Making a mermaid 4.1 (55)

Mark and Lucinda met while lifeguarding. At first, they didn’t like each other very much. But they learned to work together.

Over time, they began to grow on each other. They were constantly trying to one-up the other. That led to a breath-holding challenge one night after the pool had closed.

The first time down, Mark was the winner. But Lucinda demanded a rematch and won the second round. The tie-breaking round resulted in a virtual tie, both coming up at about the same time, panting like crazy.

Neither one had a watch at the time. So they vowed to hold another contest in the future. This time, they would time themselves.

A couple weeks later, they went at it again. Lucinda won the first one with a time of 2:28. But a rematch resulted in Mark winning with a time of 2:42. The last time down, Mark barely stayed down the longest with a time of 2:53.

They began swimming and snorkeling together during their free time. But they still remained competitive. Sometimes Lucinda outlasted Mark during their underwater contests.

This went on for a couple years. They grew fonder of each other to the point where they stopped seeing other people. And they were frequently found in pools, lakes and coves together.

One day, Mark popped the question. Lucinda excitedly said yes. They celebrated by renting a boat and taking it out into the cove.

During a swim to the bottom, they discovered a submerged four-wheel drive with a rack on top. They had no idea how it ended up there. They enjoyed climbing into the front seat and acting as though they were going for a drive.

After surfacing for another breath, they returned to the four-wheeled vehicle. This time, they climbed into the back seat and made out with each other. It reminded them of the first time they’d had sex in the back seat of Mark’s SUV.

They married after a year of engagement. Mark and Lucinda set up house in a small apartment. They had moved on from lifeguarding, getting jobs that payed better. But they always remembered how they had first met, and how competitive they had been… and still were.

They finally decided they were ready to start a family. So they went at it as often as time permitted. But Lucinda did not conceive.

They tried all sorts of different methods and positions. But nothing seemed to work. They tried to hide their disappointment, accepting it might never happen.

One day, Lucinda talked Mark into going out into the cove. She thought it would be fun to swim down to the ocean floor again. Hell, maybe sex underwater was just the thing they needed.

Mark was more than agreeable. So they picked a weekend, rented a boat, and headed out. Just for fun, they tracked down that sunken four-wheeler.

Lucinda jokingly asked if Mark was interested in going down and making a mermaid. The idea sounded like fun. So they made sure no one was around before shedding their suits and going “au naturale”.

They swam down to the vehicle and climbed into the front seat. Once more, that competitive nature rose up within them. They wanted to see who could hold their breath the longest.

They started by seeing who could stay down kissing each other the longest. This time, it was Mark who shot out of the vehicle and swam up first. Lucinda triumphantly followed him up.

The next time down, it was Lucinda who had to surface first after a lengthy session. Mark followed her up. Naturally, Lucinda suggested a tie-breaking contest.

“What happens if I win?” Mark asked with a twinkle in his eye.

“Missionary position.”

“And if you win?”

“Cowgirl.” They both laughed.

They swam down and climbed into the front seat. They embraced before kissing for the longest time. They stubbornly fought to see who could stay down the longest before Lucinda frantically made for the door. But it had closed and gotten stuck, and she couldn’t get it open.

Mark anxiously pulled her out of his side of the submerged vehicle. Then they shot up together, spewing their breath along the way. The popped up panting loudly for breath.

“Damn!” Lucinda panted. “For a minute, I thought you were going to have to revive me!”

“Lifeguard practice,” he replied with a smile. “It’s always fun.”

“You won,” she confessed. “I had to go up first. You helped me, so you’re on top. Let’s go down and make a mermaid.”

They filled their lungs with air and swam back down. This time they ended up on the hood of the four-wheeler. Mark hung onto the rail to the roof as Lucinda lay underneath him, wrapping a leg around him while trying to pull him deep inside her.

They really went at it, although their competitiveness reared up again. They fought to stay down for as long as possible, just to see who could outlast the other. Both were grunting as they spewed bubbles like crazy.

Mark wasn’t going up until after he’d shot his load. And Lucinda was determined to stay down for as long as it took. Both lungs were straining as they grunted like crazy.

She finally felt her husband shoot his load deep inside her. Then her chest heaved in warning. But she climaxed so hard that it left her weak and disoriented. Mark had to help pull her up to the surface.

The popped up panting weakly for breath. Mark looked at his bride and asked, “Do you always have to be so competitive?”

“Do you?” she replied with a grin.

“What do you think?”

“Maybe we should re-enact the first time we had sex together.”

“Down there?” he asked with a sly smile. She grinned and nodded.

They worked at refilling their lungs. Then they headed back down. This time, they slid into the back seat and began making out.

At first, they got all handsy with each other. She got him nice and hard as they kissed. Then they surfaced with aching lungs.

The next time down, they returned to the backseat. Then she sucked his cock. Lucinda took her time, careful not to make him cum in her mouth before they had to surface.

When he was ready, they headed back down and got into the backseat one last time. Then she climbed into his lap. That’s when they went at it.

Once more, they developed a little competitive streak, trying to see who could hold their breath the longest. But the reward was worth it when she felt him pumping his seed deep inside her. Afterwards, they headed back to the surface with aching lungs before deciding to call it a day.

Nine months later, Lucinda was in the hospital giving birth. Mark’s only concern was whether or not the child would have webbed hands and feet. If it was a boy, he was tempted to name him “Baxter”, as he might have been conceived in the back seat of the submerged four-wheeler. But he figured Lucinda wouldn’t appreciate his sense of humor.

If it was a girl, they could always name her Ariel…

2-14-23 Inspired by JustPaul’s render.

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Riwa’s Stories at Patreon 4.3 (7)

Coming September rewards

The hit on Revy 7
Vacation 6
Best laid plans 5
The party decoration 4 (finally)
Dorothy’s squalid hanging 2
My very last day pt 2
I think your mom likes me
Rey’s demise
Janet and the quicksand bet
Miss Goodie Twoshoes
Wicked women shorts
Kira and Sandy

July stories/rewards will fall off at the end of August to make room for September rewards.

Mom is having gallbladder issues right now, and has been having them for the past week or so. The antibiotic she’s taking seems to be causing some unusual side effects. And if it’s not the antibiotic, then something else is amiss. So our routines have been greatly disrupted.

I’m going to make sure all these stories are pre-loaded so they will be up and will post on each scheduled day as I usually do. But things have become quite chaotic around here. So I’m doing what I can each day before I head over to spend time with mom.

I hope all of you and your family members are doing well. It can be quite stressful when things do not go according to plan and health issues arise. So please take very good care of yourselves. And as always: thank you so very much for being my patrons.

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Taylor’s followers part 2 4.3 (61)

Chad checked his guillotine, making sure it was still in working order. He made sure the blade was lifted up and locked into position. Debra’s blood mingled with Hilary’s to drip off the razor-sharp edge.

My daughter nudged Naomi. “You’re next, right?”

The pretty Asian girl suddenly seemed uncertain of herself. I caught her hesitation and asked, “What’s the matter? Would you prefer to go last?”

“I thought you wanted to do me last, mom.” Carrie was right of course.

Chad looked over at Naomi and my daughter. He smiled as he asked, “Is there a holdup here?”

“N-no holdup,” Naomi said in a quivering voice. “I suppose I should go next; right?”

I smiled as I told her, “Only if you want to, honey. Only if you want to.”

“Are you going to back out now?”

“Carrie, that’s not very nice.”

“Mom; she agreed!”

“She can change her mind if she wishes, right? I can always take her back with me.”

Naomi looked at me and tried to smile. “Give me a minute; ok, Mrs. Walker?”

“Sure thing, honey.”

Naomi went over and got a closer look at the naked, headless bodies. They were still draining out. There was not as much blood as before. But it was still dribbling out of both severed necks.

Matching streams created rivulets to the drain. There was also a stream going from the wicker basket. So far it had caught two heads. That was a lot of blood that had been pumped out.

Naomi went over and looked at both heads on the shelf. Her breath caught in her throat. Then she quietly murmured, “Taylor went out the same way, didn’t she.”

“That’s why we’re here,” Carrie told her irritably.

“I want… to go out… I mean… to be like Taylor.” Then Naomi walked over to the guillotine. She gulped as she looked at the rails that would guide the blade down to slice through her throat.

My daughter changed tactics, wanting to be helpful. “Want me to lick you out? I will if you want me too. Hilary came so hard when I licked her out, you know.”

“No, I don’t…”

“Would you like my help, honey? Or would you like to back out?”

Naomi looked down into the wicker basket. It appeared to give her the shivers something fierce. Then she stammered, “Would you help me lie f-face up, Mrs. Walker? I just c-can’t look down to see where my head is going to land.”

“Cool! I knew she’d go through with it!”

I gave a disapproving look at my enthusiastic daughter. Then I went over to assist Naomi. Chad hovered nearby with the handcuffs at the ready.

“Are you sure, honey? You don’t have to if you don’t want to.”

“No; I really want to do it, Mrs. Walker. I’m just… a little nervous.”

“You want to lie face up on your back?”

“If you don’t mind.”

I nodded as I assisted her down onto the cushioned bench. Then I helped her lie backward. Chad helped me slide her forward until her head went through the opening, exposing her neck to the blade above.

She gasped as she looked up at the glistening steel. I tried to distract her by asking, “You want your hands cuffed, honey?”

“I think you’d better do it, Mrs. Walker. Right now I’m so… I’m so nervous.”

I smiled as I knelt and grabbed one wrist. I cuffed it before reaching underneath for the other one. I pulled her arm under the bench until I could cuff them both together.

Chad came over with the lunette. I stretched out a hand for it, telling him, “I think she’ll feel better if I do it.” He just smiled and nodded.

I showed it to her before asking, “Are you ready for this, honey?” She gulped and nodded. Then a drop of blood splattered onto her neck from the blade above.

She inhaled sharply as she closed her eyes. I slowly slid the lunette into place before locking it down. When I looked questioningly at Chad, he nodded I had done it right.

“Scared, honey?” She nodded her head.

“Want to change your mind?” A shake of the head.

“Want me to help you?” She nodded again.

I knelt close and began touching her all over. I caressed her gorgeous mounds, noting the way her chest rose and fell from each breath she took. She was trembling all over.

“Do you want to back out, honey?” She shook her head again.

“Do you want to be one of Taylor’s followers?” She nodded.

“Do you want to do this for me?” That’s when she looked at me in surprise.

“Honey, you look so sexy lying there like that. I’m ashamed to admit I was turned on watching the beheading of Hilary. And I was turned on watching the beheading of Debra. I’m really looking forward to watching the beheading of my daughter.”

Carrie looked at me and grinned. “That is so fucking hot, mom! You’re going to cum during my beheading, aren’t you?”

“I sure am, honey.” She practically swooned with excitement at my remark.

Naomi looked up at me as I leaned over her, still caressing her mounds. “Are you excited s-seeing me like this, Mrs. Walker?”

“Honey, you have no idea. Would you like to see?” She nodded.

I walked around front where I spread my legs and all but stood over her. She looked up to see my dripping pussy. It was tingling like crazy.

I stood there and masturbated for a few moments, groping my boobs while fingering my cunt. “Honey, I’m going to cum so hard when the blade takes you. I hope you don’t mind. But I just might have to pick up your severed head, mash your face into my crotch and cum all over you. Would that be all right?”

Her eyes opened wide. I thought I saw her nipples harden. I could tell she was panting for breath.

Another drop of blood hit her neck. She gasped and whimpered. “Oh, honey; you have no idea how much it excites me to see you facing the blade like that, the blood of Hilary and Debra splatting onto your neck where the blade is going to fall.”

I walked around and knelt beside her where I began playing with her breasts again. “Your body is going to jerk and buck once your head is gone, honey. Hell, I might even cum twice.”

I allowed my hands to roam until one reached down to her crotch. Her nub had swollen, her labia fully engorging. Despite her fear, she was obviously experiencing some sort of excitement.

I fingered her dripping slit. She inhaled sharply. So I fingered her harder until she began to writhe and moan.

“You like that, honey?” She moaned and whimpered in response. “Oh, honey; I bet you’re going to squirt for me when the blade falls. I bet you’re going to put on one hell of a show; am I right?”

She gasped and whimpered as she wriggled and squirmed. I adjusted my position until I got a good look at her face. Most of the fear had ebbed away.

“Taylor’s waiting for you, honey. She had the ride of her life. Now you’re going to take that very same ride. How does it feel?”

“I… I don’t… I…”

I fingered her harder as I groped and fondled her. She really began to writhe and hump against my hand. Then I looked over at the controls.

Carrie was right there, her hand at the ready. Chad was standing nearby, his cock erect again. It finally occurred to me the cameras were busy taking pictures.

I shook my head at my daughter… not yet. Then I really finger-fucked Naomi’s cunt. The sexy Asian rose up to hump against my hand.

I really wanted to set her mind at ease. I also wanted her to lose her head. It was shameful, yet my pussy was throbbing like crazy.

I waited until she was on the verge of cumming. I looked at Carrie and shook my head again. Then I pulled my fingers out.

