iPhone at the Dock 4.3 (12)

She smiled as she texted back to him. She loved what he’d sent. He said she looked like a younger, blonde Jessica Alba. It made her laugh and feel good.

She sent another text. He responded. She laughed again.

She was in the midst of typing another message when a voice behind her called out, “Are you still on that damned thing?” It startled her so badly that she lost her grip on it. The iPhone fell out of her hand.

It bounced off the wooden surface of the dock, angling just right. When it came back down it rattled between the slats. Then it was gone with a quiet plop into the water below the dock.

“SHIT!” Then she angrily whirled. “DAMN YOU, TESSA; YOU MADE ME DROP IT!”

“I didn’t mean to! You’re always on that damned thing!” But Georgia wasn’t listening to her. She was down on her knees peering through the slats in the dock. She couldn’t see a thing.

“I lost it! It fell into the water!”

“You can always get another one, Georgia.”

“Are you crazy?? That one’s got all of Jimmy’s texts on it!”

They’re probably lost now.”

“Maybe a repair shop can retrieve ‘em!”

“It’s gone, Georgia! Let it go!”

“I’m NOT going to let it go!” Then she moved over and sat on the edge of the dock.

She stuck her legs in the cold water despite the tennis shoes still on her feet. She turned to her friend and demanded, “Help me find it, Tessa!”

“Georgia, you’ll never find it down there!”

“Damn you, Tessa! It’s all your fault!”

“If you wouldn’t have been playing with it out here, none of this would have happened!”

“You’re the one who snuck up behind me!” Tessa just shook her head, waving her arm dismissively as she turned and headed back along the dock to shore.

“Come back here! You’ve got to help me find it!”

“It’s lost! Get a new one!”

“Damn you!”

She watched as her friend reached the shore and began heading back to the buildings. “TESS-AHH!” But the young woman refused to turn around and come back.


Georgia panted for breath as she looked down at the water. If she was going to find it, she’d better start looking right away. The longer it remained submerged, the less likely any of those texts could be retrieved.

She removed the white ball cap on her head before slipping off the edge of the dock into the water. She totally submerged before coming back up, spewing bubbles out of her nose. Damn, that was cold!

She filled her lungs before deliberately pushing herself under the dock. Bubbles dribbled out of her nose as she swam toward the bottom. It looked to be a good ten or twelve feet down, with jagged rocks strewn all along this stretch of shoreline.

She swam for the bottom, her denim cutoffs and tennis shoes helping to weigh her down. Her blonde hair flowed behind her as she looked at the rocks, the pressure hurting her eyes and ears a little. But she couldn’t see anything promising.

She’d had it turned on. Wouldn’t there be some sort of light from the display marking where it had fallen? The water was just murky enough to hamper her search.

She blinked as she grabbed onto a large rock and looked around, her cheeks beginning to bulge. But she still couldn’t find it. The burn in her lungs made her turn and head back to the surface.

She released bubbles until she popped up next to the dock. She grabbed on and panted for breath. She could feel the panic threatening to overwhelm her.

Georgia gasped loudly, filling her lungs. Then she submerged again. She swam down, kicking with her legs as her hair flowed behind her.

She made her way down toward the rocks below. This time she pinched her nose to equalize. It eased the pressure on her eyes and ears.

She reached the rocks and began another search. Where had that damned iPhone come down?? It was dark down here, the dock above blocking direct sunlight onto the spot she wanted to check.

Her eyes finally began to adjust to the dim lighting. She would have to stay down longer now that she could see a little better. Her cheeks bulged again as air trickled out of her nose.

She checked around a couple of larger rocks. But she couldn’t find her precious iPhone. The longer it remained submerged, the less likely any of her data could be retrieved.

Her lungs began to strain as she grunted while looking around another rock. But she couldn’t find it. In despair she turned and headed back to the surface, bubbles spewing out of her mouth.

She popped up gasping loudly for breath. Her denim cutoffs were totally soaked. The red bikini top she was wearing now made her breasts feel chilled, hardening her nipples. She would throw her clothes and tennis shoes into the wash later, hoping they would turn out all right from her impromptu swim.

She looked off toward shore but saw no one around. Apparently Tessa was not coming back to help her in her search. That bitch! This was all her fault!

Georgia filled her lungs again, inhaling as much air as she could. Then she submerged with a burble. She turned and pulled downward with her arms, kicking her legs as she headed for the bottom.

Once more she pinched her nose to equalize. The pressure eased quite a bit, although it was still cold. That didn’t help matters any.

She found the rocks again, causing her to briefly glance upward. Was this where it had come down through the slats? Or did she need to expand her search?

Georgia bubbled as she moved over to another set of rocks. There were places where an iPhone could easily hide. She might have to move some of them out of the way if she was going to have any luck finding her prized possession.

She grunted as she moved a couple rocks around. She felt some sort of line try to entangle her hand, causing her to fling it loose. It felt like somebody’s fishing line had gotten snagged down here.

She grunted and bubbled as she moved more rocks around. Her cheeks began to bulge again. Then she felt it in her lungs.

She pushed herself to stay down longer, anxious to find her iPhone. Her stomach rippled as she grunted again, her cheeks bulging even more. Soon they would explode, expelling the last of her breath.

There was a bigger rock that was harder to move. She felt around with her hand, grunting and bubbling. Then her lungs began to burn as they gently started to heave.

She bubbled in frustration. Then she headed back toward the surface. The water became warmer as she kicked upward, her blonde hair flowing behind her as she released bubbles out of her nose and mouth.

She popped up and gasped for breath, swimming over and clinging to the dock. Once more she looked toward shore. It looked like Tessa was definitely not coming back.

Georgia took a few deep breaths, hoping a longer breath-hold might yield better results. It was cold; she wanted to hurry up and find her iPhone. She filled her lungs before pushing herself back down under the dock. Then she turned and kicked her way downward, pinching her nose to help equalize.

Again it got darker and colder the deeper she went. Once more she began feeling around the rocks, hanging on to larger ones as she searched all around. She was beginning to think she was never going to find it.

She felt around until she encountered more fishing line. It threatened to snag her wrist, causing her to withdraw her hand. She shook the line free before sticking it down into another promising location.

She grunted as she adjusted her position. She wedged her leg in the rocks to give her some leverage. She felt them shift a little as her cheeks began to bulge again.

She released bubbles out of her nose as she felt around. Damn; more fishing line. Then she felt something that did not fit with the rest of the bottom. It felt smooth.

She tried reaching for it, only to accidently move it farther under a set of rocks out of reach. She readjusted her position again as her lungs began to burn. Her cheeks bulged a little more as she struggled to reach it.

She pushed forward with her legs, grunting hopefully. She bubbled, “I think…” as her fingers wrapped around something promising. Had she found it?

She pulled it out as her lungs began showing the strain with gentle heaves. The object was shaped exactly like her missing iPhone. Georgia grunted hopefully as it certainly looked like she’d found what she was looking for.

She started to push herself upward, only for her wrist to get hung up in more fishing line. She grunted as she adjusted her position yet again. She carefully shed the line while clasping the prize in her other hand. Then her wrist came free.

She rose up and started to kick off the bottom for the surface. That’s when her left leg jerked her up short. She grunted in alarm, her blonde hair swirling around her head as she lost more bubbles out of her mouth.

Her cheeks were really bulging as she reached down for her lower leg. Her ankle was wedged in between a couple of bigger rocks. They must have shifted while she was adjusting her position earlier.

Her lungs heaved, her stomach rippling ominously. It gave her a fright as she grunted while trying to pull her leg out. It finally came free, only to get hung up in more fishing line.

Georgia grunted in alarm as bubbles started fizzing out past her pursed lips. Her cheeks really bulged as she struggled to free her ankle. Her lungs heaved in earnest, her stomach rippling in protest.

She couldn’t hold her breath much longer. And her ankle was really snagged! She grunted as she pulled with her arms, air slipping out through her pursed lips. But the harder she pulled, the tighter the fishing line dug into her ankle.

In a last ditch effort she tried to pop off her tennis shoe, hoping that might do the trick. Then her lungs heaved demandingly. Georgia instinctively shot upward in a desperate attempt to reach the surface in time. The fishing line firmly said, “No!” as it pulled her up short, tethering her to the rocks beneath her.

Georgia glubbed and grunted as she lost more air. Instinctively she brought a hand up to cover her mouth. Her lungs were heaving, demanding to be replenished.

She anxiously shook her head, her blonde strands waving all around her face as she lost more air. But she couldn’t hold her breath any longer, setting her into a panic. She instinctively thrashed about, frantically clawing for the surface with her arms until she coughed up a huge burst of bubbles.

She grunted as she inhaled deeply. Then she convulsed as her lungs heaved in protest. A moment later she began gulping water as her stomach hitched painfully.

She spasmed and convulsed, almost doubling over in pain with each inhalation. Her mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water. Her eyes widened in terror as her stomach continued to spasm, her lungs heaving as her breasts bounced within her red top.

She finally lost her grip on her prize. It swirled down and disappeared between two rocks. Georgia hitched and gurgled as the fishing line kept a tight grip on her ankle.

She stared upward in horror at the dock above her. Her last thought was how much it hurt and why Tessa couldn’t be bothered with helping her. Then the pain eased before consciousness mercifully faded away.

She hung tethered to the bottom, stray muscles twitching as she hitched and jerked. Bubbles trickled freely past her parted lips. She stared upward in shock before the life winked out of her eyes.

Up at the surface Tessa came back down to the dock, calling out for her friend. She walked out to the end and looked down at the water. For some reason her eyes did not fully register the presence of the white ball cap. If her friend had gone for a swim she didn’t seem to be in the water anymore.

A few stray bubbles came up directly beneath her under the dock. But she barely heard them, making no connection between them and her missing friend. Then she shook her head. Surely Georgia hadn’t submerged in that cold water to look for her iPhone, had she?

“She must have gone back, deciding it was no use going down to look for it. I don’t know… maybe I’ll buy her a new one.” Then she headed back to shore, calling out, “Georgia?? Georgia, I’m sorry! I’ll get you a new one, ok? Don’t be mad!” The presence of the ball cap lying on the dock still didn’t register.

Down below, Georgia’s body gently swayed back and forth, her ankle firmly tethered to the fishing line and the rocks below. More air slipped out of her flooded lungs as tiny bubbles swirled for the surface. Then her body began to settle until she ended up lying face down on the rocks beneath her.

2019 (written by request May 7 ’19 by riwa)

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Patreon and Riwas Reads updates 4 (2)

Riwa’s Stories at Patreon

Coming July rewards

Part 3 of Shelly in Cancun.
Part 3 of 3 in the pool.
Part 2 of Chastity’s fuck-toy (a club story).
Irina’s favorite drowning scenes.
The great Nemuri (a reference to a series of movies about a Japanese swordsman).
One million views (social media going awry?)
Carrie and her mother at the swim team party.
Addison finds herself in a Houdini tank.

May stories/rewards will fall off at the end of June to make room for July rewards.

The month started with another move to a different location here in my apartment complex. That created some issues related to my last move. So I’ve been adapting to my new location. It’s what they call a garden apartment, with my apartment being set about 4 feet into the ground. It should be cooler in summer and warmer in winter. But it’s taken some time to adjust to my new surroundings. Also mom’s had some issues with her well, and it’s caused a minor disruption to my routine.

What’s been happening to our country lately must be causing some of you a lot of stress. I’ve been stressed as well. So I try not to listen to the news. I also try to focus on providing you with some entertaining content so you can forget about what’s going on around you, if only for a little while. I hope I can be a bright spot in your lives, even if it’s only a short story or some fun reading material.

I recently added a $5 level to my patreon content. I want you to know ahead of time that no stories will go in there. It’s simply a support level. It occurred to me some of you might want to thank me for all the content I’ve put out, not just here but over at my library as well. Maybe you just want to put out a one-time pledge that comes out the first of the month and then cancel five or ten days later. Maybe you want to pledge for 2-3 months. I’ll leave that to your discretion. I decided to make it a small amount. It’s enough to buy me lunch for a day. Sometimes mom and I go to town together and we like to eat at certain fast food places. $5 is usually the amount I spend when I’m with her.

Thank you so very much for being my patrons. I hope you have a really great July and that things settle down in your area…

Riwa’s Reads updates

Island 27-28 (6-9-20)

18981 words – $6.00

From the keyboard of Richard “Riwa” Shepard comes the continuation of a pair of long, older series recently edited, the Island of Condemned Inmates and Jaime visiting the Club.

Island 27-28 – Christina goes off with Mike and Maggie for an erotic three-way encounter in the staff pool. Helen and Tamika get the payback due them in more ways than one. And Jason and Karla conspire together to find some way of fixing the lottery and then escaping the island together. (19 pages)

Jaime 32-33 – Jaime is taken back to the special (snuff) room where she’s chained from the ceiling so Lidiya and two other females can enjoy her in that position(whipping her dangling body). After she is fucked several times by everyone in the room she is put into the electric chair and forced to endure even more. During this time Sylvia’s (severed) head is brought into the room for all to admire. (16 pages)

The Mistress (reactivated 6-9-20)

5928 words – $5.60

From the keyboard of Richard “Riwa” Shepard comes a reposted JustPaul special.

The Mistress – Angelina enjoys breath-holding as a way to get herself off. She meets Claire at the recreational center and teaches her what she knows. Then she meets Claire’s husband Jack. The two begin spending more time together. He enjoys watching and waiting for her as she goes out and breath-holds in a sunken fishing trawler just offshore before coming back for some hot sex.

Claire doesn’t take too kindly to Angelina spending so much time with her husband. And when he turns up missing again she has a pretty good idea where the two lovebirds might be… out on the beach while Angelina is breath-holding in that sunken trawler again. This time Claire’s just angry enough to consider doing something about it. (26 pages; 41 vidcap renders)

BONUS: Included is the 3:15 clip which picks up with Jack and Angelina on the beach as she prepares to go out for her breath-hold swim down to the sunken trawler. My thanks to JustPaul.

The Underwater Gauntlet (plus bonus story) (reactivated 6-20-20)

9515 words – $5.00

From the keyboard of Richard “Riwa” Shepard comes a reposted bundle. Special thanks to JustPaul for the illustrations.

The Underwater Gauntlet – Aubrey meets a Swede named Roald at the rec center where she swims. After going out on a couple of dates, he invites her to a swanky club where the owner Mr. Noble takes an interest in her. He invites her to take part in a very special entertainment the club offers by having her embark on a dangerous challenge. But when she turns him down cold, she finds out you just don’t say no to Mr. Noble. Will Aubrey survive the underwater gauntlet? (13 pages)

Attack – Sylvia has discovered that her best friend Annette has been fucking her husband. So she takes the unsuspecting woman out on her boat to a wreck they have visited several times before. Will her rage result in an underwater attack from which her former freediving friend will not be able to escape? (7 pages; 3 JustPaul renders)

Emma bundle 5 (6-20-20)

12064 words – $5.00

From the keyboard of Richard “Riwa” Shepard comes another trio of older Emma stories.

It’s my party and I’ll flirt if I want to – Emma hosts a party in her backyard. But she shamelessly flirts all night long, angering her female companion. Jess finally decides to dunk Emma in the pool to show her displeasure. But how far will her jealousy take things? (13 pages)

Discussing their immediate future – Emma and Kate are caught nosing around where they shouldn’t be. Upon being captured, they are secured and forced to listen to their captors discuss methods of disposal. One of the methods involves disappearing at the bottom of a bog. (13 pages)

Let that be a lesson – A bonus short story. Caught with another woman’s man, she is taken out to the harbor and dropped over the side. Inspired by a picture. (3 pages)

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Brinda’s decision 4.3 (16)

The medical report was a death sentence. Eric was devastated. At least it explained why it hurt so much to have sex and why we hadn’t been having any for months.

I told him I didn’t want him to be burdened with my care. He said he wanted to take care of me and that he loved me. But I just couldn’t imagine putting him through all that. I knew it would break his heart to watch my inevitable decline.

I told him I wanted to spend some time at our cabin in the woods. I didn’t know how long it would be before the disease incapacitated me. So he made special arrangements to get time off work.

I drove out early and walked all around. I was feeling rather melancholy. I didn’t want to go on living like this, knowing what was to come.

I found some thick, green rope we’d used to tie a load of possessions to haul up here. It got me to thinking. Before I knew it I was fashioning it into a noose.

I looked all around before deciding the porch would work. There was a heavy timber that looked like it would hold my weight. So I rigged it up. I did it so I would dangle just off the porch.

I had a strong compulsion to hang myself before Eric arrived. But I decided I couldn’t do that to him. We were going to spend a little time together out here and I wanted to see him one last time.

The more I thought about it, the more I wanted to give him one last moment of pleasure. Since sex wasn’t an option I’d resorted to sucking his cock lately just to get him off. I’d even gotten quite good at it. So I decided that would be my last act of love to him before I stepped off the porch into eternity.

I was waiting for him outside when he pulled up. He rushed up to hug me. Then he saw the noose dangling there.

A look of pain filled his features as he shook his head. I told him it was the way I wanted to go out. I didn’t want to end my life suffering in some hospital bed.

He tried to talk me out of it, but I was adamant. I told him I wanted to hang myself. The trees around our cabin would give me peace at the moment I stepped off. And I liked the sound of the birds and insects.

He wanted to go for a walk first. I couldn’t very well say no. My legs were still functioning and I wanted to spend some quality time with him.

We walked along a path, enjoying the serenity of the forest. We talked of fond memories we’d developed over the years. I was glad we didn’t have kids as I wouldn’t have wanted them to suffer without their mother.

We had just started back when I felt a familiar pain in my groin. He looked at me and winced, recognizing my discomfort. It always hurt him the way I suffered like that.

When we got back he went for my medication. This time I told him no. Instead I walked out to the porch and looked out at the trees as I touched the noose that would end my life before the disease could decimate my health.

“I want to do it now, Eric. I know what’s coming. Maybe you can go back to town, get your brother, come back and have him drive my car home.”

There were tears in his eyes. He wiped them away with his fist as he sniffled, “Oh Brinda.” The look of pain in his face cut me to the quick.

