Wendy posing in pink 3.7 (30)

The party was over. Those living in the states were making their way to Heathrow to catch their flights back home. That left Delbert and I.

Our flights weren’t scheduled until much later. Thus, Wendy offered to host us a few hours longer. We were appreciative of her hospitality.

She usually took it easy after her pool parties. It was exhausting for her to be underwater so much. So it caught Del and I totally by surprise when she offered to do a private little session just for the two of us.

Del was more than agreeable. Then again, so was I. We were flattered Wendy wanted to get wet for us one last time.

The problem was: I always got aroused whenever Wendy was in the water. I usually did my best to conceal my excitement. But I was not always successful. I caught her smiling at me on more than one occasion whenever my enthusiasms were showing in my trunks a bit too much.

Del was no different. I don’t think he tried all that hard to hide his bulge. Wearing Speedos certainly didn’t help matters any.

We helped Wendy set up a couple of air hoses. Del got his video equipment ready. Then we went and changed into our suits.

We were out by the pool talking about how lucky we were when Wendy appeared. She was wearing her shiny pink one-piece. The way it tightly hugged her curves caused a familiar stirring in my trunks.

We started off innocently enough. We swam around together, mostly horsing around. Del and I even grabbed one of her arms. But that caused Wendy to play-act for us by struggling in our grasp.

My bulge quickly became noticeable. Del’s was so obvious a blind man would have seen it. Wendy smiled innocently, but the expression on her face indicated she loved the effect she was having on us.

She offered to let Del take some video before we had to catch our flight. I laid flat on my back while wearing ankle weights. Del shot the scene as Wendy straddled me with the regulator between her lips, pushing down on my arms as though she was drowning me.

Afterwards, we switched positions. I was the one with the reg in my mouth straddling her while pushing her flat on her back on the floor of the pool. She spewed an exciting amount of bubbles as she struggled for me. When she motioned for the regulator I took it out of my mouth and gave it to her.

Del wanted a turn with Wendy. So I operated his video gear so he’d have some digital memories of his time in the water with her. Wendy play-acted with him as well, and I dutifully recorded it all.

We finally surfaced for a break. Del and I were thinking it was getting close to calling it a day. After all, we had a plane to catch.

Wendy offered one more scenario for Delbert to film, one he couldn’t say no to. I think she loved seeing the bulge in his speedos. So she fetched little yellow weights for her wrists and ankles.

She put the regulator between her lips. Then down she went. Del followed her down and started taking video.

I swam down to see Wendy sprawled out on her back. The weights to her wrists and ankles were holding her to the bottom of the pool. She exhaled breath after breath in a sultry pose as Del shot all the video he wanted.

I took the regulator from Wendy’s mouth so I could stay on the bottom with her. She playfully posed as Del got more footage. That’s when I was tempted to be a little naughty.

After filling my lungs I held the regulator between Wendy’s legs as she grinned and bubbled. Then I purged it into her crotch. She wriggled and squirmed with a huge grin on her face as though she didn’t mind in the slightest.

I breathed from the regulator as Wendy posed provocatively. Delbert’s erection was plainly visible in his speedos. I didn’t even bother trying to hide my own “enthusiasms”.

Wendy motioned for the regulator and I put it between her lips. She took several hits off it to replenish her lungs. Then I pulled it out of her mouth.

I used it to purge bubbles all over her. Wendy writhed and bubbled as though she was all turned on. It was arousing as hell.

Delbert motioned he wanted a turn. I put the regulator in Wendy’s mouth and then moved over to his position. He gave me the video gear and his regulator which I put between my lips.

Delbert caressed Wendy all over. It wasn’t overtly sexual, but it wasn’t all that innocent either. She noticed his bulging speedos and grinned at him.

He took the regulator from her mouth and put it between his lips. Then he caressed her some more. That’s when Wendy gave him this knowing grin.

She motioned she needed the regulator again. He put it into her mouth and watched as she took several deep breaths. Then he took it from her and put it between his lips.

Del went back to caressing her all over. That’s when Wendy went into one of her “drowning” acts. She hitched and gurgled as she released a ton of bubbles.

It looked pretty damned realistic… and it was sexy as hell. I dutifully recorded it all. Then Wendy went limp.

She held her breath for a few seconds, her eyes wide as she vacantly stared upward. Then she motioned for the regulator. Delbert dutifully returned it to her.

She breathed deeply as she looked at his crotch. Then she looked at mine. She grinned again as though enjoying the effect she was having on us.

Delbert looked at me and made a slashing motion across his neck. He motioned for me to record it all. I made sure I had Wendy in focus, not at all certain what he was planning.

He took the regulator from her mouth and put it between his lips. Then he caressed her all over again. Wendy twisted, writhed and bubbled as though loving every moment.

She mouthed in his direction as though needing the regulator again. Delbert smiled and nodded as he grasped onto the reg in his mouth. But he delayed giving it to her.

She grunted and bubbled, clearly indicating she needed it. I simply kept recording, wondering what was going to happen next. Delbert just smiled with the regulator still between his lips.

Wendy sat up and motioned she was out of air. Then she tried to stretch out toward Delbert. He just backed out of her reach.

She looked in my direction, an expression of alarm in her features. Then she started to get to her feet. She had just kicked hard off the bottom when Del grabbed her legs and held on tight.

The panic in Wendy’s expression was genuine; she certainly wasn’t play-acting. She shook her head as she lost more bubbles. But Delbert refused to let go.

At first I didn’t know what to do. My cock was throbbing in my trunks. I finally concluded I was just the equipment operator and this was Delbert’s show.

Wendy suddenly gulped a huge mouthful of water. Almost immediately she went into these seizures. She hitched and gurgled, her face a mask of shock and incredulity.

It was somehow different from all her other performances. This was raw and guttural. It looked like she was really drowning painfully. I shamefully creamed myself as I recorded the event.

Delbert hung on to her until she stopped struggling. He let go as she toppled over onto her back. The yellow weights pinned her arms and legs to the floor of the pool.

I kept recording as she lay sprawled out on her back. There were little muscles spasms here and there. Occasionally a bubble or two would slip out of her gaping mouth as she stared upward with lifeless eyes.

Delbert motioned for us to head to the surface. I gestured toward Wendy in question. He just shook his head.

He left his regulator close to Wendy’s head. Then we headed for the surface. “Did you get it?” he asked when our heads were out of the water.

“Got it,” I said as we climbed out of the pool. “But what about Wendy?”

“She went for a swim and was playing with those weights when she had an accident. See the regulator down there? Maybe she got a cramp or got tired or something and couldn’t reach it.”

I looked at him for the longest time. “Are you sure, Delbert?” He just smiled as he told me I would get a copy of the video taken from his equipment so long as I didn’t share it with anyone. I decided not to push the issue any further.

2020 (written for Wendy Apr 7 ’20 by riwa)

(Inspired by the pictures Wendy posted.)

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Strangled Girl – Laura’s final pose 4 (25)

Laura was a woman who didn’t think very much of my artistic talents. In fact, she didn’t think much of me at all. Hell, she didn’t think much of anybody!

She was a model… or so she claimed. She was also blonde. That explained a lot, at least as far as I was concerned.

She treated me like dirt. I suppose she treated most everybody that way. But she was still quite popular.

I told her she could pose for me if she wanted. She laughed at the idea. The more she resisted my attempts, the more I wanted her to pose for me.

I followed her home one night. When I caught up to her, she eyed me suspiciously. “What do YOU want??” she blurted out in disgust.

“I want you to pose for me,” I replied. “I think you’d make a good statue. I’ll pay you five hundred dollars if you’ll pose for me.”

Her eyes lit up as she gasped incredulously. “Five hundred dollars?? You really MEAN IT?? I thought you were joking about being a sculptor!”

I strongly suspected money would get her to change her tune. After all, that was a lot of dough. I told her I was serious and that I thought she’d make a great sculpture.

“When do you want me to pose?” she asked, sounding all excited now.

“How about tonight? My studio is not far. We can get started right away if you like.”

She let out a delighted squeal. Then she ran her arm through mine, telling me to lead the way.

I escorted her over to my studio and let her inside. The place was a mess, of course. I don’t keep things very organized.

She saw the tub of clay on the table. So she must have surmised how serious I was. “How do you want me?” she asked, sounding excited to be immortalized in a sculpture.

I went over, picked up a wooden chair and placed it next to the table. “Right here will do fine,” I told her. Then I looked her up and down before adding, “Take off your clothes.”

She looked at me rather dubiously. Then she began to undress. She must have figured I was harmless enough.

She carefully sat down in the chair. I stuck my hands into the pot. Then I began molding some clay.

She watched me quietly as a look of anticipation filled her features. I was happy she was modeling for me. But I was under no illusions. Despite her enthusiasm, I was sure she was only there because she was getting five hundred dollars out of the deal.

I looked at her for a long moment. Something was missing. So I walked over and gathered up her scarf.

I brought it over to her and held it out to her. “I think this would look good around your neck. Don’t you?”

She smiled and nodded as she took it from me. She carefully secured it around her neck. Then she asked, “How about like this?

It was a very nice scarf. Hell, it was a very nice neck. So I stepped behind her to admire it, making sure she had it on the way I wanted it to look.

I took the ends of her scarf and shifted it around into just the way I wanted it. Then I pulled hard on the ends. She wasn’t expecting a thing.

Her head tipped back as she clawed at the tightening scarf around her neck. She made rasping, choking sounds… delicious sounds. They were music to my ears. She was going to make a great sculpture.

When she was properly prepared I went right to work with the clay. And let me tell you: I was INSPIRED! I worked all night, and by morning it was ready.

I invited my friends over to see the great unveiling. I also invited Maxwell, a man who had an art studio who had been impressed with one of my previous sculptures. My creation awaited under a sheet.

I pulled it off for the great unveiling. “I call it ‘Strangled Girl’,” I told them. Everyone gasped in awe.

“Incredible!” my friend Carla blurted out.

“So realistic!” Leonard remarked in admiration. “Her expression is so lifelike… so vivid!”

“I want to display her in my studio!” Maxwell declared.

Their comments made me proud of my creation. Laura turned out remarkably well in her final pose. Now she’s immortalized for the ages, her last position all covered in clay for all time.

Maxwell wants another one. As it turns out, Carla recently turned down my proposal of marriage. I wonder how she’d feel becoming immortalized for the ages for all to see…

2014; 2021 (written for “Laura” May 4 ’14; ed. May 23 ‘21 by riwa)

(Inspired by a scene in the B&W movie A Bucket of Blood (1959). Vidcaps used for illustration purposes.)

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Assisted by the nurse 4.5 (54)

Riley called me and said she was going to do it this time for real. So I rushed right over. Would I get there in time?

When I arrived I found her sitting on the edge of her wall table. She had a noose around her neck. Her long-sleeved shirt had been opened; her bra removed and lying on the table.

Her jeans had been pulled down, along with her lacy bottoms. Strangely, she had a hand in her crotch.

What the hell? Was she trying to get herself off??

I stood there in astonishment. But what I witnessed was incredibly arousing. She looked so sexy sitting there with that noose around her neck, her tits exposed as she touched her womanhood.

She recognized me as I stood there in astonishment. Then she tried to speak. But her words were slurred as though she’d killed a few too many brain cells. Had she gone too far?

“Gianna? I… don’t try to stop me.”

I quietly removed all my clothes except for my nurse’s hat. I was flushed from a perverse arousal. Then I seductively told her, “It’s ok, honey. I won’t try to stop you this time.”

She looked up at me in surprise, a drugged look in her expression. “You… you won’t?”

“No, honey; I won’t. Not this time. You just go right back to touching yourself. Here; let me help you.”

I lovingly wrapped an arm around her shoulder. I moved her hand back into her crotch. Then I started touching myself.

“Oh, Gianna. I… I just want it all to end.”

“I know you do,” I breathed as I trembled from a surging arousal. “It’s ok. I’m here for you, honey.”

“You’re… you’re not going to try to stop me?” She seemed astonished I was not going to intervene.

“Not at all, honey. I understand what you’re doing. It feels good, doesn’t it?”

“Yes, it… yes it does. Gianna, I’m so tired.”

She rested her head against me. I could see her face slowly changing color. She wasn’t fully asphyxiated yet. But she was getting excitingly close.

What the hell was I doing?? I fingered myself harder. It was erotic as hell.

She rasped as her head jerked around. Her fingers played her dripping slit like a finely tuned instrument. Did she fully grasp what she was doing? Or was she reacting purely on instinct?

“Gianna? You mean you’re really not…” She was still in disbelief I wasn’t going to hinder her progress.

“No, honey. Here; allow me to help you.”

I shifted her closer to the edge of the table. The noose tightened as a result. She rasped for breath as she went into little seizures.

“Gianna, I… what are… you doing?” Her voice rasped, barely distinguishable.

“I’m just assisting you, honey. You’ve tried so many times in the past. Let’s make sure you go all the way on this one, shall we?”

“Gianna? Gianna, I…”

“Hush. Just let it take you.”

She had more seizures as she struggled to breathe. Her hand paused a moment as though getting mixed signals from her brain. Then she went right back to rubbing and fingering herself.

“That’s the way, Riley. Doesn’t that feel good? Doesn’t that feel nice? Don’t you feel like floating away?”

Her voice rasped again. This time she struggled against me. I moved her forward until she was almost off the edge of the table.

The noose took more of her weight as she strangled. She rasped and shuddered as she tried to resist. I just kept her there, holding on while furiously strumming my own button. It was so damned erotic!

“Gianna?? I… please…”

“Just let it go, honey. Just let it go.” I made sure the tension of the noose around her throat did not loosen any.

She experienced more seizures. Her body shuddered as I held her there. Her nipples were incredibly hard.

Now it was as though she didn’t want to do it. Maybe she did and maybe she didn’t. Or maybe she simply couldn’t believe I was helping her end it all.

“Strum your button, Riley. Make it nice and stiff. Strum it; that’s the way.”

She flicked her bean as though partially hypnotized. Maybe she was in a trance. Or maybe a few more brain cells had succumbed to lack of oxygen.

She opened and closed her mouth, but no words would come. She shuddered as her arms and legs became all spastic. It was so damned erotic that I shuddered from an unexpected, yet glorious orgasm.

Riley was mere moments behind me, I recognized it in her muscles and crotch as she hitched and shuddered. She was cumming as she was fading away… and it was incredibly arousing.

Her tongue protruded as drool spilled off the tip. She stared with unseeing eyes as her body continued its spasmodic jerks and twitches. Then a death rattle emanated from her throat.

She settled down right then and there, hanging just off the edge of the table. The noose had finally closed off her windpipe. Her face was a deep shade of red.

Her crotch glistened with moisture. I was sure she’d cum at least once… maybe even twice. Her little spasms faded until she dangled there limp and lifeless.

“Damn, honey!” I breathed softly. “I hope you enjoyed it. Sorry I didn’t get here in time. You were always threatening to go all the way. This time I guess you finally succeeded.” It also meant I no longer had to respond to her dramatic overtures anymore, now that she’d finally succeeded in ending it all.

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Pond vengeance 3.9 (14)

I told the girls Janet was very punctual and usually kept to her Saturday afternoon routine. Jen and Sally were eager. We all had plans for that bitch.

Janet was quite the slut. She was also the jealous type. Somehow she managed to seduce every new guy we tried to date. Payback was inevitable.

We snuck out to her pond out back. We were all geared up and ready to go. Janet was going to be making an appearance at any time.

Jen wanted to catch her by surprise and drown the bitch. She had a dildo in her hand and was eager for Janet to get fucked by someone other than a boy we were dating. Sally and I loved her way of thinking.

We hid underneath the dock and waited for her to show up. We didn’t want our exhalations giving us away and scaring her off. Janet was going to feel the full effect of our wrath.

Sally looked at her watch. She made a motion as though wondering how long we would have to wait. After all, we didn’t have an unlimited supply of air in our tanks.

A couple minutes later, we all heard footsteps on the dock above us as it bounced in the water. A pair of legs hung off the end in the water. Each leg went back up, only to return with a foot encased by a dive fin.

Janet was getting ready to join us. The girls got excited and breathed a little heavier off their tanks. I tried to motion for them to breathe shallow or we might be discovered.

My worries were needless. Janet stepped off the dock into the water with a splash. Then she headed out toward the deeper part of the pond.

The three of us raced after her, legs kicking madly. Janet didn’t hear us until we were right on top of her. She let out a cry into the reg in her mouth as we grabbed her.

She recognized us right away. I kind of figured she might. It wasn’t long before she realized this was not a pleasant little social call.

I got behind her and grabbed one arm. Then I popped the reg out of her mouth. She bubbled in alarm as she struggled against me.

