Termination 4.3 (14)

Note: This is a bonus story as my way of saying thank you for visiting my site. I appreciate you all.

Daddy likes to bring girls home for me to play with. They eat me out and make me cum. They’re always soft, sensual and lots of fun.

Daddy doesn’t keep them for long. Every few months he goes out and gets another one. That means the current one gets executed at some point.

Daddy gets rid of them in many different ways. Sometimes there’s a hanging and sometimes there’s a drowning. Once he spitted one and then put her on to roast at a barbecue. That was incredibly exciting.

Today daddy’s bringing in a new girl. That means he’ll be replacing the one we have. I didn’t realize it was time to get another one.

Long ago I asked him if he would let me execute a girl myself. I always hoped he would let me kill one for him. But he’s always taken care of it himself.

He brings her in to me and smiles as he makes her get onto her knees. She’s all naked, her arms bound behind her back. She’s used to bondage.

Right away she starts licking me out. Daddy stands there watching and smiling. He likes it when they make me feel good. Daddy always likes it when a girl makes me cum.

He catches me by surprise when he asks, “Would you like to do this one yourself?”

I got so excited I can hardly stand it. “Yes, daddy; I sure would!” That’s when he leaves me a sword and tells me to enjoy myself.

She doesn’t react in the slightest to our discussion. She just keeps right on licking. It makes me feel so good.

I hate to get rid of her because she’s such a great cunt-licker. Daddy has told me time and time again not to grow too attached to them. He always brings new ones in for me to play with. Of course I know daddy plays with them too.

She licks and slurps until she has me gasping and shuddering. I wonder if she knows her fate. Sometimes daddy doesn’t tell them.

I would think she would be frightened if he’s already told her. So maybe she had no idea. It’s probably better this way.

It isn’t long until she has me squealing with pleasure. She knows how to get me off. Her body is so soft, and she really knows how to use her tongue.

I find myself thinking about the sword daddy left with me. It makes me feel good the way he’s giving me the privilege of finishing her off myself. It’s so arousing that I can’t help screaming again as she licks another orgasm right out of me.

I don’t know how many times we’ve slept together… how many times I fucked her silly with a strap-on. I’m really going to miss her. But my excitement at taking her life is palpable, especially since she’s going to be my first.

I’m so excited daddy’s letting me do this one. She’s so special to me. If I had to pick my first one I would definitely choose her.

I place my feet on her shoulders, parting my legs for easier access. She licks and slurps until I’m wriggling like crazy. Then her mouth finds my nub and I’m off like a rocket again. Multiple orgasms: what more could a girl ask for?

I cry out as I enjoy the last orgasm she is ever going to give me. I spray into her mouth, but she dutifully swallows it all down. Then she lovingly licks my pussy clean. Gawd; she’s so good. I’m really going to miss her!

I push her up onto her knees as I get out of the chair. Then I pick up the sword daddy left me. “You’re the best I ever had,” I whisper into her ear. “Now I get to kill you. Daddy said I could.”

She surprises me as she looks up and smiles. “He told me he was letting you kill me today. I hope I die well for you. I hope it brings you pleasure.”

“Really? You really feel that way?”

“With all my heart.”

I gasp with excitement. I can’t believe it! I’m liable to cum all over again!

I tell her, “You’re really special; you know that?” She smiles at me. But she’s trembling. Is she a little frightened?

She gasps as I hold the blade to her neck. She shudders hard; did she just have an orgasm of her own? It excites me to think she might have cum at the moment of her death.

She has no idea how wet I am or how excited I’ve become that I’m the one who gets to slaughter her. “Bye-bye, baby,” I whisper into her ear as I hold the sword firmly in my grasp. “I want you to know Daddy taught me to hold the blade steady and to make a good, clean cut. And that’s what I intend to do. After all, you deserve it.”

“I’m ready,” she says softly. Then she looks up and waits as I hold the blade to her neck. I can’t believe how much I’m trembling with excitement at this moment!

I slice all the way across her throat. That’s when her mouth flies open as she starts to gurgle. Blood streaks down her neck and chest in rivulets.

I hold onto a handful of hair to keep her upright. She gurgles for breath as her body spasms. Her eyes are wide in shock.

“Gawd, you’re so sexy,” I gasp in awe. “I just cut your throat, yet you look so sexy!” I can’t believe how aroused I am as she bleeds out while jerking and convulsing.

She falls over onto her side, bleeding out from that cut all the way across her neck. Her nipples are really hard; she looks so sexy. That’s when I see her pussy gush.

I’m sure she’s cumming as she bleeds out. It’s so arousing that I have an orgasm of my own. I can’t believe how turned on I am.

She has this look in her eyes as though she can’t believe I’m the one who killed her. She shudders again, and I hear a sexy gurgle in her throat. Then her eyes start to glaze over as her expression sags.

Damn; that felt good! I never knew taking the life of a sexy young thing would be so exhilarating! She was great at pussy licking. But slitting her throat was so much fun!

I roll her over and look down on her face. She has the sexiest death stare in the world! A moment later I gasp with delight as an unexpected orgasm ripples through me.

I stand there panting heavily for breath. I can’t believe how thrilling it was to take her life! The way she’s looking up at me gives me the erotic shivers something fierce.

I join her on the floor where I start feasting between her legs. Her pussy clenches and quivers a little. Even in death she’s so unbelievably sexy.

Her cum tastes incredible. I had no idea she would get off on dying for me! I shudder from another orgasm as I contune feasting until she finally lays still.

I pant for breath, my mouth coated in her flowing juices. No wonder daddy enjoys snuffing his girls. This was so much fun that I’m going to ask him for permission to do the next one.

2016; 2019 (written Apr 10 ’16; ed. Jun 24 ’19 by riwa)

(Inspired by photos found on the Internet)

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(AF’s) The Audition 4.3 (8)

April fumed as she sought out Jenna. That audition rightly belonged to her. Was it true what she’d just heard? If anyone would know, it would certainly be Jenna.

April caught her in a changing room. “Is it true?” she demanded.

“Is WHAT true?” Jenna replied. “What are you talking about?”

“Is Hope Marie giving my audition away to someone else? I told her I wanted that part.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I have no idea – AWK!”

She gasped in alarm as April’s hand shot out and wrapped around her neck. “I said… ‘Is Hope Marie giving away my audition to someone else?’ Don’t lie to me, you little shit! I know you two are close!”

Jenna tried to speak, but couldn’t. April finally let her go. “All right – all right!” she gasped as she pushed April’s hand away from her throat. She coughed once as she tried to catch her breath.

“She’s letting Casey audition for the bondage shoot, ok? Casey can hold her breath longer. Does that satisfy your morbid curiosity?”

“Not at all,” April growled ominously as she turned and walked away. “I think I’ll go have a little talk with Hope Marie. That bitch thinks she can give my promised audition to someone else? We’ll just see who ultimately gets that bondage shoot!”

Casey was a little nervous. But it was not because of her abilities. It was because she was getting an audition promised to someone else.

“Are you sure April’s not going to be upset that I’m auditioning for the shoot she wants? You know how pissed off she can get.”

“I’m the one who knows the director,” Hope Marie explained. “He trusts my judgement. Besides, this is all her fault. If she wanted the shoot so damned bad, she should have been nicer to me. The bitch doesn’t deserve this.”

Casey nodded as though the matter was settled. But there was still one thing she wanted to clear up. “So let me get this straight. You’re going to chain me to the chair at the bottom of the pool. I’m going to have access to an air hose, right? Then you’re going to take a bunch of pictures to send to the director?”

“You’re not scared, are you? Everything will be perfectly safe. We have that scuba tank sitting on the side of the pool, and it’s full of air. The hose is plenty long enough to reach you on the bottom. That’s why I had you work on breathing from the regulator earlier without using a dive mask. I want your pictures to be natural: no mask, nose clip or anything like that. Any questions?” Casey shook her head.

Hope Marie smiled at her. “I think you’re going to do just fine. Now let’s get you down into position, ok? I’ll lock you into the chair, but I’ll make sure you have the regulator. Sound good to you?”

“Ok with me,” Casey nodded agreeably.

She wasn’t entirely comfortable with the idea of being chained and padlocked into the chair at the bottom of the pool. But Hope had the key and a sufficient supply of air. She could breathe compressed air easily enough, so that was no problem. Besides, she was willing to make this look realistic if it meant getting that bondage shoot.

She got into the pool and tested the regulator. Air flowed freely; there seemed to be no restrictions. Then she looked down at the chair she would be sitting in.

It looked comfortable enough. She’d already experimented with bondage gear with a couple of boyfriends. She found herself becoming a little aroused at the thought of being locked down at the bottom of the pool.

She swam down and sat in the chair. Hope Marie came down and motioned… “Are you getting enough air? Casey nodded.

She felt an erotic thrill as Hope began chaining her down. The padlocks completed the bondage look. Casey felt a thrill at being chained, padlocked and vulnerable.

She was now stuck on the bottom of the pool until her audition was over. She would be dependent on Hope Marie for setting her free. She was also dependent on getting all the air she would need. But she was more than willing as she really wanted to get that bondage photo gig.

She inhaled and exhaled, getting used to breathing compressed air. Hope motioned at her… “Everything ok so far?” Casey nodded at her. It was a little unnerving, but it certainly made her feel kind of sexy… and more than a little aroused.

Hope Marie surfaced and then grabbed the camera. Instinctively she checked the display. She cursed under her breath when she saw the battery icon flashing.

She hollered down at Casey, “I have to change batteries!” She held up the camera and waved it around in the air. “Batteries… I have to go get some batteries!” But it looked like the model wasn’t paying attention down there.

She thought about going down and trying to make sure Casey understood. But she was wasting time. She wouldn’t be gone long if she went right now.

She made a show of placing the key to the padlocks on a can of beer so she would know exactly where it was. She hollered down, “I’m placing the key right here!” But Casey was still not looking at her.

She hesitated a moment, not wanting to leave her alone. But she figured she’d only be gone a couple of minutes. That’s when she turned and rushed out of the pool area before running up the hill to the house.

After she was gone, there was a rustle in the bushes. April slowly emerged from her hiding place. She glared angrily at what she’d just witnessed.

She looked down to see Casey playfully stretching her legs out. She was posing in preparation for the audition that rightfully belonged to her. That bitch!

It galled her to think the bondage shoot might actually be given to someone else. Casey was certainly wearing the right kind of outfit for it. This was really pissing her off.

April looked at the scuba tank. She followed the hose with her eyes down to the regulator in Casey’s mouth. The bitch kept inhaling and exhaling while experimentally stretching her legs.

A sinister idea came to mind. April walked over to the scuba tank. Then she thought better of it.

“I shouldn’t,” she told herself. But her anger returned in a rush. After all, it would be Hope Marie’s fault for not paying closer attention should something happen to Casey, right?

The more Casey playfully posed, the more it galled April. Damnit, this audition belonged to her! It just wasn’t fair!

“Let’s see how long you can hold your breath,” she growled ominously. Then she gave the hose a warning tug…

Casey breathed deeply from the regulator, wondering where Hope Marie had gone off to. What was taking her so long? Then she felt the regulator jerk in her mouth.

She had just filled her lungs when there was a sudden yank on the hose. The reg popped right out of her mouth, catching her totally by surprise. She looked over to the side of the pool and saw it being pulled up out of the water.

She saw a shape, but couldn’t be sure who it was. Was that Hope? What the hell was she doing? Why had she taken the hose out of the pool??

Instinctively she struggled in the chair. Playfulness turned to alarm. What the hell was that bitch thinking: depriving her of the hose like that??

April laughed as she saw bubbles pop up at the surface. “Good luck with that audition, bitch.” Then she saw the key resting on the can of beer.

