An impoverished Caribbean island nation nears bankruptcy. In order to raise cash income from “tourists”, the nation’s leaders in desperation pass a law — consensual executions of sane and un-coerced foreigners by other foreigners will be legal in public execution areas on the island. Arachnid’s Santamos Island universe
No sooner had Juney left with her Uncle Mike when my other daughter Sara rushed up to me. “Mom, is it true? Is Juney going to Santamos Island to die?”
I scowled at her. She must have been listening in on my conversation with my brother. That’s when I realized there was no point trying to hide it from her now.
“Yes, darling. Juney went with your Uncle Mike to be sacrificed on Santamos Island.”
“Is he really going to snuff her, mom?”
“Yes, darling. I’m afraid so. I wanted to keep this from you. I had no idea you were eavesdropping…”
“Mom, I want to go to Santamos too!”
I stare at her in astonishment. “What?? Why the hell for??”
“Because I want Uncle Mike to snuff me too!”
“Darling, that’s crazy!”
“But Juney went!”
“She was going to get herself snuffed anyway. You know how your sister is!”
“And I’m not?? Mom, I really want to go!”
“And if I refuse?”
“Juney went! That means I can go too. I’ll find a way, mom. Please let me go!”
“Oh, no!”
“Mom, you can’t stop me. I’ve got enough money saved up. I really want to go!”
“What do you want your Uncle Mike to do to you, darling?”
“I want him to hang me! That would be so incredibly hot! Don’t you think so?”
“No, I don’t think so at all!”
“Ok, mom. If that’s how you feel. Anyway, I’m going to go online now and find a way to get a plane ticket to Santamos Island.”
“All right – all right! If you want to go this badly, I can’t stop you. So I’d better book a flight for the both of us.”
“Thanks, mom! If we hurry, can we get there in time to watch Uncle Mike sacrifice Juney?”
“I don’t know. What if we get there too late?”
“As long as we get there while Uncle Mike is still on the island. I really want him to hang me. And I want to swing naked! Now I’m going to call Patty and tell her I’m going to Santamos Island to be snuffed by my uncle! She’s going to be so fucking jealous!” Then she rushed out of the room.
I shook my head as I went off to find my laptop. Now I had to make arrangements to fly us to Santamos. I never dreamed I would be getting a flight for myself and my other daughter after letting Juney go with her uncle.
I was so excited when I heard Juney was going to Santamos with Uncle Mike. And I was jealous as hell. Knowing he was going to snuff my sister was such a turn-on.
I almost rushed in and asked him to take me along. I knew mom would put her foot down. But the longer I heard them talking about it, the more I simply could not resist.
I thought I was going to have a major battle with mom. After all, she let Juney go. Juney always was a little crazy.
I thought I would have a harder time talking mother into it. I figured it was going to be a major hassle getting her to allow me to go. But I was determined to go online and catch my own flight if I had to.
Imagine my surprise when mom relented. Now we’re going together! Does that mean mom will be right there with me when Uncle Mike hangs me?
The thought of mom watching him hang me got me even more excited. I really got wet when she said she was booking a flight for the two of us. My only regret was in not coming out sooner and going with Juney and Uncle Mike. I would have loved watching him snuff her ass before doing me next.
I quickly arranged a flight to Santamos Island. I knew my brother’s schedule. But sadly I couldn’t get us there any sooner than mid-morning.
I realized we were going to miss watching him snuff my daughter Juney. At least I would be present to watch him hang Sara. She sure seemed excited about it.
I made all the arrangements to get us onto the next available flight. Then I set a few other things in motion. I don’t really know why I did what I did. Something told me it might be a good idea just in case.
Maybe it was the thought of watching Mike hang my daughter. Maybe it was something else. I just wanted to make sure everything was in order on the day of the flight so there wouldn’t be any loose ends.
Patty was jealous as hell when she found out. I’m sure she told a couple of our other friends. But there wasn’t time to set up any going-away party.
