I’d become.


Sandy had no time to jump at Dorothy’s barked directive. Five shots rang out in unison. She grunted as five slugs penetrated her body.

Sandy groaned as she slumped against the post. She was still alive and upright, although I could tell she’d been fatally wounded. Blood bubbled up in her mouth.

Dorothy eagerly waved me to come right over. She motioned for me to start stroking while she held the revolver in her hand. She didn’t have to tell me twice.

Sandy finally lost the ability to stand. She slid weakly down the post until she was flat on her ass. Then Dorothy stepped forward.

“It’s time to put you out of your misery, love. You can’t see it. But maybe it will bring you some comfort – perhaps even a little pleasure – knowing your boyfriend is going to splatter your corpse with his baby-batter the moment I administer the coup de grace.”

Dorothy hefted the pistol and cocked the hammer. She gently placed the barrel up against Sandy’s temple. Then she told me, “Cum on her when I finish her off, Mike. Splatter her sexy corpse.”

Sandy let out a little whimper of agony. I stood right next to her, stroking like crazy. Dorothy told her, “Mike’s right here, love. He’s going to cum on you after I pull the trigger. Too bad you’re not going to feel him spunk his warm man-cream all over you.”

I stroked like crazy. I couldn’t ever remember participating in an execution so damned erotic. The fact it was my girlfriend being killed by that tart from England only made it better.

“Goodbye, Sandy. See you in the morgue. I bet your muff’s going to taste wonderful.”

I thought I heard Sandy gasp a little. Then Dorothy pulled the trigger. There was a puff of smoke from the loud report as my girlfriend’s head snapped back.

Sandy immediately went into death spasms. That’s when my cock went off. I sprayed her naked, spasming corpse as Dorothy gasped, “Yes, love! Cum all over her dead, sexy body! You have no idea how much that turns me on!”

I splattered my girlfriend until I thought I’d squeezed out most of my man-cream. Dorothy quickly got down on her knees and finished sucking me dry. “I’m jealous she got most of your spunk, darling. I just might have to lick it all off her corpse once we get her inside.”

She freed Sandy from the ropes tying her to the post. My dead girlfriend crumpled over onto her side. She looked so incredibly sexy lying there with bullet holes in her chest and forehead.

Dorothy grabbed Sandy and adjusted her around on the grass. She laid her out the way Sandy was going to end up on a slab in the morgue. I looked down at her with a feeling of incredible excitement. I’ll be damned if my cock didn’t start to stiffen again.

“Just look at her, darling. Doesn’t she look wonderful lying there on the ground? She took those bullets for you just like Mata Hari did all those years ago. Truly a lovely sight to behold!”

Dorothy reached down and grabbed my dangling member. It didn’t take long for me to stiffen right up in her hand. “We’re going to have a blast inside the morgue, darling… just you, me, and your lovely corpse of a girlfriend.”

She stroked me as I stood there looking at my dead Sandy. Just seeing her perforated like that was really turning me on again. It was too bad she wasn’t alive to witness my excitement.

“Let’s see what she has to say about her execution, love.” Then Dorothy knelt down. She removed the blindfold until my girlfriend’s eyes were revealed.

Sandy vacantly stared upward at us. My cream had splattered parts of her face and chest. The hole in the center of her forehead completed the sexy image.

“Just look at her, darling,” Dorothy told me enthusiastically. “It looks like she’s begging us to take her inside and have some fun with her.”

Dorothy calmly walked over to the gurney. She looked down at Priscilla’s dead body. Then she grabbed the gurney and unceremoniously tipped it over. The dead City U coed tumbled onto the ground in a heap.

“Sorry about that, love. But Sandy’s more important than you are right now. Don’t worry; eventually we’ll get back to you.”

She motioned for the firing squad to come over. They reverently lifted Sandy up onto the gurney. I think they were tender with her because of the emotional attachment they had with her, especially at being allowed to participate in so many of Sandy’s previously organized executions.

They slowly wheeled Sandy and the gurney into the morgue. Dorothy and I followed right behind. All our clothes as well as the weapons remained outside.

Once we got my corpse of a girlfriend inside, the firing squad departed, their duties having been concluded. That left Dorothy and I with Sandy. That’s when she began rubbing my girlfriend’s naked body all over.

I watched as Dorothy fingered her dead, dripping slit while I played with Dottie’s full, firm breasts. Dorothy murmured, “Sandy must have orgasmed the moment that hot lead tore into her. What a thrill it must have been. I can’t wait to feast on her wetness.”