I climbed on, straddling Naomi’s naked body. I ground my nub against hers. Then I began rubbing her boobs while riding her.

“So sexy, honey. I’m going to cum all over you when the blade falls. My gawd; you have no idea how wet I am right now! Can’t you feel how wet I am??”

Naomi panted and moaned as her chest rose and fell. I groped and massaged her boobs as I began fucking her crotch to crotch. Her body actually began rocking against mine as we developed a rhythm.

“You want me to cum all over you when the blade falls, honey? Is that what you want? You want me to cum all over you as you lose your head for Taylor?”

She panted and whimpered as she looked up at me. I think the fear was trying to re-establish itself. But I could also see her excitement beginning to build.

“Gawd, honey. You’re going to get so many fucking likes when I show off your sexy head on Instagram. Is that what you want? You want to give up your head for Taylor and I so you can get a ton of likes?”

She panted as I ground against her. Her eyes were open wide as she stared up at the blade. I think the fear was still there; I’m sure it was a natural reaction. But I think I was also helping her get into it.

Maybe I shouldn’t have. But I was so damned turned on. I think she wanted to go through with it. She just needed a little extra motivation.

I really ground against her swollen nub as I rode her. We both panted like crazy. “Honey, when the blade falls, we’re both going to cum like a couple of cheap whores.”

She gasped and whimpered. She was really writhing underneath me. Then I pinched her nipples hard.

She yipped and moaned. I panted, “Honey, I want your head so fucking bad. Can I have your head? Will you let me take it?”

Her reply surprised me. “Yes, Mrs. Walker. Take my head. Please take my head.”

I was astonished I’d helped her come around so enthusiastically. I looked over at Carrie and shook my head… still not yet. Then I repeated my words to Naomi.

“Can I take your head, honey? Gawd; I want your head! I’m going to cum so fucking hard!”

“Take it, Mrs. Walker. Take it!”

“Can I have it, honey?”

“Take it!”

“Gawd; I’m gonna cum!”


I cried out as I ground against her crotch. Her back arched as she humped me back. We were both cumming when I furiously nodded my head.

The blade came whooshing down. Naomi’s orgasmic cries were silenced as the blade bottomed out with a loud thunk. Her head dropped into the wicker basket as a huge crimson flow began pouring out of her severed neck.

I leaped off as she continued bucking and humping, her secured arms jerking wildly underneath the bench. I rushed around front and pulled her head out. Then I mashed her face into my soaked crotch, not yet aware we’d just squirted against each other.

I humped her again and again as I spewed my discharge all over her face for a second time. I simply could not stop cumming. It was shameful as hell, but it was totally worth it.

I looked over to see Carrie furiously masturbating. Even Chad was stroking himself. It was erotic as hell.

I finally came down from my orgasmic high. I lifted Naomi’s head up for the cameras to see. Pictures were snapped of her face dripping from a mixture of blood and fluids.

Carrie collapsed onto the floor moaning “Oh fuck; oh gawd; oh fuck!” I thought Chad was going to jerk a load right then and there. But he calmed right back down as though he wanted to save it for later.

I took one last look at Naomi’s face before I kissed her lips. Her mouth was open from a mixture of bliss and surprise. Then her expression sagged tiredly.

Her body finally settled down until she stopped jerking around. I took her head around and set it on top of her stomach right close to her crotch. Then I had to pause to catch my breath.

Carrie finally stood up and got her iPhone. Chad came over and helped show us a lot of pictures. I noticed there weren’t any showing her head free from the mess that had been made.

I asked, “Shouldn’t we clean her up first?”

“No, mom; I like this one. It’s really hot.”

Carrie picked the one of my kissing Naomi’s soaked lips. “Not that one,” I said as my face flushed crimson.

“Mom; it’s fucking great!”

I just waved dismissively… “Whatever.”

“Everybody’s going to love this one, mom!” Then she sent it out.

We checked the other two posts of Hilary and Debra to see how well they were doing. They were already racking up a large number of likes. There were several comments indicating how hot the heads looked.

Carrie got a rag and wiped the blood and my cum off Naomi’s head. She walked it over and placed it next to the others. Then she stood there admiring them as blood continued to trickle out of their severed necks.

Chad helped me remove Naomi’s handcuffs. Then we carried her over and stretched her out next to Debra. Hilary, Debra and Naomi now lay on their backs together with their feet close to the wall.

Severed necks pointed in the direction of the drain. Now there were three sets of crimson rivulets. It should have been horrifying. But I found it disturbingly erotic knowing who had just been beheaded.

Carrie finally came over and kissed me deeply. “That was so hot!” she panted when we came up for air. “The way you talked her into it? I kind of think she did it for you more than she did it for Taylor!”

“As long as she enjoyed the ride, honey.”

“Hell, that’s the way I want to go out!”

“Are you sure about that?”

“Hell yeah! You have no idea how hot that was. I came so hard I couldn’t stand up anymore!”

“So you have no qualms whatsoever about losing your head today?”

“It wouldn’t be right watching their beheading and then chickening out; would it, mom?”

“I suppose not. Are you sure I can’t talk you out of it?”

“Oh mom. You know you want to watch me lose my head. I saw how excited you were riding Naomi when the blade fell. You fucking loved it!”

“I just want to give you every opportunity to change your mind.”

“I’m not going to change my mind, mom. Besides, you want me to lose my head. Isn’t that right?”

I stared at her for a long moment, not wanting to answer the question. She just grinned and laughed. “Yeah, that’s what I thought.”

“Honey, my sexual excitement is not what’s important here.”

“But that’s why you came along; right, mom?”

It seemed there was no way of talking her out of it. Deep down, I really did want her to go through with it. But that was selfish on my part. I didn’t want to influence her in any way.

“So is there going to be one more beheading or not?”

We both looked at Chad in surprise. He had the lunette in his hands. I’d forgotten he was standing there.

“Of course!” Carrie gasped excitedly.

“Face up or face down?”

Carrie thought about it for a long moment. Then she walked over to the guillotine. Chad had already lifted the blade back up into place before locking it down.

Blood dripped off the blade into the wicker below. It had recently claimed three young women, and was eager to take a fourth. There had been no thought whatsoever given to who they were or the type of lives they might have gone on to experience.

Carrie shivered before looking down into the wicker basket. The straw below was partly matted with blood. I grabbed her shoulder as I murmured, “Quite the choice, eh? Look up at the blade or down into the basket?”

“I think I’ll look down, mom. I want to see where I’m going. I’ll be falling into the same place as Debra, Naomi and my lover Hilary. Besides, I don’t think I want to look up at the blade. That might really freak me out.”

“Looks like my daughter’s going on her final ride lying face down,” I told Chad with a smile.

I felt a perverse thrill as an erotic shiver rippled through me. What kind of mother becomes excited at the thought of witnessing her daughter’s beheading? Was I the only one on the entire planet who would ever enjoy such a kinky spectacle??

2020 (written for Carrie Nov 11 ’20 by riwa)

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Breath-off at halftime 3.4 (29)

Note: An oldie I’m reposting as we look toward the upcoming football season.

The hype leading up to the first NFL game of the season between the Dallas Cowboys and the New York Giants was not just limited to the media, players and coaches. Even the cheerleaders for their respective teams got in on the trash talking. They took to twittering back and forth, taunting the other side about how good their team was and how their opponent was going to get slaughtered in the first game of the season.

It wasn’t long before they began comparing qualities of the members of their respective cheerleading squads. The debate got rather heated, and many observers were greatly amused. Then the trash talking took an interesting turn.

Veronica, a member of the Giants cheerleading squad, boldly proclaimed she was so good that she could actually hold her breath while doing her routine with the others. A hot brunette Cowboys cheerleader named Serena tweeted back that Veronica was full of hot air. She wasn’t capable of holding her breath for any reason, certainly not when it would count the most.

Veronica was outraged and immediately demanded satisfaction. Serena tweeted back she could outlast her in a breath-hold contest any day of the week. That’s when the Giants cheerleader challenged her to a “breath-off” during halftime of the Cowboys-Giants game.

The rules would be simple. Both cheerleaders would agree to hold their breath against each other inside two separate Houdini tanks filled with water. The tanks would be standing next to each other on a platform in the middle of the field.

Cameras would record their progress. The scenes would be played out on the large stadium viewing screens. That way, there would be no doubt to the 82,000 fans in the stands, along with the millions of viewers watching, who the best cheerleader was at holding her breath.

As game-day approached, the trash talking intensified. Both cheerleaders tweeted how well they could hold their breath. The halftime contest would be no contest at all, and the opposing cheerleader would be humiliated.

Fans began to chime in. A wagering pool was soon arranged. But things really got serious when two wealthy, opposing fans made a special bet. The winning cheerleader would receive half of their winnings. Now each cheerleader would be playing for $50,000.

The big day came. The hype for the halftime show was only eclipsed by the hype of the Giants opening the season in defense of their Super Bowl crown. What made their run to the championship sweeter the year before was when they’d knocked the Cowboys out of the playoffs.

Veronica and Serena brought their iPads to the game. They continued to tweet against each other whenever they were not cheering with their respective squads. By halftime, the Cowboys held a slim 7-3 lead as the teams went to their locker rooms.

A platform was quickly hustled out to midfield, along with two Houdini tanks. Hoses were connected and stretched out, enabling the tanks to be rapidly filled. Then Veronica and Serena walked out from their respective sidelines.

They wore their team cheerleading outfits. Both women gaily waved to the cheers of their respective fans. But the hometown crowd cheered loudest for the Giants cheerleader.

Step ladders were rushed out. Now both ladies would be able to climb up onto the top of their respective tanks. The spectacle was such that many fans chose to remain and watch rather than make their way to the concession stands.

The trash talking continued as they walked out, still holding their iPads. Serena proudly proclaimed she could hold her breath three minutes. That’s when Veronica decided to up the stakes.

Once they reached the platform and could speak to each other, the Giant’s cheerleader upped the stakes. She suggested the contest should be held in such a way that there would no way either one could get a breath until the time was up. When she suggested they be locked in for those three minutes, Serena was more than agreeable.

Once the rules were set, two covers were quickly brought out so they could be latched into place. Then the tanks were topped off. Together they left their devices lying next to the Houdini tank they would be using.

Both cheerleaders climbed their ladders, waving eagerly to the fans. They sat on top of their respective tanks. Water spilled out from displacement as they dangled their legs inside.

Veronica confidently called out to one of the assistants standing nearby. “Remember, these are the rules we agreed upon. Neither of us gets air until at least three minutes have gone by. Then you can unlatch the hooks so my opponent here can open up her lid and come up first.”

She paused with a smirk. Then she glared challengingly at Serena before adding, “…that is, if the stupid bitch doesn’t drown herself first!”

The rules of the challenge were passed on to the stadium announcer who dutifully served as master-of-ceremonies. He first introduced Serena who waved confidently as she sat on the edge of her Houdini tank. She didn’t act the least bit worried as fans admired her impressive cleavage.

When Veronica was announced, the crowd let out a roar. She gallantly waved at everyone sitting in attendance. Then she flashed her most charming smile to the cameras dutifully recording the event for the large stadium screens and for the folks at home, proudly wriggling her ass in her short shorts.

Both cheerleaders started taking deep breaths to prepare themselves. Veronica glared grimly at Serena, determined to shut her up once and for all. The Cowboys cheerleader glared back at her as if to say, “Bring it on, bitch!”

The stadium announcer started counting down from ten, allowing the fans in the stands to count down with him. When they all yelled, “ZERO!” Veronica and Serena filled their lungs. Then they dropped as one into their respective Houdini tanks.

Water spilled out as the covers were quickly hinged into place. The lids were latched as per the agree-upon rules. The ladies were now effectively trapped inside for a minimum of three minutes until the latches would be popped free.

Veronica promptly pinched her nose shut, closing her eyes and settling in for the long breath-hold. Serena smiled and then closed her eyes. She braced herself against the sides of the tank with her arms as air dribbled out of her nose in tiny bubbles.

The two breath-holding cheerleaders immediately appeared side by side in their tanks on the giant stadium screens. The clock used for the football game was dubbed into the lower right-hand corner of each screen. The time began at 0:00 so that one and all could know how long both women had been submerged.

The crowd buzzed with excitement. Voices occasionally yelled out encouragement. 30 seconds quickly went by.

There was very little movement from the Cowboys cheerleader. But Veronica hadn’t situated herself properly. Now she had to push one hand up to keep from bumping her head into the cover of her tank.

When the stadium clock reached 1:00, the stadium announcer loudly called out “ONE MINUTE!” The crowd cheered louder. The sight of both women submerged in their cheerleading outfits was having the desired effect on the males in attendance, along with quite a few females.

The cameras did a close-up of Serena, allowing everyone to see a few bubbles dribble out of her nose. The close-up of Veronica showed her shifting in place as air slipped out through her pursed lips. The hometown crowd cheered her on.

The stadium clock reached 1:30. But the contents of both tanks showed little change. Serena seemed calm, a faint smile on her lips as her eyes remained closed. She continued to brace herself, her soaked Dallas Cowboys cheerleader outfit sensuously accenting her curvaceous body.