Mom and I were on a flight in less than 24 hours. We were going to arrive right before lunch. By then I figured Uncle Mike would have already slaughtered Juney.
The longer we were in the air, the more excited I became. I couldn’t believe my Uncle Mike was going to hang me! Of course I would have to ask him first once we got there. But I figured he would be more than willing to string me up, especially after snuffing Juney.
During the flight mom told me I needed to stop fidgeting around and to calm down. But I was too worked up. I was so wet down below that I came damned close to soaking my underwater. Somehow my skirt stayed dry.
Mom sure was quiet throughout the flight. She seemed deep in thought about something. Maybe she was going to miss me. I guess that was understandable.
I almost orgasmed when we touched down. We got off the plane and caught a shuttle to the hotel. I was anxious to find Uncle Mike right away. Mom just kept telling me to calm down. Besides, death would come for me soon enough.
When we reached the hotel, mom asked for Uncle Mike’s location. We were told he’d checked into a private bungalow. Mom asked if we could be taken over to see him.
When we arrived, we saw a lady cleaning up the room. She said Uncle Mike had stepped out and hadn’t returned yet. He had probably gone to eat lunch. Mom and I weren’t very hungry, especially since we’d eaten something on the plane.
Mom was going to take us out so we could look around the place. But I was curious how Juney had been snuffed. When I asked the cleaning lady, she pointed at a chest and told us he’d stabbed her in the belly with a huge dagger.
Mom gasped in shock as she came over and looked at the chest. “You mean he snuffed my little girl right here?”
“Right on top of this chest; yes ma’am.” Then the lady looked alarmed as she asked, “There wasn’t any sort of violation here, was there? My understanding was that everything was signed all legal and proper.”
“No violation,” mom reassured her. “I allowed her to go of her own free will. You’ll get no trouble from me.” The lady seemed relieved.
I looked all around until I spotted something up near the ceiling. Then I asked, “Are you sure he hasn’t checked out yet?”
“Not to my knowledge. I believe he’s scheduled to spend the night. He only got here this morning. It all happened so fast.”
I looked up at the ceiling again, my heart beating fast. The words were barely out of my mouth before I could consider what I was saying…
“I don’t suppose you could fetch a hangman’s noose and bring it back, could you? After all, my Uncle will be hanging me right here on the island. Maybe he’ll do it when he returns from lunch.”
Mom looked at me in surprise. “Darling, maybe we shouldn’t rush into this.”
“But he’s already snuffed Juney, mom! I’ll bet he’s going to love watching me hang! There’s a beam right up there near the ceiling!”
Mom looked up and examined the beam. “Darling, I’m not sure…”
“Please?” Then I turned to the cleaning lady and asked, “He can hang me in here, can’t he?”
The cleaning lady seemed hesitant. “Well, we do have a gallows set up on the grounds.”
“But I want Uncle Mike to hang me right in here! I want to die in the same bungalow as my sister. You can set that up, can’t you?”
She looked at me and then at my mom who said it would be ok. The cleaning lady sighed as she told us, “I’m pretty much done in here anyway. Besides, if there’s going to be another death in this bungalow, I’ll have to come back and clean it again. I guess I can go make sure things are all squared away.”
“Can you bring a noose back to the bungalow before Uncle Mike gets back from lunch? I want to surprise him.”
“Yes, I suppose I could do that.” That’s when mom looked right at her, held up two fingers, and told her, “Make that two nooses please.”
Sara looked at me in utter shock. “Mom, are you sure?” I just nodded without saying a word.
The cleaning lady looked at me as though wanting to confirm what I’d just told her. I nodded as I said, “We’d really appreciate it if you would bring us two nooses. That beam up there looks as though it’s sturdy enough to take the both of us.”
She looked at me for a long moment. I stared back at her as though I would brook no further discussion. “Yes, ma’am,” she finally said quietly. Then she left.
Sara couldn’t believe it. “Mom, are you serious?”
