Beheaded by axe on the public scaffold 4.4 (14)

I was alone with my thoughts. There was no illumination in the cell… hardly any making its way to the bars blocking the doorway. No doubt it was meant to be a frightening experience to break the spirit of the condemned. But I was not afraid.

There was a faint smell in the air that made me melancholy. It was the smell of mother who had been here before me, and its accusation hung all around me. This was my fate for failing to save her.

As I waited, I felt yet another emotion… one of growing excitement. At last, I would now get to experience the headsman’s cock for myself as one of the condemned. I had seen it so often during a beheading that I had imagined this day long before it had arrived.

A worrisome thought troubled me. Would I be executed without getting to feel him inside me? Would that be denied me? It was a silly thought considering the greater concern of me losing my head in the public square.

At the doorway it appeared to be getting lighter. I could see a little clearer in my cell. Then he appeared in the doorway with a set of keys in one hand and a torch in the other. All he wore was his hood.

I looked down to see his cock was hardening. It sent an erotic jolt running through me. Had mother seen this very same thing that I now saw? Had he come for her in the very same way? I found myself hoping he would use and abuse me for as long as possible before his axe kissed my neck in the public square.

He came in and grabbed my wrist, roughly pulling me out of the cell. I did not resist, nor did I speak in my defense. What was there to say? I was guilty of the worst treachery.

He took me through the dark structure to a bare room with a straw floor. There was a strong smell of sex in the air. Was this where the condemned experienced their last moments of pleasure? Was this where mother had been recently?

He set the torch up in a handle in the wall. Then he approached me. He ripped the robe down off my body, exposing my nudity to his gaze.

I was embarrassed to stand aroused before him. My nipples were hard, my breasts heaving. I was moist with anticipation.

He reached out and grabbed my mounds with his hands, fondling and squeezing them. I sighed as I trembled before him. He pawed me as one might paw a horse being inspected before purchase. But I did not resist.

He took me down to the straw, still groping my flesh. I moaned as I quivered before him. I heard him murmur, “So beautiful” as he felt up every inch of me. It made me tremble with desire the way he seemed to want me.

I don’t know why I was so brazen as to reach for his cock. I took it in my hands and skillfully pulled him as I did with father during the beheadings we had witnessed together. I expected a violent response for taking the initiative, and I submissively prepared for it. But none was forthcoming.

I imagined I was on the block kneeling before him. I could not stop myself. I took him into my mouth and sucked him into full hardness as I had done so many times before with father. After all, the headsman deserved the very best from the condemned.

He climbed on top of me and penetrated me. I gasped as he filled me. “So beautiful,” he panted again as he thrust harder until I shamefully cried out my climax.

I felt it the moment he filled me with his seed. When he got soft and pulled out, I dutifully hardened him back up with my mouth. I could not get enough as I knew his axe was beckoning me. I would soon be in no position to experience any of this.

I felt shame I was receiving such pleasure from him. So I begged him to be rough with me as was my due. He put me on my hands and knees and plunged violently into me from behind. I did not deserve the pleasure I experienced.

At the very last he penetrated me anally. It was a deserving treatment, but I still cried out with pleasure. Then he was done with me.

He handed me my robe, and I put it back on. Then he took me back to my cell. He left me there to remain until he came to fetch me for my execution. All I heard from his lips were the words “so beautiful” as he locked me away in the dark.

Alone in the cell, I felt a heavy sadness over my crimes. The faint odor of mother was strongest in a corner, and I went there and shed bitter tears. I did not deserve the pleasures I had received. But at least the headsman had been well paid for his services.

It was still pitch black when the light of his torch arrived ahead of him to announce my impending beheading. He came for me and opened the cell. Then he tied my wrists behind my back.

He led me out into the sunlight, causing me to blink as my eyes tried to adjust. At that moment I felt the most sadness. The aroma of mother was now gone forever.

I heard the crowd gathering at the public square before we arrived. My heart quickened as I felt a wetness between my legs. I had wondered what this moment might be like. Now I no longer had to imagine it.

I felt a great arousal as he led me up the steps to the public scaffold. The crowd seemed even larger this time. They cheered my impending death, and I shivered with fear and excitement.

He ripped the robe off my body, and the crowd cheered even more. My breath caught in my throat as my flesh was exposed for all to see. I looked down to see his member was hard again behind the loincloth. It made me wet, and my mouth watered as I trembled from a perverse excitement.

He forced me to my knees as the crowd cried out for blood. Then he thrust his member between my lips. I hungrily sucked him down, taking my final pleasure with his member in my mouth. Besides, I would not deprive him of a worthy payment for the beheading of such a treacherous harlot.

I felt him swell in my mouth. I moaned with both fear and arousal, knowing it meant my death once I received his seed. Then he was spurting into my mouth before pulling out.

I got some in my eye and on my cheeks as the crowd cheered his release. Then I was dragged over to the block. I wet myself the moment he stretched my neck out to receive the blade.

I stared outward at all those hateful faces clamoring for my beheading. I felt an intense excitement like never before as I stiffened with anticipation. Then I felt a sharp pain through the back of my neck.

My world tumbled before I saw everything sideways. There was loud cheering. Sadly I no longer felt anything below my neck, least of all the pleasure I had previously experienced.

I was lifted up until I saw the face of the headsman. I had never noticed before until now. He had mother’s eyes.

I was turned until I was facing all those cheering people. My vision grew dim as I felt myself being flung into the air. I could no longer see, but I was able to feel hands on my cheeks as a male voice declared, “She’s mine!” A nearby female voice observed, “She’s so beautiful.” Then I was aware of nothing at all…

© 2017 (written for Hitomi Aug 29 ’17 by riwa)

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The end of Jikoseiai and Hitomi 4 (3)


The first time I killed, I was selling my body. Our coupling in the hut was pleasant enough. He filled me with his seed while bringing me much pleasure.

There was just one thing. He had valuables I wished to acquire. There was only one way to obtain them.

As he lay on the bedding, I smiled at him as I rose up. “I have something special for you.”

He asked, “What could be more special than your body? I say we go again.”

“I say we don’t,” I told him evenly as I retrieved my hidden dagger.

Before he could move I pounced upon him. One quick slice of the throat and he was bleeding out. He had a look of surprise in his expression.

I watched as his body hitched and shuddered. His life bubbled out of the wound in his throat. Then his soul departed. I saw it leave the moment life faded from his eyes.

I stared for the longest time. There was something about the way his soul left his body that intoxicated me. Then I gathered up my clothes along with his valuables.

When I was dressed I checked to make sure there was no one watching. Then I slipped away. I did not mourn him, nor did I regret my actions. Sex was sex. There would always be another.


I emerged out of my mother’s womb and was wrapped in a blanket. Then I was placed in her arms. She looked at me and sadly shook her head.

“A daughter. I have a daughter. She cannot claim the throne. I must have a male heir.”

When father saw me, his sentiments were exactly the same. He also wanted a male heir. Now they would have to try again.

Throughout my formative years I always sought their approval. But they had a son two years after I was born. They showered their attention on him. I was all but forgotten.

At times I bullied him. I was punished many times for it. Mother always took his side.

I often ran away from home. Each time I was found and returned. My punishment was always swift and severe.

Brother taunted me. He made the most of his favor with our parents. All I wanted was love and approval. Eventually I learned to despise him.


I came across three bandits on the road. They wanted to have their way with me. I was feeling particularly horny, so I allowed it.

I took one into my mouth. The other two used my other holes. For another woman it would have been humiliating. I merely felt this as a way to be sexually satisfied. So I willingly succumbed.

I did not care if they abused me. I did not mind their seed splattering my face and body. I achieved pleasure being violated in such a manner.

They commented about the scar going up from my navel to my right breast. I said it was a mishap with my brother. They laughed at me, wondering how I had angered him so to receive such a wound.

Afterwards I was forced onto my knees. They all wanted to go again. I used my mouth and hands to get them all nice and hard.

During a moment of weakness on their part I jumped up and lunged for my katana. With a flurry of slashes I dispatched all three. Watching them die was intoxicating.

One still had an erection as he lay mortally wounded. I climbed aboard and impaled myself upon his twitching member. Then I rode him as he bled out.

He looked up at me with shock and agony in his expression. Then he spurted inside me as his soul departed. I saw his eyes become lifeless. Then I experienced the pleasure of orgasm.


I decided it was time to do something significant to earn my parents approval. So I took up the art of war. I learned to use the dagger and the Katana.

As a female, my skills were somewhat lacking. But I was determined to better myself. I practiced until I became adept at the use of the blade.

My brother saw me and became jealous, though there was no need for it. So he took up the katana as well. Mother and father gushed praise after praise upon him while my own skills were observed without comment.

He thought himself quite the warrior. Indeed, he displayed much ability. But I had skills too.

I entered some contests and won. Brother’s jealousy increased. He entered contests as well, but he did not meet with the same success. Males were judged differently. Perhaps he blamed me for that.

The day came when we were out in the fields. Brother was angry and challenged me to a duel. He had injured others in his previous outbursts. So I knew he would give me no quarter.

I asked him not to do this. But he unsheathed his katana in challenge. I unsheathed mine in response.

Soon we were at it. I blocked his thrusts as we went back and forth. His skills had much improved.

He did not stop as we continued the duel. I finally thought I had proved myself and asked him to end the contest. He just launched himself at me in rising fury.

His skills were such that I momentarily let my guard down. Had I not jumped back, it would have been much worse. Still, he left a bloody line that went from just below my breast down to my stomach.

We paused for a moment. I looked at him calmly as I clutched my side, blood trickling through my fingers. Then I asked him, “Is this the way it is to be?”

He raised his sword. “Prepare to defend yourself, Jikoseiai.”

I nodded… “Very well.”

He attacked with everything he had. I was slowly driven back. Then I caught him at a brief moment of exposure as he extended himself too far.

His katana went flying. His hand went with it. He fell to the ground clutching his bleeding stump.

“I’ll kill you!” he roared.

“Brother, you gave me no choice.” Then I unwrapped a part of my garment to tend to his wound.”

“Leave me alone! I don’t need your help! Mother and father will be furious!”

I nodded. “Indeed they will.” And with that I turned and walked away, choosing not to look back. I left with nothing but the clothes on my back and my weapons of war in my possession.


They encountered me in my small camp just off the road. They were husband and wife, and they were armed. They wanted my possessions.

I was caught off guard. The male held me at bay with a spear to my throat while the female began collecting my belongings. “Those do not belong to you,” I said matter-of-factly.

“They do now,” the male sneered.

With a swift move I dislodged the spear out of his grasp. My katana quickly appeared in my hand. Two swift slashes later he lay dying.

The wife let out a cry as she turned to flee. Some of my belongings were still in her hands. My katana sang again.

Her head flew from her shoulders. She crumpled to the ground. I flew to her body and pounced.

I tore her garments away and groped her soft mounds. Then I feasted on her dripping womanhood. Her body was still hitching in her death throes.

I shuddered in pleasure. Then I picked up her head. I kissed her lips as her lifeless eyes stared back at me in horror.

I heard a little gasp, followed by a cry of alarm. I turned to see a young woman standing there trembling. I dove at her as I pulled a red, satin cord out of my tunic.

I pounced upon her, pinning her to the ground while wrapping the cord around her throat. Then I started to pull on the ends. She began to rasp for breath.

Her tongue protruded. I sucked on it, savoring its flavor. Then I pulled harder on the cord, intent on finishing her.

She tipped her head back as though offering her neck to me. I kissed and licked her throat. I was on the verge of killing her when something stopped me.

I loosened the cord from around her throat. She rasped for breath, rubbing her neck in surprise she could still breathe. “What is your name?” I asked.

“I am Hitomi.”

She looked at her dead companions. She did not show any emotion. “Friends of yours?” I queried, motioning at their bodies. “You have chosen poorly.”

“I was walking with them when they saw you. They told me to wait for them. I got close enough to observe what happened.”

“So you are with them?”

“Yes,” she said in resignation. Then she submissively lowered her head.

I thought about it before I leaned back on the ground. I exposed my womanhood to her. I was dripping with arousal from my exertions.

I looked her right in the eye. Then I demanded, “You will pleasure me.”

She nodded as she came close. She leaned her head in and began to kiss and lick. She was experienced in the art of pleasing a woman.

In no time at all she had me writhing. I cried out in ecstasy. I actually coated her face with my fluids.

When I was satisfied I threw her upon the ground where I proceeded to savagely maul her breasts. Then I exposed her dripping slit. I enjoyed a feast of my own until she mewled in orgasm.

I jumped upon her with the cord back in my hand. “I will take your life now,” I told her. Then I wrapped it around her neck.

I ground my pussy against hers as I strangled her. She tipped her head back and gave her throat to me. She did not resist.

I kissed her neck before sucking on her tongue as it came wriggling out between her lips. Her face turned red as I climaxed on top of her. But for some reason I stopped, right before her soul left her eyes.

I released her from the cord. She rasped and panted as she looked up at me in surprise. I told her, “I will take your life tomorrow.”

All she said in return was, “I will be here to give it to you.”


I was bathing naked in the river. The water was cool and refreshing. It felt good on my skin.

Four maidens appeared. They got naked and entered the water a short distance away. They left me alone, so I did not care.

I heard them giggling while talking amongst themselves. Then they came over to me. They laughed at the scar on my body. I told them beauty is more than unblemished skin.

They took offense and jumped me. I could have handled two… perhaps three. But four of them was one body too many.

They half drowned me before dragging me to shore. I was forced to pleasure them as they licked me in return. They heaped much abuse upon my head.

The oldest one seemed to be some sort of princess. She certainly acted like one. The others responded to her cruel suggestions.

My strength had not fully returned when she fell upon me with a red satin cord. She proceeded to strangle me with it as the others laughed. When my tongue protruded, she gleefully sucked on it as the others looked on.

With my remaining strength I threw her off. She tumbled and hit her head upon something. She did not move.

“You killed her!” one of the others cried out. They came after me, but I lunged for my Katana. I unsheathed it and slashed twice.

Two heads went flying. The third one turned to run. I grabbed the satin cord and chased her down.

I tackled her to the ground where I rolled her onto her back. Then I climbed on top of her. She struggled underneath me.

I wrapped the cord tightly around her neck and then strangled her with it. My anger caused me to mash our pussies together as I rode her. She rasped and gurgled as her fists beat upon me in vain.

Finally her arms weakly fell away. I watched her eyes as her soul departed. That’s when I shuddered in triumph and orgasm.

She lay still beneath me as I caught my breath. Then I detected movement. I whirled to see princess was alive, trying to rise to her feet.

I snatched up the satin cord and pounced on her. “You would take my life with this?” I challenged as I pinned her to the ground.

She looked up at me and screamed as I wrapped it around her throat. I slowly pulled on both ends. She struggled underneath me as her tongue protruded. I tenderly sucked on it, savoring the flavor.

Her eyes rolled as she went into agonal spasms. Then she lay still beneath me. I experienced the pleasure of the victorious as my body sang with aftershocks of pleasure.

I played with her dead breasts before feasting on her exposed womanhood. The taste of death was intoxicating. Then I got dressed, gathered my things and left. I chose to take her red satin cord with me as a keepsake.


Only the well-to-do could afford a carriage. That meant there were valuables involved. I waited until they approached.

I stepped out into the middle of the road, waving my arms. The male driver brought the carriage to a halt under the tree. It was the perfect place for an ambush.

As I approached, Hitomi fell out of the tree with dagger in hand. She fell upon the driver and quickly slit his throat. He had no chance.

I rushed over and threw open the door. There were two women inside. They appeared to be mother and daughter.

I climbed in and held them at bay with my katana. Hitomi took the reins and pulled the carriage off the road into a deep thicket. When we were sufficiently hidden, I ordered the women out. They were frightened out of their wits.

We secured the daughter first. We made her watch as I forced the mother to undress. Then I made her kneel upon the ground.

I ordered her to masturbate. She looked at her daughter with fear in her eyes as she started touching herself. It was incredibly arousing.

She was too frightened to climax. So I delivered her from any further humiliation. Her head went flying into the air.

Her daughter cried out in horror as I picked up the head and kissed the quivering lips. Hitomi began feasting on the headless woman’s crotch. Then I mauled the exposed breasts as her soul left her eyes. It was arousing beyond belief.

After we had satiated ourselves on her corpse, I turned to the daughter. We stripped her naked. Then Hitomi let the young woman rest her head in her lap as she lay on her back on the ground.

I began to feast on the daughter’s crotch as Hitomi pulled out the red, satin cord I’d given her. She wrapped it around the young woman’s neck and began to strangle her slowly. It made the daughter’s savory juices flow.

I feasted as the life was slowly strangled out of her. I watched as the soul fled her pupils. It made me shudder in pleasure.

Afterwards I made love to Hitomi. I feasted upon her breasts as we writhed together. When we were finished I panted for breath, fully satisfied.

I looked at her and thought about it for a long moment. Then I spoke. “I should take your life now.”

In response she offered me her throat. I grabbed it and squeezed with my fingers. She began to shudder in my grasp until I let go.

She panted for breath as she looked at me. I told her, “I will take your life tomorrow.”

All she said in return was, “I will be here to give it to you.” I’d said it so many times that she no longer believed me. Still, I think she actually wanted me to take it.


In the morning she was still there. She had not run away from my slaughter of the husband and wife. I found that odd.

I instructed her to remove her garments. She did as I requested without hesitation. “On your knees, Hitomi!”