Angrily, she kicked the can into the pool. The key dropped into the water and sank from view. “Oops. I guess you shouldn’t have left the key so close to the edge of the pool, you stupid bitch.”

She took the scuba tank with her. She hid it away in the bushes. Then she tucked herself in as well, wanting to watch how things played out.

On the pool bottom, Casey’s eyes opened wide as she struggled in the chair. She kept looking up toward the side of the pool. But the hose failed to return. Hope Marie was nowhere to be seen.

What the hell was this all about?? Was that bitch trying to scare her by adding a sense of realism to her audition? This was crazy!

She grunted and bubbled as she struggled in the chair. How long would it be before Hope returned with the air hose? What the hell was she doing? Where the hell was she??

Hope Marie emerged from the house with the camera in hand. A fresh set of batteries were now installed. She didn’t think she’d been gone all that long.

She rounded the corner and entered the pool area. Almost immediately she realized something didn’t seem right. It took a couple of seconds before she discovered the problem.

The scuba tank was not where she’d left it. Had it fallen into the pool? How was that possible??

She looked down into the water, scanning the bottom. There was no sign of the scuba tank or the hose. What’s more, Casey was still secured to the chair. She appeared to be bubbling and struggling.

Hope let out a cry… “OH SHIT!” How long had she been without air? That’s when she dove into the water.

She swam up to the frightened woman. Casey bubbled and struggled as she shook her head. Hope tried to reassure her… “What the hell happened? Anyway, I’m here now! For gawd’s sake; don’t panic!”

Hope Marie looked all around. But there was no sign of the scuba tank or air hose. They were just gone! It didn’t make any damned sense!!

She patted Casey as she grabbed her locked wrists. She motioned as though she was going to free her. Then she pointed upward as she bubbled… “I’ll go get the key and unlock you!” Casey nodded with understanding.

Hope shot up to the surface. She swam over to the side of the pool and burst up, gasping loudly for breath. It was so confusing. She couldn’t understand what had happened to that damned scuba tank!

She looked at the side of the pool and blinked her eyes in disbelief. The beer can with the key on top was supposed to be right there. But it had also disappeared. What the hell was going on??

What the hell – what the hell – WHAT THE HELL?? Where was the fucking key?? She frantically filled her lungs before diving back down.

Hope Marie didn’t hear the bushes rustle. Nor did she hear the sound of laughter as April rose up. “That’ll teach you not to mess around with me,” she growled as she slipped away out of the pool area.

Hope Marie swam back down, anxiously trying to convey some sense of reassurance to Casey. But the woman was growing more desperate by the moment. If she didn’t get air to her soon, she was going to drown!

There was only one thing she could think of. Hope Marie pressed her lips to Casey’s. She could only hope the model understood what she was doing.

She expelled her breath into the anxious woman’s mouth. Casey grunted with understanding. She nodded as her lungs swelled with stale air.

It was a temporary solution. But at least it bought her a few more seconds. Now what should she do?

There was no point looking for the scuba tank. It clearly wasn’t in the pool. And she hadn’t seen it anywhere up at the surface.

That meant she had to set Casey free. And that meant she needed to find the key. So where the hell was it??

She looked all around the floor of the pool until she spotted the beer can. Had it been knocked off the side of the pool? She didn’t think she’d kicked it into the water by mistake.

She anxiously swam over to have a look. But she didn’t spot the key anywhere. Without a dive mask, her vision was blurry. What’s more, the pattern on the pool bottom made it hard to spot the wayward key.

Hope Marie frantically began sweeping the pool floor with her hand. The key had to be down here somewhere. The beer can was in the water, right? That meant the key had to be in the pool as well.

She had to hope it was down here somewhere. If it wasn’t, that meant Casey was going to drown. That was something she didn’t even want to think about.

She swept her hand back and forth across the floor of the pool. But she couldn’t find the damned thing anywhere. That’s when she heard Casey grunt and bubble in alarm.

Hope turned to see the woman’s chest heave as air spurted out past her clenched lips. Casey was almost out of breath again. She had to do something fast!

Hope Marie shot up to the surface. She popped up, panting like crazy. Then she took a couple of quick breaths before inhaling deeply.

She frantically dove back down. Hope Marie swam over to Casey still bound to the chair. Then she turned her head towards her.

She pressed their lips together before exhaling. Would this work again? Casey nodded with a grunt, her need for air momentarily satisfied.

After giving Casey another lungful of stale air, Hope Marie swam over to the side of the pool. Once more she began sweeping the floor of the pool with her hand. She was desperate to find the key.

She didn’t know what she was going to do if she couldn’t find the damned thing. After all, she’d made the mistake of securing Casey a little too well. Hell, she’d chained her down and then padlocked her to that damned chair! If she didn’t find the key soon, she would be forced to watch the poor woman drown!

She stayed down for as long as she dared. Her own lungs were empty, especially after passing on every last morsel of air she had. Then her chest heaved ominously in warning.

She turned toward Casey, not wanting to leave her behind. She heard the poor woman grunt as bubbles slipped out of her mouth and nose. Casey anxiously shook her head; she was out of air again.

How long could she keep feeding her stale air before Casey’s lungs rejected it? She had to find that key and get her up! But now her own lungs were on fire.

Hope Marie shot up to the surface for another breath. She popped up and gasped loudly. Then she frantically filled her lungs before anxiously heading back down.

How many more breaths could she give Casey? How much more stale air would the poor woman’s lungs accept? Would this be the last one before the struggling model drowned?

Once more she swam up to Casey. She pressed their lips together before exhaling into her mouth. Casey wriggled and grunted as bubbles leaked out.

That told Hope all she needed to know. She couldn’t keep sharing breaths of air that much longer. She had to find that damned key!

Once more Hope Marie began sweeping her hand around the pool floor by the chair. She was desperate to find the key. Besides, if anything happened to Casey she would be responsible. It would be her fault if the poor woman drowned.

Her fingers touched something metallic. Hope anxiously scooped it up. One quick glance confirmed she’d found the key.

She swam over to the chair where she frantically began working on the first padlock. She was painfully aware how much Casey was starting to squirm. There was a look of agony on the model’s face; she was already losing what stale breath she had left.

Hope Marie doubted Casey’s lungs would accept another expelled breath of air. She had to get her out of the water right now. Time was of the essence; she had to get her back to the surface.

She fought with the first lock until she got it to pop open. Casey’s arm immediately came free. That’s when she started to thrash about as she blew air out of her nose.

Casey instinctively jerked against her other arm, trying to pull herself free. It made Hope fight to get the key into that padlock. Casey’s struggles were only making it ten times harder, making Hope want to cry out, “STOP STRUGGLING! GIVE ME A SECOND!”

Casey’s grunts became more anxious. It looked like her chest was really heaving. How much longer until she couldn’t hold her breath anymore and started swallowing water??

Hope Marie fumbled with the padlock as Casey struggled in the chair. Hope mentally kept telling herself, “C’mon – c’mon – c’mon – C’MON!” Her own lungs were starting to burn.

Did she dare go up for another breath? What if Casey started to drown before she got back? What if she herself swallowed water before she could get the last damned lock off? Gawd; what if they both drowned??

“Gotta hurry – gotta hurry – GOTTA HURRY!!” Casey looked as though she might pass out or swallow water at any moment. There was simply no more time.

The lock suddenly popped opened. Hope Marie rushed to remove the confining chains. Then she grabbed Casey’s arm… “GOTCHA! NOW LET’S GET YOU OUT OF HERE!!!”

Casey didn’t respond. Hope wrapped an arm around her and hauled her up. A moment later they both popped up to the surface.

Hope Marie gasped wildly for breath. She looked on in horror; was Casey even breathing? A moment later the model began to pant weakly. That’s when her glassy eyes began to show some life.

“I got you,” Hope gasped, trying to reassure her. “You’re ok now. I got you up.”

She swam her over to the side of the pool. They reached the edge and clung on for dear life. Casey coughed and sputtered, somewhat amazed she hadn’t drowned.

“Are you all right?” Hope asked, feeling a wave of relief wash over her.

“Yeah… I’m all right,” Casey panted weakly.

“You really had me worried down there,” Hope Marie said with a nervous chuckle, trying to use a little levity to lighten the mood. “You weren’t supposed to make the audition so damned serious!”

“What did you do… with the scuba hose?” Casey’s relief was beginning to morph into confusion and anger.

“I have no idea what happened to it! I had to go inside to change the batteries in the camera! I wasn’t gone all that long. But when I came back out, the damned thing was just… GONE! And so was the fucking key! Anyway, you saw it! The tank was sitting right over there! Now it’s just gone!”

She pointed over at the side of the pool in frustration and disbelief. Casey looked over and then back at Hope. “So where the hell did it go?”

“I don’t have a fucking clue!”

Hope Marie climbed out of the pool and looked all around. She kept muttering to herself, “Where the hell did it go?” Then she thought she saw something in the bushes.

She went over and muttered, “What the hell??” That’s when she came across the scuba tank and hose. The gauge indicated it had almost as much air as when they’d started

“Found it,” she called out, pulling it out of the bushes.

Casey gave her a look of surprise. “How the hell did it end up way over there?”

Hope Marie puzzled over the matter for a moment. Then her expression clouded over in anger as realization set in. “I think I know the bitch who moved it. Just wait until I get my hands on her!”

2013; 2020 (written Sep 16 ’13; ed. Feb 13 ‘20 by riwa)

(Pictures are from Aqua Fantasies “Hot Aqua Fantasies for Cold Winter Nights” and are for illustration purposes only.)

Posted in Drowning Stories, Picture Stories - Aqua Fantasies | Leave a comment

Sada 3.7 (6)

Sada was numb as she left the clinic. The physician had indicated it was good news, and by all rights it should have been. But the child was not Dhaval’s.

She had to tell him. But she did not know what his reaction would be. She could imagine it though.

How could she have allowed this to happen to her? How could she have been so foolish? This was what it had come to by spending a single drunken night in the arms of another.

She went to Dhaval’s with a heavy heart. As far as she was concerned her life was over. This would prove to be shameful not just to him but to both their families.

She opened the door and went inside. Apparently he was out. But she decided to stay, figuring he would arrive soon.

He returned fifteen minutes later. He cried out her name with joy when he saw her. Then he embraced her, smothering her with kisses.

“It has been so long!” he declared as he dragged her to the main bedroom. “We must celebrate!” It only made her wince with sorrow.

He saw the tears in her eyes. “Sada, what is wrong?” Then she told him everything.

With each word his expression morphed to one of complete and utter astonishment. Then rage filled his features. “You whore!” he bellowed.

He scanned the room and snatched up a scarf of hers she had left behind from some previous visit. He lashed out and wrapped it around her throat as he forced her to the bed. She did not resist.

He pulled hard until her body began to struggle instinctively beneath him. She did not try to fight him. But the body often reacts contrary to one’s wishes.

She felt consciousness fading. But she did not blame him one bit. She would accept this as her due. Then she lapsed into unconsciousness.

When she awakened she discovered the scarf had been removed. At the last minute he had stayed his hand. Now he was sitting over in a corner with his head in his hands, sobbing quietly.

It broke her heart to see him thus. She knew she could not fix it. It would be shameful to terminate the pregnancy… equally shameful to be known as a whore carrying the child of another. There was only one answer that came to her.

She got up and went to the guest bedroom where some of her belongings were from past visits. She changed out of her red outfit into something less honorable for what she was about to do. Then she went to his workroom and retrieved the nylon cord he kept there.

She was trembling as she fashioned one end into a noose. She looked up to see a crosspiece above that looked sturdy enough. Then she tossed the free end over.

She retrieved a bucket and turned it over. She climbed upon it and stood precariously as she judged the height necessary for the noose. Then she climbed back down and started to tie the end off.

At that moment Dhaval came in. He took in the scene in a moment. Then he rushed over and took the noose off from around her throat, declaring, “No! You cannot do this thing!”

