The Rectory


Amelia Curtis, Emma to her friends, was in her third year at the university. She was a shy girl and found it a challenge to make lots of friends. Besides, she tended not to run in circles where good girls might get themselves into trouble. Maybe that’s why it astonished her when Cassandra Fleming befriended her.

Cassandra was a not-so-good girl, but was one of the more popular girls at the university. And if you were friends with her, then university life suddenly got quite a bit easier. Emma didn’t know why Cassandra chose to make friends with her. But being seen around her suddenly got her noticed more, especially that cute boy named James.

Cassandra was everything Emma was not, which was why she found the attraction a bit exhilarating. It gave her a taste for the wild life without having to step too deeply into it. Cassandra respected her morals and didn’t push things on her too much. But it seemed she was always trying to corrupt Emma in some way.

Emma found they really didn’t have a lot in common. But they had a pretty good friendship, and she took advantage of it whenever possible. That’s why when Cassandra suggested they drive up North in her car to check out this old rectory up in Scotland, Emma found herself saying yes even though she wasn’t sure it interested her. Besides, being around Cassandra up there was liable to give her quite an exciting education.

It was so spur of the moment that Emma didn’t even get the chance to tell anyone where she was going. She wanted to tell her folks, but Cassandra teased her by asking if it was really necessary for mummy and daddy to know her whereabouts every minute of the day. She decided it wasn’t, one of the few times she had chosen not to tell them what she was up to. So she packed an overnight bag without telling a soul, and off they went.

They left the University in the early afternoon and drove up in Cassandra’s car, taking several hours to get there. By the time they arrived it was past dinner time. The Master of the rectory, one Mathis Spitzer, welcomed them both with open arms and put them up in a guest room. Then he instructed a kindly cook to fix up something for the two famished girls to eat.

Emma actually found herself enchanted by the place. After supper the Master even took them on a tour of the grounds, giving them an in-depth history of the rectory. Emma was interested enough, although she had a sister she suspected would have paid far more attention and found it much more educational.

Around the grounds they ran into several individuals who seemed to be responsible for keeping up the place. Each one they met made her and Cassandra feel as welcome as if they’d lived there for years. Emma found it to be a lovely place and determined to tell her older sister about it when she got back to the University.

The sun was down when the girls finally made it back to their room. A full moon came up over the horizon, giving the rectory a foreboding atmosphere. Emma now felt a strange chill about the place, but she brushed it off as nothing more than being in a different country in an old building. But she noticed Cassandra looking out the window on more than one occasion, staring up at the moon as though she was distracted about something.

It was past eleven when they settled into their separate beds. Emma was tired, but Cassandra wanted to talk about the rectory and its past history. She spoke about secret things that went on in the middle of the night in some of these isolated places. Then she told Emma how great it would be if they were to stumble into something exciting up here at the rectory.

Emma felt goose bumps; this was a part of Cassandra that had never been revealed to her before. The more her friend talked about secret societies and strange doings at night, the harder it was to become sleepy. She found herself becoming more and more uncomfortable with the topic of discussion. But she listened politely, unwilling to say anything that might harm or risk their friendship.

About a quarter to twelve they heard odd sounds, movement out in the hall. Cassandra wanted to go see what it was while Emma wasn’t so sure. But her friend got up and got dressed, and Emma was forced to follow suit.

They lit a lantern and headed off down a hall. Cassandra led the way, causing Emma to ask where she thought she was taking them. Her friend just told her she kept hearing voices up ahead and that she wanted to see what was going on.

Emma nervously followed along as Cassandra led them through several passages and then down a foreboding set of stairs. “Shouldn’t we be going back to bed?” Emma blurted out, feeling more than a little trepidation they might be going out somewhere they didn’t belong. Cassandra just waved dismissively at her and told her to hush.

They found themselves in a long tunnel in some sort of basement. It got more ominous by the moment, causing Emma to suggest in a trembling voice that they really should turn around and head back to their room. “Go ahead if you want, scaredy-cat,” Cassandra told her. “But I’m going THIS way… and I’m KEEPING the lantern!” That settled that, especially since Emma did not want to make the long trek back to their room in the dark.

They encountered a door which Cassandra reached out to open. “No; don’t!” Emma hissed anxiously. The door creaked open and the two girls found themselves in the churchyard out back of the rectory.

Emma noticed right away that it contained a small cemetery with several trees that made the whole place quite spooky. For some reason Master Spitzer had not seen fit to show this part of the rectory to them. Over in a corner a bunch of hooded figures stood around some sort of grave… or was it a bench? Emma couldn’t be sure.