She moved to comply. “Masturbate!” I demanded with sadistic cruelty. She reached down to touch herself.

I unsheathed my katana and got ready to strike. It was intoxicating to watch her. Still, I prepared myself to sever her head from her body.

She panted for breath as she fingered herself… harder and harder. She was quite beautiful. I did not know her background, nor did I ask. But she had seen my work and could not live to tell the tale.

I prepared to swing as she panted like crazy. Then she let out a guttural cry as she orgasmed. My katana swung through the air.

There was a whooshing sound. Hitomi flinched. Then I sheathed my blade.

She looked at me strangely before I leaned down and kissed her lips. Was she grateful I had spared her? Or was she disappointed?

I walked away with the possessions of the two I had slain the previous day. For some reason I had decided to allow Hitomi to live. I could not bring myself to destroy such beauty.

I do not know how far I walked when I sensed a presence behind me. I whirled as I reached for my katana. Hitomi stopped behind me and bowed low.

I looked at her curiously. Then I turned and kept going. I heard more footsteps behind me.

I turned to look. She was still there. Apparently I had picked up a straggler.


They set upon us without warning. I sensed the danger a little too late. Then they were on us.

There were six of them as they grabbed us, making it impossible for me to reach my weapons. They stripped us and had sex with us. I lost myself as I gave in to their lusts.

I looked to see Hitomi was also lost in lust. She did not care what they did to her. But I could tell she received pleasure by their savage hands.

I waited until they were at a weak point. Their cocks were out as they sought a second pleasuring. That’s when I made my move.

I sprang to my feet and pounced on my katana. My blade sang as bodies fell. Two heads rolled.

To my surprise Hitomi had also taken action. One of the bandits had a knife stuck in his chest. There was a look of surprise in his features.

“Now we shall take our pleasure,” I told her as I climbed onto the nearest cock still erect. She found one as well.

We both rode those organs until we received pleasure. I watched with excitement as the eyes of my victim faded when his soul departed. It never ceased to thrill me.

When we were done I took up my katana. It was time. I ordered Hitomi to her knees.

I told her to masturbate. She dutifully began rubbing herself. She moaned and panted as though anxious to achieve orgasm before my blade sang.

I got ready to deliver the fatal slash. But this time I could not even swing it. I was overcome by her beauty as I witnessed what she believed to be her last search for pleasure.

I watched with longing as she climaxed. Then I fell upon her and ravaged her until we were both breathless. Afterwards I told her, “I will take your life tomorrow.”

All she said in return was, “I will be here to give it to you.”


One witness had been left behind during one of our murderous encounters. And one was all it took. Soon we were ambushed and taken captive.

I knew my life was not long for this world. Hitomi’s was short simply for taking up with me. I almost felt bad for her, but I could not. Life had turned my heart to stone.

We were incarcerated. There was no trial. I would have been bored anyway if there would have been.

I was surprised when we had a visitor to our cell. It was my brother. He had become regent of the surrounding area. Missing his hand meant he could not rise any higher politically. I almost smirked.

“Jikoseiai? I should have known it was you.”

I peered at him with a trace of amusement. “I see life has treated you well despite the lack of a hand, brother.”

“No thanks to you.”

“It was you who challenged me, remember? It was you who left me this scar.” Then I opened my garment and showed it to him. Hitomi gave me a look as though it all made sense to her now.

He showed no emotion or remorse. “I should have killed you back then.”

“Now you will succeed in having me killed. Will it be by your own hand?” I almost smiled as I looked at his right arm.

The retort landed. He glared angrily at me. Hitomi observed us without saying a word.

“So I am no longer for this world. That should please mother and father.”

“Mother and father are dead.”

“A pity they cannot see me die. I’m sure it would have done them good.”

“You will hang with your lover in the morning.”


I looked at Hitomi for a long moment. I was going to correct him over his error. But I chose not to. She was as close to a lover as I was ever going to have, as close as I probably deserved.

Brother left us alone. I looked at Hitomi for a long moment. Then I started kissing her.

She offered me her neck. I squeezed hard with my fingers, enjoying the way her juices flowed. When I released her she gasped for breath before telling me, “You make take my life for your pleasure.”

I smiled knowingly at her. “I will take your life tomorrow.”

All she said in return was, “I will be here to give it to you.”

Oh, the irony. Tomorrow we would both be giving up our lives.

11 (Conclusion)

In the morning we were led out naked. A large crowd had gathered to witness the blessed event. I’m sure they were happy to have a bandit such as myself off the highways.

There were two nooses on the gallows. The ropes looked quite thick. I suspected we were going to suffer long and hard.

Hitomi sought to speak to the executioner in private. I saw her whisper something into his ear. He looked at her and then me with amusement. “It will be done,” he said quietly.

As she drew closer I softly asked, “What was that all about?”

“I made a last request.”

“As long as I’ve known you, you have never asked for anything.”

“I did not ask it of you. I asked it only of him.”

I nodded in understanding. “I am interested to see this ‘last request’.”

We were noosed side by side. To my surprise our arms were untied. Then we were made to face each other.

I lifted my eyes with amusement as her wrists were tied behind my back. Then my wrists were tied behind hers. We were now noosed together in a lover’s embrace. Whatever happened to me would also happen to her.

I saw the question in her eyes. “I approve” was all I said. There was a hint of a smile in her features. It was the first time I had ever seen her face like that.

“I will take your life now,” I murmured to her.

“I freely give it to you,” she whispered back.

There was no fanfare, not for a couple of criminals the likes of us. The lever was pulled and we simply dropped. But we did not drop far enough to break our necks.

The noose tightened dramatically around my throat. I saw Hitomi rasp and gurgle in hers. Even with my approaching death, seeing her strangle was beyond arousing.

She grunted as she pressed her lips to mine. I kissed her back as my legs began to kick. Then we entered our dance of suffering.

We violently humped each other as our nooses choked the life out of us. She kissed me harder as I returned it with a violence of my own. Our breasts mashed together as we pounded our pussies.

The crowd laughed and jeered at such a fine spectacle. I should have been humiliated. But I did not care.

Even in death Hitomi was still trying to give me her life. As my final act of love to her I tried to accept it. I sucked on her tongue as our bodies gyrated while humping hard against each other.

The roar of the crowd intensified. We were giving them a grand show. But neither of us cared.

I lost all control of my motor functions. But my body seemed to understand my greatest desire. Our pussies relentlessly pounded against each other until I was rewarded with a grunt as Hitomi squirted her pleasure. It sent me over the edge as I humped out an orgasm of my own.

I do not know how long we suffered. It felt like an eternity. My chest burned with fire as I tried to pull the smallest of breaths into my body.

Somehow our lips remained together. Hitomi’s bladder released as she finally gave up her life to me, something she had been trying to do ever since I’d met her. It was so special that a single tear trickled down my cheek. Then I gave up my life for her as my own bladder released.

The two of us swayed together, our lips mashed against each other. Our pussies dripped from our final union. Then our souls soared into the skies, joined forever in the hell we both had earned for ourselves…

2019 (written for Jikoseiai and Hitomi Aug 11 ’19 by riwa)

(Inspired by the drawing I found in Jikoseiai’s photo album.)

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Miss Woodcock – dangling participles 4.4 (13)

My name is Miss Woodcock – Anita Woodcock. Yes, I know how it sounds. But since I’m attractive I’ve made it work for me.

I teach remedial English at City College, home of Pi Omicron Ro Nu. So I know all about what goes on there. And yes, I get my fair share of “woodcock” jokes, innuendo… and of course the real thing, if you get my meaning.

You’d be surprised how many kids start college with a failing knowledge of English. My task is to train these young men and woman to be able to read and write where their primary school has failed them. I consider myself quite good at my job.

In college I’m allowed to use any incentive I can think of to get these kids to pass. Yes, that means I sometimes use my body. But it also means some of these kids don’t survive. And for that I’m allowed to see to most of those executions myself.

It’s amazing how some of these kids don’t know the first thing about English coming out of high school. It’s even more amazing considering how some of these girls want to get jobs as secretaries. Personally I think they’re hoping their only assignment will be to fetch coffee before blowing the boss. And even that could be an iffy proposition.

I can still remember Deidra Scroggins in my remedial English class at City U. She was a well-built blonde bimbo. But I learned her senior class in Dolcett High voted her “the girl most likely to get herself hanged”.

Her command of the English language only extended as far as her ability to recognize the keys on a keyboard. She couldn’t type worth a damn. And she couldn’t differentiate her adjectives from her adverbs.

She wanted to become a university teacher. I suspect it was because she hoped to be able to fuck her students in order to give them a passing grade. She certainly loved fucking.

I did everything I could to teach her a working knowledge of the English language. I did manage to teach her the difference between a noun and a verb. That’s probably because she knew “cocks” and “pussies” were nouns and “suck” and fuck” were verbs.

One day I reached my wit’s end with this girl. It was the day I passed out another pop quiz. It was a quiz on dangling participles.

I quickly scored them, determined to pass them back before class was over to assess my student’s grasp of the subject. Deidra Scroggins – Dee-dee to everyone who knew her – got only one answer right…and I think she mostly blundered into that one. It was time to do something drastic.

I sent my favorite student Dick McButters to go fetch the Porta-Hang. It was a device on loan to the University. He brought it back a few minutes later, causing the class to “ooh” and “aah” at the sight of it.

It reminded me of a pallet jack, a mechanism that slides under the slats of a heavy wooden pallet or stack of pallets in order to lift them up and move them around. It has a long metal handle attached to a heavy center to counter the added weight of the individual to be hanged. The executioner pumps the handle to hydraulically raise a thick, metal pole with an extension on top. A noose dangles from the extension.

I’d become familiar with how it worked earlier that morning. That’s when I’d thought of my most difficult student. I suppose that’s what gave me the idea to teach “Ditzy Dee-Dee”, as some called her, a lesson that would stay with her for the rest of her life.

I parked the Porta-hang in front of the chalkboard. Then I passed back the quiz papers. When everyone had gotten a chance to see his or her score I summoned Dee-Dee to come to the front of the room.

I made her stand in front of the Porta-hang right next to the dangling noose. All eyes settled upon her, and for good reason. She was wearing a tight red sweater stretched over large, protruding tits. A very short, black skirt and fuck-me heels completed the ensemble. I believe the expression is “…built like a brick wall and ready to fuck”.

I announced to the class we were going to focus on dangling participles for the rest of the period, being as how many had not done well with the quiz. I explained that Dee-Dee was going to help us out. She got excited at the thought she was going to be the center of all that attention.

To this day I firmly believe she was using the opportunity to scope out who she planned on fucking later that night. She seemed to have a hard time focusing on the lesson. She probably liked being the center of attention without applying much learning to that noggin of hers.

I explained that a dangling participle is a modifier that doesn’t seem to modify anything. It occurs when the word being modified is either left out of the sentence or isn’t located near the modifier. Put another way, a dangling participle is a modifier in search of a word to modify.

I smiled as I told Dee-Dee, “Driving like a maniac, the deer was hit and killed.” Then I asked her if that sentence had a problem. She told me no because “her uncle drives like a maniac and has wrecked three cars by hitting deer”.

She grinned the moment everyone laughed, further confirming her desire to be the attention-whore of the room. I gave her a polite chuckle, determined to be as patient with her as possible. Then I asked, “Class, what’s wrong with that sentence?”

Beverly Sparks, one of my brighter students, laughed as she said, “Miss Woodcock, it sounds like the deer was the one driving like a maniac.”

“That’s correct, Beverly. That’s what is known as a dangling participle. The phrase ‘driving like a maniac’ is supposed to modify what comes after it. But it sounds like it is referring to the deer and not someone who must have hit that deer.”

I told Dee-Dee she’d gotten it wrong and had to remove an article of clothing. She happily shed her sweater. I should have known she wasn’t wearing anything underneath. She got whistles and catcalls over her large tits which made her grin like an idiot.

I went on to explain that a participle is a verb that describes a continuous action, such as eating, drinking or walking. Miss Scroggins promptly added, “Or fucking, Miss Woodcock?”

“You got that one right, Dee-Dee.” The class laughed again as she beamed from ear to ear.

“A participle is a phrase, like a sentence fragment, that cannot stand on its own. It is used to modify the subject of a sentence. In our last example, ‘driving like a maniac’ was meant to modify the driver who ended up hitting a deer as a result of his behavior.”

I paused, wondering how many of my students were still struggling to understand. Then I told my clueless student, “Now how about this one, Dee-Dee? ‘Fucking like a whore, the dress quickly came off.’”

“But that’s how I always fuck, Miss Woodcock… without any clothes!”

The class laughed again. Dick blurted out that he didn’t know dresses could fuck. He said he wondered if maybe Dee-Dee was a kinky dress. That made the class laugh again.

For getting it wrong Dee-Dee was forced to remove another article of clothing. Her skirt came off, revealing a soaked thong. If you ask me, I think the kinky bitch was always in some sort of aroused state. All those eyes upon her must have turned her on even more.

“Dangling participles are participles that are not placed next to the nouns they modify, causing a lot of confusion to the reader. It can also result in some unintentionally hilarious grammatical errors. Miss Scroggins, can you come up with a dangling participle in a sentence for the class?”

“Jimmy Norton had me dangle from a noose just last week, Miss Woodcock.”

“That’s not a dangling participle, Dee-Dee. So why don’t you remove those heels for us?”

I don’t know whether or not she deliberately got it wrong. It’s possible she simply wanted to continue undressing in front of everybody. But I suspect she was mostly dumb as a post, unable to truly comprehend the concept of dangling participles.

She gleefully kicked her heels into the chairs, nearly hitting Carl Obergrun. The class laughed again. Carl snatched them up, acting like he wanted to keep them.

“Can anyone come up with a dangling participle in a sentence for Miss Scroggins here?”

Coralee Farnsworth blurted out, “Dangling from the noose, the shoes went flying.” The class laughed again.

“Very good, Coralee. Dee-Dee, how would you change the sentence so it no longer contains a dangling participle?”

She grinned as she giggled, “ ‘Dangling from the noose, my heels went flying and hit Carl Obergrun right on the noggin.’ ” The class laughed again.

“Can anyone help Miss Scroggins on this one?”

“Dangling from the noose, Dee-Dee kicked until her shoes went flying across the classroom.”

“Very good, Mr. McButters.” The class applauded, although Olivia DeFlasio scowled before muttering, “Teacher’s pet.”

I frowned at the student who’d made the comment. “Miss DeFlasio, would you care to give us another example for Miss Scroggins here to correct?”

The young brunette thought about it for a moment. Then she smiled. “Shooting to hit her in the heart, the arrow hit her in the crotch instead.”

“That’s not bad. Miss Scroggins, can you fix the sentence so it no longer contains the dangling participle?”

She defiantly retorted, “Shooting to hit me in the heart, the arrow missed me completely.”

I sighed wearily. “Class? Anyone?”

“Arrows are shot, Miss Woodcock. They don’t ‘shoot’. So I would make it say, ‘I was shooting to hit her in the heart, but the arrow missed her completely’.”

“Very good, Beverly. Miss Scroggins, it seems you owe us your last article of clothing.”

She proudly danced and gyrated to whoops and hollers before pulling her wet thong off. She grinned as she twirled it around in the air. Then she sling-shotted it in the direction of Carl who happily snatched it out of mid-air.

“Class, it seems our nude Miss Scroggins here has not yet figured out what a dangling participle is and how it affects a sentence. Would anyone care to submit another example?”

An attractive co-ed raised her hand. “Yes, Miss Jennings?”

“Kicking in the noose like crazy, her piss dribbled down her legs.”

I liked the way the class was sticking to the theme of hanging. I smiled as I turned to our naked student. “Miss Scroggins, would you care to fix Norma’s sentence?”

“Hanging from the noose, her piss squirted onto the floor?”

“No, Miss Scroggins. That did not fix it at all.”

“But it’s true, Miss Woodcock! Piss can really flow out onto the floor when a person is hanging. Sometimes the woman even squirts from an orgasm!”

“We’re trying to fix a sentence with a dangling participle here, Dee-Dee.”

“Well, you can’t fix a bladder when you’ve had too much to drink and you get pulled up into the air.”

Jerome Cummings called out, “Speaking from experience, Dee-Dee?” The class laughed again.

Miss Jennings fixed her own sentence. “Kicking in the noose like crazy, Dee-Dee struggled until her bladder gave way, causing her to piss herself.”

“That’s much better, Norma.”

“No it’s not!” Dee-Dee blurted out indignantly. “It’s embarrassing to piss yourself!”

“You got it wrong, Miss Scroggins. Please grab the noose and loop it around your neck. Besides, it certainly sounds as though you’ve done this sort of thing many times before.”

“Ok, Miss Woodcock.”

She didn’t seem the least bit alarmed, especially since she was still getting all that attention. She didn’t even sound unhappy she was getting things wrong. Instead, she happily looped the coil around her throat before grinning stupidly at everyone.

“This is very educational,” I observed, winking at my students. “I think you’re being a help to the class, Miss Scroggins.”

“Of course I am. See?” Then she spread her arms and legs, proudly showing off her goodies. Her nipples were fully erect as her cleanly shaved snatch glistened from her arousal.

“Anybody got another sentence for Miss Scroggins here to try to fix?”

“After taking a mouthful of cum, I proudly showed off my favorite slut.” That was Carl Obergrun, proud of the fact he now had Dee-Dee’s heels and thong. He’d actually come up with a good one.

