Couples Therapy


“How long are we going to have to stand here again?”

“Why do you have to be so impatient?”

“Because this is another one of your crazy ideas, Nancy.”

“This was not my idea, Ted! This was Dr. Johnson’s!”

“Then he’s just as crazy as you are.”

“Would you just SHUT THE HELL UP?”


“You’re the one who’d better shut up Nancy.”

“DAMN YOU, Ted!” Hssss… “SHIT!” Hssss…

“Nancy, would you please just shut the hell up? Every time your voice rises the rope to your noose retracts up into the ceiling. If you’re not careful you’re going to get us BOTH killed!”


“Look who’s talking. So are you if you don’t keep your mouth shut.”

“Nancy, I don’t want to die on this fucking thing; OK?” Hsss… “FUCK!” Hsss…

“Look, we’ve got to just calm down, ok? If we calm down and don’t lose our tempers we’ll be just fine. Besides, your quack doctor wouldn’t really let us hang, would he?”

“He’s NOT a quack doctor, Ted!” Hssss…

“NANCY??” Hssss…

“All right – all right! We can do this, Ted. Let’s just stand here quietly, ok?”

“Nancy, I’ve never known you to stand quietly in your entire life.”

“DAMN YOU, TED!” Hssss…

“Nancy, you’re going to kill us if you keep that up. You know the system picks up on your angry tone, right?”

“Speak for yourself, asshole!”

“All the women in the world out there and I had to pick you.”

“Not one of your better moments, Ted. I thought you were smarter than that.”

“BITCH!” Hssss…

“Real smart, Ted.”

“We’ve still got some slack to work with. We’ll be ok if we can just stop talking.”

“Fat chance of that happening.”


“I KNOW – I KNOW!” Hssss… “SHIT!” Hssss…

“You’re losing all your slack, Nancy. It won’t be much longer before you’re kicking up a jig.”

“Speak for yourself, Ted.”

“I should never have allowed you to talk me into this.”

“It was your own pride that talked you into it, Ted.”

“It was not.”

“Was too.”

“SHUT THE HELL UP!” Hssss… “FUCK!” Hssss…

“Are you satisfied, Nancy? You’re the one who always likes to try new things. New enough for you?”

“That’s because you don’t like trying anything at all. Bland, ol’ Ted!”

“At least being bland was keeping us alive… not like some people I know.”

“Do you have to RUB IT IN??” Hssss…


“I know – I know.”

“I don’t even get the joy of watching you hang yourself, Nancy. Once your feet leave the pad you’re standing on, my noose pulls me up too.”

“That was the doctor’s idea of making us work together, remember?”

“I should have never let you talk me into this.”

“Pride goeth before a fall, Ted. Keep it up and you’re going to fall pretty hard.”

“Fuck you, you BITCH!” Hssss… “FUCK!” Hssss…

“Oh gawd. How many more before we’re pulled up into the air?”

“What did he say? The rope goes up an inch every time our voice gets loud? Something like that?”

“Have you been keeping track?”

“I haven’t been keeping track of anything, Nancy. All you had to do was keep your damned mouth closed.”

“DAMN YOU, TED!” Hssss…

“Nancy, if you kill us I’m never going to forgive you.”

“Ha ha; very funny.”

“You don’t have much slack left.”

“Neither do you, Ted. I’m trying to remember. How many inches did he say we had?”

“I thought he said thirteen… unlucky number thirteen.”

“I thought it was fifteen.”

“If we can just shut the hell up, we can get out of here.”

“We were supposed to work together, Ted; remember? We were supposed to talk through our differences.”

“Naked… with a noose around our necks? Nancy, that’s fucking CRAZY!”


“TED??” Hssss… “Oh gawd!” (10 – 10)

“This is your fault, Nancy. If you hadn’t been so into erotic asphyxiation we could have sat down and discussed things.”

“That’s because we never discuss things, Ted.”

“At least you’ll die with a smile on your face. Gonna get off as you hang to death, darling?”

“FUCK OFF!” Hssss…

“Sorry… sorry. Figures you wouldn’t be into it. Right now your cock is limp as a wet noodle, just like it always is. You’ve been limp the entire time. What’s the matter? Your secretary Grace isn’t here to get a rise out of you?”

“Leave her out of this, you BITCH!” Hssss… “DAMNIT!” Hssss…

“Now look who’s going to get us both killed, asshole.”

“How much longer do we have in this thing?”

“How the HELL SHOULD I KNOW??” Hssss… (12 – 12)

“Well – well. Getting an erection now; eh, Ted? Must be the noose. I’m sure it’s not me.”

“Ok… ok… let’s just remain calm about this, Nancy.”

“Looks like you’re about to hang, Ted.”

“Don’t get cocky, dear. If I go up, you go up; remember? Besides, you’re pretty close too. I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if you’re the one who hangs us both.”

“I doubt it, Ted. You’re the one with the stubborn pride.”

“You’re the impulsive one, Nancy.”

“What’s the matter, Ted? Why are you looking at me like that?”

“I was just thinking…”

“…about what?”

“About whether or not you deliberately want to hang us both.”

“Let’s face it, Ted. Of all the people I’d choose to hang with, you’d be the last one on my list.”

