Riwa’s Stories at Patreon 4.2 (13)

Coming September rewards

Mr. Wayne 17 (and I might post 18 as well).
The concluding chapter to The Legend of Whittaker Manor.
Nikki drowns in her spa.
Five Brits face the noose at the same time.
A celeb finds herself drowning to the music.
A couple more dry shorts I recently put together.
I’m considering several chapters to an underwater research laboratory story.
Another bonus Regina chapter.
And anything else that strikes my fancy to upload.

July stories/rewards will fall off at the end of August to make room for September rewards.

Great violence was done to my toes over a week ago. Two of them were fighting with each other because of unrestrained toenails acting weird and digging into the adjacent toe. So now the nails are gone. I’m not going on my usual walks right now, and I’m limiting being on my feet in order to help them heal. I did hobble around town the other day, long enough to buy a pizza to fix in my oven (and then bought some fruit to counter the less than healthy pizza). At least the throbbing in my toes has mostly subsided, and I’m sleeping better.

Mom’s health has improved somewhat. Now she comes into town to fetch her mail without me stopping to retrieve it for her. She still has to watch her energy levels, but she seems to be doing much better. And we still go into the city once or twice a week to eat lunch together and visit.

These days, I look all around… and what do I see? Matt 24:7 Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. 8 All these are the beginning of birth pains. It makes me think of the four horsemen of the apocalypse mentioned in Revelation 6. Does this mean the rapture could be imminent?

You know me. The author in me tries to imagine the kind of world it might be where millions of people suddenly turn up missing; ie, pilots, truck drivers, teachers, medical and emergency personnel, etc. How would people react? What would happen to an already strained supply chain? How much violence will there be if many places run low on food? Would someone want to end themselves using water or rope? There certainly could be a lot of story ideas in there. Imagine you are a model doing an underwater bondage shoot in deep water, and your safety diver and cameraman suddenly vanish.

Let me see what else I might come up with for stories this next month; that is, if I’m not too distracted by other things. Maybe I can upload a bonus story or two if I get inspired, so long as I don’t get too nitpicky with my edits. Thank you so much for being my patrons. And we all might want to check into that rapture situation. I wouldn’t want to be left behind fighting for food. Knowing me, I’d probably get myself shot.

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The soccer mom 4.4 (55)

He could hear Leslie Undercott’s voice all the way across the field. She was angry her son wasn’t where she thought he was supposed to be. It didn’t matter if Coach Kohl had been doing this for ten years.

After the game she tracked him down and gave him a good piece of her mind. He’d better play her Timmy during a majority of their next outing. Otherwise, she was going to complain to the school board.

It was bad enough Miss Undercott was causing such a fuss. But now it was starting to empower the other mothers into complaining as well. If he didn’t do something soon, he was going to end up surrounded by a brood of cackling hens, all of them demanding equal time for their own sons.

The phone call later that afternoon didn’t help matters any. Miss Undercott was going to call the school administrator on Monday. But first, she wanted to give Coach Kohl a chance to come to his senses.

He offered an olive branch by inviting her out to his property. There he would discuss things with her. She told him she would be willing to listen just as long as she heard the words “Timmy will play a full game next week.”

She drove out alone to his property on the edge of the woods. She found Coach Kohl out back kicking a soccer ball into a goal in his large back yard. He sometimes had the kids out for a little practice where he could teach them drills.

Leslie Undercott marched right out there to have a word with him. She explained how her Timmy was the best player on the team. What he was doing by not allowing her son to play more often was criminal.

Coach Kohl tried to explain her son’s shortcomings. He just needed a little more practice and a little bit of an attitude adjustment when it came to sharing the ball. Miss Undercott demanded his assurance her son would be starting the next game or she would be going to the school administrator.

Coach Kohl went over and picked up the soccer ball along with a piece of wood which had been lying on the ground near the back of the goal. He carried it over to her and placed it on the goal line below the bar directly above. Then he smiled as he asked, “Miss Undercott, I need a little help with your son. Can I count on your cooperation?”

She snorted, “Obviously you need a lot of help. I’m not sure I’m the one who can help you though.”

“Oh, I think you can.” Then he went over and picked up some rope that had been lying in a corner of the goal.

He threw it over the cross bar to the goal above. The end came down in the form of a noose. He made sure it dangled directly over the piece of wood and the soccer ball lying on the ground.

Miss Undercott looked at the noose in shock. “What the hell is that for?”

“I told you I need your help, Miss Undercott.” Then he proceeded to loop the noose over her head.

She let out a squawk before reaching up for the coil around her throat to pull it off. He just pulled it tight until she was almost up on her tiptoes. She rasped, “What the hell are you doing?”

“I need you to understand, Miss Undercott. I need you to understand the tenuous balance between you as a soccer mom and me as a soccer coach. Can you do that for me?”

“What… what are you… awk!”

She rasped as she shuffled around on her toes. That’s when he began stripping her of her garments. A part of her tried to resist. But she was partially strangled to the point where she was more concerned over the coil that was threatening to strangle her than with him undressing her.

“And now for that ‘balance’ I was referring to, Miss Undercott.”

He placed the piece of wood on top of the soccer ball. “Now step up, Miss Undercott. I need to show you how this balance is going to work between you and me from now on.”

She shook her head as she rasped, “No – I won’t!”

“Suit yourself.” Then he began to pull harder on the rope.

She gawked as her feet left the lawn. He lowered her back down and worked to hold the piece of wood on top of the soccer ball for her. Then he pulled on the rope again.

She tried to resist him, only to find her breath being cut off. Instinctively she stepped up onto the piece of wood. Her balance proved to be even worse up there.

“Much better, Miss Undercott. Now try both feet. We need to work on this ‘balance’ situation.”

He pulled until she managed to get her other foot on top of the piece of wood. It made her extremely unsteady. She gawked as the ball threatened to roll out from underneath the piece of wood.

Coach Kohl made sure she was precariously balanced before tying the other end off. Miss Undercott finally found a place upon the piece of wood to try to balance upon. But now she was precariously perched on her toes.

Coach Kohl’s cock began to bulge through his shorts. “Now you see the problem, Miss Undercott? You’re trying to act as coach for this team. That puts you in a rather precarious position. Am I right?”

Her feet shuffled a little. Miss Undercott almost lost her balance. She let out a cry as she tried to retain some sort of footing on her toes.

Her legs trembled as her feet wriggled. She kept trying to use her hands to steady herself. But the piece of wood threatened to go out sideways, making her cry out as she tried to maintain her balance. What’s more, she was now experiencing a shameful arousal, the results of which was dripping visibly out of her crotch.

“Do you see now, Miss Undercott? One false move and it all goes to shit. Do you see how hard it can be to try balancing these things, especially when you’re not that knowledgeable?”

“C-coach, p-please!”

“Now if that ball were to be kicked away, you wouldn’t have a leg to stand on anymore. Soccer would be your ultimate downfall. Isn’t that right?”

“C-coach, you can’t… please d-don’t…”

“Something just occurred to me. I really don’t think the other mothers would give much of a damn if you never showed up at a game again. What do you think, Miss. Undercott? You think they would miss a bitch like you?”

“C-coach… p-please…”

“Now let me get this straight. I’m the coach. And you’re the mother. You trust me to teach your son how to play soccer. Isn’t that right?”

“C-coach?? I can’t… my balance… help!”

“Very well, Miss Undercott.” Then he kicked the ball away.

Her hands instantly flew up to her throat as she tried pulling on the noose. She kicked as her naked body swung back and forth. Coach Kohl came around front and watched her dance until a stain appeared in his shorts.

Miss Undercott’s knees came up in a reflexive manner. Her pain triggered a shameful climax right in front of the man. It embarrassed and humiliated her.

Coach Kohl stepped forward as her struggles lessened. He fingered her crotch, noticing how sticky it had become. “I trust this will be the last time we have this conversation, Miss Undercott?”

She barely acknowledged his words. Then he calmly walked behind her. She was sure she was going to be left dangling from the soccer goal in his back yard until such time as he could find a way to dispose of her body.

The noose above her suddenly gave way. She crumpled onto the ground in a heap. Coach Kohl came up to her and loosened the noose from around her throat, allowing her to rasp for breath.

“I’ll give you a few minutes to compose yourself, Miss Undercott. Then I want you to kindly get back into your clothes before getting the hell off my property. I trust we will not have this discussion again?”

She coughed before looking up at him with a mixture of fear and uncertainty. Something flashed in her eyes. He saw what was displayed there and immediately glared angrily at her.

“Rest assured, Miss Undercott. One word of this to anyone and I swear I’ll find you, bring you back here, and finish what we started. Do I make myself clear?”

She lowered her head before nodding in shame. Then she began to put her clothes back on. Somehow she managed to make her way back to her car before driving off.


Timmy got better and began playing more minutes with the team. Miss Undercott never spoke out again about her son’s playing time. Instead, she became Coach Kohl’s strongest supporter.

There was one small side effect though. Every now and then she would make a discreet trip out to Coach Kohl’s property.

It seems she had developed an addiction to being strung up from the soccer goal in his backyard under his lustful gaze…

9-20-21 Inspired by shooter’s great drawing.

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Lori drowns for Amy 4.5 (37)

Lori drowns for Amy aka Lori’s Drowning Test

22 year old Lori Sattersby straps on the belt around her waist. She looks at her friend Amy Weinstaub and smiles nervously. “I’m not sure about this.”

Amy replies, “You want to do this for me, don’t you? You want to know what it feels like, don’t you?”

Lori takes a deep breath and nods. “You’re sure you can bring me back?”

“It’s not like you’re going to be dead or anything,” Amy sighs heavily. “I told you already.” Then her tone softens as she becomes sympathetic.

“Look; I know you’re nervous. You don’t have to do this, ok?”

“But I want to,” Lori says without much conviction.

“You don’t sound like it.”

“I want to!” Now she sounds determined.

Amy smiles. “That’s more like it.”

Lori looks at her watch. She takes a deep breath. Then she activates the timer as she steps off underneath the high dive, hitting the water with a splash.

Amy activates her the timer on her watch as her friend steps off the edge of the pool. For the moment, she’s incredibly aroused. She never dreamed she would be able to get her roommate to agree to this, much less become a lifeguard with her.

Lori allows the weight belt to drag her down to the pool floor. It’s 12 feet below the surface. She can feel the pressure, and she pinches her nose to equalize, minimizing her discomfort.

Her watch reads 5 seconds as she reaches the bottom. Instinctively she holds her breath. Now what the hell is she supposed to do while she’s down here waiting to drown for her friend?

At 10 seconds, she begins to move around along the floor. Lori looks for loose change, jewelry… something to occupy her time. She doesn’t want to just sit still and wait for the inevitable… although, upon second thought, maybe that would be better.

The watch shows 20 seconds have gone by as she wonders what she was thinking of when she agreed to this. Already, she feels a little discomfort in her chest. She knows she can hold her breath longer. Is it because she’s become anxious knowing she’s going to drown down here and that Amy’s going to have to haul her to the surface and revive her?

She releases a few bubbles out of her nose. Then she decides to sit still and wait. At 30 seconds, she decides she’s committed. Besides, she knows Amy is quite professional when it comes to administering CPR.

Lori allows more air to burble out through her nose at 35 seconds. She wants to keep her sinuses clear so her nose won’t burn. She’s also trying to relieve the growing discomfort in her chest. She didn’t think it would be this difficult. Maybe they should have practiced more. But deep down, she just wants to get this over with.

She looks at her watch to check the time. Lori congratulates herself on reaching 40 seconds without quitting. Still, she can’t help wondering whether or not she really wants to go through with this.

At 45 seconds, she studies a crack in the floor to help take her mind off the task at hand. She was sure she could make a minute and a half easily enough. Maybe her anxiety is gobbling down her air reserves.

Lori burbles a little more air out of her nose at 50 seconds. Her lungs start to burn in protest. Definitely should have tried a couple of practice breath-holds first. Oh well… too late now.

At 55 seconds, she feels her first, small chest contraction. It’s as though her lungs already want to inhale. Damn! She hopes she can stay down long enough for their agreed-upon time frame.

Lori checks her watch. She sees she’s now been on the pool floor for a minute. She has to go another 30 seconds at least. But does she really want to drown for Amy? Maybe they should put it off for another time. Oh hell; best to just get it over with!

At 1:05, she fights against a serious chest convulsion. Her lungs want air; this is not going well. She knows she should be able to hold her breath longer.

At 1:10, she feels a growing sense of panic start to well up inside her. Lori loses a small burst of air. Can she stay down long enough? Or will instinct make her ditch her weight belt and shoot up to the surface?

At 1:15, she checks her watch. Only fifteen seconds to go in order to reach her desired time. That’s when Amy will join her to help her along as she drowns. Lori feels a fearfully erotic shiver at the thought.

Her lungs feel like they are burning as she reaches 1:20. She looks up at the surface and contemplates aborting the whole damned thing. But that would mean she would have to come back down and do this all over again. Better to try to get it done the first time. Maybe Amy will leave her alone after this.

At 1:25, her lungs put in an order to be refilled. Her chest heaves as she holds the watch up to check on her time. Her cheeks instinctively bulge. Amy better get her ass down here quick, or she’s going to give up and call the whole thing off.

She strains for all she’s worth as the seconds tick by. Lori finally reaches 1:30. A splash from above indicates Amy’s coming down, right on cue. Air billows out of her mouth like an exploding balloon. Lori clamps a hand over her mouth and nose. Gawd; this is intolerable! What the hell was she thinking??

At 1:35 Amy arrives, a weight belt strapped around her waist. She smiles happily at her friend. Lori thinks she looks way too damned eager!

Lori’s body tries to inhale at 1:40. Her lungs convulse from each attempt. Her eyes are wide with fright, and she shakes her head. It’s time to cancel this stupidity.

A couple of seconds later, she inadvertently inhales. Water goes down her windpipe, causing her to cough. Lori instinctively flails for the surface.

Amy watches with great excitement. At 1:46, she grabs onto an ankle and holds onto her roommate as per their agreement. Her body tingles like crazy, her kitty throbbing.

At 1:53, Lori’s body goes through a series of shudders and spasms as she tries to reject the inflow of water down her windpipe. Her mouth opens and closes as she coughs up bubbles. Amy almost orgasms right then and there.

Lori is still feebly waving her arms as her watch shows 1:58. She looks up at the surface of the pool; oh, so far away. It hurts like hell!

At 1:59, Amy mentally prepares herself to give her friend CPR. But right now, it’s just too damned erotic. She can hardly contain herself.

Lori spasms violently as her timer reaches 2:03. It does not register that her friend is cumming and bubbling from all the excitement. All she knows is she wants to get back to the surface where she can breathe normally.

At 2:07, Lori’s body finally goes limp, other than a few stray muscle spasms. Sporadic bubbles escape from her lungs to swirl to the surface. The weight belt slowly pulls her back down, indicating Amy no longer needs to hold onto her ankle.

At 2:10, Amy detects no further movement from Lori. She shudders from a delicious orgasmic aftershock as she pops the catch to the drowned woman’s weight belt. It falls away, making it easier to get her back to the surface.

Amy grabs the catch on her own belt and prepares to pop it open as her watch registers 2:15. It was erotic as hell. She really appreciates her roommate’s role in all this. It was totally worth it!

At 2:20, exactly ten seconds after Amy detects no movement in Lori, she ditches her own belt. Then she swims the drowned woman up toward the surface. There is only one thing on her mind: the promise to revive her friend.

Amy pushes Lori’s upper body out of the water onto the edge of the pool at 2:26. She quickly climbs out of the water. Then she goes to work.

Both watches show a time of 2:32 as Amy begins CPR. She’s done this so many times before that she could do it in her sleep. Still, she consciously retrieves all her training from memory to make sure she doesn’t miss anything.

At 2:45, Lori’s eyes blink. There’s a spasm in her chest. Amy feels a surge of triumph.

Lori coughs up a mouthful of water at 2:49. She blinks again as she gasps for breath. A coughing fit spews up moisture.

At 2:55, Lori rises up and hugs Amy. Her friend asks her how it was. She says it was frightening, and it hurt a lot. But she feels like she experienced something of a sexual nature during her drowning. Lori tells Amy that next time, it is her turn. Amy says she will think about. Lori tells her, “No, you owe me a drowning.” Amy laughs and nods her head.

2004; 2022 (written Jun 26 ’04; ed. Jan 31 ’22 by riwa)

Posted in Drowning Stories | 1 Comment

The Librarian 4.5 (115)

I went there several times a week. I had no reason or purpose to spend time in a facility such as a library. Perhaps I was drawn to her.

The first time she saw me she gave me a look of disdain. Perhaps it was the way I cut my hair. I was not bothered in the slightest by her reaction.

I continued going back to the library. I even found something to read. She always reacted the same at my presence. But I was not deterred.

Every now and then I sought her out, trying to discreetly observe her activities. She did not speak much to the other librarians. I sensed she had few friends.

On one occasion I overheard her tell her coworkers how boring her existence was. She had no men in her life. There was no sex, and thus… no excitement.

Apparently the life of a librarian can be rather dull. I am not sure why she chose that profession. Maybe it chose her.

One day she came up to the second floor where I did all my reading. She came by as though checking up on me. She must have found me intriguing because from that point on, she came up during my visits just to see what I was doing.

One day I stayed until after closing time. It was late in the evening when she came up to check on me. That’s when she told me, “You’ll have to go home now. The library is closed.”

I rose up and stood over her. She gasped for breath as a look of fright filled her features. Then I quietly nodded as I found the stairs.

She followed me down, although from a distance. Then she locked the building after I’d departed. I smiled inwardly.

The next evening I repeated my delay in exiting the building after closing time. Once more, she came up to check on me. “We’re closed! You know the hour! What are you doing up here so late?”

I did not reply. Once more, I stood up and towered over her. I paused as I gave her a long look.

An expression of fright crossed her face. But it was not as strong as it had been the previous night. Did she suspect I was not as dangerous as I looked? Or did she simply assume I was harmless?

At that moment, I set out to change her perception of me. I calmly asked, “Is the building locked for the evening?”

She looked at me in surprise. Fear flickered in her features. “Uh, no… you can get out the front door.”

“Very well. It’s better you leave the front door unlocked while I’m still inside. Isn’t that right?”

She looked at me quizzically as I headed for the stairs. She followed me down until I departed. Then she anxiously locked the door behind me.

I stopped in my tracks and turned toward her. She was staring at me through the glass in the door. She abruptly turned and rushed away as though she had some last-minute duties to attend to before she went home.

I kept going back every evening. I once overheard a coworker ask her about me. She said I was working on some project up on the second floor and that I was no bother. That told me it was time to initiate the second part of my plan.

That night she came up looking for me after closing time. I asked if the front door was locked. She said it was not.

“Good,” I replied. “A woman like you could get taken advantage of in a large building like this so late at night.” I said it calmly, but I made my meaning clear.