I made my decision and walked inside. I found a black piece of fabric that would work perfectly as a blindfold. Besides, it seemed appropriate for a condemned woman during her hanging.

I came back out and smiled at him. I wrapped the blindfold around my head so I couldn’t see. He quietly asked, “Are you sure you want to do that, Brinda?”

“I was condemned the day we got that medical report. So I think it’s appropriate. Now would you kindly noose me, darling?”

I stood there blind, wondering if he would do it. I was relieved when I felt him loop the noose around my neck. “You should be happy,” I chuckled. “You’ve always wanted to kill me over that time I wrecked the car.”

I heard him laugh in response. It had been a while since I’d heard him laugh. It made me feel better.

He snugged the noose tight. I stood there and smiled at him through the blindfold. Then a thought struck me.

I smiled at him before asking, “Does the condemned get a last request?”

“Anything for you, my love.”

“Then I want to give you one last blowjob. I’ve heard the condemned sometimes tips her executioner that way.”

“I think that’s just an urban legend or an old wives tale, darling.”

“Still, the only thing this disease hasn’t taken away from me yet is my mouth. I’d really like to suck your cock one last time… that is, if you’ll let me.”

He paused for a moment. “I’ll have to loosen the noose.”

“I can wait.”

I was both nervous and excited. It was hard to believe I was actually going to go through with it. Strangely I was becoming aroused at the situation.

The noose loosened around my neck. Eric helped me kneel. Then I heard him unzip his fly.

His cock pushed against my lips. Instantly I took it into my mouth. Strangely I became even more aroused as I began sucking him.

I took my time, memorizing the way his dick felt in my mouth. I listened to him moan until I quivered with an even greater excitement. My crotch was actually starting to get wet, the first time in a while I’d felt anything pleasurable down there.

I worked him over good, enjoying the way he gasped and moaned. With my pussy out of action, I threw all my skills into pleasuring him with my mouth. I was concerned my abilities might suffer with a noose around my neck. But it sounded as though he was thoroughly enjoying himself.

I spent a lot of time on my knees until I felt that familiar pain again. I could tell it wanted to diminish the tingling sensations in my pussy. I didn’t want that to happen, so I hurried things along.

I heard him grunt as he tensed up. Then he began cumming. I got his cream in my mouth and on my lips as I savored his flavor one last time. It almost made me cry, making me glad for the blindfold so I couldn’t see his face and he couldn’t see my eyes.

“Damn, honey; that was excellent.”

“I’m so glad, darling. I wanted to give you something wonderful for you to remember me by. In fact, I’d love it if you would enjoy watching me hang. I’ve heard some males can get pretty excited at seeing a woman all noosed up. Now tie the noose for me again, ok?”

“Honey, you know how I feel about this.” But I heard movement on the porch. A moment later I felt the rope tighten around my throat.

“And you know how I feel,” I told him with love in my voice. “Please tell me you’re a little excited. I think it helps. Lie to me if you have to.”

I heard a pause before he cleared his throat. “Darling, I must say seeing that noose around your neck is a bit of a turn-on. And the way you sucked my cock was more than a little exciting. I… I actually got this mental image of you hanging after sucking me.”

I felt an erotic jolt at his words. It was just what I needed to hear. It made the pain diminish as my arousal intensified.

“Ok, honey,” I breathed as the butterflies began swarming in my stomach. “Just point me to the edge of the porch. I want to step off and do this myself. After all, I don’t want you to have any trouble with the authorities. In fact I’d better…”

I paused before wiping my mouth, licking off any residue of his cream. I licked my lips, trying to remember the flavor. Then I felt him guide me to the edge of the porch.

“Brinda?” I could hear the tears in his eyes without seeing his face. It broke my heart. Then I felt another surge of pain in my groin.

“Damned disease,” I muttered quietly. “I love you, Eric. Always remember that. I hope you get some enjoyment out of this.”

The next twinge of pain made me step off. Instantly I was aware of a new agony as the rope tried to close off around my throat. My hands were free so it would look like I’d done this to myself.

It felt like I was falling without ever hitting the ground. My feet kicked instinctively as my hands involuntarily reached up for the rope around my neck. I heard an anxious “Brinda??” and I responded “Don’t… interfere…. just… let me go!”

The tingling in my crotch intensified. I was actually feeling a pleasure in the midst of all that pain. I guess the rope was thick enough that I wouldn’t die right away.

I kicked and struggled, trying to gasp for breath. I felt an erotic jolt down below. It made me reach down and rub myself, thankful my hands were free.

I kicked harder, my body wanting to live. It wanted to condemn me to a few short months of agony in a bed. But there was something else occurring, something I hadn’t experienced in a long time.

I rubbed harder and it felt good. Then I became aware of another sensation. It felt like my bladder wanted to give way. I hadn’t thought about that.

It hurt until I could hardly breathe at all. My bladder was on the verge of giving out, and I tried to hold it back. I could feel sexual pleasure trying to crest, the first pleasure in several months. If only I could…

The rope cut my breath off as I wore myself out. I didn’t quite achieve what I was looking for; the disease was too pronounced. But I welcomed what I did experience.

I quietly swung back and forth. Amazingly my footwear stayed on. I considered it a small victory, just like all my previous little daily victories since the beginning of my suffering.

I could feel myself spiraling away as my bladder released. I felt urine trickle down my legs and drip off my feet. I thought I heard Eric tell me he loved me. Then he was crying softly as all that damnable pain in my groin finally went away, never to be experienced again.

2018 (written Nov 29 ’18 by riwa)

(Inspired by pictures I found in my archives and used for illustration purposes.)

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Club cuckold 4.4 (92)

They were sitting on the sofa together watching a movie while their daughter was in bed. A steamy love scene was introduced. Amelia cuddled closer to her husband James as they watched.

“Didn’t leave much to the imagination, did they, love,” she told him with a lustful smile. The scene had made her horny.

“It was certainly interesting how much love-making they showed,” he smiled in return. Then he paused for a long moment as though deep in thought.

“What are you thinking?” she asked, confident she already knew the answer.

“I was just wondering what it would be like to watch you having sex with another man.”

She looked at her husband in utter astonishment. What the hell was making him think that?? “James, are you bloody crazy?”

“Not at all, darling. It’s just that I love seeing my wife in bliss. So I was wondering if another man could possibly have the same effect on you.”

“You’re crazy!” she blurted as she stood up. “You’re absolutely crazy!”

Her suspicions were immediately aroused. “What’s going on, James? Are you seeing someone behind my back?”

“Not at all, darling. I was just thinking…”

“Well I don’t believe you! You can’t come up with a statement like that without something going on! Just for that you can sleep right here in the bloody living room!” And with that she stormed off to the bedroom, leaving him wondering whether or not he should have kept his crazy fantasies to himself.

A few days later they were sharing a lunch together, the incident mostly forgotten. James had gotten time off from work to eat with his beloved bride. Amelia was in a good mood.

He wondered if she’d finally settled down from him having sprung it on her so abruptly. So he decided to try again. “Darling? I was just wondering whether or not you’ve thought any more about it.”

“Thought about what, James?”

“Having sex with another man while I’m watching? In fact I was kind of wondering what it would be like to see you take on two men at the same time.”

She stared at him in utter disbelief as she dropped her fork. “Bloody hell, James! Are you serious? I think I just lost my appetite!”

“Darling, I just can’t help myself. I keep imagining how you would react as another man or a couple of men were pleasuring you.”

“Well you can stop imagining it, ok?” And with that Amelia got up and stormed out of the restaurant, leaving her husband to finish the meal alone.

He noticed several eyes on him as the argument had attracted some attention. “That went well,” he observed wryly. Then he went back to finishing his part of the meal before paying the bill.

Amelia was so upset with her husband that she temporarily cut off all sex from him. What the hell was wrong with him?? How dare he ask her to fuck another man, much less two of them?

Was he insane? Or was he having an affair at work and starting to feel guilty about it? It wasn’t long before Amelia began to feel insecure in her relationship.

A week went by with no mention of his crazy fantasy. It was difficult staying angry with him. She couldn’t help herself as she was still so much in love with him after all those years.

One night they found themselves sitting on the sofa watching another movie. There was some room between them as she was still trying to be angry with him. But over the last few days she’d been inching closer to him.

There was another love scene in the program they were watching. Amelia couldn’t help looking at her husband with longing. It had been a while since they’d made love. She was beginning to miss feeling him inside her.

“They certainly show a lot of skin these days, don’t they, darling?”

“It’s lovely,” she replied as she began inching closer. She finally wrapped her arms around him and started to cuddle. But once more he said the wrong thing…

“I was still wondering what it would be like watching you in the arms of another man.”

Amelia was shocked. Instantly she slid away from him in dismay. Why was he still going on about that??

“James, that’s so disgusting! I can’t believe you’re still hung up on that” Then she got up and left the living room feeling horny and frustrated.

It wasn’t that she was all that angry with him. It’s just that lately she’d found herself dwelling on the idea of what it might be like to make love to another man. It was disturbing the way it made her feel strangely excited whenever he brought it up. But it also made her uncomfortable just thinking about it.

Two weeks went by. The impromptu sex boycott was still in effect. But Amelia was starting to wear down.

She really wanted to make love to her husband. He always knew just how to please her. She yearned to feel him taking her, yearned to feel his cock deep inside her.

But that wasn’t the only issue. Lately she’d really been entertaining thoughts about having sex with another man. She found the idea disturbing, yet strangely arousing.

Picturing James watching her while another man was fucking her made her blush. Yet the more she thought about it, the more it was starting to appeal to her. Why was it making her feel this way? Was it wrong to feel aroused thinking about it? After all, it had been James’ idea from the very beginning.

One night they found themselves alone on the sofa watching another movie while their daughter was spending the night with her sister Dottie. But there were way too many romantic scenes for Amelia’s peace of mind. She was becoming so aroused that she was ready to give in to her husband’s crazy fantasy so long as she would finally get to make love to him.

“So much sex on the telly,” James observed, shaking his head. Then he pulled his bride into his lap. She did not object in the slightest.

It wasn’t long before he was groping and pawing her. Amelia began getting all hot and bothered. She wanted to have sex with her husband in the worst way.

Bloody hell, she wanted him to take her any way he wanted. It had been much too long. She was going through serious withdrawal!

She moaned as he slipped a hand under her bra and groped her breasts. A hand went down to her crotch and rubbed her. Amelia moaned again before panting, “Take me, James. Make love to me. Take me any way you want!”

“I want you, darling. But I can’t stop thinking about watching another man take you as well, just to see what your reaction would be.”

“Darling, would you stop already?? There’s no bloody way I’ll ever… ohhhhh.”

He lifted up the hem of her dress and rubbed her panties. She was wet with desire. “Take me, darling!” she breathed in desperation. “Fuck me any bloody way you want! It’s been too long!”

“I was just wondering if another man could make you moan like that.”

“James, would you please stop?”

“Ok, I’ll stop.” And with that he stopped rubbing and touching her.

“No! I didn’t mean ‘stop what you’re doing’! I meant ‘stop talking about me fucking another man’!”

He went back to rubbing her crotch again. Her panties were thoroughly soaked. It really had been a long time.

“James, please!” and she fumbled for the belt to his trousers. She unzipped his fly and got his cock out. It was hard and eager for her.

“I can’t help it, love. I’m curious to see if you would be this eager with another man’s cock.”

“James, stop it!”

“Ok, I’ll stop.” Then he stopped touching her before putting his cock back into his pants.

“Bloody hell; I didn’t mean that!”

He reached down and moved her panties aside. Then he began fingering her. Amelia wriggled and moaned as she panted, “Oh James!”

“Are you sure you don’t want to fuck another man while I watch?”

“Darling, why are you so obsessed over this? Are you having an affair at work?”

“The only one I’m interested in having sex with is you, darling.”

“Then take me, damn you!”

He thrust his fingers up into her pussy. Amelia writhed and moaned as she struggled to take his cock back out. “Darling, I want to suck it!”

He stopped her before taking a long look at her. Darling? “What if I want to watch you suck another man’s cock?”

“Bloody hell, James! Will you just stop already? I don’t want to suck… no – no, take it back out – take it back out!”

“You want to suck my cock?”

“Bloody hell – yes; I want to suck your cock!”

“How about another man?”

“James, please!”

“Tell me you’ll think about sucking another man and I’ll let you have a taste.”

“James, you’re crazy – don’t put it back?! All right, damn you!”

“You’ll suck another man’s cock for me?”

“I’ll THINK about it!”

“Close enough.” And with that Amelia finally got to take him into her mouth.

It had been such a long time. She really wanted to taste him. But what she wanted most was to feel him deep inside her womanhood.

Amelia eagerly slobbered all over it, the television program having long since been forgotten. Then she started begging. “Fuck me, darling. It’s been so long!”

He pushed her off the sofa and bent her over the end of it. He lifted up the hem of her dress and pulled her panties aside. Then he pressed his cock against her wet opening.

She shivered with desire; she wanted him so badly. “Fuck me, damn you!” She couldn’t believe how desperate she was to feel him inside her.

“Not until you agree to let me watch you fuck another man.”

“Bloody hell, James!”

Amelia could feel herself giving in. The more he pushed her, the more she found herself thinking about it. She didn’t want to sound eager, but he was really starting to wear her down.

“James, would you just fuck me already?”

“Not until you agree to let me watch you fuck another man.”

“That’s blackmail! You know how horny I am!”

“Maybe you’re just not that eager for it tonight.”

“Wait – wait! Put it in, damn you!”

“Darling, you sound like you’re eager to be fucked.”

“Yes I am, damn you! It’s been so long!”

“Then promise me you’ll let me watch you fuck another man.”


“Perhaps you don’t want me to fuck you as much as I thought you did.”

“Bloody hell, James!”

“Do you promise? Or do I put this thing away.”

“Damnit, you can’t do this to me!”

“Oh yes I can.”

“Damn you, James!”

“Sorry to have gotten you all hot and bothered, darling.”

“Don’t go – don’t go! All right – all right; you win! I’ll do it!”

“You’ll do what?”

“I’ll fuck another man! Just fuck me now, ok? I bloody well need it!”

“You promise?”

“I promise – I promise! Now fuck me, damn you!”

With one hard thrust he was in. Then he started thrusting hard and fast. Amelia needed it so bad that she popped off in orgasm mere moments after he started fucking her.

He slowed down as she panted for breath. “Blood hell; I needed that!” A moment later he started thrusting hard and fast again. Amelia let out a cry of joy before she was swept up again in bliss. She had finally given in to his crazy demands. But at least it would mean a night of intense pleasure as husband and wife.

On a Friday night James had his wife put on something slutty. It was something Amelia was not used to wearing outside the home. In fact, it probably would have been more suited to her sister Dottie. But her husband wanted her to dress up to attract men like a magnet.

They went out for a night on the town. They stopped at a tavern for a couple of drinks. James made sure they sat at the bar, making sure everyone got a good look at his blushing bride.

Amelia leaned close and whispered, “Darling, everyone’s staring at me! Why did you make me wear this?”

“I want everyone to see who I’m with. I want them all to lust after you as much as I do.”

“You’re not thinking of having me pick up one of these lads, are you?”

“No, darling. I just wanted to see if you were having the desired effect.”

“I think I am, love. It’s a little embarrassing. Can we go home now?”

“Not so fast. I have another place in mind.”

“James, are you really sure about all this?”

“Darling, I’ve had this on my mind for a long time. You have no idea how turned on I am right now knowing how many men are lusting after you. Don’t you find it the least bit flattering?”

“Yes, I do. But like I told you before… I’m so embarrassed.”

“Don’t be, darling. Tonight you’re a slut. Sluts don’t get embarrassed.”


She was grateful when they paid for their drinks and left. But instead of going home, they went down to a well-known club in town. Amelia recognized it immediately.

“James? Are you sure you want to go in here?”

“Yes, darling. I can think of no better place for you to meet total strangers than right in here.”

“You know how dangerous this place can be, right?”

“Darling, not to worry. You’re fully protected, am I right? We made the decision after our daughter was born not to have another one, right? So you’re making sure you don’t get pregnant again. Isn’t that right?”

“That’s right, darling. But there’s still a danger, isn’t there?”

“There shouldn’t be; not for you anyway. Now let’s go inside.”

They parked their vehicle before making the trek to the front doors. A long line of females tried to persuade them to take them inside with them. “Just ignore them, darling,” James told his wife. “I have something else in mind for you.”

They went inside where they checked in at the front desk. Amelia was given a pregnancy sensor to insert into her navel. She showed a reluctance to put it in, only for her husband to ask her to humor him this one time.

Once it was inserted they went inside. The sound of gambling immediately hit them full in the face. The place seemed busy for a Friday night.

James took his wife all throughout the facility. She was embarrassed at all the many blokes that looked her up and down as though they were mentally undressing her. Amelia couldn’t help wondering how many of those same lads were violating her in their minds. She also couldn’t help feeling disturbingly aroused.

They went to the lounge to have another drink, deciding to take up a booth. Amelia certainly needed something extra to calm her nerves. She was growing more nervous about the prospect of satisfying her husband’s kinky fantasies.

“Ok, darling,” he told her after they’d sat there for several minutes. “I’m going to slip away for a while as I don’t want my presence to hinder you. I want you to pick up a lad and take him to a sex room. Better yet, allow a lad to pick you up and take you. All the rooms have cameras and monitors, so don’t worry about a thing. You seem nervous, so I’ll just watch you having sex from one of the club monitors.”

“James, are you sure about all this?” He just touched her affectionately, telling her it was going to be fun and for her to enjoy herself this one time.

She nodded nervously as she finished her drink. He got up and calmly walked away, leaving her sitting there all by herself. An attendant soon came by with another glass. Amelia eagerly accepted it, all but gulping that one down as well.

After a couple of minutes an attractive man in his mid-thirties came into the lounge. He looked all around before spotting her. Then he slowly walked up to her booth.

Amelia felt an erotic jolt as he asked, “Are you alone tonight, miss?”

“No… er, uh… yes I am.”

“Can I buy you a drink?”

“I think they’re free in here.”

“Indeed they are. That’s a terrible line. Mind if I join you anyway?”

“Go right ahead.” After all, she figured her husband wanted her to meet someone. Better to get this over with as quickly as possible. So why was she so bloody aroused??

