A spastic pool vaduum 3.8 (10)

He looked down at the water in disgust as the pool vacuum glugged and jerked at the bottom of the pool. He could see the results in the hose. It twitched and stiffened while being dragged behind the main assembly.

At times it looked like it was properly sucking up loose particles of debris and strands of hair. Then it would belch things back out as it continued to scour the bottom, accomplishing virtually nothing at all. He was dealing with a spastic pool vacuum… and he didn’t have the part needed to make it run properly.

He dried himself off, removed his soaked swim trunks, and then slipped back into his street clothes. There was a supplier on the other side of town who had the part he needed. If he wanted to make the repair quickly, it would mean driving clear over to fetch it and then bringing it back to install it.

He toyed with putting it off for another day. But the homeowner was frustrated as hell with her pool vac. She wanted the damn thing fixed yesterday.

She’d called the repair company several times, complaining on three separate occasions. It was time to fix it once and for all. They wanted to get her off the company’s back.

He looked down in disgust. Then he muttered, “You just cough and sputter all you want, you little bastard. But I’ll be back in an hour. Then we’ll put an end to your belching crap back out onto the pool floor once and for all.”

For a moment he thought about packing up all of his gear and taking it with him. Then he decided to leave it and his trunks behind. Besides, he was planning on coming right back.

Hopefully traffic won’t be too bad during lunch hour,” he muttered unhappily as he headed out the gate to his work truck. “Maybe I’ll pick up a burger on my way back…”

Deidra pulled into the yard, frustrated with how work had gone. The boss had yelled at her because she’d misfiled some papers. What’s more, a client was unhappy and ready to leave their company for something she may or may not have played a part in.

To top it off, she’d been asked to run some company errands during her lunch hour. “Take a long lunch if you have to,” her boss had told her with a dismissive wave. “Just don’t forget to pick up that stuff I told you about.”

She’d driven home in a huff, amazed how some days could deteriorate so quickly. She pulled into the drive and snorted with disgust when she didn’t see any sign of that pool company’s repair truck. “They probably haven’t even been here yet!” she thought bitterly.

To confirm her suspicions, she walked along the side of the house before opening the gate to her back yard. She was surprised to see a set of workman’s tools lying near the pool along with a damp set of swim trunks. Then she looked all around, wondering if the repairman was here.

She hadn’t seen the work truck in the driveway. But it was obvious he’d been here recently. Then she heard an eruption of bubbles in the water.

Deidra walked over to the pool and looked down. The repairman certainly wasn’t in the water. The bastard was probably out somewhere eating lunch.

She could see the pool vac faithfully chugging along the bottom. Was it working now? Had he fixed the damn thing, only to leave his tools and trunks behind?

All of a sudden the pool vacuum went spastic again. The hose behind it jerked and shuddered as though the flow had been interrupted. It was doing the same thing she’d complained about the last three calls.

Had he even worked on the damn thing? Hell, it looked as though the repairman had made things worse! His tools and trunks were still here. So where the hell was he??

The pool vacuum suddenly belched, spewing air as bits of debris were discharged back onto the pool floor. “Shit!” Deidra muttered in disgust, her arms on her hips. “That bastard didn’t fix a damn thing!”

She watched as it moved along the floor of the deep end of the pool, dragging the hose behind it. Now it was working fine again. But she knew it wouldn’t last.

Sure enough, it wasn’t long until it became spastic once more. The hose behind it jerked and shuddered.

As far as she could tell, there had to be something wrong with the intake. Hell, for all she knew the damn thing was just clogged or something! What the hell could take so long in fixing that??

By now Deidra was frustrated with the whole damn thing. The spastic vac still wasn’t working the way it was supposed to. And this was after making three separate calls to the pool repair company. It was the perfect ending to a miserable morning.

She’d finally had enough! Deidra looked around again before taking off her secretarial outfit. She was going to go down there and have a look for herself.

The afternoon errands could wait. She wanted to see if she could do anything about it. Besides, hadn’t her boss told her to take a long lunch?

She stripped down to her bra and panties. But then she hesitated. Did she really want to do this?

Why the hell not?” she told herself. She was hot and frustrated. A short little skinny-dip in her pool would be just the thing she needed to cool off.

The repairman was nowhere in sight. So she figured she could get away with it. That’s when Deidra quickly slipped out of her under-garments before stepping off the side of the pool, hitting the cool water with a quiet splash.

She burbled as she swam down to the bottom. She went chasing after “Snoopy”, which is what she called the damn thing. It had an intake that sucked debris off the bottom as well as an exhaust pipe for filtering water back out. The long hose that dragged behind was like a writhing snake, giving “Snoopy” an extraordinarily long tail.

She swam down toward it and shook her head. “You would have to be in the deep end, wouldn’t you,” she thought in frustration.

She reached the pool vacuum and picked up the bulky object before turning it over. She didn’t fully understand how it worked. But it seemed to be sucking water properly.

She set it back down on the bottom near what looked like a combination of hair and silt. It dutifully glided over the top, leaving a clean section of floor in its wake. “So what the hell seems to be the problem?” she asked herself in frustration.

As she hovered nearby she watched the damn thing suddenly go all spastic on her again. It choked and jerked before belching sediment out of both ends. “SHIT!” her mind cried out in dismay.

She bubbled as she waved herself away from the spewing material. That certainly wasn’t the way it was supposed to work. Then she felt her lungs heave in her chest.

It was time to head back up. She hadn’t planned on a long breath-hold or anything. She was simply going for a naked swim while trying to figure out what was making “Snoopy” so damn spastic.

Deidra blew a burst of bubbles before chasing them back to the surface. She burst up panting heavily, her nipples having hardened from the refreshing coolness of the water. Then she looked down at the pool vac in dismay.

She certainly wasn’t about to pay for another unit. It was up to the company to get her a new one or fix the damn thing. Deidra sighed in frustration before taking a deep breath and heading back down.

She swam down to the vac before picking it up off the bottom. She turned it over, trying to determine what was wrong with it. She waved a hand in front of its mouth, noticing the suction.

Deidra peered closely, trying to determine if there was some sort of obstruction. But there didn’t appear to be any. Of course she didn’t understand how the damn thing worked. So how was she supposed to figure it out?

She checked the exhaust pipe, feeling a flow of water coming out. That’s when “Snoopy” started to seize up again. The flow of water ceased coming out of the pipe.

Instinctively she stuck a hand inside. Deidra tried to feel around for some sort of obstruction. Once more the hose began writhing and jerking.

The vacuum abruptly coughed and belched, causing a reverse flow that suddenly suctioned against her hand. It startled Deidra, causing her to let go of the damn thing in her grasp. But it hungrily clung to the hand it had swallowed.

She bubbled as she instinctively tried to twist away from it. That’s when the hose jerked and spasmed again. But she was more concerned the damn thing was going to bite her hand clear off than worrying about the whipping hose.

For some reason she couldn’t shake “Snoopy” off her hand. She cried out a burst of bubbles in alarm as she tried to back away from it. Her actions caused the coils of hose to twist all around her as they jerked from the machine’s spastic attempts at trying to suction properly.

She felt the hose around her legs and tried to avoid it. But it was twisting as though having a seizure. The hose coiled all around her.

She tried to jerk out of the way. But she became entangled by a second and then a third coil. She soon found herself in a tangled mess.

Deidra burbled in alarm, wondering why the hell the damn thing wasn’t returning back to normal. It was still hanging onto her hand, belching and spasming as though it was caught in a reverse feedback loop. It was a damn nuisance. Besides, she really needed to surface again.

She kicked upward as her lungs started to heave, deciding to take the contraption up with her. But she got caught in the coils. “Snoopy’s” weight was just enough to keep her from reaching the surface.

She didn’t quite make it. The bulky machine and entangling hose pulled her back down. Deidra grunted in alarm, anxiously staring up at the surface.

Her chest heaved, her breasts bobbing up and down. She tried to shake “Snoopy” off her hand again. But the damn thing had some sort of perverse attachment to her and wasn’t about to let go. Not only that, the coils were just enough of a hindrance to help keep her entangled at the bottom.

She kicked off the pool floor again in growing alarm. Deidra was consciously aware she couldn’t hold her breath that much longer. But the coils of hose were in her way.

Some had wrapped around her naked flesh. They kept spasming, causing a couple of them to tighten around her body. A moment later she discovered her arms were almost pinned to her sides.

Gawd; NO!” her mind screamed as she frantically tried to shake “Snoopy” off her hand.

Her lungs were on fire from lack of another breath. This hadn’t turned out well at all. Her day was going from bad to worse. Hell, she was now on the verge of drowning!

She began cursing herself in her mind. “Stupid bitch for sticking your hand where it doesn’t belong! Stupid, spastic pool vac! Stupid, stupid “Snoopy”!”

The machine coughed and belched again, finally releasing her hand. In desperation she shot up to the surface, kicking as hard as she could. She slipped out of a couple of coils as her head popped up. But she barely managed half a breath before the remaining tangled mass of hose pulled her right back down.

Deidra cried out in terror, twisting and fighting while flailing wildly in a frantic attempt to free herself. At the same time “Snoopy” went right back to sucking on the pool floor. As a result, it gently tugged her entangled body along behind.

Deidra made one last frantic attempt to break free of the coils. She kicked and waved at the surface, grunting in terror. Then her lungs gave out on her.

She inhaled reflexively, without even thinking about it. Then she grunted and gurgled. Deidra immediately began spasming and convulsing as she waved feebly for the surface.

Her breasts bounced up and down from her struggles. The hose wasn’t all that tight around her naked body. But there was just enough of it holding her up to prevent her from reaching the air she needed.

She coughed and convulsed, her naked body jerking from drowning spasms as water flooded her lungs. Then she felt a warm wave flush through her body. She had just climaxed in response to a fearfully erotic arousal.

She shuddered briefly, her body gently spasming while she was all caught up in the throes of drowning. Then she let out something of a sigh as she gave up the fight. Deidra faced downward as she went limp, still in the clutches of the hose that now kept her tethered to the pool vacuum.

Her arms splayed out and downward as she stared at the pool floor in surprise. A few stray muscles twitched as she tried to comprehend what had just happened to her. Tiny bubbles slipped out past her parted lips.

She trembled before fading away. The life winked out of her eyes as “Snoopy” continued to move along the floor of the deep end of the pool. It sucked up sediment before belching it back out as it hauled the drowned, naked body of its owner behind it…

He knew he was in deep shit when he saw her vehicle in the driveway. “Damn!” he muttered under his breath. The last thing he needed was a confrontation with this bitch!

Maybe she was in the house and wouldn’t bother him. “Fat chance,” he told himself. Then he walked to the gate to the back yard and opened it up.

The first thing he saw were his tools sitting right where he’d left them. Then he saw a suspicious looking pile of clothes lying on the ground near the pool.

What the hell?” he murmured in surprise. Was she actually enjoying a lunchtime skinny-dip? This he just HAD to see!

He carefully walked up to the water’s edge, wondering why the surface wasn’t showing someone in the pool. Had she changed her clothes outdoors and then gone inside? Then he looked down into the water…


There was no time to change out of his clothes, no time to think about shedding his work boots. He simply jumped into the water before anxiously working his way down to Deidra’s limp, naked body. He had no idea how long she’d been down there, and he feared the worst.

He snagged her body and quickly worked the coils of hose free. Then he swam her toward the shallow end. When he found solid footing beneath him, he stood up and cradled her in his arms.

He waded rapidly toward the steps. In moments he had her out of the water lying all stretched out on the ground. There was no time to admire her naked body.

He drained the water out of her mouth. Then he began doing chest compressions. “Shit – shit – shit!” he gasped as he kept pumping.

C’mon – c’mon – c’mon!” But there was no response. He was deathly afraid her heart had stopped.

He was going to call 911. But his cell phone was in his pocket. He was afraid it was water-damaged and wouldn’t work.

It was more important to get her breathing again than to see if it still worked. He felt totally out of his depth. He believed he was totally inadequate for the task at hand.

To his utter amazement his cell phone rang. He paused and pulled it out of his pocket, recognizing the number from his office on his caller ID.“CALL 911 AND SEND AN AMBULANCE TO THAT LADY HOMEOWNER’S ADDRESS!” he yelled before his boss could even start to speak.

What? Bud, what’s going on?”


She WHAT??”


Ok, Bud!” Then the line went dead.

He went back to pumping her chest, wondering how long it would take for the paramedics to get there. Then to his utter shock her eyes blinked. A moment later her stomach stiffened as she vomited up a load of water…

Deidra would remember none of that. What she WOULD remember was waking up in the ER. After a full recovery, she made a special visit to the pool repair company to thank the man who’d saved her life.

