The London lyncher 4.4 (37)

Melacynth stood in her usual spot. It was starting to get chilly. How much longer should she stay out here?

She hadn’t been having as much business lately. Some of her usual customers were not coming by to pay her a visit. Tonight the pickings had been rather slim.

She self-consciously touched up her hair, making sure every strand was in place. The red highlights weren’t driving off her business, were they? They had sure been popular several months ago.

She was not working on a major thoroughfare. Plying her wares like that could easily get her arrested. Thus, she was doing business on one of the lesser Soho streets.

She’d been here for almost a year now. But lately business had been waning. Was it time to consider moving to another location?

Mel felt a light breeze on her shoulders, making her shiver. It was getting late; the temperatures were cooling off. Maybe it was time to call it a night.

By now most of the johns were probably at home with their wives. ‘Their boring wives’, she corrected herself with a wry smile. That’s why they usually stopped by to have a go at her services… or at least they used to.

Why did business seem to be slowing down lately? Was it her location? Was it her age? She was only 24. But she’d been doing this so long that it seemed to be taking more makeup to cover the wear and tear on her body.

She was about to head off to her flat when she saw someone walking up the hill in her direction. As he got closer she got a better view. He wasn’t the average age of her usual johns. This one looked younger, maybe 22 or 23.

He had a large satchel in his hand. What was he doing out this late at night? Was he looking for a good time? She could certainly give him one if he had enough cash on hand.

He looked athletic, and he was quite handsome. Was he one of those shy types? Melacynth was more than willing to help bring him out of his shell for an investment of a few pounds.

At that moment she became a little suspicious. He didn’t seem like the right kind of fit for this particular section of Soho. What if he was working for the police? She would have to be careful.

She started out by being friendly. Besides, she had to find out whether or not he was a copper. “Hello, sweetheart. What brings a nice bloke like you out at this time of night?”

“Hello there,” he said as he returned her smile. “I was just heading home.”

“Are you in a hurry?” Mel made the tone in her voice somewhat suggestive.

“Not really. Why do you ask? Did you have something in mind?”

Mel hesitated. Maybe he really was a copper trying to get her to reveal herself. He certainly didn’t look like one. But these days you could never be too careful.

She decided she would have to play it cool until she knew for sure. “Oh, I don’t know, love. I was thinking we could go somewhere quiet… maybe get better acquainted?”

He chuckled as he looked all around. “You mean more quiet than this very spot right now?”

She laughed, still sizing him up. “I don’t know. I thought we could maybe get to know each other a little better is all.”

She felt his eyes take her in as he looked her up and down. He seemed to be appraising her outfit: the tight, unforgiving corset, her red skirt that hugged her hips, and the knee-high, heeled boots. Was that a stirring she detected in his trousers?

“Ok,” he said with a smile. “How much?”

Melacynth let out a little sigh of relief. He’d asked first. That meant he was ok.

She looked him up and down, appraising the handsome young man. She smiled as her loins began to tingle. The evening might not be a total loss after all.

It was time to get down to business. But it was best not to sell herself short. Besides, she didn’t want to appear desperate.

“£20 for a hand job, love. £50 for oral. £100 for the works.”

She felt a surge of excitement as he reached for his wallet. “Let’s go for the works, shall we?”

Melacynth gave him her warmest smile as a little joy crept into her attitude. £100? That would certainly make for an acceptable night’s haul. It wasn’t what she was used to. But beggars couldn’t be choosers, right?

He smiled as he asked, “Am I going to get my money’s worth?”

She smiled lustfully. “Oh, I’ve got a few tricks up my sleeve, love. I guarantee you’re going to have a good time. I promise I’ll get you off and send you on your way with a smile on your face.”

She tucked the cash he gave her inside her corset. She made sure he got a good view of her cleavage. With a little luck and the right kind of treatment, this one just might turn into a regular.

She motioned as she told him, “I know an intimate place just down the street.”

“The alley will work just fine. How about you?”

“The alley? I love a sexy shag out in public.”

The alley was much better anyway. She could take care of him right here before sending him on his way. And she wouldn’t have to work the price of a temporary room out of him.

He slipped out of his shoes and socks. She helpfully pulled down his trousers. A nice erection sprang free, making her loins tingle. Melacynth still liked shagging.

She slipped out of her red skirt, revealing nothing underneath save for her glistening womanhood. The thought of fucking him was starting to turn her on. Hell, she might even get to experience an orgasm with this lovely lad!

She knelt in front of him and took his growing erection into her mouth. She licked it as she swirled her tongue all around it. Then she began to give him her best blowjob.

The lad was astonishingly polite for being out this late looking for a hooker. She appreciated his thoughtfulness. Mel decided to go all out and give him the full treatment, especially if it meant he might return some other night.

His erection swelled in her mouth. She heard him gasp, “Bloody hell; that’s good! Just a little deeper.”

She felt his hand on the back of her head. But he wasn’t forceful. She almost wished that he was.

She began to masturbate as she sucked his cock. She hadn’t had a handsome john like this lad in a long time. Hell, she was actually going to enjoy this one!

She moaned as she gagged and grunted on his dick. She really got into it, telling him how much she enjoyed sucking him and how nice and hard he was. Then she swallowed him whole until her lips brushed his balls.

He thrust harder into her mouth. But he was still being gentle with her. Now she was horny and wanted his cock inside her.

“Ready, love?” she panted as she came up for air. “I’m looking forward to having you take me with that lovely boner of yours. Now I want to shag you silly.”

She rose up onto her feet, stroking him with her hands. He turned her around to face the wall. Then he pushed his way into her from behind.

“Yes!” she gasped. “Bloody hell; yes! Shag me with that lovely cock of yours!” After all, she wanted him to get his money’s worth. She was certainly enjoying herself.

She felt his fingers around her neck. It gave her an erotic thrill. Did this lad enjoy a little choking during sex?

He whispered into her ear, “You don’t mind if I take it a little further; do you, love?”

“Kinky lad,” she chuckled in reply. “I don’t mind, so long as you don’t – URK!”

Fingers tightened ominously around her throat. Mel struggled to pull a breath of air down her windpipe. Her womanhood instinctively clenched around the shaft thrusting in and out.

She tried to gasp, “NOT SO… HARD!” But she couldn’t get any sound out of her throat. He was squeezing much harder than she’d anticipated.

She tried to break out of his grasp. He just rammed her cunt hard as he pushed her up against the side of the building. Mel started to see stars.

She tried to scream, but no words would come. She tried to fight him off. But he was sapping her strength with his fingers wrapped tightly around her throat. How could the lad do this to her??

It felt like he was crushing her throat. Then she heard him let out a roar as his hot seed began to pump inside her. She was dimly aware of orgasming as consciousness spiraled away. Then she was aware of nothing at all…

Melacynth felt a gentle slapping of her face. Her throat was really sore. At least she wasn’t dead.

She looked up and saw the lad bending over her. That’s when she started to complain, “You squeezed too bloody hard, love!”

Trying to talk triggered a coughing fit. Melacynth wheezed and gasped. She was having a hard time getting more words out.

Her throat felt sore as hell. Something was wrapped around her neck. That’s when she detected a length of rope lying nearby, one end of which felt like it was attached to her…

“Here’s where the fun begins,” the lad told her with a smile. Then she saw him pull on the rope. Where the hell had it come from? Did he have it stashed inside his satchel?

She felt a tug on her neck. The rope was definitely wrapped around her throat. No wait; it was actually in the form of a noose!

She was brought to her feet as she tried to resist him by pulling in the opposite direction. Her legs felt rubbery from having been choked out. The lad just laughed at her.

He pulled on his end of the rope, dragging her out of the narrow alleyway. He pulled her right over to the nearby streetlamp. She grasped onto the noose around her throat, instinctively trying to pry it off.

To her horror she saw him toss one end of the rope over a small, steel projection jutting out of the top of the post. Horror caused her to struggle against him even harder as she tried to remove the rope from around her neck. In response he pulled hard.

Melacynth tried to scream. But the rope was choking her, making it hard for her to find her voice. What the bloody hell was this??

She shook her head as she fought against him with what little strength she still possessed. She struggled to loosen the noose from around her neck. He just laughed as he pulled hard, making the rope go tight again.

Her mind cried out in terror, “LET ME GO, YOU BLOODY WANKER! LET ME GO AND I’LL GIVE YOUR MONEY BACK!” He just smiled at her with amusement. Then with one hefty pull, her feet left the pavement below.

Melacynth let out an “URK’ as her legs kicked. She reached up for the noose, instinctively trying to loosen it. Then she gawked again as he pulled a little harder, taking her farther up into the air.

She felt the lamppost behind her. Mel tried to grab it with her legs. But she had no leverage.

She gawked again she struggled to turn herself around. She finally turned and grasped onto the pole, trying to pull herself up. Her legs kicked haphazardly as her face turned red from the heat of her breathless situation.

She wrapped her legs around the pole, her mind crying out for him not to do this to her. She still could not speak. It hurt so bad she just had to relieve the tension around her throat.

She struggled to climb the pole as exhaustion threatened to set in. She got her hand on the noose and fought to loosen it from around her neck. She had to breathe, she had to get a little air down into her lungs!

She felt the coil start to loosen. Could she get it up over her face? Could she get out of it? What would the bloody wanker do if she freed herself?

The noose gave a sudden jerk as though he’d tugged on it. She gawked as she tried to get it up off her head. It tugged again as she fumbled with it until it reset around her throat.

Once more it began to constrict around her neck. She felt another hard tug on the rope. Melacynth gawked as she tried to cling to the lamppost. But she was tiring rapidly.

She lost her grasp on the pole and fell backward. Her body twisted until the lamppost swiveled behind her. She kicked in an effort to swing it back in front of her. But she was too tired.

She tried to work herself around to grasp onto the pole. But this time she couldn’t manage it. She tried to reach up for the noose, but her arms felt heavy.

She didn’t see the handsome young lad tie off the end of the rope to the bottom of the lamppost. But she did see him step fully into view. His pants were still off, his cock erect.

Cum dripped out of her cunt as she kicked while flailing with her arms. She opened her mouth to cry out. But no words would come.

Her face was red as she struggled to pull a decent breath of air down her throat. Why; why was he doing this to her?? Hadn’t she proved to be a good shag? She would have been willing to give him a discount if he would have continued showing up? Why did he want to hang her like this??

She went into hitches and spasms as internal organs started shutting down. She jerked around in the noose as he watched. There was a look of enthusiasm in his expression. His cock looked to be quite erect.

Melacynth tried to kick. But she couldn’t make her legs move. She tried to reach up for the noose, but she couldn’t feel her arms anymore.

Stray muscles fired as she hitched around in the noose. She finally settled down until she dangled against the metal lamppost behind her. Her bladder released as a death rattle emerged from her throat. Then she hung limp.

She did not see him put his trousers and shoes back on. Nor did she see him retrieve his satchel. He looked up at her one last time with a smile on his face. Then he turned and walked away, leaving her to dangle quietly from the pole.

By chance, no one else came through that particular part of Soho for the rest of the night. Melacynth hung quietly through the cold night air. She did not feel the warmth of the sun’s rays on her when it arose the next morning.

The first ones to stumble upon her body were two young women. They let out shrieks of disbelief as they looked up at her in horror. Another young woman came upon the scene from the opposite direction and also cried out with a start.

The police were called. Her body was eventually taken down, long after which she’d attracted quite an audience. All evidence indicated the hooker had engaged in a sexual act before her death.

The officers were baffled. They had no idea who might have lynched one of their ladies of the evening. They would have to start by attempting to find someone who might have witnessed the gruesome event.

2020 (Written Feb 13 ’20 by riwa. Inspired by an idea and renders by titaniumjones.)

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Witnessing a quickie in the pool 3.9 (29)

I was at my computer desk surfing the Internet when I heard giggles and laughter outside my open second story window. I looked down into the courtyard and saw a young couple in the pool. Some guy had submerged and looked like he was between some girl’s legs, causing her to giggle and back away.

I couldn’t help watching them in the pool. I wondered if they were up to something sexual. I tried not to be noticeable looking out my window.

I saw him go under and swim toward her legs several times. It made her giggle each time he burst up. Then she wrapped her arms around his neck.

“Kiss me underwater,” I heard him say to her.

“But I don’t want to get my hair wet!” she protested with another giggle.

“You’re in the pool; you’re going to get it wet anyway. Now come underwater and kiss me. You can hold your breath for a few seconds, can’t you?”

“Of course I can!” was the indignant reply.

I heard her take a deep breath. He went under with her arms wrapped around his neck. It looked like he pulled her down with him.

There was an explosion of bubbles. The water was clear enough that I could see them. They were under several seconds before they burst up together.

He told her, “See? I knew you could do it!”

She giggled before blurting out, “Kiss me underwater again!”

They inhaled loudly. Then they started to kiss each other as they submerged. Once again I saw a flurry of bubbles come up.

They were down longer before I saw what looked like her bikini top coming loose. There was an eruption of bubbles as they came up together. “HEY!” she protested with a giggle.

“So what?” he replied, looking all around. “We have the pool all to ourselves. No one’s watching.”

They both submerged again. The next thing I saw was his head between her breasts. More bubbles came up.

They surfaced a few seconds later. She sounded breathless as she laughed, “So you like my tits?” She sounded amused.

“That’s not all I like” was his reply. Then he took a deep breath and submerged.

It looked like his head was down near her crotch. I saw more bubbles come up. She tipped her head back and I thought I heard her gasp, “Oh fuck!”

He finally came up, panting heavily. She wrapped her arms around him again. I heard her tell him, “I liked that!”

They both inhaled and submerged again. It looked like they were kissing each other. There were more bubbles.

It looked like there was some sort of activity taking place under the surface. But from my second floor window I couldn’t really tell. Then they came back up for air.

I heard her proclaim, “Fuck; you’ve got me naked!”

“So what?” he told her. Then he took another deep breath before he went back down.

Once more it looked like his head was down near her crotch. Her head tipped back and I heard her gasp, “Oh fuck; I like that!” Then she took a deep breath.