In the other tank, Veronica shifted again. She changed hands, now pinching her nose shut with the other one while bracing herself against the ceiling of her watery prison with an outstretched arm. Of the two, she seemed the most active in her tank.

The clock continued to move with agonizing precision, never seeming to speed up or slow down. The cheering intensified. Then the stadium announcer called out “TWO MINUTES!”

There was a roar of encouragement. This was unprecedented. Viewership was soaring during this particular moment in the telecast.

Serena shifted in her tank as more air dribbled out of her nose. Did she appear to be a little uncomfortable? Would she last the entire three minutes before her cover was unlatched from the top of her tank?

The stadium crowd responded with a hopeful cheer. Some wondered if she was starting to run out of breath. The camera close-ups were enticing.

Was it possible the Cowboys’ cheerleader might not make it to 3:00? What would happen then? Would the rules be bent if someone began to struggle?

Veronica opened her eyes long enough to look over at her opponent. Then she closed them. inwardly she was thinking, “Shit; the bitch is still with me!”

It was apparent she was uncomfortable as well. Her body wriggled a little as she released air out of her pursed lips. She was trying to ease the growing strain in her lungs without giving up too much air, air she would need to remain underwater for the full three minutes.

She tried hard not to show it. But it wasn’t long until the close-up of the Giants’ cheerleader in her tank revealed gentle spasms in her stomach. They slowly increased in intensity.

The stadium crowd took notice, and tried to cheer her onward. Then the announcer called out “TWO-TWENTY!” The crowd roared even louder for her.

Symptoms also appeared in Serena’s body. They were those same gentle spasms in her stomach. More air dribbled out of her nose.

She abruptly released a burst of air from her lips. She looked like she was also showing a struggle to hold her breath. But judging by the side by side comparison on the large video screens, it was Veronica who was clearly struggling the most.

The clock ticked onward with seemingly infinite slowness. It felt to many like the way the clock ticks slowly when the home team is holding a tenuous lead. That’s when the game can’t end fast enough.

Veronica’s chest began to heave. Her breasts gently bounced within her apparel as more air spurted out of her mouth. She was clearly struggling while still trying to push herself down from the cover above her: struggling both to hold her breath and to maintain her composure.

Next to her, Serena kept her eyes closed as though focused on the task at hand. It must have been difficult for her not to check on her opponent. The temptation was strong to open her eyes and risk a quick glance.

But she’d made a decision. She was determined not to allow anything to distract her. Besides, she was trying to concentrate, since the convulsions in her stomach had become quite noticeable.

The stadium announcer called out “TWO-FORTY!!” The stadium clock ticked 2:41… 2:42… 2:43. For Veronica those last 20 seconds must have seemed an eternity.

Her eyes suddenly popped open. She frantically brought her hand across her neck in a slashing motion…”NO AIR – NO AIR; I GIVE UP!” But the assistants hesitated.

The instructions were explicit. Besides, there was a lot of money involved. They were unsure how to proceed. Besides, there were only a few more seconds remaining.

Veronica frantically pushed up against the cover to her tank. Air billowed out of her mouth. But still the assistants hesitated as the crowd tried to encourage her not to give up.

Veronica reached her breaking point and freaked out. She began pounding on the glass of her tank. That’s when she screamed her air away, begging to be let out.

The crowd in the stadium were mesmerized by the situation now playing itself out. They tried to cheer her on, encouraging her to hold on a few seconds longer. The assistants fidgeted with indecision.

Serena opened her eyes and noticed her opponent panicking and bubbling. She felt her own panic threaten to swell within her. She anxiously swallowed it back down.

She’d heard the stadium announcer call out 2:40. Surely she could hold her breath another 20 seconds longer before their covers would be unlatched. But 20 seconds sounded like a very long time, especially in her breathless condition.

Veronica frantically pounded on the front of her Houdini tank. She pleaded at the cameras with her eyes, mouthing that she wanted to be let out. The stadium clocked methodically ticked away… 2:49… 2:50… 2:51.

She became too panicked to hold her breath any longer. At 2:53 she gulped down a mouthful of water. That’s when the Giants’ cheerleader convulsed painfully.

Instantly she went into drowning spasms. The horrifying close-up of her struggles were displayed on the large stadium screens for all to see. The crowd didn’t seem to know what to do!

Some groaned while the Dallas fans cheered. A few women screamed in horror. The assistants around the tank stood frozen with indecision, torn between breaking the rules and just standing there a few seconds longer.

Veronica was still jerking and spasming when the stadium announcer called out, “THREE MINUTES! SOMEBODY GET HER OUT OF THERE!” The assistants rushed forward, quickly unlatching her cover. One of them frantically climbed up her ladder.

The cover was lifted open. He anxiously reached down, grabbing Veronica’s arms. Then he pulled her still convulsing body up out of the tank.

Veronica coughed up water, her body still spasming in an effort to expel the water in her lungs. But now the cameras focused on the Cowboys’ cheerleader. Serena’s chest heaved mightily, her face a grimace of agony as she struggled to hold her breath.

She opened her eyes and looked over at the empty tank of her opponent. Then she looked into the cameras with grim determination. That’s when a smile broke out all over her face, knowing she had won.

With a last burst of the remaining air in her lungs, she forced herself upward. She pushed open the lid to her tank. Then she burst up out of the top and gasped loudly for breath. That’s when the stadium clock stopped at 3:12.

The Dallas faithful loudly cheered her performance. The hometown crowd applauded appreciatively, most of them giving her a standing ovation. Serena was able to climb out of the Houdini tank on her own.

Paramedics rushed forward with a stretcher. They were attending to Veronica. The crowd suddenly got very quiet.

Veronica finally lifted an arm up from the stretcher she was lying upon. She gave everyone watching an upraised thumb, indicating she was ok. The crowd gave her a standing ovation as she was taken away by ambulance.

They cheered a triumphant Serena as the tanks were quickly drained into the hoses connected to them. All the props for the halftime show were quickly taken down. Nothing remained on the field that was indicative of the incredible halftime performance of the two cheerleaders.

Word filtered back to both locker rooms before the second half began. Then the game resumed. Despite a number of penalties, Dallas played inspired football. Whether encouraged by their gallant cheerleader or simply by the leadership of their quarterback, the Cowboys went on to win the game 24-17.

2012; 2021 (written Sep 6 ’12; ed. Mar 22 ‘21 by riwa)

(Pictures are for illustration purposes only.)

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More family members on Santamos Island 4.3 (56)

An impoverished Caribbean island nation nears bankruptcy.  In order to raise cash income from “tourists”, the nation’s leaders in desperation pass a law — consensual executions of sane and un-coerced foreigners by other foreigners will be legal in public execution areas on the island. Arachnid’s Santamos Island universe

No sooner had Juney left with her Uncle Mike when my other daughter Sara rushed up to me. “Mom, is it true? Is Juney going to Santamos Island to die?”

I scowled at her. She must have been listening in on my conversation with my brother. That’s when I realized there was no point trying to hide it from her now.

“Yes, darling. Juney went with your Uncle Mike to be sacrificed on Santamos Island.”

“Is he really going to snuff her, mom?”

“Yes, darling. I’m afraid so. I wanted to keep this from you. I had no idea you were eavesdropping…”

“Mom, I want to go to Santamos too!”

I stare at her in astonishment. “What?? Why the hell for??”

“Because I want Uncle Mike to snuff me too!”

“Darling, that’s crazy!”

“But Juney went!”

“She was going to get herself snuffed anyway. You know how your sister is!”

“And I’m not?? Mom, I really want to go!”

“And if I refuse?”

“Juney went! That means I can go too. I’ll find a way, mom. Please let me go!”

“Oh, no!”

“Mom, you can’t stop me. I’ve got enough money saved up. I really want to go!”

“What do you want your Uncle Mike to do to you, darling?”

“I want him to hang me! That would be so incredibly hot! Don’t you think so?”

“No, I don’t think so at all!”

“Ok, mom. If that’s how you feel. Anyway, I’m going to go online now and find a way to get a plane ticket to Santamos Island.”

“All right – all right! If you want to go this badly, I can’t stop you. So I’d better book a flight for the both of us.”

“Thanks, mom! If we hurry, can we get there in time to watch Uncle Mike sacrifice Juney?”

“I don’t know. What if we get there too late?”

“As long as we get there while Uncle Mike is still on the island. I really want him to hang me. And I want to swing naked! Now I’m going to call Patty and tell her I’m going to Santamos Island to be snuffed by my uncle! She’s going to be so fucking jealous!” Then she rushed out of the room.

I shook my head as I went off to find my laptop. Now I had to make arrangements to fly us to Santamos. I never dreamed I would be getting a flight for myself and my other daughter after letting Juney go with her uncle.

I was so excited when I heard Juney was going to Santamos with Uncle Mike. And I was jealous as hell. Knowing he was going to snuff my sister was such a turn-on.

I almost rushed in and asked him to take me along. I knew mom would put her foot down. But the longer I heard them talking about it, the more I simply could not resist.

I thought I was going to have a major battle with mom. After all, she let Juney go. Juney always was a little crazy.

I thought I would have a harder time talking mother into it. I figured it was going to be a major hassle getting her to allow me to go. But I was determined to go online and catch my own flight if I had to.

Imagine my surprise when mom relented. Now we’re going together! Does that mean mom will be right there with me when Uncle Mike hangs me?

The thought of mom watching him hang me got me even more excited. I really got wet when she said she was booking a flight for the two of us. My only regret was in not coming out sooner and going with Juney and Uncle Mike. I would have loved watching him snuff her ass before doing me next.

I quickly arranged a flight to Santamos Island. I knew my brother’s schedule. But sadly I couldn’t get us there any sooner than mid-morning.

I realized we were going to miss watching him snuff my daughter Juney. At least I would be present to watch him hang Sara. She sure seemed excited about it.

I made all the arrangements to get us onto the next available flight. Then I set a few other things in motion. I don’t really know why I did what I did. Something told me it might be a good idea just in case.

Maybe it was the thought of watching Mike hang my daughter. Maybe it was something else. I just wanted to make sure everything was in order on the day of the flight so there wouldn’t be any loose ends.

Patty was jealous as hell when she found out. I’m sure she told a couple of our other friends. But there wasn’t time to set up any going-away party.

Mom and I were on a flight in less than 24 hours. We were going to arrive right before lunch. By then I figured Uncle Mike would have already slaughtered Juney.

The longer we were in the air, the more excited I became. I couldn’t believe my Uncle Mike was going to hang me! Of course I would have to ask him first once we got there. But I figured he would be more than willing to string me up, especially after snuffing Juney.

During the flight mom told me I needed to stop fidgeting around and to calm down. But I was too worked up. I was so wet down below that I came damned close to soaking my underwater. Somehow my skirt stayed dry.

Mom sure was quiet throughout the flight. She seemed deep in thought about something. Maybe she was going to miss me. I guess that was understandable.

I almost orgasmed when we touched down. We got off the plane and caught a shuttle to the hotel. I was anxious to find Uncle Mike right away. Mom just kept telling me to calm down. Besides, death would come for me soon enough.

When we reached the hotel, mom asked for Uncle Mike’s location. We were told he’d checked into a private bungalow. Mom asked if we could be taken over to see him.

When we arrived, we saw a lady cleaning up the room. She said Uncle Mike had stepped out and hadn’t returned yet. He had probably gone to eat lunch. Mom and I weren’t very hungry, especially since we’d eaten something on the plane.

Mom was going to take us out so we could look around the place. But I was curious how Juney had been snuffed. When I asked the cleaning lady, she pointed at a chest and told us he’d stabbed her in the belly with a huge dagger.

Mom gasped in shock as she came over and looked at the chest. “You mean he snuffed my little girl right here?”

“Right on top of this chest; yes ma’am.” Then the lady looked alarmed as she asked, “There wasn’t any sort of violation here, was there? My understanding was that everything was signed all legal and proper.”

“No violation,” mom reassured her. “I allowed her to go of her own free will. You’ll get no trouble from me.” The lady seemed relieved.

I looked all around until I spotted something up near the ceiling. Then I asked, “Are you sure he hasn’t checked out yet?”

“Not to my knowledge. I believe he’s scheduled to spend the night. He only got here this morning. It all happened so fast.”

I looked up at the ceiling again, my heart beating fast. The words were barely out of my mouth before I could consider what I was saying…

“I don’t suppose you could fetch a hangman’s noose and bring it back, could you? After all, my Uncle will be hanging me right here on the island. Maybe he’ll do it when he returns from lunch.”

Mom looked at me in surprise. “Darling, maybe we shouldn’t rush into this.”

“But he’s already snuffed Juney, mom! I’ll bet he’s going to love watching me hang! There’s a beam right up there near the ceiling!”

Mom looked up and examined the beam. “Darling, I’m not sure…”

“Please?” Then I turned to the cleaning lady and asked, “He can hang me in here, can’t he?”

The cleaning lady seemed hesitant. “Well, we do have a gallows set up on the grounds.”

“But I want Uncle Mike to hang me right in here! I want to die in the same bungalow as my sister. You can set that up, can’t you?”

