My mother the breath-holder 4



By the time I tracked down the keys and returned, they were both sitting on the edge of the pool. Gloria’s breasts were on full display. But mom acted as though it was no big deal.

They must not have wasted much time. Mom was already wearing the ankle cuffs as I approached, her feet dangling in the water. The rope to the pool floor was still attached to them.

I could tell they’d been talking to each other. They heard me coming and turned toward me. Mom called out, “Georgie, I’m sorry about the other day. Can I make it up to you? Can I do a little breath-holding? Can I earn a little more money? You left me with virtually nothing for the next two weeks.”

Gloria was shocked. “Georgie, is this true?”

I tried to ignore my mother as I went to work releasing my girlfriend from the handcuffs attaching her wrists behind her back. My eyes kept getting drawn to her naked mounds. So I unthinkingly tossed the cuffs into the pool.

I explained to Gloria, “You have no idea how much debt my mother has gotten herself into. If I pay her anything now, she’s liable to run out and gamble it all away until she owes even more.”

Mom tried to put up a protest. “No, I won’t! Georgie, I’m serious! I really appreciate what you did! Let me try to earn a little more, ok? And I promise; I won’t gamble even once while I’m trying to pay him off!”

“Mom, you know I can’t trust you.”

“Georgie; please!”

Gloria looked at me and started to say something. I just put a hand up to silence her. I knew if they both ganged up on me, I was going to lose control of the situation. Besides, there was no guarantee any money I gave mom would ever reach Mr. Vonegram, not unless I put it directly into his hands.

Mom lifted her legs, showing the ankle cuffs and attached rope. “See, Georgie? Gloria says you like seeing her in bondage. Will you pay me a little more tonight with me wearing these ankle cuffs?”

“Mom, I just don’t know if I should, not with Gloria here.”

“Oh, I don’t mind, Georgie,” my girlfriend said with a smile. “Your mother’s fun.”

“Georgie, please! I’m begging you!”

“Mom, if I’m going to pay you anything, then you’re going to have to make it worth my while. That means, you’re going to have to hold your breath longer than four minutes. Besides, tonight I’m paying ‘Gloria’ prices.”

“Georgie?! The other night you paid me $750 for holding my breath for 3:30.”

Gloria looked at me in surprise. I just winced. After all, I didn’t want to have to renegotiate my deal with her.

“Mom, that was before our meeting with Mr. Vonegram and finding out you lied to me. Prices went down because of what I learned from him. Take what you can get… unless, of course, you’d rather watch Gloria hold her breath for me again.”


My girlfriend blurted out, “I’ll help you reach four minutes, Marie. Grab the rope and pull her under, Georgie.”

I frowned at her, as I wanted to stand firm while not sounding angry or alienating her affections. “Gloria, this is really between me and my mother.”

“That’s ok. I don’t mind sharing tonight. C’mon, Marie. Let’s make it worth his while.”

Before I could say another word, they both slid off the edge of the pool into the water. I sighed heavily as I retrieved my dive mask. Apparently, they were going to do this anyway, no matter what I said or did.

They swam out to the middle of the deep end, directly above the kettle ball. I slipped into the water at the ladder and grabbed the end of the rope. That’s when mom called out, “Anytime you’re ready, Georgie! I can do four minutes!” She was certainly enthusiastic about the whole thing.

Gloria didn’t help matters any when she called out, “C’mon, Georgie! Pull your mother down and make her hold her breath!”

For a brief moment, I thought about pulling her down without giving out any warning at all. But I resisted the impulse. Instead, I gave them a countdown from three.

After I called out “one”, I pulled on the rope. I heard them gasp for breath. Mom went right down, with Gloria submerging a moment later.

I checked the time as a few bubbles marked where I’d pulled mom under. Gloria swam down after her. I stuck my head under and watched as I pulled my mother down until her feet touched the handle to the kettle ball.

Mom had no problem staying down, being as how she was now tethered to the bottom. But Gloria was not in a similar situation. She finally grabbed onto my mother’s body just to keep herself from drifting upward.