“But I must. It is the only way.”

“I will not accept it.”

“But you must. And now that you are here you must hang me yourself.”

“Sada; no!”

“Please… for both our sakes.”

“I will not!” But he could see by her expression that it did not matter. If he didn’t hang her she would simply go somewhere else to do it.

She calmly handed him the noose. Then she climbed once more onto the bucket. “Do what you must do, Dhaval. I accept the judgement of the situation.”

He was trembling with anxiety and sorrow as he hesitated. She gave him a pleading look. He could not say no to her.

With trembling hands he looped the noose back around her neck. Then he walked the other end over to where she had planned to secure it. He made sure to take all the slack out of it so when she left the bucket her feet would not reach the floor.

There were tears in his eyes as he secured the end of the rope. Then he walked over to her and touched her face… brushed a hand through her hair. His expression of affection made her feel better, filling her with the resolve she needed to accomplish the task at hand.

“I will always love you, Dhaval.” Then she stepped off the bucket, knocking it out of the way. Her fears he might not have properly tied off the rope were put to rest when her feet came up just short of the floor.

Her toes wriggled as her feet fluttered. Her legs pumped as she started to fight the noose. Dhaval swallowed the lump in his throat as he watched.

She finally began to settle down, her neck starting to stretch as her face turned red. He stepped up to her and nuzzled her neck affectionately. Stray muscles fired as the tears came to his eyes one last time. Then her bladder released, signifying she was gone. His last act of love was to kiss her cheek.

(Aug 19 ’18)

(Inspired by manips created by ramharraja2001.)

Posted in Asphyxia Stories | Leave a comment

Passion unbounded 4 (5)

She met him at a local night club. From the moment she laid eyes on him she was hooked. There was something about him that intrigued her.

He seemed shady and dangerous. But that only made her want him all the more. When he said his place was a short stroll away she agreed to go with him.

They walked together, her heart racing. Something about him really got her motor running. She knew it wasn’t wise going alone with strange men. But this was a thrill she simply had to experience for herself.

When they arrived he told her he was going to prepare a bath for the two of them. Then he left her alone. She stripped down, waiting for him to return. But he never came back.

She went looking for him. She finally found the bathroom and went inside. The tub was full of sudsy water, the tap still running. But there was no sign of him.

She walked over and turned the water off. She didn’t want the tub to overflow. But where the hell had he gone?

She looked down into the water, examining it more closely. She thought she saw movement, but she wasn’t certain. Out of curiosity she reached down into the tub.

He suddenly burst up from out of the water and grabbed her wrist. Apparently he’d been hiding under the soap suds, holding his breath the entire time. The foam from the bubbles had served to hide him perfectly.

He pulled her to him, kissing her passionately. Her desires were aroused as her heart beat fast. Who the hell was this strange man??

He pulled her into the tub with him, kissing her savagely. She returned the kiss as her body began to thrum with desire. She loved the way he was being so rough and aggressive with her, taking from her what he desired.

They continued to kiss as he rolled her over. Soon she was underneath him in the bathtub. They continued to embrace, their passions fully enflamed.

She was totally overwhelmed with desire. The way he’d surprised her… the way he’d pulled her into the tub with him… it was all so shocking and exciting. She hungrily tried to eat his face off, overcome with desire to be totally possessed by him.

He slowly forced her downward. She went without resisting. A moment later her head became fully submerged.

He did not stop kissing her. His head even submerged with hers until they both couldn’t breathe. It was as shocking as it was arousing.

She panicked as she forced her way back up. She stopped kissing him as fear filled her features. Who the hell WAS this man? Why had he tried to drown her??

For a moment she didn’t know what to do. He attempted to reassure her… or so she thought. She grabbed his face and looked into his eyes. His desire to possess her was still there.

They kissed again, tentatively at first. The flames of passion returned. He seemed like a very dangerous man; was she about to get burned? Did she even care??

She did not see the wife standing there with a stern expression and arms folded. She only had eyes for the man she wanted to give herself to. She had no idea he was married as he had not divulged that bit of information.

He kissed her hard, pushing her under again. Bubbles spewed out of her nose as the panic returned. She pushed him off and sat upright, gasping like crazy as her heart beat fast.

What the hell? Was he trying to drown her?? Her emotions were in turmoil as she was torn between fear and desire.

They kissed again, the flames of passion returning. But now she was beginning to have doubts. This was becoming a little too disturbing.

He pushed her down again. Once more she went under in a flurry of bubbles. She had no idea what the hell to think at this point in their encounter.

He kept her down a little longer as her legs kicked. She was not aware the wife was slowly approaching the bathtub from behind. Her only concern was being allowed back up to breathe.

He finally let her back up, allowing her to gasp for breath. She saw him look up; something wasn’t right. He seemed to be distracted about something. But what could it be?

She did not see the wife behind her, nor did she turn to look. She had no idea she was there. A moment later she learned the truth when she felt a hand push down on her head.

Without a word the wife pushed her under. That’s when the woman sensed she was in danger. Who was this other person forcing her head under the water??

She motioned to be allowed back up. But her lover kept her submerged. Not only that, she could not lift her head against the hand pushing down on top of her. That’s when she began to thrash about in growing panic.

This time she was held down longer than before. She felt three hands involved: two pushing down on her chest and one on her head. She tried to cry out, spewing bubbles as her legs kicked like crazy.

She couldn’t breathe; she was running out of air – SHE COULDN’T BREATHE! But she was not being allowed back up. Her legs kicked harder as she began spewing bubbles out of her mouth and nose in a blind panic.

The wife leaned down and looked right into her husband’s eyes. The woman underneath them struggled to get back to the surface. But the wife had already made her decision as she pushed down hard on the struggling woman’s head.

The woman in the bathtub cried out, fighting like hell to reach the surface. She was being kept under much too long. She couldn’t hold her breath anymore!

She spewed bubbles as she struggled to push her lover off. But it did no good. Besides, she was unable to do anything about the hand on her head forcing her down to the bottom of the bathtub.

Her mind screamed as she spewed her breath away. She kicked and flailed as her lungs heaved ominously in her chest. Then she surrendered to the inevitable.

Her lungs opened up as she inhaled bathwater, instantly triggering the gag reflex. Instinctively she began gulping huge mouthfuls of water. That’s when she began hitching and convulsing painfully.

One last gulp and her body gave up the fight. Stray muscles fired as she settled at the bottom of the tub. Her arms and legs went limp as she stared upward in shock.

The wife looked impassively at her husband. She could tell the woman at the bottom of the tub was no longer moving. But she did not care.

She revealed nothing to her husband… at least not at first. She simply stared at him coldly. He stared back at her as the body beneath them went totally still while stray bubbles popped to the surface.

They slowly drew nearer, staring intently at each other. Neither seemed disturbed over the life they had so casually snuffed. Instead, it seemed as though they were being drawn together, their own passions enflamed by the drowning they’d jointly participated in.

They slowly came together until their lips met. They kissed tenderly until the fire of their dark souls ignited. That’s when the kiss turned passionate, the two of them aroused over the callous way they’d drowned the bitch.

Together they continued pushing down on the body beneath them. There was no need; she had long since drowned. But somehow the act filled them with a perverse pleasure as the fire of their passion burned brightly.

2019 (written Jun 28 ’19 by riwa)

(Inspired by vicdaps from the movie Passion Unbounded.)

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A night to remember 3 4.3 (23)

Snuff sluts on stage

Sarah was in a shambles by the time Nadia and Felicity were done with her. She was untied and left sitting in a chair, the pecker-gag still filling her mouth as her arms were tied behind her back. By then Mistress had sent Monique out to prepare the stage, instructing her to get some extra large probes for the foolish 30-something brunette.

Becky and Ginger had been numbed into silence by what Chastity had told them would be their fate. Perhaps they hoped it was all an elaborate prank or joke. But if they’d already seen the Entertainment stage, then they had to suspect Mistress was being serious. Carmen and Sophia were quiet, no doubt contemplating what would be done to them now that Chastity had won them in a game of cards.

It was Heather who broke the silence. “Mistress?” she asked nervously. “Is it true you intend to hang me?”

Chastity smiled as she came over to her and lovingly caressed her face. “That’s right, honey,” she cooed at her. “I’m saving you for the gallows. I just know you’re going to put on a sexy dance for our clients… and especially for your husband.”

Heather gulped nervously. Then she surprised us with her request. “May I dress for the occasion, Mistress? I wish to look my best.”

“What would you like to wear, honey?”

“Something sexy,” she gulped nervously. “Fishnet stockings, heels and a garter?”

“You must have read my mind,” Mistress smiled warmly at her. “You naughty girl. You’re going to have me all worked up. That’s just the attitude I like from my girls.” Then Chastity gave her a soft, lingering kiss, leaving them both a little breathless.

Mistress instructed Nadia to take her out and get her properly attired before bringing her to the stage. Then she told her to send a couple more attendants in to help escort the remaining women out. Nadia nodded, took Heather by the arm and then led her away.

A minute later two attendants came into the room. That’s when Chastity addressed the others. “I’m not going to have any trouble with of any of you ladies, right? There are worse things I can do to you than what awaits you up on stage.”

Carmen and Sophia were quietly subdued. They appeared to have accepted their fate. Ginger and Becky were frightened into submission. I figured the only problem might be Sarah.

“My dear boy,” Chastity said as she snuggled up to me. “Would you be a dear and lead us all around the Club? I’d like to give these ladies one last tour before I snuff them.”

“Certainly, Mistress,” I said with a smile. I was about to witness four executions, and I’d become quite excited about it.

I stepped out of the room. One of the attendants followed me out with Ginger and Becky in tow. Next came Sarah, with Felicity right next to her in case her services were needed. Behind them Mistress led Carmen and Sophia, with the last attendant bringing up the rear.

I took the long way around. I knew how much Mistress liked to humiliate her charges. Parading them naked throughout the casino usually did the trick rather nicely.

Our little parade gave Nadia a chance to catch up to us. She had a properly adorned Heather in her black heels, fishnet stockings and garter. The duo dutifully stepped into line at the back of our procession.

Eventually I led them toward the Entertainment stage. The red glow in the ceiling announced to everyone in the Club that females were about to be slaughtered onstage. It never ceased to amaze me how some folks were interested in watching someone being executed, especially an attractive looking female. But I was just as bad as the next person.

I became more excited as we drew nearer. A large crowd had gathered as we paraded into the area. It was an enthusiastic group of spectators.

My wife had already moved the implements of execution toward the front of the stage except for the drowning tank. I led the procession toward the edge of the stage. Then I stepped out of the way to allow Chastity to line up her charges in a row before stepping up onto the platform to address our valued customers.

“Ladies and gentlemen, I’m in such a good mood tonight! For me, this is turning into a night to remember. You see, I was fortunate to win a very important game of poker a short time ago with some very fine opponents. Not only was each player required to put up a significant amount of money, each one was also required to put up a female as well.”

“The rules of our game were simple. If you lost your cash, you also lost your woman. As a result, I was the lucky winner of six lovely ladies. Thus, I’ve decided my good fortune is your good fortune. Tonight you get to watch us snuff four of them right here on stage!”

There were cheers and enthusiastic applause. Her group of naked women fidgeted nervously as Sarah grunted in alarm. Nadia and Felicity had taken up positions on either side of her to keep her in line. I didn’t expect her to do anything rash, but it was always better to be prepared.

Ginger and Becky looked as though they were going to faint. Heather didn’t know whether to be frightened or excited. Carmen and Sophia watched quietly. I could tell by the way their chests rose and fell how they were quite anxious about their predicament.

Chastity worked the crowd some more. “Would you like us to snuff some sluts tonight?” They cheered in response.

She beamed with joy as she motioned grandly. “Let’s invite our executrix to come on up and give us a hand. Let’s have a big round of applause for our dear Monique!”