She submerged, pulling him onto her. I think they were kissing again. After a while they came back up.

I saw them hugging each other. It looked like she might have been humping him or something. That’s when I heard her giggle, “You’re getting hard!”

“What did you expect?” he replied. She giggled again in reply.

She told him, “I think I’m getting better at holding my breath. Let’s see if I can do something about that!” Then I heard her gasp before she submerged in a flurry of bubbles.

It looked to me like she’d reached out and was pulling his swim trunks down. She looked like she was pulling on something. It wasn’t long before I saw his trunks floating in the water.

She got really close. I think that’s when she took him into her mouth. The next thing I saw was more bubbles.

He tipped his head back and gasped, “Fuck; yeah!” It was obvious she was doing something that was making him feel good. I assumed she was giving him an underwater blowjob.

She came back up and looked all around before giggling, “How was that?”

“That was fucking fantastic!” he gasped. She just giggled again before inhaling deeply and then submerging.

I didn’t have the clearest view. But it sure looked like she was blowing him. He was looking down at her appreciatively, pushing down with his hand.

Her naked body was all stretched out. It looked like she was hanging onto to him as she was blowing him. More bubbles came up, and I heard him gasp, “Fuck – fuck – fuck!”

She suddenly came back up and looked all around. I thought I heard her ask him if he wanted to stick it in her. Then she turned with her hands on the side of the pool as he came up behind her.

It looked like he started fucking her right there against the side of the pool. I could hear them both grunting. I heard her blurt out, “That’s it – that’s the spot! Fuck; don’t stop!”

I heard him tell her, “Tuck; that feels good! I’m going to cum!” Hell, I was getting hard watching and listening to them.

She blurted out, “Want to cum in me underwater and make a baby?”

He responded, “I thought you didn’t want to get your hair wet.”

“Too late for that,” she giggled as she cozied up to him.

I wasn’t entirely sure. But it looked like she climbing into his lap. “Oh, fuck!” he gasped again.

She blurted out, “Kiss me again as you cum in me underwater! I’m going to hold my breath until you cum, ok?” I thought I saw him nod in agreement.

They both inhaled loud and deep. Then they started kissing each other as they submerged. It certainly looked like she was in his lap riding him.

Bubbles came up until it looked like there was a lot of activity underwater. I think they were humping each other. What I couldn’t see clearly, my mind filled in the rest.

I couldn’t take my eyes off them as they went at it good and heavy underwater. Then they both burst up gasping loudly for breath. I heard him pant, “I’m almost there!”

“Let’s go back down!” she gasped. “This feels incredible! Let’s stay down until you cum, ok? Don’t worry about me; I can hold my breath long enough!”

They both inhaled deeply before slipping under the surface again. They really set the surface of the pool to rippling and undulating as they went at it underwater. My cock was really straining in my pants.

There was a sudden eruption of bubbles. It looked like he was really humping or thrusting or something. Then I thought I heard a bubbly scream.

She tipped her head back while she was underwater. Or maybe I just imagined it. Then a big burst of bubbles came up.

They both finally shot up, panting heavily for breath. It looked like they were kissing each other. Then her head suddenly jerked around.

She blurted out, “Did you hear that? I think I hear some kids coming!”

He turned to look. Then I heard his anxious voice reply, “Fuck! We’ve got to get dressed and get out of here!”

“Where’s my suit?” she asked anxiously, looking all around.

They both jack-knifed downward. I saws them swim toward the bottom before turning and coming back up. They both had their suits in their hands.

They scrambled to put their swim suits back on. I saw them disappear behind some hedges where I couldn’t see them. A few moments later I heard the sound of the metal gate.

I caught them both sneaking away. They had towels wrapped around their waists. And just like that I’d witnessed a quickie in the pool…

2013; 2020 (written Aug 18 ’13; ed. Feb 20 ‘20 by riwa)

(Pictures are from and are for illustration purposes only.)

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Kayleigh’s asphyxiation 4.4 (69)

Note: an older repost

18 year old Kayleigh awoke with a splitting headache. The last thing she remembered was being at the mall spending her allowance. Afterwards she’d gotten back into the stretch limo provided by the service and…

Was that gas she had heard… gas she had breathed in? She couldn’t remember. She had vague recollections of a hissing sound… and then nothing.

She moaned softly as she tried to stir. That’s when she discovered things were very, very wrong. Kayleigh grunted in alarm, her eyes flying open.

She was in a chair, her arms and legs tightly secured. No amount of thrashing around did her any good. What’s more, she was naked! Her favorite dress had been removed from her body. Who had done this to her??

“Hey – HEY!” she yelled. “Where am I?? Somebody turn me loose! Get me out of here! You can’t do this to me! You are going to be in so much trouble that it isn’t even funny!”

The door in the corner suddenly opened. A woman in her late twenties entered with a dangerous gleam in her eyes. She had long, reddish-brown hair that hung well past her shoulders almost to her waist.

She was wearing some sort of kinky, dark purple, two piece latex outfit. It deliberately exposed her mid-section as well as her large breasts. “Are we awake now?” the woman purred at Kayleigh. “My – my, aren’t you a petite little thing. You remind me of a Barbie doll. Mind if I call you Barbie?”

“My name is Kayleigh!” the bound teen declared indignantly. “And I’ll thank you to untie me right this instant!”

“Oh, I’ll bet a little princess like you is used to having her way at home, am I right?”

She reached down with a bare hand and lovingly caressed one of Kayleigh’s breasts. The young woman gasped at the touch. Her face reddened as her nipples started to protrude.

“Stop that!” she demanded, feeling breathless along with a shameful arousal. “Let me go; I want to go home!”

“But I want you right here with me,” the woman cooed excitedly, stroking Kayleigh’s long, blond tresses. “You have lovely hair, Barbie. We’re going to have some fun together before I’m through with you.”

“STOP IT!” the teen protested. “My father will be looking for me. You’d better let me go if you know what’s good for you.”

“Your family has no idea where you are, Barbie,” the woman told her with a sinister smile. “The chauffer for your little mall excursion was our idea. You see my people have this little, shall we say… disagreement? …with your father. That’s why you’re here.”

“Disagreement? Who are you? What do you want with me?”

“Me?” the woman said with a cruel smile. “You may simply refer to me as… ‘The Asphyxiator’. You and I are going to have a little fun. But after that…”

The woman paused for a moment. Then she smiled cruelly. “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves, shall we, Barbie? First things first.”

“Stop calling me Barbie!” Kayleigh demanded indignantly.

Her tormentor chuckled sinisterly. “You’re in no position to demand anything from me, Barbie. Now let’s get started, shall we?”

She reached down and covered Kayleigh’s mouth with her hand. Then she pinched her nose shut. “Allow me to give you a little demonstration, Barbie…”

Kayleigh’s eyes went wide as she tried to breathe. But her mouth and nose had been efficiently closed off. She couldn’t inhale or exhale.

She grunted anxiously, wriggling around in the chair. It was to no avail. Her tormentor smiled down at her as though enjoying her struggles.

Her lungs started to heave as she became breathless and dizzy. She could hear a roaring in her ears as she tried to thrash about. The woman smiled all the more as she kept her hands in position, depriving Kayleigh of the very air she needed for existence.

“Interesting, is it not?” the woman observed with a lecherous grin, flashing her pearly whites. “Your lungs heaving, the agony in your chest, the sensation of extreme dizziness. Your body resists; you fight and struggle. But it does you no good. That’s what I love about my work, Barbie… the way they fight before they give in to the inevitable. Fight for me, Barbie.”

Kayleigh’s eyes got big as saucers. Her lungs heaved in her chest, her body convulsing over her need to breathe. Her eyes rolled as she started to pass out.

The hands were suddenly removed. She gasped mightily for a breath. The sudden rush of air into her lungs made her dizzy and disoriented.

She heard her tormentor chuckle as her vision began to clear. “That’s just the beginning, Barbie,” the redhead purred at her. “I want you to know how it feels to be absolutely breathless. I enjoy watching what the human body does when it fights for air. And I enjoy playing with my pets before I strangle them to death.”

Kayleigh’s eyes flew open in horror at the remark. “That’s right, Barbie,” her tormentor confirmed. “I’m going to asphyxiate you. I’m going to have my fun with you. And when I grow tired, I’m going to strangle the very life out of that petite little body of yours.”

There was a gleeful chuckle as hands returned once more to her face. They covered her mouth while pinching her nose shut. Kayleigh let out a muffled cry of horror as she wriggled and squirmed in the chair.

Her breathlessness returned, as did the agony in her lungs. Her eyes got bigger and bigger. She tried to scream, but failed.

This time the hands were not removed. Kayleigh’s mind screamed for her daddy to come rescue her. Then her eyes rolled until she passed out…

Kayleigh awakened on the cold floor. She was lying naked on her back upon her bound arms. Something was attached to her ankles.

She tried to wriggle and squirm. That’s when the redhead came into the room. The sadistic woman regally walked up to her.

“I hope you don’t mind, Barbie,” she chuckled with a sinister smile. “You appeared to get all flushed and sweaty from your introduction to my asphyxiation procedures. I hope this helps.”

The woman reached over to some remote dangling from a cable. Then she hit a button. Kayleigh’s legs were lifted up by some rope attached to her ankles.

It wasn’t long until her body was lifted clear off the floor. She dangled upside down as blood rushed to her head. “Hey; what are you doing to me??”

“Just going to cool you off, Barbie.”

Kayleigh looked and saw an aquarium filled with water. It was sitting on the floor where it must have been behind her. The aquarium appeared to be large enough to hold her entire body.

The redhead pushed her backward until she found herself dangling right over the top of it. When she looked down she saw the filled aquarium waiting directly below. That’s when she let out a gasp of alarm.

She cried out, Wait! What are you going to do to me?”

“Isn’t it obvious?” the woman with a cruel smile. “What part of ‘asphyxiation’ do you not understand? I think we’ll start with a little drowning session.”

“You wouldn’t dare!”

“Watch me, Barbie.”


“Deep breath, hun,” the redhead chuckled.

She hit a button on the remote. There was a sudden jerk on her ankles, followed by the sound of machinery. Kayleigh was slowly lowered until she was submerged up to her tummy.

She winced and bubbled, twisting and thrashing about as water rushed into her nose and sinuses. She hadn’t gotten a good breath to begin with. It wasn’t long before she began crying out in a froth of bubbles, struggling hard as her lungs started to burn.

She tried to bend at the waist in a futile effort to get her head up out of the aquarium. Then she felt a jerk on her ankles. She was slowly hauled back up to the sound of machinery until she was dangling above the aquarium, water dripping off her glistening, naked body.

“Lovely; simply lovely,” the redhead acknowledged as Kayleigh coughed and sputtered. “Let’s see if you can hold your breath even longer, Barbie.” Then the rope to her ankles jerked as she was lowered back down.

Kayleigh let out an agonized cry that was swallowed up as she was submerged again, dangling upside down in water up to her stomach. Her tormentor stepped forward and began lovingly caressing her naked body. The frightened teen wriggled and bubbled until she was hauled back up.

“Isn’t this fun?” the woman known as ‘the Asphyxiator’ observed with a chuckle. “I just love dunking pretty little Barbies like you.”


The rope gave a jerk. Kayleigh was lowered again. This time she was rational enough to gasp for air, filling her lungs.

She was submerged until she found herself struggling to hold her breath again. She could not help wondering how long she was going to be treated this way. Where the hell was daddy??

She felt fingers tease her womanly slit. A moment later they slide inside. She was shocked at the violation.

She wriggled and squirmed, bubbling helplessly. At the same time she felt shamefully aroused. It was both frightening and humiliating.

She was pulled up and then submerged… pulled up and then submerged again. Each time, the redhead touched her, fondled her, molested her… violated her. Fingers returned again and again until Kayleigh couldn’t stop from bubbling helplessly as her body exploded in shamefully humiliating orgasm.

She was pulled back up coughing and sputtering. She was weak and dazed, her eyes glazed over. “Now let’s really have some fun, Barbie,” the redhead gushed enthusiastically.

With the push of a button the rope released Kayleigh’s ankles. She fell into the aquarium with a splash. She ended up flat on her back, anxiously wriggling and bubbling.

She struggled to get to the surface, trying to get her head above water. Unfortunately the redhead climbed in with her. The bitch was still wearing her purple outfit.

Kayleigh’s head was lifted up so she could gasp frantically for breath. Then her head was slammed back down into the water. She wriggled and squirmed helplessly as her tormentor looked down and smiled at her naked, wriggling body.

Once more the petite little blonde was tormented underwater. The redhead touched her all over, fondling and molesting her while watching her bubble. Kayleigh’s lungs were seemingly pushed to her absolute limits time and time again, much to her tormentor’s delight.

The final straw was when she was forced to the bottom of the tank. The sadistic redhead brutally fingered her pussy. The petite blonde wriggled and squirmed, her lungs on fire as a shameful orgasm swelled within her. Then it exploded with devastating fury until the intensity of the breathless pleasure she endured battered her into merciful oblivion…

Kayleigh was unconscious for several minutes. When she awakened she found herself lying on her stomach. Naturally she was still naked.

She was on some sort of cushioned bench. And she was mostly dry. Thankfully she was no longer submerged in that damned aquarium.

She could feel someone tying her arms behind her back while humming a pleasant tune. She tried to turn her head. But she couldn’t see anything. Was it that redheaded bitch being wicked and evil again?

“Hey!” she grunted. “Get me out of this! You can’t treat me like this! Daddy’s going to take care of you if you don’t let me go!”

“Don’t worry, Barbie,” a familiar voice chuckled. “Your father will learn of your situation soon enough.”

Her legs were pulled back until her wrists and ankles were bound together, effectively hogtying her. There was no doubt about it. It was that asphyxiator bitch who was doing this to her.


“Does it, Barbie? Allow me to make it feel all better.”

There was movement behind her. Her legs were cruelly spread apart at the knees. Then she felt something being pushed into her wet slit. Gawd; the bitch was going to rape her with something!