Sally moved in and grasped onto the bitch, playfully squeezing her tits. She was always a little jealous of Janet’s mounds. But Janet wasn’t going to have need of them anymore, certainly not after today.

Jen wasted no time grabbing onto Janet and pulling her suit aside, exposing her crotch. Then she cruelly rammed the dildo home. Janet stiffened as she grunted and bubbled.

She panicked as she tried to fight us off. Sally had to grab her free wrist. I had the other one, making sure she couldn’t use her hands.

I waved her mouthpiece back and forth in front of her face as Jen brutalized her with the toy. Janet grunted as she mouthed for her regulator. I just laughed as I casually tossed it aside.

Janet’s eyes were open wide. She must have finally deduced the purpose of our attack. She was about to become a permanent resident of the pond she loved to go diving in.

Janet let out a bubbly scream. I could tell she was out of breath. I pulled the shoulder-strap down to her one-piece, exposing her breast. Then I pinched her nipple before savagely mauling her boob.

Sally pulled the other strap down, exposing her other mound. Together we groped her tits as Jen gleefully fucked her pussy. That’s when Janet lost it.

I don’t know whether she climaxed or not. She hitched as she glubbed a mouthful of water. Then she put on a drowning performance for the ages.

We didn’t bother to let up. Jen continued to fuck her drowning body as Jen and I savaged her boobs. Janet hitched and gurgled painfully in our grasp.

Gawd; what a turn-on! She looked incredible the way she swallowed water. She finally stopped struggling as she gently hitched and convulsed.

Jen cruelly rammed the dildo into her one last time. Then she pulled it out as we all let go. Janet began her descent to the bottom of the pond, stray bubbles dribbling out past her parted lips.

She settled among the reeds on her back. I motioned upward. So we all headed for the surface.

I had just popped my head up when I heard a voice holler, “Janet? Are you out here? Damnit, girl; did you go into the pond ahead of me?”

I motioned for the others to follow me as we headed back down and ducked into some reeds. That’s when another body hit the water with a splash near the dock. It was Suzy in her skimpy pink bikini.

She came swimming out toward the middle of the pond. She suddenly let out a cry up at the surface. That’s when we all saw her dive down toward Janet’s body.

The three of us launched ourselves in her direction. We weren’t about to let her go. Besides, now that we’d drowned Janet, I was in the mood to add a second body to the bottom of the pond.

Suzy was almost to Janet’s drowned body when she saw us coming for her. She let out a bubbly cry as she made a mad dash back to the surface. She must have guessed what we were doing and how dangerous it was for her to be in the water with us.

She reached the surface and high-tailed back toward the dock. I reached up and grabbed one ankle, halting her progress. She started to kick, only for Sally to grab her other ankle.

Together we pulled her down toward the bottom. Her arms flailed as she clawed upward. It was incredibly arousing to witness.

Jen pulled on Suzy’s strings, allowing her bottoms to come free. Then she rammed the toy home into the slut’s winking pussy. I think she was turned on knowing the dildo she was using was going to play a part in drowning two bodies instead of one.

Sally and I pulled Suzy down toward Janet. She wanted to be close to her friend? We could help out with that!

Sally and I worked to pop her bikini top free. Then we savagely mauled her tits as Jen brutally fucked her pussy. Poor Suzy didn’t stand a chance, certainly not against the three of us.

We forced her to look down at the drowned body of her friend. Janet’s mouth gaped open, her eyes open wide in a vacant expression of horror. That’s when Suzy glubbed up bubbles.

Jen fucked her harder with the toy as she started to drown. Sally and I continued to molest her boobs. Janet stared up at us with unseeing eyes as we worked to add a second body to her final resting place. It would be a double-dose of pond vengeance.

We really enjoyed playing with Suzy’s body as she drowned for us. Jen was brutal with that dildo. I’m almost certain Suzy climaxed at least once while she was all caught up in the throes of drowning.

We finally let her go, the struggle all drowned out of her. We watched as her naked body slowly descended until she came to rest on top of Janet. But the three of us decided we couldn’t let that go without making a few alterations. So we went down, lifted a lifeless Suzy up for a moment, and then removed Janet’s dive mask before pulling her one-piece down off her drowned body.

We situated both bodies into a 69, Suzy on top of Janet. Jen and Sally loved that. Then we bid them a fond farewell as we headed back to shore.

One thing though… and I found it to be more than a little kinky. Jen took her toy with her. She later told us she wanted to use it on herself while remembering it had been in the twats of two drowning bitches. She even agreed to share it with us.

Yes; I used it once. You have no idea how big my orgasm was as I remembered drowning Janet and Suzy back in that pond while fucking myself with it.

2021 (written May 23 ’21 by riwa. Inspired by the drawing by drjs.)

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Too eager to drown 4.4 (48)

She told me she wanted to experience the “fuck-drown”. I explained it was dangerous to flood a woman’s lungs like that. She asked, “They don’t always flood, do they?”

“Not always. But there’s a huge risk. It’s very dangerous.”

She winked coyly at me as she replied, “I live for thrills.”

We fucked quite often in her backyard pool. She kept pushing me to fuck-drown her. The sex was great, especially when she was pushing her breath-hold limits. But she wanted me to take her all the way as though I was having my way with her.

I got hard every time she brought it up. She loved grabbing my cock in the water, telling me how much she wanted to drown with me inside her. She was slowly wearing me down.

One evening we were going at it all hot and heavy out in her pool. She loved the weightless feeling of fucking in the water. And she loved the way I fucked bubbles out of her lungs.

She teased and taunted me. I got more aggressive with her. She really pushed my buttons, trying to get a rise out of me.

I finally shoved her underwater and rammed my cock down her throat. It made her gag up bubbles. It was erotic as hell.

I pulled her up, hoping that would satisfy her. She went back to being a bitch. So I shoved her under the surface again.

This time I entered her from behind. Her womanhood sucked me right in as though she was hungry for my dick. I pounded her good and hard, keeping her head underwater until she cried out in bubbly orgasm.

I pulled her head up to allow her to catch her breath. She went right back to taunting me. I was still inside her and eager to put her in her place.

I shoved her back under, thrusting hard into her from behind. She screamed and bubbled as she thrashed about in my grasp. But her legs wrapped tightly around mine as though she didn’t want me to pull out.

I pulled her head up and allowed a few quick gasps for breath, only to shove her right back under. She bubbled and cried out until her spasming kitty indicated she’d orgasmed again. Then I pulled her up so she could get another breath.

“Please!” she gasped, begging and pleading. “I’m so fucking horny! I want it – I want it!”

I told her she was crazy. She climbed into my lap, impaling herself on my quivering dick. Then she went over backward.

I fucked her nice and slow while I stood with my head up at the surface. She moaned and bubbled as her legs wrapped around me while I groped her mounds. She lost so much air that I thought she was going to drown herself.

I pulled her up, allowing her a loud gasp for breath. I finally told her, “Ok; you talked me into it. Better get a good breath, because you’re not coming back up until I fill you with spunk.”

“Gawd; don’t tease me! I hope you mean that!”


I pushed her under the surface. Then I submerged with her. We went all the way to the bottom of her pool.

I knew she couldn’t hold her breath for long. I’d dunked her too many times and had all but exhausted her. This time I was going to give her what she wanted.

I pinned her to the pool floor as I thrust nice and slow, knowing I could hold my breath much longer. She winced and grunted as the occasional bubble escaped her lips. Her nipples were incredibly hard, evidence of the arousal she was experiencing.

More bubbles slipped past her parted lips. She looked up at me as her chest started to heave. I thrust harder into her spasming twat.

Her eyes opened wide as she grabbed for my arms. I could tell she’d suddenly changed her mind. That’s when she began shaking her head as bubbles spewed out of her mouth.

Was she serious? Or was she teasing me again? I decided it didn’t matter.

She tried to slip out from underneath me. I held on tighter as I fucked her harder. The anxiety in her expression turned me on even more.

She bubbled as she shook her head. I thrust good and hard, sensing it wouldn’t be much longer. Once more she tried to escape. But she didn’t have the strength or the leverage.

She suddenly convulsed as she lost a huge flush of bubbles. She frantically shook her head. Then she hitched as she gulped a mouthful of water.

She went right into painful drowning spasms. Her pussy clenched tightly around my shaft. The way she convulsed as she coughed up bubbles was incredibly erotic.

Her pussy milked the spunk right out of my throbbing dick. She hitched and shuddered as I kept her pinned to the bottom of the pool. Her eyes closed as though she was trying to regroup. Then I fucked a few final bubbles out of her mouth.

I kept her down there for another thirty seconds, groping her tits while admiring her nudity. Then I hauled her to the surface. I laid her out on the edge of the pool before I climbed out and started doing CPR.

For a few moments there, I was really worried. Then she started coughing and coming around. She blinked in surprise before she looked up at me.

“You did it!” she murmured. “I… I didn’t think you’d do it!”

“You wanted me to, didn’t you?”

“Yeah, but I… still… I never expected…”

“Are you sorry?”


She paused as though thinking it over for a moment. She finally shook her head before telling me, “I take that back. I’m not the least bit sorry. I felt you cum inside me while I was drowning. And I had one hell of an orgasm! It was incredible!”

“Does this satisfy your morbid curiosity?”

She giggled as she shook her head. “No. Now I want you to drown me again.”

“Bitch!” and I rolled her off the edge into the water. She submerged in a flurry of bubbles before she came up laughing and sputtering.


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Ghost town hanging 3-4 4.5 (102)

Part 3

Her companion looked real unhappy about her request. “Ashlynn, I’m not sure this is such a good idea.”

“C’mon, Aidan! They did it! She looks like she’s ok!”

I couldn’t help laughing. “Olive might look like she’s all right. But there’s no telling how many brain cells we’ve killed off depriving her of air like this.”

“You see?” Aidan declared. It was obvious he didn’t want his girl to get hurt any more than I wanted to see mine become seriously injured.

“She can always do a hoist if you’re worried about being careful.”

I looked at Olive and frowned. My girlfriend was not helping matters any. “Darling, let’s not push things, shall we?”

Ashlynn looked at us and asked, “What’s a ‘hoist’?” Her companion just gave her a disapproving look.

“C’mon, darling,” Olive said enthusiastically. “Let’s show them. First, you’ve got to go down and get the trap back into place.”

Somehow she rose to her feet despite the cuffs and noose still being in place. I shook my head, feeling a little self-conscious over my nudity. ‘Fuck it!’ I thought as I went down the steps.

I went under the gallows to the trap. I folded it up, making sure to latch it back into place. I didn’t want anyone to fall through and break their neck.

When I climbed the steps I saw Olive had already moved back onto the trap. The rope hung loosely over the beam, the noose slack around her neck. The cuffs were still attached to her wrists behind her back.

I carefully snugged it tighter behind her left ear. I could tell she was all excited again. Then she smiled as she told me, “Now grab the loose end and heft me into the air, darling. Let’s give them the full experience, shall we?”

“You just want to dangle again.”

“Of course I do!”

“Olive, you’re hopeless.”

“Then I guess you’d better hang me, darling.” That’s when she grinned at our new companions.

They didn’t act shocked anymore. But the young man named Aidan was understandably agitated. Clearly, he didn’t want anything bad to happen to the girl he was with.

“This is how we got started,” I explained as I let out a sigh. I couldn’t help wondering if this was going to get out of hand before it was all over.

My girlfriend started to become impatient. “Take me up, lover! Fuck; I’m already horny again!”

Olive grinned at the couple. She told them, “I always get super horny whenever a noose goes around my neck. So does John once he nooses me up. See how hard he is?”

The young couple instinctively looked at my saluting package. I blushed a deep crimson. Olive’s eyes twinkled as she grinned at me.

“I ought to lynch you for that.”

“Of course you should! Will you just take me up already?”

“Gladly,” I muttered as I shook my head in disgust.

“Wait; what about my toy?”

My cock was hardening as I gave the rope a pull. I deliberately ignored ‘Lionel’ lying on the gallows. She didn’t deserve him for embarrassing me like that.

It seemed our companions were not going to make a fuss about our nudity. Either they’d gotten used to it or they were simply ignoring it. Hell, maybe they were a little aroused by it!

Olive rasped as I pulled her up onto her toes. I held her there a moment, just to make her suffer. Then I pulled a little more until her bare feet left the deck of the gallows.

She struggled to breathe as she kicked a little. I kept her airborne for a few seconds. Then I let her back down.

She looked at me and pouted as she panted, “You know I like to be kept up longer than that, darling.”

“I was just showing them how quickly you can be taken up and then brought right back down if anything goes wrong.”

Ashlynn turned toward her companion, a hopeful look in her expression. “See, Aidan? That doesn’t look so bad.”

“What if something goes wrong, honey?”

Olive rapidly became impatient. She was almost to the point of squirming impetuously. “Take me back up, John! I’m so fucking horny!”

I shook my head as I pulled on the rope again. Olive went right up into the air. She rasped and gurgled as she kicked.

Her hands flexed behind her back as though she wanted to use them to get herself off. She had to suffer without “Lionel” giving her any assistance. I was glad to make her endure a little agony, even if it meant harboring a sustained erection.

I let her kick and shimmy for about twenty seconds. Then I brought her back down. She wobbled a little on her feet before she could fully stand upright.

“Fuck!” she rasped with disappointment. “I was almost there!”

“Tough shit.” She just glared at me before finally giving me a smile.

Ashlynn turned to her companion with a look of determination. “I want to try it, Aidan. It looks safe enough.”

He just frowned at her. “Ashlynn, do you really think you should?”

“He’ll be careful with me; right?” Then she turned to me and smiled as she asked, “You will, won’t you?”

Olive started to pout again. “But I wanted to go back up – oh, all right.”

She smiled at Ashlynn. Then she told me, “She should have a turn if she wants one. Go ahead and let her try the noose, darling.”

I went over and worked the noose off from around her throat, leaving it to dangle. Then I pushed her out of the way. If Aidan was willing, I concluded it was only fair to give his girl a crack at the experience.

I waved them to come on up. Ashlynn climbed up onto the gallows. Aidan followed right behind. They hadn’t said anything about their relationship, so I assume he was a boyfriend or something.

Olive lifted up her arms behind her back. “Hey; what about my cuffs?”

“You get to keep ‘em for a while. I’m probably going to end up hanging you again anyway.”

“Gawd, I hope so! I’m going to hold you to that!” I just shook my head again.

Ashlynn stepped over onto the trap until the noose framed her face. Her boyfriend stopped a couple paces away. She inhaled sharply as she stared at the dangling coil before her.

“Exciting, isn’t it… seeing it like that?”

Ashlynn looked at my girlfriend in surprise. “I, uh… I don’t know.” Clearly she was a little nervous and tongue-tied.

Olive watched with growing excitement. Was she getting turned on at the idea of seeing another woman hang? Her nipples were hard, her cleanly shaved snatch glistening.

Ashlynn looked at me as though asking for permission. When I nodded, she carefully worked the coil down around her head. She had to make sure her long, blond hair was brushed out of the way.

She gasped once it touched her neck. “Like this?” she asked in a trembling voice.

“Help her out, darling.”

I looked at Olive, rolling my eyes. Then I stepped up to Ashlynn. I carefully tightened the noose around her throat, making sure the knot was settled below her left ear.

“How’s that feel?” Olive asked her with a lusty grin. “It looks sexy as hell. Now you look all ready to hang.” She looked like she was squirming with arousal at the sight of another woman in the noose.

“I’m still not sure about all this,” Aidan murmured unhappily.

“Oh yes you are,” Ashlynn replied with a sudden air of bravado despite her nervousness. Then she looked at his crotch and smiled. “Besides, I can tell you’re aroused by the bulge in your shorts.”

She laughed nervously as though trying to reassure herself. Then she looked right at me. Her voice was trembling again as she told me, “I’m ready. You can take me up now.”

I pulled slowly until there was no more slack in the rope. I eased her up a little more, gently pulling until she was lifted up onto her toes. Her eyes opened wide as her hands instinctively came up to her throat.

“Take her down!”

I dutifully obeyed Aidan’s command. Ashlynn ended up flat on her feet with slack in the rope. She panted a little as she rubbed her neck.

“Sexy,” Olive observed with a lustful grin.

I glared at her as I told her, “You stay out of this.”

“Aww; you’re no fun.”

Ashlynn appeared thoughtful. “You… you didn’t pull me all the way up into the air, did you?”

“I brought you right back down once your boyfriend told me to. Besides, I saw you reach up for the coil around your neck as though you were panicking.”

She turned toward her companion. That determination returned to her expression despite her nervousness. “Aidan, don’t you think I should go all the way up into the air at least once?”

“I don’t know…”

“Don’t you want to see me hang? We both looked at this gallows earlier and talked about how many times it had been put to use.”

