The Seductress 3 4.4 (36)


I drove Mrs. Walker around the lake and across the dam to the inlet where her daughter Carly and I had enjoyed our naughty swims. I liked having her with me. She was much nicer than her daughter.

I drove up the dirt road to the inlet, wondering what was going to happen next. I was willing to show her where Carly and I had enjoyed our swims. But then I began to question just how much her daughter might have told her.

Did she want more information about the time I’d spent out here with her daughter? I started to become self-conscious all over again. Why did she want to see the inlet? What good would it do?

I reached the inlet and pulled off into a parking spot. Then I shut off the engine. Mrs. Walker looked all around before asking, “This is the place where you two swam?”

Did she want to know more about our sexual antics in the water? I gulped as I nodded, “Yes, ma’am.”

“Oh, Robert! Please don’t be so formal with me out here at the lake. You make me feel like an old woman.”

“I’m sorry, Mrs. Walker. It’s just that I was taught…”

“And don’t call me Mrs. Walker either! I’d prefer it if you called me Karen.”

“Yes, Mrs. W… er, uh… Karen. Sorry… force of habit.”

“You’re always so polite, Robert.”

“I guess that’s the way I was raised.”

“Then I think your parents raised you right.”

She looked at the water as we sat in the car. Then she asked, “Would you mind if we got out and looked around?”

“Don’t you need to be getting home?”

“We’ve got time, Robert… that is, unless you’ve got to be somewhere.”

“Uh… no; I don’t have to be anywhere. Uh… let me get out and get your door, Mrs. er, uh… Karen.”

I opened the door and climbed out. “You’re so thoughtful, Robert.”

“Thank you.”

For a moment I couldn’t help pausing to look in at her. Seeing her sitting there in the passenger seat in her yellow one-piece with that cleavage showing, as well as those exposed thighs, didn’t help matters any. What made it even worse was the way her nipples seemed to be protruding through the top of her swimsuit.

She smiled as she asked, “Is something wrong?”

“Uh, no… not at all.”

I went around and opened her door. She thanked me as she climbed out. Then she walked ahead of me down to the shoreline.

She pointed across the inlet as she called out, “I see the raft over there, Robert. Is that the one you used with Carly? I think she told me it’s the same one you use when you like to swim by yourself here in the inlet.”

“That’s the one,” I replied as I walked down to the shoreline to stand next to her. “It looks like it got hung up on the other shore. Maybe somebody left it there on purpose?”

I felt awkward and a little uncomfortable. She was so damned attractive! I self-consciously left a little bit of room between us as we stood there looking across the inlet.

She turned to me and smiled. “We have time to swim across and retrieve it; don’t we? You said you don’t have to be home right away.”

“We’ve got plenty of time,” I replied, trying to please her.

A part of me wondered if maybe I should take her home. But I wanted to see her in the water again. Besides, she was being way nicer than Carly had been today.

She slipped out of her sandals before I could say a word. Then she began wading out into the water. I slipped out of my shoes and followed her, even though I could feel a bulge starting to develop. I just hoped I wouldn’t embarrass myself.

She began doing a breast stroke across the inlet. So I followed her lead. She turned and smiled at me as she told me, “I hope you don’t mind, Robert. But I’m really enjoying our little swim together. It’s so nice being able to get into the water without having to keep a watchful eye over all the teens in the youth group.”

I thought about the way she’d stood up for me back when her daughter had made fun of me. “I appreciate your kindness, Mrs. Walker.”

She turned to give me a dirty look. I quickly blurted out, “Karen – Karen; I meant to say Karen!” She just laughed, which helped put me a bit more at ease despite my stiffening cock in my suit.

We finally reached the raft. It was indeed hung up on the shore. She looked at me before asking, “Help me push it back out into deeper water?”

We pulled it away from shore. Then we began kicking it out into the middle of the inlet. The way she seemed to be enjoying herself helped me not to think of her as a woman almost twice as old as I was.

We reached the middle of the inlet. She smiled at me before climbing up onto the raft. I climbed on with her.

She surprised me by hollering out, “Geronimowww!” Then she jumped off into the water, landing with a big splash. I jumped off a short distance away, making sure not to land on top of her.

We laughed as we climbed back onto the raft before jumping off again. We ended up doing that several times. We even tried diving off with our arms outstretched.

We did that for a few minutes until my cock softened. I was really enjoying myself. I especially liked being in the water and watching her dive in, disappearing at the surface before coming back up in a big burst of bubbles.

After the last dive, we swam to the edge of the raft. We clung to the side with our arms folded upon it. She looked at me and smiled, indicating she still seemed to be having fun.

She caught me by surprise when she asked, “Can you show me the way you went under and held your breath with Carly? Could I see that?”

“Sure, no problem!” After all, I wanted to do anything I could to please her. So I filled my lungs before submerging.

I braced myself underneath the edge of the raft as I held my breath. I thought I heard a gasp up at the surface. A moment later Mrs. Walker came down to join me.

She smiled at me, releasing bubbles out of her mouth and nose. She watched me as I stayed under for the longest time. But she finally ran out of breath and had to surface.

I pulled myself back up until I was clinging onto the side of the raft with her. She smiled as she told me. “That was pretty good, Robert. How long were you down there?”

I smiled regretfully as I told her I’d forgotten to time myself. She replied, “Can you do it again? Can you time us both? I want to see how long I can hold my breath with you.”

“Sure; why not?” Again, I wanted to please her.

My cock had stiffened in my trunks again. I definitely wanted to see Mrs. Walker underwater. But what if I got way too excited while watching her hold her breath?

I counted us down. Then we both filled our lungs and submerged. Together we braced ourselves under the raft as I made sure to note the time on my watch.

She proved to be much better at holding her breath than I’d anticipated. I figured that was because she came out to the lake a lot. After all, she came out with her daughter and the youth group.

I found myself wanting to show off to impress her. So I stayed down for as long as I could. Amazingly, Mrs. Walker stayed right with me.

We were close enough for me to notice how hard her nipples had become under the material of her suit. My cock stiffened even more. I could only hope she wouldn’t notice.

She finally released a burst of bubbles. Then she slipped out from underneath the raft. I noted the time before I came up as well.

She panted quietly for breath as she murmured, “It’s been a while since I deliberately tried to hold my breath.” Then she looked at me before asking, “How long was I down there?”

I checked my watch. “A minute eighteen. That’s not bad.”

“Not bad at all,” she agreed. “I found myself becoming excited the longer I stayed down. Is that the way it is with you? At least that’s what I overheard my daughter telling someone.”

I blushed as I nodded my head. I suspected she might have seen my bulge. I tried to mumble an apology, but she just waved it off dismissively.

“No need to apologize, Robert. It’s perfectly natural if you get excited.” Then she conspiratorially moved closer to me.
“Can I tell you something in confidence?” I nodded, still wanting to please her. “I was kind of hoping part of your arousal was because of my presence out here with you. Is that true?”

“Well, to tell you the truth…” and I blushed even more.

“You’re sweet,” she said with a chuckle as she caressed my face. “Would you mind if we tried it again? I’d like to see if I can improve my time underwater.”

She seemed sincere despite the little warning voice in my head. I didn’t want to cut our swim short, especially since we were both enjoying ourselves. So I told her, “Sure; why not?”

“Great! Count us down, Robert. This time I want to stay down for as long as I can.”

I checked my watch as I counted us down. We both inhaled deeply at “one.” Then we submerged together, bubbles coming up from our mouths and noses.

We both went under the raft again. This time she got closer to me. She reached out and touched my shoulder, smiling as she released a couple of nose bubbles.

I smiled back at her. Then she lightly touched my chest. It felt electric, and my cock twitched in my suit.

She wriggled her chest at me as though asking, “Like what you see?” I smiled as my cock stiffened even more. I certainly enjoyed looking at the cleavage on display.

She suddenly ran a hand all over me. I felt electric jolts of sexual excitement. Her touch made my cock stiffen so much that she reached out and grabbed my bulge.

She groped me through my suit, smiling as though she was enjoying herself. A part of me thought we were treading into dangerous territory. But I liked what she was doing so much that I couldn’t make myself stop.

She started losing more bubbles as her chest heaved. I was getting close to running out of air myself. But I felt like I could outlast her if I pushed myself. Besides, I needed to stay down long enough for my bulge to soften at least a little.

She finally slipped out from underneath the raft and surfaced. I noted the time as I pushed myself a few seconds longer. Then I surfaced.

She was panting loudly as she smiled at me. “That was a long one… although you still beat me. How long was I down that time?”

“You went past a minute and a half.” I figured she would like that number.

She smiled happily as she panted, “That’s improvement over my last time, right?” I nodded that it was.

“I’d like to be able to stay down as long as you can, Robert. Would you mind if we tried it again? I need the practice.”

A very faint voice in the back of my head suggested that might not be such a good idea. But I loved the attention I was receiving. And I especially liked the way she was coming on to me.

I hesitated, trying to give her every opportunity to recognize the danger of the situation and to call it a day. She just caressed my chest as she told me, “It’s been a while since I concentrated on trying to hold my breath. It helps if I have someone to do it with. You don’t mind, do you?”

“Uh… no. I don’t mind at all.” But I think that was my dick doing all the talking.

She started taking deep breaths. So I followed her lead. She counted us down before we went under together.

Once more, we worked our way underneath the raft. She went right back to touching my chest while rubbing my bulge. It didn’t feel appropriate, but I found myself liking it too much to stop.

There was no way I was going to soften now. I just hoped I wouldn’t cum and embarrass myself.

She moved closer until she grabbed onto my sides. She slid deeper down along my body until my bulge was positioned in her chest between her mounds. Then she went up and down, smiling up at me as she released the occasional bubble out of her nose.

That little voice was so far away that I was barely able to hear it. I knew what I was doing… what we were doing. But I just couldn’t make myself stop.

Mrs. Walker suddenly pulled a strap down off her shoulder, revealing her right breast. Then she did the same to her left. She went back to rubbing her breasts against me, holding onto my body to keep from drifting up as I braced us down under the raft.

It certainly seemed like we were submerged a lot longer. Then she pulled the top of my suit down. The tip of my cock peeked out and said hello.

She kissed the tip as her stomach rippled. Her chest heaved as she kissed it again. For a moment she squeezed her mounds around what was showing above the top of my suit. Then she lost a huge burst of air.

At first I thought she was going to hit her head under the raft. Somehow she avoided it as she shot up. My lungs were heaving as I slipped out and surfaced with her.

We both gasped for breath as we clung to the floating wooden structure. “How’d I do that time, Robert?”

I looked at the watch, my eyes widening in surprise. “Wow! It says 2:18.”

“I knew it!” she crowed triumphantly. “I knew if I got a little naughty and distracted myself I’d be able to stay down longer! Let’s go again!”

My mind immediately considered what might happen next if we went back down. But I hardly acknowledged that faint warning voice in the back of my head. I was too shamefully turned on. Besides, my cock was doing most of the thinking for me.

Staring at her exposed tits didn’t do me any favors. And she was being so nice to me. If she wasn’t going to stop, I decided I was going to play along until she felt like we needed to go.

We both took deep breaths. Then I counted us down. We inhaled deeply and then submerged, bubbles trickling up out of our noses.

She held onto me as I worked us underneath the raft. I guess a part of me thought it was a safe enough place hidden below the surface for whatever was going to happen between us. I wasn’t paying attention, so I hadn’t noticed whether or not there was anyone else on the lake in our immediate vicinity.

She pulled my suit down until my cock was fully exposed. She sandwiched it between her breasts, squeezing them together. Then she just sort of held that position as she smiled up at me.

What else could I do? I smiled down at her, enjoying the view. I figured she was doing it as a way to distract herself so she could stay down for as long as possible.

She began slipping, losing her grip on me. She grabbed my sides and slowly moved up and down against my erection. My cock kept twitching at what she was doing while enjoying the warmth of her exposed chest.

She slid down a little lower. Her mouth got dangerously close to the tip of my shaft. It twitched when she planted a big kiss upon it. Then she licked it.

My dick began to bounce and shiver as she ministered to it. She looked up at me and grinned, bubbles trickling out of her nose. I think she was fully enjoying the kind of effect she was having on me.

She took it between her lips as she sucked just the tip of it. She came off a couple times, the suction resulting in a few bubbles slipping past her lips. Then she took me deeper into her mouth.

I moaned as I thrust instinctively between her lips. She eyed me coyly as she took me even deeper. I realized I was in the process of getting an underwater blowjob from a married woman. But I just couldn’t stop myself. So I mentally put all the responsibility squarely upon her shoulders.

The more I thrust, the deeper she took me. She hummed and vibrated my shaft with her mouth. It sent electric shocks of sexual energy coursing through me.

She took me deeper until her lips brushed my balls. I felt her tongue lap at the bottom of my ball sac. It felt incredible.

For a moment I stopped thinking about holding my breath. Instead, I just concentrated on the underwater blowjob I was receiving. It was fantastic!

I soon noticed her stomach starting to ripple. She was running out of breath. Little bursts of bubbles came out of her nostrils.

Her chest began to spasm. But the more her breasts bounced, the harder she sucked my cock. I tried to hold back the best I could. But it was just no use.

I exploded in her mouth, jetting a huge load that had accumulated from our time together. There was so much that a little leaked out past her lips. Then she pushed me away and shot up to the surface, barely avoiding hitting the edge of the raft.

Somehow I was able to consciously note the time on my watch. Then I shot up as well. She was panting heavily for breath when I joined her.

“Damn, Robert! That was a huge load! I tried to swallow it all, but I guess a little leaked out.”

An expression of guilt must have crossed my face. She looked at me and smiled. “So how long was I down there?”

“Over two and a half minutes, Mrs. er, uh… Karen. In fact, it was pretty close to 2:40.”

“I never would have made it without your help, Robert. You gave me such a wonderful distraction. By focusing on something else, it made me forget I was down there holding my breath.”

“I’m, uh… I’m glad I was helpful.”

“Oh, you certainly were! I’m just glad I could make up for my daughter’s mean-spiritedness. Carly’s such a fool.”

Guilt and self-consciousness made me look in the direction of the shore. She looked at me and sighed. “Yes, I suppose we’d better be getting back. Thanks for swimming with me, Robert. Help me push the raft into shore for the next person to use?”

Together we kicked it to the shoreline. I made sure my suit was pulled back up as she adjusted the top of her suit back into place. Then we waded to shore and got into our shoes.

We went up to the car and used the damp towels as best we could. Then I drove her home. She kept telling me how thankful she was that I let her swim with me. She also expressed how sorry she was over the way her daughter had treated me.

I dropped her off, my face reddening at the thought her husband might be home. She thanked me again before telling me she hoped our swim had taken the sting out of her daughter’s actions. I thanked her for her kindness. Then I drove away, wondering how the hell I was going to process what had just happened between us out at the lake.

2021 (written Oct 23 ’21 by riwa. Renders courtesy of JustPaul.)

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Girl’s night out 3 4.4 (77)

I follow her into the room and am astonished at what I see. It’s not very big. But there are four posts sticking up in the four corners.

Nine or ten women are inside. A naked woman sits elevated in front of each of the four posts. Her arms appear to be attached to cuffs along the sides of the length of the post she’s attached to. What she sits on barely qualifies as a seat.

Three of them are in the process of being strangled with a cord that appears to attach to the post. The fourth has a bag over her head. Two of the strangled girls are having their crotches licked as they struggle to breathe, their legs forcibly spread open.

“What the hell is this??” I whisper to the brunette.

“One of the garrote rooms,” she replies quietly. “There are several in the building. This is one of the smaller ones. Not as many women inside. This way you can see what is happening to the other girls from any post in the room.”

Chapter 3

I stand there stunned as I look all around. I can hardly believe four naked women are in the process of being strangled, garroted or bagged. Their “handlers”, if you can call them that, are in the process of depriving them of their very breath.

I have a hard time staring at one of them longer than a few seconds. A gasp or a sudden rustling sound pulls my attention to another. There are grunts and moans; a small, breathless orgy far different than what occurred back in what I call the mattress room.

I look over at the brunette who looks from one post to another. There’s a smile on her face as though she’s all turned on over what she’s witnessing. She doesn’t seem the least bit interested in going up to any one of those poor girls to intervene.

I quietly stammer, “I… shouldn’t… I mean, shouldn’t we stop them?”

“Why would we want to do a thing like that?”

“Look at the way they’re squirming and strangling!”

“Don’t worry. I’m sure they all want to be around to witness the main event. They’ll be fine.”

“How can you be so sure?”

“I’ve seen it before. For instance, look at that one over there. See how she rides the metal probe up her butt while she’s being strangled? Watch; I think she’s going to cum!”

I stare at a lovely brunette with wavy hair and small breasts. As I look closer I can see her cleanly shaved snatch is wet and dripping. It looks like she’s impaled on a metal post that goes up into her…

“Is she riding it? Is it up her ass?” I can’t quite believe it!

“Just look at the way her pussy is winking at us.”

The blonde standing behind her catches us watching. She eases up on the rope wrapped around her victim’s throat. The brunette relaxes as she pants for breath.

The blonde waves us closer. “Wanna see? She has really intense anal orgasms, especially when I’m strangling her. Watch this!”

She leans close and whispers into her ear, “Come for our newcomers, Jenna. Show them how hard a whore like you cums with a rod up her ass while she can’t breathe.”

I notice the rope tighten around the poor girl’s neck. Her eyes open wider. A moment later it looks like she starts to animatedly ride the post impaled inside her.

The blonde behind her tightens the rope. Jenna’s naked body becomes more frantic. Her arms begin to shake as though she’s trying to free them from the cuffs attached to either side of the post.

She rasps for breath until no more sound comes out of her. She immediately starts to buck and shudder. Her legs are parted just enough for me to see her pussy wink like crazy before the blonde eases off the rope around her throat.

“That is so fucking hot!” my brunette companion pants. “Do you mind?”

“Not at all,” the blonde chuckles as she motions with a gesture. “Help yourself.”

To my shock, the brunette climbs into Jenna’s lap. Then she starts kissing her while fondling her boobs. That’s when the blonde starts tightening the rope around her throat again.

Jenna tries to return the kiss. But she has trouble breathing. My companion continues kissing her deeply as though she doesn’t care.

Jenna begins to buck and shudder. The brunette moans in her lap as she gropes her while kissing her. Then the blonde eases off on the rope, allowing the poor thing to catch her breath.

“Sexy as hell,” my companion pants breathlessly as she climbs off. “Thanks for the ride.”

“I’m betting Jenna loved it too; right, baby?” Jenna just pants for breath, her eyes a little glazed over.

“How about you?” my companion asks as she motions me to climb aboard. “Want to go for a ride as well?”

I’m shamefully turned on. But I can’t make myself violate Jenna’s personal space. “Thanks, but I’ll pass.”

“Suit yourself,” the blonde replies with a grin. “If you don’t mind, I’m going to take her around the block for another spin.” Then she starts tightening the rope around her neck yet again.

Jenna’s eyes widen as she starts to rasp for breath. Is she terrified? Or is she too drugged out on orgasms to care all that much? It’s kind of hard to tell.

I stare in amazement as the blonde takes Jenna through another orgasmic cycle. The poor thing furiously rides that post up her butt as her face turns red again. Jenna’s nipples are incredibly erect.

“How often…?” I start to ask, motioning at the poor thing being strangled.

Her handler replies, “As many times as I want. I try not to push her too hard. But it’s just so damned erotic watching her cum again and again as I strangle her.” Then she slowly tightens the rope even more.

I stand there mesmerized as Jenna fights where she sits. She rocks back and forth, but she can’t go anywhere. Her eyes roll as her tongue protrudes. Her face looks disturbingly red.

She bucks and shudders through what clearly is another orgasm. I turn to make an observation to my companion. But she’s over in the lap of the girl in the adjacent corner riding yet another post.

“Thanks,” I blurt out.

“Don’t mention it,” the blonde chuckles. “I know Jenna sure won’t. She can hardly breathe enough to say a single word.”

I step over to stay close to my companion. She’s in the lap of a girl with short, dark hair and boobs much larger than Jenna’s. This one has a bag over her face.

I watch the bag inflate and deflate as my companion kisses her through the plastic. The handler standing nearby is a woman with longer, brown hair and boobs almost as big. As if to explain, she motions at me and says, “Dylan loves it when girls kiss her while I’m bagging her.”