“I’ve thought about this ever since Juney left with your Uncle Mike. You coming into the room back home and demanding to be snuffed after she was gone made me realize I had to fly here to be with you. But something made me close up everything back home, just in case.”
I paused to catch my breath. Then I told her, “Now that I’m here, the more I think about it, darling, the more I feel I should hang with you. I’m sure your Uncle Mike won’t mind.”
“Mom, are you sure?”
“I’m sure, darling. Now I suppose we should get ready for when your Uncle Mike returns. Wouldn’t you agree?”
I went around the island, taking a grand tour of the place. I learned about the tidal stakes, the shooting range, the axe and block, and the gallows. So many people had flown here to end it all, often on an erotic note.
I thought about my niece and the way I’d stabbed her in the stomach. A part of me felt guilty. Perhaps that’s because it was such a turn-on ending her life the way I did. Maybe I shouldn’t have enjoyed it so much.
I went to the hotel restaurant and got myself a nice lunch. The whole time while I sat there eating I kept thinking about Juney’s sacrifice. How many others had come to the island, only to be snuffed for the pleasure of others as my niece had done for me?
After lunch, I headed back to the bungalow. I figured I might as well spend the rest of the day on the island. I’d paid for the bungalow, so I figured I might as well sleep in it at least once.
Imagine my shock when I heard moans on the other side of the door. I hesitated before opening it, wondering what the hell was going on inside. Had they cleaned and rented my bungalow out to someone else, expecting me to check out?
I felt a surge of anger as I threw open the door. The first sight that greeted me was the image of two naked women lying across my bed in a 69, furiously eating each other out. The other sight that greeted me was the dangling of a pair of nooses over a beam in the ceiling.
I blurted out, “What the hell?” I was more shocked than anything else.
The young woman underneath tipped her head back. Sara grinned as she gasped, “Uncle Mike! You’re back! Mom, Uncle Mike’s back!”
Veronica paused from eating out her daughter. She looked back at me and smiled. “Well, don’t just stand there, little brother! You’ve got a couple more family members to play with before you string us up. You might as well get undressed and come join right in!” Then she went right back to feasting on her daughter’s cunt.
Sara gasped and moaned. Then she tipped her head back to look back at me. “Come fuck my mouth, Uncle Mike! Cum in my mouth before you hang us!”
It was not what I was expecting when I got back. I wasn’t even sure Juney’s corpse would be gathered up before my return. But it did look like someone had come in and cleaned everything up.
My cock quickly became hard in my pants. I looked at the two dangling nooses. Then I shrugged my shoulders… “What the hell.”
I quickly undressed. Then I stepped right up. Mother and daughter had shifted on the bed until Sara’s head hung off the side, her mom’s tempting ass hanging right there for me to enjoy.
I thrust my cock into my niece’s mouth. My mind momentarily flickered back to the fun I’d had with Juney. Now I was getting sucked by her older sister!
As I thrust in and out of the mouth of her daughter, I asked, “So what’s going on in here, sis?”
“Sara was so turned on thinking about you snuffing Juney that she wanted to come too. I couldn’t very well let her fly out here on her own, could I? Besides, I’ve got a couple of holes back there should you get tired of your niece’s mouth.” Then she went back to licking and slurping on her daughter’s crotch.
Sara grunted and moaned as her mother really worked her over good. I was so turned on that I couldn’t hold back. In no time at all I filled my niece’s mouth with a nice helping of baby batter.
I pulled out of her mouth and thrust right into her mother’s pussy. I figured I might as well see what I could do to stay nice and hard. Sara went right back to work licking and sucking on her mother’s swollen nub.
I eagerly fucked my sister, occasionally pulling out to thrust back into her daughter’s mouth. They both moaned as though it was an incredible turn-on. I stayed hard all the way through.
At one point Veronica invited me to come around and try the other side of the bed. So I walked all the way around. I pulled on Sara’s legs until her pussy was right there on the edge of the bed.
