January 30, 2015 Update



Well, nearly a month of the New Year has gone by. I appear to need a haircut and a transmission transplant for my Explorer. I guess I didn’t have enough bills after the Christmas holidays, and someone or something decided to make sure I’ll have to pay for something. I suppose it’s better than having my transmission go out somewhere between here and Montana during a trip to see mom.

I’m driving a loaner car from the repair shop by the name of “Gladys”. Our first meeting was a bit difficult as she did not want to tell me where the switch to the headlights was, nor did she wish to indicate to me the location of the windshield wipers. I’ve heard anecdotal evidence that some females have this same idiosyncrasy.

I’m told that early in my parent’s marriage, if my father did something wrong, my mother’s response was, ”Well, if you don’t know then I’m certainly not going to tell you!” Seems amusing now, but it was probably extremely frustrating back when it happened. I think my mom has learned not to do that anymore as open communication works so much better, don’t you think?

I’m happy to report I’ve actually sold a few stories. In fact, I’m close in sales to match half of my root canal bill. I’m very appreciative, and it makes me want to continue my efforts to provide the very best in a smooth, flowing tale, whether in sales or here at the library.

For instance, I spent 8 and a half hours writing and editing my latest upload to Riwas Reads – Sore Losers: the revenge. That is a lot of editing, and it is a quirk of mine that I want to get a story as perfect as possible with virtually no spelling and grammar errors. But with all that time invested, it is surprising how a comma, period or misspelled word still sneaks through. It’s hard to be a perfectionist, but in the end I do enjoy finding out how well you enjoyed reading a story I worked so hard on.

Mom is doing well, and I’ll visit my ex tomorrow. She sure appreciates my visits. It is still hard to see her that way, but it makes me feel better if I can somehow put a smile on her face.

I guess I’m getting older because I’ve had two cashiers at a couple of fast food establishments give me a senior discount. It makes me wonder if I am starting to look older, or if a grey hair or two is starting to show. But I’m appreciative of the discount. Besides, we all get old eventually, and with all the hard work of getting through life, maybe we’ve earned a few grey hairs and a discount or two.

So enjoy your youth while you still have it, even if you are a youthful 60, 70 or 80 and more. And thank you so much for stopping by…

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