Her eyes widened again as I calmly headed for the stairs. “Your loss,” I observed quietly as I made my exit. I’m sure she heard me.

The next night I was on the second floor after closing time. I waited to see what she would do and whether she would have a coworker assist in helping me out of the building. She showed up alone.

I looked at her coldly. “Well?”

“It’s locked,” she said quietly. “The front door.”

“I see. Now bend over that desk over there.”

“I beg your pardon?”

“I will only say this once. Either you will comply or you’ll never see me again. Thus, you will be free to go back to the boring life you lead. Now bend over the desk, or go downstairs and unlock the front door to let me out.”

She froze for a long moment. Then she went over to the desk and bent over. I could hear her panting loudly for breath.

She wore a very modest sundress. I flipped it up over her ass, revealing a set of light blue panties. These I pulled halfway down her legs.

I rubbed her pussy, only to discover she was moist. I fingered her cunt from behind. She stiffened and whimpered.

I dramatically unzipped my fly, pulling my hardening dick out. The sound made her stiffen as she inhaled sharply. Then I pushed my thick erection into her opening.

She let out a cry as I entered her. It was evident she had been entered before. But I strongly suspected it had been years since her last fuck.

I brutalized her, pounding her hard. She let out a whimper and a cry. In no time at all I shot a load deep inside her.

I zipped back up. Then I told her, “Now you may go unlock the front door.” She could not look me in the eye as she pulled her panties back up, straightened out her dress, and then led me to the stairs to the main floor and the exit.

I showed up the next night just a half hour before closing. She saw me enter, but she never said a word. However, I thought I saw something flash in her expression.

She came up and found me several minutes after closing. She quietly told me the door was locked down below. “Desk!” I demanded, pointing it out to her.

Her dress was a little shorter than the night before. This time I pulled down my pants and briefs. I wanted to fuck flesh against flesh, with no material between us like the night before.

I lifted up her dress and pulled down her panties. Then I brutalized her cunt. This time I took longer to fuck her before I shot my load.

Afterwards, we dressed quietly. Then I commanded. “No panties tomorrow night. I do not want you to wear any.”

She looked at me in alarm. I told her, “If I find you wearing panties tomorrow, I will go right home. You’ll never see me again.”

She gulped, but she did not say a word. She just led me down the stairs and right up to the front door. She unlocked it and let me out before locking it behind me.

The next night I showed up with about fifteen minutes to spare. There was no point arriving any earlier. By now, I only had one purpose in mind.

She looked at me as though acknowledging my presence. But I saw a distinct flush of red in her features. I acknowledged it with an inward smile.

There was no one on the second floor when I went up. She came up twenty minutes later. She found me totally naked and prepared.

I pointed over at the desk. She dutifully went over and bent over it. I came up behind her and lifted up her dress.

No panties.

I cruelly fingered her. She gasped and moaned. Then I told her, “This time you will cum before I leave.”

She shook her head as she started to sob. “Please… no… don’t make me!”

I cruelly thrust into her. “You will cum or I will never return.” Then I really pounded her hard.

“Do not lie to me!” I hissed into her ear from behind. “I will know if you lie.” She whimpered as she pushed back against me.

It was the first time she had ever fully take part in our coupling. I think she wanted to from the very beginning. But she was too ashamed to permit herself.

I fucked her for a good ten minutes. Then she tightly clenched as she cried out. It was enough to milk the cum right out of me.

She sobbed quietly as we got dressed. Then she led me down the stairs. Before we reached the door I gave her another instruction.

“Tomorrow you will dress in something more revealing.”

“What will I say to the others?”

“Tell them you plan on meeting someone after the library closes. You will have no time to go home and change.” Then I exited out the unlocked door, wondering if she would comply.

The next night I arrived with minutes to spare. She was in a short skirt, with a blouse displaying cleavage. She seemed to be a different woman.

She came up to the second floor after locking up. She revealed she was once again wearing no panties. My erection was stiff and throbbing from witnessing her attire upon entering.

I wasted no time.

I roughly took her from behind. This time I choked her with my bare hands. She rasped as she fucked me back until she went off in orgasm.

As we were getting dressed I told her, “From here on out, things are going to get dangerous. When I show up tomorrow, you will be wearing a scarf around your neck if you are willing to keep progressing in this manner. That means you will do anything I say. If you are not wearing the scarf, I will assume you wish to make a change to our arrangement and I will bother you no more.”

She nodded as she led me to the stairs and down to the main floor. I could tell by her body language she was processing the information I had given her. What would be her answer on the morrow?

The next night I arrived to see her wearing a colorful red scarf. She was becoming a totally different woman, although she still wore those glasses. It heightened my arousal.

After closing, she came up to the second floor and found me naked. She went to remove her glasses, something she had never done before. I waved her off, insisting she keep them on. I liked the look of a librarian.

I attacked her, forcing my mouth against hers. She returned the kiss, fearfully at first, but then hungrily. Her clothes were soon removed.

I bent her over the desk as usual. I told her, “Beg me to take your ass.” She gulped and trembled before timidly replying, “Please take my ass.”

I forced my erection deep up her anal passage. She let out a yelp from the pain. Then I mauled her tits as I told her, “Now finger yourself! Make yourself come with my cock up your ass!”

I grabbed the ends to the scarf and pulled tight. She rasped as she reached up to loosen my grip. I snarled, “Finger yourself, whore!”

She reached back between her legs and began to swirl her nub. She actually thrust fingers into her cunt as though this was not an unusual activity for her. It told me she was now doing sexual things at home she had probably not been doing for a long time until my arrival.

I pounded her ass as I strangled her with the scarf. She climaxed violently, cumming all over me. I pumped a load deep up her rectum. Then we got dressed before she let me out of the building.

We did that for a week. Soon she was begging me to take her ass. And she always wore a scarf I could strangle her with.

On the seventh night as we were getting dressed, I told her, “I’m going away. Tomorrow night will be my last night with you.”

She looked at me with tears in her eyes. Then she shook her head. “No!”

“I am going away. I will not be coming back.”

“Please! No!”

“Have I given you the excitement you have secretly craved?”

“Yes,” she nodded.

“Then I will give you one last opportunity. This will be entirely up to you. Go to the hardware store and buy a long coil of rope, long enough to form into a hangman’s noose. Make sure you bring a set of handcuffs. Also bring the toy I know you’ve been using at home.”

She looked at me in surprise. “How did you…?”

“Never mind. I will leave it up to you. Dress modestly the way I first saw you. But wear a white scarf. If you are not modestly dressed, or if the scarf is absent, I will depart and leave you with my best wishes.”

She looked at me in shock as I told her, “The choice is entirely yours. Now will you escort me to the front door?”

I showed up on the last night of my visit to the library. I looked through the window. She was alone and was wearing a modest dress with a white scarf.

I immediately developed an erection as I walked inside. She looked at me and smiled. “The library will be closing in five minutes, sir.” I had yet to give her my name.

I went up to the second floor. It was deserted, with but one exception…

A noose dangled from a beam in front of a window, a chair waiting directly beneath. The toy and cuffs were sitting on the chair.

I got undressed and waited. She came up ten minutes after closing time. She saw me standing naked near the noose, barely acknowledging the gloves I was wearing.

She quietly told me, “There’s a back door to the alley. You can push it open. Push against the bar with your shoulder.” I gave her a slight nod of my head in acknowledgement.

She calmly began to undress. She neatly folded all her clothes in a pile. Then she picked up the cuffs and toy before climbing the chair.

She carefully pushed the toy up inside her. I suspected she had been using it a lot lately. She was trembling as she noosed herself.

She attached the cuffs to her wrists behind her back. Then she looked me square in the eye. “I will never forget these days you have given me. But I do not wish to go back to the life I have lived. I am ready.”

My erection was in my hand as she stepped off. She swung back and forth as she rasped for breath. She squeezed so hard that the toy came right out of her.

I shed my gloves and stepped up behind her. I allowed her cunt to find my cock. She gratefully impaled herself upon it.

I whispered into her ear, “One more time, my lovely. Cum for me one more time. I will always cherish these moments I’ve had with you.” Then I allowed her dying body to do all the work.

She rasped as she fucked me. I could tell it was hurting her. Yet she furiously milked me as though her life depended on it.

I whispered, “Is your life exciting now? Are you finally getting the sex you crave?”

She barely rasped for breath. I thought I saw her nod. Then she arched her back as she orgasmed for me.

She finally hung limp. I pulled out of her and reapplied the gloves. I pushed the toy back into her before lightly kissing her cheek. Then I got dressed and made my departure, never to see her or the library again.

2021 (written Jun 11 ’21 by riwa. Inspired by the great render I found and I included.)

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Paul and the careless freediver 4.4 (62)

Paul had recently suffered a series of setbacks and it had left him in a foul mood. It was going to be tempting to fall into a depression if he didn’t do something about it.

Paul made reservations at his favorite resort. It was an expense he really didn’t need right now. But the location was good for the soul, and the amenities were just what he needed to recharge his batteries.

He checked in around noon and got himself a room. He left a few belongings inside. Then he changed into his speedos.

Paul wanted to go for a swim. But he had something special in mind. He wanted to exert himself so he’d be tired when he hit the sack that night.

He left the resort and took the footpath into the trees. It was a lengthy hike to the spot he’d picked out. It would have been easier just to rent a boat. But he figured the long walk would do him good.

Paul had a towel looped over his shoulder. In one hand he carried a dive mask. In the other was a pair of dive fins.

It was a hefty three-mile hike to his destination. But he was feeling much better once he got there. The scenery had lifted his spirits, and he was glad he’d decided to make the trip out.

He walked down to a small stretch of sandy beach. He’d been here a few times before. The locals were aware of the location, but not many tourists knew of the site except for those who frequently stayed at the resort.

Right away he noticed another towel over by the rocks, along with a pair of shoes. A shirt and pair of shorts lay nearby. The only question was whether or not the owner was out in the water or had left them behind.

Paul tucked his towel into a crevice in the rocks. Then he waded out into the water. He was really looking forward to doing a little freediving.

He pulled his dive mask down over his face. Then he slipped into his dive fins. A moment later Paul finned his way out into deeper water.

There were a lot of rock formations around this stretch of land. And there were some colorful reefs to look at down below. There were also a couple of locations where he planned on privately enjoying himself.

He swam out around a jutting formation. Then he jack-knifed downward. Paul finned a good twenty feet down before leveling off and then heading back up.

He surfaced and took a few moments to catch his breath. That had felt good! Then he jack-knifed downward again, equalizing along the way. This time he was able to make it all the way down to the ocean floor about 34 feet below

He slowly finned his way forward, looking at the formations interspersed along the sandy bottom. He smiled at all the colorful fish. Then he headed back to the surface. He could feel his dick stirring, but he would get to that soon enough.

He had surfaced and was on his way back down when he caught sight of another freediver. It looked like a female who was totally naked. She had auburn hair down past her shoulders, and was sporting a nice set of mounds. She was also wearing dive fins, and she had an oval mask pulled down over her face.

At first, he was annoyed he didn’t have the place all to himself. But he quickly got over it, being as how he was enjoying the view. But he decided he would leave her alone so long as she did the same.

She was heading for the surface a short distance away while he was heading downward. Paul lost himself in a few formations sticking up out of the sand. There were a couple of caverns nearby which he planned on visiting before completing his swim.

He was down among the coral for a good couple of minutes before his lungs notified him of the need for another breath. Paul had just started his ascent when he saw the naked woman coming down. He lost sight of her among the coral near that one entrance to a cavern he knew about and was planning on using to satisfy his urges.

Paul headed back to the surface. But he kept glancing downward to see where she was. He thought he’d seen her duck into that cavern entrance.

He popped up to the surface and panted for breath. His dick had stiffened considerably in his speedos. The “view” was certainly stimulating today.

Paul filled his lungs before heading back down. A stream of tiny bubbles fizzed out of his dive mask as he equalized on the way down. His long, powerful legs made use of the fins attached to his feet.

He swam down to a spot off to the side of the formation where he could observe the cavern entrance in secrecy. He was curious about the woman who was out here in the water with him. Were those her possessions he’d identified among the rocks on shore?

He ducked out of sight when she emerged out of the cavern entrance. She finned hard toward the surface, bubbles streaming behind her. He admired her shapely ass and the way her auburn hair flowed as she headed up.

Paul playfully ducked into the cavern she’d just exited. He figured she would need to spend some time up at the surface catching her breath before returning. So he figured he had a few moments to explore.

He looked all around, curious as to what she might have been doing in here. He got a mental image in his head, which only made his dick harden. Was she that kind of girl?

There wasn’t much to the cavern. It didn’t go back very far. But it was a nice place in which to get oneself off, especially if one had the urge.

He was about to head back out when he spotted something on the bottom. Paul went over to have a look. Beneath a rock lay two pieces of a brightly colored bikini. So that’s why he hadn’t seen the swimsuit up at the surface with the other clothes!

Paul smiled as he thought about the cavern’s previous visitor. Obviously, she was coming back. Eventually she would have to retrieve her suit.

He headed back out into open water, determined to leave her suit where he’d found it. He decided it might be a good idea to head back to the surface and leave her to her “fun”. Paul headed upward, releasing a few bubbles along the way.

He caught sight of movement in the formations off to his right as he headed up. He glanced over to have a look. Amazingly, that female had been hiding nearby and was now ducking into the cavern he’d just exited.

He smiled inwardly as he finned his way upward. How long had she been there? Had she been watching him the entire time?

Paul didn’t want to interfere with her swim. But now he’d become even more curious. Her decision to keep an eye on him was very interesting.

He surfaced and panted for breath. Paul stayed at the surface long enough for his aching lungs to settle down. Then he took a deep breath before descending once more.

His first urge was to swim away from the girl and the cavern. But curiosity made him go down to have another look. She’d spied on him, so it was only fair he return the favor.

Paul approached the cavern entrance at an angle. He paused to duck behind a formation. Then he peered inside, only to have his dick stiffen at the sight that greeted him.

It was darker inside the cavern. But there was still plenty of illumination, at least enough to see what was going on. She was in there, all right. But she was on the floor of the cavern, her legs spread as she visibly masturbated. Bubbles were coming out of her mouth.

Paul’s dick stiffened even more. A part of him thought he should just leave her be. But he couldn’t resist watching.

She suddenly rose up and began finning for the opening. Paul tried to duck out of sight. But he suspected she might have already seen him. Besides, she probably knew he was somewhere nearby and might be watching her.

She finned hard as though she really needed air. She left a trail of bubbles in her wake as she made her ascent. But she appeared to reach the surface without much difficulty.

Paul couldn’t resist ducking into the cavern for a second time. The view had been more than he’d anticipated. Now he really needed some relief.

He glanced out the opening to the cavern. Then he pulled down his speedos. He grabbed his erection and immediately began stroking it.

He thought about the female who’d been in here moments earlier. She was certainly attractive. Besides, what she’d been doing in here had been incredibly arousing to witness.

He closed his eyes as he mentally focused on the way she’d been masturbating in here, losing bubbles as she fingered herself. Paul could feel it rising up within him. A moment later he began to jerk long, ropey streams out of his member.

His lungs ached in warning. Paul quickly pulled his speedos back up. Then he headed for the entrance to the cavern.

He shot out through the opening as he angled his way upward. Sure enough, she was right there hiding behind a formation. Clearly she’d been watching him the entire time.

He finned hard for the surface, spewing bubbles out of his mouth. He burst up gasping for air. Paul tread water until he got his breath back.

He smiled inwardly as he thought about that woman watching him in the cavern. Paul filled his lungs with air. Then he headed downward. If she was going to watch him get off, the least he could do was go back down to observe her masturbatory performance.

Paul arrived at the bottom and cautiously finned toward the opening to the cavern. He only tried to half-heartedly hide himself. Then he looked inside.

She was on the bottom of the cavern, really going at it. Her body seemed to writhe as she furiously fingered herself. She kept blowing huge bursts of air, making him wonder how much might be left in her lungs.

She stiffened before going into what looked like seizures. She cried out another mouthful of bubbles. Then she rose up and began pulling hard for the entrance to the cavern.

Right away Paul noticed something was not right. Her right hand was covering her mouth. A moment later it fell away as she went into little convulsions,

She lost all ability to fin herself upward. In fact, she was starting to drift back down all limp and lifeless. Paul cursed inwardly as he finned hard toward her.

He scooped her up and rushed her to the surface. She was still doing little seizures in his grasp. He wondered just how much water she might have swallowed.

He forced himself not to focus on her nudity as he swam her up. Then they were at the surface. He eased her onto her back, helping to keep her face out of the water.

Paul tried a little compression into her chest, wondering if that might help. She suddenly coughed up some water. Her eyes regained their focus as she coughed up more water before she began breathing on her own.

He worked at getting her back to shore. She finally realized where they were going. “Wait; my suit!”

“In a minute,” he told her as he found the sloping bottom with his fins and awkwardly carried her to shore.

He gently splayed her out onto the sand. “Are you all right?”

She smiled appreciatively at him. “I am now. That was stupid of me. I guess I got a little carried away.”

“You have to be more careful when you’re all alone out here, especially at that depth.”

“But I wasn’t alone,” she replied with a knowing smile. “I knew you were out there watching me. Maybe that’s what made me become a little too careless.”

She started to rise up. Paul was concerned. “Are you sure you’re ok?”

“I will be, thanks to you. But I have to go back down and retrieve my suit.”

“Maybe you shouldn’t go alone.” He realized he was getting hard staring at her nudity.

“Maybe I shouldn’t,” she agreed. Then she offered him her hand as she asked, “Would you come with me?”

“Of course.”

They headed back out into the water, their fins flopping in the surf. Then they submerged. Strong legs finned them together out into deeper water.

They found the spot they thought was close to the cavern. Then they dove down together. They both equalized as they headed for the depths.

The cavern wasn’t there when they bottomed out. So they finned themselves around the formations together. Then they headed back to the surface.

When they could catch their breath again, she sheepishly asked Paul, “I guess we’re not in the same location?”

“We’re close,” he replied as he looked at the formations jutting well out from the shore. Then he pointed… “I think it’s right around there, only straight down.” She nodded in agreement.

They jack-knifed downward together. This time they found the right section of reef. The cavern was not too far away.

For some reason she took Paul’s hand and led him on a side quest. It was as though she wasn’t in a hurry to retrieve her garments. Then they headed back to the surface.

They popped up and gasped for breath. “Side trip,” she said with a sheepish smile by way of explanation. “I hope you didn’t mind.”

“Oh, not at all.” Now his cock was really tenting his speedos.

“Now about my suit…” Then she smiled as she took his hand again. They jack-knifed downward, twin streams of bubbles trailing behind them as they equalized.

They found the cavern and headed right for it. She led him inside right to her suit under the rock. But instead of retrieving it, she worked at pulling his speedos down his legs, exposing his erection.