Afterwards, she wanted to take him out to dinner before taking him back to her place. That was where she wanted to give him a special thanks by having a private little skinny-dip with him in her back yard pool.

Snoopy” would not be invited…

2011; 2021 (written for jqpublic Nov 12 ’11; ed. Jul 24 ‘21 by riwa)

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A trio of brunettes 4.4 (26)

I saw him pull her out of the trunk of his car, heft her over his shoulder and then take her into the building. Instantly I regretted not having my cell phone with me. You always need it when you never have it; am I right?

There was no one else around; it was an empty alley. I would not have been there myself had I not taken a wrong turn. When I saw the car I followed it to this location, only to stay back in horror once I saw who he had in the trunk.

I couldn’t tell if she was conscious or not. I wondered what he was going to do to her. He carried her in over his shoulder until he disappeared inside.

Right then I should have gone for help. But I had no idea where I could find the nearest telephone. Besides, I was curious to find out what was going to happen to her.

I snuck up to the door I’d watched him take her into. I carefully pulled on the handle. It opened right up.

Out of the frying pan?’ I thought to myself as I slipped inside.

It was nothing but a large warehouse. I listened intently. I thought I heard sound coming from the other end of the building.

I headed off in that direction. I tried to remain as quiet as I could, fully aware of my limitations. With any luck I might find a phone in some unused office from which I could call the police.

The building was large and imposing, amplifying every little sound. What the hell was I doing?? I was out of my depth, and I knew it! Still, I just had to know what he’d done with that poor girl.

I stood frozen with indecision. I thought I heard strange sounds emanating from somewhere nearby. But they made no sense to me.

They were choking, rasping sounds. It sounded like some sort of struggle was in progress. I couldn’t just stand there and do nothing, could I?

I bravely picked up a small metal pipe lying nearby. Then I went off in that direction. I had absolutely no idea how much help I might be able to contribute to the situation.

The sounds seemed to lessen the closer I got to one particular door. Had I heard them wrong? What was going on in there?

I held the pipe awkwardly. I was not sure what I would do with it if the situation were to warrant some sort of action. Then I carefully reached out for the door.

I heard a strange creaking sound, along with faint grunts and rasps coming from the other side. They were very weak. But they sounded human in origin.

Fear knifed into my gut as I reached for the doorknob. I clung to my weapon, unsure how I would even use it. Then I pulled on the knob.

The door started to open with a creaking sound. Damned rusty hinge! I figured I had just announced my presence to whoever was inside.

Throwing caution to the wind, I threw the door wide open. Then I stepped inside. What I saw was so shocking that it made me drop the pipe from my hand.

It bounced off the cement floor with a clangity-clang. But that made no difference. It would not have helped with what I was now witnessing.

Fronting a cement wall were two wooden posts holding up a crossbeam. A metal ladder occupied an adjoining wall. A chair stood nearby to the wooden structure.

What horrified me was what dangled from that crossbeam. The woman I’d seen from the trunk was now hanging there naked. She was dangling right along with some other girl I had not seen before, one who was dressed only in a black bra.

Their faces were a horrible shade of red. I could tell their necks were stretching. And their bushy womanhoods were shamefully exposed with glistening droplets.

They gently swung back and forth, their ropes creaking from the tension. Their arms were tied behind their backs. They had agonized looks on their faces.

Occasionally I saw a muscle twitch or a leg jerk. Otherwise, they made no movements of their own. They simply swung back and forth while twisting in place.

I rushed up to them; Gawd, were they still alive?? I had no idea what to do. My heart pounded in my chest. They simply turned in front of me as though rotating in those nooses like mannequins in some storefront display.

How kind of you to join us, my dear…”

I turned in horror, only to see that male from the car approaching ominously. A switchblade flashed in one hand. A coil of rope occupied the other.

My heart leaped into my throat as I began to back away. “Stay away from me!” I stammered in my best no-nonsense voice. “The police are on their way!”

I did not sound the least bit convincing.

I think not,” he chuckled sinisterly. “But I am pleased to see you. I had no idea fate would be so kind as to give me a third brunette to string up today.”

I gasped in horror… “You wouldn’t DARE!” Then I turned to run.

He caught me easily, pinning my arms behind my back. When I tried to scream, he covered my mouth with his hand. “You’ll be my centerpiece, my dear,” he cooed into my ear.

I tried to scream again. Then I felt a blow to the back of my head. It left me momentarily stunned.

He cut my clothes off my body using the switchblade. It was humiliating beyond belief. Then he tied my arms behind my back.

I watched in helpless nakedness as he tied a third noose. It went right in the middle of the beam between those poor, unfortunate girls. Then he slid the chair between them, leaving it directly under that horrifying noose.

He came over and picked me up off the floor. He chuckled with amusement as he remarked, “A trio of brunettes. Can you imagine my good fortune?”

I tried to scream. But I was terrified out of my mind. For a moment I could not find my voice.

My legs were wobbly as he placed me upon the chair. Then he looped the noose over my head. I moaned weakly as a feeling of fear and a horrific arousal enveloped my very being.

It may not last long,” he whispered into my ear, “but I’m sure you’ll dance every bit as wonderfully as your predecessors.”

P-please!” I stammered. “D-don’t do this! You’ll n-never get away with…” And then I felt him lifting me up off the chair.

I began panting heavily for breath. I screamed in my head as my body trembled in absolute terror. I heard the sound of a chair sliding upon its legs along cement. Then I felt the noose take up the slack around my neck.

Within moments I found myself giving him what he wanted. My legs kicked as my naked body bounced back and forth between those poor girls. He indicated it might not last long.

The bastard lied…

It seemed an eternity before the coil around my throat slowly strangled the very life out of me, causing me to fade away into merciful oblivion…

2013; 2021 (written for “Vickie” Mar 20 ’13; ed. Jun 4 ‘21 by riwa)

(Picture found in Vickie’s short-shorts album and used for illustration purposes only.)

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Underwater Research Laboratory drowning tests 2 4.6 (23)

Jenna took to her drowning much more eagerly than I anticipated, and it left me feeling a little uncomfortable. I didn’t want these girls thinking it was always safe. But she thought it was fun.

I suppose my error was in making it sexual for her. I guess that was because I didn’t want her to be too frightened. Instead, I think I pushed her in the other direction.

I guess I shouldn’t have been surprised when her friend Briana showed up, asking if she could be of any help in any of my drowning experiments. It seems Jenna talked up the incident. Now, the blue-eyed German was eager for her own personal experience.

She said Jenna told her it was scary-erotic, but that her orgasm had been worth it. I told her I was nervous conducting drowning experiments because we wanted to be careful with our volunteers. But the more I tried to discourage her, the more she persisted.

Then she told me that next time, Jenna said she wanted to drown with my cock inside her. Now she was jealous. She wanted to be the first to drown while having sex with me.

So far, I hadn’t had sex with either one of them yet. What’s more, I wasn’t actively seeking any kind of relationship with any of my subjects. They were both quite attractive, and it certainly wasn’t because I hadn’t thought about it. I just wanted to keep my objectivity as much as possible.

Briana sidled up to me and wrapped her arms around my neck. “So tell me how I can help you with your experiments,” she breathed seductively, pushing up against my groin.

My cock started to harden. I’m pretty sure she noticed it right away. “After all, I want to do my part just like Jenna,” she added. “I want to drown too.”

It can be dangerous,” I told her softly, her closeness making me breathe funny.

I knew her seduction should not justify participating in an experiment for me. But she refused to let up on me. “I LIVE for thrills,” she murmured, her lips drawing closer. “How can I drown for you, doc? I’ll do anything.”

Dr. Crocker was the real doctor here. I was just an assistant researcher. But these girls didn’t seem to know how else to refer to me.

Look, honey,” I told her carefully, trying to hold her shoulders in a protective manner so as not to seem like I was rejecting her. Yes I wanted her; my damn cock was acknowledging that fact! But I felt I had to at least attempt to maintain my professionalism.

The mist is far from perfected,” I explained. “Right now, I’m just collecting data… and I’m doing it damned careful. Everybody is different, so your physiology might make drowning you more… problematic.”

Oh, I think you want to, doc,” she murmured, playfully pressing up against my groin again. “I know I’m willing. What do you say? Care to fuck me as I drown? I’m already getting aroused just thinking about it.”

I felt I had to do something to get her to rethink her eagerness. So I said, “I’ll tell you what. I do have another test I can perform.”

“…with you inside me?” she added hopefully.

Something else,” I told her, and I saw her sag as though I’d deflated her a little. “If you don’t find that experience too disturbing, then I’ll think about another experiment where we, uh…”

That made her eyes light up. “Then I’ll make YOU a deal, doc!” she said persistently as she pressed up against me even more. “You go ahead and run me through this experiment, no matter what it is. But the next one…”

I stopped her right there… “IF there’s a next one,” I reminded her gently. But she stubbornly continued…

“…but the NEXT one, I get to drown with you inside me. Deal?”

I told her she would remain as one of my volunteers along with Jenna, so long as she suffered no trauma or any ill effects. “I’ll take that as a yes then,” she murmured with a seductive smile. Then she kissed me passionately, humping my groin one last time as though inviting me to take her at my earliest convenience…

It wasn’t long until I got a visit from Jenna. Briana must have told her about our little chat. Now SHE was jealous.

If you’re going to fuck/drown HER, then you have to fuck/drown ME!” she protested indignantly.

Well, I have different plans for her,” I admitted. “This eagerness to drown is just a little too unnerving for me. Now don’t get me wrong, as I like eager volunteers. It’s just that so many things can go wrong, you know.”

But so many things can go right,” Jenna purred at me, sidling up to me and wrapping her arms around my neck. “I don’t suppose I could talk you into fucking me and then drowning me first, could I? I’ll bet you’d like that.”

I felt her press her body against my groin. Sure enough, my cock was hardening again. “Mmmm,” she moaned at me, humping my bulge. “Research doesn’t have to be cold and clinical; does it, doc?”

Well, I suppose I should run my next experiment on Briana, being as how she asked to be next.”

Jenna pouted a little. So I tried to explain by saying, “To be honest, I’m hoping to scare the crap out of her.”

That got her attention, and her eyes lit up. “Really?”

You two are taking this rather well, if not a little too enthusiastically. I guess I want to run a test that will kind of scare her into realizing just how serious these experiments can be.”

I don’t think she’s gonna scare that easily,” Jenna gasped excitedly. “But it sounds like a lot of fun. How can I help?”

Well,” I mused thoughtfully, “it might be useful to collect some data on a victim when she’s least expecting it.”

She’s fun, but she can be a bitch at times. If you’re gonna get her good, then I want to help. It’ll be so much fun!”

I told her I had something in mind. I said I’d contact her once I was ready, providing she could keep it a secret from her friend.

In response, Jenna pulled me to her and kissed me hard. Then she thanked me for letting her help me out. She told me that in exchange for her help, I had to make sure that I also fuck/drowned her in a drowning experiment at some point in the future. Then she left me to my work…

I used Jenna and my two male lab techs to put my experiment in motion. It started off with the two bisexual ladies playing around with each other in Briana’s room. Jenna filled me in on what happened there.

Since Briana is the bigger of the two, I hear she sometimes dominates little Jenna. On this day, Jenna told me she was being smothered as she was being forced to lick her friend’s pussy. Then she was allowed up to breathe.

She told her bigger playmate that she had just bought a new play-toy. She made Briana close her eyes as she went to fetch it. That’s when she prepared the chloroformed rag and snuck up behind the unsuspecting German.

You should have felt her struggle in my grasp when I hit her with the chloroform!” Jenna giggled. “But I held on tight. Pretty soon, she was out like a light. Then the two techs came in and took her out.”

From there, Jenna said she came straight away to my monitoring station in her black one-piece. I had promised her she would get to watch her friend drown.

Briana ended up naked in a small 3-sided glass chamber. The wall served as the fourth side. It had a sealed door, much like you’d find in a submarine.

She was seated on a specially designed saddle with a couple of probes protruding out of it for her holes. Her mouth was duct-taped shut. Her arms were tied behind her back.

Her legs were secured to the floor of the chamber with magnetic shackles that could be released quickly, leaving her firmly impaled on those two probes so she could not climb off. She was also strapped to a cushioned brace that was hooked up behind her. It was complete with a head rest, which kept her upright while she slept off the effects of the chloroform.

The glass was set for one-way. I could see in, but she couldn’t see out. For her it was mirrored, so she would be able to watch herself from any angle. I had the lab techs on stand-by outside her sealed door as I monitored her progress.

