The Reservoir


(A repost of one of my earliest drowning stories.)

Evelyn followed the gravel road, feeling her excitement build. She rounded a corner and saw the small irrigation reservoir. That’s when she felt her heart leap in her chest as she felt herself moisten down below with anticipation.

At last…

She’d been looking forward to this for months. It had taken her this long just to clean her busy schedule. Somehow she’d managed to get vacation time from work and make the trip back home to see her mom and dad.

It was true, they were important to her. But she’d been looking forward to this the most.

She turned off onto a dirt road that followed a small ditch that fed the irrigation dam. She looked ahead, scanning for vehicles that might be parked next to her favorite swimming spot. She didn’t see any.

Hot damn!

She gasped excitedly before glancing at the weight belt, flippers and dive mask sitting on the passenger seat she’d borrowed from her brother’s room. He’d gone away on a road trip with some of the guys he hung around with. Her mom had turned her old bedroom into a craft room because her daughter lived and worked out of state. So now they allowed her to sleep in Tim’s room.

She had found his gear in a closet. Thus she’d concluded he was secretly an aquaphile just like she was. That meant he wouldn’t mind her borrowing the items, not if he would have known what she was going to use them for… not that she’d ever tell him or her parents.

She drove across the head of the dam before pulling off the road. She parked next to a gnarly tree that had been there ever since she could remember. That was when she’d come up to the dam as a teenager 8 years ago.

A quick glance down the bank revealed the raft half out of the water. Apparently it had been left there by the previous swimmer or swimmers who had been there before her.


She slipped out of her t-shirt and shorts, revealing her red g-string and thong. She would never have embarrassed her folks by letting them see her in them. But she suspected they knew their grown-up daughter had some revealing outfits in her wardrobe.

She grabbed the gear she’d brought with her. Then she pulled the keys out of the ignition and locked the car. That’s when she eased herself down the bank to the muddy shore.

She pushed the raft off the bank, allowing it to float out toward the middle of the finger of water that she’d come to call “her spot”. She hid her car keys under a rock. Then she put on the weight belt, mask and fins before wading into the cool water of the reservoir.

It felt refreshing on this hot August day. She finned her way out to the raft, only to push it farther out. Then she took a breath and dived under.

Damn; this was great! She should have bought a set of flippers and a weight belt for herself years ago. But she’d put every penny she’d earned into a car and her schooling.

She swam up to the surface and gasped for breath. A quick look around confirmed there was no one else within her line of sight. She hadn’t seen any cars when she’d driven around the perimeter of the dam along the gravel road. That meant she had the whole place all to herself.

She gasped again as she felt a tingle down in her lower region. She was getting moist down there. So she inhaled before she dove downward, finning herself toward the bottom.

The deeper she went, the colder it got and the darker it became. Irrigation water was never that clear to begin with. She certainly didn’t have many opportunities to swim in crystal-clear lakes. But that didn’t matter.

This was where she’d first discovered the pleasures of breath-holding. It was also the place where she’d learned how to pleasure herself while depriving herself of air below the surface. The memories came flooding back.

She was swimming downward when her hands touched the muddy bottom. That was impressive! She’d never been able to do that before!

She’d always chickened out before she got down far enough. Of course, she never had a set of swim fins to help her like she did now.

She clawed a handful of the muddy soil and brought it up to her face. She could barely make it out. Gawd, she was getting horny!

She dropped the mud from out of her hand. She released bubbles out of her mouth, enjoying the sound of them. Then she finned her way back to the surface where the water got warmer, brighter and less murky.

Her head cleared the surface and she gasped for breath, feeling totally exhilarated. She’d come up well before she needed to. She’d even reached the bottom this time. It gave her a thrill of sexual excitement.

‘I wonder if I should take my suit off,’ she thought to herself. That was something she’d never done before. Mainly it was because she’d previously had neither the opportunity nor the courage.

The water was dirty; that much was certain. And there were fish swimming around in here. But she’d never heard anyone getting bitten or nibbled on, not that it probably hadn’t happened to someone.

