Riwa’s Stories at Patreon


Coming December rewards

The 2nd chapter to Donna’s Shore Leave.
The 8th chapter to Mr. Wayne.
The 5th chapter to the Melissa story.
The 2nd chapter to the British Virgin Isles story.
The 2nd chapter to Rachel and Toni strike again.
The 5th chapter to Santa visiting the asphyxia sisters.
The 1st chapter to the new game show Russian Roulette (and the water tank waiting below).
A punishment that is doled out in accordance with the law.
A story on the beginnings of the Predator, a woman with a taste for drownings.
A story about a very special room you don’t want to end up in.
And anything else I might decide to upload for the end of the year.

October stories/rewards will fall off at the end of November to make room for December rewards.

I spent much of this week stopping in to visit mom. We ate at a restaurant on Tuesday and shared a lunch on Thanksgiving. I’m just so appreciative she’s still around. Her arm is only going to heal so much because it was discovered (rather late in the game) that she has a rotator cuff injury in addition to the broken bone which has mostly healed. Any surgery at her age would have increased risks. So she’s decided to see if she has enough movement with it right now to forego any surgeries.

That lake they were draining is mostly mud and a few puddles. There are still a few fish trying to find enough water to continue to survive. But that’s not going to happen, not with winter fast approaching. Someone drove their vehicle out in the lake and got it stuck. A wrecker had to come get them out. And a big truck also got bogged down and needed help from a bulldozer. It will be interesting to see the work they will do to the head gate, the walkway, and any changes they might make to the shoreline.

I had a nice Thanksgiving. I hope yours was the same. I’ll see you in December. Merry Christmas!

Thank you so much for being my patrons.

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