She was noticeably alarmed when she finally came around. I gave her plenty of time to recover from the effects of the chloroform as I pumped fresh air into her chamber. Then I started slowly filling it with water.

At the same time, I activated her probes. They began to spin and vibrate inside her. Briana’s eyes went wide in alarm.

She started to grunt into the duct tape covering her mouth. She groaned as the probes pulsed inside her. I could see her writhing as she ground herself against those two wicked posts up her holes. I figured if she wanted orgasms, this would definitely make sure she got them.

It wasn’t long until the water started climbing her legs, and she cried out in alarm. I had set the temperature for a cool flow, but not a cold one. Her nipples hardened up right away.

She began to wriggle and squirm as though she wanted out. Jenna giggled as she stood next to me while pointing at the monitors. “Serves her right,” she laughed. “This is really gonna get her good. But just look at the way she’s fucking those probes. You can tell she loves it.”

Briana whimpered as the water slowly climbed her legs. I had set it to fill with deliberate slowness. Thus, it was guaranteed to increase her suspense, as well as heighten her anxiety.

It gave her plenty of time to think about what was going to happen to her. I heard her muffled cries as she begged to be let out. I considered it, but I wondered if she was just putting on a show for my benefit.

As soon as the cool water reached her crotch, she popped off. Briana writhed uncontrollably as her eyes rolled. “She’s cumming!” Jenna observed excitedly. “I can tell; it must be so scary that it’s really turning her on.”

Then she turned to face me. “You mean she really can’t see outside the chamber?”

Nope,” I replied, getting somewhat excited myself. “What she sees in there is her own reflection.”

Then she’s watching herself cum,” Jenna breathed excitedly. “Gawd; that’s got to be hot! She’s gonna get to watch herself drown. Wish I was in there instead of her.”

Careful,” I told her ominously. “I’m sure that could be arranged.” Jenna looked at me, and I swear she trembled a little at the erotic possibilities.

The water continued to rise inside the chamber. Briana wriggled about even more as she grunted and groaned. She appeared to be frightened out of her wits, and she tried to cry out through the duct tape covering her mouth.

I ignored her cries while quietly murmuring, “That’s what you get, sweetheart, when you ask to be drowned.” Jenna heard me, and she turned and grinned at me.

The water reached Briana’s breasts, making her nipples really stick out. Briana let out a muffled cry, her body writhing as she ground into those probes. “Gawd; she’s cumming again!” Jenna murmured, touching herself all over as she watched the monitors. “That is so fucking hot! I can’t wait until you drown me again!”

My cock was hard and throbbing in my trousers as I watched the erotic display. The water slowly, but steadily, climbed her body. It covered her shoulders, and then made its way up her neck.

It reached her chin, and she began hyperventilating through her nose, her eyes wide in horror. As it climbed the duct tape covering her mouth, I heard Jenna gasp beside me, telling me how excited it was making her to watch. I actually heard her rub one off in her black one-piece while crying out orgasmically.

Briana tipped her head back, but she could only go so far. I could see her huffing and puffing through her nose, the force of her exertions stirring the water rising just below her nostrils. Then she took one last breath before the water slowly climbed up toward her wide-open eyes.

Once she couldn’t breathe anymore, I triggered the valve. Water flowed fast into her chamber until it quickly filled to capacity. Then I nudged the controls to the probes.

Briana was wide-eyed as she really started fucking those probes shoved up her holes. She grunted and groaned like a helpless fuck-beast. Soon air started snorting out of her nose in bubbly bursts.

I heard her high-pitched grunts. Then there was a muffled cry, followed by a series of gurgles. That’s when she really started thrashing about in her bondage.

Gawd; that’s got to be a big one!” Jenna gasped in awe. A moment later she let out a cry as she had one herself.

Briana snorted air and water out of her nose as she thrashed about. Her eyes nearly rolled into the back of her head as she started convulsing. “She’s drowning!” Jenna gasped breathlessly. “Gawd, that is so fucking hot! Serves her right!”

Briana struggled in her bindings as though she was fighting for her very life. She continued to spasm painfully as air continued to spew out of her nose. Then she jerked hard with one last spasm before her body seemed to give out. She went limp, her eyes vacant as little tiny bubbles trickled out of her nose.

I heard Jenna gasp in wonder as I shut down the probes and triggered the drain. The chamber flushed rapidly. Then I quickly activated the release to Briana’s magnetic shackles.

I activated the controls to unseal the door. That let the techs in. They’d been waiting on the other side for the moment when they could go in.

Both rushed in professionally. They quickly got Briana off the saddle and back out the door. I think that’s when I worried the most, my heart racing as I waited for the all-clear.

A moment later, one of them came on the intercom. “She’s conscious; she’s fine; and she’s on her way to the infirmary.”

I breathed a sigh of relief before I answered him, thanking them both for their good work. He acknowledged my reply. Then he signed off.

I was suddenly aware that my lab coat was open and that my pants had been pulled down. Jenna was on her knees, a look of excitement in her eyes as she set my hard cock free. “Now THAT’S no good,” she observed. “It just wouldn’t be right leaving you all alone with blue balls, doc!” Then she took me into her mouth.

She bobbed up and down for several minutes, taking me deep down her throat and moaning hungrily. I gasped, instinctively trying to hold back. But it was virtually impossible.

I finally cried out as I exploded into her mouth. Jenna moaned lustfully as she took most of it down. Some of it leaked out around the seal her lips had made around my cock.

She opened her mouth to show me what was still inside. Then she gulped it down before sucking my cock clean. “Delicious!” she gasped when she was done.

She helped pull my pants back on before rising up to kiss me with cummy lips. “Briana got to drown, but I got your cum!” she giggled excitedly. “Next time, I hope it’ll be the other way around. Thanks, doc! Now I’d better go check on Bree!” Then she was playfully out the door, leaving me standing there in astonishment…

I checked in on Briana a couple of hours later. She seemed none the worse for wear. But she did give me an accusing look.

I didn’t know you were going to do THAT to me, doc!” Then her anger faded as a big smile broke out all over her face.

Jen came in here and told me all about your wicked little experiment. She said she wanted to help, so I owe her big time for that one. She also said she got to watch the whole thing with you.”

I was going to say something. But Briana only paused briefly before going on… “Gawd, doc; that was fucking intense! I came so fucking hard when the water climbed up over my head and I started to drown! What you did was wicked! But I fucking loved it!”

I felt relieved that she’d enjoyed herself. But I also felt dismayed I hadn’t curbed her enthusiasm any. That much was evident once she asked, “So when’s the next one, doc?”

NEXT one??” I blurted out in astonishment. “You’ve got a couple days in the infirmary first. Then you’ve got a few more as we watch you for any signs of internal system failure.”

Then when are you going to get Jenna next?” she wanted to know. “I SO want to be in on that one! That little slut is so fucking gonna pay!”

When I need more data or have need of another drowning victim, I’ll let you both know.” I shook my head in astonishment that these two young women loved drowning so much.

Jenna told me about her little blowjob,” Briana said to me. “I think it’s only fair I get your cock next.”

We’ll see,” I told her with a dismissive wave. “Now you just stay put and do what they tell you until they release you.”

Yes, sir,” she said, humbly bowing her head. When I threw up my hands in mock frustration as I left the infirmary, I heard her laughter trailing behind me…

2010; 2022 (written for Drownlover Mar 27 ’10; ed. Jul 8 ‘22 by riwa)

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Riwa’s Stories at Patreon 3.8 (5)

Coming March rewards

A Nicole Club story
Lily’s last visit to the farm
A warning ignored
Dialogue – Marina
Latex and nooses 2
Penny takes risks
Down the toilet twice – return visit
Best laid plans 11
Off her meds
The kidnapping
Black Lagoon skinny-dip
UW bandits

January stories/rewards will fall off at the end of February to make room for March rewards.

I hope it was not like this for all of you. But for me, this was the month where I was not at full strength. I’m told there’s something going around, but it affected me to the point where it was hard to sit at my desk and type. Even mom dealt with something that left her at less than 100%.

We also suffered through very cold temperatures. There were several days where mom and I were housebound, as we did not want to go out in below 0 weather. And mom is still dealing with frozen pipes, although the weather has been warming up lately. Piles of snow are everywhere. I’ve never been to Alaska. So I guess the weather brought Alaska down to us. And now that it’s thawing out, there are puddles of water everywhere. I haven’t worn hip waders in decades. At least the snow drift in front of my window is starting to diminish.

I hope your weather has been tolerable. And I hope you are enjoying good health through these cold days of winter. There are lots of things going on in the world. Thankfully, I have my stories to write, which is a nice distraction.

Please take care, and stay safe and healthy. And as always, thank you so very much for being my patrons.

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The client 4.5 (40)

I was ready to call it an evening when my boss came in and told me I had one more client. He handed me a slip of paper with the address on it. He said this guy was valuable and that we didn’t want to lose him as a customer.

I looked at the address. Then I saw the amount of money involved. I could not help sputtering, “Twenty thousand? For one night?”

That’s right, Marlene. Now don’t screw this one up or he’ll go elsewhere.”

What the hell does he want me to do?”

You’d better damn well do anything he asks!”

He’s not gonna make me crawl around on all fours like a dog like that one client, is he?”

No, this one doesn’t have that kind of fetish. You should have no problem satisfying him. I’m told it’s an easy request. There’ll be a nice commission for you if you pull this off. Now get going.”

Ok – ok; I’m going already!” Then I gathered up my jacket and the keys to my car before I left.

The client was all business when I got there. The first thing he wanted me to do was take all my clothes off. I know better than to antagonize them, so I didn’t give him a snarky reply.

He wanted me to leave my heels on. So he was that kind of guy, eh? I figured I could handle that.

After I’d undressed I gave him a show, twisting and turning while letting him see everything I was packing. “You’ll do,” he replied. Then he motioned… “Into the bedroom, honey.”

I went right in. But I skidded to a stop when I saw it. At the end of the bed the bastard had a noose dangling above a cushioned footstool. A set of handcuffs were lying on top of the damned thing.

I looked at him in astonishment. He just crawled into bed. Then he motioned… “Well? Get on with it!”

Get on with what?”

You’ve got a brain, ain’t’cha? You mean you can’t figure it out?”

You really want me to stick my neck in that noose?”

I’m paying you a lot, ain’t I?”

I can’t spend it if I’m dead!”

Did I say I wanted you to hang to death?”

You mean you plan on taking me down from here after I put on a… dance for you?” I was leery as hell.

All I want you to do is dance in mid-air. Is that too much to ask?”

Why the noose?”

It will help with your performance. Trust me; I’ve seen other girls do the same thing. So are you climbing onto that stool? Or am I sending you back empty-handed?”

All right – all right; I’m going!”

I seriously thought about telling him what he could do with his noose before getting dressed and leaving. But I knew that would anger my boss. He would fire me on the spot and then replace me with some other bimbo. At thirty-six, I knew there were a lot of younger bitches who would be more than willing to replace me.

I picked up the handcuffs before tentatively climbing onto the stool. I looked at the noose for a couple of moments before deciding it would have to go on next. I wouldn’t be able to noose myself if I cuffed my hands first.

I looped the noose around my neck. I didn’t know any better, so I slipped the knot behind my head. Then I cuffed one wrist before moving my arms behind my back to finish the job.

It was a little late to be thinking about such things when I nervously asked, “You got keys for these things, don’t you?” I hefted my arms behind my back, indicating my cuffed wrists.

Right there,” he replied, motioning at the end table. I thought I saw a set of keys sitting there.

What now?” I wanted to know.

He was surprised. “You mean you haven’t done this before?”

It’s my first time,” I replied sarcastically, trying to curb my tongue.

I wanted to give him another snotty remark. But there was always the possibility he might not pay me the agreed-upon amount. I also needed him in a decent mood to get me down from here once the “dancing” part was over.

I stood there panting for breath. Then I began sweating profusely. My nipples were incredibly hard, which made me wonder if that was the reason why he liked seeing women in the noose.

He looked at me impatiently. “Well? How long do I have to wait?”

I couldn’t stop myself from blurting out, “Ok – ok; I’m going.” Then I winced inwardly. Had I just ruined the tip I hoped he would pay me for a job well-done?

I stepped off the stool. The rope immediately took up my weight. Instinctively I tried to regain the damned thing, but it had fallen out of reach.

Dance!” he demanded. And so I danced. I didn’t exactly have much of a choice. The noose hurt like fire, and it made my legs take on a mind of their own.

I kicked and struggled like a marionette. The noose slowly tightened as I twisted and turned. The more I struggled, the tighter it became.