At first, Paul was a little embarrassed over the way she could see how much she was arousing him. She just smiled as though it was no big deal. Paul shrugged inwardly… “Oh well… so long as she doesn’t seem to care…”

She took his suit and put it under the same rock with her bikini pieces. Then she shed her dive fins. Paul dutifully did the same.

Both sets wanted to drift upward. They looked around until they found a couple more rocks that were heavy enough to keep them on the bottom. When Paul motioned “Time to head back up?” she nodded her head.

They left the cavern and swam upward, leaving twin trails of bubbles. They surfaced together and gasped for breath. “I hope you don’t mind,” she repeated with a twinkle in her eye.

“I was in the mood for a naked swim today,” he replied with a grin, aware of how hard his dick had become. “You just convinced me to do it now instead of later.”

She laughed pleasantly. Then they jack-knifed back down toward the cavern. They swam all the way down where they entered the underwater cave and swam over to their garments and gear.

For a second, Paul thought they were going to start putting things back on. Instead, she slowly removed her dive mask. He smiled as he removed his, intent on matching her while enjoying their time together.

They swam around inside the cavern. Then they exited and headed for the surface. Two trails of bubbles marked their progress.

They popped up and gasped for breath as they tread water. She moved in and kissed him, something he did not resist. Then they slipped under the surface, bubbles coming out of their noses as they remained lip-locked before coming back up.

Hand in hand they jack-knifed downward. They swam back down to the cavern entrance and went inside. Then they stopped.

They stood upon the bottom for a long moment. Then she dropped to her knees and took his erection into her mouth, bubbles coming out around the shaft between her lips. Paul moaned and bubbled.

The trip was proving to be far more energizing than he could have possibly imagined. He’d only come out to recharge his batteries, not his salami. But he certainly wasn’t going to turn it down.

She worked him over good, using her mouth and causing a suction that really had him buzzing. Then her lungs began to heave. She motioned she needed to surface, causing him to nod as they headed out of the cavern.

They kicked their way to the surface, releasing matching streams of bubbles. But it was clear she was struggling a little this time. Had they stayed down too long?

They popped up together where she gasped loudly breath. Then she blurted out, “Damn, we were down there a long time!”

He smiled encouragingly. “I didn’t know you could hold your breath that long.”

She coyly smiled back as she replied, “It helps to have something else to focus my attention on rather than just keeping the air in my lungs. Care to go back down with me and see if I can hold it longer?”

His eyes twinkled as his dick twitched. They both took deep breaths. Then they jack-knifed downward.

It was a long swim down to the bottom as twin trails of bubbles marked their descent. It was harder without the use of the dive fins. But neither one was complaining.

They had barely gotten inside the cavern when she climbed into his lap, impaling herself on his erection. Paul went over onto his back as she eagerly rode him. He reached up and groped her mounds, enjoying the view as she squeezed his throbbing shaft with her lady parts.

She appeared to go all out, furiously riding him as though there was very little time. She grunted and bubbled as he groped and fondled her. But after a while, something didn’t feel quite right.

Her eyes rolled as she abruptly stiffened. He felt her clenching around his thrusting dick until she milked another release out of him. Then she abruptly went into seizures again as she hitched and gurgled…

Oh shit!

Paul rose up with his erection still inside her. He wrapped her arms around him as he swam her toward the entrance. She was still impaled on his shaft as he pulled hard for the surface.

Bubbles trailed out of his nose. She showed no evidence of being conscious. She’d either gotten carried away or had miscalculated her time on the bottom. Would he be able to get them both back to the surface in time??

Paul pulled hard, fighting to hold his breath as he worked to get them up. The surface seemed so far away; those fins sure would have helped! He had an instinctive urge to let go of her. But he was afraid she might not make it if he did.

He pulled hard until he burst up gasping for breath. He floated her onto her back to keep her head up out of the water. Then he did his best to swim them back to shore.

She was not breathing, and her eyes were glazed over. Was this all his fault? He wanted to take responsibility, but inwardly he believed she should have been more fully aware of her limitations.

He finally found his footing and carried her to shore. He carefully laid her out on the sandy beach and began working to revive her. It was another anxious minute before she coughed up water and started breathing again.

“I’m sorry,” he gasped as he looked her over. “What happened down there?”

“I… I guess I… I think that one was on me… no, I’m pretty sure that was my fault. I was… enjoying it so much… I felt the need in my lungs… but I… I just couldn’t stop.” Then she paused before lowering her head as she added, “I’m sorry I put you under that much pressure.

She started to rise up. “I’d better go and get my stuff. I’ll bring yours up too since it was mostly my fault.”

He immediately put a hand into her chest, stopping her. “No; not this time. I think you’d better stay here and let me go fetch your gear.”

She grabbed his arm. “Tell you what I’ll do. I’ll compromise. I’ll let you go and fetch my stuff. But first, you have to stay here with me a few minutes longer. That way you’ll be able to get your breath back too.”

She kissed him deeply as she wrapped her arms around him. When their lips parted he smiled wryly. “I don’t see how I’m going to get my breath back if you’re going to keep doing that.” She just chuckled before kissing him again.

2021 (written for JustPaul Dec 20 ’21 by riwa)

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Ghost town hanging 5-6 4.4 (106)

Part 5

“Olive, maybe we shouldn’t…”

“Aw, c’mon! You’re not going to back out on me now, are you?”

“But I’ve already strung you up several times!”

“Just one more, darling. Please? One more and I’ll be satisfied. This time I want the drop.”

“You’ll break your fucking neck.”

“Not a long drop, silly. Just drop the trap out from under me. And I want you to go all out; ok?”

I looked at Ashlynn and Aidan who were both eyeing us curiously. I could tell they were not sure about all this. But I figured Olive would just keep pestering me until I went through with it.

I turned and headed for the steps. She cried out, “Hey, where are you going?” I just climbed down and rounded the corner until I found our hidden sack.

I looked inside until I found what I wanted. I pulled it out and headed back for the steps. Olive saw the blindfold in my hand and grinned from ear to ear.

I shook my head as I started muttering to myself. “Ok, bitch. This time you’re going to fucking get it good!”

I found the keys on the platform where she’d left them while kneeling sucking on my dick I picked them up and gave them to Aidan. “Please set your girlfriend free so I can cuff and hang my dirty whore.”

Olive gasped for breath as I forced her to stand naked on the trap. I took the noose and arranged it so it was dangling right in front of her face. By then Aidan had freed Ashlynn from the cuffs.

I let him keep the keys as I took the handcuffs from him. Then I stepped over and roughly pulled Olive’s arms behind her back. “Ok, bitch,” I growled. “You’ve been asking for this for a long, long time.”

“Gawd, yes!” she panted as her chest rose and fell. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her nipples so hard.

I finished cuffing her wrists behind her back. Then I took the blindfold and fitted it across her eyes. She panted for breath as she turned her head this way and that.

“Can’t see a fucking thing, can you? No matter. I’m sure you’ll be able to identify what the hell this is!”

I pulled the noose down around her neck. Olive inhaled sharply. I could tell she was enjoying my sudden change in demeanor.

I made sure the noose was snug under her left ear. Then I gave the rope a tug. She inhaled again once she felt the coil tighten around her throat.

I abruptly pulled her down to her knees as I stood right in front of her. I smacked her face with my erection before shoving it between her lips. I grabbed the back of her head and fucked her face good and hard, deciding I was going to enjoy myself no matter what.

I looked over to see Aidan and Ashlynn watching us carefully. Their eyes were wide, perhaps at my change in mood. I figured they were now questioning what the hell they’d gotten themselves into.

Olive grunted as I hit the back of her throat. “You wanted to hang, bitch! You wanted a gallows. Now you’re going to get your wish.”

My girlfriend moaned as I abused her. She loves it when I get rough with her during a hanging. She feels she kind of deserves it the way she always taunts and teases me.

I didn’t give her my load like I usually do. Instead, I roughly pulled her to her feet. Then I centered her on top of the trap.

I stepped behind her where I suddenly forced her to bend forward. I thrust my cock hard into her wet snatch from behind. Then I pulled on the rope as I started fucking her.

Olive panted and whimpered as I gave it to her good. She moaned, “Oh gawd!” as I enjoyed fucking her. I thrust for about a minute or so before I stopped and pulled out, still not giving her my cream.

I made her stand upright as I pulled on the rope. I took out the slack as I took the end over and secured it. Olive wasn’t going to have too far to fall. That just meant she was going to strangle longer.

I looked over at Aidan and lifted a finger to my lips. I pointed at him and then at the lever to the trap. He tapped his chest with a finger… “You mean me?”

I nodded as I gestured over at the lever. He nodded and walked over. Then I walked back and stood behind Olive.

I groped and molested her, squeezing her tits hard. Then I went over and picked up “Lionel”.

I carried him back over while Aidan and Ashlynn stared in utmost fascination. I murmured, “A whore like you deserves this up her ass.” Then I began to work her toy up inside her.

At first I met with resistance as she gasped and stiffened. Then her anal ring gave way. I pushed it in until only a couple of inches stuck out of her anal passage.

I walked around in front of her and molested her some more. I reached down and discovered how wet she had become. I deliberately finger-fucked her slit, causing her to writhe and wince.

Olive panted for breath as though she was starting to hyperventilate. I couldn’t see her eyes. So I couldn’t tell whether she was frightened, aroused, or both.

I looked over to see Aidan dutifully standing by the lever. His eyes were on me the entire time. He had quite the erection.

Ashlynn was a few steps away. She looked too shocked to do anything other than stand there. Did she think I was really going to take Olive all the way?

My girlfriend clenched around my fingers inside her. I quietly murmured, “I should have done this long ago. Maybe a slut like you deserves to hang for real. What do you think?”

She panted for breath without speaking. Had I finally caught her speechless? She whimpered and moaned as she shuffled around on her feet, quickly discovering the noose gave her hardly any movement whatsoever.

“Maybe it’s time,” I said with a heavy sigh as I stepped back off the trap. Then I turned to Aidan and called out, “Hang the whore!”

He paused a moment until I nodded my head. Then he pulled hard on the lever. The trap folded away with a loud thunk.

Olive dropped as Ashlynn gasped. My girlfriend’s legs stretched down over nothing but air. Then she began to pedal.

She rasped as her arms jerked up and down behind her back. She started to kick a little more as she swung back and forth. Then she began to shimmy.

I didn’t bother looking over at Aidan or his girlfriend. I only had eyes for Olive as I stroked my meaty member. She wanted it, and now she was getting it good.

She rasped until I thought she tried to gasp out my name in growing panic. Her legs bent backward as she thrust her chest and hips outward. Then she began to fuck the air as she really started to buck and shudder.

Her head tried to jerk around as though she wanted to see me. Her arms continued to jerk around behind her back. It looked like she was really starting to fight it. I just jerked my cock as I watched her suffer

She thrust forward as she suddenly squirted. Then she kicked her legs every which way. Afterwards, she began to swing all over the place as she became more animated.

“Oh my gawd!”

I turned to see Ashlynn staring in wide eyed wonder. Her one hand had cupped her left breast. The other was in her crotch, just like Olive had masturbated earlier.

My girlfriend began to jerk and sway. Then she thrust her hips outward again. It looked like she was really suffering as she put on quite a dance.

I hesitated a couple seconds longer than I probably should have. Maybe it’s because I was shooting my load in her direction, some of my drops splattering her legs and feet. Then she began to settle down.

I rushed over to the rope and pulled the knot free. But I made sure to maintain the tension so she wouldn’t fall through the opening. Then I rushed back over to grab for my girlfriend.

Her legs had slipped below the floor of the platform through the open trap when I caught her. I pulled her toward me until she fell on top of me yet again. She was still doing a bit of a shimmy as I struggled to loosen the rope from around her neck.

She suddenly gasped loudly for breath. Her chest began to rise and fall as she went into little seizures. Then she began to settle back down.

I finally pulled the blindfold off from around her eyes. She looked at me as if in a daze. “Fucking hell!” she panted breathlessly. “At first I thought you didn’t mean it. …and then I thought you did! It scared the shit out of me! But the orgasms were… FUCKING HELL!”

“You satisfied, you crazy bitch?”

“Sometimes I feel as though it’s never enough. But I think this time I’m satisfied. Gawd; I love you!” Then she kissed me hard enough to melt lead.

I pulled the noose off from around her neck. Aidan gave me the keys to the handcuffs. It wasn’t long before I had them off from around Olive’s wrists. A moment later I worked the toy out of her ass.

I turned to look at Aidan and Ashlynn. “That’s really not a smart idea what we just did. We do try to be careful. I hope something bad never happens. But I always worry whether or not something might go wrong.”

“I hope my hanging turned you on,” Olive said to them with a grin.

I just shook my head. “Darling, don’t push it.”

“Sorry, honey. But I can tell they’re both horny.” Then she giggled. The crazy bitch was drunk with orgasmic aftershocks.

I told them, “I hope you guys enjoyed the show. We never meant to do this in front of anybody.”

“But I’m glad you stuck around to watch,” Olive added, her eyes twinkling. “You have no idea what it did to me knowing I was being watched while I did my dance. Darling, the blindfold was an inspiration!” Then she kissed me hard again.

It was getting late. The sun was rapidly approaching the horizon. I quietly observed, “I guess we’d better get dressed so we can get out of here.”

I helped Olive to her feet. That’s when we all heard Ashlynn speak. She did not sound as hesitant or cautious as before…

“I’d like to hang like that. And I want to be used and abused before you drop the trap underneath me, just like you used and abused your girlfriend. Would that be all right with you?”

2020 (written Dec 25 ’20 by riwa)

Part 6

Olive and I looked at her in surprise. Now it was Aidan’s turn to role his eyes. “Gawd, Ashlynn; do you really want to do this now …and with them?”

“Of course I do! Aidan, we’ll never get another chance like this!”

“Another chance like what?” Olive asked curiously.

“I should have known this would happen. She wanted to stick around and watch, especially after you two got naked. Now she wants more.” Then he looked at his girlfriend before asking, “Was it the flying fuck that did it?”

“That was a big part of it. Then John fucked and abused her before hanging her for real. You know that’s what gets me every time.”

“What gets her every time?” I asked. Now I was curious.

“The sex… the abuse… the humiliation. Maybe that’s what made her want to stay and watch.”

“You know it was, Aidan,” his girlfriend replied with a grin. “Gawd! I’m so fucking horny right now! You know what I want!”

“Even if it means falling through the trap and hanging for real?”

“So long as I get lots of sex out of the deal.”

Olive and I looked at each other. Then we looked at Aidan. He just told his girlfriend, “We’ll have to ask them first. After all, they might not play that way.”

“Play what way?” I asked.

“Of course they do!” Ashlynn stated with growing excitement. “If they’re willing to hang naked, do flying fucks, and give blowjobs, then they certainly won’t mind doing all that with me.” Then she looked at us with a twinkle in her eyes as she added, “Isn’t that right?”

I looked at her in surprise as it started to sink in. “You mean you want us to, uh…”

Olive grinned as she wrapped an arm around me. “I think she wants to suck your cock darling. In fact, I think she wants you to abuse her the same way you abused me. You guys can be so slow on the uptake sometimes; you know that?”

“Is that right?” I asked her boyfriend.

Aidan nodded. “She’s done this a couple times before. Once we were in some guy’s bondage basement with his girlfriend. They put on quite a show. Ashlynn said she wanted to be next. I said it would be ok with me if it was ok with them.”

Oliva enthusiastically asked, “Does that mean you want the full treatment?” My girlfriend sounded like this would be something that would end up being a hell of a lot of fun.

“Abused by my executioner,” Ashlynn replied. “…and by his girlfriend, if that’s what you mean. John’s going to hang me; isn’t that right? I just assumed it would be ok if you two used and abused me before I hang. It is, isn’t it?”

I looked at Olive who looked right back at me. Then she told me, “It’s ok with me if it’s ok with you.”

I had some misgivings. “Honey, are you sure?”

“Darling, you’re going to hang her; right? It’s not like we’re ever going to see her again. A hanging is a special thing. It’s only fair to give the condemned a last request, so long as her boyfriend approves.”

I turned to Aidan and asked, “Are you sure about all this?” By then he was already bending down and picking up the handcuffs.

“Oh, he’s sure!” Ashlynn replied enthusiastically. Now it looked as though she was trembling with excitement. Her nipples had become incredibly hard.

“I should’ve known,” Aidan muttered to himself as he shook his head. “That does it. I don’t care what they do to you. This time I’m really going to make you pay.”

“Gawd, I hope so!”

“Slut!” She just laughed.

He roughly pulled an arm behind her back. Then he clatched a handcuff onto her wrist. She winced as though he’d been a little too aggressive. But she didn’t complain.

“Is she really going to submit to us?” Olive wanted to know. “I mean… this sort of means we can do anything to her that we want; right?”

“Do whatever the hell you want!” Aidan growled as he roughly attached the other cuff to his girlfriend’s wrist.

“Darling?” Olive looked at me, her eyes pleading for me to go with the flow.

“Are you sure?”

“I’m in!” she declared excitedly. “I just want to make sure it’s ok with you.”

I looked questioningly at Aidan. He just nodded his approval before telling me, “Don’t worry. This won’t boomerang back on you.”

“Great!” And before anyone could say another word, Olive quickly grabbed the cuffed Ashlynn by the elbow.

She dragged her the few steps over to the trap. “I can’t wait to watch you swing, honey!” Then she hefted the young woman’s breasts before adding, “These are going to bounce up so wonderfully!”

Ashlynn seemed to inhale sharply. But she never protested. Then her boyfriend picked up the blindfold and walked it over.

Olive looked at him questioningly before holding her hand out. “May I?”

“Be my guest.”

He handed the blindfold over. Olive took it and attached it to Ashlynn’s face. The young woman seemed both excited and apprehensive now that she’d committed herself.

I was amazed how quickly Olive threw herself into her role, whatever the hell that was supposed to be. Aidan and I made sure the noose was back in place over the trap. Then my girlfriend took the coil from us.

She kissed Ashlynn’s neck. Then she brought the noose down over her head. “Right here,” she purred as she traced a line around the neck with her finger before putting the noose in place. “It’s going to strangle you to death right here. Gawd; I’m so fucking horny!”

She turned to us as though questioning to make sure it was ok. “Can I…?” she started to ask.

“Whatever the hell you want,” Aidan repeated. I wasn’t sure, but he almost sounded a little disgusted.

Olive began groping Ashlynn’s boobs as they stood together on the trap. My girlfriend excitedly murmured, “This is incredible! I’ve never helped hang a woman before! I’m so turned on right now I could just burst!”

Olive roughly squeezed the boobs of the “condemned”. Ashlynn whimpered and moaned under the assault. It looked like she was really glistening down between her legs. Was her rough treatment turning her on that much??