“Feel better, Barbie?” the redhead asked solicitously. “We want you to feel good while you’re being asphyxiated to death.”

Kayleigh wriggled helplessly. But it didn’t do any good. The object – what felt like some sort of large, rubber dildo – had been slid deep inside her.

The bitch was actually going to rape her! It was utterly humiliating! It shamed her because of the way she was starting to become so aroused.

She moaned weakly, trying to protest her shabby treatment. Then she heard the hum of a piece of equipment. At the same time she felt the dildo start to thrust in and out of her.

Kayleigh moaned helplessly. She tried wriggling and squirming. Again, it did no good.

The redhead appeared right in front of her. She sat down in a chair directly facing her helpless prey. “You just go right ahead and cum for me, Barbie,” she told the teen. “In fact… why don’t we cum together!”

Kayleigh’s eyes opened wide as the bitch began rubbing her tits. Then the redhead reached down and started fingering the opening in her latex bottoms. She touched her glistening pussy while moaning softly.

It was horrifying to realize the woman was going to get off on her suffering. The humiliation was more than she could bear. What made it worse was the fact she could not stop her growing arousal.

It began to swell within her. She moaned and whimpered in helplessness and shame. The redhead moaned right along with her, telling her how hot she looked getting all fucked like that.

It finally exploded deep inside her. The thrusting dildo forced a humiliating orgasm right out of her. The bitch popped off with her until the two were cumming together. It was embarrassing as hell.

Kayleigh became exhausted. She began begging – actually begging – for the redhead to give her a break. But if anything, the machine thrusting the dildo in and out of her seemed to pump all the harder.

Her tormentor masturbated enthusiastically as she watched her prey. The teen was helpless to hold it back. Eventually both were overcome at almost the same instant by a second orgasm.

When it finally passed, Kayleigh went limp, panting weakly for breath. Mercifully the redhead got up. She went over and powered the fucking machine down.

There was some sort of unnerving movement behind her. Kayleigh felt her wrists and ankles being untied from each other. She waited in the hopes the dildo would be removed from her wet pussy. But alarmingly it was not to be.

A coil of rope was looped around her neck. It felt like it was being tied to her ankles. Her legs were bent behind her until her heels nearly touched her bare bottom.

Kayleigh grunted in alarm as she tried to straighten her legs. There was an immediate reaction from the rope around her neck. She stopped when she discovered she was somehow strangling herself.

The fucking machine started back up nice and slow. The redhead came around front and sat down in her chair. The helpless teenager felt the coil of rope start to constrict around her neck as she tried to stretch her tired legs.

“See that equipment over there?” the redhead said with a smile as she pointed toward a corner. “There’s been a camera over there the whole time. It’s been recording our time together. We’re recording this for your family, Barbie. Now say good bye to your father.”

Kayleigh grunted in alarm. She tried to cry out, but she felt her legs wanting to cramp. When she tried to stretch them backward she felt herself being strangled by the rope around her neck.

“Don’t worry, Barbie,” her sadistic killer told her with a smile. “You’ll have a good cum as you strangle yourself to death. Hell, maybe you’ll have more than one. I know I’m certainly going to get off watching you cum and die.”

She settled back in her chair and began to touch herself all over again. Kayleigh’s eyes got big as she began shaking her head in alarm. She tried to pull her legs forward, but she could still feel them wanting to cramp up.

The machine began to fuck her harder and faster. She began to feel the strain in her legs. It made the cord around her neck tighten even more.

She gawked and gurgled as the machine fucked her relentlessly. The redhead began fingering herself in anticipation of Kayleigh’s last, breathless orgasm. The teen wriggled and squirmed as she struggled for an unhindered breath.

Her eyes got bigger and bigger. Her legs cramped, causing her to try to stretch her legs. That’s when her orgasm erupted inside her.

She shuddered hard as she was hit with a violent wave of intense pleasure. Her legs spasmed; she was getting severe cramps. As she tried to straighten her limbs, she found she could hardly breathe at all.

Her eyes got bigger and bigger. She rasped for the redhead to help her, trying to communicate she couldn’t breathe. Her tormentor simply masturbated more aggressively.

Kayleigh began spasming and convulsing. The rope was too tight; she couldn’t breathe! The machine just kept fucking her as she involuntarily strangled herself.

She gawked and gurgled, her eyes big as saucers from her asphyxiation. She couldn’t get a word out, couldn’t seem to catch her breath. Her legs spasmed as the coil constricted tightly around her neck.

She struggled to obtain a single, solitary breath. Then her body involuntarily climaxed in the midst of her death throes. Her eyes rolled as her legs tried to stretch back until she was thoroughly strangling herself with the coil around her neck.

Her tongue protruded as she was overcome with a massive wave of dizziness and disorientation. The last thing she saw was the redhead furiously fingering herself. The last thing she heard were the enthusiastic words of the bitch’s excitement at her impending strangulation…

“Yes, Barbie… gawd yes… cum for me, Barbie… strangle yourself and die, you sexy bitch… your asphyxiation; it’s so hot… ohgawd; now I’m cumming too!”

Kayleigh couldn’t hear or see anything anymore. She was plummeting into the pit of oblivion. The terrified screams in her mind echoed over and over again until she faded away.

Her body shuddered and then went limp. Stray muscles twitched from her dying brain’s sporadic messages to keep fighting. The machine kept fucking her until there were little orgasmic twitches emanating from her soaked womanhood.

The redhead climaxed hard, almost screaming as she nearly fell out of her chair. For a moment she didn’t know where she was… only that she felt so very, very good. Then her senses returned.

She saw the 18 year old lying on the cushioned bench. Her horrified expression had sagged into a vacant death stare. The fucking machine continued pounding her wet pussy over and over again, making her body rock with each thrust. Otherwise there was no sign of life.

There was a drugged look in the teen’s eyes, a look that indicated she had orgasmed in her final moments. She looked as though she’d cum hard and gloriously as she’d strangled to death. Somehow she looked even more beautiful.

The redhead sat there for several minutes, sighing with pleasure as she enjoyed the dead body still being fucked by the machine. She finally composed herself enough to rise up and turn off the fucking machine. The teen’s pussy area was drenched. At least she’d enjoyed herself in her final moments.

The redhead reached down and scooped up some of the fluids with her fingers. She brought them to her lips to savor the flavor. “Mmmm,” she purred. “The cum of the strangled. It just keeps getting better and better.”

She had to admit that she loved her job. Now it was time to dispose of the body. Then she had to send a copy of Barbie’s final moments to her father, just to remind him how serious his obligations were to the organization she worked for…

2012; 2020 (written for “Kayleigh” Oct 23 ’12; ed. Feb 20 ‘20 by riwa)

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Hanging her 4.4 (60)

She saw it just as soon as we rounded the corner down in my basement. It was my hydraulic gallows. A noose dangled above a metal disc on a hydraulic post that could be raised or lowered by a bar with a red handle attached to the upright metal support.

As soon as she saw it she began to resist me. She shook her head and started gasping, “No – no – NO!” It was a good thing I had previously secured her arms behind her back so she couldn’t fight me.

She cried out, “I don’t want to hang!” That’s when I wrapped my hand around her neck and started to squeeze. She rasped and gurgled as her eyes bugged out.

“I don’t care what you want,” I breathed into her ear. “I brought you down here so you could experience my gallows for yourself. Now stop struggling.”

She resisted a little as I pushed her forward. Pitiful cries squeaked out of her voice box. But she was not strong enough to keep me from directing her toward the noose.

“Up you go,” I told her encouragingly. I tried to get her to step up onto the elevated disc. The lever would soon drop it beneath her feet, allowing the noose to take her full weight.

“No – no! Please! I don’t want to hang!”

“But I want you to hang!” I hissed into her ear. “Can’t you tell?”

I took her cuffed hands and pressed them against my bulge. Surely she understood now how aroused I’d become. She whimpered as she shook her head again.

I had to work to get her up onto the disc. She squeaked again as I got both of her feet onto it. For a moment the noose framed her face.

Her eyes widened in horror as she stared at the dangling coil. She gasped for breath, whimpering pitifully. I had no idea I would be so turned on, especially over how frightened she’d become.

I took the noose and gently looped it around her throat. Then I pulled it snug. I made sure the knot was settled behind her left ear.

“Doesn’t it feel good?” I murmured into her ear. “Your neck looks like it was made for the noose. It’s going to stretch real nice once you start kicking.”

She moaned as I lovingly fingered the hemp around her throat. Then I allowed my fingers to caress her bare flesh. She moaned pitifully as I gave her breasts a malevolent squeeze.

I reached down and fingered her pussy, violating her as she stood there trembling. She clenched instinctively. I could not resist sliding my fingers in and out.

“You’re wet,” I chuckled at her. “Despite your fear this must really excite you. You have no idea how much it excites me.”

I stepped back to admire her. Tears trickled down her cheeks as she whimpered with fright. It looked like she was shaking.

I stepped forward and caressed her all over again. “You’re going to give me a wonderful dance, aren’t you?” She let out another frightened little squeak in reply.

“I want to watch you suffer a little. I want you to get a taste of the agony to come. I hope that’s all right with you.”

She whimpered as she shook her head. “I thought so,” I told her with a smile. “You’re always so agreeable.”

I went over to the handle and grabbed on. “This lowers the stool,” I said by way of explanation. Then I twisted it.

There was a hiss as the disc started to drop beneath her. The noose grabbed her neck and held on. She gawked as she was left on her toes before I stopped the stool’s descent.

I went around front to have a look. She was straining on her toes to lift herself up. She did not seem to appreciate the tension of the coil around her throat.

I molested her with my hands again. She trembled as she shuffled around on her feet. She kept rasping for breath as though she wasn’t getting quite enough air.

I stuck my fingers into her pussy again. She was wet and clenching. I chuckled as I told her, “I believe you’d milk me dry if I were to stick my cock inside you right this very moment.”

She rasped again as she shuffled around a little more. “Hard to breathe?” I asked kindly. So I went over to the handle.

I gave it a twist before pumping it. The disc slowly came back up under her feet until she was standing upon it again. She coughed as she tried to catch her breath.

“You understand now, don’t you?” Then I stepped up to her and caressed her all over. She winced as she whimpered pitifully.

I cruelly thrust my fingers into her dripping snatch. I finger-fucked her as I smiled at her. “Some women cum as they’re hanging. Will you turn out to be one of those kind of women?”

I pulled my fingers out of her dripping twat. Then I forced them between her lips. “Taste how aroused you’ve become.”

She grunted as I fucked her mouth with my fingers. Then I pulled them out. Once more I stepped over to the handle to my hydraulic gallows.

“It doesn’t just lower the stool, you know. It also pulls you up into the air. Allow me to demonstrate.”

I pumped the handle a couple of times. She was lifted up onto her toes. She rasped for breath as she shuffled around on the metal disc.

“You see?” I explained. “I can lift you up or I can lower the stool. What do you think about that?”

Once more I came around front and molested her. She grunted and moaned as she shuffled around on her toes. No position seemed to give her any relief.

I smiled at her as I unzipped my fly. Then I pulled out my cock. Her eyes widened when she saw how erect it was.

I reached out and caressed her swollen mounds. Her nipples were quite erect. She whimpered as I fingered them.

“You know? I had no idea how turned on I would be at the thought of hanging you. Now that we’ve come this far I want to take you all the way. Are you ready to hang for me?”

She shook her head no. That just made it all the sweeter. I loved knowing how frightened she was at the prospect of dancing for me.

I went to the handle and pumped a couple of times. She was lifted up until her toes were all that came in contact with the pad below her. They wriggled and curled as she rasped and gurgled.

I came around front to look at her again. She looked sexy as hell struggling in place. Her toes kept wriggling as they brushed the disc below her, trying to improve her footing.

Her face started to turn red as she began to shimmy. Her legs suddenly kicked outward. Then she stretched downward, her toes wriggling until she felt a whisper of the disc beneath her feet.

She rasped as she did the Hula. She lost the disc below her, only to find it again with her flexing toes. She was really struggling in an attempt to get her footing back.

I stepped forward and thrust my fingers hard into her wet snatch. She clenched like crazy as I finger-fucked her. She rasped and grunted as air hissed down her throat.

“Is that too difficult for you? Allow me to fix it right this instant.”

I went over to the handle and twisted it. Then I pumped it three or four times. The stool rose up to meet her until she was standing almost flat-footed.

“Better?” I asked as I rubbed her naked, quivering body all over.

She winced in agony while trying to shake her head. I pinched her nipples a time or two. She jerked and winced at the pain.

“Want to cum?” I asked with a cruel smile. Then I thrust my fingers in and out of her soaked pussy. By now her fluids were trickling down her inner thighs.

She clenched again as I finger-fucked her. That’s when I smiled sadistically at her. “Tell me ‘when’, ok? Tell me if you’re going to cum and I’ll drop the stool away.” She merely whimpered as she shook her head.

I thrust in and out until she started writhing and squeezing. I don’t think she wanted to respond to such humiliation. But she couldn’t help herself.

“Do you want to cum?” I purred at her. She winced and groaned as she shook her head again. “Oh, but I think you do.”

I mauled her mounds, fingering her erect nipples with one hand. With the other I continued to finger-fuck her juicy twat. She writhed and clenched as though she was fucking me back.

“Oh, you want it bad,” I breathed sadistically. I kept my fingers inside her as I reached back for the handle. With a twist the stool dropped to a hissing sound.

She gawked as her eyes flew open in horror. Her feet fluttered like crazy for the disc below. But it had dropped all the way to the bottom of the gallows.

“No more stool, sweetie,” I murmured as I finger-fucked her hard.

Her body exploded in frenetic activity as her hips thrust outward. She began humping the air as my fingers slipped out of her. Then she started gyrating violently in the noose.

Her back arched as though she was humping the air, desperately trying to fuck my erection. Her hips kept thrusting as her knees came together and jerked upward. Then she squirted all over the floor.