The brunette really gets into kissing the poor thing. The bag inflates and deflates rapidly as though Dylan is trying to pull air down her windpipe. She, too, begins to struggle with my companion in her lap.

The bag pulls tight against her face; she’s almost sucking it into her mouth. She becomes animated as she struggles against the inevitable. My companion is the one who finally loosens the bag around her head, allowing it to inflate so she can breathe again.

“So hot,” her handler observes. “She loves it. Being tied to the post with that metal pipe up her cunt? She fucking loves it!”

My companion waves me closer. “Feel these,” she says as she hefts the boobs in her hands. “I’ll bet these would bounce divinely in the hanging pit.” Then she asks the handler, “Is she going to hang tonight?”

“I don’t think so. But you know how this place can get to you. This is our fourth time here. I don’t see how we can keep coming back without her finally going crazy and dancing for everyone out in the hanging pit. Maybe tonight?”

“Not tonight,” Dylan pants with a shake of her head, her eyes open with alarm. Her handler just giggles as she pulls the bag back down around her head. She almost seals it tight around her throat before all but choking her with her hands.

My companion eagerly rides her as she goes in for another long kiss through the plastic. “Go ahead,” her handler motions at me. “Grope her tits if you want to.” I’m not really sure I want to take part. But two handlers have now suggested I give it a try.

Somewhat reluctantly, I reach in and fondle her breasts. Dylan moans as the bag starts to inflate/deflate faster. She begins to put up a struggle despite her helplessness.

“She won’t break,” her handler assures me. I grope her tits harder. I’m embarrassed, yet for some reason I’m also turned on.

Poor Dylan is under a triple assault. It isn’t long before the bag is suctioned tightly against her face again. Her mouth opens in a grimace as she tries to breathe. All she succeeds in doing is pulling more of the plastic inside.

She shakes her head as she struggles against the cuffs to the post she’s up against. She bucks as her eyes roll. Then the bag is loosened, and she inhales tiredly.

The brunette climbs out of her lap. She kisses the handler, offering her a word of appreciation for the ride. I mumble an incoherent “thanks” for being allowed to grope the young woman.

We step away as the handler comes around and climbs into the lap of her victim. The bag is adjusted back into place. Then they go at it, kissing each other as the woman in the short, dark hair tries to breathe.

It finally occurs to me just how wet and aroused I’ve become. I’m embarrassed as hell. But for some reason I can’t look away.

The bag deflates; the bound woman becomes more animated. Her friend/handler kisses her lips harder through the plastic. I just stand there and watch, unsure what to do with myself.

Once again it dawns on me my companion has moved on to another girl in the room. I look around and see Jenna is getting strangled again. But the brunette is not over there watching.

To my left is another post. My companion is right there on her knees. She’s licking out some tatted up bitch with short, purple hair.

This one has some dark-haired woman garroting her as she stands behind the post. A long-haired blonde is busy sucking on her erect nipples. My escort is feasting on a cleanly shaved cunt.

I stare incredulously. By now I should probably not be surprised by what I’m witnessing in here. But it’s still amazing how one girl can have the breath choked out of her while others abuse her sexually.

She rasps for breath, but she can’t form any words. She wriggles and squirms on the post she’s impaled upon. It looks to me like she’s also impaled up the ass as my companion’s tongue is plowing a furrow between her labia.

The tatted chick keeps trying to breathe. Apparently her throat is not entirely closed off. But I’d say she’s not nearly getting the air she needs.

The blonde feasts on a nipple while she fondles both breasts. My companion licks and slurps with abandon. That’s when the poor thing’s eyes start to roll.

I don’t know what I was expecting from a woman with such colorful tattoos. But her orgasm is obvious. The dark-haired woman behind her gasps, “Yeah!” as she begins to buck and shudder.

I’m concerned they’ve gone too far when the poor thing abruptly goes still. The rope around her throat is lessened. Her chest rises and falls as she works to get her breath back.

The blonde and brunette don’t bother stopping their assault on her. Her handler looks at me and smiles. She motions at her as she says, “Amber here is a wild one. I won’t be a bit surprised if she ends up kicking it up out in the hanging pit later tonight.”

My eyes open wide in astonishment. “Really?”

“She fucking loves it. I thought she was going to hang last time. She chickened out at the last minute. I’m not sure about tonight though. Oh… I think they want to make her cum again. Ok; hold on, Amber!”

She slowly tightens the coil around the purple-haired woman’s throat. Once more she begins to rasp for breath. The blonde and my companion keep attending to her as though they can’t get enough.

It looks like it becomes harder for her to breathe. Her chest rises and falls as she struggles against the post. Her eyes roll as she tries to say something. But no words will come.

I recognize the word fuck as her lips move. Then her body shudders hard. She looks like she’s fighting to break free of the post she’s attached to.

The blonde moans with a nipple in her mouth. She appears to bite down, causing Amber to flinch. Then my companion pulls away, her mouth dripping with fluid.

She uses her arm to wipe most of it off. The blonde pulls her upright and kisses her. She appears to lick much of the fluid off the brunette’s face.

“Damn; she’s a squirter! I almost got some in my eyes! She cums really hard when you strangle her, doesn’t she!”

“She sure does,” the handler nods with a wicked grin.

“Cums like a fucking train!” the blonde agrees.

I look at her in confusion. “What makes her cum so hard?”

“It’s the asphyxiation,” her handler explains. “Having your breath cut off like that does incredible things to your body.”

“In what way?” I’m still not sure I understand.

The brunette smiles at me as she tells me, “Well for starters, it makes her cunt clench like crazy.”

“It does?”

“Why don’t you show her?” my companion tells the dark-haired one manning the rope behind the post.

“Stick your fingers inside her cunt,” the handler tells me.

I blush… “Oh, I couldn’t.”

“Sure you can!” the brunette says as she grabs my arm and pulls me close. “Don’t go all shy on me now, not after what you did in that big room with the mattress!”

“Just stick ‘em inside,” the blonde chuckles as she caresses Amber’s mounds. “Leeza here will tighten the rope for you.”

“Go on; she won’t bite. She’ll probably love it!”

I kneel in front of her before nervously sticking a finger inside. “Put three of them in there!” the blonde says with a hint of irritation. “You want to find out what goes on in there; am I right?”

My face goes red as I push three fingers deep inside. The handler smiles as she says, “Here goes. I’ll even go nice and slow. You won’t have to wriggle them or anything.”

I look at the brunette but she just smiles and nods as though it’s all right. Amber certainly seems to have no objections. The blonde goes right back to sucking on a nipple. My brunette companion quickly joins her by sucking on the other one.

I feel muscle tissue begin to tighten. The rope has become snug around her throat. Amber begins to pant and moan a little.

I feel her clench a little harder. The rope appears to have tightened even more. I stare right at it, watching as Amber’s handler slowly increases the tension.

Her cunt clenches even more. Then she starts to rasp for breath. The blonde and my brunette companion noisily slurp on her erect nipples as though enjoying what the poor thing is going through.

Amber struggles to get a decent breath of air down her throat. Her cunt really clenches around my fingers. My eyes widen in wonder.

The handler chuckles at me. “This should really get her.” Then she tightens it even more.

Amber appears to stiffen against her post. Her arms jerk in vain against the cuffs on either side of it. Her back arches a little as her eyes roll.

Her pussy clenches really hard. Then the crazy bitch squirts again. My hand is soaked as fluid reaches my chest and tummy.

“Fuck yeah!” her handler gasps as the rope loosens around Amber’s throat. “Now fuck her with your fingers. One more ought to send her right into orbit.”

The coil abruptly tightens around Amber’s throat. The blonde and brunette just keep sucking on her incredibly erect nipples. The bound woman starts to hump and moan.

I hesitantly thrust my fingers in and out. Amber wriggles even more. The rope around her throat tightens as she rasps for breath.

I can’t believe I’m actually taking part in this! It’s more erotic than I could have possibly imagined. Some of my shyness ebbs away as I thrust even harder.

Amber bucks and shudders in the chair. Her eyes roll as her mouth opens in a silent scream. She’s all tensed up, her cunt clenched tightly around my fingers.

There’s another flush of fluids that sprays out, soaking me again. Amber abruptly sags as though she’s lost all consciousness. Her handler lets out a muffled curse as she loosens the coil from around her neck.

I watch as Amber barely moves. Then her chest rises and falls as she starts to breathe quietly. “Fuck, that was hot!” the blonde pants.

“Fucking incredible!” my companion agrees.

“She’s really soaked down here,” I remark, feeling a little embarrassed.

The blonde and her handler help Amber out of the cuffs. They slowly lift her up until the metal post impaled up her ass comes into view. Amber lets out a sigh and a moan as they help her take up a spot on the floor to collect herself.

I stare clinically at the post. There isn’t much to sit on, other than the metal probe-looking object that sticks up. “Other rooms have better seats,” my brunette companion explains. “This room is basic and a bit uncomfortable. But you’d be surprised who likes to come in here.”

I nod with understanding. Then I stare at the rope up near the top of the post. “Quite the strangulation device.”

“It works for strangling, bagging, or choking,” my companion tells me. “You can bag ‘em, strangle ‘em, or just use the popular ‘hands on’ approach.”

“Maybe she’d like to try it out?”

I look up in shock at the handler who’s grinning lewdly at me. The blonde murmurs something about how hard I might cum. Amber looks up at me from her position on the floor and smiles tiredly as she tells me, “I’d love to see you try it. I bet you’d cum so fucking hard!”

My brunette companion looks at me with a sly smile. “Oh, I don’t know,” I tell her uncertainly.

“You did show a curiosity as to how it worked,” the handler observes thoughtfully.

“But I’m soaked! I need to clean up.”

“We’ll clean you up later.”

“I don’t want my ass impaled!”

“We’ll stick it in your pussy then. It won’t hurt a bit.” That’s when the handler rises up and comes over to me.

I shake my head in protest. “I, uh… I should go find my family. They’re uh… they’re probably wondering where I am.”

“I’m sure you’ll catch up to them once the hangings start.”

The handler suddenly grabs one arm. My brunette companion grabs the other. She smiles as she tells me, “You did show some curiosity as to how it works; am I right?”

2020 (written for Carrie Nov 3 ’20 by riwa)

Posted in Asphyxia Stories | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

The tidal stakes on Santamos Island (m/m, f/f, m/f) 4.4 (41)

Note: My apologies for getting this out so late. Mom’s been hurting, and I’ve been distracted the last couple of days. I took her to the chiropractor today.

An impoverished Caribbean island nation nears bankruptcy. In order to raise cash income from “tourists”, the nation’s leaders in desperation pass a law — consensual executions of sane and un-coerced foreigners by other foreigners will be legal in public execution areas on the island. Arachnid’s Santamos Island universe

My girlfriend Flayda and I arrived on Santamos Island and checked in. Then we asked if there were any executions taking place. We were both a little curious as to whether or not people really came to the island to “check out”, so to speak.

The hotel concierge told us we were in luck. A large group of people were going to drown down by the tidal stakes. They were mostly young people between the ages of 19 and 25.

Apparently their school had lost a swimming and diving competition back in the states. They had committed to drowning themselves if they lost the meet. And since the school did not want them drowning on school property, they had all agreed to fly out here.

Flayda immediately wanted to go check it out. She was excited about watching a bunch of people drown. So we got directions to the tidal stakes before heading out.

It was quite a site that greeted us when we got there. Apparently the island had arranged for quite the spectacle. We had to pause just to take it all in.

There were four nude teammates staked out spread-eagled in the sand. A male and female were secured close together, their heads away from the incoming sea. But another naked male and female were staked out in the opposite direction toward the incoming tide, their feet almost touching the other pair.

There were six more naked teammates of three men and three women. They were observing the proceedings and were cheering on their teammates. An island staffer sat at a nearby patio table well up the beach as though she was supposed to watch to make sure everything went according to plan.

I could see the tide getting closer to the heads of the two closest to the water. At a word from one of the males, a male and female teammate moved in. They immediately started tending to their comrades.

The male knelt down and started jerking his teammate’s cock. The female got on her knees and started rubbing her secured comrade’s crotch. It looked like their assignment was to help get them off before the tide came in and covered their heads.

“That is so hot!” Flayda remarked as we watched them. “I didn’t realize the guys would be doing the guys, and vice versa. That makes it doubly hot!”

The male on his knees sucked his buddy into full hardness. About that time, water started washing up against his head. He gasped and moaned, but he didn’t protest or ask to be set free.

The female used her hand to get her secured teammate all hot and bothered. Then she knelt down and began eating her out. The other teammates cheered them on as water began washing around her bound teammate’s head.

My girlfriend and I watched as the water rose higher. I was strangely aroused, my cock stiff in my shorts. Flayda moaned as she absentmindedly rubbed her breasts through her blouse.

The water came in higher and faster. Soon, it was flowing around the bodies of the two staked out with their heads toward the tide. I could tell by their expressions how anxious they had become.

Water started flowing over their faces. Instinctively, they both tried to lift themselves up. That’s when their teammates became more aggressive at trying to get them off.

The tide came in until they were both trying to get a breath between waves. One of their teammates excitedly called out, “Won’t be much longer now, you two! Give us a good drowning performance!”

There were cheers and applause. Both struggled to get that last breath. I could see their backs arching as they tried to lift their heads as high as possible.

A wave came in, submerging them both. It even reached the teammates tending to them sexually. But it did not recede enough to let them get another breath.

“This is it!” an excited female cried out. “Now they’re going to drown!”

“Don’t be so excited, Rita,” a male voice chided. “You’ll soon be joining them.”

Both submerged teammates began to struggle. You could tell they were instinctively fighting despite whatever agreement they had made earlier. Then the woman spewed her breath upward.

An incoming wave washed the bubbles away. Then she started humping and drowning. There were cries of encouragement from the others.

A half minute later, the male started thrusting upward. He lost his breath in a huge eruption of bubbles. His male teammate deep-throated him as he started to drown, resulting in another enthusiastic cheer.

The female licking out her teammate had to hold her breath for a bit. Then she came up smiling as her secured companion stared upward with unseeing eyes. “I made sure she came as she went!” she declared. Everybody cheered her efforts.

The male went into painful drowning convulsions until he also settled down. He stared upward with unseeing eyes. A couple of bubbles slipped past his parted lips and were washed away by the surf.

His teammate came up out of the water, smiling proudly. He showed the others a mouthful of cum. Everyone cheered as he swallowed it down.

“Fucking hot!” Flayda panted. I nodded without saying a word.

Two different teammates went over to tend to the other two staked out in the opposite direction. Once more, there was sexual action. This time they were paired off male to female.

The male teammate lifted up the ass of the secured female. Then he thrust his cock into her pussy and started fucking her. A female teammate chose that moment to straddle the staked out male, impaling herself upon his erection.

The water rose higher. The couple staked out were fucked by their teammates as the surf came rushing in. Soon the water was rushing around their heads as well, having already covered their lower extremities and further submerging their drowned teammates.

The female being fucked cried out in orgasm. “Figures Suzanne would cum like that,” we overheard one of the remaining females declare. There was laughter at that.

The tide came in until water was flowing over their heads. They both tried to rise up to get a breath at about the same time. “That’s it now!” one of the males stated. “Don’t let ‘em back up!”

Their teammates pushed down on them, keeping their heads submerged. The secured couple began to struggle for another breath. The spread-eagled female lost hers first in a huge burst of bubbles that was washed away by the surf. She was drowning when her staked-out companion lost his breath and also started to convulse.

Everyone cheered as Flayda and I watched. It was incredibly arousing. Nobody seemed to care that we were observing all the drownings.

“Suzanne really milked it out of me!” the male fucking her stated as he thrust nice and slow. She stared up in horror from beneath the surf, her mouth gaping open.

Next to her, the female cried out in orgasm as she rode the cock of her drowning teammate. He tried to buck her off, but he was unsuccessful. His convulsions lessened until he also stared upward with unseeing eyes.

After the two teammates disengaged themselves from their drowned companions, they all moved over to a strange set of stocks embedded in the ground. The pair that had sexually serviced the first drowning couple knelt in the sand. Then they were locked into the stocks by their wrists and necks, with their asses sticking up

By now, the water had already risen partway up the embedded stocks, totally submerging the four drowned teammates. The two in the stocks were facing the incoming sea. That meant they would drown while facing the incoming waves.

“So hot,” Flayda moaned softly. She was becoming more and more turned on by the moment. We’d already watched four teammates drown. Two more were about to breathe their last.

One of the females ran up the shore and stopped where all the clothes had been discarded. She picked up a strap-on and wrapped it around her waist. Then she returned to the pair locked into the stocks. I think it was the one they called Rita.

One of the guys joined her. Together they fucked their respective teammates. Flayda was all turned on seeing a guy getting fucked by another guy as the remaining teammates cheered them on.

I glanced up and checked the island staffer. She caught my eye and smiled. But she didn’t act as though we were out of line for staying and watching the spectacle.

We watched as the teammates doing the fucking pulled out and switched partners. Now the female was pegging the doomed male, while the male was fucking his female teammate. The water kept rising higher the entire time as the tide rushed in.

I couldn’t help noticing a set of heavy wooden chairs nearby in the sand. There were also two upright poles with places to secure a set of wrists on each one. Apparently all these executions had been planned well in advance.

Water started flowing up into the faces of the condemned. Their sexual assailants switched partners once again. Once more, it was the male fucking the male, while the girl fucked her female teammate.

Water began washing into both faces, setting the condemned teammates to gasping and sputtering. Each wave that came in seemed to remain a little higher as it went back out. “Get ready to drown!” the last observing female called out.

The teammates in the stocks tried to lift up their heads. They managed to get the occasional breath between waves. But the tide was coming in strong, and the water kept rising higher.

The two teammates fucked their doomed companions even harder. The two locked in the stocks took a big breath as a huge wave came in. But it did not recede low enough to allow them to lift their heads up to grant them another breath.

Their teammates fucked them harder. I caught the observing female looking over at us for a moment. She just smiled as though it was ok with her if we watched them all drown.

Another wave came in. The pair locked into the stocks tried again to lift up their heads. But the water still refused to recede below their foreheads.

They lost their breath at about the same time. An incoming wave washed the bubbles away as they struggled together. Then they both started to drown at just about the same time.

“So hot!” Flayda observed as she ran a hand down inside her shorts.

The male and female fucked the last of the air out of their drowning companions. Then the two went limp in the stocks. Water flowed all around them, but they did not move or show any indication they were still alive.

“Ok, you two,” the observing female told those who’d done all that fucking. “It’s the chairs for you both.”

They willing went over and were secured to the two heavy, wooden chairs. I noticed the female still wearing her strap-on. By now the water was already up in their laps.

The remaining teammates climbed on and impaled themselves on their companions. The male rode his female teammate’s strap-on while the female impaled herself on the secured male’s dick. There was a lot of kissing and groaning.

Flayda kept moaning as she touched herself all over. She finally couldn’t stand it anymore. She dropped to her knees, pulled down my shorts, took out my erection and started sucking it while keeping one eye on all the action. It didn’t seem to matter we were now in the surf.

Once again, we saw the teammates switch partners. Now the guy rode his male teammate’s cock while the female rode her teammate’s strap-on. The water slowly came up to the shoulders of the condemned, and then it reached their necks.

The two teammates sitting in the laps of their comrades had a small height advantage as the tide came in. But they would eventually be submerged as well if they stayed where they were. Flayda kept staring at them while trying to maintain suction on my quivering dick.

The tide came in unabated. The island staffer looked on while idly touching herself. She looked like she was a little turned on, but for the most part, she seemed to keep her cool.

A huge wave came in. The teammates locked in the chairs tried to get a big breath. Then the water washed over their foreheads.

The two in their laps gleefully bounced up and down. Occasionally their mouths slipped below the surface as they rode their condemned friends. They simply rose up as high as was necessary to get another breath before sitting back down, submerging while fully impaling themselves.

I could tell they were still fucking. But I couldn’t see the specifics. Flayda moaned as she took my cock deeper down her throat.

There was a sudden burst of bubbles. The female in the chair looked as though she was drowning. A moment later, another burst of bubbles came up from the secured male.

Their teammates continued to ride them, both of their heads now also submerged. They stayed down for the longest time. But the tide never receded enough for their bound teammates to be able to breathe again.

The woman came up first, panting like crazy. She climbed off her drowned female teammate, keeping her head above the incoming tide. Then the male came up a few moments later, gasping heavily as he also climbed off and stood upright.