My girlfriend reached down and started to finger her. I still wasn’t sure about all this, especially since Aidan was standing nearby. I tentatively reached out a hand to stop her as I started to say, “Maybe we shouldn’t go quite this far…”

Olive ignored me as she latched onto a nipple with her mouth. Then she started finger-fucking the poor girl. Ashlynn simply writhed and moaned.

“It’s just like in that bondage basement,” Aidan observed quietly. I couldn’t tell whether or not he was happy about all this. But his cock was sure standing erect, just like mine.

“I think this slut wants to hang!” Olive panted lustfully. “She’s so fucking wet!”

She pulled her fingers out and thrust them into the noosed woman’s mouth. Ashlynn moaned and whimpered as she sucked them clean. My girlfriend developed a sadistic smile as she observed, “The slut wants something in her mouth? Fine with me. I say let’s give it to her!”

Olive jerked the woman noose and all over to where I was standing. She forced her down onto her knees. Then she shoved her head in the direction of my saluting shaft.

“Suck it, slut!” she demanded as she pushed Ashlynn’s face against my erection. “Suck the cock of your executioner. I’m sure you’ll die happy knowing you got to hang after enjoying some meat in your mouth.”

I looked questioningly at Olive as though asking, “Are you sure about all this?” But Ashlynn didn’t once hesitate. She calmly opened her mouth until she found my dick and wrapped her lips around it.

She dutifully began slurping and sucking. Olive forced her closer, making her take my cock deeper. “Suck your executioner, bitch! I’m sure a slut like you has already had a lot of cock down her throat.”

“You don’t know the half of it,” Aidan replied, rolling his eyes at the remark. “She’s sucked plenty, that’s for sure.”

I stood there trying to decipher whether or not he was happy with his girlfriend’s sexual exploits. Olive just reached out and pulled Aidan closer, bringing his erection within reach. “Now suck the cock that brought you to the gallows, bitch!”

She pulled Ashlynn off my cock. Then she pushed her head in her boyfriend’s direction. The noosed woman blindly felt around with her mouth until she found his dick.

She eagerly wrapped her lips around it, sucking and slurping for all she was worth. Olive grinned at me the entire time. I could not believe how much she was enjoying herself.

Olive looked into Aidan’s eyes and smiled. She told him, “You should make her gag on it. The slut fucking deserves it; am I right?”

In response, he grabbed her by the back of her head, forcing his dick deep down her throat. Ashlynn choked and gagged on it. I got the impression he was enjoying making her suffer.

Olive finally pulled her away. She turned the kneeling woman toward one side. Then she told her, “Now suck on this, bitch!”

She mashed Ashlynn’s face into her crotch. The noosed woman immediately started licking. I was totally shocked.

I didn’t know Olive had that kind of sexual desire running through her. Aidan didn’t seem the least bit surprised or upset. I got the impression he’d seen this happen several times before.

Olive humped the face of the “condemned”. Ashlynn just licked, slurped and moaned. Then my girlfriend pulled her away and forced her head back in my direction.

Aidan’s girl went right back to work on my cock. She sucked and slobbered with no hesitation whatsoever. I kept glancing over at Aidan, but he didn’t display any sense of shock or anger. Instead, he seemed resigned to accept whatever happened next.

Olive forced her to suck Aidan’s cock again. Then it was back to her muff. Ashlynn did it all without complaint.

“Sun’s going down,” I observed. “Better get on with it.”

“Can I finish humiliating her?”

“I don’t care what you do to the slut,” Aidan replied. “She fucking deserves it.” Then he told me, “Hell, you can even fuck her ass if you want.”

“We’ll get to that!” Olive gasped with delight. Then she turned Ashlynn toward her.

“Open your mouth, slut. I’ve got something for you!”

Ashlynn dutifully opened her mouth wide. Olive shocked me when she suddenly let fly. A stream of urine spewed out into the noosed girl’s gaping maw.

I stared in absolute shock. Then I looked over at Aidan. He was smiling as though it served his girlfriend right.

Ashlynn never closed her mouth. She drank it all like the slut she was. I was shocked, yet perversely aroused. I thought Olive was going to cum all over the crazy bitch after pissing into her mouth.

“On your feet!” my girlfriend demanded, roughly pulling Ashlynn upright. Then she dragged her back over to the gallows. She made her stand in place as she grabbed onto the loose end of the rope, taking the slack out of it.

Olive waved us guys over. She motioned Aidan in front and me in back. “Give her a double-fuck before we make her swing, boys. Better hurry, the sun is going down.”

Aidan took the rope from my girlfriend. Then he pulled on it. Ashlynn rasped as she was pulled up into the air.

He stepped forward until her legs wrapped around his waist. She slid down until she was impaled upon his erection. Olive pushed me behind her, telling me, “Fuck the slut’s ass before she hangs for us.”

I looked questioningly at Aidan who nodded his consent. Then I stepped forward. I found her puckered anus and slowly pushed against it with my dick until it gave way.

Ashlynn shuddered as I entered her. Aidan pulled on the rope a little. His girlfriend rasped for breath with our cocks up her holes.

I have never fucked Olive up the ass in the noose. But I could tell by the look on her face I was giving her ideas. Inwardly I shook my head, wondering what kind of monster I’d created.

We fucked Ashlynn like that for three or four minutes before Olive instructed Aidan to pull out. She picked up “Lionel” and handed it over, instructing him to put it to good use. Aidan responded by roughly shoving the thing hard up his girlfriend’s twat.

She jerked and grunted with my cock still buried in her ass. Then Olive made her bend forward. She was forced to lean over and suck her boyfriend’s cock while I fucked her butt from behind.

“Fill her holes with cum, boys. Then we’ll hang the slut good and proper.” Olive looked absolutely crazed with sadistic lust.

Ashlynn grunted as she was impaled in both ends. Aidan didn’t hold back in the slightest. I didn’t either. “Now cum in her holes!” Olive shrieked, on the verge of losing total control.

She furiously masturbated as Aidan let out a cry of release. I was so incredibly aroused fucking her clenching hole that I couldn’t hold back. A minute later Ashlynn was leaking cream out of both ends.

I pulled out as Olive gave me the loose end of the rope. I took it over and forced Ashlynn to stand upright. Then I proceeded to tie it off.

Ashlynn panted for breath as she stood there, cream on her lips and dripping out of her ass. Droplets of urine had splattered her face. But her nipples were incredibly hard, her pussy wet and glistening.

I went over to the lever as Aidan stood in front of his girl, making sure he was standing just off the trap. Olive stood nearby, furiously masturbating. That’s when the sun touched the horizon.

“You wanted to experience it? Now you’ve got it!” Then Aidan barked, “Hang the slut!”

I didn’t even hesitate as I roughly pulled the lever back. The trap folded open. Ashlynn dropped no more than a couple inches.

There was a loud “AWK” as she fell. Then she grunted as she hit the end of the rope. I’m sure it was the last thing she ever expected.

Right away she began kicking and humping. She shimmied as her feet searched for solid footing. She rasped for breath as her lips moved. Was she begging to be let down?

Olive let out a squeal of glee as she furiously masturbated. She squirted as she let out a clipped cry. I should have known seeing another woman hang like that would send her over the edge.

Ashlynn shimmied as her legs searched and then kicked some more. Her breasts bounced as she swung back and forth. “Oh no!” Aidan declared with a shake of his head. “You wanted this, you stupid slut! Now you can jolly well enjoy yourself!”

Ashlynn’s head tipped to one side as she kicked and swung harder. Olive was all blissed out, furiously frigging herself as she tried to catch her breath. I’m ashamed to admit I was hard again.

Aidan began to stroke himself as he stood there watching. His girlfriend became more animated, more desperate. How long was he going to let her suffer??

I found myself wondering if he was going to allow her to hang too long. Olive looked like she didn’t care one way or the other. She was too far gone sexually to even think straight.

Ashlynn let out a loud grunt as she began humping the air. It looked like she was trying to fuck that toy up her twat. Maybe she was trying to push it out.

I felt panic start to rise up within me. Was Aidan going to let his slut girlfriend go all the way? Was Olive’s crazy fetish going to result in the death of another?

All of the sudden he rushed forward. He reached forward and grabbed her, pulling her off to the side of the trap. I rushed over and grabbed the rope, pulling the knot loose.

Slack appeared almost immediately. Aidan fell sideways as he grasped his convulsing girlfriend in his arms. They collapsed onto the platform with her on top of him.

“Oh fuck!” Olive shrieked. “I want to go again!”

“We’re done!” I told her firmly, giving her that look. Instantly her face softened. She could tell I was putting my food down this time.

Aidan frantically loosened the rope from around his girlfriend’s neck. For a moment I couldn’t tell whether she was breathing or not. Then he removed the blindfold.

Her chest rose and fell as she took a ragged breath. She blinked as though trying to regain her vision. Then I saw the life slowly return to her pupils.

I scrambled to corral the keys and free his girlfriend from the handcuffs. Olive came over and took the rope off Ashlynn’s neck. One look at my expression made her start to coil it up as she sighed, “Ok – ok. All good things must come to an end, I suppose.”

“You ok?” Aidan asked his girlfriend. Ashlynn tried to speak, but the words wouldn’t come. She rasped and coughed before she finally found her voice.

“Holy shit! For a minute there I thought… I thought you were going to…”

“Isn’t that what you wanted? To think I might not bring you back down? Was it everything you hoped it would be?”

“It was better… and worse… than I expected.”

“Then I’d say you got the full experience,” Olive told her with a sly smile.

“You… you pissed into my mouth! That was… that was so fucking hot!” My girlfriend positively beamed. Then I told her to get dressed as it was getting late.

We headed back to the cars in the parking lot. It was definitely getting dark. There was not much in the way of lighting, indicating the county didn’t want to waste electricity on a ghost town that wasn’t used at night except for wild animals that passed through.

I nodded at the girls walking ahead of us, excitedly talking back and forth about their recent experience. “We good?” I asked Aidan, still concerned over the liberties we’d taken with his girlfriend.

“We’re good,” he replied. “She’s… she’s quite the girl.”

“I hope we didn’t cause too much trouble between you two. I never expected Ashlynn to be, uh… ”

“Such a slut? She’s a lot of fun, that’s for sure.”

“Just don’t let her go all crazy on you.”

“Better not let your Olive go all crazy on you.”

“Women,” I chuckled as I shook my head.

2021 (written Jan 5 ’21 by riwa)

Posted in Asphyxia Stories | 1 Comment

Breath-holding in the pool with Alex 3 (m/m) 3.9 (9)

Part 3

We both filled our lungs. Then I headed for the bottom of the pool near the ladder. Alex was right behind me.

I stretched out on the floor on my back. I grabbed the weight and put it on my chest so I wouldn’t float up. Alex grabbed the bottom rung of the ladder and stretched himself out horizontally while looking down on me.

Alex had given me permission to set the pace and dictate the rules. What did that mean? Was he implying I could do anything I wanted while I was lying flat on my back?

My cock bulged in my speedos. They were all but see-thru. Hell, the shape and curvature of my erection was clearly noticeable.

I noticed Alex had an erection in those red trunks of his. That meant he had to be aroused by something. Was it because he was underwater holding his breath? Or was it because of me and my virtually transparent suit?

I blew a couple of bubbles up at him. He released a couple in response. I ran a hand across my chest, and he followed suit.

Was that what he meant? Whoever was holding onto the bottom rung of the ladder had to copy whatever the one on the bottom was doing? So what had he given me permission to do?

A thought suddenly occurred to me. I slid my hand down until I placed it upon my bulge. Alex did the exact same thing.

It was a little embarrassing. But it was also incredibly arousing. What’s more, he didn’t seem to be the least bit offended by my action.

I became bolder as I rubbed and caressed my bulge. I saw him do the exact same thing. His cock was really stretching his suit. But then again, so was mine.

I suddenly became self-conscious again. It made me lose my breath. I shifted the block off my chest and rose up to the surface.

Alex followed me up until we were both at the surface. We panted for breath together. When I saw him smiling at me I could not resist blushing.

“Sorry about that, Alex.”

“Sorry about what, Dean?”

“I guess I was… I was enjoying… I kind of got carried… Hell, I guess I don’t know what I’m saying.”

He reached across and gave me a reassuring pat on the shoulder. “It’s ok, Dean.” Then he leaned in conspiratorially.

“Can I let you in on a little secret? I hope you don’t mind if I tell you this. But I love the color of your speedos. Seeing your bulge so prominent while you’re holding your breath is an incredible turn-on.”

“It is?”

“I hope you don’t mind my saying that.”

“Not at all. I was just afraid… I was showing a little too much, uh…”

He just laughed. “It’s all good, Dean. I’m glad you wore them today. But I don’t want to embarrass you. I just want you to know that I like them. In fact, you’ve probably noticed how hard I’ve become. I hope that doesn’t offend you.”

I looked at him in surprise. He was worried about offending me??

At that moment I felt a strange excitement. My cock was incredibly stiff in my speedos. And I noticed Alex’s hadn’t softened in the slightest.

“Tell you what,” he said with a smile. “Let’s call that last breath-hold a test-run. Now that you know I don’t mind, you can feel comfortable doing anything you want while you’re down there holding your breath. I’ll even let you take the bottom again. Besides…” and he checked his watch. “I’m betting this time you’re going to break two minutes.”

I nodded as I began filling my lungs. If anything, I’d become even more excited. At least I knew I hadn’t offended him by any of the actions I’d engaged in. If anything, I got the impression he wanted me to do even more.

We filled our lungs and submerged again. I went right to the bottom where I stretched out flat on my back. Once more I grabbed that block and set it upon my chest.

Alex came down and grabbed the bottom rung of the ladder as before. His cock was really tenting in his speedos. Hell, it looked as though the tip was trying to peek out at me.

I ran a hand over my chest, watching as he did the same. I slid my hand down and rubbed my bulge. He mimicked my movements.

I rubbed my bulge harder. He did the same to his. He never stopped smiling down at me.

I finally grabbed the edge of my speedos. Then I slowly pulled it down. It allowed the tip of my cock to poke free.

Alex did the same. The tip of his erection came out and said hello. That’s when I felt a rush of sexual excitement.

I was incredibly aroused. My cock was stiff and swollen underneath my speedos. A look at Alex revealed his was also straining to be set free.

I felt an erotic jolt as I pulled my suit down a little more. It allowed more of my dick to come into view. Alex smiled and bubbled as he did the exact same thing.

I finally pulled my suit down away from my erection. It felt so good having it breathe free. Alex did the same, his cock emerging quite stiff.

I don’t know why I was so damned horny. But my suit still felt confining. There was only one thing left to do.

I worked at pulling my suit down off my legs. Alex did the same. Now we were both naked, our cocks saluting each other.

I reached down and grabbed my cock. Alex matched my movements by grabbing his. I released a few bubbles as I started stroking, a move he immediately mimicked.

It was incredible! Our cocks were stiff and saluting each other. He didn’t seem the least bit embarrassed. If anything, it looked as though he was enjoying himself.

My stomach began to ripple, indicating I was running out of breath. I stroked a little more as the strain moved into my chest. Alex stroked too as he released a few more bubbles.

I struggled to hold my breath just a few seconds longer… and then a few seconds more after that. But I finally lost a huge burst of bubbles. That’s when I shot up around his body toward the surface.

Alex followed me up a couple seconds later until we were both panting for breath. I tried not to think about what we’d just done. After all, our suits were now lying on the pool floor.

“How’d we do?” I panted tiredly as I struggled to get my breath back.

“Two-eighteen. That’s a great time, Dean! Now I feel it’s my duty to tell you something.”

“Tell me what, Alex?”

“It was so hot the way you pulled your cock out and stroked it. I hope you don’t mind my saying so. But damn, Dean; that was hot!”

I smiled self-consciously. “You really liked it?”

“I loved it!”

“And our getting naked didn’t bother you?”

“So long as it didn’t bother you, Dean. It was such an incredible turn-on.”

“Two eighteen, eh? You mean I broke two minutes?”

“Went right on by it, Dean. You want me to take the bottom now?”

I turned to look at the clock. We still had a good twenty minutes before the nine am opening. I figured we were probably good until then. But we’d be pushing things if we were naked in the pool after nine.

“Ok with me. I guess you’re on the bottom, Alex.”

“Can I do anything I want? I don’t want to embarrass you or offend you or anything.”

“We’re a little past that, my friend. Anything you want. It’s only fair since you followed my lead.”

“How about this?” Then he slipped off his dive mask. “I just want to see your face, Dean.”

I took mine off as well. I figured I’d be ok facing down anyway. Then I smiled as I told him, “I’ll be right down on top of you.”

He smiled at that remark. It occurred to me my words could be taken any one of a number of ways. It made my cock twitch as I tried to laugh it off.

We inhaled together before submerging. Alex went right to the bottom. He released a few bubbles out of his nose before settling onto his back, making sure he put the block on his chest.

I clung to the bottom rung of the ladder right above him. His erection twitched and jumped a little. Mine stiffened tremendously as I stared down at him.

He reached down and grabbed his dick. Then he started stroking it. I reached for mine and tugged on it in return.

He grinned and bubbled at me. I released a few bubbles in return. Then he carefully reached upward.

I was close enough for him to touch me. He gently caressed my chest with his right hand. It caused me to feel an erotic shiver ripple through me as my dick twitched and stiffened even more.

I reached down toward his chest. I caressed him a little longer than he caressed me. He released a couple of bubbles as he closed his eyes with pleasure.

He took his hand off my chest and reached down to stroke his own dick. I did the exact same thing to mine. Together we did a little masturbation while facing each other.

It was such an incredible turn-on. I have no idea why I was so hard. Stroking while watching him watch me as we held our breath at the bottom of the pool felt incredibly sensual.

Once more he reached up to caress my chest. I reached down to caress his. Then we jerked our own cocks again.

He moaned and bubbled. Then he started to reach up toward me. Only his hand wasn’t reaching for my chest.

At the last second he withdrew it. Then he released a mouthful of bubbles as he shed the block. He swam up around me, and I followed him up.

We burst up together panting for breath. Then he checked his watch. “I came up early that time, Dean. Not quite two minutes.”

“What happened?”

He looked at me before lowering his head with embarrassment. “I… I wanted to… Sorry, Dean. I wanted to touch your cock. I stopped myself in time. It’s just that… I’m so turned on being around you, Dean. I’m so turned on… and I just… I just wanted… sorry about that.”

I looked at the clock. We still had time. I had an idea in my head, but it was making my heart beat fast.

“Shall we try another one, Alex? I guess it’s my turn to lie on the bottom; right?”

He smiled and nodded. “We can use the masks if you want.”

I shook my head. “I want to try it without, Alex. Let’s see how it goes.”

“Ok; you’re the boss.”

We both smiled at each other as we breathed deeply. Then we filled our lungs and submerged. I went right to the bottom where I stretched out on my back before grabbing the block and putting it on my chest.