She hung limp for a moment as though resting from her exertions. Then she began to thrust and gyrate all over again. Her back arched forward as her hips thrust toward me.

She tried to kick me as her legs went flying every which way. I hear a rasp and a grunt as she fought the noose. She twisted, shimmied and gyrated every which way.

For a moment she suddenly hung limp. Her feet stretched downward as her toes wriggled like mad. Then she began kicking, dancing and pirouetting all over again.

I grabbed my cock and stroked it by sheer instinct. She twisted and swayed as though she didn’t know what the hell to do. She went from arching her back to stretching her feet downward to kicking all over the place. Then her knees came up together as she jerked in the noose, spraying the floor again.

“That’s perfect!” I breathed rapturously. “Originally I was going to let you down and give you a rest before going again. But I think you’re really into it and don’t want to stop. Am I right?”

In response she arched her back as she thrust her hips toward me. I stroked my cock as we made love to each other from a distance. Then she began to shimmy and pirouette again.

I noticed her neck getting longer. Her weight was pulling hard against the noose. She no longer made any rasping, gurgling sounds.

She shimmied again, but her gyrations were diminishing. She arched her back as she tried to air-fuck my cock. Then she abruptly went limp, setting her naked body to gently swaying back and forth.

I stepped forward and thrust my fingers into her snatch. She was dripping wet while clenching furiously. Her nipples really stood out upon her chest.

Her clenching spasms began to diminish. She did the faintest of shimmies in the noose. Her tongue poked out between her lips as drool fell onto her heaving tits.

I went around back and pumped the handle, lifting her body higher until her feet were level with my cock. I went back around front and used them to give me a sexy footjob. Sporadic muscles fired until her bladder finally gave way.

Urine trickled down her legs, splattering my cock. That’s when I began to cum all over her tootsies. I was appreciative she no longer seemed to mind hanging for me.

I finally stepped back to admire my handiwork. Cum and piss dripped off her feet. Then I gave her a push.

She began to sway back and forth as she twisted a little in the noose. Her face began to turn blue as though she’d been bruised. Her neck had lengthened considerably.

I heard what sounded like something of a fart. Then her bowels gave way. Feces flowed out of her anus, staining her lower legs as it puddled onto the floor.

I smiled as I told her, “I’m going to leave you down here for an hour so you can fully enjoy the experience. I have a nice little bog out back. I think you two should become better acquainted.” Then I went upstairs. Gawd; I needed a drink!


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Breath-hold bondage (m/m) 4.2 (20)

A bonus story at the end of this month for the guys.

Dean and I were working one night at the “Y” when we decided to stay after closing for a little after-hours fun. It had been a while, and we hadn’t been able to get together for several weeks. So we decided to spend some time in the water after everyone else had gone home.

We were making sure the pool facilities were empty when I asked him what he had in mind. “I was thinking about a little breath-hold bondage, Alex. What do you think?”

I considered the matter and smiled at him. I knew what he was getting at. Sometimes we liked to do our breath-holding while we were tied up and helpless. It usually led to a lot of erotic situations.

“What have you got in mind?” I asked as my cock began to stir.

“I was thinking we would get to choose how we put the other one in bondage. Then we get to dictate the breath-holding terms.”

“Only if you wear your red Speedos, Dean.” He just laughed as he told me he had a pair in his locker.

After everyone was gone and the place was locked up Dean and I went to our lockers to change. He slipped into his red Speedos while I put on a pair of light blue ones. Then we headed back out to the water.

“I’m first,” he told me. Then he went over to a locker and retrieved a deflated air mattress. He took it over to the air machine and filled it up in no time.

He retrieved a set of handcuffs he had hidden away. He cuffed my arms behind my back, telling me he was really looking forward to this. Then he took me over to the inflated mattress and told me to lie down.

My cock started to stir as he retrieved some straps. He secured me to the mattress, making sure my legs were spread. Then he pushed me off the edge into the lap pool where I floated around in six feet of water.

“Be right back, Alex.” Then he disappeared. It made me wonder what he was up to.

He returned about a minute later. But I didn’t see anything in his hands. I did notice he’d retrieved his waterproof watch and had it attached to his wrist. Maybe he was going to time us.

He jumped into the water with me. He was just short enough that the water was over his head if he was standing flat on his feet. Then he pushed me over.

I rolled over until I was floating face down. I lost bubbles out of my nose as I tried to hold my breath. That’s when I felt my cock start to harden.

He slipped underneath to watch me, looking up and smiling at me. Then he released bubbles into my face. I just winced as I continued holding my breath.

He waited until I began to show a little discomfort. Then he stood up and rolled me back over. He burst up a few seconds later and clung to the side of the air mattress.

“1:18, Alex. That’s not bad for a first attempt. I thought I’d let you up early on that one. Now let’s see how well you can do.”

He submerged and then burst up, rolling me over again. I filled my lungs before I ended up face down in the pool once more. Then Dean came down to watch me.

I floated there looking down at him. Already I could see his cock starting to harden in those red Speedos of his. My own cock stiffened as I became more aroused at my situation.

He smiled at me as he touched and caressed his growing bulge. Then he came up underneath me and touched mine. I twitched at the way his fingers played over my growing erection inside my Speedos.

My lungs began to burn as I released bubbles out of my nose. I knew the signal. If I really wanted up I would have to shake my head.

Dean floated up against me face to face. He reached down and caressed my bulge. Then he blew bubbles in my face.

I bubbled out of my nose as I tried to relieve the growing strain. Would he flip me back over? Or would I be forced to give him the signal?

I stubbornly tried to outlast him as my chest began to heave. I was about to shake my head when he went to the bottom, burst upward and flipped me back over. I gasped loudly for breath as he came up and hung on to the side of the mattress.

“That was 1:50, Alex. This time I think we’re going to make you go much longer. How’d you like to do 2:30?”

I was going to protest that was a long time for only my third breath-hold. But before I could open my mouth he came off the air mattress. I gulped a huge lungful of air just in time as he shot up from the bottom of the pool and flipped me over again.

Once more I found myself floating face down. Dean came up underneath me and began pawing my body. Then he caressed my bulge through my Speedos before cupping my covered balls.

My cock twitched as I released a few nose bubbles. He floated up against me again. This time we 69’d until his bulge was right in my face.

I felt him begin to mouth me through my suit. My cock twitched again until it had really hardened. I mouthed his bulge in return until he was just as stiff as I had become.

Dean grabbed my Speedos and pulled them down a little. I know he couldn’t get them off because my legs were spread. But my cock still sprang free.

He grabbed it with his hand and tugged it as he humped my face with his bulge. Then I felt him slowly take it into his mouth. I moaned and bubbled as he started to blow me underwater.

I felt the strain in my lungs and I tried to swallow my air back down. I mouthed his bulge as he took me deeper and deeper down his throat. One really good suck and I just about spurted into his mouth.

He released some of his air until he began to drift to the bottom of the pool. I felt my lungs start to heave as he reached into the back of his Speedos. Then he pulled out what looked like a slender vibrator.

My eyes widened as he grinned at me. He rose up and grabbed onto my butt for support. Then he began forcing that damned thing into my ass.

I moaned and bubbled as my stomach rippled, my lungs starting to heave. Dean shoved it halfway in and turned it on. Then he took my cock into his mouth again.

He gave me several good sucks until my cock twitched in his mouth. I spasmed away a mouthful of air. Then he squatted on the bottom of the pool, shot back up and flipped me back over.

I rolled over and gasped loudly for breath. I clenched as that damned toy buzzed in my ass, making my cock twitch and drip. Then Dean grabbed onto the side of the air mattress and grinned at me.

“Not bad, Alex. That was 2:45. Now I think I’m going to feed you something while I see if you can make it to 3:30.”

I took long, deep breaths to prepare for the worst. Then he flipped me back over. I floated face down and watched as he pulled his Speedos down off his legs.

He drifted up into a 69 again. This time he shoved his erection in between my lips. I had no choice as I took him all the way into my mouth.

I felt him grab onto that damned toy and move it in and out of my ass. It made me clench and groan into the cock in my mouth as I released bubbles out of my nose. He thrust in and out past my lips as his bubbles tickled my crotch.

He mouthed my cock but he didn’t suck me. I was horny and getting frustrated. I sucked him harder, wondering if he would roll me back over and let me breathe if I could get him off.

He thrust into my mouth as he cupped my balls. He blew bubbles against my twitching shaft as I gulped and groaned. I tried to concentrate on holding my breath. But hanging upside down strapped underneath an air mattress with a cock between my lips made for one hell of a challenge.

He played with my cock and balls without sucking anything into his mouth. But he sure enjoyed fucking my face in our 69. He was teasing the hell out of me, and I was twitching like crazy.

I finally felt the warnings in my stomach. It began to ripple as my lungs started to burn. Spasms moved up into my chest, and I released more bubbles out of my nose as I tried to swallow the cock in my mouth.

Dean was being wickedly cruel and it was arousing as hell. I was running out of breath. But I was horny as fuck, forced to gulp down a mouthful of cock.

He started thrusting good and hard into my mouth until I started gagging up bubbles. My chest began to heave as my lungs strained. I tried to shake my head, but I don’t know if he was paying any attention.

He thrust harder into my mouth as my lungs burned like blazes. I forced myself to hold my breath a few seconds longer… and then a few seconds after that. A moment later he gulped my cock down his throat as he rammed my mouth hard with his dick.

He started to spurt and I coughed up cum and water. He groaned as he continued to fuck my mouth. Then he slowly pulled out, streamers of cum leaking out past my lips.

One painful convulsion later I thought I was going to lose it. That’s when he flipped me back over. I coughed and sputtered like crazy as I tried to get my breath back.

He laughed as he pushed me over to the side of the pool. “That was 3:40, Alex. Not bad.”

He started to free me from the mattress. Then he pulled that vibrator out of my ass, telling me he thought he was going to make me cum until he decided he wanted a release of his own. I told him, “Oh, don’t worry about me, Dean. I’ll get mine.”

“Oh yeah? What’re you going to do about it?”

“I’ll think of something.” But by that time something was already formulating in the back of my mind.

With my speedos pulled back on I took the cuffs from him once he got them off my wrists. I cuffed his hands behind his back. Then I went to fetch some items I was going to need.

I got what I wanted, came back to him and then tossed a pair of dive fins into the deep pool along with an extra strap I found. I took a weight belt I’d brought over and wrapped it around his waist. Then I smiled as I told him, “I think we’ll do this in the dive pool, Dean.”

I marched him over to the elevated diving board and made him climb the steps. “Off you go, Dean.” When he hesitated I gave him a little push from behind.

He went over and managed to hit the water head first in a pretty decent dive considering his wrists were cuffed behind his back. He bubbled as he went down. I waited until he was out of the way before doing a swan dive off the board.

I hit head first with my arms outstretched and went straight down. I had to kick the final few feet to the bottom. When I got there I grabbed the dive fins and attached them to my feet before grabbing the strap.

I finned upward where Dean was struggling to stay at the surface. I laughingly told him, “Sorry, Dean.” Then I took the strap and tied his legs off at the ankles. Without being able to kick, the weight belt took him straight to the bottom.

I finned down to him where I forced him onto his back. I mashed my bulge against his mouth and humped his face, enjoying the bubbles that came up. Then I turned around, straddled his head and reached out to play with his cock.

He grunted up bubbles into my ass as I cupped his balls and caressed his growing erection. That’s when he began to struggle underneath me. I thought, ‘What’s the matter, Dean? Need air?’ So I grabbed him and finned him up to the surface.

We both came up panting for breath as I tread water for the both of us. I told him, “What’s the matter, Dean? Can’t you stay at the surface? I thought you were better at treading water than I am.” Then I let him go.

I watched him sink to the bottom as bubbles came up. Then I dove down after him. I grabbed his head, mashed my bulge up against his face, and gave him a good humping.

He grunted up bubbles as he tried to mouth me through my Speedos. I thought, ‘You want my cock, Dean? Maybe I should let you have my cock.’

I slowly pulled my Speedos down until the tip of my cock peeked out. I pushed it against Dean’s lips. He bubbled as he tried to mouth it. I smiled as I thought, ‘Damn, Dean! You really do want my cock!’

I grabbed him and finned us both back to the surface, stroking his cock the whole way up. It twitched and jerked in my hand. Then I got us up at the surface.

“What’s the matter, Dean? Having trouble holding your breath?” Then I let him go. He glubbed bubbles as he sank back down.

I finned down after him and caught him before he reached the bottom. I finned us both back to the surface, jerking his cock the whole time. Then we burst up gasping for breath.

“You seem to be having a lot of trouble, Dean.” Then I laughed as I let go of him again. He lost more bubbles as he sank toward the bottom.

I finned down after him and intercepted him again. Then I swam him back up. When we reached the surface he came up gasping like crazy.

“Poor Dean. I’ll bet you’re ready to pop, am I right?” Then I let him go again.

He sank toward the bottom, wriggling and squirming. I swam down after him until I caught up with him. This time I engaged him in a 69 without letting him get to have my cock in his mouth.

I wrapped my lips around his dick and really started to suck. All those up-and-downs had him primed and ready to pop. I took him deep down my throat and felt him go off in my mouth again.

I sucked him dry before grabbing him and kicking him back to the surface. This time I kept him there until he could get some of his breath back. Then I gave him a wicked smile.

“This time it’s my turn, Dean. I hope you can get me off before you drown.” Then I let him go.

He sank as he released a stream of bubbles. I pulled my speedos all the way down my legs, carefully working them off my dive fins. Then I swam down to the bottom of the pool.

Dean was flat on his back when I got there, I made him sit up before thrusting my erection into his mouth. Then I gave him a good face-fucking, the same fucking he gave me when I was attached to that damned air mattress.

He gagged up bubbles as he struggled a little. But this time I wasn’t taking him back to the surface until I got off. I was horny and badly in need of a release.

I fucked his face harder as he grunted up more bubbles. I saw his chest start to heave, indicating he was almost out of breath. It was such a turn-on that I rammed my cock deep down his throat.