I fucked my niece as her mother licked her out. Sara went off like a rocket. Then I fucked my sister’s mouth until I gave her a nice load. It dripped out of her mouth onto her daughter’s cunt, causing her to eagerly lap it up.
We must have gone at it for a couple of hours at least. Sara finally blurted out, “Uncle Mike; I want to hang for you! Let’s do it now!” Veronica nodded as she wearily climbed off the bed.
They both stood up and took up positions in front of the twin nooses. Over on a dresser lay a series of items necessary to secure them both. It looked like I had my choice of whatever I wanted to use. I also found a couple of signed papers signifying the two women in my bungalow had legally waved their rights and were ready to be snuffed.
I used a long, black strap to tie my sister’s arms behind her back. I asked her, “Are you sure you want to do this?”
“You’ve already slaughtered Juney. Now you’re going to hang Sara. You might as well enjoy hanging me as well.”
“Are you sure?”
“Just feel my cunt.”
“Are you kidding? I can tell it’s dripping cum from the time I went off inside you. I think I managed to come in your mouth and pussy in the last two hours or so.”
“Your cum’s not all that’s dripping out of there. I’m so turned on anticipating you hanging the both of us.”
I reached around from behind to finger her. She writhed and moaned as she clenched her thighs together. Sara looked over and panted, “Mom, that is so hot!”
I went back over and retrieved another strap for my niece. “You sure about this?” I asked her as I bound her wrists together behind her back.
“Gawd yes, Uncle Mike! I already signed the form! I’m so fucking horny I could just burst!” Veronica turned and gave her daughter a little smile of unity.
I finished tying off her wrists. Then I went back over to the dresser. I grabbed a couple of straps that looked like they’d work great just above their knees.
I did my sister first. Veronica was trembling as she asked, “Mike, are you excited about all this?”
I finished securing her knees together. Then I stood right behind her. Her hands felt around until they wrapped around my erection, confirming my arousal.
She chuckled, “Yeah, you’re excited, all right.” But now she was starting to pant heavily. It was as though she was finally beginning to realize just how serious her fateful decision had become.
I did my niece next. I secured her legs just above the knees. Then I told her, “I guess that just about does it.”
“Uncle Mike?”
“Yes, honey?”
“Would you tease us first?”
“Tease you?”
“Take me up and down a little, just to get me used to it? Then you can take me all the way up.”
“What about you, sis?”
“This is all for you, Mike. We want you to enjoy yourself. Tease us; abuse us; string us up; make us wriggle like worms. It’s all up to you.”
“You mean like this?”
I grabbed the loose end and pulled my sister up into the air first. She rasped and kicked. Then I lowered her back down.
“Wow!” my niece panted after watching her mother go up into the air. “That was so fucking hot – erk!”
I pulled on her rope, taking her up off the floor. Sara’s feet kicked below the knees as she searched for solid footing. Then I let her back down.
She panted for breath as she trembled a little. “Damn; that was intense!”
Her mother smiled as she told her, “Not as intense as it’s going to be when your uncle ties your rope off and leaves you to swing.”
I pulled on my sister’s rope again. She rasped as she went back up into the air. She kicked a little before I let her back down.
“Did it hurt?” I whispered into her ear as her daughter looked on.
“It fucking hurt like hell!”
“Good.” Then I pulled her right back up.
I stepped behind her and lowered her until my saluting shaft pushed up into her anal passage. She jerked and kicked as she bounced on my erection up her ass. Then I lifted her up until I slipped out of her back door, holding her in midair a few seconds before lowering her back to the floor.
My niece’s eyes were open wide in amazement. “Wow!” was all she said. So I pulled on her rope as well.
Up she went, her toes fluttering. After a few seconds I let her back down. Then I pulled her right back up.
She gawked as she struggled to pull a breath of air down her constricted windpipe. I lowered her until my cock pushed up into her ass as well. I allowed her muscles to milk me as her toes wriggled while searching for the floor. Then I whispered into her ear, “Is this what you wanted to experience, honey?”