“That’s just fucking GREAT!” Hssss…

“TED??” Hssss… “Ted, are you all right?”

“Do I look like I’m all right? The noose has tightened around my throat, Nancy! One more and I might…”

“Would you keep your voice down??”

“You don’t look much better, Nancy. One or two more and it’s bye-bye, birdie.”

“Oh Ted… I… well, at least your cock is hard now… finally.”

“Is that all you can focus on, Nancy?”

“I haven’t seen it hard in a long time.”

“And I suppose you’re dripping, right? Does this thrill you, Nancy?”

“Does it matter whether it thrills me or not?”

“Well you’re certainly breathing heavy.”

“So are you.”

“We’re going to be ok. The doctor isn’t really going to let us hang, is he? He’s got to be watching us from somewhere, right?”

“But what if he isn’t, Ted? What if this is his way of making us work together? What if he believes this will force us to have a calm, rational discussion?”

“When have we ever had a calm, rational discussion, Nancy?”

“DAMN YOU, TED!” Hssss… “Awk…”

“NANCY??” Hssss…. “Urk…”

“Oh gawd, Ted…” *rasp* “…one more and…”

“You deliberately want…” *gasp* “…to hang us, don’t you!”

The couple look at each other as they stand on the balls of their feet. Each one is painfully aware of the pad below them. Once either pair of feet leave the floor, the other noose will also be triggered.

 Ted looks at his wife, trying to catch his breath as he balances on the balls of his feet. He stares intently, his brow furrowed. It makes him wonder if she is truly trying to get him killed.

 Now his cock is embarrassingly hard and dripping. It is something that has caught him totally by surprise. He surmises it might have something to do with the fear of hanging and the constriction of the rope around his throat.

 Nancy looks at her husband as a sense of alarm flows through her. This is getting way out of hand. The doctor had assured them the imminent danger involved would force them to communicate. But it has only brought them to this.

 Her pussy drips from a shameful arousal. But she’s afraid of what being fully suspended will do to her. She likes erotic asphyxiation – sure. But she sure as hell doesn’t want to hang to death!

 She looks at her husband and sees the look in his face. Then she looks down at his feet. Wait; is he going to deliberately hang the two of them?? Are his feet starting to shift??

 Ted sees it flash in his wife’s eyes. Then he sees her shuffle around on her toes. Wait; is she going to deliberately lift her feet up off the pad?? Is she going to be the one to condemn them?

 He glared daggers at her. Then it slips out past his lips before he can stop it… “You BITCH!”

There is a hiss as his feet leave the floor a split second before she deliberately lifts her feet up off the pad. HHssssssss Then they are both dangling a foot off the floor.

Ted’s eyes fly open in astonishment. Where the hell is the good doctor?? Then his legs begin to kick and pedal as he searches for the floor…

 Nancy’s eyes widen in horror as the noose constricts around her throat. It sends a sensual jolt that lodges in her pussy. She begins to jerk and wriggle like a fish on a line. Then her legs explode outward…

 Ted rasps for breath as he kicks and swings. His arms jerk behind his back, unable to break out of the handcuffs. He can’t believe his wife has killed them both…

 Nancy begins to hump the air as it swells within her. Then she arches her back as she thrusts her hips outward. Her pussy spews her orgasm as it flows warmly through her asphyxia-ravaged body…

 Ted sees his wife fight the noose, sees her fuck the air as she fights for breath. Her nipples are erect, her pussy flaring. It makes his dick stand erect until he struggles in the noose, causing his cock to spew in an arc which manages to splatter onto his wife’s legs…

 Once the orgasm passes, Nancy’s body realizes it needs oxygen. She begins to hitch and struggle in earnest, desperately fighting to survive. Her legs fly every which way as her naked body sways back and forth…

 Ted rasps and gurgles as his legs swing around and around. It sets his body to swaying crazily. But it doesn’t help ease the agony of the noose constricting around his throat…

 Nancy sees what the hanging is doing to her husband. Despite her agony there is some small semblance of pleasure at the sight. A smile caresses the corners of her mouth as she hitches and swings…

 Ted finally jerks his legs down hard. It has the effect of making the noose totally seal off his airway. Another hard jerk and he finds himself too exhausted to bother anymore…

 Nancy kicks and sways until she uses up the last of her energy. Then she hangs limp, her body swaying back and forth as it twists. Stray muscles twitch as her pussy leaks more of her arousal…

 Ted’s cock begins to soften. As it does, there is a stream of urine that comes out of it, splattering onto the floor. His vision begins to dim as he mentally curses his wife before he fades into oblivion…

 Nancy sees the light flick out of Ted’s eyes. She takes a small comfort in knowing he has gone first. That will be a blow to his pride. Then she hangs limp as her bladder gives way, urine trickling down her legs to splatter onto the floor….

 The doctor eventually comes in and discovers they’ve been hanging for 10 minutes out of the half hour they were supposed to stand in their nooses while communicating with each other. He curses their stubbornness. Then he shakes his head, wondering why he’d even bothered with them in the first place. But he has one other thought he cannot shake…

 What if this was his subconscious way of getting rid of a couple of bothersome patients he was never going to be able to help in the first place?

2019 (written Apr 12 ’19 by riwa)

(Inspired by the accompanying render.)

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