The spectators applauded as my gorgeous wife smiled. She waved at them all as she headed for the steps. She paused long enough to give me a quick peck on the lips before going up onstage.

Mistress greeted her with a lingering kiss. They took hands for a moment. Then Chastity looked down at her charges.

“Our first bitch has been a rather defiant slut. I promised her the ride of her life. By now she’s become quite familiar to some of you fine gentlemen out there. Now she’s about to fry for your amusement. I’m sure her performance will be electrifying. Ladies and gentlemen, sitting in the electric chair I give you… SNUFF SLUT SARAH!”

Chastity motioned grandly at the woman standing with the others. The spectators started to cheer. Sarah’s eyes went wide in horror as she shook her head. Then she tried to bolt as she grunted anxiously.

Nadia and Felicity grabbed her by both arms. She was manhandled to the steps and up onto the stage. The poor thing twisted and struggled in pure terror.

“Don’t be shy, honey,” Mistress said loudly to her. She and Monique reached for her to take her from the attendants. “Let’s get you comfortable, shall we? Would you like to take a seat?”

Sarah cried out into her gag as the audience laughed. But she was no match for Mistress and Monique. They dragged her over to the chair.

Mistress called out to the crowd, “Naughty sluts get bigger probes, folks! This is one snuff slut who’s really gonna sizzle!”

There was more laughter as the two forced Sarah down onto the probes sticking up out of the seat of the chair. They were significantly larger than most probes I’d seen. The poor woman screamed into her gag as she was impaled in both holes.

“Let’s get you comfy,” Mistress told her cheerfully, still playing to the crowd.

She and Monique freed her bound arms. Then they strapped them down to the arms of the chair. Sarah struggled as best she could, but it was no use.

Her legs were cruelly spread. Then they were strapped to the front legs of the chair. Everyone could see her wet crotch.

Her head was pushed back and strapped tight. Now she wouldn’t bang her head against the back of the chair. Sarah’s muffled protests ranged from anger to pleading to rage to fear.

Monique finally spoke. “Let’s finish hooking you up, shall we?” Then she presented an electrode for one nipple.

Sarah’s eyes went wide. Then she cried out into her gag. Cries turned to muffled screams as my wife hooked up one nipple while Chastity hooked up the other.

“Now do her clit,” Mistress encouraged my wife. “Make it nice and tight. We don’t want the wire falling off.”

Sarah’s face went pale. I could tell she was trying to shake her head. Monique smiled at her and then went to work.

The ensuing muffled screams told me my wife had made sure it was tightly secured. When it was done Sarah panted heavily through her nose as her chest heaved. Drops of sweat broke out all over her naked, quivering flesh.

“You’re going to be our snuff-whore tonight,” Mistress told her coldly as Monique went to retrieve the remote from one of the attendants. “Anytime I’m in the mood to witness an orgasm, we’ll be focusing on you.”

Monique returned and handed the remote to Chastity. Mistress took it, turned to the audience and held it up. “Does anybody want to see the slut cum?”

There were eager cheers and applause. “So be it!” she announced. Then she turned and pointed it at Sarah.

“Come for us, snuff-whore!” Then she pushed a button as she and Monique stepped aside. They wanted to make sure they were not blocking the view of the spectators.

Sarah stiffened and then started screaming into her gag. Her body ground itself against the probes up her holes. She thrashed about in the chair as though covered with fire ants.

She desperately trying to shake off the electrodes to her nipples. It didn’t take long until her screams morphed into anguished cries. Her torso thrust as though she was violently fucking her probes.

Mistress turned it back down. Sarah slumped in the chair. She whimpered pitifully, her eyes full of tears.

“Very, VERY nice,” Chastity said to her with a cruel smile. “We’ll leave it on low for now. But we’ll be getting back to you shortly, my dear.”

Mistress pocketed the remote in her outfit. Then she turned toward the audience. Monique dutifully stood off to one side.

“Our next girl comes to us all the way from Philadelphia. She won an office contest to be here with her poker player. I guess she never realized she was serving as the biggest chip of all. Let that be a lesson to you out there, ladies.” There was good-natured laughter from the audience.

“I believe this young lady will be just as delicious as her name. What better way to prepare her to roast that to bring her up here to ride the spit for your snuffing pleasure. Ladies and gentlemen, riding the impalement cross I give you… SNUFF SLUT GINGER!”

Chastity motioned at the unfortunate girl. Nadia and Felicity stepped on either side of her. Then they duly escorted her to the steps to the stage.

Ginger looked numb with shock. She didn’t resist as she was helped up onto the stage. Mistress and Monique took it from there.

They took her by the arms and escorted her over to the impalement cross. I noticed Sarah giving the poor thing a look of horror as they walked past her. “I don’t…” Ginger stammered nervously. “I mean… it was just a contest! You’re not really gonna…!”

“Hush, my child,” Mistress said soothingly. “It’ll be all right.” Then she looked at her curiously.

“You’ve never been fucked in the ass before; have you, honey?”

“No, never!” she whimpered anxiously, shaking her head as if that could possibly save her.

“Then this will be a new experience for you, won’t it, baby!”

Mistress chuckled at her as they backed her up against the pieces of the cross. The spectators laughed as well. The fear I saw in her face was intoxicating.

She struggled, but only a little. It wasn’t enough to even slow down the process of strapping her to the cross. She whimpered anxiously in an attempt to be brave, trying hard not to cry.

The slats her arms and legs were strapped to were spread wide. It had the effect of lifting her off the ground. She hung spread-eagled on the wooden X, trembling nervously.

Ginger let out a cry of alarm. Then she started breathing hard. I think that was the moment she realized just how precarious her situation had become.

Monique activated the controls to the pole. It came up out of the floor with a quiet hum. As soon as it touched her, Ginger squirmed as she let out a squeal of fright.

“She seems a little uncomfortable,” Mistress observed loudly. Then she turned to my wife.

“Honey, would you be so kind as to make her feel better?”

Monique nodded with a smile. Then she knelt between Ginger’s spread legs. It wasn’t long before the poor thing was gasping and whimpering, writhing around on the wooden slats she was strapped to as my wife licked her out.

“I think we should have two sluts cum,” Mistress told the audience. “What do you folks think?”

There were cheers and cries of agreement from the spectators. Mistress pulled out her remote and pointed it at the chair. Almost immediately, Sarah started to writhe and moan as though her power had been increased.

Monique looked over at the chair. She understood what was happening to the woman over there. So she adjusted her actions accordingly.

As Sarah’s whimpers intensified, so did Ginger’s. Monique did an amazing job licking in sync to what the chair was doing to Sarah. It was as though my wife wanted to time them to pop off together.

It was arousing as hell watching Monique lick out that poor girl. Women were putty in the hands of my wife’s magnificent tongue. She certainly knew how to use it on both male and female.

It looked like it was a humiliating experience for Ginger. She writhed and squirmed helplessly in front of everyone watching. My wife just moaned lustfully as she kept on licking, thoroughly enjoying herself.

As Sarah’s cries in the chair intensified, I heard Ginger’s whimpers increase in pitch as she wriggled and squirmed. Mistress moaned softly as she watched her executrix lick out the helpless girl. I could see the arousal in Chastity’s body language. It was erotic as hell; my cock was throbbing in my trousers.

“Just let it go, honey,” I heard Mistress pant as she caressed Ginger’s breasts. The poor girl’s nipples were hard as pebbles.

Sarah went off with a muffled cry, her body tensing as she violently fucked those probes in her holes. At almost the same time, Ginger couldn’t take it anymore. She shuddered with mewling sounds as her torso humped my wife’s face.

Chastity gasped before letting out a satisfied sigh. Obviously she’d had a minor orgasm of her own. “That’s much better, don’t you think?” she panted with a big smile on her face.

She pointed the remote at the chair. Sarah seemed to relax, going back to moaning in quiet agony. Mistress pocketed the remote before stepping forward to address the spectators.

“Our snuff-slut here is just about ready, folks. I think she’s going to cook up nice and tender over an open fire. But I’m afraid I’ve gotten myself all hot and bothered watching our snuff sluts cum. That means I need some attention myself. And what better way to get my needs met than to have some delicious young woman lying on the bench over here so I can sit on her face and get myself off while the blade dangles above her?”

Mistress gestured at the guillotine with the red base. “That’s right, ladies and gentlemen. It’s time to introduce the third member of our special ‘snuff sweepstakes’ tonight. She’s a college freshman who just happened to choose the wrong night to get in line outside the building. She was sponsored by one of our poker players who promptly lost her to me. She’s cute as a button, but I’m looking forward to having her head decorate my private suite for many months to come. Ladies and gentlemen, riding the guillotine I give you… SNUFF SLUT BECKY!”

There was enthusiastic applause as Nadia and Felicity escorted Becky over to the steps. She shook her head as she tried to resist. They almost had to drag her over.

By the time she reached the top of the steps where Chastity and Monique were waiting for her, there were tears in her eyes. “Come along, honey,” Mistress cooed excitedly at her. “There’s no need for tears. It’s all in good fun. It’s nothing to lose your head over.”

Poor Becky was horrified. At the same time, there were chuckles from the audience. “Naughty,” Monique commented with a sly grin, shaking her head at Chastity. Mistress just smiled, as she was having way too much fun to take things seriously.

They placed the whimpering college freshman onto her back on the bench. Then they slid her forward, locking her head down in the lunette. They tied her arms to the front legs of the bench while strapping her naked body down.

The lunette was in the way. Becky couldn’t see Ginger or Sarah. But they could definitely see her naked, squirming form.

“Here’s how it’s going to work, honey,” Mistress told the poor girl, talking down to her exposed head. “These folks are anxious to see us snuff a sexy, young woman tonight.  So we’re going to get started, ok?”

“First, we’re going to start the spit on our delicious young woman over there.” That’s when she motioned at Ginger. The young woman hanging on the impalement cross gasped in horror.

“While she’s being impaled, you’re going to get me off. It’s going to be so erotic watching her spitted live. But don’t you worry none. We’re going to have Monique lick your pussy. I want her to give you some pleasure so you can go out with a bang. How does that sound?”

Becky whimpered as she squirmed in the guillotine. That’s when Mistress leaned closer. “Here’s the best part sweetie. When the spit emerges out of her mouth? We’re dropping your blade – BANG!” Poor Becky jerked with a start, crying out in terror as Chastity chuckled at her.

“Don’t be frightened, honey. But here’s the really fun part. You won’t be able to see when the spit emerges. So you won’t know its time until we pull your lever. That should make the suspense that much more exciting; wouldn’t you agree?”

Becky whimpered as some of the spectators oohed and aahed. Mistress was thoroughly enjoying herself.

“You’ll be able to guess how close it is when you hear her start to gag and cough. The spit will make it hard for her to breathe. That’s when you’ll know you have very little time left.”

Becky whimpered again with fright. Her chest rose and fell as she panted like crazy. I could only imagine the horror going through her mind as Mistress vividly painted the scenario of her destruction.

“What do you think, folks?” Mistress called out to the crowd, whipping them up even more. “Ready for us to impale that one over there as we take this one’s head?”

There were eager cheers and cries of “DO IT – DO IT!” Mistress motioned for Monique to go over to the impalement cross to get things started. Ginger shook her head in fright while gasping, “No – DON’T!”

“Honey, this is going to be a little messy,” Mistress told Becky as she stood over the woman’s head. Then she parted her garments to reveal her dripping slit.

“My pussy’s quite wet. I’m incredibly horny; so aroused I can barely stand it. But you’re going to be a good girl and get me off, aren’t you?”

Her tone was ominous. Poor Becky whimpered in reply. Then Chastity took out the remote and aimed it at the chair.

“You too, snuff whore!” she called over as she triggered the remote. “You might as well join in on all the fun!”