“Yeah, but I don’t know how many women they hanged on it.”

“One for sure,” Olive offered with a shit-eating grin.

I scowled at her as I snorted, “You don’t count.”

She looked at me and stuck out her tongue. “Spoil sport.”

Ashlynn looked at me and then at her boyfriend. “Can I try it again, Aidan? I should go all the way up into the air, shouldn’t I?”

“Yes, you should.”

I glared at Olive over her comment. “Don’t push her, darling.”

“But John; she wants to hang!” Ashlynn nodded her head in agreement, a look of excitement trying to overcome her nervousness.

I looked at Aidan. He reluctantly nodded. I murmured, “Ok; if you wish.” Then I slowly tugged on the rope again.

I pulled steadily until her sneakers left the deck of the gallows. Her eyes widened as she rasped for breath. Now she was airborne, hanging for real.

Ashlynn started to reach up for the noose. Then she looked over at me. She actually stopped grabbing for the rope around her throat and forcibly lowered her arms.

I let her dangle for a good ten seconds. Then I let her down. She regained her footing and started panting for breath.

“Damn! That was so fucking hot!” I just gave Olive a dirty look, wishing she wouldn’t keep encouraging the poor girl to strangle herself.

“Well, Ashlynn? How was it?” At least Aidan didn’t sound angry as he looked at his girlfriend.

She looked thoughtfully at him. Then she told him, “Damn! That was intense!”

“Did you feel it in your pussy?”

Ashlynn looked at Olive in surprise. She appeared to think it over for a moment. Then she replied, “You know? I think I did!”

“It’s the asphyxiation, honey. My best orgasms have been as a result of intense asphyxiation.”

“We always try to be careful,” I added as I gave Olive another frown. “But she just keeps pushing the envelope.”

She jerked her arms behind her back. “Damn these handcuffs! I want another turn!”

I held up my hand and told Olive, “We can wait until she’s satisfied, can’t we?”

“Oh, I suppose. Damn; I need a good fuck!”

Ashlynn looked at her companion and smiled. “I think we’re gonna need one of those too once we’re done. Right, Aidan?” Olive just chuckled at that.

Ashlynn looked at me and asked, “Can I… can I go back up, please?”

I looked at her companion. He just shrugged his shoulders in a gesture that indicated he didn’t think he had much say in the matter. I gave him a wry smile, nodding with understanding.

I slowly pulled on the rope again. Ashlynn’s feet left the floor of the gallows. This time she tried not to kick as she hung there limp.

She rasped a little. Then her eyes flew open. That’s when she reached down and actually started rubbing her crotch through her skirt.

“That is so fucking hot!” Olive panted as she wriggled in place. I think the handcuffs were frustrating the hell out of her, keeping her from touching herself.

I looked over at Aidan. He didn’t say anything. But I did notice a distinct bulge in those shorts of his.

I let Ashlynn back down. She coughed a couple times as she rubbed her neck. Aidan started to take a step toward her. But she put up a hand as though indicating she was all right.

Olive grinned at her. “Hot, isn’t it? It feels incredible just dangling like that; doesn’t it?”

I shook my head and rolled my eyes. “Darling, please don’t encourage her.”

“Why not? You can tell the kind of effect it’s having on her boyfriend, right?”

Aidan didn’t respond. But I did see his face flush crimson. The bulge was becoming very distinct in his shorts.

“Is that it?” I asked Ashlynn. I was becoming a little anxious about bringing the encounter to an end. I was also getting horny. I really wanted to take Olive back to our room so I could fuck the shit out of her.

“She wants to go again; doesn’t she.” Olive said it as a statement. It was as though she knew exactly what was running through the young woman’s mind.

Ashlynn nodded at her. Then she turned to me and asked, “Would you please take me back up?” At least she was polite about it.

I nodded my head. “If you wish.”

Aidan saw how hard my cock had become. I saw him looking at it, and it made me blush. Ashlynn looked down at it and smiled as well.

I was embarrassed because I couldn’t hide it. So I tried to look away. I figured Aidan might say something about me being aroused at the sight of his girlfriend in a noose. But he didn’t.

I pulled more firmly on the rope. Ashlynn went right up into the air. Almost immediately she began rubbing herself through her skirt.

“I knew it!” Olive gasped excitedly. “The bitch fucking loves it! Gawd; she looks sexy! I’d love to see her hang nude!”

I kept her up a little longer. I could tell she was struggling to breathe. Then her hands started to rise up to grab for the noose.

I was about to let her back down. But she saw me and forcibly lowered her hands. She groped her crotch as she cupped one of her breasts through her blouse.

I glanced over at Aidan. He seemed fascinated. Was it because he had a good look at my nude girlfriend standing close to his dangling girl?

Ashlynn suddenly began to kick and struggle. She really tried to rub herself through her skirt. Then she bucked and shuddered.

I quickly let her back down. Aidan rushed over to catch her. She was a little wobbly on her legs for a few seconds until she settled back down.

“Oh fuck!” she panted. Then she turned and stared at Olive.

“I… I actually had a little climax that time! You’re right! You were so right!”

“Are you done?” Aidan asked hopefully.

She grinned at him before reaching out to rub his bulge. “I think I want to go again. This time I’d like to try the handcuffs.” Then she looked around at all of us and blushed before adding, “…and I want to hang naked… that is, if it’s ok with everyone else.”

2020 (written Dec 27 ’20 by riwa)

Part 4

“It’s certainly ok with me,” Olive replied with a lustful smile. Then she looked me right in the eye.

“Get these handcuffs off me, darling. You have no idea how hard it’s been, watching you hang her without being able to touch myself.”

“I’ll go get the keys,” I told her with a sigh of resignation. I thought about saying something else. But I decided against it.

Ashlynn removed the noose from around her neck. Then she started to strip. I climbed down off the gallows to track down the keys to the cuffs in our hidden sack.

Up above I heard Olive say, “If she’s going to undress, you might as well take your clothes of too, Aidan. No use only one of us running around with any clothes on.”

“What if someone shows up?” He sounded understandably wary.

“I haven’t heard any vehicles pull into the parking lot.” That was Olive.

I couldn’t resist as I called out, “That’s because you’ve been too distracted up there! I doubt you would have heard rampaging buffalo rushing through town!”

“Will you just bring those keys up already?”

I tracked them down and pulled them out of the bag. Then I headed back for the steps to the gallows. I could not help wondering just how far this was going to go.

Ashlynn was in the process of pulling down her panties when I climbed the steps. Aidan was already working on his briefs. “That is so hot!” Olive gasped with delight. “They both look horny, darling! Hang me quick so we can turn them on!”

“First, Ashlynn wants to try the gallows naked. And she wants to use our handcuffs. Then maybe I’ll think about hanging you again.”

“Just make sure there’s enough time for me to swing one last time.” Olive looked around as though checking to see how much daylight we had left to play with.

Ashlynn had a nice rack on her chest. And her boyfriend had a long erection. Olive practically drooled at the sight of them.

I unlocked the cuffs from around her wrists. “About time,” she said impatiently as she rubbed them. “I’ve been standing over here all horny as hell.”

“That’s not my fault, is it?”

“Just hang me, damn you!”

“We’ll let Ashlynn try the noose until she’s had enough.”

“Thank you,” Ashlynn said with a grateful smile. But there was a flash of something in her eyes, indicating she was becoming more and more excited about all this.

“Better reset the noose,” I observed as I looked up at it. Then I offered the cuffs to Aidan.

“You want to cuff her? She probably deserves it. Besides, it may give you some satisfaction cuffing her wrists behind her back. It always works for me.”

“He loves cuffing me; that’s for sure.” I just turned and gave Olive a dirty look, causing her to chuckle.

Aidan took the cuffs from me. Then he secured his girlfriend’s hands behind her back. His erection pushed into her backside, causing her to wriggle and moan.

I motioned at the dangling noose as I told him “I guess you can do the honors with this one.”

My girlfriend did not help matters in the slightest. “Noose her up, Aidan! She fucking deserves it! Now I’m really getting excited!”

“Darling, you’re not helping matters any.”

“Why the hell not, John? I’m so fucking horny over here!”

Aidan looked at me for confirmation. I just nodded it was ok. So he took the noose and looped it over her head, brushing her long hair out of the way.

Ashlynn gasped when it touched her bare skin. My girlfriend asked, “You like it when your boyfriend nooses you up? I sure love it when mine does.”

They both looked at Olive. My girlfriend was back to shamelessly touching herself. I just rolled my eyes again as I shook my head.

“Go ahead and snug it up,” I told him. “You don’t have to make it too tight. Just enough so there’s no loose rope around her neck.”

Aidan nodded as though he understood. I watched him take the slack out of the noose until it seemed snug around her throat. Then he looked over at me.

I nodded as I pulled on the rope. I finished taking the slack out. Olive laughed as she told them, “This is the part where he usually molests me before hanging me.”

Aidan looked at Olive for a long moment before reaching out to touch and rub his girlfriend. Ashlynn moaned and panted. My girlfriend seemed to love egging them on, having become extremely aroused over watching a new couple trying the noose.

“Let me know when you want me to take her up, ok?”

Aidan looked at me for a long moment. Then he looked at his girlfriend, a question in his eyes. “Do it!” she nodded as she gasped breathlessly.

He looked at me and nodded. That’s when I pulled on the rope. Ashlynn went right up into the air.

I kept her about six inches off the gallows floor. Aidan watched to see what she would do. She rasped for breath as she tried to dangle limp. Then she started to shimmy a little, her legs kicking as her arms started jerking up and down behind her back.

“Oh fuck!” Olive blurted out. She shamelessly masturbated at the erotic spectacle. I must admit my cock was hard as well.

Ashlynn kicked a little as she wriggled like a worm. Aidan’s cock saluted his dangling girlfriend. My dick was saluting the whole damned time.

Ashlynn began thrusting outward with her hips. When my girlfriend did that, it usually meant she was experiencing an orgasm. Olive immediately gasped, “Fuck; she’s cumming!” Then she furiously masturbated.

It looked like Ashlynn was starting to suffer. Aidan demanded I bring her back down. But I was already a half-second ahead of him.

He had to help hold her upright for a few seconds when her bare feet touched the platform. She rasped for breath as he worked to loosen the noose from around her neck. Then he anxiously asked, “Are you all right, honey?”

She coughed a couple times until she could finally speak. “For a second there it really hurt! But then I… then it felt… I actually came while I was hanging!”

“That’s nothing,” Olive said as she came over. I noticed she had the keys to the cuffs in her hand. That’s when she told me, “Darling, let’s show them how we really have fun in the noose; shall we?”

She went over and freed Ashlynn from the handcuffs. Aidan helped remove the noose from around her neck. Olive gave him the keys as she motioned me over.

“C’mere, darling. Let’s show them how we do the ‘flying fuck’.”

“The ‘flying fuck’?” Ashlynn repeated in surprise. “What the hell is a ‘flying fuck’?”

I nodded as Olive stood on the trap. She eagerly cuffed her own wrists behind her back. She’d become much too impatient wanting to dangle again.

“This is how we do it,” she panted excitedly as I looped the noose around her neck. “Ok, darling. Let’s put on a show, shall we?”

I made sure the coil was tight around her throat, the knot close to her left ear. Then I took the free end and pulled her up into the air. She rasped and gurgled as she kicked a little.

I let her right back down. She wobbled a little on her feet. Then I pulled her right back up.

She rasped and shimmied as my cock grew exceedingly hard. Her legs tried to reach out for me. But I was standing just out of reach.

I let her back down. Then I stepped closer. Once more I pulled her back up into the air.

This time she wrapped her legs around my waist. Her wet snatch found my throbbing erection. Then she settled down upon it until she was fully impaled.

Ashlynn and Aidan watched in astonishment as I pulled on the rope, playing with Olive by strangling her. She rasped for breath as she eagerly rode me, her neck stretching a little. I toyed with her by adding tension to the noose, then easing off to give her just enough slack for a breath or two.

She enthusiastically rode me, causing me to pull harder on the rope. She rasped and grunted as she struggled to pull in a decent breath. I was pretty damn close to cumming.

I looked at our new companions and smiled. “First, you pump a load deep inside her. Then, you let her pay the penalty she so richly deserves.”

I pulled on the rope, maintaining the tension until Olive went wild. She wriggled and clenched until I cried out my release. Then I pulled harder, lifting her up into the air as I stepped back.

Olive lost me with her legs. She swung back and forth, her eyes wide. Her hips just kept thrusting as though she was still trying to fuck a cock that was no longer there. The evidence of my release dripped out of her snatch onto the floor of the gallows.

I held her in the air for a good half minute, just to make her pay for pushing things this far. Then I let her down. I stepped close and helped hold her upright, loosening the noose around her neck until she started breathing normally again.

“Fuck!” she panted. “Gawd; I needed that! It felt like you needed it too!”

I turned toward Ashlynn and Aidan who stood there stunned. “That’s how we do it,” I explained. “At least that’s what Olive wanted us to show you. It’s certainly one hell of a thrill.”

“Aidan?” his girlfriend asked nervously. “Could we… I mean… do you think we could…?”

I removed the noose from around Olive’s neck. Then I took the keys from Aidan. I removed the cuffs from my girlfriend before handing them over.

“The gallows’ all yours!” Olive declared with a grin. “I can’t wait to watch this! Fuck; this is going to be good!”

Aidan looked curiously at his girlfriend. She nodded from a nervous arousal, urging him to go right ahead. His cock was hard; he was clearly turned on by all this.

Olive and I stepped back, giving them plenty of room. He hesitantly cuffed his girlfriend’s arms behind her back. Then he asked her, “Are you sure you want to do this?”

“Gawd; yes!” she breathed. “Watching them was so incredibly hot! I want to try it at least once!”

“Ok; if you’re up for it.”

He took the noose and worked it around her neck, brushing her hair out of the way. He adjusted the coil until the knot was by her left ear. Then he snugged it up.

“Play with her first!” Olive panted. “Gawd; I really want to see this!” Then she abruptly dropped to her knees in front of me.

She began sucking my cock right in front of them. But the whole time her eyes were focused in their direction. Aidan looked down at her and then at me as though asking for confirmation.

“Up to you,” I said quietly.

“Do it!” his girlfriend gasped excitedly.

“Make her pay the penalty!” Olive blurted out before taking my cock back into her mouth.

Aidan slowly pulled on the rope. Ashlynn’s feet left the platform. There was nothing she could do about it, especially with her arms cuffed behind her back.

He let her right back down until she was flat on her feet. Then he took her back up again, just like I had done to Olive. She let out a frightened squawk before her breath was partially cut off.

His cock was stiff and dripping; I could tell he needed a release. Olive hungrily looked at his erection. I think she would have happily satisfied him if I wouldn’t have been standing there needing some attention.

Aidan let his girlfriend back down. Ashlynn rasped for breath. For a moment it looked like she was having second thoughts. Then he pulled her back up into the air.

She kicked until he stepped closer. Instinctively she wrapped her legs around him. He lowered her until it looked like he’d impaled her with his dick.

She rasped and grunted, still struggling to breathe. It looked like she was really trying to ride him. He pulled on the rope a little as though trying to mimic what I had just done to my girl.

Olive moaned with my cock in her mouth. She furiously masturbated as we both watched. I couldn’t help wondering whether or not we were in the process of creating a dangerous situation.

What if Ashlynn wanted to go too far? What if Aidan was getting into it to the point where he wanted to take her all the way? What was our responsibility in all this?

Ashlynn gurgled as he thrust up inside her. Then he let out a cry of release. He pulled out almost immediately before stepping back, still keeping her airborne.

Creamy droplets dripped out of her snatch as she kicked and shimmied. Her face started to turn red. It looked like she was really suffering.

Olive moaned like a bitch in heat with my cock down her throat. I couldn’t believe how all this was turning out. But Ashlynn looked like she was starting to suffer just a little too much.

I was just about to say something when Aidan let her down. He had to grab onto her and hold her upright. Then he frantically worked to loosen the noose from around her throat.

She panted and wheezed for breath. “Honey, are you all right? I’m… I’m sorry! I thought you wanted to go longer… but then I thought I should stop… but then I thought you’d be mad at me for… are you all right?”

Ashlynn coughed and rasped for breath. Aidan quickly removed the noose. Then he hugged her tightly as he begged, “Say something!”

“I… you bastard… you… you really enjoyed… you… fuck; I… fuck!”

“Maybe we’d better be going,” I murmured nervously. Had Ashlynn suffered a little too long?

“Not so fast,” Olive told me as she looked all around, noticing the setting sun. “I get one more drop; ok? I WANT one more drop! You owe me that! Now I want you to hang me proper!”