Alex came right down, grabbing the bottom rung of the ladder and then stretching out horizontally. His cock twitched as it saluted me. Mine twitched right back, stiff as a board.

I ran a hand down my chest and down to my erection. Alex followed my lead. I grabbed my dick and pulled it a few times, which he mimicked on his own dick.

I felt an incredible excitement as I reached up and caressed his chest. He touched mine around the block. Then I lightly slid my fingers down his body.

He slid his fingers along my naked frame, matching my movements. Then my fingers reached his erection. I brushed it with them, causing him to twitch.

He brushed my dick with his fingers. I twitched in response. It felt incredible.

I rubbed the surface of his dick with my hand. He rubbed the surface of mine, matching my every move. He seemed to be happy I had taken this next step.

I very slowly wrapped my fingers around his erection. He wrapped his fingers around mine. Then I slowly tugged on his meat. He responded by tugging on mine.

My dick twitched in his grasp. I thought it was possible he might actually make me cum! Was he feeling the same way?

I stroked him harder as I released a few bubbles. He stroked me in return. He lost more air until he was no longer buoyant.

He came down until he settled right next to me. Now it wasn’t so hard to reach him. We were side by side as I stroked him, with him stroking me in return.

We bubbled at each other as we jerked the other’s meat. It wasn’t long until I could feel myself running out of breath. Could I make him cum before we had to surface? Could he make me cum?

I stroked him harder. He sensed my anxiety and did the same. I began thrusting my cock in his hand. He responded by thrusting into mine.

I lost more bubbles. He did the same. My lungs began to hurt, making me thrust harder to achieve a release before we had to surface.

He grunted and bubbled. Then his cock started spurting in my grasp. That’s what set mine off.

I stiffened and then began shooting a thick, ropey stream. He jerked me hard as I tried to squeeze all the cum out of his dick. Then I lost the last of my breath and was forced to the surface.

I shot up panting like crazy. Alex came up a second later. He panted heavily as he told me, “Dean, I think that’s the hottest thing I’ve ever done underwater. I hope you don’t mind.”

I blushed as I felt self-conscious all over again. But I reassured him it was fine. Then I thought I heard something on the other side of the main door.

Alex turned to look as though he’d heard it too. It sounded like a vehicle. Acting on instinct, we both frantically submerged to grab our suits and pull them back on.

We got out of the pool in record time. I managed to find my other trunks and put them on. I was behind the counter when three elderly females came in.

I lost track of Alex as I took their cash. They noticed my hair was still wet. I told them I’d taken a quick shower before opening. They seemed to buy that.

They were inside changing in their locker room when Alex came out in his street clothes. He came up to me and reached in his pocket for some cash. I told him he didn’t need to pay me, but he insisted.

He thanked me for a great swim and for sharing an erotic breath-hold with him. He told me he’d lost track of the time but that it had been well past two and a half minutes. Then he looked at the door to the women’s locker room, making sure those ladies weren’t coming out yet.

He smiled as he told me, “See you next time, Dean. Thanks for the swim. I had a great time.”

“See you next time, Alex.” Then he was out the door. I was left wondering what the hell I was thinking stroking another man’s dick and making him cum while we were holding our breath at the bottom of a pool.

2021 (written Aug 17 ’21 by riwa)

Posted in Male stories, Underwater Stories | Tagged | Leave a comment

3 in the pool (Parts 4-6) 4.3 (15)

Part 4 – Confrontation

(A flashback to before the investigation)

They stood in the backyard swimming pool in about five feet of water. Travis bent his legs, centered the woman’s pussy against his cock and slowly pushed inside. He moaned appreciatively as he stood upright, impaling her with his quivering shaft.

He pulled her to him, experiencing her warm breasts pressed up against his chest. He could even feel her heart thump excitedly in her chest. The woman shuddered as their lips met, their tongues exploring each other.

She was unable to return his embrace. That was totally understandable. After all, her hands were cuffed behind her back.

“Are you ready?” he asked breathlessly, a wicked glint in his eye. She nodded as she took several deep breaths to prepare herself.

She wanted to hold her breath as long as possible. She was hoping to push herself long enough to have a massive orgasm. But her heart was beating wildly from the pleasure of having him inside her.

She knew she wouldn’t be able to hold it for as long as she wanted. Still, she was going to give it her best shot. After all, she was his mistress. It was her obligation as well as her greatest desire to be a much more exciting lover than his wife.

“Fuck me, Travis!” Melissa gasped excitedly. “Fuck me like the fuckin’ drown-whore I am! Then I want you to drown my ass!”

He slowly submerged her, tipping her backward into the water. She inhaled deeply before she went under. Melissa released a few bubbles through her nostrils.

She went down until she was virtually perpendicular to him, a couple feet under the surface. He brought his hands from around her back where he’d been supporting her. Then he placed them on each breast, forcing her to remain underwater as he groped and fondled them.

In response, she wrapped her legs around his torso. Melissa eagerly pulled him to her, driving his cock deeper into her pussy. She desperately wanted him to fill her completely.

For several moments there was no movement. Each one savored the feeling of cock in pussy. Melissa held her breath as she gently squeezed him with her love-muscle.

Travis looked down upon her sexy, naked body. He savored the image of her helpless condition with her arms cuffed behind her back. Underwater bondage on her part always added a thrill to their sexual encounters.

She looked up at him, releasing a couple of bubbles for his benefit. Melissa wiggled and squirmed, totally helpless and at his mercy. It occurred to her yet again how easy it would be for him to drown her with his cock inside her.

The view of her naked body underwater with hands cuffed behind her back was so arousing that he had to fight to keep from fucking her silly. ‘Not yet!’ he thought excitedly. ‘Not yet!’

Melissa pretended to struggle, although it was not so much pretending in her current situation. She tried to concentrate on holding her breath despite the cock that filled her. Her pussy tingled like crazy.

She could no longer remain immobile. Melissa could not resist thrusting against him, wanting to feel that friction inside her. She had to start fucking him now!

Travis quickly picked up on his lover’s movements. It made him grope her tits more aggressively. It was time to start giving her the verbalizations she loved so much…

“You want it; don’t you, bitch? You want me to fuck you ’til you drown; don’t you, you fuckin slut? Well, here it comes, bitch!”

Travis began to pump hard into her spasming cunt, adding his rhythm to her own. Melissa burbled excitedly as the sensations in her pussy intensified. She began to fuck him harder as the first warning spasm rippled through her.

She released a little burst of air to relieve the pressure in her chest. Travis increased the intensity of his thrusts. He also began to intensify the nature of his verbalizations…

“You want it bad, don’t you, slut? Well, I’m gonna give it to you right now, you fuckin’ whore! I’m gonna fuck you and then drown your ass! What do you think about that, you fuckin’ bitch? This time I’m not bringing you back up to breathe!”

Melissa’s heart rate increased dramatically. Another breathless convulsion rippled through her. It made her breasts wobble as he pounded her.

The faint thought he might actually drown her this time only added to her sexual excitement. Maybe this time he might… But no, she suspected he would never truly hurt her. But she did love the way he abused her verbally…

‘Yeah, baby; talk DIRTY to me! Tell me I’m gonna die! Tell me you’re gonna fuck me hard and then drown my sorry ass!’

She felt the orgasm swell within her. Melissa fought to hold it back. She wanted to prolong her breath-hold ‘til her lungs were on fire in the hopes of a bigger climax.

Travis increased his thrusts as his own climax rushed toward him. Fucking her while threatening her as she held her breath underwater always drove him crazy. He wondered if some day he might make her swallow water… and how she might feel about that.

“I’m gonna drown your ass, Melissa! But you want me to drown you; don’t you? You want to be my drown-whore today? Then suck it in, slut! Suck in that water as I fuck your cunt, bitch! I’m gonna fuck you ’til you stop breathing! You’re gonna die today, bitch!”

His words drove her crazy while he fucked her underwater. Her pussy was on fire as she struggled to hold her breath. She tried not to squeeze her muscles around the cock inside her as much because she wanted to hold off her orgasm for as long as possible.

Air dribbled out of her nostrils as her cheeks bulged. Her chest spasmed sharply as her lungs screamed for air. Yet she forced herself to hold off, desperately wanting to delay the eruption building inside her.

Travis continued pumping his cock in and out of her pussy. His excitement increased as his own climax approached. He loved the way she responded to his threats…

“I’m gonna fuck you ’til you drown, slut! C’mon, you hot, fuckin’ drown-whore! Suck it in and let your lungs flood for me!”

Melissa felt a convulsion ripple through her, forcing a burst of air past her lips. She started to tremble as Travis increased his thrusts. She was about to be filled with his cum.

If only she could hold her breath a few more intense, heart-pounding seconds. Then her lover would push her over the edge with his words, along with the hard fucking he was giving her. Hell, maybe he would keep her under well after the orgasm that threatened to overwhelm her…


She felt a convulsion shake her hard, forcing a burst of air out of her lungs. She was almost out of breath. But that didn’t matter; she couldn’t hold it back any longer.

Her muscles clamped tightly onto the cock inside her. A moment later she screamed the rest of her breath away in a bubbly froth. That’s when Melissa was wracked by a devastating orgasm.

Her back arched as her body began bucking wildly. Her hands flexed helplessly in the cuffs behind her back. She winced as it totally obliterated her senses.

Travis cried out a couple seconds later as he felt those muscles clamp down on his cock. It caused him to explode deep inside her pussy. His cock quivered like mad as he thrust hard into her, holding his cock nice and deep while filling her with his seed.

Melissa went from one orgasm to the next as her body reacted to the warmth of the cum that filled her. She opened her mouth to scream again. All that came out was a muffled gurgle as she jerked and spasmed on the cock she was impaled upon.

She felt like she was on fire with white-hot pleasure. Every nerve ending seemed to be firing wildly inside her. Then she reflexively inhaled pool water.

Travis was looking right at her the moment it happened. He knew right away what she’d done. He blurted out, “OH, SHIT!” as he pulled his lover’s head up out of the water.

She coughed and gagged, sputtering like crazy. He pulled her up to his chest, feeling her warm breasts press against him. He saw her eyes roll as she faintly gasped “NO… MORE!” Then he felt her muscles clamp tightly around his cock.

Melissa started thrashing about once more, caught up in the throes of yet another orgasm. She tried to cry out in order to make it stop. But she had no breath in her lungs.

Travis tried to slide his cock out of her. But her pussy had clamped on tight and refused to let go until the orgasm had run its course. She bucked wildly and then abruptly went limp.

Melissa’s entire body seemed to sag and relax. It was enough for him to slip out of her. She shuddered as he helped her to her feet, propping her up against the pool wall.

“That was… fuckin’… fan-TASTIC!”

She was out of breath, panting heavily as wild tingles radiated outward in every direction. She felt like she was plugged into a low-voltage current. She’d actually swallowed a little water… had actually started to drown before being pulled up to breathe.

Travis had to lean up against her for fear of her slipping back into the water. He was exhausted too. Besides, he wasn’t sure how long it would take to get her back on her feet if she slipped under, even though they was standing in less than five feet of water.

Melissa kissed him passionately, giving him plenty of tongue. He returned the favor. Then he panted, “You’re better than my wife… ever thought of being, babe!”

“That’s because I’m your drown-whore,” she panted with a smile as her breath began to return. “You keep coming closer and closer… to drowning me for real! For a minute there I thought… you were actually gonna do it!”

“Maybe I will someday,” he said with a smile.

She excitedly replied, “I’m gonna hold you to that!”

Travis reached for the key that was sitting on the edge of the pool. Then he unlocked her cuffs. When he set them back down on the edge of the pool, she wrapped her arms around him and kissed him passionately.

When they came up for air, he glanced down at his watch. “SHIT! I’m 45 minutes late! I should’ve been home by now! Tammi’s gonna kill me!”

“She might if she finds out about us,” Melissa grinned wickedly, her arms around his neck. “Maybe she’ll kill me too. Do you think she might drown us both? I’d love to drown with your cock inside me!”

She reached down and grabbed it. Then she started stroking him back to life. “How about it, Travis? Should the two of us drown together?”

“Damn, woman! I’ve got to get out of here!”

She sighed and let him go. Travis waded toward the steps in the shallow end of the pool. He climbed out and gathered up his clothes that had ended up all over the backyard patio area.

He came back to her before sliding his underwear on without even drying off. He got down on his knees and gave her another long, lingering kiss as she stood there in the water by the side of the pool. Then he finally rose up and headed for the house.

“I’ll see myself out!” he called out over his shoulder as he struggled to get into his pants.

“Bye, lover!” she called after him. “Maybe you’ll drown me next time!”

She giggled as he waved at her. Then he disappeared into the house through the patio door. Melissa sighed with pleasure as her body continued to tingle.

After a few minutes she heard his car pull out of her driveway. Melissa eased onto her back and floated lazily in the water with a satisfied smile. Now she needed to cool off from her sexual exertions of the past couple of hours.
45 minutes ago she was in her living room. Tammi had anxiously awaited the arrival of her husband. She’d found herself becoming more upset as the minutes ticked by.

She was pretty certain who he was spending his afternoon with. The mental image of the two of them together both saddened and infuriated her. That’s when she’d decided it was time to do something about it.

She’d angrily left a message on the answering machine. Then she’d gotten into her car and driven over to the other side of Las Vegas. She was hoping to be proven wrong, but she strongly suspected she wouldn’t be.

Now she knew, having seen the evidence right before her very eyes…

For the past twenty minutes Tammi had watched them from around the corner of the fence. She’d heard every painful word the two lovebirds had spoken to each other. Then she’d choked back a sob.

Tears had trickled down her cheek as she’d realized the depths of her husband’s betrayal with this bitch in the backyard pool. She knew who the woman was. Now she believed he’d been coming over here for months.

She’d been deceiving herself, hoping it wasn’t true. It wasn’t until this very afternoon that she’d decided to come over. Tammi had wanted to confirm it for herself.

Now that the bastard was gone, a burning rage began to consume her. She opened her purse and pulled out her traitorous husband’s revolver. Then she opened the unlocked gate near the empty trash cans and stepped into the backyard.

Melissa was just stepping out of the pool to go lie down and sunbathe on a lounge chair. That’s when she heard a voice behind her. It was a voice that made her blood run cold, a voice she recognized…

“Where do you think you’re going, you bitch?”

Melissa spun around, confirming the worst. Tammi stood before her in dark pink shorts, sneakers and a dark pink shirt. She thought she saw a built-in bra that showed some nice cleavage to a rather attractive set of breasts. Unfortunately the revolver in the woman’s hand was pointing squarely at her chest.

Melissa tried to become indignant. “What are you doing here?” she snapped.

Instinctively she covered her breasts with her hands. Her heart thumped loudly in her chest. Better to sound angry than frightened.

“Point that damn thing somewhere else! And let me get some clothes on; ok?”

“I don’t think so, you fuckin’ whore! I hope you enjoyed fucking my husband today. It’s the last time you’re ever gonna see him!”

Melissa’s face went deathly pale. She gasped as started to tremble. This bitch sounded serious as a heart attack.

“L-Look, Tammi! Let’s t-talk this over; ok?”

The enraged woman simply shook her head. “The only thing we need to talk about is how I’m gonna burn your ass! How about it, bitch? Shall I start by putting a bullet in one of those pretty breasts of yours?”

She raised the weapon menacingly. Melissa gasped, protectively covering her chest with her arms. “Tammi… PLEASE… he means NOTHING to me!”

The frightened woman took a cautious step toward the angry intruder. If she could just get close enough, maybe she could get the gun away from her. The first order of business was disarming her before she pulled the trigger.

“LIAR!” Tammi yelled at her, making her jump. “How come he keeps coming over here if he means nothing to you?”

“It’s not my fault!” Melissa gasped, hesitantly taking another careful step forward. “He’s the one you want to kill, honey… not ME!”

Tammi wavered as uncertainty flashed in her features. That remark was certainly true enough. She was angry with him far more than she was with anyone else. But this bitch was encouraging him based on what she’d witnessed a few minutes ago!

“He wouldn’t be over here if you didn’t want him here! You two sure looked like you enjoyed fucking each other’s brains out!”

“I had to! I have no choice! He said he’d get me fired if I didn’t fuck him every once in a while!”

Melissa lied through her teeth, desperate to get out of the predicament she was in. Somehow she had to sway Tammi to her side of things. That’s when she scrambled to concoct a story she hoped the angry woman might at least consider.

“You’ve got to help me, Tammi! Together we can turn the tables on him!” Then she took another careful step forward.

Tammi felt a niggle of doubt in her mind. She lowered the gun in her hand. Was it possible the bitch was right?

Maybe so. Then again, maybe not. It was possible the bitch was only trying to save her own skin.

Grimly, she brought the gun back up. “Nice try, slut! But I don’t believe you!”

“You’re not gonna shoot me, are you? Isn’t he the one you hate more right now?”

Melissa gasped fearfully, her heart thumping loudly in her chest. Then she hesitantly took another step forward. If only she could get her hands on that gun…

Uncertainty flashed through Tammi’s eyes again. Was she willing to pull the trigger? Could she really do it?

Melissa saw the gun drift downward again. Once more she saw the doubt in the woman’s face. That’s when she lunged forward in a frantic effort to disarm her.

Maybe Tammi wouldn’t shoot her. But she could sure as hell shoot Tammi if she had to. It wouldn’t bother her a bit; she would simply claim self-defense. Then she could keep Travis all to herself.

Tammi cried out as they grappled with each other. The gun flew off into the grass. Then she broke free of the naked woman’s grip.

Tammi brought her hands together into a large fist. She swung them wildly, catching Melissa in the side of the face. It knocked the bitch onto the ground.

The enraged woman was on her in an instant. Tammi pounded her mercilessly. She punched her in the face, chest and stomach as she knelt over her while straddling her with her legs.

Melissa raised her arms to ward off the blows. She cried out in pain as she shook her head from side to side. She pushed the woman off with a mighty effort before staggering to her feet.

Tammi jumped her from behind, forcing her down into a lounge chair. She pulled on her hair, causing Melissa to yelp in pain. But the battered woman managed to throw her off again.

She tumbled her lover’s wife onto the ground. Melissa was starting to get to her feet when she felt a vicious kick in her stomach. It forced the air out of her, collapsing her onto the ground again.

The foot came in again and again, causing her to double over in pain. Melissa waved feebly with her hands to ward off the blows. The bitch was beating the crap out of her!

If only she could somehow get her into the pool. Maybe she could hold her down long enough to take the fight out of her. Maybe she could even drown her ass!

Melissa staggered to her feet and lunged toward her attacker. She wrapped her arms around her, catching her off guard. Tammi cried out in surprise as Melissa blindly drove them forward until their footing fell away beneath them as they tumbled into the deep end of the pool with a splash.