Sarah gave out a muffled cry, her body stiffening. Monique activated the pole to the X cross. Ginger let out a scream as it pushed itself up into her anus.

Becky heard the distress of her fellow snuff sluts. That’s when she let out a cry of alarm. It was promptly muffled the moment Mistress squatted onto her face and started grinding her wet pussy against her mouth.

Monique came over to the bench of the guillotine. She knelt between the college freshman’s legs. Then she leaned forward and started to feast.

Becky let out a muffled cry of utter humiliation. She started to writhe, her grunts muffled by Chastity’s pussy covering her mouth. That’s when the audience began to raucously cheer the cruel, lewd display.

It was incredible watching all three sluts writhe and cry out up on stage. I wasn’t the only one turned on by what was happening though. Cocks were pulled out as several clients received blowjobs.

One customer went so far as to start fucking his female from behind as they both watched. There were gasps, cries and lustful moans. Chastity had indeed hit the trifecta with her three girls about to be snuffed up on the platform.

Ginger was in the most pain. She started crying out, “IT HURTS – MAKE IT STOP!” as the spit progressed through her insides. Her writhing body was arousing to watch.

I had an attendant come over to me, asking if I needed some relief. I waved her off, telling her, “Maybe later.” I wanted to save myself for Carmen and Sophia. I had a feeling Mistress was going to invite me to witness their suffering.

The attendant gave me a curious look. Then she shrugged before walking away. I think she was disappointed she was not making points with the co-owner of the club. I told myself I would wave her back and surrender to her charms if I became too aroused.

Chastity gasped with pleasure as she sat on poor Becky’s face. She had a clear view of Ginger’s suffering. She couldn’t help taunting the poor girl, “How’s that feel up your ass, honey? Is it everything you hoped it would be? Are you looking forward to roasting for us over an open fire?”

“Make it STOOOP!” the poor thing wailed, struggling against the straps that held her to the cross.

Sarah writhed in the chair as the power slowly increased. Becky wriggled and grunted, whimpering in the guillotine as my wife continued to work her snatch. I could tell the college freshman was approaching an orgasm of her own.

Mistress was getting close to detonation. She kept gasping, “Yes – yes – yes!” But her eyes never left Ginger as the spit make its way through the poor girl from Philadelphia.

There was a belch of sorts from Ginger. She cried out, “MY STOMACH – MY STOMACH!”

“Here that, honey?” Mistress told Becky. “Your special moment is drawing closer.” The college freshman squirmed as though terrified of what was soon to come.

The cheers had been silenced. The spectators around me were astonishingly quiet. Perhaps they wanted to hear the agonized cries coming from the stage.

There were excited grunts and whimpers. I thought I could hear the slurping sounds of nearby cocks being sucked. Comments around me were in hushed tones.

As Sarah’s muffled cries intensified, Ginger started to cough and convulse. It was as though she was trying to vomit the pole right out of her mouth. Her body writhed in agony, her eyes wide with pain as she tried to plead for someone to end her suffering.

“Getting closer, honey,” Mistress gasped excitedly at Becky.

The college freshman started thrashing about on the bench. It was as though she was trying to buck someone off. I heard Monique moan with excitement, her face buried in the woman’s crotch. Then Mistress tipped her head back and cried out as her orgasm shook her.

The spectators got louder, becoming more excited. Sarah let out a muffled scream, rocking side to side in the chair as her eyes rolled. Ginger’s suffering became more pronounced, as she started to choke in earnest.

Monique and Mistress never let up on poor Becky. Both of them continued their humiliating sexual assault on the poor girl. I nearly creamed my pants, and I began to regret my decision not to take advantage of that attendant’s offer.

“Almost time!” Chastity gasped breathlessly. “Honey, you have no idea how much you and your snuff sluts are getting me off. I think I’m gonna cum again! Get ready, baby; it’ll be any moment now!”

She wasn’t the only one. I could hear the sounds of eager sexual activity coming from the gathered spectators all around me. It was shamefully erotic.

Ginger jerked and convulsed as though it was the most painful thing she had ever endured. Her head tipped back until I saw the tip of the spit start to emerge from her open mouth. That’s when Chastity cried out, “Oh, FUCK!”

She tensed as though the orgasm she was having was profound. She cried out, “BYE – BYE, BABY! YOU’RE GONNA DIE WITH MY PUSSY IN YOUR FACE!” Then she reached up for the lever and pulled it.

Becky let out a muffled scream. I thought I saw something squirt into Monique’s face. One moment Becky’s face was buried in Chastity’s crotch. The next, the blade had come down.

Her head dropped away and bounced onto the floor. Blood flowed between Mistress’ parted legs. Becky’s body bucked in the straps as my wife kept her face mashed between the poor girl’s legs.

Chastity looked down in surprise as though noticing the head was no longer between her legs. She tracked it down and picked it up. She acted like she didn’t care about getting blood on her as she frantically jammed it hard into her crotch. Then she humped it like crazy as she let out a lustful cry.

The whole damned scene was surreal. For a moment I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Then I heard the roar of approval from the spectators.

Sarah thrashed about in the chair as though her body was on fire. Ginger gagged on the metal pole as it protruded out of her mouth. Mistress fucked herself with Becky’s head as my wife continued to lick the dying college freshman’s cunt.

Chastity finally gasped as she pulled the head away from her dripping snatch. She held it up by a handful of black hair. She gasped, “Damn, honey; you were great!” Then she showed it off to everyone as she used the remote to casually power down Sarah’s chair.

We all saw the mess of fluid dripping off the poor girl’s face. Her eyes were wide in shock, her mouth open in horror. It looked like she was still conscious.

Mistress excitedly rushed the head over to Ginger’s spasming body. “She’s dying, honey!” she gasped eagerly. “Get her off, baby; get her off!” Then she mashed Becky’s face against the blonde’s exposed cunt.

The Philly girl suddenly seemed to shudder as she grunted and gurgled. Blood leaked down around the pole up her ass. Her eyes blinked as she looked up at the spit sticking out of her mouth.

Her body shuddered again as she blinked once more. Then she seemed to relax with a gurgling sound, sagging tiredly on the cross. Mistress kept the severed head jammed against her crotch until urine dribbled out and coated her face.

Chastity looked up at Ginger and saw there was no activity other than a few stray muscles firing. She pulled the head away as she studied the impaled woman closely. “You gone, honey?” she gasped reverently, reaching out to tenderly caress a breast.

“I hope you went out with a bang, my pretty. I’m looking forward to getting you on to roast.” Then she lifted up Becky’s head, her face coated with fluids

Her expression sagged as eyes stared vacantly. The last thing the college freshman must have seen was the Philly girl’s dying cunt. “You gone too, baby?” Chastity observed with a smile.

She lifted the head up for all to see. “Two sluts down, folks!” she announced proudly. “That was absolutely fantastic!”

As the spectators cheered and applauded, she took the head over to show to Sarah. “What do you think, bitch?” she asked, displaying Becky’s skull as she cranked the juice up.

Sarah looked absolutely horrified. Then she screamed into her gag as her body thrashed about in the chair. She violently fucked those probes up her holes as though she had no choice in the matter.

Mistress powered the chair back down. Sarah sagged weakly, moaning softly. Monique walked up to Chastity a few moments later, her smile dripping from Becky’s last orgasm.

“Take this away for me, ok, baby?” Mistress told her, handing the head over. “Reunite her with her body while I get ready to snuff our next slut.”

Monique nodded and walked it back over. It was still dripping blood as she set it down on Becky’s chest. It faced toward her lifeless legs and the gallows beyond.

As Mistress composed herself, an attendant handed my wife a towel for her to wipe her face. When Mistress saw that Monique was ready, she turned to address the spectators. It was time to bring the last woman up on stage.

2010; 2019 (written Mar 21 ’10; ed. Dec 8 ‘19 by riwa)

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Indecision 4.4 (17)

Vanessa cautiously approached the fence from the spot where she’d hidden her vehicle. The words on the sign were faintly illuminated by the moonlight. But that didn’t matter as she already knew what they said…


“No shit, Sherlock!” she said, acknowledging the sign with a grin.

“Not to worry,” she added, patting the metal sign before she moved on around the corner past the sluice gate. “I have no intention of drowning tonight… not with these lungs anyway. I can hold my breath almost two minutes if I really need to.”

Vanessa looked around before quickly climbing the woven, wire-mesh fence. She was over it in seconds, hitting the ground and crouching. Then she rushed over to the bank of the canal that channeled the water from the river into the waterpark.

She found a tuft of bushes high enough to hide behind. Then she began peeling off her halter top, shorts, sneakers and socks. She felt a surge of excitement over what she was planning.

Since this was a daring adventure she was wearing her most daring bikini under her street clothes. It was her “zebra” outfit, the one with the thick, black stripes that horizontally crossed her top and bottoms. It made her feel sexy, as well as a little naughty.

That was fitting. After all, she WAS breaking the law by sneaking into the waterpark late at night. But she wasn’t planning on vandalizing anything or doing any damage.

This was mostly in response to a dare. All she wanted to do was make the swim through the tunnel, get inside, find a souvenir to authenticate her daring exploit, and then swim back out. It would prove once and for all to that bitch Barbara that she was better than her.

Vanessa looked all around to make sure the coast was clear. Then she quietly slipped into the canal. She was right near the entrance to the tunnel she would need to swim through.

The water was not that cold, considering it had come from the river. It was probably because it was mostly still. Thus, it had absorbed much of the day’s sun.

It hadn’t cooled off much during the evening after the park had shut down. In fact it had a tendency to soak up the oppressive heat of a hot summer day. The sluice gates had been closed, shutting off the current from the river for the time being.

Vanessa looked around once more before swimming cautiously to the entrance to the tunnel. The water rippled all around her. Then she grabbed onto the concrete edge of the tunnel to steady herself.

Her heart thumped loudly in her chest. She took long, deep breaths, filling and then emptying her lungs without trying to hyperventilate. She wanted to get as much air as she could, but she didn’t want to risk anything that might cause her to black out. After all, this wasn’t going to be a serious breath-hold. It was nothing more than a long swim underwater.

Vanessa took a breath and submerged, hanging onto the edge as she looked through the tunnel. She was trying to anticipate what obstacles might be in her path. It was darker than she liked, but the moonlight helped somewhat in illuminating the other end.

She took a closer look, trying to pierce the darkness with her eyesight. There did appear to be something up ahead in the tunnel. Was it blocking her route?

Vanessa burbled as she peered intently, trying to figure out what it was. It didn‘t appear to be a serious impediment. After all, she could see through to the other end.

It was a long tunnel, approximately 90 feet in length from what she’d read about it. But she’d swam that distance underwater in the town’s pool easily enough, proving she could handle it. Still, she felt an erotic quiver of uncertainty.

There was a slim possibility she might get stuck in there, although she was confident she would be ok. After all, she lived for this kind of challenge. Besides, it would teach that bitch Barbara a lesson.

She’d eagerly accepted Barbara’s stupid dare earlier in the day. She would sneak in, pick out something that would prove what she’d done, and then swim back out with it. It would be a piece of cake.

That Barbara was an arrogant bitch. But accomplishing this would shut her up good. All she would have to do was present her artifact in front of an astonished Barbara and her entourage of bitchy girlfriends… “SEE? Anybody else want to give it a shot? No? I didn’t think so!”

Vanessa surfaced where she started taking deep breaths again. It looked like there was something in the water, all right. But it still looked like she could get through. Otherwise the tunnel would be totally blocked, meaning she wouldn‘t be able to see anything on the other side.

She could always turn around if she came up against something she couldn’t get past. She‘d come this far and had already gotten wet. Vanessa didn‘t want to go back over the fence empty-handed without even trying.

“Let’s get this over with,” she muttered to herself.