2020 (written Dec 27 ’20 by riwa)

Posted in Asphyxia Stories | 1 Comment

3 in the pool (Parts 1-3) 4.3 (18)

Note: an older, re-edited story)

Part 1 – The investigation

“What’ve we got, Catherine?” Gil Grissom asked as he entered the backyard through the patio door.

“You’ve got to see this,” Catherine Willows told him, motioning toward the rectangular pool.

He followed her around the edge of the water. Gill looked curiously at the nearly deflated air mattress that floated in the corner of the deep end. She led him around to the end of the pool where she stopped.

Catherine looked down into the deep end again, once more shaking her head in disbelief. This was the third time she’d seen them all down there. And she still had a hard time believing her eyes.

There was something else about the scene. But she would never tell her superior about how she felt. It was something that caused her to feel a strange flush of (dare she admit it to herself?) sexual excitement.

Grissom looked down and saw the nude body. No, there was more than one body lying on the bottom in eight feet of water. His jaw dropped open in astonishment.

A white male was sandwiched face down between two white females, his arms splayed outward. The two women were wearing what appeared to be beige-colored weight belts around their waists. Their arms stretched out and came together, almost as though…

He looked more intently. What the hell? Was he seeing what he thought he was seeing?

“Those ladies are cuffed to each other’s wrists!” he observed aloud, staring in surprise.

The two women appeared to be cuffed together. They looked as though they were trying to prevent the man between them from getting away. He got a mental image of the three of them writhing in agony, bubbles dribbling out of their mouths while each one desperately struggled to hold his or her breath.

“That’s what it looks like to me,” Catherine said softly. She was still feeling breathless at the sight in front of her, even though she’d been there for several minutes now.

“Why? To keep him from getting away?! It looks like he could have squirted out from between them anytime he wanted to.”

“Maybe he didn’t want to,” Catherine suggested. She looked down at them again and found herself longing for a cool, refreshing swim. Why was this affecting her so?

“What’s that?” Grissom pointed downward. “That… thing sticking out of her. Is that what I think it is?”

He looked at Catherine and felt a slow burn creep up his face. “Yeah,” she smiled, chuckling inwardly at his embarrassment. “Looks like a dildo to me.” She looked down again before adding, “Looks like the other woman has one too.”

Grissom’s eyebrows raised in astonishment. “Seems this party got a little kinky. We have any identifications on the bodies?”

“As a matter of fact, we do! The female on the bottom is Melissa Atherton. She owns the place. The guy on top of her is Travis Andrews. That’s his car parked in front of the garage. Apparently he and Melissa were having an affair.”

“How do we know that?”

She turned and pointed at two young boys standing up against the backyard wire-mesh fence with a police officer, eyes wide with excitement. “Our two young voyeurs have seen Travis and Melissa together in the pool on several occasions. They jump the fence and sneak in a swim whenever no one is around. They’re the ones who called the police. When they came over the fence…”

“…they found the pool ‘occupied’,” Grissom finished for her. “They didn’t see anything before they came into the backyard?”

“Nope. Our trio was already at the bottom of the pool when they arrived.” She paused, wondering why she was trembling. Must be the heat.

“You want to guess the identity of the top member of our threesome?” she said with a hint of a smile.

“We have an I.D. on her, too?!” Grissom asked in surprise. In this business, I.D.’s were often hard to come by. To be able to identify all three victims in a matter of minutes had to be a CSI record.

“Got her purse right over there,” Catherine said, pointing at the object on the ground under a lawn chair.

“So who is she?”

Catherine smirked as though she knew something he didn’t, enjoying the feeling of having something over her all-knowing boss. “Take a wild guess.”

Grissom looked at her and picked the most ridiculous person he could think of. “Is she his wife!”

Catherine’s face fell. Damn! How did he KNOW these things??

“You’re kidding,” He remarked in surprise. “I just sort of pulled that out of the air. That’s his wife down there??”

“Name’s Tammi Andrews,” she sighed, hoping she’d get him on some juicy piece of information next time.

Catherine looked down into the pool once more. She felt another quiver of excitement ripple through her. Her boss curiously peered down as well.

“You think they all jumped in together?” he asked curiously. “A sexual threesome and something went wrong?”

“I don’t know. The boys say they’ve never seen Tammi over here before. Besides, we found that.”

Catherine Willows pointed at a lawn chair. Gil turned and stared curiously. A handgun rested in the padded seat.

“Nobody brings a gun to an orgy,” he mused thoughtfully. Catherine looked at him curiously.

“I’ve never been to one so I wouldn’t know,” he replied quickly. “Maybe they were role-playing. You think the wife brought it with her?”

Catherine shook her head. “If she did, why would she cuff herself to her husband’s mistress and stick hubby in the middle? If she wanted to drown all three of them, you’d think he could have somehow extricated himself from between the women before it was too late.”

“Maybe the gun belongs to someone else… somebody who wanted them all dead. Do we know if Melissa was married?”

“Not yet, but I haven’t seen any evidence of a husband.”

“What about a jealous boyfriend?”

“If someone else was involved, why not cuff all three together?”

Catherine looked down into the pool again. She felt another tremor of excitement ripple through her. She was trying to imagine what it must have felt like, holding your breath while knowing you were going to drown.

Her boss continued to stand there as though puzzling it over in his mind. Catherine desperately needed to take a cold shower. Could she could come up with an excuse to go into Melissa’s house and throw some cold water on her face. It would be way too obvious (and unprofessional) if she “accidentally” fell into the pool to cool off.

“Curiouser and curiouser,” Gil muttered.

“Alice in Wonderland,” Catherine smiled at him. “How appropriate.”

Gil took another look into the pool. “We got anything for taking underwater pictures?”

“Nick and Sarah are on their way with a camera and some scuba gear.”

“Good. We’re gonna need ’em. We have a lot of evidence to process. And we’ll need to cover every inch of this backyard to find out what happened.” Then he smiled as he added, “I think I’ll give Nick the assignment of taking the underwater pictures.”

Catherine smiled in amusement. She looked down and felt a perverse tremor again. She wondered if Nick would be affected the same way she was experiencing these strange feelings. Was it crime scenes like why she liked this line of work?
Captain James Brass and Warrick Brown stopped by the crime scene long enough for Catherine to fill them in. She gave them the address to the deceased couple’s residence. Then she handed them the wife’s set of house keys.

They drove across town to the home belonging to Travis and Tammi Andrews. They pulled into the driveway, got out and checked the garage. There were no vehicles inside.

“Looks like we’re looking for another car,” Warrick concluded as they unlocked the front door. “The keys on her ring don’t fit the car parked in Atherton’s driveway. That vehicle must belong to her husband.”

“So she drove over and parked somewhere nearby?” the captain suggested.

“Probably,” Brown admitted. “Shouldn’t be too hard to find once we find out the make and model. There’s got to be something in the house that will tell us what she’s driving.”

They entered the kitchen and saw the telephone. It had a built-in answering machine with Caller ID. There was a green number 1 in the circular display, indicating a message had come in and been checked.

The two men looked at each other. Warrick slipped on a pair of rubber gloves. Then he carefully punched the message button with a gloved finger.

A man’s canned voice spoke out… “One… message… message… one… Saturday… four-oh-two pm…” What followed came from an angry female…

“You’re supposed to be here right now, asshole… so let me guess! You’re over at her house again, aren’t you, you sonuvabitch! I know who she is and where she lives! Maybe I’ll just come over there right now and burn your ass, you fuckin’ bastard! Maybe I’ll burn the both of you!”

“End of… message…”

“Loving couple,” Warrick remarked dryly.

“I’d say she caught up with him,” the captain observed, looking Brown squarely in the face.

“I think she caught up with both of them!” Warrick replied soberly.

“You think she killed ’em?”

The crime scene investigator winced. “From the sound of her voice I’m glad she wasn’t angry with me! Drowning… damn! What a way to go!”
“What’ve we got?” Grissom asked the next day as he and Catherine entered the coroner’s examination room. The bodies of the people found in the pool were on three separate tables. Dr. Albert Robbins, coroner for the CSI team, shook his head in amazement.

“All three of them drowned, that’s for sure. Where do you want to start?”

Grissom suggested, “Let’s start with Atherton… the owner of the house.”

“All right.”

Dr Robbins moved over to the body of the dead female. Then he motioned at the body. “See these abrasions? She was punched here and here.”

He motioned at the woman’s face and chest area. “Down here… on the abdominal region? This is bruising consistent with being kicked in the stomach. She probably rolled around on the ground trying to deflect the blows. I’d say she was in a fight of some kind before she died.”

“With who?” Catherine wanted to know.

“My guess would be the wife. Her body also shows signs of a recent struggle.”

“So the wife and the mistress had a fight?” Catherine asked with interest.

The coroner looked at her thoughtfully. “Wouldn’t you if you caught someone having an affair with your husband?”

“I don’t know that I’d go that far.”

“What else?” Grissom asked.

“Some interesting marks on Melissa,” he said, motioning toward the ankles.

Catherine took a closer look. “Those look like cuff marks. Her ankles were cuffed together?”

“I’d say her ankles and her wrists.”

“We saw the cuffs holding both ladies together,” Grissom added.

“These marks may not have been made by the cuffs you saw on both women,” Robbins said, lifting up one of Melissa’s wrists. “See here? Indentations are more pronounced. She had these cuffs on her for a lengthy period of time. If she would have been cuffed and drowned right away, the cuff marks wouldn’t show to this extent. Look here…” and he pointed at the shoulders.

“Muscle strain?” Catherine asked, looking closely.

“If her arms were cuffed behind her back for any length of time,” Grissom observed thoughtfully, “that could account for the muscle strain.” The coroner nodded in agreement.

Gil thought it over for a moment. “That would mean at some point the cuffs were removed and then reattached to her wrists, perhaps at the time the two women were cuffed together.”

Dr Robbins nodded again. “I found muscle strain in her thighs as well. I think they were spread apart and kept that way for some time.”

“Spread apart?” Catherine responded curiously.

She looked at the dead woman’s thighs and noticed something peculiar. “What are these lines?” she pointed, causing Grissom to look.

“It looks like she got cut,” Gil said curiously.

“There’s a matching set on her arms,” Dr. Robbins added.

“A matching set??” Grissom looked closer. “They’re not from a knife… not deep enough. But it does look like she rubbed against something… something sharp enough to leave a small cut. It looks like she might have drawn blood.”

“How did they get there?” Catherine asked curiously, checking the same marks and lines on the woman’s upper arms.

“I don’t know,” Robbins admitted.

“Another mystery to solve,” Catherine said aloud, curiously shaking her head.

She turned to Dr. Robbins. “Did they all drown together?”

“I don’t think so. I started with the premise that they did and worked backward. I’m not sure about the Andrews couple. It’s still too close to tell between those two. But I’m pretty sure the Atherton woman was in the water longer.”

“So they couldn’t have gone in together,” Catherine mused thoughtfully. “So how did she get cuffed to Mrs. Atherton?”

“That’s what we have to find out,” Gill Grissom said with determination.

Dr. Robbins moved toward the body of the male. “I think Mr. Atherton was cuffed too.”

“He was??” Grissom looked at him in surprise.

“Very faint cuff marks on his wrists,” the coroner explained. “I think he was struggling to get out of them. Then there’s this.”

He motioned toward the dead man’s waist. Catherine bent over and took a closer look. There were faint impressions in the skin. “He was wearing a weight belt at some point as well?”

“Not for very long,” Robbins admitted. “But that’s what I think.”

“But he wasn’t wearing cuffs or the weight belt when we found him.”

“Which means…” Grissom said, appearing thoughtful. “…they were removed too, probably after he was already dead.”

He turned to Catherine, having come to some preliminary observations. “The belts were on both women, along with the cuffs. Either someone else was there, took the belt and cuffs Mr. Andrews and put them on his wife. Or…”

He stared at Willows and gave her a knowing look. Catherine looked at him curiously. “You think the wife did this herself? You think she drowned the other two and then killed herself?”

“Possible. She drowns the two people she hates the most, feels remorse over what she’s done and decides to do something about it. It’s not all that unusual; we’ve seen it before. What I can’t understand is why she chose to swim down and cuff herself to Atherton? We’re still missing something here.”

He paused for a moment. Then he looked right at Catherine. “One more question. Why use the dildos?”

“Because they were handy?” Catherine suggested with a wry smile. “I don’t know… why not go out with a bang?”

She pictured Tammi squirming around in the water with the vibrating dildo they’d found inside her. Almost immediately she wished she hadn’t. An erotic quiver rippled through her.

‘Damn!’ she thought, feeling a flush of embarrassment creep over her. ‘This case is getting to me!’

“Funny you should mention that,” Dr. Robbins told them. “I’m pretty certain both women died with the dildos inside them. The pc muscles are stiff and indicative of their last few moments of life. I also did a kit on both of ’em…”

He paused, shaking his head in wonder. Then he continued. “It seems Mr. Andrews had himself one last fling before he died, unless another male is involved. We’ll have to do a DNA test to make sure. But I found fresh semen in his wife, probably happened a short time before she died. I also found semen in the Atherton woman. Fairly recent activity, I’d say.”

“He did both women??” Grissom said in amazement. “And you say Melissa died first?” Robbins nodded his belief in that assessment.

Sex, dildos and drowning. This case was really getting to her! Catherine desperately needed to get out of the examination room and cool off.

“Anything else that can help us?” she asked.

“There is one more thing,” Robbins added. “I found trace elements of something besides water in the lungs of both females. I wasn’t sure, so I sent it to Sanders.”

“Guess we’ll need to have a little talk with our Greg when he has the results for us,” Grissom replied. “Thanks, doc.”

He and his assistant headed out the door. Catherine stopped at the restroom door. “I’ll be in my office in a moment. Just need to make a pit stop.”

She dashed in before Gil could stop her. Catherine made a beeline for the sink. She turned on the faucet and splashed cold water in her face.

Gil Grissom looked at the door she’d disappeared through rather abruptly. He raised his eyebrows in curiosity. Then he continued down the corridor to his office.

This case was definitely getting curiouser and curiouser…
“So how are you today?” Sara Sidle grinned as Nick Stokes walked into the room she was working in.

“I’m fine. Why do you ask?”

“You just seemed overly excited yesterday.”

“I was underwater taking pictures of nude women cuffed together. How was I supposed to seem?”

“Just concerned about your welfare,” she said with an impish grin.

“Sure you were. Enough about my welfare! Any prints on the gun?”

“Mr. Andrews’ fingerprints are all over it. After all, it’s registered to him. But…”

“But what?”

“Mrs. Andrews held it last,” Sara concluded. “Her prints overlap anything Travis made. They came out clear, too… no smudges or anything indicating the use of a glove or anyone trying to wipe it clean. No one tried to hide those babies. Mrs. Andrews was definitely the last person to hold it in her hand.”

Nick added his two cents to the conversation. “Warrick and the captain found her car yesterday evening. It was a block and a half away from the residence. Those footprints you found by the back fence match her sneakers.”

“Which means she was probably back there watching the two lovebirds,” Sara concluded.

“That’d be my guess,” Nick agreed.

“Warrick said the message left on the answering machine had been checked. Mr. Andrews must have gone home, found the message on the answering machine and gone back.”

“Seems reasonable. If that’s the case, was the Atherton woman alone and Tammi confronted her?”

“That could explain the bruises Robbins found on her body. It might also explain this.”

She lifted up a slide of glass with a speck of green on it. “I found a grass stain on the gun.”

Nick took a look at it. Then he tried to piece it together in his mind. “Melissa grapples with Tammi and knocks the gun out of her hand, causing it to end up on the lawn?”

“That would account for the grass stain,” Sara replied. “But the fight must’ve taken them both into the pool.”

“What makes you say that?”

“I found chlorine in Tammi’s clothes. I thought I smelled it in them at the scene, so I had them tested. Sometime later, she must have taken them off and draped them on the lawn furniture. How would they get chlorine in them unless she ended up in the pool fully clothed?”

“So she has a fight with Melissa and ends up in the pool in her clothes,” Nick observed, thinking aloud. “At some point she takes them off. Then all three of them end up naked in the pool?? What am I missing here?”

“I don’t know,” Sara mused thoughtfully. “Travis’s clothes were in a little pile near the deep end. They weren’t wet and there was no chlorine in them. They were removed before he got into the water.”

“So was Melissa alive or dead when he got back to her house? Robbins says she died first; death by drowning. If Melissa died first, maybe Tammi was waiting for her loving husband when he came back.”

“And maybe… ” Sara offered, “…maybe she somehow helped her husband join his mistress in the pool.”
“What’ve you got for me, Greg?” Grissom asked the young man when he entered the lab.

“I don’t suppose you got any pictures I can look at, do you, Gil?”