She was concerned over the way the attendant seemed to be keeping her well supplied with adult beverages.  Her inhibitions certainly felt like they were being lowered. If she didn’t know better she would think management was conspiring with her husband to get her as intoxicated as possible so as to quickly get her into a sex room.

She talked to the gentleman for several minutes. He certainly acted interested. At first Amelia was hesitant. But she remembered why her husband had brought her there in the first place. After all, she was certainly dressed for the part.

He finally asked if he could take her somewhere more private. Amelia agreed, the alcohol making her feel all warm inside. Maybe she’d had enough to where it would dull her senses long enough to get through this ordeal.

They left the lounge, found a sex room and opened it up, the man using his pager and credit to pay for it. Once inside he started kissing her passionately. Amelia found it easier to give in than she felt it should have.

He began kissing her all over, touching her everywhere. It made her hot with arousal. She wondered if a part of this was because of all those drinks she’d imbibed.

They ended up on the bed, the man slowly undressing her. She trembled with shameful desire. She felt like she should be putting up more resistance to his advances. But she didn’t.

There was a wall monitor showing different scenes around the club. An image of the room she was in suddenly came up. Amelia could see her and her lover on the bed making out while undressing each other.

At first she was horrified. A moment later she flushed with a strange excitement. It was a perverse thrill knowing so many people could be out there watching her in this very room with a total stranger.

He settled between her legs and started eating her out. Amelia felt a disturbing rush of pleasure. It was a little embarrassing knowing a man other than her James was feasting on her love-juice.

One of the images on the screen changed. Amelia saw her husband sitting down on a comfortable couch somewhere. He seemed to be looking up watching a monitor.

Was he watching her? Was he looking in on her right this very moment?? It was both horrifying, yet strangely exhilarating.

Her lover licked pleasure into her kitty until she shuddered from an embarrassing climax. From there she rose up and went straight for his erection. At that moment she thought she caught sight of a device that looked as though it was recording their every movement, especially with that tiny, flashing red light.

Amelia choose to look right at it. She took a deep breath as she inwardly told it, ‘Ok, darling… you wanted to see this!’ Then she slowly took the cock into her mouth.

She began to suck, licking the tip of the shaft while cupping the man’s balls. He softly moaned his pleasure. It was such a turn-on making another male respond to her sexual advances.

Amelia looked right at the place she thought was recording them as she took him deeper down her throat. The whole bloody thing felt crazy and surreal. But this was what her darling husband claimed he wanted to see. As an act of love she figured it was the least she could do.

Amelia got her anonymous lover nice and lubed up with her mouth and tongue. Then he moved around behind her. She made sure she was facing the recording device when she felt him enter her from behind.

He reached under to grope her breasts as he fucked her on the bed on her hands and knees. Amelia blushed as she looked right at the recording device. “Oh James!” she murmured as her body rocked from the thrusts.

At that moment the door swooped open. Three men walked inside. Amelia blushed deeply, not having anticipated there would be any other visitors.

They all commented on how hot the slut on the bed looked. Amelia felt flush with shameful pleasure at the compliment. Then they started pulling their cocks out.

At first she was shocked and wanted to put a stop to things. She hesitated as one brought his dick close to her mouth. But she decided there was no point in putting up a fuss about it now.

Amelia parted her lips almost without thinking. A moment later the cock pushed its way inside. Amelia moaned as she found herself spitted in both ends.

She groaned from shameful pleasure as she sucked the cock in her mouth. The lovely lad behind her was fucking bliss into her pussy. It made her feel like such a slut as she was filled with dirty, shameful thoughts.

The other two gentlemen stepped forward. Amelia reached out with her hands to give them both handjobs. It felt so surreal the way she was now servicing four cocks at once. This was something that felt more suited to her slutty sister Dottie. If only she could see her now!

She groaned as she sucked on the one in her mouth while jerking on the other two. Had James set all this up? Was he deliberately sending males to her room? She had no idea, but she thought it was certainly not outside the realm of possibility.

She got another view of the monitor. A scene of James sitting in the couch came on. He appeared to have an erection in his pants as he looked up at that same monitor. She blushed red with embarrassment.

The guy behind her let out a cry. Then she felt his seed spurting deep inside her. Amelia cried out into the cock in her mouth, shuddering in orgasm.

He pulled out, only for one of the newcomers to take his place. She had no time to catch her breath. A cock was still in her mouth when a new one thrust into her from behind.

Amelia was aware she’d taken that first load unprotected. But she was already making sure she couldn’t get pregnant as they didn’t want another child. Her sensor wasn’t going to pop and condemn her… or was it?

Amelia ultimately threw herself into her role as slut. She sucked on the cocks in front of her as the new guy fucked her from behind. She could not believe how incredible it felt. Perhaps it was partly due to all those adult beverages she’d consumed.

There was a brief surge of guilt that swept through her. But that didn’t last long. There was no time for regrets, not when she had several cocks to take care of.

The scenes cycled through the monitor again. But James was no longer sitting there. Had he seen enough? Was he coming to take her away?

Another cock went off inside her throbbing pussy. Amelia couldn’t believe how slutty she felt. It gave her such an incredible feeling of power and pleasure.

She ended up on the bed with a guy underneath her. His cock easily went deep inside her as she began to ride it with enthusiasm. Then she felt a guy come up behind her.

She felt him push against her other hole. She started to cry out, not used to having anything inserted into that other one. Before she could protest a cock appeared in front of her and pushed its way between her lips.

She moaned as that cock thrust deep toward her tonsils. Then the dick behind her pushed its way into her arse. Amelia let out a cry of pain that diminished until she felt the pleasure of a cock in every one of her openings, just like a common whore.

Could James see her now? What did he think of his slut wife? Was this what he’d wanted to see all along: all these cocks fucking pleasure into her naked, quivering body?

It took her a good half hour to satisfy the three new cocks that had walked in the door. By then another one had arrived. Amelia went right ahead and started sucking on that one as soon as it presented itself.

Her inhibitions were long gone. This was her night. Something told her to enjoy it for as long as it lasted. There would be time for regrets later.

After the others left Amelia rode the new cock that had come into the room. She never learned the man’s name, nor did she know any of the others who had come in, fucked her, and left. But that was supposed to be the whole point of wild, anonymous sex, right?

The guy left another deposit deep up her pussy. Amelia was exhausted. He finally got dressed and left with a smile on his face as another attendant came into the room with yet another drink.

Amelia greedily gulped it down. It was refreshing, giving her a second wind. Then the door opened.

Two men walked in, their skin a dark chocolate. Amelia gasped in surprise. Wait, weren’t they supposed to be a part of her sister’s greatest fantasy? Dottie was going to be so bloody jealous once she found out.

They both came up to her. Without even thinking Amelia found herself getting down onto the floor on her knees. Then she worked to get both cocks out of their confinement.

When she got them out she gasped in astonishment. Both dicks were long and thick. Would she even be able to get them inside her??

She did her best to suck them both, alternating back and forth. After this night she was finally going to be able to one-up her slutty sister. She couldn’t help wondering what Dottie would say once she heard about her night at the club with James.

One of them picked her up off the floor. He slowly impaled her with his massive erection. Amelia wrapped her legs around him to keep from falling, not that she was going to be able to slip off the monster inside her.

She winced as the one behind her pushed against her anal passage. She couldn’t believe it! She tried to resist, but her back door had already been used enough that it went in easier than she could have anticipated.

She felt both cocks inside her, thrusting in and out while rubbing against the thin membrane between each other. That’s when Amelia let out a scream. She didn’t know whether it was because of pain, pleasure or passion. Maybe it was a little bit of all three.

Once more she got a view of the monitor and its many screens cycling through. Something instantly caught her eye. It was James fucking a woman in another sex room!

She watched in astonishment for a long moment. Then she got a good view of the woman’s face. She was shocked beyond belief when she discovered it was her sister Dottie.

How could this be? What was that bitch doing here at the club?? Had she arranged this in advance with James just to get into his pants while keeping her sister occupied in a different sex room??

Amelia watched as though transfixed while her husband fucked her sister in the missionary position. Then the screen shifted to another scene. Now she had no idea what to believe!

Her two dark skinned lovers fucked her mercilessly as they held her aloft between them. Both cocks thickly rubbed in and out. Amelia swooned as she got dizzy from the pain and pleasure of such an incredible shafting.

The cock in her pussy went off, filling her until it felt like she was overflowing. The one in her arse spurted a few seconds later. Amelia screamed so hard that she passed out from the pain and pleasure of it all.

When consciousness returned she was dimly aware of being fucked again on the bed. She had no idea what had happened or who was now taking her. She felt a warmth from the buzz of all that alcohol she’d swallowed while it seemed one lad after another came in to make use of her holes.

She tried to look at the monitor again. She saw it cycle through the screens until she saw her sister on her hands and knees being fucked from behind by her husband. Amelia didn’t know whether to be aroused or horrified.

Was this what James had wanted all along? Did he want to distract her with cocks just so he could have a go at her slutty sister? Amelia didn’t know what to think!

The dicks just kept coming. So did the drinks. Amelia wasn’t sure what was going on anymore, other than the knowledge she kept getting cocks up her cunt, in her bum or down her throat. She’d long since lost track of all the orgasms she was experiencing.

Someone suggested they make a pilgrimage to the Entertainment stage. Amelia was too drunk to say no. So several of the guys assisted her out the door.

She was paraded naked through the casino to the Entertainment stage. But she was too intoxicated to care about her nudity. Seeing all those people looking at her with lust in their eyes only made her feel all warm and happy inside.

They got her to the stage where she needed some help to keep from falling over. One of the guys suggested the bench to the black guillotine up on the platform. Amelia just giggled, wondering what she’d look like with her head lopped off.

She was given the number black seventeen as she was strapped down before her head was locked into the lunette. She saw people gather around the roulette wheel to place bets on her. She just laughed as she told some of the guys to come on up so she could give them some head while she still had one attached to her shoulders.

A man came up and unzipped his fly. He started fucking her from behind as another came up and thrust his cock into her mouth. Amelia could hardly think straight, especially since she felt so wonderful while she was getting pleasured right in front of the whole bloody club.

The wheel landed on red twenty one, the spectators sighing unhappily. Amelia got a load of cum up her pussy and another in her mouth. She thought it was hilarious the way everyone applauded her, especially since she was having the time of her life being treated like such a slut.

Quite a crowd had gathered. Amelia wasn’t the least bit inhibited. She was far too intoxicated to care. If she was lucky maybe she wouldn’t remember any of this in the morning.

Another guy she didn’t know came up to fuck her from behind as a nice lad unzipped and gave her something nice to suck on. More bets were placed on the roulette wheel in anticipation of it being spun for a second time. Amelia drunkenly thought it was all great fun.

They were just concluding placing their bets when she saw her husband walk up toward the stage with her slutty sister in tow. They stared up at her in astonishment, wondering how she’d gotten herself locked into a guillotine. She would have told them, but she really had no idea herself. Besides, her mouth was full of man-meat and she couldn’t speak.

The wheel was spun and she felt a jolt of excitement. The marble spit out into red thirty-six. She got another load of cum in her rapidly filling pussy as she swallowed another mouthful of man-cream.

Her husband asked what she thought she was doing. “I’m being the slut you wanted,” she giggled drunkenly.

The executrix asked her if she wanted to go for another ride. Amelia didn’t seem to mind. Then she giggled again as she drunkenly told her sister, “You fucked my husband, love. Now you should come up here and go for a ride with me. Come on up and pick a lucky number! There’s room for one more!”

Dottie wasn’t sure she wanted to have a go at that. Amelia urged her to give it a try. “Aw, c’mon, love! You fucked my husband! Up here you’ll get a cock in each end! Come on up; a slut like you should really love this!”

Her sister looked embarrassed. But the spectators began urging her to go up and fill the second guillotine. They were all hoping to witness a beheading.

A guy came up and asked if he could fuck Amelia in the guillotine while her husband stood there. James was agreeable as he didn’t think there was any reason why the lad shouldn’t be allowed. His wife had taken so many cocks that night. One more wouldn’t make much difference. Besides, the bloke had already put up some money for the privilege of fucking his wife in the guillotine, just like the others had done.

Amelia urged her sister to come on up. James motioned that Dottie might as well go on up and join her sister so they could be sluts together. She’d already acted slutty in private, so it shouldn’t make all that much difference being a slut in front of the whole club, right?

Dottie seemed self-conscious and a little hesitant at the idea of being naked and fucked in full view of such a huge audience. Her sister urged her to come on up anyway. She was getting such a lovely shafting and promised her sister would get one too.

“Amelia, you’re drunk!”

“Don’t I know it!” she laughed. “Bloody hell; this is wonderful! It feels so good when they shag me up here! I’m so popular right now!”

Another of the spectators offered to pay for the privilege of fucking Dottie in the other guillotine. “You’ll love it!” Amelia told her. “Besides, you’re the slut of the family. You’re the one who should be up here instead of me.”

More spectators urged her hesitant sister to give it a go. There was quite a bit of action taking place around the roulette wheel. Several wanted Dottie to go up and climb into the other guillotine so they could make wagers on her.

Dottie finally agreed, taking the number red twenty-five. She was embarrassed as hell as she climbed the stage. The audience whooped and hollered, cheering loudly when they were informed that two sisters would now be riding the guillotines.

She was helped out of her clothes to the whoops and hollers of her admirers. Then she was assisted down onto the bench of her guillotine. She was strapped down tight, her head locked into the lunette before the guy who’d paid for the privilege of shagging her eagerly started thrusting his dick up her wet, dripping twat.

She let out a cry as he began shafting her. James didn’t know what to do as he stood there watching his wife and her sister being fucked in the guillotines. The rest of the spectators loudly cheered and applauded.

Two other gents paid for the privilege of getting blowjobs. They eagerly went up on stage to collect. Both sisters were soon rocking in their guillotines as they were fucked in both ends.

The bets were finalized down on the roulette wheel. Then it was given a spin. Everyone held their breath, hoping to witness a beheading. But with two numbers chosen out of a total of thirty-eight, that seemed highly unlikely.

The whole damned thing seemed surreal. Amelia was drunk as a skunk as she got shafted in both ends. Her sister writhed and moaned at the two cocks she was receiving.

James thought things had gone much farther then he’d ever intended. But his wife seemed to be having a good time. He’d even enjoyed shagging her sister.

Overall he found the whole thing bloody amusing… and more than a little arousing. What would happen if one of them lost her head? He found himself becoming shamefully aroused at the thought.

The wheel slowed down as the marble fell out of its track. Then it rattled home in green double zero. The entire assembly gasped in astonishment.

The executrix made both men getting blowjobs step back to avoid the blades. Then she smiled as she motioned grandly. That’s when she loudly declared, “It looks like both our lovely ladies have lost!”

Amelia looked up and drunkenly asked, “What’s going on?” Dottie’s eyes flew open in horror as she started to scream. James couldn’t believe it!

The executrix reached out and dramatically pulled both levers at the same time. The two blades whooshed down. Everyone seemed to jump at the sound of two steel blades bottoming out at the bottom of twin tracks.

Dottie’s horrified scream was abruptly silenced. She found herself experiencing a sharp pain in her neck. Her vision revealed nothing but wicker as something warm poured on top of her head.

Amelia was trying to question why the cock in her mouth had pulled out. Then her head dropped into the basket below. Strangely she lost sight of her sister in the guillotine at the exact same time.

At first she had no idea what the hell had happened. She could only see wicker as something warm poured down on her hair. She could feel a sharp pain running through her neck. What the bloody hell happened?

Both naked bodies hitched and jerked as spurts of blood continued to shoot out of both severed necks into the baskets below. The executrix reached down and pulled out both heads by a handful of bloodied hair. She pulled them up and displayed them to one and all to wild cheers and applause.

Amelia had a look of drunken surprise in her features. Dottie simply looked stunned, her mouth formed in the shape of an O at the moment of impact. Both sisters had suffered the same fate as a result of a highly improbably spin of the roulette wheel.

The spectators roared with delight at the sight of both bloody heads dripping crimson. James could only stare in shock and disbelief. But his cock had gone off in his trousers the moment the blades had come down, resulting in a distinct stain.

The executrix smiled as she presented both heads to the two men standing there with their dicks still hanging out. Immediately they stuck their cocks into the opened mouths to finish what they’d started, eagerly fucking both skulls. The audience roared its approval.

Amelia’s headless body still bucked and jerked around in her guillotine. She’d easily gotten off the guy who’d been fucking her, her cunt clenching tightly around the man’s dick until he’d left his load deep inside her. But it was one last cum deposit she never felt.

All she could see was the hair of the crotch in her face. Her mouth was filled with dick, although she was losing her sense of taste, smell and sight. She felt a strange openness in the back of her throat before she finally lost all consciousness, her expression sagging tiredly.

Dottie couldn’t believe what had happened. Her mouth was filled with cock, but she couldn’t feel a thing below her neck anymore. She was dimly aware of the roar of a crowd somewhere nearby. Then her expression also sagged tiredly.

The two men emptied their cocks into both skulls, only for their cum to drip out of the backs of each severed head to mix with the blood dripping out. Then they turned and held both heads aloft to the wild cheers of the spectators. They were now the most popular males on the planet.

Amelia and Dottie stared lifelessly at the crowd cheering their demise as their heads were held up. James still couldn’t believe what had just happened. He’d actually lost his wife as well as her sister on a single spin of the wheel!

He wasn’t sure what to do next. The executrix came down to him and politely asked what should be done with both heads as well as both bodies. He didn’t have a bloody clue.

It was suggested both sisters be roasted down in the kitchen and served to the guests. The heads could be preserved and displayed somewhere unless he wanted to take them home. James waved dismissively as he told her the club could do with them what it wanted.

He had a new dilemma on his hands. Now he had to figure out what he was going to do next. He also had to decide what he was going to tell his daughter staying back home at her grandparents about her recently deceased mum and aunt.

2019 (written for Emma and Dottie Jun 6 ’19 by riwa)

Posted in Beheading Stories, Club stories, Dorothy and her friends | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

Xana 4.4 (35)

I’ve loved being in the water for as long as I can remember. Whenever we took a family vacation I always begged mom and dad to make sure the motel we stopped at had a swimming pool. Often I had to be dragged out of the water long after my fingers started to wrinkle.