Dorothy got a hose and washed Sandy’s body down while it remained on the gurney. She must have forgotten she was going to lick all my cream off. Maybe she was eager to get to the good stuff.

After washing it down, she began rubbing it all over with her hands, feeling up Sandy’s cooling corpse. It surprised me how much she seemed to be into it. I didn’t know what to do with myself. So I just stood there and watched. But it sure felt like I had a permanent erection.

Dorothy bent over and told my dead girlfriend, “You have no idea how turned on I am right now, love. You talked so many times about the women you played with right here in this very morgue after they were dead. Now it’s my turn to play with you.”

Sandy said nothing. She just stared upward with that vacant look in her eyes. I couldn’t believe how turned on I was.

Dorothy went on talking to her. “At the time I thought it was bloody disgusting the way you described what you did to each corpse. But now I’m beginning to understand what it was that must have turned you on about the whole bloody thing. Seeing you lying there with those holes in your chest? Seeing those lifeless eyes and that vacant expression? I can’t believe how turned on I am, love! Bloody hell!”

Dorothy tenderly ran her hand up and down Sandy’s corpse. She found a bullet hole and felt around inside it with a finger. “Bloody hell, love. Did you treat your victims this way?”

“I can attest to that,” I told her with a smile. “She loved feeling them up. She gave each one careful scrutiny once she got them inside.”

“Even playing with the bullet holes?” Dorothy asked incredulously as she stuck a finger in the one in Sandy’s right breast.

She smiled as she poked her fingers in more holes. Then she jerked her hands away. “Wait; what the hell am I doing?”

“You’re being inquisitive, Dorothy. And you have no idea what it’s doing to me.”

She looked at my erection and smiled as she licked her lips. Then she went back to poking fingers in my girlfriend’s bullet-ridden corpse. I couldn’t remember if Sandy had ever fingered bullet holes in her victims before. But I was almost sure she had.

“This is so kinky, darling. Why am I so turned on?”

“I don’t know. But you’re sure as hell turning me on too.”

Dorothy stuck a finger in a hole near the center of Sandy’s chest. Then she stuck one in her forehead, the one she’d created by administering the coup de grace. She playfully wriggled both fingers, checking my response. I just grinned at her, becoming more and more aroused.

“Bloody hell! It feels so intimate violating her like this!”

“She doesn’t seem to mind, Dottie. Just look at her face. I almost think she likes it!”

Dorothy stuck her fingers in all the holes. She even wriggled them around inside. Sandy never objected, not even once.

I finally asked, “Still going to feast on her muff, Dorothy?” I had my doubts it was really going to happen. Our tart from England wasn’t into girls, certainly not in that way.

She looked at me for a long moment. Then she smiled before she moved to the end of the gurney. She grabbed Sandy’s legs and pulled her body down until my girlfriend’s crotch was within easy reach.

Dorothy splayed the legs off the end of the gurney. She fingered the wet slit, breathlessly observing how damp she was. “She must have cum the moment those rifles went off, love.”

“I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if she did.”

Dorothy leaned over and began kissing Sandy’s crotch. Then she tentatively stuck her tongue out. She lapped up the sticky fluids before pulling her head up, commenting on the incredible taste.

She leaned back in and began licking some more. I heard little slurping sounds. Dorothy moaned as she began to lick a little more enthusiastically.

By now I was so hard and throbbing that I had to have another release. Dorothy was right there handy, all bent over invitingly. So I slowly pushed my hard cock into her pussy from behind, making her moan into Sandy’s crotch.

“Bloody hell, Mike! I never knew this could be such a turn-on. No wonder Sandy loved doing this to each of your lovely execution victims. Fuck me hard, darling. I’m so hot for it that I need a good shag right now.”

I thrust in nice and hard. Dorothy grabbed Sandy’s ass, pulling her dead crotch up closer to her mouth. She gasped and moaned as she continued to lick and slurp while I gave it to her good.

Sandy lay there like a trooper, taking it all without one peep of protest. She just kept staring up at the ceiling as though encouraging us to violate her. It was arousing as hell.

I was horny like you wouldn’t believe, watching Dorothy feast on my dead girlfriend’s womanhood. There was just one thing left to do.

I paused and slid out of Dottie’s pussy while I went to fetch it. She looked to see what I was doing. “Where are you going, love? Don’t leave me now! I was getting close!”

“I’m just getting something to help you get off, Dottie. Go back to what you were doing.”