Dee-Dee looked at him and smiled. She thought about if for a second. Then she said, “After taking a mouthful of cum, Carl was so proud of me.” I think she’d just decided who her booty-call was going to be for the night.

I looked at my naked student and smiled. Then I calmly asked, “Does that mean Carl’s the one taking the mouthful of cum?”

Miss Scroggins looked at me as though perplexed. The class laughed out loud. “Depends on if he’s gay!” one of the girls called out. The class laughed again.

“How about this?” Norma suggested. “ ‘After taking a mouthful of cum, Dee-Dee stood up as Carl pointed her out to everybody, telling them she was his favorite slut.’ ”

“That’s much better, Miss Jennings. Thank you.”

“Well it would be if he would ever let me suck his cock,” Dee-Dee replied indignantly. The class laughed again.

“It seems you’re not very good at this, Miss Scroggins. I think we should make your participation in this demonstration a little more interesting. Carl, would you be so kind as to go up and attach Dee-Dee’s wrists to her ankles?”

“Sure thing, Miss Woodcock.”

Everyone seemed to lean forward to watch as Carl got up from his chair. He went over and retrieved a couple of sets of black, leather cuffs from my punishment box that sat on a little table in the corner of the room. Then he headed over to Deidra Scroggins standing with the noose draped around her neck.

Dee-Dee looked at him for a long moment before smiling. She was forced to get down onto her knees. Carl made sure she had enough slack to accomplish her task.

She willingly stretched her arms behind her back toward her ankles, all the while giving Carl the glad-eye. That indicated she’d probably done this before, especially the bondage part. I suspected a lot of my students had engaged in some form of bondage.

Deidra continued to act as though fully anticipating a little noose suspension before class was over. Carl dutifully secured her right wrist to her right ankle as she made lustful eyes at him. Then he secured her left wrist to her left ankle.

She grinned at him after he was finished, licking her lips while giving him a “come hither” look. Her legs were spread as she knelt in place. Her nipples were fully engorged, her pussy dripping.

I walked over to the Porta-hang and pumped the handle. I took most of the slack out of the rope until she could feel just a little tension. Then I calmly asked her, “Shall we try this one last time, Miss Scroggins?”

“Anything you want, Miss Woodcock!” She sounded eager as she grinned at the entire class.

She looked at me as though half-expecting to be suspended in air for a few moments. She seemed more than willing. Every cock in the room was no doubt straining at the sight of her predicament. I wondered how many pussies longed to be in her place.

Her lack of concern over the possibility of being hanged annoyed the shit out of me. Hell, she even acted enthusiastic about it. Maybe it was the attention-whore in her. Or maybe she thought she would only be suspended for a few moments.

I was starting to like the idea of taking her up into the air and making her suffer. I could feel my nipples harden under my blouse and jacket. So I looked at the class and asked, “Does anyone else have a sentence containing a dangling participle for Miss Scroggins here to try and fix? Yes, Beverly?”

“I smelled fish coming downstairs for dinner.”

“That’s a good one. Miss Scroggins, can you fix that sentence so it sounds better?”

“Fish? I don’t like fish, Miss Woodcock. Now oysters, maybe…”

The class laughed as she grinned again. Stupid attention-whore. Didn’t she understand I held her life in my grasp of the handle to the Porta-hang??

“The sentence, Miss Scroggins. Would you please fix the sentence for us?”

“I heard mom cooking fish coming downstairs for dinner.”


Jerome Cummings blurted out, “How can you cook a fish if it’s coming downstairs for dinner? I didn’t know fish could walk.” The class laughed again.

Beverly grinned as she replied, “I smelled mom cooking fish as I was coming downstairs for dinner.” I think she wanted to see Dee-Dee strangling naked in the noose every bit as much as I did.

“Very good, Miss Sparks. Miss Scroggins, it seems as though you still haven’t mastered the fine art of fixing dangling participles. Let’s see if you can master dangling from a noose.” Then I pumped the handle a few times.

The metal pole rose up, lifting the extension with the nylon rope. Dee-Dee was lifted up until her knees were no longer touching the floor. Her eyes bugged out as she let out a “GAWK!” Then she began to wriggle a little.

“Don’t fight the noose, honey. If you do, it will only tighten. You wouldn’t want that to happen now, would you?”

I smiled as I turned and addressed the class. “We had three gentlemen complete the pop quiz with perfect scores. Therefore I’m going to allow you three to come up one by one and remind Dee-Dee of the lesson she should have learned about dangling participles. You may feel free to “dangle your cocks”, so to speak, before using her cunt. Mr. McButters, I believe you’ll be going first.”

“Teacher’s pet,” Olivia muttered again under her breath.

I eyed her dangerously before telling her, “He aced the quiz, Miss DeFlasio. You didn’t.”

Dick rushed up and eagerly unzipped his fly. I cranked the handle to the Porta-hang until Dee-Dee’s cunt was level with his cock. Then he thrust hard inside her dripping snatch and started fucking her.

I stood close by and caressed her mounds as he thrust up into her. I fingered her nipples as she struggled to breathe. Dick gave her a good shafting as the class cheered him on.

He lasted five minutes before he emptied his load inside her, causing it to leak out of her cunt. Somehow Miss Scroggins managed to take it in stride despite her breathlessness, even appearing to enjoy herself. I noticed some of the girls in class fingering themselves. A couple of guys were rubbing their bulges.

“Mr. Atkins, you’re next. You also aced the quiz. So you might as well come on up and help yourself.”

Phillip Atkins got out of his chair and eagerly rushed forward. I think he wanted to fuck Ditzy Dee-Dee while she was still alive in the Porta-hang. He quickly unzipped, pulled his cock out and then really gave it to her good.

Deidra rasped and gurgled as he fucked her while I occasionally groped one of her breasts. Being fucked lifted her body upward a little, at least enough to somewhat ease the strain on her neck. But I could tell she was suffering. That’s when she began giving me glances as though silently asking how much longer before I let her down.

Phillip lasted a good eight minutes before he shot his load inside her. He looked at me regretfully as he told me, “She was clenching too much, Miss Woodcock. I couldn’t hold back.”

“Quite all right, Mr. Atkins. I take it you learned about dangling participles?” He nodded before he went back to his chair.”

“Mr. Obergrun? I believe you’re the only other male to get a perfect score on our quiz. Come on up.”

Carl grinned as he eagerly got out of his seat. I heard a couple of the guys mutter, “Lucky bastard.” I simply smiled as I told them, “Gentlemen, it pays to pay attention in my class.”

Carl came up and revealed his erection to one and all. It was a piece of meat I one day hoped to experience for myself. I made a mental note to think of some way to reward Mr. Obergrun someday after school.

He really gave Dee-Dee a good, hard shafting as she dangled from the noose. I smiled as I told him to enjoy himself. I even suggested he should add a little more tension to the rope if it would make her cunt clench for him.

He pulled down on her as he fucked her good and hard. With her wrists cuffed to her ankles, her legs were parted in such a way as to make it easy to fuck her. I think he appreciated the way I’d arranged her special demonstration on dangling participles.

I heard “oohs” and “aahs” from my class as he gave it to her good. Several females openly masturbated. A couple of the males had actually taken their cocks out to stroke.

It wasn’t long until Dee-Dee’s face began to turn red. She wasn’t going to survive if I didn’t take her down soon. But I’d already made my decision.

It took him a good fifteen minutes before emptying his balls inside her. By then she was thoroughly strangled. It was erotic as hell.

He zipped up and returned to his seat. I smiled as I faced the class. “Now it’s the ladies’ turn. Miss Farnsworth? I believe you got a perfect score on the quiz.”

“Can I use a toy, Miss Woodcock?”


Coralee went over to the punishment box and picked a big dildo that had rubber spikes on it. Then she brought it over. I operated the Porta-hang, bringing it to a level she was comfortable with as she dropped to her knees.

She forced the toy hard up Dee-Dee’s cunt. The ditzy woman jerked and gurgled. Then Coralee began licking and sucking on the strangled bitch’s swollen nub as she ravaged her snatch with the dildo.

Deidra’s struggles began to lessen. Coralee fucked a massive orgasm right out of her quivering cunt. I know because the poor thing squirted her climax all over, drenching Miss Farnsworth while causing the class to laugh out loud.

Next it was Norma Jennings’ turn. She came up and took the toy from Coralee. But she forced it hard up Dee-Dee’s ass as she licked, nibbled and bit on that clueless girl’s clit.

By now Deidra Scroggins was no doubt wishing she would have paid a lot more attention to my class. She was barely breathing, her face a deep shade of red. Norma wasn’t the least bit gentle on her. Girls can be like that when it comes to abusing other bitches.

When she was done it was Beverly’s turn. She matter-of-factly told me, “I like ‘em when they’re dead, Miss Woodcock.”

“You have my permission, Miss Sparks.” Dee-Dee’s eyes widened a little in alarm, although by now she was barely with us.

I lifted Dee-Dee up a little higher. Then my eager student jumped up and grabbed onto the body, adding her weight to ditzy Deidra’s. The poor thing went into spasms before we all heard a little crick from her neck.

Dee-Dee’s bladder quickly gave way. But Beverly didn’t care. That’s when she dove in and started lapping up all that fluid dripping out, feasting and moaning like a bitch in heat.

The bell sounded; class was over. I allowed any students who didn’t have another class to stay behind and enjoy Miss Scroggins. Meanwhile I just sat at my desk and went through some papers.

A half hour went by before the remaining students finished. Soon I was left alone with Deidra Scroggins. I went up to her and appreciatively caressed her all over. Then I wheeled her out into the hall and left her there. I wanted to make sure any students who might be curious about the Porta-hang would get a chance to see it in use. She stayed there until classes were over and the janitor went through the building that night.

(Below is an illustration of the Porta-hang, rendered by C. Mike Hunt.)

2019 (written Jun 23 ’19 by riwa)

(Inspired by an idea by C. Mike Hunt.)

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Patreon and Riwas Reads updates 4 (1)

Riwa’s Stories at Patreon

Coming January rewards

More of the Island of death row inmates.
The fourth chapter to the club story A Night to Remember.
Iron maiden on New Year’s Eve
Neptune’s wench
Underwater suffocation
Last thoughts before a hanging
Bathtub punishment
Luring a French maid to a hanging

November stories/rewards will fall off at the end of December to make room for January rewards.

It’s been a year of change and adjustments for me. The good part is that I get to see mom more often. We found a Chinese Buffet restaurant open on Christmas and enjoyed ourselves. Then we went for a drive and did some sight-seeing. As a present, I gave her my 32” TV I was not using. She was thrilled.

Thank you so very much for being my patrons. I hope you had a very Merry Christmas. Have a happy New Year, and I’ll see you in January.

Riwa’s Reads updates

Scuba Combo (reactivated 12-5-19)

21249 words – $6.50

From the keyboard of Richard “Riwa” Shepard comes two reposted older scuba stories.

Practical Joke – Cassandra and Emily are friends and roommates who enjoy scuba diving together. After a recent hurricane they go out searching for fresh shipwrecks to explore. But when they come across a most unusual wreck, Cassandra’s penchant for pulling practical jokes puts both their lives in danger. (17 pages)

Julie and Rachel – Julie and Rachel are friends who enjoy scuba diving together. One night they get together over at Rachel’s home where her basement contains a pool nearly 18 feet deep, perfect for scuba diving. But something happens during their dive, and the two normally reserved females find themselves in a situation where inhibitions begin falling away one by one. (5 chapters; 24 pages)

JP Combo II (reactivated 12-5-19)

18220 words – $6.00

From the keyboard of Richard “Riwa” Shepard comes a couple of older reposted stories illustrated by JustPaul.

Michelle’s training – A tale that could be considered the prequel to the Sore Loser stories. Imelda and Rosie decide to train the new girl by testing her lungs in a special tank down in the basement. What Michelle doesn’t know is that she’s going to find herself taking part in their very special initiation. (14 pages; 11 renders)

Closed for the season – Emma is asked to close the pool for the season for the widow she cleans house for. But she brings her wetsuit along, planning for a discreet little play while the woman is gone. However the widow returns to catch her in the act. Now the widow Cuthbert is about to take advantage of the situation by enjoying herself at Emma’s expense. (41 pages; 18 renders)

Men underwater bundle II (reactivated 12-5-19)

11737 words – $5.00

From the keyboard of Richard “Riwa” Shepard. If you like your men wet and wild underwater, this reposted bundle should serve your needs well.

A male encounter at the pool – I encounter a male lap-swimmer at the pool who becomes fascinated by my breath-holding tactics. He comes over to watch, but he cannot seem to leave my bulge alone. There is more breath-holding as things become a little more sexual. (11 pages)

Our bisexual next-door neighbor – During an unexpected visit by their next-door neighbor, Stephanie learns that he and her husband have been engaging in some underwater pool play behind her back for quite some time. She gets so turned on watching them naked underwater that she dives down for a closer look where she gets to help her husband as he enjoys their neighbor. (10 pages)

Amy’s British Cousin 12-5-19

9192 words – $6.00

From the keyboard of Richard “Riwa” Shepard comes another story inspired by a JustPaul clip.

Amy flies down to meet up with her British cousin Ruby who’s been married to Neville for 5 years. His job does not permit them to set up roots in any one location. This has led to trouble in paradise.

Lately there’s been a change for the better in their relationship. She and her husband now share an underwater fetish that often involves Ruby pushing her limits for him. Ruby shares this information with Amy as they also renew a naughty part of their relationship from the last time they were together. But when Neville gets home from work, what will Amy do when she gets entangled in their underwater playtime together? (29 pages; 9 vidcaps + 12 renders)

Included is the two minute clip in WMV format which inspired it all. (1440×1080)

Male hot tub encounter 12-20-19

9867 words – $6.00

From the keyboard of Richard “Riwa” Shepard comes a story for those who like their males having fun underwater with each other.

Ray meets Alex by chance. They get together one night and share the hot tub at the home where Alex is house sitting. But Alex has designs to seduce Ray. How far will he be able to take him while they are out in the hot tub? Contains male/male sexual situations. (4 chapters; 21 pages)

As a bonus, I’m including a couple of video clips I recorded of myself in the hot tub many years ago. They are converted from mov format into MP4 files. One is 1:50 in length while the other is 1:43. They play 352×288, but you should be able to enlarge them.

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The Dolcett U Drownings 3.9 (14)

I contacted Dolcett University requesting a desire to witness a couple of drownings. I’d heard their students had signed wavers and fully understood the risks of attending there. So finding “volunteers” would not be an issue.

I was given access to the pool during off hours when it wasn’t in use. A male student showed me how to use the controls to retract the pool cover. When it was withdrawn I saw how crisp and clean the water looked. It was just right in which to drown a pretty young thing.

I was asked if everything I’d seen up to that point was satisfactory. I told him it was acceptable. I also explained I had a few friends who would also be interested in witnessing a couple of drownings. He told me he would contact the administrator while I went and made the necessary calls.

I returned thirty minutes later with several friends. The school administrator, one Anita Snuffslut, and her female assistant Violet Violencia were waiting at the pool for me. With them was a young redhead by the name of Sarah Gielbert.

She was a freshman and had apparently picked up a few demerits her first year. She’d been brought from her room on short notice. She was only wearing a bra and panties.

Apparently Sarah was unaware when she’d been summoned that she was going to drown for us. She put up quite a ruckus despite understanding the risks of attending Dolcett U. As a result, the assistant went out and returned with a brown, metal chair.

Sarah was forced to sit down in the chair. Her arms were tied behind her back with rope despite her continued protests. Her ankles were similarly secured.

She was bound to the chair with several coils of rope wound tightly around her waist. It had the effect of sucking in her tummy while throwing out her chest. Miss Snuffslut promised the freshman would put on a good drowning for us.

Sarah demanded to be set free or her father would sue the university. She did not want to drown. She promised she would work harder so as not to accumulate any more demerits. But Miss Snuffslut listened to none of it.

Above the pool was a pulley system with a harness. Miss Snuffslut retrieved the remote and showed me how to operate it. She had the pulley slide over where she could lower it until she and Miss Violencia could hook Sarah and her chair up to it.

At that moment the freshman began to curse the administrator. Miss Snuffslut slapped her face hard, telling her she would accept none of her sass. She was informed she had this coming and was instructed to take it bravely. Once more Sarah threatened to have her father sue the school, only to have the administrator slap her face hard again.

I was asked if I had any questions. I did not as my friends and I were eager to watch the young woman drown. So Miss Snuffslut made sure I understood how to operate the remote to the pulley system.

She apologized for not being able to stay and assist. But she and Miss Violencia were late for a meeting. Before they left she glared at Sarah before telling me, “I would advise you to take your time and drown her nice and slow. It’s what she deserves.”

Sarah called her a bitch before demanding to be allowed to call her father. Miss Snuffslut slapped her face one last time before telling her, “I want you to drown like the student you were supposed to be when you enrolled here!” Then she strode out the door with Miss Violencia in tow.

I activated the controls to the pulley system. Sarah was abruptly pulled up into the air. Immediately she threatened to have her father sue us if she was not immediately released.

She gasped in alarm as I swung her out over the water. Once more she threatened to have her father start legal proceedings against us if we didn’t set her free. I just lowered her down toward the middle of the pool without the slightest hesitation.

She suddenly changed her tune and started to beg and plead for her life. But my friends and I were here to observe a drowning… more than one if we had the time. So I lowered her down into the water.

I stopped her with just her head sticking up above the surface. She let out quite a scream, demanding we set her free and then frantically begging for her life. That’s when I lowered her. Bubbles came up as her head submerged.