When I got older I got better at holding my breath. I loved staying down at the bottom of a pool for as long as possible. And I loved being face up because I loved the sensation of water going up my nose into my sinuses.

It didn’t take long for me to learn the pleasures of masturbation underwater. I would go to the bottom of a pool and hold my breath for as long as possible while fingering myself. Those breathless orgasms are the best.

When I started dating I always made sure my boyfriend liked the water as well. It was no fun if he didn’t want to get wet with me. If he didn’t like pools then I moved on to someone who did.

I had one boyfriend who would dunk me repeatedly. Forcing me to hold my breath always gives me a thrill. I don’t know how many times I’ve cum while being kept under.

Sex underwater is the best. Nothing gets me off like being fucked underwater while holding my breath. The idea I might drown is such a turn-on. And of course I loved to be fucked lying face up so I can feel water up my nose.

I guess you could say I’m an exhibitionist when it comes to being in the water. I love masturbating on the bottom while a guy is watching me. Seeing the tent in his trunks is such a turn-on.

I love swimming naked in front of the guys. Seeing how aroused they become while staring at me always gets me hot. I don’t know how many times I’ve stripped off in a pool just to see who might be watching. And I don’t mind turning on the girls either.

I get a thrill whenever some guy wants to drown me, especially if he gets an erection. You have no idea what a turn-on that is. Being forced to hold my breath – knowing I might start inhaling water at any moment – is a feeling I don’t know how to describe. It’s simply incredible.

Like I say, I love it when a guy gets hard watching me in the water. I can’t help myself. Seeing the bulge in his trunks really turns me on.

That’s not the only thing. A few times I’ve actually gone up to him, taken it out of his suit and stroked him just to tease him. Then I’ll ask him if he’d like to drown me. That’s usually good enough to get him to jump into the water with me and start dunking the shit out of me.

One boyfriend had a tank in his basement. He loved to put on shows for his friends. And I was the star.

I don’t know how many times I “drowned” in that tank. I perfected my spasms and convulsions until I could make it look pretty good. Then I put on these shows where I “drowned” for his friends. Seeing all those bulges really got me going.

I guess I got kind of lucky in that regard. Meeting one guy with a tank in his basement frequently led to me meeting someone else. I ended up in the basements of several drowning enthusiasts.

One guy had this round, glass tank I would perform in. He would fill it nice and slow while my wrists were chained to the floor. The excitement of rising water while all those guys were standing there watching made me so hot. A lot of times I would cum without even touching myself.

I love sexual drowning games. I’ve been lucky in that I’ve met several guys who like having sex underwater. I just love “drowning” for them with a dick up my cunt.

There’s one type of “drowning” I love to act out that always makes me hot. That’s when a guy ties my arms behind my back. Then he ties them to some sort of pole.

After that I’m at his mercy as he dunks me up and down in the water. Being forced to hold my breath for a really long time is such a turn-on. And there’s this delicious fear that he might not let me back up.

It’s best when there’s a group of guys watching. He pulls me naked out of the water so I can grab a quick gasp for breath while the others are looking on. Then I’m shoved right back down.

You have no idea how hot that gets me. I release bubbles out of my nose as I put up a struggle for the guys. All those eyes on my naked body gives me such a thrill.

It’s not just the guys watching that turn me on. I’ve run into a couple of females who are pretty domineering when it comes to me being in the water. The way they force me under is so exciting, especially since they are often so much rougher than the guys are.

One woman I knew used to love tying me up. Then she would fill her bathtub. I don’t know how many times she dunked me. A couple times I thought she was actually going to drown me. Those orgasms were the hardest I’ve ever experienced.

It hasn’t been just swimming pools either. I’ve been out in open water on several occasions. Those have led to some pretty erotic plays.

I had a boyfriend who was a good freediver. We would jump naked into the water. Then he would pull on my ankle, pulling me down to “drown” me. You have no idea how much that turned me on seeing how hard his cock would get.

I love the “scuba diver drowning the damsel in distress” scenario. I just love it when I’m pulled under. Then he holds onto me until my lungs are screaming at me before he lets me go. I’ve had a couple of huge orgasms that way.

I love it when I’m tethered to the bottom of a pool with my arms tied behind my back. And I love it when a ring of guys are standing around watching me. The idea of drowning for them gives me such an erotic thrill.

I guess I’d have to say my favorite is when a guy forces me under and “drowns” me. The way he holds me down and won’t let me breathe really gets my heart pumping. I spew up bubbles as I struggle to surface. But it’s that erection I see in his trunks that gets me every time.

The look on his face as he forces me under always gives me a thrill. I can see how excited he gets. It always makes me wonder if he might take me too far. On those occasions I almost find myself hoping he will.

I always try to give them a good ending. Floating face down at the surface is something I love doing for the guys. I love hearing the comments, some of which are so dirty and demeaning. But as an exhibitionist I know I’m putting on a performance. So I love the attention.

Being dunked is great. I’ve been dunked several times, usually with a lot of people gathered to watch. A lot of us females end up getting wet in clothes that sometimes become transparent. But it’s always worth it seeing how many guys are sporting a huge bulge in their trousers.

Bondage is best. I don’t know how many times I’ve been tied up. And being hung upside down and dunked in water is a special thrill.

Once I was staked out on a beach as the tide came in. The water came rushing up and flowed over me before I was set free. You have no idea how hard that made me cum.

So that’s my story. One of these days I expect some guy will take me too far. But I won’t hold it against him.

Maybe it will be in the ocean. He’ll be behind me, holding onto me as his erection pokes me in the ass. Maybe he’ll cum the moment I start swallowing water. Wouldn’t that be a thrill?

2019 (written Apr 17 ’19 by riwa)

(Illustrated with pictures in my archives I found on the Internet.)

Posted in Drowning Stories, Picture Stories | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

My summer with Stan 3 4.4 (7)

For the next couple of days I put all my energy into what Stan and I were doing during the day. I felt all self-conscious about Glenn and being out in the hot tub with him. A part of me wanted to go out and breath-hold with him again. But I couldn’t make myself do it.

A couple of times I caught him out there with his sister late at night. It made me horny imagining the kind of breath-hold games they might be playing with each other. So I had to do something about it.

I went into the bathroom, filled the tub with water, and then practiced lying flat on the bottom. It stung getting water up my nose. But after a while I started getting used to it.

I would lay there stroking myself while holding my breath. At times I would think about what Glenn and his sister Frieda might be doing out in their hot tub. Wondering if they were breath-holding while getting each other off never failed to give me an erection.

What got me hard even quicker was remembering what Glenn and I had done together out in the hot tub while holding our breath. Thinking about the way he’d stroked and sucked me never failed to get me horny. I would hold my breath in the bathtub until I ended up shooting ropes of cum into the water.

One night when it was really late I saw Glenn and Frieda out in the hot tub again. So I went into the bathroom and drew me a bath. Just thinking about them out there was getting me hard again.

I went under a couple of times to get used to water up my nose. Then I went under for a long breath-hold. My stroked myself as I thought about the last time Glenn and I had been together in the hot tub.

It never occurred to me to lock the bathroom door. So I was caught by surprise when I saw Glenn suddenly looking down on me. I quickly rose up and gasped for breath as I sat upright in the tub all red-faced.

“Holding your breath in here; eh, Jeff? Frieda and I have noticed you haven’t been coming out to the hot tub lately.”

“I, uh… I didn’t want to bother you two out there.”

“Oh it’s no bother. I had to come in to pee and noticed you were breath-holding in the tub. You don’t mind, do you?”

“No, I don’t mind.” After all, it was their house. Why should I mind?

“You go back to holding your breath, buddy. I’ll just get my business done before leaving.”

He smiled at me as I filled my lungs and submerged. I went flat on my back as I heard the sound of him tinkling. When he was done he came over to look down on me.

I came back up gasping for breath. He just smiled as he told me, “That’s hot, Jeff. Mind doing a couple of breath-holds for me?”

“Uh… sure; no problem.”

“Mind if I help?”

“I, uh… I guess not.” I could feel my cock stiffening at his presence and it embarrassed me a little.

I filled my lungs and submerged, bubbles trickling out of my nose. Then I settled in for a longer one. My cock got harder as Glenn looked down at me.

I reached down and hesitantly stroked myself. He just grinned as he pushed down on my chest. Then he reached for my cock.

He brushed my hand away so he could wrap his fingers around my shaft. Then he started stroking me as he kept me submerged. I bubbled as he pulled on it, embarrassed over how good it felt.

He tugged it nice and slow as I felt the strain move into my chest. I couldn’t help thrusting a little up into his hand. He grinned as he told me, “That’s hot, Jeff.”

It got harder to hold my breath. My lungs started heaving. Jeff cupped my balls, but for some reason he wouldn’t let me up.

I grunted and bubbled in growing alarm. He kept pushing me down until I released a burst of air. That’s when he finally let me go.

I sat up panting loudly for breath. He just smiled at me. “That was a good one, Jeff. Can you do one more for me? Do you mind if I give you a handjob until you cum for me while holding your breath?”

I seriously thought about telling him no. But to be honest I kind of liked it. So I nodded it would be ok with me.

“Let’s make it a long one, Jeff.” I nodded again as I filled my lungs and submerged. He pushed down on my chest again, forcing me to the bottom of the bathtub.

He reached down and started stroking me again as he kept me flat on the bottom. He really seemed to enjoy jerking my cock. I was a little embarrassed over how much I liked it.

He started talking while he was tugging. “I’ve been talking about you to Frieda, buddy. She wants you to come out to the hot tub with us. I told her you and I were stroking ourselves one night while holding our breath. She really wants to see that.”

I looked up at him in alarm. I wasn’t sure I wanted his sister to know about what we’d done together in the water. And I sure as hell didn’t want word to get back to Stan.

“She wants to watch me hold you down, Jeff. And she wants to watch you hold me down. You know my sister, right? She loves holding her breath. But she really gets turned on watching us guys do it too.”

I bubbled as I wriggled around a little. It felt good the way he was stroking me. Maybe it was because I was starting to feel the strain in my lungs.

“She wants to watch us stroke as we breath-hold, Jeff. She says that would be really hot. You have no idea how much she wants you to join us out there. I probably should have told you earlier.”

He stroked me harder as the burn in my lungs intensified. I was embarrassed he’d told his sister about that. But I didn’t know what do to about it.

“I even told her I sucked your cock underwater, Jeff. That really turned her on. She wants to see that more than anything else in the world.”

I jerked in alarm as I looked up at him in horror. I began to struggle as I released bubbles out of my nose. He just kept pushing into my chest as he stroked me…

“She thinks it’s so hot, Jeff. She wants to watch you cum in my mouth while you’re struggling to hold your breath. My sister has some pretty kinky ideas when it comes to breath-holding.”

I was rapidly running out of air. I was also alarmed over how much he’d told his sister. But now I really needed to be let up for a breath.

I grabbed his arm to make me let go. He just grinned as he shook his head. “Hunh – unh, Jeff. Not until you cum.”

My eyes flew open in horror. I shook my head as I started losing bubbles. He really jerked on my meat until ropes of cum finally started spurting out.

I thrashed about until I almost gulped water. Then he let me up. I shot up gasping like crazy until I was sitting upright.

“That was really hot, Jeff… just like sis. She really thrashes about when she’s running out of air. Then she starts heaving like she’s cumming up a storm. Why don’t you come out tomorrow night and join us, ok?”

He smiled and waved as he walked out of the bathroom. “See you tomorrow night, Jeff.” Then he closed the door and was gone.

I sat there for the longest time after he’d almost drowned me, struggling to get my breath back. I couldn’t believe he’d told his sister all that. But she sounded like she wanted me to come out and join them.

A part of me didn’t want to. But I decided I should probably give it a try at least once. Otherwise I might have regrets later on. I finally climbed out of the water and drained the tub, drying myself off before heading to bed.

I spent the next day with Stan, doing everything I could to distract myself. But I kept thinking about the hot tub with his brother and sister. It was getting late when he finally called it a night.

I went to my room, thinking I might just forget about going out to the hot tub for the evening. But twenty minutes later I got a knock on my door. It was Glenn in his black Speedos.

“You coming out, Jeff? Sis wants to see how long you can hold your breath.”

I thought about telling him no. But I was already starting to get an erection. “Be right out,” I told him.

I was excited, yet nervous as I got dressed and then went out in my trunks. Glenn and his sister were already out there. She was wearing a skimpy light blue bikini that looked like it was struggling to contain her breasts.

“Looks like we’re all here,” Glenn observed with a smile.

“Everybody but Stan,” his sister snorted.

“Stan doesn’t like the water much,” I remarked, an observation his siblings had already noted some time ago.

“If we’re gonna breath-hold, we’ve gotta strip,” Frieda declared. And just like that she took her top off. My cock hardened instantly at the sight of her gorgeous mounds.

She worked to remove her bottoms as Glenn got out of his Speedos. I was a little slower than they were. “C’mon, Jeff,” he urged. “Sis is setting the rules for tonight.”

His cock was already semi-erect when his Speedos came off. Mine was in the same condition as I reluctantly got out of my suit. Frieda looked at us both and smiled.

“Nice cocks, guys. Now let’s do some breath-holding. I want to see how hard you two can get. And I want to watch you stroke yourselves silly.”

“On the bottom?” Glenn suggested to me. Then he counted down from three. When he submerged I took a deep breath and went right under with him.

We sat on the bottom of the tub, our legs stretched across to brace against the opposite side. Glenn grabbed his erection, stroking himself into full hardness. I decided it was too late to be modest now, so I did the exact same thing.

I looked up to see Frieda looking down on us, watching excitedly. It was embarrassing at first. But she seemed to like it, and it became quite a turn-on having her watch us.

I had to go up first, no doubt because I was still a little nervous. Her brother came up twenty seconds later. “Nice,” she said to me, “Although I see Glenn can hold his breath longer.”

“Your turn, sis,” he told her. She wasn’t the least bit modest. She filled her lungs and quickly submerged buck-naked in a flurry of bubbles.

She sat on her ass on the bottom while she stretched her legs out like we did to help us stay down. Then she started touching herself all over. She bubbled as she groped her tits before reaching down to rub her crotch.

She was down longer than I was. I felt uncomfortable being the one who could not hold his breath longer than either one of them. I stayed hard the whole time while watching her. Then she came up and gasped for breath.

“Ok,” she panted. “Now’s when the fun begins. This is where we get to hold each other down.”

I looked at her uncertainly. She just pointed at her brother. “Jeff, Glenn’s gonna sit on the bottom. Drape your legs over his shoulders. Make sure he suffers before you let him back up, ok?”

Glenn smiled as he got into position in the water right in front of me. He really gasped for breath. Then he submerged as I brought my legs over his shoulders.

We watched as he bottomed out before reaching out to play with his cock and balls. I got hard again while watching him. “That’s so hot,” Frieda told me with a smile. “He knows what it does to me watching him stroke himself while he’d holding his breath. Make him stay down longer for me, ok?”

I nodded as my own cock stiffened even more. When I reached out to touch myself Frieda wasn’t the least bit offended. I was slowly losing my inhibitions.

Glenn finally started squirming as bubbles came up. “Keep him down longer,” Frieda urged. “I love it when he fights.”

Glenn’s chest was heaving when he tried to push my legs off. I held on tight while Frieda gasped, “Drown him, Jeff!” Glenn finally burst up gasping loudly for breath.

“My turn,” Frieda observed. She saw the look in her brother’s expression and grinned. “You’re going to make me pay, aren’t you.”

“You’re damned right I am. Watch this, Jeff.”

He went back to his seat before she got into the water right in front of him. She took deep breaths before submerging with a smile, a few bubbles trickling up. Immediately Glenn brought his legs over her shoulders.

In no time at all she started touching herself. I saw Glenn’s foot playing in her crotch. She didn’t seem to mind that at all.

Frieda flirted with me the whole time she was down holding her breath. She blew bubbles up at me as she touched and groped herself. Then I saw her reach down and start to finger her pussy.

After a while I saw the strain start to show in her lungs. Her chest began to heave as she pushed herself. That’s when Glenn locked his legs tighter around his sister’s shoulders.

She lost more bubbles before motioning for him to let her go. If anything he hooked his legs harder over her shoulders. She started losing more air as she struggled to get out from underneath him.

She finally wriggled free, shooting up to the surface and gasping for breath. “Bastard,” she sputtered good-naturedly. But she didn’t seem all that angry.

By now my cock was rock hard. “Your turn, Jeff,” Frieda told me. So I moved right in front of her.

For a long moment I stared at her boobs and again at her pussy. Then I turned and faced Glenn. He just bulged his cheeks as though I’d better get myself a really good breath.

I inhaled deeply before I submerged. Almost immediately Frieda’s legs came over my shoulders. Her tootsies wriggled playfully around my erection as I lost bubbles out of my nose.

Glenn motioned I should stroke myself. I was a little hesitant at first. But I figured I might as well go right ahead since both of them had played with themselves underwater.

I started to stroke as I held my breath, determined to stay down for as long as I could. I wanted to prove myself to them. If I couldn’t beat them, at least I wanted to come close to matching their times underwater.

It wasn’t long until I could feel the strain in my lungs. Frieda shifted her legs on my shoulders. But it felt like she was not getting ready to let me up anytime soon.

It got worse as I stroked myself. I began wriggling and squirming as I lost little bursts of air. I wanted up, but Frieda just laughed at me while Glenn stroked his cock as he watched me.

I finally pushed her legs off and shot up for a breath. I panted like crazy, dizzy as hell. “That was hot!” Glenn observed.

“Now we switch partners,” Frieda told me with a grin. “So now you get to pay me back.”

She moved into position directly in front of me. “Make her suffer,” Glenn told me with a sly grin as she began taking long, deep breaths. Then she submerged in a flurry of bubbles.

I brought my legs down over her shoulders, holding her down. Almost immediately Glenn started stroking himself again. Frieda began fondling herself all over as she held her breath with my legs draped over her shoulders.