I groaned as I gave him a huge helping of my cream. He grunted and bubbled, some of my cum snorting out of his nose. I made him suck me completely dry. Then I finned us both back to the surface.

I swam him over to the ladder where I removed the strap around his ankles. He was able to stand on the ladder while I worked to get the cuffs off his wrists. Then we both climbed out of the dive pool.

He collapsed onto the floor, panting like crazy. “Damn, Alex. I never knew you had it in you.”

“That’s to make up for all the times you got me good.”

“Fair enough. Next time I get to be the one with the dive fins. Now you’d better go back down and bring up your Speedos.” And with that he laughed as he pushed me into the dive pool.

We spent another half hour holding our breath at the bottom of the lap pool before calling it a night.

2019 (written for “Alex” Jan 31 ’19 by riwa)

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Drowning Emma 4.4 (35)

She has a look, a sly smile, indicating she might be up for anything. A little underwater breath-holding – a little risk? Yeah, she’d give it a shot. She’d certainly hold her own and would attempt to make it interesting.

So I know what you’re going to ask next. How would I drown her? That’s the next question, right? You want to know who I’d pick. Then you want to know how I would do it.

This one is interesting. Right now I’m thinking of a rising water peril. And I have an erection as I consider it.

I imagine Emma is at the bottom of the deep end of an empty pool. She has an ankle cuffed, a thin wire attached to the pool drain. She’s in a nice bikini. But I’m nowhere around.

All of the sudden the pool starts to fill. Water pours up from the drain and comes in from other locations. Emma now realizes this is not a good situation she finds herself in.

She tries to work the cuff off her ankle, but it’s not coming off. She’s not sure how much wire she has. Is it slack enough to get her all the way to the surface so she can breathe if the pool fills? She has no idea.

She calls out but there’s no response. The water is up to her knees. She’s not going to have a long wait.

She looks around for some way out of her situation. She pulls on the wire again. It seems securely fastened to the pool drain. And it seems securely fastened to her cuffed ankle.

The water reaches her chest. She wades over toward the ladder. But she can’t reach it. She’s in the middle of the pool. She’ll have to go straight up to get air when the time comes.

The water reaches her neck. She has no worries; she can tread water for a long time. But sooner or later she will get tired. The question is: how high will the wire let her go.

The pool is twelve feet deep. The ladder was just out of reach. She tries to calculate how much wire tethers her to the bottom. She has the distinct impression it won’t let her reach the surface.

The water lifts her up off the pool floor. She tries to touch with her foot and her face goes under. That’s it; she’s going to have to tread water now.

She calls out again, but no one hears her. This is not good. She treads water, instinctively trying to kick the cuff off her ankle. It is a futile gesture. She looks over and sees the water has risen to the seven foot level.

She continues to tread water. The water rises slowly but surely. She can feel a certain anxiety that has given her a horrific arousal at her predicament.

She grabs the wire from her foot and tries to pull. It only succeeds in pulling her under. She lets go and pops back up.

The water’s rising fast. She won’t have long. Soon she’ll find out if she’ll be able to reach the surface or not when the pool is full.

She calls out once again. Then she sees me walk up to the edge of the pool. I’m naked but I’m in scuba gear.

“Thank gawd!” she calls out. “You want to get me out of here?” But the look in my face chills her. Am I the one responsible for her situation?

The water’s at eight feet now. Four more feet to go. At least I’m here for her. But what are my intentions? And why is my cock so hard?

I step off into the water with a splash. I’m neutrally buoyant. I can stay near the surface or close to the bottom without much effort.

I swim to the bottom and stand on the drain. I smile as I give a warning tug on her wire. Then I pull her under.

I pull her down to me. She flails for the surface, losing bubbles. Then I let her go.

She shoots back up and gasps for breath. I give another warning tug. This time she wisely inhales. The water is at the nine foot mark.

I pull her down to me. She tries to reach out for my regulator. I grab her wrist and latch a cuff onto it.

I spin her around, trying to grab her other arm. She bubbles as she fights me. But she knows I might not let her get back to the surface for another breath. So she relents.

She submissively brings her arm behind her back, allowing me to take it. I cuff her other wrist. Then I let her go.

She kicks for the surface, sir spewing out of her nose. She pops up and gasps for breath. I give her thirty seconds of treading water before I pull her back down.

This time I smile as I pull the strings to her bikini top. She bubbles air out of her nose as I reach out and fondle her boobs. She looked at me and mouths for air. I just point upward… “You’ll have to get it up there” and then I let her go.

She kicks for the surface. She treads water for another thirty seconds before I pull her back down. Now the pool has been filled to the ten foot mark.

This time I reach out and pop the strings to her bottoms. They float away. I can’t resist reaching out to touch and fondle her.

She holds her breath until her lungs start to complain. Then I let her go. She kicks for the surface and bursts up.

I give her another thirty seconds. Then I pull her back down to me. I smile as I touch her all over.

She tries to hold her breath for as long as she can. I enjoy touching her everywhere. She moans and bubbles. Then I let her go.

She kicks up for another breath. This time she feels the wire jerk on her ankle in warning. But for now her head is above water.

She gasps for breath, whimpering with fright. Then I pull her back down. Once more I have her right in front of me.

My cock is hard. But I make no more toward her. Instead I continue to touch her all over.

I grope her tits while fingering her slit. She clenches and bubbles. I can tell she’s aroused. It must be the fear combined with being forced to hold her breath.

Her lungs heave so I let her go again. She kicks up and her head clears the surface. But the wire feels more threatening now as it remains attached to her ankle.

She looks over to see the water has almost reached 11 feet. Then I give a warning tug on the wire. She fills her lungs before I pull her back down.

She looks at me in alarm. Her tits are deliciously hard, her pussy swollen from her excitement. She must be wondering how much longer I will make her do this.

Her lungs strain and I see her lose bubbles. I kindly let her go. She heads for the surface spewing bubbles out of her nose.

When she gets there she’s alarmed to discover she’s at the end of her tether. Her head is above water, but the surface has reached her chin. It’s still got another nine inches to rise. That means it will be over her head when the pool is full.

I pull her back down to me. Then I force her to hold her breath. She gives off sexy nose bubbles as I reach out to fondle and grope her.

She looks at me, pleading for the regulator in my mouth. I shake my head and point upward. Then I let go of the wire.

Emma kicks upward and reaches the surface. But the wire almost pulls her up short. She has to tip her head back to get any air.

I rise up to see her progress. The water level continues to rise. Her head tips farther back. It’s almost to her lips.

I watch her as she struggles to breathe. She gets one more good breath. Then the water is high enough that she’s forced to snort air in and out of her nose. But that soon fails and she takes her last surface breath before being tethered vertically, her eyes now level with the water.

I point at my cock. I signal two. Then I tap the reg in my mouth… “Suck for two minutes and you’ll get a breath.”

She nods; she has no choice. The water level is already too high. So I pull her down in front of my cock.

She wastes no time taking it into her mouth. Then she begins sucking. Sexy nose bubbles leak out as she gives it all she’s got.

I monitor her progress. Then she comes off my cock. I shake my head before pointing at my watch… “No, it’s got to be two minutes.”

She goes back to sucking. Her mouth is exquisite. She’s very talented.

Her lungs are heaving when she reaches two minutes. I tap her on the shoulder and take the reg out of my mouth. I put it between her lips and watch her inhale deeply.

I give her a good thirty seconds. Then I point down at my erection and lift up two fingers. “Two more minutes of sucking for another hit of air.”

She nods as she tries to work herself down to my cock. She gets it into her mouth and starts sucking. It’s incredible to hear her grunts and moans as bubbles trickle out of her nose.

This time she stays with it. She knows she’ll get no air unless she sucks. So her lungs have only started heaving when I tap her on the shoulder indicating it’s been two minutes and she gets to breathe.

Once more she gets the reg between her lips. She inhales deeply. After thirty seconds I take it away and put it back in my mouth.

She goes back to sucking. She’s quite skilled. I’m getting close. But I’m not going to let her swallow.

I pull my cock out of her mouth and drift back to watch. She looks at me in alarm before kicking for the surface. The wire pulls her up short. The top of her head is an inch from the surface.

She looks at me and pleads with her eyes. I shake my head no as I start to stroke. Her eyes get big as she realizes what’s about to happen.

She tries to kick herself to the surface. But the wire pulls her up short each time. Her lungs begin to heave and she starts losing nose bubbles.

I breathe deeply as I watch her. Now I’m really turned on. I stroke harder and faster as I watch.

Emma kicks hard as she struggles to reach the surface. Her shoulders shift from side to side as more nose bubbles pour out of her mouth. Now I’m really stroking.

For a long moment she looks at me in horror. Then she gulps water. Instantly she loses a ton of nose bubbles as she starts swallowing gallons of killing H2O.

She hitches and jerks as my cock goes off. Streamers of cream spurt into the water. She spasms and convulses, her eyes wide in horror until she settles down. Then she hangs there tethered to the wire an inch below the surface, slowly swaying back and forth as her hair settles all around her head.

(Sep 3 ’18)

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Riwa’s Stories at Patreon 4 (4)

Coming November rewards

The concluding Shelly in Cancun chapter.
Another Santa and the asphyxia sisters chapter.
Another Mr. Wayne and the club chapter.
Another Melissa chapter.
A story about Pat’s gasper girls.
The two biker chicks are back. They’ve found another girl to have fun with.
I make a visit to the British Virgin Isles and am introduced to a wild section of the sea.
There’s a story about a client, and one about an MILF.
I finally got around to working on another Seductress chapter.
Donna reluctantly goes on Shore Leave in a fan-fiction scifi universe.

September stories/rewards will fall off at the end of October to make room for November rewards.

Mom is doing better. So I’ve not been so stressed lately. Her situation has interrupted my routine though, and I’m doing the best I can to adapt. Life has a way of interrupting our routines; right?

They are draining a nearby lake in an attempt to eliminate an invasive species. It’s been fascinating to drive over and monitor their progress. Each and every day the level of the lake has dropped until now it is mostly empty. Mom has enjoyed going to see it, so we go a couple times a week to check it out. No bodies, unless you count those poor fish. So I don’t know if it will inspire me to write any stories about it or not.

Thank you for being my patrons. Stay healthy. I hope you have a great Thanksgiving.

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If you cum, you die (graphic) 4.1 (31)

Jodie had never known such fear. After ripping her clothes off, he threw her over his shoulder and easily carried her down into the dark basement. She was deathly afraid she would never see the light of day.

He was huge and naked, his cock thick and erect. She fully believed she was about to be raped. Would she live through the ordeal?

He threw her down onto an elevated concrete pad onto her back. It knocked the breath out of her. She lay there stunned as he went over to a work table.

When he returned, she saw a large butcher knife in his hand. She opened her mouth to scream, fearing this was the end. He covered her lips with a large hand and snarled, “One syllable and I’ll gut you like a fish!”

He placed the knife nearby. Then he grabbed her legs and swung her around. He lifted up her thighs before pushing his erection against her opening. She was wet from her terror.

He thrust hard into her cunt. Her eyes opened wide in horror as she started to scream. But she managed to clamp her lips together, deathly afraid he might gut her if she made so much as a peep.

He began pumping hard into her tight snatch. She huffed from each thrust. She had never been so utterly violated before in her life… had never been so utterly filled.

She gasped as he raped her. She felt shameful sensations. Oh well. If he was going to abuse her, the least she could do was try to enjoy herself.

He saw something in her expression. That’s when he quickly put an end to that train of thought. He glanced menacingly at the butcher knife lying nearby before telling her, “This isn’t for your benefit, bitch; it’s for mine! This is all about me; you got it?? If you cum, you die!”

Her eyes flashed in alarm as he thrust harder. Did he really mean that? Would he actually let her go after using her? She really didn’t think so. But she had to hold out hope.

He didn’t want her to cum? That was fine with her. She certainly didn’t want to give him the satisfaction. So why was her body starting to respond??

He fucked her hard and savagely. Jodie had never been so brutally dominated in her entire life. The fear had made her stomach tighten up into knots. But the pounding her cunt received was sending the wrong message to her brain.

His thick cock forcibly rubbed her g-spot. He kept slamming into her swollen clit with his body. She was stretched so tightly that she couldn’t believe it! And it felt shamefully good!!

She bit her lip to cut off her whimper. She winced as she tried not to respond. But the fear and the fucking was sending a clear message to her cunt.

Would he really kill her if she came? Did she dare find out? The fear only made her body respond with an even greater arousal.

In… out… in… out; she was nothing but a fuck-toy to him. The idea was horrific. Yet, she could not stop the sexual arousal that began to swell inside her.

She was being fucked so hard, dominated so brutally, that she could not help herself. She tried to think of something negative. That was easy enough; he was probably going to kill her anyway. But that didn’t help matters any. If anything, it only filled her with an even more terrible arousal.

In… out… in… out; he was savage and brutal. He wanted her body for his own needs. There was something about it that both frightened and excited her.

He pounded her ruthlessly. He was in so deep that it felt like he was hitting her cervix. It was certainly painful enough. So why was she so shamefully aroused??

She tried to think of something else. But her pussy kept bringing her back to the moment at hand. If she came, was she really going to die??

The more she thought about it, the more frightened she became. But she could not stop the way her body was reacting. She told herself she was going to be mercilessly butchered. But her body continued to respond.

She tried to think of something else… anything else! But all she could hear in her mind was the words he had told her. The fear and the rape was making her cunt throb.

He looked down at her as though reading her mind. “You think I won’t, bitch?” Then his hand drifted over to touch the nearby knife.

Jodie wanted to scream. At the same time, she felt a jolt of horrific arousal. No matter what she tried, she could not stop herself.

He roughly grabbed her arms and brutally pounded her. He was eying her warily. It scared her so bad that she started thrusting back against him.

She tried to stop herself; oh, how she tried! But her body betrayed her. He savaged her as though daring her to cum… pounded her while glaring at her with his eyes as though telling her, “DON’T. YOU. FUCKING. DARE!”