“Rita gave me a nice orgasm as she drowned,” the remaining female told him as she looked at her drowned teammate.

“I felt Donny’s cum up my ass as he went,” the male replied, giving his friend a goodbye salute.

“Guess it’s our turn now. Are you ready to drown, William?”

“Ready when you are, Tracey.”

They waded over to the posts. The tide had already crawled halfway up each one. The way the water was coming in, it was clear it wasn’t going to take all that long.

The island staffer rose up and came down into the water to join them. She helped lock them into a set of shackles embedded in each wooden post. She did the female first before she made sure the male was also secured.

By now, the water was up to their stomachs. Their teammates in the chairs were already fully submerged. It looked like the tide was really coming in.

Flayda wanted me to fuck her while we watched the last pair drown. I saw the female say something to the island staffer. The staffer leaned close, listened for a few moments, and then nodded.

“I wonder what that’s all about,” Flayda said as she stood up in the rising tide. By now we were standing in water well past our knees. We needed to move farther up the beach away from each succeeding wave if we wanted to keep from drowning ourselves.

To our surprise, the staffer came wading over to where we were standing. I immediately apologized. “We’re sorry. We didn’t know this was off-limits to tourists.”

“Not a problem,” she replied with a dismissive wave. “You’re both welcome to stay and observe for as long as you want. In fact, Tracey over there said to tell you both that you’re welcome to come over and take part, if you wish.”

“Take part?” Flayda repeated with growing excitement. “How?”

“They said they’d be happy to let you fuck them as they drowned. I told them you appeared to be a little excited by the whole thing. They said they wouldn’t mind.”

I started to say, “I think we’ll pass.” But Flayda immediately began removing her clothes. Then she tossed them higher up on the beach, although I suspected they were still going to end up getting totally soaked.

“C’mon, Daryl!” she gasped excitedly, pulling on my arm as she told me to strip.

“I’m not sure I want you fucking either one of them, Flayda.”

“Ah, c’mon! They’re going to be dead soon! Besides, I want to watch them drown up close and personal! Don’t you want to watch that too?”

“I’m not sure…”

“You can fuck the woman as she drowns! Honest; I won’t mind!” Then she broke away and rushed over, struggling in the waist deep surf.

I gave the island staffer a dubious look. “You sure it’ll be all right?” I wasn’t at all convinced.

“They both said it was ok with them. Besides, your friend is correct. They won’t live long enough to complain or be upset. In fact, they seem quite enthusiastic about the possibility of you two enjoying their drowning bodies.”

I looked to see Flayda had already climbed onto William, impaling herself on his erection and wrapping her arms around him. Tracey looked at them as though it was certainly ok with her. Then it appeared as though she was trying to look over in our direction, perhaps to see if I was coming over.

I looked at the island staffer who smiled and nodded before heading back to her chair. I shrugged as I got out of my clothes and tossed them close to Flayda’s discards. Then I waded over in the rising surf.

Tracey smiled as I approached. “Sineda told you what we were interested in?”


The island staffer.”

“Oh, her. She said it was fine, so long as it was ok with you.”

“It’s certainly ok with me,” she replied. “But you’d better hurry, as the tide’s coming in faster now. Don’t you want to feel what it’s like to fuck a girl as she drowns?”

I was a little unnerved. “Aren’t you scared?”

“Oh, I’m anxious, all right. But we agreed to this. It wouldn’t be fair to the others if our lives were spared.” Then she motioned with her head at the other teammates who had already drowned and were now fully submerged.

I smiled with embarrassment at the erection I was sporting. The water was up well past her waist. So I worked my dick into her pussy and then started thrusting.

Next to me, Flayda saw I had arrived and was now participating. She eagerly cried out, “That’s the way, Daryl! Let’s fuck ‘em and drown ‘em together! I knew you’d join me!” Then she gave William a lot of tongue as she kissed and fucked him.

I thrust a little harder into Tracey. She gasped and moaned. “At least I’ll cum as I go,” she panted. Then I kissed her. I was impressed with the way she returned it so passionately.

I was of mixed emotions. A part of me was excited to fuck her while watching her drown. It was kinky, something I never expected to be doing in my wildest dreams.

On the other hand, I felt concerned. Did I really want to take part in her drowning? She’d said she was anxious. Was it really all right with her? What could I do to help set her mind at ease?

I heard Flayda cry out next to me as she road William’s erection. He certainly acted as though he was into it. Their lips parted as though they were both getting another breath. Then she went back to kissing him passionately.

I pulled away from Tracey’s lips before asking, “Are you sure about this?”

She smiled as she replied, “We’re locked in now, so to speak. Sineda made sure of that. The paperwork has already been taken care of.”


“Forms we had to fill out to keep things legal.”

“So what can I do to help you out?”

“You’re already doing it,” she replied with a smile.

I kissed her as I tried to fuck her a little more enthusiastically. By now, the water was up to our chests. I was taller than she was, which meant her mouth would be submerged before mine was… that is, unless I was kissing her.

I looked over at Flayda. I still wasn’t sure how I felt about seeing her fuck another guy. I suppose it was like giving a condemned man a last request. So I felt I couldn’t be too upset about it; could I?

I tried to pace myself so I wouldn’t cum too soon for Tracey. But Flayda didn’t seem to care in the slightest about cumming too soon with William. She eagerly rode him as though wanting to get herself off before he drowned.

Wave after wave washed into the shore. The receding level stayed higher and higher each time the tide went back out. Tracey became more anxious as it reached her shoulders and then started climbing her neck.

I paused in the middle of thrusting, feeling a little anxious for her. “Keep going,” she panted in a hushed tone that indicated she was clearly anxious. “I want you to enjoy this. After all, I certainly enjoyed watching all my teammates drown.”

I nodded as I thrust a little harder. Then I kissed her again. She grunted into my mouth in concern as a wave washed up around our faces.

I glanced over at Flayda and her companion. That’s when I noticed the water was just as high over there. William was taller than Tracey, but he appeared to be standing in a recessed part of the sand so they could drown at roughly the same time.

A wave washed around their heads as well. Flayda cried out while still trying to kiss him. The water receded, but it didn’t drop much below his chin.

I thrust up into Tracey as I reached between us with my hand. I tried to finger her button, wondering if she needed a little external stimulation to help her along. She humped against my hand, and we kissed again.

Another wave came in and splashed up against us. I got water up my nose. Tracey cried out into my mouth before trying to kiss me as hard as she could. For a moment it even made me question whether or not she was trying to steal the breath out of my lungs.

The waves began hitting our heads more and more. Our lips pulled apart so we could both get a breath. The next wave came in and flowed up past her nose.

I felt her hump against me more aggressively. Maybe it was the way she needed to take her mind off her impending drowning. So I tried to fuck her harder.

I groped her boobs with my hands. Then I kissed her again. The next wave submerged both our faces.

I didn’t bother to check up on Flayda. I was too busy trying to enjoy Tracey while keeping myself from drowning. She struggled against me as though she was both frightened and excited.

I felt the water recede. I pulled my lips away, long enough to give her a chance to get any air she could. Tracey had to tip her head back to gasp for breath.

I heard gasping right next to us. Then I felt the next wave come charging in. I kissed Tracey hard as the water surged over our heads.

I thrust into her just as hard as I could. A part of me was concerned I was about to watch the sea claim yet another life. But another part of me was more turned on that I felt I should have been.

Our lips pulled apart. Bubbles came up past her lips and were washed away. I rose up to get a breath. But the water was too high for her to tip her head back enough to breathe.

I gasped aloud. Then I submerged. This time I pressed my lips to hers and blew my air into her mouth.

Her eyes widened as her chest swelled a little. She grunted as she kissed me harder. I got the impression she appreciated the gesture.

I could feel the wave action against us. I was a little concerned. But I figured I could easily swim the short distance in to shallow water if I had to.

I pulled my lips away and rose up for another breath. For a moment I thought I was going to have to disengage from her. The next couple of waves were liable to require me to pull out of her in order to get a decent breath.

I glanced over at Flayda and William. She was up at the surface trying to get another breath while he was submerged up to his forehead. About that time another wave came in.

Flayda deliberately submerged. Only the tops of their heads were visible. Then I filled my lungs and returned to Tracey.

I thrust into her as I kissed her. I tried to give her my breath again. But it bubbled out of her mouth. It was as though she had rejected it.

I felt her start to panic. At the same time, she really began clenching around my cock inside her. She grunted as we kissed each other hard.

She coughed, nearly forcing water down my windpipe during our kiss. Then she started thrashing about. She shuddered in orgasm as she blew away the last of her breath, milking the cum right out of my dick in the process.

I could no longer hold my lips against hers; she was in too much of a panic. I pulled back and watched her as I kept thrusting in and out of her. She started hitching against me, the convulsions forcing out the last of the air in her lungs.

I felt my own lungs straining for breath. But I stayed down with her for as long as possible. She finally settled down, causing me to pull out of her and burst up to the surface.

I gasped loudly for breath, checking to see how high the water was. Only the top of her head was exposed. But the next wave abruptly covered her completely.

I filled my lungs and went back under. She stared back at me with unseeing eyes, her mouth open. I gave her lips a kiss, but there was no response, other than a couple of stray bubbles.

I burst back up to breathe, only to hear Flayda panting like crazy. She looked over and gasped, “Daryl?? I thought you’d drowned!”

“I thought you were under too long too, Flayda! For a minute there, I thought you were going to get all carried away and drown with him!”

“I almost did!”

She filled her lungs and went under to have one last look. Then she came back up. “Nothing more to see here,” she declared as she let go and swam into shore.

I submerged to give Tracey one last peck on the lips. Then I let her go and swam in as well. We both waded out of the surf, naked as the day we were born.

Sineda was still there. She smiled at us as she asked, “Well, folks? How was it? For a minute there, I thought you two were going to drown without filling out the proper paperwork first.”

“Incredible!” Flayda panted. “Unbelievable! I’m so glad we got here in time to see it all!”

The island staffer turned in my direction, curious about my reaction. “Incredible is a good word for it,” I told her with a nod. “But I’m not entirely sure whether I should feel excited or guilty.”

“It was their request,” she reassured us. “You folks have nothing to worry about. The island is happy you participated in order to make their last moments more enjoyable.”

She looked the scene over. By now the water was about to overtake the top of the posts they were secured to. Then she spoke to no one in particular… “Well, my work here is done. They’ll come for the bodies later once the tide’s gone back out.”

She smiled at us one last time. “I hope you folks have a good time during the rest of your stay on our fair island.” Then she turned and headed back to the resort.

I looked at Flayda for a long moment. “I was a little concerned you were going to drown yourself down there.”

She shook her head and chuckled at me. “Not me. Wasn’t going to happen.”

I peered intently into her eyes. Then she broke out into a broad grin. “Ok – ok; so I thought about it a little. But only a little.”

“That’s what I thought.” She just laughed as she came over to hug me.

For the moment, we didn’t seem to care that our clothes had been confiscated by the sea. They were no longer where we’d disposed of them. At least there were other clothes and swimsuits lying about. Maybe there would be something that would fit us. Besides, I didn’t think any of the members of the swim team would mind now.

2022 (written Apr 15 ’22 by riwa. Santamos Island idea created by Arachnid/Spartan.)

Posted in Drowning Stories, Santamos Island stories | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

Donna’s shore leave 8 3.5 (15)

“I’m glad you enjoyed yourself, baby. Now it’s time for you to swing.”

Without any further ado, Leiani put her hands on both of the yeoman’s breasts. Then she cruelly gave her a violent shove backward. “Dance for us, baby!” she called out as the yeoman pitched backward.

Rand went backward in a shriek of pure terror. Her scream was abruptly cut off with a “GLURK!” as the noose casually interrupted the downward plummet of her body. It caught her up by the neck, swinging her jerking body outward underneath the pole she was strung up to, swinging the terrified yeoman in a wide arc back and forth.

Part 8


Donna’s scream of horror reverberated throughout the cavern as the two wood nymphs giggled at the horrific sight. Her perverse excitement and terror ratcheted up to the point where she was sure her body was going to explode.

Looking back over her shoulder, she saw her shipmate swing back and forth. The poor woman’s legs went every which way in a desperate attempt to find something solid underneath her. Her voice rasped and gurgled, choked off by the noose.

A moment later, Donna’s attention was brought back front and center. Her former friend and lover stepped right in front of her, eyes blazing malevolently. Donna’s heart leaped into her throat as her orgasm swelled inside her, threatening to overcome her. That’s when her mind cried out, “Ohmygawd; this is it!”

“Now it’s your turn,” Leiani said with a malicious giggle.

At that moment, it was as though an incredible jolt of electrical energy hit her hard. “Enjoy the ride, baby!” her treacherous lover told her with a wicked smile.

Donna inhaled sharply… “GAWD, BABY; DON’T DO THIS!” She was sure her heart was going to explode right out of her heaving chest.

“No?” Leiani responded gently as though giving her former lover’s wishes some thought. “You don’t want to hang? Oh…. ok then!”

She turned her back on her as though she was going to walk away and forget the whole thing. Donna was stunned at this sudden turn of events.

For a moment, she gasped heavily before sighing in blessed relief. It was horrible the way Janice was now choking and hanging. As much as she liked the fantasy, Donna really didn’t want to die.

A moment later the oriental woman whirled to face her. Leiani’s hands came up and grabbed her heaving breasts. “Too bad, baby,” she sneered with an evil grimace. “…because we all want to watch you swing!” And with that Donna was forcefully shoved backward off her feet.

For a couple of seconds, Donna was in free-fall. A scream of terror was torn out of her lungs. She was sure her body was going to splatter onto the rocks below. Then the noose caught her up by her neck in its hungry coil.

Donna felt a painful tug on her throat as the rope took up her weight. She felt her body jerk as it swung backward in a huge arc. Then it swung back in the opposite direction.

All the pent-up energy she’d been trying to control exploded inside her in a painful eruption of unbelievable fire. Her hips began thrusting obscenely. Her legs kicked wildly as though they had a mind of their own.

The orgasm ravaged her body as she swung back and forth. Cum sprayed shamefully out of her winking slit. Donna glurked and gurgled, her feet kicking wildly in a frantic effort to find something solid underneath her. But there was nothing underneath her now, nothing but the horrible knowledge of the rocks and the forest that waited for her far below.

For a terrifying moment, she was sure the rope was going to snap and she was going to fall to her death. As if in response to that horrific thought, her feet began pedaling like mad as though she could somehow run on air. Instinctively, she was trying to race her way back inside the cavern and feel the solid footing of the floor of the cave.

Her breath rasped in her throat as she struggled for each breath. Next to her, she heard the gasps and gawks of her shipmate as Rand swung beside her. The two were swinging back and forth past each other.

Donna noticed that more fluid was streaming out from between the yeoman’s legs as the young woman kicked and gyrated. Gawd; the poor thing was squirting once more. Janice was actually cumming again!

For some reason, that set her off again. Donna’s pain-wracked body was just coming down from her first orgasm when the second one hit her hard. She winced as she tried to scream, her legs kicking wildly as her lungs cried out for a decent breath of air.

There was little to be had. Instead, tt was mostly the agonizing sensation of wanting to breathe along with the terrifying feeling of hanging helplessly over a horrific drop should the rope or pole fail to hold her. Donna kicked as her body bucked and jerked while it wildly swung back and forth.

She tried calling out for her former lover to deliver her from the pain and agony that was hammering her body. But what she saw inside the cave told her the Asian woman was otherwise preoccupied. Leiani had been pulled back into the cavern and was now propped up onto a large rock.

Her legs were spread obscenely. One of the creatures appearing to be feasting from her crotch. The other had Donna’s bra and was throttling Leiani with it, giggling happily as it pulled on both ends.

Leiani gasped for breath as she clawed at the bra around her neck. Her eyes were wide, her tongue hanging out. Donna tried to cry out for her beloved Leiani. But the words hung up in her throat as the noose closed it off.

She was hit with a horrible realization. None of them were going to make it out of the cavern alive.

Her legs exploded once again in a frantic series of kicks. It was as though she was hoping by her actions that she could somehow gain solid footing underneath her so she could help both Janice and Leiani.

Poor Janice continued to kick and struggle. Donna’s ankle came in contact with Rand’s ankle in passing as the two swung back and forth. Their contact with each other set them to spinning counter-clockwise as they swung in their respective nooses.

Donna’s mind kept screaming, ‘Gawd – we’re all gonna die!’ Her body twisted in the rope, her legs still going every which way. She simply could not process what was happening to them all.

Something suddenly clicked inside Yeoman Dangling’s mind. It was as though she finally realized in a moment of clarity that she was actually experiencing her greatest fantasy in all its horrifically erotic glory. In that moment, her attitude changed drastically.

Donna instantly stopped fighting the noose. Instead, she began to work with it. Now she accepted the coil around her throat as a part of her destiny, causing her to thirstily drink down the sweet agony as her neck was painfully constricted.

Her dance became more subtle, her legs now kicking to the beat of a different drummer. It was as though she was performing for the noose, treating it like her coiled lover. ‘Gawd, yes; take me!’ her mind cried out.

She lewdly wiggled and squirmed. But deep down, she wondered who she was really performing for.

Was it Leiani, her former lover who now was being erotically strangled by those two murderous nymphs? Or was it the nymphs themselves? After all, they’d worked so hard to get her and Janice in their clutches.

Maybe she was dancing for Janice somehow, although that seemed less likely. The poor thing was gawking and twisting beside her. The breathless yeoman was probably not at all interested in anything other than relieving the incredible pain she was experiencing.

Donna could see Rand’s face turning a nasty shed of red. The young woman’s legs continued to pedal in ever weakening kicks and thrusts. Seeing her suffer like that was oh, so shamefully arousing.

‘No,’ she finally admitted to herself. ‘It’s all for me. God forgive me; it’s what I’ve secretly wanted all along. This is my doing. Now my friends are dying as a result of my thoughts and fantasies!’

Donna was overcome with an immense wave of guilt and shame. It was a humiliation that only added to her perverse arousal. Her body fought the noose as she danced for Janice, Leiani, and those two damned nymphs.

Exhaustion began to set in. Donna was reduced to feeble kicks, her lungs gurgling in vain to pull a decent breath of air into her body. She was swaying gently now, her naked body twisting round and round as the rope attempted to uncoil her from her collision with Rand’s legs.

She got glimpses of her shipmate as Janice twisted beside her. She saw the poor thing was fighting to the last. Gawd; it was so shamefully erotic to witness!

Rand’s body shuddered as her head tilted sickeningly off to one side. Her legs kicked spastically as her hands fluttered weakly behind her back. Donna saw to her sorrow that the color of her friend’s face was now starting to turn a wicked shade of purple, a color she suspected would soon be mirrored by her own features.

Inside the cavern, Donna got glimpses of her former lover’s bodily jerks and struggles. One of the nymphs continued to strangle her while the other went right on eating her out.

Leiani’s eyes were starting to glaze over. Donna felt a strange sadness. Now her former best friend and lover would not get to enjoy the rest of her dying performance.

Donna became aware of a disturbing gurgle that seemed to be coming from right next to her. It was emanating from inside Rand’s gently twisting body. The yeoman hung all but lifeless.

Donna got a glimpse of her friend’s little bodily jerks and twitches. For a brief moment, there was a sudden flurry of feeble leg kicks and hand flexes. Then Janice settled back down. There was one last gurgle as her naked body rotated slowly, the rope continuing to coil and uncoil as she swayed softly.

She got a brief glance at the young woman’s face. It told her that perhaps Janice had accepted her fate at the very end. Her shipmate’s eyes were dull and lifeless.

Her tongue barely peeked out of her mouth as drool splattered down onto her breasts. But there was an expression of peace and serenity about her. In the end, it was as though Janice Rand had become accepting of the manner of her death as calmly as she was about making the many calculated decisions of her life.

Donna’s limited glimpses into the cave told her that Leiani also appeared to be lifeless and unmoving. But the two nymphs continued their work on her naked body nonetheless. One had its head still buried between her legs, while the other jerked happily on the ends of the bra.

Her former lover appeared to be gone. And now, so was Janice for that matter. Donna sensed she would not be too far behind.

Yeoman Dangling tried one last time to inhale. But her throat was completely closed off. Her tongue waved weakly past her parted lips, tasting the sweet sensation of cool, refreshing air.