She felt a surge of excitement well up within her now that the moment was at hand. It was time to get going. Besides, it wouldn’t be wise to loiter too long or she might risk getting caught by a passing security vehicle.

“This is gonna teach that bitch I’m every bit as good as she is, the hoity-toity little snot!” And with that, Vanessa filled her lungs. She submerged with a burble before slipping under the lip of the concrete tunnel.

It was several feet wide as well as five feet high. That gave her plenty of room to maneuver. Vanessa calmly began pulling herself forward with her arms, kicking smoothly with her long, slender legs.

She set a slow, steady pace for herself. There was no point in swimming hard and using up her oxygen. The goal was simply getting through to the other side.

Air dribbled out of her nose in the near darkness. Her excitement increased as she continued her underwater swim. She felt a swelling in her breasts the way she usually did when she was holding her breath underwater.

Her nipples hardened under her bikini top. At the same time she felt that familiar, pleasant little tingle down between her legs. Swimming underwater was exhilarating… and more than a little sensual.

As she slowly moved forward it came into view. Branches were wedged in against the walls of the tunnel. She released bubbles out of her nose in disgust.

Crap! Don’t they EVER clean this shit out of here? Damn! I’m gonna have to go back!

Disappointment welled up within her as she examined the blockage. Why couldn’t they keep their damned tunnels clean? This might spoil everything!

She was about to head back when she looked all around. She saw one opening… and then another. The branches weren’t blocking the flow of water. They’d simply been pulled in and gotten wedged inside, leaving several gaping openings for the water to pass through.

Apparently no one had noticed any significant decrease in the water’s flow. So no one knew about what was caught in the tunnel when the sluice gates were opened from time to time. They probably wouldn’t identify a problem until a few more branches wandered in and got stuck, further restricting the flow into the waterpark enough to warrant an investigation.

‘I’m sure as hell not gonna tell ‘em!’ Vanessa told herself. That would only get her in trouble. Let ‘em find out for themselves.

She looked around until she found an opening that would do just fine. She darted forward and squirmed through between a couple of branches. A moment later she came to a halt.

SHIT! She thought she could get through! It was just dark enough to cause her to misjudge obstructions.

She felt a surget of panic as she wiggled and squirmed. She peered forward and could see how much farther the other end of the tunnel lay in wait. But it didn‘t take long to get free.

Vanessa bubbled a sigh of relief. But now she could feel her lungs begin to burn. She moved forward, pulling here and pushing there.

She wriggled and squirmed until… SHIT! Something had snagged her ankle, halting her forward momentum. She burbled anxiously, wondering what was hanging her up.

She bent herself at the waist and reached back, pulling anxiously on the branches. Her ankle was caught in a V. She could feel it tingle; she must’ve broken the skin.

Pushing on the branch caused it to give grudgingly. A moment later her foot came free. Then she was through, her panic easing somewhat… that is, until she felt her lungs heave gently in her chest.

Damn! Had it taken that long to get through those branches??

Vanessa hesitated, releasing bubbles out of her nose. She looked forward to see how much further she had to swim. Then she looked backward to see the distance she’d traveled thus far as her lungs burned in her chest

It definitely looked shorter going back. All she would have to do was navigate her way back through the branches. She would just have to make sure she didn’t snag her ankle again.

The branches had been a bitch and a bother. But she knew she could get back through easily enough. She could probably make it faster having wriggled through once already.

She turned toward the far end and saw the opening waiting for her. It looked clear and inviting, with no more branches in sight. She could make that easily enough, couldn’t she?

She bubbled as her lungs spasmed with a growing persistence. She looked back again, causing her hair to swirl around her head. If she went back now she could always emerge from the tunnel, catch her breath, and then return to find an easier way through the branches.

But she was on the other side of the obstruction now. If she went back, that would mean she would have to go all the way back, catch her breath and then try all over again. She’d already come this far and was past the damned branches! It wasn’t that much farther up ahead, was it?

Vanessa looking toward the end of the tunnel. Then she looked back the way she’d come, her black hair swirling around her face. It did look a little far to finish her swim. Maybe she should go back and try again on another breath.

Vanessa was hesitant. The opening beckoned, but the way back was shorter. And she didn’t want to have to navigate through the branches any more than was absolutely necessary.

Her lungs heaved in warning. Vanessa made a made a mad dash toward the clearest path available. It was the one where she left the branches behind.

Her heaving lungs told her she wanted to get out as quickly as possible. But she didn’t want to work her way through a set of limbs just to come back and try again. Besides, she was low on air and didn’t want to risk getting hung up.

She bubbled as her lungs heaved in protest. She pulled hard with her arms, her legs kicking furiously. The opening in the tunnel grew closer.

She could see the channel divert past the opening up ahead in the dim moonlight. But it still seemed oh-so-far away. She swam harder, her mind telling her, “C’MON – ‘NESSA… YOU CAN DO THIS!”

She could feel the panic swelling inside her. Vanessa suddenly found herself wondering if she’d made the right decision. Her lungs were aching now, hitching sharply in protest.

The tunnel exit seemed farther away than what she’d anticipated. For a split second she slowed and hesitated. Once more she found herself wondering whether or not she should try to go back.

She jerked her head around to look behind her, her hair swirling around her face. That’s when she saw how far she’d come. She was well over halfway through the tunnel. Now she was committed.

SHIT! …and she turned and kicked as hard as she could, pulling furiously with her arms. Then she was hit by another painful spasm. Her lungs heaved insistently in her chest.

Air spewed out of her mouth as panic threatened to envelop her. She frantically covered her mouth with one hand in an attempt to contain what little air she had left. She pulled hard with her free arm as her legs kicked furiously.

Water worked its way up her nose, burning her sinuses. It made her wish she would’ve brought along some sort of dive mask. But she seldom wore one, and she hadn’t thought that far in advance.


Vanessa was hit by another painful spasm. She slowed as she frantically looked up at the ceiling of the tunnel, hoping to find some sort of air pocket. But there was nothing she could see in the near darkness.

From what she could tell, the tunnel was full. She would have to get out of it if she was going to get her next breath. Vanessa bubbled through her fingers as she kicked in desperation, pulling hard with her one hand as she covered her nose and mouth…


Her chest spasmed painfully, her lungs on fire. She couldn’t help slowing down. Another spasm drove more air out of her lungs, spurting out through her fingers.

Instinctively she clamped both hands over her mouth. She tried to kick her way forward. But she ended up angling up against the ceiling of the tunnel from her buoyancy, bumping against it and virtually coming to a halt…


It was less than 15 feet away, the opening large and inviting. But she was spasming up against the ceiling now. Vanessa pulled her hands away from her mouth, trying one last time to pull herself forward as her legs kicked weakly. She didn’t get very far. The next spasm forced more air out of her mouth in a burst of bubbles.


Vanessa spasmed painfully, inadvertently pulling water down her throat. She coughed as she instinctively banged up against the ceiling. Her arms flailed upward as though her body was attempting to locate an air source that could only be “up there somewhere”.

She gurgled as her lungs heaved again, the demand to breathe overriding all other motor functions. That’s when her will gave out. Vanessa inhaled sharply, roughly 10 feet from the opening.

Instinctively she shot upward, clawing at what seemed to be the roof of her prison. She hitched and spasmed, her body desperately trying to pull air into her tortured lungs. She coughed… gurgled… inhaled… coughed again.

It hurt like hell; every part of her body felt violated somehow. At the same time there was that familiar erotic tingle in her breasts and down between her legs. It was a tingle she didn’t fully understand other than the fact that it felt really good whenever she was underwater.

Vanessa opened her mouth and tried to scream. All that came out was a gurgle as the air continued evacuating her flooded lungs. Her body jerked and spasmed, her lungs trying to expel the liquid, only to succeed in pulling more water into her system.

She gulped one last time in an effort to swallow air. Then her body lost its buoyancy. Vanessa hitched and convulsed as she started to settle in the bottom of the tunnel.

Her body drifted down until she came to rest on her back. She stared vacantly up at the ceiling in utter disbelief, wondering how she could have miscalculated so badly. ‘I should’ve gone back,’ she told herself, her mind in a haze as darkness started to close in around the edges of her vision.

She couldn’t close her mouth, couldn’t seem to keep the water out. A small trickle of bubbles slipped out past her parted lips. Her body spasmed weakly, her arms fluttering like a bird with a broken wing while her legs twitched as though trying to find the strength to kick.

As consciousness began to fade, she found herself thinking about the bitch who’d dared her to try and pull off what she now realized was a very stupid stunt. ‘Barbara’s gonna love it when she hears I didn’t make it into the waterpark! That bitch!’

Her last thought was one of utter dismay over how long it might take before someone actually came inside the tunnel to clean out the branches. Only then would they find her body and fish her out.  Then darkness claimed her as the life flicked out of her eyes…

At 8:00 AM the sluice gates were opened, allowing the river to flow into the park for the day’s festivities. The current swept in and nudged Vanessa’s lifeless body, causing it to move slowly along the bottom. By 8:32 she reached the lazy river and started to bounce gently up and down as she moved ever so slowly along the bottom of that section of the park.

It was 9:18 when a female park employee finally spotted her in the lazy river, midway through her second circuit. The poor woman’s scream of horror instantly sent security scrambling in her general direction to see what all the fuss was about…

2007; 2019 (written for jqpublic Jun 9 ’07; ed. Apr 15 ‘19 by riwa)

(Picture found on the Internet and used for illustration purposes.)

Posted in Drowning Stories, Jqpublic Stories | Leave a comment

Patreon (and Riwas Reads updates) 3 (2)

Riwa’s Stories at Patreon

Coming November rewards

Teri 5.0 ch 4, another peril in the holodeck setting.
3 in the pool part 7 continues Melissa’s come-uppance leading up to the CSI investigation after the event.
Shelly in Cancun 7 involves our protagonist diving on the wreck with Andria and their two new friends.
Another chapter to Girl’s night out (I hope). I’m trying to get to the main event, but I keep getting long-winded.
An interesting follow-up to the Aqua-slut story involving a woman named Brooke.
Breaking her breath-holding record
The chore
The start of a beheading story with a protagonist named Joia.
The concluding chapter to Taylor’s followers (if I can get it done in time).
And a short story titled Hook 13.

September stories/rewards will fall off at the end of October to make room for November rewards.

Cold weather recently hit my part of the state. Blowing and drifting snow set in for a couple days, reminding me what to expect from my winters up here. Mom and I handle it with the same calm resolve most members of our state handle it with. The slide-offs indicate there are those who have not yet adapted to snow-covered roads. We always hope those incidents result in minor injuries only.

One new issue has developed though. The vehicle I use to navigate this weather will not be viable much longer. I need a massive amount of repairs for a vehicle too old to poor that much money into. So I’ll soon be looking for another one, hopefully one I can use to maneuver snowy roads in winter. Most of the funds that come in will end up going toward my purchasing another vehicle. I’ll want to be careful not to go into too much debt if I can help it. But sometimes you’ve got to do what you’ve got to do. So I want to thank you once again for being my patrons.

Riwas Reads Update

The store is closed. You can no longer make purchases. But you can still get downloads you have purchased through the end of October. After October 31st, the site will no longer be accessible and will go offline. At this time there is no way of knowing if any future store will ever go up.

If there are stories you still wish to acquire, you can contact me through here using the comment function. Perhaps we can make other arrangements. For now I will leave the Riwas Reads updates in place throughout the library so you can see what stories I used to have up at the store.

Thank you so much for your purchases. Sales from the last two weeks will go a long way toward helping me acquire another vehicle.

Posted in Riwas Reads | 2 Comments

Underwater hockey practice (men’s themes) 3.8 (5)

Note: Every now and then I try to do one of these for the guys and for the ladies who like to read them.