I began to rasp for breath as I twisted in place. My chest heaved from lack of air. My legs just kept kicking, totally out of my control.

I soon reached the point where I’d had enough. “Help[!” I rasped. “Get be… doww… cah’t… breee…”

He didn’t move a single muscle to get out of bed. “Not yet, honey. Your dance ain’t finished yet.”

Shit! When was it going to be finished?? That’s when it suddenly hit me…

Instinctively I started kicking harder as I swung back and forth. I tried reaching for the stool, but it was still out of reach and no help at all. A moment later my cunt squirted from an orgasm I never would have thought possible.

I rotated in place as I swung back and forth. I kept rasping for breath. But I was getting less and less air down my constricted windpipe.

My torso began to thrust in his direction. It was shameful and humiliating. But he sure seemed to like it.

I squirted a second, more powerful orgasm. Then I tried to take a really big breath as exhaustion set in. But I couldn’t get any air down my windpipe.

My mind screamed for him to take me down. He just lay there in bed, thoroughly enjoying my performance. I could feel my face turning red from lack of oxygen.

I finally settled down. I no longer had the strength to kick. I was barely conscious, hoping like hell he would climb out of that damned bed of his and take me down. But he never moved a muscle.

His sick, twisted grin was the last thing I laid eyes on before consciousness was strangled right out of me. At least I wasn’t aware of the moment my bladder gave way. That would have been even more humiliating had I still been alive to feel it.

2021 (written Aug 9 ’21 by riwa. Inspired by Shooter’s drawing)

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Underwater Research Laboratory drowning tests 1 4.6 (36)

I’ve been working in the Underwater Research Laboratory for over a year, trying to help Dr Crocker come up with a way to help prevent drowning deaths. The problem is: once someone drowns out in the field, it is difficult to revive them, much less keep them alive due to fluid in the respiratory system. For the time being, I’ve been assigned the task of coming up with something that will serve in a prevention capacity.

Experiments have been performed using a mist for the lungs to keep them from absorbing too much water into the respiratory system. Experiments have also been performed concerning the amount of oxygen in the water. That way, if someone does drown, there is enough oxygen absorption to prevent brain damage and death. The results so far show some promise.

I’ve spent some time working on a combination of the two in the hopes that when applied together, they could greatly reduce drowning deaths. Among other issues is the problem of CO2 dispersal, passing it through the liquid in the lungs and back out of the body before reaching dangerous levels. Using the experimental mist to activate the lungs to pass the CO2 back out through a liquid system has been proving to be a difficult task.

I’ve finally come up with something that might work. But it requires heavily oxygenated water, as well as a misting of the lungs.

The whole thing seems impractical from a cost basis. But Dr Crocker has told me to go ahead and see what I can come up with. He says it might not accomplish much in the short term. But any kind of success may lead to further research, as well as a future breakthrough.

I’ve experimented with several lab animals, with promising results. But I have yet to try it out on humans. I’m understandably hesitant, and so is Dr Crocker.

We’ve lost a couple of colleagues and test subjects in our experiments. Although they volunteered and knew the risks, it still weighs heavily on Dr Crocker’s mind.

You’d be surprised at the volunteers we’ve had though. Maybe it’s the fact that we pay them well. But I think some of them are in it simply for the thrill of being underwater, as well as the erotic fear of actually drowning. And when I say “erotic”, I mean that in the truest sense of the word.

You see, we have two females in particular who love taking part in any kind of drowning experiments we initiate. Fortunately, both have proven to be relatively easy to resuscitate thus far, although we always run them through the infirmary right away, keeping them there for a couple days for observation. No matter how often we drown them, they always come back for more.

I get the impression it has become something sexual for the two of them. The two women associate drowning with orgasms. Despite my concerns, they keep volunteering. I’m embarrassed to admit I’ve developed a sexual relationship with each one of them, and I’m concerned it might affect my objectivity.

Dr Crocker has addressed my concerns. He says as long as my work remains professional and I take good care of them during my tests, he has no objections. He believes that being more emotionally involved with our volunteers means we take better care of them. Perhaps what we lose in objectivity, we gain by an increase in our safety precautions.

Jenna is the smaller of the two, all the way down to her 34B’s on her chest. The 29 year old is 5’3” and 105 lbs, with shoulder length, brown hair and brown eyes. Her heritage is an interesting mixture of Spanish, German and Irish, which clearly shows through in her soft facial features. She is a feisty young lady, up for almost anything. In addition, she is a totally submissive little bisexual.

Briana is from Germany. She’s 6 inches taller, about the same height as I. The 31 year old is 125 lbs, and is your typical blonde haired, blue-eyed Aryan.

She sports a pair of 34DD’s, and has an amazingly tight ass. Despite their differences the two women are good friends. I’ve learned they’ve also become passionate lovers.

For some reason, they’ve taken a shine to me. They can see how careful I am with them. So they know they can trust me.

I have a tendency to drown them more often than anyone else in the laboratory. Despite my concerns that one day they might not survive an experiment despite my best efforts, they keep coming back for more.

I suppose it’s my own fault. I like my subjects to be as comfortable as possible, although drowning is anything but. I like to calm my volunteers.

I’ve found that when I use sexual methods, it often distracts them. But I think it has skewed my results. I suspect some of my work has been tainted by the sexuality of some of my experiments.

It has definitely affected Jenna and Briana in ways I hadn’t calculated. For one thing, they keep coming back for more, begging me to drown them over and over again. I’ve tried to discourage them; even tried to warn them there is still a significant risk. But I fear their love of drowning and orgasms has blunted their fear of death.

I’ve told them both that it’s possible someday their bodies simply won’t be able to handle the continued violation of water in the lungs despite my efforts at perfecting the mist. But I think they’ve both come too far now. Both have told me at one time or another that it would be an incredible way to go if they were to drown and couldn’t be revived. I guess once the genie is out of the bottle, it’s impossible to put him back inside.

I remember the first time I drowned Jenna. I used the specially built Coffin tank on her. The glass walls are only two feet high, and it has soft straps in the bottom to secure the arms, legs and neck.

It’s wide enough for the volunteer to spread her legs a little. And it has no top, so as to discourage any kind of claustrophobic feelings. So it probably feels a little deceptive in its purpose.

I told her I wanted to run two simultaneous tests on her. First, I told her I wanted to see how long I could build up her breath-holding abilities. Then I said I wanted to study the drowning process. She was understandably nervous, but she told me she was willing to participate.

I told her she could wear anything she felt comfortable in. But she wanted to be nude. So she stripped out of her clothes and put them in a neat little pile. Jenna is quite the exhibitionist. I think it excites her to be naked in front of me, because her little nipples get hard and pointed.

After I strapped her down into the tank, I offered her a nose clip. But she turned me down. She said if she was going to drown for me, she was going to have to get used to having water up her nose.

I told her I was going to keep her underwater for 30 seconds to start with. Then I opened the valve. Lukewarm water quickly filled the Coffin tank from the bottom up. She filled her lungs with air, causing her cheeks to bulge. Water flowed up over her body all the way to within about 4 inches from the top.

As I kept track of, and recorded, her responses, she released a few bubbles out of her mouth and nose. I saw her wince, as it must have stung a little. But pretty soon, she adapted to it.

She actually smiled up at me as if to indicate it was no sweat at all. After 30 seconds I drained the tank. Then I matched her time underwater with a 30 second break.

During that pause, I told her I was quite impressed with how well she had done. She told me she swam all the time. She said she usually had no trouble making it to 90 seconds underwater whenever she was messing around holding her breath.

I told her that was a good time, but that we would probably shoot for 2 minutes before we were done. She gave me a brief look of concern as though 2 minutes might be too much for her to handle. Then she told me she would do her best.

After her allotted 30 seconds were up, I opened the valve and started filling the tank again. She rapidly filled her lungs moments before the water flowed over her face. I watched her closely.

I could actually see her start to strain a little as her time underwater approached 1 minute. But for the most part, she just smiled up at me. She deliberately shook her chest, flirting with me by trying to emphasize her tits. Air dribbled out of her nose, and I think she deliberately blew bubbles up at me.

I drained the tank, and as the water level dropped below her face, she gasped for breath. I congratulated her on how well she had done. She beamed at me with a look of self-assurance.

This is easier than I thought,” she told me proudly. “This is also more fun than I imagined it would be. I think you’re going to have to keep me underwater longer than 2 minutes to drown me.”

I admired her spunk as I watched her get her breath back. But I couldn’t help wondering how confident she would be the moment her lungs gave out and she started to drown. “Now this one will be 1:30,” I told her in warning. “I hope you’re ready.”

Piece of cake!” she responded proudly.

I started flooding the tank again. She took a deep breath before water flowed over her face. As soon as she was submerged, she started shaking her tits back and forth a little.

She blew little bubbles of air out of her mouth. I warned her not to use up her air. She just licked her lips as she looked up at me with an innocent smile.

When she passed a minute, I saw she had to work a little harder to hold her breath. I saw her chest start to heave gently. As her breasts wobbled back and forth, her nipples hard and pointed, her tummy started to convulse a little.

I heard a few grunts as she tried to hold it. I could see the fear starting to manifest in her eyes. She was starting to spurt air out of her mouth in bursts when the tank drained at the 1:30 mark.

The fear in her eyes lessened considerably as she gasped for breath. “Wow; that was kind of hard!” she told me. Then she looked at me as though studying the look on my face.

Does this excite you?” she asked curiously. “I know its research and all. But the look in your face is… well… does this excite you?”

I admitted that it did. That’s when she got this mischievous little smile on her face. Her eyes twinkled as though she had a new purpose for engaging in this test.

This time she was given 90 seconds to get her breath back before I started filling the tank again. When she heard me turn the valve, she gasped for breath. I saw her chest rise and fall as she filled her lungs.

Remember,” I reminded her. “This will be 2 full minutes. So you’d better hold it as long as you can.”

Water flowed over her face until bubbles dribbled out of her nose. The water level rose until it totally covered her. It rose rapidly until I shut it off, leaving her about a foot or so below the surface.

As I looked down at Jenna, I realized how aroused I’d become by looking down at her naked body. She looked rather sexy lying there, secured to the floor of the tank by those straps around her arms, legs and neck. She was utterly helpless, and at my command.

At that moment, it occurred to me I could do anything I wanted to her. It also occurred to me she might not make it to 2 minutes unless I found some other way of distracting her. And since she was being flirtatious as hell, I figured I might as well respond.

At the 1 minute mark, I stuck my hand into the water and started gently rubbing her breasts. Jenna’s eyes opened in astonishment at my touch. Her hardened nipples seemed to stiffen even more.

She closed her eyes, moaning softly and burbling up at me as though enjoying what I was doing to her. She even wriggled around a little. Jenna groaned softly as more bubbles trickled out of her nose.

At around the 1:30 mark, I saw her tummy start to heave a little. That’s when I slid my hand down to her crotch. I began rubbing gently over her cleanly-shaved pussy.

Jenna groaned as more nose bubbles reached the surface. Then she began thrusting up against my hand. Her pussy was slick with arousal, and I wondered if it was due to more than just my touch.

Her labia were fully engorged as I rubbed my fingers back and forth between them. I carefully rubbed my thumb over the hood of her clit. That really made her moan, and she lifted up her torso as though begging for more.

I noticed when her lungs started to heave. But her time was almost done. Her head twisted from side to side as she bubbled her air away.

The more I rubbed my fingers over her pussy opening, the more she tried to thrust herself against my hand, moaning impatiently. Then her time was up. The tank automatically began to drain again until her face was totally exposed.

You made two minutes,” I told her with a smile as she gasped for breath. But a part of me wondered if my results were skewed by the fact that I’d “distracted” her.

I did, didn’t I!” she panted rather proudly. Then her eyes flashed mischievously at me.

She giggled, “I had some help though, you pervert. Gawd; you were making me squirm! At the end there, I started to get a little dizzy.”

Now it gets harder,” I told her as I checked the settings and reset the valve to the tank. “You should know, I plan on keeping you down the full 2:30.”

I’ve never made 2:30 before,” she gasped uncertainly. “What if I don’t make it?”

Then you’ll drown,” I told her simply. I don’t know why my cock quivered at the thought.

Yes, I do…

If I make 2:30, you won’t drown me then?” she asked nervously.

Of course I’m going to drown you.” I couldn’t help smiling when I said it, and I felt my cock quiver again. “You ARE going to drown today, honey. That’s what this experiment is all about.”


In the tank, Jenna gasped anxiously for breath. I couldn’t quite tell if it was out of fear or excitement.

I told her, “If you don’t want to drown, you should just hold your breath for 2:30. That’s the next time to shoot for.” In response my volunteer started gasping for breath, slowly filling her lungs and then exhaling.