She felt a numbness creep up her body, even as certain muscles twitched sporadically. A moment later, there was a brief wash of warm pleasure that flowed through her body. She shuddered as her knees instinctively jerked upward, but only a little.

Her chest heaved as her legs suddenly fluttered briefly. Her hands flexed weakly behind her back. Then Donna hung limp, her muscles no longer responding to her commands.

Her vision started to darken. For the moment, her ears still seemed to function. But it was as though there was a deathly silence all around her that terrified her.

Yeoman Donna Dangling felt her consciousness spiraling away. Her body shuddered as she gave up and openly embraced the inevitable. Then everything went black all around her, becoming silent as the grave.

It had been the longest six and a half minutes of her life…

The naked bodies of crewmates Donna Dangling and Janice Rand swayed softly from the ends of their poles. They slowly twisted in one direction and then back in the other until they finally came to rest and hung motionless. Inside the cavern, the two nymphs finally gave up on the unresponsive Asian.

They looked back and forth between the two hung yeomen and the unmoving Leiani. They giggled happily to themselves, as though telling each other how utterly enjoyable the whole thing had been. Then they scooted out of the cave through the passage Donna had passed through earlier, more than a little eager to search for more delicious victims………..
Beep – beep – beep – beep – beep – beep – beep – beep…

“You wanna get that baby?” Donna moaned softly as she rolled over onto her right side. “Just give me five more minute; ok, Leiani?”

Beep – beep – beep – beep – beep – beep – beep – beep…

“All right – all right; I’m up!”

Donna’s eyes fluttered open. Immediately, she realized she was not in her quarters with her lover. But she WAS lying on the ground, her communicator chirping insistently in her right hand.

An instant later, it all came rushing back to her. Donna abruptly sat up and stared at the beeping communicator in her hand in utter astonishment. Amazingly, her tricorder was lying nearby.

It occurred to her she was being contacted and needed to respond. Donna flipped it open and activated it. That’s when she heard the soothing voice of the Enterprise’s communications officer…

“Enterprise calling Yeoman Dangling. Yeoman Dangling; please respond.”

Gawd; she loved Uhura’s voice! What’s more, she just loved listening to that woman sing.

“This is yeoman Dangling, Enterprise. Acknowledged.”

“Is everything all right, yeoman? You didn’t respond right away.”

“Everything’s fine, lieutenant. My apologies. I was, uh… I was preoccupied. I guess I was a little slow in responding.”

“No problem. Landing party Delta Epsilon is scheduled to rendezvous in 10 minutes at the beam-down point.”

“Acknowledged.” Then she cleared her throat, remembering she wasn’t anywhere near the beam-down point. How was she going to explain this?

“I, uh… I might be a little bit late getting back to the rendezvous point, lieutenant. I kind of wandered off the beaten path and I, uh…”

She trailed off as she took in her surroundings. Her eyes went wide in surprise. Amazingly, she was sitting under a tree, right on the very edge of the clearing. How the hell had she gotten back here??

Uhura was equally confused. “I don’t understand, yeoman. We have you located at the edge of the rendezvous point. Are you sure you’re all right?”

“Uh… disregard my last transmission, lieutenant. I, uh… I was feeling a bit disoriented there. But I’m fine now. I’ll be ready to beam up with the others. Dangling: out!”

Donna hurriedly flipped the communicator closed before the lieutenant could ask her a REALLY embarrassing question. Then she saw chief petty officer Baker striding toward her. Damn! Was he going to see her naked??

Donna anxiously looked down at herself. She was back in her science blues, everything neatly in place. What the hell?

She took a quick moment to turn away from Baker’s approach. Donna discreetly lifted up the skirt of her outfit. There were no telltale marks she’d cum recently. Now she was really confused!

“You all right, yeoman?” Baker asked as he walked up to her, concern in his voice. “I saw you over here on the ground. I thought maybe you were injured or something.”

He extended his hand to her. She accepted it, allowing him to help her to her feet. “I’m, uh… I’m fine, sir.” Donna answered quickly, trying not to sound as confused as she felt.

“You seem a little flustered, yeoman. You SURE you’re all right?”

“Yes, sir… thank you, sir.”

Donna made a show of dusting herself off, even though her outfit seemed amazingly unsoiled. Then she blushed as Baker bent down, picked up her tricorder and handed it to her.

“Oh I, uh… I must’ve dropped it… thank you, sir.” She accepted it from him, her face flushing red with embarrassment.

“No problem, yeoman,” he said with a smile. “Just make sure your mind is clear before we beam up. We don’t want any sudden surprises; right?”

“Uh, yes sir. And thank you again, sir.”

She watched as he started back across the clearing. She could see the two other couples who’d beamed down with them had returned. It appeared he was going over to meet up with them.

But where was Janice? And what was all that about making sure her mind was clear? Then it dawned on her he hadn’t commented on the rope burns around her neck.

What; was he blind?? Surely not Baker! He never missed a thing! Was he just being polite… not asking embarrassing questions?

Donna turned on the tricorder and examined herself. That’s when she discovered she seemed to be in excellent health. There were no marks on her neck at all… just the two rings of Venus that circled around the front of her throat. But that was… that was impossible!!

Donna stared at the readings on her tricorder in amazement as she ran her fingers over her neck. It was true; there didn’t seem to be any marks from her ordeal. Had it all been a dream??

It sure as hell seemed real enough when she was hanging from the end of that damned pole! And where the hell was Janice? She could see Baker was now chatting with the two couples. But Janice was still nowhere in sight.

A moment later she breathed a sigh of relief when she caught sight of the blond-haired yeoman. Janice was walking in from the opposite side of the clearing. She appeared to be quite content.

Donna quickly pocketed her tricorder into its pouch. Then she headed off toward her friend, trying not to appear too anxious while also trying hard not to break into a run.

Ultimately, she couldn’t help herself. Donna ran across the clearing, worried about her friend. “Janice??” she panted as she rushed up to her.

“Hi, Donna,” Rand said with a smile and a wave of her hand. “Did you have a good time?”

A moment later she became confused as Donna grabbed her shoulders and intensely scrutinized her. “Donna; what is it? Is something wrong?”

“Are you all right?” the anxious yeoman blurted out, checking the woman’s neck for any sign of trauma.

“I’m fine!” Janice replied cheerfully as though that should have been obvious. Then she looked warily at Donna before asking, “You mind telling me what this is all about?”

“I… I don’t know,” Donna murmured, shaking her head in confusion as she studied her friend’s neck. “There isn’t any mark. There should be a mark. There isn’t one on me either. I… I don’t understand…”

“Don’t understand what?” Janice asked carefully. “What mark? Donna, are you ok? What happened to you down here?”

“I don’t know,” the yeoman replied, totally confused.

“Did your thoughts get the better of you?”

“My thoughts? …MY thoughts?? Uh… what about my thoughts? Janice, I was worried about you! Are you SURE you’re all right?”

Donna could not help wondering why the hell Rand was acting so strange. It was almost as though the yeoman didn’t remember any of it! Didn’t she remember those two nymphs? Or being hanged?

Maybe the whole thing had been so traumatic that her friend had simply blotted it out of her mind through some sort of stroke or something. Maybe she needed to go to sickbay!

Donna felt extremely regretful as she fought to hold back tears. “Janice; I’m sorry about the whole thing! I didn’t mean to spoil your shore leave or anything!”

“Spoil it??” Janice replied with amusement. “Honey, you did nothing of the sort! I had a great time!”

“You did??”

Donna was astonished. All she could do was walk beside her friend in total confusion as the two of them made their way toward the middle of the clearing where everyone else had gathered.

Her mind was reeling as she tried to reason what had actually happened to the two of them. “You mean… you mean you really LIKED it??”

Donna was totally flabbergasted! After all, poor Janice had fought that noose almost until the very end. Was her shipmate now trying to tell her that she’d actually ENJOYED the whole thing?? Was it possible Janice Rand had a secret gasping fetish as well??

Donna suddenly felt the familiar stirrings of an erotic tingle. Had Janice really enjoyed being hanged as much as she had?

She was still trying to process the whole thing in her mind as to whether or not it had actually happened. There was no evidence anywhere on her or Rand’s body that it had. However, she could still recall those horrific sensations of being hanged naked over the forest below. And that damned nymph eating her out while Leiani had…

Ohmygawd; what about Leiani? Where was she? Was she here? Were they going to leave her behind? Or had she been located and already beamed aboard? Everything still seemed so terribly confusing. Worse, reasonable answers appeared to be rather hard to come by.

“Yeah, honey; I had a GREAT time!” Janice replied with a happy sigh.

For a moment she developed a faraway look in her eye. “Of course, it was a little bittersweet, don’t you know… it not being real or anything like that. But the fantasy was definitely nice. Don’t know if I’ll ever get to experience anything like that again.” Then she sighed, wistful yet content.

“Gawd, don’t I know it!” Donna gasped with ever increasing excitement over the idea that perhaps Janice had enjoyed the two of them being hanged together. It made her wonder if yeoman Rand really DID have a secret little gasping fetish just like she did.

Her mind spun at all the wonderfully delicious possibilities. This might mean she now had someone new on the Enterprise to play with! Donna quivered with delight at all the possibilities.

She didn’t notice Janice giving her a puzzled look. But the yeoman said nothing to her. Janice figured if her friend had enjoyed her shore leave, it was probably best to leave things well enough alone.

“Everybody ready to go home?” Baker asked as he opened his communicator. He got a series of affirmative responses. But yeoman Dangling was still excited over a future of fun with Rand.

“Gawd, Janice!” Donna gushed excitedly. “I can’t WAIT to talk to you about everything that happened down here!” Then her mind drifted back to all the wonderfully delicious events of the past few hours.

Her consciousness barely acknowledged the sound of Baker communicating with transporter chief Kyle… “…Baker to Enterprise…”

“I’d like to hear all about it,” Janice replied in a hushed whisper, trying not to talk over Baker’s communications with the ship…

“Enterprise… Kyle here…”

“Wasn’t it hot having those nymphs hang us like that?” Donna breathed excitedly, her mind reliving the moment. “Gawd, Janice; that was great!”

“…landing party Delta Epsilon… ready to beam aboard…”

“What are you TALKING about?” Janice asked her quietly, her curiosity morphing into discomfort. “Donna, I was with a replica of the captain the entire time! I assumed you KNEW that! I thought EVERYBODY new that!”

“You were??”

Donna suddenly began to squirm uncomfortably at the disturbing possibility Janice Rand had NOT experienced the same things she had.

A replica of the captain?

…a REPLICA?? Then that might mean…

Now she was really confused. “But I thought…”

Donna let it trail off as she began to tremble, suddenly fearing she’d already revealed way too much…

“…acknowledged… ready for transport…”

“Donna?” Janice asked grimly, her hands on her hips. “Just what exactly happened during this so-called shore leave of yours?”

“Uh… uh…”

“…Enterprise? Energize…”


…and then Janice gasped as she looked at something past her friend’s shoulder. A moment later her anger flared…

“Donna Dangling – what the HELL is that??”

Donna spun in the direction Janice was looking at. The rest of the landing party began looking back at the two of them in confusion. At the same time, the transporter began to shimmer them out of existence… but not before Donna got a good look at what Janice was seeing…

Over on the edge of the clearing, Donna saw Janice and Leiani. Only now, she was beginning to suspect it was only a replica of the both of them. The two were hanging together naked from the same limb of a large tree over a meter off the ground.

Neither one appeared to be moving. Donna suspected it was the same two nymphs who now stood in front of the two victims, their backs to the landing party. The creatures appeared to have their heads buried between the thighs of their quarry. It was easy for Donna to assume the rest.

She got a wildly erotic tingle at the image. The color drained from Donna’s face as she began to tremble like crazy. Then the image was gone, replaced with the familiar surroundings of transporter room three as they re-materialized aboard the enterprise.

All it took was one quick look at Rand’s horrified expression to know that she was in deep animal waste suitable for agricultural growth…

Rand put her hands on her hips. “What the hell did you DO down there??” The woman looked FURIOUS!

“Uh… uh…” Donna’s face went from deathly pale to a deep crimson.

“My quarters… 2200 hours… BE THERE! And you’d better have a damn good explanation for what I just witnessed!”

“What did you see?” one of the other females asked curiously. A stern look from Rand made her quickly withdraw her question. A moment later, the yeoman angrily stormed out of the transporter room, leaving the rest of its occupants in stunned silence.

Donna felt everyone’s eyes on her. She looked at the floor in total humiliation, frantically trying to find some hole to crawl into.

She saw the feet of the two couples as they stepped off the transporter platform. She heard them whispering back and forth as they left the room. When she looked up, only Baker and transporter chief Kyle remained, looking curiously at her.

“I’ve never seen her that angry before,” Baker observed softly, shaking his head. “And I don’t think I’ve ever heard her swear. What did you DO down there, yeoman?”

Before Donna could say a word, he quickly raised up a hand to stop her. “Wait. On second thought, I think I don’t want to know. I’m just glad it’s not me she’s angry with. Good luck, yeoman.” Then he gave her a wry smile before turning and leaving the room, giving Kyle a friendly wave of thanks as he passed through the doorway.

Donna looked over at Kyle. But the transporter chief took pity on her and looked down at his instruments as though he was busy. He quietly muttered something about having to get everything shut down before the ship warped out of orbit.

Yeoman Donna Dangling was trembling as she walked out of transporter room three, wondering what the hell she was going to tell Janice a few hours from now…

2008; 2022 (written for Donna May 9 ’08; ed. Feb 10 ‘22 by riwa)

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Shelly in Cancun 8 3.5 (19)

Chapter 8 – The case of the missing scuba tank

It’s about 20 seconds into our third breath-hold try when from out of the corner of my eye I see them appear at the railing above us. I try to be careful not to look directly at them as they cling to it. But I can tell they are anxiously looking down in our direction.

A moment later they bubble in alarm. Andria and her companion cry out as they tumble over the railing together. They are in a panicked dash to get to us.

I smile inwardly, doing my best to remain motionless. I allow any random current to gently nudge my “lifeless” body. I remain flat on my back with my mouth open, my eyes vacant as my arms are outstretched and slightly uplifted.

The belt around my waist holds me to the sea floor as my legs and upper body curl upward. I try to perfect the image of the drowned freediver. I only hope they don’t discover our ruse at the last moment.

I monitor their progress out of the corner of my eye as they anxiously fin downward. All the while, I try to keep my eyes “focused” on some faraway point so as not to give the game away until the very last moment. Besides, I’ve got something planned for Andria, that wicked little minx.

They’re almost on top of us when I launch myself up at her. She lets out a shriek, stunned by my response. It allowed me to yank the reg out of her mouth before placing it in mine to take a few puffs.

I’m all over her, wrapping my legs around her torso. Then I wrap an arm around her chest. She desperately tries to break free and get away.

The reg pops out of my mouth. Our struggle takes us out of reach of her diving companion’s scuba gear on her back while she checks her friend. Then we’re tumbling together as I savagely grope one of her breasts.

I reach around her body with my other hand. I slide it down inside her bottoms and find her pussy. ‘Take THAT, bitch!’ I think vengefully as I slam three of my fingers home.

Andria screams a froth of bubbles. Her body stiffens as I finger-fuck her hard. She flails wildly in an unsuccessful attempt to break out of my grasp.

Air spews freely out of her mouth as she squirms and thrashes about. I feel her cunt spasm around my wiggling digits. “NO, SHELLY!” she screams with a bubbly cry. “OHMYGAWD – NOOOO…!” Then she loses another burst of air as I finger-fuck her with wicked glee.

Our two struggling Japanese companions come into view as we settle onto the sea floor. I don’t know whether she got the idea from me, or if she already had it in her head. At any rate, my dive partner’s got her friend in a one-armed headlock.

The hose to the octopus hangs freely. But the other regulator is now in her mouth. I assume she caught her friend off guard like I did. I strongly suspect she managed to snatch it out of her companion’s lips before pressing it between her own.

Her legs are wrapped around her friend’s lower torso. She hangs onto her for dear life. It looks like her friend is trying to throw her off like some bucking bronco at a summer rodeo, desperately trying to shed its rider.

As Andria struggles in my grasp, I watch as my dive partner snatches up the loose hose. She grabs onto the spare regulator. An instant later she presses it against her friend’s barely covered crotch and purges it.

Her companion cries out in Japanese whimpers and squeaks of agony. Then she pulls the reg up and forces it between her lips. Her air-deprived friend grabs on with her hands, gratefully holding it in her mouth as she sucks hungrily.

It suddenly dawns on me I might lose Andria if I don’t do the same…

She flails helplessly in my grasp, too weakened from lack of air to resist that much. I pull us over to the tank lying on the sea bed. Then I track town the octopus to the scuba gear.

I bring the reg up to her mouth, only to watch with sadistic glee as she snatches it out of my hand. Then she sucks on it like crazy. That’s when I grab the other reg and place it between my lips, mentally warning her she’s really going to get it now.

Andria barely has time to refill her tortured lungs before I yank the reg out of her mouth. She lets out a startled cry as she grabs for it. I pull it down, place it against her crotch and purge it, just like my companion did to her friend.

Andria cries out a burst of bubbles. She starts to buck and spasm as she tries once more to escape my clutches. But I’ve got my arm wrapped around her chest.

My legs are locked around her torso, making sure she cannot escape my revenge. I hit her again and again with short little bursts out of the regulator. She jerks, humps and bubbles.

The torture continues for a good five minutes or so before we finally let them loose. We both make sure to deprive them of air several times while purging their pussies good and hard. Has Andria forgotten I can give as good as I get?

As a last act of vengeance, I force Andria’s head against my fabric-covered pussy. I hold her in place, wrapping my legs around her head. Then I savagely hump her face, sternly bubbling at her to “MOUTH MY PUSSY, BITCH!”

She burbles and cries out, but there’s nothing she can do. I’ve got her head locked into place. She knows what she has to do.

She obediently mouths my crotch through my bottoms. The excitement of abusing her while nearly drowning her is too much. I cum hard, shuddering as I exhale heavily.

Afterwards, I can’t resist holding her in place a few moments longer. She cries out and burbles, her arms waving wildly at her sides. I delay furnishing the air she craves until she’s almost spasming like mad.

I finally release her, rewarding her by handing her the reg to the octopus. It turns me on seeing her frantically snatch it out of my hand. She crams it into her mouth, sucking on it like a newborn who’s starving for her next meal.

My companion and I give the naughty mischief-makers a few moments to catch their breath. Then we arrange to hook them back up to each other. We wag our fingers at them: naughty children who’ve just been caught with their hands in the cookie jar.

They bow their heads submissively. Andria acts properly chastised. She motions they’re very sorry.

I can’t help smiling at my dive partner. I notice the wicked glint in her eyes. Together we turn and glare at them, our message quite clear…

You mess with us and you’ll get it back in spades!

My diving companion motions at them. She raises three fingers and motions toward the bow and back and then toward the bow again. Is she asking if we should try again, only this time we go the length of the ship three separate times?

They look at each other before nodding with understanding. My companion points at our scuba tank. Then she waggles a finger at them… “Leave our air alone; ok?”

They obediently nod their heads. Maybe they’ve learned their lesson. But I’ve learned early on not to put my full trust in Andria when it comes to playing pranks.

My partner turns to look at me as she comes over and gets her gear back upon her shoulders. Her expression seems to ask if I want to do the length of the ship three times. I smile and nod, giving her a thumbs up.

Three lengths back and forth along the wreck shouldn’t be too hard. As long as we don’t dawdle along the way we should be fine. But we’d better be careful not to go crazy groping each other again.

The thought occurs to me: what if they try to steal our tank again? I motion at our air before turning to glare at Andria. She catches me looking at her and quickly lowers her head, avoiding eye contact.

Bitch! I’m still not sure I should trust you…

The four of us slowly fin ourselves up to the railing at the stern of the sunken vessel. Once again we’re paired off by the hoses of two sets of scuba gear. It doesn’t even occur to me whether or not we should call it a day. I’m enjoying myself too much.

Back on the stern my dive buddy removes her scuba gear. She props it up against the railing like she did the first time. The two of us continue to breathe off the hoses.

She makes a show of pointing at it. Then she motions toward the bow as though indicating what Andria and her mischievous friend should do… “Just put yours down at the bow and LEAVE it there, ok?” They nod with understanding.

She shoos them away with a wave of her hand. Then she shakes her head at me as if to say… “Those pranksters!” I roll my eyes and nod my head.