She went back to feasting on Sandy’s muff. I returned with a knife before slipping back inside her wet tightness. She gasped and whimpered with lust.

Dorothy grunted and moaned as she slurped and munched. Sandy’s naked corpse rocked a little. I could feel myself getting close. Now that Sandy had gotten her surprise, it was time for Dorothy to get hers.

I pulled her upright as I thrust my cock up into her. I could feel her clenching. She was going to pop off at any moment.

“Cum for me, you sexy bitch!” I breathed into her ear. She reached down and fingered her button, moaning excitedly as I got ready. Then I brought the blade up and held it against her throat.

“Darling, what are you doing – AWKAUGGHH!” That’s when I sliced right through her neck.

Dottie let out a gawk as blood started pouring out of the wound I’d just made. Her body began to jerk in my grasp. That’s when her lovely fuck-box began clenching like crazy.

“I’m sure Sandy wanted you dead this whole time, darling,” I whispered into her ear. “I couldn’t very well say no to my girlfriend, could I? Three victims in one day? I’m going to pump gallons of baby-batter into all three of you!”

Dorothy started to jerk and spasm. I could feel her trying to milk another cum right out of me. It was erotic as hell the way she was hitching and gurgling.

“Cum for me, Dorothy. Is the London tart going to orgasm for me as she dies?” Then I sliced a little more across her neck.

More blood began flowing out as she writhed and spasmed. She kept trying to speak, her mouth opening and closing. But her words were gurgling in her throat.

I rammed my cock hard up her quivering love-slit as I hissed into her ear, “You’re a tart, darling. Now you can die like one.”

She was no longer munching on Sandy. Signals from her brain were getting scrambled. Amazingly her hand reached down and fingered herself as I sliced through flesh and bone.

She really jerked as I tried to cut through her neck. Her pussy was clenching like crazy. I was on the verge of shooting my load until she squeezed me right out.

I completely severed Dorothy’s head from her neck. Her body fell out of my grasp and crumpled onto the floor of the morgue. It left my erection stiff and twitching.

“Arrgghh; so good, Dottie!” Then I brought her head down and thrust into her mouth. That’s when my cock went off.

Her eyes stared straight ahead in surprise as though she couldn’t believe it. I kept thrusting and pumping my creamy load into her mouth. Her lips quivered as though she could taste my spunk.

I pulled out of her mouth and held her head upright. My baby-batter mingled with the blood from her severed neck, spilling out and dropping onto the floor. It was incredible.

I looked into her eyes and told her how much I loved her participation in Sandy’s execution. I said it had been erotic as hell. Cumming in her severed skull at the end was simply icing on the cake.

It was time to give my dead girlfriend what I knew she was hoping to receive. But I pushed my cock against her other hole instead. Then I slowly forced my way through her clenched sphincter.

I began thrusting in and out, enjoying her anal passage. She just lay there all limp and lifeless. But she had this expression as if to say, “I should have known you’d want to take my ass after I was gone.”

“Yes, Sandy; yes! I’ve always loved your ass!” Then I began thrusting hard and fast.

I was still aroused and stiff from my experience with Dorothy. I didn’t know how long I could last. But I gave Sandy my all, enjoying her ass as I lifted her legs, crying out my enthusiasm for an afternoon well spent.

I gave my girlfriend one last hard fuck. I even alternated between her ass and pussy. She didn’t seem to mind.

I went back and forth between holes while glancing behind me at where I’d left Dorothy’s severed head. Somehow I stayed hard enough. I thought about Sandy giving Priscilla the coup de grace, and it helped keep me nice and stiff.

I went back to her ass, enjoying how tight she was. I remembered how I’d so casually snuffed Dorothy. Her blood was everywhere, her eyes staring lifelessly back at me.

I managed one last climax, although I didn’t give Sandy very much cream. Then I was reminded of Dorothy’s promise to munch on her muff. I pulled out before placing her head back against my girlfriend’s leaking crotch.

“Clean her out, darling! Taste my cream oozing out of her hole!” I didn’t hear any licking or slurping. But Dorothy looked like she was giving it her all as I raised my arms in triumph.

What a day it had been. Three executions in one afternoon. And I still had Priscilla to bring in and enjoy.

I had a couple more hours to kill. And I had three lovely corpses to play with. How the hell was I ever going to top that?

2019 (written for Mike and Sandy Aug 2 ’19 by riwa)

(Renders are courtesy of Mike Hunt.)