In Stuttgart Germany, six members of the men’s underwater hockey club gain special access to a large indoor pool. They head to the locker room to change. When they emerge, they are all sporting Speedos, goggles and swimcaps.

They take all their hockey gear with them to the deep end of the pool. It is approximately three meters in depth. An underwater goal is set up on the pool floor along one wall.

The water feels great when they all jump in. It is cool enough so they will not overheat from their exertions. But it does cause several cocks to stir. Being in the water does that to many of them. It’s one reason why they enjoy playing underwater hockey.

They start their practice by swimming laps back and forth across the deep end. As usual, Oskar is the best surface swimmer. With black speedos, goggles and swimcap, he is very competitive. He is also the strongest and most muscular of the group.

Afterwards, it is down to the bottom of the pool. Now the team members all swim laps back and forth across the pool floor. They continue until they cannot hold their breath any longer and are forced to surface.

Hans in his red Speedos and swimcap proves to be better at holding his breath while swimming the longest. He is less of a sprinter, but more of an endurance swimmer. The other members tend to burn up their oxygen quicker, often leaving him the last one on the bottom of the pool.

Hans is granted a reward for staying down the longest. He picks Franz in the maroon Speedos who will swim down with him. Hans likes Franz the most when it comes to receiving “rewards”.

The rest of the team watch as Hans and Franz remove their Speedos. Then Franz gets to work sucking Hans’s cock at the bottom of the pool. He must stay down and hold his breath until salty cum fills his mouth.

Afterwards, the members split up into two teams. Dieter, Stefan and Hans will play against Bernd, Oskar and Franz. The puck is dropped, and the six teammates go at it.

Oskar scores the first goal by brute strength. But Dieter in the green Speedos scores the second. The practice game is now tied.

Masculine pride soon becomes evident. All six teammates go hard at it. But it’s Hans that scores the winning goal, being able to stay down the longest as the others are forced to surface, get a breath and then come back down.

The losers must strip off their Speedos. They are forced to masturbate in front of the winners until they cum. Franz always seems to have the most cum, and he shoots the biggest ropes of cream into the water, much to the delight of his teammates. The winners enjoy watching the losers jerk their cocks at the bottom of the pool.

From there, it’s a fifteen minute soak in one of the hot tubs. Then it’s back to the pool for more practice. Once again, the water is cool enough to cause six cocks to stir in their Speedos.

This time the teammates pair off. They work on staying down on the pool floor for as long as they can hold their breath while passing a puck back and forth to each other. The pair that can stay down the longest gets a special prize.

Despite Hans’s ability, he’s paired with Dieter who cannot hold his breath as long. Together Bernd and Stefan hold their breath the longest while passing the puck back and forth to each other. They win this round. Both of them want underwater blowjobs as their reward.

Bernd in his blue Speedos chooses Hans. Stefan, who likes to wear white speedos to show off his long, fleshy bulge, chooses Oskar. Stefan likes gagging Oskar with his long, thick dick. But there’s no doubt Oskar likes it too.

Bernd and Stefan head to the bottom of the pool where they pull off their Speedos. Hans and Oskar swim down to reward the winning puck-passing breath-hold duo. Stefan gags Oskar, but Bernd cannot resist locking with Hans in a 69. Dieter and Franz simply strip off their Speedos and go under to hold their breath and watch while jerking their cocks.

It proves to be another long, breath-holding challenge. Hans and Oskar work hard at trying to get off Bernd and Stefan. The losers have to get off the winners, even if there is a risk of being drowned and revived. The guys love doing that to each other.

Bernd and Hans are talented cocksuckers. The duo in the 69 manage to get each other off in about three minutes. Leaking cream out of their mouths, they happily head for the surface.

Stefan tries to hold off for as long as he can. He loves torturing Oskar’s lungs. With a heaving chest, Oskar finally gets a mouthful of cum at 3:47 and is allowed to surface, with Stefan and his heaving lungs right behind him.

Once again it’s back to the hot tub for a soak and a fifteen minute break. Then it’s back into the water for some horseplay breath-holding. The Speedos quickly come off.

There is a lot of grabbing and groping. Cocks are sucked and asses are humped. It gets the guys all worked up again.

Once more they break up into two teams of three. Oskar wants a rematch from the first game they lost. Everyone is agreeable. This time there will be greater rewards for the winners.

The game is stretched to a best-out-of-five. But the two teams are evenly matched. The game ends up being tied at 2-2, with all six of them feeling straining lungs and noticeable erections.

They take a two minute break before they play the final point. It’s Bernd taking a pass from Franz who slams home the winning goal. To the victors go the spoils.

This time Oskar gets to turn the tables on Stefan. He makes his teammate suck him first. Then he grabs his legs, pulls them apart and fucks him at the bottom of the pool.

Stefan excitedly jerks his long, thick erection. He doesn’t mind getting fucked on the pool floor. He just hopes he can hold his breath long enough.

Both of them stay down for as long as possible while the others watch and masturbate. With heaving lungs, Stefan jerks cum out of his long shaft. Oskar fills his ass with spunk until the breathless duo head for the surface.

Now it’s Bernd’s turn. He wants to fuck Hans. But he knows he can’t hold his breath as long as his teammate.

Hans grabs a pair of ankle weights. He submerges to suck Bernd underwater into full hardness. Then he fills his lungs and sinks to the bottom.

Bernd pauses long enough to give Hans a head start at breath-holding. Then he dives down and stands behind his teammate. He grabs him from behind and bends him over face down. That’s when he drives his cock deep up his teammate’s ass.

Hans is so excited that he cannot help reaching under to jerk his own cock. But his lungs burn as he runs out of breath. Teammates drift all around the horny duo, jerking their meat while watching the action.

Bernd does his best to hold his breath without cumming. He wants to outlast Hans, perhaps drowning him in the process. It might work, being as how Hans’ lungs are on fire.

Hans finally shoots ropes of cream into the pool. Then he tries to break free and head back to the surface. But his teammates come down to hold onto his arms, forcing him to stay down until Bernd receives his winnings.

He gurgles as he starts sucking water. He spasms and convulses as his ass massages Bernd’s cock. Bernd finally shoots a load deep up his rectum.

Afterwards, the team hauls a drowned Hans to the surface. He is revived where he shows no ill effects. Next time he vows to drown Bernd the first chance he gets.

For his reward, Franz wants to drown Dieter. The team has a pair of handcuffs at the ready for just such an occasion. So they handcuff Dieter’s wrists to the end of a long, metal pole.

Oskar operates the pole up at the surface, forcing Dieter all the way to the bottom of the pool. Franz waits until Dieter has been down for at least a minute. Then he swims down and moves behind his cuffed teammate.

He thrusts his cock hard up Dieter’s ass. Stefan takes advantage of the situation by sticking his erect dick into a helpless Dieter’s mouth. Bernd comes over and sucks Dieter’s stiff erection.

Dieter grunts and bubbles as he holds his breath for as long as he can. Being triple-teamed is making him horny. But it is also making it impossible for him to hold his breath very long.

His chest heaves until he is in pure agony. Then his lungs give out. Dieter’s cock spurts into Bernd’s hungering mouth.

Stefan fucks Dieter’s throat as the teammate coughs and gurgles. A drowning Dieter gets a load of cream pumped between his lips. He’s barely conscious when he feels Franz shoot a load of spunk deep up his ass from behind.

Oskar slowly pulls Dieter up by the pole where they all help to get him out of the water. They check to make sure he is all right, seeing that his breathing returns to normal. Then Oskar and Hans dive down and fetch the goals and all the Speedos

It’s back to the hot tub for one last relaxing soak. But the guys cannot resist reaching around to grab the nearest cock. Soon the hot tub is boiling over with the heat of male sexual lust.

Hans takes advantage of the situation by fucking Bernd as payback. The cuffs are retrieved and Bernd is forced to wear them. Hans gives him a good, hard fuck in the hot tub, bending him over at the waist, forcing his head underwater and making him grunt and bubble.

Dieter gets the same idea with Franz. Together he and Hans fuck Franz and Bernd in the hot tub. The two vengeful teammates make their friends hold their breath for long, agonizing minutes. Then they pump them full of spunk as the bubbles come up.

Oskar forces Stefan to sit on the bottom of the hot tub with his legs over Stefan’s shoulders. Stefan jerks his cock while holding his breath as Oskar watches. His lungs are straining when Oskar lets him up.

They quickly get into a 69. Then they suck each other’s dicks underwater, trying to see who can outlast the other. They struggle and bubble until heaving lungs cause both cocks to go off in hungering mouths.

Afterward releasing all that spunk, the team settles down for one last soak. It’s been another erotic night of practice. They all vow to meet again before the game.

2020 (written Jan 19 ’20 by riwa)

(Inspired by the drawing by Graphite which was created for Oeff)

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The Witch 4.4 (29)

The wind let out a mournful sigh as Annabelle walked the streets. Otherwise there was no sound, not even the cry of a bird or the bark of a hound. No villagers rushed out to accuse her.

It felt odd walking so brazenly through the center of town in plain sight. How many times had she longed to do this without fear? How many of her sisters had made the fatal mistake of showing their faces like this?

There was no one here now. The scourge had seen to that. Two of her own had succumbed to it. The others had fallen victim to the judgement of the populace.

She made her way to the prison out on the edge of town. There were no sentries to stop her. It was deserted as well.

She brazenly strolled through the open gate without fear. There was no one in sight who could give her a death warrant. No one tried to halt her, much less cry out a warning of the witch in their midst.

She wore her large hat, one she would have dared not don had the scourge not decimated the population. On top of it a raven cawed into the breeze. She smiled as she looked up and told her familiar, “There is no need to fear, Horace. There is no one to lay an accusing hand on me now.”

She felt melancholy. It surprised her to realize how lonely she was. The villagers would have attacked her for sure, marching her here to the prison to be condemned in front of a judge. But there was no judge now, no group of elders who could charge her for being a witch.

She wandered through the barracks. The breeze ruffled her skirt as it made her hat flutter. Horace cawed again as he fluttered his wings and shuffled about, causing Annabelle to let out a sad smile.

She made her way out to the courtyard. That’s where she set her eyes upon it once again. She’d seen it several times before. But this time it did not frighten her. There was only sadness at the memory of the members of her order it had claimed.

Horace cawed; the raven had seen it too. “There’ll be no hangings today, my friend,” she told the fowl reassuringly. “There is no one to carry out the command to hang me. The scourge has claimed the majority. The rest have fled to the north in hopes of escape. But there will be no mercy for them up there as the scourge will be awaiting their arrival.”

She walked up to the gallows without fear. It was an odd sensation staring at the structure that had claimed several of her kind. A lone noose still dangled, the wind setting it to swinging as though longing for one more neck.

She slowly climbed the steps, the wood creaking each time she brought her foot down. Her eyes focused on the noose before her. The breeze picked up, setting it to swinging back and forth.

“Do you want one more?” she asked with a smile as she reached the platform. “One more neck for old time’s sake? There is no one here to give the order, no one to pull the lever for you to claim me.”

A gust set the noose to swaying a little more. Horace cawed at the rope. Annabelle simply smiled with amusement.

“Eager to feel one more neck, are you? My, but you’re hungry. Do you want to claim one more life? Perhaps you’d like to take mine?”

She paused as she inspected the gallows. Images returned of the previous hangings of three of her kind. She’d witnessed them from afar, but perhaps not far enough to be able to blot out the painful memory of seeing them kick and suffer.

She walked up and grabbed the noose with a knowing smile. “I ought to throttle you in response to those you have throttled, my friend. But what would that accomplish? You are immune to such things.” Horace cawed again, the raven fluttering on her hat before readjusting his position.

She felt a shiver at holding the lethal coil in her grasp. How many lives had it claimed? How many of her kind had died in this very spot?