Andria and her dive buddy fin themselves around the shack. They slowly work their way forward. We watch through the open windows of the shack as they reach the bow.

They disappear behind a part of the pilot house. My partner nods at me. Then she removes her regulator from her mouth.

She gives it three short purges. Three streamers of bubbles flush upwards. Within a matter of seconds we see one solid spurt of air swirl up from the bow of the sunken vessel in response.

My dive buddy fills her lungs before removing her reg. She grandly motions… “After you.”

I smile as I take a deep breath. I remove the regulator from my mouth to gently place it down next to the tank. Then I grab her hand, tickled she’s allowing me to lead the way again.

I calmly take us around the shack to the stairwell. I’m no longer anxious about going down without a tank or a lantern. I grin broadly at her.

She warmly squeezes my hand with a big smile. Then we head down the stairwell into the darkness together. Soon we enter that short hall at the stern of the craft.

I lead us over toward the corridor that runs the length of the ship. It gets lighter once more from the portholes along that side of the vessel. We make the turn and fin ourselves easily down the length of the passageway.

It gets darker once we reach the other end. I’m reminded of our little groping session of a few minutes ago. It sets my pussy to tingling again.

We don’t have the time if we’re going to make three ship lengths on one breath. So I keep us moving, entering the little hall at the bow. That familiar shaft of illumination comes down through the stairwell, lighting the way.

We make our way up to the deck above us. Then we emerge into open ocean once more near the doorway to the pilothouse. Our eyes adjust to the light of the open sea and the sun that shines down from above.

My partner motions toward the bow, indicating we should probably go there first before heading back. I nod before leading us around the port side of the shack. Then we round the edge of the structure.

We immediately see a scuba tank sitting on the deck at the bow. It’s right where it’s supposed to be. We nod at each other with a wry smile.

I motion it’s her turn to take over. She acknowledges with a nod. Then she takes us up over the top of the pilothouse.

The entire length of the ship comes into view. We slowly fin our way back over the top of the wreck, hand in hand. It doesn’t feel like it’s been that long – maybe 30 or 40 seconds. Still, there’s the faintest hint of an increase in our speed as we fin together with smooth, powerful strokes.

Andria and her dive buddy aren’t visible. They could be anywhere. Maybe they’re somewhere in the interior of the vessel like we were a few moments ago. Possibly they’re moving along the side of the ship, too close to the hull for us to see them from our vantage point.

We move over the top of the shack at the stern of the vessel. The rail comes into view. So does our scuba gear, right where we left it.

‘Smart girls,’ I think with a wry smile. ‘Andria may be a vixen. But she CAN be taught!’

My dive buddy grins at me. She must also think they’re going to behave from now on. “Take us back,” she motions grandly.

I smile as I lead the way for the last leg of our three-length free dive. I fin us down beyond the railing toward the ocean bottom. I make it a point to slap the hull on the stern of the wreck just for the fun of it.

I guide us along the rear toward the port side and the reef that lies beyond. I can feel the burn in my chest as we round the hull. Then we start back along the length of the sunken vessel.

My lungs begin to softly spasm. It sets my pussy to tingling even more. I feel my heart quicken, urging me to fin ourselves along a little faster.

My companion fins a little harder as well. We both release bubbles as we start to feel it. Instinctively I find myself leading us upward.

We draw closer to the rail that rings the ship. I want to take the shortest possible route back to their scuba gear. It isn’t long until we’re running parallel with the decking.

As we approach the pilot house, I feel the spasms become more pronounced within my chest. I’m definitely going to need the tank as soon as we get there. Then we clear the edge of the pilothouse.

The bow of the sunken vessel opens before us. But there’s no scuba gear in sight. It’s not where we saw it the last time we were on this end of the wreck.

Oh, FUCK – not again??


My lungs begin to burn as we motion to split up once again. We circle the pilothouse and emerge on the other side. But the scuba tank is nowhere to be seen.

It isn’t sitting outside the pilothouse like I half expected it to be. My heart skips a beat. I look anxiously at my dive buddy, wondering what she’s thinking.

She motions for me to check around up here while she goes over the side. Maybe she’s going to check the soil around the wreck. I see her fin herself over the railing and disappear from view, leaving me to check topside for the wayward scuba gear.

I find myself inwardly spewing obscenities at those two, especially Andria. My lungs begin to heave in my chest as I look all around. I have to consciously force the panic back down.

Obviously we were much too easy on those mischief-makers. Next time we need to really make ’em pay. But there’s no time to consider revenge. Our source of air has to be located first.

I glance at the stairwell. Would they have moved the tank down below? Could it be on the bottom step in plain sight?

I fin over to it and go partway down. I don’t see it anywhere. Something tells me they wouldn’t deliberately move it far enough for our lives to be threatened.

I quickly fin back up. Maybe it’s in the pilothouse. I squirt myself in through the open doorway, the fear growing stronger within me.

My lungs are heaving again, my pussy throbbing. Am I going to cum before those two sadistic bitches drown us this time? I anxiously look all around. But I don’t see it anywhere.

Is it sitting on the ground like last time, leaning up against the side of the wreck? That would mean my companion would have found it and is getting the air she needs. I would think she would bring the tank up with her to give me access to it as well.

I turn to head back out the door. That’s when I see it. It’s sitting underneath a table in the corner.

Shit; it’s right there! I might never have spotted it if I hadn’t come inside. Did they figure one of us would come in and do a thorough search??


I fin up to it and grab the nearest regulator. I cram it between my lips and fill my aching lungs. My need subsides as the throbbing in my pussy starts to ease.

It dawns on me how alone I am. I frantically look all around. Uh-oh; where is she?

My freediving companion is nowhere in sight. I feel a stab of fear in the pit of my gut. I half expected her to come up and find me in here. But I don’t see her materializing anywhere outside the shack.

I dare not wait for her. What if she’s too far away? I frantically grab the gear and quickly hoist it onto my shoulders.

I strap it in place. If she won’t come to our compressed air supply, then I’ll take it to her. Then I fin myself back out the door.

I look all around once I’m out in open ocean. But I don’t see her anywhere. Shit!

Last I saw of her she was going over the port side railing. I frantically fin off in that direction, launching myself over the rail. But I don’t see her anywhere.

There’s nothing between the wreck and the reef. She’s simply vanished. This CAN’T be good!

With my heart pounding in my chest, I glance briefly toward the stern. Hopefully she didn’t head off in that direction.

I fin back toward the bow. I have a sinking feeling. I can only hope like hell those two found her and gave her lungs a refill.

I clear the nose of the wreck. That’s when I see her. She’s just off the starboard bow, hidden from view by the hull of the sunken vessel. That’s why I couldn’t see her until now.

She drifts downward on her back, her arms and legs all splayed out. A small trickle of bubbles slip out of her lips. There’s an expression of shock in her eyes.

In an instant my heart leaps into my throat. I want to scream.

Gawd; what if I’m too late??

2007; 2020 (written Aug 28 ’07; ed. Nov 15 ‘20 by riwa)

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Snuff Teri 5.0 (Ch 8 Dunked Teri) 3.8 (19)

We walked over a few paces. Once again, a display opened up as if materializing from out of nowhere. This one was even more simplified than the last one.

I felt my cock start to stir again. I started to speak up. But my escort grabbed my arm and drew a finger to her lips, enticing me to be silent.

A naked Teri knelt facing away from us. She moaned softly while asking no one in particular to come free her from her situation. She was momentarily unaware of our presence.

She was kneeling upright in front of a shallow, circular tub full of water. Her lower legs were strapped to the floor of the holodeck. Her upper legs were strapped to the front of the tub.

There was a black collar around her neck. A thin cable was attached to it that led downward into the tub. Water dripped off her face and chest, indicating she’d recently been dunked.

I quickly put it all together. Apparently the cable was used to pull the young woman’s head down into the water. On the wall behind the tub, visible to both her and us, was an LED display with bright red numbers counting down.

I looked questioningly at my tour guide. She just stifled a giggle. Once more she lifted a finger up to her lips for me to remain silent.

The timer on the wall was now counting down from 10. The captive young woman became more agitated by the moment. “SOMEBODY HELP MEE!” she cried out, her chest rising and falling as she breathed deeply.

As the time ran out, she inhaled sharply. A moment later her head was jerked down into the tub of water with a splash. A few bubbles came up through her flowing red hair.

The timer on the wall reset itself to 80. Immediately it began counting down as ‘Microkini Teri’ led me closer. There was a grunt from the submerged Teri before she stopped struggling and settled in.

I looked down into the water. That’s when I saw another LED on the floor of the tub. It reflected the exact same numerals as the one on the wall.

There was also a mirror on the bottom. It reflected back the concerned face of a young woman who’d closed her eyes. She now appeared to be concentrating on holding her breath.

“This one is doing a little forced breath-holding,” my escort explained. “She’s been doing this for a while now. The timer originally started her out at 10 seconds. Each time she goes under, both timers reset, adding an additional ten seconds. Sooner or later she’s going to drown. It’s inevitable.”

She smiled at me before taking notice of my hardening cock. She smiled knowingly at me as she asked, “Shall we see if we can distract her, Master?”

I was curious to see where this might be going. So I nodded my head. That’s when she knelt down and gave the ass sticking up a good hard “SMACK!”

I saw ‘dunked Teri’s’ eyes fly open in the expression reflected back to me. She grunted as she lost a burst of bubbles. Then she must have seen our reflections in the mirror as we bent over looking down on her.

She immediately started grunting and struggling. ‘Microkini Teri’ called down in warning, “I wouldn’t release that breath of yours just yet, honey. You’re not coming back up until the timer reaches zero. Even I can’t change that.”

I saw the young woman’s eyes open wide in horror in the mirror’s reflection. She began to wriggle around a little. Then she grunted a few more bubbles up from her nose and mouth.

The cable disappeared into a hole in the bottom of the tub. There was hardly any slack at all. It looked like she could only move her head just a little.

“Hold your breath, bitch!” my Teri ordered her sternly. Then she swatted the young woman’s ass again. It caused her dunked twin to jerk and bubble.

Both timers reached 30 as my escort began rubbing her helpless replica’s upraised ass. “Just look at this, Master,” she observed with a chuckle. “Shall I make it nice and ready for you?”

Before I could respond, ‘Microkini Teri’ got down on her hands and knees. She moved in and started licking ‘dunked Teri’s’ pussy. She actually buried her nose in the young woman’s ass as she licked and slurped.

The submerged woman stiffened and grunted. There was another eruption of bubbles. Her body started to writhe and squirm as the timer reached 20.

I wondered if she was going to lose her breath before her time was up. I heard what sounded like bubbly whimpers that kept increasing in intensity. Now it looked as though the poor thing was struggling to hold her breath while writhing helplessly.

“She tastes delicious, Master,” my escort giggled at me. “She’s wet, probably because she knows she’ll drown unless someone intervenes. I think the fear is making her pussy nice and juicy.”

She went back in, moaning softly as she licked and slurped. There was a bubbly cry as the timer reached 10. That’s when ‘dunked Teri’ really started squirming.

Bubbles came up as the poor thing grunted anxiously. My feasting escort just giggled as she continued to lick. It looked like the pole-dancing twin might actually start sucking water before the cable released her.

“You’re gonna drown her if you’re not careful.” My cock was hard and throbbing. ‘Microkini Teri’ gave me a quick glance and a knowing grin before going back to licking.

When the timer reached 0, Teri suddenly jerked her head up out of the water. She went into a coughing fit as she knelt upright. I saw the timers reset themselves to 80 and then start counting down.

My escort sidled up to her twin from behind. She reached around to grope and fondle a set of dripping tits. The young woman moaned and whimpered.

‘Microkini Teri’ cooed softly into her ear. “It’s sexy as hell when you run out of air and start blowing bubbles, honey. Better get your breath back pretty quickly. This next one’s going to last 90 seconds.”

“P–please!” the young woman gasped. “Please let me go or I’ll drown! I c–can’t hold my breath much longer!”

“Sure you can, honey!”

My Teri giggled, pulling the young woman’s head sideways and kissing her hard. Then she told her, “You’ve got good lungs. If you concentrate, I’ll bet you can make two minutes easy.”

“Not with you licking me,” she whimpered in protest. “I c-can’t hold it when you’re licking me. P–please… just let me go!”

“I can’t, honey,” my escort explained. “The program has already been set in motion. I can’t stop it until it completes its cycle.”

“How long will that take?” ‘dunked Teri’ gasped anxiously.

“Why gee; I don’t know.” ‘Microkini Teri’ giggled as she winked at me. She appeared thoughtful before adding, “I’m not quite sure. I can’t remember if I set it for two and a half minutes or three.”

“Three minutes??” the poor girl gasped in horror. “I’ll drown!!”

“And we plan on enjoying every minute of it,” my escort observed with excitement in her voice. “Now you’d better get ready for your next session, honey, while I do a little more feasting. After all, I have to get your holes ready for your rapist.”


“Deep breath, honey,” my Teri warned her with a grin, eyeing the timer as it ticked down. “I just love it when you bubble. It makes you one sexy bitch; did you know that?”

The young woman whimpered as she gasped for breath, quickly filling her lungs. She was abruptly jerked under with a splash as the timer hit zero. Bubbles came up through her flowing red hair.

The two timers reset themselves, this time to 90. Once again my escort knelt down behind her. Then she began licking her squirming twin’s pussy, her nose buried in the writhing woman’s anus.

The submerged woman wriggled and bubbled. I heard a grunt of alarm. “I think she’s ready for your cock, Master,” Microkini Teri’ observed with a grin.

She moved aside as though inviting me to come enjoy myself. I willingly dropped to my knees. Then I slowly guided my hard cock into a wet, dripping cunt.

I heard another groan, followed by a burst of bubbles. I began to gently thrust in and out of her. My sadistic tour guide watched with enthusiasm as I slowly fucked the dunked slut.

‘Microkini Teri’ moaned lustfully. I could tell she was becoming aroused. Was it because I was fucking her dunked twin to the point where she might actually drown?

I kept it nice and slow, deciding to pace myself. I wanted the submerged bitch to last a while. So I took my time, enjoying her tightness.

I watched as the timer reached 30. I began thrusting a little harder, unable to resist. The dunked redhead wriggled and bubbled even more.

“Fuck the slut!” my kneeling escort breathed excitedly. “Rape the fucking bitch! She deserves it!”

She reached into the water and groped her squirming twin’s breasts, giggling wickedly at her. “Isn’t that right, bitch?” she said aloud. “You’re just a pole-dancing whore, a wicked little cock-tease. You fucking deserve it, don’t you?”

The submerged Teri grunted and bubbled. I could tell by looking at her reflection in the mirror that her lungs were straining. That’s when I fucked her harder.

I watched as the timer reached 15. She let out another bubbly cry when it went to 8. That’s when she suddenly stiffened before she started bucking and shuddering, billows of bubbles bursting up to the surface all around her head.

“Fuck, she’s cumming!” ‘Microkini Teri’ gasped excitedly. “Give it to her good, Master! Fuck the air right out of her lungs; drown the bitch!”

I thrust in hard just before the timer reached 0. Then ‘dunked Teri’ shot upright, gasping like crazy. I heard her whimper as she trembled like mad.

My escort sadistically reached around her twin’s body. She cruelly grabbed the drenched tits, groping them lustfully. Then she grabbed her head and twisted it in her direction to face her.

“Did you cum, honey? Is that why your eyes are all glazed over?”

She looked down at my crotch as I continued to thrust into her bedraggled twin sister. “Pull it out, Master!” she begged. “Please? I want to taste her cunt on your big dick! Then you can fuck her hard with it again!”

‘Dunked Teri’ whimpered, struggling to catch her breath. My Teri leaned down and took my cock into her mouth. Then she lovingly sucked it clean, moaning enthusiastically.

“Gawd; that pussy tastes great!” she gasped excitedly. “I just love freshly fucked cunt-juice!”

“Please!” her exhausted twin begged. “No more! I can’t take much… more of this!”

“You’d fucking better, bitch!” ‘Microkini Teri’ threatened. “If you keep this up, there’s no way in hell you’re ever gonna make two minutes!”

“Please… turn me loose, ok? I won’t breathe a word of this to anyone; I swear!”

“You sure as hell won’t,” her sadistic twin agreed, “certainly not if they find you floating face down in a tub of water. I suggest you get ready for your next breath-hold, honey. 100 seconds can be a long time to some people.”

“No… please… have mercy…”

“Like the mercy you parcel out to all those men you cock-tease while pole-dancing? I don’t think so, you fucking whore!”


“Then I’d suggest you start taking deep breaths,” ‘Microkini Teri’ advised, taking note of the dwindling numbers on the timers.

Her frightened twin began gasping anxiously. My escort turned to me, her eyes flashing. “Why don’t you enjoy that sexy ass next; eh, Master? I think the bitch can take it. She can hold her breath long enough.”


“Shut up and breathe, bitch! Otherwise I’m going to make fucking sure you can’t raise your head back up when the timer reaches zero!”


The timers counted down from 5. ‘Dunked Teri’ started inhaling deeply. At 1 she frantically filled her lungs. Then she was jerked back down with a burble.

“Damn; that’s hot!” my escort gasped, watching her twin being pulled under as bubbles came up through her flowing red hair again. Then she turned toward me with a lustful expression.

“Let me get that ass ready for you, ok Master?” Then she knelt down and started rimming her pole-dancing twin.

The submerged bitch stiffened and then started to bubble as she writhed and squirmed. I heard underwater whimpers as my Teri moaned excitedly. She licked and slurped as though she was really enjoying herself.

I watched her plunge her tongue into the young woman’s puckered anus. It caused the poor thing to tremble. Then she let out a bubbly, high-pitched cry.

“There, Master,” she gasped excitedly. “Wet and ready for that hot fuck-tool of yours. Go right ahead and fuck that bitch’s ass!”

I leaned in and pressed the tip of my dick against ‘dunked Teri’s’ quivering hole. Once more, she grunted in alarm. She writhed anxiously as though she could somehow avoid me by squirming around.

I slowly pushed my way in until I was well inside. There was another grunt as more bubbles came up through that flowing red hair. Then I started thrusting nice and slow, going deeper and deeper until I was pushing all the way in up to my balls.

I heard grunts and whimpers as I slowly fucked her ass. I couldn’t help reaching around to grope her submerged big tits. She grunted and burbled, wriggling her ass in response as though she could somehow force me out of her. ‘Microkini Teri’ just watched with a look of sadistic pleasure on her face, her eyes lit up with delight.

Once again I took my time, enjoying the pleasure of fucking a tight ass. The submerged bitch grunted and burbled. So I decided I wanted to see her expression.

I looked down into the water at the mirror. I saw the reflection of a woman struggling hard to hold her breath. When both timers reached 30, I began thrusting harder, giving her more of a challenge.

She winced until her head was shaking back and forth as I picked up the pace. “Yeah, baby; rape that ass!” my sadistic escort encouraged. “Drown the fucking whore!”

‘Dunked Teri’ grunted in alarm. Her eyes were open wide as her cheeks began to bulge. At 15, I really started giving it to her good and hard.

She began losing bursts of air. I knew she could see the time remaining. If she could hold out long enough, she would be rewarded with another breath.

My Teri began gleefully calling out the countdown as time ran down… “5… 4… 3… 2… 1!” Then the submerged young woman was released. She shot up for breath, gasping like mad as the cable maintained its hold on the collar around her neck.

“Let me taste that ass!” ‘Microkini Teri’ begged excitedly.

She moved in close, pulled me out, and started sucking on my cock. She moaned appreciatively as she gobbled me down. It was as though she was thoroughly enjoying the taste, sucking my dick like a pro.

Her twin moaned and gasped, water dripping off her face, hair and tits. “Please!” she begged, sounding exhausted. “I don’t think… I can hold it… anymore! Please… I’m BEGGING you!”

“Don’t beg,” her sadistic sister scolded after pausing from sucking my dick. “It’s unbecoming for a slut of your caliber. Just take your drowning like the whore you are.”

“Please… don’t drown me… I don’t want to die!”

“If you can hold your breath for 110 seconds, then I guess you won’t drown this time; will you, honey?”

“But I can’t HOLD IT THAT LONG!”

“Then I guess Master’s going to enjoy your drowning spasms as he rapes your ass, bitch!”