The fear swelled within her as she tried not to respond. But her body wasn’t listening. Gawd, this couldn’t be happening to her! If she came, he was really going to kill her!!

Her mind became focused on the pounding she was receiving. She could feel every inch of him inside her. She could feel him raping her, ravaging her, brutalizing her, taking her. It filled her with a terrible excitement… and a terrible fear.

His hand drifted ominously toward the knife. Jodie screamed in her mind from the fear and excitement. Gawd; she couldn’t hold it back!

He grasped onto the handle. It slipped past her lips before she could stop it… “NO; DON’T!” Then she was cumming hard.

The knife was a blur as it came down and buried itself between her tits. Jodie jerked upward as she came harder. He was still fucking her as blood bubbled up in her mouth.

She began to spasm and shudder, gurgling in her death throes. Her cunt savagely milked him as she kept squeezing. Then he grabbed the handle of the knife and cruelly twisted.

Jodie jerked as blood came oozing out of the wound in her chest. . It felt like she was cumming and cumming. Another savage twist of the knife caused her to shudder. Then the life faded from her eyes, even as her cunt continued to squeeze.

“I told you what would happen if you came, bitch!” Then he unloaded deep in her cunt. There was so much that it oozed out around his cock. She just lifelessly stared up into space, her expression frozen from a mixture of terror and pleasure.


And the render that inspired this story

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Famous At The End – Faye and the audition clip 4.5 (59)

He came in promptly at 11:30 and placed the mail on her desk. “Thanks, Fred,” Cynthia Packwood replied with a smile. He gave her something of a goodbye salute before walking out the door.

Cynthia looked through the mail he’d deposited. There were a couple of bills, computer generated letters from a couple advertisers trying to get on her program, and a couple dozen envelopes from what looked like fans of the show. There was also a thick, square envelope with a return address written in pen.

Intrigued, Cynthia opened it up. Inside was a compact disk and a folded sheet of paper. She read the note first…

To whom it may concern,

We’re Faye and Randy Gatsnor, and we’d like to be on your show. We have an act we think will bring a great deal of viewers and advertisers to your program. We included a clip of our audition on a CD. We hope you’ll give us some consideration.

That was all there was, aside from what looked like a number to a cell phone. It wasn’t even signed, not that it was necessary since they’d already given their names. What could their act consist of to make them send a clip to her?

On the CD were the words Gatsnor Audition. Underneath the title was what appeared to be the same cell phone number. Cynthia shrugged her shoulders as she fitted it into the disk drive on her computer.

A video file icon came up that read Gatsnor Audition. Her computer did a sweep that resulted in a pop-up notice saying the file was not infected. Then she clicked on the icon.

Immediately an image came up of what looked like a motel room. A noose was already hanging down from the ceiling over the bed in full view. Now they had her attention.

A young man came over and sat on the edge of the bed in full view of the camera. He was naked, and his cock was hard. It looked a bit longer than the average male. That’s when he told someone off-screen, “Ok, Faye. Get over here on your knees.”

“Ok, Randy.”

A moment later a naked young women with brown hair and modest breasts came into view. She knelt in front of him as he sat on the side of the bed. Then she began to give him a blowjob.

Cynthia watched for another minute or so. “Porn,” she muttered as she shook her head. “We get these all the time.”

She was just about to click it off when the young man grabbed the back of her head. He appeared to force his cock hard between her lips until it she was made to take it all the way down her throat. Then he held her there.

She started to gawk and gurgle. It wasn’t long until she tried to come off. But he just kept her there.

“Deep throat,” Cynthia observed. “Nice, but no sale.” Then she looked a little closer. Wait; was that young woman’s face actually starting to turn red?

Faye gagged and grunted as he grasped firmly onto her skull. Her body appeared to shudder as she instinctively tried to pull away. Cynthia concluded the young woman definitely couldn’t breathe. Was this a part of what they wanted to show her?

She stayed with the video long enough to see Faye’s eyes start to roll. She moaned as she went into hitches and spasms. Then he pulled his cock out of her mouth.

She appeared to be unconscious for a few moments. Cynthia watched as he pulled her limp body up onto the bed with him. A moment later she started to shake and hitch as though her systems were coming back online.

She whispered something to him and he nodded. She seemed happy about that. Then she got on her hands and knees on the bed, facing the camera.

He got behind her and appeared to push his cock inside her. Then he started thrusting. The young woman gasped and moaned as she reached under to grope her tits before reaching further back to finger herself.

Cynthia was about to turn it off when he suddenly wrapped his fingers around her throat. Faye’s eyes widened in response. Then she started to gasp again.

He thrust a little harder as he appeared to squeeze her neck with a little more strength. The director of the show saw the young woman’s face start to turn red again. He was actually choking her during sex!

It looked like it was getting harder for her to breathe. In fact it looked like her eyes were starting to bug out a little. Cynthia was turned on just enough to keep watching.

Faye shuddered hard again until her eyes rolled as she passed out a second time. She virtually collapsed onto the bed with her ass in the air. He appeared to keep fucking her until she came back around.

When she fully regained consciousness she reached up for the noose above the bed as the young man laid flat on his back. She noosed herself before he grabbed a little coil of rope and tied her wrists behind her back. Then she lowered herself down onto his erect member.

Once more Cynthia was intrigued enough to keep watching. Faye bounced up and down on his cock. But the noose pulled her up short as she could only get part of it into her pussy.

The deeper she tried to take him, the more she strangled herself. Once more she started rasping and moaning. Her nipples hardened as her pussy became red and swollen for the camera.

She deliberately went up and down despite the redness of her face and her difficulty breathing. The strain on her legs was plainly visible to the director of the show. She was actually hanging herself as she rode his cock!

Her breathing became ragged and sporadic, her chest heaving as the noose tightened around her throat. It got harder for her to remain on her bent legs. A moment later they gave out entirely.

She rasped and gurgled as she fully impaled herself on his dick. Her face went a deep shade of red. A moment later cream started leaking out of her cunt as she went into convulsions.

Cynthia was fully aroused now, watching the clip as he reached around to grope Faye’s boobs. She was hitching and spasming as her eyes rolled into the back of her head. Then he climbed out from underneath her.

For a moment she hung limp in the noose. Then he lifted her up and struggled to loosen the coil. He finally got it off from around her neck, allowing her to crumple onto the bed.

He smiled into the camera. “Thanks for watching. When we’re in your studio, she will remain impaled on my cock as she hangs until she’s dead. I hope you’ll consider us for your show.” Then he repeated the number Cynthia had seen written on the CD before the clip ended.

The director of the show sat there breathlessly. Then she picked up the phone, pushed a button and placed a call. “Bob? Cynthia. I may have another one for us. I think this one can be filmed live. I just got an audition video. You can view it anytime you like. Yes, Bob; I think this one will work great. You want me to give them a call? Ok, Bob. Thanks.”

She disconnected from the call. Then she pushed another button for a line outside. She punched in the number on the CD. Then she waited until the line was picked up and a female voice answered.

“Hello, Faye? This is Cynthia Packwood from Famous at the End. I just had a look at your audition video, and I like it a lot. When would you and your husband be available for an interview? Tomorrow afternoon? Good. Bob and I will be here.”

(Feb 4 ’18)

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Boyfriend next door 1-4 4.3 (42)

Note: an older, re-edited post

Chapter 1

I’ve known Kristin ever since grade school. We’re next door neighbors, but her family has a pool and hot tub. I don’t know how many summers my folks sent me over so I could swim in it with her. She’s a great girl and she’s really playful.

We’ve both become sexually active with each other. I guess it was bound to happen sooner or later. We started out swimming naked together.

My cock always got hard whenever she was in the water with me. Pretty soon she started blowing me underwater. Let me tell you, every time she did she would blow lots of bubbles as though I was drowning her with my cock down her throat. I always came buckets whenever she deep-throated me underwater.

It got to where playtime on the bottom would lead to fuck-time on the bottom. She has a great set of lungs, although I’m not too shabby myself. A lot of times we would end up on the pool floor fucking like rabbits, just to see who would cum first before drowning.

Kristin is just like her mother. Mrs. K is a grade A, number one hottie. She’s an incurable flirt, and she has dressed pretty damn sexy on more than one occasion.

Whenever she’s out in the pool with her daughter, the two of them always get my blood boiling and my heart pumping. If I didn’t know any better, I’d swear her mom has the hots for me.

She has often invited me over to do odd jobs around the house while Mr. K was away on business. She is one hot MILF. I’ve always wanted to stick my cock down her throat and then deep in her pussy.

As much as I’d like to fuck her, I’ve always been a little shy around her. I had no idea everything was going to change between me, Kristin and her parents.

One evening Mrs. K asked me over to clean out and then paint the tool shed. She said it was a project Mr. K just hadn’t been able to get to. So I went over after supper to take care of it for her.

I got pretty dirty by the time it was all done. She offered me the use of their hot tub to get all cleaned off. I don’t know why I said it, but the words just came out of my mouth… “Are you going to join me?”

She smiled as she told me, “Certainly! Just take your clothes off and get right in!”

Let me tell you, that really got my blood flowing. I was sure I was going to get to see her naked. I was on cloud nine… until I rounded the corner in my birthday suit and found Mr. K sitting alone in the bubbling jets.

He must have gotten home from work. I didn’t even hear him drive up! I thought he was going to kill me as I stood there naked with my clothes in hand.

He gave me a big smile. “C’mon in, Jason,” he waved cheerfully. “The water’s fine.”

So what could I do? I assumed his wife must have told him about our little arrangement. Yet he seemed ok with it.

I dropped my clothes onto a patio chair. Then I hesitantly stepped down into the warm, soothing water. But my face was red as a beet.

He told me he heard I was here cleaning and painting the tool shed. He wanted to thank me personally for my efforts. I saw right away how nude he was. But he tried to put me at ease, telling me not to be embarrassed about being naked in the hot tub with him. It didn’t seem to faze him in the slightest.

Ten minutes later Mrs. K came out naked as a jaybird. My cock instantly sprung to attention. So I did my best to cover it up.

I think Mr. K noticed. But he just waved it off dismissively. “Don’t worry about it, Jason,” he laughed. “It happens to me all the time.” His wife just grinned at us as though enjoying all the attention.

“You boys haven’t started all the fun without me, have you?” she giggled as she stepped down into the water. Her ripe, gorgeous melons gleamed in the lights of the back yard. My cock refused to soften.

Amazingly she sat down right next to me. “I checked the tool shed,” she gushed with praise. “You did a great job.”

“Thanks,” I stammered. I was unsure how to handle myself, especially with her husband sitting naked in the water with us.

“You gonna thank him properly?” Mr. K asked her with a sly smile.

She just beamed. “Why certainly, darling!” she gushed, smoldering with sensuality.

She turned my head to her. Then she gave me a kiss that would’ve melted lead. A moment later she reached down into the water and grabbed my throbbing dick.

“He’s hard, darling,” she told her husband.

“Can’t have that now, can we?” Mr. K replied.

For a second I thought I was dead as he slid closer to me. Then he told his wife, “Honey, you KNOW it’s not nice to let a handsome young man like this go home with blue balls. So you’d better do something about it.”

“My apologies, Jason,” Mrs. K told me apologetically.

She moved into the water and knelt in front of me. I didn’t know what she intended, and I almost panicked. A moment later she lowered her head into the bubbling water where she took my cock and gently sucked it into her mouth. It was an 18 year old boy’s fantasy come true.

Mr. K came over until he was sitting right next to me. I was worried I was going to be in big trouble with him. Instead, he just turned the jets off before telling me he wanted to watch his wife suck an 18 year old cock.

I don’t know why. But for some reason his words really turned me on. Then I looked down into his lap and noticed his dick was saluting his wife’s efforts as she gulped down my throbbing shaft.

Sexy bubbles came up as she bobbed up and down on my cock. Her mouth felt absolutely incredible. She really knew how to swallow me deep, especially while holding her breath underwater.

As her husband watched, she actually reached into his lap. Then she began stroking his cock too. She stayed underwater sucking and stroking for another half minute or so before she came up.

“Gawd you have a great cock, Jason!” she gasped when she came up for air. Then she cupped my balls.

“My daughter tells me you store some pretty good loads in there. You don’t mind if I find out for myself, do you?”

I looked at Mr. K for permission. He didn’t object in the slightest. I told her I didn’t mind so long as her husband was ok with it.

In response, she took a really deep breath. Then she submerged with a burble. She ended up impaling her warm mouth with my quivering rod.

Her dark brown hair swirled around her head as she bobbed up and down on my shaft. Sexy bubbles came up as she looked up into my eyes with a mouthful of cock. Then to my utter astonishment she took my hand and placed it in her husband’s lap, gently wrapping my fingers around his swollen rod.

Now I’ve never had any kind of close encounter with another guy until that night. Maybe I thought I needed to do something for him while his wife was doing something for me. Maybe I was still a little concerned this wasn’t going to end well unless I cooperated.

For some reason it felt natural taking his dick in my hand. Then I gently stroked it up and down. I didn’t want to refuse or resist as I didn’t want to appear to be the least bit ungrateful.

Mr. K sighed next to me as I stroked him up and down. In the water I swear I heard Mrs. K moan as she took my dick deep down her throat. She kept glancing up and over as though making sure I was still stroking her husband’s dick. Hell, I think she was actually getting off on it!

There was a burst of bubbles as she came up again. “Gawd, that’s so hot!” she panted, “I’m so turned on watching you stroke hubby like that. You’re getting me all worked up. Now would you do me a favor?”

“What’s that, Mrs. K?”

“I want you two to kiss each other while I’m sucking your delicious dick, Jason. Would you do that for me?” and with that, she took a deep breath before submerging in a flurry of bubbles to take my hard cock back down her throat.

For a moment I was stunned. She just took me deep down her throat. And I kept stroking his dick, although perhaps I was doing it on a subconscious level.

I must have hesitated too long. Mr. K took my chin and turned me in his direction. Then he kissed me tenderly on the lips. I heard a bubbly groan from Mrs. K as she watched the two of us.

