January 24, 2014 900 story posts



This is my 49th blog entry. The next story I post (early next week) will be my 900th story/chapter. I hit 800 nine months ago back in April. So it’s interesting how time has flown by and how another writing milestone is about to be reached.

Of these 900 entries, 2 were mostly in Emma’s words as she described a couple of her adventures which I enjoyed enough to try to edit a little bit simply to smooth out the flow of her narrative. Two or three others were collaborations where I had friends add a lot of input which I used. And of course many other stories have come from ideas submitted by readers. These were ideas which really caught my attention enough to inspire me to write.

I confess to having received a lot of story suggestions. I do appreciate the ideas; there certainly is a lot of creativity out there. Sadly some of them have not caught my fancy, although they still sit in my files so I can go back to look at them from time to time. Inspiration can be a fickle mistress sometimes, and I never know what story idea might suddenly catch fire.

Some stories flow off the keyboard while others languish and die off. I’ve even lost interest in a few of my own creations! I would like to get back to them to complete them. But sometimes it is like trying to make yourself go to the dentist: you know you really need to go for a visit, but you just keep putting it off! In fact I can recall how I had to force myself to go back and work on three of my older, longer series in an effort to complete them!

It’s humbling to know just how many of you have read so many of my stories. There certainly are a lot of places to go on the Internet. It’s gratifying to see you have chosen to visit my library to find a nice tale or two to read and enjoy, and I will always be appreciative. Knowing you like the effort I put into each story motivates me to work hard to put out a good product.

It’s been cold here and I see a lot of the country is experiencing quite the winter weather. I hope your January is progressing nicely without any major challenges or difficulties. But life is always an adventure, isn’t it? We never know when we wake up in the morning how the day will unfold. I just hope and pray your days are filled with peace and happiness… and that the occasional story you choose to read here will be a pleasant diversion and will put a smile on your face…

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