Grissom smiled inwardly, wondering if he should have known this case might have affected the young man more than it should have. “Just give me your report, Greg.”

“The stuff in the lungs of our two females appears to be vaginal fluid.”

“Vaginal fluid? That doesn’t make any sense at all!”

“I did a rush job on the DNA samples. I thought you might be anxious for it.” Grissom just lifted his eyebrows with amusement.

“Anyway, I found Melissa’s DNA in Tammi’s lungs and Tammi’s DNA in Melissa’s, courtesy of the vaginal fluid of each female.”

Grissom was flabbergasted. “How did that get in their lungs??”

“I found traces left in each mouth which would account for that amounts sucked down into the lungs by the pool water when each woman drowned. I tested the contents of both stomachs for confirmation. I found the exact same vaginal fluid among the contents of each one.”

Grissom’s head was spinning at the implications. Why would Tammi do that to the woman who was having sex with her husband? Hell, why would Melissa, for that matter??

What the hell had happened in the pool that afternoon??

“Anything else?” he asked, afraid of the answers he might get.

“That’s pretty much it,” Greg replied, unable to contain his enthusiasm. He wanted to make one more plea to see the crime scene photos, just to see what these two women might have looked like. But he decided against it.

“Thanks, Greg. Well done. That will be all.”

Grissom turned and walked out the door. But his mind was reeling from the implications. Travis has sex with Melissa… then Tammi and Melissa go at it… then to top it all off, Travis has sex with his wife??

He shook his head in wonder. It was amazing the strange things human beings did to each other. Just when he thought he’d seen everything, the job threw something new at him to investigate.
Catherine sat in her chair staring at the deflated air mattress on the floor of her room. Her eyes were wide from discovery as her mind raced. She’d just matched several sets of fingerprints she’d found on it and was trying to process the information in her mind.

It didn’t make sense! What was Tammi doing playing with the air mattress? If she’d gone there to confront Melissa, how the hell did the mattress fit into the picture??

Focus on the prints, her mind told her. Don’t look at the forest… just concentrate on the tree in front of you! She sighed as Grissom’s philosophy penetrated her thoughts.

“Ok,” she said aloud. “So where did you find the fingerprints, Catherine?”

She tried to picture them in her mind. There were numerous prints along the edges of the mattress. The wife Tammi must have grabbed it there on each side… several times, as a matter of fact.

But why would she do that? The only two people who could possibly be on top of it would be her husband or his mistress. Why would she grab it like that over and over again?

What if Melissa was on top of it? In the struggle, Tammi might angrily flip it over. That would mean she would grab onto the mattress to try to overturn it. But again and again?? There were numerous prints.

Catherine suddenly sat upright in her chair. Melissa had been cuffed for a period of time before she died. What if she’d been cuffed to the mattress? What if her arms and legs had straddled it and she’d been flipped over?

Arms and legs straddling… flipped over…

Catherine stared at the mattress as though seeing it for the first time. Her eyes zeroed in on the seams on either side of it, seams that stuck out like long, thin flaps… flaps that could conceivably cut into a person’s flesh if…

She remembered the marks on the Atherton woman. A theory came to mind. “Tammi cuffed Melissa onto the mattress,” Catherine said aloud as though trying to picture it. “She must have flipped her over several times. To make her suffer? To show her anger? Then the mattress is deflated. She must have…”

She went silent as she processed the scenario over in her head. Had Tammi pulled the plug, allowing the air out of the mattress so she could watch Melissa slide off, sink to the bottom with a weight belt attached, and drown? Would that explain those matching cuts on the dead woman’s arms and legs? Hade she gotten them from the air mattress? It would certainly explain the deflated air mattress floating in the deep end of pool.

There was a way to find out. But she’d have to gather a few things together. Then she’d need to get some help. An idea formed in her mind, causing a faint shiver of excitement to ripple through her.

For this experiment there was only one person she would even consider asking. Catherine Willows reached for her cell phone, trembling from a strange excitement. Somehow she managed to stop shaking long enough to punch in the number.
Catherine wasn’t in her lab when Grissom stopped by to give her the information Sanders had presented to him. He saw the deflated mattress on the floor. Was she still pursuing that angle?

Back out in the hallway, he ran into Nick. “Have you seen Catherine?”

“No. But Sara just left. She told me Catherine called her and asked if she’d meet up with her and help out with a project. She didn’t say what it was.”

‘Greg’s info can wait,’ Grissom thought to himself. Then he told Nick, “If you should see her, tell her we got the report back from Sanders. She might find it interesting. I’ll be in my office.”

2005; 2020 (written Aug 1 ’05; ed. Mar 29 ’20 by riwa)

Part 2 – Catherine’s Project

Sara emerged through Melissa’s patio door into the backyard wearing a light-colored T-shirt and shorts. That’s when Catherine felt the butterflies well up in her stomach. Now that her colleague had arrived, she felt forced to go ahead with her project. She tried not to show how nervous she’d become.

“So what are we going to do?” Sara asked cheerfully. She found these impromptu tests fascinating.

A fully inflated air mattress floated on top of the water. Apparently her colleague had gone out and acquired another one. It looked similar to the one they’d found floating in the pool when she and Nick had arrived on the scene a couple days ago.

She saw a camera, some lab equipment and a bag. Her colleague clearly had something in mind. Catherine casually walked up to her despite the discomfort she now felt.

“We’re going to re-enact Melissa’s last few minutes in the pool,” her coworker told her. “I want to piece together what must have happened here the other day.”

She peeled her shirt up over her head. Underneath Catherine was wearing a black one-piece swimsuit that hugged her body. It covered her breasts but came partway up her sides, exposing her hips.

As she pulled her pants down, Sara instinctively began to undress as well. She figured she might be getting wet. As a precaution she’d chosen to wear her suit underneath her clothes.

What she was wearing was not as professional. In fact, it was a rather skimpy, white bikini that contrasted nicely with her skin. A questioning glance from Catherine made her wonder if she should have worn something less revealing.

“Nice day for a dip in the pool,” Sara remarked hesitantly. She was looking forward to her coworker’s project. And she was hoping she would eventually end up in the water, more to cool off than to assist.

“You should be out on the beach in that get-up,” Catherine observed dryly. “Not working on some case with ‘yours truly’.”

The older woman noticed the difference in their attire. ‘Interesting,’ she thought curiously. ‘I’m wearing black and she’s wearing white. I wonder if that should mean anything.’

Sara smiled shyly. “I’m not letting any of the guys at work see me in this. It’s only because we’re alone and it’s going to be a warm day.” Catherine smiled in reply.

She reached into the bag and pulled out two sets of handcuffs and keys. She set them on a nearby patio table. Then she pulled out the beige weight belt she’d brought along.

“Did you see the marks on Melissa’s body the other day? …those cuts on her thighs and arms?”

“I was wondering about them,” Sara admitted. “Is that what this project is all about?”

“Not entirely, but that’s a part of it,” Catherine said as she fastened the weight belt around her waist. “I think the air mattress made them. Anyway, that’s what I intend to find out.”

She grabbed the cuffs and made her way to the shallow end of the pool. She slowly descended the concrete steps into the cool water. Strange how she was feeling a little aroused over all this.

“What do you want me to do?” Sara asked, following her in.

“I want you to help me onto this damned thing. Hold it steady for me. Here; hold these.” She handed Sara the cuffs who nodded with an “Ok; sure”.

It took her a couple of tries before she managed to get onto the mattress. She carefully rolled onto her back. Still, she nearly tumbled into the pool in the process.

“Ok,” she breathed when she felt the mattress stabilize underneath her. “Let’s start with the wrists.”

She extended one arm outward, allowing Sara to attach a cuff to it. “Now let’s see if I can get this underneath me,” Catherine muttered.

She tried to wrap both arms under the mattress. She fumbled for the loose cuff but couldn’t snag it with her free hand. “You’re gonna have to cuff me, Sara; I can’t… unh… seem to… unh… reach it.”

Sara came right up to her, nodding with understanding. She was right about sensing she would be getting wet. Did this mean Tammi or Travis had cuffed Melissa’s wrists together?

She reached under and found the loose cuff. She struggled to snag Catherine’s free wrist. She had to work to pull both arms underneath the mattress to get the wrists close together.

“Oh… OW! Damn, Sara!”

“Sorry. Boy, that’s hard to get to…” She struggled as she fumbled with the cuff under the mattress.


“Sorry.” Then Sara brightened with a “got them” as she successfully cuffed the two wrists together.

Catherine sighed heavily. She was now having second thoughts. But this was a theory she wanted to investigate, and she was determined to press ahead.

“Ok… now let’s do the ankles.”

She watched as Sara cuffed one of them. She spread her legs wide, trying to wrap them around the edges of the mattress. She believed Melissa’s had also been cuffed underneath.

Sara struggled as she tried to attach them together. “Unh… how the hell did Melissa… unh… manage to… get ’em wrapped around… ”

Sara reached under again. She snagged the free ankle with one hand while grabbing the loose cuff with the other. Then she roughly pulled them together, amazed she hadn’t been forced to go under and hold her breath to do all this.

“Oh… OW…”

Sorry, Catherine. Just trying to… reach…”

She fumbled under the mattress. Then she yanked on the ankle to get it closer. “Oh… OUCH, that’s tight!”

“Sorry,” Sara repeated apologetically.

She got the ankles close to each other. Then she worked to shackle them together… “Ouch!”

Sara finally finished. She took stock of her helpless CSI counterpart lying on the mattress. “Damn, Catherine. I should take advantage of you all trussed up like that. You ticklish?”

She took a menacing step forward. Catherine cried out, “DON’T YOU DARE!” She was breathing heavily, her heart thumping loudly in her chest.

Her legs were spread painfully, her crotch all but exposed. She felt more helpless than she’d anticipated. She also felt aroused… and extremely vulnerable.

Sara looked at her with a twinkle in her eye. “That’s quite a sight, seeing you bound like that. Maybe I should go get the camera and take a few pictures, just to show everybody back at the…”

“Do that and you’re a DEAD woman!”

Sara’s arms went up defensively. “Ok, ok; it’s your project. So what do you want to do next? Or do you just want to float around a while and enjoy the sunshine?”

“I found Tammi’s fingerprints on the mattress,” Catherine said to her younger colleague. “Actually I found them along both sides of the mattress.”

“For what purpose?” Sara mused thoughtfully. “What was Tammi’s game?”

Catherine thought it over. “The prints were along the sides. What if she secured Melissa on top of the mattress, just the way I’m tied up? What if she flipped her over?”

Sara nodded as she moved into position. She grabbed the mattress as though preparing to flip her colleague over. “Like this?”

“Right about there, yeah. That’s close to where they were found along the mattress.”

“So what now? You want me to flip you over?”

Catherine felt a spike of anxiety coupled with a disturbing arousal. “It would be a good way of duplicating the location of the fingerprints. The weight of someone on top of a mattress being flipped over. Yeah, I… I want to go through with this.”

“You think Tammi was torturing Melissa over her husband’s infidelity?”

“It’s one possible theory. I want to check where your prints end up in comparison to the ones on the mattress we found.”

“So you want me to flip you over for sure?”

“There were several prints along the edge of the mattress. I think Melissa was flipped over more than once. I’m hoping to prove this is what Tammi did with the mattress. I’m assuming she dunked Melissa, although I don’t know why she would…”

She trailed off when she saw the wicked grin spread across Sara’s face. “Now wait a minute! I didn’t say you could enjoy yourself – AAUUGGHH!”

Catherine was abruptly flipped over with a splash. She burbled wildly, not expecting to be flipped over so soon. A few seconds later she was flipped back over into the afternoon air, leaving her gasping for breath.

“You mean like that?!” Sara asked with a grin.

“You could’ve warned MEEEEE…!!”

Catherine was abruptly flipped over again, her face hitting the water with a splash. She was under only a couple of seconds, air spewing out of her mouth. Then she was flipped back up to the surface, setting her to gasping and sputtering.

“Having fun?” Sara asked with a laugh.

“I think you’re the one who’s enjoying this!” Catherine gasped, glaring at the woman. “I should’ve made YOU do THIIIIIISSSSS…!!”

Sara grabbed on and gave a great heave. Catherine went back over until she was face down, twisting, squirming and bubbling. Instinctively she fought against the cuffs that held her against the mattress.

She was not under long before she was flipped back over, snorting water out of her nose. “You ok?” Sara asked as she bent over her, concern in her features.

Catherine coughed once before composing herself. “I’m all right. I can see why Tammi might have wanted to torture her like this. But I think you’re enjoying this way too – AAAUUUGGGHHH!!”

“You mean like this?” Sara asked as she flipped her over once more. She thought about the fingerprints she was leaving. To her it seemed like a perfectly plausible theory.

Catherine burbled wildly as she hung upside down in the pool. Her heart pounded in her chest. Instinctively she struggled against the cuffs holding her to the air mattress.

It felt like a few seconds longer before she was flipped back over onto her back. Sara smiled, allowing her coworker to catch her breath. “How am I doing so far?”

Catherine panted while glaring at her. “Enjoy it while it lasts, girl!”

Her captor grinned back malevolently. “A couple more perhaps?” Then she grabbed the mattress and flipped it over once more.

Catherine Willows went back over with a bubbly cry. Air bubbled up around the mattress she hung down from. At the surface her coworker grinned mischievously before flipping her back over.

“Time out!” Catherine gasped, anxiously shaking her head.

“Ok; we’ll take a break,” Sara replied. “How are the legs and arms?”

“Uncomfortable as hell. I can sure feel the edges to the mattress.”

“Tammi couldn’t have drowned her like this, right? They were found together on top of each other in the deep end.”

“That’s how they were found, all right – WHOOAAA!!”

Catherine was flipped over again. She struggled instinctively against the cuffs, wondering what all this was going to prove. Was this truly what Melissa had gone through before she drowned?

Sara watched with interest. She left her coworker under a couple seconds longer, although she wasn’t sure why. Maybe this was bringing out a sadistic side to her personality.

A few seconds later she flipped her back over. Catherine came back up on top of the mattress at the surface. She panted wildly for breath, her heart pounding in her chest.

She could feel a certain sense of arousal over being flipped over so much. Had Melissa felt like this as well? Or was it nothing more than a side effect of what had occurred that fateful day?

“Those cuffs are definitely going to leave a mark,” Sara observed. “It looks like you’re really struggling down there.”

“Can’t help it,” Willows gasped. “When I’m submerged it’s like I really want to… get out of ’em.”

She paused as she thought about it. Sara felt a little remorse. “You want me to stop?”

“I’m ok so far,” Catherine panted. Then she winced unhappily.


“Maybe you should flip me over to check and see if the cuffs have left any indentations.”

Sara thought it over for a moment. “Ok; I can do that. How long can you hold your breath?”

“How long is it going to take you to look at them?”


“I’ll manage. Just flip me over and check my wrists and ankles.”

“You want to do it now?”

The woman on the mattress nodded as she began taking long, deep breaths. Sara counted her down… “Ok… in three… two… ONE!”

Catherine took a deep breath. Sara flipped her over with a splash. The younger CSI agent took a quick glance at her watch before looking closely at the ankles that were sticking up in front of her. She had to resist the urge not to tickle the soles of the helpless woman’s feet.

There were faint marks, although not as deep as the ones found on Melissa’s body. Then Sara quickly checked her coworker’s wrists. Something similar was happening there as well…

Down below Catherine’s cheeks bulged as she held her breath. She found herself wondering how long it took for her colleague to check her body for cuff marks. ‘C’mon, Sara! I’m out of breath down here from all the dunking you’ve put me through!”

Air trickled out of her nose. She lost a small burst of air. ‘Sara Sidle, I swear you’re going to pay for- WHOA!’

Catherine was flipped back over. She gasped for breath as Sara brushed her hair out of her eyes. “I can see them. They’re faint, but they’re there. By the way, you were under for 37 seconds.”

“Is that all? It felt a hell of a lot longer.” Willows paused before adding, “You say the marks are faint?”

“Not deep enough to match the ones found on the body, no.”

Catherine thought about it for a moment. “Damn!” she breathed quietly.


“I think… I think we’ll have to go a little longer.”

“What do you mean?”

“I want to know if the deep marks could have been made as a result of being tortured while being cuffed lying on top of the air mattress.”

“Tortured? Catherine, are you suggesting I…?” Now Sara was starting to grin.

“Don’t you dare enjoy this!”

“Oh, I won’t; I promise!”

“I’ll just bet you won’t.”

“You want to replicate the marks found on Melissa’s wrists and ankles?”

“Just to make sure, yeah.”

“Catherine, are you sure about this?”

“Hell, no! But we’ve got to find out one way or the other. If I struggle hard enough…”

“…then the marks should become deeper and more pronounced?”