“Let’s go back!” she whispered to her friend, her breath catching in her throat.

“No; let’s go check it out!” Cassandra urged. She grabbed Emma by the arm and led her off in that direction.

Emma felt her heartbeat quicken; was Cassandra leading them right up to that group?? Something told her she didn’t want any part of this! But her friend had an iron grip on her wrist and kept dragging her along. Emma figured if they got into some sort of trouble then Cassandra with her wits and brazenness would probably find some way of getting them out of it!

Emma trembled with fright; surely this couldn’t be good! What the bloody hell was Cassandra doing leading them up to a group like this? Was she out of her mind??

Emma nearly let out a cry as Cassandra led them right up to the group. There were twelve of them in all, each one wearing a black, hooded robe in the light of the full moon. Cassandra said nothing; she just led Emma right up to the tall one as the others quietly parted to let them into the group.

Emma got a glimpse of the face in the moonlight, and she blurted out, “Master Spitzer?” He just turned to her University friend.

“You have done well, Cassandra,” he said with a nod. Then one of the members handed the girl a robe which the University student quietly slipped into, bringing the number of robed, hooded members up to thirteen. Emma got a glimpse of the face of the one passing the robe to Cassandra and recognized her as the cook!

“Master Spitzer?” Emma repeated in alarm, feeling frightened out of her wits. The master of the rectory motioned at four of the hooded members who quickly surrounded Emma. Then they began to remove her clothes!


Emma got a glimpse of two more faces, kindly females she had met earlier around the rectory who were now forcibly removing her garments! She also recognized the gardener and one of the other males. But no one spoke so much as a word! They just silently did their work of disrobing her!

Within moments she was nude, frightfully nude! Emma desperately tried to cover herself with her arms and hands, only for Cassandra and one of the other females to grab onto her wrists. Then they took her over to an elevated slab and forced her upon it onto her back!

Emma began panting heavily for breath, greatly humiliated over the way she was now exposed. Her pussy glistened from a shameful arousal, a result of a great fear that had settled upon her. Then two more hooded members came up to her and grabbed her ankles, spreading her legs wide and exposing her damp womanhood.

Emma cried out as the group started chanting. A moment later the full moon began to emerge overhead from the protection of a large tree. It illuminated the ghastly scene as the members drew closer to her.

She begged them to return her clothes, pleaded with them to let her go. As they ignored her cries and continued to chant, she beseeched Cassandra to talk to them, to explain to them how she wanted to go home and that she meant no harm intruding upon their ceremony. But Cassandra chanted right along with them as she continued to hold firmly onto one of Emma’s wrists.

Emma started hyperventilating, fearful they were going to rape her… or worse. Then Master Spitzer stepped forward. Out of the inner lining of his robe he pulled out a very ominous looking dagger. The illumination from the moon revealed it’s ornate, golden markings.

Emma was terrified beyond belief as the chants grew louder. A scream of absolute horror was ripped out of her lungs as he held the dagger above her. It looked for all the world as though he was going to bring it right down and plunge it deep into her body!! That’s when she wet herself as she began to scream anew, struggling in vain against the four sets of hands that kept her spread-eagled upon the cement slab.

The rectory bell suddenly began to toll midnight with a loud gong. That’s when Master Spitzer and the others loudly proclaimed, “FOR LUCIFER!” Then he brought the blade down hard. Emma’s scream was interrupted as the blade came down and penetrated her groin just above her pussy.

She let out a loud “AAUUGGHHHHH!” as the dagger sliced upward through her flesh, cutting her open to the breastbone. She actually felt a hand reach inside and triumphantly pull out her guts. Then she began to spasm and convulse in her death throes, unable to scream anymore.

The chants were renewed as blood welled up in her mouth. Then the hand reached down into her chest cavity. It suddenly felt like she was having a massive heart attack!! Then something was triumphantly pulled out of her chest!

Emma had just enough life in her horrified eyes to witness Master Spitzer lift her beating heart up into the air to the joyous cries of those assembled. She watched as it slowly stopped pumping in his hands. Then her eyes glazed over, leaving a frozen look of horror etched in her features.

“You have done well, Cassandra!” Master Spitzer intoned, handing the heart over to her. She accepted it and triumphantly held it aloft. “TO LUCIFER!” the group cried out as one.

Off in the distance a lone female wolf howled as though one of its own had suddenly been taken from her…

© 2015

(written for Emma Feb 6 by Riwa)

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