I was impressed with how long she could hold her breath. It was such a turn-on seeing her naked and bubbling like that. Glenn showed no inhibitions whatsoever, getting off while watching his naked sister holding her breath underwater.

Her chest began to heave as she lost more of her air. I held on tight as she started to wriggle. Her brother grinned at me as he loudly suggested, “You should drown her, Jeff.”

Frieda shook her head, losing more air. She began to struggle under my legs as she tried to wriggle out from underneath me. Glenn urged me to keep her under longer. But I wasn’t that sadistic and eventually let her go.

She burst up gasping wildly for breath. “That was hot!” she panted. Then she looked at her brother before telling him, “Now you’re going to pay for that remark.”

He got ready to go down right in front of her. He began taking long, deep breaths to get ready. Then he submerged, bubbles coming out of his nose.

Frieda wrapped her legs over his shoulders. “He’s not coming up until he cums,” she told me with a grin. “I love seeing those ropy streams of cream shooting into the water.”

I got turned on again, and I started to stroke a little. She seemed to love seeing me touching myself. She even told me, “You should get off while I drown him for you, Jeff.”

Glenn stroked his meat as he held his breath. He was down for quite a while. I finally saw his stomach start to ripple, indicating he was running out of air.

“Gonna drown you now, asshole!” Frieda called down to him. “We’re both going to enjoy watching you drown!” I didn’t know if she meant it or not, but it sure had the effect of turning me on even more.

Glenn began to wriggle and squirm as he lost more bubbles out of his nose. He grunted as he began pulling at her legs, trying to pry them off. “Hunh – unh; not yet!” she called down with a laugh.

More bubbles came up; Glenn was really struggling. I had no idea his sister could be so cruel. But it was a hell of a lot of fun to watch.

All of the sudden his cock went off, shooting ropy streams into the water. It looked like he was coughing up bubbles. With a mighty shove he worked her legs off enough to shoot up and gasp for breath.

“Damn!” Frieda panted. “That was so fucking hot, Glenn! I nearly came just watching you!”

“Bitch,” he retorted. But he didn’t seem angry or anything. He panted for several seconds until he began to catch his breath.

Frieda looked at Glenn. He looked back at his sister. Then they both smiled before looking my way.

“Looks like you’re next, Jeff,” Glenn observed with a sadistic smile. That’s when I felt an erotic shudder. I couldn’t help wondering just how long they were going to force me to stay under.

(Jun 4 ’19)

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The House on Last Gasp Lane (3-4) 4.3 (27)

Part 3

Melissa couldn’t believe Ida Mae had so casually hanged the young woman named Chelsey. Now she suspected she was about to strangle that poor girl in the chair named Christine. She had to do something!

She tried to move forward to intervene. But her feet felt frozen to the floor. All she could do was stare in horror, unable to tear her eyes away from the scene before her.

Christine tried to shake her head. But she could hardly move it, what with the rope snug around her throat. “Please, Ida Mae!” she croaked, struggling to pull in each labored breath. “Please don’t… kill me!”

The old man’s daughter moved beside her, gently running her hands over the quivering woman’s glistening breasts while fingering those stiff little nipples. She seemed intrigued at the prospects of hurting the poor woman. Tears trickled down Christine’s cheeks as her body trembled from the sensual assault it was being subjected to.

Ida Mae slowly ran her hands all over the poor girl’s body as though caressing a lover. The bound woman choked back a sob, sensing all was lost. Then the sadistic young woman reached down and found the trembling woman’s sticky slit.

Her eyes opened wider with interest. Then she began rubbing her fingers back and forth. Christine moaned involuntarily.

It was then that Ida Mae stuck her fingers into the poor girl’s slit. At the same time she reached behind the chair, grabbed the handle and slowly turned it. Christine’s eyes went wide.

She began to gawk and squirm, her torso starting to shudder. Her chest heaved as it became harder to breath, her opening even wider in fright. She rasped for breath, struggling to get the words out to tell the old man’s daughter to stop… “NO…” awwk… “PLEASE…” gasp… “DON’T… KILL…”

It looked to Melissa like Ida Mae was thrusting her fingers in and out. Christine suddenly shuddered, her torso thrusting against the fingers inside her. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head.

The old man’s daughter turned the handle the other way. The bound woman suddenly relaxed, gasping loudly while pulling in a tortured breath. She breathed easier, gratefulness in her eyes.

For a moment Melissa wondered if Ida Mae was going to allow the young girl to live. The old man’s daughter stuck her sticky fingers into her mouth and sucked on them, smiling with satisfaction. Then she began stroking Christine all over again as though reassuring a pet, caressing her neck, breasts, legs and thighs.

Melissa saw the bound girl shiver. The poor thing glanced up at the dangling body of her dead friend. More tears streamed down her mournful face. “Oh, Chelsey!” she sobbed mournfully.

Melissa glanced over at Chelsey’s body and saw it was barely swaying at all now. She felt another horrific shiver of arousal course through her body. It seemed so unreal that for a moment she considered the possibility she was dreaming.

Yes; that had to explain it! No human being could be so cruel as to hang one young girl only to turn around and strangle another. Right now she was upstairs in bed with Robert. This was only a horrible nightmare, dredged up in her mind because of the name of the road and the spookiness of the residence.

What was it her husband had called it… the house on last gasp lane? She had to be dreaming! If only she could just wake up!!

She heard a grunt of pain come from the direction of the chair. She turned back and saw that Ida Mae’s fingers were shoved up into the poor girl’s slit again. Her other hand was once more on the handle, her face staring with awe into that of her victim.

Melissa stifled a cry of horror as Christine’s face turned a deep crimson. Her mouth opened and closed in a vain effort to breathe, her eyes widening in terror. Her nipples looked painfully erect.

She began struggling in the chair, thrashing about in an attempt to get free as her chest heaved. It looked like her torso was involuntarily thrusting against the fingers inside her. Her face began to turn a horrible shade of blue as her tongue slithered out of her mouth.

‘OH MY GAWD – SHE’S GOING TO KILL HER! I GOTTA STOP HER!’ But Melissa still couldn’t move, her muscles refusing to obey her commands.


She watched in disbelief as the woman in the chair thrashed about, every muscle seemingly going off at once. Her mouth opened wide in one last, desperate attempt to pull air into her lungs. Her breasts heaved as her eyes rolled. Then her body appeared to go into spasms.

For a moment Melissa speculated the woman might be having some kind of orgasmic reaction to what was happening to her. Then the poor girl’s body simply collapsed in the chair. Her lifeless eyes gazed outward in pure terror as her head lolled to one side.

Melissa stared in shock as Ida Mae studied the dead woman with great interest. She sighed in rapture at the young woman’s wild-eyed expression. For some perverse reason the woman’s death had fascinated her.

There was a death rattle that came from somewhere deep inside Christine. Her body hitched. Then she was mostly still save for an occasional twitch from spasming flesh.

Ida Mae stuck her sticky fingers back into her mouth, nodding thoughtfully as she sucked them clean. Then she began pawing the woman’s body again. She caressed the breasts, thighs and slit with seemingly clinical interest.

Melissa was horrified to feel another orgasm course through her body. She clamped her lips shut in an effort not to give herself away as tears trickled down her cheeks. Her eyes widened in horror and shame as a choked sob slipped past her lips.

Ida Mae stopped and abruptly looked toward her position just inside the darkened alcove. Melissa gasped with fright. A moment later her muscles began to function.

She backed up toward the door, fumbling behind her for the handle as her heart hammered loudly in her chest. She got the door open and backed out into the hallway. She closed the door and turned to go, only to cry out when she saw the old man standing right in front of her.

Melissa froze in place, unable to move. He gazed at her curiously. “What are you doing down here?”

She opened her mouth to speak. But the words wouldn’t come. She found herself backing away from him, instantly coming up against the door to that unspeakable chamber of horrors behind her.

“You weren’t supposed to come down here, miss. You were supposed to stay in your room.”

Melissa finally found her voice. She struggled for something to say that would keep her alive. “I, uh… heard a noise and I, uh… thought it was your daughter, and I, uh… thought she was in trouble… and I, uh…”

Melissa trembling as the panic welled up inside her. Her mind screamed at her to wake up. She desperately wanted out of this nightmare she was in.

“What’s the matter? See something you weren’t supposed to see?” It wasn’t a question.

Melissa felt the blood drain from her face. “I won’t tell a soul; honest, I won’t!” Her voice quivered as she shook her head.

“I’m sure you won’t!” he answered with an amused chuckle.

The door suddenly opened behind her. Ida Mae stepped through in her nakedness. Melissa turned toward her, gasping in terror before trying to back away from the horrible woman.

The old man smiled at his daughter. “I guess you’ll get to play with her after all, my dear.” She beamed at him with great joy.


Ida Mae’s hands lashed out and grabbed her throat. Then she began to squeeze. Melissa gasped as she instinctively reached up with her hands, desperately trying to free herself from such an incredible grip.

She was right; the girl was strong and athletic. A moment later her vision began to blur. Her face took on a reddish hue as she gawked and gagged.

“Where do you want her, my dear?” she heard the old man’s voice as if in a haze. “Shall I put her in the tank for you?” She had just enough vision left to see Ida Mae nod eagerly in response to his question.

Tank? What tank??

Melissa rasped as she struggled to pull air into her lungs. “That’s what I thought you’d want, my dear.” It sounded like his voice was fading away.

Darkness closed in around her. Melissa thought she was dreaming when she heard him say, “She has your mother’s face, don’t you think?”

Everything began going to black. With her fading consciousness she realized she wasn’t dreaming at all. A moment later she collapsed, falling back into the old man’s arms. She never saw the young girl nod eagerly at her father with growing excitement.

Part 4

Melissa awoke on the floor with a dull ache throbbing in her skull. She stirred as she blinked her eyes before trying to rise to her feet. That’s when she discovered she was naked.

She looked around for her clothes, only to discover she was in a tank. It was glassed on three sides with a wall on the fourth. It was a narrow structure, five feet by five feet in dimension.

Melissa looked upward. She saw a wire mesh grate over the top of her prison. It looked to be a mere six inches from the top of the tank.

She stood up in alarm, only to feel something attached to her ankles. She looked down in horror, her heart pounding in her chest. Someone had placed her in soft ankle restraints attached to small O-rings set into the floor. They were two feet apart, forcing her to face forward with her legs spread, putting the wall directly behind her.

Two thin plastic cables approximately two feet in length attached each ankle to each O-ring. She yanked on one of the cables to her legs. But she couldn’t yank it free.

She turned toward the wall, suspecting it was her only way in or out. She saw the framing of an oval and tried to step back toward it. Then she reach with her hand and felt around for some way to open the damned thing.

“Like it?” a voice asked.

She whipped around, gasping when she saw the old man looking at her curiously from the edge of the alcove just off to her left. She instinctively brought her hands up to cover her breasts and crotch.

“I got the idea from those submarines,” he said matter-of-factly. “The hatch is on the other side, of course. No one can get out once they’re locked inside, unless of course they try to get out through the top.”

He motioned upward. Then he smiled. “Somehow I don’t think you’ll be able to reach that grate with those cables on your feet. No matter. The wire mesh up there is welded in place. No one has ever gotten out that way.”

No one? You mean others had been in here before her??

Melissa found her voice. Indignantly she hollered, “GET ME OUT OF HERE, YOU BASTARD! YOU CAN’T DO THIS TO ME!”

He tsked as he shook his head. “That’s no way to talk to your host, especially after the way I allowed you to stay in my humble home for the evening.”

Melissa quickly changed her tone. “I’m sorry – I’m sorry! Please… get me out of here, ok?”

“You can lower your hands, my dear,” he said kindly, waving her arms down from her chest. “I’ve seen it all before. No need to cover up on my account. Modesty will not help you in here. Besides, Ida Mae will be in shortly. She loves to see them nude, you see?”

Melissa’s eyes went wide as her breath caught in her throat. She remembered what she’d just witnessed a short time ago. “But your daughter! She… she… killed those girls!”

“Yes, she did.” There was no compassion, sympathy or regret in his voice.

“But… BUT WHY??”

“Ida Mae simply wishes to understand what happens to a woman when she is asphyxiated.”

“But why did she have to kill them??”

“To keep from killing herself, I suppose. She’s so curious. I think she wants to know what it’s like. She has a child-like intellect and she wants to understand these things. If I didn’t provide her with specimens from time to time, she would no doubt try these experiments on herself. I nearly lost her once.”

“Lost her?!”

“Four years ago I came home one day and couldn’t find her anywhere. I finally came down that stairwell and found her hanging in that room you saw her in. She was totally naked, of course.”

“I cut her down and managed to get her breathing again. But her vocal chords were damaged beyond repair. And there was significant brain damage. But her curiosity never wavered.”

“Ever since then I have worked hard to keep my daughter alive. I even provide her with… amusements, you might say.” Then he smiled mischievously.

“The greatest day of her life was the day I brought home her very first young woman. The joy on her face, the blissful rapture as she hanged that girl? Even now it brings tears to my eyes; she was so happy.”

Melissa stared in horrified shock, struggling to keep from sobbing at her dilemma. Panicking wasn’t going to help her now. She had to think of some way of talking him out of this. Meanwhile… WHERE THE HELL WAS ROBERT??

“What about your wife?” she asked anxiously, hoping to find someone else in the residence who would have some compassion over her current predicament. “What does she have to say about your daughter’s… interests?”

He sighed as though that particular subject held a certain sadness. “Ah, Doreen. I suspect she’s the reason my daughter has such an intense fascination with asphyxiation. I don’t think her interests fully blossomed until the day my wife hanged both her and her sister Loretta.”

“She WHAT??”

Melissa’s eyes opened wide again in astonishment. What kind of family was this??

“You see my daughters liked to play asphyxia games with each other,” he remarked thoughtfully, appearing to think back to an earlier time. “They were harmless little choking games, I suppose. Doreen caught them at it one day. She punished them both by strangling them until they passed out.” He shook his head as he added, “Somehow that only made them like it all the more.”

“Pretty soon my wife got involved. She joined them in their games. She would often choke or strangle them as punishment for some wrongdoing. Yet for some reason they were always getting into mischief, perhaps to earn themselves a good strangling. Everything seemed to be fine until she started hanging them.”

The old man shook his head sadly. Melissa saw a tear well up in the corner of one eye.

“She was always careful. I was always warning them to play safe. But one day it got a little out of hand.”

“Eight years ago while I was away, she stripped them naked and decided to hang them over some infraction… a forgotten chore perhaps. To this day I don’t know what it was. Anyway, she hanged them both in that very room you saw earlier.”

He sighed again. Melissa found her heart beating wildly in dreadful anticipation of what he was going to say next.

“I guess she must have miscalculated. By the time she cut them down Loretta was gone. She must have thought Ida Mae was dead too. She ran out of the house, threw herself into our backyard pool and drowned herself.”

“Ida Mae came around and freed herself. She went outside and found her mother at the bottom of the pool, poor thing. I didn’t get home until much later. My daughter told me everything that happened. That’s when I went out to the pool and found my wife’s body.”

Melissa stared in shock, unable to believe her ears. What a screwed up family this turned out to be!

“I always thought that would be the end of it for my daughter. If anything, it made her even more determined to experiment with it. I guess she wanted to keep asphyxiating herself. So she kept finding ways to strangle herself while trying to keep it a secret from me. If I hadn’t come home that one day when I did, she’d be gone too.”

He sighed again. He seemed to be a man with a heavy past. Melissa would’ve felt sorry for him were it not for the fact she was now locked in a glass tank.

“You know what my daughter said to me the day her mother died? I’ll never forget it. Ida Mae came up to me later that evening and said, ‘Father? You know what? I’m sad mother died today. But I wish I could have watched her drown, just to see what she went through’.”

That’s when it clicked in Melissa’s mind. Her eyes opened wide in horrific understanding. The tank she was in had a deeper meaning.

“You’re going to drown me??” she gasped in horrified realization.

She pressed up against the glass panel on his side as panic welled up inside her. She was no longer covering herself. Things had become far worse than a simple nudity issue.

“Of course not, my dear,” he answered pleasantly. “I could never do that. My daughter’s going to drown you.”

“Ida Mae? But why??”

“Because you remind her so much of her mother” and he motioned toward the opposite wall. “That’s why she looked at you so strangely when she saw you in the dining room.”

Melissa turned to look at a portrait on the wall. She gasped in astonishment. The similarities were uncanny.

Mae walked into the room totally nude. Her face beamed when she saw who was in the tank. She immediately walked over to the wall and opened a valve.

Melissa shrieked in terror as a geyser of cool water billowed up from the middle of the floor. “Enjoy yourself, my dear,” the old man bowed to his daughter. Then he turned and disappeared into the alcove.

Melissa screamed for him not to go. But there was the thump of a door closing somewhere. She was left alone with the old man’s daughter.

Melissa pressed herself up against the glass as the daughter turned and slowly approached the tank. “Ida Mae??” she pleaded her heart hammering in her chest. “Don’t do this! You don’t have to drown me! Please! I’ll do anything you ask!”

Her nipples were sticking out against the glass. She felt a familiar sexual tingle down below from the horrible excitement of it all. Surely this couldn’t be happening!

Ida Mae came up to the tank and began caressing the glass, that same caress Melissa recognized in the room with the two dead girls. She backed away in shock as the water slowly climbed her calves and reached her knees. The old man’s daughter simply stared at her, eyes wide in rapturous wonder.

“You don’t have to do this, Ida Mae! Don’t drown me – please, don’t drown me!” Then she looked down in horror as the water climbed steadily, wondering the whole time where her husband was.

Melissa pressed herself up against the glass again, begging and pleading. “Let me out, Ida Mae! You want to choke me? Let me out and you can choke me, ok? You can even hang me! Wouldn’t you like to hang me instead?”

The daughter was unmoved. But Melissa didn’t want to drown. “Ida Mae, get me out of here!”

She began banging on the glass with her fists, sobbing hysterically. The young girl continued to stare at her in fascination. Her hand slowly glided up and down the glass in a loving gesture.

‘There’s nothing there!’ Melissa thought bitterly, looking into the young woman’s eyes. ‘She’s hardly human anymore. Just what kind of brain damage does she have anyway? How can she stand there and watch me drown?’