The more she thought about it, the more she wanted to do it. She wanted to feel the water caress her nipples, unfettered by any fabric. And she wanted to feel the cool water caress her hairy pussy and tease her clit.

It was possible she might attract a nibble or two. But she seriously doubted she had anything to worry about. Besides, she was becoming even more aroused thinking about swimming naked, especially since there was no one around.

She slipped out of her bikini top and placed it on the raft. Then she reached down, pulled down her thong and added it to the other flimsy piece of cloth. Oh yeah; that felt much better!

She took another deep breath. Then she jackknifed downward, her bare ass flashing at the surface. She finned her way to the bottom, wanting to stick her hands in that mud again.

The feel of cool water against her nipples made her shiver with anticipation. As it got colder, she definitely got hotter. The sensation on her uncovered pussy and clit made her long for a release.

This was how she should have done it all those times when she’d come out here before. But there was no point having regrets. She was here right now, enjoying the moment.

She reached the mud and held her breath, allowed the weight belt to pull her down until her butt touched the bottom. She released bubbles as she caressed her breasts. Then she found herself wondering how many times her younger brother had come out here and had done the same thing. Had he played with himself too?

She felt the discomfort in her chest at the same time she felt an increased stirring in her loins. She reached a hand down and rubbed herself, feeling the heat begin to blossom within her. Oh yeah; she was getting close.

She delayed surfacing as her lungs begin to burn. She pushed both her breath-holding and her sexual stimulation. Damn; this was going to be good! But she was almost out of air.

Disappointed, she finned herself back up to the raft. She could feel a cum just over the horizon. She surfaced and gasped for breath, rubbing herself to maintain her current level of sexual excitement.

At this rate it wouldn’t be much longer. But she wanted to be on the bottom when it happened. Usually she climaxed halfway down during previous trips out here to get herself off.

She took a deep breath and dove for the bottom once more, her ass flashing as she jackknifed. She finned downward as fast as she could. She wanted to get there quick so she could enjoy the full effect of the explosion she knew was coming.

She touched the bottom and stretched herself out into a horizontal position. The weight belt kept her tethered to the mud. It made her shiver with sexual arousal.

She waved a hand over her breasts, letting the brush of cool water stimulate her nipples. She waved that same hand over her pussy, allowing the ripples to tickle her clit. She was so close.

She felt the orgasm rush her, causing her to stick a couple fingers into her quivering twat. It surged toward her until it overwhelmed her. She bubbled with pleasure as she squeezed her thighs against the hand in her crotch.

She released her breath in a froth of bubbles. She moaned with pleasure as her head twisted back and forth. Her body quivered as it flushed hotly through every fiber of her being.

Water stirred all around her, moving back and forth across her tits and dancing over her clit. Her eyes opened wide as she felt a second orgasm flush through her. It felt even more intense than the last one.

She tipped her head back and cried out in bubbly pleasure. Then she involuntarily gulped a mouthful of water. That’s when her eyes snapped open in shock.

Panic gripped her as she cover her mouth while trying to launch herself off the bottom. But she’d already given in. Her lungs instinctively opened up.

She coughed, reflexively inhaled, coughed, inhaled again. She tried to fin her way back to the surface. But her brain was sending mixed messages, making her movements uncoordinated.

Her arms waved wildly as she lost upward momentum. She hitched and convulsed as the weight belt took over. Then she began to drift downward, her body overcome with paroxysms.

Something told her to shed the weight belt. But it belonged to her brother and she didn’t want to lose it. By then it was too late, and she couldn’t bring her arms to her waist to pop it loose.

She touched down on the mud, still spasming painfully. Her vision began to dim as a flush of warmth rippled through her. A few stray bubbles slipped out past her parted lips as her eyes rolled up into her head.

Her body finally settled on the muddy bottom, hit by a stray muscle spasm. A few bubbles escaped her flooded lungs to scurry upward. Only the floating raft with her discarded bikini marked her location on the bottom of the irrigation reservoir. And that changed when a breeze came up and gently blew it back to shore.

2004; 2019 (written Nov 8 ’04; ed. Apr 4 ’19 by riwa)

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