I stopped her less than a foot below the surface, her red hair flowing around her face as she shook her head. We all watched as she twisted and struggled. Numerous bubbles came up as she fought to escape the chair.

I lifted her back up until her head was sticking out of the water. She came up gasping for breath. Her hair draped down over her face as she cried out to be set free.

I cruelly lowered her back down until she was barely a foot below the surface again. Once more she shook her head, setting her hair flowing all around her face. Bubbles came out of her nose as she struggled in the chair.

I kept her submerged a little longer, watching until her chest began to heave from her breathlessness. Then I pulled her back up. She came up gasping for breath again as the guys around me encouraged me to keep making her suffer.

Once more she started to plead for her life. I just lowered her back down until she went under again. This time I dropped her two feet below the surface.

She struggled and bubbled as she tried to escape her bonds. But the administrator and her assistant had done a good job securing her to the chair. She was not escaping her fate.

Everyone around me was enjoying her bubbles and struggles. They said it was an exciting part of the drowning process to dunk her several times at first. Since we’d been instructed to drown her nice and slow, I took full advantage.

I lifted her back up and she gasped for breath again.  I left her with very little time to protest. After three loud gasps I lowered her right back down.

I sent her deeper into the pool, forcing her to hold her breath. It wasn’t long until she was straining again as bubbles came out of her mouth and nose. My friends all applauded the way I was teasing her.

Her chest was really heaving when I pulled her back up. She came up gasping and sputtering. This time she did not even bother trying to protest. I think she was too busy trying to get her breath back.

I gave her a few extra seconds to catch her breath. Then I lowered her back down. This time I lowered her halfway to the bottom of the pool.

She probably could have spoiled the whole thing by inhaling and just being done with it. But she was a determined young woman and desperately wanted to live. She bubbled and struggled as she tried to look in our direction, pleading with her eyes.

I waited until the very last second before pulling her back up. She came up gasping, coughing and sputtering. Then I sent her right back down.

The guys all loved the way I was making her suffer. She shook her head again, causing her red mane to flow all around her face. I waited until it looked like she was really struggling. Then I pulled her back up.

She came up coughing and sputtering yet again. One of the guys muttered, “I think you should drown the fucking bitch right now!” I got several voices of agreement.

Sarah looked at us in horror as she cried out, “Nooo!” I just smiled as I lowered her back down. My cock was straining in my trousers.

She gasped for breath and then submerged in a flurry of bubbles. I sent her straight toward the bottom of the pool. Then I stopped the pulley, leaving her a foot off the pool floor.

The strain appeared in her features right away as she struggled to hold her breath. Her eyes opened wide when she realized this was probably it. A couple of my friends waved at her while one bulged his cheeks and pinched his nose shut as though indicating she’d better hold her breath for as long as she could.

Sarah suddenly lost a burst of air out of her mouth. Then she began thrashing about in the chair. A moment later she released the remaining air in her lungs.

She hitched painfully as she inhaled deeply. Then she went into spasms and convulsions. We all watched with glorious anticipation as she drowned painfully.

I slowly lowered her in the chair until she was upright on the pool floor. Then I pressed the release. She and the chair were left behind as the pulley came up out of the water.

Sarah thrashed about less and less as she continued to drown. She kept coughing and convulsing down there on the pool floor. It was incredible to watch.

Her hitches and spasms became less frequent until her head finally lolled forward. Stray muscles fired, but she looked to be no longer in control of her motor functions. The occasional bubble slipped out past her lips.

We all waited and watched until she was hardly moving at all. There was one last spasm, forcing a few small bubbles out of her mouth. Then she appeared to settle in place as though she was taking a nap, her head tipped forward.

The guys all cheered as I moved the pool cover back into place. Several had bulges from their arousal and excitement. A couple had stained themselves. But I had been assured we would be able to find willing coeds on campus to assist us with our sexual needs once we’d completed our observations.

About that time a young brunette in red bra and panties came through the door. “My name is Alice,” she explained. “I was told to report to the pool?”

She looked around until she saw the pulley above the covered pool. Then she turned to look at the lot of us. “Miss Snuffslut sent me. Why am I here?”

“You mean you don’t know?” She just looked at us and shook her head.

“Care to hazard a guess?” one of my friends asked with a lustful grin.

“Am I hear to fuck?”

I told her, “It’s much worse than that, I’m afraid.”

She looked at me in confusion. Then she looked at the covered pool and the dangling pulley. That’s when she gasped, “Are you… are you going to drown me??”

I smiled as I told her, “Yes we are. Do you have a problem with that?”

She paused as she thought it over for a long moment. Then she told me, “No problem, sir. I knew the risks when I started attending classes here.”

She looked at us questioningly. Then a smile broke out all over her face. “I see you all have bulges. Are you looking forward to drowning me?”

“Yes we are, Sarah.”

“Does the thought of drowning me turn you guys on?”

“It sure does.” That’s when she got this sly grin on her face.

“I’m glad. I guess if I have to drown, somebody might as well get off to my suffering, right?”

“Oh, we’ve already enjoyed one drowning today,” my buddy Thomas told her. “You’ll be our second.”

“Oh, really? Who else did you drown?”

I activated the controls that caused the cover to retract. It revealed our first victim sitting in the chair at the bottom of the pool. Alice gasped as she looked down at the body in the water.

“Who’s down there? It’s hard to tell the way the water is rippling.”

Thomas piped up, “Her name was Sarah Gielbert.”

Alice was stunned. “That’s my roommate Sarah down there??”

“She was your roommate??” Thomas was shocked.

I asked, “Do you have a problem with that, Alice?”

“Not really. She was kind of a bitch anyway. And she was acquiring demerits pretty damned fast. I kind of figured it was only a matter of time until she ended up dead. Maybe that explains why I’ve been summoned since I’m her roommate. Miss Snuffslut must want to make our dorm room available to some new students.”

She paused for a long moment. Then she asked, “How did she die? How bad was it?”

“It was painful,” I replied. “She didn’t want to drown. Miss Snuffslut ordered us to make sure she suffered. So she was raised and lowered out of the water several times before we drowned her. We left her near the bottom hanging in the middle of the pool attached to that chair when it happened.” I made it sound vague as to who was responsible despite the fact I was holding onto the controls.

Alice’s response startled us all. “Bitch. Served her right. She always did think she was above everybody else. She kept threatening to have her father sue the school over the least little thing. And she wasn’t all that nice to me. Now I kind of wish I would have been here to watch her drown.”

Thomas motioned at me and said, “Don’t you think we should be moving things along?”

I had a little sympathy for Alice as I told him, “Are you that eager to watch another drowning?”

“Hell yeah! We all are!” I was too, but I didn’t want to say anything.

Alice wasn’t the least bit bothered by our enthusiasm. “Oh that’s ok. You’d better go ahead and get me all ready to drown. I know you’ve got places to go. Besides, they’ll be needing the pool in half an hour.”

I asked, “You’re not upset or angry about all this?”

“Why should I be? If I have to drown then I’m glad I’m going to have an appreciative audience.” She smiled at all of us standing there.

One of the guys fetched some more rope. When he returned I told Alice to put her hands behind her back and to put her feet together. She never once put up a fuss.

She looked at our bulges again and told us she wished she had more time so she could take proper care of us. She suggested we check out Gloryhole Hall to get some satisfaction after we finished drowning her. I told her we’d make sure to tell them she’d sent us over. She smiled at that.

I tied her hands and feet together. Then someone fetched a 28 pound scuba-dive weight belt to put around her waist. She gasped as she started to tremble.

“Scared, honey?” She looked at me and smiled.

“Yeah, I’m scared. But I’m also a little excited. Sarah probably didn’t understand she had an appreciative audience to drown in front of. I just hope I put on a good show for you. I’ll hold my breath and try to struggle so you can really get off to my drowning.” She was certainly being a good sport about the whole thing.

I brought the pulley over and lowered it so I could hook her up to a harness. She gasped again. Then she told us, “That stupid bitch! I’m going to make sure I drown real good for all of you. I hope you’ll enjoy yourselves and will put in a good word for me with Miss Snuffslut.”

I gave her a long kiss. She actually humped my bulge a little. Then I used the controls to lift her up into the air.

She called out, “Drop me right next to the bitch! We might as well be together!” So I swung her out over the water until she was close to the middle of the pool.

The guys got excited as we all moved toward the edge of the water. Alice panted for breath as she dangled from the pulley. “Enjoy yourselves!” she called out bravely. “Now go ahead and drown my ass!”

My thumb hovered over the button. She gasped sharply. Then she yelled, “DO IT; DROWN MY FUCKIN’ ASS!”

I couldn’t resist a girl with such spunk. So I hit the button. She dropped into the water with a splash and sank all the way to the pool floor.

She bottomed out, managing to land upright on her tennis shoes. Then she started to go over backwards. I think my cock was harder than it had been when we drowned her roommate Sarah.

She kept going over backward. She didn’t try to struggle or stay upright or anything as bubbles trickled out of her nose. A couple of the guys commented on how hot it was the way she was so eager to drown for us.

We saw her turn to look at her roommate as she landed on her ass. She was losing more bubbles out of her mouth. This wasn’t going to take very long.

She ended up partially on her side looking at her roommate. I couldn’t help wondering what was going through her mind. Was she terrified? Or was she disgusted Sarah had not drowned with the same attitude she was now exhibiting?

All of the sudden she started coughing up bubbles. Then she went into what looked like painful spasms. She bucked and hitched and thrashed about as she drowned for us down there on the pool floor.

She became quite animated as she struggled down there. It looked like she was really suffering. But she kept staring at Sarah the whole time as though her bitch of a roommate didn’t understand why it was so important to put on a good show for outsiders.

None of us said a word. It was quiet the whole time she drowned. Bubbles kept coming up until they trailed off. Then she just laid there as though trying to have a conversation with her roommate.

Poor Sarah wasn’t going to have a conversation with anybody ever again. She was never going to be able to ask her father to sue the school. She just sat there with her eyes all crossed-eyed and vacant.

She sat slumped forward, her lips parted as the occasional bubble came out. I’m not sure who drowned harder. But I think Alice put on a much better show overall.

Alice stared up at her roommate with unseeing eyes. I like to think she experienced some form of disgust at Sarah’s lack of enthusiasm and resistance. We were definitely going to put in a good word for her with Miss Snuffslut.

I finally asked my companions, “Any questions, guys?” They all shook their heads. I saw a couple more had stained their pants.

I closed the cover to the pool. As it slid across the surface of the water we saw Alice release a few stray bubbles. I thought I saw her hitch a time of two. But I assumed those were merely agonal spasms.

The cover finally closed on the both of them. “Class dismissed,” Thomas said with a chuckle. “Now what was the name of that dorm again?” I knew we would be giving those girls over at Gloryhole Hall a lot of spunk before we finally said our goodbyes to Dolcett U.

2019 (written May 11 ’19 by riwa)

(Inspired by C. Mike Hunt’s great renders which have been included for illustration purposes.)

Posted in Drowning Stories, Picture Stories | Leave a comment

Couples Therapy 3 (2)

“How long are we going to have to stand here again?”

“Why do you have to be so impatient?”

“Because this is another one of your crazy ideas, Nancy.”

“This was not my idea, Ted! This was Dr. Johnson’s!”

“Then he’s just as crazy as you are.”

“Would you just SHUT THE HELL UP?”


“You’re the one who’d better shut up Nancy.”

“DAMN YOU, Ted!” Hssss… “SHIT!” Hssss…

“Nancy, would you please just shut the hell up? Every time your voice rises the rope to your noose retracts up into the ceiling. If you’re not careful you’re going to get us BOTH killed!”


“Look who’s talking. So are you if you don’t keep your mouth shut.”

“Nancy, I don’t want to die on this fucking thing; OK?” Hsss… “FUCK!” Hsss…

“Look, we’ve got to just calm down, ok? If we calm down and don’t lose our tempers we’ll be just fine. Besides, your quack doctor wouldn’t really let us hang, would he?”

“He’s NOT a quack doctor, Ted!” Hssss…

“NANCY??” Hssss…

“All right – all right! We can do this, Ted. Let’s just stand here quietly, ok?”

“Nancy, I’ve never known you to stand quietly in your entire life.”

“DAMN YOU, TED!” Hssss…

“Nancy, you’re going to kill us if you keep that up. You know the system picks up on your angry tone, right?”

“Speak for yourself, asshole!”

“All the women in the world out there and I had to pick you.”

“Not one of your better moments, Ted. I thought you were smarter than that.”

“BITCH!” Hssss…

“Real smart, Ted.”

“We’ve still got some slack to work with. We’ll be ok if we can just stop talking.”

“Fat chance of that happening.”


“I KNOW – I KNOW!” Hssss… “SHIT!” Hssss…

“You’re losing all your slack, Nancy. It won’t be much longer before you’re kicking up a jig.”

“Speak for yourself, Ted.”

“I should never have allowed you to talk me into this.”

“It was your own pride that talked you into it, Ted.”

“It was not.”

“Was too.”

“SHUT THE HELL UP!” Hssss… “FUCK!” Hssss…

“Are you satisfied, Nancy? You’re the one who always likes to try new things. New enough for you?”

“That’s because you don’t like trying anything at all. Bland, ol’ Ted!”

“At least being bland was keeping us alive… not like some people I know.”

“Do you have to RUB IT IN??” Hssss…


“I know – I know.”

“I don’t even get the joy of watching you hang yourself, Nancy. Once your feet leave the pad you’re standing on, my noose pulls me up too.”

“That was the doctor’s idea of making us work together, remember?”

“I should have never let you talk me into this.”

“Pride goeth before a fall, Ted. Keep it up and you’re going to fall pretty hard.”

“Fuck you, you BITCH!” Hssss… “FUCK!” Hssss…

“Oh gawd. How many more before we’re pulled up into the air?”

“What did he say? The rope goes up an inch every time our voice gets loud? Something like that?”

“Have you been keeping track?”

“I haven’t been keeping track of anything, Nancy. All you had to do was keep your damned mouth closed.”

“DAMN YOU, TED!” Hssss…

“Nancy, if you kill us I’m never going to forgive you.”

“Ha ha; very funny.”

“You don’t have much slack left.”

“Neither do you, Ted. I’m trying to remember. How many inches did he say we had?”

“I thought he said thirteen… unlucky number thirteen.”

“I thought it was fifteen.”

“If we can just shut the hell up, we can get out of here.”

“We were supposed to work together, Ted; remember? We were supposed to talk through our differences.”

“Naked… with a noose around our necks? Nancy, that’s fucking CRAZY!”


“TED??” Hssss… “Oh gawd!” (10 – 10)

“This is your fault, Nancy. If you hadn’t been so into erotic asphyxiation we could have sat down and discussed things.”

“That’s because we never discuss things, Ted.”

“At least you’ll die with a smile on your face. Gonna get off as you hang to death, darling?”

“FUCK OFF!” Hssss…

“Sorry… sorry. Figures you wouldn’t be into it. Right now your cock is limp as a wet noodle, just like it always is. You’ve been limp the entire time. What’s the matter? Your secretary Grace isn’t here to get a rise out of you?”

“Leave her out of this, you BITCH!” Hssss… “DAMNIT!” Hssss…

“Now look who’s going to get us both killed, asshole.”

“How much longer do we have in this thing?”

“How the HELL SHOULD I KNOW??” Hssss… (12 – 12)

“Well – well. Getting an erection now; eh, Ted? Must be the noose. I’m sure it’s not me.”

“Ok… ok… let’s just remain calm about this, Nancy.”

“Looks like you’re about to hang, Ted.”

“Don’t get cocky, dear. If I go up, you go up; remember? Besides, you’re pretty close too. I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if you’re the one who hangs us both.”

“I doubt it, Ted. You’re the one with the stubborn pride.”

“You’re the impulsive one, Nancy.”

“What’s the matter, Ted? Why are you looking at me like that?”

“I was just thinking…”

“…about what?”

“About whether or not you deliberately want to hang us both.”

“Let’s face it, Ted. Of all the people I’d choose to hang with, you’d be the last one on my list.”

“That’s just fucking GREAT!” Hssss…

“TED??” Hssss… “Ted, are you all right?”

“Do I look like I’m all right? The noose has tightened around my throat, Nancy! One more and I might…”

“Would you keep your voice down??”

“You don’t look much better, Nancy. One or two more and it’s bye-bye, birdie.”

“Oh Ted… I… well, at least your cock is hard now… finally.”

“Is that all you can focus on, Nancy?”

“I haven’t seen it hard in a long time.”

“And I suppose you’re dripping, right? Does this thrill you, Nancy?”

“Does it matter whether it thrills me or not?”

“Well you’re certainly breathing heavy.”

“So are you.”

“We’re going to be ok. The doctor isn’t really going to let us hang, is he? He’s got to be watching us from somewhere, right?”

“But what if he isn’t, Ted? What if this is his way of making us work together? What if he believes this will force us to have a calm, rational discussion?”

“When have we ever had a calm, rational discussion, Nancy?”

“DAMN YOU, TED!” Hssss… “Awk…”

“NANCY??” Hssss…. “Urk…”

“Oh gawd, Ted…” *rasp* “…one more and…”

“You deliberately want…” *gasp* “…to hang us, don’t you!”

The couple look at each other as they stand on the balls of their feet. Each one is painfully aware of the pad below them. Once either pair of feet leave the floor, the other noose will also be triggered.