She gasped as the water level reached her crotch and began climbing up her waist. It was rising fast; she had to get out of here. Maybe the door…

She turned and sloshed toward the back wall, the cables on her ankles pulling her up short. She reached out, desperately trying to find some way of opening the door. But there was nothing there to grab onto, no way to open it. There was nothing but a wall with an oval indentation where the doorway must be.

Melissa banged her fists on the glass. “RAW-BUUURRTT!! GET ME OUT OF HERE!! RAW-BUUURRTT!!”

She turned back toward the young girl in desperation. She pressed up against the barrier again, her breasts flattening against the glass. “You don’t want to drown your mother all over again, do you, Ida Mae? Don’t let your mother drown! Please don’t let your mother drown again!”

Ida Mae stared at her in wonder. Once more she caressed the glass where Melissa’s naked body was pressed up against it. That’s when the water level reached the frightened woman’s chest.

Melissa looked up at the grate above her. Then she looked down into the water at the cables attached to her ankles. She frantically made some mental calculations.

She pulled her right leg up, looking up again. But she didn’t have enough cable to stretch up and grab the grate. She would have to try to pulling the cables off her ankles if she was to have any kind of chance at all.

She took a deep breath and submerged into the rapidly rising water. She bent herself down and grabbing onto the cable to her left ankle. She pulled with all her might, air bursting out of her mouth as her face grimaced in agony. The cable refused to come free.

She stood back up in hopeless frustration and gasped for breath. The water was higher. Now it was up to her neck. She was running out of time.

“NO, IDA MAE! I’m your mother and I DEMAND you let me out of here! DO YOU HEAR ME?? IDA MAE?? LET ME OUT, GAWD-DAMNIT!!”

Melissa bubbled as she slipped under so her feet could touch the floor. She couldn’t stand anymore. The level had risen until she was forced to tread water.

Melissa began kicking, waving her arms in a desperate attempt to keep her head above water as the level rose higher. She reached up for the grate, straining with all her might. But it was just out of reach.

She moved directly over the spot where the cables were attached to the floor. Then she reached upward again, trying to obtain every spare inch of slack she could accumulate. Her fingers were two inches short.

Melissa felt a sudden swell of hopefulness as the old man’s daughter walked over toward the valve. “THAT’S IT, IDA MAE! TURN THE WATER OFF! DRAIN THE TANK, HONEY! PLEASE HURRY! THAT’S A GOOD GIRL!”

The young girl stood by the valve but did nothing. She simply watched with that same horrible look of fascination on her face. What the hell was wrong with her??

The water kept rising. Melissa reached the point where she had to tip her head back. She gasped for breath as the water level climbed.

She finally took a deep breath as the water climbed up her face. It slowly rose above her mouth and nose. Then she was forced to hold her breath as it rose up over her head.

This was it; she was going to drown now! She burbled in alarm as she straightened herself upright. Then she looked through the glass at the young girl.

She pleaded with her eyes for the sadistic daughter to turn the valve, the cables tethering her to the floor as she drifted in the tank. Instinctively she kicked her legs while pulling with her arms toward the air she couldn’t get to. She looked up and watched in horror as the water level kept rising until if finally reached and then surpassed the wire mesh above her.

Melissa stared at Ida Mae, her eyes wide in near hysteria. She shook her head, struggling to contain the air in her lungs. How long could she hold her breath? How long would it be before she couldn’t hold it anymore?

Panic welled up within her, threatening to overwhelm her. She wanted to reach out and pound on the glass in desperation. But the cables kept her body centered in the middle of the tank, making her face her captor.

Melissa struggled to remain calm, trying to hold her breath for as long as possible. It wasn’t going to do her much good as it would only prolong the inevitable. At least it was buying her a few more precious seconds of life.

Down between her thighs the terror of the whole situation was creating a horrific sexual excitement that threatened to boil over into an orgasmic eruption. If she came now it would cause her to lose her air. Then she would drown for sure, not that she could avoid that.

Melissa knew she was about to drown. And there wasn’t a damned thing she could do to stop it. Her lungs began to burn and she felt those warning spasms associated with a lack of air.

Her chest began to heave as air burst out past her clenched lips. She frantically covered her mouth, her eyes getting bigger. Her cheeks bulged as bubbles escaped through her nose.

To her shock she saw Ida Mae turn the valve. Melissa strained to detect any change in the water level. She looked up in time to see it dropping below the grating above her.

Her mind screamed, “HURRY; I CAN’T HOLD IT MUCH LONGER!” Melissa struggled for all she was worth. She worked to keep her mouth closed as her lungs heaved, her breasts bobbing up and down.

The water level was dropping faster now. She strained upward, her lips opening and closing as she bubbled. The cables kept her just below the surface.

Her head tipped back as she strained upwards with her face, her lips opening and closing. Her lungs were on fire, her body wanting to inhale. She fought the urge as the water level was dropping, getting closer and closer.


Melissa’s chest heaved insistently, her lungs screaming for another breath. Her body was going to give out on her any second now. She could feel an overwhelming urge to inhale coming on strong.

She slipped deeper into the water and blew her air away, sending a froth of bubbles to the surface. Then she kicked up one last time. She tipped her head back and opened her mouth. Her body drew a great gulp of air into her chest.

Melissa coughed and gasped, pulling huge lungfuls of life-giving air into her body. She slipped back under the water, pulled herself back up and got another lungful of air. This time she didn’t have to tip her head back so much.

She gasped gratefully, thankful to still be alive. Her toes came in contact with the floor. At least she could rest a little. Maybe the dimwitted daughter had seen the light.

Ida Mae turned the valve once more. Then she walked over to the tank. She looked in at Melissa with wonder, once more caressing the glass as though she were caressing her body.

Melissa shivered as her heart pounded in her chest. At least she was still alive. Maybe Robert would wake up in time to rescue her.

“Thank you, Ida Mae!” she panted as she stood on the balls of her feet. Her chest heaved as she tried to calm down and get her breath back.

“That’s a good girl. Such a good girl. Now get me out of this tank, ok? Finish draining the tank and get me out of here; ok, sweetie?”

Ida Mae turned with a smile as she walked back to the valve. Melissa sighed gratefully as the young woman turned it. That’s when she felt the familiar sensation of water bubbling up into the tank from the floor, forcing her to strain to reach it with her toes.

“Ida Mae?! No, honey; you turned it the wrong way. Turn it the other way, Ida Mae. That’s a good girl – Ida Mae? You’ve got to turn it the other way!”

Melissa suddenly remembered what had happened in the room with those two young women. She remembered how the sadistic daughter had teased that poor girl in the noose, raising her up and then lowering her back down. And she’d toyed with that girl in the chair before ultimately strangling her. That’s when the blood drained from her face.

She wasn’t experimenting with her, was she? Was she teasing her, lowering and raising the water level before witnessing the main event? Was she going to get the same treatment as those poor girls in that room??

This was it! Now she was going to die, right here in this tank! Ida Mae had filled it, then lowered the water level enough so she could breathe for a few moments, long enough to see how the near drowning had affected her. Now the bitch was going to fill the tank back up and drown her… and all because she’d gotten too curious and poked her nose where it didn’t belong.

Soon Melissa was treading water again, straining to keep her head above the rising water level. The cables tugged against her feet, reminding her of her limitations. If this one was it then she didn’t have much time left for this earth.

Melissa choked back a sob, even as that area between her legs flared to life again from the terrible excitement. There was no point in begging for her life from Ida Mae anymore as it wouldn’t do any good. She might as well conserve her strength for her final breath hold.

She tread water to keep her head up, gasping for breath. The water level was rising again. She stretched upward against the cables tethering her ankles to the floor, straining with all her might.

She succeeded in pulling in one more deep breath before water began lapping over her mouth and nose. Then she resigned herself to the inevitable. Melissa allowed her body to drift vertically, tethered to the floor by the cables as she stared at the woman over by the valve.

Melissa was on her last breath now and she knew it. The water level was too high. She watched with bitterness as Ida Mae came forward and began stroking the glass again.

The sadistic young woman caressed and fondled it as she stared in at her, watching intently while waiting for her to drown. Melissa blinked back the tears that billowed up in her eyes. She didn’t want to give the bitch the satisfaction of seeing her agony.

A million thoughts raced through her mind, chief among them being what would happen to Robert now. It occurred to her if they were going to kill her, surely they weren’t going to allow her husband to leave in one piece. So what would they do to him?

Would they hang him? Would they strangle him like they’d done to that poor girl in the chair? Or would he end up here in the tank to suffer her fate?

Melissa felt a wave of calming resignation flow through her. It gave her a sense of sorrow knowing her husband would probably be joining her in death. She felt sorry they weren’t going to get the full, rich lives they both deserved, especially having children and grandchildren.

She felt the warning spasm in her chest and knew it wouldn’t be much longer. At the same time she felt that familiar fire of arousal down in her crotch. She regretted not getting to spend one more passionate night with her husband.

She figured she might be able to achieve that release if she wanted. Her body was certainly reacting to her situation. But Ida Mae was watching.

‘Fuck you, you bitch! I’m going to do it anyway!’

Ida Mae’s wiring was already screwed up. Maybe seeing her get herself off would mess with her little mind even more. With any luck the bitch might drown herself one day while trying to figure out why her last victim had touched herself.

Melissa reached down with a hand, stuck two fingers into her wet slit and began to fuck herself as her lungs began to burn. She gave Ida Mae a wicked grin. Might as well try to get herself off one last time.

She was happy to see a look of shock and confusion in the girl’s expression. A moment later that hand caressing the glass suddenly pulled away as though it had become hot to the touch. ‘Get your attention, did I?’ Melissa thought as the agony in her lungs intensified.

She felt a spasm in her chest as her lungs began to protest. At least she’d found a sense of purpose now. She would pleasure herself while confusing the hell out of that bitch on the other side of the glass.

She burbled as she fingered herself harder, her lungs beginning to cry out in protest. ‘What’s the matter, bitch? Can’t figure out what I’m doing to myself? Why don’t you come in here and join me? I’d love to have you drown with me, you fucking whore!’

She burbled again, her chest heaving as her lungs insisted she pull in a breath of air. She knew she was nearing her limits. Melissa began finger-fucking herself harder.

New images flashed through her mind as she released bubbles out of her nose. They were images of her hands wrapped around Ida Mae’s throat, choking the very life out of the dimwitted young woman. It brought a smile of satisfaction to her face.

She pictured Ida Mae in the chair with her hand on the handle. She imagined tightening the rope until the young girl’s face was contorted in agony. She wanted it to be the same agony she’d put that poor, innocent young girl through.

As her chest heaved insistently Melissa pictured Ida Mae dangling from the noose, her body jerking and spasming. She could picture her face a satisfying crimson hue as drool dribbled off the tongue hanging out of her mouth. Then she pictured Ida Mae here in the tank, her ankles cabled to the floor while screaming a froth of bubbles, her nude body spasming as she drowned.

The orgasm swelled within her as her lungs screamed for air, her breasts heaving as her body demanded she inhale. She glared at Ida Mae, watching with a perverted sense of glee as the woman’s eyes opened wide with shock and uncertainty. Then the young woman nervously stepped away from the tank.

Melissa grinned at her, picturing the bitch’s death in each of her scenarios… collapsing in that damned chair and staring with vacant eyes… her naked body swaying softly in the noose… her nude form heaving in the throes of drowning. Then her muscles suddenly clenched around her fingers.

Her head tipped back, her body stiffening as she suddenly screamed a froth of air. The orgasm slammed into her, taking away what little breath she had left as she began to buck and jerk and thrash about. Then her lungs opened up.

Melissa sucked in a huge lungful of water, causing her eyes to snap open in shock. Her body reacted instantly as she jerked and convulsed tethered to the floor of her drowning chamber. She went from one series of spasms and convulsions into the next, her body coughing to expel the water out of her lungs.

Ida Mae stared in utter disbelief. She uneasily took another step back away from the tank. She’d never seen this before in any of the women she’d previously drowned. Something about it was downright… unnerving!

Melissa felt a second orgasm wash through her as her body thrashed about tethered to the floor of the tank. Her face took on a softened, almost dreamy look, even as the agony in her chest intensified. Her whole body shuddered until her muscles abruptly shut down.

Melissa hung tethered to the floor of the tank, her naked body gently swaying back and forth. A few stray bubbles dribbled out past her parted lips. Her last thought was the sincere hope Ida Mae would get to experience something similar real soon. Then the life flicked out of her eyes…

Ida Mae shivered as she stared at the body in the tank. It looked like the woman was looking at her accusingly. She suddenly felt a lump in her throat.


From out of nowhere, a sob billowed up within her, exploding out of her mouth in an unrecognizable gurgle. Then she ran up to the tank, embracing it as tears filled her eyes. She opened her mouth in an anguished wail that came out more as a guttural sigh.

She opened her eyes and looked once more at the dead woman swaying gently in the tank. She quickly backed away in shock. That was not her mother. And why had she poked her fingers inside her like that??

A moment later she bolted out of the room. Her mind swirled with strange thoughts and images. One of them was a growing desire to throw herself into the pool just to see what would happen to her…

2006; 2019 (written Jan 5 ’06; ed. Mar 30 ’19 by riwa)

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The House on Last Gasp Lane (1-2) 4.4 (18)

(a repost)

Part 1

“Robert? We’re LOST!”

“No, we’re not! I know exactly where we are. We’re right here… on this road… headed South!”

“Very funny! Now would you please find a place to pull over and ask for directions? We should have been at the motel hours ago.”

“But there’s nothing out here for miles! There isn’t even a house we can stop at!”

“There’s a place over there!” his wife declared, pointing toward a light that illuminated what looked like a residence of some sort. “Let’s try over there and see if we can at least get some directions.”

Melissa was tired of being in the car. She wanted to pull over somewhere for the night. If that meant staying someplace other than their planned stop, then so be it. She was more than willing to forfeit the deposit on their motel reservation if it meant being in a nice, warm bed soon.

“Ok, Melissa… ok!”

Her husband followed the road they were on until they came to a crossroad that looked like it would take them straight to the lighted structure. Then he turned right. The lights of the car flashed briefly on the sign identifying the road they were now driving upon.

“What did it say?” Melissa asked, referring to the sign.

“Last Gasp Lane,” her husband replied with a smirk. “It looks like a private drive.” Then he started to chuckle.

“What’s so damned funny?”

“‘The house on Last Gasp Lane’! Sounds like an old Vincent Price horror movie.” He couldn’t help chuckling aloud.

“I am not amused!” Melissa replied in disgust. She rolled her eyes and shook her head. But as she looked at the approaching residence she felt a brief shiver of uneasiness.

The closer they got to the residence, the more sinister it looked. Now Melissa was having second thoughts about pulling up and asking for directions. But her husband had already decided it was best if they stopped. Besides, he really was lost.

They pulled up into the circular drive and got out of the car. Together they nervously walked up to the door. “You press it,” Robert instructed. “You’re the one who wanted to stop here.”

Melissa hesitantly pressed the doorbell. They heard it chime mournfully inside the home. Both of them half expected a member of the Adams family to step out to greet them.

The door opened and they both gasped in shock. Vincent Price slowly stepped out onto the landing. Upon closer inspection they decided it had to be his twin, being as how the actor had been dead for years. The old man certainly had the same craggy features, the same grayish-white hairdo.

“Can I help you folks?”

Damn! He even sounded like Vincent Price!

“Uh… we’re a little lost,” Robert stammered in shock. “We’re trying to get to the Bellevue hotel in Winston.”

“Oh my… you folks are lost,” he replied with a chuckle. “That’s well over an hour and a half from here.”

“An hour and a half?? SHIT!”

Melissa glowered at her husband. “Did you hear that? Because you wouldn’t stop for directions we’ve got another hour and a half to go!” Then she sighed as she asked the old man, “I don’t suppose there’s anything else close by is there?”

“I’m afraid not,” he replied apologetically.

“Great; just great! I gotta be in the car another couple of hours? Thanks a lot, Robert!” Her husband winced at the remark.

“Oh, good heavens no!” the old man said quickly. “I can’t send you folks back out into the night. That wouldn’t be neighborly. Besides, you both look exhausted.”

“But where will we stay?” Melissa asked in frustration before looking around at the darkness surrounding them. “I’m tired of sitting in that damned car.”

“You’ll stay right here, of course. We have an extra bedroom you folks can use.”

“We don’t want to put you out…” Robert started to say.

His wife quickly cut him off. “We’ll take it! Pay the man, honey! I’m tired!”

“I wouldn’t dream of taking any money from you folks! It wouldn’t be right. Come right in” and he waved them both inside.

“You must be starved,” he stated as they entered the residence and looked all around. The place seemed ordinary enough. But the interior seemed much larger than the outside of the building made it out to be.

“Well, I am a little hungry…” Melissa started to say.

“Ida Mae? We have company. Would you be a dear and please go into the kitchen and prepare some refreshments? Bring them into the dining room for our guests.”

“Oh we don’t want to put you out…” Robert started to say.

The old man waved him to silence. “Nonsense! Come along. I’ll show you the way to the dining room…”


As she and her husband sat at the large table Melissa had an uncomfortable feeling about the residence and its host. A couple minutes later Mr. Price’s twin walked in with a slender, rather attractive young woman at his side. She appeared to be in her early twenties.

She was carrying a tray of sandwiches, a sampling of fruit and a couple beverages. The sight of food momentarily picked up Melissa’s spirits. That’s when she noticed the young woman gawking at her in wide-eyed fascination.

“No, Ida Mae,” the old man scolded, noticing Melissa had caught the young woman’s attention. “Set the tray down and be off with you. You already have play-toys for the evening.”

She looked at him unhappily. Then she turned and headed out of the dining room. There was a look of disappointment on her face.

Robert and Melissa looked at each other, both wondering what he’d meant by that term as they watched her depart. “You’ll have to excuse my daughter,” the old man said with a smile. “Sometimes she stares; I’m trying to break her of that. And I’m sure you noticed she doesn’t speak. Sadly her vocal chords were damaged while she was growing up.”

“Playtoys?” Melissa asked curiously.

“An expression,” he replied with a smile. “She knows what it means.”

“I see.”

“After you’ve eaten I’ll take you upstairs to your room.”