2005; 2020 (written for Melissa Aug 9 ’05; ed. Aug 15 ‘20 by riwa)

Part 5 – Mistress Tammi

(A flashback to before the investigation)

Melissa staggered to her feet and lunged toward her attacker. She wrapped her arms around her, catching her off guard. Tammi cried out in surprise as Melissa blindly drove them forward until their footing fell away beneath them as they tumbled into the deep end of the pool with a splash.

They grappled with each other, rolling around and around under the surface as arms and legs flailed and splashed about. Bubbles burst from their mouths, frothing to the surface. Every time Melissa managed to roll on top, Tammi succeeded in rolling her back over until she was underneath again.

Shit! This was worse than before! Now she needed air!

Melissa let go and clawed for the surface, bursting up and gasping wildly for breath. She hadn’t realized how tired she was. Between the pounding Tammi had inflicted upon her and her body’s attempts to recover from the sexual activities of the afternoon, she was dangerously exhausted.

She cried out in alarm. Then she bubbled in panic once Tammi grabbed her by her hair and shoved her under the surface. “I’m gonna DROWN you, you fuckin’ whore!”

Melissa tried to pull the woman’s hands out of her hair. But that didn’t work. That’s when she waved frantically as bubbles spewed out of her mouth.

Tammi was more than accommodating. “You want to drown?! FINE! I’ll be more than happy to give you what you want, bitch!”

She pulled the woman’s head up to the surface for a painfully short breath. Then she sadistically shoved her back down. “Drown for me, whore!”


Melissa shook her head in panic. She was becoming too weak to fight, too weak to struggle much longer. A moment later her pussy exploded in a small orgasmic eruption from the fearful excitement of the moment.

Melissa lost most of her breath in a froth of bubbles. She waved feebly in an effort to get to the surface. She abruptly went limp, too tired to resist any further.

She waited for the moment she would start sucking pool water into her lungs. Her torrid affair with the angry woman’s husband was about to end once and for all. Only now did she experience any sort of regret at the moment of her impending drowning.

Tammi noticed the sudden lack of movement from her adversary. She pulled the woman’s head up to the surface, allowing her to gasp weakly for breath. Her eyes had almost glazed over.

“You got any last words before I drown your ass, bitch? Now’s the time to beg for your life!”

Melissa clutched at straws, anything that might spare her life. She believed it was useless to beg for mercy. Saying she would see her husband no longer probably wouldn’t do her any good.

Perhaps she could appeal to any semblance of erotic desires that might be lingering just under the surface. Anything to keep herself alive. So she panted, “I’ll… I’ll give you an orgasm!”

“WHAT??!!” That wasn’t the type of begging Tammi had expected. Melissa thought she detected a faint glimmer of hope.

“I’ll give you… the best orgasm… of your life… better than Travis… could ever give you! Let me… eat your pussy…!”

Tammi angrily shoved her back under the water. Melissa bubbled tiredly. She couldn’t hold her breath anymore.

“Why, you fuckin’ WHORE! Of all the NERVE… you FUCK my husband… now you want to eat ME??!! You’ll do ANYTHING to save your ass, won’t you, bitch!!”

Air bubbled up to the surface. Melissa struggled feebly. She was simply unable to put up much resistance.

“I SHOULD JUST DROWN YOUR ASS!” Bubbles were the only response.

Tammi pulled the woman’s head up into her crotch. She was planning on smothering her. Then she was going to drown the slut.

But was that really why she was holding the whore’s face in her crotch? Or was it a subconscious desire to see what Melissa would actually do down there?

With her last bit of energy Melissa clamped her lips onto the fabric and mouthed the material. She lost another burst of air as a spasm shuddered through her. Her lungs were screaming at her.

She figured she only had seconds to live. So why not make the most of them? She mouthed the woman’s crotch through the fabric as though her life depended upon it.

Apparently it was enough. Tammi felt her pussy tingle to life. The more she thought about it, the more it appealed to her.

Why not let her husband’s mistress please HER for a change? Then she could drown her sorry ass. The pleasure of telling Travis what had happened between them would be more than worth it…

“Guess what, honey? I made your little whore lick my pussy underwater. Then I drowned her ass. The bitch fucking deserved it!” Tammi wanted to see the look on his face when she told him his mistress had gotten her off before she’d turned around and drowned the little tart.

There was a sudden burst of bubbles. Tammi heard a muffled cry. Then the woman down below started to thrash about.

Tammi jerked the woman up by a handful of hair. She was just in time. Melissa came up coughing water, gagging and sputtering before gasping wildly for breath.

The angry wife wrapped an arm around the woman’s neck. Tammi dragged her adversary into shallow water. Then she allowed the whore to get her feet underneath her.

“I’ll let you live for now. But you’d better do a damn, good job on my pussy. Sluts like you are only goof for one thing. So let’s find out how badly you want to live.”

Melissa panted heavily, struggling to get her breath back. At least she was still alive. If licking this bitch’s pussy would keep her from being drowned, then she was more than willing. At this point, she’d do ANYTHING to stay alive.

Tammi pulled the half-drowned woman to the side of the pool. She suddenly caught sight of the discarded handcuffs. It occurred to her they might just come in handy.

She turned Melissa around before grabbing the cuffs. She viciously pulled her arms behind her back. Then she snapped a cuff onto one wrist.

“Hey!” Melissa gasped fearfully, squirming to resist. “What’re you DOING?!”

“I don’t trust you!” Tammi snarled. “Unless you want me to drown your ass right here and now, I suggest you stop fighting me!”

Melissa abruptly stopped struggling. She reluctantly allowed the angry woman to cuff her wrists together behind her back. This was not going well at all.

She had a bad feeling about all this. But right now there was nothing she could do about it. Her best hope was to give Travis’ wife a really good orgasm. By softening her up, maybe she could appeal to her woman to woman.

“We could have a good time together,” Melissa panted hopefully. “Wouldn’t that piss Travis off, especially if he lost you to me? Think about it! Travis losing his mistress to his wife and his wife to his mistress. Wouldn’t that be a great way to get back at him?”

“Shut up!” Tammi barked as she reached down and started pulling off her shoes and socks. “I’m not sure I should even be letting you do this to me!”

She tossed one shoe after the other over near a lawn chair. She was thinking about the woman’s mouth on her crotch a few moments ago, and how good it had felt. What would it feel like without any clothes on?

Damn her for feeling a little horny! She should just drown the bitch! What the hell was she thinking??

“Please!” Melissa persisted. “I can please you better than Travis ever could! Just give me a chance to prove it! Let me eat your pussy… URPLE…!”

Tammi grabbed a handful of hair and shoved her under the surface. Melissa burbled wildly as her heart hammered in her chest. Had she gone too far? Had she pushed Tammi over the edge?

She was promptly yanked back up to the surface. Melissa gasped wildly for breath, thinking furiously. Maybe if she played one more card…

“I’m sorry, Mistress,” she gasped in her best submissive demeanor. “I should be punished.”

Melissa hung her head in shame, desperately trying to get her breath back. Her heart thumped loudly in her chest. It was possible she’d just pushed the angry woman into drowning her now.

Despite her predicament, she found herself getting aroused. Perhaps this might work. Maybe she could get Tammi to spare her life. Was it possible they could become lovers?

Tammi’s breath caught in her throat as she thought, ‘What the hell…?!’ Then she slammed the woman’s head back down into the water. She watched with sadistic glee as air bubbled to the surface.

“PUNISHED?!” she blurted out in surprise. “You want to be fucking punished?? Oh, I’ll punish you all right, you fuckin’ whore!”

Tammi reached underneath with her hands. She found Melissa’s remarkably hardened nipples. That’s when she grabbed them and cruelly twisted downward while snarling, “How’s THAT for punishment, slut?”

Melissa jerked and burbled as the pain radiated outward. At the same time, her pussy flamed excitedly to life. Was this such a good idea after all?

Tammi angrily pulled her back up. The slut came up gasping and sputtering. “Is that the type of punishment you want?”

“Yes, Mistress,” Melissa responded meekly while lowering her head. This was far better than sucking water before taking up permanent residence at the bottom of her pool.

Tammi stared in shock. Then she abruptly forced Melissa’s head back down under the water. She was ashamed to admit she was starting to get excited. Maybe it was time to finish undressing.

“Keep your head underwater until I pull you back up; understand?”

She let go of the woman’s head. Surprisingly enough, Melissa kept her head submerged. Tammi quickly began to undress.

She pulled her shorts down her legs before tossing them over near her shoes. When she saw the bitch still obeying her, she took her time pulling her panties down her legs, prolonging the woman’s suffering. She saw a burst of bubbles and grinned with satisfaction.

So wanted to drown the bitch. Melissa fucking deserved it! So why the hell was she becoming so aroused??

She finally pulled Melissa’s head back up out of the water. The woman gasped for breath. “Once more, bitch. I’ve got to take my shirt off!”

Tammi shoved the woman back down. Melissa burbled wildly, but didn’t resist. Her captor removed her shirt and bra, taking her sweet time as she exposed hardening nipples to the warm afternoon sun.

She pulled the woman back up. Melissa’s head emerged out of the water, gasping and sputtering. Tammi snarled, “So what should we do now, slut?”

“Please, Mistress!” Melissa begged. “Please… let me eat your pussy! I want to taste you! Please, Mistress!”

Tammi’s heart pounded excitedly in her chest. Originally she wanted to drown this bitch. But now sexual desires were calling out to her. What’s more, her pussy was tingling with excitement.

“Please, Mistress?” Tammi gave it a little more thought. Why not play along for a while? She could always drown her later.

Melissa got a look at Tammi’s breasts. She carefully moved herself within reach. Then she started licking the woman’s erect nipples.

Tammi felt electric surges in her chest. Damn! Now she could feel her anger starting to dissipate.

She had no idea why her husband would cheat on her. Didn’t he think she was good in the sack? She felt her pussy tingle excitedly as the whore licked and sucked. She even heard Melissa moan as though she was excited about it.

“That’s right… LICK ‘EM!” Tammi ordered. A low moan slipped past her lips. This was not how she’s planned her revenge!

She wondered how her bastard of a husband would react if he could see her now. How would he feel if he could see his mistress sucking on her titties? The urge to drown the bitch was “slipping below the surface and bubbling away”.

Melissa moved from one nipple to the other. She rolled them in her mouth with her tongue as she worked to please the woman. She was desperate to get herself out of the situation she’d suddenly found herself in.

She just had to get free and get her strength back. Tammi was going to regret this. Maybe she could arrange an accident for her in her pool. Then the bitch would be out of her hair forever. For now she just had to play her part.

“Ok, slut! Let’s see how well you lick pussy!”

Melissa lowered her head. “Yes, Mistress I’m ready to get out of the pool and…”

“Underwater! Deep end!” And with that, she wrapped an arm around the bound woman’s neck.

Tammi pulled her backward. Then she worked the two of them into deeper water. There was no way she was risking letting this bitch out of the pool!

Melissa gasped fearfully. She’d wanted to manipulate the two of them out of the pool. Instead, she found herself in even greater danger of being drowned, especially with her hands cuffed behind her back.

She felt rising panic as she kicked for the bottom. But there was nothing under her feet. Apparently Tammi was better in the water than she’d been led to believe.

“You will now submerge and lick me underwater or I’ll fucking drown your ass! You got that?”

Before Melissa could respond, Tammi grabbed a handful of hair. She forced her husband’s mistress underwater with an abrupt “URP”. Then she moved her head into position in front of her crotch.

“EAT ME, YOU FUCKIN” WHORE!” Then she mashed the head against her crotch.

Melissa bubbled air out of her nostrils in fear as she lashed out with her tongue. She flicked it against the woman’s clit. She had the uneasy feeling if she didn’t deliver on her promise of an orgasm, she wasn’t getting out of the pool alive.

Tammi gasped in delight as the tongue flicked against her pleasure center. She sighed as an exciting little shiver rippled through her. Damn; Travis had never made her feel this good!

Melissa buried her head in the woman’s snatch. Then she feasted for all she was worth. As far as she was concerned, she was licking for her very life.

Somehow she had to turn the tables on this bitch and get free. Then she’d be able to deal with her when the time came. In the meantime, why not enjoy one’s self?

As her tongue lashed out, she felt the woman start to tremble. Good! If she could make this bitch scream in orgasmic pleasure, it should only be a matter of time before the revolver was in her hands. Then she’d show her lover’s wife what was what.

Tammi held the woman’s head in place, making sure the whore was in just the right spot. She tipped her head back and moaned as little tingles radiated outward in every direction. The bitch was good; she had to grant her that much.

Melissa burbled a burst of air up against the woman’s clit as her chest spasmed. Tammi cried out in delight. Underwater, the cuffed woman redoubled her efforts while thinking, ‘I’ve got to make her cum soon! I’m running out of air!’

Tammi suddenly wrapped her legs tightly around the woman’s head, holding Melissa in place with her thighs as she started to squeeze. Then she started humping the woman’s face. Melissa burbled in growing fear, her air nearly gone as her lungs burned in her chest.

Her pussy tingled excitedly, causing her to grow increasingly anxious. If she had an orgasm of her own she might blow the rest of her breath away before she could make Tammi cum. She licked harder as she sucked on the woman’s clit, using her tongue to probe the opening to the bitch’s cunt.

Tammi stiffened as her pussy tingled wildly. She clamped her thighs even tighter around the woman’s head underwater. Then she shuddered as the tongue worked its magic down below.

Melissa blew a burst of air against the woman’s clit in panic. Instinctively she put up a struggle, trying to wiggle free as her legs kicked feebly. With her hands cuffed behind her back she had no way to work herself out from between the woman’s legs. Her head felt like it was in a vice.

Feeling the bitch struggle down between her legs only added to Tammi’s excitement. A moment later every muscle tensed up as her pussy exploded from a burst of pleasure. She began bucking wildly, humping the poor woman’s face as her scream of ecstasy cut through the afternoon air.

Melissa tried to scream out in breathless agony. But her face was mashed hard against the woman’s pussy. She thrashed about as her body demanded she replenish her air supply, her chest heaving mightily.

Her mind cried out, ‘THE BITCH’S GONNA DROWN ME ANYWAY!’ She was hit with the horrible realization her plans had miserably backfired. She opened her mouth to breathe, but being forced up against the woman’s crotch prevented her from inhaling OR exhaling.

A moment later Melissa was suddenly pulled to the surface. She coughed and sputtered, her legs kicking weakly. “AGAIN!” Tammi demanded.

Melissa was pushed back down, barely getting a decent breath. Her face was mashed against the woman’s pussy once again. She frantically flicked her tongue out, lapping up the juices that were beginning to dribble outward. Her mind cried out, “Please, God! Get me out of this and I swear I’ll never see Travis again!”

Her chest spasmed as her lungs screamed at her. That brief breath at the surface had not nearly been enough. Her tongue frantically probed her adversary’s pussy opening.

Tammi’s thighs tightened around Melissa’s head. Once more she tipped her head back and cried out her pleasure. It made her wonder if she was attracting any unwanted attention with her cries of excitement.

She mercilessly humped the poor woman’s face, bucking wildly as a second orgasm ripped through her. Melissa burbled frantically, her chest heaving. Her pussy tingled wildly from the fearful excitement of the moment.

The thought of being kept underwater was frightening, yet thrilling. Being dangerously close to drowning was terribly arousing. Then the thighs she was wedged between opened up.

Melissa felt herself being yanked up to the surface by her hair. She gasped frantically at the surface. That’s when she gazed into the eyes of a woman possessed.

“Once more, slut!” Tammi gasped excitedly. “If you’re lucky, I’ll even bring you back up!”

Melissa was abruptly shoved back down into the water. Once more she was slammed into place. Oh, shit!

Her tongue frantically lashed out. Melissa prayed she might earn a few extra minutes of life. She hoped it would be just enough to extricate herself from her current dilemma.

She probed the opening to the woman’s pussy with her tongue. Then she sucked on her clit. Melissa felt Tammi stiffen, indicating her efforts were having an effect.

Tammi stiffened and then started shaking violently as a third orgasm rapidly approached. Her thighs clamped tightly around the head of her husband’s mistress as she gasped excitedly. Then she started bucking again, humping the woman’s face for all she was worth. A moment later a scream of pleasure was ripped from her lungs.

Melissa’s chest heaved as she burbled frantically. She had to have air now! She blew a burst of bubbles against the pussy in front of her. Then her lungs gave out.

She reflexively inhaled, pulling water down her windpipe. She began thrashing about as the woman she was tending to cried out from a fourth, unexpected orgasm.

‘I’M GONNA DROWN!’ her mind screamed in horror. A moment later, her own pussy exploded in an orgasmic eruption, causing her body to thrash about. A moment later her nervous system overloaded, and she blacked out…

2005; 2020 (written for Melissa Aug 9 ’05; ed. Sep 11 ‘20 by riwa)

Part 6 – The air Mattress

(A flashback to before the investigation)

Melissa came to, the events of the last few minutes a hazy blur. She shook her head, trying to clear the cobwebs. She remembered being underwater, licking Tammi’s pussy. Then she remembered sucking pool water.

She thought she’d been pulled back up. But she didn’t have any memory of it. All she knew was that she’d ended up back at the surface, coughing and sputtering.

She vaguely thought she’d been helped out of the pool and into her bed. But that seemed rather strange. She’d lost consciousness after that.

Awareness fully returned. Melissa realized she was NOT in her bed. Instead, she was flat on her back in the pool, floating on her air mattress.

Gasping in alarm, she tried to rise up. But that didn’t go so well. Her arms had been wrapped behind her back all the way around the mattress before being cuffed together at the wrists.

She tried to move her feet. But her legs straddled the mattress and were cuffed together underneath at the ankles. The effect was to open her thighs wide, exposing her pussy to the late afternoon sun.

That’s when it came back to her. Tammi had told her she was going to tie her to the air mattress and torture her. At least her memory was returning.

She remembered being too exhausted to resist, forced to stumble along in the water. She must have been helped up onto the air mattress. But she didn’t remember anything after that. The bitch must have cuffed her while she was unconscious.

Melissa struggled against the cuffs on her wrists and ankles. Her current situation had certainly not improved. If anything, it had become far more precarious.

“Are you still with us, bitch?” she heard a voice spit out.

She turned her head and saw Tammi looking at her with an evil smile. Melissa shook her head as she pleaded for mercy. “Please; let me go! We can work together. I’ll help you get even with your husband!”

Tammi was not impressed. “I don’t think so. Instead, I think it’s time for you to die, bitch!”

“DIE??!! But I… I thought you were gonna TORTURE me!!”

“I lied. I hope you can hold your breath, you fuckin’ whore!”

Tammi lowered herself into the water. She pushed up against the underside of the mattress. Then she flipped the bound woman over.

Melissa let out a fearful shriek. She tried to snatch a quick breath. Then she hit the water face first with a splash.