She looked at me and then at my mom who said it would be ok. The cleaning lady sighed as she told us, “I’m pretty much done in here anyway. Besides, if there’s going to be another death in this bungalow, I’ll have to come back and clean it again. I guess I can go make sure things are all squared away.”

“Can you bring a noose back to the bungalow before Uncle Mike gets back from lunch? I want to surprise him.”

“Yes, I suppose I could do that.” That’s when mom looked right at her, held up two fingers, and told her, “Make that two nooses please.”

Sara looked at me in utter shock. “Mom, are you sure?” I just nodded without saying a word.

The cleaning lady looked at me as though wanting to confirm what I’d just told her. I nodded as I said, “We’d really appreciate it if you would bring us two nooses. That beam up there looks as though it’s sturdy enough to take the both of us.”

She looked at me for a long moment. I stared back at her as though I would brook no further discussion. “Yes, ma’am,” she finally said quietly. Then she left.

Sara couldn’t believe it. “Mom, are you serious?”

“I’ve thought about this ever since Juney left with your Uncle Mike. You coming into the room back home and demanding to be snuffed after she was gone made me realize I had to fly here to be with you. But something made me close up everything back home, just in case.”

I paused to catch my breath. Then I told her, “Now that I’m here, the more I think about it, darling, the more I feel I should hang with you. I’m sure your Uncle Mike won’t mind.”

“Mom, are you sure?”

“I’m sure, darling. Now I suppose we should get ready for when your Uncle Mike returns. Wouldn’t you agree?”

I went around the island, taking a grand tour of the place. I learned about the tidal stakes, the shooting range, the axe and block, and the gallows. So many people had flown here to end it all, often on an erotic note.

I thought about my niece and the way I’d stabbed her in the stomach. A part of me felt guilty. Perhaps that’s because it was such a turn-on ending her life the way I did. Maybe I shouldn’t have enjoyed it so much.

I went to the hotel restaurant and got myself a nice lunch. The whole time while I sat there eating I kept thinking about Juney’s sacrifice. How many others had come to the island, only to be snuffed for the pleasure of others as my niece had done for me?

After lunch, I headed back to the bungalow. I figured I might as well spend the rest of the day on the island. I’d paid for the bungalow, so I figured I might as well sleep in it at least once.

Imagine my shock when I heard moans on the other side of the door. I hesitated before opening it, wondering what the hell was going on inside. Had they cleaned and rented my bungalow out to someone else, expecting me to check out?

I felt a surge of anger as I threw open the door. The first sight that greeted me was the image of two naked women lying across my bed in a 69, furiously eating each other out. The other sight that greeted me was the dangling of a pair of nooses over a beam in the ceiling.

I blurted out, “What the hell?” I was more shocked than anything else.

The young woman underneath tipped her head back. Sara grinned as she gasped, “Uncle Mike! You’re back! Mom, Uncle Mike’s back!”

Veronica paused from eating out her daughter. She looked back at me and smiled. “Well, don’t just stand there, little brother! You’ve got a couple more family members to play with before you string us up. You might as well get undressed and come join right in!” Then she went right back to feasting on her daughter’s cunt.

Sara gasped and moaned. Then she tipped her head back to look back at me. “Come fuck my mouth, Uncle Mike! Cum in my mouth before you hang us!”

It was not what I was expecting when I got back. I wasn’t even sure Juney’s corpse would be gathered up before my return. But it did look like someone had come in and cleaned everything up.

My cock quickly became hard in my pants. I looked at the two dangling nooses. Then I shrugged my shoulders… “What the hell.”

I quickly undressed. Then I stepped right up. Mother and daughter had shifted on the bed until Sara’s head hung off the side, her mom’s tempting ass hanging right there for me to enjoy.

I thrust my cock into my niece’s mouth. My mind momentarily flickered back to the fun I’d had with Juney. Now I was getting sucked by her older sister!

As I thrust in and out of the mouth of her daughter, I asked, “So what’s going on in here, sis?”

“Sara was so turned on thinking about you snuffing Juney that she wanted to come too. I couldn’t very well let her fly out here on her own, could I? Besides, I’ve got a couple of holes back there should you get tired of your niece’s mouth.” Then she went back to licking and slurping on her daughter’s crotch.

Sara grunted and moaned as her mother really worked her over good. I was so turned on that I couldn’t hold back. In no time at all I filled my niece’s mouth with a nice helping of baby batter.

I pulled out of her mouth and thrust right into her mother’s pussy. I figured I might as well see what I could do to stay nice and hard. Sara went right back to work licking and sucking on her mother’s swollen nub.

I eagerly fucked my sister, occasionally pulling out to thrust back into her daughter’s mouth. They both moaned as though it was an incredible turn-on. I stayed hard all the way through.

At one point Veronica invited me to come around and try the other side of the bed. So I walked all the way around. I pulled on Sara’s legs until her pussy was right there on the edge of the bed.

I fucked my niece as her mother licked her out. Sara went off like a rocket. Then I fucked my sister’s mouth until I gave her a nice load. It dripped out of her mouth onto her daughter’s cunt, causing her to eagerly lap it up.

We must have gone at it for a couple of hours at least. Sara finally blurted out, “Uncle Mike; I want to hang for you! Let’s do it now!” Veronica nodded as she wearily climbed off the bed.

They both stood up and took up positions in front of the twin nooses. Over on a dresser lay a series of items necessary to secure them both. It looked like I had my choice of whatever I wanted to use. I also found a couple of signed papers signifying the two women in my bungalow had legally waved their rights and were ready to be snuffed.

I used a long, black strap to tie my sister’s arms behind her back. I asked her, “Are you sure you want to do this?”

“You’ve already slaughtered Juney. Now you’re going to hang Sara. You might as well enjoy hanging me as well.”

“Are you sure?”

“Just feel my cunt.”

“Are you kidding? I can tell it’s dripping cum from the time I went off inside you. I think I managed to come in your mouth and pussy in the last two hours or so.”

“Your cum’s not all that’s dripping out of there. I’m so turned on anticipating you hanging the both of us.”

I reached around from behind to finger her. She writhed and moaned as she clenched her thighs together. Sara looked over and panted, “Mom, that is so hot!”

I went back over and retrieved another strap for my niece. “You sure about this?” I asked her as I bound her wrists together behind her back.

“Gawd yes, Uncle Mike! I already signed the form! I’m so fucking horny I could just burst!” Veronica turned and gave her daughter a little smile of unity.

I finished tying off her wrists. Then I went back over to the dresser. I grabbed a couple of straps that looked like they’d work great just above their knees.

I did my sister first. Veronica was trembling as she asked, “Mike, are you excited about all this?”

I finished securing her knees together. Then I stood right behind her. Her hands felt around until they wrapped around my erection, confirming my arousal.

She chuckled, “Yeah, you’re excited, all right.” But now she was starting to pant heavily. It was as though she was finally beginning to realize just how serious her fateful decision had become.

I did my niece next. I secured her legs just above the knees. Then I told her, “I guess that just about does it.”

“Uncle Mike?”

“Yes, honey?”

“Would you tease us first?”

“Tease you?”

“Take me up and down a little, just to get me used to it? Then you can take me all the way up.”

“What about you, sis?”

“This is all for you, Mike. We want you to enjoy yourself. Tease us; abuse us; string us up; make us wriggle like worms. It’s all up to you.”

“You mean like this?”

I grabbed the loose end and pulled my sister up into the air first. She rasped and kicked. Then I lowered her back down.

“Wow!” my niece panted after watching her mother go up into the air. “That was so fucking hot – erk!”

I pulled on her rope, taking her up off the floor. Sara’s feet kicked below the knees as she searched for solid footing. Then I let her back down.

She panted for breath as she trembled a little. “Damn; that was intense!”

Her mother smiled as she told her, “Not as intense as it’s going to be when your uncle ties your rope off and leaves you to swing.”

I pulled on my sister’s rope again. She rasped as she went back up into the air. She kicked a little before I let her back down.

“Did it hurt?” I whispered into her ear as her daughter looked on.

“It fucking hurt like hell!”

“Good.” Then I pulled her right back up.

I stepped behind her and lowered her until my saluting shaft pushed up into her anal passage. She jerked and kicked as she bounced on my erection up her ass. Then I lifted her up until I slipped out of her back door, holding her in midair a few seconds before lowering her back to the floor.

My niece’s eyes were open wide in amazement. “Wow!” was all she said. So I pulled on her rope as well.

Up she went, her toes fluttering. After a few seconds I let her back down. Then I pulled her right back up.

She gawked as she struggled to pull a breath of air down her constricted windpipe. I lowered her until my cock pushed up into her ass as well. I allowed her muscles to milk me as her toes wriggled while searching for the floor. Then I whispered into her ear, “Is this what you wanted to experience, honey?”

Being pulled up into the air hurt like hell, especially with all that weight on my neck. Mike sure seemed to enjoy it though. Every time his erection came within reach of my wriggling fingers, I confirmed how aroused he’d become.

Feeling him up my ass was quite embarrassing. But it also made me feel all warm and gooey inside. Strange how certain humiliations can add to the perverse arousal of the moment.

Looking over to watch him hang my daughter was even better… or was it worse? I could hear her rasps for breath as she kicked and wriggled. Watching him fuck her up the ass was particularly satisfying though. She deserved it, especially after wanting to come to the island to let her uncle hang her to death.

He finally pulled out of Sara’s ass and let her down before helping her stand upright. Then he came around and stood in front of us. “All right. Who wants to go first?”

At first neither one of us spoke. I think it was setting in just how serious things had gotten. Maybe my daughter had become terrified of hanging to death.

I finally turned and asked her, “Sara, would you like to watch your Uncle Mike hang your mother?”

That broke her out of it, at least for the moment. She smiled as she gasped, “Gawd, mom; I sure would!”

Hearing her want to watch me hang gave me a perverse thrill. I should have been angry she wanted to watch me go first. Instead, I felt this shameful excitement at knowing both my brother and daughter might get off seeing me suffer.

I took a deep breath to steady my nerves. Then I told him, “Ok, Mike. I guess this is it.”

“It sure is, Veronica.”

He roughly pulled my head down, bending me over. Then he brutally fucked my face. “That is so hot!” my daughter gasped as she watched. “I hope Uncle Mike uses my mouth like that. Then I hope he uses our bodies after we’re gone!”

Mike finally pulled my head upright. My cunt was dripping shamefully as I panted for breath. Then he walked around behind me.

I gasped as I stiffened with anticipation. Then I felt him pull on my rope. My feet left the floor as the pain returned.

I tried to reach down with my toes. Gawd; the floor was right there! If only I could reach it!

My feet wriggled and wriggled. But I couldn’t quite reach it! I rasped for breath as my lungs heaved in my chest.

Mike stepped around front to watch me. His cock was exceptionally hard despite how often he’d already been using it on us. He stroked it as he watched me hang.

It suddenly occurred to me my rope was no longer in his hands. That meant I wasn’t coming back down except as a corpse. It terrified me as I began to kick harder in growing panic.

“Oh fuck!” I heard my daughter gasp as she looked over at me. “That is so fucking hot, mom! Gawd, you look like you’re really suffering!”

I tried to rasp, “Not as much as you’re going to suffer, honey.” But I couldn’t force the breath past my vocal cords. The way she seemed to be so turned on at my suffering diminished the pain, but only a little.

I was suspended between heaven and earth when Mike pulled Sara’s head down, bending her at the waist. I watched as he fucked her face. Then he shot a load into her mouth.

My toes wriggled as I tried to kick. Mike smiled at me as he reached over and gave me a little push. It set me to gently swaying back and forth as I struggled to get a breath down my throat.

There was an intense heat in my crotch. Then I couldn’t breathe anymore. That’s when the pain totally enveloped me as I began to hump. I thought I squirted my climax, although it was hard to tell from such overriding agony.

I watched mom as she fucked the air. It was absolutely incredible! I’ve never been so aroused in my entire life!

My mouth was dripping my uncle’s spunk when he started to pull on my rope. I rose up until my toes were hardly touching. I heard him murmur, “This is what you want; right, honey?”

I tried to say something. But I couldn’t force any words past my lips. It really hurt like hell.

Next to me mom was gently swaying. She kept trying to kick a little. She was really suffering.

“Your mother is hanging to death, honey. It’s only a matter of time until she’s gone. Now I’m going to snuff you just like I snuffed your sister Juney.”

My feet suddenly left the floor. The pain increased a hundredfold. But for the moment my mind screamed, “YES, UNCLE MIKE; YES! HANG ME LIKE YOU HANGED MOM! SNUFF US BOTH; HANG US TO DEATH!”

Through the pain I saw my brother hoist my last living daughter up into the air. I thought she was prepared for it. For a few seconds she even seemed to act as though she was into it.

Mike stepped around in front of us with this massive erection. His hands were empty. Sara’s rope had been tied off just like mine. Now she was going to die right along with me.

My throat was ominously closing off my windpipe. It hurt like hell, and I didn’t have much time left. Then I got to see Sara begin to fight her noose.

I tried to hold on for as long as I could. Every time she swung into view I could tell she was really suffering. My pain was unending, yet I drew strength from watching the sweet agony my daughter was enduring.