“Thank you,” Melissa replied. “Right now I’m simply dead on my feet.” The Vincent Price twin oddly chuckled at her choice of words.


“This is where you’ll be sleeping,” the old man said, waving them into a large bedroom up on the second floor.

The room had a gothic feel to it. But the four poster bed looked promising. They both thanked him again for his hospitality.

He asked if there was anything more he could do for them. They politely declined. He smiled and nodded.

He was at the door when he paused and looked back at them. “One question, if I may. You two wouldn’t by any chance happen to be heavy sleepers, would you?”

“Why’s that?” Robert asked.

“We don’t normally have guests and I don’t want you to have any trouble falling sleep. It’s just that the house is old and settling on its foundation. There can be a lot of creaks and groans at night… strange sounds you might not be used to. That’s why I put you up on the second floor.”

There was something in the way he said it that Melissa found disturbing. But she brushed her concerns aside, attributing them to sheer exhaustion. “I doubt we’ll have any trouble falling asleep,” she told him. “I’m so tired I’m liable to fall asleep in my clothes.” He smiled, nodded at them and left, closing the door behind him.

The two of them collapsed in their clothes onto the large, four poster bed. They chatted quietly for a few minutes. Melissa couldn’t help commenting on the old man’s uncanny resemblance to the departed actor.

“I hear everybody has a twin on this old world,” her husband chided her.

“Maybe so, Robert. But did you see the way his daughter had acted when she set her eyes on me?”

“Honey, she just thinks you’re beautiful like I do.”

“That’s not getting you out of my doghouse for getting us lost, Robert.”

“Can we just go to sleep?” he asked as he slipped out of his shoes.

“You’re not going out to get my luggage?”

“You can go down if you want.”

Melissa rolled her eyes. “I’ll sleep in my clothes, thank you very much. Some chivalrous husband you turned out to be.”

She slipped out of her shoes as well. They stretched out on top of the bed side by side. A faint creaking sound made her grab onto him for reassurance.

It wasn’t long before the two had fallen asleep, sprawled on top of the bed in the clothes they’d been driving in all day.

Part 2

Melissa awoke with a start. She was sure she’d heard something.

There it was again… a cry of some sort. Was it the old man’s daughter?

Melissa nudged her husband. “Robert? Did you hear that?” But he seemed to be out like a light.

She quietly climbed out of bed, listening intently. She moved to the door and slowly opened it. Then she peered out into the hallway.

She heard something down the hall… an animal maybe? No, it sounded manmade. Curiosity got the better of her.

Melissa stepped out and quietly closed the door behind her so as not to awaken her husband. Then she carefully made her way down the hall in the opposite direction where the sound had come from. That’s when she came to a plain set of stairs, quite unlike the ones they’d come up earlier.

There; she heard it again! It sounded like a faint cry of alarm, coming from somewhere down the stairwell. It sounded like someone was in agony.

Melissa cautiously made her way down into what appeared to be a dead end. There was a door on each wall. Her only other option was to retrace her steps back to the stairwell.


She’d definitely heard that! It sounded like it had come from behind the door right in front of her. And it sounded like a female. Ida Mae perhaps?

She crept up to it and carefully turned the knob. She slowly pushed the door open enough to peek inside. There was dark alcove which emerged into a lighted room.

She couldn’t see around the corner of the alcove. So she slipped inside and quietly closed the door behind her. She crept up to the edge of the darkened alcove and peered around the corner into the room…

Melissa’s hand flew up to her mouth to stifle a scream as she stared in horror…

There was a naked young woman who looked to be in her late teens or early twenties. She stood on the balls of her feet in the middle of the room. Her hands were bound behind her back.

A noose was wrapped around her throat. It extended up toward the ceiling where it looped through a ring that hung from the end of a long, thick metal chain. It came back down to a cleat on the nearby wall where it was tied off.

The poor woman was whimpering fearfully. Her body trembled as her nipples protruded out of a set of full, firm breasts. Standing next to her – also quite naked – was Ida Mae.

The old man’s daughter was staring intently at the young woman in the noose. Her eyes were wide with excitement and anticipation. She seemed to be enthralled at the poor woman’s suffering.

Melissa was shocked to see Ida Mae reach out and lightly brush her hands over the noosed woman’s breasts. She seemed utterly fascinated. The poor woman trembled in response as she gasped for breath, managing to get out another abbreviated cry.

Melissa stared in disbelief as Ida Mae slowly ran her hands up to the poor woman’s neck. She reverently brushed against the rope while caressing the bound woman’s neck, face, ears and hair. She touched her softly, soothingly… caressing her as though caressing a prized possession, paying close attention to each response as though studying her victim’s reactions to stimuli.

The old man’s daughter suddenly reached over toward the rope and pulled down on it, raising the trembling woman up to her toes. “Chris – tine??” the noosed woman gasped in alarm as Ida Mae watched with interest.

“Chelsey?! NO – gawk!”

Melissa turned her head at the second voice. She was horrified to discover there was another woman in the room. This one was in no better condition than the one in the noose.

Melissa stifled another scream as she stared in horror at a naked girl who also appeared to be in her late teens or early twenties. She was in a high-backed chair, her arms strapped down to the armrests. Her legs were spread wide and tied to the front legs of the chair.

There was a rope around her neck that went through the back of the chair. It was attached to some sort of handle on the other side. Melissa’s eyes were wide in horror.

What was happening to the woman in the chair was similar to what was happening to the woman in the noose.  Her body glistened with perspiration. Her nipples were also erect, sticking out of her mounds as though they might pop off at any moment.

It suddenly occurred to Melissa these two suffering females knew each other! After all, they’d just gasped each other’s names! What the hell was Ida Mae doing to them??

Melissa stood frozen in place with erotic horror. Ida Mae turned toward the one apparently named Christine. She raised a finger to her lips as though to shush her. Then she turned back to the one in the noose.

She gently let go of the rope, allowing the one named Chelsey to breathe easier. Then she reached toward a panel and pulled a lever. There was an instant hum of machinery.

Melissa stared in horror as the noosed woman was lifted higher. The chain retracted up into the ceiling. Chelsey gawking until she was standing on her toes, gasping fearfully as her body trembled again.

Ida Mae hit the lever once more. The poor girl was left stretched to her limits, desperately shuffling around on her tiptoes. She seemed to be looking for the right position to ease the tightness of the noose around her neck so she could breathe easier.

“No…!” the woman in the chair gasped, each breath a struggle. “Ida Mae…” gawk… “please… don’t hurt her!”

The poor girl squirmed in the chair, struggling to get a good breath of air. The rope appeared to be tightened around her neck enough to cause suffering while allowing partial breaths of air. There was a disturbing redness to her face.

Ida Mae looked at her and smiled. Her expression seemed to indicate she would deal with her shortly. Then she turned back to the one named Chelsey where she reverently stroked her chest, fingering the poor girls nipples while causing her to rasp for breath as she shuffled around on her toes.

Melissa wanted to run screaming out of the room. But she was unable to move or cry out, mesmerized by the terrible eroticism of it all. Despite the wild panic welling up within her, she found herself becoming terribly aroused.

She wanted to cry out, wanted to tell Ida Mae to stop what she was doing. But her mouth was dry, her feet frozen to the floor. Her mind couldn’t wrap itself around the fact this woman was torturing these two young girls by using asphyxiation.

She watched in horrified fascination as Ida Mae caressed the quivering woman’s legs, going up and down her inner thighs. The cruel young woman noticed a trickle of something dribbling out of the noosed girl’s slit. Her eyes opened in wonder as she reached down to touch it.

She began rubbing her fingers back and forth over the slit. They became sticky and glistened with moisture. The noosed woman moaned and shuffled around a little as her body trembled.

Ida Mae brought the sticky fingers up to her mouth. She stuck out her tongue and carefully tasted then. Her eyes opened in discovery as she stuck the fingers completely into her mouth, thoughtfully sucking on them.

A look of pleasure flowed over her face. She ran the fingers back down over the slit, rubbing them back and forth again until they slid inside the opening. The noosed woman responded as another raspy moan slipped past her parted lips. Her body quivered in spite of herself as tears trickled down her cheeks.

Melissa glanced over at the woman in the chair. Christine was in breathless torment over what was happening to her friend in the noose. She struggled to get free, but she was bound and half choked.

Melissa’s stared at her for a moment. Then she saw a small puddle on the seat directly below the bound woman’s crotch. It shimmered from the dim lighting, indicating the poor girl’s horrific arousal.

Melissa was horrified at what she was witnessing. She also felt a surge of shameful excitement envelop her. What was being done to them was horrific and humiliating. But for some reason she was becoming aroused as well.

Melissa turned her attention back to the two in the middle of the room. She watched Ida Mae pull her wet, sticky fingers out of the poor girl. The sadistic girl lifted the fingers to her mouth and got another taste.

She turned and looked curiously at the reddening face of the woman named Chelsey. She moved close enough to push the fingers forward until she inserted them into girl’s mouth opened mouth. Chelsey choked back a sob and reluctantly close her mouth on the fingers.

Ida Mae slowly pulled them back out. Then she began to caress the breasts of the woman in the chair. It was horrifyingly erotic.

Her heart hammered in her chest as she watched. Melissa slunk back into the darkness of the alcove. She was afraid Ida Mae could hear the beating of her heard.

She told herself she had to do something. But what could she do? The old man’s daughter may have been mute. But she certainly appeared to be quite athletic and was no doubt much stronger than she was.

If she tried anything here, there was a good chance she would end up in the same predicament as these two poor girls. Then she remembered the way Ida Mae had looked at her in the dining room. Melissa shivered with dread.

She had to get out of there. She needed to run back to the room and awaken her husband. Then they needed to get the hell out of there.

Melissa tried to move. But her feet felt like they were glued to the floor. Why couldn’t she move? And why was she so damned aroused??

The sudden hum of machinery made her focus on the woman in the noose. Chelsey was lifted up until the tips of her toes barely brushed the floor. Her eyes went wide in horror.

Her feet fluttered in a desperate effort to find the floor. She gawked and gurgled as her legs kicked. There was another hum and she was lowered until her toes touched once more.

Melissa could see her strain to push herself up in an attempt to get another breath. She looked like she was really struggling to breathe. If Ida Mae wasn’t careful the poor girl was going to strangle to death!

She watched the sadistic daughter stick her fingers into the slit once again. She moved them around before pulling them out. Then she stuck them into her mouth once more, smiling with satisfaction.

Without any thought or warning, she reached over and pulled the lever down hard. This time the chain pulled upward until the girl named Chelsey was lifted completely off the ground by at least a foot. Her eyes went wide as she gawked and gasped for breath, her feet fluttering as she rasped, “CHR…RIISS…SSTT…EEEENNN!”

Her body came to life, kicking wildly with her legs as she began to swing and dance. Her friend in the chair let out a gasp of “CHEL -SEE!” She struggled, but the rope was still half strangling her.

Christine squirmed against her bindings, but there was nothing she could do. Melissa felt tears in her eyes. She felt sorry for the poor girl who was being forced to watch her friend suffer and die.

Her mind screamed, “DO SOMETHING, YOU SONOFABITCH!” But she felt powerless to intervene. What’s worse, she was shamefully aroused at the whole thing.

All she could do was stare in horrified fascination as poor Chelsey swung and danced on air. Then Ida Mae reached behind the swinging woman. Melissa stared in shock as the old man’s daughter stuck her fingers into the hanging woman’s slit from behind.

Chelsey responded, her legs no longer kicking as her body contracted around the fingers inside her. Her feet twitched, her breasts heaving as her face went from crimson to a horrifying shade of blue. Melissa could see her body fighting just to pull in one more breath of air.

Ida Mae’s eyes got bigger in revelation. She caressed the front of the hanged woman’s crotch with one hand while keeping her fingers inside the poor woman’s dripping slit with the other. Then she looked up into the girl’s eyes, watching as they began to roll into the back of her head.

Something made her look down at the noosed woman’s crotch. Chelsey began to spasm again, jerking on the noose and contracting the muscles in her womanhood. She opened and closed her mouth like a fish out of water. Then she abruptly tried to pull her knees up to her chest.

Melissa stared in wide-eyed horror. Christine was also watching in helpless agony from the chair while partially strangled. The whole damned scene felt so surreal.

Chelsey’s knees came part way up, jerking up and down a couple of times. Then her legs dropped. The poor girl hung limp in the noose, swaying gently as Ida Mae fingered, stroked, caressed and fondled the woman’s privates.

There was a strange, far-away look in Chelsey’s eyes. She looked as though she’d just experienced some sort of sexual stimulation. But her head hung sideways in the noose.

Ida Mae pulled her fingers out of the hanged woman’s slit, studying them intently. They were sopping wet. She carefully brought them up into her mouth for another taste.

She looked up at the sudden guttural sound of Chelsey’s death rattle that came from somewhere deep inside the noosed woman. She gasped excitedly as she watched the life flick out of the poor girl’s eyes. A moment later Ida Mae shivered noticeably with a contented sigh, as though the whole thing had been a rather pleasant experience to observe.

Melissa gasped quietly in shock, nearly giving away her hiding place in the shadows of the alcove. A warm flush of pleasure flowed through her, shaming her at the thought that a young woman’s death had made her cum. Tears billowed up in her eyes. Then she heard a choked sob from Christine… “NOO…” gawk “…OOO!”

The two watched in horror as the old man’s daughter ran her hands up and down over the dead woman’s body. Ida Mae caressed her breasts and fingered her erect nipples. Then she ran her hands down the swaying woman’s legs, caressing the inner thighs.

She rubbed her fingers over the slit a few more times. But this time there was no response. Chelsey was gone.

Ida Mae sadistically pushed on the woman’s body, setting it swaying back and forth. She smiled with glee. Then she turned toward the girl in the chair. That’s when Melissa saw the horrible glint in her eye.

2006; 2019 (written Jan 5 ’06; ed. Mar 30 ’19 by riwa)

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Patreon and Riwas Reads updates 4 (2)

Riwa’s Stories at Patreon

Coming June rewards

Part 2 of a handful of stories including…
Shelly in Cancun, 3 in the pool, the party decoration, and the aquarium job.
A story focused entirely on the description of a hanging scene.
What happens to Sadie during Finals week at City U?
Querida and Xenia enjoy cock better after some breath-play.
Hayley can only orgasm when she’s underwater.
I want to post an additional 4 stories. But I’m unsure what they will be at this time. I hope they turn out to be pleasant surprises for you.

April stories/rewards will fall off at the end of May to make room for June rewards.

I am posting this early because it looks like I’ll be moving sometime this week. I’ve been having an ongoing issue with the apartment I’m in. Another unit has just become available and the landlord is giving me first crack at it. It will be a garden-basement, which will be cool in summer and warm in winter. Of course, this means I’ll have a few address changes to make. I’m hoping the move goes smoothly.

I’ll be offline until my Internet can be transferred over. So I’ll schedule uploads ahead of time as necessary so the posts will appear on their appropriate dates for you. And it looks like the Internet wants to start charging sales tax. I guess some states are going to be needing revenue, right? It’s coming in July, and I need to look into that more closely. Supposedly it won’t affect everybody, but some will notice it.

It’s been a stressful month for me. But I can’t imagine the type of month(s) you’ve been having. I hope this situation gets resolved so things can return to normal for all of you… or as normal as is possible. Mom’s well has gone out and she may need to drill. Mother Nature got the wrong memo and sent rain instead of a driller. Go figure.

Oh, uh… just one more thing…

Thanks for being my patrons.

Riwa’s Reads updates

JP’s Freediving Bundle (5-11-20)

9524 words – $6.00

From the keyboard of Richard “Riwa” Shepard comes a couple of open ocean stories involving freedivers, generously illustrated with vidcaps from JustPaul.

The Hero – Sara goes freediving down on a wreck to get herself off. But she gets herself into trouble and is rescued by Conner. The problem? Conner is married to Ava. And Ava doesn’t take too kindly to blondes horning in on her territory. (34 pages; 56 vidcap renders)

Spear fishing for dinner – Casilda goes out into the cove to hunt for her supper. She spies a tantalizing morsel and begins her pursuit. But will her prey lead her beyond her breath-holding limits? (15 pages; 21 vidcap renders)

Midnight Swim with a Hooker (reactivated 5-11-20)

8468 words – $5.00

From the keyboard of Richard “Riwa” Shepard. Reposting my first story posted to uwfetish. Special thanks to JustPaul for the cover.

A couple on a long drive picks up a female hitchhiker who claims to have car trouble. They take her to their motel for the night where she lures the husband down to the motel pool for a midnight swim. But she has no inhibitions and begins seducing him. What will happen once the wife shows up and catches them both? (15 pages)

Dear Diary 04 (plus bonus) (reactivated 5-20-20)

10543 words – $5.00

From the keyboard of Richard “Riwa” Shepard comes a reposted chapter to the Dear Diary series with a reworked chapter 4. Included is a bonus “dry” story I wrote back in ‘08.

Dear Diary 4 – Kristen goes out for a nude swim, only to catch her brother masturbating at the bottom of the pool. He’s nervous about being naked in the water with her, but she puts him at ease by asking him to join her. They share with each other about the eroticism of the family swim the other day until they decide to help get each other off. Then mother comes out and catches them. (9 pages)

Gasping in the New Year – Donna plans a special New Year’s Eve breath-play for herself and her two eager girlfriends. What they don’t know is that she is seriously considering doing something erotically lethal. How far will they allow her to take things? (12 pages)

A cheating husband 4 (plus bonus) (5-20-20)

11622 words – $5.60

From the keyboard of Richard “Riwa” Shepard comes the continuation of a story about a couple on their honeymoon in the South Pacific. A bonus JustPaul illustrated story has been included.