Mom smiled at her as she hugged her. Then I watched as they kissed each other again. They both really seemed into it, and it did my cock no favors. I was certain it was showing through my white speedos.

They weren’t too active, other than doing a little kissing and touching. Their movements were slow so as not to use up their breath. For a while there, I forgot to pay attention to my watch.

Mom was getting pretty good at holding her breath. When I finally checked the time, she’d already been down for two minutes. And she was making it look easy.

After a while, they shifted until they were side by side, arms around each other. I saw Gloria reach over and run her hand over my mother’s barely covered breasts. Mom responded by reaching over and caressing my girlfriend’s bare boobs.

I saw occasional bubbles come out of Gloria’s mouth and nose. But mom didn’t release nearly as many. I got the impression she was being careful not to lose too much of her breath.

It was obvious she’d been working to build up her times so she could get me to pay her more. She surprised me by reaching three minutes with relative ease. When mom sets her mind on something, very little can stand in her way.

I could tell Gloria was beginning to struggle a little though. So mom pulled her real close. They kissed each other again, almost as though they were long-lost lovers.

I saw bubbles come up from between their lips. My girlfriend was clearly struggling, although she’d certainly passed her three-minute mark. Mom embraced her, and Gloria returned the hug. But her body was starting to heave in breathless agony.

Gloria suddenly let go and shot up to the surface. I came up with her to note the time. My watch said 3:42.

She burst up gasping loudly for breath. That’s when she anxiously called out, “Bring her up, Georgie! Don’t let your mother drown down there!”

I looked down to see how mom was doing. She smiled and waved as she did a little seductive wriggle against her tether. I pulled my head out of the water and called back, “She’s fine, Gloria.”

“She is??”

Gloria looked down in amazement. Then my girlfriend filled her lungs before heading back down.

When she got down there, mom grabbed her and pulled her close. Then they started kissing and making out again. More bubbles came up as they kissed each other deeply.

Mom finally pushed her back and signaled with her thumb that she wanted up. Gloria turned toward me, checking to see if I was watching. By then, I was already allowing slack in mom’s tether.

Mom felt the tension give way in the rope to her feet. She pulled herself upward with her arms as Gloria followed her up. Mom burst up at around 4:27.

They both tread water in the deep end while catching their breath. My girlfriend was impressed as she loudly panted, “Wow, Marie; that was a long one! Even I couldn’t stay down that long!”

“You will with practice,” mom told her encouragingly. Then she called out, “Do I get paid for that one, Georgie?”

“You get paid for going over four, mom. Gloria, you get paid for going over three.”

“That’s great, Georgie! But what do I get if I go over four like your mother?”

“More, of course.”

“And what do I get paid if I go over five, Georgie?”

“I’ll pay you more, mom.”

“How much?”


“I guess we’ll just have to make out for him underwater even more, Marie. Then he’ll have to pay us more!”

Mom grinned as she replied, “Sounds good to me, Gloria.” Then she called out, “Count us down, Georgie!”

I counted them down from three. Then I pulled mom under. Gloria took a deep breath before following her down.

They began making out the moment my mother bottomed out. They certainly got all handsy with each other, touching each other all over. Gloria clung to my mother’s body so as not to drift upward.

They kissed each other deeply again. It surprised me how easily mom made out with her like that. It made me wonder if there was something in her past about other women that she hadn’t revealed to me.

My cock refused to soften as I watched them down at the bottom of the pool. But I didn’t want them to know how turned on I was. After all, this night was supposed to be strictly between Gloria and I. Mom’s intrusion was making things all the more complicated.

I watched as mom kissed and licked Gloria’s exposed nipples. My girlfriend bubbled as though she was really enjoying it.

They both passed two minutes with very little effort. They got all handsy again, touching each other’s chest. Then they pressed their lips together.

I watched as they passed three minutes. Mom acted as though she could go on like that for hours. Gloria seemed to be improving, although it wasn’t long before she started showing signs of straining lungs.

She motioned that she wanted to go up. But it was early for her. Mom shook her head and then motioned… “Watch what I do.”