She burbled frantically, desperately trying to squirm out of the cuffs that bound her wrists and ankles. Her heart thumped loudly in her chest. Had she just taken her last breath?

Out of curiosity, Tammi set her watch as she smirked at her handiwork. At twenty seconds she took a deep breath and submerged. She wanted to see what the whore would look like the moment she started thrashing about and drowning.

She swam under the mattress where she rolled over onto her back so she could look up at her captive. When she drifted upward she simply grabbed either side of the mattress around Melissa’s chest. It brought her dangerously close to the woman’s breasts.

It didn’t matter how much the water stunt her sinuses. She wanted to watch this! So she stretched her arms out, pushing herself downward enough to give her a good view of the bound woman so she could watch her struggle…

Melissa looked down at her captor in rising panic. She lost a few bubbles when she saw there was no sympathy for her in the face of the woman looking up at her. Despite her growing fear that she was about to drown, or perhaps because of it, she found herself becoming aroused.

It was the type of bondage game she and Travis might have played, cuffed the way she was. What’s more, her pussy was exposed to the direct stimulation of cool pool water. Besides, there was a certain sexiness about the dangerous bitch looking up at her: soft, pale skin, firm breasts… erect nipples revealing a definite element of arousal.

Her heart thumped loudly in her chest. Melissa wondered if this was it. Was the bitch really gonna let her drown?

She squirmed in a desperate attempt to free herself. But it was no use. All she was doing was causing the woman underneath her smile with amusement at her growing discomfort.

A spasm gently rolled through her body. It was the first warning sign of her growing need for air. Melissa felt a familiar tingle in her pussy despite the dangerous nature of her situation…

Tammi looked up at her captive while releasing a little air out of her nose. She watched with interest as bubbles dribbled up against the cuffed woman. Some rolled off Melissa’s chest, while smaller ones stuck to the bitch’s breasts in little beads…

Melissa felt the bubbles tickle and caress her. It was a humiliating stimulation. She count not help flinching involuntarily…

Tammi saw the bound woman’s reaction. For some reason it intrigued her. She allowed herself to drift a little closer, carefully releasing a few more blips of air out of her mouth…

Melissa felt several bubbles dance off her breasts. A few bounced erotically off her nipples. She flinched again, bubbling at the sensations. Her lungs heaved as she fought to hold her breath…

Tammi grinned mischievously before adjusting her position. She took aim and deliberately released a small, steady stream. Bubbles splattered up against the bound woman’s left nipple…

Melissa shivered as bubbles tickled her breast. She squirmed helplessly, another warning spasm rippling through her as her lungs began to burn. The bubbles were like little touches of electricity.

They dribbled up against her, rolling sensuously over her flesh. She shivered again as her body spasmed once more. The bitch was enjoying herself while watching as her lungs became more insistent in their demand for another breath…

Tammi observed with interest as a spasm rolled from Melissa’s stomach to her breasts, causing them to wiggle erotically. She saw another spasm… and then another. Each one appeared more insistent than the last.

The bound woman lost a burst of air as her cheeks bulged. She appeared to be struggling in a desperate attempt to hold her breath. Watching her drown was going to be oh, so satisfying!

Tammi felt a spasm ripple through her own body. There was another one; she, too, was running out of breath. She needed to go up for air, but she was fascinated at the way Melissa’s body was starting to heave and spasm.

She watched the woman grimace in concentration as she fought to hold her breath. Another burst of air blew out of her captive’s mouth. Tammi saw what appeared to be a rather painful convulsion rumble through the tightly secured woman.

She suddenly felt a massive spasm of her own. It caused her to blow a burst of air up into Melissa’s face. Tammi let go of the mattress, got her feet underneath her and stood up, panting heavily.

She saw a massive burst of bubbles come up around the head of the mattress. She flipped it over without even thinking about it, granting the bound woman a much-needed breath of air. Then she checked her watch, remembering she was keeping track of the time.

Damn! She wasn’t sure if she was impressed by the fact Melissa had held her breath for over a minute forty… or that she’d held HERS over a minute twenty. She’d been having way too much fun with the woman and hadn’t been paying that much attention to her breath-holding…

Melissa gasped for breath, grateful to still be alive. She looked over at Tammi, wondering what was coming next. Would this be her only reprieve?

Tammi watched the bound woman suck in huge lungfuls of air. It dawned on her she’d actually allowed the bitch back up! ‘What the HELL am I doing??’ she said to herself. ‘I should have DROWNED the slut!’

“SHIT!” she blurted out. Anger filled Tammi’s face. Melissa saw the enraged expression and gasped fearfully.

Tammi was furious as she grabbed onto the mattress. Then she heaved it right over. “SUCK WATER, BITCH!” she bellowed at the overturned mattress.

That wasn’t all she wanted to do. The bitch had been fucking her husband! So she clambered up onto the mattress, causing it to bob up and down in the water…

Melissa burbled fearfully. She lost a burst of air as she felt the woman climb up onto the mattress. Her heart thumped loudly in her chest as she remembered how angry Tammi had seemed.

‘I’m DEAD!’ she thought mournfully. The thought perversely exhilarated her almost as much as it frightened her.

She felt arms wrap around her from above. Hands fumbled over her breasts. Then she felt fingers on her tits…

‘OW! OW-OW-OW!!’

She burbled painfully as fingers pinched her erect nipples. Then they grabbed on. That’s when the crazy bitch began yanking on them, twisting them mercilessly…


Melissa jerked painfully, causing the mattress to bounce around above her. She burbled frantically as she clawed at the body lying on her shackled hands. The pinching sadistically intensified…


She felt her lungs spasm in her chest. Melissa burbled frantically as she squirmed desperately in an attempt to get free. The jerking of her erect nipples continued…


Tammi grinned sadistically as the body beneath her jerked and hitched. “Take THAT, bitch… and THAT… how do you LIKE it, slut?! THAT’S what you get for fucking my HUSBAND!”

Melissa burbled in pain as her lungs began to burn. A moment later the sensations changed as those sadistic fingers began fondling her breasts and nipples. Pain turned to shameful pleasure until she moaned involuntarily, blowing a burst of air out of her lungs as a convulsion shook her chest…

Tammi saw air bubble to the surface around the head of the mattress. Instinctively she rolled off the mattress into the water. Then she stood up and flipped Melissa back over, allowing the woman to gasp wildly for breath.

That was the second time she’d delayed the bitches deserving demise! What the hell was WRONG with her?? Why was she suddenly experiencing these perversely erotic feelings for this whore?

Was it the pussy licking she’d gotten a few minutes ago, along with those fantastic orgasms she’d received? She was sure she wanted to drown the bitch… or at least torture the fucking slut! But now she was having reservations…

Melissa looked at her anxiously. Her chest rose and fell as she tried to get her breath back. She saw a strange look in the woman’s face.

Tammi didn’t seem as enraged as before. That was certainly not the look of a betrayed housewife. Was there a modicum of mercy in the woman whose husband she’d been fucking?

Tammi tried to clear the conflicting emotions out of her head. Damnit, this woman had fucked her husband! She deserved to drown in her very own pool right here and now!

She composed herself before grabbing onto the mattress. Then she angrily heaved it back over. Melissa let out a frightened squeal before splashing face down into the pool.

“I should drown your ass right now!” Tammi yelled at the mattress. But her voice sounded unconvincing.

Drowning the slut was what she OUGHT to do. Instead she was considering a different option. What she now thought she wanted to do defied all logic or reason…

Melissa eyes widened in horror. Once more she thought this was it. She was sure the bitch was going to drown her now.

Her pussy tingled from a perverse excitement. Something made her think of her quivering snatch being filled with one of the dildos Travis had used on her earlier in the day. After all, he couldn’t stay hard all the time. Sometimes she needed something for those in-between times.

A moment later Tammi came into view underneath her. The woman reached up and grabbed her nipples. Once more the bitch began pinching and twisting them…


DAMN! The pain was working against her, arousing her even more. She burbled and squirmed, helpless to prevent what was happening to her.

The pinching stopped. Tammi drifted up against her. Melissa was shocked when the betrayed woman took a sore nipple into her mouth.


Melissa squirmed again as the woman underneath her went from one nipple to the other, gently licking, sucking and burbling.

‘Touch my pussy, bitch!’ she thought in desperation. ‘If you’re gonna drown me, at least grant me one last orgasm!’

A sharp spasm rippled through her… then another one. Her lungs were crying out for air. But she didn’t want Tammi to stop until the woman played with her pussy long enough to trigger the release she craved!

‘Hurry up, bitch! I can’t hold it much longer! Please! Let me have an orgasm!’

She burbled as her cheeks bulged, her chest heaving and convulsing. A moment later the rest of her air blew out of her body.

Oh, NO! She was gonna inhale any second now! Her pussy was tingling wildly, aching to cum. Yet the bitch was gonna let her drown without letting her…

Melissa watched Tammi move out from underneath her and stand up. She suddenly felt the mattress flip over, flopping her up into the sun. Once more she was allowed to gasp mightily for breath.

Her chest heaved as she sucked huge lungfuls of fresh air into her lungs. Then she gasped and started to tremble. Fingers were caressing her breasts… teasing her nipples.

Tammi had been thinking about Melissa’s earlier comment about the two of them becoming lovers and how it would be a good way to get even with Travis. Despite her misgivings, she found herself becoming intrigued with the idea. Maybe it was because she found herself aroused with desire as she continued fingering the bound woman’s nipples.

“You like that, don’t you, slut?” When Melissa nodded weakly, Tammi impulsively bent over and kissed her. She allowed her tongue to probe the bound woman’s mouth.

Melissa groaned excitedly as fingers continued to roam over her chest. Her nipples were played with again. Then she cried out into the mouth upon hers once they were pinched.

The pinching stopped. There were more caresses. Melissa groaned with pleasure…


More pinching. OW! Damn her!



She felt her tormentor grab onto her tits. She felt them being twisted and mauled. It triggered a combination of pain and pleasure shooting through her.

Melissa moaned helplessly. She gave off another muffled grunt when they were pinched again. The whole time their lips remained locked together. At least it was far better than drowning.

Tammi came up for air, reluctantly stopping their passionate lip-lock. But she continued caressing the poor woman’s breasts.

“You like it when I do that; don’t you, slut?”

Melissa nodded weakly, tears in her eyes.

“DON’T YOU, YOU FUCKING WHORE?” Tammi pinched hard while seemingly demanding an answer.

“OW…! Yes… yes, ma’am!”

Melissa moaned again as hands caressed her mounds. It was erotically humiliating. At least for now her lungs were not in the process of flooding.

“Let’s see if you can hold your breath longer, slut!”

The mattress was suddenly pushed up and over. The startled woman quickly sucked in a lungful of air before she was submerged again. Melissa shivered excitedly, unsure whether or not this would be the fateful moment Tammi took her revenge out on her.

She found herself praying the angry wife would stop erotically torturing her. Pain, bubbles and caresses were arousing her immensely. Now she was almost hoping the bitch would just fuck the shit out of her! Surely she’d left a couple of dildos lying around the pool for her to make good use of.

She felt movement in the water. Tammi swam underneath her, rolling over onto her back again. Once more the two were facing each other.

She saw the wicked grin on the woman’s face. Melissa trembled over what might happen next. Would it be better than drowning? Or would it be worse?

As for Tammi, she could not help herself. Maybe it was an act of revenge against her husband. Or maybe it was the awakening of hidden desires.

She wasn’t sure why. But for some reason she wanted to play with this bitch. She wanted to torture her sexually.

Her own excitement and arousal began to overwhelm her. It overrode any further murderous thoughts. Tammi allowed her body to drift up until she pressed up against Melissa face to face, chest to chest and torso to torso.

Their lips came together again. Tongues searched each other’s mouths. It was amazing the way Melissa was submitting. Perhaps the fear of drowning was motivating her.

Her hands slipped between them. Tammi found the bound woman’s breasts once more. Then she alternately started to pinch and then fondle her nipples.

Melissa shuddered with pleasure, jerked with pain and then shuddered with pleasure again. Her snatch was screaming for attention. She was trembling all over; every nerve ending jangling at her as she passionately returned the kiss initiated by her lover’s wife…

FORMER lover’s wife, she decided. As far as she was concerned, this was the end of Travis. His wife was SO much better. The woman was simply driving her insane with those caresses, pinches and bubbles.

Tammi burbled air out through her nose as she slowly brought a knee up. It came in contact with Melissa’s pussy opening. The bound woman burbled excitedly as she tried to squeeze. But her thighs were spread too far apart.

Melissa trembled wildly as she aggressively tongued the mouth of the woman who was driving her mad. All thoughts of getting hold of the gun and killing her were long gone. Now she simply wanted this woman to become her new lover by taking her… abusing her… fucking her…

Tammi suddenly pulled away. She blew bubbles up into the face of her captive. Then she slowly worked her way down the woman’s suspended body until an erect nipple came into view. That’s when she slowly sucked it into her mouth before running her tongue all around it…

Melissa trembled as the warm mouth came in contact with her nipples. She nearly blew her air away as bubbles slipped past her lips. She felt a warning spasm ripple through her. But for the moment she was not as concerned as before. She would hold her breath for as long as necessary if only this damned woman would stop teasing her and just give her an orgasm!

Tammi felt her lungs start to burn as a spasm shook her. She concentrated on sucking on the nipples in front of her. She detected small convulsions in the body of the woman she was pleasuring.

The two of them would need air soon. But her pussy was throbbing with longing. Perversely, she snaked a hand down between her thighs.

Tammi touched and then rubbed her own clit. It sent pleasurable shivers tingling through her as her legs squeezed together. She thought about her captive and wondered whether or not the bitch was getting frustrated as hell.

It served her right. Maybe she would hold off drowning her. Hell, maybe she’d let the bitch live, especially if they might develop a relationship of their own…

Melissa burbled as the warm body pressed against her. She fought to hold her breath as another spasm rippled through her. She desperately wanted this woman to touch her clit, stick a finger in her pussy… ANYTHING!

She spasmed again as her lungs cried out for air. She tried to squeeze her legs together and couldn’t. She tried to find some way to get her body to orgasm. But the release she wanted felt like it was tantalizingly out of reach.

She squirmed in an attempt to help move things along. A massive convulsion shook her. She became acutely aware her lungs were screaming for air.

She lost a big burst of air. Melissa trembled as panic flowed through her, heightening all of her senses. Her mind cried out, ‘CAN’T… HOLD IT… MUCH LONGER…!’

She started to thrash about as the last of her air spewed out of her mouth. A moment later she felt Tammi move away from her. For a moment she was panicked until she felt the mattress push upward.

She was rolled over up into fresh air. Melissa gasped mightily as she sucked breath after breath into her lungs. She even heard Tammi panting and gasping nearby.

She turned her head and looked at her. Had the anger dissipated? She really wanted to cum!

“2:23!” Tammi announced as she looked at her watch. It was a surprise they had both been under for that amount of time. She’d never held her breath that long before. Melissa just gasped for breath, eyes wide in amazement.

Tammi drew closer. She carefully moved her hand between Melissa’s thighs. Then she started rubbing her pussy.

Melissa moaned softly. Tammi abruptly pulled her hand away. She was still hurt and angry; it felt good to act cruelly toward the bitch!

Melissa glared at her in helpless frustration as she shivered excitedly. The hand returned. Fingers gently strummed her clit as well as the opening to her pussy.

She groaned again, shivering uncontrollably. Her body ached with lustful desire. Travis had never stirred her sensations like this before!

“Is that what you want, bitch?” Tammi grinned wickedly at her. Melissa didn’t care anymore.

“Please!” she gasped in desperation. “I want to cum! I’m so fucking horny! Fuck me… stick something in me… please… give me an orgasm… I’ll do ANYTHING!”

“Even drown?” her tormentor asked with a wicked glint in her eye, remembering the bitch’s comments to her husband.

Melissa was too far gone to think clearly. “Yes – yes – anything! Just let me cum!” She was so damned frustrated at being unable to squeeze her legs together to help bring herself to orgasm.

Tammi grinned at her. Then she paused to consider her own heightened arousal. Truth was: she could use another orgasm of her own right about now.

Tammi made a decision. “Make me cum, bitch, and I’ll think about it.” Then she flipped Melissa over with a splash.

It caught the other woman by surprise. She didn’t get the full breath she needed. Then Tammi worked herself back underneath the mattress.

She pressed her crotch up against the woman’s head. Then she maneuvered herself so her pussy was mashed up against the bound woman’s face. A moment later she felt a tongue lash out to flick against her clit.

Tammi moaned appreciatively as she started to squirm. This was much better. But it made Melissa’s task that much more difficult. She didn’t care as felt excited little tingles ripple through her as the tongue pressed itself into her cunt…

Melissa dutifully tongued the pussy mashed against her face. If she could just bring this damned woman to orgasm. Maybe she would be rewarded with the release her body so desperately craved.

She licked for all she was worth, concentrating on her task. It made it somewhat easier to hold her breath. Then the betrayed wife unexpectedly pulled away, filling her with dread she was going to be drowned anyway…

Tammi pulled herself away from that magical tongue. She waited a few moments to allow the excitement to die down. Then she slowly slid herself back under again, determined to make the task much more difficult…

The crotch returned and was mashed back into her face. Melissa resumed licking as a warning spasm gently shook her. She aggressively tongued the woman’s pussy, wondering if she needed to get her off in order to earn a reward… or a drowning reprieve.

She felt a certain sense of satisfaction as the woman’s body started to squirm against her face. Then the crotch pulled away from her again. DAMNIT! What the HELL was she DOING??

Tammi surfaced and gasped excitedly, prolonging her orgasm. Then she got another breath before sliding back under into position. She saw Melissa give off a burst of bubbles, causing her to grin inwardly as she wondered how much longer her captive could hold her breath…

The crotch returned, mashing itself into Melissa’s face. She was running out of air! It made her tongue the woman’s pussy for all she was worth as her convulsions intensified.

She felt her lungs heave, causing her to struggle to keep from inhaling. She tongued the pussy pressed against her lips in desperation. Then she sucked on the engorged clit as air began spurting out of her mouth… ‘CUM, DAMN YOU! CUM BEFORE I START TO DROWN DOWN HERE!’

Tammi felt air bubble against her clit. A tongue spread her pussy lips wide, causing her to squirm excitedly. She felt the orgasm rush toward her. But she forced herself to delay it as she slipped out from underneath the mattress.

She surfaced briefly, gasping excitedly. A big burst of bubbles erupted around the mattress. Then she flipped it over, allowing Melissa to gasp mightily for breath.

She snarled at her husband’s lover, “Is that the best you can do? If so, then I guess I’m gonna have to drown your sorry ass! You deserve it anyway for fucking my husband!”

“Please!” Melissa cried out, her body trembling from unsatisfied desires. “Let me try again! I want to cum!”