‘Dunked Teri’ whimpered anxiously. She was certainly getting no mercy from the woman who looked exactly like her. Despite the fact the two females were exact replicas, my escort seemed 100 times more cruel.

“This breath-hold might be interesting,” ‘Microkini Teri’ told me, her eyes flashing. “The bitch is acting like she might not make it. I expected a far better effort from her. Oh well.”

She shrugged her shoulders as if she didn’t give a damn. Then she grabbed the young woman’s face by the chin. She gave it a good shake as she told her, “If you can’t make this one, honey, the least you can do is make sure Master enjoys himself while you drown.”


“I’d get a really good breath if I were you,” my escort advised, motioning at the timers as they counted down toward 0.

Her twin began gasping loudly, trying to cram as much air into her lungs as possible. Then she was jerked under with a splash. The timers reset to 110.

“Let me get that hole nice and wet for you again!” my Teri offered.

She leaned forward, jamming her face into her twin’s ass. Then she started licking enthusiastically. I think she just wanted in for another taste. Besides, it seemed to get her off making her submerged replica squirm and bubble.

Almost immediately ‘dunked Teri’ started wriggling and grunting. More bubbles erupted up through her waving red strands.

“Now!” my cruel tour guide suggested as she pulled away. “Sodomize the fucking whore!”

I pushed the head of my cock against the young woman’s anal ring until it gave way. Then I thrust it all the way in. ‘Dunked Teri’ let out a bubbly cry as I started fucking her hard.

Her body rocked as she grunted and writhed around. I could not resist pounding her mercilessly. I heard grunts and bubbly cries, which only made me even more excited.

‘Microkini Teri’ seemed to be on the same page. She reached under the bent-over bitch with her hand, searching for her crotch. “Let me finger that cunt of hers, baby!” she giggled with sadistic cruelty. “Together we can send her over the edge!”

Her twin cried out, losing another burst of air as she started to thrash about. I was certain she’d given up too much breath in her lungs to hold it for the full 110 seconds. Thinking she was going to drown made me thrust even harder until my cock throbbed in her anal passage.

My escort gasped and moaned. Apparently this had gotten her all worked up as well. Was she eager to watch her doppelganger drown??

Her free hand was buried in her own cunt. She mercilessly fingered her dunked replica. At the same time, she was furiously finger-fucking herself.

Her twin sister grunted as more bubbles erupted at the surface. She was losing air fast. I could see her horrified expression reflected in the mirror on the bottom of the tub.

She looked like she was starting to panic. She must have realized she wasn’t going to be able to hold her breath. That’s when her anxious grunts intensified.

She began to writhe and squirm. It wasn’t long before her cheeks began to bulge. Was her chest starting to heave?

“Hot damn; I think she’s gonna cum!” My bitch of an escort was becoming delirious with sadistic glee. She appeared to be furiously frigging both herself and her dunked twin.

The timers had barely reached 60 when ‘dunked Teri’ stiffened. A moment later she went off. She appeared to shudder amidst a flurry of bubbles, the mirror reflecting her rolling eyes.


I felt the walls of her anal passage clamp down hard around my cock. I could not help brutally fucking her ass. Then her orgasm passed.

For a moment the reflection in the mirror showed her eyes had glazed over in a drunken stupor. Then her lungs gave. That’s when she spasmed and gurgled as the timer reached 35.

Her eyes flew open in horror as she coughed hard, spewing air mixed with water. Then she began coughing her air away. She seemed desperate to clear her lungs from the fluid that kept pouring down her throat.

I looked down into the tub. In the mirror I saw the reflection of a drowning woman. It was so erotic that her next painful spasm triggered my release, my cock exploding in her tight ass.

“FUCK; THAT’S HOT!” my escort gasped as she too looked down into the tub.

Her submerged sister thrashed about. Bubbles dribbled freely out of her parted lips. Her expression was one of shock and surprise.

Her anal passage clenched tightly around my thrusting cock. She literally milked me dry as she cried out with a gurgle. It was incredible.

She went into a series of spasms, grunting “Ungh… ungh… ungh…” as each one hit. For a moment her body seemed to seize up. Then I felt her start to shake.

She suddenly relaxed, no longer putting up a fight. In the mirror I saw her mouth gape open. Her eyes reflected the horror of her painful drowning.

I felt as much as heard the rattle in her chest. Then a few stray bubbles swirled out of her mouth. They popped up to the surface through her waving strands of silky red hair.

The timers counted down to 0, allowing the cable to release her. This time she didn’t jerk herself up out of the water. She just knelt bent over, face down in the tub.

My Teri enthusiastically grabbed her and lifted her up out of the water. She looked at the vacant expression in her drowned twin’s eyes. “Damn, baby; that was hot!” she gasped in a fit of delirium.

She kissed the open mouth, moaning excitedly. Then she cruelly let go as though there was no need for being gentle. Her drowned twin’s upper body simply fell forward into the tub with a splash.

I pulled my dick out of the drowned ass. ‘Microkini Teri’ leaned down and eagerly swallowed me. She enthusiastically sucked on my cock, cleaning it with her tongue.

She moaned appreciatively before pulling me out of her mouth. “So that’s what your cum tastes like inside a dead ass, eh? It’s delicious, Master!”

She turned and caught sight of my cream leaking out of her dead replica’s anus. She quickly moved in, licking and slurping it up. “Can’t let it go to waste now; can I, Master?”

When she was done, she sucked on my softening cock one last time to finish cleaning it up. Then we both rose to our feet.

“Now that is one drowned slut!” she commented with satisfaction. “No wonder you like your cock up their ass once they start to inhale!” Then she seductively sidled up to me.

“Shall we see what else your wicked bitch has planned for you, Master? I’m SO enjoying this!”

As we turned to go, we caught sight of ‘stripper Teri’. She was dancing tiredly on her pole, her eyes wide in horror. My escort called out to her, “Better keep dancing, whore, or you’ll be next!”

With a yelp of fright, the young woman grabbed the pole and swung herself around on it. But I could tell she was tiring. I couldn’t help wondering what my Teri had in store for the exhausted performer. Then she wrapped her arm through mine and proceeded to lead me off to the next one…

2010; 2021 (written May 28 ’10; ed. Mar 17 ‘21 by riwa)

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Riwa’s Stories at Patreon 3.3 (3)

Coming May rewards

The 7th chapter to Chloe.

The 7th chapter to Aravanna.

The 7th chapter to Katia.

A topless maid ends up in a barrel in the pool.

A 2nd MAID volunteer.

Dylann tries again.

Dylann gets caught.

Another mother’s fetish.

I dreamed I drowned them 9

Ransom gone wrong.

And I’m hoping to get Seductress 7 ready in time to post.

March stories/rewards will fall off at the end of April to make room for May rewards.

It took six months before the snows finally melted away that first fell in early November. So I guess you could say we had six full months of winter. The last piles and drifts were gone by Mid-April. Then Mother Nature gave us an 82 degree day before laughing, telling us “Just kidding”, and then dropping temperatures back into the 30’s. But it’s up into the 60’s now, so I hope the cold temperatures are mostly gone.

I got an unexpected present for my birthday last month. I think each birthday in your 60’s comes with a bonus ache or pain. I got one in my back, and it has complicated life at times. Sometimes it calmly reminds me of its presence, while other times it really grabs me and gives me a good shake. Mom and I must make quite the spectacle as we sloooooowly climb out of our vehicle whenever we go somewhere to eat. It makes people place bets as to who is the most crippled between us.

Mother is doing better. She has held onto the weight she has gained. She’s also had a medication adjustment that seems to be calming some hand tremors she’s been battling for some time. I thank God daily that I still have her around. I also thank Him for allowing me the health to keep writing for you. And I thank you all for being my patrons.

Oh yeah… I paid taxes too. They were not bad. I sure hope yours were reasonable.

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The Seductress 2 4.3 (26)

I didn’t tell anyone what happened between Carly and I. Besides, who was I going to tell? If anyone found out, it would seriously tarnish my reputation.

I’d certainly enjoyed what we’d done underwater. But I also felt guilty. Perhaps it was because of the church’s message. Or maybe it was because we weren’t officially boyfriend and girlfriend yet.

I tried to rationalize it by convincing myself Carly had been the aggressor. But I knew I could have put a stop to it at any time. Now I was starting to develop feelings for her.

I got a call from her the next day. She wanted to go back out to the lake and swim with me again. She wanted to know what day would be good for me.

Everything seemed to be happening so fast. A part of me thought I should turn her down. But I’d enjoyed our time underwater, and I didn’t want to stop.

I asked if Thursday afternoon would work. I hoped there wouldn’t be too many people out at the lake to spy on us during a workday. I figured Thursday would work much better than a Friday or the weekend.

She told me Thursday afternoon would be great. She would use her parent’s car so I wouldn’t have to come pick her up. She would also pack some sandwiches if I could bring something to drink.

I got to the lake on Thursday a little after noon. A part of me couldn’t help questioning what I thought I was doing. But I’d already become too deeply entangled.

Carly showed up in her parents’ car wearing a nice sundress. It quickly came off to reveal a skimpy black bikini. That didn’t help my stiffening cock in the slightest.

We ate her sandwiches and drank the sodas I’d brought along. But we made sure it wasn’t a heavy lunch. Then we got into the water.

The raft was clear across the inlet, the wind having blown it there from the night before. Carly and I swam over to fetch it. We brought it back and parked it right in the middle over the deepest part of the inlet.

There were other people out on the lake. But for the most part, we were just out of sight. I didn’t want anyone else knowing about Carly and I until I could fully process what was going on between us.

After reaching the middle of the inlet, Carly blatantly stripped out of her bikini, tossing the pieces up onto the raft. She smiled as she told me, “I hope you don’t mind. Last time we weren’t naked for very long. This time I want to swim in the nude. Is that ok with you?”

She gave me a questioning look. Right away I knew what she wanted from me. So I let my little head do all the thinking.

I gamely pulled my trunks off, eager to please. Then I tossed them up onto the raft. “That’s great!” she gasped with a huge grin. “This way I get to see for myself just how turned on you become. Now I want to see if I can swim down to the bottom on my own while you’re swimming beside me.”

We both filled our lungs before submerging. We swam down until I actually touched the muddy bottom. It was so murky that I could hardly see Carly until she found me and grabbed on.

She pulled me to her and started kissing me deeply. Our naked bodies pressed up against each other. Her hands were all over me.

I felt her grab my dick and start to stroke it. I grunted bubbles into her mouth as our tongues intertwined. It felt so good that I didn’t think to stop her. Besides, I really didn’t want to.

We finally shot up to the surface for another breath. We clung to the raft until she filled her lungs and submerged. That’s when I felt her lips wrap around my quivering shaft.

She eagerly bobbed up and down on it, losing bubbles out of her nose. Then she popped up for a breath. “Your turn to do oral on me,” she panted.

I may have been clueless around the girls at school. But from all my “research” I certainly knew enough to know what was expected of me. At least I thought I did.

I submerged and caressed her mounds. Then I latched onto a nipple with my mouth. I sucked on it, using my tongue to flick it a little.

She joined me underwater, moaning up bubbles as she jerked my meat. I licked and sucked on her breasts. Then we surfaced to get another breath.

She was eager to submerge again. This time she forced my head between her legs. Right away I knew what she wanted.

I hesitated only a moment before exploring with my tongue. I found her nub and nibbled on it with my lips, making it swell. She squirmed against me as she groaned and bubbled.

I licked between her labia until she was wriggling and trembling. It was a real turn-on making her squirm underwater. I heard her lose bubbles as she moaned really loud.

We surfaced again to catch our breaths. She panted as she looked me right in the eye. Then she dubiously asked, “Are you sure you haven’t done any of this before?”

I told her I’d done a lot of research on the subject. But I didn’t give any specific details. I didn’t want her to know I was more worldly than I wanted to let on.

She grinned as she replied, “Porn research?” She laughed as my face went red. She told me it was no big deal.

She filled her lungs and submerged again. Once more her lips wrapped around my dick. I slipped under and reached down to grope and fondle her boobs as she vacuumed my cock, her cheeks going concave.

After a while we came back up for another breath. She panted as she told me, “Now I want to 69 at the bottom of the lake. You know what that is, don’t you?”

I blushed as I told her yes. She said she wanted to suck my cock while I licked her twat. But she didn’t want to waste any time fumbling around to find me.

I told her to grab on. She wrapped her arms around my neck as we both inhaled deeply. Then I took us down toward the bottom of the lake.

It got darker and colder the deeper we went, helping my cock stiffen even more. Then my hands touched the muddy bottom. Carly shifted her position on top of me, feeling around until she was able to wrap her lips around my dick.

Even though my sinuses stung, I shifted my body underneath her until my face went between her legs. I licked through the folds of her labia as I nibbled on her nub. She really groaned up bubbles as she gobbled me down.

We stayed down for as long as we could. It felt absolutely incredible; two warm, naked bodies pressed together at the bottom of a murky lake. I loved the way she was responding to my probing tongue and nibbling lips.

She finally broke away and shot up toward the surface. My lungs were hurting as I followed her up. For a moment I wondered if we’d stayed down too long.

We burst up panting loudly for breath. She gasped, “Damn, that was hot! How deep were we?” I told her I didn’t really know. But it had to have been at least a good eighteen feet… maybe even deeper.

She kissed me deeply, her hand grabbing my dick again. We submerged near the raft as my hand found her crotch. This time I wriggled a couple fingers into her slit.

She moaned and bubbled as she writhed against me. It was incredibly erotic. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever expect to meet a woman with the same aquatic desires as I.

We surfaced to catch our breath. Once more, she pushed me under onto my back. We were near the surface when she gobbled my cock as my face found her crotch.

We were just below the surface, feasting in another 69 position. By now there were very few self-conscious thoughts on my part. I was horny as hell, and was really enjoying our time in the water.

We surfaced again to catch our breath. She eagerly stroked my erection. Then she told me, “Now I want to go deep and kiss you again.”

We inhaled deeply before submerging. She followed me down, keeping a hand on my ankle so she wouldn’t lose me. I stretched my hand out, but this time I didn’t find the bottom.

Carly pulled me to her and kissed me hard. Once more, her tongue deeply probed my oral cavity. I felt her hand stroke my cock the entire time.

At some point I felt her move my dick around. A moment later I felt myself slide deep inside something warm and velvety. That’s when something clenched wonderfully around my shaft.

Carly eagerly began to ride me, grunting and bubbling like crazy. She kissed me so hard I thought she was going to suck my tonsils out. That’s when it occurred to me what had just happened.

I had never planned on things going this far. But it was far too late to stop now. Besides, it felt too damned good for me to want to pull out.

She eagerly rode me, grunting into my mouth as our tongues intertwined. I could not resist, nor could I make myself stop. A moment later I felt it swell within me.

I tried to grunt a warning as I started to push her away. Carly just wrapped her legs around me even more. She held on tight, gripping me like an octopus until there was no way I could pry her off me.

My cock suddenly went off inside her. I could not stop spurting as I pumped load after load deep inside her. It felt absolutely incredible, especially as we drifted near the bottom of the lake.

I tried to pull out as I was running out of breath and needed to surface. She kept her legs wrapped around me as she continued to kiss me. I finally used my arms and legs to work us back toward the surface.

We finally popped up gasping loudly for breath. She gasped, “That was so fucking awesome!” Then she proceeded to kiss me so hard that she sucked the tonsils out of my throat.

I could tell I was still inside her. I’d softened, but I hadn’t yet slipped out. It was as though she didn’t want me too.

She finally squeezed me out of her. I felt my conscience nudge me, and I mumbled something about heading back to shore to take a break. But she was having none of it.

“That was fucking incredible! I want to go again!” And with that she submerged to wrap her lips back around my dick.

I made a halfhearted attempt to stop her. But I didn’t really want to. In no time at all I found myself stiffening right back up.

She came up out of the water and gasped for breath. Then she pushed me down between her legs. I dutifully began lapping up her pussy, noticing a distinct change in flavor.

She stiffened and cried out as she held my head in place. She slipped under, moaning and bubbling. Then she let out a bubbly cry as she shuddered hard, squeezing her legs until I thought she was going to crack my head open like an egg.

She let me go, and the two of us surfaced. She blurted out, “I just had a fucking orgasm! I want to go again!” And with that she shoved me right back down between her legs.

Once more I licked between the folds of her labia as bubbles dribbled out of my mouth. I pushed my tongue into her slit as I grabbed her ass. Then I used a couple fingers to thrust in and out of her clenching slit.

She stiffened and bubbled. Then she cried out as she shuddered against me. We both popped back up to catch our breaths.

After a couple of minutes she gasped, “I want to get you back to bottom of the lake again!”

I looked at her, suddenly feeling a little uncomfortable. I had a good idea what she wanted to have happen again. This time I became a little hesitant, hemming and hawing about it.

My erection didn’t make things any easier, especially when she grabbed it and stroked me. She told me, “I know you’re trying to be careful. But would you just relax already? There’s no danger. Mom’s got me on the pill, so we’re good to go.”

Right then, something told me I wasn’t the only one she’d been sexually active with. But my erection didn’t really give a damn. That’s when she climbed into my lap, impaling herself on my throbbing erection.

“All the way down!” she demanded. “I want to fuck you at the bottom of the lake! I hope that’s ok. You’re the only one I’ve ever fu – I mean… you’re the only one I’ve ever been to the bottom of the lake with.”

Her words confirmed I wasn’t the only one she’d fucked. But a hard cock knows no conscience. That’s when she gasped, “Take us all the way down! I’ll hang on!”

We both inhaled deeply. Then we sort of jackknifed downward. I pulled hard with my arms, kicking with my legs to get us down.

Carly stayed wrapped around me like an octopus. She clung on tightly with her legs while riding me down as she bounced on my erection. I could actually feel her fucking me.

I kept swimming down, shamefully enjoying the way it felt being inside her. To my surprise, I actually touched the bottom. In fact, I almost drove Carly into the mud.

She ended up flat on her back, French-kissing me like a maniac. Her tongue probed deeply inside my oral cavity as she rode me. I thrust in and out of her while keeping her pinned to the bottom.

She grunted and bubbled into my mouth. It felt absolutely incredible. I couldn’t believe I was actually going to cum again!

I tried to give her a warning. She just wrapped her legs tighter around my waist. Then she really rode me, her pussy clenching like crazy as she kissed me hard.

I grunted as I thrust deep into her warm, throbbing womanhood. A moment later I pumped a second load deep inside her. She moaned up bubbles until she went into little spasms.

She suddenly grunted as she pushed me off. She shot up for the surface, with me a split-second behind. We both burst up panting like crazy.

“Awesome!” she finally gasped. “That was so fucking awesome! I’ve never done it at the bottom of the lake before!”

She saw the look in my eyes. Then she tried to correct herself. “I mean… I never thought I would ever have sex with anyone like that, certainly not at the bottom of a lake!”

I thought about saying something. But I decided not to push it. My little head didn’t seem to care I wasn’t the first who’d plowed her garden.

We climbed onto the raft and stretched out on our backs. We lay like that for a few minutes, sunning ourselves. I looked around to make sure nobody could see us skinny-dipping, much less lying nude on a raft.

By now we had drifted closer to shore. Carly noticed and said we needed to push it back out if we were going to do any more swimming and fucking. I was surprised at her brazenness.

She climbed on top of me and started kissing me on the raft. My cock immediately stiffened again. She felt it harden between us and began humping against it as she moaned into my mouth.

She rolled us around on top of the raft until we rolled off into the water. She just kept kissing me. By now she was getting pretty good about holding her breath with our tongues intertwined.

We surfaced to catch our breath. Then she panted, “I want to 69 again. You are so good with that tongue of yours.”

What could I say? I wanted to please her. I also liked the way her lips wrapped around my dick as she tried to suck the cream out of my balls.

We slipped underwater and moved into position. This time I was on top of her. Her mouth latched onto my dick as she locked my head in place with her thighs.

We really went at it. She kept grunting up bubbles as she sucked my cock. My tongue must have kept hitting the right spot because she humped against my face until she bubbled her breath away and had to surface again.

We came up gasping for breath. She kissed me hard before pulling away and telling me how talented I was with my tongue. Then she told me she wanted another fuck down on the bottom of the lake.

My conscience tried to tell me not to do it. But I was horny and could barely hear it. Besides, I loved the way she wanted to fuck me while holding her breath at the bottom of the lake.

I looked at her and smiled, thinking I’d cleverly found a way around it. “If you want to fuck me, you’re going to have to find me first.” Then I filled my lungs and submerged.