I’d never kissed another guy before. But it wasn’t like anything I ever expected it would be. I think a part of it had to do with the fact he was letting his wife blow me right there in the hot tub.

I didn’t want either of them to get angry with me if I decided to refuse. So I didn’t. But to be honest, it was more arousing than I expected it would be.

As his tongue pushed its way into my mouth, I instinctively stroked him a little harder. Mrs. K was really going to town on my cock! She kept grunting and moaning as though it was the most erotic thing she’d ever done: sucking my dick while watching me kiss and stroke her husband.

It wasn’t long before I started moaning into his mouth. My tongue probed inside past his teeth. What’s more, I was thrusting into the mouth of his eager, submerged wife.

Mrs. K bubbled as she came up for another breath. “Gawd, that’s so hot!” she panted. Then her husband pushed down on her head, sending her back down below the surface in an eruption of bubbles.

As she took my cock back into her mouth, Mr. K put my hand on top of her head along with his. We both pushed down together. We paused to watch Mrs. K suck on my cock before we both went back to kissing each other.

Her underwater moans matched ours above the surface as we continued tonguing each other’s mouths. Then she made a move as though she wanted back up. But Mr. K continued to push down on her head, smiling wickedly at me.

I smiled back as we both pushed down together. It wasn’t long until bubbles began pouring out around my cock in her mouth. She grunted as though she really wanted air.

I couldn’t help myself. Instinctively I thrust harder between her lips, almost as though I was fucking her face. “Cum in her mouth, Jason,” Mr. K urged me. “Cum in my wife’s mouth.”

His command to pump a load down Mrs. K’s throat was so damned erotic that it immediately triggered my orgasm. He kissed me while the two of us kept pushing down on her head. A moment later she began gulping down my hot load as bubbles came up out of her nose.

I swear I came buckets into her mouth. As she grunted and bubbled, I saw some of it spew out around the seal her lips were trying to make around my dick. Then Mr. K let go of his wife’s head.

I quickly followed his lead. Mrs. K’s head shot up to the surface. “Fuck, that was a lot of cum!” she gasped, panting like crazy. “Damn, honey; that was one massive load you had in there! It’s a good thing you came in my mouth! You must have been ready to explode!”

I trembled as I continued stroking Mr. K’s erection without even thinking about it. Mrs. K looked at her husband and smiled. “I see you’re enjoying yourself, darling.”

She turned back to me and said, “Like I was saying: that was just my way of saying ‘Thank you’ for cleaning out the shed and then painting it.”

“Anytime, Mrs. K.” I was thrilled, yet somewhat embarrassed I got to fuck her face underwater, especially with Mr. K looking on. Then she moved in close and kissed me deeply.

I actually got to taste my cum on her lips…

2011; 2021 (written for S and K Feb 5 ’11; ed. Jun 25 ‘21 by riwa)

Chapter 2

For a moment I thought that would be the end of it. Then Mrs. K climbed up into my lap. She leaned over and kissed Mr. K with her cum-stained lips, moaning into his mouth.

She wrapped her hand around mine while I still had a grasp on his erection. We sort of stroked his cock together. Then she giggled as though she was playing the naughty wife or something.

“Hubby’s cock needs tending to,” she told me. “Would you be so kind as to feed it to me, Jason?”

I watched as she climbed out of my lap. She took a big breath before slipping under the surface with a burble. Then she moved her head into his lap as her hair flowed all around her.

I pointed Mr. K’s cock in the direction of her mouth. She took him right down, grunting and gulping as bubbles came up through her swirling hair. Then she took my hand and made me cup and fondle his balls. Her husband tipped his head back and moaned softly as though he was enjoying the sensations.

Mrs. K burst up out of the water, gasping for breath. “Feed it to me again, honey,” she told me. Then she went right back down.

Once more I grabbed it and pointed it at her mouth. She gulped it right down as she released another flurry of bubbles. She was a hot cocksucker, just like her daughter Kristin.

It wasn’t long before her head began bobbing up and down. She grunted as bubbles came up. Then she burst up out of the water again, panting heavily for breath.

She gave me this look as though she had something naughty in mind. I suddenly felt this quiver of unease as though things were about to get interesting. Then she told me, “I could sure use some help, honey. I hate having to pause long enough to come up and get my breath back.”

I looked at her in alarm. Was she suggesting what I thought she was suggesting?? I could not help stammering, “You, uh… you want me to, uh… to, uh…”

She very gently pulled me off the seat I was in. I suddenly found myself on my knees right next to her. She gave me a knowing look as she said, “If you wouldn’t mind.”

Mr. K spread his legs apart. Now there was room enough for the two of us to kneel between them. I hesitated as I blushed a beet red.

“C’mon, Jason,” she encouraged. “You can do it. It’s easy! Besides, I think it would be a very nice gesture, don’t you? …especially since hubby here was kind enough to let me suck your big, juicy cock.”

The color drained from my face. I had never done this kind of thing before. But what was I supposed to do?? I couldn’t very well say no, could I?

I hesitantly moved in closer, ashamed of the way my cock was hardening back up from a perverse excitement. I took a deep breath before slipping under the surface in a flurry of bubbles. Mrs. K pushed my head close, grasped her husband’s erection, and then fed it to me.

I opened my mouth, planning on just sucking the tip of it. But Mrs. K had other ideas. Before I knew it, she’d pushed it further into my mouth.

“That is so hot!” I heard her gasp up at the surface. I blew bubbles as I was forced to take it deeper. I felt Mr. K’s dick twitch and stiffen inside my mouth.

I was embarrassed as hell. I was also incredibly turned on, especially over the way my suction was making him quiver. I experimented taking him deeper, but Mrs. K pushed him so deep down my throat that I ended up gagging a little.

I finally jerked my head up out of the water for a breath. Mrs. K went right down in my place. Bubbles erupted up at the surface as she began bobbing up and down on her husband’s cock, her hair swirling all around her head again.

I gave him a questioning look. He smiled as he told me, “That was very good, Jason. You’ve obviously done this before.”

“Uh… no, sir. That was my first time.”

He seemed incredulous. “Really? It sure didn’t feel like it was your first time!”

Mrs. K came up, only to start pushing on my head. I took a deep breath before she pushed me under. Then she grabbed her husband’s dick and shoved it back into my mouth.

I grunted and bubbled as I took him deep. It was still embarrassing. But I was so incredibly turned on being forced to suck her husband’s cock underwater.

She started pushing up and down on my head, making me bob up and down on his erection. She told him how hot it was to watch the teen next door blow him underwater. The more I sucked, the more he moaned appreciatively… and the harder I became.

I soon needed air and tried to come up. But Mrs. K wouldn’t let me. She just laughed playfully as bubbles spewed out of my mouth.

She finally let go of my head. I came bursting up, coughing and sputtering. She just took a deep breath and went back down in my place.

Mr. K grinned at me as he put his hands on Mrs. K’s head, forcing her to stay down. She bobbed up and down as bubbles came pouring up to the surface. Then he encouraged me to put my hands on her head and to do the same thing to her that she’d done to me.

I placed my hands on top of her head. Then I pushed down on her, holding her down as she made an effort to come up. More bubbles burst up to the surface.

I was really getting hard again, let me tell you! She let out a bubbly cry. I thought she was going to drown before I let her back up.

She came up gasping for breath. Before I could even think straight, she grabbed my head and pushed me back down. Once more, she forced me to take Mr. K’s cock back into my mouth.

I hadn’t gotten a good breath before I went under. But she really made me bob up and down on it. Then I heard her tell him to cum in my mouth.

For a second I panicked, never having tasted another guy’s cum before, much less having it spurt into my mouth. I tried to get back to the surface for a breath. But Mrs. K wouldn’t let me.

Mr. K exploded in my mouth. It was all I could do to contain it all. Some of it leaked out past my lips.

“Don’t swallow it!” Mrs. K called down to me. But I couldn’t help swallowing some of it anyway. Then she let me back up, coughing and gasping and gurgling.

“Give it to him, Jason!” she urged me excitedly. “Give it to hubby; let him taste his cum in your mouth!”

She pushed me up out of the water until he and I were kissing again. I felt him scoop his cum out of my mouth with his tongue. I moaned as I shared his load with him.

It was incredibly hot, more than I ever expected it would be. I had no idea I would be so aroused by sucking another guy’s cock and then share his cum back to him. Mrs. K gasped like she was really turned on. I even saw her furiously fingering her pussy under the water!

“Got any for me?” a familiar voice called out.

I looked up to see Kristin walking toward the hot tub. She was naked as the day she was born. I immediately went beet red with embarrassment.

I hastily pulled away from kissing her old man. But it never fazed her in the slightest. She got right in, pressed her tits up against her father, and then proceeded to kiss him passionately, moaning into his mouth.

I swear they were sharing the cum in his mouth, although I couldn’t be certain. Then she turned toward me. With a coy smile she asked, “Got any left for me?”

Before I could respond, she started kissing me deeply. Her tongue eagerly probed my mouth. The two of us kissed for a long time, right there in front of her parents!

When we came up for air, Mrs. K grabbed my head and kissed me hard. I got a brief look at Kristin kissing her father deeply again. That’s when I began to wonder just what the hell kind of family was I dealing with…

2011; 2021 (written for S and K Feb 5 ’11; ed. Jun 25 ‘21 by riwa)

Chapter 3

Mrs. K reached down and began stroking my semi-hard cock, moaning into my mouth. When we came up for air I looked at her in astonishment. Then I turned to look at Kristin, only to discover she was stroking her dad’s cock back to full hardness.

When she saw me looking at her in astonishment she just giggled at me, telling me her daddy needed a release every now and then just like I did. “Besides,” she added with a naughty smile. “You want to fuck my mother; I KNOW you do!” She was right, and my face went beet red with embarrassment.

“Is that true, Jason?” Mrs. K asked me sweetly. “Awww, would you really like to fuck me?” I didn’t know what to say, and I stammered something incoherent.

“He sure does, mom!” Kristin called out cheerfully. “Every time he sees you he gets hard as a rock!” I gave her a dirty look as though I didn’t want her saying that out loud in front of her parents. She just stuck her tongue out at me and then giggled as though it was funny as hell.

“Well if he wants to fuck me then I’d better get him hard again,” Mrs. K said without hesitation. My cock stiffened right up when she said that.

“What about me, mom?” Kristin protested. “He’s MY boyfriend, you know!”

“You can play with daddy until I’m done with him,” Mrs. K said with a grin, shocking the hell out of me.

“Cool!” her daughter replied with a big grin on her face. “I just LOVE playing with daddy!”

A moment later her head slipped under the surface. She was between her father’s knees. She started blowing her dad as though it was my cock she was sucking on.

Mrs. K submerged a few seconds later. Mother and daughter went under the surface at roughly the same time. Mrs. K took me deep down her throat as Kristin did the same to her father.

The two of them bobbed their heads up and down like they were in a competition or something. I even caught them glancing at each other as though they were enjoying themselves. Kristin burst up first, gasping heavily for breath.

“Fuck; mom beat me!” she blurted out. “She held her breath longer!”

Mrs. K came up a few seconds later. She grinned at her daughter. Then she asked, “Care to go again, honey?”

“I can beat you any day of the week and twice on Sundays!” Kristin challenged. Then she called out “Three… two… one!”

Both of them inhaled together. Then back down they went. Clearly they were trying to see who could outlast the other underwater, sucking cock while holding their breath.

Mrs. K gave my cock a really good sucking, taking me deep down her throat. She moaned and grunted as though she was really enjoying my man-meat. In no time at all I was hard again. Next to me, Mr. K tipped his head back with pleasure as his daughter eagerly bobbed up and down on his dick.

The two went at it for quite a while until bubbles started coming up. Kristin finally burst up, gasping madly for breath. She was disappointed upon seeing her mother was still under the surface.

Mrs. K came up a few seconds later, smiling triumphantly. She innocently asked, “What was that about beating me twice on Sunday, honey?”

“You just put Jason’s cock where your mouth is!” she retorted with a playful smile.

“Gladly!” Mrs. K gasped. “…in three… two…one… DOWN!”

Both of them inhaled as one. Then they both submerged in a flurry of bubbles. Mrs. K went right back to work on my dick, grunting and bubbling as she deep-throated me.

Next to me Kristin gobbled her father’s cock as though she was starving. He just smiled while telling me, “They’re both a couple of good cocksuckers, wouldn’t you agree?” I nodded my agreement, being as how Mrs. K was really making my dick throb in her mouth.

All of the sudden he winked at me as he pushed down on his daughter’s head. I winked back and did the same to Kristin’s mom. Both of them started grunting and bubbling like crazy.

It was such a rush watching Mrs. K and Kristin bubble and struggle while they sucked our cocks. Both of them looked like they really wanted up. Bubbles poured out around the cocks in both mouths.

For a second I thought they were going to drown. Mr. K finally let his daughter up. She burst up in a big whoosh of bubbles.

I let Mrs. K up at almost the same time. She came up gasping and sputtering. But she didn’t seem angry about the whole thing.

“FUCK!” Kristin sputtered. But she didn’t look like she was the least bit angry. She just gasped madly for breath before kissing her father deeply.

Mrs. K did the same to me. The four of us spent a good couple of minutes making out. We all moaned as we groped and kissed each other.

“So who’s on the bottom?” Mr. K suddenly asked with a grin. I had no idea what he was talking about.

“Mom is!” Kristin declared.

Mrs. K smiled and nodded as though that was all right. ‘All right for what?’ I thought to myself. What was all this about who was going to be on the bottom?

Kristin suddenly turned around in the hot tub. Then she started to climb into her father’s lap, facing away from him. She grabbed his cock and centered it before she slowly sat on it.

She gasped and moaned, commenting to no one in particular how good it felt. I was utterly astonished that she was riding her dad’s dick. Then Mrs. K eagerly told me, “And I get to ride your juicy cock.”

She pulled me to the edge of my seat until I was facing her husband and my girlfriend. Then she sat in my lap facing me. She slowly impaled herself on my throbbing dick until I could feel myself deep inside her.