I swung back and forth as my feet searched for the floor. The pain and agony were far more than I could have ever anticipated. I must admit, I started having serious reservations. But it was much too late to back out now.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw mom was really suffering. Her body shimmied as she began to slow down. Her cunt was dripping; she’d sprayed from what must have been a painful orgasm. It filled me with a sense of excitement and dread as my survival instinct kicked in.

I watched as Sara really began to fight it. I mentally cheered her on, wanting her to suffer the way I was suffering. I drank down every visual moment of the pain the noose was inflicting upon her.

Mike stroked his cock as he watched us dance. I finally exhausted myself. Now I could only watch and enjoy the impending death of my other daughter.

Her knees jerked upward. She was cumming in the noose… cumming for me and her uncle. I cheered her on as consciousness started to fade away.

Uncle Mike moved around behind me until his cock was in my hands. He was hard as a rock. Then I felt him push up into my ass one last time.

I tried to grunt, but my windpipe had closed off. Then mom’s face twisted into view. She looked as though she was saying, “I told you so. Now you can suffer just like I’m suffering, you little bitch!”

I began to hump as I helplessly kicked my life away. Uncle Mike rammed my ass hard. It was shameful, yet perversely thrilling. Then I felt consciousness begin to spiral away.

Sara’s ass clenched wonderfully around my throbbing dick. Her dying spasms were more pleasurable than I could have possibly anticipated. She finally reached the point where she hung limp and lifeless.

I moved over behind her quietly dangling mother. Then I slid into her ass once more. She was barely clenching; there was still a spark of life.

I pulled out and gave her body a spin. She twisted in place as I reached over and spun my niece. Mother and daughter rotated in place, the occasional muscle twitch indicating fatal brain damage was occurring.

I stood there stroking as I watched them twist in place. It looked absolutely incredible. Their mouths gaped open; my sister’s tongue protruding out of her mouth.

I stopped Veronica from spinning. I removed the strap from around her knees. Then I lifted her legs upward before impaling her cunt.

I gave her quite the necro-fuck. I felt her bladder release, but I didn’t care. Urine dripped down my legs as I pumped a load deep inside her.

I let her hang limp, her naked body gently swaying back and forth as my cream dripped out of her orifice. Then I moved over to her daughter Sara. I removed the strap from her knees before lifting her legs up to have a turn at her cunt as well.

It felt incredible. My niece had this incredible look of agony in her expression. But I thought I saw a flicker of something in her eyes as though she was telling me how erotic it had been and how much she wanted me to enjoy the experience.

I left a smaller load up her pussy as well. Then I allowed her to hang limp and lifeless. Mother and daughter gently sung back and forth while twisting in place.

I finally took my sister down. I stretched her out on the bed with her head hanging off the side. Then I fucked her mouth.

I took Sara down and laid her on top of her mother in a 69 as though they were eating each other out. I fucked my niece in the cunt and ass. Then I went around to the other side of the bed.

I enjoyed my niece’s mouth before fucking her mother’s dead holes until I wore myself out. I went and took a shower before getting all cleaned up. Then I went out to let the resort know they had a couple more bodies in my bungalow to take care of.

2021 (written for Mike Hunt Feb 5 ’21 by riwa. Santamos Island concept created by Arachnid aka Spartan. Inspired by the drawing I found in my archives I included below.)

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Stanley and the girl in the yellow one-piece 3.3 (25)

She sat on the dock in a yellow one-piece and sunglasses. She stared out over the water, wondering where Tom was. She said she’d be right here waiting for him.

Well, that wasn’t entirely true. She sent a text saying Jane would be out here waiting for him. But she’d sent Jane off on a wild goose-chase.

The truth of the matter was: she had a crush on Tom. She wanted to spend some quality time with him in order to get to know him better. But Tom was supposedly seeing Jane. That meant she’d had to improvise.

She acquired a yellow one-piece, the type that Jane wore. The sunglasses were to obscure her face until Tom got close. Thankfully, she and Jane were of a similar build and hairstyle.

She was hoping to get on board the boat he would be arriving in without him catching on to her deception. By the time they were far enough out in the lake, she would remove her sunglasses and reveal herself. Then she would apologize by making up some story about covering for Jane.

With any luck, she would be able to talk him into a date. Hell, even a swim out on the lake might be enough to attract his attention. If she played her cards right, she might even talk him into doing a little skinny-dipping with her.

After a while, she saw a boat out on the water. She couldn’t be sure, but it looked like a guy with binoculars. Was that Tom?

She waved in an attempt to get his attention. He sat down and powered up the boat. Then he came in toward her.

‘It’s Tom,’ she thought with growing excitement. Now she had to get him to take her out onto the lake before discovering her deception. With any luck, he wouldn’t be angry, and it would turn into a nice afternoon together. Maybe she could even get him to ditch Jane.

The boat came in closer. But the guy on board didn’t look right. Was that Tom?

The boat slowed until it came up alongside the dock. She could tell in an instant that it wasn’t Tom. Disappointment filled her features.

“I saw you wave at me,” he explained.

“I thought you were someone else.”


“I’m waiting for someone. He was going to come out here to get me. We were going to go for a ride on his boat.”

“Does he scuba dive?”

She thought about it for a moment. Jane hadn’t said anything about that to her about her Tom. And she herself certainly didn’t know enough about Tom to know whether or not that was one of his hobbies. It was quite possible, being as how he had a boat.

“I’m not sure,” she said carefully.

“That’s funny. I came across a guy out on the lake in scuba gear. He said he was setting something up for some girl he liked. He said she’d be wearing a yellow one-piece. I offered to collect her so it wouldn’t spoil the surprise. You wouldn’t happen to know anything about that, would you?”

Her heart skipped a beat. Was Tom setting something up for Jane? If so, she needed to get there ahead of her.

She hesitated a little too long. “Maybe he was referring to someone else,” the guy sighed heavily. “Pardon me for intruding…”

“No; wait!” she cried out as she rose up and walked over to his craft. “I’m sure he was talking about me!” She wasn’t about to let this opportunity slip away, especially if Tom thought it was Jane coming out to meet him.

He opened a side panel in his boat. Then he helped her aboard. She took a seat as he backed away from the dock before heading back out into the lake.

She could feel the excitement building within her. Then she got to looking around his boat. She could not help frowning at the sight of a strange concrete block with a metal ring sticking out of the top.

He slowed down as he reached the middle of the lake. But no boats were in sight. She looked all around, wondering why he was coming to a stop.

“Where’s his boat?” she asked as he cut the engine.

“Around that bend,” he replied as he pointed. “I told you: he’s in scuba gear. I don’t suppose you’ve ever used scuba before.”

“Of course I have!” she replied. She wasn’t about to risk losing Tom now.

He pointed downward. “I think he’s waiting down below. He hollered something about having something special in mind for this girl in a yellow one-piece.”

Something special? Was he going to propose to Jane? She couldn’t take a chance on that!

“He’s always so thoughtful,” she told him as she stood up and walked over toward the rail that opened to the water.

He picked up the rope and walked over to her. Then he started tying her ankles together. “What’s this for?” she asked in alarm.

“Your man hollered something about the girl in the yellow one-piece being quite the catch. He told me if I found her to bring her out so he could do something heroic to show his love and admiration toward her.”

She was a little unnerved. But she certainly wanted to take Jane’s place, especially if that meant she might steal him away from her. For the moment, she allowed him to finish tying the rope to her ankles.

He swung the gate open. She looked all around again. Then she pulled off her sunglasses and looked down before asking, “Are you sure he’s out here?”

He pointed down at the water. “There; right there! Don’t you see the bubbles coming up?”

“Where? I don’t see any – auugghh!”

A push into her back sent her pitching forward into the water with a splash. She submerged before coming back up. She sputtered as she gasped, “What the hell was that all about?”

“Don’t you see him?”

She looked all around. “I don’t see anyone!” But she frowned as she saw him attaching the other end of the rope to the cement block.

“Hey! What are you doing?”

“He said he wanted to do something heroic. I assume this is what he was talking about.” Then he activated some attachment to the side of the block that started beeping and flashing before sliding the block with the rope toward the side of the boat.

Her eyes flew open in horror. “NO; WAIT! DON’T DO THAT??!!”

She swam over and grabbed onto the edge of the boat as he pushed the block off. It slid into the water with a splash and went straight down.

She cried out, “NOOO!” as she tried to hang on. But her long, false fingernails could not maintain their grip. He smiled at her as she lost her grasp, her anguished cry swallowed up by the undulating surface.

“Say hello to your scuba guy when you see him,” he murmured down at the water. “I’ll be back later tonight to move you to my garden.” A flurry of bubbles bursting up to the surface was the only reply.

He stood there watching until the bubbles stopped popping up at the surface. Then he turned and noticed the sunglasses sitting on the deck. She must have lost them before he’d pushed her out. He smiled as he picked them up. He would make sure they ended up back on her face before it was all over.

6-13-23 written for Megax1x and inspired by his idea from the TV movie Cabin by the Lake.

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The lady cop and the skinny-dipper (A JustPaul pool story) 3.9 (43)

Verona stepped outside into the familiar humidity of the Florida Keys. She made her way over to the pool of the seaside resort she was staying. She was young and tall, with short, blonde hair that came down to her shoulders.

She walked around to the deep end. A set of patio loungers stood guard. It was roughly four am.

She smiled as she unwrapped the towel from around her strikingly beautiful, naked body.
Verona was feeling particularly horny. The best way to satisfy her urges was to immerse herself in order to get herself off. And with no one around to interrupt her, the resort pool would be ideal.

She quietly entered the water so as not to alert anyone to her presence. It felt cool and refreshing. It was just the thing she need on a hot, humid evening.

After a brief dip to the bottom of the pool, Verona floated on the surface for several minutes. She spent her time luxuriating over how good it felt. One hand grasped onto the ladder while the other slowly teased her lady parts.

She filled her lungs and submerged. Once more, Verona grasped onto the ladder, this time to keep from drifting upward. Then she went back to working on her tingling slit.

She released bubbles out of her mouth and nose as her body adjusted to the coolness of the water. Now it felt perfect. It was just what she needed to cool off without becoming chilled.

She bubbled again as her lady parts tingled. She slowly rose to the surface, gasping quietly the moment her head popped up. She was certain she could achieve the release she craved with a lengthy, lung-stretching breath-hold.

Verona hyperventilated a little. Then she filled her lungs with air. A moment later, she quietly submerged.

She went back down and grabbed onto the bottom of the pool ladder. Then she began working her slit with her fingers. She tickled her nub until she could feel it starting to build inside her.

A long breath-hold was just what she needed. She stayed down as the seconds ticked by. Her head was pounding, her lungs were burning, and her pussy was on fire.

Every caress brought her closer. Every flick of her nub intensified her need for release. Verona had been submerged a good two minutes, drawing ever closer to orgasmic detonation.

Her cheeks bulged as she released a few more bubbles. Now she was negatively buoyant, easily keeping her on the bottom. It would not be much longer. But could she hold her breath long enough?

She glubbed and bubbled as it swelled within her. She lost a few more bubbles. Her chest heaved as she fought to remain on the bottom of the pool.

Verona kept telling herself to fight it… stretch it out… push it even further. The agony in her chest would make the ultimate decision. Would she cum? Or would she drown before she could achieve the release she craved?

She had just passed three minutes of lung-busting ecstasy when it slammed into her with all the power of a depth charge. Verona cried out her release at the top of her lungs. Air billowed to the surface as she hitched and shuddered at the bottom of the pool.

She was so intent on her climax that she was totally unaware she had company. A young woman in uniform was looking down on her. The officer had been watching almost the entire time, greatly impressed with her breath-holding abilities.

At first glance, the lady cop was appreciative she was not the only female into the pleasures of underwater masturbation. She really hated to spoil the woman’s fun down on the pool floor. But now she had a job to do.

Verona’s lungs were empty as the pleasure of her climax subsided. A moment later she was all but blinded by a light shining in her eyes. What the hell??

She shot up to the surface. For a moment she was concerned whether or not she was even going to make it. Then she burst up gasping loudly for breath.

It suddenly registered she was not alone. Then she waved a hand at the offending beam… “Would you get that damned light out of my eyes?”

“Sorry” was the reply. The light was thoughtfully directed to the side of the pool, although it was still close to her head.

Verona struggled to catch her breath as she looked up at the lady cop. “You really had me freaked out down there. For a moment, I thought I’d drowned and was supposed to follow the light or something!”

The officer smiled, almost chuckling. Then she became serious. “I’m sorry, ma’am. But I’m afraid you’ll have to come out of there right this instant.”

Verona was indignant. “Come out? What for? I’m not hurting anything. And I’m being quiet out here.”

“That doesn’t matter, ma’am. You’re out here after hours, and you’re skinny-dipping. That means you’ll probably be charged for trespass as well as indecent exposure.”

“Indecent exposure?? You’re kidding!”

“Fraid not, ma’am. The resort’s had complaints of people out in the pool after hours in the buff. They’ve started prosecuting violators.”