“I would think so. Ok, Sara. I can’t believe I’m telling you this, but… go ahead and make me suffer. Just don’t drown me.”

Catherine thought about it for a long moment. Then she looked her colleague right in the eye. “Sara Sidle, you breathe a word of this to anyone and I swear I’ll…”

“Oh, I won’t, Catherine; I won’t.”

“I’ll just bet you won’t.”

“Here we go!” And with that Sara flipped her coworker back over.

Catherine Willows filled her lungs with air just in time. Then she found herself floating face down, staring at the pool floor as bubbles slipped out of her nose and mouth. Her arms and legs were feeling damned uncomfortable from being cuffed around the mattress for so long.

She tried to calm the wild beating of her heart by running the scenario over and over in her head. Were the three of them together when this happened? Or was it just Tammi and Melissa?

She felt her lungs began to spasm. Catherine wriggled and squirmed. But she was not flipped back over just yet

She became alarmed over how long she’d been under. At the same time she felt a perverse arousal. It made her think of the dildo that had been found in the pool.

She began to wriggle uncomfortably as she jerked against the cuffs. She lost more bubbles out of her mouth. Then she was flipped over onto her back.

Catherine panted for breath as she glared at her coworker. Sara grinned back at her before flipping her back over. The older CSI agent let out a bubbly cry as her heart leapt into her throat.

She was promptly flipped back over until she was panting and coughing at the surface. Sara flipped her over again. Catherine cried out a froth of bubbles as she began to fight against the cuffs to her wrists and ankles.

She shook her head; now she was thinking she wanted the experiment to stop. She was flipped back up where she panted like crazy. Then she was promptly flipped over again.

Catherine looked down at the pool floor as a surge of horrific arousal flowed through her. What if Sara accidently drowned her? Would her colleague be able to set her free in time to resuscitate her??

She suddenly became aware of Sara poking and probing. Catherine tried to calm herself down. It felt like Sara was looking at her wrists and ankles again. Surely she could hold her breath that long, couldn’t she?

She was finally flipped back over. Catherine Willows panted wildly for breath. This was crazy!

Sara came up to her and nodded. “I can really see them now. I’d say it’s a definite possibility they were created from being tortured on the air mattress. I don’t think we need to continue the experiment long enough to make them deep like what we found on Melissa’s body.”

“Good,” Catherine panted with a nod. “By the way: did you happen to check for any cuts on my arms and legs?”

Sara looked at her in surprise. “You didn’t tell me to check for cuts.”

“Oh, shit.”

“Catherine, we can get you off that mattress and check you out of the water if you want.”

“No, I’m already here. You’d better… flip me over again. I want you to check… for any cuts on my arms or legs.”

“Got it. I’m going to time you again. This way I can glance at my watch to make sure you’re not under too long.”

Catherine wasn’t thinking about being under too long. She was already thinking ahead to the next part of her experiment. If she really wanted to know what had happened to Melissa, she would need to hold her breath longer.

Her heart thumped in her chest as she heard herself say, “Keep me under for at least a minute.”

“A minute?? Catherine, are you sure? It’s not going to take that long to…”

“Just do it, Sara; ok? I can hold my breath one lousy minute, can’t I?”

“Catherine, are you sure?”

“I’m not sure about anything. But let’s do it anyway. Take your time checking for those cuts.”

Sara sighed uncomfortably. “It’s your project; you’re the boss. You ready?”

“No.” Then Catherine took a couple of long, deep breaths before nodding, “Ok. Let’s get this over with.”

“Ok. Over you go in three… two… ONE!”

Sara waited until she was sure she heard her friend inhale before flipping her over with a splash. She quickly checked her watch. Then she began to closely examine her friend’s thighs.

Sara felt a slight flush of embarrassment over getting such an intimate look at the body of her coworker. She shook her head, reminding herself this was nothing more than a clinical examination related to the case at hand. Still, it was a bit uncomfortable.

It looked like the flaps to the air mattress were definitely pressing into her colleague’s skin. It was certainly enough to leave a mark. But she didn’t see any cuts.

She was sure Catherine had brought the camera to take pictures of her skin. She wasn’t sure she would have had the gumption to go through with something like this, just to have pictures taken of what it did to her body. But then again, she wasn’t Catherine Willows. She knew from past experience that her friend and colleague would do just about anything to get at the truth.

Sara checked her watch again. Then she looked down at the woman hanging under the mattress. It made her wonder just how long she should keep her down there…

This time Catherine wasn’t quite as anxious. She held her breath easily enough, idly scanning the pool floor below her. She didn’t expect to see much because of her blurred vision.

It kept her mind occupied with something other than holding her breath. She was also aware of the pain of the cuffs on her wrists and ankles. When this was all over she would have a better working theory over what had happened out here in the pool.

Catherine allowed a couple of bubbles to dribble out of her nose. Then she felt the first stirrings of need gently nudge her from inside her chest. She burbled a trickle of air past her lips to ease the growing strain on her lungs.

The urge grew stronger as a spasm rippled through her. She blew a burst of air as her lungs began to burn. A moment later she was flipped over until she was flat on her back and panting quietly.

Sara smiled kindly at her. “I saw the bubbles so I rolled you back over, You ok?”

“I’m fine,” Catherine gasped. “How’d I do?”

“Minute eighteen,” Sara told her. “Not bad at all.”

“Anything showing… on the thighs and arms?”

“I can see where the mattress flaps are pressing into your body. But I don’t see any cuts.”

“Damn,” Catherine said as she shook her head. She had a good idea what she had to do next. “I think I know… how to get them.”

“Get the cuts on your arms and legs? How’s that?”

“You’re going to pull the plug on the air mattress. Then you’re going to shove me into the deep end toward the area where we found the bodies.”

2005; 2020 (written for Melissa Aug 5 ’05; ed. Jun 5 ‘20 by riwa)

Part 3 – Into the deep end

Catherine Willows felt a shiver of fear mixed with excitement ripple through her. This was the moment, the real experiment she’d come here to conduct in the first place. This was the method she intended to use to prove how Melissa got those cuts on her arms and legs.

Sara Sidle’s jaw dropped open in astonishment. “You’re kidding, right?”

“I’m serious.”

“I’m not letting you drown, Catherine.”

“I don’t want you to let me drown. You can swim, can’t you?”

“Of course!”

“Then you’ll swim down and pull me up into shallow water when I’m done… unless you can’t reach the bottom on your own. Do you think you might be too buoyant to reach me?”

“I can get down there easily enough!” Sara replied indignantly. “I’m just amazed you want to go down the way you propose.”

“It’s only going to be for a minute or so, ok? That’s why I had you keep me under that long. It was so I could find out how long I could hold my breath.”

Catherine finally decided to tell her what she suspected. “Sara, it’s the only way I know to prove how she got those cuts. I think she slid off the mattress when it deflated. That’s how she cut herself, similar to how you get a paper cut by sliding your finger along the edge. I also think it might explain how she drowned.”

Sara looked at her dubiously. Then she sighed heavily. “You really want to go through with this?”

“I’m a little nervous about the whole thing. But yeah. I think it’s the only way to find out for sure.”

Sara had not anticipated Catherine would try this as an experiment. Then a thought struck her. That’s when she got a strange grin on her face.

Catherine saw her expression and frowned. “What are you thinking?”

“You know we found her on the bottom with that dildo sticking out of her. Are you going to re-enact that part as well?”

Catherine felt her face flush with embarrassment. She’d known it was going to come down to this.

She hadn’t truly decided what she was going to do about it. The truth of her intentions was lying in the bottom of the bag she’d brought with her. She didn’t want Sidle to think she’d been planning this all along.

Maybe it was better to make her think it was her idea. “Well, I was kind of wondering. I wasn’t sure, but I…”

She paused as Sara looked at her curiously. Sidle suddenly turned and waded to the end of the pool where she climbed out. “Sara? Sara, where are you going?”

“To test a theory.”

Catherine’s embarrassment intensified the moment her coworker walked up to the bag. Sara reached down and pulled the item out. “That’s what I thought,” she observed as she turned and waved the toy at her, grinning wickedly.

“I brought that with me in case we might need it. It was found at the scene, remember?” Now she was really embarrassed… and disturbingly aroused.

“Catherine Willows, crime scene investigator, sticking a dildo inside herself to test a theory. Now I’ve seen everything!”

Sara shook her head as she descended the steps back into the pool. If nothing else, she’d certainly have something juicy to hold over her coworker for a long, long time.

“I’m not entirely certain we need to use it for this test,” Catherine stammered.

She started to squirm but there was nothing she could do. She was deliberately cuffed to the mattress to test out her theory. That meant for the time being she was totally at Sara’s mercy.

Sara smiled broadly. “I think you ought to do it, ‘Cath’! We ought to know for sure; right?”

This was totally unexpected. But Sara found herself looking forward to it. She was looking forward to watching Catherine squirm cuffed naked to an air mattress with that dildo stuck inside her…


…from a purely clinical perspective, of course…

Catherine began having second thoughts, even as her body began to tingle with arousal. “I’m beginning to think it’s not really necessary for our experiment after all, Sara.”

“How do you know? You want to find out what happened, don’t you? How do you know it wasn’t the added effect of the dildo inside Melissa that contributed to her getting those cuts on her legs? Don’t you think you should find out? After all, you’re in place all ready to go, naked and…”

Sara grinned at her. “Not funny, Sidle!”

“Oh, so are we getting all formal for your experiment now?”

Catherine was torn. She wanted to experience the dildo inside her for this last experiment. But that meant Sara would know about it. The danger of her telling someone later…

“I’m, uh… not so sure about whether or not we need to use…”

“Admit it, Catherine. I think you want to. Hell, you wouldn’t have brought it with you otherwise. What was the point, especially if you were going to try this as an experiment anyway?”

Deep down, Catherine had been thinking about it ever since she’d first seen the crime scene. The humiliation was almost more than she could bear. But she suspected Sara would be good enough to keep this embarrassing little secret.

She resigned herself to the inevitable. After all, she’d brought the toy with her. Sara was observant enough to call her bluff if she tried to protest. She might as well use it.

“Ok,” Catherine said carefully. She winced before adding, “I, uh… I guess you’ll have to put it inside me. I’m a little… tied up at the moment. Besides, I suspect that’s how Melissa got it inside her. I doubt she cuffed herself to the mattress on her own. I suspect the toy was added as an afterthought, perhaps to humiliate her.”

“This part isn’t going into any report, is it?” Sara asked as she approached. It had just occurred to her how her name would have to be included as a witness.

“God, I hope not,” Catherine breathed softly.

She suddenly wanted to get the whole thing over with. She didn’t know whether it was from the strange arousal she was experiencing of just the embarrassment of the moment. “C’mon, Sara, I don’t want to lie here all day. Get over here and stick it in before those little voyeurs show up and sneak a peek!”

“I forgot about them,” Sara said as she glanced toward the fence.

She came up to the mattress and looked between her coworker’s thighs, wondering how to proceed. Catherine was nervous again. “Uh… just pull my, uh… pull my suit to one side down there and, uh…”

Damn! This whole thing had suddenly become awkward as hell!

Sara gingerly pulled on the suit around the woman’s crotch. Catherine gasped as the fabric was slid off to one side. It increased the erotic sensations she was already struggling with down below.

She tried hard not to moan. She did not want to make her assistant feel uncomfortable. But was she really concerned for Sara? Or was it her own embarrassment?

Sara carefully maneuvered the dildo into place. Then she began to push it inside. It made her feel more uncomfortable than she expected, considering the circumstances.

‘Think about what happened out here,’ she told herself. ‘It’s all a part of the investigation. We’re finding out how Melissa died and how she got those marks on her body. Don’t think about Catherine’s femininity. Just do it.’

The toy slid rather easily into place. Sara wasn’t sure how far to go. So she pushed until it went no farther.

Catherine clamped her lips shut as sweat beaded up on her forehead. She was incredibly aroused. The trained professional had to struggle not to moan or cry out.

Sara decided to go with it, smiling coyly at her coworker. “Ready, Catherine?” The bound woman closed her eyes and nodded.

“Are you sure about this?” She found herself becoming amused… and strangely excited.

“Can we just get on with this please?”

Catherine hadn’t anticipated becoming this aroused or humiliated. Perhaps this was what Melissa had been forced to endure. Perhaps it had been a major part of what had happened in this pool on that fateful day.

Sara quickly became all business as she moved to the plug in front of the mattress near the secured woman’s head. “I’ll be keeping track of the time, ok? I’m pulling you back up to the surface after one minute has elapsed.”

Catherine nodded again, biting her quivering lip to keep from expressing her shame and arousal. A tear trickled down her cheek. She could not help wondering if Sara could tell how much she was trembling.

“You’re sure?”

“Damnit, girl… just pull the damned plug already!” She didn’t know how much more of this she could take.

“Here goes…”

Sara pulled the plug out. Air began hissing out. “Deep end, Sara,” Catherine explained.

Sidle gave the mattress a push. It headed toward the deep end of the pool. Already it was starting to sag as it deflated from the weight on top.

“I’m climbing out to watch from the edge, Catherine!”

Sara waded to the steps that led out of the shallow end of the pool. She maintained a watchful eye on her coworker. Instinctively she did not want anything bad to happen to her despite the craziness of the experiment.

Catherine closed her eyes to focus. Was this what Melissa had experienced? She could not stop squirming a little.

The lower part of her body was on fire from a terrible arousal. She desperately tried to approach what was happening to her from a clinical perspective. But it was nearly impossible.

She started to squirm even more as water lapped around her head and chest. She heard her coworker call out, “You’re going down, Catherine! Make sure you get a good breath!”

Sara watched from the edge of the pool. She saw Catherine squirm in response to what was happening to her. She could tell her coworker was trying to maintain her professionalism.

Her head was sinking closer to the waterline. Sidle watched closely. Was this what that woman had experienced: the toy in her kitty as she’d been allowed to drown off the deflating air mattress?

She became anxious. Was this such a good idea? She told herself she would be able to get Catherine off the bottom before anything serious might happen to her.

Catherine felt her body slip on the mattress. Instinctively she tried to find some way to cling to it. She suspected the dead woman had struggled to stay at the surface for as long as possible.

Panic swelled within her. She whimpered again as she fought to stay in control. Sara saw her distress and called out, “Want to the experiment? Want me to come in and get you?”

“NO; not yet!” It took all her professionalism to give that instruction. Catherine forced herself to shake her head.

It was all she could do not to cry out to Sara and cancel the experiment. She slipped again, causing her to claw at the plastic material underneath her with her cuffed hands. But there was no way to hold on, no way to stay afloat.

The mattress sagged beneath her. Catherine slipped again. She was so close to going under.

Down between her legs an inferno of perverse arousal was raging. She dimly wondered what Melissa might have thinking at this moment, if this was indeed what had happened to her. Then she felt something cut into her thigh as she slid.

There was a faint slice of pain in her arm. Catherine slipped again, struggling desperately to stay afloat. Instinctively she pressed her ass down into the mattress in an effort to keep her head above water.

More air hissed out. Another short slice of pain nipped her other arm. Then she felt herself start to slide off the material.

“Catherine; you’re going under! BREATHE!!”

Catherine Willows gasped for breath. She cried out in growing alarm. Then she slid right off the mattress, bubbles coming out of her mouth and nose.

She began to struggle as the mattress partly followed her down. She left a trail of bubbles marking her descent. But she could not hang onto the mattress as the weight belt pulled her right down.

Sara gasped in alarm from the surface, watching the bubbles coming up. She quickly checked her watch. “I’m coming down in 45 seconds,” she muttered, her heart pounding in her chest. “Sorry, Catherine. I don’t care if you did do a minute breath-hold earlier.”

The instant Catherine slid completely off the mattress, her legs came together in blessed relief. It caused her muscles to squeeze around the dildo inside her. That’s when her body began to shudder uncontrollably.

Almost immediately she started losing little bursts of air. She snorted water up her nose, instinctively trying to blow it back out as it stung her sinuses. Then her chest began convulsing.

Her torso instinctively thrust against the dildo inside her. She almost screamed her breath away. She was starting to panic, even as an incredible surge of arousal consumed her.

Her mind screamed at her to get her feet underneath her. She needed to stand upright. That way she could kick for the surface.

Her legs kicked together. But it only worsened what was happening between her legs as her thighs came together. That’s when she felt it swell within her.

She’d been in a constant state of semi-arousal throughout the case. She was embarrassed over the way she’d felt while putting together this experiment with Sara. Perhaps being dunked had not been such a good idea after all.

Catherine did not consider how being secured like this might have affected Melissa, much less how it might affect her. The only thing she was aware of was the fact she could no longer hold it back. She was sure she wasn’t going to be able to hold her breath long enough to keep from drowning.