 Ted looks at his wife, trying to catch his breath as he balances on the balls of his feet. He stares intently, his brow furrowed. It makes him wonder if she is truly trying to get him killed.

 Now his cock is embarrassingly hard and dripping. It is something that has caught him totally by surprise. He surmises it might have something to do with the fear of hanging and the constriction of the rope around his throat.

 Nancy looks at her husband as a sense of alarm flows through her. This is getting way out of hand. The doctor had assured them the imminent danger involved would force them to communicate. But it has only brought them to this.

 Her pussy drips from a shameful arousal. But she’s afraid of what being fully suspended will do to her. She likes erotic asphyxiation – sure. But she sure as hell doesn’t want to hang to death!

 She looks at her husband and sees the look in his face. Then she looks down at his feet. Wait; is he going to deliberately hang the two of them?? Are his feet starting to shift??

 Ted sees it flash in his wife’s eyes. Then he sees her shuffle around on her toes. Wait; is she going to deliberately lift her feet up off the pad?? Is she going to be the one to condemn them?

 He glared daggers at her. Then it slips out past his lips before he can stop it… “You BITCH!”

There is a hiss as his feet leave the floor a split second before she deliberately lifts her feet up off the pad. HHssssssss Then they are both dangling a foot off the floor.

Ted’s eyes fly open in astonishment. Where the hell is the good doctor?? Then his legs begin to kick and pedal as he searches for the floor…

 Nancy’s eyes widen in horror as the noose constricts around her throat. It sends a sensual jolt that lodges in her pussy. She begins to jerk and wriggle like a fish on a line. Then her legs explode outward…

 Ted rasps for breath as he kicks and swings. His arms jerk behind his back, unable to break out of the handcuffs. He can’t believe his wife has killed them both…

 Nancy begins to hump the air as it swells within her. Then she arches her back as she thrusts her hips outward. Her pussy spews her orgasm as it flows warmly through her asphyxia-ravaged body…

 Ted sees his wife fight the noose, sees her fuck the air as she fights for breath. Her nipples are erect, her pussy flaring. It makes his dick stand erect until he struggles in the noose, causing his cock to spew in an arc which manages to splatter onto his wife’s legs…

 Once the orgasm passes, Nancy’s body realizes it needs oxygen. She begins to hitch and struggle in earnest, desperately fighting to survive. Her legs fly every which way as her naked body sways back and forth…

 Ted rasps and gurgles as his legs swing around and around. It sets his body to swaying crazily. But it doesn’t help ease the agony of the noose constricting around his throat…

 Nancy sees what the hanging is doing to her husband. Despite her agony there is some small semblance of pleasure at the sight. A smile caresses the corners of her mouth as she hitches and swings…

 Ted finally jerks his legs down hard. It has the effect of making the noose totally seal off his airway. Another hard jerk and he finds himself too exhausted to bother anymore…

 Nancy kicks and sways until she uses up the last of her energy. Then she hangs limp, her body swaying back and forth as it twists. Stray muscles twitch as her pussy leaks more of her arousal…

 Ted’s cock begins to soften. As it does, there is a stream of urine that comes out of it, splattering onto the floor. His vision begins to dim as he mentally curses his wife before he fades into oblivion…

 Nancy sees the light flick out of Ted’s eyes. She takes a small comfort in knowing he has gone first. That will be a blow to his pride. Then she hangs limp as her bladder gives way, urine trickling down her legs to splatter onto the floor….

 The doctor eventually comes in and discovers they’ve been hanging for 10 minutes out of the half hour they were supposed to stand in their nooses while communicating with each other. He curses their stubbornness. Then he shakes his head, wondering why he’d even bothered with them in the first place. But he has one other thought he cannot shake…

 What if this was his subconscious way of getting rid of a couple of bothersome patients he was never going to be able to help in the first place?

2019 (written Apr 12 ’19 by riwa)

(Inspired by the accompanying render.)

Posted in Asphyxia Stories | Tagged | Leave a comment

A trio of short decapitation stories 4 (7)


“I don’t think I want to do this anymore. I’ve changed my mind.”

“But you promised. On two Entertainment shows you vowed that if you didn’t produce a hit show before this year, you would have your head cut off and presented on Oscar night.”

“But I have a couple more movies coming up!”

“No you don’t. We recently heard they dropped you once they were reminded of your pledge. Remember, your fans are looking forward to this.”

“Fuck my fans!”

“Oh, that’s not a nice thing to say. I’ll tell you what. We’ll wash that out of the video recording so we can make your last moments here on earth look good, ok?”

“No… wait… I don’t want… please don’t…!”

She began to hyperventilate as they secured her arms behind her back. A camera in another man’s hands was recording everything. That’s when she began to break out in a cold sweat.

“Into the next room, Miss Henstridge. You’ll be kneeling before a block in there. We have our best executioner handling the axe. Thor has never missed a neck before and he’s not about to miss one now.”

“No… please… I’ve changed my mind! I don’t want to do this!”

“But you promised. You gave your word.”

“Fuck my word! You can’t do this to me!”

“Here comes Thor. You might want to get a shot of this, Anthony. He’s got a nice axe he brought special for your neck, Miss Henstridge.”

“No! Please! I don’t want to be beheaded! I don’t want my head served up at the Oscars.”

“Too bad, Miss Henstridge. They’re the ones who’re demanding your head. You promised them too, if you’ll recall.”

“Fuck the Oscars! Fuck everyone! I don’t want to do this!”

“But think of your fans.”

“Fuck the fans – NO; WAIT!”

She was forced onto her knees before an ominous looking block. She was all but hyperventilating at the sight of the red stains. Then Thor brought his axe into her line of sight so she could see what was about to separate her head from the rest of her body.

“NO! Damnit, you can’t do this to me! I’ll do anything!” Then she gasped, “Wait-wait-WAIT” as her head was forced onto the block.

The assistant had to kneel down and help hold her steady. “Give us a moment, would you, Thor?” Then he addressed the frightened actress.

“Look. This is happening one way or the other. They don’t care about anything but your head. Now you saw how big Thor’s axe is. If he misses, he’s not going to miss and potentially damage your skull. He’s going to miss and make a big mess of your shoulders. So I suggest you fucking SETTLE DOWN AND SHUT UP!”

She gasped and whimpered as her head was forced down onto the block once more. Then she pleaded, “Please! I’ll do anything! I’ll fuck you all! I’ll suck your cocks! Please!”

“Do you really mean that?”

“Yes, I really do!”

“I don’t believe you. You’re scared and you’ll say anything. Now quiet down, lay your head on that block, take a deep breath, and then try to convince me that’s exactly what you’re willing to do.”

“Ok… ok… please… just give me a moment, ok? My heart is beating so fast!”

She paused for a moment as she tried to rest her head on the block. Then in the calmest voice she could muster she said, “If you let me go I prom-AWCK!”

Her eyes flew open the moment the blade came down, slicing right through her neck. Her head literally leapt off the block and bounced on the floor a couple times. Then Thor reached down and picked up her head by a handful of hair.

Natasha had a look of shock on her face, her last words frozen to her lips. Her eyes blinked in horror as she was lifted up and turned to see the rest of her body had keeled over sideways and was now jerking and spasming. Blood pumped copiously out of her severed neck.

She tried to speak but no words would come. She couldn’t believe it! They’d actually done it; she couldn’t feel a thing below her neck!

The assistant walked up to her head dangling from Thor’s grasp and smiled. “Miss Henstridge, I do believe my crew and I will take you up on your offer. I hope you don’t mind if we do it post mortem.”

He unzipped his fly and pulled out an erect dick. There was nothing she could do as he grabbed her head and forced it between her lips. Her last taste was his cock in her mouth before her vision faded, her expression sagging tiredly.

2018 (Inspired by the Thor manip and written Aug 9 ’18 by riwa)

Maria’s head

“Hi, Renard.”

“Hi, Julia.”

“What’s in the box?”

“You really want to see?”

“Sure… ohmygawd! Who is that??”

“Maria. She rode Victor’s guillotine at the party yesterday.”

“You told me Victor had beheading parties. But I never believed it.”

“Well, Maria here wanted to ride it like all the other ladies. The blade is on a timer that’s rigged to drop randomly. Four ladies rode it first before she got on. The blade dropped on her at 53:47 during a two hour program.”

“Four ladies ahead of her?? She was the fifth??”

“They were all naked of course.”

“Naked?? You mean… everybody watched them all ride naked??”

“Not just naked, Julia. Their husbands and boyfriends fucked them while they were riding the guillotine. A couple of them had some pretty intense orgasms wondering if the blade might come down at any moment.”

“And Maria here…”

“She told me she wanted to go for a ride. I invited her to Victor’s mansion. She wanted the full experience and asked me to fuck her. So I did.”

“You fucked her in the guillotine – hey, wait! You mean… you mean you were…??”

“That’s right. I was inside her pussy the moment the blade fell.”

“Ohmygawd! What… what was it like??”

“Well, her pussy got really tight the moment the blade fell. She milked a release right out of me. I think she was cumming too. But naturally she couldn’t feel it, not with her head missing.”

“And she rode it knowing the risks?”

“I’ve seen the blade come down early and I’ve seen it come down after 100 minutes have gone by. We have several regulars who keep coming back for more. They say the orgasms are really intense.”

“That’s… that’s crazy.”

“Well, you wanted proof about those parties I attend at Victor’s mansion. So he let me bring Maria’s head to show you.”

“That’s… I can’t believe… I don’t… I mean…”

“What’s the matter, Julia?”

“I was just wondering. Would it be possible? I mean… could you take me to the next party?”

“I’ll give you a call once Victor schedules another one.”

2019 (Inspired by the Thor manip and written Feb 6 ’19 by riwa)

Lieutenant’s Beheading

“Lieutenant, this tribunal has thoroughly investigated your claims. Your witnesses deny being there, and you yourself cannot give us the date, time or location of the alleged event. You cannot even give us a description of the room in which it occurred. Do you have anything further to add?”

“I stand by my testimony, sir. Captain Harsman is the man who raped me.”

“Lieutenant, the evidence you’ve presented to this tribunal does not match the allegations. You realize that, do you not?”

“It happened just as I have said, sir.”

“But your story has changed in three separate private interviews with this tribunal.”

“Sir, I stand by my testimony. Captain Harsman raped me.”

“This wouldn’t have anything to do with the fact he was promoted ahead of you, would it, Lieutenant?”

“How dare you! How dare all of you challenge my testimony! Are women not allowed justice in the military?”

“Lieutenant, we can find no corroboration to the claims you have made.”

“I stand by my testimony, sir! I cannot believe you are treating me this way!”

“Lieutenant, we are only seeking to ascertain the facts in this matter. There are no facts in evidence.”

“My word should be all the facts you need, sir! Captain Harsman raped me! Those are the facts!”

“Facts that are not corroborated by the names of the witnesses you gave us.”

“I have no idea why they would choose to lie, sir… unless it is because of my gender!”

“Lieutenant, you realize Captain Harsman’s wife has filed for divorce on the basis of this charge and that he has resigned his commission. His reputation is in tatters.”

“The bastard deserves it after what he did to me… sir!”

“There is no corroboration for the charges you have presented to us.”

“Nevertheless, he did it, sir! Perhaps if there was a female or two on this tribunal you would not treat me so cruelly!”

“Lieutenant, you are out of order. This tribunal is prepared to rule in this matter. Do you have anything further to add?”

“No sir; I do not.”

“Are you sure you do not wish to reconsider your charges? This is your last chance to change your story.”

“I will not change my story! I know my truth, sir!”

“Very well. Sergeant, you may proceed.”

A burly man in uniform steps forward and brandishes a dagger. The lieutenant faces forward to hear the results, blissfully ignorant of his approach. Her mind is on other things as she stands stiffly.

She believes the Captain she despises will be cleared of all charges (how dare they promote him over her!). She braces herself for the judgement of the tribunal. She is already mentally calculating the lawyer she will hire and the press conference she will call to decry the verdict of a bunch of “men”.

The blade draws across her throat before she can react. Blood spurts out of her neck as the Sergeant grasps her head and steadies her body. He slices clean through, grasping the head as the Lieutenant’s body collapses onto the floor and begins to spasm gently, blood pooling from her severed neck.

Another man steps forward with a pole on a pedestal. The Lieutenant’s head is impaled on the pole, facing the tribunal. There is a look of surprise on her face, her lips slightly parted.

“Lieutenant, we find no evidence for the charges you have brought forth. But there is strong circumstantial evidence your claims are motivated by the promotion you did not receive. Your actions have brought a great stain upon this military service.”

“This tribunal has reached its verdict. You are dishonorably discharged, effective immediately. Your living arrangements on this base are revoked, your pension is terminated, and all evidence of your service in this branch of the military will be wiped clean. Furthermore, all assets in your name will hereby be transferred to Captain Harsman, effective immediately.”

“These proceedings are now closed…”

2018 (Inspired by the Thor manip and written Oct 10 ’18 by riwa)

Posted in Beheading Stories | Leave a comment

Water Babies Part IV 4 (6)

It quickly becomes something of an orgy out here in the big Jacuzzi tub. I’ve given permission and also received permission for just about everything. Still, it’s my first time being in the middle of such a wide open sexual free-for-all.

It would be a little overwhelming if everyone wasn’t so friendly and eager. The oral contests certainly helped remove most of my inhibitions. The goal is to give and receive pleasure, and I’m certainly up for that.

Sandra loves the attention of being blinded and helpless in the water. She must have quite the submissive side. Either that or she simply loves how her body responds when she’s tied up and helpless.

She ends up bent over sucking my cock underwater while Bart fucks her from behind. I hear erotic grunts of pleasure as he fucks bubbles out of her mouth. I pull her head up, kiss her deeply, and then allow her a deep breath before guiding her back down below the surface to spear her mouth with my cock again.

Irene Giddings sits in Melvin Levinson’s lap, thoroughly enjoying riding his dick. They take a deep breath and submerge to fuck underwater. Sexy bubbles come up, combining with Sandra’s talented mouth to keep me continuously hard.

I watch as Donna comes out of the building and walks up to Gene. She says something to him while pointing over at Ford. Gene talks to Ford before all three of them head back into the building.

For a moment I wonder what that was all about. Then my cock quivers in Sandra’s mouth. It’s time to give her more air.

I pull her head up and allow her another breath while Bart continues to fuck her. She whimpers and moans before gasping, “It feels so good!” That’s when Laura comes over to me.

She looks lustfully at me before asking, “Can you hold your breath that long while fucking underwater? I mean that two minutes you were underwater licking pussy?”

I smile at her as I reply, “Would you like to find out?”

“Fuck yeah… that is, if it’s ok with you, James.”

She climbs into my lap as I move away from the edge of the Jacuzzi. She fully impales herself on my cock, wriggling and moaning with delight. Then she gasps, “Fuck; what a night!”

We glance over to see Melvin and Irene come up for air. Laura tells me, “Don’t you think someone should be underwater holding their breath and fucking at all times? I think it’s our turn now, James.”

I smile and nod as we both fill our lungs. Then we submerge in a flurry of bubbles. Laura moans as she sits in my lap with her pussy clenching. It’s going to be a long, hot underwater breath-hold with my cock up her twat.

Looking out the window to see Laura fucking my husband James gives me mixed feelings. A part of me likes the idea of him giving pleasure to another woman. But it’s still a painful reminder we could be doing so much more together back home while enjoying ourselves in the process.

Donna comes back with her husband Gene and Wilma’s husband Ford. Ford sees me and smiles as he asks, “How was your nap, Nora?”

“It was good,” I reply. “I think I needed it after all the pleasure I received earlier this afternoon.”

“So what gives?” Gene asks his wife.

She points at me as she tells him, “Nora here wants a few pointers.”

Wilma stands up and smiles as she takes her Ford by the hand. “I thought we could adjourn this session to the poolroom downstairs. Nora here wants the ‘hands-on’ approach… that is, if you gentlemen don’t mind.”

“Why should we mind?” Gene asks with a smile as he looks right at me. It gives me an erotic shiver. I find myself starting to get horny again.

We all head downstairs where we enter a little room with a soaking pool. It’s about five feet deep with a ledge where people can sit in the water. But there’s plenty of room for lying on the bottom totally submerged.

Wilma looks at me and smiles.  Then she asks, “Shall we all get naked, Nora?”

“Uh… yeah; we might as well.”

I’m the first one to start undressing. After all, you could say this is sort of my party in the first place since I’m the one who asked for help and pointers. I might as well show everyone I’m all in.

Our clothes get stacked in piles before we all climb down into the water. Then Wilma tells the guys, “Nora told us she wants to work on her oral skills. I hope you don’t mind.”

“Why should we mind?” Gene smiles in reply. I nervously smile back.

Wilma pats the edge and tells her husband to climb out but to sit close to the edge. His cock is soft as it dangles right there. Then she grins at me.

“Some of it is psychological, Nora. If you hate it so much, you’ll never learn to enjoy it. I’ve learned to love it. I love giving his cock a lot of attention and making it stiffen in my mouth. Care to give his cock some attention?”

I smile as I get closer to him. Donna is right there next to me. She tells me, “I’ll help you if you need a pointer or two.”

I try kissing and licking the outside of his dick. She joins in and shows me how she really likes to give a cock some loving before she takes it into her mouth. Together the two of us lick and mouth the exterior of his shaft.

Ford sighs with pleasure. I kind of like his response to what we’re doing to him. Then I see Wilma take a deep breath before going underwater to service Gene’s cock while he sits there. It looks like neither one of the guys is going to be left out down here during my training.