I could just barely make out the words, “Oh no, you don’t!” Then I pulled hard for the bottom. It was as though I was trying to escape.

I didn’t swim all that hard as I neared the bottom. It was murky, and I thought maybe I’d lost her. Then I reached the mud, the bottom not nearly so deep since we were closer to shore.

To be honest, I wanted her to find me way more than I wanted to remain virtuous. Besides, it was much too late for that. We’d already done so much in the water together.

She grabbed my ankle, causing me to bubble as my cock really stiffened. She pulled me to her before climbing into my lap. She wrapped her legs around my waist and pushed me over backwards until she was riding me in a cowgirl position.

She grunted and bubbled as she eagerly rode me near the bottom of the lake. I grasped onto her sides to hold on. She responded by grabbing my hands and pulling them to her breasts, indicating she wanted me to grab onto something else.

I groped and squeezed her tits as she eagerly rode me. We grunted and bubbled down near the bottom of the lake. I could feel us drifting upwards until I lost enough air to cause us to descend.

My stomach was starting to heave when I felt my back come in contact with the muddy bottom. She must have felt it with her legs, being as how they were wrapped tightly around me. She really rode me, grunting and bubbling up a storm.

I began to feel the strain in my lungs. I could also feel it in her heaving tits. She suddenly launched herself off and made a mad dash for the surface.

I shot up after her, concerned I might have stayed down too deep. I followed her up until we both burst up gasping loudly for breath. We swam to the raft which had drifted even closer to shore.

She panted for breath as she kissed me again. She grabbed my dick and jerked it while asking, “You still hard?”

I nodded… “Unh – hunh.”

“Good. I want to go back down. This time I want you to fuck me doggy style. You know what that is, don’t you?”

I nodded as I looked down. We were closer to the shore. The water was not so deep, meaning we should be able to reach the bottom easily enough.

“Now!” she gasped. Then we both submerged. I followed her down, staying close to her.

The bottom came up much faster this time. We were maybe 10-12 feet down. Carly immediately got on her hands and knees as I got on my knees behind her.

She grabbed me and centered me against her opening. Then she pushed back against me until I pushed deep inside her. She wasn’t taking any chances I might back out at the last second.

She began pushing back against me as I thrust into her. Once more I felt her hands come back and grab onto mine, directing where she wanted them. I ended up reaching underneath her to grope her boobs as I thrust into her from behind.

I was eager for another release. I could tell I was getting close. I knew I shouldn’t have been fucking her at all. But I just couldn’t make myself stop, especially with the two of us holding our breath at the bottom of the lake.

I groped her good and hard as I thrust into her. She grunted up more bubbles as she pushed back against me. Then I felt my balls swell until I exploded deep inside her.

She groaned up bubbles; she must have felt my cum in her. I really groped her boobs as I thrust deep and hard. I wanted to make sure she squeezed every last drop out of me.

It felt like she responded by clenching and crying out. She really milked me dry. Then she grunted up bubbles, a sound that didn’t seem right.

She started to go limp in my grasp. I pulled out of her, but she didn’t make a move toward the surface. I started to panic as I grabbed her and tried hauling her back up.

I was out of breath, my lungs empty. I couldn’t tell if she was conscious or not. For a moment I was afraid we were both going to drown. Then I got her to the surface.

For a moment she didn’t say or do anything. Then she started up a severe coughing fit. I told her over and over again how sorry I was.

I worked her over to the raft and got her on top. Then I finished kicking the raft back to shore. Somehow we both managed to get back into our swimsuits.

I asked again if she was ok. She gave me a not so happy glance as she told me, “You tried to drown me!”

“No, I didn’t! We just got carried away. You were the one who wanted to go back down, remember?”

“But you tried to drown me!”

“You wanted to fuck on the bottom of the lake!” I was surprised and a little put out by her sudden anger.

She gathered up all her stuff and headed for her parents’ car. She was clearly angry, spoiling out time together at the lake. My frantic apologies didn’t make a bit of difference as she climbed in, turned the car around and roared off.

I watched her drive away, feeling crestfallen. That certainly hadn’t ended well. The problem was: I was starting to develop feelings for her. It felt like I was actually falling in love.

Carly didn’t call me after that. I thought about calling her, but I didn’t want her to hang up on me. I also didn’t know how her parents would react if they found out we’d been sexual in the lake. I didn’t even know whether or not she’d told them.

Things certainly changed at church that Sunday. I started getting looks and snickers from just about everyone in the youth group. Carly was back to being snarky with me while hanging out with her friends.

The way they looked at me made me suspect they knew all about our lake adventures. There was only one person who could have told them. I felt utterly humiliated… and more than a little angry.

Our next youth group outing at the lake was not at all what I’d hoped it would be. I thought Carly would at least show some respect toward me. Instead, she made fun of me behind my back as she sat among her group of friends.

By now I was sure everybody knew. One of the guys I knew finally told me Carly had made a bet with some of the others, claiming she could take my virginity. Now she was cashing in and bragging about it.

I was mortified. But deep down, I was furious over being taken advantage of. I made it a point to spend as much time in the water by myself as possible, avoiding her and the others. I couldn’t believe Carly had turned out to be such a bitch.

A couple friends near the water quietly told me not to let it bother me. They could tell how it had affected me. But it was incredibly hard to ignore. It occurred to me I was going to have to live with this for a while, or at least until I moved away or something.

There was a lot of laughter and pointing at me. Some of the others became indecisive, having a hard time deciding just who to side with. They would be in the firing line if they chose to publicly side with me. So I was pretty much abandoned and ignored for the duration.

Mrs. Walker finally got pissed off about the whole thing. She told her daughter to take the car and all her disgusting friends and drive home. She also told her she was grounded.

Our time at the lake as a church group had officially come to an end. I started to get out of the water. But Mrs. Walker came down to the shoreline and held up a hand.

“Not you, Robert. You don’t have to go anywhere. You can stay as long as you like.”

She turned to see her daughter climbing into the car. The group was breaking up and heading for their vehicles. That left me all alone in the water.

Mrs. Walker was wearing a yellow one-piece. But it was cut well up the thighs, and it revealed a lot of cleavage. The way her breasts pushed through the material with her nipples protruding made it difficult for me not to stare.

“I’m real sorry about that, Robert. My daughter has been bragging about what she did with you for several days now. I guess she did it as a bet. She wanted to prove the right girl in the right situation could make you lose your virginity. I’m sorry she did that to you. I’m seriously considering making her take all the cash she won and give it to you.”

I was really embarrassed. But I tried to shrug it off. I wanted to make light of it despite knowing the hell my next few weeks were going to be like.

“You don’t have to do that, Mrs. Walker. I guess she earned it fair and square. She was, uh… she was good, especially the way she seduced me while we were swimming together. I had no idea women could be like that.”

I saw a look cross her face as though she’d felt included in the generalization. I quickly tried to undo the damage I’d inflicted. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it that way. It’s just that I, uh… the way we, uh… the way I did your daughter, uh… I mean… I’m sorry I…” How the hell was I supposed to apologize for fucking her daughter?

“It’s ok, Robert,” she said with a dismissive wave. “I thought I raised her better than that. Don’t feel bad about fucking her. You aren’t the first, and you certainly won’t be the last.”

My face went beet red. I lowered my head. “Maybe, uh… maybe I should go home now?”

“Uh… Robert? Can I ask a favor?”

“Sure, Mrs. Walker.”

“Well, I’m a little angry with my daughter right now, and I want to cool off. But as you can see, I’m now without a ride home. Would you take me home as soon as I finish my swim? You can even come out and swim with me if you like.”

I looked at her chest and blushed. She caught me looking and smiled. “Oh, that’s all right, Robert. Don’t worry about it. I understand the type of attention I get because of the suits I wear. Young men can’t help staring. I hope you don’t mind how I look in it.”

“Oh, I don’t mind, Mrs. Walker.”

“Do you like it?” She even twirled right there on the shoreline for me.

I felt my dick harden in my trunks. “Uh… very nice, Mrs. Walker.”

“I see I’ve embarrassed you. I’m sorry. Let’s get into the water and go for a swim; shall we?”

I felt better once she waded out with me into the water. We walked further out until my bulge was submerged and not as easily observable. Then she pointed toward the end of the lake. “Can you make that swim?”

“I think so.”

“Then let’s go.”

She set out with long, smooth strokes. I set off after her until I’d caught up to her. We swam a steady freestyle together until we neared the shore in four feet of water.

She stood up and said, “Can we rest for a few minutes, Robert?” I said it was ok with me. So we waded in and sat in water that covered our laps.

“I want to apologize again for my daughter, Robert.” I just waved her off. I told her I appreciated her kindness. I would just have to accept I’d been tricked and that I would have to be more careful in the future.

“I appreciate the swim, Robert. When I come out here with the group, I don’t often get to enjoy the water all that much. Sometimes I feel I have to stay close to shore and keep an eye on my daughter. You can certainly see why after today, am I right?”

I nodded with a smile. But her sitting there with her chest sticking out in that yellow one-piece was doing me no favors.

“I don’t know what to believe when she says these things, Robert. Sometimes she tells tall tales. She said you did some breath-holding first. Did you two really hold your breath underwater for nearly two minutes? I mean, that sounds kinda iffy to me, especially if you were doing… other things underwater.”

She looked at me as I squirmed a little. She saw I was uncomfortable and tried to backtrack. “You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to. I was just being curious is all. A couple of times she sounded proud of what she’d done, especially the breath-holding part.”

I realized Mrs. Walker was trying to be nice to me. I liked our swim and the way she was sitting so close. I decided to open up a little more, being as how I wanted to be nice to her.

“Yes, we did things underwater, Mrs. Walker.” Then I pointed across the lake toward the inlet on the opposite shore. “We did it over there out of sight while using the raft.”

“You mean that wooden raft that often floats around in the lake?”

“That’s the one.” I looked around before adding, “I don’t see it anywhere. It must be near the shore in that inlet over there.”

“I see.” Then she stood up.

“I guess I’m ready to go. Race you back?”

She got up and rushed into deeper water. I chased after her. We both swam hard back to the original shore.

I beat her by a few strokes. She laughed as we waded out together and headed for my towel. “You win,” she replied with a grin. “I guess that means I have to let you show me that inlet and the raft. I want to understand what Carly was talking about so I’ll know how long I have to ground her.”

“Oh, you don’t have to punish her, Mrs. Walker. But you do what you’ve got to do.”

“Would it be all right if you showed me that inlet?”

“Sure, Mrs. Walker.”

I gave her my towel as I noticed her daughter hadn’t left one behind. Then we headed up to my car. A part of me felt funny spending all this time with her. But another part felt like she was only trying to make up for the humiliation I’d endured earlier.

2021 (written May 23 ’21 by riwa)

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Girl’s night out 2 4.4 (54)

Carrie finally slides off, allowing me to pant tiredly for breath. She closes in and kisses me hard again. “That was so fucking hot, Aunt Amanda! Now you can join mom and I the next time we play at the house.”

And with that she gets up and goes off, perhaps to find Hilary. I’m left panting tiredly for breath as the brunette looks at me with a sly grin on her face.

Chapter 2

“You’re probably a little thirsty and dehydrated right now; am I right?”

“You could say that,” I nod tiredly. “Is there somewhere we can go to get something to drink? A water fountain maybe?”

“I think I can do you one better.”

She stands upright. Then she reaches down with an arm to help me up. “Thanks,” I tell her. “By the way, my name is…”

She shakes her head as she brings a finger to her lips. “No names,” she says. “It’s not like it’s a hard and fast rule around here. But some of the ladies we meet aren’t going to live through the night. We don’t get attached to anyone except through sex and the excitement of watching a lot of hangings.”

“Will there be a lot?” I ask curiously. I suddenly feel nervous again. Am I at risk simply by being here?

“It depends on the crowd we get and who is eager to hang. This is my third visit.” That’s when she leads me out of the room, the orgy still in full swing behind us.

I look at her in surprise. “Your third? Tonight are you going to, uh…?”

She smiles coyly at me. “Hang myself? I don’t rightly know. Some girls come for the specific purpose of hanging themselves. Some come intending to watch and end up getting all caught up in the excitement.”

“Are there any who aren’t willing? To hang, I mean?”

Once more I’m wondering how much danger I might be in. Would my sister intervene in order to save me? What if she becomes overly enthusiastic to the point where she wants to watch me swing?

The brunette seems to understand my concerns. “If you’re in the building, it means you’re at least somewhat open to the possibility. Females who’d never want to risk it wouldn’t dare set foot inside the door. After all, there’s that temptation of losing yourself to the thrill of it all.”

“What if I don’t…? I mean… what if I’m not…?” I find myself filled with a sense of foreboding, along with a certain perverse arousal at the idea I might find myself dangling from a noose before the night is over.

“If you’re dead set against it, you probably shouldn’t be in here. On the other hand, if you have the least little curiosity on the matter…?” The brunette smiles at me as though she might very well enjoy watching me kick up a jig in the noose.

We round a corner and end up in a large room with tables and chairs. There’s some sort of wet bar along one wall. She leads me right over.

A couple of nudes are behind the wet bar. The MILF in short, dirty-blonde hair walks over to us and smiles. “What’ll it be, ladies? Need a quick pick-me-up? You look like you’ve been hard at it.”

“Two,” the brunette says, holding up her fingers while ordering for me. The MILF goes off to fix them for us.

I turn to ask the brunette about the drinks. She speaks up before I can utter a word as though anticipating my question. “Sorry, but there will be very little alcoholic content. Legal reasons, you know. We all have to be fully aware of our own decision to go for a swinging good time. We can’t have anyone claiming so-and-so got drunk or she would never have consented. What they serve is designed to replace the bodily fluids we lost so we don’t get too dehydrated.”

“I see.”

The drinks arrive and I gulp mine down. It’s fruity, with just a hint of alcohol in it. After a couple of minutes I feel myself starting to revive.

We walk over to a table and sit down. The chairs are all plastic and are not really designed for comfort. I suspect they don’t expect us to be sitting in them long, especially with our nudity as well as all the fluids dripping out of so many pussies.

Full nudity is on display. I see no evidence of women trying to act modest. It’s still a bit of a shock to my system.

A young woman with short blonde hair and tats on her boobs walks by and pats me on the arm. “Love to see you swing, darling.” She gives me a lewd grin before heading off with her companion who also leers at me. It gives me the shivers something fierce.

I look at the brunette as though I’m not sure how to react. “There’s a lot of that around here,” she chuckles. “You see somebody and you just can’t help imagining them kicking it up in a noose.”

“Do you see me like that?” I ask nervously.

“Can’t help it,” she smiles back. “I saw how orgasmic you were back in the mattress room. It makes me wonder what kind of a dance you might put on.”

“I’m not here for the dancing,” I tell her firmly. “My sister brought me. Her daughter is here, along with her daughter’s lover.”

“You think your sister secretly knows more about you than she’s letting on?”

“Of course not! What makes you say that?”

“Just wondering why she brought you along if you’re so against it.”

“I didn’t say I was against it. I’m just…” She looks at me with a smile of amusement until I find myself becoming flustered and embarrassed.

The brunette looks slyly at me. “For the sake of discussion, we’ll agree she didn’t bring you here to hang you. Do you think she has other motives?”

“Like what?”

“Do you think she might volunteer to hang in your place? What about her daughter and her daughter’s lover? Do you think either one of them might hang tonight?”

“No.” Then I pause to think it over. “Now that you mention it, I’m not so sure anymore. I don’t know what to think. I can’t possibly imagine my sister and her daughter bringing me here just to watch them hang together.”

“I’ve seen it before.”

“Seen what before?”

“A mother and daughter hanging together.”

I stare at her in shock. “You’re kidding!”

“I’ll admit it was quite the surprise. But they went one right after the other. So it’s not outside the realm of possibility.”

I shake my head in disbelief. Is it possible Cassandra and her daughter Carrie might hang themselves before the night is over?? I suddenly have this ridiculous image of me trying to find her keys to drive her car home.

The brunette suddenly changes the subject. “We were talking about women eager to watch another woman hang. So now I’m curious. If you could pick out anyone here to watch dangle from a noose, who would it be?”

“Well, I don’t know,” I tell her uncertainly as I look all around. “I’m not sure I have a… I mean… I don’t know who I’d like to watch, uh…”

“What about your sister? Or her daughter?”

“Cassie? Carrie?? I couldn’t imagine them, uh…” That’s when I try to develop a mental picture of either one of them hanging naked from a noose. It gives me a strange tingle down in my loins, and I blush with embarrassment.

“Aha!” the brunette says with a laugh. “We may have a winner! You’re thinking about it now, aren’t you?”

At that moment a really young woman with a drink in her hand comes up to our table. She has small breasts, and her blonde hair goes halfway down her backside. There’s a tattoo on her right arm above the elbow, and a couple smaller ones on her left.

“How about me?” she asks somewhat eagerly. “I couldn’t help overhearing your discussion. You were talking about who you would like to watch hang later. So how about me?”

I look at her in astonishment. “Are you… are you really here to hang tonight??”

“I sure am! I couldn’t talk any of my friends into coming along. They all think I’m crazy. So I hitched a ride and came all by myself. I’m having a blast so far. But I can’t wait for the main event.”

I stare at her in disbelief. “You can’t be much older than…”

“I turned nineteen last month. I’ve been thinking about this ever since I first heard about this place. I’m so excited I could just burst.”

“You’re definitely going through with it then?” I find hard to believe she really wants to end her life with a noose!

“As soon as they start hanging girls. I hope to be one of the first ones in line. So what about it?”

“What about what?”

“Would you like to watch me hang?”

“I, uh… I don’t know.” Is she seriously asking me this??

“I was hoping to find someone who would watch me, you know… someone who would really enjoy seeing me hang. Everyone here is of the same mind. So I was looking for someone different, someone who it might affect in a special and exciting way.”

“I’d love to watch you hang, honey,” the brunette says with a lustful grin.

The nineteen year old giggles at her. Then she turns to look right at me. “I heard you saying you weren’t sure about all this. Maybe my hanging will help you decide. Is it ok if I dance for you tonight?”

“Dance for me?”

“You know. In the noose. Hang, I mean.”

I’m already understandably nervous being in a building where I might find myself getting strung up if I’m not careful. But I never expected to find a girl wanting to hang specifically for me, certainly not one so young.

“You really want to hang for me?”

“If you’ll let me.”

“I guess I can’t stop you, can I?”

She giggles again. “I’m going to do it anyway. I just thought it would be great if I did it for one person in particular. I know everyone will be watching and cheering. But I want to dance for you special.”

I look at the brunette who smiles back at me. “Uh… I’m flattered. Sure, I’d, uh… I’d love to watch you hang for me. But what if I, uh… I don’t want to miss it when you decide it’s your time to go.”

“I’ll wait near the entrance to the hanging pit and watch for you. Once I see you and you see me, I’ll get in line. Then I’ll kick it up just for you. What do you think about that? Does it excite you?”

I feel my pussy tingle as a flush of warmth passes through me. I don’t know why her offering to hang for me affects me so. I blush as I lower my head.

“I think she’s looking forward to it,” my brunette companion tells her with a lustful grin. “I’d say your offer’s having the right effect on her. Tell you what I’ll do. I’m going to show her around the place… introduce her to a couple of rooms just to get her in the mood. When the music starts up, I’ll make sure to get her out to the hanging pit in time. We might be a few minutes late, especially if we get caught in the middle of something. So give us some time to make our way out to the hanging pit, ok?”

“Cool!” the teen blonde gushes. Then she leans in and gives me a kiss that would melt lead.

I’m breathless when we come up for air. She sees how flustered I’ve become. It makes her smile excitedly.

“Now she’s really looking forward to watching you hang,” my brunette companion says to her with a huge grin on her face. “With a kiss like that as you offer yourself to her? I’ll make sure she gets to the hanging pit for you.” I just look at them both in astonishment, not knowing what to say.

“That’s great!” Then she looks me right in the eye. “You have no idea how turned on I am knowing you’ll be watching me hang to death. I hope my dance really turns you on.”

“I, uh…” I find myself having a hard time finding the right words. Hell, what ARE the right words for a situation like this??

“Oh, I think she’ll be turned on all right,” the brunette says with a nod of her head.

“Cool!” And with that, the teen wanders off.