I don’t know if I felt the need to explain, or whether it was a bit of a sadistic streak in me. I looked down in the tank at her as I said, “I suppose you should know that if you start to drown before the time is up, then reaching 2:30 won’t save you. Once you start to drown, you’ll be kept underwater until your body has stopped struggling. Then I’ll drain the tank and bring you back. You should only be out about 20 or 30 seconds at most. Do you understand?”

Gawd!” she gasped again, her eyes wide. Then she nodded while quietly murmuring, “Ok.”

After her 2 minute break, the tank started filling again. She quickly filled her lungs moments before water flowed over her face. Then she was under again, the flowing water causing her hair to swirl around her head like it had previously. For the next 2:30, she would be stuck underwater while being forced to hold her breath.

Almost immediately, her drowning concerns seemed to disappear, because she started winking at me. She even tried to wriggle around as though wanting to show off her tits to me. Once again, she blew sexy little bubbles up at me. I suspected she was trying to turn me on even more. So I decided it was time to get back at her.

I had instructions to study a drowning subject in the cause of finding some way to help future victims. But I had no real directives as to how to go about it. It was pretty much left to my discretion.

I was allowed to do whatever I deemed necessary or reasonable, providing it didn’t further harm the subject. With Jenna being such a flirt, I decided it was time to strike back.

Making sure she was all right, I smiled at her before stepping away from the tank. She tried to see where I went, her brow furrowing in confusion. I was gone long enough to retrieve something from a nearby cabinet.

When I got back, I showed it to her. Jenna’s eyes opened wide as I showed her the slender pink vibrator in my hand.

Turning it on, I knelt down next to the tank. Then I proceeded to gently brush it back and forth over her nipples. Her response was almost immediate…

Her eyes got big as saucers, and her little nipples hardened right up. Then her eyes closed tightly. It was as though she was trying to shut it out of her mind.

Her body writhed around in the tank as she began to moan. Either she would make 2:30, or she would blow her air away. Either way, it would give me something worth taking notes on.

Her naked, writhing body got me hard pretty quick as I rubbed the vibe back and forth over her nipples. At around the 1:20 mark, I moved it down, tracing a line down her tummy to her protruding clit. When I lightly brushed it over the top of her nub, she groaned and bubbled as her torso thrust upwards.

Jenna really started to wriggle and thrust as erotic bubbles dribbled out of her mouth and nose. It wasn’t long until I saw her chest start to heave. Her tummy rippled as her lungs protested.

I took the vibe and slowly worked it back and forth between her engorged labia. Her torso instantly rose up as though she wanted the buzzing thing deep inside her. Jenna moaned as though in agony, writhing around as though she was being tickled or something.

I could hear the quiet buzzing of the vibe as I brushed it over the opening to her pussy. She thrust against it in frustration, groaning helplessly. Her lips clenched as air spurted out in little bursts, her breasts shaking with each new spasm.

I chuckled sadistically as I slid the vibrator against her opening, pushing the tip of it inside. The poor thing cried out, and she humped against it as though she was desperately trying to fuck the damn thing. She strained against the straps holding her down, losing more air in spurts and bursts as her body writhed.

I was surprised to hear the drain open and the tank start to empty, especially since I hadn’t paid that close attention to the time. Jenna groaned as she continued to hump against the vibe in my hand. But when I took it away, she cried out in frustration.

The water level fell below her face. She gasped madly for breath. “Bastard!” she sputtered. “Fuck; that was intense! I nearly came, damn you! Why’d you pull it away?”

Because you made it to 2:30, honey,” I told her matter-of-factly as I smiled innocently.

She didn’t seem to care how long she’d been under. “But I wanted to CUM!” she protested. “I was holding my breath; and I was starting to get dizzy; and it was feeling incredible; and I was getting so close; and…”

She looked at me as though putting two and two together. Then she stated, “You wanted to drown me as I came, don’t you!” Her eyes were wide from a mixture of alarm and intense arousal.

The thought had crossed my mind,” I admitted… although to be truthful, I hadn’t considered that. But occurred to me I would probably get some interesting observations if she drowned in the midst of a full-blown orgasm.

Perhaps that would be too much,” I told her with a wink as I glanced at the time, seeing how much longer she had to get her breath back. “Maybe we should just go back to a simple breath-hold.”

Make me cum!” she blurted out. “I want to cum underwater! Gawd; that felt so intense for a minute there! Make me cum; please?”

Actually, I’m not concerned so much about you cumming as I am about you drowning.”

But I wanna CUM!” she gasped.

Better get ready,” I warned. “That last one was 2:30. This next one will be 3 minutes.”

Let me cum!” she begged.

If you cum, then you’ll probably drown.”

I don’t care! I just want to cum underwater! Drown me if you have to; just let me cum!”

I considered it for a moment. Then I told her, “If you cum, then I’m going to keep you under until you drown… whether you reach 3 minutes or not.”

She only hesitated a moment… “Then drown me, damn you! Just let me cum!”

If that’s the way you want it, sweetheart,” I told her with a wicked grin. “Better get your breath back, honey. This is going to be a really long one.”

Jenna started taking long, deep breaths in preparation for her time underwater. But I couldn’t help noticing that she seemed to be trembling with excitement. I examined the vibe in my hand, and I smiled sinisterly at her.

Don’t you DARE tease me!” she gasped. Then at 2:30, the valve opened and the tank started filling with water.

It’s MY experiment,” I told her with a wicked grin. “I’ll run it the way I see fit.”

She had no time for a response, as the flowing water climbed higher. She took a deep breath moments before it would have been too late. Then she was underwater.

The tank finished filling. Jenna closed her eyes and settled in for a long one. I could tell she was terribly aroused by how erect her nipples had become. I also thought I saw a little streamer of her arousal leaking out of her pussy. If she was afraid of drowning, she certainly wasn’t showing it.

For the first minute or so, I allowed her to stew underwater, making her think I wasn’t even going to touch her. I could tell by how stiff she seemed that she was waiting anxiously for me to get started. I couldn’t help smiling in spite of myself, being thankful for some of the odd, yet enjoyable, perks this job has for me.

I think she heard me when I turned the vibe back on. There was the faintest hint of movement as though she had jerked or something. Then I brought the vibe in and brushed it gently over her painfully erect nipples.

She moaned and writhed a little as blips of air dribbled out of her nose. I watched her for a greater reaction as I slowly traced a line down below with the vibe. She bubbled as her body quivered.

I brought it down her tummy until I ran it over the top of her clit. She tensed and groaned again, keeping her eyes closed tightly. It was as though she was afraid I might stop if she opened them.

She began to writhe and squirm, but still she kept her eyes closed. It was almost as though she was pushing this one, wanting to hold her breath for as long as was humanly possible. I ran the buzzing vibrator between her pussy lips, and she wriggled around as she humped against it, groaning intensely.

It wasn’t long until her chest started to heave. I saw little stomach convulsions as her need to breathe increased. She began to hump against the vibe in my hand a little harder.

I wriggled it around until it was buzzing her opening. Then I slipped it deep inside her. That’s when I started a gentle thrusting.

Jenna’s eyes snapped open. She started to grunt and bubble in earnest as she tried to grind against the buzzing vibe in her pussy. Air dribbled out of her nose as her lips clenched.

Her grunts and whimpers increased in intensity. As she passed 2:40, she really began humping against the buzzing vibe thrusting inside her. Her breasts shook as her chest heaved.

Her stomach convulsed in what looked like painful spasms. Jenna winced as air spurted out past her clenched lips. Her hips came up like she was fucking that buzzing vibe.

Her back arched as her hands flexed. As she passed 3:00, I really started thrusting it inside her. After all, I was certain she was never going to make 3:30.

All of the sudden Jenna stiffened as though she’d been hit with a jolt of electricity. Then I heard an underwater scream as air erupted out of her mouth. Her body bucked and shook as her arms and legs writhed in their straps, her feet cocking and curling as her hands flexed wildly.

For a second, I thought she was going to choke herself out with that strap around her neck. Then she gurgled as she reflexively inhaled. That’s when her eyes snapped open in horror.

Almost immediately, she began bucking against the straps as air gushed out of her mouth. She tried to scream again. But all that came out was a series of grunts.

Her mouth kept opening and closing like she was gulping down water. Her hair swirled wildly around her head. It was the most incredible thing I have ever seen.

My cock was hard as I witnessed the whole thing. I watched intently so I could jot down every observation. Then I saw a sudden discharge of fluid out of her pussy, although it didn’t look like urine.

Jenna suddenly settled onto the floor of the tank as though she’d lost the will to struggle any more. She stared up in shock and awe, her mouth open from her futile attempts to pull air into her lungs. Her brown hair swirled around her head until it started to settle.

Several tiny bubbles slipped out past her parted lips as her body twitched a couple of times. That’s when I drained the tank at 3:27. When it was empty, I started the resuscitation process.

Jenna came around in less than 20 seconds. She had this dazed look on her face as though she’d been drugged or was confused or something. That’s when I picked her up, carried her over to a gurney and then rolled her down to the infirmary…

I went to check on her a couple of hours later. When I saw her, she said she was fine. She also said she’d never had an orgasm as powerful as the one she’d experienced in the tank. She said she faintly recalled having a second one, but between that and sucking air into her lungs, she had been battered into unconsciousness.

I thanked her for her participation, telling her I was glad she was all right. “Oh, NO!” she gasped excitedly. “Thank YOU! I’m ready to do another one!”

Didn’t it hurt?” I asked incredulously.

Hurt like hell,” she responded. “But FUCK; what a rush! When are we gonna do the next one?” I told her I’d get back to her on that.

Once again, I thanked her for her participation. Then I took my leave. But I had to shake my head in amazement as I walked down the hallway.

It was simply unbelievable what some people were willing to put themselves through just to experience a rather powerful orgasm…

2010; 2022 (written for Drownlover Mar 6 ’10; ed. Jul 3 ‘22 by riwa)

Posted in Drowning Stories | Tagged , | Leave a comment

The garden party 4.1 (35)

A garden party?” Magalie asked her husband Tony in surprise. “You want us to host a garden party? Is that why you’re building this gazebo? I didn’t know you were even capable of building a birdhouse, much less a gazebo!” Then she snorted as she added, “You really think it will be ready by Saturday?”

You’ll find I’m full of surprises,” he replied in a huff as he hammered in another nail.

She examined how it was shaping up. She grudgingly had to admire his handiwork. Then she shook her head.

You astonish me,” she chuckled. “It’s looking pretty good thus far. But did you really have to dig a barbecue pit in our backyard?”

It’s for the party,” he told her curtly. “I was planning on having a lot of people over, and I wanted to roast a pig. Damnit, do you have to question everything I do in my own backyard?”

A pig?” she retorted dubiously. “Do you even know how to roast one? Where the hell are you going to find a pig to roast?”

Don’t worry; I’ve got something in mind,” he replied as he hammered in another nail.

She got the impression he didn’t want to talk about it anymore. “Fine. I’ll be in the house if you need anything.”

Get me a beer?”

She eyed him for a long moment, toying with the idea of telling him to get it himself. Then she saw his progress on the gazebo and thought better of it. Maybe he deserved a little kindness.

I’ll be back with your beer,” she responded as she headed for the house…

Amazingly, the gazebo was ready by the weekend. But what Magalie didn’t like was all the work she had to put into the meal. She had to fix a couple of really large salads. She also had to go to the store for chips and booze.

By Friday night she was exhausted. Needless to say, that night there was no sex between her and her husband. That wasn’t all that unusual as there hadn’t been any between them for quite some time.

Saturday morning Tony was up bright and early preparing his barbecue pit. He’d obtained a couple of metal posts topping off in the shape of a large Y. He drove them into the ground on either end of the pit.

He placed a long, metal pole between the posts. It fit perfectly. Magalie didn’t understand any of the working parts to the contraption. She just hoped Tony knew what he was doing. He certainly was putting in an awful lot of work on the project.

What was really strange was the way he’d designed the gazebo. Apparently he’d tried to make it into some sort of fountain. But he’d obviously mucked that up.

There was a bunch of rope attached to several five gallon buckets. The purpose and design was totally unclear to her. She just shrugged her shoulders while muttering, “It figures!” From that moment on, she referred to the crazy contraption as “Tony’s Folly”.

The guests soon began to arrive. Magalie dutifully played hostess. Tony disappeared for a while, apparently off to buy more party decorations.

She liked having the guests all to herself. She loved taking them out back and showing them “Tony’s Folly”. It was a great way to humiliate him without his presence.