Laura and I turn our sex into something of a breath-hold contest. She sits in my lap, her pussy squeezing me as we kiss each other deeply. For the moment we’re just trying to see how long we can stay underwater, sexually intertwined with a minimal amount of movement.

It feels incredible having my cock inside her as we hold our breath. Occasionally she squeezes me with her muscles as our tongues intertwine. Bubbles trickle out of our mouths and noses until it gets easier to stay down on the bottom.

We hear Sandra cry out from the fucking she’s getting. Her head is bent over in the water as she sucks Tom Burrows while Bart fucks her from behind. Art and Irene are fucking side by side with Melvin Levinson and Joyce Burrows. The two women reach over to grope each other’s boobs as they bubble while bent over at the waist face down in the water.

All that grunting, bubbling and fucking has me all turned on. It’s a good thing Laura and I are doing a static breath-hold while she sits in my lap impaled on my cock. Otherwise I would probably cum inside her right away.

I find myself amazed how different people can come together for the purpose of experiencing sexual pleasure in the water. A part of me still feels a certain sense of hesitation… a little bit of reservation perhaps? But for the most part I’m able to go with the flow since I want to do my best to give pleasure wherever I can.

Nora crosses my mind and I wonder where she is. Is she still in bed taking a nap? Is she with the others? Gene and Ford got called away so maybe she’s with them as well as her best friend Wilma.

I never thought about it before. But feeling Ford’s cock stiffen in my mouth does give me a bit of a thrill. I hear him gasp and moan as I suck him.

Wilma pops up to the surface from blowing Gene underwater. She smiles knowingly at me. Then she tells me it might help if I listen to how much her husband likes what I’m doing to him. Then she fills her lungs before she goes back down to service Gene some more.

Donna gives me pointers as we take turns sharing Ford. She tells me it’s all about focusing on the sensations of the organ and the pleasure he’s receiving. She tells me sometimes she will touch herself or even masturbate to associate her own pleasure with giving blowjobs. It’s an interesting idea.

After a while we switch men. Now I’m forced to hold my breath while I take on Gene with his cock underwater. Donna comes under to help me as we blow bubbles around his dick.

When I finally take him into my mouth I feel him twitch and stiffen. Following Donna’s advice, I reach down and start to touch myself. I hit the part that feels really good, causing me to moan into the cock in my mouth. Gene moans back, and I find it quite a turn-on.

I come up to catch my breath only to see Wilma sucking her husband’s erection. She grins at me as she invites me to come over and share. Donna gleefully gets her husband’s cock all to herself, going back under as bubbles come up while I go help Wilma with Ford’s dick.

While I suck on his cock Wilma pauses to tell me, “For some of us, it’s partly a case of changing our way of thinking. I didn’t use to like sucking cock that much. Then I finally understood how much pleasure it gives Ford. And since I’m the one who controls that, I love to hear him moan and groan. It’s quite the turn-on.”

I come off his cock and watch as she takes him deep down her throat. He grabs the back of her head and thrusts a little harder. She grunts and gurgles as he gasps and sighs, “Oh fuck! Oh gawd! Oh fuck!”

I hear an eruption of bubbles, only to see Gene is doing the same thing to Donna. She grunts and gurgles as she loses air while being forced to take him deep. Then he lets her come up for a breath.

For a moment I’m put off over the way he was being rough with her. Then he pulls her up and kisses her deeply. She moans into his mouth before she fills her lungs and goes back down, only to be face-fucked a little harder.

I look at Wilma as though not sure I’m all that comfortable. She comes off her husband’s cock and smiles. “I like doing that for Ford. It gives me a thrill because it’s me he wants to throat-fuck… me he wants to stick his dick inside… me he wants to use. It makes me feel like his fuck-queen. And then… when I get to ride his cock?” She grins as she goes back to sucking, allowing him to grab her and fuck her face.

I watch the guys skull-fuck their wives. It seems rough, and yet on some strange level it feels as though the wives are in control. I find myself a little confused by all the dynamics.

Donna comes up and asks if I want to have another turn. I nod as I fill my lungs and go back down. What’s the point of turning down cock, especially when it’s the wife offering her husband to me.

I take him into my mouth and try to suck him deep. I reach down and finger myself, causing me to moan up bubbles. I hear him groan which gives me erotic tingles.

I come up and catch my breath. That’s when Donna asks, “Want him to fuck your face a little, Nora?”

I look at her and hesitate, but only a little. After all, I’m here to learn, giving in to experiences I wouldn’t normally engage in. I nod as I tell her, “Ok; let’s give it a try.”

Wilma’s got her husband’s cock in her mouth as she looks over at me and smiles. Donna pushes my head under after I get a good breath. Then I take Gene’s cock between my lips.

He grabs my head and thrusts, but it isn’t very hard. He doesn’t hit the back of my throat; I think he’s pulling his punches. But his groans indicate he likes it nonetheless.

I touch and rub myself as I moan up a few bubbles. It’s not as bad as I thought it would be. Then I come up to the surface with a smile.

“Want it a little rougher?” Wilma asks with a grin. “I love it when Ford wants to fuck my skull.” I nod my consent. Doing it with Ford above the surface might be a better place to start.

I move over and take his cock into my mouth, trying to suck him deeper. He grabs my head and starts to thrust. It’s definitely more aggressive. But I still feel as though he’s trying to be careful.

He hits the back of my throat a couple of times, causing me to gag and gurgle. He gasps with pleasure as he does it again. I’ve seen how rough he can be with Wilma. But it still feels like he’s holding back with me.

Every time I gag he gasps with pleasure. I feel his cock twitch in my mouth. So I try to focus on how it reacts and what it feels like. Amazingly I’ve pushed to the back of my mind those previously unpleasant thoughts about my distaste for sucking dick.

Laura and I surface, kissing each other deeply. We’ve held our breath a couple of times so far and have stayed under for quite a while. But all the fucking going on around us is starting to have an effect.

“I want you to really fuck me now!” she gasps eagerly. “Hold me under and fuck me hard, James! I want to cum underwater!”

“I’m not sure I’ll be able to hold back, Laura. You’re so sexy, and the whole damned place is erotic as hell.”

“Then cum with me, James!” And with that she comes up off my cock, takes a deep breath, and then goes back down onto her hands and knees.

I submerge as I slide into her pussy from behind. Then I start thrusting harder and faster. She starts bubbling like crazy as she pushes back against me.

Melvin and Joyce are still fucking each other underwater. They watch us as we watch them, the two women moaning and bubbling as they take a couple of dicks up their twats. It’s incredible to see another couple underwater watching us fuck while we’re watching them do the same thing.

Laura goes nuts as she bubbles, “FUCK ME, JAMES! MAKE ME CUM! OHMYGAWD; I’M GONNA CUM!”

Her enthusiasm makes my cock twitch inside her, spurring me on. Melvin and Joyce look like they’re really fucking each other as well. Joyce savagely gropes her boobs, her face an expression of breathless pleasure.

Laura suddenly goes off, clamping onto my cock with her pussy and refusing to let go. Then she expels a huge flush of bubbles as she rockets off in orgasm. Pleasuring her is enough to trigger my own release as I furiously pump my seed into her pussy.

Joyce lets out a bubbly cry of her own. It looks like she might be having an orgasm as well. Then I see how much Laura needs air. So I help her up to the surface where we both pant wildly for breath.

I go back underwater to suck Gene’s cock. But some of the old concerns start to rise back up within me. Donna comes under to help by groping my boobs and fingering my pussy.

I come off his dick, only for Donna to gleefully take it deep down her throat. He grabs her head and gives her a few good thrusts, causing her to grunt up bubbles as she moans her pleasure.

I pop up to the surface where he pulls me to him and kisses me deeply. He grins as he tells me, “It feels good, Nora. I think you’re catching on.” Then Donna comes back up.

His encouragement makes me fill my lungs before I go back down. I take him back into my mouth and work hard to vacuum his dick. I use my tongue to swirl all around the tip of his shaft.

Up at the surface I hear him gasp, “Fuck, baby! Nora’s making me feel good! I think she’s starting to get the hang of it!”

Donna giggles as she tells him, “That’s because she has a couple of good teachers.” I smile and moan as I try to enjoy myself while holding my breath.

I come up gasping, only to turn to Wilma and ask if I can do her husband again. She’s willing to share and Ford’s eager to receive. So I move over and take him into my mouth to work some more on my oral skills.

Wilma interrupts by showing me a couple of her techniques, sucking on Ford and making him groan. Then I give it a try. He groans again which gives me erotic quivers.

“Gene needs a hot mouth!” Donna declares with a chuckle. So I come off Ford, take a deep breath and submerge. I take Gene back into my mouth where I work on swallowing him deep while groping my boobs.

It’s become easier to hold my breath while I’m focused on sucking cock. I’m even staying down longer. Maybe I’m starting to get the hang of this.

Gene moans, which really turns me on. I remember Donna’s words, so I reach down to finger myself. Every time Gene groans I thrust fingers in and out of my cunt, adding to my arousal.

I need another breath so I pop up to the surface. Wilma gags on her husband’s cock before asking, “Care to have another mouthful?” I nod excitedly, liking the way I can make Ford feel good with my lips wrapped around his dick.

I move over right in front of him before I take him back into my mouth, trying to suck him deeper. He’s not too rough on me and I realize the guys have still backed off. I think my body language is telling them I don’t like it so rough.

I tell myself it’s not really all that bad. It’s just something I haven’t learned to adapt to yet. So I come off his dick and motion for Wilma to show me again.

He grabs her head and thrusts into her mouth. The more she moans, the harder he thrusts. If she doesn’t like it, she’s certainly not letting it show.

I quietly murmur, “How can you take it like that?”

She comes off his cock to tell me, “It’s a turn-on being forced, knowing I’m the one he wants to enjoy. And I’ve learned to adapt to it. He wouldn’t fuck my skull if he knew I hated it. Hell, he wouldn’t fuck my mouth at all if he thought I found it disgusting. Sometimes there are times when I just… I just need… oh hell!”

She eagerly takes him deep down her throat, moaning like a bitch in heat. He grabs her skull and gives her a few hard thrusts. She moans again.

An eruption of bubbles makes me look down at Donna. Gene is giving her a good skull-fucking as well. Then he pulls her up and kisses her deeply.

I can see how turned on the guys are. So I tap Wilma on the shoulder. “My turn?” I ask hopefully.

She chuckles as she comes off Ford’s cock and feeds it to me. I moan as I take him back into my mouth. I realize I’m getting so turned on that it doesn’t even bother me I’m taking things between my lips that also urinate into the toilet.

Bart seems to be finished with Sandra for the moment. Her hands are still cuffed behind her back. Laura looks at me and quietly asks, “Think we should have a go at her?”

I nod as we both move over to Sandra. Laura starts to push her over backward. She gasps, “Oh fuck!” before she fills her lungs just in time.

Laura mashes her pussy against her lips. I go underwater to feast on her cunt. Almost immediately Sandra begins moaning and bubbling.

The action has settled down around us. Perhaps everyone has enjoyed a cum and is taking a break. But Sandra seems to be up for more.

Her pussy is really tasty. It twitches as I probe her treasures with my tongue. She groans into Laura’s muff, losing more of her breath until we all finally rise to the surface.

Sandra gasps for breath. “Oh gawd!” she moans, right before Laura pushes her back under. I fill my lungs and go back down with her, situating myself between her legs so I can feast on her muff.

I feel her writhe and twitch as my tongue pokes and probes. I hear muffled grunts as she is forced to eat Laura out. The blackened dive mask must make her wonder who is doing this to her. Maybe it’s adding to her arousal not knowing who is pleasuring her or who she is eating out.

I do my best to hold my breath for as long as possible. Having a delicious cunt to feast on certainly helps distract me from burning lungs. It feels like I’ve been under nearly two minutes before we all have to surface again.

Laura quietly motions we should switch places. Sandra is forced face down into the water where I hold her head in place as she sucks my cock. Meanwhile Laura licks her pussy from behind.

Sandra jerks and bubbles, groaning into my dick. It feels incredible as I gasp and moan with pleasure. I can tell she’s enjoying working my throbbing shaft around in her mouth.

I grope her mounds as she blows me until she starts hitching and jerking. I pull her head up and she gasps and moans. She blurts out, “Oh FUCK!” before I push her back down as Laura goes back to work feasting on her pussy.

She writhes and whimpers as she sucks my dick. I think Laura is trying get her off. It proves to be not all that difficult.

Sandra suddenly stiffens with my cock between her lips. Then she lets out a muffled scream of bubbles, briefly shuddering before thrashing about. I pull her head up and she comes up panting wildly for breath.

“Oh fuck!” she gasps. “That was… I can’t… that was… FUCK!”

I push down on her head, making her take my cock back into her mouth. Laura works on her pussy with her fingers, giving her a wicked little finger fucking. Sandra suddenly stiffens before she lets out another muffled, bubbly cry of pleasure.

I pull her back up, all turned on hearing her gasp for breath. “Enough!” she blurts out. “Oh fuck; I need a break!”

I look at Laura who nods as though that would be a good idea. We move her to the ledge on the edge of the hot tub. She sits there panting like crazy until she gasps, “Fuck! I don’t even know who to thank for that!”

I realize the others have been sitting there watching us. We all have a good chuckle. Then Laura removes the dive mask from her face.

It isn’t long until the cuffs are removed as well. Then she kisses me deeply. I feel her hand on my limp dick and I groan into her mouth as our tongues intertwine.

Ford starts hitting the back of my throat. I grunt and gurgle as I keep trying to suck his cock. Anytime I start to get a little distressed, I reach down and finger myself until pleasure overrides anxiety.

After a brief pause I move underwater to Gene and suck his cock while holding my breath. Donna pushes on the back of my head and I gurgle up bubbles. She reaches down to rub my boobs until I moan and bubble. It seems to help the way she’s distracting me.

I come back up for another breath. That’s when it’s back to Ford’s cock. “Yeah, baby; take it!” Wilma declares, grabbing my head and making me take her husband deep. “You fucking love it, don’t you?”

I moan as I reach down to masturbate while sucking his quivering dick. I find myself liking it more than disliking it. Even the roughness isn’t so bad anymore although I still think he’s pulling his punches.

“What do you think, guys?” Donna asks. “Is she getting any better?”

“She wasn’t like this the last time she was here,” Ford remarks when I come off his cock. I rise up to kiss him. He kisses me deeply in return.

“You’re right; I think she’s getting better,” Gene agrees. “It all depends on whether you want to or not, Nora. We certainly don’t want to force you.”

“Being forced can be a real turn-on,” Wilma tells me with a knowing wink. I smile back, telling her I’m beginning to see the benefits.

Donna smiles as she gives me a look. “Now about that control issue of yours.”

“What about it?” I reply with a smile.

“Still want to give it up?” Wilma asks.

My mind returns to the image of Sandra with her wrists cuffed behind her back and the blackened dive mask on her face. I remember what it was like down at the bottom of the pool feeling helpless while being pleasured. That’s when I realize the pleasure and orgasms certainly felt strongest when I had the least amount of control.

“Yeah, I’m in,” I tell them confidently. “Let’s go all the way.”

“Are you sure?” Wilma asks, the concern evident in her voice.

I try to sound braver than I’m actually feeling. “Yeah, I’m sure. Besides, this is for me and James.”

It suddenly dawns on me what I’ve just admitted to. Do I really want to do this for James? Wasn’t I supposed to be angry with him?

Right now I can’t remember what it was we were fighting about. Besides, I’m too turned on to think about being angry.

“Are you sure?” Donna asks carefully. I nod with nervous excitement.

“I don’t know,” Wilma says warily. “She might become another Sandra if we go through with this. That sexy slut is up for almost anything we do to her.” We all chuckle at her remark.

I’m jealous over the way they think of Sandra. I’d like to be called a sexy slut at least once. I’d even like James to think of me in that way.

“Let’s do it,” I tell them with a smile. “It can’t be any worse than what you did to me out in the pool, can it? So I give you permission to do anything you want with me.”

“I don’t know,” Wilma replies with a twinkle in her eye and a shake of her head. “I’m not sure how fair it will be letting you experience those orgasms all over again.”

“I guess you’ll just have to eat your heart out.”

“I don’t think so, Nora. But I might let you eat something else out once we get your arms tied behind your back and your eyes blinded.”

“Oh fuck; you wouldn’t!” I hadn’t even considered that. I see the guys looking at me with growing excitement as I begin to second-guess my decision.

“Ok, Donna,” Wilma tells her. “Go fetch something to take away Nora’s control.” That’s when Donna lets out a cruel laugh as she climbs out of the water, giving me the erotic shivers something fierce.

© 2018 (written Jan 17 ’18 by riwa)

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Taking one for the team 4.2 (16)

It was the only time Kaylee Johnson had ever attended a professional basketball game. It was a team her father owned. And they were doing poorly.

The Bay City Boilers were mired in a serious slump. They’d only won three games all season. Now they were in the midst of another losing streak.

They’d lost fourteen games in a row. But tonight’s game was sold out. And twenty-year-old Kaylee Johnson was the main reason for that sellout.

For tonight’s game her father had offered the team a marvelous incentive. If they won, they would be allowed to enjoy his daughter in their locker room until the wee hours of the morning. That meant there would be several well-endowed athletes that would no doubt enjoy filling all her holes.