I lean over and quietly ask my companion, “Is she for real? Do you really think she wants to hang to death just for me?”

“Seems serious to me,” she replies with a smile. “Every now and then you get one like that. She’s so turned on that she can’t think of anything else. It’s almost like they’re addicted or something. They become so obsessed with it that they can’t help themselves.”

“Think she’ll change her mind?”

“Only after it’s too late. It might be the pain once she’s in the noose, or it might be the realization she’s fully committed herself and is about to die. Then again, she might be so turned on that she won’t be fully satisfied until she hangs to death strictly for your enjoyment.”

“I don’t want her to do anything foolish on my account.”

“She looks like the type of person who would probably do it on a whim. But I think she wants to dance special for someone. She’s going to do it anyway, but apparently she really wants to do it if someone like you will be there watching her hang the entire time.”

“I don’t know how I should feel.”

“If it were me, I’d feel flattered… and aroused. To be honest, I’m already wet knowing she wants to hang special for you.”

“I guess I’m flattered then. But I still don’t know how I should truly feel.”

“Are you aroused?” The brunette laughs when I lower my head and blush.

“I thought so. Want another drink?”

“Yes, please.”

She gets up and goes to the wet bar to fetch a couple more. While she’s gone, two more women walk by and tell me how much they’d love to watch me hang. I smile politely as I think to myself, ‘thanks, but no thanks.’

My reaction after they’re gone? I find myself becoming strangely aroused at the knowledge there are people here who seem more than a little eager to watch me strangle to death by dangling from a noose.

The brunette returns with the drinks. She sits back down and hands me mine. We drain them as more women walk by. We both end up receiving compliments, along with the verbalized desire to see us both at the end of a rope before the night is over.

When I finish my drink she asks, “Want to look around before the hangings begin? We’ve still got some time to kill.” Then she smiles as she adds, “Oops. Bad choice of words.”

“What else is there to see?” I ask curiously. “Are you talking about us going to another room with a huge mattress on the floor for a giant orgy?”

“Oh, no. We have other rooms to use for different kinds of fun. I’m betting your family members are using one right now. Here, let me show you.”

She stands up, and I rise up with her. We exit the room, leaving behind all sorts of naked women drinking and talking amongst themselves. We get several looks and a couple more comments before we’re out of the room.

There are women of all types going up and down the hallways. Some pass in and out of doors, often in groups of twos and threes. But there are a few girls obviously flying solo, making me wonder if they’re like the teen we met back at the wet bar.

The brunette tries one door, opening it up and looking inside. I heard strange sounds coming out into the hallway, along with moans and chuckles. She smiles at me as she waves me in while saying, “You might like this room.”

I follow her into the room and am astonished at what I see. It’s not very big. But there are four posts sticking up in the four corners.

Nine or ten women are inside. A naked woman sits elevated in front of each of the four posts. Her arms appear to be attached to cuffs along the sides of the length of the post she’s attached to. What she sits on barely qualifies as a seat.

Three of them are in the process of being strangled with a cord that appears to attach to the post. The fourth has a bag over her head. Two of the strangled girls are having their crotches licked as they struggle to breathe, their legs forcibly spread open.

“What the hell is this??” I whisper to the brunette.

“One of the garrote rooms,” she replies quietly. “There are several in the building. This is one of the smaller ones. Not as many women inside. This way you can see what is happening to the other girls from any post in the room.”

2020 (written for Carrie Oct 17 ’20 by riwa)

Posted in Asphyxia Stories | Leave a comment

Eva the Aqua-slut 4.4 (103)

I’ve been a water-baby for as long as I can remember. Mom says when she first introduced me to a wading pool she couldn’t get me out of it. I was the easiest kid in our neighborhood to be made to take a bath.

When I got older I spent as much time as possible underwater. I learned to orgasm while holding my breath at the bottom of a pool. After that, it nearly became impossible for me to cum anywhere else.

I dated several guys, but they had a problem trying to fuck me in a pool. I always made it a point to please them. But they seldom wanted to return the favor by getting into a pool with me and fucking me underwater.

I was a college student when I found out about the Aqua Club. The first time I went there I met a guy named Buck Trotter who loved to fuck underwater. He had a great cock.

We did it in the pool until I orgasmed three times. From then on I became a pretty popular member. It became well known I would fuck anyone underwater who could hold his breath long enough.

Last year they decided to introduce fuck-drowning to members of the Club. They wanted volunteers who’d be willing to drown for them while having sex underwater. Naturally I was the first one who volunteered. It was not a surprise to anyone.

The Club was willing to pimp me out for a fee of course. They would get a percentage and so would I. I liked the idea of getting paid to cum underwater. But I ended up volunteering for the orgasms far more than any money I would make.

Before I took the risk with my first customer I had to prove I would be a willing participant. That meant I couldn’t struggle too much against my fuck-buddy. So I had to go through an initiation… a try-out, so to speak.

Arnie Jensen volunteered to test me out in the Club’s outdoor pool. He was a natural pick as I knew Arnie was fond of drownings. I should have known he would want to be the one to test my abilities.

On the day of my drowning I dressed up in my skimpiest lime-green bikini. A strip barely covered my crotch. Additionally there was very little material obscuring my boobs.

I joined Arnie in the pool, ready to fuck and drown for him. He asked what he could do to me. I smiled as I told him this was his test. He was free to do anything he wanted.

I think the poor bastard wanted to fuck me as he drowned me. But he decided to remain respectful. So I figured I was not going to have much of a sexual test with him.

He touched me all over, caressing my tits while rubbing my crotch. It got me all wet and horny. Knowing he was going to drown me was unnerving as hell. But I was also kind of excited. I figured I was going to cum pretty damn hard when it happened.

He looked at me and smiled. “Ready to drown, Eva?”

“Let ‘er rip, Arnie. I’m ready when you are.”

“Good girl. I think I’m going to make this a little rough on you, just to make sure you’re up for it.”

He didn’t give me a single moment to rethink my decision. He just pushed down on my chest, submerging me. Then he eagerly worked my top off my boobs.

I figured he wanted me to put up a bit of a fight. So I bubbled and struggled a little. He pushed down harder, making sure I couldn’t get up for a breath.

Arnie was wearing baggy trunks. But I could tell he had an erection. It turned me on knowing how excited he’d become.

I put up more of a struggle as he kept me under. I felt a surge of erotic fear as my body demanded I take a breath. I spewed up bubbles as I tried not to fight him too much.

I heard him up at the surface telling me how turned on he was at holding me down and drowning me. Imagining him creaming his trunks really got me excited. But that’s when breathless anxiety set in.

I tried to relax and let it happen naturally. But my lungs heaved in my chest. That’s when I panicked.

I swallowed a mouthful of water. Some of it went down the wrong way. A moment later I began thrashing about. But Arnie wouldn’t let me up until I’d finished drowning.

About that time my orgasm hit full-on. It was unlike anything I’d ever experienced before. It was as though I’d been plugged into an outlet of white-hot pleasure.

I shuddered as I coughed up bubbles. Arnie grimly continued holding me down. I kicked and thrashed about until I just couldn’t find the energy to fight any more.

I finally went limp in his grasp. I stared up at the sky, a look of shock in my features. Arnie later told me I had this drugged look in my eyes. He thought I’d cum pretty damn hard.

He let me drift up to the surface. Later he told me I wasn’t breathing or anything. He said he just stood there admiring my boobs as I floated at the surface.

He said he dragged me by my hair to the side of the pool. Then he helped me out of the water. He confessed to creaming his trunks during my drowning. Hearing about that later really turned me on.

He said I was fairly easy to revive. I remembered coughing up a ton of bubbles before I went limp as I drowned. But I didn’t remember a thing after that until they worked on me and got me breathing again.

They monitored me for a couple of days. But they concluded I’d suffered no lasting damage. That meant I was ready to become the club’s first drowning aqua-slut.

Word slowly got out I was willing to drown while I was being fucked underwater. The first guy that wanted to take me up on it was Kenny Barnes. He was told he would have to be careful with me as they wanted to keep me around a while.

I don’t know if that scared him or not. So we started slow. We did a lot of touching and kissing. And I did a lot of sucking his cock underwater.

I could tell he was a little nervous. Nobody wanted me to get hurt. They just wanted to drown me during sex.

Kenny decided to pull an “Arnie” on me. He didn’t have sex with me. But he did want to watch me drown.

I jerked his cock as I smiled at him. “It’s all right, Kenny. I’ll drown for you anytime. Go right ahead.”

He pushed me underwater and split my legs apart. Then he began eating me out. I writhed and bubbled as I felt the approach of the release I wanted.

He lifted his head up for a breath while I stayed under. Pretty soon my lungs were screaming at me. But I was a little more relaxed than I was with Arnie.

I was angled downward, my head on the bottom as he held me in place. I think he wanted to watch me at the moment I started to drown. The ache in my lungs got real intense as my orgasm drew nearer.

I held my breath for as long as I could. I didn’t struggle nearly as much as I did with Arnie. I already had an idea what to expect.

It kind of hit without warning. My chest heaved as convulsions set in. Then it swelled within me until I popped off in orgasm.

It flushed hotly through my body. It was a pretty intense orgasm. Then my lungs heaved in agony.

I forgot to hold my breath as I opened my mouth. All my air billowed away. Then I hitched and gurgled as I started to drown.

It was just as painful as the last time with Arnie. I hitched and convulsed as I tried to get to the surface. Kenny calmly kept me submerged.

I felt his cock against my ass-crack. I think he creamed the pool as I shuddered hard. Then I went limp.

I was barely conscious when he hauled me out of the water. I doubt I was under more than 10 or 15 seconds. Then I was coughing like crazy up at the surface.

Kenny asked me how it felt. I told him my orgasm felt wonderful. Then I asked him if his cock went off. He told me it did.

I was supposed to stay out of the water for two days between drownings. I told Kenny I’d enjoyed it. He said next time he wouldn’t be so hesitant with me. He didn’t want to hurt me, but watching me drown meant he wanted to come back for more. I told him I was more than willing.

About a week later Buck Trotter came looking for me. I was wondering when he was going to get around to giving me a good fuck-drowning. Knowing he was on the schedule turned me on like you wouldn’t believe.

We got naked in the pool and started making out. He wanted to know what it had felt like drowning for Arnie and Kenny. So I told him as much as I remembered.

He looked at me before asking, “Are you scared knowing you’re going to drown for me, Eva?”

I smiled as I replied, “Not at all, Buck. I was wondering how long it was going to take before you found out about me. I know how much we love doing it underwater. This time you’re going to have an aqua-slut drowning on the end of your cock.”

I started off by submerging to suck his dick. Buck always did enjoy keeping me under for prolonged periods of time just to watch my struggles and my bubbles come up. Now he was going to be allowed to keep me under until I drowned.

I gave him a couple of long, cock-sucking breath-holds. He made sure my lungs were on fire each time before he let me up. He knew how to push my limits without going over the edge. So I wondered if he would be able to go all the way with me.

When it came time for the main event I simply climbed into his lap and rode him underwater. Buck likes to hold his breath. But I like to hold mine even more. Sometimes he fucks me while his head is sticking up out of the water.

At first he seemed to be holding back. Maybe he was afraid of hurting me. Then things really picked up.

He rolled me over and began fucking me from behind. That’s my favorite position with Buck. He just exudes this raw animal magnetism whenever he’s giving it to me from behind.

My first orgasm with Buck was intense. He didn’t try to drown me or anything. Then he got a big breath before we went under for round two.

He was still hard as he pounded me from behind. I could feel another orgasm coming on strong. Buck’s dick always seems to hit me just right.

It swelled within me as my lungs began to burn. This time I tried to hold it back. I really wanted to give Buck a treat by drowning for him.

He got more and more excited as he pounded me good and hard. I started bubbling, “Drown me, Buck! Drown your aqua-slut!” I was so turned on I could hardly think straight.

The agony intensified in my lungs. I couldn’t hold back, and I orgasmed up a storm. Buck just kept pounding me until my lungs felt like they were empty.

My chest heaved as my body wanted to breathe again. I made myself stay down as I got a great Buck-fuck. Then my lungs gave out as a more intense orgasm slammed into me.

I screamed my breath away. Then I hitched as I swallowed water. I winced as I went into painful convulsions, cumming and drowning at the same time.

All my senses dimmed until all I was aware of was a cock going off deep inside me. It made me shudder from another climax. Then I was aware of nothing at all.

When I came back around I was lying on the ground next to the pool. Buck and another club member were looking down on me. When he saw me looking up at him Buck grinned from ear to ear.

“Damn, Eva. You milked ever last drop out of me while you were drowning. That was fucking incredible. I’m going to have to fuck-drown you more often!” I just smiled weakly at him.

I always did want to fuck Paul underwater from the moment I laid eyes on him. The problem was: he had a girl named Brooke. She frequently showed up at the club with him where they often engaged in underwater trysts.

I saw him a few times wearing speedos. They always outlined what looked like a very meaty organ. I was determined to get alone with him at least once.

One day I caught him swimming alone at the club without Brooke. I was skinny-dipping when I swam up to him and started talking to him. I told him how much I admired his abilities in the water.

He smiled as he said, “You’re the club aqua-slut, aren’t you? I heard Buck, Kenny and Arnie got to drown you.”

“I’m the club’s drowning aqua-slut,” I corrected him. Then I reached down and rubbed his crotch. I loved what stiffened behind those speedos of his.

He smiled as he asked, “So tell me, Eva. What’s it like to drown with a cock inside you?”

“It’s unlike anything I’ve ever experienced before, Paul. I can’t cum unless I’m fucked underwater while holding my breath. Cumming as I drown only intensifies the orgasms.” I rubbed his bulge a little harder as I leaned up against him.

“You realize I’ve been seeing Brooke, don’t you? She and I have been going at it pretty regularly here at the club whenever our schedules permit.”

“She’s not here right now; is she, Paul?” I grabbed his erection through the material and stroked him suggestively.

“No, she’s at work right now. I don’t think she’d appreciate you moving in on me though.”

I smiled coyly. “How do you feel about the idea of fucking me while I drown, Paul?”

I gave his bulge a jerk. He twitched in my hand. “Well, Eva; you’ve certainly got my attention right now.”

“Do I?”

I peeled his speedos away until I could reach in and give him a good stroking. He was nice and hard in my grasp. It felt like a good 8 or 9 niches of incredible man-meat.

“You realize you’re playing with fire. You know that, don’t you?”

“What’s my punishment for ‘playing with fire’, Paul?”

“I might just have to drown you, Eva.”

“With your cock inside me?” And with that I filled my lungs and submerged.

I was so horny I didn’t waste any time teasing him. I took him right between my lips and immediately went to work sucking on him. Bubbles came out of my nose as I gobbled him down.

I heard him gasp up at the surface. He grabbed me by my head and pulled me up. “Eva, I’m not sure this is such a good idea.”

“Then I guess you’ll just have to drown me, Paul.” And with that I filled my lungs before going right back down.

I swallowed his dick, bobbing up and down on it. More bubbles dribbled out of my nose. Then I slowly took him deep.

I got him into my throat without gagging. I grunted up bubbles as I licked his balls with my tongue. I was all hot and bothered to the point where I didn’t care whether he drowned me with his cock down my throat or buried in my kitty… just so long as he drowned me either way.

I stayed down for a good couple of minutes swallowing his meaty pole. When I surfaced I could tell by the look in his eyes he wasn’t going to resist. So I pulled him out with me into deeper water.

I filled my lungs and submerged again. I gagged and grunted on his dick until he was nice and hard. Then he pulled my head up.

“Well damn, Eva. I guess you leave me no other choice. You realize Brooke’s going to drown the shit out of you when she finds out.”

“You first, Paul,” I panted as my kitty throbbed like crazy.

“You got it.” And with that he forced me under before ramming his cock deep inside me.

You have no idea what it did to me feeling his delicious fuck-stick invade my hungering love-tunnel. The fact I was underwater holding my breath only made the sensations that much more intense. He really gave it to me good, pounding the shit out of me until my lungs were screaming in my chest.

I thought he was going to drown me right then and there. But he let me up for a breath of air. “I’ll just tell Brooke you came on to me and paid the price for it.” Then he shoved me right back down.

He held me sideways, splitting my legs apart. He fucked pleasure into my throbbing cunt until I could hardly stand it. When I finally went off it was glorious.

My lungs were on fire as my orgasm began to fade. But Paul was just getting started. A moment later I winced as another orgasm enveloped me. Then I gulped water and started drowning.

He pounded me like there was no tomorrow. I just hitched and convulsed as his cock thrust in and out of me. A moment later I felt him thrust hard and deep as he pumped what felt like gallons of his seed into me.

The sensation was unlike anything I’d ever felt before. It hurt like hell, an agony mixed with the white-hot sensation of a never-ending climax. It literally battered me into oblivion.

When I came back around I was up at the surface lying on the floor. I coughed up a lot of water as my chest hurt like hell. I felt all dizzy and disoriented. It also felt like I could sleep for a week.

“You ok, Eva?” I was touched he seemed so concerned.

“I think I’ll be all right. But now I have to stay out of the water for 2 or 3 days.”

“You’d better rest up. Brooke is going to want a crack at you the next time she shows up.”

“I’ll willingly submit to my punishment, Paul. Thanks for drowning me.”

He shook his head as he muttered, “Crazy aqua-slut.”

“That’s drowning aqua-slut to you, Paul.” He just chuckled.

He didn’t know what to do with me. To this day I think he still doesn’t know. But I’m always open to be fuck-drowned by him any time he wants.

A few days later Brooke came looking for me. I could tell she wasn’t happy about something. As for me I was “innocently” skinny-dipping in the club’s indoor pool, teasing a couple of club members.

She was totally naked when she got into the water. There was a weight belt around her waist. The look on her face indicated she was not to be trifled with.

She waved away the guys I was trying to seduce. “Sorry, fellas. But the bitch is mine for the next few minutes. You’ll have to wait your turn.” Then she came after me.

She wasn’t the least bit interested in anything sexual. She just came after me. The fight was on.

We wrestled around in the deep end. But it soon became apparent the bitch was better than I was. She could hold her breath a little longer and was quite agile. No wonder Paul was so fond of her.

She got behind me and wrapped her legs around me. The weight belt took us both down. She humped my ass from behind as I struggled in her grasp.

She didn’t fight with me or anything. She was just waiting me out. And I couldn’t shake her.

I struggled to hold my breath. She reached around and cruelly mauled my boobs. It was sweet agony.

My lungs were on the verge of giving out when she let me go. I shot up to the surface and panted like crazy. A moment later she came up and pulled me back down.

This time she mashed my face into her crotch. Then she humped the shit out of my head. I grunted and bubbled as I tried to kick my way out of her grasp. But she was determined… and I was becoming exhausted.

I struggled and bubbled in her grasp. But it didn’t do any good. I don’t think she cared whether or not I pleased her sexually. She was just being brutal and sadistic.

My lungs were on fire as I spewed away the last of my breath. The fear and excitement overcame me in a massive flush of pleasure. I promptly went limp, allowing her to do anything she wanted.

I swallowed water and went into spasms. She pulled me right up. My head came up at the surface coughing and sputtering.

“Slut!” she snarled. Then she forced me right back down. This time she flipped me upside down.

There was no way I was going to be able to hold my breath. Then the fucking bitch bit my cunt. I jerked and gurgled as I orgasmed like a two-dollar whore in some back alley. Then I started to drown as she continued to hold me upside down.

She pulled me back up until once more my head came up coughing and sputtering. She snarled, “Fucking whore!” Then she submerged me yet again.

This time Brooke rode me all the way to the bottom, straddling me while humping her crotch against mine. There was no way I could hold my breath. The next orgasm that hit was so intense that it battered me senseless.

When I awakened I was up at the surface lying flat on my back on the side of the pool. Those two guys were working on me as Brooke hovered nearby. “Tell the bitch if she ever fucks Paul again I’ll make fucking sure she’s not revived!” Then she stalked off.

It took me some time to recover from that one. You would think that experience would have cured me from my desire to drown for the guys at the club. But tomorrow I’ll be going back to use their pools.

I’m just crazy enough to tempt fate again. I might go looking for Paul. Hell, I might even taunt Brooke in the hopes she’ll drown me again. That last orgasm I had while she was drowning me was the best ever…

2020 (written Sep 13 ’20 by riwa)

(Inspired by pictures I found on the Internet, including some from sexunderwater which I used as illustrations.)

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