Annabelle felt the melancholy return. It was not because of the loss of those she knew. It was because she was so alone. There was no one to talk to but Horace, not even a stray villager.

She stood there grasping onto the noose. The breeze diminished considerably. It was as though the wind was holding its breath.

She smiled inwardly. ‘Not today,’ she thought as though speaking in reply to the faint gust that fluttered her hat. Horace cawed before readjusting his position yet again.

A thought came to mind from out of her loneliness… ‘Why not today?’ Horace cawed as though he’d heard the thought. Annabelle looked upward at her hat.

“Why not indeed, Horace? There is nothing left for me here but ‘justice’, foul and undeserved though it may be. Surely they would hang me if they could.”

Horace cawed again. “Why shouldn’t I consider it?” she told her familiar. “It would only set you free. The sky is there, my friend; opportunity awaits.”

Horace cawed once more. Annabelle shook her head. “You know you shouldn’t do that, old friend. The more you try to discourage me, the more I set my mind on something.” Then she reached up and grabbed the large brim of her hat.

Horace fluttered his wings before flying off. He landed on the platform a short distance away. Annabelle set her hat down upon the platform, wondering if she had need of it anymore.

Horace cawed up at her. She looked down at the raven and smiled. “What’s the matter, old friend? I’m perfectly dressed for the occasion. There’s no one to see me like this. Why is it I now long for the eyes of some villagers to gaze upon me in my garb during my final moments?”

The raven cawed again. She scowled in reply. “Of course I’m perfectly capable! I haven’t lost my touch, you know.”

She closed her eyes as though concentrating. Annabelle deliberately brought her arms behind her back. There was a flash of sunlight behind her before she felt cords of hemp magically appear to wrap tightly around her wrists.

Horace cawed again. Annabelle scolded her familiar. “Oh be quiet. I’ll do what I please, thank you very much.” There was another anxious caw.

“My necklace? Of course I haven’t forgotten about my necklace!” Then she closed her eyes and concentrated again.

The noose moved as though guided by the breeze. It carefully looped itself over her head. Then it rested tenderly upon Annabelle’s neck.

She felt an erotic shiver. A part of her tried to ask what she thought she was doing. But she did not listen to her inner voice. Horace was putting up enough of a protest for both.

The raven cawed again. Annabelle smiled at her familiar. “How do I look?”

There was another caw. “Do you mind?” she asked indignantly. “I only wish to experience what it must have felt like for the others. I have no intention of…”

Caaw – caaw!

“So who asked you?”

The raven tilted his head as he looked at her. Annabelle looked at her familiar with amusement. “What; you think I can’t do it? You think I haven’t got the power? Or do you question my nerve?”

She was so lonely. There was nothing left but hours… days… weeks of isolation and solitude ahead. Friends and enemies alike – all had been taken by way of the noose or the scourge.


“You’ve been a good friend, Horace. Thus, I set you free. Go forth, unshackled by this mortal coil.”


“Not this time. I’ve made up my mind. This is my penance for watching the others hang one by one. I am tired. Perhaps it is time to join them.”


“Goodbye, old friend. Now let’s see if I can do this.”

She closed her eyes, appearing deep in concentration. Nearby the lever started to move. There was another caw as though Horace was trying to distract her from her focus.

Annabelle winced as she concentrated. She was capable of doing this one last thing, wasn’t she? Then she felt the platform give way beneath her.

She dropped only a little. She let out a cry as the noose pulled her up short. It was just as she had surmised.

They did not want a snapped neck and a quick execution. Instead they wanted a spectacle, a fine entertainment. Annabelle only wished there were witnesses around so she could give one to them.

The pain around her neck was more than she expected. Her legs kicked involuntarily. Instinctively she fought against the noose.

She felt a perverse thrill settle in her loins. Her womanhood winked at the ground below as she kicked and struggled. She rasped for breath, amazed how much it hurt… and how much the noose seemed to be wringing such a strange, sexual pleasure out of her.

Was she having visions? What was this she was seeing before her bloodshot eyes? Had a few stray villagers gathered to witness the noose claim its final victim??

Her sheer skirt fluttered. The breeze had picked up and was now caressing her. She could feel it tickling her swollen nub like a teasing lover…


She grimaced indignantly as she struggled to send her thoughts to her familiar. ‘Not now, Horace! Can’t you see I’m dancing for them??’

The raven craned its neck and looked all around, seeing no one. Then it cawed again. ‘You bloody bird; I’m perfectly sane!’

The pain was unlike any she had previously experienced. Her throat wanted to close off. She was reaching the point where she would not be able to concentrate much longer. That meant she would soon lose her ability to free herself if she so desired.

But did she so desire?

Horace cawed again. Annabelle nodded as she kicked extra special for her familiar. Horace deserved one last spectacle.

This platform had borne witness to so many “dancers“. Horace had witnessed many as well. One more performance for him would not make much difference.

Horace cawed again. Annabelle felt pleasure blossom between her legs. Was this what others of her kind had experienced before they’d shed their mortal coils? She could only hope there had been some small benefit for them in the midst of such excruciating pain.

Her jig became less animated as she grew weary. She did not have much energy left to put into her dance. She sensed she was reaching the point of no return.

Horace cawed again. ‘Bloody bird. What else do you want to see? I’ve not got much more I can give you.’

Horace began to cry out. He was urging her to get herself down. But she didn’t feel like fighting anymore. After all, what was there to live for?

She longed to return to her kind. But they were no longer of this world. That was easily rectified. She would simply join them wherever they happened to be.

She heard faint caws from Horace. It puzzled her brain. Was something missing?

She smiled inwardly. Then she concentrated as best she could. If only she had enough energy left.

The breeze blew against her. She gently swayed back and forth. Then she felt a coolness all over.

Ahh, success! Her nipples hardened almost immediately. The wind caressed her like a lover now that she’d shed her sheer material.

She began to hitch as her heart started skipping beats. Her womanhood clenched as her muscles instinctively squeezed. She heard Horace one last time.

She contacted him with her last ounce of strength. ‘No, my friend. It’s better this way. Go in peace. Find others of your kind to spend the rest of your days with. Now I go to find mine. Don’t worry, it’s not so bad up here. It actually feels kind of niiiiiiiiii……….’

Annabelle went into seizures as internal organs started shutting down. She couldn’t feel her legs anymore. Horace was wailing his grief, but she could no longer hear him.

Her bladder emptied, which felt like a welcome relief. Then she gently swung back and forth as the breeze caressed her all over. Her tongue protruded as she stared with unseeing eyes. The last thing she thought she saw was the open arms of Ariel, the last witch they’d hanged from this very gallows….

Horace began to caw and caw. His wings fluttered as he took flight. He circled around her cooling corpse as she gently swung back and forth. Then with a caw of sorrow and regret he headed off.

The villagers, what few had remained, had gone north. Thus, he would go south. Something inside told him there was life waiting for him if only he would fly south…

2020 (written Mar 14 ’20 by riwa)

(Inspired by renders created by Noosegirl which I used for illustration purposes.)

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A daughter’s murderous rage 3 (7)

Meredith sat in the tub soaking as her mind wandered. She was going out to see Anthony in another hour or so. She was really looking forward to it.

He had the longest, thickest cock of any man she’d previously met. The only complication was the fact he just so happened to be her daughter’s boyfriend. Meredith smiled inwardly, convinced Anthony was about to trade up.

A young man that was hung like that deserved a real woman, not some child. True, her daughter was out of school and working for a veterinarian. But Anthony deserved a mature woman, not some girl still trying to decide what she wanted as a career.

She’d found out about Anthony’s package quite by accident. Her daughter was hosting a pool party and she’d been in the water when she’d bumped into him. She’d reached down accidentally on purpose and had felt what he was packing. From then on she’d gone out of her way to seduce him.

Two days later she’d fucked him in the pool while Hayley was at the vet’s office learning how to tend to injured dachshunds. A couple days after that had found her and Anthony out on an intimate picnic in the woods. Ever since then she hadn’t been able to get enough of him. What’s more, he’d actually confessed his enjoyment at fucking her.

Meredith thought about her daughter. Then she thought about Anthony and that huge cock of his. It really was no contest. Kayley just wasn’t woman enough to handle him like she was.

She was already getting horny imagining his dick inside her later tonight. She couldn’t believe how hung he was. Every time they fucked, he totally filled her.

She wasn’t just taking it up her fuckhole either. Meredith had learned to deep throat his entire length. And she was taking it up her ass as well. It was amazing how intense her orgasms were while he was fucking her shithole.

Meredith heard an angry voice from the next room. It sounded like Hayley was talking to someone on her cell. And she didn’t sound happy.

Had she learned about her and Anthony? Had he finally spilled the beans? Frankly that boy deserved far better than her daughter anyway. And Meredith was determined to make a man out of him.

Hayley suddenly burst into the bathroom. “Mother, is it true?”

“Is what true, honey?”

“Is it true you’ve been sleeping with Anthony?”

“I’m sorry, Haley, but it just happened. Besides, he’s just not the man for you.”

“Mother, you had no right to start dating my boyfriend!”

“Hayley, it was an accident. You can do so much better anyway.”

“Why; because you’re seeing him now?”

“Now honey, don’t be that way.”

Hayley climbed into the bath with her mother. “What way am I not supposed to be, mother? He’s my boyfriend!”

“Not anymore, honey. Look, it’s for the best anyway.”

“You bitch! You stay away from him!”

“Calm down, honey. He’s just not worth it.”

“That’s because you want him, isn’t it…ISN’T IT!”

“Hayley, would you just get out of here and let me take my bath? I have a date later tonight…”

“With Anthony?? You bitch!” Then Hayley angrily pushed down on her mother’s head.

Meredith went down in a flurry of bubbles. Then she came up sputtering. “Damnit, Hayley! Would you stop acting like a child?”

“Mother, I won’t let you date Anthony! I WON’T!”

“Honey, it’s out of your hands. Anthony’s entitled to date anyone he wants. Now get out of here and let me finish my bath.”

“You bitch!”

Hayley pushed down on her mother’s head again. Meredith went under spewing a flurry of bubbles. She thrashed about before she managed to get her head back up out of the water.

She coughed and sputtered for a couple moments. Then she told her daughter, “Honey, it’s time to drop this silly nonsense, ok? Anthony is dating me and that’s all there is too it. You’re young so you’ll find someone new, someone more suited to your personality.”

“You bitch! I hate you!” And once more Haley forced her mother down into the tub.

Hayley was in a murderous rage. She forced her mother underwater and tried to keep her there. Meredith kicked and struggled as she fought to get her head back up.

Hayley was crying and cursing as her mother tried to reach the surface. The daughter pushed down in anger as more bubbles came up. Then her mother started hitching and gurgling as her breath gave out.

Hayley witnessed geysers of bubbles as her mother started swallowing water. But she continued pushing down on her until there was no more movement. Then she rose up and looked down, panting heavily for breath.

Meredith stared upward in a state of lifeless shock, her mouth gaping open. A few stray bubbles leaked out past her parted lips. Then the water began to settle.

“BITCH!” the daughter bellowed as though wanting the last word. She got it; there was no response.

Hayley looked down at the damage she’d done. Then she dragged her mother’s body out of the tub. She pulled her through the house and out back where she rolled her into the deep end of their swimming pool.

Her mom went skinny-dipping all the time. But sometimes she wasn’t as careful as she should be. Besides, accidents happened in the pool all the time.

She went inside to clean up. Then she went out for the night, being as how Anthony wasn’t her boyfriend anymore. A couple hours later he came over to the house when Meredith never showed up for their date. He was the one who found her in the back yard pool and called the police. But when word got out they were dating, he became the prime suspect in a possible homicide investigation.

2019 (written Mar 4 ’19 by riwa)

(Pictures found in my archives and used for illustration purposes. If I learn the company name who produced them, I’ll gladly give them proper credit.)

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