To my utter shock, mom began caressing her boobs with one hand while rubbing her crotch with the other. Gloria caught on, and she began doing the same thing. They both looked right at me, mom releasing a couple nose bubbles as Gloria spewed bubbles past her lips…

No – no – no – GAWD; NO!

My cock got so hard that it tented in my speedos. Mom kept grinning at me as she rubbed herself. She turned toward my girlfriend, saw she was doing the same thing, and nodded as she bubbled at her.

Gloria’s lungs appeared to heave in her chest. I could see her tummy rippling a little. I checked my watch as she finally shot up for a breath, bursting up a couple seconds beyond the four minute mark.

When I stuck my head up, she cried out, “How’d I do, Georgie?”

“Just over four minutes, Gloria. I guess I’ll have to pay you a little more.”

“Your mom is fun! You’re going to pay her more too; right?”

I looked down to see mom smiling at me while rubbing her crotch. This was really getting out of hand. For a minute there, I thought I was going to cream my speedos.

“She can really hold her breath; eh, Georgie?” Then Gloria went back down. She reached mom, and the two started making out again. At least mom wasn’t rubbing herself anymore.

Mom looked at me and held up all the digits of her hand. Was she asking if it had been five minutes yet? I checked my watch before shaking my head.

She went back to kissing Gloria. This time, mom’s knee went into my girlfriend’s crotch. Gloria seemed to ride it as though she was all turned on.

It was almost too hot to watch. But I had a hard time looking away. I kept forcing myself to glance at my watch to keep track of the time.

I finally held up my hand and spread my fingers… “Five minutes.” Mom nodded and signaled she wanted up. I gave her slack in the rope before pulling my head out of the water, trying to calm the beating of my heart along with the stiffness of my erection.

They both surfaced together, treading water in the deep end. I called out, “That’s enough for one night, mom; don’t you think?” After all, I needed some alone time with Gloria.

“Oh, Georgie!”

“Mom, you’ve already had a couple breath-holds tonight! You should be happy about that.”

“But I want to do more, Georgie! I want to earn more money.”

“I don’t know, mom.” Then I looked at my girlfriend as though imploring her to help me out here before adding, “Gloria and I want to be alone for a bit.”

They started talking to each other so quietly that I couldn’t make out what they were saying. I wondered if my girlfriend was trying to explain to her what I needed. I certainly hoped she wasn’t going into any specifics.

Mom suddenly called out, “What about the cuffs, Georgie? Will you pay me more if we use the handcuffs? Can I use the cuffs before we call it a night?”

“Mom, I don’t know if you should.” Thank gawd I’d tossed them into the pool.

“She’ll be ok, Georgie. She can handle it. If I can do it, she can do it.”

“I don’t know, Gloria…”

They went back to talking quietly. I felt as though they were conspiring against me. My cock was semi-hard, and I found myself imagining all sorts of things I probably should not have been imagining.

Gloria finally left mom treading water all by herself. She swam over in my direction. Then she jackknifed downward.

I watched as she dove for the bottom. She quickly scooped up the discarded handcuffs. Then she angled over in the direction of my mother.

Gawd; that was all I needed: seeing my mother in bondage while holding her breath. Now I was sure I was going to shoot a load into my speedos.

My girlfriend surfaced and swam over to my mother. Then she hefted them up in her hand. “I’ve got the cuffs, Marie.”

I nervously called out, “Gloria, I really don’t think…”

“You like watching your mom hold her breath; right? And you love seeing me in bondage while I’m holding mine. So this should work out great for everybody.”

“Gloria, mom hasn’t even tried the cuffs on her wrists yet. I don’t want…”

“I can do it, Georgie! Put ‘em on me, Gloria.”

“Mom, I don’t think…”

“You’ll pay me more for a five minute bondage/make-out breath-hold; won’t you, Georgie?”

“Mom, I don’t think…”

“You’ll pay her good; won’t you, Georgie?”

“Gloria, I think you should stay out of…”

“Count us down, Georgie.”

“I’m kinda having second thoughts about this, mom.”

“Three… two… one…”

I frowned at my girlfriend for initiating the countdown herself. Then they both inhaled. Instinctively I checked the time before tugging on the rope.