She gasped appreciatively, looking over her shoulder and smiling at her daughter. “No wonder you like fucking him underwater so much!” Then she winked at me before telling me, “This is going to be so much fun!”

She slowly went over backwards until she was submerged. Kristin leaned over on top of her mother with her dad’s shaft up her pussy. A moment later both of them were underwater holding their breath.

Mr. K and I looked at each other as we started thrusting our dicks into his wife and daughter while they lay on top of each other in a 69 position. The two of them wriggled and bubbled. It was hot as hell.

I swear Kristin was licking her mother’s pussy underwater. I felt her tongue on my thrusting cock a few times. A couple of times she pulled my dick out of her mom’s pussy and gobbled it right down as though wanting to taste her mother’s juice on my throbbing shaft. Then she helped stick it back in until once more I found myself ramming her mother’s sweet fuck-box.

Kristin finally rose up for air, allowing her mom to come up gasping. Both of them grunted and whimpered as Mr. K and I gave them both a good, hard shafting! It was incestuously shocking beyond belief. And yet it was so fucking arousing that my balls swelled, aching for another release.

Mrs. K took a deep breath and went right back under. Kristin sprawled out on top of her mom until both were writhing and bubbling underwater. Mr. K and I fucked them good and hard.

Once more he gave me that knowing wink. He pushed down on the head of his daughter, refusing to let her up. I got really excited as Kristin and her mom started writhing and bubbling underneath the surface.

I kept waiting for him to let them up. But he wouldn’t. “Hold her down,” he told me, pointing at his daughter. Then he reached down and held onto Mrs. K, making sure she couldn’t wriggle out from underneath.

I was astonished: both of them were bubbling like crazy. Mrs. K’s tight pussy was clenching around my shaft as though she wasn’t about to let go. The both of them looked as though they were going to drown any second now! And Mr. K wasn’t doing a damn thing to stop it!!

Kristin acted like she really wanted up. But he told me to keep holding her under. She writhed and squirmed, bubbling like crazy.

It was hot as hell watching all that air come up. Then Kristin screamed a froth of bubbles. I think she was cumming.

Mr. K tipped his head back and cried out his release. There was a massive burst of bubbles as Mrs. K went off a short time later. It felt like she was milking my cock dry.

I exploded into her spasming pussy, pumping my load deep inside her. Then Mr. K signaled I could let them both up. We had to give them some assistance until the two came up coughing and sputtering like crazy.

“Ok; whose idea was it to drown us?” Kristin wanted to know as she gasped for breath. “Daddy, was it you?”

He smiled innocently. She just giggled before submerging to take his cock into her mouth. I guess she wanted to clean it up like a good little cocksucker.

Mrs. K told me, “That was wicked fun! I came really hard! You had quite a load to give me, didn’t you!” Then she submerged as well.

Mother and daughter bubbled as they sucked our cocks clean underwater. Then they both came up together. All of us ended up kissing each other deeply…

2011; 2021 (written for S and K Feb 12 ’11; ed. Jun 25 ‘21 by riwa)

Chapter 4

“Uh – oh,” Kristin blurted out. A moment later she belched, turning red with embarrassment. “Guess I shouldn’t have eaten that burrito. I’ll be right back.”

She quickly climbed out, snagged a towel and headed inside. “I wish she wouldn’t have mentioned the word ‘burrito’,” Mr. K sighed, shaking his head. He smiled wistfully as he climbed out too.

Mrs. K and I were left sitting together in the hot tub. “I guess I’m going to have to get out too,” I admitted. “Sometimes I really have to pee after I’ve shot a load or two.”

“Oh you don’t have to go, honey,” Mrs. K told me. “I can take care of that for you.”

“What??” I stammered in shock as I stood up.

My wiener was limp and dangling; I really had to go! She just moved closer. “You don’t have to go, Jason. There’s a spare urinal right here.”

“Right where?” I asked, looking all around in surprise.

Mrs. K really came close, her mouth mere inches from my limp noodle. “Right here, honey!” and she opened her mouth.

I was shocked as hell! “You’re kidding, right?” I sputtered in astonishment.

“Not at all, honey. I’m happy to take care of it. Just let it fly.”

She leaned forward, the tip of my cock resting on her bottom lip. What really astonished me was when she started rubbing her tits as though she was turned on or something. “But Mrs. K, you don’t understand! I mean I really have to pee!”

“And I really want you too,” she replied. “Don’t hold back, honey. I can take it.”

She gently wrapped her lips around the head of my dick, moaning softly as she caressed her gorgeous mounds. I was totally dumfounded! I really had to pee, and it was getting harder holding it back, especially when her words were saying I didn’t have to.

“But Mrs. K!” I objected.

“Let it fly, baby,” she cooed at me before wrapping her lips back around the head of my cock. A moment later I couldn’t help it. That’s when I released a little trickle.

I felt her tongue swab my pee-hole. So I released a little more. She moaned softly, groping her tits as a trickle became a stream.

A stream became a flood. I saw her cheeks begin to bulge with my pee in her mouth. Then I saw her swallow.

She actually gulped it down! But I think I had too much for her. Some of it leaked out of her mouth and dribbled down onto her breasts.

She just kept massaging her tits as though it wasn’t a big deal. Her eyes closed in rapture. Who the hell was I dealing with??

I kept peeing. And she kept swallowing. She also kept leaking little rivulets out of her mouth and down her naked chest.

The stream finally began to lessen. I shot little spurts into her mouth. Then she began lovingly licking the tip of my cock clean.

It wasn’t long until I got too hard to pee. Mrs. K just kept sucking on my cock like she was hungry for it again. Gawd, she was good… just like her daughter!

She started bobbing up and down on it like she just couldn’t get enough. Then I heard Kristin’s voice cry out, “Mom’s at it again, dad!”

I turned to see the two of them had returned. They were watching with amused smiles on their faces. Mrs. K just giggled when she noticed them watching before going back to sucking my dick.

The two got back into the water. Kristin started blowing her father again. It wasn’t long until the both of us were hard.

My girlfriend suddenly pulled me into the middle of the hot tub. Both she and her mother surrounded me and started making out with me. They took turns kissing me while stroking my erection.

I saw Mr. K slowly stroking his cock as he watched us. “I think daddy needs to have some more fun, don’t you?” Kristin giggled at her mother.

“Absolutely,” Mrs. K agreed with a grin.

To my utter astonishment the two pulled me down onto my back in the water, submerging me. I struggled a little, releasing a flurry of bubbles. They just touched my body all over while stroking my saluting dick.

“Come on and have some fun, daddy,” I heard Kristin’s voice up at the surface. “Now I want to watch you fuck my boyfriend underwater!”

“Oh yes, honey,” Mrs. K’s voice added. “That would be so fucking hot to watch.”


I began to struggle even harder. They just grabbed onto my arms and wouldn’t let go. “Relax, baby; you’re going to love this,” Kristin giggled at me. “Besides, I’m going to get off watching daddy fuck you.”

I thrashed about in their grasp. Mrs. K chuckled at me. “Take it easy, honey. This won’t hurt a bit. I guarantee you’re going to love it. I’m going to cum so hard watching. Remember: you got to fuck me; right? Now it’s only fair for hubby to fuck you.”

I burbled like crazy, wriggling and squirming. I felt Mr. K’s cock push against my puckered anus. “He must be enjoying this, mom; his cock’s really hard!” I heard Kristin observe.

My anal ring gave way. That’s when I felt my first cock slide into my ass. I grunted and shuddered as it went deep.

They let me up moments before I would’ve inhaled and drowned. I gasped for breath as both women moaned softly. Kristin whispered into my ear, “That is so fucking hot, baby.” Her mother lustfully chuckled, “Honey, you’re getting me all worked up watching you get it up the ass.”

I got barely half a minute to catch my breath before they submerged me again. Then Mr. K gave it to me nice and slow with his cock. I could not help wriggling and bubbling in their grasp.

Kristin suddenly climbed on top of me. She gobbled my cock down her throat as her pussy mashed up against my face. I grunted and bubbled as I instinctively began licking her juicy twat.

My dick was really hard. Between Kristin’s mouth and her father’s cock hitting something inside me, my erection kept throbbing and twitching. Then my girlfriend burst up, happily gasping, “Gawd, mom! He must really be loving it! His cock sure is twitching like crazy!”

“Let me see!” I heard Mrs. K demand. She ignored my growing need for air as she crawled on top of me just like her daughter had. A moment later she had my cock deep in her mouth as her crotch pressed against my face.

I didn’t know what else to do. So I licked her pussy and bubbled for all I was worth. All I could do was hope it would make them let me back up.

I thought she was going to drown me before she finally climbed off. I was allowed up for air, gasping and sputtering like crazy. That’s when Mr. K started fucking me even harder.

“His cock is so hard, mom,” Kristin observed. She even reached down to stroke it. Pretty soon the two of them were taking turns grabbing onto my quivering shaft and jerking on it.

The damned thing wouldn’t stop twitching. Maybe it was due to the presence of a cock sliding in and out of my ass. The sensations had changed from discomfort to pleasure.

What I heard next scared the shit out of me. My girlfriend told her mother, “Let’s drown him, mom! I want to see him spurt when he drowns!”

“You read my mind, honey,” Mrs. K replied. “I’d love to see that too. Fuck him hard, honey. We’re going to hold him down until he drowns.”

“WAIT; WHAT??” I blurted out in horror.

Kristin just giggled at me. “Don’t hold back, Jason. It’s going to be so fucking hot watching you cum and drown.” Then they both pushed me under, holding me down below the surface.

I tried to wriggle free. But I had no leverage. I even tried to break free. But I had no way of working myself back to the surface.

Kristin and her mom held onto my arms. They were making sure I couldn’t thrash around much while Mr. K kept sliding in and out of my ass. The two of them were grinning excitedly.

Mr. K really started giving me a good, hard fucking. As he did, he began stroking my hard cock. I’m ashamed to admit how great that felt despite my fear.

That wasn’t my main focus though. I wanted back up for my next breath. The way they talked, however, made it sound like I wasn’t getting another one.

It wasn’t long until my lungs really started heaving in my chest, crying out for a refill. Mr. K really gave it to me good. He fucked me hard while stroking my cock.

My cheeks bulged like a squirrel hoarding nuts. It was all I could do to keep from inhaling. That’s when things went from bad to worse.

All of the sudden Kristin pushed into my stomach, forcing out a bunch of my air. Mrs. K put her hands on my cheeks. Then she pushed cruelly, forcing more air out of my mouth.

She bent over and kissed me. I thought she was going to share air. But what she ended up doing was sucking the remaining breath right out of my lungs.

By the time she stopped, I was frantic. My eyes big as saucers. I struggled like mad, but they refused to let me up.

My lungs were on fire. I pushed it just as far as I could. Then my lungs gave out, and I inhaled water.

Almost immediately I began to spasm and convulse. That’s when Kristin grabbed onto my cock. She started tugging on it hard while crying out “Cum for us, Jason! Cum for us and drown!”

Mr. K rammed his cock hard into my ass. I felt his hot seed inside me as his cock went off. It must’ve tripped something inside me because my cock suddenly started spurting my own cream into the water.

“Oh, FUCK; THAT’S HOT!” Kristin cried out. She furiously milked my spurting shaft with her hand. I could see both her and her mother looking down on me, their faces all lit up with sexual excitement.

Mrs. K suddenly blurted out, “OH, FUCK; I’M CUMMING TOO!” She released her hold on me, not that it was necessary anymore. Then she jammed her fingers up her pussy.

I bucked and shuddered, spewing away what few air bubbles I still had in my lungs. My cock kept spurting, setting both Mrs. K and Kristin into orbit. Then I stopped struggling.

I remember looking up and seeing the two of them leaning over me like a couple of horny females. I remember feeling a mouth on my cock. I think one or both of them sucked me after I’d spurted so much.

My eyesight failed me. I wanted to cry out, “I’M GOING BLIND!” Moments later I must have passed out.

When I came back around, I was lying on the patio next to the hot tub. I coughed up a shitload of water before they propped me back up. All three of them were there.

They were smiling as though they’d just had the grandest time. “You ok, Jason?” Kristin asked. “Baby, you were great! That was so fucking hot! I don’t think I’ve ever cum so hard, especially since I was watching you drown!” Then she kissed me so hard I thought she was going to give me a tonsillectomy.

Mrs. K was next. She beamed at me, having an expression of intense sexual satisfaction. “Honey, you were great!” she gasped excitedly. “I can’t remember when I’ve had a hotter time out here in the hot tub!” Then she kissed me as though she was never going to stop.

“You ok, son?” Mr. K asked when his wife was done sucking my lips off my face. “It was an extremely enjoyable time out here in the hot tub. I hope you enjoyed it every bit as much as I did.” Then to my utter shock he kissed me tenderly, his tongue slowly probing inside my mouth.

“Daddy’s kissing Jason!” I heard Kristin gasp with delight. “Fuck; that’s hot!” He kissed me for the longest time before finally pulling away.

“Are you feeling all right, dear?” Mrs. K asked me, concern in her voice. “I suppose you should be getting home. But we want to make sure you’re feeling ok.”

“I’m fine,” I stated as I started to get to my feet. “You’re right; I really should be going.”

“I hope we haven’t put you off or anything,” Mr. K said to me.

“Oh no, sir. In fact it was, uh… quite enjoyable… I think.”

They all laughed. But I had to be honest. It had been one hell of an evening! Even the drowning had certain aspects to it that I’d enjoyed.

“You’re welcome back any time, honey.” Mrs. K beamed, looking down at my dangling member. “In fact, we’ll give you a call when we open up the pool this summer. How does that sound?”

I could tell by the look in her eyes that she couldn’t wait to try me in their pool. I suspected the whole family was eager for me to come back for the summer months. I told them I was looking forward to it, although I wasn’t sure if I meant that or not. Maybe I did. Then I got out of the hot tub and started looking around for my clothes…

2011; 2021 (written for S and K Feb 13 ’11; ed. Jun 27 ‘21 by riwa)

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