What bothered Kaylee was the fact that being given to her father’s team as a sex-toy for winning the game was actually her best option. Winning would send the crowd away happy. But they would not go home disappointed if the team lost.

Over in a corner of the arena stood a glass cylinder on a tall platform, visible to one and all. If the team lost Kaylee was to be placed in that cylinder. Then it would be filled with water until she drowned… a sacrifice to the basketball gods perhaps? Either way – win or lose – she would be taking one for the team.

The spectators had been informed of her decision to motivate his team prior to tonight’s game. And before the opening tip-off she’d been paraded around the arena in her white blouse and checkered skirt for all to see. Everyone knew what would happen to her if the team won. But on this night they were all hoping the team would lose its fifteenth game.

This motivational arrangement was not lost on the visiting Raleigh Rockets. If they won they would get to watch the owner’s sexy daughter drown right before their very eyes. Losing to a team as bad as the Boilers would be bad enough. But this was an added incentive to win.

The game stayed competitive all the way through the first two quarters. At halftime in the locker room the Boilers tried to pump each other up. They reminded each other of the sexual pleasures that awaited them with Kaylee once they had beaten their rivals.

Unfortunately the Rockets came out all fired up to start the second half. They got into a rhythm and started making shot after shot. They could see Kaylee waiting anxiously in the outfit she would drown in. And they could see the cylinder she would be placed inside if they came out victorious. It inspired them to play their absolute best.

The lead stretched from five points to ten. By the start of the fourth quarter the lead had blossomed to fifteen. That’s when the crowd began to realize they were about to be treated to the drowning of the owner’s daughter at the end of the game.

As time wound down they began chanting, “DROWN. HER. DROWN. HER. DROWN. HER!” Kaylee felt tears stream down her cheeks. She didn’t want to die tonight. But it was obvious her father’s team just wasn’t up to the task at hand.

When the horn sounded, the Boilers had lost by twenty-two points. It was probably the only time in recorded history that a crowd had loudly cheered the loss of their home team. The Boilers hung their heads in shame. But they weren’t disappointed for long, being as how the owner’s daughter would be drowning for them as well as everyone else.

The officials immediately moved to clear the floor. The entire arena grew quiet. That’s when then the platform with the cylinder was pushed to midcourt as Kaylee started to hyperventilate.

Stacy and Glenda, the head cheerleaders, took up positions on either side of her in case she tried to make a run for it. They all watched as large hoses were strewn across the floor and connected to valves underneath the platform. The glass wall of the cylinder retracted down into the platform until it was ready for its occupant.

Stacy and Glenda each took an arm. Then they escorted Kaylee to the platform. They dramatically marched her up the stairs while sporting big smiles on their faces. They were really looking forward to watching daddy’s princess drown.

The crowd roared before taking up the chant again… “DROWN. HER. DROWN. HER. DROWN. HER!” Kaylee swallowed the lump growing in her throat. “Too bad for you,” Stacy on her right called into her ear. “I hear Bigsley has the biggest cock on the team! At least this way you’ll be giving the paying customers their money’s worth!”

“Daddy’s girl’s gonna get wet!” Glenda added with wicked glee. “It couldn’t happen to a more entitled bitch. I guess he decided to cut off your allowance permanently.”

Their taunts didn’t help matters any. Kaylee felt alone and vulnerable. It was obvious the entire arena was looking forward to watching her drown.

When they reached the top of the platform the cheerleaders moved Kaylee into the base of the cylinder. There was already a little water in the bottom. That’s when Stacy knelt down and began securing the doomed girl’s right ankle tightly to a cement weight. There was no slack granted to her.

“Don’t want you drifting up to the top of the cylinder now,” Glenda observed with a cackle. “We’ve got a full house tonight. Everyone here wants to see you drown.”

“That’s right,” Stacy added enthusiastically as she made sure Kaylee’s ankle was secure. “They didn’t pay to see our lousy basketball team win tonight’s game. They came to watch you drown!”

“You will perform for us, won’t you?” Glenda taunted, grabbing Kaylee by the chin and shaking it. “You’re gonna shake that ass real good while you give us all those drowning bubbles, right?”

“If I was in charge I’d make her do this nude,” Stacy told her companion. “But I guess it’s all good. This white blouse of hers is gonna turn transparent in the water real fast.” Then she giggled as she told the owner’s daughter, “Every cock out there’s gonna wish it was fucking you while you suck water in here. So don’t try to free yourself; ok? Just drown the way you’re supposed to.”

Glenda mockingly asked her, “You will give your daddy a good show, won’t you, princess? After all, he set this up for the whole team as well as the whole damned city. See those cameras over there? They’re gonna broadcast your drowning around the world.”

“You’re gonna be famous, bitch!” Stacy laughed. “This should be great for an attention whore like you!”

Kaylee whimpered, more tears welling up in her eyes as they taunted her. She looked down at her ankle attached to the cement block. She gave it a tentative pull, but she was tightly secured.

“Have a nice drowning, bitch,” Stacy told her. Then the two cheerleaders bowed to the cameras and the spectators in a grand flourish. A round of applause flowed throughout the arena.

Stacy and Glenda calmly descended the platform. At the same time the glass cylinder began rising up all around her. It wasn’t long until Kaylee found herself sealed inside.

Almost immediately she started hyperventilating again. Those cruel chants returned… “DROWN. HER. DROWN. HER. DROWN. HER!” Then water started pumping into the bottom of the cylinder.

Kaylee let out a cry as she looked down. This was not going to be a slow drowning. The water level was already approaching her knees. At this rate she wasn’t going to last long. It gave her a jolt of fear as well as a perverse arousal at her dilemma.

The crowd kept chanting, eager to watch her drown. Kaylee anxiously looked around, hoping to find someone who was sad over her immediate future. But she couldn’t find one anywhere.

She looked at the cheerleaders, hoping to find a sympathetic face there. But they were doing a routine they’d come up with… “KAYLEE – KAYLEE; SHE’S A WITCH! BOILERS – BOILERS; DROWN THAT BITCH! KAYLEE – KAYLEE; SHE’S NOT MEAN! SHE IS DROWNING FOR THE TEAM! YAYYYY, BOILERS!” The crowd roared its approval.

The water level continued to climb as Kaylee continued to hyperventilate. She gasped as she looked all around, hoping someone was going to stop the flow and let her out. But the cold water reached the bottom of her skirt and kept right on rising as the spectators kept chanting, “DROWN. HER. DROWN. HER. DROWN. HER!”

Both teams stood at their respective benches, watching the cylinder fill with water. Kaylee saw multiple cocks tenting team shorts. She couldn’t believe how turned on they were at her plight.

Most if not all of the people in the stands were cheering. There didn’t seem to be a sympathetic face among them. Apparently those in attendance had bought a ticket hoping to get to watch the team owner’s daughter drown. Now they were about to get their money’s worth.

Water continued to flow into the cylinder. It rose right over her skirt and kept right on climbing. Soon it reached her breasts, causing Kaylee to gasp from the cold as her heart raced.

Kaylee couldn’t stop hyperventilating. She tried to put on a good face, both for the team and for her father. But it really didn’t matter how she acted. She was still going to drown… and they were all going to cheer when it happened.

The water rose up over her breasts, turning her white blouse transparent. The crowd roared its approval. A big screen showed a close-up of her struggle as well as the fear in her eyes. She just couldn’t believe the entire arena wanted to watch her drown.

She could feel the water flowing into the cylinder. She tried to shake her ankle free of the strap. But she was tightly secured, and it took everything she had not to reach down and try to free herself.

She panted heavily for breath as the water reached her neck. Her skirt billow upward, revealing her pink thong underwear. She had only minutes left.

She still couldn’t believe it. How could her father do this to her? How could he let her drown like this?? How long could she hold her breath before her body gave in to the inevitable??

The water continued to rise. It felt as though it was coming in faster now. Kaylee inhaled deeply, instinctively gathering as much air into her lungs as possible. Then the water was past her lips, her nose, her eyes.

It passed her forehead as the crowd roared with excitement. Her body wanted to float upward. But she was firmly tethered to the cement block and wasn’t going anywhere.

She tried to swallow down her panic as the water kept rising. She looked upward, trying to see how long before the cylinder was completely full. Would daddy drain it at the last possible minute? He wasn’t really going to drown his only daughter, was he??

There was still air up there. If only she wasn’t secured to the cement. She was totally enveloped in cold water, her nipples hardening at her dilemma as she started losing her breath.

Her skirt continued to billow as the water continued to rise. She mentally screamed for it to come back down, for the cylinder to start to drain. She was terrified; she didn’t want to go through this!

The crowd’s cheers were muted. But she still heard them. Bubbles trickled out of her mouth as she tried to hold her breath.

She stared at the two teams standing in front of their respective benches. She pleaded with them with her eyes. But they all looked excited at her impending drowning. By now several of those bulges were quite noticeable.

The strain in her lungs grew worse. She could feel her chest start to heave. But water kept flowing in, making her skirt continue to billow, no doubt so the bloodthirsty crowd could see her pink thong.

She looked up toward the top of the cylinder again. If only she could reach the air up there. She pulled on her foot, but she was securely tethered to the floor of the cylinder.

The convulsions in her chest intensified. She clapped a hand to her mouth as bubbles fizzed out through her fingers. Her cheeks bulged as another convulsion rocked her.

The crowd was chanting louder now… “DROWN. HER. DROWN. HER. DROWN. HER!” They all wanted to watch her suffer. Her mind screamed in horrified disbelief as she shook her head.

A huge burst of bubbles came out of her mouth, flushing through her fingers. It caused her to bend over backward as she coughed again. Then she was coughing up bubbles as she spasmed and convulsed.

The crowd roared its approval. It hurt unlike anything she’d ever felt before. Kaylee just kept coughing and inhaling. But now she was coughing up air mixed with water as her lungs began to flood.

It hurt so badly that she remained bent over backward, flashing her panties to one and all. Her white blouse became totally transparent. Her nipples were exceedingly erect from the cold water as she was all caught up in the throes of drowning.

How could it hurt so bad? How could anything hurt so bad?? And how could they keep cheering her drowning like that??

Kaylee just kept coughing up water and bubbles until her lungs fully flooded. Her body hurt all over. She tried to breathe, but her lungs weren’t functioning. It felt like she was being smothered and asphyxiated!

She was hit with convulsion after convulsion. It was as though her body was trying to cough out all the water she’d swallowed and inhaled. Fewer bubbles came out past her parted lips as she finally started to settle down.

She was dimly aware of the roar of her father’s paying customers. She couldn’t believe they were enjoying watching her drown. How could they be so cruel?? How could daddy do this to her??

There were fewer spasms as her body hitched less and less. Now only stray muscles were firing, getting delayed messages from her brain of impending disaster. A shudder rippled through her as solitary bubbles fled her flooded lungs.

She could feel organs shutting down. The pain was not as intense as before. Maybe this wasn’t so bad after all.

Another minor convulsion rippled through her. Water kept flowing as though the goal was to keep her skirt billowing. Her pink panties were soaked as a stain appeared. Kaylee had cum and then pissed herself as she was drowning.

The crowd cheered loudly. Her drowning was continuously displayed on the big screen as other cameras sent it out to the viewing audience. There was not one paying customer in the entire arena with a bad seat, not one who didn’t get a good look at the young woman drowning in the cylinder.

The crowd continued cheering as she settled in place. Her body began to sway back and forth inside the cylinder. Kaylee’s senses dimmed until she finally faded away into blessed oblivion.

For the longest time no one moved. They just kept cheering and cheering and cheering. Kaylee got a ten minute standing ovation. But it was an ovation she would never be able to acknowledge or appreciate.

2019 (written Jun 28 ’19 by riwa)

(Inspired by renders from C. Mike Hunt included here for illustration purposes.)

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The rivals (a Club story) 4.1 (8)

Lilith Lust had a rival in the porn industry. There were a lot of women making porn movies. But this one seemed to be infringing on her territory. The bitch’s name was Kagney Lynn Karter.

Every time Lilith made a production it seemed that Kagney was somewhere in the vicinity trying to upstage her. No matter what she did or where she went, the blonde, big-titted bitch was nearby getting just as much attention. Hell, if Lilith premiered a video Kagney was doing some sort of meet and greet somewhere that felt as though it took the spotlight right off her.

She looked into the matter and was told it was just coincidental. But Lilith didn’t believe a word of it. She thought Kagney was a bitch looking to gain some extra mileage by piggybacking off whatever publicity she was attempting to corral for herself.

Once she did a charity event that felt like it had been upstaged. Another time she was involved in a fun run, only to have Kagney schedule a beach volleyball video shoot on the very same day. It made Lilith furious.

On the advice of her manager she decided to get out of town for a few days. Back East there was a well-known club famous for sex and death. Lilith scheduled a video shoot to take place inside the facility, figuring the notoriety of being in such an infamous place would really get her name out there. It would also keep her far away from whatever that Karter bitch was doing back on the West coast.

She made sure the event would be well publicized. She wanted to do something that would include using images of the club’s methods of execution. Doing a video shoot on the premises was something no other porn star had done… or so she’d been told.

On the day of the shoot she flew back East. There was some welcome publicity when she got off the plane and made her way to the club. When she arrived she was pleased to learn the place was hopping with activity on what was proving to be one of its busier nights.

Lilith and her cameras were given permission to take video up on the Entertainment stage. She posed naked in the noose with a couple of male extra’s standing on either side of her. An appreciative group of spectators were there to watch the proceedings, some eagerly calling out for them to hang the porn star for real.

Afterwards she was allowed to stand inside the drowning tank. Weights were added to her ankles to make her negatively buoyant. Then water was added until it was above her head.

Several shots were taken of her inside the tank. She pretended she was drowning as her crew took more video. Again there were several in the audience who wanted her to drown for real.

A scene was shot with her locked into one of the guillotines while a friend of hers, another minor female porn star, was locked into the other one. Actors she’d previously used in the business fucked both her and her friend. Monique the club executrix was encouraged to pose between both guillotines as though ready to pull one of the levers.

After they were done with the Entertainment stage Lilith wanted to do a video shoot in one of the snuff rooms. So the group headed off to a room that had been set aside for them to use. So far things were going better than she could have possibly anticipated.

Along the way she signed a few autographs. One of the customers gave her a picture to sign. Lilith had just finished with her signature when she realized it was not a picture of her. What’s more, it already had another signature on it.

“What the hell? That’s not me! That’s a picture of that bitch Kagney Karter!”

“Oh, I’m sorry,” the man replied apologetically as he took it back. “I must have handed you the wrong one by mistake.” But when he realized he had the signature of two porn stars on a single picture he was ecstatic.

Lilith’s mood soured in an instant. “When the hell did you get her to sign that garbage?”

“After I fucked her in one of the sex rooms about a half hour ago.”

“A half hour ago? You fucked her HERE?? In one of the rooms??”

“Hell yeah! She’s been letting her fans come in and fuck her all night long!”

“That BITCH! That fucking BITCH! She’s stealing my thunder again!”

Her blood pressure skyrocketed as she turned to her manager. “Let’s get to that room and shoot the damned video, Jesse. Then let’s get the hell out of here!”

They entered a snuff room where they hooked Lilith up into the electric chair. Guys stood on either side of her with their cocks out. They didn’t give her all that much electricity. But they had to do several takes as it was evident her mind was not on the shoot. It was on that blonde bimbo trying to upstage her again.

Next she was noosed up in the middle of the room as those same two guys stood on either side of her. She grabbed their cocks and tried to smile for the camera. Then pictures and video were taken of her noosed on her knees, cocks in her hands and one in her mouth.

From there they moved to the guillotine in the room. Lilith climbed on and was strapped in tight. Then she was fucked in her mouth and ass.

Her manager was starting to get upset with her. He could tell her heart was not into it. “Lilith, where is your fucking mind right now? Would you please focus on what the hell you’re doing?” But she could not stop thinking about that bitch Kagney Karter.

She finally requested the monitor be turned on. She wanted to see what that crazy woman was up to. But it was the wrong thing to do when the channel was brought up of the room the blonde porn star was shooting in.

Kagney was on the bed, cocks in her cunt and ass with another in her mouth. It looked like she was surrounded by appreciative fans. There were even a couple of naked women in attendance.

Lilith almost exploded. Now the bitch was upstaging her club appearance! It didn’t help matters when one of the fans in the room happily commented loud enough to be overheard how Kagney Karter was taking cocks while Lilith Lust was only taking video.

The rust-haired porn star was infuriated. She could no longer go on with her video shoot. She was much too upset to think clearly.

There was no way in hell this was just another coincidence. That Karter bitch must have found out about her plans to visit the club and had deliberately scheduled an appearance of her own. Lilith seethed with unbridled fury.

Apparently word was getting around inside the club. Between the two of them Kagney Karter was actually letting her fans fuck her. That was bound to generate negative publicity that could only be detrimental to Lilith’s image.

The rust-haired porn star was beyond furious. She felt her only choice now was to provide a similar service. Otherwise word would get out that two porn stars had visited the club, but only one had allowed her fans to sexually enjoy her body.

She was forced to make arrangements to move into an empty sex room. Fans of Lilith Lust were now encouraged to come by for a visit. She would start by giving them blowjobs while signing autographs.

When they started showing up in her room she took a few cocks into her mouth. But she was still much too distracted. It soon became apparent that just sucking cock would not allow her to catch up to Kagney Karter’s generosity, being as how that bitch was giving her fans the full treatment.

Lilith indignantly realized she would have to whore herself out. What’s more, Kagney was taking cocks unprotected. If word got out, her stock would soar while Lilith’s image might take a major hit.