Mom was pulled right down, her wrists secured behind her back. But my girlfriend was still at the surface. She gave me a dangerous grin as she told me, “You’d better pay extra for this.” Then down she went.

Mom bottomed out with her feet touching the handle to the kettle ball. Gloria swam right down to her. I made sure my dive mask was secured to my face so I could stick my head in the water and watch everything that went on. My cock was already hard with anticipation.

Gloria got all handsy again. But this time, mom could not respond. She just had to take whatever my girlfriend did to her.

At the thirty second mark, Gloria slowly popped the strings to mom’s bikini top. It came loose and drifted away. That’s when she began licking and sucking on mom’s nipples.

I couldn’t believe it! But my cock certainly could. It was hard as a rock again, straining in my speedos.

Gloria was all over my mom’s boobs, kissing and sucking and caressing. Then she kissed mom full on the lips. Mom did not resist in the slightest as she kissed her right back.

That was bad enough. But at around the 2:15 mark, Gloria’s hand slid down my mother’s body. A moment later she started rubbing her crotch.

I was shocked beyond belief. This was something I’d never anticipated in my wildest dreams. Sure, mom had rubbed herself for me the other day. But I never expected she would allow my girlfriend to touch her in such an intimate manner.

Mom humped against Gloria’s hand as the time neared three minutes. Then Gloria popped the strings to mom’s skimpy bottoms. They slowly drifted out of the way.

I could have sworn my girlfriend slowly worked her fingers into my mother’s slit. I couldn’t be sure, but at least that’s what it looked like. Then mom writhed and humped as though that’s exactly what was happening.

Gloria turned and grinned at me as bubbles dribbled out past her lips. Then she kissed mom deeply as she fingered her. Mom humped and writhed as she released bubbles out of her nose.

Gloria stopped kissing her long enough to suck on an erect nipple. Then she kissed her again. Her fingers just kept working inside my mother’s womanhood.

Her lungs heaved noticeably, and my girlfriend finally shot upward, leaving mom tethered to the pool floor. I rose up with her, my head emerging at the surface. I noted her time as her head came out of the water.

She gasped aloud before telling me, “Let me know when it’s past five minutes, Georgie. But don’t let your mother up until I give the signal; ok?”

“Gloria, I don’t know…”

“Just do it, Georgie! And make sure you pay her well!” Then she filled her lungs and submerged.

She swam down to mom and groped her boobs. She sucked on a nipple before her hand went down to mom’s crotch again. Once more, she began fingering her as she kissed her deeply.

Mom writhed and wriggled as she lost a few more bubbles. Usually she was pretty good at maintaining her composure. But she didn’t have much choice this time around, not when she was bound by her wrists and ankles while holding her breath.

Gloria began to finger my mother much faster. Their lips parted as my girlfriend looked at me. I checked my watch and saw that mom was almost to five minutes.

I finally held up my hand with all my fingers spread. That’s when Gloria really finger-fucked my mother. I was shocked beyond belief.

Mom started humping Gloria’s hand. I heard a bubbly cry and saw an eruption of bubbles. That’s when my cock went off in my speedos.

Gloria finally motioned upward. But I was too shocked for it to register. She motioned again more forcefully, and I finally came to my senses long enough to give mom some slack.

Gloria helped her to the surface where they both gasped loudly for breath. Mom finally called out, “How’d I do, Georgie?”

I checked the time. “5:23, mom.”

“That was a good one; right? You’ll pay me good for that one; won’t you… especially with everything we did for you down there?”

“I suppose so, mom.”

What else could I do? I’d creamed myself over witnessing such an erotic spectacle. Besides, mom had passed five minutes.

I noticed them talking quietly to each other again. Last time they’d done that, it had resulted in a wild and crazy breath-hold. Even though I’d gotten a shameful release out of it, I wasn’t sure I wanted to take things any further.

At one point, I thought I heard mom say, “You’ll make him take me to six, right?”

“Are you sure, Marie?”

“I want to be paid even more, Gloria. And you think he should like it; right? So let’s do it.”