Catherine Willows cried out, air spewing out of her mouth as the area between her legs exploded in what felt like a massive eruption of undisputed pleasure. Instinctively she started thrashing about; bucking, kicking and convulsing. Her body was consumed by the orgasm now ravaging her.

Up at the surface Sara Sidle saw an eruption of bubbles. Panicked, she dove in several seconds ahead of schedule. That’s when she saw her coworker’s body spasming and convulsing.

She thought for sure Catherine was drowning. She swam down to her and wrapped an arm around her hitching body. Then she headed for the surface.

She was almost there when her handcuffed coworker thrashed about. Catherine inadvertently ripped herself out of Sara’s grasp. The weight belt took her right back down, just as Sara’s head was popping up at the surface.

Sidle gasped for breath, only to realize she lost Catherine. She let out a cry of anguish, concerned her coworker might be drowning. Then she took a deep breath before diving back down.

Her friend and colleague was not going to drown simply because she couldn’t get her up in time. She swam back down and attacked the source of the problem. Sara grabbed the weight belt and popped the latch.

At that moment Catherine grunted as she hitched hard. Then the CSI investigator went limp on the bottom. Her eyes appeared to glaze over, a look of shock frozen on her face as her mouth gaped open.

For a moment Sara was frozen in shocked disbelief. A burst of adrenaline surged through her body. She grabbed Catherine by an elbow and dragged her body through the water as she pulled like crazy for the shallow end of the pool.

She finally got her feet underneath her. Sara stood up and lifted the unconscious woman’s head out of the water. There was no response; she could detect no breath.

Oh God…

Sara scooped the lifeless body into her arms. Somehow she carried her coworker up the steps out of the pool. Then she gently laid her down on the warm concrete…

“Catherine?! CATHERINE??!!”

She checked for a pulse. It was faint, but it was there. Then she checked her airway.

Satisfied it was clear, Sara pinched her coworker’s nose shut. Then she blew two deep breaths into her friend’s mouth. Catherine’s chest rose and fell… rose and fell again.

Nothing. There was no response.

Sara experienced panic as she tried to catch her breath. This couldn’t be happening! Unfortunately it felt all too real.

Sara glanced down and saw the dildo protruding out of her friend’s crotch. She grabbed it and savagely yanked it out. “It’s my fault,” she gasped in growing alarm as she checked again for a pulse.

This time she could not detect one…


She began pumping hard with her hands against the woman’s chest, desperately trying to get Catherine’s heart beating again. Her mind ran the last few minutes over and over again. Sara quietly found herself thinking she should not have let Catherine do it.

She gasped sorrowfully as tears welled up in her eyes. She paused and checked again for a pulse.


‘”Damnit! Catherine Willows, you CAN’T drown over some stupid field test!”

Sara pinched her unresponsive friend’s nose shut again. She pressed her lips against those of her coworker. Then she blew two long, deep breaths into the body of her colleague as tears streamed down her face.

Catherine’s chest rose and fell… rose and fell again. But there was no response.

Sara started to sob. “No, damnit! You can’t die like this! Catherine, it’s not your time, damn you!”

She began pumping hard on the woman’s chest again. Sara counted to herself as she’d been trained to do so long ago. Then she checked again.

No pulse…

Sara fought against the urge to scream in frustration and despair. Stubbornly, she pressed on, pinching her coworker’s nose shut. She pressed her lips against Catherine’s and blew two long, deep breaths into her lifeless body.

Her colleague’s chest rose and fell… rose and fell again…

Catherine Willows convulsed…

…then she coughed…

Sara gasped hopefully. “C’mon, Catherine… BREATHE!”

Catherine blinked… convulsed again… Water spewed out of her mouth in a horrifying torrent. A moment later she gasped as she blinked again.


She gasped before going into a coughing fit. She gasped again. Then she started breathing on her own as her chest began to rise and fall in a regular pattern.

Sara could not stop the tears. She lifted her colleague up into a sitting position. Then she held her to her chest as she started to sob…

“It’s all my fault! I should’ve gotten to you sooner! I lost my grip and I… I’m so sorry!”

Catherine coughed and gagged. She gasped as though trying to get air down her throat. She was finally able to wrap her arms around the distraught girl and hug tightly.

“I’m ok, Sara. It’s not… your fault. I guess I didn’t expect it… to happen like that. I miscalculated… the fault is mine.”

Sara began to look around. “I’ve got to make a call! We’ve got to get you to a hospital! We need to have you checked out!”

“We will. Just let me… rest a moment… and catch my breath.”

She paused and looked at her arms. There were distinct cuts in her flesh. “I thought so,” she panted. “Get the camera, Sara. Let’s get what pictures we can… while the marks are still fresh. Then you can retrieve the air mattress and we can dust it for prints; ok?”


“Pictures first. I can last that long.”

Sara looked at her colleague for a long moment. She saw a familiar look of stubbornness return to Catherine’s features. Then she sighed heavily.

“All right,” she agreed, although more than a little hesitant. “But after that, we’re getting your ass straight over to the hospital!”

Catherine smiled weakly at her. Then she spread her legs open for her coworker to see. “I was right, wasn’t I?” There were fresh cuts on her thighs, one of which had started to bleed.

“Damn you, Catherine. Do you have to be right all the time?”

“Just trying to play catch-up to Gil.”


Sara managed a small chuckle. Then she went to get the camera. Catherine just sat there wondering how Gil Grissom was going to react once he found out she’d nearly drowned working on one of these impromptu field tests. Maybe it would be best not to tell him…

Gil Grissom sat in his office, staring at a familiar looking form on his desk. He was wondering what he was going to put into his report. He sat back in his chair and once more went over the facts of the case in his mind…

Tammi goes to Melissa’s residence with her husband’s gun and waits near the back fence. Her husband leaves and she confronts Melissa, resulting in a fight that eventually spills one or both women into the pool. Melissa ends up cuffed on top of the air mattress and the two engage in some sort of sexual activity… (That one he had a hard time understanding, and he wasn’t sure if he should even bother including in his report). The mattress is then deflated and Melissa cuts herself as she slides off into the deep end where she probably drowns…

…which made him think of someone important to him, as they all were…

At least Catherine was all right. But he had to shake his head in amazement at what she’d done in the pool. Apparently she’d allowed herself to be dunked. Then Sara had deflated the mattress out from underneath her.

When he’d reported to the hospital, the two women had stumbled over each other in an attempt to accept blame. He’d finally thrown up his hands in frustration. Then he’d given them both the next couple of days off to recover and regroup.

All that trouble just to confirm her theory about the prints on the mattress and the cuts on the dead woman’s legs? Catherine Willows was tenacious. He had to grant her that. Maybe it was his fault for instilling a sense of being so utterly thorough in his team.

He sighed thoughtfully. Back to the report. How was he going to write this up?

Travis comes back after checking his answering machine. He and Tammi have sex? Then Travis ends up in the deep end with the weight belt and cuffs, both of which are removed from his body a short time later.

“So Tammi drowns both Melissa and her wayward husband?” Grissom thought aloud. It was the only explanation that made sense. There was no evidence anyone else was involved. It certainly explained why there were cuff and belt marks on his body.

Tammi swims down to the bodies in the deep end. Does she cuff herself to Melissa’s wrists out of guilt and remorse? End of Tammi. End of story.

A double murder/suicide?

Grissom paused again, thinking about that last part. There was no evidence anyone else had been involved. Tammi had to have done it herself. She appeared to be the last one in the pool. But why?

So many unanswered questions…

So what was he going to put in his report? A wife finds out about her husband’s affair; she drives over to the house of the mistress; she kills the mistress, her husband, and then herself. That seemed to be the abbreviated version.

Gil Grissom sighed. Then he bent over his desk and started writing. In the back of his mind he found himself mildly curious over what really happened out in Melissa’s backyard…

2005; 2020 (written for Melissa Aug 5 ’05; ed. Jul 15 ‘20 by riwa)

Posted in Drowning Stories | Leave a comment

Riwa’s Stories at Patreon 3.8 (5)

Coming July rewards

A story about the mud sisters.
An aquaphile’s confession.
Another Mr. Wayne chapter.
An old West gallows show.
The losers are dispatched in a drowning tournament.
Glass Tub Trio (illustrated by JustPaul).
A wife’s fetish.
Training the desert-dweller.
A dream about a mother and daughter at the club.
Another Whittaker Manor chapter.
And a couple of bonus stories I’m thinking of throwing in.

May stories/rewards will fall off at the end of June to make room for July rewards.

Want to play a game of hide-and-seek with your elderly mother in Walmart? Here’s how you do it.

Drop her off at the door so she can make her way to a motorized cart. Park your vehicle in a spot as close to the door as possible so she will not have far to walk when you leave. Go in and fetch something first (in my case, that would be my prescriptions). Take your meds back out to the car. Go back in and start searching for your mother. Start at one end of the store and work your way toward the other end, hoping she will not double-back on you. Remember the coat she is wearing, as there will be other shoppers in motorized carts. It would be best if you did not go up to one of them and hug them from behind without first making sure she’s your mother.

Cheap entertainment on a Saturday morning.

Thank you so much for being my patrons. And be careful out there. It’s starting to get crazy.

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Loretta’s decision 4.4 (95)

“I’m so glad you could come over,” she told me as she sipped her coffee. “Maybe I shouldn’t tell you this. But you’re the last one on my list.”

I asked, “What do you mean?”

“I’m tired of the whole thing. I just want to end it all.”

“You’re not serious, are you?”

“I sure am. Want to see just how serious I am?”

She got up and led me into the living room. What I saw shocked me. Loretta had never shocked me before.

She had a noose all set up in front of her bay windows, the curtains drawn for the night. A simple wooden chair was underneath, a set of handcuffs lying upon the seat. I looked up to see some sort of pulley system attached to an eye bolt in the ceiling.

“Damn, Loretta. I never thought you’d take it this far.”

“You’re not going to try talking me out of it, are you? Because it wouldn’t do any good.”

I shook my head. “Damn, woman! I can’t believe you!”

“It’s true. I’m hanging myself right after you leave.”

“You wanted me to see this before I left?”

“I wanted you to understand.”

“I’m not sure I do. Why would you show this to me? Unless you wanted me to stay and watch, or something like that.”

We both paused for a long moment. Then she looked at me kind of funny. “Do you want to stay and watch?”

Her question caught me by surprise. “Well, I…” Then I had to think about it.

“You know, I’m not sure.” But a part of me was strangely stirring, a shameful part I hadn’t counted on.

“You’re not sure? You mean you might want to stay and watch me hang after all?”

“Well, I…” Did I really want to admit I was becoming aroused by the idea?

She shook her head. Then she smiled and laughed. It occurred to me I hadn’t seen her smile in weeks. It had been even longer since she’d chuckled.

“Men. I can’t believe you sometimes.”

“We are who we are.” Then we both got quiet again.

I don’t know what made me think it. Did it really matter? But for some reason I just had to ask.

“Are you, uh… are you going to hang in those clothes you’re wearing?”

“Why do you ask?” She paused before adding, “Wait a minute. Are you saying you want to watch me dance naked?”

“Now I didn’t say that,” I stammered, my damned appendage trying to stiffen in my pants.

She laughed again. “Fine with me,” she agreed with a dismissive wave. “I’ll get naked for you, if that’s what you want.”

“Do you really want me to stay? Is that why you’re offering to get naked for me? You know, I can stay either way if you prefer.”

“Oh, I know how you guys think. I don’t mind getting naked for you, especially if it will encourage you to stick around.”

“You really don’t have to.”

“Oh, but I insist.” Now she was becoming playful. I kind of liked it.

There was another awkward silence. It occurred to me she might want more out of me than just to stick around and watch her final minutes. So I quietly asked, “Would you like to be intimate with me before you hang? I’m willing to do that if you wish. I know as friends we’ve never had sex together. But I’m willing if you are.”

Her smile faded. She sadly shook her head. “It’s not necessary. Besides, I don’t think I’d be a very good lay. I haven’t been intimate in years. Hell, I’m not even sure the plumbing works anymore.”

“You might change your mind once you wrap that noose around your neck. You might even like something inside you while you’re hanging.” Now why the hell would I say a thing like that??

She gave me a wry smile. “Like you, you mean?”

I blushed as I stammered for a reply. She smiled as she gave me a dismissive wave… “Oh, don’t worry about it.” Then she paused to think it over.

“You know? I’ve not experienced any kind of sexual pleasure in a long time. But it sure would be nice if I could give pleasure to someone else before I go… someone special.”

“You mean me?”

“Who else would I be referring to at a time like this?”

For a moment I was deeply touched. Then she smiled sheepishly at me. “Are you sure you even want to stick your dick inside me? I might be kind of dry.”

“Wouldn’t that make it painful for you?”

“No more painful than this noose I’m about to wear.” She reached up and grabbed it for emphasis.


She thought about it for a moment. Then she smiled coyly. “So would you like to stick your dick inside me while I’m hanging? I’m already going to be hurting. By then it probably won’t matter much to me. Hell, it might even feel kind of nice, having one last intimate moment with you. Although… I’m not sure how fucking someone in a noose could be considered ‘intimate’.”

“That’s not the only thing to consider, Loretta. What if I cum inside you before you die?”

“You think you might?” She sounded genuinely surprised at that.

“It’s possible, I suppose. If you’re squeezing from the pain, I might enjoy it enough to shoot a load deep inside you.”

She gave me another smile. “That might be kind of fun. But I see your point.”

She waved me over to the couch. “Give me a minute? Have a seat; I’ll be right back.”

I went over and sat down on the couch while she left the room. It got me to wondering what the hell had gotten into me. That’s when it occurred to me Loretta really didn’t want to hang alone. Was it going to make her feel better if I remained and watched?

All this talk about fucking her in the noose felt wrong. But she certainly seemed interested in giving me some sort of pleasure as a parting gift. How could I possibly say no to her? After all, she said she was committed. I was pretty sure she was going to hang herself, with or without me.

She was gone about ten minutes. She returned wearing nothing but a terry cloth robe. In her hand was a pair of latex gloves which she handed over to me.

“I don’t want your fingerprints on anything involved with my hanging. And I added a few more words to my note on the computer. I thanked you for the intimacy and that it made me feel special, although it didn’t change my mind. That’s in case you leave any incriminating evidence behind…”

“Like fingerprints? Or cum in your twat, perhaps?”

“Something like that.”

Her playful smile returned. I wished I could have made it come out years ago. Maybe she wouldn’t have been reduced to this.

She looked me up and down. Then she said, “Well…?”

“Well what, Loretta?”

“Are you going to get undressed? Or are you just going to pull your pants down and fuck me in the noose? After all, I’m nude under this. I think you should be as well.”

“You really want to see me naked?”

“Why not? You’re going to see me nude, aren’t you?”

I smiled. “Just a sec.”

I stood up and quickly got out of my clothes. My dick was shamefully hardening from our discussion. It felt good letting it out of my pants and briefs to breathe free.

She looked at it and smiled. “Not bad. I should’ve fucked you long ago. It’s too bad I’m not going to enjoy it very much.”

I thought about her potential dryness and the pain she might experience. That was funny, considering she was going to be in agony once she couldn’t breathe. So I asked, “Would you rather I didn’t?”

She looked at me and smiled as though reading right through me. “You know? I always got the impression you were willing to fuck me. But neither one of us ever brought it up. After a while, I figured the important parts just wouldn’t work anymore. By then, it was sort of too late. I never thought about it again.”

I nodded as I looked at the chair and the cuffs. She saw what I was looking at and picked them up, fingering them a lot. It made me think to slip on those latex gloves she’d brought out.

She hefted the cuffs in my direction. I walked over to her, a questioning look in my expression. “Here. You’ve got the gloves on now. Would you be so kind as to do the honors? Cuff my wrists behind the back?”

“Right here? Right now? Are you sure?”

“You’re damned right, I’m sure!”

She paused for a moment before reaching up for the noose. “Wait. First, I’d better get my prints on this too while we’re at it.”

I waited as she touched the coil as much as she could. Then she brought her arms behind her back. “This is so you’ll enjoy the full experience. I see your cock hasn’t softened much. It’s kind of making me feel all nice and gooey inside.”

I smiled at her as she let me cuff her wrists behind her back. I looked up at the pulley. Then I asked, “Do you want the chair, Loretta?”

“Not anymore. The pulley will latch once you pull me high enough.”

She paused as she suddenly thought about it. “You’re right,” she finally said. “Better help me up onto it. I probably need to leave some footprints on the seat; right?”

I nodded as I helped her up. She stood upon it and adjusted her position until she was facing the noose. Then she inhaled sharply as though the magnitude of the whole thing had finally gotten through to her.