The officer sighed sympathetically. “Here, ma’am. Let me help you out of the pool.”

Verona was indignant as the young woman reached down and grabbed her wrist. She didn’t want to get out. However, the officer seemed attractive enough that perhaps she could be coerced into joining her?

In a flash, she twisted her hand and grabbed the lady cop’s wrist. Then she squeezed the central nerve. It had the effect of momentarily paralyzing the officer from her shoulder down to her fingertips.

The officer blinked in surprise. Verona took the opportunity to pull hard on the wrist. The lady cop let out a cry as she tumbled into the pool.

A struggle immediately ensued. The officer could no longer feel her arm as she was pulled under. She grabbed a quick breath before it was too late. Then she was below the surface.

The lady cop’s efforts were hampered from the outset. For the moment, she only had the use of one arm. Thus, she was really no match for her strong, naked adversary.

She was in a headlock when the perpetrator reached for her handcuffs. She bubbled in alarm. If they were used against her, the evening might very well conclude with a rather extremely unhappy ending!

Verona had the upper hand, and she knew it. She dragged the lady cop up to the surface for a quick gulp of air. No use drowning her right away, she thought… not when there might be some erotic fun to be had.

She quickly dunked her again, forcing the officer to work on holding her breath. With her head still at the surface, Verona couldn’t resist speaking out what she was going to do to the poor woman. Her underwater pleasures had been interrupted. Now she wanted to humiliate the bitch.

“Now, my sweet piglette,” she chortled. “I’m going to cuff you to the bottom of the ladder. Then I’m going to have a little look-see under your cute little uniform.”

The officer was indignant… and more than a little concerned. Her arm was still inactive when her adversary worked her down and cuffed her other wrist to the bottom of the pool ladder. Now she was in big trouble, as she was much too deep to try to stretch her face up for any kind of breath.

Verona had the young woman right where she wanted her. She eagerly popped the buttons to the uniform, exposing the chest. The bitch was not wearing a bra. Delightful!

Curious, she unbuttoned the bottom of the outfit. To her surprise, the officer was wearing split-crotch panties. “My – my; aren’t we naughty tonight!” Verona thought with a lewd grin.

The officer tried to resist. But it was no use. She soon realized her time would be much better spent conserving her breath, just in case this bitch wanted to drown her.

Her right arm was still useless, although she could feel it tingling. It would be coming back soon. By then, would it be too late?

Her adversary fondled and caressed her. Then she began pulling on the belt. Was the bitch going to strip her before having her way with her??

After going up for a quick breath, Verona moved between the struggling woman’s legs. She parted them before diving in. The officer felt a tongue applied to her lady parts, causing her to groan and bubble.

It certainly felt good. But she was running out of breath! She hoped the bitch was paying attention. Otherwise, this might not turn out well… unless those were her intentions all along?

The lady cop’s chest heaved. She was growing concerned. Feeling was starting to return to her arm, not that it was going to be much use in her current situation. She had to be set free in order to go back up and catch her breath… and set free right now!

Her adversary suddenly stopped licking. She came right up to her face and pressed their lips together. Then she blew.

The officer tasted her juices on the bitch’s lips. But with an inflow of stale air, the need in her chest was momentarily satisfied. Was the woman going to set her free now? Or was she going back to feasting on her twat?

Verona shot up to the surface. She panted for breath before filling her lungs. Then she headed back down. This was so much fun!

Once more, she buried her face in the lady cop’s snatch. The officer writhed and bubbled. The young woman could not help experiencing pleasure despite the danger she was in.

The feeling in her arm returned. Now she could move it. But what could she do with it down here?

There was only one thing that came to mind. Her breasts were tingling like crazy. Might as well tend to them as best she could.

The lady cop groped and fondled herself as pleasure was licked between her legs. She could feel the burn in her lungs return. Maybe if she played along, the bitch might not leave her on the bottom to drown after all.

Her chest hitched in warning. But her adversary did not attempt to give her mouth-to-mouth again. She would have to make do with the breath remaining in her lungs.

She released a little bit of air, hoping that might ease the strain while buying her some time. Now her hips were thrusting into the face of her adversary. She was on the verge of cumming. But was she going to orgasm before or after she started to drown?

She hadn’t cum yet. What’s more, the young woman between her legs wasn’t making a move to attend to her aching lungs. Was the bitch really going to allow her to drown??

“If I’m going, then I’m taking her with me!” And with that, she wrapped her legs around her adversary. She also put a hand on the woman’s head, holding her in place as she dug her heels into the trespasser’s ass.

Verona grunted in alarm. Now she was effectively pinned to the pool floor. This was a move she hadn’t counted on! If she wasn’t careful, they were both going to drown!!

She tried to wriggle free. But the officer was not letting her go. Now her own lungs were on fire.

Verona figured she only had one chance to recover the situation. So she blew her remaining breath into the pussy of her captive. Perhaps that might push the lady cop over the edge enough to cause her to loosen her grip.

Verona gave up her air in a whoosh of bubbles directed at the officer’s throbbing kitty. The lady cop stiffened. Then her legs loosened as she began to hump and shudder, her own breath billowing out past her lips.

Verona got free of the legs. Immediately she went to work on the cuffs. She could see the lady cop hitching, her eyes glazing over in afterglow.

The catch – where was the damned catch?? Verona finally found it. She pressed hard until it popped, opening the cuffs.

She grabbed the officer and hauled her to the surface. Her own lungs were on fire. Worse, the lady cop appeared to be hitching and gurgling. Was she swallowing water??

They burst up together, coughing and gasping for breath. The lady cop took one side of the ladder while Veronica took the other. The danger… the thrill… had it all been worth it?

The officer gasped and sputtered before calling out, “You… cut that… a little close… didn’t you?”

“Oh, come on!” Verona gasped in reply. “You… you fucking… loved it!”

“I thought you… were going to… drown me… for real!”

“Would I… do that to you?”

“How the hell should I know?? Maybe you wanted to do it for real, just to enjoy watching me spasm and convulse while my lungs flooded!”

It took another minute or two before they were able to settle down. That’s when the officer spoke first. “Baby, that was incredible. But next time, I think you’re going to be the cop-girl and I’m going to be the naked trespasser.”

“You’re on,” Verona panted with a chuckle.

The girl paused for a moment. “By the way. That arm thing you did? That was a nice touch.”

Verona laughed. “I learned that in martial arts school last week.” Then she looked all around.

“I suppose we should get out of here before we get caught by a real cop. But I must say… cuffing you to the ladder? That really turned me on.”

“I could tell.”

“Tell you what. Let’s go back to our room. I want you to fuck me underwater with a strap-on in our Jacuzzi tub.”

“Baby, that’s not all I’m going to do to you! In fact, I think I’m going to tie you up and half-drown your ass like you did me!”

Verona’s eyes twinkled. “You promise?”

2022 (written Jan 14 ’22 by riwa. Inspired by JustPaul’s story idea and renders.)

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Hook 13 3.7 (32)

The goat’s body shakes as it bleeds out from the slash across its throat. Hung upside down from its ankles and dangling from a hook in the ceiling, the blood flows freely out of the wound in its neck. Another few seconds and its life will have ended. The only thing left for it now is to serve its purpose as meat upon someone’s table.

Aneeqa wipes her hands and sets the knife down upon the table, quite pleased with herself. Another animal has been efficiently halaled, slaughtered in such a way that it will bleed out quickly. A moment later she activates the remote.

The goat jerks forward from the conveyor of hooks in the ceiling. It passes through the plastic leaves covering the door into the next section of the slaughterhouse. There she knows skilled hands will go to work skinning and butchering it.

Hands come up behind her and grab her without warning. She starts to cry out but a hand covers her mouth. Then she turns to see Richard standing there. She smiles as he embraces her, and she melts in his arms.

They have a few minutes before the next goat comes in. So she kisses him deeply. It isn’t long until he is roughly working her out of her bloody apron and then totally out of her work clothes. Her pussy moistens in anticipation of how wonderful it will be to have his cock penetrating her.

He bends her over the table and wastes no time. He is already hard, knowing he is about to have her. He is not surprised to discover how wet she is, how lubricated she has quickly become knowing he is about to take her.

He slides right in from behind. She immediately begins to grunt and moan. It is a hard fuck, a glorious shag; one she desperately needs. She feels how full he fills her pussy, and she senses he needs it just as much as she does.

It is not long before the urgent need swells within her. She starts to cry out in ecstasy. But he covers her mouth.

Inwardly she thanks him for that. She does not want the butchers beyond the plastic leaves to hear them. Then she screams into his hand as her orgasm claims her. A shudder ripples throughout her body, giving her intense pleasure.

He pounds her again and again; he has not cum yet. She loves how much he hungers for her. Aneeqa feels another orgasm fast approaching.

Hearing his feverish grunts as he thrusts in good and hard fills her with an incredible arousal. With one hard thrust she feels his cock empty itself inside her. She swoons as she cums again.

Her body shudders with pleasure as though it will explode into a million pieces. She is weak as a kitten. But she’s happy as a child at Christmas seeing all those presents under the tree. It was a hot shag; in her mind one of the best ever.

Obediently she goes to her knees and takes him into her mouth, lovingly cleaning him off. Then she rises to her feet. Aneeqa gives her lover a deep, soulful kiss.

She is taken aback when he suddenly turns her around. That’s when he starts to tie her wrists behind her back with a length of rope. He produces it from seemingly out of nowhere.

There’s no more time for bondage games,” she whispers. “I must get back to the slaughter. They will be expecting another goat within the next five minutes.”

He says nothing as he continues tying her wrists together. “Lover?” she murmurs in confusion. That’s when he lifts her up, stretching her out nude upon the table upon her back.

What are you doing?!” she gasps. He does not speak. He simply ties her ankles together.

She looks at him in utter confusion. What the bloody hell is he doing? Doesn’t he understand her schedule??

She must get dressed and get back to work! They’ll be expecting another slaughtered goat within the next few minutes. Otherwise they may come through the plastic leaves seeking an answer for the delay.

He looks down at her with a sad little smile. Then he reaches for the remote to the meat hooks. With a flick of his thumb, hook 13 is quietly lowered.

Richard?” Aneeqa gasps in alarm. “Bloody hell, love! What are you doing? Don’t send me into the slaughterhouse all naked like this! Those blokes in there will never let me live it down! Besides, it will shame my father!”

He hooks the rope to her ankles. Then he activates the remote. It dutifully starts pulling her up off the table.

Aneeqa finds herself hanging upside down, gently twisting and swaying well off the floor. She is more than a little frightened now. She also cannot help feeling terribly aroused at her vulnerable condition. Erect nipples and a dripping pussy betray a perverse excitement

Richard?” Aneeqa gasps quietly as she starts to hyperventilate. “Bloody hell, love; what are you doing?? Don’t leave me dangling like this! I’ll be the laughingstock of the entire slaughterhouse! What if they come in here and find me like this? Who knows what those guys will do to me while I’m upside down?”

It occurs to her how the butchers might make her suck their cocks. Right now she’s dangling with her mouth at a rather convenient height. Just what is her lover doing to her??

Richard smiles at her once more. He still has not spoken a single word the entire time. Then he picks up the knife she has been using for slaughtering goats.

He hefts it in his hand as though studying it clinically. Aneeqa inhales sharply. Her body jolts from a terrible arousal.

Oh bloody hell, love! Don’t joke about a thing like that; ok? You know what it does to me… the fantasies I sometimes think about while I’m in here!”

He eyes the knife carefully. Then he looks right into her eyes. Aneeqa shudders at what she sees in his expression.

It scares the hell out of her. At the same time she feels an incredible surge of wildly erotic tingles. She gasps for breath while thinking, ‘He wouldn’t, would he??’

Richard steps right up to her. He takes the tip of the knife and carefully runs it back and forth across the skin of her neck. It leaves the faintest trail of goat blood across her throat.

Aneeqa shivers and moans, utterly frozen with terror. She cannot fathom him using it on her; she just can’t! But that look in his eyes tells her he is seriously thinking about slaughtering her right here and now as she hangs from hook 13.

Richard?” she stammers breathlessly. “Lover?? You WOULDN’T!!”

He suddenly grabs a handful of hair. Richard roughly pulls her head back, exposing her slender column to the blade. Time stands still for Aneeqa as she yelps, whimpers and gasps for breath.

She tries to cry out for the men beyond, knowing they should be right on the other side of the plastic leaves as they work their assigned tasks in the slaughterhouse. But no words will come. Her throat has gone dry.

Richard brings the blade to her neck. Aneeqa stiffens, her mind screaming, “THIS JUST CAN’T BE HAPPENING!” Then with one quick move he slashes.

The cut is straight and true. There’s a sharp pain in her neck as she hitches and jerks in response. A moment later her body instinctively starts to orgasm so very, very hard.

Aneeqa’s eyes flash in complete and utter surprise. She feels her warm, life’s blood flowing out of the wound in her neck and down her face. Her heart pounds in her chest, furiously pumping the blood out of her body.

Instinctively she starts to gyrate around in her death throes. She knows from experience it will only take a few more seconds before she is gone. Richard calmly steps back to quietly observe.