“Ok, Marie.”

I looked at them in alarm as I wondered… ‘Let’s do it?’ Let’s do what?

I had a bad feeling as I told them, “No thanks, ladies. I think that was our last one…”

“Just one more, Georgie.”

“No, mom. I think that’s enough…”

My girlfriend reassured her by saying, “I’ll take care of it, Marie. Can you stay at the surface on your own for a bit?”

“Piece of cake, honey.”

I called out, “Take care of what, ladies?”

There was no answer as Gloria swam over. She came up to me and took the rope out of my hand. There was a twinkle in her eyes as she told me, “Check the time on your watch and count her down, Georgie.”

“Gloria, I don’t think…”

“This one is mine, Georgie. Marie wants it.”

“But I’m not sure…”

She abruptly turned and called out, “Marie?? Get ready in three… two… one!”

Mom got a really big breath. Them Gloria pulled on the rope. Mom was pulled all the way down to the bottom of the pool.

“Time!” my girlfriend loudly demanded.

I looked at my watch before impatiently replying, “I’ve got it – I’ve got it!”

“Good.” Then she took a deep breath and submerged.

To my complete and utter shock, Gloria pulled my speedos down my legs until my semi-hard cock sprang free. Almost immediately, she began kissing and licking it. She cupped and caressed my balls until she grabbed my leg and tried to pull me under.

I gasped for breath before I was submerged. That’s when Gloria took me into her mouth. But when I looked into the middle of the deep end, I saw mom watching us the entire time, swaying a little as she was helplessly tethered to the kettle ball at the bottom of the pool.

My cock stiffened right up in my girlfriend’s mouth, despite having gone off a couple minutes ago. Seeing mom bound and naked was incredibly erotic. Knowing she could see my girlfriend blowing me underwater was a shock. But it made me so unbelievably hard.

What could I do? Gloria seemed to be in charge of this one. Had she and my mother conspired against me yet again?

My girlfriend took me further into her mouth before slowly letting me almost slip out. A glance at my mother indicated she was still watching us. My face went red, but I couldn’t resist. So I let Gloria keep going.

She gave me the usual, although this time, she was slower and more deliberate. I think she was trying to extend her time underwater. She hadn’t succeeded in blowing me for three minutes on one breath before, and I think that was her goal.

Occasionally I glanced at my watch. I was trying to keep track of the time for both Gloria and my mother. But I was understandably distracted.

Gloria kept right at it, taking me deep until it felt like I reached the back of her throat. She gagged and grunted up bubbles. It was incredibly arousing.

Her stomach began to ripple, and her chest started to heave. I checked my watch and noticed she was approaching three minutes. I grabbed the back of her head and fucked her mouth, urging her on to encourage her.

I finally held up three fingers for her to see. She slowly pulled off my dick before I had a chance to cum in her mouth. Then we both rose to the surface.

We came up and panted loudly for breath before she asked, “So how was that? I finally reached three minutes, didn’t I?”

I smiled as I nodded, “Yeah. But what about mom?”

“I’ll worry about your mother; ok? I’ve got the rope. You just make sure you let me know when it’s been six minutes.”

“But, I…”

“No buts.” Then she took a deep breath and submerged. A moment later she pulled me under with her before she wrapped her lips back around my dick.

I checked my watch before glancing into the deep end again. After four minutes, mom looked as though she was writhing a little. She released a couple bubbles out of her nose. But she looked as though she was doing just fine.

Gloria occasionally glanced over to see what my mother was doing. But most of the time, she concentrated on my dick between her lips. It seemed she was being extra sensuous. But I had no idea how to feel about that, considering my mother was tethered in naked bondage to the bottom of the pool while watching us.

Gloria gulped me down, and I twitched in her mouth. A glance at the time showed mom was passing five minutes. She was doing well so far. But I was concerned about her making it to six, even though I knew how determined she probably was.

Gloria cupped my balls as she worked my shaft. A couple times, the rope slipped in her hands. But she gathered it up and pulled it to make sure mom remained with her feet close to the handle to the kettle ball.