Being pulled up into the air hurt like hell, especially with all that weight on my neck. Mike sure seemed to enjoy it though. Every time his erection came within reach of my wriggling fingers, I confirmed how aroused he’d become.
Feeling him up my ass was quite embarrassing. But it also made me feel all warm and gooey inside. Strange how certain humiliations can add to the perverse arousal of the moment.
Looking over to watch him hang my daughter was even better… or was it worse? I could hear her rasps for breath as she kicked and wriggled. Watching him fuck her up the ass was particularly satisfying though. She deserved it, especially after wanting to come to the island to let her uncle hang her to death.
He finally pulled out of Sara’s ass and let her down before helping her stand upright. Then he came around and stood in front of us. “All right. Who wants to go first?”
At first neither one of us spoke. I think it was setting in just how serious things had gotten. Maybe my daughter had become terrified of hanging to death.
I finally turned and asked her, “Sara, would you like to watch your Uncle Mike hang your mother?”
That broke her out of it, at least for the moment. She smiled as she gasped, “Gawd, mom; I sure would!”
Hearing her want to watch me hang gave me a perverse thrill. I should have been angry she wanted to watch me go first. Instead, I felt this shameful excitement at knowing both my brother and daughter might get off seeing me suffer.
I took a deep breath to steady my nerves. Then I told him, “Ok, Mike. I guess this is it.”
“It sure is, Veronica.”
He roughly pulled my head down, bending me over. Then he brutally fucked my face. “That is so hot!” my daughter gasped as she watched. “I hope Uncle Mike uses my mouth like that. Then I hope he uses our bodies after we’re gone!”
Mike finally pulled my head upright. My cunt was dripping shamefully as I panted for breath. Then he walked around behind me.
I gasped as I stiffened with anticipation. Then I felt him pull on my rope. My feet left the floor as the pain returned.
I tried to reach down with my toes. Gawd; the floor was right there! If only I could reach it!
My feet wriggled and wriggled. But I couldn’t quite reach it! I rasped for breath as my lungs heaved in my chest.
Mike stepped around front to watch me. His cock was exceptionally hard despite how often he’d already been using it on us. He stroked it as he watched me hang.
It suddenly occurred to me my rope was no longer in his hands. That meant I wasn’t coming back down except as a corpse. It terrified me as I began to kick harder in growing panic.
“Oh fuck!” I heard my daughter gasp as she looked over at me. “That is so fucking hot, mom! Gawd, you look like you’re really suffering!”
I tried to rasp, “Not as much as you’re going to suffer, honey.” But I couldn’t force the breath past my vocal cords. The way she seemed to be so turned on at my suffering diminished the pain, but only a little.
I was suspended between heaven and earth when Mike pulled Sara’s head down, bending her at the waist. I watched as he fucked her face. Then he shot a load into her mouth.
My toes wriggled as I tried to kick. Mike smiled at me as he reached over and gave me a little push. It set me to gently swaying back and forth as I struggled to get a breath down my throat.
There was an intense heat in my crotch. Then I couldn’t breathe anymore. That’s when the pain totally enveloped me as I began to hump. I thought I squirted my climax, although it was hard to tell from such overriding agony.
I watched mom as she fucked the air. It was absolutely incredible! I’ve never been so aroused in my entire life!
My mouth was dripping my uncle’s spunk when he started to pull on my rope. I rose up until my toes were hardly touching. I heard him murmur, “This is what you want; right, honey?”
I tried to say something. But I couldn’t force any words past my lips. It really hurt like hell.
Next to me mom was gently swaying. She kept trying to kick a little. She was really suffering.
“Your mother is hanging to death, honey. It’s only a matter of time until she’s gone. Now I’m going to snuff you just like I snuffed your sister Juney.”
My feet suddenly left the floor. The pain increased a hundredfold. But for the moment my mind screamed, “YES, UNCLE MIKE; YES! HANG ME LIKE YOU HANGED MOM! SNUFF US BOTH; HANG US TO DEATH!”