She snorted in derision as she pointed it out to one and all. She told them the gazebo had turned out well. But her husband had gotten things totally out of whack with his so-called fountain.

She made sure to point out the barbecue pit, posts and metal pole. She told everyone she had no idea when Tony was going to arrive with the pig. But for some reason, she got several strange looks from some of her guests, as though they knew something she didn’t.

She thought it rather odd. But she decided not to make a big deal out of it. Besides, they were all Tony’s friends, people whom she was not very impressed with anyway.

She hoped the barbecue would not last all day long. She didn’t want all these people hanging around. Some of them were beginning to give her the creeps.

She made sure the drinks flowed freely. Tony had demanded that of her. He wanted her to make sure his friends never got thirsty.

She thought it was a rather expensive outlay of funds for all that booze. He certainly was spending an awful lot of dough for the afternoon. She didn’t think a dumb, garden party deserved this much effort, not when she could have used those funds to go shopping.

Things soured considerably once Tony arrived. For one thing, he’d brought home a blonde she hated. It was as though he was deliberately flaunting her in front of his wife.

Magalie scowled contemptuously at him while giving the bimbo the stink-eye. Tony acted like he didn’t even notice as he escorted the blonde to the backyard. Magalie followed along, her anger smoldering.

When Tony reached the patio, he got the attention of everyone in attendance. He thanked them all for coming. Then he told them he hoped they would enjoy the day.

Magalie couldn’t help snorting aloud. These people certainly weren’t going to have a very good meal. Her husband had yet to produce this so-called pig he was going to roast.

Tony turned and gave his wife a funny look. Then he turned toward his pride and joy: the gazebo. “Everyone, gather around!” he announced, waving them closer.

Magalie glared angrily as the blonde cozied up to her husband, infuriating her even more. Then her husband began to speak. “Ladies and gentlemen, it’s time to break this baby in!”

She looked in the direction he was pointing. That’s when she jerked with a start. A noose was dangling from the eyehook up in the ceiling where one hadn’t been before. Now where the hell had THAT come from?

Strangely, it was attached to 5 equal lengths of rope that spread out from the top of the gazebo as they dangled from more eyehooks. Each length of rope attached to the noose went down to those white, five gallon buckets that now dangled a couple feet off the ground. Magalie shook her head, wondering how the hell she’d missed her husband putting that noose up. Maybe one of his friends had done it while she wasn’t looking.

And now for the fun,” Tony waved grandly, motioning for his wife to come forward. “Honey, would you please come forward?” The blonde on his arm smiled as though she was in on some sort of secret.

What do you want with me now?” she responded sourly. By now she’d become totally pissed off at the way he was being so affectionate with the blonde bimbo.

A couple of Tony’s friends came up behind her. They grabbed her with strong hands. Then they began working her toward Tony and the gazebo.

Hey, what gives?” she blustered in annoyance. “Would you stop… HEY! What are you doing?? You can’t take my clothes off like that?? Tony, what the hell is going on??”

She tried to put up a fight, indignant at her shabby treatment and the rough removal of her attire. But she was a rather chubby female and not very athletic, weighing in at approximately 200 pounds.

Within moments she was totally naked. Her arms were quickly secured behind her back. That’s when she started hollering, “WHAT THE HELL–WHAT THE HELL??”

Tony smiled sinisterly as he walked up to her. Then he chuckled, “Guess what, you fucking cow? The joke’s on you. I built this for you” and he motioned at the gazebo she was being forced into.

For me??” she sputtered in alarm, her heart starting to beat fast.

She tried to remain her composure despite being naked in front of everyone. Then she became defiant. “I should’ve known! This isn’t a gazebo! It isn’t even a decent fountain, asshole! Leave it to you to fuck up building something as simple as a gawd-damn gazebo!”

He calmly chuckled, “Oh, I didn’t fuck it up, lard-ass! This is more than just a gazebo with a fountain. It’s your gallows, bitch!” And with that he brought the noose down to eye-level, framing her face.

At first she was dubious. Then he told her, “We’re going to start our garden party with a nice, slow hanging. And when the hanging is over? Guess who’s going to end up roasting for our barbecue?”

Magalie was horrified. Surely this was nothing more than a sick joke. But she shuddered and started gasping for breath as he pulled the noose down over her head.

Tony, WAIT! You can’t be serious! This is a joke, right? Honey, don’t DO this to me! I LOVE you!”

The blonde on his arm chuckled as she eyed her with disdain. Then she snorted, “He loves ME, you ignorant cow! He set all this up for me as a part of our engagement party. The first thing we’re going to do is hang your fat ass. Then we’re going to roast you!”

Her words earned her a loud cheer from the guests. But they gave Magalie the shivers. A quick glance around indicated there wasn’t a single, sympathetic soul on the property.

Tony; NO!” He ignored her as he snugged the noose tight around her neck.

She still held onto the faintest hope this might be some elaborate joke. It sure as hell wasn’t the least bit funny! Besides, she had no idea how they were going to hang her as there was nothing to lift her up, and she was standing on solid ground.

It’s time to set up my ‘hanging fountain’,” Tony said aloud.

He moved to each of the five fountain streams, changing the direction of each flow. That’s when the redirected water began to stream into the five dangling white buckets. A few seconds later Magalie knew exactly how she was going to hang.

The five ropes stretched tightly to the one attached to her noose. Any slack was quickly removed. “Ohmygawd!” she gasped in horror. “Tony; NOO! You can’t DO this to me!”

He chuckled, “Relax, honey. Maybe you’ll enjoy this. I know I’m going to. And so are our guests.”

Bastard!” she cried out, on the verge of hysteria. “Let me go!”

She looked around at their guests. There wasn’t a merciful expression in the bunch. They all appeared to be excited at the prospects of watching her hang. Were they actually going to spit-roast her dead body??

The blonde gleefully spat out, “You’re dead, you fucking cow! Now you’re gonna hang! And then you’re gonna roast!” That’s when she took a swing at Magalie, laughing as she smacked the frightened woman’s tits with her bare hand.

Magalie yelped before crying out, “Tony; PLEASE! Don’t DO this to me!”

She gasped in alarm as the coil slowly tightened around her neck. The water being added to the buckets was now adding to the strain. “Tony?? Help me! The noose is getting TIGHTER!”

Magalie could feel the tension around her neck getting worse. It was starting to choke off her airway. She tried to shuffle around, but that only made things worse.

Anytime she moved, it set the white, plastic buckets to swaying as they each continued to fill. It wasn’t long until she was instinctively trying to rise up on the balls of her feet to ease the strain around her neck. Her nipples protruded from the horror she was experiencing as her pussy dripped from a terrifying arousal.

How about it, bitch?” the blonde snickered at her. “Got anything to say to me now?”

There was nothing but an asphyxiated gasp in response. So she gleefully slapped Magalie’s tits hard. She enjoyed seeing them redden from the blows.

Magalie gasped and gurgled from slow asphyxiation. The strain on her neck was getting worse. How long before she couldn’t breathe? Would she eventually be lifted up into the air?

How about your cunt, cunt?” the sadistic blonde laughed. “Is this turning you on?” Then she cruelly stuck a couple of fingers inside Magalie’s dripping slit.

Hey, Tony!” she proclaimed. “Old lard-ass here is wet as hell!”

She stuck the fingers into her own mouth, tasting them. She moaned at the flavor. Then her eyes flashed as she considered a wicked idea.

Hey, Tony? You know what? You should let all the guys give ol’ lard-ass here a good fuck before we put her on to cook! Besides, it’ll be the last time she ever gets to enjoy another cock. What do you say?”

Magalie was horrified. The last thing she wanted was to be treated like that. But she was helpless as she rasped and gurgled, shuffling around on the balls of her feet as the buckets continued to fill, putting increased tension on the rope around her throat.

What do you say, Tony?” one of his gruff looking friends asked. “She’s certainly not going to tell anyone about this, certainly not after we roast her!” Laughter followed his comments, leaving poor Magalie humiliated as she stood naked and half-strangled!

Fine by me!” Tony agreed, causing the blonde on his arm to grin sadistically.

The gruff looking guy walked up to the noosed woman and pulled down his jeans, revealing a long, thick erection. Magalie couldn’t believe it! He moved closer, lifted her up a little, and then shoved it right in to her dripping slit.

She jerked and gawked as he thrust in hard. By now her face was starting to redden from her asphyxia. Unfortunately, his lifting her up for better penetration did nothing to ease the tension around her throat.

He ruthlessly pounded her as those standing around cheered him on. Magalie’s pussy involuntarily clenched in response to her strangulation. She could not keep from clamping tightly around his thick cock as though eager to be fucked.

Damn!” he gasped aloud. “You should feel her cunt twitching! She’s milking me like she really wants it! The fucking whore!” That got another round of laughter.

Magalie shuddered and gurgled, struggling to take in a decent breath of air. She was brutally violated in front of all Tony’s friends. Then that bitch of a blonde loudly suggested she should take two cocks at once, being as how her ass was available. That got another chorus of cheers.

Magalie shuddered in horror as another of Tony’s friends pulled down his jeans. It revealed another thick cock that was hard as a rock. She did not want that penetrating her ass, but there was nothing she could do.

He walked up behind her and forced the tip of his cock against her anal ring. Then he rammed it home. Magalie let out a garbled cry, her eyes flying open in pain as she was fucked front and back. A moment later she experienced a shameful orgasm.

Hey, did she just cum?” one of Tony’s friends observed. Magalie’s face flushed red with humiliation. But her asphyxiation camouflaged her embarrassment.

The fucking whore!” the blonde cackled. “I should’ve known!” Then she checked the progress of the fountain.

Bucket’s are filling fast, Tony. We don’t want her dying too soon; do we? After all, she’s got a lot of cocks to service before she finishes hanging; right?”

Tony dutifully went around his fountain. He redirected the five streams of water out of the plastic containers. It left the five gallon buckets partially filled as they dangled in mid-air.

Magalie almost wished he would’ve left them alone. She was exquisitely strangled. There was just enough tension on the five ropes to the noose that she could barely breathe.

She was getting just enough air to live. It was just enough air to experience the cocks brutally penetrating her cunt and ass one by one. She choked and rasped, gawking each time another cock rammed its way home into one of her holes.

Tony’s male guests each took a turn fucking Magalie’s asphyxiated body. They forced several more embarrassing orgasms out of her. The moments of pleasure weren’t nearly enough to overcome the agonies of breathlessness.

After the men were done, several of the females came forward to have a turn at abusing her. They enjoyed slapping her tits and fisting her holes. The blonde went last and was especially cruel, wriggling her fingers into Magalie’s cum-filled cunt and then shoving them into the poor woman’s mouth for a taste.

The last thing she did was brutally fist the poor thing’s ass before wiping the cummy residue on Magalie’s lips. “Taste your cum-filled asshole, bitch!” the blonde proclaimed, grinning lewdly at the severely strangled woman. Then she turned toward their host.

Hey Tony! Isn’t it time to finish her off? I’m getting hungry! Let’s finish hanging old lard-ass! I want to see her fat ass strung up and dancing!”

She got cheers and cries of agreement from everyone around her. Tony dutifully went around the gazebo, redirecting the water back into the five buckets. Then he walked up to his severely strangled wife, cruelly slapping her face.

It’s much cheaper that a divorce, you fucking cow! Now you can hang for the lot of us. But don’t worry, honey. I increased the flow of water for you. You should be up in the air in no time at all.”

Everyone instinctively took a step back as though wanting to take in the whole setting. Magalie began to wriggle and struggle. Her eyes opened wider as her chest heaved.

The weight of the water filling the buckets dramatically increased the tension on her noose. It lift her up even more. She shuffled around on her tiptoes, struggling to find any relief.

Her face reddened noticeably as she struggled to breathe. Her tongue poked out as she suffered in breathless agony. Her tits bounced as her chest heaved.

She was slowly lifted up off the ground from the counterweight of the rapidly filling buckets. She rose higher as everyone cheered. Her eyes flew open, her toes fluttering for a solid foundation that was no longer there.

Her legs exploded as she started to kick. Globs of cum leaped out of her well-fucked cunt and ass. Magalie twisted and swung in a lewd ballet of death.

Her knees came together as she danced and gyrated. Then they jerked upward. The sight made the blonde gasp, “Hey look! Old lard-ass is cumming! I should’ve known, the fucking whore!”

Magalie kicked and jerked until the noose totally constricted her airway. Her only conscious thought was how much it hurt and how she just wanted it to be over. Then her body gave off one last jerk.

She hung limp and lifeless. Her naked, well-fucked body softly swung back and forth in the noose. The water finished filling the buckets and began overflowing.