A part of her wonders with amazement. Did she teach him that well? How did he make the cut so precise as to make her blood pump out without accidentally severing her spinal column?

Instinctively she tries to scream. Her lips open and close. There is no sound save for the gurgling of her life bleeding out of her throat.

She knows she cannot cry out now. It is too late. She will never cry out again. After all, she has seen this in each and every animal whose throat she has cut in this very same manner.

Her body jerks and gyrates as she stares at Richard in shock. Hers is an expression of WHY. He just looks at her dispassionately.

A smile flickers at the corners of his mouth. Then her vision fades. She cannot see him anymore.

Now there is only the grunts and gurgles of her dying, gyrating body. Soon even those are silenced. Consciousness slowly fades away with the flow of her life’s blood.

Richard tenderly kisses her bloodied lips. Her body hangs limp, save for a few sporadic muscle twitches. Then he activates the remote.

Hook 13 jerks its cargo forward through the plastic leaves into the slaughterhouse. It will give the butchers beyond a unique carcass to cut up. Inside there are cries of shock and surprise as he gathers his belongings and quickly departs.

2014; 2020 (written for a friend Feb 10 ’14; ed. Oct 21 ‘20 by riwa)

Posted in Dorothy and her friends | Leave a comment

Taylor’s followers 4.3 (41)

I don’t know what made her do it. Hell, I wasn’t even sure it was real! All I know is that one day my daughter Carrie showed me the Instagram photo of Taylor’s head.

She’d been beheaded, her skull held up by a handful of hair. Her hair looked good except for a few speckles of blood. Her eyes were closed. I don’t know if she died that way or if her killer/executioner had closed them out of respect.

What really got me were the number of likes at the bottom of the photo. They were in the millions. I don’t know whether or not they were followers or had just spotted the photo on Instagram and left a “like”.

I’ll admit to being aroused upon seeing the picture. But my daughter went nuts about it. She thought it was sexy as hell.

She told me she wanted to see that many likes on a photo of her death. I laughed as I told her she would be dead and thus would never get to see them. She figured she would be more popular with a photo like that than she’d ever be in real life. Besides, there were reports some of Taylor’s followers were going out arranging to be beheaded just for the popularity of the situation.

Now Carrie and I like to play kinky games now and then despite us being mother and daughter. But I never expected such enthusiasm out of her. She really wanted to be beheaded and to have her picture posted to Instagram.

I told her no, thinking this would only be a passing fad. But there were even more reports of young women being beheaded. Apparently Taylor had started quite the craze.

One day Carrie told me she’d found a guy in town with a guillotine. She, her friend Debra, her lesbian lover Hilary and some other girl were all going to see him. She told me she just wanted to say goodbye and to tell me how much she loved me.

I tried to talk her out of it. But she was adamant. Besides, Hilary wanted to be beheaded, and Debra was enthusiastic as hell. Their fourth, a shy girl named Naomi, had asked to tag along as she really missed Taylor and wanted to go out like her.

I told her nothing doing. She said I couldn’t stop her. They were all 19 and committed to being beheaded so they could have their pictures posted like so many of Taylor’s followers were doing.

I wasn’t going to be able to change her mind so easily. So I tried a different tact. I told her I would allow it so long as I was able to be there in person as a chaperone.

I thought that might embarrass her. Instead she told me how exciting it would be if I watched all four of them get beheaded and then make sure to post their pictures to Instagram. She said the girls would love to have me there and would probably find it hot to have me watch each one die while taking pictures.

Can you believe it? My daughter up and called my bluff! Hell, she was thrilled I was going to tag along to watch each individual beheading!

What else could I do? I couldn’t very well say no, could I? To be honest, I couldn’t help becoming aroused just thinking about someone beheading my very own daughter in a guillotine.

I finally told her I would go along, take pictures and make sure they were all posted. She squealed with glee as she kissed me passionately. I think deep down she’d been hoping all along I would come along just to witness the great event.

I drove her around to pick up the others. I expected some sort of resistance from each one. To my surprise they were all excited to know I was going to stay and watch. Maybe it was because Carrie had told them how turned on she knew I’d be while witnessing each one being beheaded.

Hilary was thrilled I was tagging along. She told me Carrie had talked to her previously about our kinky games. When Carrie told her I might cum while watching the blade take her head, Hilary swooned with excitement.

Debra was no better. Her mom had put her foot down, so she’d come up with an excuse and snuck away. She told me my being there watching her die would be as though I was standing in for her mother. She said it was an incredible turn-on knowing I’d be there to watch the blade take her head.

At first Naomi didn’t know what to say. Carrie had her sit up front with me. Then my kinky daughter told her I was probably going to get off watching her beheading as well.

“Will you really?” Naomi asked me nervously with a shy smile.

“Yes, honey; I probably will,” I admitted. “Your soft, dark hair, those sexy oriental features, and that nice body you have with those lovely breasts? Imagining the blade coming down on that neck of yours? Oh my.” I had to wave a hand across my face just to catch my breath.

“You see?” Carrie crowed from the backseat with Hilary draped all over her. “What did I tell you? I told you mom would enjoy watching our beheadings if I could talk her into it! She’s going to go nuts watching our heads roll today!”

I looked at her in the rear view mirror as she grinned back at me. I thought I was the one who’d pushed for tagging along as a chaperone. Had she been trying to manipulate me this entire time? Did it really matter?

We got to the studio where an attractive brunette in a secretarial outfit showing ample cleavage sat behind a desk. She stood up and smiled at us the moment we walked in.

“My name is Jeanette. You must be the Walker party? Chad is in the other room getting things all set up.”

I reached out and shook her hand. “My name is Cassandra. This is my daughter Carrie, her friends Hilary and Debra, and our special guest Naomi. I certainly didn’t expect a place like this.”

Jeanette smiled. “We’ve actually had half a dozen ladies schedule appointments over the last couple of weeks. I had no idea so many people liked Taylor. It’s amazing how many wish to follow in their idol’s footsteps.”

“Is she really…?” I started to ask.

“No one’s seen or heard from her since that Instagram photo. Either she was serious as hell, or…”

“Or what?” I asked curiously, wondering if there was still some way of talking the girls out of it. The brunette just shrugged her shoulders.

I looked at Carrie and her friends and asked, “Are you sure you girls want to go through with this?”

“Taylor’s dead, mom!” Carrie stated. “So we’re all dead too! Right, girls?” They all nodded affirmatively.

Apparently Carrie spoke for them all. “Mom, we’re doing it for Taylor and for all the likes we’re going to get. Don’t worry about what happens to our bodies afterwards. They’re going to make sure we make it to Dolcett meats; right, Jeanette? Somebody out there probably wants to have a taste of some exotic girl meat; am I right, girls?”

They all nodded again. I looked curiously at Jeanette. “Is that right?”

“Yes it is, Mrs. Walker. I hope that doesn’t upset or offend you.”

“No, I guess something has to be done with their bodies after they’re beheaded.”

I looked at them all in disbelief, shaking my head with an amused smile. Lambs to the slaughter. So why the hell was I so damned aroused?

“We’re going to taste great, mom! And we’re going to get a ton of likes on Instagram. We’ve got a bet going as to who gets more.”

“Yeah, but none of you girls will be alive to find out who gets the most likes.” They just smiled as though they didn’t really care either way.

Chad came out and looked at our party. He was ruggedly handsome. I think that made it easier for the girls he met to willingly allow him to remove their heads.

He smiled as he told Jeanette, “I really hit the jackpot with this group! They’re hot as hell!” I thought I saw both Hilary and Naomi blush.

“Right this way, ladies,” he motioned grandly.

He led us down a hall and into a room. Cameras wired on tripods were set up from three different angles. The only thing that differentiated it from a normal studio was the metal framed guillotine standing in the center of the room.

It had a small, red-cushioned bench. A wicker basket with a lot of straw in the bottom was set to catch each head. There was a drain in the tiled floor close to the front of the guillotine. A hose hung attached to a wall.

Chad motioned all around him. “It’s going to get messy in here, ladies. You can wear your clothes if you wish. But if you want to donate them I’d suggest you remove them before they get all bloody. Besides, everyone I’ve beheaded thus far has chosen to ride the guillotine naked.”

My daughter was more than enthusiastic. “Yeah; let’s ride it naked! Someone else can wear my clothes. Maybe they’ll get excited knowing this was the last thing I wore before I was beheaded!” And with that she excitedly started to strip. Hilary quickly followed suit.

When Debra began to take off her clothes I saw Naomi hesitantly go about removing her garments as well. “What about you, mom?” Carrie asked the moment she was buck naked.

Hilary was in agreement. “Yeah, Mrs. Walker! You’ve got to strip too!”

I looked at Debra and Naomi. Debra nodded eagerly. Naomi shyly nodded as well.

I looked questioningly at Chad. He said it was ok with him. So I removed my clothes along with everyone else.

The girls paused to gaze at my nudity. Chad acted like he approved of what he saw. My daughter gasped, “You’re still hot, mom!” I could not help blushing a little at her remark.

Carrie looked at our photographer and smiled. “What about you? Shouldn’t you undress as well? You said there was going to be a lot of blood.”

“I don’t want to offend any of you ladies. But to tell you the truth, it would probably be better if I stripped too. I did mention all that blood we’re going to see.”

“Then you should get naked too!” Carrie replied enthusiastically. I think she just wanted to see his cock in the hopes she might get some sort of sexual reaction out of him.

None of the girls seemed to mind. I smiled as I told him it was all right with me. So he removed his clothes and set them off in a corner. I almost drooled at the semi-erect cock that sprang free.

I asked if I could take pictures. He said his cameras were all set up and programmed to snap photos automatically. I could use any of the shots they captured. I figured his equipment would create much better images than my iPhone. So I left it with my clothes.

He smiled as we all stared at his dangling package as it started to harden. It made me tingle with longing. It also made me wonder if I might be able to have some fun with him before his next scheduled beheading showed up.

He looked at all of us before solemnly asking, “All right; who’s first?”

For a moment the girls all looked at each other. Were they having second thoughts? It made me wonder who was going to back out at the last minute. After all, a beheading was rather final. It couldn’t be taken back once the blade had fallen.

“I’ll go first,” Hilary said as she tried to catch her breath.

“I knew it!” Carrie laughed. “She wants her picture to be the first one posted to Instagram.”

“Aww, I should have thought of that!”

“You can go next,” Carrie told Debra with a grin.

Chad retrieved a set of handcuffs. “I’ll put ‘em on!” Carrie declared as she took them from him. “Then I’m gonna eat her out before the blade comes down on her sexy neck!”

He told her, “Better wait until she’s on the bench before we cuff her wrists behind her back.”

“Oh yeah… right. Good idea.”

She and Chad helped Hilary lie flat on her back on the cushioned bench. There was only enough support for her back. Her legs hung spread off the end, leaving her cleanly shaved crotch fully exposed and moistened. Her brown, shoulder-length hair hung down toward the wicker basket below that was destined to catch her pretty head.

Chad and Carrie helped ease her into position. Carrie reached under and cuffed her wrists underneath the bench. Then Chad brought down the metallic lunette, latching it in place around her neck as she panted for breath.

I stepped over to a spot out of the way of the picture-taking. The other girls followed me. I couldn’t believe this was really going to happen and that Carrie’s lover was about to lose her lovely head.

Carrie immediately knelt between her legs and went to work. Hilary nervously looked up at the blade above her before panting, “Gawd, this is really going to happen, isn’t it?” Then she whimpered at the tongue action my daughter was giving her.

I smiled as I told her, “It certainly looks that way. Are you sure you don’t want to change your mind?”

“Oh no, Mrs. Walker. I… want a… I want a picture of my… of my head to be posted… to be posted to Instagram… to support Taylor and… ohgawd… to support Taylor and her… ohgawd, Carrie… her erotic choice to go out in style… oohhhhh!”

She writhed and moaned as my daughter worked her slit with her tongue while reaching out and groping her tits. Hilary looked up at the dangling blade and blurted out, “Gawd; what was I thinking?” She was really panting for breath.

Carrie seriously feasted on her crotch while rubbing and squeezing her heaving mounds. Hilary gasped and whimpered as she started to squirm. She began panting and moaning, indicating how talented my daughter was at muff-diving. I was already quite familiar with her oral skills.

I got so excited that I couldn’t help touching myself. Naomi panted as she watched in wide-eyed wonder. Debra gasped, “Oh fuck!” as she fingered herself.

Chad got out of the way and triggered the cameras. They began alternately snapping photos. “Drop the blade the moment she cums!” my daughter gasped enthusiastically. Then she really began eating her out.

Chad moved out of the way and over to what I assumed was the controls to the blade. Carrie and Hilary were the only ones left inside the trio of cameras snapping photos. My daughter feasted as though she was starving while Hilary writhed and moaned as she gasped for breath.

I couldn’t tell whether my daughter’s lover was frightened or excited. Her eyes were big and wide as she looked up at the blade hanging above her. Her chest rose and fell with each breath she tried to catch.

Carrie mashed her face into that crotch and then really started slurping. Hilary began shaking her head. That’s when I think she finally grasped the enormity of her situation. Once Carrie made her cum, the blade was going to fall.