I saw her hesitancy and spoke up. “Changing your mind, Loretta?”

“Just noose me up, damn you!”

I nodded as I reached up and looped the noose around her neck. That’s when I realized her blonde hair had been immaculately styled. She’d really gone all out for this.

“When did you go to the beauty salon?”

“Yesterday. So nice of you to notice.”

“I’m a guy. We don’t always pay attention to things like that.”

I snugged the coil tight behind her left ear. She stiffened as she inhaled sharply. It seemed she was trembling a little.

“Are you sure you want to go through with this? You haven’t passed the point of no return yet. I can always take you back down, Loretta. You’re free to change your mind if you want to.”

“Woman’s prerogative, right?” Then she looked me right in the eye and said, “Not a chance.”

She looked down at my throbbing erection. I blushed as she smiled at me. “Besides, it certainly doesn’t look like you want to change your mind about watching me hang to death naked. Am I right about that?”

“Don’t mind my reaction, Loretta. It’s your hanging, remember? You’re entitled to rethink your decision.”

“Maybe so. But it’s your pleasure I’m seeking to enhance. This old body can’t do much these days.”

“Damnit, Loretta! You look quite well for your age! You have really nice boobs. The wrinkles are not too bad just yet. And I see you even shaved down below. Did you do that because you wanted to look good for your hanging?”

She smiled bashfully. “You know me all too well, don’t you.”

I sighed heavily. A part of me didn’t want to do this. But another more shameful part did.

“Ok, Loretta. I guess we’re all set. Shall I make it quick?”

“Quick? Heavens no! How the hell do you expect to make a hanging like this ‘quick’, especially with the thick noose I picked out? Besides, I promised you a fuck!”

“So here’s what I want you to do. I want you to take me up off the chair. Then move it out of the way and lower me with the pulley until you can stick that thing inside me.” She nodded at my erection which was now shamefully glistening at the tip.

“Are you sure about this, Loretta?”

“I’m doing this for your sake just as much, if not more, than I’m doing it for myself; ok? Kindly allow me to grant you some pleasure upon watching an old friend hang herself to death. Is that ok with you?”

I held my hands up defensively. “Ok, Loretta. It’s your funeral.”

“Fuh – nee.”

I winced at my remark. She glared at me before the twinkle returned to her eyes.

I chuckled as I shook my head. “Sorry. It just sort of slipped out.”

“I’ll just bet it did. That was bad.”

“Ok. Any last words? I’m not sure you’ll be able to use your voice once you’re in the air and the noose is squeezing your throat closed.”

She ruefully shook her head. “You’re not helping matters any. You’re making this sound worse and worse. Is that because you want me to suffer in the noose? Planning on getting your rocks off?”


“Yes!” she corrected me with a laugh.

I blushed. Then I shook my head. “It’s not going to be fun for you; that’s for sure.”

“Well I’m committed. With you standing there naked and aroused, I want to go out this way more than ever. When you’re done, I want you to open the curtains so the folks out on the main highway will be able to look in the bay windows and enjoy the view.”

“You certainly like to show off, don’t you.”

She panted for breath. I looked down at her crotch. It appeared to be glistening.

“Damn, girl. It looks like you’re getting a little wet down there. Are you sure this isn’t turning you on a little?”

She inhaled sharply. “Will you just get on with it?”

Her chest was starting to heave. It looked as though she was struggling to catch her breath. Instinctively I wanted to delay things. But I didn’t know what else to say.

I carefully reached out and grabbed onto the loose end of the rope. “Last chance to back out.”

She inhaled deeply. There was a brief pause. Then she looked me right in the eye.

“No, darling. Your words say ‘I want to take her down’. But your cock says ‘I want to string her up’. I’m naked, cuffed and noosed, and I’m ready to go. So let’s do something about your erection down there, shall we?”

She forced a smile for me despite her trepidation. “I want you to enjoy yourself; ok? I know it’s going to be at my expense. But I’ve tried to set things up so you don’t get into any kind of trouble over this. Like I say: I was going to do this anyway just as soon as you left. Now I want you to have a good time’ ok? Just make sure you leave the lights on and the curtains open.”

“Ready, Loretta?”

She paused a moment, deep in thought. “Not really, now that I think about it.” Then she sadly nodded.

“I just don’t feel like changing my mind. Now would you be a dear boy and hang this miserable, old woman? Make sure you get some pleasure out of the deal, ok? I’d hate for all this to be in vain should Mr. Lucky down there not enjoy the experience.”

“Loretta, you’re not that old. One of a kind, maybe. But not old.”

“Don’t try to butter me up. I already promised you my cunt while I’m in the air. Now let’s get this show on the road, shall we?”

My cock twitched. She saw it and smiled. “Lucky’s eager to see me hang. So let’s do this.”

I dutifully pulled on the rope without any further hesitation. Loretta went right up off the chair. Her eyes flew open from the pain as her feet started to flutter.

Instinctively I blurted out “I tried to warn you” as I locked the pulley and let her swing. At the last second I remembered to tip the chair over. I had to make it look like she’d done it herself.

Her legs kicked as she swung back and forth. Her chest rose and fell as she tried to get a decent breath down her throat. Her boobs still had enough material to bounce rather sexily.

I was incredibly hard watching her hang. Then I grabbed the rope and worked the pulley loose so I could lower her. I locked the pulley when her feet dangled less than a foot off the floor.

She was shorter than I, which made things easier to keep her in midair. Then I stepped forward until I was almost pressing up against her while offering my erection. She wrapped her legs around me for support, even as she tried to impale herself.

She was definitely dry as I entered her. She actually winced from the pain. Then she rasped for breath as she tried to climb me.

“Want down, Loretta?” Amazingly she shook her head. She partially came up off my cock before slipping back down onto it.

I was sure it must have hurt, especially if she hadn’t fucked anyone in years. But I couldn’t resist reaching out to squeeze and fondle her breasts. They felt good in my hands, as I’d wanted to do this for years now.

She rasped and gurgled, resting as she hung limp while trying to hang onto my body for support. I kept groping her mounds as I thrust up into her. Then I reminded her, “You did want me to enjoy this, didn’t you?”

She nodded her head a little. Then she used her legs to try to climb me. No… she was fucking me… trying to ride me.

I worked the pulley a little until I managed to give her the faintest amount of slack. Her breath rasped a little more. I waited for her to tell me to take her down. But she never did. To be honest, I really didn’t want to take her down.

I actually felt her cunt squeezing my dick. Maybe it was the asphyxiation making her do it. But it felt amazing the way she was working my erection inside her.

It felt so good that I just had to give her some encouragement. “Damn, Loretta! It feels good inside you the way you’re clenching. And seeing you suffer in the noose? It’s just… I’m sorry, but it’s just so fucking sexy! I’m so damned turned on right now!”

I saw a flicker of something appreciative in her eyes. She rasped for breath as I groped her tits. It felt like she was trying to fuck me even harder.

I leaned closer and kissed her lips. I was surprised the way she returned it. She must have been suffering, but she was still cognizant of her actions.

She rasped and gurgled as she rode me harder. I thrust up into her, enjoying the way her pussy kept clenching around my shaft. Her actions became more animated as she fucked me with growing urgency.

She gawked as she squeezed really hard. Then her eyes rolled as she shuddered. I felt cum ooze out of her pussy around my dick.

I looked at her in amazement. “Damn, Loretta! Did you just cum?”

She nodded with tears in her eyes. She seemed grateful. So I thrust harder up into her spasming twat.

She eagerly rode me like that for another couple of minutes. Amazingly she’d become a whore in her last moments… a slut riding the noose. It was utterly incredible.

“Loretta, I’m gonna cum.” I could feel my balls swelling. That’s when she really tried to ride me, clenching like crazy.

I let out a gasp as I thrust hard into her twat. I pumped a massive load deep inside her. She actually shuddered hard in response.

“Loretta, did you just have another…?”

She nodded again. There were more tears in her eyes. But her face was darkening, becoming a disturbing shade of red.

“Should I take you down now?” She shook her head no.

“You really want to go out like this: both of us having cum while you’re hanging in midair?” She nodded again.

“Ok, Loretta. It’s your choice. I just want you to know that I enjoyed fucking you in the noose. And I’m going to enjoy your dance of death. I hope that’s ok with you.”

She nodded as more tears filled her eyes. She even managed a smile. Then I stepped back from her.

She lost her hold on my body as she swung back and forth. I smiled as I stroked while watching her. I hoped it made her feel good knowing I was getting off to her suffering.

She began to kick and swing with more urgency. I stroked harder as she fought the noose. Was she doing it for my benefit? Or was the rope strangling the life out of her?

She began humping the air in my direction. I couldn’t believe it as I stroked even harder. “Damn, Loretta! Was that another one? I think that makes three!”

She humped really hard. Then she abruptly hung limp and lifeless. Her frantic gyrations made her body gently swing back and forth as she began to twist this way and that.

I watched her as stray muscles fired. Her chest heaved a little as her toes fluttered. I smiled sadly as I told her, “I’m right here, Loretta. I’m not going anywhere. I’ll stay right here with you until you’re done.”

I couldn’t tell if she smiled or not. I like to think maybe she tried. Then her bladder gave way, making a mess on the floor.

She dangled quietly, gently twisting and swaying. I went up to her and fingered her cunt. It was wet as hell.

“No more dryness, Loretta.” I fingered her real good, hoping it would please her. But she gave no indication either way.

I moved back and watched for another five minutes. Then I stepped forward and checked for a pulse. There was none.

I slowly got back into my clothes. Then I opened the curtains as she’d requested. Out here on the outskirts of the city, I wasn’t sure who all would get to enjoy the view. But I did it for Loretta.

I caressed her boobs one last time. I even gave her a peck on the lips. Her tongue was protruding a little.

She might have been older. But she couldn’t have looked more sexy. I shook my head, amazed at my own perversion before taking my leave of her.

2021 (written May 5 ’21 by riwa)

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3 Drjs and Janet stories 4.2 (24)

Drowning Janet

Janet swam the lake every day at about the same time. It was easy to don my scuba gear and wait for her. Sure enough, she came out at her usual time.

I swam underneath her, watching her form. I tried not to make too many exhalations in case she might discover my presence. There was just enough of a breeze that I don’t think she noticed me.

The longer I watched her, the more aroused I became. My cock strained in my swim trunks. The thought of drowning her became too much for me to overcome.

I came up underneath her and grabbed an ankle, jerking her under. I caught her totally by surprise. She really bubbled as she tried to kick free.

I let her go and watched as she reached the surface. I pulled on her ankle the moment she’d taken a breath. She never got the opportunity to cry out.

I pulled her down, enjoying the way she struggled in my grasp. I especially enjoyed grabbing her ankle and pulling her under. It made her nipples protrude through the top of her suit.

I let her go and she shot back up. I let her get a quick breath before I pulled her back down. The more I teased her with quick gasps for breath, the more she struggled and the more aroused I became.

I grabbed her wrists, holding them behind her back. I kept her just below the surface. She spewed bubbles as she tried to kick up. But I kept pulling her down so she couldn’t quite reach the air she needed.

I pulled her deeper, enjoying her sexy struggles. Then I pulled the top of her suit down, exposing those gorgeous mounds. She cried out as she tried to kick her way back to the surface.

I allowed her head to pop up long enough for a long, sexy gasp. Then I pulled her back down. That’s when she began to tire.

She kicked feebly as she struggled in my grasp. Sometimes her hair reached the surface, and sometimes she got up as high as her forehead. But I never let her breathe again.

I watched as the last of her sexy bubbles came out of her mouth. Then she started hitching and gurgling. I kept her just below the surface as she looked upward. That’s when my cock went off.

I held her right there, allowing her to see the surface mere inches above her head. She spasmed and convulsed in my grasp. Then the last of her air slipped out of her mouth.

I finned Janet down to the bottom of the lake. There were some reeds down there that looked appealing. I tucked her in, making it look like she’s swam down and gotten all hung up. Then I kissed her lips along with both of her erect nipples before I headed back to shore.


Barbara helps me drown Janet

Barbara didn’t like Janet very much. I think she was jealous of her. She wanted me to get rid of her, but I was having too much fun fucking her.

Barbara found out Janet and I were out at the lake at our cabin. We liked to play in the water, and we liked to suck and fuck while holding our breath. We were in the water a few yards from our cabin when Barbara showed up.

Janet’s back was to the shore, so she didn’t see Barbara. That meant she didn’t see her take off all her clothes. Barbara put a finger to her lips, indicating I should be quite and not tell Janet.

Janet was sitting in my lap, impaled on my cock. She wanted to go under and hold her breath. So I pushed her backward and fucked her underwater.

Barbara waited until I let Janet back up. She carefully waded out to us until she was right behind Janet. Once more she held a finger to her lips.

I looked at Barbara as though I wasn’t sure I wanted to go through with it. I knew exactly what she was thinking about. Then she made the decision for me.

She got on her knees before pulling Janet over backward, forcing her flat on her back underwater. Then she looked at me and said, “Now fuck this bitch while I drown her sorry ass!” She pushed down on her wrists, making sure Janet couldn’t get back up.

At first I was going to tell her no. But I got excited thinking about watching Janet drown. My cock got really hard.

“Cmon!” Barbara urged. “Fuck the breath right out of her!” So I tweaked Janet’s erect nipples. Then I slid my cock right into her.

Janet was horrified as she looked up at us. She really clenched as I fucked her pussy. “Enjoy it, bitch!” Barbara called down to her. “This will be your last fuck, so you might as well enjoy yourself.”

Barbara had this gleeful look on her face as I thrust in and out of the woman she hated. Janet’s eyes opened wider and wider. Her cheeks bulged as her chest heaved. Then she spewed bubbles out of her nose.

Her mouth opened up and she lost all her breath. Then she started convulsing as she went into seizures. Barbara was so turned on watching her drown that I heard her give out an orgasmic cry as she creamed the water between her legs.

My cock went off inside Janet as she drowned in our grasp. Afterwards she just laid there, staring up at the sky with a vacant expression. “I get your cum,” Barbara declared with excitement.

She pushed me aside and got a really big breath. Then she went underwater. I saw her lick Janet’s pussy as though she was trying to suck out all my cream.

I was hit with a sudden burst of inspiration. I pushed down on Barbara’s head so she couldn’t lift it back up. Then I told her, “I think Janet wants you to drown with your face buried in her twat, Barbara.”

Bubbles came up as Barbara struggled. But I made sure she couldn’t get her head up. A moment later there was this huge burst of bubbles. Then she went into convulsions as she started to drown.

She hitched and convulsed as I kept pushing down on her head. I stuck my fingers in her pussy and fingered her. I could feel her clenching as she continued to drown. Then she went still.

I let go of her body, thinking she might float to the surface. But she stayed right there on top of Janet with her face buried in Janet’s muff. I guess both of their lungs had flooded. It ended up turning into a nice two-for-one for me.


Janet drowns Barbara

Barbara was Janet’s best friend. But Janet found out Barbara had been seeing me behind her back. Janet was supposed to be my girlfriend. But Barbara and I liked to fuck.

Janet lured Barbara out to our cabin on the lake. She said she had to go back to town in an hour. But I was coming out for a visit, and Janet asked if Barbara would be willing to entertain me for a while.

Barbara’s eyes gleamed. She figured Janet didn’t know. So she told her, “I’d be happy to stay out here until your boyfriend arrives.”

Janet talked her into a swim. So they headed out to the lake. They swam around a while in their bikinis.

Janet took off Barbara’s bikini top. Then she tied her wrists behind her back. Barbara thought she was just playing. But the game suddenly took a turn for the worse.

Janet forced Barbara to the bottom of the lake. They were in shallow water, but it was well above Barbara’s head while she was flat on her back. That’s when Janet removed Barbara’s bottoms and then started fucking her pussy with her fingers.

Barbara could hardly believe it. Her eyes opened wide as she shook her head. Her cheeks bulged as she tried to hold her breath.

‘That’s it, Barbara!” Janet bubbled excitedly as she looked down on her. “Now give me all your air as you cum.”

Barbara’s head went from side to side. Air burst out of her mouth once… twice… then a third time as she couldn’t hold it any longer. Then she started hitching and gurgling.

Janet finger-fucked her hard while bubbling with excitement. Barbara’s pussy clenched violently around her fingers in her twat. She had seizures as she spasmed painfully. Then her pussy gushed as she went limp in Janet’s grasp.

Janet made sure Barbara was not going to surface. Then she left her there. She went inside the cabin to wait for me.

When I got there she greeted me with a kiss and a hug. I asked, “Where’s Barbara?”

“Oh, she’s out having a little swim,” Janet told me with a knowing smile.



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