Through the pain I saw my brother hoist my last living daughter up into the air. I thought she was prepared for it. For a few seconds she even seemed to act as though she was into it.
Mike stepped around in front of us with this massive erection. His hands were empty. Sara’s rope had been tied off just like mine. Now she was going to die right along with me.
My throat was ominously closing off my windpipe. It hurt like hell, and I didn’t have much time left. Then I got to see Sara begin to fight her noose.
I tried to hold on for as long as I could. Every time she swung into view I could tell she was really suffering. My pain was unending, yet I drew strength from watching the sweet agony my daughter was enduring.
I swung back and forth as my feet searched for the floor. The pain and agony were far more than I could have ever anticipated. I must admit, I started having serious reservations. But it was much too late to back out now.
Out of the corner of my eye I saw mom was really suffering. Her body shimmied as she began to slow down. Her cunt was dripping; she’d sprayed from what must have been a painful orgasm. It filled me with a sense of excitement and dread as my survival instinct kicked in.
I watched as Sara really began to fight it. I mentally cheered her on, wanting her to suffer the way I was suffering. I drank down every visual moment of the pain the noose was inflicting upon her.
Mike stroked his cock as he watched us dance. I finally exhausted myself. Now I could only watch and enjoy the impending death of my other daughter.
Her knees jerked upward. She was cumming in the noose… cumming for me and her uncle. I cheered her on as consciousness started to fade away.
Uncle Mike moved around behind me until his cock was in my hands. He was hard as a rock. Then I felt him push up into my ass one last time.
I tried to grunt, but my windpipe had closed off. Then mom’s face twisted into view. She looked as though she was saying, “I told you so. Now you can suffer just like I’m suffering, you little bitch!”
I began to hump as I helplessly kicked my life away. Uncle Mike rammed my ass hard. It was shameful, yet perversely thrilling. Then I felt consciousness begin to spiral away.
Sara’s ass clenched wonderfully around my throbbing dick. Her dying spasms were more pleasurable than I could have possibly anticipated. She finally reached the point where she hung limp and lifeless.
I moved over behind her quietly dangling mother. Then I slid into her ass once more. She was barely clenching; there was still a spark of life.
I pulled out and gave her body a spin. She twisted in place as I reached over and spun my niece. Mother and daughter rotated in place, the occasional muscle twitch indicating fatal brain damage was occurring.
I stood there stroking as I watched them twist in place. It looked absolutely incredible. Their mouths gaped open; my sister’s tongue protruding out of her mouth.
I stopped Veronica from spinning. I removed the strap from around her knees. Then I lifted her legs upward before impaling her cunt.
I gave her quite the necro-fuck. I felt her bladder release, but I didn’t care. Urine dripped down my legs as I pumped a load deep inside her.
I let her hang limp, her naked body gently swaying back and forth as my cream dripped out of her orifice. Then I moved over to her daughter Sara. I removed the strap from her knees before lifting her legs up to have a turn at her cunt as well.
It felt incredible. My niece had this incredible look of agony in her expression. But I thought I saw a flicker of something in her eyes as though she was telling me how erotic it had been and how much she wanted me to enjoy the experience.
I left a smaller load up her pussy as well. Then I allowed her to hang limp and lifeless. Mother and daughter gently sung back and forth while twisting in place.
I finally took my sister down. I stretched her out on the bed with her head hanging off the side. Then I fucked her mouth.
I took Sara down and laid her on top of her mother in a 69 as though they were eating each other out. I fucked my niece in the cunt and ass. Then I went around to the other side of the bed.
I enjoyed my niece’s mouth before fucking her mother’s dead holes until I wore myself out. I went and took a shower before getting all cleaned up. Then I went out to let the resort know they had a couple more bodies in my bungalow to take care of.
2021 (written for Mike Hunt Feb 5 ’21 by riwa. Santamos Island concept created by Arachnid aka Spartan. Inspired by the drawing I found in my archives I included below.)