I could not resist doing a little masturbating. Naomi just kept panting as she watched in wide-eyed fascination. Debra worked her dripping slit with her fingers as she panted, “Fuck, yeah! Do it; drop the blade! Behead her now! Damn, that’s hot!”

Hilary really began shaking her head. “Wait; I’m not so sure…” Then her back arched. That’s when she started to cry out in orgasm.

The blade suddenly dropped. Hilary started to let out a cry. Then her head promptly disappeared into the basket. One moment it was there; the next it had simply vanished, dropping out of sight into the wicker to be replaced with jetting spurts of crimson.

I jumped with a start the moment the blade bottomed out with a loud thunk. I think we all did. Then I gasped as I climaxed right then and there at the sight of blood spurting.

“Fuck!” Debra yelped as she panted like crazy. Naomi just stared, panting and trembling. I think she had climaxed as well.

Hilary’s body tried to rise up as blood spurted out of her neck stump. But her cuffed wrists underneath the bench kept her down. She bucked and shuddered from erotic spasms galore as Carrie continued feasting and groping.

Chad stepped forward into the scene, his cock hard and dripping. He pulled the head up out of the basket and grasped onto a handful of hair. Then he showed it to the cameras, pausing until he heard each one snap off a photo or two.

He showed it to us standing there watching. Hilary had this incredible look of shock and surprise in her face. There was the faintest hint of orgasmic rapture reflected in her features. The blood in her hair and on her cheeks made it all too unbelievably real.

He finally showed the head to my daughter. Carrie came up out of Hilary’s crotch, her face covered with fluids. “Oh FUCK!” she gasped before rolling around on the floor in orgasm.

The cameras kept snapping pictures. Chad finally asked, “Any suggestions as to what I should do with this now?” Judging by her expression it looked like Hilary was barely conscious.

“Make her eat her cunt with it!” It was out of my mouth before I could consider how inappropriate the suggestion was.

My daughter gasped, “Fuck yeah!” So Chad brought the head around. He put it in Hilary’s soaked crotch so she could taste herself. By now there was all sorts of fluid back there, some of it smelling of urine.

After a few seconds Carrie stood up and took the head from Chad. She passionately kissed the lips. Then she held the bloody skull between her legs, deliberately humping Hilary’s face with her wet crotch.

It was highly inappropriate. But my daughter was never one to think clearly in the middle of something so incredibly kinky.

Carrie finally gave the head back to Chad. He took a rag and wiped it off. Then he allowed the cameras to take a few more pictures.

Carrie took it from him and kissed those dead lips one last time. The cameras just kept snapping photos. Then Chad took it over and put it on a shelf for display. The neck was still dripping a little blood, the facial features having sagged to indicate there were no further signs of life.

My daughter affectionately touched Hilary’s naked body all over. She finally looked at Chad and said, “I’ll post a couple pictures now if that’s all right with you.” He just smiled and nodded.

She retrieved her iPhone. The other two girls went over to help her pick something out. They looked over several pictures Chad showed from his cameras.

They finally settled on a couple they really liked. Even I went over to take a look. Carrie wanted me to see what they’d chosen.

There was one of Chad holding Hilary’s head up by a handful of that brown hair. It was a natural selection. But the girls had also selected one of Carrie kissing her dead lips. They all figured that one would get a ton of likes.

After posting the pictures to Instagram, my daughter helped Chad remove Hilary’s headless corpse from the bench after unlatching the cuffs from her wrists. They carried her body over where they laid it out along one wall feet first. The neck stump was pointed down toward the drain where the body could be allowed to finish bleeding out. Crimson rivulets headed for the drain.

Carrie finally looked at the other two girls before asking, “So who’s next? Who wants to go after Hilary? Whose picture are we posting to Instagram next?”

“I’ll go next,” Debra said quietly.

I looked at her and smiled. “Are you sure, honey?”

“Not really,” she confessed with some trepidation. “Mom’s not going to like this. But I’m going to do it anyway.”

“Atta girl!” Carrie blurted out enthusiastically.

Chad brought the handcuffs over. Debra looked at me and smiled, panting quietly as though she was trying to catch her breath. “Thanks for coming with us, Mrs. Walker. I’m glad you’re hear. Mom would never have agreed to this. At least now she won’t have to pay for my college education.”

She stood there as Chad cuffed her wrists behind her back. Then he led her over to the cushioned bench. A little bit of blood stained the front, causing her to stiffen and gasp in alarm.

Chad smiled as he asked, “Would you like to help me, Mrs. Walker?” It was a request that caught me by surprise.

I looked at him and then at Debra. She nodded as she breathed, “I’d like that.”

“Face up or face down?” Chad asked. “I forgot to ask before attaching the cuffs.”

“Face down, please. I don’t want to see that damned blade above me. I think that might really freak me out. I don’t know how Hilary managed it. Besides…” and she looked up to see it was back in position. “Her blood is dripping down off it.”

“That’ll make it even hotter!” Carrie gasped enthusiastically. A quick glance at Naomi made me wonder how she was doing, staring so wide-eyed like that.

I helped with Debra until she was flat on her stomach on the red bench. Chad and I slid her forward until her head was past the rail. Then he brought the lunette down upon her neck.

Her legs hung off the end, spread on either side of the bench. Her anal opening looked all puckered. Her pussy was wet and dripping.

A drop of blood fell, hitting the back of her neck. She looked down into the wicker and saw all those blood stains. Then she winced as she gasped, “Gawd, maybe you’d better do me right now!”

“Any last words?” Carrie asked with a laugh. She was all turned on, her nipples protruding out of her large breasts as she grinned lewdly.

Debra looked at Chad and his dangling cock as he stood right in front of her. She suddenly licked her lips as her panic subsided a little. “Could I, uh… at least have some dick before I lose my head?”

“I should have known!” Carrie retorted. “Mouth or cunt, cunt?”

“Both… if I can.”

“You’re such a slut!”

“So are you, Carrie. At least I’ll get some cock one last time before I go.” My daughter just laughed.

Chad had no problem with her request. It made me wonder if he’d serviced any of his other customers with his dick before their beheading.

He smiled as he stepped right up, straddling the bloody wicker basket. He helped get his cock into Debra’s mouth. She started sucking on it, acting as though she was enjoying it. I think it helped calm her down some from her impending beheading.

Carrie cruelly called out, “Hey, Debra! How’s the wicker basket look? Nice and bloody for your head to fall in there?” Debra just grunted with a mouthful of cock as her eyes flashed in alarm.

My daughter turned to me and grinned. “Happy to be here, mom?”

“Wouldn’t miss it for the world, honey.”

“Looking forward to watching me lose my head?”

“Of course I am.” She just looked at me with lust in her eyes as she rubbed herself.

“What about you, Naomi?”

“Gawd, I… I don’t know. I…” She was trembling in wide-eyed fascination… or was it horror?

I was horny as hell watching Chad thrust into Debra’s mouth. She grunted and moaned as her cuffed wrists jerked around behind her back. It was incredible to watch.

He finally pulled out and moved behind her. He called out, “Mrs. Walker, if you’ll move next to that button over there you can trigger the blade whenever she’s ready. I’ve already got the cameras rolling.”

Carrie blurted out, “Drop it when she cums, mom!” My crazy daughter was already writhing while fingering herself.

Debra looked at me in shock. Carrie just laughed. “Just like Hilary, cunt! You’re going to cum so fucking hard!”

Debra seemed breathless, aroused and worried. I moved over to his panel, my pussy tingling like crazy. Then I found where the guillotine button seemed to be. This was going to be a first for me, beheading one of Carrie’s friends.

Debra looked over in my direction. She calmed herself down long enough to smile weakly at me as she panted, “I’m glad it’s you doing it, Mrs. Walker… oh gawd, his cock is really filling me!”

She began to writhe and groan as Chad thrust into her from behind. It made me squirm as though I could feel him inside me as well. I could only imagine the fear and arousal coursing through her body at that very moment.

She panted for breath as she writhed and winced. Carrie and Naomi had their eyes on her the entire time. Both appeared to be touching themselves. Naomi still didn’t know whether to be turned on or scared out of her wits.

My hand hovered above the button. Could I or couldn’t I? I wasn’t sure I had it in me… although maybe I did.

Naomi finally panted, “Gawd, I think she’s going to cum! This is… this is crazy!”

Carrie blurted out, “Do it, mom! Behead the slut!”

I looked at Debra and saw her panting for breath as she whimpered like crazy. Chad thrust harder in and out of her. He looked like he was really enjoying himself. It made me wonder how many other girls he’d fucked right before beheading them.

“She’s going to cum; she’s going to cum! Do it, mom; do it now!”

Chad thrust good and hard into Debra as she gasped for breath. The guillotine rocked a little. Then Debra looked right at me.

Was that fear or excitement in her features? I didn’t ask, so I’ll never know.

Her eyes rolled as she appeared to stiffen. That’s when I hit the button. One moment her head was there. The next it was gone as jets of crimson shot out from her severed neck. We all jumped again when the blade bottomed out.

Chad roared his release as Debra’s naked body bucked and shuddered on the bench. Then he motioned me forward… “If you don’t mind.”

I stepped out from my position and walked over to the wicker basket. I reached in and pulled out Debra’s severed head by her short brunette strands. Blood matted the left side of her face.

I pulled her out and tenderly kissed her lips. I felt them quiver as though she still had a little life left in them. I was trembling so bad from a perverse arousal that it’s a miracle I didn’t drop her skull. My daughter didn’t help matters any when she gasped, “That is so fucking hot the way you kissed her, mom! Do it again!”

I kissed her once more as cameras went off all around me. I tried to remember to hold her head up for one camera and then the other. Chad just kept thrusting in and out of her dying cunt as though allowing her spasming body to finish milking him dry.

“That is so hot!” Carrie panted.

Naomi breathlessly added, “Gawd; your mom really did it!”

I took Debra’s head back to Chad where I held it up in front of him. He pulled out of her pussy and took her head from me, holding it in his hands. Then he thrust his dick between her parted lips.

Her eyes appeared to flicker the moment he fucked her mouth. Then he pulled out and turned her head toward one of the cameras. Blood dripped off her severed neck as her eyes glazed over until her expression sagged tiredly.

My daughter popped off again. Naomi gasped and whimpered as she grabbed her crotch. I winced as a pleasant flush of warmth went right through me.

Carrie got her iPhone again so she could upload pictures to Instagram. Chad cleaned up Debra’s head as much as he could. He displayed it again for the cameras before placing it on the display next to Hilary’s. Then he and Carrie went through some of the pictures his cameras had taken.

Naomi went over to help out. They looked through several pictures as Chad asked me to help with Debra’s body. So I assisted him in taking off the cuffs, removing the corpse from the bench, and taking it over to lay out right next to Hilary.

I stood there for a long moment, staring at both headless corpses with their tits up. Blood still trickled out of both severed necks. Their pussies were wet from a combination of cum and urine.

I went back over to see what pictures my daughter and Naomi had chosen. Apparently they’d picked out one of me kissing Debra’s lips with blood on her face. That one was rather embarrassing to say the least.

I submitted my objections. But they were adamant, saying it was the best of the bunch. I had no doubt Debra’s mother was not going to be happy if she ever saw the picture of me kissing her daughter’s skull like that.

Carrie uploaded the photo to Debra’s Instagram page. Then she checked the action from her post of Hilary’s head. In just a few minutes time the likes were already well into the thousands. Apparently the girls were going to get their wish by having many followers and visitors view their severed skulls after their beheadings.

2020 (fictionally written for Carrie Sep 10 ’20 by riwa)

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Riwa’s Stories at Patreon 3.8 (5)

Coming August rewards

Tanya the ballerina
Vacation 5
My very last day pt 1
Dorothy comes to the US
Take my breath away 2
The swamp chair
Helping her friend
Best laid plans 4
The hit on Revy Pt 6
Sadie Hawkins dance
Adult swim at the Y-40
Another temple dive story
Another Club story

June stories/rewards will fall off at the end of July to make room for August rewards.

Wow, it’s been a crazy month, hasn’t it? Things just keep getting crazier and crazier. Kind of makes you wonder if there’s another shoe and when it’s going to drop. So many things keep happening that it’s hard to keep track of them all. Who knows what August is going to bring. Some people are struggling with finances, health and loss, and that saddens me.

We’re now getting our fair share of all that hot weather. So I go out early in the morning and later in the evening as the sun is going down. I’m not a spring chicken anymore, and I’m certainly not in my prime. Surviving to this age has been an education. I have body parts I’ve never heard from before that creak and groan as though the whole thing is teetering on the edge. At least mom is doing well, although she does not go out in this heat. I bought us a sub sandwich the other day to split while I was visiting her and helping with little tasks to make things easy on her. She really enjoyed the sandwich, and us having lunch together.

I’m so appreciative of you. I know many of you have issues in your lives you are dealing with. So I’ve been shooting up prayers for all of you. It means a lot to me to have you as patrons, from the free side all the way up. So please take care out there. And thank you so very much for being my patrons.

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