I thought I saw mom start to strain a little at around the 5:25 mark. She writhed a little more against her tether. I saw a few bubbles dribble out of her nose.

Gloria took a quick look. Apparently, she was motivated to suck me a little more aggressively. She started bobbing up and down on my dick, making me really twitch. I figured there was a good chance she was going to make me cum on this breath-hold.

I glanced over at my mother and saw she was fighting it. Her chest heaved as her stomach rippled. My watch indicated she only had 38 more seconds to go. But I figured she was going to make it. Mom was stubborn enough not to want up until after I’d let her know she’d reached six minutes.

Gloria’s mouth, combined with my mother’s struggles, made it a real turn-on. I was all but certain I was going to cum in my girlfriend’s mouth in the next few moments. It was shameful the way I was so turned on, especially by the way mom was fighting to hold her breath.

Gloria looked up at my face as she swallowed me whole. Then she motioned… “Time?” So I let her see my watch. Mom only had another 21 seconds to go.

My girlfriend smiled at me as though she knew something I didn’t. She kept me in her mouth as she glanced over at mom. Then she waved in her direction… “Keep going; you’re almost there.”

Mom appeared to grimace. Her chest really heaved, and she lost a burst of bubbles. Gawd, that was so hot.

Gloria really suctioned while cupping my balls at just the right moment. I was just starting to shoot my load when mom coughed up a bunch of bubbles. That’s when she appeared to go into seizures…

What the hell???

At that moment, I knew she was drowning. But I couldn’t stop my cock from going off in Gloria’s mouth. My girlfriend suctioned me just as hard as she could.

I let out a cry as mom kept spasming and convulsing. Then I went for the rope in Gloria’s hand. But she jerked it out of my reach as she kept my cock in her mouth.

She tried to motion… “What’s the time?”

I glanced at my watch and then stared at my drowning mother. Gloria just kept sucking as mom hitched and spasmed. So I shoved my timepiece into her face. I didn’t say anything, but I sure as hell was thinking it…

There; can you see it now? She’s drowning, but you want to see the time!

…5:58… 5:59… 6:00… 6:01…

She slowly let my cock slide out of her mouth. A little cream came out with it. Then she let go of the rope and swam off in the direction of my mother. Naturally, I swam after her.

Mom was no longer buoyant. She was settling down toward the pool floor when Gloria caught her in her arms. That’s when I helped her haul my mother back to the surface.

We hefted her naked body up onto the side of the pool. The impact must have jarred her, because a little water came out of her mouth. By the time Gloria and I had climbed out of the water, she was already coughing.

We stayed with her until she tried to sit up. My girlfriend held her in her arms as I went and retrieved the keys. “What the hell was that?” I asked when I returned.

“Did I make six?” mom panted anxiously.

Gloria nodded, “Yes, Marie. You made six. I made sure you stayed down until you made six.”

“You did that deliberately??” I was stunned as I unlocked the handcuffs.

“Did I drown?”

“Yes, you did. Gawd, Marie; that was incredible! Your son’s cock was in my mouth, and he just kept shooting and shooting. But don’t worry. You weren’t down very long.”

“Mom, what the hell were you thinking??”

“Do I get paid more for making six and drowning for you, Georgie??”

“What?? Mom, you mean you… you did that for me?”

“How about it, Georgie? Will you pay your mother more? How about paying me extra for helping plan this special breath-hold?”

I looked at my girlfriend in astonishment. “You two did this deliberately??”

“You came in my mouth while I was holding my breath for quite a while, Georgie. That should be worth something.”

I finally threw my hands up in the air in surrender. “Fine – fine; you both get paid.” They both grinned as though they’d won.

About that time I realized nobody was wearing a stitch of anything. So I dove into the pool to retrieve all the garments, just to keep from staring at the nudity of my mother and girlfriend. By the time I got back up, Gloria had mom’s ankle cuffs off.

I climbed out of the water and handed over their garments. They just looked at my nudity and smiled. I muttered something about needing to go to the bathroom before making a hasty retreat.

2022 (written Aug 24 ’22 by riwa)

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