“Then you’d better make me cum first, bitch! If you don’t, I’ll just leave you upside down and let you drown!” Then Tammi grabbed the mattress and cruelly flipped it back over.

2005; 2020 (written for Melissa Aug 19 ’05; ed. Oct 11 ‘20 by riwa)

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Riwa’s Stories at Patreon 4.1 (7)

Coming August rewards

Another Whittaker Manor chapter.
She’s found nude in the forest.
Two women decide to use the pool for the last time.
Her situation is too good to be true.
A demonstration for the family.
More drowning dreams.
Another Mr. Wayne chapter.
A drowning contest.
A dangerous fetish.
2 “dry” short stories.
A couple I haven’t decided on yet.
And perhaps a bonus story or two (or three).

June stories/rewards will fall off at the end of July to make room for August rewards.

Sometimes I feel like my creativity is ebbing. Then I look to see the dates on some of the stories I’ll be posting this coming month. Several have been written this year. So apparently my creativity has not totally left me just yet. Maybe it just went on vacation/holiday.

The doctor might remove a couple of bad toenails next month. I don’t know what I did to them, but they are acting rather goofy. So I might be hobbling around town for a few days. Oh well. Better to remove a toenail or two than something a little more significant.

Otherwise, I’m doing well. Mom and I go into town and share a meal together once or twice a week. She’s ok, but sometimes she stresses me. Although… I can’t help but wonder how many times I’ve stressed her over the years.

One thing’s for sure: I’m not stressed by my patrons. You all have been very kind to me. I just hope my stories have been enjoyable, and a nice distraction during these… interesting… times.

Thank you for being my patrons…

Posted in Riwas Reads | Leave a comment

Hanging the Hangley High cheerleaders 4.4 (52)

Note: an edited repost of an older story

The Hangley High Prospectors had gone 0-9. The football team was discouraged, suffering through an appalling lack of motivation. The team was simply going through the motions and seemed destined to finish the entire season without a win.

The cheerleaders had certainly tried to do their part. But their efforts had also fallen flat. It was as though the entire school didn’t care what happened to their football team.

The cheerleading squad had started out wearing colorful one-pieces with short skirts. By mid-season they’d switched to midriff-exposed tops and shorter skirts in the hopes of motivating the players. But that had not helped.

Last week the girls had gone all out, wearing cleavage baring attire even though the nights were starting to get chilly. But there was a lack of enthusiasm over their cheers, and the team had lost anyway. A feeling of depression settled over the school.

Two days before homecoming, Brian Dawkins, quarterback and senior captain of the Prospectors, came up with a rather bold idea. He passed it on to his offensive and defensive starters. They all agreed. After all, what could it hurt?

Without telling school officials, they took it upon themselves to contact the eight members of the cheerleading squad. They all happened to be 18 years of age at the time, 5 seniors and 3 juniors. The girls said they were willing to engage in a private gathering with the team.

The big game was scheduled for Saturday night. Friday evening most of the team along with the eight cheerleaders snuck down to a secluded section of woods near the river. It was a location known for parties, making out, and under-aged drinking.

The girls all dressed in cleavage-baring attire. They also wore their school hoodies. This was to fight against the chill despite the fact each set of legs remained uncovered.

After they all piled out of the vehicles, the girls set up in a small clearing with a couple of big cottonwood trees as a backdrop. Then they went through every routine they had memorized. They even came up with an impromptu cheer on the spot in the hopes of helping to motivate the players.

The guys enthusiastically applauded their hard work. They appreciated the effort, especially with all that cleavage and those bouncing boobs behind tight-fitting outfits.

The girls were satisfied with their private performance for the team. With the night air becoming chillier, they all put their hoodies back on. They believed this private little pep rally for the team was about to conclude.

At the end of the presentation, Brian sent a couple of players from the offensive side of the football team to go fetch some rope. Then he turned to address Jenny and Samantha, the two head cheerleaders. “Rate your squad,” he instructed them. “Tell us who you believe to be the two weakest members of the team.”

“That’s easy,” Jenny replied as she looked at her squad. “Marsha and Colette have always struggled to learn the cheers and moves on the field.”

“Then they’ll go first,” Brian said with a smile, motioning in their direction.

“Go first? For what?”

Several players immediately surrounded them. The girls became confused, protesting in alarm as their arms were tied behind their backs. What really frightened them was the appearance of a noose that was looped around each neck.

The ends of both ropes were tossed over a solid looking limb of one of the large cottonwood trees. Brian declared, “Since we’re the Hangley High Prospectors, I think we should have a hanging!” That elicited a cheer from the football players. The cheerleaders were horrified.

With a nod from their team captain, the guys pulled on the ropes. The two frightened girls were abruptly pulled three feet up into the air. Then their ropes were tied off to a nearby limb.

Marsha and Colette instinctively panicked, their eyes opening wide in shock. A moment later they started kicking and twisting together. They bucked and jerked as they desperately fought their nooses.

They rasped and gurgled as two sets of bare legs flew every which way. Their cheerleader skirts billowed as they fought for survival. Breasts bounced within their school hoodies.

The players looked up in awe and wonder, several of them becoming quite aroused. Jenny and Samantha were just as enthralled, if not a little alarmed at the spectacle. Brian had told them what to expect, but they’d decided to go along with the whole thing.

They were also grateful it was not them doing the air-dancing. They just hoped the sacrifice of their squad members would be enough to motivate the football team. The other cheerleaders watched in stunned silence, experiencing a sense of nervous excitement at such a brutal, yet strangely erotic display.

“Give us a cheer, girls!” Jenny cried out, urging the air-dancers to give their best. “Show some team spirit! This is your last chance to show us what you can do! C’mon, you two! Do it for the team!”

Marsha was the fuller figured of the two. Her boobs bounced animatedly beneath her hoodie as she kicked and struggled. Colette was more slender with a little less chest. But her shapely legs flew all around as she kicked and pedaled. She jerked her knees together and then kicked some more.

The two girls danced up a storm, rasping and gurgling as they swung and twisted from the pain of strangulation. Their tits bounced noticeably within the confines of their hoodies as their skirts billowed. Their dance had the affect of hardening every cock present.

Eventually their struggles diminished. They finally tired out and hung limp and lifeless. Piss stained their panties as twin streams splattered onto the ground below. All that was left was a little sporadic jerking indicating they were both barely alive.

“Johnson… Timmons,” Brian declared with a nod. “Finish them off!”

Both wide receivers eagerly rushed forward to the dangling girls. They leaped up and grabbed onto the legs of both bodies as though making an in-the-air tackle. There were twin “CRICKS” as two necks were broken.

For a moment the hanged cheerleaders swung back and forth as the two receivers clung to them. Then the guys let go. Both bodies silently swung back and forth, sporadic nerve impulses causing stray muscles to fire.

There was a look of incredible agony in Marsha’s lifeless eyes. Blood trickled out of her mouth from where she’d bitten her tongue. Colette had a curious expression of lifeless pain and pleasure. To some extent she must have partially enjoyed the suffering she’d been forced to endure.

“Ok,” Brian said to Jenny and Samantha, nodding at the remaining girls. “Who would be the weakest links of the remaining squad?”

The two captains turned to look, smiling cruelly as their remaining companions gasped in alarm. “Latoya and Renae?” Jenny asked Samantha. The co-captain nodded her head in agreement.

The two named cheerleaders gasped in alarm and horror as several members of the football team rushed forward with more rope and two more nooses. They started to protest, proclaiming they did their routines well and that they didn’t want to hang. But Jenny shushed them, telling them, “Take one for the team, girls; ok? Let’s see you both cheer your all for us in those nooses!”

Secretly, Jenny had ulterior motives in picking these two. Latoya was the dark-skinned African American of the squad, whereas Renae had emigrated from Ireland. But it was suspected the two were having a secret lesbian relationship together, one that simply did not sit well with Jenny or Samantha. That reason ultimately turned out to be what got them both picked.

The two girls were moved underneath a different branch of that same cottonwood tree. It was a branch that looked like it could support their weight. They began to sniffle as they glanced at each other in horror. The looks on their faces indicated they never expected their illicit relationship could end like this.

Before the guys could heft them up, Jenny put up a hand. “Wait!” she said as she walked up to them. Then she partly unzipped both hoodies down to the waist of each girl.

“For the team,” she said with a cruel sneer as she pulled both tops down. It fully exposed both sets of tits. Then she nodded at the guys manning the ropes.

She stepped back as the two were hauled up into the air. Latoya’s eyes flew open in astonishment at the horror of painful strangulation. Then her legs began to kick in every direction.

Renae gawked as her airway was choked off. Then she began fighting the noose. Soon her legs began flying every which way.

The two secret lovers kicked and struggled, fighting for breath as their nooses tightened ominously around their throats. The players watched appreciatively, the cheerleaders apprehensively. Jenny and Samantha observed the second set of hangings with special satisfaction, both of them inwardly rationalizing it as “taking one for the team” and that the two deserved to hang side by side.

Latoya caught sight of her lover’s tits heaving in breathless agony. It was just as much a turn-on as it was horrific. Those nipples were amazingly hard, harder than she’d ever seen them. Hell, they were harder than she’d ever made them with her talented tongue!

Renae caught sight of Latoya’s bouncing mounds as her fellow cheerleader strangled to death. Despite the pain, she found herself regretting she wouldn’t get the chance to play with them ever again. At least being allowed to see them one last time was some small consolation.

Both girls kicked and danced, more for each other than for the damned football players watching them. They rasped and gurgled as they put on their show to an appreciative audience. Jenny decided their dance was better than Marsha and Colette’s. She just hoped it would motivate the team to a win tomorrow night.

Latoya suddenly jerked her knees together, cumming at the horrific sight of her lover hanging to death. Then she hung limp, unable to fight any longer. Renae joined her half a minute later, kicking hard and then suddenly going limp. Latoya’s stream of piss was about 20 seconds ahead of Renae’s.

This time a couple of defensive backs were allowed to come up and administer the coup de grace. They leaped upward and grabbed the legs of each dangling cheerleader. Their weight was more than enough. The group heard the satisfying sound of two necks snapping before their swaying bodies joined those of Marsha and Colette.

“I guess that leaves Justine and Charley, eh?” Brian said with a nod at the other two cheerleaders. A sturdy branch on the adjacent cottonwood tree was identified. Players moved forward once again with more rope.

Justine and Charley began squawking their desire not to be involved. But there was no way of convincing a group of murderous football players who were now horny as hell to spare them.

There were already 4 lifeless bodies dangling from another tree. What would it hurt to add a couple more? Jenny and Samantha were certainly not lifting a finger to save them. That’s when they realized they were going to hang with no hope in sight.

“Let’s help them out, Sam,” Jenny said quickly, thankful they were the last two left alive from the squad.

They both went up to each frightened cheerleader. They proceeded to cruelly pull down skirts and panties. Then they opened the hoodies partway, pulling off the tops so that two sets of tits would be exposed for the team to enjoy. Everyone was in for a real treat, being as how Justine’s were large.

Both girls started to cry, pleading for their lives. Jenny told them, “You want the guys to win, don’t you? Do it for the good of the team!”

Justine sobbed, “But we don’t want to hang!” Her doomed companion Charley shook her head as though it was all a bad dream and that she would soon wake up.

“This is the price you pay for being on the squad,” Jenny replied with a cruel grin, reaching out to caress Justine’s quivering mounds. “These suckers are nice and big. They’re going to bounce well for the team. Now give us a good performance; ok, girls?”

Brian cleared his throat, preparing to give the order to lift them up. Jenny beat him to it, eager to show them she was just as enthusiastic to watch her girls swing. “Hang ‘em, boys!” she declared. “Let’s get ‘em up and get ‘em to swinging!”

The two girls were lifted up into the air. Their eyes widened in shock and horror at the incredible pain around their necks. As their ropes were tied off, both of them started fluttering their feet as though the ground might miraculously return. Then realization set in, setting their legs to flying every which way.

This time there were no skirts to billow. The guys all got a good look at a couple of flaring, pink pussies as the two girls kicked and struggled. Both of them fought their nooses… and fought hard.

Justine’s tits bounced wildly, indicating she had been a good choice to swing. Charley was not as well endowed. But her breasts bounced and heaved just as nicely. Both girls rasped for breath as they kicked, pedaled and twisted in place, swinging this way and that.

It was an energetic, if not inspired, performance. Of the six now noosed, Justine and Charley were the most athletic of the bunch. They put out the most energy during their struggles.

Were it not for group politics, they might very well have been the captains of the cheerleading squad. But Jenny and Samantha had not allowed that to happen. Both girls had maintained a tight grip on their power over their girls.

Justine and Charley danced wildly, swinging back and forth as they kicked and jerked. They both fought their nooses hard. There were so many erections involved that a few were actually going off inside the trousers of their owners.

Jenny and Samantha thoroughly enjoyed the spectacle. No doubt they were relieved they were not among the six members now dangling from the two cottonwoods.

The sight had been terribly erotic. Both were now ready to fuck. Of the eight cheerleaders, they were the two most likely to whore themselves out to every member of the football team.

Eventually the fight was strangled out of the two desperately kicking girls. Justine and Charley lasted the longest of the three pairs of hanged cheerleaders. They finally hung limp and lifeless in their opened hoodies.

There was still a faint spark of life in both sets of eyes, even as they pissed themselves. Two running backs were chosen to finish them off. Both players eagerly leaped up, giving each set of legs a good, hard tug downward as the bodies were set to swinging back and forth.

There were two loud “CRICKS”. Both cheerleaders swung lifeless from broken necks. Stray muscles spasmed as the rope creaked from their swaying back and forth.

“All right; who’s ready to fuck?” Jenny wanted to know, turning toward the players. Her body was on fire; she desperately needed a release. Samantha turned right along with her, the two of them anticipating a long night of glorious fucking.

“Not going to happen,” Brian said calmly, his jaw firmly set. “We already had a team vote. No beer before our next win. And definitely no sex until we bring home a victory.”

“What?” Samantha blurted out in surprise.

“What about us?” Jenny wanted to know. “Guys, I’m horny as hell!”

Brian smiled with wicked anticipation. Then he produced two more nooses he’d been keeping hidden. “You two sluts are the ones we’ve all been wanting to hang the most. Am I right, guys?” There were cries of agreement, including a couple of comments of “HELL yes!”

Jenny blanched as she started to back away. “You guys can’t do this to us!” Samantha protested in a faltering voice.

“BLOWJOBS!” Jenny called out in a desperate attempt to spare her life. “WHO WANTS BLOWJOBS?”

“Not until we win a game,” their star defensive back Jimmy Evans answered for them all.

Brian calmly asked, “Whatever happened to ‘taking one for the team’?”

Jenny spat out, “You can go to hell!” as a couple of guys grabbed her.

“I think a slut like you will be going there ahead of me,” he responded with a chuckle. “You’ve fucked more guys than any girl I know.”

“Please!” she gasped as all of her clothes were removed along with Samantha’s. “We’ll do ANYTHING!”

Samantha resigned herself to her fate. It was obvious there was no getting out of this one. So she spat out, “Do it for the team, you stupid bitch! Isn’t that what you told Marsha and Colette… what you told them all? C’mon, Jenny, you fucking whore! We’re going to ‘do it for the team’, remember? Where’s your school spirit?”


Jenny struggled as they finished stripping her naked. “Let ‘em hang with their school hoodies!” Brian told the guys. “School spirit, remember?” Then he winked as he looked at Jenny and added, “For the team, right?”

They found another thick branch on the same tree from which they’d just hanged Justine and Charley. Jenny began hyperventilating as she was bound and noosed. The free end of the rope was tossed over the limb. Samantha just stood there trembling, believing resistance was futile.

“You two are responsible for the cheerleading squad,” Brian said to them both. “Now let’s see how well you two can motivate the team to go out and win tomorrow.” Then he nodded at the guys holding onto the free ends of their ropes.


Jenny’s defiant cry was choked off as she was pulled up into the air along with Samantha. Two sets of feet fluttered for solid footing underneath them. Then they started to kick.

It wasn’t long until they were both dancing up a storm. They kicked and twisted, fighting their nooses. “I always knew that slut could dance!” Brian observed with a laugh, his cock hard in his trousers. “I just didn’t know how good she was at dancing in the air.” There was laughter from the other team members.

Two sets of tits bounced as twin pussies winked and flared. Both girls gawked and gurgled as they struggled to breathe, each one fighting her noose. Both hoodies ended up falling off their shoulders, only to hang up by the bound arms behind their backs.

Jenny’s pent up sexual energy finally exploded as she frantically brought her knees together. Then she jerked and bunny-hopped as she orgasmed violently. Nest to her Samantha could not help herself, suffering through a brutal climax of her own.

The guys stood around in awe, several of them creaming themselves as they watched. Jenny kicked and twisted until she went limp. She hung quiet for a few moments before she became reanimated as she kicked it up all over again.

Samantha went through a similar pattern. She kicked… went limp… kicked… went limp again. She finally went off in one final burst of frenetic activity, kicking as though she’d found a hidden energy reserve.

Both girls went well beyond the time it took for poor Justine and Charley to exhaust themselves. It was breathless agony, pain in the most excruciating detail. Their necks slowly stretched just like the others had done.

Their faces turned red… and then an awful shade of purple. They matched the faces of their dangling companions until they both exhausted themselves. Brian turned to Jimmy with a knowing smile. “You get Sam; I get Jenny.”

The two football players walked up to the dangling girls. Jenny hung limp, her eyes wide in horror. Her expression seemed to be saying, “No; don’t! Please, get me down from here!” Samantha just hung quietly, looking at Jimmy with grateful eyes as though telling him she was glad he was about to get it over with.

Both players jumped up as one, each one grabbing a set of dangling legs. There were twin “CRICKS” as two necks broke. Then two more bladders emptied, piss streaming onto the ground. There was even a loud fart as Jenny’s bowels gave way, further humiliating her in death.

The guys stood quiet, admiring the 4 pairs of swinging cheerleaders. Then Brian proclaimed in a loud voice, “NOW LET’S GO OUT AND WIN ONE FOR THE GIRLS!”

There was an enthusiastic cry. The guys all whooped and cheered. The hoodies and clothes were retrieved, leaving the girls to dangle naked with their arms at their sides. Then the team members turned and left the bodies hanging as they headed back to their vehicles.

The cars roared off one by one. Eight naked cheerleaders dangled from two cottonwoods. The sound of creaking ropes filled the air as a night breeze gently pushed on the hanged juniors and seniors…


The guys went on to win the game Saturday night. Many of them were spurred on by the fact the bodies of the cheerleaders still dangled in the woods and had not yet been discovered.

They were so motivated that they also went on to win their last game of the season. Eventually it was learned what they had done. Thus, the Hangley High Prospectors developed a tradition of hanging the cheerleading squad whenever they were suffering through a winless season…

2013; 2021 (written for Laney Oct 10 ’13; ed. Jan 23 ‘21 by riwa)

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