 A cheating husband 4 – William and Peyton are newlyweds honeymooning in Bora Bora. But Peyton is spending her time shopping with her friends. William continues to go around the island getting his sexual needs fulfilled in the water. This time he finds a nightclub with flooded glass tubes filled with naked female dancers sucking on regulators. (16 pages)

Emersyn and the vintage sub – While her husband is at work Emersyn likes to scuba dive on a vintage submarine she has discovered. On three previous dives she was fortunate enough to bump into other divers who made her descents erotically enjoyable. Will she run into a diver on this trip? Will he make her descent just as erotic as her previous dives? (15 pages; 14 renders)

Posted in Riwas Reads | Leave a comment

A lonely couple 4.4 (44)

I was getting ready to move back to be closer to mom. I hadn’t gone to any of the pools or hot tubs around my state in a long time. So I decided it might be a nice idea to go around and visit them all one more time. After all, if I did move I had no idea when or if I might make it back for a visit.

The first place I picked out was the one up in the mountains in the national forest. It had a campground, rental cabins and an on-site outdoor hot pool. I’d been there a couple times before and decided one last visit up to the mountains would be relaxing.

I made sure my swim bag was equipped with everything I wanted to play with. However I wasn’t sure how much of it I might use. I decided it was better to take everything in case I wanted to use something, only to end up regretting I hadn’t brought it along.

I picked a Tuesday morning to drive up. The kids would be in school so I wouldn’t have to worry about bumping into them in the water. The only ones I might run across would be those who were retired or adults with preschoolers. Thus, the number of bodies in the water would help determine what I would and wouldn’t do.

I didn’t see any cars when I pulled in. It was possible some were parked out of sight on the other side of the building. But for the most part it looked as though I might have the whole place to myself.

There was an older lady sitting near the cash register reading a magazine. She looked at me and smiled, seeing what I’d brought in with me. “Here to use our pool?”

“Yes, ma’am. I like the peace and quiet up here while I’m swimming. I like the forest and the mountains.”

She smiled as she took my cash. “Well, you’ll mostly have it all to yourself. You’re only our second visitor today.”

I smiled back, thanking her. She told me to have a nice time. Then I left the building.

I walked outside on the concrete by the pool toward the changing rooms. That’s when I saw her over by the black rubber inner tubes near the deep end. She was sticking up through the middle of one with her arms holding on for support.

She saw me and smiled. I smiled back and waved as I called out, “How’s the water?”

“It’s great.”

“Don’t worry about me,” I joked. “I don’t take up much space.”

“Oh there’s plenty of room.”

I went inside and changed into my baggy green trunks which had faded considerably over the years to a dark grey-green. I dispensed with the Speedos considering the company I would have in the water. After all, I didn’t want to offend her.

I came back out and placed my towel down near the edge of the water, along with my swim bag and its goodies. Then I walked to the shallow end of the pool while keeping my glasses on. I figured I could always remove them whenever I was ready to go underwater.

I swam a breast stroke out toward the deep end where all the inner tubes had gathered. I submerged and came up inside one. I figured my glasses would handle the occasional submersion if I kept it brief.

I looked over and saw her smiling at me from the inside of the inner tube she was clinging to. I smiled back before deciding to be friendly. So I maneuvered my tube over in her direction.

“Looks like we have the place all to ourselves,” I remarked as I looked all around.

“Yes it does,” she smiled back. Then she paused before asking, “Did you bring your camera along?”

“I thought about it, but I didn’t have any batteries.” Then I paused as I gave her a puzzled look. “How did you know about my camera?”

“You don’t remember me?”

“I guess not,” I replied, blushing at my failure to recognize her.

“Well I remember you, your bag and your camera. I offered to take pictures for you, but you declined.” That’s when it dawned on me.

She chuckled as she saw the recognition in my face. “Ah, I see you remember me now, don’t you?”

“That was the day I came up for a swim.” Then I pointed as I told her, “As I recall you were sitting right over there.” She nodded as though pleased it was coming back to me.

I tried to remember more of my time here that day so long ago. Then I told her, “As I recall, you were here with a friend.”

“Yes I was,” she replied. “Sadly she passed away.”

“Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.”

“Thank you. She wasn’t in the greatest of health when you were up here. I liked to bring her up because she liked it and I liked the water and the scenery.”

“Well that was nice of you.”

“As I recall you were married?”

“I was,” I replied with a sad little smile. “We got divorced. I think I was up here because we’d had a fight that day er, uh… well… I think it was an angry discussion and I kind of got a little frustrated. So I drove up here to get away for a swim.”

“Ah; that explains it. I seem to recall you were rather deep in thought. You seemed unhappy about something.”

“I was. I vaguely remember parts of that day… well, coming up here and then driving on up the mountain. I did that whenever I got angry with her. Putting miles on the vehicle and concentrating on your driving takes the anger out of you, especially since you have to pay close attention to the road.”

“Yes it does,” she chuckled. “So how is your ex?”

“She passed away this last year.”

“Oh, I’m sorry.”

“She was in a nursing facility. I went to see her every week. My visits meant a lot to her.”

“You did that? And you were divorced? You’re a nice guy.”

“Well, I suppose some people think I would have been nicer had I not divorced her.” She nodded with understanding.

“What about you?” I asked. “I’m trying to remember our conversation.”

“I was taking care of my mother. After my friend died I ended up spending a lot of time with her. She passed away three years ago.”

“Oh, I’m sorry.”

“She didn’t know who I was anymore. It was very sad.”

“Yes, I bet it was.” I paused before asking, “No husband or kids to help out.”

“We divorced before I started spending time with that friend. He wasn’t very good at being a one-woman man.”

“Oh, I’m sorry.”

“Last I heard he was off cheating on his latest wife. I decided I didn’t want any part of that, so I stayed out of it.”

Sounds like a good thing to do to keep your sanity.”

“It was. I kept busy, but it wasn’t without its stressful moments.”

“I’ll bet it wasn’t.”

We lapsed into an awkward silence. I looked around uncomfortably as though enjoying the scenery. Then she smiled at me again.

“You know? I never forgot you. I always wondered why you didn’t let me take any pictures with your camera.”

I blushed as I told her, “I think I was a little self-conscious. I didn’t want to bother you or anything like that. And your friend was here with you as I recall. I didn’t want to be a bother.”

“Oh, it would have been no bother. I always thought you were nice. And I often wondered what happened to you.”

“Funny you should say that.”

“Oh? What do you mean?”

“I guess I could say the same thing about you. I often wondered what happened to you.”


“I remembered chatting with you and you offering to take pictures of me in the water and wondering why I didn’t let you do it. You seemed nice enough, and we certainly had an enjoyable conversation. But I was… well… I was a little self-conscious. And it wasn’t one of my better days. I’m sorry you caught me in a bad mood. I hope I didn’t put a damper on your time here.”

“Oh not at all. Don’t worry; you didn’t. And seeing you here again puts a smile on my face.”

“Good; I’m glad.”

I looked at her closely as though really seeing her for the first time. She had short, wavy brown hair that didn’t quite reach her neck. Her swimsuit was a colorful blue-green flower print. She had a bit of a tummy, but her breasts protruded nicely. Of the two of us I figured I probably needed to lose a little more weight than she did.

“What?” She caught me looking at her. I blushed again, but at least she smiled about it.

“I was just looking at your suit. I like that flower print on you. It looks nice.”

“Why thank you.” She seemed to genuinely appreciate my compliment.

I blushed again and she laughed. “What… did I embarrass you?”

“Oh don’t mind me. I guess I’m just… well, to be honest I’m sort of introverted.”

“Well you certainly seem nice enough.”

We paused again in that awkward silence. I couldn’t help noticing our inner tubes had worked a little closer together. She looked around for a moment before smiling at me.

“You said you like being in the water?”

“Yes I do. I’ve been to a lot of the hot springs around the state…well, the ones I can reach within a day’s drive.”

“Which one’s your favorite?”

“Well, there’s one I like that’s a couple hours away. It’s an indoor pool right by the river. In fact that whole area has several hot springs within an hour’s drive of each other.”

“I think I know the one you’re talking about… the one with the waterfalls right across the river?”

“That’s the one. And there’s one about a 20 minute drive from home. I guess I’ve always enjoyed being in the water.”

“Did your wife enjoy it with you while you were married?”

“Oh, she was nice enough to humor me. We had some fun at times.”

“Some fun?”

I blushed again, trying to imagine what might be running through her mind. “Well, I liked to see her go underwater… hold her breath… blow bubbles…. things like that.”

“Interesting. You mean like this?” And with that she let go of her inner tube and slipped below the surface.

I watched as she stayed underwater and blew bubbles up at me. I thought it was odd she would do that right in front of me. Something in the back of my mind made me wonder if perhaps she was coming on to me.

She surfaced outside the tube she was using, hanging onto it with her arm. That’s when I felt a stirring in my trunks. I felt an awkward discomfort, wondering what the hell I was supposed to do next.

“Yeah, just like that,” I smiled. Then I took a deep breath and submerged as well. I forgot my glasses were still on my face.

I released a stream of bubbles until negative buoyancy caught up to me. Then I surfaced. I was tempted to come up inside the safety of the interior of the inner tube. But I didn’t.

She smiled at me as she let out a pleasant laugh. “You’re fun. I always wondered what happened to you. I’m really glad I came up to the resort today.”

“I’m glad you did too. I mean… yeah, I’m glad we both came up.”

“What were some of the other things you did with your wife in the water?”

I looked at her in surprise. Was she asking about some of our naughtier ventures? She certainly sounded like she was interested in some of our submerged exploits.

I had a moment of panic and an urge to bolt. This was unfamiliar territory for me, and I wasn’t sure what to do with myself. I had to tell myself to calm down and enjoy her company for as long as she wanted to stick around.

“Well, I had to bribe her to get her to hold her breath. And she did a little floating at the surface face down, you know… posing as though she had drowned. We had this hot tub back home and we were in it a lot.”

“What else did you do… that is, if you don’t mind my asking?” I thought I saw a twinkle in her eyes.

Did she really want to know the naughty stuff? I assumed she did or she wouldn’t be asking. I took a deep breath as I told her, “Well… so long as you don’t mind what my answers might be.”

She almost grinned as she replied, “Well now you’ve got me curious.”

“Well we did get naked in the hot tub, if that’s what you’re asking. And sometimes we touched each other. One time I… well, one time I went to the bottom of the hot tub naked to hold my breath while she did, uh…”

“While she did what?”

“While she stroked my dick.”

I blushed again at revealing such an intimate detail. Strangely it didn’t seem to faze her. “So did you like it?”

“Oh, very much.”

“Did she like doing it?”

“I think so. But sometimes I got the impression she preferred being sexual in the bedroom instead of doing it in the water.”

It occurred to me we were talking a lot about myself. I wasn’t learning very much about her. I tried to change the subject by asking about her and her husband and whether he came to the hot springs with her.

“Oh, he didn’t like the hot springs. He only took showers. I try not to think about him.”

“Oh I’m sorry. I didn’t mean…”

“It’s ok. Am I making you uncomfortable? About the questions I asked?”

“Well, it’s not something I share with everyone. And I certainly don’t want to say or do anything to offend you.”

“You haven’t offended me. You seem too nice to do that. I guess I was just curious about it is all. We don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to.”

“No, that’s ok. It’s just that I’m…”

“You’re what?”

I glanced down, hoping she couldn’t see my cock tenting my trunks. Our conversation had certainly gone in a direction I hadn’t anticipated. And I was too clueless to know what to do or how to handle it.

She suddenly leaned closer and in a conspiratorial voice told me, “Can I tell you something?”

“Sure. You can tell me anything.” Strangely she was the one who was now blushing.

“Would it offend you if I told you I’ve often fantasized about you?”

“Me?? You’re kidding! I don’t… I mean… I can’t imagine anyone fantasizing about boring, little ol’ me. I’m flattered!”

“Well it’s true. In fact I’ve often fantasized about us being here… in the pool… right here in the water.”

“Really? Doing what?”

It was probably a stupid remark. After all, she wasn’t helping my cock soften any. But she seemed like she was fine with it.

“Oh, you know… kissing… and… other things.” That’s when she blushed again.

I took a deep breath to compose myself. Then I boldly told her, “You have no idea what it was like driving away from here after our chat. I may not remember much. But I do remember I had this incredible urge to turn around, come right back and visit some more with you. But I…”

“You what?”

“I was married. I wanted to come right back. But I couldn’t. I couldn’t take the chance.”

“Take the chance on what?”

“Coming back and wanting to talk to you some more… maybe exchanging emails… and maybe it leading to something else. So I made myself drive on up the mountain. I just couldn’t risk the chance I might like you so much that it might lead to something improper while I was still married.”

She looked at me in astonishment. I nodded it was true. Then I told her, “After that I had thoughts about you… sometimes regrets. But you were nice… and I was married. I wasn’t going to do that to you or my wife.”

I suddenly became aware she was closer to me. I looked down at her chest and thought I saw erect nipples poking through the top of her suit. Was she getting aroused by our chat like I was?

“I never thought I’d see you again,” she breathed softly. “And yet here you are. Can I… can I tell you something?”

“What do you want to tell me?”

“I’m turned on right now. It’s been a long time since a man has turned me on like this.”

I looked at her in astonishment. I didn’t know what the hell to say. She caught my look and lowered her head, perhaps thinking she’d gone too far.

I lifted her head up by her chin and gave her a lingering kiss. When we parted we were both breathless. I smiled as I told her, “Now can I tell you something?”

She silently nodded her head. I felt my heart rate quicken as I decided to go for it. I gulped as I took a deep breath. Then I told her, “I’m really turned on too.”

“Really??” She looked as though she couldn’t believe her ears.

I nodded my head. “You can even reach down and find out for yourself if you want.”

Instantly I regretted saying that. What a stupid thing to say! Right then I figured I was going to end up being accused of sexual harassment.

To my surprise she reached down and touched me. Her hand wrapped around my cock through my suit. I twitched in her grasp. Then we kissed again.

I pulled her to me and we kissed deeply. Where we were standing was deep enough that her mouth was just below the surface. Then she wrapped her legs around me.

She ground against my bulge, and I moaned into her mouth. Then she started going up and down as though wanting to get me off. Maybe she liked the way my hardness felt against her pussy and clit.

I took off my glasses and set them on the edge of the pool, grateful we were right there by the edge. We paused to look at each other. Then I awkwardly told her, “I really liked that. Can we do it again?”

She smiled and nodded as we kissed deeply. When our lips parted I murmured, “Can we go under?” Was I pushing this too far?

To my surprise she nodded again. We both took a deep breath before I took us down with her legs still wrapped around me. Then we kissed each other deeply, bubbles trickling out of our mouths and noses.

We moaned into each other’s mouth as our tongues started to explore. She kept grinding against me, keeping me nice and hard. I couldn’t believe this was happening to me! But I was enjoying it so much that I decided to take it as far as it would go.

More bubbles trickled out of our noses before I took us up for air. I grabbed the side of the pool as we panted for breath. She looked at me incredulously before asking, “Is this a dream?” Then she winced as she added, “That was a stupid thing to say.”

“If it is, I don’t want to wake up yet.” Then we inhaled deeply before submerging and kissing again.

I let go of the side of the pool as we went down. We submerged together, bubbles trickling out of our noses as our tongues probed and explored each other. She ground against my bulge, and I humped back in response as we moaned and bubbled.

Once more we came up for air, gasping and panting quietly. We both looked around to make sure no prying eyes were watching. Then I told her, “If you keep doing that, I’m going to cum.”

She grinned as she ground against me. “Yeah; like that,” I told her.

She totally shocked the hell out of me by asking, “Would you like to cum inside me?”

“I beg your pardon? You want me to cum inside you??” She nodded breathlessly… almost eagerly.

“I, uh…I don’t want to get you pregnant or anything. And I certainly don’t want to give you anything bad. It’s been a long time since I’ve had sex. And I sure as hell don’t think I have anything. But you’ve been so nice to me and…”

“It’s been a long time for me too.” Then she kissed me hard as she reached down.

I felt her reach inside my trunks where she grabbed onto my cock. She stroked it as we slipped under the surface. I moaned into her mouth, amazed how aroused I’d become.

I let go of her long enough to shed my trunks. She groaned into my mouth as she pulled her suit aside. Then I felt her grab my dick and center it until she slowly impaled herself on it.

It felt absolutely incredible! I had almost forgotten what it felt like. She moaned into my mouth again as she rode me, the two of us drifting just below the surface.

I stood us both up and we gasped for breath. I could feel her clenching around my dick inside her. Without a word we both inhaled deeply. Then I let go of the side of the pool, submerging us again.

I bent my knees so we went completely under. The floating inner tubes helped obscure us from prying eyes. But all I could think about was the woman I was having sex with underwater and how fate had brought us back together.

She wrapped her arms around me and kissed me hard as she rode me. She groaned into my mouth as she tried to bounce up and down on my cock. The way her muscles squeezed my shaft made me twitch inside her.

We came up to the surface panting for breath. I grasped the side of the pool for stability. Our mouths were just out of the water.

“Did your wife ever do anything like this with you?”

“Not really. We only had the hot tub. We got into a pool a couple of times. But it was a challenge for her to hold her breath. So we didn’t do it like this very much.”

She smiled as I took a deep breath. She filled her lungs before I submerged us. Then she kissed me hard, bubbles trickling out of our mouths and noses.

She bounced up and down on me, grunting each time she took me deep. I grunted and groaned into her mouth. It felt incredible.

I could feel it starting to swell within me. I stood us up, our mouths just above the water as I grabbed the side of the pool for stability. Then I told her, “You feel so good I think I’m going to cum.”

“Do it!” she told me. “Cum inside me! Do it! I want you to cum inside me! Fuck me!”

Her words astonished me. They also made me horny as hell. So we both filled our lungs.

I took us down below the waterline. Then I started thrusting hard into her. She bounced up and down on my dick, our tongues interlocked.

Our groans increased with intensity as I felt my cock swell inside her. Then I bubbled, “I’M CUMMING – I’M CUMMING!”

“CUM INSIDE ME!” she bubbled back. Then I was pumping her, my cock spurting its load up into her warm, willing pussy.

She groaned as I filled her with my spunk. We stayed down until she milked me dry with her muscles. Then I took us back to the surface by standing upright.

We panted heavily for breath, wrapped up in each other’s arms. Then she kissed me hard. I moaned into her mouth again as we kissed for the longest time.

We finally pulled our lips apart to catch our breath. She smiled at me as she panted, “Gawd; that was great!”

I told her, “That felt incredible! I… you… that… that was wonderful!”

(Dec 29 ’17)

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