Tony went around and calmly redirected the water flow back into his fountain. The blonde walked up to Magalie and slapped her tits hard. “Are you dead yet, lard-ass? Can you feel this?”

Magalie barely flinched from the abuse as her eyes glazed over. Then her bladder gave way. Piss streamed down her legs, splattering onto the ground.

Hot damn!” one of Tony’s friends cried out. “The bitch is dead!” That brought out a cheer from one and all.

Can we leave her up awhile?” the blonde asked Tony. “I want to enjoy old lard-ass dangling in the noose for a few minutes.”

Anything for you, baby,” he said affectionately.

Magalie was left hanging for half an hour. The rope creaked from her weight as she slowly swung back and forth. The only other sound that could be heard over the guests’ enjoyment of the day was the water flowing in the fountain.

Magalie was finally taken down. Tony took a knife and cut her head off at his new lover’s request. The blonde wanted to use her head as a centerpiece for the afternoon’s barbecue.

A couple of his friends helped shove the pole up her ass. It emerged out of her neck stump. Then she was secured before being put on to roast.

The rest of the afternoon was spent eating and drinking. While Magalie’s body was still roasting, the blonde encouraged the guys to take her head and use it for a masturbation device. Several of the guys fucked her mouth and neck before they tossed it around like a football.

The blonde couldn’t resist kissing the dead lips. As a last humiliation, she pulled down her shorts. Then she peed all over the face.

By the time the sun set, there wasn’t much left of Magalie but guts, bones and internal organs. Her meat had been cooked; her leftovers divided up among Tony’s friends to take home.

Tony dumped the rest of her remains into the barbecue pit. Then he covered it up, leaving the head with his new lover as an engagement gift. In case anyone asked, the story would be that Magalie had packed up and left, and that no one knew where the hell she’d gone.

2013; 2021 (written for “Magalie” Jun 4 ’13; ed. Apr 13 ‘21 by riwa)

Posted in Asphyxia Stories | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

An afternoon to herself 3.4 (32)

The kids were off with the neighbors, allowing Denise an afternoon of rest. So she decided to do a little sunbathing in a patio lounger out back, enjoying the peace and quiet. She loved her girls, but there were times when they did run her ragged.

For instance, much of yesterday had been spent playing out in the backyard. The pool had been a popular attraction, especially when her daughters had figured out how to get mom to the bottom of the deep end by tossing diving rings and dive sticks down there for her to fetch. Naturally they had not yet mastered the art of reaching the depths themselves. But it had been great fun watching mom dive down after the rings and sticks they’d tossed into the water.

She’d finally become exhausted and told them no more, despite them pleading for her to do it just one more time. They had even unloaded their entire arsenal into the water, hoping to entice mom to dive down once more. But she had stood firm, telling them that if they wanted their water toys, they needed to go fetch the objects themselves.

The daughters had given it the old college try. But they’d been unsuccessful in reaching the bottom. Then Denise had herded them inside where she could keep an eye on them while fixing supper. The two had complained a little too loudly, causing her to send them off to their room until she called them for the evening meal.

That was yesterday. Today the neighbor had the girls for an excursion to the park along with her own little ones. That meant Denise had been given the better part of the afternoon to herself. She had enthusiastically thanked Vanessa, telling her she could use an afternoon away from her girls.

She napped in the patio lounger in her light red bikini for the better part of an hour, enjoying a restful snooze before she awakened. Then she stood up and walked over to the swimming pool. It was time to enjoy a little swim for herself.

She slowly waded down the steps into the shallow end, enjoying the cool liquid upon her warm skin. A nice swim was going to feel wonderful. And with neither of the girls around, she would be able to go to the bottom without any tasks to perform.

She waded into deeper water, enjoying the refreshing chill of the pool. But she knew it would not stay cool for long. In fact, the pool was liable to be warm by midevening from the heat.

She waded in up to her chest, feeling a slight tingle of pleasure. She knelt down and ducked under before coming right back up. Then she slicked her hair back before preparing for her swim.

At that moment she caught sight of the toys scattered all around the deep end. She had not come out last night to retrieve them, leaving them submerged overnight. Now they beckoned to her, reminding her of the activities of the day before.

Denise sighed heavily. Even now with no kids around, there was still work to be done as a mother. She smiled wryly as she filled her lungs and then submerged with a burble.

She angled downward, hair flowing behind her as she scooped up the nearest dive rings. Near the wall, a couple of dive sticks beckoned to her. Along with them lay a little rubber block that weighed no more than a pound.

She confidently swam over, bubbles trailing out of her nose. She scooped up the sticks. But Denise decided to abandon the weight for the time being.

She headed up for the surface. She was close to the side of the pool and wanted to deposit her first load. She burst up panting quietly as she swam over and dumped the sticks and rings along the edge.

She paused for a moment, treading water as she looked at the start of her collection. She was tempted to hide the items once she got them all rounded up. Otherwise, her darling daughters would no doubt make her play their fetching game again.

She shook her head with a wry smile. Then she filled her lungs. Denise submerged with a release of bubbles out of her nose.

As she swam back down, she felt the bracelet rustle upon her ankle. It was the one her oldest daughter had bought for her at a yard sale the other day. It was a gold colored chain with a dangling pendant of a mermaid.

With the money she had saved up, she had eagerly grabbed it up. Then she’d happily presented it to the older woman manning the cashbox. With the transaction completed, she’d proudly presented it to her mother with love and appreciation.

Denise had beamed at the gift and had graciously accepted it. She’d been teaching her girls how to share and be generous. This one act of buying something for her as a present had brought tears to her eyes. Afterwards, she’d taken to proudly wearing it everywhere she went.

She reached the bottom and smoothly followed the surface, scooping up sticks and rings. There was another weight over near the corner. She decided to go after that one as well.

She pulled steadily with her arms, being careful not to lose the growing collection in her hands. Then she scooped up the weight before swimming up to the surface with her collection. Denise left a second pile along the side of the pool.

She looked down at the remaining objects, shaking her head. “Those rascals,” she sighed. “They dumped everything down there but the kitchen sink.”

She paused a second to map out her next dive. If she did it right, she just might be able to gather the remaining toys on one breath. But she would have to make a swim along the wall of the pool and then angle inward, concluding near the drain where two rings and a dive stick awaited.

She took a deep breath and then submerged with a burble. Then she kicked off from the wall, giving her a little extra momentum. Denise pulled downward with her arms, determined to conclude her treasure hunt with this last dive. Then the pool would be empty, and she could swim at her leisure.

She scooped up the scattered sticks and rings before angling inward. She darted over and snapped up the last wayward weight. Then she headed toward the middle of the deep end where the last of the water toys remained.

This was proving to be easier than she’d anticipated. Thankfully the toys weren’t being tossed back in by her daughters just as fast as she could gather them up like what had happened yesterday. She just had to get those last three over by the drain, and then she would be done.

Denise felt an ache in her chest as she approached her remaining targets. She was certain she could get them all gathered up and returned to the surface in this one last dive. Then the pool would be hers. Hell, she might even take off her bikini and sneak in a refreshing little skinny-dip!

She swam to the drain where she reached out for the remaining water toys. That’s when she accidentally dropped the weight and a dive stick. She was forced to pause and kneel, losing everything in her hands.

She struggled to arrange how she was going to get everything back up to the surface. She was almost out of breath. Should she try to get it all up now? Or should she make a return trip?

She could feel it in her lungs as she gathered up the water toys. She burbled as she looped the rings onto her right arm. Then she gathered up the sticks and weights in both hands.

She was almost out of air. But she just about had it all gathered up now. If she could hold onto it all and hurry herself back to the surface, she might just be able to make it in one b-

Her ankle suddenly jerked her to a halt, startling her. She grunted and bubbled in alarm, dropping everything from her hands. When she turned to look, she saw her mermaid ankle chain had been snagged by the grating to the drain.

Instinctively she jerked on her ankle as her lungs began to burn. She really needed to surface; she’d been down a little too long. But this was the ankle pendant her daughter had given her. She didn’t want to break it.

Denise knelt down and fumbled for it. But somehow it had really gotten wedged. Then her lungs heaved ominously.

An unnerving thought flickered through her head. If she didn’t loosen it soon, she might very well…

No! Don’t even think that!” she told herself. But she could already feel the fear and panic rising up in her throat. Her chest heaved as her lungs strained. She’d been down a long time; she really needed another breath.

Denise fumbled with the chain to the pendant. But she couldn’t pull it free of the drain. Then she felt an ominous spasm in her chest.

Her mind cried out, “Just get the damned thing off your ankle! You can come back down for it later!”

She fumbled for the link, but couldn’t get it open. Her lungs heaved again; her chest was on fire. As she tugged in desperation, she could feel the chain cut into her flesh.

Denise looked all around as though anxious to find a nearby source of air. But there was none to be had. A moment later another chest convulsion hit her hard.

Denise instinctively shot upward, only to be tethered by the snagged mermaid pendant on her ankle chain. She jerked wildly with her leg as her arms waved for the surface. The pendant was no longer a concern. All she cared about was getting back to the surface.

She screamed her breath away. Her lungs heaved as she instinctively clamped her lips shut, afraid she might lose the rest of her air. She jerked her leg against the pendant tethering her to the drain as she used a hand to cover her mouth, her free arm waving wildly. Then her lungs gave out.

Denise gurgled air down her windpipe. Her eyes snapped open as her airway instinctively closed off. She thrashed about like mad, desperate to get to the surface and inhale.

Her trachea opened back up, and she sucked water into her lungs. Denise bucked and jerked, grunting and gurgling as she began to drown while tethered to the pool drain. A line was being cut into the flesh around her ankle from the chain, rubbing her raw as she thrashed about.

She coughed up bubbles as her chest heaved again and again. All she could think of how no one was around to save her. Then she thought of her daughters.

Her mind screamed in anguish. Now her girls were going to have to get along without her. A moment later her consciousness faded away as her body went limp.

Denise remained tethered to the drain, her body gently swaying back and forth. Stray bubbles slipped out past her parted lips. Her arms lazily reached up for the surface as her eyes stared vacantly in shock and disbelief.

2012; 2021 (written for jqpublic Sep 24 ’12; ed. Jan 29 ’21 by riwa)

(Picture found on the Internet and included for illustration purposes. Inspired by that drowning scene on Falcon Crest.)

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I want to make it work 4.6 (41)

I wrap the bag around her head, holding it in place as she tries to lick me through the plastic. My husband thrusts into her from behind as the bag inflates and deflates. Her panic is delicious.

I no longer want her to lick my pussy. I want her to suffer. And suffer she does, even as Bob thrusts in and out of her cunt.

She shakes her head and tries to cry out. I put up my hand and motion for Bob to stop. Then I pull the bag off her head.

She gasps for breath, a wild look in her eyes. I shake my head as I tell her, “I thought you enjoyed erotic asphyxiation. Isn’t that what you told us when we picked you out of the line outside?”

“Not like this!” she pants angrily.

I sigh as I shake my head. “Let’s get her dressed, Bob. She’s not the one I want. If I can’t enjoy putting her through some erotic asphyxiation, I’d rather go back out to the line and find someone else.”

“All right, honey,” he tells me as he gets up, his erection softening. “C’mon, Sylvia. Let’s get you dressed and get you back out to the line. I guess it’s just not going to work out with us tonight.”

She looks at us in alarm as Bob grabs an arm to help her stand up. “W-wait a minute!” she stammers. “I didn’t say I didn’t…”

I sadly tell her, “We’re not going to put someone through this who isn’t enjoying herself. Too bad.” Then I ask my husband, “How was it feeling, Bob?”

“She was clenching pretty good, Susan. I thought at some point she was going to have a pretty big orgasm. I guess we misjudged her.”

He pulls harder on our guest, who is now acting as though she’s having second thoughts. “C’mon, Sylvia; let’s get you dressed. The night is still young. I’m sure we can find someone else out in line who will be a little more cooperative and is more than willing to suffer through a little erotic asphyxiation with us.”

She seems upset we’re about to send her back out of the Club. “Is that it? You’re going to take me back out just like that?”

“Just like that,” Bob tells her.

“But I’m already here inside the Club! I haven’t seen much of anything yet! You haven’t… haven’t even paid me anything!”

“You’re not going to work out for us after all,” I explain with a sad shake of my head. “Now are you going to get dressed? Or do we have to call an attendant to get you out of here?”

“No – no; wait!” she stammers anxiously. “I’m not ready to go back out! I mean… I’m not ready to… You just, uh… you just caught me off guard is all!”

“You didn’t act like you were enjoying it,” Bob tells her. “In fact, you acted like you downright hated it.”