Posted in Dorothy and her friends, Picture Stories | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment

Jacuzzi bound – an Emma drowning short 4.2 (11)

Emma struggled like crazy to keep her head above water. But the Jacuzzi continued to fill, causing her to keep slipping under. She submerged and struggled to get her head back up, sputtering as she snorted water out of her nose.

Gawd! Where the hell was that damned Chanta? Was that bitch actually going to let her drown??

Emma whimpered before losing her position. She slipped deeper, thrashing and rocking like mad as she fought to get her head back above the surface. She managed to wriggle her way up, only to realize the water was higher. Now she could barely keep her head up.


She slipped under again, her feet wriggling like crazy. Her toes curled as she struggled to wriggle and rock her way back up. Clearing the surface, she gasped for breath, only to slip back under again in a flurry of bubbles.

Was it getting harder to stay up? Was it because the water level was getting dangerously high? Did it really matter? Now she was barely managing to get her head back up.

Once more Emma tried to cry out, desperately hoping Chanta was in the room keeping a watchful eye on her. The bitch was probably observing her from somewhere nearby, no doubt getting off watching her slip under the surface. Couldn’t she see how hard it was for her to keep her head above water??


She gurgled as she slipped under again. Emma wriggled like crazy, desperate to get her head back up above the surface. She popped up, gasped anxiously for breath, and then slipped right back under.

Emma held her breath, desperately trying to regain her strength enough for another try at getting her head above the surface. Looking up, she saw the water level above her. It almost sent her into a panic.

She wriggled and squirmed, straining to get her head above water. The closest she came was breaking the surface with her forehead. She strained, but she couldn’t even get her nose above water.

Emma’s heart leaped into her throat as a wave of panic swept through her. A moment later she thrashed about like mad in a frantic effort to break the surface. She only succeeded in sloshing water around in the Jacuzzi.

Her lungs heaved, wanting another breath of air. She strained with all her might, losing bubbles out of her mouth and nose. But she couldn’t quite get there.

Emma felt panic rise up in her throat. She tried once more to get her head up. But the water was just too high.

The bar securing her wrists and ankles kept her in an awkward position. She rocked back and forth, struggling to get her head above water. Now it seemed like she was slipping into a dangerous angle that prevented her from rising upward.

Her mind cried out as her cheeks bulged. Emma struggled to hold her breath, hoping like hell Mistress Chanta was somewhere nearby keeping a close eye on her. Then her lungs gave out.

Emma lost a massive burst of bubbles. A moment later the buildup down between her legs erupted in a fireball of orgasmic discharge. That’s when she began humping against the water, her toes curling as she screamed her air away.

The last of her breath spewed from her mouth and nose. Now her chest was on fire. If Chanta didn’t get her ass over to her soon, she was going to drown in a matter of seconds! She could feel the anxiety swelling inside her toward a second orgasmic detonation that would overcome her the moment she started swallowing water…

2008; 2019 (written Nov 26 ’08; ed. Sep 25 ‘19 by riwa)


Unadvertised Bonus Short

Emma in chains – a picture short

Emma could only lay there wondering how she’d allowed herself to get caught. Now she was chained and was about to be dumped into the tank. Unfortunately there was no one here she considered a friend… no one who would show her mercy.

It was the bitch who came down to dispose of her. “Sorry I can’t stay and play,” she cackled. “Besides, it’s better it ends this way.” Then with a burst of laughter she was rolled over into the pit.

Emma burbled anxiously, struggling with the chains as she came to rest sitting on her ass. She felt a surge of panic as she fought to free herself. Could she hold her breath long enough to get loose?

Emma struggled like mad as she attempted to free herself. But the chains were too heavy, making it difficult getting to her feet. Her lungs began to burn, a warning she would not be able to stay underwater indefinitely.

“FUCK!” she burbled as she struggled like mad. But she simply could not shake the chains from her body. Then her lungs began to heave, indicating her time was short. That’s when she began to thrash about as panic set in.

Her lungs screamed at her until her mouth opened and air burst out past her lips. Emma convulsed painfully as she gulped water into her stomach and down her windpipe. She grunted and gurgled, straining for the surface she would never be able to reach on her own.

Air bubbles dribbled out of her spasming body until she rolled over onto her side, coming to rest on a section of the marble floor in the pit. She shuddered again, a wave of erotica forced out of her body in a quivering orgasm. Then the life winked out of her eyes.

2009; 2019 (written Jun 5 ’09; ed. Sep 25 ‘19 by riwa)

(Pictures are from Russian Girls Amateur Videos “Janna UW” and are for illustration purposes only.)

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