Word soon got around that Lilith Lust was taking cock. Several fans took the opportunity to come by for a visit, just so they could say they’d banged both porn stars. Lilith’s willingness to fuck improved her standing among visitors to the club. But she was still fuming. She felt something dramatic had to be done in order to restore her honor.

She finally sent word that she wanted to speak to that big-titted bitch. Kagney dutifully finished with her last visitor. Then the two porn stars met up in a private room with their managers in tow.

Lilith immediately accused Kagney of upstaging her at the club. The blonde responded by telling her this had been on the calendar for some time. Lilith wasn’t buying it for a second.

The managers asked how the situation could be resolved. Kagney didn’t think there was anything that needed resolving. But Lilith wanted some sort of satisfaction.

She thought of the two guillotines up on the Entertainment stage. So she suggested they have a little contest. They would both be locked in and strapped down in each one. Fans would get to bid on who they wanted to fuck and how much they were willing to spend for the privilege. Lilith wanted the satisfaction of the bidding for her services to be higher than for Kagney’s. Then the wheel would be spun.

Each porn star would pick a number. Then the wheel would be spun as they were being fucked by each winning bidder. If their number came up, the blade would come down. Thus, it would put an end to their rivalry once and for all… or so Lilith hoped.

“There’s just one more thing,” Lilith told Kagney. “We’ll have to lie face up so we can see the blade hanging above us. That way the guys can choose whether to fuck our cunt or our ass.”

She didn’t add how their sensors would be on display. She was hoping Kagney had picked up some death cum during her many fucks. With any luck her sensor would pop and that would be the end of her.

At first Kagney hesitated. Lilith was hoping to get the bitch to back down. That way she would appear to be the porn star most willing to take the ultimate risk.

Kagney looked at her manager before responding, “I think we can do that.” But Lilith wanted to put her on the spot. She thought for sure her final condition would seal her triumph.

“We’re not going to do just one spin of the wheel, bitch. We’re going to go ten full rounds in each guillotine. You can feel free to back out anytime you want. Otherwise we have to ride the guillotine through all ten spins of the roulette wheel. Whoever quits prematurely loses the contest. Whoever has her number come up, loses her head. I’m willing to go all the way. So what about you? Are you still game to give it a try?”

Both managers loudly protested. But Lilith was adamant. Besides, she already had it in her mind how her little contest was going to play out. She could already see the headlines… LILITH LUST CHALLENGES PORN STAR RIVAL TO A DUEL IN THE GUILLOTINES; KAGNEY KARTER BACKS OUT.

The blonde porn star was understandably hesitant. She ended up having a whispered conversation with her manager. He kept telling her he didn’t like it at all.

Lilith’s manger was not pleased either. He nervously asked, “Lilith? Are you sure about this? After all, there IS a danger.”

“I’ve got to get one up on that bitch, Jesse. Maybe this will shut her up once and for all. If I don’t end this now she’s going to keep pulling this crap until I go crazy!”

“I still don’t know about this.”

“It’s my decision, ok? We’re going through with this and that’s final!”

Kagney and her manager finally ended their discussion. The blonde turned to her and smiled. “Done,” she said confidently. “I agree to your terms.”

Lilith was shocked. She’d fully expected the bitch to back out. She’d made the contest so outlandish she was sure Kagney would never agree to it.

Now the shoe was on the other foot with their roles reversed. She hadn’t really wanted to risk her head in the guillotines. But if she backed out now, word would get out.

Lilith was indignant her bluff had been called. But her pride was not about to allow her to pull out. After all, this was her idea.

“Call the owner of the club, Jesse. Let’s get this show on the road. The fans are going to LOVE this!”

“Let’s do this, bitch,” Kagney told her as the two porn stars glared at each other. Lilith tried to look as though she was the one who had triumphed during the discussions. But inwardly she was already starting to second guess herself.

An excitement swept through the club as the spectators gathered around the Entertainment stage. Mistress Chastity, club co-owner was excited at all the attention her establishment was receiving. Word of the upcoming contest would get around, making them even more famous… or infamous as the case might be.

After a crowd had gathered the club executrix went up onto the platform and welcomed everyone. She announced that two well-known porn stars would be performing on the stage for their viewing pleasure. Then she grandly announced them.

Lilith Lust and Kagney Lynn Karter walked nude up onto the stage to cheers and applause. Lilith with her rust colored locks took the red framed guillotine. Kagney settled into the black one.

Both women stretched out onto their backs. They were securely strapped down, their tits proudly sticking up out of their chests. Then the lunettes were locked into place around their throats.

As an added bonus, both ladies consented to having their legs pulled up and angled toward the front of their guillotines, secured by rope to cuffs around each ankle. That left their cunts and asses fully exposed. The full chested porn stars were inwardly nervous as they tried to look eager to fuck.

Monique was able to look down on each face as she stood between them. Wicker baskets lay below each protruding head. She smiled at them, thanking each one for participating.

Kagney responded by loudly declaring, “This is for the fans!”

Lilith tried to top her by bravely calling out, “Let’s lose our heads for this great club!” Her words got the loudest roar of appreciation.

Kagney took a number first. She took black 11 because black was the color of her guillotine. The number 11 matched the year of her first anal, double anal, double penetration and double vaginal video shoots… 2011.

Lilith chose red 34. It was because her breasts were a 34 DD, her proudest assets. She believed Kagney’s E cup to be a size too big.

The auction began to decide who would get to fuck each porn star vaginally while they rode the guillotine for the first spin of the roulette wheel. Lilith went first and went out on a $600 bid. Kagney won with a $700 bid, angering her competitor.

Both guys came up to sexually enjoy their prizes. Lilith was forced to take her cock unprotected as Kagney had already decided that was how she was going to play the contest. It was an alarming addition the rust-haired porn star hadn’t counted on.

It was too late to back out now. Besides, Lilith was making herself believe everything was going to turn out all right in the end. Then the guys started fucking them while gamblers gathered around to place bets on the roulette wheel.

Lilith was so nervous that she got her man off before the wheel was even spun. He ended up leaving a nice deposit in her cunt. Kagney was more careful, working with her partner to make sure he thoroughly enjoyed himself.

The bets were finalized. From her place on the stage Monique told her assistant to set the wheel in motion. The two porn stars turned their heads to see an image of the roulette wheel spinning on a large wall monitor.

The spectators cheered which one they wanted to see lose her head. Lilith was already beginning to regret her decision to bring up the contest. The only thing she could hope for now was for Kagney to get unlucky and be beheaded so she would be rid of her once and for all.

The marble harmlessly rattled into red 16. Kagney’s man came in her cunt a few seconds after that, enjoying himself and while nearly causing her to cum. There was applause as bets were paid off down around the roulette wheel.

The two men were cheered before they stepped down off the stage. Another round of bidding was begun. Kagney went first. Again her bidding topped out at $700.

Lilith listened as the fans bid for their chance to fuck her in the guillotine. She hoped this time she would win out. But she only ended up matching Kagney’s bid of $700.

The two winning bidders were applauded as they came up onstage to collect their winnings. They pulled out their cocks and started fucking the two porn stars while betting commenced down on the roulette wheel. Lilith got her tits groped, causing her to moan as Kagney begged her man to fuck her hard and enjoy her cunt.

The gambling was all set before the wheel was spun for a second time. Both women tensed again as they watched the monitor. The guys fucked them harder, hoping they would be lucky enough to be in the middle of fucking a porn star when she lost her head.

The marble settled in the black 10 slot, much to the disappointment of the spectators. This time both guys were able to hold off spurting their loads until the wheel was actually spun, leaving two more cum deposits deep inside the two porn stars. They were applauded as they zipped up and came down off the stage.

On the third round the bidding was for anal sex. Lilith went first, earning a bid of $900. But Kagney won with a bid of $1100, perhaps because she’d announced her lucky number was associated with her first anal. Lilith was left fuming again.

The winners came up, unzipped and started to fuck the two porn stars in their asses as bets were placed on the roulette wheel. Kagney really got into being fucked anally. Lilith didn’t like it quite so much. But she did her best to put her heart and soul into it.

The bets were finalized and the wheel was spun again. This time the marble settled in black 20, only a couple slots from Kagney’s lucky number 11. Hopes at seeing a beheading were dashed. But there was applause as the two guys left deposits in both asses before coming down off the stage.

Round four was planned for more anal sex. This time Kagney got a $900 final bid. Lilith won with a $1,000 bid, making her feel better at beating the price of her rival’s services… at least for that round.

The guys came up and unzipped. They started fucking both asses, thoroughly enjoying themselves as bets were placed. Then the roulette wheel was set into motion yet again.

Both porn stars anxiously watched the monitor, each one wondering whether or not she would survive. The marble rattled home in red 1, dangerously close to green 00. Had a green number popped up it was possible Monique might have pulled both levers. That thought hadn’t occurred to either porn star.

There was disappointment from the spectators that both woman had not lost their heads. After leaving two more deposits in their asses, the guys zipped up and descended the stage to polite applause. There had been four rounds thus far.

On the fifth round Monique declared the winning bidders would each get blowjobs before taking the hole of their choice. Kagney and Lilith settled in as they listened to the bidding. Their anxiety increased each time there was to be a new spin of the wheel.

The bids dropped a little. This time Kagney had a winning bid of $800 while Lilith’s was $700. Then both winners came up onstage to collect.

Kagney and Lilith tipped their heads back to accept cocks into their mouths. They sucked for a good two minutes before the guys went around to fuck them from behind. Both men chose to fuck a vagina and eagerly went at it, causing both porn stars to moan as they rocked in their guillotines.

Bets were placed on the next spin of the roulette wheel as Lilith and Kagney panted for breath. The blonde porn star went off in orgasm before the wheel was even set in motion. Lilith was becoming unnerved with each succeeding spin, not knowing whether she should be scared or aroused, much less if her head would still be attached by the end of each round.

The bets were finalized and the wheel was spun. Both porn stars tensed in breathless anticipation as their cunts got hammered. The marble settled in black 28.

Again the spectators sighed their disappointment. The guys left more cum deposits in both porn stars. Then they descended the stage to polite applause.

The bidding quickly began for round number six. Kagney bottomed out at $700. Lilith matched her bid.

The two guys came up onstage and got their cocks sucked as bets were placed on the roulette wheel. Then they went around to fuck the porn stars from behind. Kagney got hers in the ass while Lilith got hers up her cunt.

Both women were fucked hard as the wheel was set in motion after all bets had been placed. Kagney was now starting to wonder if her number was going to come up. It both scared and excited her enough to trigger another orgasm, causing her to milk a cum right out of the guy fucking her ass.

Lilith was also becoming more anxious. She could not help clenching around the cock inside her. She too orgasmed as the marble began to rattle around.

It settled in red 14. The spectators again sighed their unhappiness that both heads remained attached. The guys were applauded as they descended the stage with stupid grins on their faces.

For round seven Monique added a new wrinkle. A small lash would be added to the contest. That way the winning bidders would be allowed to whip the tits of his porn star while fucking her.

The bids jumped back up. Kagney got a bid of $1100. But Lilith beat her with a bid of $1200. She decided receiving a little breast whipping was worth beating her rival’s bid by $100.

The guys came up to collect their winnings. They accepted the lashes and proceeded to eagerly whip the tits of their porn star during penetration. One fucked Lilith in the ass while the other fucked Kagney’s cunt.

Gamblers eagerly placed more bets on the next spin of the roulette wheel. Betting was finalized and the wheel was set in motion. Both porn stars stiffened involuntarily, wondering if their luck was about to run out.

The marble started bouncing around until it landed in black 15, narrowly missing Lilith’s number by one space. She ended up crying out in orgasm as her tits were whipped. She ended up cumming harder than at any other time that night. The spectators sighed in disappointment before applauding again.

Kagney also climaxed the moment the marble fell. Playing this game was terrifying, yet thrilling. She could only wonder about the outcome with three more rounds to go. Maybe they would both get lucky and survive.

Round number eight would include being whipped in the crotch. This time there would be pain and pleasure. Monique’s cleverness kept the bids elevated, but Lilith was disappointed her winning bid was only $1000 while Kagney’s was $1100.

The guys came up onstage and received their instruments of pain. They whipped both porn stars in their exposed crotches. Then they began fucking them while flogging their tits as bets were placed on the roulette wheel.

Gambling was closed and the wheel was set in motion. Kagney climaxed again, wondering if this was going to be it for her. How much longer would it be before one of them would run out of luck?

If she survived this round she could always back out. But now her pride was at stake as well. Besides, it was quite possible neither number would come up during all ten rounds.

Lilith also cried out in orgasm as the marble began to settle. It landed in red 21. She got a load of cum up her cunt as she went weak with relief.

The crowd groaned with disappointment before applauding. The guys zipped up and came down off the stage. Both porn stars were collecting a sizeable number of cum deposits. Amazingly enough, it seemed that sloppy seconds and thirds did not seem to be deterring the bidders in the slightest.

There were only two rounds left. Lilith was sorely tempted to bow out now. But she couldn’t risk the hit to her reputation. Besides she was hoping Kagney would get cold feet and would quit ahead of her.

Both women could not wait for the contest to end. Each one had legitimate concerns she might lose her head. But they were also starting to think they just might make it all the way through to the end without the marble landing on their lucky number. Their popularity was certain to soar to new heights after this crazy night.

The bids slipped a little. Kagney won with a $1000 bid to Lilith’s $900. Then their winning bidders came up onstage, eager to whip and fuck a porn star locked into a guillotine.

Kagney got a cock in her mouth as her tits were whipped. Lilith got whipped hard in her pussy. It seemed as though the guys were becoming more and more sadistic.

Once more the gamblers began placing bets on the roulette wheel. The porn stars got brutally fucked in their asses as their tits were flogged. They both could feel the onset of another orgasm. Each one was looking forward to the end of the contest so they could finally call it a day.

Bets were finalized before the wheel was set in motion. Kagney writhed and whimpered, on the verge of another anal orgasm as her breasts got lashed. Lilith cried out in pain at the way she was being so brutally whipped and fucked.

The wheel began to slow as the marble fell out of its track. It rattled before it settled into the black 11 slot. The whole audience collectively gasped in surprise.

Kagney’s eyes flew open in horror as Monique grabbed her lever. “Congratulations, honey. You just won… or should I say ‘you just lost’? I hope you’ll enjoy the ride. Thank you so much for playing.” Then she pulled the lever.

Kagney opened her mouth to scream as she started to orgasm so very, very hard. Then the blade whooshed down. It silenced her forever as the blade sliced right through her neck, bottoming out with a loud thump that made several people in the audience jump at the sound.

Her head dropped into the wicker basket as her back arched. The guy in her ass roared how tight she’d become and that he was really cumming now. He ended up leaving a massive deposit deep up her rectum.

Lilith let out a cry of surprise as she orgasmed. She got dizzy as hell, shocked one of the blades had actually been released. She couldn’t believe how Monique had so very calmly beheaded Kagney Karter. Their rivalry was definitely at an end now that the stupid bitch had lost her fucking head.

Monique reached down and lifted up the severed head out of the bloody wicker basket by a handful of blonde hair. Kagney still seemed conscious and aware as her skull was lifted up into the air. She heard the cheers of the spectators as she got a glimpse of her headless body bucking and heaving against the straps.

She also got a glimpse of Lilith’s shocked expression. Her rival finally managed a smirk of triumph. ‘That bitch! I should never have taken part in this damned contest!’ Then the life flickered out of her pupils as blood continued dripping out of her severed neck.

Monique loudly proclaimed, “Ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner! Kagney Karter, thank you so much for playing! Let’s give her a big round of applause, shall we?” The spectators went wild as they cheered and applauded.

Lilith was still getting fucked when she felt a sharp pain in her stomach. She let out a cry as Monique turned to have a look. The eyes of the executrix flashed in surprise.

“Well I’ll be damned! Your sensor just popped, honey! You know what they say… ‘Two heads are better than one,’ right? Thank you so much for visiting the club tonight.” Then she reached for her lever.

Lilith’s eyes flew open in horror. She started to cry out, “NOOOO!” Then her blade came whooshing down.

She was on the verge of cumming hard when all sensation below her neck abruptly ceased. For a moment she lost track of where she was as she seemed to plummet. Then she couldn’t see a thing.

She suddenly felt light as a feather as her vision returned. She was lifted up into the air until she could see the audience roaring with approval. What were they cheering for?

She got a glimpse of Kagney’s dripping head being held aloft right next to her. It scared her so bad that she tried to scream. But she couldn’t make a sound.

Her head was turned until she got a view of some guy strenuously whipping the tits of a naked body jerking around on a bench as he fucked it hard. But there was no head attached. That’s when she realized to her horror it was her body being whipped and fucked.

She heard the guy cry out in release. Then Monique’s head swung into view. The executrix actually kissed her lips as the light began to fade from her eyes. Then Lilith Lust was aware of nothing at all.

Monique also kissed Kagney’s mouth after locking lips with Lilith. Then she proudly held both heads aloft. The spectators roared their approval. Even Mistress Chastity was on her feet, smiling and applauding.


Lilith Lust never got the satisfaction she was seeking. Her head ended up right next to Kagney’s in a special display at the club. Once more it seemed she simply could not escape the presence of her rival who was always managing to upstage her…

…even in death…

2019 (written for Anubis May 27 ’19 by riwa)

(Inspired by the two porn stars whose pictures have been included for illustration purposes.)

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