“I wasn’t… I wasn’t prepared!”

“We don’t want to have to pause and prepare you for every little thing,” I tell her sternly. “We just made a wrong choice with you is all. No harm done. We’ll simply toss you back with the rest of the fish. I’m sure my husband can find another woman out in line who’s much more into it than you are.”

“No; please! I can… I can adapt! Please; I’m not ready to leave! Can we try it again? Let’s try it again; ok? I… I really want to please you two!”

I shake my head as I sigh, “I’m not so sure about that.”

“Want me to go out and bring another one in for you, honey?”

“Yes, Bob; would you please? I really think she’s not the one for us to enjoy tonight. I can tell she thinks we’re going to be way too rough on her.”

“No; really! I want to try again! I really like it! I just hadn’t… hadn’t prepared myself…”

I sigh heavily. “There’s that ‘prepared’ word again. Bob, I really think you should go out and get me another girl.”

“No; please! I… I want you to bag me, Susan! I… I really mean it!”

I give her a dubious look as I murmur, “I don’t know…”

“Please?? I really want to please you folks tonight! I’ll… I’ll let you do anything to me that you want. And I promise I’ll… I’ll like it a lot!”

“I don’t know…” Then I casually pick up the bag and look it over.

She is half-turned on the bed, not fully facing me. So I pull the bag down over her head. Then I partially seal it.

She starts gasping as the plastic huffs and puffs around her face. She acts a little panicked. So I pull the bag back off.

I look right at my husband. Then I firmly tell him, “Bob? Take this one out and go get me another one; ok?”

“Right away, darling.”

“No; wait! I was… I was just starting to feel aroused! Please try it again!”

I shrug my shoulders as I pull it down over her head. Then I partially seal it. That’s when Bob splits her legs apart until she’s facing him.

He pulls her to the edge of the bed. Then he bends down and begins licking her out. I hold her back against me, wondering how she’s going to react this time.

The plastic puffs and then contracts around her face, although I hadn’t fully sealed it. She still acts a little frightened. But Bob’s tongue is starting to get to her.

I abruptly pull the bag up off her head. Then I shake my head. “I really don’t think this is going to work, Bob.”

“No; please! I want to make it work!” Now she sounds more than a little desperate. Maybe she senses her payday is slipping through her fingers.

I bag her again, a little rougher this time. Bob goes back to licking her slit. It isn’t long until she’s writhing against me.

She moans and mewls as Bob licks her wet slit. I loosen the bag and give her a brief gasp of air. Then I pull it down tight over her head again.

She pants until the bag huffs, only for it to change until it abruptly suctions against her face. It clings tightly to her mouth as Bob feasts on her cunt. Then she finds herself trying to suck the plastic all the way down her throat.

Sylvia suddenly shudders in orgasm. Bob withdraws as I loosen the bag and give her some air. She pants weakly, her eyes all glazed over.


She seems surprised as she tells me, “I… I wasn’t expecting to cum like that!”

“You mean like this?” And with that, I wrap the bag tightly around her head again.

Bob goes back to feasting and licking. She writhes with her back against me as I keep the bag sealed with one hand. With the other, I reach around and maul her tits.

She puts up a struggle. Obviously, she can’t help herself. Then she climaxes again.

I wait a bit longer before pulling the bag off and giving her air. She pants weakly, her eyes in a daze. “Is this… what you guys do to… girls like me… all the time?”

“Only the ones we like,” Bob replies with a smile.

“And only the ones who can handle it,” I add. “There may be a little natural fear to go along with these types of things. But in the end, the girls usually enjoy the orgasms they receive.”

I turn her head and kiss her lips. Then I savagely bag her again. That’s when Bob dives back in, once more using his tongue on her slit.

She can’t breathe, so she really fights me. I hold her tightly against my naked body as Bob licks her. The next orgasm she endures looks devastating.

She’s nearly passed out when I remove the bag. Then I turned her around and pull her head down into my crotch. “Lick me for receiving those orgasms, bitch!”

She has to catch her breath. Then she starts licking. The more she regains her composure, the better she does.

Bob helps turn her around off the end of the bed. Then he enters her from behind. He begins fucking her hard as I keep her head mashed into my cunt.

She grunts and moans as she slobbers all over my slit. She’s pretty talented, all things considered. It’s obvious mine is not the only snatch she’s ever feasted upon.

I cruelly bag her again. Then I force her head into my crotch and hump her face. Bob really gives it to her good from behind.

She cries out until the bag takes her breath away. It clings greedily to her face as I hold her against my crotch. I hump her face until I cry out in orgasm.

Sylvia is right behind me, shuddering hard. Bob lets out a satisfied gasp as he pumps a load deep up her slutty cunt. Then our guest goes limp, causing another small orgasm to ripple through me.

Bob slows down, thrusting in and out of her nice and slow as I keep the bag sealed. Sylvia no longer fights me for her next breath. I hump her face a little, but there’s no response.

I pull her head up and pull off the bag. There’s a look of agony and ecstasy in her features. It gives me an erotic shiver something fierce.

“I knew she couldn’t hack it,” I tell my husband. “I’m so glad Mistress Chastity gave us the go ahead. She did say she was looking for a roaster for the evening; didn’t she?”

“At least she went out with a bang,” Bob says with a smile. “After a while, we’ll go down and watch her in the Club kitchen. That should be entertaining.” Then he pushes her corpse aside, climbs into bed and kisses me passionately.


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Riwa’s Stories at Patreon 4.6 (7)

Coming February rewards

Housewife revenge
A request for Kristy 2
Best laid plans 10
Threesome in the bedroom
Emma’s wetsuit
A noosed girl in the woods
AF’s Moonshine and curses Pt 1
Chanta and Aria
Basement meeting
Doris hangs for Woodcock
And probably a couple others.

December stories/rewards will fall off at the end of January to make room for February rewards.

It happened late Friday afternoon just a couple weeks ago. I had just gotten back from my walk and was settling in for the night when I got a phone call.

The phone seldom rings in my apartment. When it does, it usually means one thing. It means my mother needs my help with something.

Once, she thought she had a water leak and called me over in the evening to have a look. Fortunately, it turned out to be a minor mystery involving clothes draped in the sink and over the edge of the counter, resulting in dripping water onto the floor. That proved to be somewhat amusing.

On this occasion, she told me she had fallen and needed some help getting back up. Could I come over and help her up? She could not get up on her own.

I was immediately stressed over the situation. But she told me not to worry. Her voice over the phone indicated she was fine.

She sounded like she was not too badly injured. She did not want me rushing over. She said she would be ok and for me to take my time.

I was in a state of semi-undress. I’ve been bundling up for my cold, winter walks, and I usually remove a couple layers when I get back to my apartment. But I was dressed and ready to go in about two minutes. That’s how fast you get ready to go when your mother needs you.

I didn’t know what to expect as I drove over. The last time mom fell, she damaged her shoulder. She had to go to the emergency room, and she spent many days at a care center rehabbing her arm and shoulder.

During my drive over, there were a couple of icy sections I had to carefully navigate. And I had to watch my step getting out of the car in her driveway. There was packed snow in places that were becoming moist and slippery from warming temperatures.

I got inside and immediately found my mother. She was lying on the carpeted floor in the living room. She had a pillow for her head, and she had a blanket upon her body for comfort so she could watch TV.

She was not crying or in pain. I looked at her and chuckled. I could not help finding humor in the situation.

She looked back at me with amusement, considering the way her son had just discovered her. She said her muscles were not functioning very well. She would need help getting up into her rocker-recliner. But she would need a few minutes to rest and regain some of her strength before making the attempt.

She looked at me, and her face became serious. “This is NOT where I fell,” she explained. Then she told me she had been outside and had fallen next to her car.

For a moment, I was still seeing the humor in the situation. Then she told me she was out spraying mouse repellent around her vehicle. All her important papers had been nibbled on in the glove box, and she was attempting to keep the rodents out of her vehicle.

She said she fell and went down into a patch of snow, a small drift. She had no idea how it happened. But I could easily imagine, being as how my foot had slipped merely by trying to get out of my car in her driveway.

She said she couldn’t get up. She was unable to get back onto her feet. Something had taken all the strength and energy right out of her after the fall.

She said she couldn’t get the car door closed. But somehow she managed to get a foot up and kick it closed. But she still could not get up onto her feet.

She was outside in weather barely above freezing temperatures. She was bundled warmly, so for the moment she was not risking hypothermia. But the wind was blowing, putting the wind chill down into the 20’s.

Then she told me the thought that went through her head at that moment…

She did not want to die in her driveway.

We had just had lunch in town earlier that day. So I was not scheduled to see her again until the next week. It was quite possible I would not check up on her until I noticed she had not been online for quite some time. How many days would it be before I came over after not hearing from her? Two? Three?

She told me she asked God to give her brain and not brawn. She knew her body simply did not have the energy she needed. She would have to get back into the house by using her brains.

Somehow she rolled herself over until she reached the bottom of her wooden steps to the porch. But she had to rest again. Just doing that had taken a lot out of her.

She did not have the strength to grab onto the railing and pull herself upright. So she used her arms and backed herself up each step onto her butt in sort of a crab-crawl. She told me she would pause a few minutes to catch her breath before doing the next step.

Somehow, she got up onto the porch. Mom said she rolled and crab-crawled as best as possible, whatever it took to get to the front door. But could she even lift herself up enough to reach the doorknob to get it open?

Miraculously, it was already ajar. She’d not entirely closed it when she’d gone outside to spray for mice.

What about the door to the inner porch?

The same. She had also left it ajar.

From there, mom somehow made it through the kitchen into the living room. She found a pillow and blanket within reach. Then she was able to find a way to reach up and get the phone out of its charger to call me.

How many miracles were involved just for her to get inside the house to call me?

The first one occurred where she fell into the snow bank. There was just enough snow to cushion the blow. I saw where her hands had gone in. Any other landing could have fractured her wrists.

The next miracle was in getting up the steps. She went up backwards, lifting herself up just enough to get her butt up to the next step. But she had to pause each time to catch her breath.

What about the outer door being left ajar because of her not having fully closed it? And then there was the inner porch door, also left ajar. What about her ability to roll her body and crawl around, having very little strength? Then she had to be able to work her way into the living room close enough to the lamp stand to somehow elevate herself enough to grab the phone.

Why is this so significant? The very next day, we ended up with roughly two additional inches of snow upon the ground. Would anyone driving by have seen an unusual drift that was actually a snow-covered body? Would they have even seen her where she would have been lying?

You think that’s miraculous? How about another small one, one that would seem insignificant?

When I started my walk, I quickly discovered how slippery the streets were. After several steps, I stood there debating how much further I should go. After all, I did not want to slip and fall. I’d done that once before some time ago and was not eager for round two.

It’s been taking me forty to forty-five minutes to get my walk in on these slick streets. I probably would not have been in my apartment when mom called had I decided to gingerly make the entire route.

I normally do not like cutting my route short. But that evening, I did choose to do that. Thus, I was in my apartment when the phone rang.

You want one more? This miracle was put into place many years ago.

When I told mom I was moving back to my home town, I planned on looking for apartments in Billings or somewhere in the county. Any location would work. But I expected to end up living many miles away. It would be possible I could even end up living a couple towns over.

Mom found a place and looked into it. A casual comment I had made about me being a low income renter made her check out a set of apartments right here in town. As it turned out, I got this location back in May of 2019, virtually sight unseen, over five and a half years ago.

The result? Mom lives about 3 miles away. It’s only a five minute drive. God’s the one who placed me in this particular location so I could get over there to mom’s house to be a help to her.

Do you believe in miracles? More and more, it seems as though my life is full of them. They’re not very flashy, and they’re easy to miss. But they’re noticeable if you just stop to think about them.

I think all of us have miracles that occur in our lives. Sometimes, they seem small and trivial. Our lives are so busy that we don’t recognize them for what they truly are.

It’s the same with blessings. We don’t stop to realize just how blessed we really are. So I’ve been counting my blessings each and every day. And I’ve learned how to better recognize the little miracles that occur around me, even if they are not all that flashy.

The greatest blessing/miracle of all for me? The fact that Jesus died for my sins and rose again.

But perhaps the second greatest blessing/miracle of all is the fact that I got to celebrate my mother’s 82nd birthday just a few days after her fall. So I try to thank God each day for the blessings and miracles he chooses to bestow upon me, even though I don’t deserve them.

Be appreciative of the presence of your friends and family in your lives. I’m very appreciative my mother is still around. But I also want you to know how much I appreciative having all of you as my patrons. That is a big blessing to me, and I thank you all so very much.

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